The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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1 8 Details of Weather on Page 2 a uel Explodes AUGUST LAUBSCHER (Photo by The Republican Start photographer) 3 ht I at His Home ound '5 the personal the rise 10 Years for JS A 1 i OCTOBER 29 1928 Cloudy and Colder Today and Tomorrow 12 PERSONS DIE IN TWO SUNDAY AUTO ACCIDENTS 10 8 1878 ELIMINATES NEBRASKA OR PUEBLO (COL) STOP directly through the for of CALLS RISE CREDAL PARTIES ATAL TO US Laura Spelman Reckefeller of which he is the presi lt la to be used to promote yet top plan was outstanding SMITH AND WALSH SUPPORT URGED BY LABOR COMMITEI it Cl BALTIMORE TONIGHT NEWARK WEDNESDAY SMITH TO CROWD OUR ADDRESSES INTO INAL WEEK CHILDREN WANDER AWAY AT WASHINGTON the co 230 ma who RELIGIOUS BELIES LAVOR CAMPAIGN DIEENBACH SAYS YOUTH WHO SLEW PAIR OR HELD IN ISOLATION asoline tank of The gasoline flafiies and burned the AUGUST LAUBSCHER DIES AT HIS HOME Oct 28 Marie Raymond they used for the has warned the further and police them to ba inter Miss cnnie since leaves Will Cast More TKan 35 Per Cent of Total Vote in Seven are Killed When Train Demolishes Their Car Stalled on Grade Crossing Near Hanover Md Change Alters Schedule of 0 Nominee rom St Louis to Ogden Utah Will Make Addresses in Maryland Kentucky St Louis to Ogden Utah Radio' at Palo Alto Cal Church and State Issue Will Election Avers Unitarian Editor Will Close Campaign for Presidency in 0 States Along Seaboard Those Who Oppose Catholic Teachings Upheld in Seeing Ecclesiastical Question as Paramount Concern for "weeks' has a tour which west as the his final will be undesignated It will be a CHILD IS KILLED ON WEST SIDE BY AUTO COLLISION WOMAN BABY GAS CAUGHT ON ENGINE College Student Not Allowed to See Pal He Case Will Go to Grand Jury Tomorrow Atlanta Ga Oct George Harsh youthful college sophom*ore who admitted to police he killed two men a during a series of spectacular holdups and his alleged confederate Richard Gray Gallogly 18 year old freshman today were held incommunicado the the city jail Po lice announce evidence in the case prbably would be' submitted to the ulton county grand jury Tuesday Gallogly 'whom Harsh implicated in his confession to police detailing the series of holdups was returned here today from Athens Ga where he was arrested yesterday The youths were not permitted to talk to each other While Harsh according to A Lamar Poole chief of detectives has made a honest and truthful in which he took full blame for the killings and declared Gallogly W'as the driver or the car counsel to talk pe mit Special Dispatch to The "Republican Boston Oct 28 Gross mismanage ment by the late Arthur Lincoln of Newton former principal stock holder of the affairs of the Brookfield Orchards company a trust holding 12000 bearing apple treeson 100 acres in the town'of Brookfield is charged by Susie Chase of Woburn in a bill in equity filed in the Suffolk su perior court here She asks the court: to withhold ac tion on her petition for a receiver until an investigation of the affair can be made Lida Lincoln executrix of Arthur Lincoln's es tate and other Boston trustees of the company are named respondents Mrs Chase charges that for several years prior to the formation of the trust a similar trust existed under the name of the Brookfield Orchards company In July 1921 all the prop erty of the first trust was transferred from its trustees to the trustees of the second who" were the same persons Mrs Chase' whose 100 shares were in the first trust says tha all sharehold ers of the former trust were to receive shares in the new one but declares she received no announcement of the creation of the new trust or the trans fer at the property and assets She er ys she never received a re port from the trustees on the activ ities or financial condition of the com pany and now is informed that the trust is indebted to the Lincoln estate for more than $100000 She doubts the indebtedness and says the trustees now propose to surrender the trust property to the Lincoln estate to liquidate the alleged indebtedness thereby depriving of her rights in the trust aB a shareholder She asks the court to enjoin the convey I ance of the trust estate 'J TOTAL VOTE WILL EXCEED 35500000 ESTABLISHED BY SAMUEL BOWL WEEKLY IN 1824 DAILY IN 1844 SUNDAY IN the religious idealism of the Mr Rockefeller explained Tribute to Parents He paid a tribute to his father and who donated the funds with which the chapel was built and to his mother to whom the chapel is a memorial His tribute to themwas paid in the following words: "This building has'been made pos sible one who Is known to the world as a builder of industry fi nancier a philanthropist To his son he is kjiown as most loving un derstanding inspiring father any son ever had That son also had a mother (CoBtlssed on Second Page ggj Washington Oct (AP) orty three million men and women by far the largest number ever regia ffcred have qualified to participate in the battle sof Jiallois at the presi dential election on November 6 The total marks an increase of nearly 1400000 over he vote cast in 1924 and makes the figures of former years appear small in comparison? rom coast to coast and from i Canadian border to the Rio Grande statistics gathered by the Associated Press tell the same story that of unprecedented determination of vot ers of both sexes to participate in the contest of 1928 More Women Voters All of those entitled to vote will not do so However for study of (Continued on Second Page) Pasadena Cal Oct The largest telescope ever made twice as big ana four times as powerful as the a a tn nr i'll i present gi eutv ov erected on some California mountain 200 inch reflector Announcement of made here tonight aims were outlined Arm and Leg Broken at Chicopee Emilia Marek of 44 Beston street Chicopee received a fractured thigh and a broken left aym when she was knocked down by an automobile on Chicopee street yesterday afternoon at 415 Miss Marek stepped from be hind a trolly car when the machine operated by Walter Kapinos of 32 lorence street Chicopee struck her Kapinos took her to the office of Dr Moriarty and she was sent from his offices to Mercy hospital ihe American PAGES Subject of Speech in Mary land City Not Announced Rests at Rast Home' in Delaware this Two one is the capa city to detect millions of celestial bod ies never before seen the other is or ganization on a national scope of sci entists and business men to insure maximum results The announcement was made by the Califronia Institute xif Technology to which the international education board has made an appropriation to build the telescope laboratories and shops for its operation The Carnegie institution ot Washington ana Mount Wilson' observatory are peratng The announcement s' says that gift provides for the irst timeio vlnmpnt'tn the highest noint auxiliary devices for increasing tele scopic efficiency These include photo graphs in which the Eastman Kodak company is named as co operating and instruments for measuring heat and energy from stars Wilmington Del Oct (AP) The throttle to the already rapidly moving campaign machinery will be opened a notch wider tomorrows by Gov Alfred Smith who will crowd four formal addresses into the last lap of his drive for the presidency This number is greater than any so far attempted by the Democratic standard bearer within the same pe riod and in these speeches all of which will be carried to all corners of the nation by radio he will make his final appeals to people The governor who been on the road on cni rird him as far Has Relected as battleground territory that has been solidly Republican since 191f It em braces the states of Maryland New Jersey and his home state of New York and In this section where the opposition party has held a whip hand for years he Will preach a Democratic gospel until almost the hour when the voters start for the polls Three States Have 67 Vote The three states have a total elec toral vote of 67 Of this number eight were found in the Democratic column for 4 Wilson in 1916 The 45 held by New York and the 14 credited to New Jersey how ever have been steadfastly in the op position camp since the split in Re publican ranks swept' the Democrats into power 16 years ago The governor who today was rest ing at the home of John Raskob chairman of the Democratic national committee at Claymont 11 miles from here will start shis final drive by invading Maryland tomorrow He has arranged to leave Wilmington in his special train at 115 tn This will put him in Baltimore an hour and' 45 minutes later The program in the Maryland city calls for an parade which will start from Mount Royal station and carry the nominee through the busi ness district After this he will rest up at the Hotel Belvedere preceding his ad dress which will be delivered in the same auditorium where Woodrow Wilson was nominated on the first (Contlnaeg on Second Pure) WILL BUILD LARGEST TELESCOPE Scientists and Business Men Will Co operate on Huge Accurate Computation De clared Impossible In crease in Registration is 6500000 Very Heavy in South and New York State pivjki 9 i' seeking the destruction of organizes labor Doctor Attempts to Cross Traffic Going in Opposite Direction Thompsonville (Ct) Girl is Victim Nancy iGowdy two of Thomp sonville Ct died following an acci dent involving an automobile operated by her mother Mrs Ruth Lane Howdy of 41 ranklin street Thompsonville and Dr Joseph Stevens ot Rogers avenue West Springfield terday The accident occurred at yesterday afternoon when the nripratf1 bv Mrs Gowdy was going cast on Westfield street and Dr Stevens who was going west bn Westfield street crashed the intersection of that street and Kings Highway Mrs Gowdy received lacerations of the face and abrasions on her shins Two of her children Jane four and Gretchen three escaped unhurt while the baby Ruth received a fractured skull and died 30 minutes after the accident Dr Stevens received a cut xver his right eye and other minor lacerations Police were unable to obtain Mrs version of the accident as she was in a hysterical condition She was attended by Dr George Corcoran According to Dr Stevens he was driv ing east on Westfield street and at tempted to turn left into the Kings Highway thinking that Mrs Gowdy who was driving west on Westfield street would pass behind his machine Mrs Gowdy tried to pass in front of his car however and swung to the right The cars collided at the north ern boundary of Highway 1 ITH YEAR DAILY NUMBER 141 PRICE TWO CENTS SIX DOLLARS A YEAB Boston Oct Dr Albert Dieffenbach of this city editor of the Christian Register whose discus sion of church and state in politics during a speech before the Institute of Public Relations at Charlottesville Va in August aroused considerable debate at the meeting today made public a statement defining his posi tion He predicted that more people would vote the question of church and state at the presidential elec tion November 6 on any ether issue in this extraordinary developments" he said the opinion I expressed on the importance of religion in the minds of the citizens at the Institute ot Public Affairs when I was mis understood by those who did not get a clear report of my address The past month there has been a display of more intelligence and restraint un der provocation on the part of the voters in coming to a decision on this subject one way or the other than many persons believed possible But one who has faith in Democracy and the plain sense ot the people has no ground for fear Calls rankness Great Gain The best thing in this whole cam paign is the fact that we now discuss the issue frankly We have learned a fundamental truth that the nation is spiritual in its foundation and the corner stone is religious liberty We can and do demand liberty without be ing called bigots or intolerants when there is difference of "opinion as to what is meant by liberty are those who believe that this country led by a Roman Catholic president would preserve and enlarge religious liberty especially a man like Smith Others raised a question about the doctrine of the Roman Catholic church in this matter of church and state They wonder about its probable effect in our government They op pose the Catholic theory of the prim acy of the church overthe state as enunciated for example by Prof John A Ryan in the volume "The Church and the Sanctions Opposing Church are within their rights: to take their stand If they believe that the doctrine of the absolute separa tion of church and state in both the ory and practice is a paramount is sue ot the campaign it is their duty to act accordingly theories of the relation of the church' to lhe state have been con tending with each other for hundreds ot years but we face the issue now tor the first time A monarchic re ligion such as the Catholic ehuich teaches mensay is bound to be mon archic in its' political practice Prot estants in great numbers hold this statement is true They are opposed to the least encroachment ot the mon archic idea of this democracy That is why we have the issue Sees Situation Cleared Expressing the opinion that in the past month the situation been Dr Dieffenbach said have learned that one may oppose the political idea of the Roman Catholic church without opposing the Roman Catholic religion and the faith of the candidate do not want to witness of a Catholic party in this country for it would lead inevitably to a Prot estant he concluded "That would be disastrous to the democracy They have Catholic parties in Eu rope but in those countries they also have more than one opposition party and this fact with other conditions makes a great difference I hope we shall settle thisi church and state question so that we may go on un disturbed We have learned that re ligion in the ordinary sense ought to be kept out ot politics "The church and state issue I am sure we shall also solve We have done well in passing through these trying times At first we were emo tional because the issue was too new for us to understand Now we know what we believe on either side and the whole situation is changed The atmosphere is clear I for one am very happy about it and prouder than ever of my country" THE WEATHER Two rom Becket and Two rom ound on Pittsfield Road Becket Oct our little tots the oldest seven years of age two the children ot Mr and Mrs Edward Galli her of Springfield and two the chil dren of Mr and Mrs Edward Cargan of this twon were lost for several hours this morning when they wan dered away from the home of rela tives they were visiting at Washing ton hTey were found on the road near the Schulze farm making their way toward Pittsfield where the mother of the Gargan children is in the House of Mercy hospital where a third child was born to her last week They were none the worse for their travels the parents and grandmother having suffered more from the 'ex perience than had the children Must Serve Throwing His Illegitimate Son Into Canal Insanity rance Count Pierre Marie Raymond de Crouzet Raysac has beeiv sentenced serve 10 years in prison for tin ow ing his illegitimate son 17 months old into a canal He was convicted on a plea of guilty and sentence was pass ed on him The mother of the child was a housemaid employed by the count mother and because of the socio logical aspects of the case the attracted immense crowds The 1" jority of people wtw surrounded the court for the death sentence noisily demanding that the count be sent to the guillotine A plea of insanity was advanced by the defense and in his testimony the count said: lost control of myself and act ing like an automaton committed the frightful Alienists summoned by the court testified that the murderer was per fectly lucid and entirely aware of the nature of his act The murder oc curred January 12 last The body was discovered the next day and the count at once admitted his guilt 1 Managed Division of Envelope Company in City Burning Bodies Almost Beyond Recognition ive Killed at Cleveland Intersectoion as Halloween Revelers Crash Into Truck Bringing Injured Man to Hospital ANOTHER SPEECH IN ITINERARY HOOVER IN WEST READY OR OCEAN HOP Roosevelt ield Oct (AP) The transatlantic monoplane Columbia tonight was poised for an overseas hop destination unannounced The Columbia was reconditioned in Chicago Oct In these days of materialism religion brings more power and peace into the lives of men than any other force it was de clared here today by John Rocke feller who delivered an address at the dedication of the $2000000 chapel at the University of Chicago At the same time he announced an additional $1000000 gift to be ex pended in the advancement of reli gion at the university The gift is from the memorial dent and The Letter' The letter follows in part is tradition in the American ederation of Labor that we do not seek to impose upon our members tha same strict discipline in the political field that we employ in our industrial relations But itis also true that do have a certain political creed and it is contained in our slogan your friends and defeat your enemies? best test of friendship of politl cal aspirants is not to be found in cqr rent pledges and promises but rather in a careful analysis of the past per sonal record of the candidates and la the legislative records of parties In matters affecting our industrial wel fare In obtaining a true picture of these things it is our gather this data through representative committees chosen from our own ranks On the basis the facts as found we should and to a great degree do base our prefer ences group is broad mindeo gent and tolerant We are grateful fmy those who have rendered us servfan and we are deeply conscious of 4RM? (Continued on Second Paje) 43000000 ARE READY TO VOTE OR PRESIDENT INCREASE 14000000 holdups youths not declined to viewed Pistol Additional evidence to substantiate confession was obtained to tlav Chief Poole said when a 45 cal iberautomatic pistol police say he used in the slayings was found his home A similar automatic was taken from car at Athens when he was arrested While Harsh was still telling police details of the series of holdups county authorities set in motion legal ma chinery to obtain an early indictment The youths who Were students at Oglethorpe university here are mem bers wealthy and prominent fam ilies Harsh the son of the late George Harsh wealthy shoe manufac turer of Milwaukee Wis made his home with his sister Mrs Diso way wife of a broker His mother was expected here tonight Gallogly is the stepson of Dr Worth Yankey a prominent physician and a member of an old family here alleged confession stated the series of robberies which resulted in a pair of murders was committed for a and that both he and Gal logly were under the influence of liq uor when the holdups were police said BEGINS SUIT AGAINST BR0KIEL9 COMPANY (There has never been an at tempt by any governmental agency to determine advance the agency to determine in advance the number of persons entitled to participate in a national elec tion The Associated Press through its correspondents has gathered these statistics and herewith 'shows the number eli gible to vote November 6 The Jigures are approximate because registration has not ended in states In many cases the regie fer' tration was determined county Sv by county In cases where fig 1 5 ures were not obtainable esti mates were made by various state officials) BERMUDA LYERS DOWN AT ATLANTIC CITY Atlantic City Oct 28 (AP) The seaplane' lying ish which left Port Washington today to make a flight to Bermuda by way of Hampton Ro ls Va came down here soon aft er 4 this afternoon' Norolk Va Reports Norfolk Va Oct The airplane piloted by Capt William Tjtncaster which left Port Washing ton NiY for Hampton Roads Va today made foretd landing near At lantic City naval officers here were advised 4 ti Community Chest Needs Your Help Washington 1 Oct Her bert Hoover has added another speech to the itinerary of his trip across the country to California to vote It will be delivered at Pueblo Col on the night of November 3 This has in volved an entire change of schedule from St Louis to Ogden Utah a change which will take the Repub lican presidential candidate across Missouri and Kansas Colorado and to Salt Lake City on the way to Ogden The address at Pueblo the home city of DrHubert Work chairman of the Republican national commit tee will be delivered in the public square and will be broadcast to the mountain states It will be his only speech in those states during the campaign and will be ot less than half an hour's duration Eliminates Nebraska The Salt Lake City stop will be for 15 minutes only during which Hoo ver will greet Senator Reed Smoot of Utah and other Republican lead ers there' The Utah leaders prob ably will accompany the candidate to Ogden where there will be a half hour halt while the special train is being switched over to another rail road line for the run to Palo Alto The decision to eliminate Nebraska caused some surprise in political dr cles here because that is the home state of Senator George Norris Republican independent who last night at Omaha advocated the elec of the Democratic presidential candidate At Hoover headquarters it was said that no concern was felt as to the outcome in Nebraska and also that the change of itinerary to carry Hoo ver into Colorado did not mean that there was any apprehension about the result in that state Leaving Washington at 5 Thursday he will stop at Cumber land Md and Louisville Ky to en able the nominee to make speeches there TMie Hoover special will reach St Louis about 730 riday and the Republican standard bearer will begin speaking at the coliseum at 830 His address will be carried to the country over a nation wide radio hook up and will consume about an hour' His inal Atlrress Leaving St Louis at 11 tn cnrciiii will cross Missouri during night and reach Pueblo at 7 No vember 3 Arriving at Oakland Cal about 1215 a November 5 'The train will skirt San rancisco proceeding to Palo Alto over the Dumbarton bridge arriving at 130 Hoover will go directly to his home on the Stanford university campus and late in the' afternoon probably at 5 he wll make his last appeal to the voters from his study speaking into a microphone and with hs voice carried from one end of the nation to the other by aj national broadcast chain It was stated at his headquarters today that this speech would not ex ceed 15 minutes in length Before approving the change in his schedule Hoover spent a quiet Sun day attending services at the riends' meeting house on Irving street and receiving a few personal friends at his street home a Spnnijficlii Native of Rockville Ctr Worked His Way to High Position in United States Envelope Company "August Laubscher 62 for 30 jeais a resident of this city and well know in printing and envelope manufactur ing circles died at his home 77 ort Pleasant avenue early yesterday morning after a long illness Mr' Laubscher was born at Rock i nr terr? tnei ville Ct Marcn amui son of Abraham and Catherine (Yost) Laub scher He attended the Rockville schools and the Rockville High school Early in life he became interested in the printing business and soon after entered the empoy of the' White 'Corbin division of the United State Envelope company at Rockville in the printing department or nearly 40 years he worked foi the United States Envelope company first in charge of the printing de partment of the Morgan division and later in the Kellogg where for five years he was tendent and then manager of the di vision the time he took of the management of the I logg division that division was man ufacturing as low a giade of com mercial goods as was being used When he resigned this mill was mak ing' the highest and best graded icc ognized throughout world Mr Laubscher traveled extensively while building' up the quality of goods being made at the Kellogg plant and made many friends in the trade He also organized an assoc at ion of pipci jobbers from all over the country to market these goods This organization is still in existence and since has de veloped into one of the strongest and finest organizations in the trade In 1920 he resigned this position to organize the Laubscher Envelope company now the Old Colony Enve lope company but before the business was fairly started he suffered a nciy ous breakdown which forced him to retire from business and from which he never fully recovered Mr Laubscher was one of the found ers of the Rotary club of and was much interested un its child welfare work In April 1889 he married Addie Rix of Rockville and they to Springfield where they nave widow 11C 1 liVeQ Dt'aiuv three sisters Mrs Carrol Mrs Emma Wemett of Hartford Ct and Mrs rank Austin of West Springfield and one brother Martin Laubscher of Rockville The funeral will be held At the home and will be private TW burial will be in Rockville COUNTSENTENCED OR KILLING BABE Hanover Md Oct 28 (AP) Seven persons were killed here late this afternoon when their automo bile was struck and demolished by a Baltimore Ohio passenger train Those killed were Emil Ashman 47 Mildred Ashman 19 his wife Baby Ashman Mrs Mamie Kirby Mrs mother Mrs Sallie Kirby Mrs mother in law Mrs Mary Shriver 25 and Cath arene Shriver 22 months old Engineer Couldn't Stop Henry Snyder of Baltimore en gineer of the Washington express that struck the automobile which was stalled at the erasing said that he saw the car when he was about 50 feet from it and that he applied his brakes but could not stop Mrs Shriver and her baby were were caught on the pilot of the loco motive as was tne gi the demolished car Intn i woman and her child almost beyond recognition Three of the others were thrown clear of the automobile The remain ing two were pinned in the wreckage and were burned when it also burst into flames ive Killed In Cleveland Cleveland Oct (AP) ive persons were killed at a street inter section here today when a truck In which four young men were taking an injured companion to a hospital crashed into a large sedan containing a party of Halloween masqueraders The dead: Walter Tanzer 21 Mary MshI 17 Mildred Coppiva 17 Henry Sdhwappler 21 Clayton Cope of the dead except Copeland were riding in a sedan driven by Jack Brada 24 They were returning from a Halloween party about 3 a Brada was taken to a hospital in a serious condition The driver of the truck was held on a charge of man slaughterBib EARLYTOMORROW SET OR START HOMEWARD Difficulties in ueling Big Zeppelin Delay Return light to Thou sands View Ship Naval Air Station Lakehurst Oct (AP) Capt Hans von Schil ler navigating officer ot the Graf Zep pelin announced today that Tuesday morning had been set as the date of departure for the return to Germany Although every effort had been made by men at the station to refuel the air cruiser by 'noon today diffi culties In pumping aboard the gas eous fuel necessitated delaying thetartins time Capt Von Schiller" ranking officer ot the Zeppelin in the absence of Comdr Hugo Eckener and Capts Leh mann explained there were 140000 cubic feet of fuel gas and the same quantity of hydrogen to be loaded before the ship could leave the hangar He stated that at least 13 hours would be required for this work When it is finished the Zeppelin willbe walked to the field and tied to the stub mast where mail freight ahd passengers will go aboard Dog Will Make Trip The captain a Uli enthusiastic man has derived much pleasure from the reception of various gifts to the offi cers and crew A zoological Institut sent a quantity ot bacilli to be car ried over the ocean to German uni versities A six weeks old dog a chow will also make the trip to rcderichshafen Several thousand persons arrived at the hangar to view the ship today Special trains accommodated many of the sightseers but a steady stream of automobiles also carried many to the hangar There was much bustle in the ex ecutive headquarters as three naval officers from the station pre pared to leave as guests of Dr Eeken cr on the return flight BLANDORD OX HUNT NOVEMBER 7 AND 8 Blandford Oct The Blandforu ox club will hold jts 29th annual hunt on November 7 and 8 The hunt will start Wednesday the 7th at 6 a at on North street and the hunt will be to the west Lunch will be served at Grange hall The hunt banquet will take place in the evening at 7 in hu 1L ThrA will be a fox hunters' reunion and speaking by enght working days after her recent visitors and guests I crash in an attempt to fly to Rome Tkntnnsnnilillfi! (Ct GlTl dtClllv POWER BALANCE 3 HELD BY WOMEN: OHCIALS AGREE Nonpartisan Political Group yr of Central Union Here Cites Records of Nominees i in Letter to Members Cov Alfred Smith for President and Senator David Walsh for re eleclion are the political choices of the nonpartisan committee of the Central Labor union and several hundred' copies of a form letter have been sent out asking local members of the or ganization to register their voters in behalf of Smith and Walsh TheteeV applied the letter states is labor's slogan of yojjr friends and defeat your The letter says Gov Smith merit labor indorsem*nt because he han become "the champion of personal liberty and religious and has a record of labor accom plishments extending over a period of 25 years" It says of Senator Walsn that "his whole record on matters af fecting the workers is 100 per cent favorable" while his opponent Bw Loring Young represents an em group is constantly Rockefeller Urges Religious Idealism Need at Dedication of Chicago University Chapel i At Same Time Announces Additional Gift of $1000000 a urther Memorial to Hi Mother for Advance ment of Religion Among Students Larger Cities '4' i ii I ixjiiw irrirrT ri I I I hA' yg a 5 1 Sr 4 1 i WIIf I 1 i 'q' A in.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.