The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


25 HAWTHORNE ENTRIES. FIRST RACE Purse, 81,000: claiming maiden 2-vear-olds: six furlnnzs: frHOLLYERS CO Home Run Races HAWTHORNE RESULTS. FIRST RACE Purse, 11.000; claiming; 2-year-olds: six furlongs: Oswego Princess, 107 tLaldleyl. $22.52. .9 82.

$5.04 1 hom*o, 104 (Tildent. 17.98. 14 18 2 Lucille 102 (Saunderal. 02 3 Time, 1:15 1-5. 'Upon.

Prlntemps. Luke Connell. Copley 8quare. High Shot. Mis-sie.

'Muggie and Brilliant Boy also ran Field. SECOND RACE Claiming: purse. $1,000: 4-year-olds and upward: one and one-eighth miles: tte of A.INGS CQLLYtP Yah, the sport of Friday marks twenty-nine-day meeting at Hawthorne, programme has been provided. Picking considerably of a task, of course, for the high-class mavericks. The feature Championship and has drawn a I am inclined to favor the well-known Hygro.

even with 125 pounds on his coupled with Siskin as the Nevada Gallant Sir, of course, for the second and safest bet. however, would appear Knight, which seems to be nothing into the second. Hopulikit. in the easily the best of his field. As for this is the day they have long Foolhardy.

Catch on? where the meeting ends Saturday a card will be on tap. The going Ni. on HUH I -ITT ER-T g. promises to be heavy. I look upon- the 2-vear-oId.

Fingal. as the best bet. He goes in the Consolation Stakes and iff that last sparkling effort, should have little trouble. Okapi and Sweet Chariot for what is left. Portden.

in the first, and Mc-Monigle. in the second, also appear uncommonly well aspected. The track is fast at Bainbridge and Elkhart, which goes in the fourth probably is the best bet. More anon. GETAWAY DAY finis to the and a spanking the winners is events have drawn is styled the Spring half-dozen speedsters.

"bullet. back. He will be Stock Farm entry. money. The best to be Battling less than pitchforked third, also appears the eighth.

I suspect awaited with At Saratoga somewhat ordinary Uncle Henry. 107 (Shannon. 113.92. S8.40. 43.80 1 John Mill.

107 (C. Kingl. J9.10, 15.30... 2 Ben Blair. 112 (Lewlsl.

$2.74 3 Time. 1:58 1-5. Niato. chiel cnanen- ger. Lady Gibson, Southland Belle.

Pel- legrino. Alto, snaoy Hest ana Arciurus also ran. 'Field. THIRD RACE Purse. allowances: The Canyon; 2-year-olds: six furlongs: Northgalis.

113 fC. $5.24, $3.34. $2 84 1 Monk Star. 110 J. Renirki.

3 98. t3.48 Swinhaven. 107 iMcAuliffe). $3.48 3 Time 1:15 2-5. Spicson.

"Silent Shot. Go Fetch. Stinger. Single Stripe, 'Curley Head. Ebony Lady.

Gay Heart. Parting Shot also ran. 'Field. FOURTH RACE Purse. $1,000: allowances; The Gallant; 3-year-olds and upward: six furlongs: 6obieha.

101 (Critchfield), $23.24. $7.74, 13.98 Sun Dot. 110 (Lewis). J3.62. J2.64 Stock Market.

103 (Anderson. $2 34.... 3 Time. 1:14 3-5. Woodcraft.

Chu Chu. Colonial Belle and Very Well also ran. FIFTH RACE Purse. l.foO: allowances: The Woodland: 3-year-olds; one anile and one-sixteenth: Plavdale. 112 (O.

Woolf). $3.2. $2.52. $2.14 1 Prince Hotfpur. 109 $4.82.

52 96 2 Wavlaver. 109 ij. Smithl. $2 88 3 Time. 1:47 2-5 Marmion and Yonkel also ran.

SIXTH RACE Purse. $1,000: claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; one mile and one-half Don Tasker. 97 (Saunders). $13 80. $7.74, $5 84 Zenka.

104 (TT. L. Fischer). $38 44 30 98 Scimitar. 102 cC.

King). 8.50 3 Time. 2:37 'Peace Jimmy. More Power. Galahad.

Blue Law. Wise Lee. Ed Roose. Jnrthpur and Tiger Flowers also ran. Field.

SEVENTH RACE Purse. $1,000: clsim-ine- 3-vm r-olrts: mile and one-sixteenth: Quetor. 104 $6.80. 3 86. 2 R0 1 St.

Naaire. 107 IC. King). $13.76. $7.72.

2 Prettl Sine. 104 (J. Lane). $4.44 .3 Time. 1:50 4-5.

Our Grief. Sad KniRht. Afridl. Lady General. Fluent.

Chicon and Happy Play also ran. EIGHTH RACE Purse $1,000: claiming: 3-war-olds: and a sixteenth: Anita Ormont. 109 (J. Renicki. $25.73.

$14.02 7.08 I Parties. 107 (J. Lane). S5.98. $3.36 2 Adsum.

112 3 Time. 1:49 4-5. Ono. Trflssic. Princess A.

Lapidary. Clasby's Choice and Beauty Secret also ran. DADE PARK RESULTS. FIRST RACE Purse. $500: claiming: 4-vear-olds and upward: six furlongs: Jim Ormont.

Ill iMeadei. $20.66. $9.30. $4 66 I Estin. Ill (W.

Kern). M0.38. $4.44 2 Norias. 106 iSoutht. $2.58 .,3 Time 1:13 1-5.

unriark. Uforme. Jack Howe. Twill and Sporting Lady also ran. SECOND RACE Purse.

500: maiden fillic: 2-vcar-olds: five and a half fur-'ancs: RiH-re L-dv. 114 I P. Ni al). $6.78. $4.60.

3.42 1 Emmr-line 114 PoolL S5.5?. $3.38. lI7o. 114 iW Worn I tl 1 3 Moms Pollv. 'Flutter More.

Ravleen. boorkerner. Frsnl-ie Mae. 2 SARATOGA. .5 First Race Portden.

Caerlan, Tar o' War. Sfnnd Rare MeGonlele. Papyrosraph. Cfnrii Maris. TMrd Fineal.

Okapi. Swept Chariot 4 Fo-irtb Rare rn. Clotho. Robin. Fifth Rare Tetrarchat, Zaidrr-, Taunt John.

Sixth Rare Pompoleon, Sunn Alley. Wred Fv'nt. BEST CHANCE FIXG4L. HAWTHORNE. Platinum Blonde.

107 Wily Girl 112 Indian Boy 115Bel Price 117 Sportine Pearl Domui 112 Miss 107 Dusky Devil 115 Aviary 112Dupee 11a Bianoz llsSand Boot 115 Last Play USHueu Ill Just Buck 115 New Baby' 112 Red Cinders 112 Blare Or 112 SECOND RACE Purse. claiming; maiden 3-year-olds: six furlongs: Hoosier Prince. .109 McLeay 114 Jennie Gal 106 Afro-American ...114 Butch 108 Dispatcher 114 Plucky Girl 109 Buster 114 Hyklas 109'Lydla Ann 108 Major Stewart 1 Mr'iiDririft 114 Dattner 114 Big Play 114 Battling Knight. .114 Arcturus 114 THIRD RACE Purse. $1,000: claiming: 2-year-olds: six and one-half furlongs: Bright Chestnut 10s) Copley Square ...109 Hopulikit Droom ...104 Shut 115 .107 'Strollalong 110 ..103 High Explosive ..109 ..109 Sym Jack 112 Mishty Atom Palatine Flowery Lady Advising Anna FOURTH RACE Purse.

$1,000: claiming: 3-year-olds and upward: six and one-half urlonss: St. Jim HTKitty 104 Knockabout 107 Oil Queen 89 Petabit 109 Zone ,...112 Louie Dear 114Nusakan 117 Flae Time 107 'Reproof 108 Panchlo .,.122 'Sister Mary 114 FIFTH RACE Purse. $2,000: The Sprint Championship: 3-year-olds and upward; six and one-half furlongs: (a)Siskin 130i (a)Hvgro 125 b)Risque i27iPolya'orus 130 Gallant Sir 125l(b)Pairbnpalr (a) Nevada Stock Farm entry. (b) Mrs John Hertz entry. SIXTH RACE Purse.

$1,000: claiming: 3-year-olds and upward: mile and one-sixteenth: Old Depot 100 Come On 112 Thundertone 102 Inheritor 109 Easv 100 Portmanteau 110 I SEVENTH RACE Purse. $1,000: clalm- i'ine: AnH imwnr1: mil anri 'Gold Handle Tickle ...113 ...113 'Battling On 108 104 Modern Times 113 108" Black Patricia 10o Right ill ...108 Brown Brutus ...113 Lark 108 Spud Flying Sleepy Bov Blind Hills Black Bull Riff Raff EIGHTH RACE Purse. $1,000: claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; mile and one-eiehth: Mother's Choice Stimulate Chehalis Foolhardy Seth's Ballot Rocky Way I 'Peace Lady .1051 'Brush .108 Mai San .108 'Plutarch 108 Chief 's lfiSl Challenger 'Southland Belle .105 .105 .110 .108 .113 .113 .105 vox Air Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather clear: track fast. DADE PARK ENTRIES.

FIR8T RACE Purse. $500: claiming; maiden fillies; 2. year-olds; live and one-half furlongs: Infinelle 112Miss Evans 112 Lyda Belle 112 Eva Jane 112 Elimra 112. Madge De 116 Waucela 107 Float On 112 SECOND RACE Purse. $500: maiden fillies 2-year-olds; live half furlongs: claiming: and one- Kemuneration 1 12-Bachelor Lii Worthy's Pride.

112iMiss Steinhails 112 Kaposia 114'Nanny 112 Fredreanna B. Electa 112 THIRD RACE Purse. $500: claiming; 2- year-olds: nve and one-half furlongs: Blaf Nose ill -Bob Do7er .109 Parade Step Pal 114 t-icionai lii.Miss justice Ill FOURTH RACE Purse. $600: claiming: 3-year-olds; The Evansville Journal; six furlonas: Goosie .109 Miss Mary Lou vonne Sugar .109. Barashkova .111 .106 .114 ..106 ..114 White Collar Peace Nut Transmit clarence Better Fly FIFTH RACE Claiming-; puree.

$500: year-olds and upward: one mile lout 3-of ncnu*tei Hunchback llll'Dls Dame Big Business Duelist 117 Coady Thistle Arious 117ITyphoon .109 .117 .117 .117 SIXTH RACE Claiming; purse. $600: J-year-oias: live and furlongs: Tabby Ill Threat Golden Deeds Ponv Up Dusky Dame ..114 Sue Terry 105 Whitharral 110 ..106 Through Blues 106 SEVENTH RACE Claimin 3-year-oids and upward: purse. Dade $800: Park course: Early American. 113 Prince Farthing .107 Uncle Martin ...113 Dawn Mist 104 Aristocrat 113 Peter Dixon 113 leia 110 Noble Wrack 113 Lovely Woman 104 Quick Sale .104 Tommy 113' Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather clear: track fast.

BAINBRIDGE ENTRIES. FIRST RACE Purse $400: claiming: 3 year-olds: six furlongs: rHKHH5rrWHKHlKHKHXHKHM AMERICAN LEAGL'E. Fox Athletics 48 Buth. Yankees 8 Gehrig, Yankees SI Siaameas, Athletics 2D Avertll. Indians 28 LEAOL'E.

Klein. Phillies SS Ott, Giants 28 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Haoser. Millers 49 Crawford. Red Birds 28 Cnllen, Red Birds SS Kable.

Millers 24 THE COURIER-JOURNAL AND THE LOUISVILLE TIDIES Classified Ads Indexed for Quick Service. LOCAL NET CASH RATES covering insertion In The Sunday Courier-Journal and week-day issues of both The uourjer-journal and Louisville Times. 1 limes ..23 rer Una each da 3 times 25c per line each day 1 time daily or Sunday 30c per line These rates apply to all excent "Situa tion Wanted" ada. which are accented at one-half price paid in advance. on average size words can be accommodated to the line, all lone or hyphen ated words to be counted as two words.

Ads ordered for seven insertions, but cancelled before expiration date. are charged at the rate earned for the actual numoer or oars tney appeared Ads ordered by telephone are accepted from persons listed in Ihe telephone or city directory on memorandum charge onlv. If payment is made bv the time shown on the statement, these earn the same rate as cash ads. On all ads sent by mail, cash must accompany the order. ihe Courier-Journal and Times will not bp responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an, advertisem*nt.

Notice ol errors must given in time for correct lion before next insertion. Courier-Journal and Times Want Ad clerks give a kill number when a cancel lation order Is received. Advertisers are requested to make a note of the number, as it indicates the time and date of cancellation. For i)ur protection, do not give a stop order to any employe who cannot give you a kill number. CLOSING TIME.

Want ads accepted until 9:30 p.m. for The courier-Journal: 11 a.m. for The Louisville Times: p.m. for the Sunday Courier-Journal. Ads to appear In Sunday mail editions should be received by 9 p.m Friday.

YEARLY CONTRACT RATES FURNISHED BY REQUEST. Announcements Deaths. I AKCHEE Wednesday. August 31. 1932.

at 5:45 p.m.. William A. Archer, in his fifty-seventh year, beloved husband of Tillie J. Archer. Remains at the residence.

6075 Taylor Boulevard. Funeral Sauirday. September 3. from the residence at 1:30 p.m. Interment in Rest-haven Cemetery.

BI'RKE September 1 at 2:10 a.m.. Michael Joseph Burke, beloved father of Joseim Thomas the Rev. Raphael M. Burke. Charles Vincent C.

and Miss Mary C. Burke and brother of Mrs. Thomas Keeley. in his 79th i yer. Funeral from the residence.

1310 i South Sixth. Saturday morning. September 3, at 8:45 o'clock and from St. Louis Bertrand Church at 9 clock-Burial in Calvary Cemetery. EDKI.EN Thursday, September 1.

1932. at 4:20 p.m.. Joseph E. Edelen, in his twenty-eighth year, beloved husband of Elsie Oftrader Edelen. Funeral Saturday.

September 3. 1S32. at the residence. 626 South Twenty-eighth Street, at 8:40 a.m. and from St.

Charles Borromeo Church at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Elizabeth's Cemetery. Clarkson. Ky.

GKtlME Thursday evening. September 1. 1932. at 7:45 o'clock, Tobe Greiner, in his forty-ninth year, beloved husband of Mrs. Ethel K.

Greiner I nee Desperj. Notice of funeral later. HARDIN Suddenly Wednesday. August 31. 1932, at 3 p.m..

near Leitchfield, William R. Hardin, in his fortie'i year, beloved son of Mrs. Jennie Hardin (nee Kayei. Remain at the McDaniel Funeral Home. 4333 Park Boulevard.

Funeral Friday, September 2, from Mc-Damel's al 2:30 p.m. Interment in Cave Hill National Cemetery. IIICKEY Brideet Mary Hickey. beloved mother of Miss Mary Hickey. Thursday afternoon.

September 1. at 3:30 o'clock, at tae residence. 2014 South Second Street. Funeral from T. A.

Blanford. 2815 South Fourth Street, Saturday morninsr at 9:30 oclock. and at Holy Name Church at 10 oclock. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. IIOHMANN Thursday.

September 1. at 10:45 a.m.. Mary Ann Kleinhenz Hoh-mann ate 37 years, heloved wife of William L. Hohmann. Funeral from the residence.

3915 Taylor Boulevard. Satur-! day morning at 8:30 oclock and from! Holr Name Church at 9 oclock. Inter-! ment in St. Michael Cemetery. LEHMENKI'LEB Thursday.

September 1- at 1:25 p.m.. Adam Lehmenkuler. agej 68 years. Funeral Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock from the residence of his daughter. Mrs.

Julius A. Bartsch. 820 South Thirty-third Street, and from Holy Cross Church at 9 oclock. Interment in St. Michael's Cemetery.

NIELSEN Suddenly. Wednesday. August 31 1932. at 11:45 p.m.. Cjrl Niel-en.

a-ied 54 vpars. his residence. 4105 West Market Street. Time of funerai will be announced lpier. SCHAKDT Thursday.

September 1. 3932. at 2:25 p.m.. Miss Louise Schardt. beloved sister of Miss Mary Schardt.

Mrs. Frances Bundshu, Mrs. Hattie Quinn. funeral Saturday mornine at 8:30 from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Hattie Quinn.

520 North Seventeenth Street, and at 9 o'clock at St. Anthony's Church. Interment In St. Louis Ceme- -Elmiia Mitosh. Court Memoir Tree 114 i.iTinnt.

Hart ran 'FirlH lOiv Dfniasosue 114Cousin Nora Ill 14 OIL 29o gallon: special price on extra heavy oil. United Auto Parts Tir 1010 Market. City 5296. USED AND RETREADED TIRES. AH sires; cheap.

Hurrr-Up Broadway. Broadwav at Jacksen Auto Service, IS SPRINO AND AXLE WORK. We specialize in these two Ilne. Springs installed on any make ear or truck. Ewaid Spring 312 S.

Clay. East 3215. Wanted Automobiles. 17 Cash for Gjod Used Cars. PUBLIX ilOTORS.

657 S. 3d St. City 718. WILL PAY cash or trade Fords. SUMMERS-HERRMANN CASH paid tor late model Fords and 1231 S.

Shelby. Services Offered Business Servica Offered. IS HARDWOOD FLOOR Service; Complete. HrDERMOTT Sz ROHY. Shawnee 2514 Building Service.

Kepairlng 19 BUILDING AND HFPAIKING of all kinds: concreting, papering, painting; all work guaranteed; reasonable. Shaanee 2361. CONCRETE Bxlck, painting. carpenter work: reliable prices; payments. Magnolia 2784-W.

Moving, racking. Storase. 25 MOVING BOW LDS BROS- All work guaranteed: cargo insurance: $3. $4 $5 per van or $1 per Lons distance est Imp ten tree Shswnee2143 MOVING C. CANNON Call us for free estimates.

Work guar-anteed: $3 load of $1 ier room: large inclosed van: white help. Shawnee3487. MOVING CAN NO BROS. Call Shawnee 707 for row rates: work guaranteed: white help. MOVING 2 50 load or bv job.

experienced white men: loin moving. Porl sje I 'a 3476 Mi A I NO Caigo insurance J. A. WEST. Shawnee 232G Moving- Leo Bowlds Co.

Experienced white Help Shawnee 1905 MOVING Local. 3 rom. uaaaea van. insurance; special rate on long dutancs)' toads Can Can 1IL Magnolia 254 5 MOVING tl.50 load estimates cheerfully piven: also long- di ranee movir.a. Tlchy Bf; hawnee 23JI.

MOVING. $2.50 per load. White helps padded vans; work suaranteed. W. H.

Quails. MairSIirh A. Mnrehcad, Shaw. 0167-W $1 room: estimates on long distance Aubrey Movers, 3 lloums, $4 Whne help: work euarante-fl Mag 2559 Delmar Movers. Mag.

2U31 Large padded vans: ttuij help. i lERM A POL ag. 3587 Re 11 a le Storage. Movi 1 00 1 ary Stg MOVING 2 50 per iciC Wtiv not cail Wilson Wilfon. Mai 953-J SPECIAL $2 iouo.

large tans: white htip. Pedier Williams Shawnee 0697 Long distance Moving. 25-A AF.FX) NiAYFlOWER 1RANS11 CO. World's Largest and Most Reliable Long Movers RE1URN LOAD RATES ALWAYS 308 VV Llbe'iv Citv 1308 LOAD TO Padncah Sept 3d. and to Atlanta Sent.

15th. or way points Sell! Moving Co. City 1731 Painting. I'aperinR 29 PAPSR-HANGING roll: work Kttar-anteed. Free 11 CnerhoJserSoujli 3152-R.

PAPEit HANGING roil up. plastering. ptn'in' reasonable hnwnee 1985-W. THIS COUPON If presented at The Courier-Journal ni Times Classified Ad Counter will enlitigj the bearer ladult oniyi to an autographed photogreph of Will Rogers fsu 8x10, suitable for framing). In case you wish the photograph sent by mall, attach the coupon to a shee of paper, containing your name and address, inclose 5c in stamps to cover mailing costs and send it to the Autographed Photo Ruieau.

Classified Ad The Couiitr-Journal, City. Repairing and Kriinihin. UPHOLSTERING, furniture and mattress repairing, camng; reasonable, ghiwnee 7845. 3 Employment Help Wanted Female. 33 BAKER On pastry and rolls: do not apply unless experienced in tearoom, cals or hotel.

Apply Tearoom, Kaufman- Straus. COOK While, must be experienced; home, pmailwafces. 1337 4th. GIRL White; Reneral housework: May; experience and references necessary. 515 Wendovcr Court.

Breckrnridne Vliia LADIES 2: for pleasant, profitable work; complete training given; line well knowu. Apply 9to 12. 1155 7th. MARRIED WOMEN can am cveral dollars each week part time t' iln.a Kealsilk io enstomerf. Free si-mpict: customer list to those who qualify.

233 Staika Bide. SALESLADFES Experienced e-to-house seiiine: a repeat item: mlary and WOMAN White, to house and niirfej" May on place; small salary. C'all Magnolia 0184-W alter 5 p.m. IM MEDIATE POSITION LarBe concern has position on sales rtaff ior capable woman. Preferred ate 28-50.

At lpaM hieh school praduate and interested in permanent connection. Excellent financial return Call Mrs Garland Kahle. Brown Hotel, for a noolr.triient NO CANVASSING! 16 week possible to start demonstrating new advance fail styles: no experience or invest ment samples free. Dept. O-lSTg Harford Frocks.

432 4th New York City, WOULD 17 a week to start satisfy you Not house to house: work easy and pleasant: amazing sample line fie. Dpt.2981. Majfair Styies. Ciriclniiati. Ads offering instruction in Trade or Vocations will be found under nUruction Ileln Wanted Mule.

BARBER 1st class, for Siimdays only. Apply 1211 Ki ieiier. Pete Barber Shop. MFN- 10. A-mlv 304 R.

5th. SECRETARY-Coiiipaniou: must 111I-" tiiicd younc uent leinnn rn teri a li nil di' Unct reader: lair typist a with author employer: fair salary. Address, statinu orulil trations. Postolilce Box 314. Louisviile.

Ky. Ads offering instruction in Trades or Vocations viill be iound under Instruction Salesmen. 3 1-A SXMPLEROX FirEE! EARN 100 PROFIT. Sellinir indescribably beautiful Xma card box also personalized cards cesigned bv America's foremost artists- experience not neiessary THE PROCESS CORPORATION 236 Francis Bids. 4th and Chestnut.

BRANCH SALES MANAGER The Ward-Stilson tnaiiufacturers of Maisonelte Frocks and Stilson Shirts, have an opeiuna for a high-clas ma a 'o tako charae of our Louisville branch. Must have cm. Fxctplioiini opporlmuiy lor the nvht naii. No re-ulred. Call 32-'.

Taylor rr.dy CALtS.HN r-Jow rf-i'ii Urf-nt iii.d -roi' ti'i'de to sirir l.r.e top-ul-r Inch o'lilitv hn-ided St vo'ir ai ri 1- li rs Old Sn-rhavk Mi''s. M'-i-ne. 2 HUSTLERS To rover eMabiiM)d routes; well-known pr'-ducts. romplete training and ro-oppraii'i Applv N. E.

corner 7th Btid Oak. 7 31 10 :2 2: for inun products oe. character reff rerir.s rar ry new men makinir 12 to '18 prr week. 1155 7th St. 7-30 to LARGE New York has ripianfe for 4 youns men on sa fr.r-e.

No nfrfkaty. App.y Man-aeer. 427 Martln Brown LARGE CONCERN of 26 years sucreMful experience uan' 3 above average men. Srp niaiiaser. 518 Stark Bid ATTENTION." COLLEGE MKN Can few pari time until Januarv.

Apply rf'ilcijkMihs. CREW MANAGER uniforms. Ap-ly F. Turner. Wat'erson Hoifl.

9 to 12. SALESMEN- en. retail cohI. liberal commission Aridress HH, cue Tt'IX effiee -I 'be ri u'rirTwO! ie 4 iorr L.r 'yii-i i-ed irnr.eo In 1 of It rn-ifter tia I ii.nt. tianleil- i tnjie COOK or ho- ::1 11.

i.tji K. rr I -v 4 4 I COOK or 1 1 rnres S0.1t 2234 -W DOCTOR'S OFFICE or genera; i-IMIiAL ijrHti.i i offif ex-; a ,1 1- Jlstr lirl- kP.2-3. GFNEKAf. HOCEE'AORK rare 1 German girl; reference. hiiam.a 57f-fl-J HOUSEKEEPER jre.d twi.

rare for fhjl-i be' refereiice FaM HOUSEWORK or lari'dry i day, refer ence; folored. Sopjtb 253. JfURPE- 38 o- tt I btit ol rcf-r; Ttret and Accessories. 11 LABOR DAY SPECIALS These Cars Are Checked and Heady for Week-End Drive. STUDEBAKER Commander 8 Coupe.

1929 Good tires; looks beautiful: not oriven enough to harm it; a dandy buy BUICK Coach. 1928 Here is a dandv; looks fine; motor has new rings arid pins; quiet as can be; good tires. CHEVROLET Sedan. 1929 Looks nice: good tires; runs fine $225 BUICK 5-Pass, Coupe. 1928 Master 8: ucw-holstering beautiful: paint new; tires mighty good, and a sweet motor.

STUDEBAKER Commander Sedan. 1928 Almost new tires: finish of green fine: here is a car you can't wear out $225 CHRYSLER Coach. 1928 New paint and good tires; runs fine $125 CHRYSLER 6 Coupe. 1927 Looks nice: the motor is a little noisy, so our orice is only $73 i STUDEBAKER SALES CO. Broadway At 2d.

TRICES SHATTERED FOR LABOR DAY WEEK EASY TERMS GOOD TRADES. CHEVROLET Roadster. 1932 Brand new; CHEVROLET Coach. 1931 New tires, fin- isii pencil, motor quiet; J75 CHEVROLET Sedan. 1929 Motor prAPn finish aiMc CHEVROLET Coupe.

1929 Three of these; all in good condition; $195. CHEVROLET Coupe. 1928 Dandy shape. iwns nice: 9143. FORD Coupe.

1931 Here is a good one; tires, paint, motor, all good: $275. FORD Coach. 1931 Almost like a new one: FORD Roadster. 1928 A dandy; looks hot; MANY MORE ALL KINDS. ROCKNE SALES 206 E.


1929 Original finisn; yood rubber: runs like 215! rOKU SPORT COUPE. 1929 A dandy sport job at low price 175 ESSEX COACH. LATE 1929 Original finish: seat covers; good rubber; bargain 175 WHIPPET "6" COUPE. 1929 Good paint: a nice lisht car 150 NASH SEDAN. 1928 Original finish; dandy motor; upholstering 150 DODGE SEDAN.

1927 In A-l fhape; leather upholstery; dandy family car: only 135 Many Others to Choose From. EASY TERMS. FIDELITY MOTOR CO. 432 E. BROADWAY.

SOUTH 1380. Open Nights and Sundays. FORD CLEAN-UP During September all prices are lower. Hiving our customers the buyers' advan- lace 1931 Town Sedan demonstrator: new tires $375 1931 De Luxe Roadster; wheel on side. 33ft 1931 Victoria: sporty' job 335 TRADE YOUR CAR ON A LATER MODEL.

1930 De Luxe Coupe: maroon and black 285 1930 Sport Coupe: clean job 275 1930 Tudor family car 295 Will Your Car "Stand Up" This Winter? 1929 Standard Coupe: business $175 1928 Standard Coupe: driven by 135 1928 Tudor; XXX special 135 TIME PAYMENTS DIRECT TO US. UNIVERSAL CAR CO. Broadway at 25th. Shawnee 0844. WEST END FORD DEALER.

AT 716 WEST BROADWAY 1929 Ford Fordor. new duco and 1931 Ford Victoria, like new 365 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 275 1929 Whippet 6 Sedan 165 i 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan 26.1 1928 Graham-Paige Sian 165 1929 Marmon Roosevelt Sedan 24a 1929 Buick Sedan, like new 375 1930 Essex Convertible Sedan 265 1931 Chrysler 8 Deluxe Sedan 795 GUARANTY FINANCE CO. Used-Car Store. 716 West Baoadway South 2368. WHY PAY MORE' 1931 Chevrolet Coach; like new 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1923 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Coach; iiood 1929 Ford Coach 325 215 125 210 150 Browder Hoskins Co.

Broadway At 12th. City 1500. Open Evenmtis and Sundays. YOU'D BE SURPRISED What Cash Will Do At Mclntyre Motor Inc. Over 30 cars and trucks can be bought at your own price.

iCOME IN AND MAKE US AN OFFER.) We are anxious tc clean out our present cars to make rocm for new stock. Terms and trade also available. 634 S. 3d St. City 3961.

Open daily until 9 p.m.. Sunday 5 m. LABOR DAY SPECIALS 1930 Ford coupe; A-l $275 1 1930 Ford Tudor; 1st class 275) 1T29 Ford sedan: family car 2151 1929 Ford coupe: new paint 135 1 1930 Studebaker Dictator 375 1 1927 Chevrolet coach 85 1927 Dorifie Deluxe Sedan 125 Other Fords from to 35 Schwarz, Clifford Scott 628 S. 3D. CITY 1437.

FRIDAY SPECIAL 1928 Pontiac Coupe: excellent mechanically; good tires; finish like new $175 1 MONARCH AUTO CO. USED-CAR MART 8th snd Broadwav 'Next to Sears. Roebuck) Louisville's Best Buy 1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN New tires, special vciour upholstery. motor runs puief: rveryihins about this i far has anoearance c-f new: here a real hream for someone at f275. Terms to sui 010-51 S.

CHEVROLETS. 1931 Coach Priced to sell 335 1923 Sedan Looks aood 2fi0 i 1929 Coach Real buy 225: 1929 Coupe Perfect condition 215 1929 Sport Roadster A dandy car 175! 192R Cabriolet Real bargain 135! 1928 Roadster Looks good 85 PICKLER'S GARAGE Sou th 28 1 8 ill Tra e. 9 18 S.3d Chrysler Cabriolet 5150 1931 Ford Tudor S275 Fords $20, $30, $40, $50 TAGS AND READY TO GO LOUISVILLE MOTORS 036 S. 5th St. City 6667 BEST PRICES IN TOWN 1926 Dodge 4-door Sedan J49 1928 Sedan 49 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 79 Etutz Touring 39 1926 Ford T.

Tudor 2S Cooke Chevrolet Co. 849 S. 3d Closed Sunday. So 2900. ESSEX 4-uoor Sedan.

192). 30 down CADILLAC Coacn extra i.ue. 35 oown. FORD 1931 Standard Coupe: 175 down FORD 1931 de luxe Tudoi. $75.

TERMS OR TRADE. OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAY. ROY'S GARAGE 713 7th; Btoadwa y. PORD 1931 Coupe: special S75 Ford 1931 Tudor: faniiiv car 345 Ford 1929 Coupe; rumble s-et 165 SUidebaKfr Staiidard 6 Sedan: 145 Star Sedan: license 35 Whipnet 6 1929 Sport Roadster 165 BOONE. BERGENROIH MILES 1231 Shelby.

Miio': Bnn TVVO DAYS ONLY 1930 Pontiac Coupe, with new tires: just like new. Terms. Cash Paid for Cars. Auto Loans. A 420 W.

Broadway. GRAB ihis one quick: another bamain. Ford 1930 Coupe. f295. Prince Wells Inc 737 S.

3d St. Soulh 50. I rucks, frailer CHEVROLET lalbn: 157-Inch wheei b.i-e; statse body, good finish and tires, closed cao. on.y Guaranty Finance 116 Broadway. South 2368.

DL'RANT RUGBY 6-rviitioer: A-l condilloii. ilH-i. 'Ktl Miun KORli 1 Ib30 -taut body; 26i Chevrclet. 1930. tractor and trailer: .250.

Ford Coupe: 150. r04 Mn FORD Truck. 1931 rnodei. diiai Make sto'-K oody: run is .000 miles 2719 th St KJRI) Model ton trirr; tecl cab. Makt bydyj new rubber.

2123 St ljui O. M. f-ton. chassis and cab. $400.

General Motors True Co. 7h and Breckinndte. South 2R60. INTERNATIONAL rebuiltiuckf: from '4 to S-ton Internatiocal Harvester Co. of America Incorporated and Service.

14th and Walnut. Citv 7117. TRUCK. 1926. IVi-ton.

International, sood mechanical condition and tires, HOO AotomcfcfV for Sale. i I 1 8-A ATLANTA Tampa and Miami: driving; Saturday a.m.; take 4. south dbbs. ECONOMIZE in traveling: private cars to all points dally. National Auto Rental Corp.

216 W. Broadway. South 1090 MUTBAL AUTO TRAVEL SERVICE BERKELEY HOTEL BLDO. CITY 6482. Personals.

ALL confidential Secret service here and in other cities. Haager Detecting Agency. Stark Bldg. City 1321 WHEN you need money immediately, call and Investigate our- plans: very confidential: na indorsers or security necessary. MODERN FINANCE CO.

528 S. 4th Room 201. Opposite 4th St Bank Socrial Notices 9-A EUGENE Permanent Wave. $3.50: finger wave. 35c Mrs Paulkner Mag 3114-w DELIGHTFUL place to spend the week end: chicken dinner.

Fern creek 51-J. Lost. Strayed Or Stolen. 10 AIREDALE Named Doc: 11 months old; rewara. tteimont znio.

BILL FOLD About 30: net ween 4lsl and Cecil ar.d Hsle. August 27: reward. Shawnee 1509-J. BOSTON BULL 4 months old: name yerry 1128 Reutlinger. Reward.

GLASSES Between Grinstead pr. and Cherokee Bd. and entrance to bt. Louis Cemetery: reward. Shawnee 2988-W.

GLASSES 2 pairs: tortoise shell rimmed: reward. Main 2371, JACKET Brown crepe. Saturday night. on 4th. between Market and Jefferson.

Reward. Main 9791. MAN'S COAT with Jr. Order pin in lapel on Kentucky, between 5th St. and Barret Ave Reward.

East 9461. SHOTGUN In Eastwood. Monday. Aueust 29: reward. Magnolia 5625-J.

SLIPPERS iNisley'si: shopping district: reward. Main 2735-W. 3 Automotive Automobiles for Sale. II CADILLAC Town Strian. $975 LOUISVILLE'S BIG USED CAR LOT.

STANDARD AUTO CO MAG 5143. St Between Ifroadwav and York Chevrolet 1931 Special Sedan. Looks ard runs like new car: has 6 nearly new tires; 6 wire wheels, fender mounts and tire rack; a real value for $485 BROADWAY MOTOR SALES CO 624 S. 3 St. Citv 3303.

Chevrolet 1930 Coupe; $285. Sport Job: rumri feat: good tires; wire wheels: in dandy' shape; see this. BROADWAY MOTOR SALES CO. '24 S. 3d St.

Citv 3303, CHEVROLET Sport Coupe. 193J; $100 down, balance monthly. 133 W. Liberty CHRYSLER Coupe: $65: 20 other cars prices $85 to $550: terms. 741 3d.

DODGES Coupe. roadster. sedan: late models; prices $200 to $375: terms; no finance; we trade. Reo 741 3d. Alvey.

ESSEXE3 Coupe, roadster, sedan: fino shape: prices $165 to $225: terms; no finance; we trade. Reo 741 3d. Alvey. Ford 1930 Coupe; $250. Finish like new: rood tires: dandy motor: a snecia! value.

BROADWAY MOTOR SALES CO. 624 S. 3d St. Citv 3303 Pord 1929 Roadster: $150. A nice clean job: tires and motor: a real buy.

BROADWAY MOTOR SALES CO 624 S. 3d St. City 3303 FORD Coach. 1930 Motor perfect, tires snd uphoistery excellent; $295. Chensuit, Etheridge Ac Schumann, St.

Matthews. Belmont 1177. rUKUS and otnei mane? ol good used cr Bui 'rucks at oargaln prices FAIRDALF M'll'OH CO MAGNOLIA 94M FORD Tudor. 1929; also Ford coupe, 1928: bargains: terms. 133 Liberty.

FORD Coupe 1930 A-l condition: bar-ruin: private owner. Shawnee 2261. FORD ROADSTER Late 1930; excellent condition East IIUPMOBILE CENTURY SEDAN 6 Excellent condition: good tires: original paint: must sell: no reasonable offer refused. Mr Russell. South 93.

LINCOLN Sedan New tires and palm: mechanically excellent: exceptional value: $550 Consolidated Motors, south 80 Oakland 8 Coupe, 1930. This Is a real barsain for someone: has appearance of. new in everv way: tires-linish and uphoisterv. and runs perfect: onlv $350 BROADWAY MOTOR SALES CO. 624 S.

3d St Citv 3303 OAKLAND 1930 Sport Sedan: 6 wire wheris: fender wells: radio and other extras: $75 down Balance $7 per week. AUTO FINANCE CO. 223 W. Broadwav. Plymouth 1930 Coupe; $290.

Finjsh like new; aood tires and motor: has nice Hppearance. A special bargain. BROADWAY MOTOR SALES CO. i24 S. 3d St Citv 3303 REOS.

Marmon. Studebakers. Plymouth, prices low; terms easy; no finance; we trade. Reo 741.3d. Alvey.

STUDEBAKER commander Coupe. Late 1929 Orisinal tires and paint; actual mileage 16.600: must sell: will take car i rude Hi a I and 3101-J. Morri WILLYS-KNIGHT 1930 coupe: rumble seat; tires and finish look like new; $395. Bacon-Pence. 909 E.

Broadway. East 0660. NO DOWN PAYMENT ON ANY CAR IN OUR STOCK Priced Under $100 15 Good Cars to Choose From As Low As $3 Weekly Nash Roadster 150 Reo Roadster 50 Essex Coupe 75 Overland Sedan 85 Buick Coach 95 Whippet Coach 95 Chrysler 58 Sedan S5 Chrysler 70 Sedan 95 Chrysler 60 Sedan 95 Many Others BETTER HURRY Weir Motor Inc. 845 S. Third Open Evenings and Sundays Get Ready for That Trip Labor Day See the Following Cars for Safe Transportation DODGE Standard 5-passenger sedan.

1928; t-'ood mechanical condition; excellent tires. ReKular Dodge equipment and many extras; $265. PLYMOUTH 5-passenger sedan. 1930: reconditioned by our mechanics: beautiful maroon finish. Come in and drive the car.

You will like it- 30f WII.LYS-KNIGHT 5-passenger sedan, 1929: oriainal finish: new rubber: fully equip- i ped: motor an-1 chassis checked by our i mechanics: 350 HUPMOBILE Century srdan. 1929. 6-cyl-inder: rriinal dsrk blue fir.ish; tirr.s in excllenl condition: motor fsr above 1 average: take it for a ride: $395 3TUDERKER- Royal Dictator. 4-passfn-, eer. 1929: 6-cvlinder motor evceptionaliy cood: original bl'ie finish: new Fireston? tires: this week only.

1395. an Assortment of FORDS AND CHEVROLETS Small Down Payment; Balance E-Z Terms United Motors Inc. DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS; 14 Years at 958-66 South Third South 2386-2C87. OPEN EVENINGS. Rig REMOVAL SALE At 950 S.

3d St. AFTE SEPTEMBER 5 USED CAR DEPARTMENT WILL BE LOCATED AT 3D AND BRECKINRIDGE. FORD CORNER lOH Buick Coupe 50 924 Packard Coupe 100 1928 Roadster a beauty j25 1927 Studebaxrr RoidMrr. winter top '-5 Hupmobiie 8 Coupe. 125 1929 Fore" Roadster, rumble HO 9''9 Porri Cou'e runiaie seat 1 1930 Fcrd Coupe -3" Pierw-Arrow Series 80 7-Pass Sedan 20 Lincoln 5-Pas Sedan .295 1931 Ford Coupe 1' 1S31 Pord Tudor 350 1931 Pord Victoria 385: Several $25.

$35 and $50 Cars and Trucks GOOD'USED CARS Price Alone Mean Verv nttie COME AND COMPARE. SUMMERS-HERRMANN i 1 FORD COUPE Model 30 Whippet Cabriolet. 1628 Hi Southern Auto Finance o. I 507 W. Broadway.

City 4S89. Auto Transportation. Mary 105 'Tiempo OurjMuir Station ....111 Red Vest iDeja 108Reguested Artaey ....103 Betty Shinn DADE PARK. First Race Eva Jane, Infinille. Flmlra.

Second Race Remuneration. VVorlbv's rride. rredreanna H. Third Race Cousin Nora, Bob Doter. Demacnvue.

Fourth Race Barashkova. Mill Mary Lon. Transmit. Fifth Race Klalr. Blc Business.

Coady. Sixth Race Golden Deeds, Tabby, Sue Terry. Seventh Raee Prince Farthing. Peter Dixon. Aristocrat.

BEST CHANCE EVA JANE. Most Probable Winner Rattlinr Knieht. Collyer's System Horse Flap Time. Rest Parlav Rattllnc Knitht. Finical.

Elkhart, to place. PUS MEN TAB .1,033 FOR LEAD (Continued from Page 17.) totaled 655. his aggregate including a 256 count. Big Lew wommer of the Kentucky Cheese Company was the individual leader of the night with 697. for the series.

His games were 206, 225 and 266. His team won two from the Piggly-Wiggly five. Herbold Russman took a pair from Fitzner's and John A. Mazzoni won two from the Edward Oehrle Coal Company. Guy Long of the Piggly-Wiggly team totaled 647 and Jack Bayens of Herbold Russman tallied 618.

Creedon Leads Pinmen R. Creedea of the Kentucky Lumber At Millwork team totaled 603 tor the hiuh i series Thursday niKht in th K. of C. 'Junior A Leauue ss his team took two inarms from Horney's. Henry Sclwnitt of ithe Rueff Sinns team tallied 227 ior fhe illicit smale count.

His teem took three i carries from Ewine-Vcn Allmen. W. T. Pal-, mer Florists swept the-ir series with But-: tprmiin's and the Moon Cleaners At Dyers crabbed a pair irom Erny's Auto Repairs. KEIFF IS DEFEATED IN LEXINGTON GOLF MEET Special to The Courier-Journal.

Lexington. S-ept. 1. Vern Keiff, Louisville's lone representative in the championship flight of the! fourth annual Ashland Golf Club In-' vitational Tournament, was num- bered among the casualties in the I first round of match elimination to- i day. Keiff three-putted the eight- eenth green to lose to Johnny Shouse, Lexington, 1 down.

George B. Cassell, Louisville, de- feated Doc Young, Richmond, by 2 and 1 in. a third flight match. He meets Charles Oldham, Lexington, to-! morrow morning. HAUSER'S HOMERS WIN FOR MILLERS i (Continued from Page 17.) well.

Pierce City. rookie who pitched his first full game for the Blues. i first Game. I Colum's 1 Kan. City ab.hTpoTa.

i Holm 2 ...4 1 4 2 ..4 0 3 7 Whiteh'd s.4 1 1 4'Tread'y 3 ..4 2 1 3 Selkirk 1 .4 0 1 0: Kelly .3 0 1 0 Suans'n .4 2 1 0 Pick 4 1 4 0 Crawford 1.3 113 0 Griesby 1.4100 i Rises 3 ...4 1 0 2 Boken ...4 1 2 2 iSoiith'h .4 1 2 0'Monohan 1 .3 1 15 0 i Sprinz ..2 0 4 2 Collins ..2 0 1 i Lee 3 0 0 5 Carson 3 0 0 3 TotaIs. 32 72616! Totals 6 27 lj 'Two out when winning run scored Reached first in ninth on interference by Innines 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 T. I ColumhUs 0 0000020 0 2 Kansas City 8 0000000 33 i Runs Batted Tn Ricas. Snrinz. Pick.

"Srisby. Boken Two-hvc tut Tr'rfp" a Stolen Bae Boken. Sacrifices Crawford, i Snrinz. Double Pla Marcuiardt and Monohan. Left On Bases Columbus.

i Kansas City. 4. Base On Balls Off Lre. 1. Struck Out By Lee, 5.

Umpires i Johnston and Erwin. Second Game. Colum. ab.h.po.a.1 K. C.

ab.h.po.a. Ander'n m.4 2 1 0 Marqu'dt 2.5 1 2 1 0 0 4 i Whiteh'd s.5 1 3 5 Hassier 3... 4 1 1 Cullop 1. i Swanson .4 0 0 Kelly 4 3 5 r.3 2 1 0 pick 5 3 3 iCrawf'rd 1.3 1 5 1 Griisby 1...4 0 1 0 8 3 Boken s. .5 2 2 Healy c.

I 3. i Holm 2. I Grab'ski Blake .4 ...3 .4 P.l 1 1 1 0 Monahan 1.3 2 1 0 12 1 Collins .4161 0 0 0 Blackwell p. 3 0 10 0 0 0' i i Weinert p. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Osborne p.O Sprinz ...0 Ash Totals ..33 8 24 10 Totals ..37 15 27 9 'Batted for Osborne in seventh.

i innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T. Columbus 0 002001205 Kansas City 10146001 13 i Runs Batted In Pick. 4: Marquardt, i Hassier. 2: Kelly. Collins.

2: Swanson, Crawford. Monahan. Blagkwell. Whitehead. Two-base Hits Whitehead.

Collins. Three- base Hit Swanson. Stolon Bases Swan-I son. Kelly. Pick.

Boken. 2: Monahan. Doii-i ble Piays Collins and Treadaway: Healy land Holm: Heaiy and Whitehead. Left On Bases Columbus. 8: Kansas City.

9 Bases On Balls Otf Blackwell. 7: off 1: off Blake. off Weinert, 2: ott Ash. 1. Struck Out By Blackwell, 6: by Grabowski.

4: by Ash, 2. Hits Off Gra-bowski, 7 in 3 1-3 innings; off Blake. 4 in 1 inning; off Weinert. 1 in 1-3 inning; off Osborne. 1 in 1 1-3 inn in as: off Ash, 2 3 innings.

Losing Pitcher Grabowski. Umpires Erwin and Johnston. BREWERS COUNT 7 TO 4 AFTER LOSING BY 2 TO 1 Milwaukee. Sept. 1 (AP) The.

Brewers won the second game from Toledo today. 7 to 4. after losing the opener. 2 to 1. Milwaukee took the series four games to one.

and closed the home stand with twelve wins and three defeats. Hale's homer with' one- on base decided a pitchers" battle between Bean and Knott in the first tilt in favor of the visitors. Connoliy hit two home runs to help of Toledo iii the second. Polli pitching almost faultless ball except in the fourth, when he was scored on Iqvt times.

Frank O'Rourkf. manner of the Brew-rrs. today Mtned a contract to pilot them anotner year. The scores: Jr Game. Toledo.

ab.h.po.a Mil'kee. ab.h.po.a. Knick'er 4 0 2 a'Tavener 1 2 I Turgeon 2 4 3 1 6 Connolly 2.4 0 2 1 Hale 3... Sweeney 1..4 0 16 1 Hoff 1 2 0 3 1 2 Falk 1 3 1 1 0 Gullic Ward 4 Galatzer m.3 Henline Bean 3 1 0 Christ en 1.3 1 4 0' Young c. .3 1 0 2 0 Koehier 3..

3 0 0 6 2 Knott 1 0 (Fisher 1 0 0 0 Totals .31 5 27 17' tals 29 4 27 Batted for Knott iu eighth. Innings 12345678 9 T. Toledo 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Milwaukee 0 0010000 0 1 Runs Batted In Hale S- nullif Tun- base Hits Hoffman. Gullic. Home R.m wuuo.e nays lurgeon.

t.niCKer-bocker and Sweeney: Knick--bociie- Sweeney. Left On Baspc- Milwaukee 4. Toledo. 4 B.sps On BaM, ff P.rn-.tnn 1: off Rean 3 Struck Ou By Kno't. fly i-2: oy 1 Knrti.

4 in Hi' Pi, he Bv "raxton Losinz Pitc'nr Knott L.n;;rcs rte I Srond Game. Tol-io Knick'b'r h.po.a. Milw'k- sb.h no a 13 0 Tavener s. .3 0 1 Flrt Riet Rianaz. Dapee.

Spertmc Second Rare Rattlinr Knitht. Plucky Girl. Klipdrift. Third Race Hopulikit. Strell Alone.

Ceprlv Square. Fourth Race Fla Time, Nusakan, Hamilton. Fifth Race Nevada. Stock Farm, Gallant Sir. Hertr entry.

Sixth Race Come On. Old Depot. Fo-rt- eorline. Seventh Race Modern Times, Brown Brntus. Guide RiKbt.

Eighth Race Foolhardy. Chohalic, Cor- ABEST CHANCE BATTLING KNIGHT. BAINBRIDGE. -Red Vest. Rceusted.

Hasty First Rae Race Princess Perl. Ottio Pa m( T. Third Race Dolma Dunn. Purple Robe, ijtest Maifou. Fourth Race Elkhart.

Singer. Compere. Fifth Race Prince Reno. Donday. Easter Rare Miss Burke.

I.aura Fish. Nancy. Seventh Race Pauline Nuckola Boy. BF.SHXrF-r.I.KHART, Madison Hi Star To Attend K. M.

I. Special to The Courier-Journal. RicJamond, Sept. 1. Vincent Dick" Robinson.

Madison High SehooI star football and basketball performer, will attend Kentucky Military institute at Lyndon, it was learned here today. The loss to the Madison High gridiron team of Robinson will weaken Coach A. L. Las-siter's backfield considerably. Last year was Dick's best year at football and he was considered by 'many as one of the best backs in Central Kentucky high schools.

Fast and elusive in a broken field, he also, can punt and pass well. He is a left- handed passer and punts with his left foot. Despite the loss of Robinson. Madi- son's Royal Purples are expected to be among the best in the Central Kentucky Conference. Undoubtedly Coach Lassiter.

Madison's veteran mentor, will have the heaviest line he has had since 1925 when the Purples won the Central Kentucky championship. LOSE BUT AVERT SHUTOUT (Continued from Page 1.) irun as Combs forced Hoag, who ran for Ruffing. The Senators started their scoring eariv. scorlrg a run off Herb Pennock in the second on a couple of walks, a single and an out and two more in the third as Joe Cronin walloped a triple after Kuliel had singled and iluege had walked. Bluege's home run in the seventh.

oming behind a pass to Kuhel, pro-t luced two more tallies and Ed Wells, ho succeeded Pennock. gave up the final tally in the eighth. Single by West and Kerr and Spencer's fly pro-niuced the run. The score: Wash. ab.h.po.a.

York, ab.h.po.a. fuhel. 1... 4 a 0 Combs 0 2 3 3 Vanush. 1.

4 Cronin. 4 Reynolds, 4 4 err. 2. 3 Spencer, c. 4 jrowdcr.

3 0 0 Seweli: 3. 10 3 0 10 2 11 1 2 0 Ruth. 3 3 Gehrig. 1. 2 0 Lizzeri.

2 1 3 4 16 0 4 0 Dickey 4. Chapman. 13 0 3 3 r.nrv. 3 0 1 1 Prnnnrk 0 0 0 6 I Cro.sctti ..1 0 0 0 Weils, 0 0 0 1 1 -Ruffing 1 0ft Ho.ig 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 9 27 8 Totals .32 6 27 18 Batted for Pennock in seventh. Batted for Wells in ninth.

tRan ior Ruffing iu ninth. innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T. "Washington 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 6 hew York 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 2 2 Runs Batted In Spencer 2. Cronin 2. Bi'Jese 2, Huffing.

Combs. Three-base Hit Cronin. Home Run Biuegt. Sacrifices fc-Manush Crowder. Double Play Kuhel tnassistedi Left on Bases New York.

Washington. 8. Bases on Balls Off Crowder. 6: off Pennock. off Wells, 1.

Struck Out By Pennock. 3: by Crowder. by Wells. 2. Hits Off Pennock.

7 in 7 innings: oil Wells, 2 in 2. Losing Pitcher Pennock. Umpires Dinneen. Mc-Gowan and Guthrie. Trtne of Game Two hours and Lea minute.

2 HOMERSirJ 6TH WIN 4 WALBERG HIS 16TH, 5-4 Philadelphia. Sept. 1 AP A brace ol tiome runs in th? sixth innins brought about the downfall of youns Tommy Bridges to-lay and cave the a ta 4 victory over the Detroit. Tigers. The As won the series, three games to two.

to the sixth. Bridges pitched great ball and was tied at 1-1 in a battle with Biibe Walberg. But at that point he tossed home run balls to Al Simmons and Bin? Miiier. with a man on base each time, and the four runs were just enough to drcide the game. Vaibfrir marked up his sixteenth victory of the season against nine defeats.

He allowed seven hits while the As got pine off Bridges and Buck Morrow. Ud to the sixth, the Athletics had hit only four jtimes. getting their first in on singles by Haas and Cochrane and a force-out iu the fourth. tery. 31.

1932, at 11 p.m.. t-ntrv. THIRD RACE Pure. $600: claiming; 3- vear-olds: six Kuvera 111 South i. S12.68.

$5 52. 3.22. 1 Abo Plirst. 106 'Mesrle). 3.2g 2 Epidemic.

110 lO. Fowler). $3 38 3 Time. 1:13 2-5. Peace Nut.

Foreign Play. Love Offering and Full Up also ran. FOURTH RACE Purse. J600: claiming; 3-year-olds and upward: six furlongs: uunny nor. luo iuuuLKUuici7r( )ia.

M0. 16. $11.20 1 Prince Fox. Ill (Douglas). $9.34.

$6 92.. 2 Miior Lanpnier. un iu. rxiwieri. Time.

1:12 1-5. Billy Jones. K. Russell. Plre Flash and Racketeer also ran.

FIFTH RACE Purse. $600: claiming (substitute race for original fifth declared nfft; 2-year-olds: six furlongs: Next Cail. 108 (W. Pool). $7.80, $4.68.

S3 16 1 Boston Common, 108 (G. Fowler). $19.08 $7.14 I Sue Terry. 103 (South). $3.74 3 TTme.

1:13 2-5. Pink Slipper. Miss Cameron. Pillnita. II Travatore and Smart Lady also ran.

SIXTH RACE Purse $600: claiming: 2-verr-olds: tive and one-half furlongs: Kilmnre. 114 I J. Meyer). $33.08. $15.92.

92 5rr Brook. 114 1 P. Neal). M.96. 4.16 2 Dominant Miss.

113 Chirch'. $5.1 i Time. 1:06 1 Chuck Aurehon. standout. Hich Diver.

Arouse and Sun Gros also ran. SEVENTH RACE Purse 600: claimins: 3-vear-olds and up; about a mile and 'oriv yards: JoretLa. 103 (Meadt. $5 04. $3.70.

$2 60.. 1 Roval Guinea 112 iPichoni. $19.92 ss 44 1 Zrus Princ. 109 iW. Pooli.

J3 46 Time Blow Flv. Corbeau Pal and Little chip also ran. BAINBRIDGE RESULTS. FIRST RACE Purse. $400: claiming; 3-year-olds and upward: six furlongs: The King.

118 (Knisht). $11. $4.20. $3.40 1 Finir. 114 iMayi.

S3. 60. $3 2 Rock. 113 (Clemonsi. $3 3 Time.

1:13. Earl Gaar. Crazy Coot. Chris Paschen. Rosehue.

Anne Star-kist ToTiie Young. Topsie H. and Brimsey also ran Field. SECOND RACE Claiming: purse. $400: "-year-olds: SiN furlongs: vvrtte V.

112 'Mayi. $6. $4. s3 20 1 Maior Gomez. 109 'KniihO.

$4.80. $3.20. 2 Manora. 108 i Sylvia i. 3.40 3 Time.

Fountain. Emma June. Mrs. Walker. Cedar Valley.

Lucy Menifee. Ladv Trust. Th6rese Girl. June and Must also ran. 'Field.

THIn RACE Purse, S400: claiming: 3-vear-olds and upward: six furlongs: Bay Rose, 108 (Sylvia). $11:40. $5.80. S3.60 1 Wise Maid. 113 'Cheathjimi $6.60.

$4... 2 ToUec. 116 tR. Reeves). $3.60 3 Time.

113. Lady Chilton. Tewsenelda. Oleinan Sunshine. 'Big Bill Thompson.

John 'Bessie Little. Miss ChilJ? also ran. 'Field. i FOURTH RACE Purse. $500: claiming: 4-vear-olds and upward; one mile and; nno-sixteenth: Perfect Plav, 110 (R.

demons), $4.80, I 53 20. $2 40 1 Hfhokai. 107 Sylvia). $5.20. $3 21 Southland Tov.

Ill (S. Erwini. S2.80 Time. 146 2-5. William Skibo.

Blanc stni.m. T.urkv Pal. Hornsby and Social Boy i also ran. FIFTH RACE Purse. S.100: clnimine: the Pairmount G-ilf Club: 3-year-old and up-wirri: on? mile and seventy vards: lrrt 104 Dupnvi.

S9.60 0. '3 40 1 Abbot ll" 'Dickson'. $4 40. S2.80. nc-ila.

104 i R. Clemonsi. 2 80 3 Time. 1'42 4-S. Crr.wned Head.

Ppn-ch-nt. Frir. 7ode and Oranhite also ran. SIXTH RACE Purse. $500: claiming: 3-year-oins and upward: one mile and one- sixteenth: Lpv Sweet.

104 (Knight). $18.40. S5 Brother Johnson. 107 (Cheatham). $7.

$5. 3.6o 102 'Dickson). $2.60 3 Time. 1:47. Vacabond Prince.

Vanity Case. Trudgeon. 'Alice Amine. 'Prince Bulbo. Lobi, Sweep-Net.

Knee Glader and Balance All also ran. 'Field. SEVENTH RACE Purse. $400: claiming: 3-year-olds and upward; one mile and sevejitv yards: 105 'Dickson), $9 20, $5 60, $5..1 Bob 112 (Fermin). $6.60.

$5.20 2 Wind Plower. 108 R. Clemonsi. $3.60 3 Time 145. King Booter.

Miss Burk. Vast. Harvard, 'Opossum, 'Drury and Peace Dove also ran. 'Field. SARATOGA RESULTS.

FIRST RACE Purse. S800: claiming: six furiones: ia'Coat Tails. 105 'Bellizzi. 9-2. 8-5.

4-5 1 1:2 iA. Robertsom. 2-1. 2 Revonah. 112 'L.

Faton. even 3 Time. 1:44 4-5. All Ablaze. Centerlanc, Golden Words.

Harky. laiDurbas Knisht md Rye also ran. (a)J Curtis entry. SECOND RACE Purse. $800: claiming; 3-year-olds and upward; Wilson mile: Potentate.

105 iBfllizzi). 7-5. 2-5. 1 Tubilation. 107 Coucci).

8-5. 3-5 2 Cail. 103 (Reynolds). 1-5 3 1:43 3-5. Almond, Make Haste and Houssain also ran.

THIRD RACE Purse. 800: claiming: 3-vear-olds and uoward: six furlongs'. Chlo Boy. 104 iCouccii. 16-5.

even. 1-2. 1 Seb 112 (Gilbert. 2-5. out 2 Brown Pet.

107 (Millsl. even 3 Time. 1:14 1-5. Blond Kniaht. Winning Wbvs.

Dakol. Barn Dance. Quiver. Thursday and Errant also ran. FOURTH RACE Purse.

$1,000 added: The Senator Kavanaugh Handican; 3-year-olds and upward; one mile and one-eighth: Snapback. 112 'Fields). 7-5. out. out 1 Pari Mutuel.

115 M. Garneri. out. out. 2 Mortis.

114 'Mills', out 3 Time. 1:55. Only three started. FIFTH RACE Purse 800: claiming: maiaen 2-year-olcs: live and a nan iur ioncs: -aie -mm Kooerisoi. o-i i Cirefui Kittr.

104 1-3. out. 2 M'tia's Choice. 109 Smith. 8-1 3 Time.

1 08. Olio. H. Beuthpm. Gaff.

Arbitrate and Flvina Sailor ils-i ran SIXTH RACE Purse. 8G0: claiming: 3-yeai-olds and upward; one mile and one- nuarter: Dunfern. 115 5-2. 3-5 OUt. 1 Ii-r'rur 111 i Cmirhi 1 nut Donie.

115 Mills out Time. 2 08 3-5 Fr eate Rird also ran. Knickerbocker 2: Crouch. Koehier. Polli.

Christer.sen. Two-base Hits Falk. Crouch. Home Rurs Connoliy. 2.

Sacrifices Polli. Fisher. Left On Bises Milwaukee. 7- Toledo. 8 Bases On Balls Off Polli.

off Cra-head. 3. Struck Out Bv Polli. 5: hv Crashr id. Hits Off Crashesd.

3 in 6 1-3 inninc. Hit Pitcher Bv Crae- head iFishert Loln Pitcher Crahead. Umplrts and Goetz. i I i .106 .111 .109 .111 .111 .114 .106 Mac Moon Ill Ba? o' Roses Miss Marie .....108 Run On 'Bob Up lOK-MOEUl Hasty Polly 106 Christmas Niaht 108 Silent Vote 106 Lexington Ladv. 108 SECOND RACE Purse $500: claiming z-yer-olas: six furlongs: Explode .109 Laura Clay Bud Choice 105 ottie 109 r.ammy Tuck 105 Sinsleam Paul 108 3t.

Vincent .112 Brown Locks .100 .109 106 .108 109 .116 .108 .105 .105 Sweet Claire Ladv Morris Donna Linda Princess Peri Baieneuse Northern Slip Ada Wan Bel THIRD RACE Purse. S500: claiming year-olds and upward: six furlongs: Falmouth .107. Water Lad 4- .115 Balzar 112 Purple Robe 'Overbrook Dunn Top Cloud 106 Hippias Best Maifou Mill Hand 1101 Daughter Warble 106iLiiy Sue Panama 103 'Wega Silver Wave lOginttall Mary's Toy 108i ...109 ...107 106 ..103 ..103 ..111 FOURTH RACE Puiie. $400; claiming: j-year-oios: six turionks: 'Joemma .103 Marmitina Axe .106. 'Patrick 'Glorious Swan .108 106 Master Singer Master McGee Mendell 'La Compere 'King Com- mander Chutney Broompatch 'Discobolus (no HQ .108 109! 'Wise Gretchen ..103 1 1 ...114 Bits 114 FIFTH RACE Purse.

$500: claiming: 3- i vear-olds and upward: one mile and s- vpnty rds 'Prince Reno Dvclicitv Princess FUie 'French Ace lone Bearcrv ittle Turtle La tr News Baicdora 90 Brown Gold Tl .107 Donday 104 .104 'Sella 109 i .107 Fortunate Mann .107 1 .112 Vagaries 109 .112 rnootv Ill 102 Easter Bnv 112 107 'SineinK Kid ....107 .102 Drurv 107 SIXTH RACE Purse. $400: claiming; 3-year-olds and 4-ytar-olds; one mile and seventy yards' Intruder 104 North Vernon ...109 Shabby Shoes 106 'Mildred 101 Prince Tommy 109 Catalan's Idol ..106 Abe's Pal 106Tcars 101 'Luxuriate 104 Lrura 'sh 101-Bap 106 Thistle Dick 109 Balance All 104 Princess Nancy 101 Vouabond Prince .114 Justi Hug 106 Miss Burke 101 SEVENTH RACE Purse. $500: claiming: 4-vear-olds and upward; one mile and an eighth: Jim Shanahan Long ..105 Yarrow 106 Don 108 Nuckoi's Boy ..112 0beron ill Jayee 105iWMer Fowl 103 Sam Cole 108 'William 103 Sharon 108Pauline 103 SARATOGA ENTRIES. FIRST RACE Purse. .100: claimins; vfor-olds and upward: six furlongs.

Fortden liu Ar-jis 111 "aerleon 1 10 Simple Sinsrr. 116 Tus War 117 SECOND RACE Purse. 5800: claiminc 3-ycfir-olds and upward: Wilson mile: Sun Friar 107 Ps 15 nip 112 Chief's ...,112: Troubadour 109 'Gloria Maris 105 co*ckrill .109 I I Please Povrograpli McGonisle Daily News .105 .100 1C7 THIRD RACE Purse. $5,000: guaranteed- the Consolation Stakes; 2-year-olds: six furlonas: Okani 103 Tail 110 Blessed Event 115 Pineal HOOld Bald; .110 .110 .116 Eisenbersr 3eft Chariot Caosheaf FOURTH RACE Purse. $900 added: The Balston Handicap: 3-year-olds and upward: Wilson mile: Clotho 118 Jim Robin 115 Up 119- FIFTH RACE Purse, f00: claiming: 3- jrar-oias ana upwara: Wilson mile: Aldershot 1 10 Wayden .107 Affirmative .107 Voung John 1 10 Yancey 104 TorealcnK 1 10 Tetrarchal 1 niscendent HOEaidee U0 i MO I Vcman BoocaD 0 Crump iurtees .103 .104 surpass in- 1 SIXTH RACE Purse.

S800: conditions: maiden 2-year-olds; five and one-half turionks Liout Bob iun Alley Keep Out Blessed Event 117reorsiRn 1 Mint Dracon ....11 117 Pumpoif on ...117 1 17 enchanter 117 arlaro 112 upprentice 117 117 allowance aliow aact U. J. 1 IMiC Flve, Pounds tSeven pounds' apprentice claimed. Weather clear trat muddy. Birds Buy Shortstop Houston.

Texas. Sept. 1 tAPi The out- richt sale of Tom Carey, shortstop of the Houston Texas League club, to Columbus of the American Association was an-l mounced today. i i i Mary Horan Whitman, widow of Fred Whitman. Funeral irom the residence of her son.

James Whitman. 3426 Herman Street. Saturday morning. September 3. at 8:30 o'clock, and at the Cathedral of the Assumption HI nVirwlr In.

tennentin J3tLLouisCemetery. Cemetery Lots, Vaults, monuments. 4 ASW Your Funeral Ulimui Ammt III' III Automatic Burial Vaults Monuments George Panke Co. 630 E. Jefferson out oi lie Hian Rent District funeral llireciois.

6 Albert Neurath Son Market Fast "Hll JJLA FORD, T. A. 28 Iji i ti JJa Jiiona 141-142 C. Herbold Russman 1')35 Broj-oway 0464-61M C. SCHILDT SONS FUNERAL DIKELIORS 700 Broadway D.

J. Dougherty Son Incorporated. Magnolia 1130. 3d St Gran W. Smith's Son Smith.

Prop 1029 6th South 896 1L BOSSE SON BROADWAY AT HANco*ck. HERBERT C. CRALLE Frankfort and E'eterson Hishland 01114 JOHN B. RATTERM AN Funeral Directors 2114 DAarket. Let- E.

Cralle ttii- 133iS THIRDST. MAGNOLIA 0771. McDANIEL BROS. 'A lil' 4J49 MUMK HI Vi SCH )'! EN 1 1 '() I iS I BROS. Lodce Notices.

Brilliant Star Chapter. No. 153. O. S.

wili inert in stated communication this (Friday) eveinns. September 2. at 7:45 o'clock in Shawnee Hall. 40th and Broadway, lor regular business and election of officers. Members urged Visitors welcome.


Secret ary, Crescent Hill Lodge, No. 820. and A. will meet in stated communication in its temple. 2858 Frankfort Avenue, this 1 Friday-1 evening.

September 2. at 8 o'clock for examination of candidates and 9 reuular business. Visiting brothers always welcome. A large attendance of members is desired. W.

C. HOSltlNS. Master. R. S.

MeGLASSOM Secretary. Louisville Chapter, No. 391. O. E.

will meet in stated communication in Koijmson Hail, southwest corner Seven- lTrnin niiu 1 1 Fridayi evening. 2, at 8 clock. tor suiar or-. A annri! Irrt inn ef officers. iaKarc By orc.T r.f M.

MRS NELLIE MclNTOSU. MRS. NELL CHECK. Secretary. Louisville Council No.

4. A. will a lotto party at their and rand Avenues. Saturday evening. September 3.

at 8 o'clock. Handsome and useful pres ents will be given. Ail members, their friends and the public are invited. W. B.

TAYLOR. Chairman. PHILLIP BENZ. Recording Secretary. Auto Transportation 8-A BOSTON.

MASS. Driving Sept. share expense passemer anv jomt en route. Addies 71. ca-re Times ofliee.

Vf -in to attend. i Detroit. ab.h.po.a I Philadel. ab.h.po.a Bchub'p 3 5 2 0 2 Bishop 2... 3 0 1 4 ifie'rinser 2 4 2 4 2 Haas 4 2 2 0 FtOe 4 2 2 0 Cochrane 4 1 6 1 Weob 4 1 3 0immons 1.

4 1 3 0 Walker 1.. 4 0 4 0 Foxx 1 3 1 8 0 RoJeli 4 2 3 3 McNair 8.. 3 2 3 5 Hhi! 1 3 2 5 1 Miller 4 1 2 0 Hiv-s-'th c. 3 0 3 1 Dvkes 3... 2 12 1 Bridies p.

2 0 0 0 Walberg p. 3 0 0 0 Uh ..1000 Marrow p. 0 0 0 0 Des.iutels. 1 0 0 Tot -its 35 11 24 9 Totals. .30 9 27 11 0 4 5 ronr.ollv 2 5 2 3 1 1 1 l'-anton 1.4 0 2 1 2 0 0 Fisher 2 0 2 i 0 9 1 -i ic m.

.3 0 3 I 2 1 0 rhrist'sen 1 4 2 5 0 4 0 Crouch .4 2 7 I 0 2 1 Ko-hler 3.4 2 3 i 1 0 2 PolU 3 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ronr.olly 2. 5 2 3 2 0 0 Fisher 2 0 2 0 4 0 Crouch .4 2 7 0 2 1 Ko-hler 3.4 2 3 10 2 PolU 3 1 1 fitted tor Bridges in seventh. for Marrow in ninth Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Detroit 1000001 1 14 Philadelphia 00010400 5 Runs Batted In Gehrinser. A'ebb. De-gVuteis.

Foxx. Simmons 2. Miller 2. Two-base Hits Schuble. Dvkcs.

Haas. Rosen. Rhiel. Three-base Hit Rogell. Home Runs Simmons.

Miller. Double Plays Pfcie! to -Schuble Oehrinaer to Cochrane to McNair: McNair. Bishop to Foxx. Left On Bases Detroit. 6: Philadelphia.

5. Base On Balls Off Bridges. 3: off Marrow. 1: off Walberg. 2.

Struck Out By Bridges. 1: by Walberg. 5. fcit Off Bridges. 8 in 8 inninss: off Marrow.

1 in a inmnsrs. Wild Pitch Walberg. losing Pitcher Bridge Umnires Nallin. GisI and Morlartv. Time of Game One our and forty-eight rr.lnutts rurseon 2...1 0 i Hale 3 ft Falk 1 4 0 Henline 1.4 Ward r.

.4 Ht'i'r m.3 0 O'Neill .2 0 Crachead 3 0 West Totals .1 36 24 10 Totals .32 9 3 Batted for Lavon in ninth. i. mines 1 2 3 5 8 71 9 T. Toledo 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 Milwaukee 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 7j Runs Batted I Corr.olly. 2: HTllne..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.