How to Treat Wooden Worktops (2024)

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For this DIY guide we look at how to treat wooden worktops. We run you through the steps of treating wooden worktops and how to oil worktops correctly to ensure that they last. Also included are tips repairing, resanding and restoring wooden worktops.

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Oiling Treatment, Care and Maintenance of Hardwood Worktops

At Diydoctor we have received many questions asking which varnish should be used to re-vamp or repair a wooden kitchen worktop…The answer is NONE!

Timber worktops should be prepared without any application that is likely to chip or crack as if damaged they will harbour germs and become extremely unhygienic in no time and to these ends, in this project we will deal with how to oil worktops and kitchen work surfaces.

Oiling a Hardwood Kitchen Worktop

Hardwood worktops must be thoroughly treated with at least three coats of protective wood oil, to all sides (including the underside), prior to installation. It is also beneficial to apply as many coats as possible to the end-grain of the worktops as this is the area which will absorb the most moisture. An extra three to four coats should also be applied around tapholes, sink cutouts and areas of heavy use or exposure.

Oils are best applied by using a lint-free cloth rather than a brush. A lint-free cloth is any form of material that will not deposit any particles on the wood – an old T-shirt is usually ideal.

How to Treat Wooden Worktops (1)

When applying the oil yourself, it is best to apply several thin coats rather than one thick application. Always work the oil into the worktop in the direction of the wood grain for best results.

After applying the first coat, you will probably notice that some areas are wet and others dry. This is because the wood will absorb the oil at different degrees in different areas. Wait for 15minutes and then run the cloth over the entire surface again to ensure an even spread. Do not allow large pools of oil to dry on the surface.

Apply the second and third coats in the same manner, allowing ½ hour – 1hour for drying time in between coats. If the surface feels slightly rough in certain areas, or if you wish to develop a smoother surface, then we recommend that you apply a further coat of oil using either a green nylon scouring sponge or wire wool.

Worktops can be finely sanded between coats using sandpaper between 120 grit and 180 grit.

However, you should never use sandpaper finer than 180 grit as it will sand the surface far too fine to allow future applications of oil from penetrating the surface correctly.

Aftercare and Maintenance of an Oiled Worktop

Ongoing care and oiling of the timber brings out and enhances its appearance as well as protecting the wood surfaces from wear and tear.

Your new worktop should be treated with oil every week for the first six weeks, and at least once every three months thereafter. If you think your worktop needs oiling more regularly then feel free to apply as often as you like – you cannot overdo it. This simple procedure will maintain the colour and lustre of your hardwood worktop and keep it looking as good as new. Just remember to always apply thin layers using a lint-free cloth and remove any excess oil after 10-15mins.

If a worktop is fitted over a Belfast type sink, oil should be applied monthly or whenever beading of water no longer occurs on the worktop surface.

Water spills and other liquids should always be mopped up immediately to prevent stains to the surface – especially during the first few weeks of installation. We advise keeping a tea towel handy solely for this purpose.

Worktops should be cleaned regularly using washing-up liquid and warm (not hot) water. Apply the water sparingly and wipe dry afterwards – water should never be left to stand on wooden surfaces for long periods.

Some Do’s and Don’ts

  • Never use multi-purpose cleaning products that contain chemical cleaning agents and especially avoid scouring powders. A green nylon scouring sponge can be used for cleaning purposes but the area may require re-oiling afterwards
  • Always use a chopping board for food preparation – cutting directly onto the worktop will damage the surface
  • Hot pans, rough-bottomed objects and wet items should not be placed directly onto a wooden work surface – always use granite inserts, hot-rods, trivets, pan stands or heat-resistant mats to protect the worktop from scorch marks. Direct contact from iron, steel or copper vessels can also stain the timber surfaces and should therefore be avoided

Renovating or Repairing Damaged Wooden Worktops

If your worktop is damaged, or very badly in need of renovation, it can be sanded down with some fine sandpaper (no finer than 180 grit).

For best results, slightly dampen the surface before sanding.

For larger, more extensive damage/dents etc, coarser paper can be used but then graded down to fine for the final sanding (again, no finer than 180 grit). The oil is then applied as above.

Worktop oil is generally a natural product made from various vegetable oils, which, mostly, are solvent, free.

Oils Used for Worktop Treatment

The oils that can be used to treat wooden worktops include:

  • Danish Oil: Mixture of various oils such as Tung and Linseed. Danish oil provides great protection is by far the easiest oil to apply
  • Tung Oil: Tung is a tree, found in China, parts of Africa and in some South American Countries. Tung Oil provides excellent protection but is more difficult to apply and requires a much greater drying time
  • Linseed Oil: Extracted from the seeds of the flax plant by steaming and crushing them. Raw linseed oil can be boiled to make the drying process faster. Linseed oil usually requires more applications than other oils as it dries out far quicker
  • Teak Oil: Mixture of natural oils from vegetable products

Remember never apply varnish or paint to a surface that may be used to prepare food and always use a chopping board on wooden worktops. Food poisoning is not nice!

All project content written and produced by Mike Edwards, founder of DIY Doctor and industry expert in building technology.

How to Treat Wooden Worktops (2024)


How to Treat Wooden Worktops? ›

Remember to oil your surface frequently

What is the best way to protect wooden worktops? ›

Before you fit your worktop you should oil the wood to prevent general warping and bowing, but also to protect against possible water damage. Oiling your worktop well will give it a great water-resistant finish and will help the wood stay in good condition longer.

How to treat wood worktops? ›

Wipe the worktop with a clean cloth to remove any dust, then pour a small amount of oil directly on the wood. Use a lint-free cloth to spread it across the surface to form a very thin layer. For extra protection, apply a second coat after the first one dries.

How do you treat wood countertops? ›

Choose a food-safe sealer like mineral oil or tung oil for the best results. Apply the sealer evenly on the surface, following the manufacturer's instructions. To add an extra layer of protection, you may consider applying multiple coats of the sealer, allowing each coat to fully dry before applying the next one.

How often should I oil my wooden worktops? ›

As we've said, you can't really over-oil a wooden worktop, so technically you could oil your worktops as often as you like. However, every 3 months is frequent enough to keep them in good condition for years to come.

What is the best sealer for wood countertops? ›

The best sealer for butcher block countertops is either polyurethane or oil. Polyurethane's hard shell repels water, and it is as close as you can get to duplicating the surface of solid surface or quartz countertop materials. Mineral or tung oil soak into the wood, rather than sitting on top.

What is the best sealant for wood worktops? ›

We recommend Osmo Top Oil as the best treatment to finish a worktop, as it will bring out the wood's natural lustre whilst offering excellent protection.

How to make a wooden worktop waterproof? ›

We will explain the three-step procedure to effectively protect your wood: use a hard base for the worktop, apply a varnish to waterproof the wooden worktop and then we will finish by maintaining the wooden worktop on a daily basis. By sticking of these tips you will keep your wood as good as new.

What oil do you use on wooden worktops? ›

Linseed oil is a popular choice but you need to consider the specific type of wood of your worktop. For instance, denser woods like oak or walnut sometimes benefit from thicker oils while lighter woods like maple may require a lighter oil that won't overly darken the wood​.

What is the best finish for wood kitchen countertops? ›

Waterlox® is a tung oil-based permanent finish that will stand up to hard daily use. It is ideal for countertops, island tops, bar tops, and table tops. It's tough, hard, and food safe. Additionally, this finish is waterproof, heat- and stain-resistant.

How to protect a wooden countertop? ›

Two to three coats of Tung oil is recommended, I used two and it's protecting the wood wonderfully. I like to reapply every six months to a year, but I've waited years in between coats and it held up so well. Since I've finished we haven't had to baby the counter one bit.

Can I use Clorox wipes on wood countertops? ›

Household disinfecting wipes, such as Clorox or Lysol, are safe to use on most finished wood surfaces.

What is the best disinfectant for wood countertops? ›

Pro tip: We recommend using vinegar because its acetic acid works to kill any bacteria embedded in the wood and sanitizes the surface.

How often should you oil wood countertops? ›

Following this, we recommend maintaining the countertop by oiling once a month (or about once every 3 to 4 weeks).

What is the best oil for wood countertops? ›

We recommend using our Half & Half or Dark Half which create the most beautiful wood finish available. Both wood oils are all-natural, and food-contact safe. If you decide to use just Pure Tung Oil you'll want to use a solvent along with it. Citrus solvent keeps things food-safe and smelling great.

What do you treat wooden kitchen worktops with? ›

Linseed oil gives the wood a 100% natural surface, emphasizing its natural structure. Gives the surface a beautiful, long-lasting and durable surface that protects from dirt, moisture and drying. Lighter woods take on a light yellow color. HOW TO: Apply liberally with a cloth or brush.

Which oil is best for wooden worktops? ›

Linseed oil is a popular choice but you need to consider the specific type of wood of your worktop. For instance, denser woods like oak or walnut sometimes benefit from thicker oils while lighter woods like maple may require a lighter oil that won't overly darken the wood​.

What is the best finish for a wood countertop? ›

Waterlox is a superb choice for finishing wood countertops because it produces an incredibly appealing and durable surface. It is waterproof, food-safe and easy to maintain. Waterlox literally locks out water and locks in the natural beauty of wood.


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