Below is a listing of faculty who are currently scheduled to teach Spring 2023 through Spring 2024. Information includes the faculty's name, title, department, highest degree attained and institution of highest degree. The last two items of information are self-reported.
Additional faculty members may be listed on the Faculty tabs in the degree areas within the catalog, or on the College, School, or Department websites.
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APLIN, SARAH; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law
Abbott, Jeanne Martha; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Abbott, Kati Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Economics; Master of Education; Truman State University
Abdelaziz, Amr Samy; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
Aberbach, Ian M; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Abousalem, Rasha; Prof, Adjunct; Multidisciplinary Programs; Master of LIberal Arts
Acton, James D; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Medicine; University of Illinois
Acuff, Ainsley Noelle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Bachelor's Degree 1
Adamovicz, Jeffrey Joseph; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Uniformed Services University of Heath Sciences
Adams, Avery; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Residential Life; HS Graduate or Equivalent
Adams, John E; Emeritus; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Adams, John Henry; Lib Spec Collectn & Archives; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Adams, Kari; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Texas
Adams, Mikaela Jade; Animal Science; HS Graduate or Equivalent
Adams, Sara; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; LSU School of Medicine Shreveport
Adebiyi, Adebowale; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy
Aderton, Andrea Hope; Social Work; Master of Social Work
Adib Keleh, Shady; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Cairo
Adkins, Denice C; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Adkins, Pamela Rae; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; The Ohio State University
Adkins, Tanner Luke; East Ctrl Region-Youth; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Adu-Gyamfi, Mary Pannill; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; Mary Baldwin University
Adu-Gyamfi, Yaw Okyere; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Delaware
Agapis, Loukia Ilias; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Thessaly, Greece
Agca, Yuksel; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University - North Central
Aggarwal, Ajay; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Aggarwal, Arpit; Psychiatry
Aguayo, David; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy
Ahmad, Salman; Surgery-Acute Care; Doctor of Medicine; university of wisconsin
Ahsan, Humera; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Royal College of Radiologist
Akhmadullin, Iskander V; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of North Texas
Akkaziev, Dzhambul; Prof, Ast Visiting; Languages and Literatures; Master of Arts; University of Wisconsin
Akturk, Ismail; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota, Twin
Al Juboori, Jawad; Northeast Region-ANR; Doctor of Science; Texas A&M
Al-Ahmad, Majd Fayad; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Alafaireet, Patricia Elaine; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Professional Studies
Alahdab, Fares; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Medicine; Medical School
Alam, Khurshaid; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Indiana University
Alam, Perwez; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Savitribai Phule Pune University
Albright, Emily Laraine; Surgery-Surgical Oncology; Doctor of Medicine; St Louis University
Albright, Joyce Gay; Management; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Alcazar-Estela, Asier; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Southern California
Aldrich, Eric Michael; School of Natural Resources; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Aldridge, Kristina J; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Ale, Manita; Urban East Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alexander, Amanda Caroline; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Alexander, Anne Michele; Law
Alexander, Gregory Lynn; Emeritus; School of Nursing; Registered Nurse
Alexander, Keely Daniele; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Counseling Services; Master of Science; University of Kansas
Alexander, Rachel Lynn; Health & Specialized Libs; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Alfaki, Musaab Mohamed; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Alfarkh, Wedad; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine
Ali, Ahmad H; Medicine-Gastroenterology; Bachelor's Degree; International University of Africa
Alkilany, Yousef; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Applied Soc Sci; Master of Science; Auburn University
Allen, Amber Marie; Southwest HES; Master's Degree; Drury University
Allen, Ann Hill; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of WI-Madison
Allen, Brian; Pediatrics-Infectious Disease; Doctor of Medicine; St. George's University, School of Medicine
Allen, Carla McCaghren; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Allen, Chenoa Dawn; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennessee, Knoxv
Allen, Matthew Thomas; Instructor, Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Allen, Stephanie Marie; Occupational Therapy; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Allen, William H; Emeritus; Applied Soc Sci; Master's Degree; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champgain
Allen-Brown, Ashley Elizabeth; West Ctrl Region-Comm Dev; Doctor of Education; Concordia University Chicago
Allendorf, Gregory R; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Alleva, Nicole Elizabeth; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Cornell University
Alley, Zachary Robert; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Theatre; Master of Fine Arts; Southern Illinois University
Allmon, Amanda Lou; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Almasri, Mahmoud Faud; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Methodist University
Alnijoumi, Mohammed Mustafa; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; University of Khartoum
Alonzo, Donette Rose; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Aloysius, Noel R; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Alston, Jason Kelly; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Carolina
Altes, Talissa Ann; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Washington
Altman, Claire Estelle; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Alvear, Fernando Alfredo; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Columbia
Alzahrani, Abdulrahman; Law Library; Master of Science
Aman, Jayedi; Architectural Studies; Master of Architecture; Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Amass, Mariann Denise; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Amelon, Sybill K; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of MO Columbia
Amos Landgraf, James Michael; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Case Western Reserve University
Anbari, Allison Brandt; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Anders, Anjali Patel; Pediatrics-Neonatology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri-Columbia
Anderson, Alex I; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Anderson, Ashley Lynn; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Anderson, Ashley Pauline; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kansas State University
Anderson, Brianna Lynne; East Central HES; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Anderson, Carolyn Joan; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Anderson, Christina Bure; School of Natural Resources; Master of Science; University of Missouri Columbia
Anderson, Deborah Mae; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Anderson, Derek T; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Anderson, Elaine R; Extension Youth; Master of Business Admin; William Woods University
Anderson, Elizabeth Ann; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Anderson, Elizabeth S; Community Development Admin; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Anderson, Ethan Scott; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; AT Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathy
Anderson, Jara Brooke; Lib Research & Info Svcs; Bachelor's Degree 1; Columbia College
Anderson, Laura L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Anderson, Somer G; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Anderson, Stephen H; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Andes, Thomas D; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Music; Bachelor's Degree
Andrews, Thomas Wesley; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri-Columbi
Andrus, Joel Leavitt; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Andrusisian, Nicholas James; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Executive Comm & Marketing; Master of Education; University of Akron
Ang, Jonathan Ross; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ
Angelovici, Ruthie; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Weizmann Institute of Science
Angleton, Paul M; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Univ of IL COM Rockford
Anguah, Katherene Osei; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Anklam Jr, Frederick Martin; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Mississippi
Ansaf, Bahaa Ibraheem; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Baghdad
Appold, Martin Stephan; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Arancibia, Ramon Alejandro; West Central Region-ANR; Doctor of Philosophy; Louisiana State University
Argerich, Alba; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Barcelona, Spain
Ariew, Andre I; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Armbrust, Catherine Paisley; Prof, Ast Adjunct; School of Visual Studies; University of Missouri
Armer, Jane M; Emeritus; School of Nursing; Registered Nurse
Armstrong, Elizabeth Gemma; Lecturer; International programs; Master of Science
Arndt, Jamie L; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Arnet, Benjamin Paul; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; TV Station; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri-Columbi
Arnold, Jeanne Marie; Instructor, Adjunct; Management; Doctor of Management; Webster University
Arnold, John Douglas; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Arnold, William David; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; University of Louisville School of Medicine
Arns, Megan Elizabeth; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; Eastman School of Music
Aroor, Annayya R; Medicine-Endocrinology; Doctor of Medicine
Arora, Niraj Ashok; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Drexel University College of Medicine
Arouca, Raquel Alexandra; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Montana
Arteaga-Cox, Irma Angela; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Aruguete, Mara Suzanne; Instructor, Adjunct; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Arunachalam, Vairam; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Asgari, Mitra; Biological Science
Ashcraft, Nikki L; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Georgia
Ashraf, Komal Hargovind; Neurology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine - A.T. Still University
Asuroglu, Utku; Fellow, Post Doctoral - Teach; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; Stanford University
Ateya, Mostafa Farghal; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Assiut University, Egypt
Atkins, Fran Coppage; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Arts; St. Mary's University
Atkins, James S; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law
Atuhura, Dorothy; Black Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Columbia
Atwood, Jerry L; Emeritus; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Au, Pak Ho; Medicine-Administration
AuBuchon, Rachel S; School of Music; Master of Music; University of Missouri at Columbia
Aufdenberg, Donna Irene; Southeast Region-ANR; Master's Degree; Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Aura, Saku Petteri; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Avery, Eileen E; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Aviles Quinones, Alicia; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Tulane University
Azmy, Janelle; Urban East Region-Health; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Indiana University Bloomington
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Ba, Leigh Kathryn; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; UNC Chapel Hill
Babkir, Akram Mohamed; Medicine Hospitalist; Bachelor's Degree; University of Khartoum
Bacewicz, Aleksandra; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
Bachmann, Bethany Nicole; Southeast HES; Master's Degree; University Of Missouri
Bachrach, Bert E; Pediatrics-Endocrinology; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
Backer, Sally Ann; Honors College; Bachelor's Degree 1
Backes, Teresa Marie; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Backus, Bob C; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Davis
Backus, Kathleen Q; Instructor, Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Bader, Valerie Gwen; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy
Badiane, Mamadou; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Badran, Mohammad; Pediatrics-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of British Columbia
Baer, Leah Mae; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Colorado Boulder
Baers, Gabriela Nicole; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Baggett, Cody Joe; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; College of Health Sciences; Master of Business Admin; William Woods University
Bailey, Eric Arthur; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Bailey, Gina Marie; VP for International Programs; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Bailey, Rachel Michelle; Social Work; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Baines, Christopher Philip; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Alabama
Baker, Christi Suzanne; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Master of Science; Southwest Missouri State University
Baker, Elizabeth A; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
Baker, Gary Allen; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Baker, Molly Danielle; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department
Baker, Olga Juliana; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Dental Surgery
Baker, Sheila N; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Missouri Innovation Center; Bachelor's Degree 1; Georgia Southern University
Balboula, Ahmed Zaky; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Mansoura University, Egypt
Baldrighi, Julia Maria; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy
Baldwin, Michael Robert; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; King's College
Ball, Angela Dawn; Instructor, Adjunct; Human Devl & Family Science; University of Missouri
Ball, Stephen Daniel; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Ballengee, Megan; Libraries Administration; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Ballou, Matthew Glenn; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Indiana University Bloomington
Banks, Barbara L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Mizzou Academy; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Banks, William D; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Bansal, Sagar; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Nebraska medical center
Barabote, Ravi Damodar; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
Baral, Rudra; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Barata-Kirby, Stephanie; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health
Barbee, Emily Marie; Urban East HES; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Barbis, Anthony Mauricio; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Business; Doctor of Philosophy; University Of Missouri
Barchilon, Michael Aaron; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Midwestern University
Bardhan, Sougata; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Barker, Alex W; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Barker, Anne K; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University of Illinois
Barks, Sarah; Southeast Region-Health; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri St. Louis
Barnes, Christyl Leeann; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree
Barnes, Courtney Leigh; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Barnes, Stephen L; Surgery-Acute Care; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Barnstone, Aliki Dora; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Barohn, Richard J; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine
Barondes, Royce De; Instructor, Adjunct; Accountancy; Juris Doctor; University of Virginia
Barrier, Breton Foster; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Texas Health Science Center
Barros-Rios, Jaime Antonio; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Science; Universidad de Vigo
Bartholow, Bruce D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Bartlett, Gillian; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; McGill University
Bartlett, Lyria Dickason; Architectural Studies; Master's Degree; Washington University
Bartley, Kathryn Elise; Accountancy; Master of Accountancy; University of Missouri
Bartow, Kevin Nance; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; University of MIssouri
Bartow, Nicole Lee; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Nursing
Bassett, Cynthia Wyatt; Law Library; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Bastos Gurgel Silva, Felipe; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Bath, Jonathan Ming; Surgery - Vascular; Doctor of Medicine
Batzer, Benjamin David; Honors College; Doctor of Philosophy
Baucan, Nichole Renne; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Bauche, Michelle Hoeing; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Weight Mgmt and Metabolic Ctr; Master's Degree; University of Alabama
Bauer, Lisa M; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; SUNY Albany
Baugh, Georgia Ann; Lib Research & Info Svcs
Baughman, Christopher; Animal Science; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; College of Veterinary Medicine
Baumgardner, Rachel Marie; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Bautista, John Robert; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; Nanyang Technological University
Bavishi, Chirag Pankajkumar; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Brown University
Bax, Joshua Terrance; Instructor, Adjunct; Dean of College of Business; Master of Public Admin; University of Missouri
Bax, Landon; West Central Region-Youth; Master of Education; North West Missouri State
Baxter, Ivan Robin; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences
Beach, Elaine Kimberly; School of Nursing; Master's Degree
Beamer, Lesa J; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Bean, Jennifer Dianna; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Beattie, Barbara Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; Emphasis Reading
Beatty, Tami L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Engineering
Becchi, Michela; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr
Becevic, Mirna; Dermatology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Becherer, Veronica Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Honors College; Master of Science; Antioch University New England
Beck, Whitani Jordan; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education; Stephens College
Beck-Vannatter, Chelse Morgan; Prof, Ast Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Beerntsen, Brenda T; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Beeson, Patricia Lew; International programs; Master of Arts; SIU Carbondale
Behura, Susanta Kumar; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Bei, Zhiling; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Belcher, David C; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Bell, Debora Jeneen; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; West Virginia University
Bell, Jacquelyn Sue; Journalism; Master of Arts; Ohio University
Bell, Maya Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism
Belobrovkina, Evgeniia; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Journalism; Master's Degree
Belt, Dustin David; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Belzarena Genovese, Ana Cecilia; Orthopaedic Surgery; Master of Public Health; Florida International University
Bender, Shawn B; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Ohio University
Benner, Nicholas S; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Executive Comm & Marketing
Bennett, Thomas Baldrige; Law; Juris Doctor; New York University School of Law
Benson, Craig A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Career Center; Master of Business Administration; University of Missouri
Benson, Todd A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Aerospace Studies
Bentley, Lydia Claire; Asoc Director; Teaching for Learning Center; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
Benton, Mark Joseph; Public Health; Master of Public Admin
Bereskin, Frederick Lorne; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Rochester
Bergman, Roger L; Mizzou Academy; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Bergsieker, Emily Christine; Northwest Region-Youth; Master of Arts; University of Central Missouri
Bergstralh, Daniel Thor; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Beringer, Jessica Petra; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Specialist of Education; William Woods University
Bernard, Donte Leshon; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Bernard, Victoria Gabrielle; Urban East Region-Youth; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Bernardin, Mary Elizabeth; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Berndsen, Zachary; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California San Diego
Bernskoetter, Wesley Hans; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Best, Brad A; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Bettencourt, B Ann; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Psychology
Beucke, Nathan Lewis; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Beversdorf, David Q; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Indiana University
Bexten, Shonna Danielle; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education
Bhandari, Ramji Kumar; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Hokkaido University
Bhanderi, Vipul; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Medicine
Bhat, Ambarish Pervaje; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Bangalore medical college
Bhat, Krishna Christopher; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine
Bhat, Roopa; Radiology
Bian, Guang; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of IL - Urbana
Bichianu, Daniela Cristina; Pediatrics-Neonatology; Doctor of Medicine
Bidgoli, Tandis Shaterian; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Biedermann, Gregory Bruce; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
Biermann, Michelle Lynn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Associate Degree; Jefferson College
Biggers, Brian D; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Bike, Denise Helen; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Bilal, Askia Nasir; VP for International Programs; Master of Arts; St Cloud State University
Bilyeu, Kristin D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Baylor College of Medicine
Binfare, Matteo; Finance; Doctor of Business Admin; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Binfield, Julian; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Binfield, Yvonne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; International programs; Bachelor's Degree; University College Swansea
Birchler, James A; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Birk, Stefanie Brooke; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Kansas
Birt, Julie Amanda; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Campus Writing Program; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Birtley, Nancy Michele; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Bish, Mandy Danielle; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Bitsicas, Katina Cecelia; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of South Florida
Bixby, Alicia; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Black, Benjamin T; Pediatrics-Devel/Behavioral; Doctor of Medicine; Jefferson Medical College
Blackburn, Botswana Toney; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Bland, Peter Matthew; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Blandon, Erick Jose; Emeritus; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pitssburgh
Blay, Nicholas Wayne; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Bliven, Nicole Suzanne; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Blockus, Linda; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Undergrad Research; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Blodgett, Clayton F; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Blomquist, Gregory E; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bloom, Tina Lee; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; School of Nursing; Registered Nurse
Bloss, Jennifer Rebecca; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Blow, Constance A; Instructor, Adjunct; CHS Physical Therapy; Master of Science; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bluel, Reagan J; Plant Sciences; Master of Agriculture; University of Missouri
Bobitan, Luciana Maria; Mathematics; Master of Science; University of Michigan
Boerman, Erika Mary; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Boeyer, Melanie Emily; Orthopaedic Surgery; Master of Science; Mercyhurst University
Bogue, Sidney Nicole; Veterinary Diagnostic Laborato; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Bohanek, Jennifer Geraldine; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Emory University
Bohon, Tiffany M; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Bolshakova, Natalia; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; Texas College
Bolton, Tiffany Leeann; Occupational Therapy; Doctor in Occupational Therapy; University of Kansas
Bombard, Micaela Ann; English; Master of Fine Arts; Sarah Lawrence College
Bompadre, Silvia G; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Bonifay, Wesley Earl; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Bonnot, Thomas W; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy
Booker, Jordan Ashton; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Tech
Boone, Kendall Mae; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Surgery-General
Boone, Robert Sills; Instructor, Adjunct; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Master of Arts; American Military University
Boonseng, Thitinun; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of MIssouri
Boosani, Chandra Shekhar; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Hyderabad
Booth, Frank W; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Booton, Brian H; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biological Science; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Bordia, Radhika; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism
Bordoloi, Meelie; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
Boren, Suzanne Austin; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Boren, Wendy Ellen; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Borgelt, Steven C; Instructor, Adjunct; Dean of Engineering; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Borgerding, Jodie Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri - Colum
Born, Megan E; Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Bossaller, Jenny Simpson; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Bostick, Brian P; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Botezatu, Mona Roxana; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Bowders JR, John J; Emeritus; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Bowers, Kristy Sue; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Bowles, Douglas K; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Bowman, Tiffany S; Social Work; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Boyack, Andrea; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Virginia School of Law
Boyce, Kenneth A; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Notre Dame
Boychuk, Carie; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Boychuk, Jeffery; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Boyd, Ashleigh Ohmes; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Childrens Therapy - Thompson; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Boyd, Bailey Madison; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Boyd, Brandon Antoine; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Bozynski, Chantelle Carole; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Montreal
Brabec, Benjamin; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Aerospace Studies
Braddock, Amy Sue; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Bradley, Kevin W; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bradley, Martha Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri-Columbi
Bradley, Tara Kim; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Military Science
Brady, Patrick Joseph; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Psychology; Our Lady of the Lake University
Brake, Derek William; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Bran Acevedo, Andres; Medicine-Infectious Diseases; Doctor of Medicine; Universidad Francisco Marroquin
Brand, George Robert; Management; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri School of Law
Brandeberry, Samantha Rose; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Master of Education; University of South Alabama
Brandes, Allen; Southwest Region; Master of Science; University of Central Missouri
Brandt, Lea Cheyney; Medicine-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Branham, Lynn Sanders; Prof, Visiting; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Chicago
Brasier, Jason Wayne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; TV Station; Bachelor's Degree 1; MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY
Braudis, Kara M; Dermatology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Braun, David Meyer; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Braun, Janet Marie; East Ctrl Region-Youth; Master of Arts; Southeast Missouri State University
Bravin, Daniel Allen; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Breedlove, Linda Sue; Vice Provost for International Programs
Brekhus, Rachel L; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; Rutgers University
Brekhus, Wayne H; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; Rutgers University
Brekke, Lindsay Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Kansas
Bremer, Mark J; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Master of Public Health
Brendler, Beth Monica; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Brengarth, Lauren Elizabeth; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brennaman, Lisa M; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Brent, Kelley Lamanda; Southeast HES; Master of Education; Drury University
Brent JR, Edward Everett; Emeritus; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Breshears, Amie Lynn; West Central Region-ANR; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Breske, Shannon Marie; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brewer, Brandon Paul; Psychiatry
Brickley, Ashley Mae; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; MU Disability Center; Master of Arts; University of Northern Iowa
Bridges, Amy Leigh; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Bridges, Jeff A; Physical Therapy & Athl Traing; Doctor of Physical Therapy; A. T. Still University
Bridgewater, Sara Ann; West Central HES; Master of Public Health; Missouri State University
Briedwell, Teresa A; Physical Therapy & Athl Traing; AT Still University of Health Sciences
Briesacher, Sandra Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Brightwell, Jerry D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science
Brimecombe, Michelle Jennifer; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Britenstine, Chloe Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Nursing; Master of Education; Southern Illinois University E
Britt Rankin, Jo; Prof, Extns; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brixey, Elizabeth K; Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Broadbent, Jeris Lane; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work
Broaddus, Elisabeth Grace; English
Brock, Caroline C; Sociology
Brock, Charles Douglas; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Master of Mathematics; Ucm
Brock, Devara D; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education; William Woods
Brockhaus, Susan Renee; Instructor, Adjunct; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs
Brockman, John D; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Broderick, Bernadette Michlewicz; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy
Brodie, Allison E; Instructor, Adjunct; Economics
Bromfield, Corinne Riedel; Prof, Ast Extns; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Florida
Brooks, Constance Moore; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brooks, Michelle A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; University of Missouri
Brorsen, Kurt; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Brown, Adelaide B; Lib Research & Info Svcs; Master of Library Science; University of MD- College Park
Brown, Charles R; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Brown, David A; West Central Region-ANR; Doctor of Philosophy; School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Brown, Douglas Scott; Prof, Asoc Extns; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brown, Eric S; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Brown, Henry Choate; Engineer, Resrch; Civil/Environmental Engr
Brown, Kevin P; Theatre; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Colorado Boulder
Brown, Kyleigh Donn; West Central HES; Master of Science; Missouri State University
Brown, Mary Elizabeth; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brown, Michael Steven; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Brown, Pamela Jane; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Georgia
Brown, Tracy; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1
Brownawell, Susan Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Brownfield, Mona; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri Columbia
Bruce, Tia Chantal; School of Nursing; Master of Nursing; University of Missouri-St. Louis
Bruer, Amy E; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Engineering; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Brune, David Edward; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Brune, Olivia M; Extension Spclst; Northeast Region-Youth; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
Bruzina, Pamela S; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Bryan, Jeffrey N; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of California, Davis
Bryant, Aftan Shea; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Master's Degree; Northern Illinois University
Bryda, Elizabeth A; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Rutgers University
Buchanan, Sarah Alix; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas at Austin
Buchert, Elise Kathleen; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; HS Graduate or Equivalent; Hazelwood West High School
Buchs Pemberton, Katie Lynne; Northwest HES; Master's Degree; University of Arizona
Buck, Andrew Robert; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Buckallew, Sarah Scroggs; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Master of Science; University of Kansas
Buckingham, Emma; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Buckner, Donal Thomas; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Dean's Office; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Buckner, Eryn Paige; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Nursing; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Buckner, Velma Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Access/Leadership Development; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Buecking, Heike; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Bremen
Buffaloe, Lucas Robert; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Bukoski, Alex D; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Virginia
Bullett, Erin Shelton; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Bullock, Linda Faye; Prof, Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Otago New Zealand
Bunton, Gatlin Edward; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Bunyak, Filiz; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Missouri University of Science and Technology
Burbridge, Jessica Lake; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education; Stephens College
Burgett, Shianna Monique; Urban West Region-Youth; Master of Education; University of Central Missouri
Burke-Aguero, Donald Harrison; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Berkeley
Burling, Amanda; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Burney, Jocelyn; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Burnum-Looney, Anne Louise; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Burris, Joseph E; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Kansas
Burton, David L; Southwest Region-Comm Dev; Master's Degree; Drury University
Burton, Marcia Alane; VP for International Programs; Master of Education; MU College of Education
Bush, Sarah L; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of East Anglia
Bustros, Stephanie; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine
Butcher, Brandon M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Butcher, Clayton J; Medicine-General Internal
Butler, Justin Edward; Instructor, Adjunct; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Butler, Miriam D; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri - St. Louis
Butterfield, Jeanise Marie; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Wayne State University School of Medicine
Buttlar, William Glen; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Buyuk, Abdul Fettah; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Byer, Brittney Jeanine; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Byers, Patrick L; Southwest Region-ANR; Master's Degree; University of Arkansas
Byrne, Michael E; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Louisiana State University
Bysani, Chandrasekar; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Philosophy; CDRI, Lucknow, India
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Cabrera-Garcia, Juan Carlos; MO Institute Defense & Energy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Cafer, Jason Edward; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
Cai, Dunpeng; Surgery-Research; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Cai, Zhen; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy
Cairatti, Anthony Benjamin; Mathematics; HS Graduate or Equivalent; O'Fallon Township High School
Calcutt, Michael J; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Leicester
Calhoun, Justin Scott; Prof, Ast Extns; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; Mississippi State University
Callahan, Gregory Kerry; Community Development Admin; Master of Fine Arts; California College of the Arts
Callahan, Kaitlyn Michelle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Psychological Sciences; Master of Education; Ottawa University
Callahan, Zachary D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Animal Science; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Calyam, Anjaneyaprasad Prabhakar; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Cameron, Glen T; Emeritus; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Cameron, Velynda Jo; Southwest Region-Youth; Master of Education; Missouri State University
Campbell, Aaron; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; SPED
Campbell, Anita Sethi; CHS Physical Therapy; Master's Degree; Saint Louis University
Campbell, Darla Lea; Economic and Community
Campbell, Gregory Scott; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; University of South Florida College of Medicine
Campbell, Jack Griffin; Surgery-Urology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Campbell-Motsinger, Karen LaRue; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Campione-Barr, Nicole Marie; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Rochester
Canada, Kelli Elizabeth; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Canfield, Shannon Marie; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Canine, Curt Ritchey; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Medical School
Cannaday II, Alan Bruice; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Cannon, John F; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Capizzo, Luke William; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Cardonell, Bradford Lee; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Kansas School of Medicine
Carlisle, Gretchen K; Resrch Scientist/Academic; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Carlson, Alyssa Helen; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Carney, Christina Jessica; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy
Carney, Paul Richard; Pediatrics-Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Valparaiso
Carpenter, Rebekah Seay; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kentucky
Carr, Jeffery Alan; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Carr, Steven Benjamin; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine; RFUMS - Chicago Medical School
Carroz, Laura Lyng; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biological Science; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Carson, Timothy Lynn; Honors College; Doctor of Ministry; Eden Theological Seminary
Carter, Patricia Inez; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of MIssissippi
Carver, Mary Heather; Theatre; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Casagrand, Kristina Ashley; Honors College; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Cash, Kelli Marie; School of Nursing
Cassidy, Christopher Keith; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; School of Arts and Science
Castillo, Raul Antonio; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Escuela Medico Militar - Mexico
Castoro, Ryan; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Oklahoma State
Castranova, Michael Chevy; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1; Youngstown State University
Castro, Antonio Jamie; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Center, Meghan Lee; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Special Education
Chabu, Chiswili Yves; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Chade, Alejandro; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Medicine; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Chadha, Rohit; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Chairman, Dennis Baskaran; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chakraborty, Sounak; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Chan, Albert K; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine
Chanay, Sawiyyah Fernandez; Community Health; Master of Public Health; Jackson State University
Chandrasekhar, Anand; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Chang, Elizabeth Hope; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Chang, Wai David; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Kansas
Channaiah, Lakshmikantha Hallakere; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Chapman, Michael Stewart; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of CA - Los Angeles
Chastain, Claud B; Prof, Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Chasteen, Cynthia C; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Regional Prof Development Ctr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-STL
Chaudhary, Fizah Sajjad; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Chaudhary, Priyanka Vivek; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Engineering; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
Chavez, Jordan Rae; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work
Chen, Charles Bo; Pediatrics-Gastroenterology
Chen, Chung-Lung; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Engineering; University of Colorado Boulder
Chen, Jinn Kuen; Emeritus; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Chen, Naiwei; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Chen, Paula R; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; The Ohio State University
Chen, Shi Jie; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - San Diego
Chen, Shiyou; Surgery-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; Nanjing Agricultural University
Chen, Zhen; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of New Mexico
Cheney, Clayton L; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University Medical School
Cheng, Jianlin; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Chenicheri Chathoth, Navaneeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Mathematics; Master of Science; Chennai Mathematical Institute
Chester, Bryan G; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; The Missourian; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Cheung, Steven Shing; Surgery - Vascular; Doctor of Medicine; St. George's University School of Medicine
Chhetri, Manoj; Northwest Region-ANR; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Chicoine, Michael Robert; Surgery-Neurosurgery
Chikhladze, George; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Chikhladze, Tabitha M; Economics; Master of Arts; Southern Illinois University
Childers, Amber Laronza; Community Development Admin; Master of Business Admin; William Woods University
Childs, Tasha Marie; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Carolina
Chindris, Calin Ioan; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Chiocca, Ellen Marie; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Chirila, Ioan Cristian; English; Bachelor's Degree; University of Texas at Dallas
Chlapecka, Justin Lee; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arkansas
Cho, Hyerim; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Cho, Seonghee; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Choi, Eun Young; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Choi, Hye Jeong; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Chole, Dana Marie; CHS Physical Therapy
Choma, Theodore John; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Eastern Virginia Medical School
Chowdhury, Arijit; Medicine-Administration; Doctor of Medicine; Yale University School of Medicine-Danbury Hospital
Christ, Shawn Edward; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Christ, Stephen Russell; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Christensen, Scott Patrick; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Delaware
Christensen, Taylor Morales; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Specialist Degree 1; William Woods University
Christian, Mark Andrew; Campus Business & Communities; Master of Journalism; SIU - Carbondale
Christiansen, Tanya; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christiansen, Teri Ellen; Statistics; Master of Science; Texas A&M University
Christianson, Scott; Management; Master's Degree; The George Washington University
Chu, Shirley; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Chun, Sanghun; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; VP for International Programs
Chy, Mahafuzur Rahaman; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Toronto
Cirstea, Mihaela Carmen; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Montreal
Clark, Chelsea Marie; MO Prevention Science Inst; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Clark, Clayton Charles; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; U of MO Kansas City
Clark, Kerry Maureen; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Clarke, Andrew D; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Colorado State University
Clarke, Emily Lydia; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Atlantic Veterinary College
Clarke, Lane L; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Clary, Kevin W; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Clary, Megan Leigh; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Claunch, Hillary Lauren; School of Nursing; Master of Nursing; Central Methodist University
Clay, Robin Blake; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean - Medical Education; Master of Education; Lincoln University
Clem, Douglas Wayne; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Clevenger, James Winston; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Clevenger, Thomas Eugene; Emeritus; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Clifton, Adrian Chanel; Mizzou Academy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-Columbia
Clingan, Jill Shannon; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master's Degree; Kansas State University
Clinton, Linda Marie; West Central Region-Youth; Master of Agriculture; California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo
Coates, Joan Ripley; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Coburn, Meghan Rheanne; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Cochran, William Joseph; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Science; Virginia Tech
Cocroft, Reginald B; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Coffelt, Matthew Kenneth; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department
Cofresi, Roberto Ulises; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas at Austin
Coggeshall, Mark V; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Coghill, Lyndon Michael; Veterinary Pathobiology
Cohen, Daniel Jay; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Virginia
Cohen, Raneat; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Optometry; Indiana University
Cohen, Samuel Schlesinger; English; Doctor of Philosophy; City University of New York
Cohen, Signe M; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Cohn, Leah Ann; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Colaner, Colleen Michele; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska
Colbert, Stephen; Surgery-Plastic; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Cole-Neal, Cavelle Lechaim; School of Natural Resources; Master of Public Admin; Park University
Coleman, Louis Bradley; Southeast Region-Youth; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri - St. Louis
Coleman, Michael Anthony; Communication; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Coleman, William Henry; Honors College; Doctor of Philosophy; University College London
Collier, Tara Lynn; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Collins, Amanda Nicole; School of Music; Master of Music; Southern Methodist University
Collins, Chloe; Southwest Region-ANR; Master of Science; Missouri State University
Collins, Jonathan M; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ
Collins, Melissa Jill; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Concannon, Marie C; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Conklin, Carli N; Law; Juris Doctor
Conner, Christopher Thoms; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Conrow, Heather Machelle; Northeast Region-ANR; Master of Agriculture; University of Missouri
Conway-Anderson, Ashley Christine; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Cook, James L; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Cook, Lauren P; Orthopaedic Surgery
Cooke, Mikayla Jane; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Copeland, Alison LaRue; Engagement
Copeland, Christa Beverly; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Master of Education; Columbia College
Corce, Gina; Campus Business & Communities; Master of Public Admin; University of Missouri
Cordones Cook, Juanamaria; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Corkins, Chelsea Rose; Extension Youth; Master of Science; Virginia Tech
Corley, Frank Joseph; Honors College; Master of Science
Cormier, Bret D; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; The University of Texas at Austin
Cornelison, Dawn D; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; California Institute of Technology
Cornette, Carla; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cornish, Peter Verle; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Corridori, Frank Salvatore; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; Pratt Institute
Cortese, Rene Gabriel; Pediatrics-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Bonn
Corum, Patricia Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; University Of Missouri
Cothren, Courtney Ann; Marketing; Master of Business Admin; Stephens College
Cotner, Cynthia S; MU Libraries; University of Missouri
Cotton, Melissa Renee; Urban West HES; Master's Degree; Missouri State University
Coughenour, Jeffrey P; Surgery-Acute Care; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Coulombe, Jada Leigh; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Business; Bachelor's Degree 1
Courter, Jamie; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska Lincoln
Cowan, Nelson; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin
Cowgill, Libby Windred; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Cox, Gary D; MU Libraries; Master's Degree; University Of Missouri
Cox, Gregory Charles; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Science; Texas Tech University
Craig, Kevin; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Texas at Houston
Craioveanu, Mihaela Oana; Instructor, Adjunct; Economics
Crane, Brynn Kayla; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Respiratory Therapy; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Cravens, Cynthia Elizabeth; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri Columbia
Cravens, Lesleighan Kraft; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Crawford, Emily R; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; Penn State
Crawford, James J; ZZZ-Bioengineering; Master's Degree; University Of Florida
Crawford, Joy Katherine; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington - Seattle
Credeur, Daniel Paul; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; Louisiana State University
Crenshaw, Benjamin Hardy; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Tennessee
Crespy, David A; Theatre; Doctor of Philosophy; City University of New York
Criado, Adrian; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Aerospace Studies
Crim, Marcus Jeremy; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Texas A&M Univ College Station
Crismon, Drew C; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; Maryville University
Crist, Brett D; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Kansas
Cronk, Nikole J; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Cropp, Frederick William; Journalism; Doctor of Management
Crosby, Francy Liliana; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Crosby, Marci Jennings; Animal Science; Master's Degree; University of California - Davis
Cross, David T; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Crouch, Dennis D; Law; Juris Doctor; The University of Chicago
Crowdis, Savannah; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Colorado State University
Crozier, Ruth E; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; Master of Public Admin; University of Missouri
Crozier II, James H; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Csoba DeHass, Medea Krisztina; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alaska Fairbanks
Cui, Jiankun; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Tianjin Medical University
Cui, Taixing; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy
Culmer, Kristofferson; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Master of Science; University of MO - Columbia
Cummings, Kevin James; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Victoria
Cummins, Jacqueline Yvette; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Cundiff, Anna Elizabeth; Family & Community Medicine
Cupp, Allison Nicole; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Curry, Randy D; Professor; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Saint Andrews
Curs, Bradley R; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Curtis, Ashley; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; York University
Cutkosky, Steven Dale; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Brandeis University
Cutler, Keven Odell; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Ross University School of Medicine
Czerney, Keith Robert; Accountancy; Doctor of Business Admin; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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Dade, Alice Katharine; School of Music; Master of Arts; The Juilliard School
Danborn, Caitlin Rose; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; HS Graduate or Equivalent; Arvada West High School
Dandachi, Dima; Medicine-Infectious Diseases; Doctor of Medicine
Daniels, Mark Allen; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Daniggelis, Christopher Stephen; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; The Ohio State University
Danila, Cristina Ileana; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine
Dannecker, Erin A; Physical Therapy & Athl Traing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Darby, Fleur Louise; Asoc Director; Teaching for Learning Center; Master of Arts
Dark, Katelin Virginia; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Purdue University
Darr, Andrew Michael; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Visual Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri Columbi
Darr, Charles Matthew; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Darr, Kathryn Murphy; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Darrough, Alexis; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Dashek, Maria Kay; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dashek, Ryan; Nutrition & Exercise Phys-MED; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Datta, Rankeya; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Datta, Sudip; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; SUNY Binghamton
Daubert, Christopher Ralph; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Davenport, Heather Jocelyn; Instructor, Adjunct; Public Health
David, John Dewood; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
Davidson, Ashleigh; Southwest Region-Youth; Master of Education; University
Davis, Curt H; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Davis, Daniel John; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Davis, Geetha Kancherla; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine
Davis, Michael John; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska Medical Center
Davis, Michael Patrick; ZZZ-Bioengineering; Doctor of Philosophy; Univeristy of MO-Columbia
Davis, Morgan Patrick; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Davis, Rae Diana; Prof, Ast Teach; College of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Univeristy of Missouri
Davis, Ryan M; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Northeastern Ohio Medical University
Day, Jamie; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy
Day, Kelsey Nichole; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree
Day, Margaret Ann; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
DeCastro, Felise Renee; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Bachelor's Degree
DeCourcey, Michelle Athena; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Washington State University
DeFigueiredo, Paul; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell
DeFroda, Eliza Lamin; Surgery-Urology
DeFroda, Steven Frank; Orthopaedic Surgery
DeLano IV, Richard Marshall; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Optometry
DeSouza, Guilherme Nelson; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
DeSouza, Luiza Queiroz; Mathematics; Master's Degree; Purdue University
Deakyne, Carol A; Emeritus; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Princeton University
Dean II, Richard A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Naval Science
Deaver, Karla J; Animal Science; Master of Science; University of Missouri-Columbi
Decker, Jared Egan; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Deeken, Katherine; East Central HES; Master of Arts; St. Louis University
Deering, Annette E; Northwest Region-Youth; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Deering, Shawn W; Animal Science
Deevers, Avery; Specialist; Applied Soc Sci; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University
Degler, Shawn; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri Columbia School of Medicine
Delaney, Lauren Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Diagnostic Laborato; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Delano, Taia Diane; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Optometry; Illinois College of Optometry
Della Rocca, Gregory; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Duke University School of Medicine
Deming, Philip Estill; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Deng, Baolin; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Denkler, Sarah R; Southeast Region; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Denney, Sherry Louann; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; Saint Louis University
Depietro, Regina Heyl; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; SUNY Stony Brook
Desouza, Thiago Queiroz; Emergency Medicine; Bachelor's Degree
Dessain, Alicia Gabrielle; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Universite Catholique de Louvain
Dessem, Ralph L; Emeritus; Law; Juris Doctor; Harvard University
Detmer, Melissa Catherine; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Science; Capella University
Deutscher, Susan L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Dev, Rushabh Prakash; Surgery-Acute Care; Doctor of Medicine; Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine
Devaney, Mike; Emeritus; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Dewein, Kendall; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work
Dey, Daniel C; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Dhakal, Dhruba; Extension and Engagement; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wyoming
Dhillon, Jaapna; Nutrition & Exercise Phys-MED; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
DiVico, Janna; Intern Veterinarian; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Cornell University CVM
Diamond, Rand J; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; Fordham University
Dickerson, Shanon Marie; Prgm Director; CAFNR Academic Programs; Master of Arts; Northern Illinois University
Dickey, Frances; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Dickson, Christine N; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Career Center
Dickson, Gordon Sentell; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; New Mexico State University
Diedrich, Sara Jane; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Bachelor's Degree 1; Iowa State University
Diem, Sarah L; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Dills, Jennifer A; Instructor, Adjunct; Public Health; Master of Public Health; University of Missouri
Ding, Shinghua; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Binghampton University, The State University of New York
Dirkes, Rebecca Kay; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Dixit, Vaidehi; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State Universit
Dobbs, Christopher Steven; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Dodam, John R; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; The Ohio State University
Dodd, Danielle Beatrice; Law; Juris Doctor
Dohrmann, Mary L; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Domeier, Timothy L; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Doner, Alyssa S; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Donnelly, Lindsay Lee; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Dooley, Laura Marie; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Doosing, Emily Jewel; Southeast Region-Youth; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Dorigan, Michael Paul; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; Univ. of Missouri
Dornbusch, Josephine Ann; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Florida
Dorner, Lisa Marie; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Dorsey, Michaelle E; Lib Spec Collectn & Archives
Doster, Lisa Gayle; Community Development Admin; Master of Business Admin; William Woods University
Dostoglou, Stamatis; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Warwick
Dothage, Deana Ann; Community Development Admin; Master of Public Admin; University of Missouri - Colum
Dotson, Wesley Howard; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Thompson Center; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Doty, Randa Elise; Community Development Admin; Master of Science; Northwest Missouri State Univ.
Doubledee, Micah; Southwest Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Dougherty, Debbie S; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Douglas, Kelly Marie; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Dow, Jay K; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Downer, Natalie Lorraine; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Downey, Ross Adam; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Military Science
Downing, Stephen; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; National Chiao Tung University
Draper, Jack A; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Drayton, Ava Lydia; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Honors College; Master of Science; DePaul University
Driver, John Patrick; Animal Science
Drury, A Cooper; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Drury, Julie Lynne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Students Admin; Master of Arts; University of Mississippi
Drymalski, Mark W; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; University of South Dakota - Sanford School of Medicine
Du, Xiangwei; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Chinese Academy of Science
DuPont, Allison; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Duan, Dongsheng; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Duan, Ye; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Stony Brook University, The State University of New York
Ducharme, Alison Jo; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Thompson Center; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Duckworth, Rylee Shawn; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Dudenhoffer, Cynthia Marie; Info Science & Learning Tech
Duffy, Margaret E; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Duggan, Arren Inge; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Dumas, Andrew Glynn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Duncan, Kathleen Anne; Journalism; Master's Degree; Boston University
Dunkley, Daive Anthony; Black Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Warwick
Dunn, Michael Wayne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; FM Station; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Mississippi
Dunn, Winifred; Prof, Adjunct; Occupational Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Duran, Carrie Lynne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Colorado State University
Durante, William; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Toronto
Durbak, Amanda Rita; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Duren, Dana Leigh; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Kent State University
Durie, Clarissa; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alabama at Birmingham
Durkin, Ila Danielle; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
Dwarica, Denicia Shane; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; Mayo Medical School
Dyer, Carla Alexander; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Dyer, Jonathan Alden; Dermatology; Doctor of Medicine
Dysart, Janice Louise; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
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Early, Elizabeth Kay; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; Univesisty of MO Columbia
Early, Kellie Rose; Law; Juris Doctor; Law
Earney, Timothy Patrick; Instructor, Adjunct; Civil/Environmental Engr; Master of Science; Univ. of Missouri - Columbia
Easley Marshall, Elizabeth Price; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Easter, Matthew Adam; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Easter, Ollie Danielle; Social Work; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Eaton, Lynn Margaret; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Ebada, Mohamed Ahmed; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
Eberhardt, Jason Michael; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Colorado State University
Echelmeyer, David W; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; MO Orthopaedic Institute Therapies; Master's Degree; Rockhurst University
Eck, Daniel Wilbur; American Archaeology; Juris Doctor; Indiana University School of Law
Edara, Praveen Kumar; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Edge, Jon Mitchell; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Student Services; Doctor of Philosophy; Auburn University
Edgerson, Kara Nicole; Journalism
Edholm, Christina Lee; Plant Sciences; Specialist of Education; UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI
Edidin, Dan S; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edmiston, Kelly D; Instructor, Adjunct; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennessee
Edwards, Allen Curtis; Instructor, Adjunct; Multidisciplinary Programs; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Edwards, Anika Rahshay; Health Sciences Department; Master of Nursing; Saint Louis University
Edwards, Charles F; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; American University
Edwards, Jason Legronde; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Counseling Services; Master of Business Admin; University of Michigan
Edwards, Michael Graham; Instructor, Adjunct; Supply Chain Mgmt & Analytics; Master of Business Admin; UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBI
Edwards, Steven Michael; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy; university of nebraska
Edwards, Wilson Barry; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Washignton University
Edwardson, Kasey Renee; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci
Eggerman, Jamie; Southwest HES; Master's Degree - 1st entry
Ehmke, Jeffrey Scott; Emergency Medicine
Ehret, Adielle Nichole; Prgm Director; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Arts; University of Missouri - Kansa
Eiffert, Kristin Carlson; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California Davis
Eisenstein, Kimberly Anne; Dermatology-Derm; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
El Kady, Rasha Mahmoud; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
El-Halabi, Issam Mohamad; Pediatrics-Gastroenterology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Jordan
Elbanan, Mohamed; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
Elder, Rusty Dale; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Engineering; Master of Arts; University of Missouri - Colum
Eldridge Houser, Jennifer Lynn; Northeast Region-Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Elemam, Hesham Mohamed; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Elkeeb, Ahmed Mohamed; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine
Elliott, Grant P; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Ellis, Charles E; ZZZ-Bioengineering
Ellis-Kalton, Carrie; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; College of Education
Elman, Julie Passanante; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; The George Washington University
Elom, Hilary; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; Ebonyi State University College of Health Sciences, Nigeria
Elrod, Noel; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Elsen, Carrie Beth; Northeast HES; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Elsik, Christine G; Animal Science
Elwood, Vera Haynes; Health & Specialized Libs; Master of Library Science; Emporia State University
Embree, Alexandra Withrow; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Financial Aid; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Emerson, Abigail Kilpatric; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Emerson, Jane Anne; Physical Medicine & Rehab
Emmett, Shelby Terrill; Pediatrics-Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Endersby, James W; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Engel, Thomas G; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
England-Biggs, Laura Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Info Science & Learning Tech; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
English, David M; Law; Juris Doctor; Northwestern University
Enriquez, Maithe; Prof, Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Ensrud, Erik Richard; Neurology
Ericsson, Aaron C; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ersoy, Ilker; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Erwin, Zachary L; Northeast Region-ANR; Master's Degree; Northwest Missouri State Unive
Escudero, Carolina; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Master's Degree; University Schuman
Esebua, Magda; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Tbilisi State Medical University
Eskridge, Bernard R; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; University of Louisville
Essing, Anne Kathleen; Marketing; Master's Degree; Stephens College
Estes, Brandi Dawn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Master of Education; University of Missouri - St. L
Estes, Max; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Wisconsin
Estrada Orue, David Antonio; Journalism; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Estrapala, Sara Lee; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Etter, Ian Saul; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Iowa
Eubanks, Gail Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Evans, Laura Ann; Northwest Region-Youth; Master of Education; Northwest Missouri State Unive
Evans, Timothy; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Evelev, John O; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Evenski, Andrea J; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; East Carolina University
Everett, Kevin Dale; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; Louisiana State University
Ewing, Mackenzie Christine; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Master of Business Admin; William Woods University
Eziolisa, Obianuju; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
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FORAKER, RANDI; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI
Fackler, Ayca; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Georgia
Faheem, Mehwish; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Faizan, Rabia; Architectural Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Fales, Roger C; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Fallon, Rebecca M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Bachelor's Degree 1
Fandrey, Katherine Rose; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Physical Therapy; University of Minnesota
Fang, Yujiang; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Surgery-Surgical Oncology; Doctor of Medicine; Pekin Union Medical College
Fanning, Kim Colleen; School of Nursing; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Farid, Reza S; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; Indiana University
Farmer, Hannah Nicole; Physical Medicine & Rehab
Farmer, Ryan Neal; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Kanas School of Medicine
Farnen, Eleanor Vaughan; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri
Farrell, Erin Elizabeth; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Diagnostic Laborato; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Fay, William Philip; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Illinois
Feiner, Adam John; Prof, Ast Visiting; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; Western Illinois University
Feistman, Richard E; Instructor, Adjunct; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Fejzula, Merve; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Cambridge
Feldhaus, Jacob Michael; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri School of Medicine
Felice, Hilary Anna; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Toronto
Fellabaum-Toston, Jennifer Melissa; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Felling, Kyle B; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; FM Station
Felten, Melinda Kathleen; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Specialist of Education
Feng, Zaichun Frank; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Fenton, Rebbecca Irene; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; Logan University
Fergus, Devin; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Columbia
Ferguson, Bradley J; Neurology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ferguson, Denice Renee; Northwest Region-ANR; Master of Mngmt Infor Systems; Missouri Western State University
Ferguson, Jeffrey John; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ferguson, Jeffrey R; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Colorado Boulder
Ferguson, Jonathan Keith; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ferguson, Nkanyezi Ngwenyama; Dermatology-Derm; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Ferguson, Shannon A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Accountancy; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Fernandez, Kristen Lynn; Dermatology; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Tennessee
Fernandez, Tricia Ann; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; Wayne State University School of Medicine
Ferrieri, Richard; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Feygelman, Anna Boone; Occupational Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University in St. Louis
Fiala, Kyle C; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine
Ficker, Whitney Diane; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Fidalgo, Maria Marta; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Rice University
Figueroa, Alejandro Jose; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Methodist University
Filbert, Brent Gorscuch; Law; Juris Doctor; UMKC
Finke, Deborah L; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Finkel, Claire Elizabeth; Physical Medicine & Rehab
Finley, Stephen; Northwest Region-Youth; Master of Science; Northwest Missouri State University
Fischer, David Christopher; Finance; Master of Business Admin; Indiana University
Fischer, James D; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Master's Degree; California Polytechnic State University
Fischer, Joseph Patrick; Dean of Agriculture; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri
Fischer, Leslie Elisabeth; East Ctrl Region-B&I; Master's Degree
Fischer, Monika; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Fisher, Jennifer Christine; Prof, Asoc Teach; Dept of Art & Design; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri St. Louis
Fisher, Mary; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City University
Fisher, Robert B; Anesthesiology
Fisher-McLean, Kandace Lenae; Prof, Asoc Extns; Architectural Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Fishman Weaver, Kathryn Eva; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Fitch, Dale Kent; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Arlington
Fitzgerald, Austin Colter; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Reynolds Journalism Institute; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Fitzgerald, Constance Marie; Architectural Studies; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Flaherty, Kevin Vincent; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy
Flanary, Wayne Edwin; Northwest Region-ANR; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Fleming, Zachary Paul; Emergency Medicine; DXPF1.Bachelor of Science; University of Missouri-Columbia
Fleshman, Brady Asa; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Fletcher, Robert Stephen; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Flink, James Duncan; Journalism; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Flink, Jamie Bono; Journalism
Flint-Garcia, Sherry; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Flores, Lisa Y; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Florio, Karen Lynn; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; NYCOM
Floyd, Chase Alan; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arkansas
Flynn, Tara E; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Flynn Peters, Kristin Joan; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Folescu, Marina Radiana; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Southern California
Foley, Jennifer Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci
Foley, Tranna Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri - Colum
Folk, William; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Fomera, Samantha; Urban East Region-Youth; Master of Arts; Graduate Work - GPIDEA, University of Missouri - Columbia
Fondahn, Emily; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Foote, Christopher Andrew; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ford, Tonya T; Management; Master of Business Administration; University of Missouri
Forgacs, Gabor; Emeritus; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Roland Eotvos University
Foster, Krystal Rose; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Foster, Priscilla D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Associate Degree 1; Maple Woods Community College
Foster, Raymond T; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Foulkes, Matthew Walton; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Fowler, Lindsay; English; Doctor of Philosophy
Fox, Derek Bradford; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Michigan State University
Fox, Mikayla Hope; Extension Youth; Master of Agriculture; University of Missouri
Fox, Neil Ian; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Salford
Fram, Kelli Jean; Instructor, Adjunct; Marketing; Master of Business Admin; Northeastern State University
Francis, Audrey Barbara; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Honors College; Master of Education; University of Missouri St. Lou
Francis, Mark David; School of Nursing; Master of Science; Pittsburg State University
Francisco, Benjamin David; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Franco, Mary Jean; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Frank, Jerritt J; History; Doctor of Social Science; The University of Kansas
Frank, Logan Anthony; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Franklin, Craig Lawrence; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Franklin, Tama Lynn; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Franz, Alexander W; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Kiel University, Germany
Franzel, Sean B; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Franzese, Christine Blanche; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; The State University of New York Upstate Medical Center
Frappier, Brian Lee; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Michigan State University
Frasher, Laurie Elaine; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Fraunfelder, Frederick Web; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; Oregon Health and Science University
Frazer, Kevin G; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Frazier, Shellaine R; Pathology and Anatomical Sci; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; AT Still University of Health Sciences
Freeburger, Alexander; West Central HES; Master of Science; Missouri State University
Freelin, Tammy Lee; Social Work; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Freeman, Seth C; Family & Community Medicine
French, Brandi Rose; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Kansas
Freund, Stefan R; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; Eastman School of Music
Frey, Andrew J; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Denver
Frey, Scott Harold; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Freyermuth, Robert W; Law; Juris Doctor; Duke University
Freyermuth, Sharyn K; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Frick, Lisa Sue; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism
Fried, Gabriel W; English; Master of Fine Arts; Columbia University
Friedrich, Laura Anne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CAFNR Academic Programs; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Frierdich, Matthew; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Master of Arts; Arts and Sciences
Fritsche, Kevin L; Emeritus; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Doctor of Philosophy; University Of Illinois Urbana
Fritschi, Felix Beat; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Davis
Fritz, Dana R; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Froeliger PhD, Brett; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Froes de Borja Reis, Andre; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of SÃO Paulo
Froese, Michelle M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Students Admin; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Frogge, Elizabeth Marie; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Frohne, Jennifer Elizabeth; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy
Fruend, Jennifer Ruth; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; UM-St. Louis
Frymire, John M; History; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Fuenfhausen, John Scott; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master of Business Administration; Fontbonne University
Fuentes, Diana Rebecca; Journalism; Master of Arts; Texas State University
Fulcher, Christopher; Emeritus; Ext Cares; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Fuller, John Charles; Southeast HES; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Fuller, Kelsey Leanna; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Animal Science; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Funk, Gwenlyn; Northwest Region-ANR; Specialist of Education; NWMSU
Furrer, Jason Lawrence; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Furrer, Jennifer Lee; School of Nursing; Master of Science
Fusinatto, Jenna Rae; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Master of Education; University of Missouri
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Gable, Sara E; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Gahl, John Michel; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
Gaines, Julia R; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; The University of Oklahoma
Gajera, Milan Amrutlal; Medicine Hospitalist
Galen, Jeff A; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Galicia, Ana Karen; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Master of Education; University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Gallazzi, Fabio; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Milan
Galloway, Myra Elizabeth; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Galloway, Tabitha Lynn; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine
Gamage, David; Law; Juris Doctor; Yale Law School
Gangopadhyay, Shubhra; Emeritus; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Gangula, Abilash; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
Gangwani, Laxman Dass; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy
Ganley, Brian C; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Gann, Shannon Marie; Instructor, Adjunct; Dean of College of Business; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Ganta, Roman Reddy; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Garcia, Aileen; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Garcia, Michael Leonard; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Gardner, Michael Jay; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Garrett, Filip; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Garrison, Lee Ann; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Wisconsin-Milwau
Garson, Scott Arnold; English; Master's Degree; George Mason University
Garton, Bryan L; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Gaskey, Gregory Douglas; Medicine Hospitalist
Gaspelin, Nicholas; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Science; University of New Mexico
Gasser, Carolyn; School of Nursing; Master of Public Health; University of Kansas
Gassmann, Walter; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, San Diego
Gateley, Crystal Aileen; Occupational Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Gates, Kent S; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Gates, Stephanie Nicole; Agriculture Biochemistry
Gautam, Sandeep; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine
Gauthier, Megan Elizabeth; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Geary, David C; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Riverside
Gehan, Malia; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences
Geisert, Rodney Dean; Prof, Adjunct; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Geiss, Steven Lewis; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Indiana University School of Medicine
Gely, Rafael; Law; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gentry, Bettina Anne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
George, Santosh; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Chicago Medical School
Gerardy, Nancy Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Gerb, Samantha Anne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Animal Resources; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ross University School of Vete
Gerhard, Charlotte; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Midwestern University
Germinder, Lea-Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Journalism
Ghanem, Elie; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; American University of Beirut
Ghouri, Maaz; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
Gibler, Kelsie Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Health Promotion & Outreach; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri Columbi
Gibson, Alan Ray; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Notre Dame
Gibson, Kyle; Physical Therapy & Athl Traing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Gibson, Maya Camille; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Giddens, Karl Klaus; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; The Missourian; HS Graduate or Equivalent; Hickman
Gil Pages, Diana; Surgery-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Gilbert, Mark Raymond; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine
Gilliam, Stephanie Nicole; Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Master of Science; Mizzou
Gilligan, Megan; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue
Gillis, Kevin D; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Gillman, Jason D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences
Gingrich, Kari Michelle; Accountancy; Master of Accountancy; University of Iowa
Giraldo-Londono, Oliver; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Georgia Institute of Technology
Giuliano, Elizabeth A; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Givens, Ashley Dawn; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina
Gizer, Ian R; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Emory University
Glaser, Noah Jeffrey; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy
Glaser, Rainer Ernst; Professor; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Berkeley
Glass, Timothy E; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Glendening, Matthew Ryan; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Glenn, Alina Zare; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Glick, Elisa Fern; Emeritus; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Glinskii, Olga V; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Medicine; Medical Institute-Ukraine
Glinskii, Vladislav; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Chernovtsy Medical University Ukraine
Gobble, Jordyn Delaney; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; History
Godara, Hemant; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Goelkel GarcÃa, Viviana Vanessa; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Ohio University
Goggins, Sean Patrick; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Master's Degree; University of Minnesota
Gold, Michael Alan; Prof, Adjunct; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Goldman, Lawrence Neil; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Provost
Goldman, Mitchell; Medicine-Infectious Diseases; Doctor of Medicine; Rush Medical College
Goldschmidt, Michael; Architectural Studies; Master's Degree; San Francisco Institute of Architecture
Goldsmith, Christy Dianne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Campus Writing Program; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Goldstein Hode, Marlo Billie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Special Units Office of Equal; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Golla, Abhinav; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; Stanford University School of Medicine
Golomb, Miriam W; Emeritus; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Berkeley
Golzy, Mojgan; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University at Buffalo
Gomes Lucas, Caroline; Animal Science; Doctor of Science; Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Gomez, Camilo Ramiro; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Universidad Central del Este
Gomez, Francisco Eduardo; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine
Gomez, Francisco Gustavo; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Gomez-Gutierrez, Jorge Guillermo; Pediatrics-Administration; Doctor of MicroBiology; Autonomous University of Nuevom Leon
Gonzalez, Gabrielle Marie; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Tuskegee University
Goodman, Gena Natalie; Instructor, Adjunct; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Master of Arts; University of Kansas
Goodman, Jean Ricci; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; Georgetown
Goodrich, Margaret Mckamie; Emergency Medicine
Goodwin, Whitney Annette; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Research Reactor; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Methodist University
Gopalakrishna, Srinath; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Gopalaratnam, Vellore S; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Goran, Lisa; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University Of Missouri-Columbi
Gordon, Matthew J; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Gordon, Rachel; Instructor, Adjunct; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; Drexel University
Gordon-Bocklage, Rebecca Jean; Marketing
Goun, Elena A; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Gouzoules, Alexander Charles; Law; Juris Doctor
Gov-Ari, Eliav; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; Technion, Israel
Gov-Ari, Hanna Klara; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Israeli Institute of Technology
Gowdy, Mary Ann; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Goyes Vallejos, Sonny Johana; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut, Storrs
Grabau, Ashli Armstrong; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; VC Student Affairs
Grafakos, Loukas; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Gragnani, Anthony Dominic; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis
Graham, Charles Nathaniel; Mizzou Academy; Master of Arts; Columbia College
Graham, David Ellis; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education
Graham, Kendra K; Animal Science; Master of Science; University of MO - Columbia
Grahl, Teki Jo; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Cardiology Clinic JC; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Grant, David Alan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Chemical & Biomedical Eng
Grant, Sheila Ann; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Grashuis, Jasper; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Graves, Rebecca S; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; State University of NY Buffalo
Gravitt, Kelly Louise; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Gray, Aaron D; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Gray, Gwendolyn; MU Libraries; Master's Degree; University of Illinois - Urbana
Gray, Leslie Jewell; Theatre; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland College Park
Graybill, Tracy Lynn; Urban West Region-Health; Doctor of Philosophy; UMKC School of Education
Green, James Robert; Director; Student Financial Aid; Doctor of Business Admin; University of the Incarnate Word
Green, Jonathan Andrew; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Green, Morgan Miller; Medicine-General Internal
Green, Timothy Andrew; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Greene, Robert Allison; Journalism; Master of Fine Arts; The City College of New York
Greenlief, C Michael; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Greenwood, B K; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Greer, Sean Yates; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Master of Science; Mercyhurst University
Greever Rice, Tracy Kay; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Gregory, Rabia Anne-Geha; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Greimann, Beth Marie; Vice Provost for International Programs; Master of Education; Ashford University
Greimann, Kenneth Richard; VP for International Programs; Master of Divinity; Liberty University
Grieshop, Nicholas James; Statistics; Master of Arts
Griffith, Joanna S; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Music; Master of Music; University of Colorado, Boulde
Griffith, Samuel Vincent; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of Colorado Boulder
Grisanti, Laurel Ann; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Dakota
Griswold Irvine, Melissa Colleen; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Groh, Ashley Marie; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Groh, Kieth W; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Grollemund, Rebecca Beatrice; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 - France
Grossmann, Erik Michael; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Grunenwald, Caroline Mae; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Gruner, Barbara A; Pediatrics-Hematology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Grupe, Gregory A; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Gu, Chao; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Gu, Li-Qun; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Nankai University
Gu, Zezong; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path
Guan, Xiyun; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kentucky
Gubera, Christopher C; Engineering & Info Tech; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Guess, Thuy Pham; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Student Services; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Guess, Trent M; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Guha, Suchismita; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Guhlincozzi, Aida Rosalia; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Guidoboni, Giovanna; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Universita' di Ferrara
Guilliams, Donald Joseph; Instructor, Residnt; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Master of Business Admin; Saint Louis University
Gull, Tamara Brownsey; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Gunn, Victoria; Dermatology; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Gunter, Mallie Allison; West Central Region; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Guo, Yicheng; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Massachusetts
Gupta, Bina; Emeritus; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Gupta, Pallavi; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Master of Science; Saint Louis University
Gupta, Shikha; Psychiatry; Doctor of Psychology
Gupta, Sumit Kumar; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Toronto
Gupta, Suneel; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; IIT Kharagpur
Guthrie, Joyce Merlene; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Associate Degree 1; Vet Tech Institute at Hickey C
Guymon, Kathryn Anne; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory
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Ha-Brookshire, Jung Eun; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Haase, Douglas; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Minnesota Medical School
Hackley, Steven A; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Hagan, Julie Michelle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Intercollegiate Athletics; Master of Education; University of Missouri - Colum
Hagely, Katherine Bray; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hager, Nora Lynn; Human Devl & Family Science; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Hagglund, Kristofer; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Hahm, Bumsuk; Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Pohang University of Science and Technology
Hahn, Kristina S; Mathematics; Master of Science; University of Missouri - Columbia
Hahn Cover, Kristin; Medicine-Administration; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Haider, Mohammad; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Haight, Matthew Duane; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Hainds, Curtis Paul; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci
Hainsworth, Dean P; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; Medical School
Hairston, Vernita D; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Maryland
Haithcoat, Timothy Lee; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Halenda, Stephen P; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Medical College of Virginia
Hales, Kevin J; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; Ohio University
Hall, Cheryl L; English; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Hall, Damon Meredith; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Hall, Jacob Griffin; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hall, Jamie Boswell; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; Rocky Mountain University of H
Hall, John R; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Hall, Kim Elizabeth; West Central Region-Youth; Master of Science; University of South Dakota
Hall, Troy Stephen; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-Columbi
Hall, Tyler Alan; East Central HES; Master of Science
Halleran, William T; West Central Region-ANR; Doctor of Education; University Missouri Columbia
Halper, Tristan M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Associate Degree 1; Moberly Area Community College
Halsey, Julia Struble; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Halsey, Samniqueka Joi; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Hamilton, Lawan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism
Hamilton, Stacey A; Extension Spclst; Animal Science
Hammer, Richard David; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Medical University of South Carolina
Hammond, Karl Daniel; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Massachusetts Amherst
Hammonds, Kimberly Anne; Prof, Ast Adjunct; School of Nursing
Hammoud, Ghassan M; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Al-Arab Medical University
Hampton, Maria Angelica; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Hanco*ck, Tamara Suzanne; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Handa, Sachin; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY
Hanft, Laurin Michelle; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Hanlon, Melissa Anne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; WCH Neonatal Intensive Unit; Master of Nursing; University of Missouri- Columb
Hanneken, Daniel Joseph; Social Work; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Hannink, Mark; Emeritus; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, San Diego
Hans, Chetan Parkash; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Panjab University, Chandigarh India
Hansen, Kelli Bruce; Lib Spec Collectn & Archives; Master's Degree - 2nd entry; University of Texas at Austin
Hao, Hong; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Queen's university, Canada
Harcharras, Asma; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University - Paris VI
Hardin, Christopher D; Nutrition & Exercise Phys-MED; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Cincinnati
Harding, Gareth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism
Harmata, Michael; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Harms, Aaron A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Harper, Joni Rae; West Central Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Harper, Rachel P; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Harper, Travis W; West Central Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Harper Morris, Casandra Elena; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Harris, Maude M; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Education; University of MO - Columbia
Harris, Robin Christine; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Rush University
Harrison, Elizabeth Clare; Northeast HES; Master of Public Health; A.T. Still University - SHM
Harrison, Sheri-Marie Laura; English; Bachelor's Degree; University of Miami
Harrison, William L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Harsin Drager, Emma Kate; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Southern California
Hart, Eric S; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; Adler School of Professional Psychology
Hart, Jennifer Lynn; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Hart, Marcia L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hart, Rebecca L; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri Columbia
Harvey, Idethia Shevon; Health Sciences Department
Hasan, Kristen M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Campus Dining Services; Master of Public Health; University of Missouri
Hasan, Sana; Medicine Hospitalist
Haselswerdt, Jacob Burton; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; George Washington University
Haslag, Joseph H; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Methodist University
Hassan, Latiffah; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Hasser, Eileen Mary; Prof, Adjunct; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Central Oklahoma
Hasty, Stephanie Michelle; Honors College; Bachelor's Degree; Missouri State University
Hauber, Melissa Beth; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Haustein, David James; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Havens, Sarah Beth; Southwest Region; Master of Science; Missouri University of Science and Technology
Hawley, Kristin M; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Los Angeles
Hayden, Colleen; Dean-Dean's Office; Doctor of Education
Hayden, Lyndsey Rose; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Auburn University
Hayes, Mandy Lynn; Emergency Medicine
Hayes, Rebecca Joy; English; Doctor of Philosophy; MIchigan State University
Hazel, Robert Allen; Prof, Ast Visiting; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; George Mason University
He, Hong S; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Chinese Academy of Sciences
He, Zane Zhanxiang; Psychiatry
He, Zhuoqiong; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Heck, Laura Catherine; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Heckel, Marta Alexandra; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Hecker, Melinda Michelle; Family & Community Medicine
Heckman-McKenna, Heather Margaret; English; Master of Arts; Simmons College
Hedgecorth, Steven Charles; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; AT Still University
Hedges, Kimberly Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Hedges, Miriam Louise; Theatre; Master of Fine Arts; Case Western Reserve University
Hees, Charles Kenneth; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Heesch, Cheryl M; Emeritus; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Heese-Peck, Antje; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Hefley, Jacob; Southwest Region-ANR; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Kansas State University
Hegger, Joseph D; Finance; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Heider, Jeremy; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis
Heidt, Jonathan W; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Washington University
Hein, Brittony Page; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; University of Missouri
Heise, David A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Heiss, Andrea Brandenburg; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Heitmann, Thomas W; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin
Helfer, Adam D; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Helle, Ashley Colleen; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Helmick, Linda Jean; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Henderson, Whitney Lee; Occupational Therapy; Doctor in Occupational Therapy
Henderson Kelley, Laura E; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; Wayne State University School of Medicine
Hendrickson, Mary K; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Henegar, Jeffrey R; Director; Office of Animal Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Heng, Xiao; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Howard Hughes Medical Institute at University of Maryland, Baltimore
Hennes, Erin Paige; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Hennkens, Heather Marie; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Henrickson, Celeste N; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Henry, Carolyn J; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Auburn University
Henry, Gerelyn Ann; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Tuskegee University
Hensel, Brian K; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Henson, Charles Dewayne; Law; Juris Doctor; Georgetown University
Henson, Jordan Zachary; Honors College; Master of Education; University of Missouri - Columbia
Henson, Renee Elaine; Prof, Ast Visiting; Law; Juris Doctor; The University of Missouri Sch
Herbias Ruiz, Ericka Dabel; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; SUNY at Stony Brook
Heringman, Noah I; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Harvard University
Herman, Keith C; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Hermann, Lauren Ashley; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-Columbi
Hermsen, Joan M; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Hernandez, Rachael Agnes; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; IUPUI
Hernandez, Rodolfo K; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Louisiana State Universi
Herring, Matthew David; East Central Region; Master of Agriculture; Purdue University
Herrman, Brandi Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; Marketing; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Herzog, David L; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; Temple University
Herzog, Melissa J; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Hesemann, Laura Ellen; Pediatrics-Nephrology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Heston, Dawn M; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Heyen, Anne Kathryn; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Rush University
Hibbard, Bruce E; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Colorado State University
Higdon, Kathryn Elizabeth; Pediatrics-Critical Care; Doctor of Medicine; Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Higginbotham, Holly; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Higgins, Cody Robertson; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Master of Science
Higgins, Sarah Joan; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master of Science; West Virginia University
Higgins, Todd Raymond; Urban West Region-ANR; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arkansas
Hildebrandt, Gerhard C; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Medicine
Hilderbrand, Brittany Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Executive Comm & Marketing; Master of Arts; University of Illinois
Hiles, Sara Shipley; Journalism
Hill, Aliyha Samantha; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Master of Public Health
Hill, Cheryl A; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy
Hill, Michael Andrew; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Melbourne
Hill, Timothy David; Management; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Hilts, Janet; Lib Research & Info Svcs; Master of Library Science; UBC
Hinds, Charles Austin; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Mississippi State University
Hinkel, Lora Renee; Instructor, Adjunct; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Hinnant, Amanda L; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Hinrichs, Krista Sue; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Bachelor's Degree; Murray State University
Hippenmeyer, Paul Jerome; Instructor, Adjunct; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; St. Louis University
Hirai, Taishi; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Nagoya University School of Medicine
Hirani, Fizza; Medicine Hospitalist
Hirner, Jesse Philip; Dermatology-Derm; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Ho, Dominic King; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ho, Mai-Lan; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Washington University in St. Louis
Hoang, Hoa Thi; Sr Resrch Asoc; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hobbs, Ashley Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Psychiatry; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri-Columbi
Hoberek, Andrew P; English; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Hockman, Kristen Michelle; Accountancy; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Hodges, Brady Thayne; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Hoehn, Malissa Malcodene; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; Harding University
ho*rnschemeyer, Daniel Gerard; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Hoffman, David Paul; West Central Region-ANR; Master of Science; Kansas State University
Hoffman, Heather Joy; Graduate School; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hoffman, Kimberly Gay; Emeritus; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hoffman, Timothy; Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hofmann, Hunter V; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ
Hofmann, Steven; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Hogan, Katherine Elise; Northeast Region-Youth; Master of Agriculture; University of Missouri
Hogan, Rosemary Grace; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Hogsett, Christina Mae; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Peds OP
Holan, Scott Harold; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Holland, Charles A; Northeast Region-B&I; Master of Business Admin; Keller Graduate School of Management
Holland, Kateryna Volodymyrivna; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oklahoma
Holley, Evan; Southeast HES; Master of Science; Logan University
Holliday, Casey Monahan; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; Ohio University
Holliday, Gregory A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Honors College; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Holliday, Zachary M; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Holmes, Chris Alan; Honors College; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Holmes, Shannon Rae; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Holtgrave, Darcy Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Honors College; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hong, Hsuan-Ping; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; National Taiwan University
Hopkins, Kelli Lei; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Juris Doctor
Hopkins, Nathan R; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Lehigh University
Hopkins, Rachel Mae; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master of Agriculture; Missouri State University
Hoque, Khaza Anuarul; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Concordia University
Horisk, Claire S; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Horner, Stanley Raymond; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Horner, William Thomas; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Horstman, Haley Ann; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Horstmeier, Robin Leann; Instructor, Adjunct; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Horton, Samantha Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Horvit, Beverly Jane; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Horvit, Mark Harris; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; The University of Texas at Austin
Horwitz, Bruce; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Psychiatry
Hosey, Jessica Anne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Hosokawa, Michael Charles; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Education; University of Oregon
Hossain, K S; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Tech
Hou, Shaoping; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Philosophy
Houston, John Brian; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Oklahoma
Howald, Timothy Michael; Instructor, Adjunct; Finance; Master of Accountancy; Univ of Mo - St. Louis
Howe, Timothy E; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Howes, William Seth; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Hsu, Albert Li; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Hu, Zhiqiang; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Huang, Francis Howard; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Virginia
Huang, Han; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Huang, Hu; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy
Huang, Qingyun; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Hubach, Jonathan; Campus Business & Communities; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri - Saint Louis
Huber, Christal D; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; The Connector; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri Columbi
Huber, Dawn Heather; Pediatrics-Devel/Behavioral; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Huber, Seth Andrew; Lib Acq Collectn Tech Svcs; Master of Library Science; University of Pittsburgh
Huckaby, Lucas Tucker; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych
Hudson, Fraser Berkley; Emeritus; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hudson, LeGreta; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Master of Science; Illinois State University
Hudson, Rebekah Marie; Emergency Medicine; Master's Degree; University of Nebraska
Hudson Weems, Clenora; English; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Huelsbergen, Anselm Martin; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University Of Missouri
Huelsbergen, Deborah L; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Iowa State University
Huesgen, Karl Wilhelm; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Indiana University School of Medicine
Huffington, Gabrial Edgar; School of Natural Resources; Master of Business Admin; WIlliam Woods University
Hulett, Jennifer Marie; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hull, Angela Marie; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hume, Deborah Louise; Emeritus; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Humfeld, Sarah Conditt; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Undergrad Research; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Humphrey JR, James R; Animal Science; Master of Agriculture; Northwest Missouri State University
Huneycutt, Lois L; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Santa Barbara
Hunter, Mark Ira; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of California - Los Angeles
Huntley, John W; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Hurd, Danielle Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Associate Degree 1; Vet tech institute of Hickey C
Hurdle, Joshua; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Hurt, Douglas Allan; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Oklahoma
Hurt, James Alexander; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Hutchins, Kristin; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Hutchins, Sarah Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Hutchinson, Sandy L; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Hutchison, Alisa G; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Hutson, Andrew Hargrove; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Hutton, Christy Ann; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Huxel, Christopher Allen; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hwang, Tzyhchang; Emeritus; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Hyder, Salman M; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Glasgow
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Ibdah, Jamal A; Medicine-Gastroenterology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Jordan
Iceman, Kimberly Erin; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Ierardi, Rosalie Ann; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Illinois
Ikuta, Jennie Choi; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Inge, Tamara K; Lib Research & Info Svcs; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Ingraham, Nissa; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; MU
Ingram, Ellis Andrew; Emeritus; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; University of Michigan
Ionas, Ioan Gelu; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Iram, Durdana; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Medicine; Khyber Medical University
Ireton, Sean M; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Isele, Elihu David; Urban East Region-ANR; Master's Degree; University of Florida
Iselin, Katherine Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Isherwood, Heather S; Journalism; Master of Arts
Islam, Naz E; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Islam, Syed Kamrul; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Isufi, Edvin; Radiology
Itagaki, Lynn Mie; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Los Angeles
Ithman, Muaid Hilmi; Psychiatry
Ivey, Patrick Alton; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ivey, Starla Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Iwaki, Yoshimi; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Master's Degree; Auburn University
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Jackson, Elizabeth Kaganda; Instructor, Adjunct; Black Studies; Master of Studies in Law; Lincoln University - Jefferson
Jackson, Shawnna Dianne; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Graceland University
Jackson-Thompson, J; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Jacobi, Diane Jean; Family & Community Medicine
Jacobs, Jasmine; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Aerospace Studies
Jacobs, Keri Lee; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Jacquet, Sarah M; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Science; Macquarie University
Jahan, Sultana; Psychiatry
Jain, Nikhil; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Jakubovskis, Aldis; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
James, Alexandra Frances; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Medicine
James, Bethany Anne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Career Center; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
James, Dwayne Thomas; Community Development Admin; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri - St. Louis
James, Harvey S; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Jamil, Altaf; Pediatrics-Hematology; Doctor of Medicine; Khyber Medical University
Jan, Masrat; Journalism; Master of Journalism
Jana, Soumen; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Engineering; University of Washington
Janes, William Edward; Occupational Therapy; Doctor in Occupational Therapy; Washington University
Jansen, Carol Denise; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; Washington University School o
Jasmer, Kimberly Julia; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Jauregui, Sylvia L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Residential Life; Master of Science; University of Central Missouri
Jay, Gary; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Northwestern Univ Med Center, Chicago, IL
Jeffries, Rachel Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Jenkins, Ashley Miles; Dermatology-Derm; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri School of Medicine
Jenkins, Joy Michelle; Journalism; Doctor of Social Science; School of Journalism
Jenner, Michael Mollet; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Jeon, Shinyoung; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Jeong, Jae Wook; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; Korea University
Ji, Yan; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jia, Guanghong; Medicine-Endocrinology; Doctor of Philosophy; Huazhong University of Science & Technology
Jiang, Jiaming; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Jin, Shiying; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy
Jin, Yue; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Penn State
Jindal, Niket; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy
Jirik, Michael; Black Studies; Doctor of Philosophy
Jobst, Louis Aloysius; Mizzou Academy; Master of LIberal Arts; Saint Louis University
Johannesen, Eric; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; AT Still University of Health Sciences
Johnson, Alisha Harvey; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas at Austin
Johnson, Audrey; Southeast HES; Master's Degree - 1st entry; SIU
Johnson, Brett Gregory; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Johnson, David William; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennessee
Johnson, E Diane; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University of Minnesota
Johnson, Gayle Christy; Prof, Adjunct; Veterinary Diagnostic Laborato; Doctor of Philosophy; Washingtno State University
Johnson, Jeffrey D; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University at Albany
Johnson, Joseph W; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Massachusetts College of Art
Johnson, Kara Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; Lesley University
Johnson, Katy Lauren; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Intercollegiate Athletics; Master of Arts; Baldwin Wallace University
Johnson, Kristen Laprade; Pediatrics-Devel/Behavioral
Johnson, Letitia K; Northeast Region-Comm Dev; Master of Social Work; Washington University
Johnson, Marc C; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; Oregon State University
Johnson, Megan Sarah; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri School of Medicine
Johnson, Nathaneil Winlow; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Bachelor's Degree
Johnson, Philip J; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Bristol
Johnson, Quinn Lamar; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
Johnson, Rebecca A; Emeritus; School of Nursing; Registered Nurse
Johnson, Richard A; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Johnson, Robert N; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Johnson, Sandra Marie; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; Boston University
Johnson, Stephanie Jo; Southwest HES; Master of Science; Eastern Illinois University
Johnson Moxley, Melanie K; Instructor, Adjunct; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Johnston, Laura C; Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Johnston, Nicole Ruth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Jolly, Melissa Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Visual Studies; Bachelor's Degree 1; Stephens College
Jones, Cason H; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Jones, Catherine Messick; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; The University of North Carolina
Jones, Chartese Darnel; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Mississippi State University
Jones, Christina Denise; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education; Stephens College
Jones, Elizabeth Monaco; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Master of Education; University of Missouri - Colum
Jones, Keri Champion; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; Univ of Missouri-Columbia
Jones, Marlene B; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Master of Science
Jones, Paul Steven; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Western University of Health Sciences
Jones, Vovanti Tivoli; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; Washington University in St. Louis
Jordan, Sean T; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Naval Science
Jose, Shibu; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Josey, Christopher Steven; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Joshi, Trupti Subhash; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Juengermann, Ann M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Orthopaedic Surgery; Master of Business Admin; University of Missouri - Colum
Jurczyk, Michael; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Stuttgart
Jurgens, Nathan W; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Aerospace Studies
Jurisson, Silvia S; Emeritus; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Cincinnati
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Kabrick, John M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Kabytaev, Kuanysh Zeinullovich; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Philosophy; Moscow State University
Kaemmerer, Rose Maura; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy
Kaifi, Jussuf Thomas; Surgery-Cardiothoracic; Doctor of Philosophy
Kallenbach, Robert L; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
Kalogeris, Theodore John; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Davis
Kaminoh, Yuuki Jack; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Kammler, Kate J; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master's Degree; Southern Illinois Univ Carbondale
Kampeter, Jessica Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; EMS Education; Registered Nurse
Kampeter, Penny; School of Nursing; HS Graduate or Equivalent; NA
Kanaley, Jill A; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
Kane, Kevin Yurii; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Creighton University
Kane, Stacie Kathleen; Management; Master of LIberal Arts; Missouri State University
Kane, Thomas C; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Provost; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kang, David; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences
Kang, Xunlei; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Philosophy; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Kannan, Raghuraman; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Indian Institute of Science
Kanthakumar, Praghalathan; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Otago, New Zealand
Kaplan, Carl A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Kaplan, David M; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - San Diego
Kapoor, Ragini; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Medicine
Kapp, Julie M; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Karaffa, Kerry Michael; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Counseling Services; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Karagiannis, Michael H; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University Of Missouri-Columbi
Karian, Stephen Edwin; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Karlin, Robin; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Karnia, James Joseph; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Karnia, Wendy Elizabeth; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Veterinary Diagnostic Laborato; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Illinois
Karthas, Ilyana; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Kasnetz, Andrew Rain; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; St. Louis University
Katti, Kattesh; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Indian Institute of Science
Katz, Martin L; Prof, Adjunct; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California
Kaur, Gurpreet; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kaur, Manpreet; Instructor, Adjunct; Management
Kaussen, Valerie M; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Santa Cruz
Kavalier, Ryan Matthew; Psychiatry
Kazi Amir Irfan, NFN; Radiology
Kazic, Toni; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Kearney, Michael Wayne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Keay, Justin Hunter; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; Lincoln University
Keebaugh, Danielle Renee; Pediatrics-Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Keegan, Kevin G; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Keely, Jennifer Loraine; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Keeney, James A; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Washington University
Keiser, Lael R; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Keithahn, Stephen Timothy; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; Duke University
Kelkar, Rucha Milind; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Residential Life
Kellar, Chieko; Instructor, Adjunct; Languages and Literatures; Bachelor's Degree; Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Kelleher, Andrew Michael; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Keller, Brian Tinnell; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy
Keller, James M; Prof, Adjunct; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Keller, Rudolf John; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
Keller, Steven W; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Kellerman, Samuel; Architectural Studies; Master of Business Admin; University of Utah
Kelley, Carey Lee; Fellow, Post Doctoral - Teach; History; Master of Arts; Missouri State University
Kelley, Dennis Francis; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Santa Barbara
Kelley, Elizabeth Spencer; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
Kelley, Justin M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Public Relations and Communica; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
Kelley, Ronald B; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kelly, Debra Ann; Northeast Region-ANR; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Kelly, Kristina Marie; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Physical Therapy; University of Vermont
Kelly, Martha M; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Kendall, Annette Clair; Prof, Ast Extns; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kenderes, Stuart Michael; Geological Sciences; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Kennedy, Sarah; Urban East Region-Comm Dev; Master of Public Health; Saint Louis University
Kenyon, Sarah Lynn; Southwest Region-ANR; University of Arkansas
Kereri, James Ogechi; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Engineering Science
Kerman, Mary Alexis; School of Natural Resources; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri - Columbia
Kern, Andrew E; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; College of Business
Kerns, John Gerald; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kersulov, Michael Lee; Honors College; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Kerwin, William J; English; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kester, Kimberly Denise; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Specialist of Education; Northcentral University
Kesterson, Jacob P; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Kesterson, Julia Marie; Pediatrics-Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Kfuri Jr, Mauricio; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy
Khaleel, Nabila I; Pediatrics
Khan, Md Abdul; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Science; Science University of Malaysia
Khanal, Navadeep; MU Libraries; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Khanna, Ramesh; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Bombay
Khanna, Sanjeev K; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Khare, Sharad; Medicine-Gastroenterology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kanpur
Khatri, Naresh; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Kheirandish-Gozal, Leila; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Damascus
Khodakivskyi, Pavlo; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; National University of Kyiv,UA
Khurana, Inder K; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Kidd, Joseph Benton; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Museum of Art & Archaeology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kiely, Kathleen Frances; Journalism; Master of Arts; American University
Kiesow, Damon Michael; Journalism; Master of Science; Bentley University
Kil, Kun-Eek; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Stony Brook University, The State University of New York
Killoren, Sarah E; Human Devl & Family Science
Kim, Dae Young; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Louisiana State University
Kim, Dae-Young; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Kim, Hong Im; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Kim, Hyunmin Mike; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Kyungpook National University
Kim, Jaewoo; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Yeungnam University
Kim, Jong Bum; Architectural Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Kim, Joonyoung; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Kim, Jung Hyup; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Engineering; The Pennsylvania State University
Kim, Kihun; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; Rutgers University
Kim, Kihyung; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Kim, Lynn Sun; School of Visual Studies
Kim, Min Jung; VP for International Programs; Doctor of Philosophy
Kim, Min Soon; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Kim, Sang Soon; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Vice Provost for International Programs
Kim, So Mi; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Georgia
Kim, Tae Hoon; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy
Kim, Wang Sik; Scholar, Visiting; VP for International Programs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kim, Yeji; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy
Kim, Yunsieg Paik; Prof, Ast Visiting; Law; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Kimchi, Kimberly Carroll; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; Drexel University
Kimminau, Kim Schneider; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Kimura, Andrea Lynn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Health Promotion & Outreach; Master of Education; University of Missouri
King, Elizabeth Griep; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Riverside
King, Gavin M; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Harvard University
King, Laura A; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Davis
Kingsley, Laurie Ellen; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kinkade, Scott Edward; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Education; University of North Texas
Kipperman, Barry; Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Kireev, Dmitri; Chemistry
Kiselica, Andrew; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy
Kisida, Brian; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arkansas
Kist, Sharon E; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kitchen, Newell R; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources
Kitley II, Charles A; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Kittelman, Angus; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Klein, Kayla Whitney; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree 1; University Of Missouri
Klien, Stephen Andrew; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kline, Jill; Lib Research & Info Svcs; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Kline II, David D; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Case Western Reserve University
Klote, Michael Anthony; Engineering & Info Tech; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Klott, Jeffrey; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Kluever, Craig Allan; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Knapp, Benjamin O; School of Natural Resources
Knollhoff, Stephanie Marcia; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Knoop, Andrew; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Knopps, Amy Marie; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of Georgia
Koboldt, Timothy J; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Kobrossi, Semaan; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; American University of Beirut
Koburov, George T; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Illinois at Chicago
Koch, Robert H; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Iowa
Koedel, Cory R; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - San Diego
Koehn, Kristin L; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine
Koelling, Shelbi Renee; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Progressive Care Unit; Registered Nurse
Koenig, Addison Rae; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Gold Team
Kohli, Paaras; Medicine Hospitalist
Koldobskiy, Aleksandr; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Petersburg State University
Koller, James P; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Kong, Andrew Paul; Radiology
Konkle, Maureen A; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Koo, Jeong-Kyu; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Koonce, Aaron; Neurology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Koopman, Peter J; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh
Koopman, Richelle Diane; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh
Kopeikin, Sergei M; Physics; Doctor of Science; Moscow State University
Kopolow, Jeffrey; Mizzou Academy; Master of Arts; Washington University
Kopot, Caroline Angel; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; University of Georgia
Kopp, Kristin Leigh; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Koppinger, Todd David; Instructor, Adjunct; Social Work; Master of Justice Admin; Columbia College
Kopriva, Noel Renee; Health & Specialized Libs; Master of Arts; University of MIssouri
Korkali, Mert; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Northeastern University
Korn, Dale Edward; Emergency Medicine
Korn, William; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Kornberg, Sanford Jay; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Journalism
Korte, Scott W; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Animal Resources; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University Of Missouri-Columbi
Kosztin, Ioan; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Koucherik, Elena; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Koukol, Connor; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Naval Science
Kovaleski, Scott D; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Kovarik, Mary Cathleen; Prof, Asoc Teach; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Kozloskie, Donna; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; Rutgers University
Kramer, Joanne; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Minnesota
Kramer, Johanna Ingrid; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Kranthi, Bhavana; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Kratzer, Brian W; Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Krauch, Michael Sean; Northeast Region; Juris Doctor; The John Marshall Law School
Krause, Matthew Philip; Instructor, Adjunct; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Krauss, Steven; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Kraxberger, Lynda S; Journalism; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Kremer, Nicholas Thomas; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy
Krenz, Maike; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Düsseldorf
Krieckhaus, Jonathan T; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Princeton University
Krishnaswamy, Kiruba; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Engineering; McGill University
Kruep, Renee Elizabeth; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Kruse, Megan Marie; School of Nursing; Master of Science; UMKC
Krvavac, Armin; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Kuby, Candace Ross; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Kueker, Douglas Paul; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kuhnert, Mark Edward; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; Kent State University
Kumar, Arun; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Iowa
Kumar, Parvesh; Radiation Oncology
Kumar, Senthil Annamalai; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Thanjavur Medical College
Kundu, Bornali; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kunin, Jeffrey Russell; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; UTMB
Kuroki, Juri; Prof, Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri
Kuroki, Keiichi; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Kurpius, David DeWayne; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Kurtz, Nadezhda; School of Nursing
Kurukulasuriya, Lilamani Rg; Medicine
Kyung, Hoyoun; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Dallas
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LaCroix, Tiffany Jo; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
LaFollette, Jessica Lynne; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Kansa
Lacarrubba, Alison M; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Lachnit, Evan Joseph; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri - Colum
Lackland, Lorah Christine; Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of MO - Columbia
Ladehoff, Paul H; Director; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Laffey, Kimberly Gao; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of IL - Chicago
Lage, Kraig Jason; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Ross University School of Medicine
Lager, William Wagner; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree - 5th entry; UofMN: Twin Cities
Lahue, Edward John; Urban East Region-B&I; Master of Business Admin; So Illinois Univ Edwardsville
Laine, Liisa Tuulikki; Economics; Doctor of Science; University of Jyvaskyla School of Business and Economics
Lair, Linda Marie; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Science; University of St. Francis
Lalonde, Sebastien Patrick; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; McGill University Faculty of Medicine
Lamberson, William Russell; Emeritus; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska
Lambert, Thomas Andrew; Law; Juris Doctor; The University of Chicago
Lambson Jr, Steven William; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; TV Station; Master of Arts; University of Missouri-Columbi
Lammert, Jared Andrew; Emergency Medicine
Lammy, Andrew Bryant; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lancaster, Eric Lee; Languages and Literatures; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Lancaster, Janna Sharon; Architectural Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lancaster, Michelle Cathlene; VP for International Programs; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Lancey, Robert W; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Creighton University
Landgrave, Michelangelo Geovanny; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs
Landor, Antoinette Marie; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Georgia
Landreneau, James Rodney; Ophthalmology
Landreneau, Joshua; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Landreneau, Sarah Jordan; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Lane, Kari Rae; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Lane Jr, Sean Patrick; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Psychology; New York University
Lang, Yuekun; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Science; Kansas State University
Langdon, Susan Helen; Emeritus; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University Bloomington
Lange-Osborn, Margaret Jean; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Langen, Timothy C; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Langeneckert, Mark G; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Visual Studies; Bachelor's Degree; Art Center College of Design
Langford, Barry Robert; Instructor, Adjunct; Applied Soc Sci; Juris Doctor; University of Mo--Columbia
Langley, April C; Emeritus; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Notre Dame
Lanigar, Sean E; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Creighton University
Lankitus, Abbie Nell; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Executive Comm & Marketing
Lannin, Amy Alison; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lannin, John; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Illinois State University
Lara, Elizabeth Keiko; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; The Juilliard School
Larsen, David Rolf; Emeritus; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Larsen, Soren C; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Larson, Caroline; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lasseter, Dean B; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Kansas
Lastra Gonzalez, Guido; Medicine-Endocrinology; Doctor of Medicine; Universidad La Gran Colombia
Latifi, Sayed Malek; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; The Ohio State University
Lattimer, Jimmy Christian; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Washington State University
Laughlin, Maurice Harold; Emeritus; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Laur, Lauren Elizabeth; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci
Lava-Parmele, Susan Sajee; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Kansas
Lawrence, Austin Barrick; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lawrence, Leanna Beth; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Lawson, Melissa; Pediatrics-Adolescent; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Layfield, Lester James; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path
Lazechko, Nicholas James; MO Prevention Science Inst; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Le, Quang Trong; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Le, Thu Ngoc; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine
LeBeau, Christopher; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Master of Business Admin; Creighton University
LeFevre, Michael L; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
LeFevre, Nicholas Michael; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
LeMieux, Madeleine Marie; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Missouri
LeRoy, Michelle Lynn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kansas State University
Lea, Peter Tate; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Western Ontario
Leach, Stacey B; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Texas A&M University
Leal, Manuel Salvador; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Leary, Emily Vanessa; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Leary, Melanie Louise; Instructor, Adjunct; Dean of College of Business; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Lease, Kevin Andrew; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Leasor, Zachary; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Leavitt, Elena Lavaughn; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
Lechner, Hayley Danielle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Intercollegiate Athletics; Bachelor's Degree; University of Miami
Lee, Alison Jane; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Lee, Dominick Michael; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Lee, Gunwoo; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota - Twin
Lee, Hongjo; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Lee, Ilhyung; Law; Juris Doctor; Boston College
Lee, Ivan Gerald; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Doctor of Education; A.T. Still University
Lee, Jaewon; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Lee, Kiho; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Lee, Se Woong; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Lee, Seunghoon; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Chicago
Lee, Suhwon; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lee, Sungkyoung; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University Bloomington
Lee III, Ernest William; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Lefevre, Whitney Beck; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Legarsky, Justin J; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Lei, Lei; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; China Agricultural University
Leiby, Nicolette Renee; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Leigh, Rachel Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Info Science & Learning Tech; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Leiva Salinas, Carlos; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
Lembke, Erica Suzanne; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Lester, Ashlie Marie; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lever, Susan Zemyan; Prof, Adjunct; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; N.C. State University
Lever, Teresa Elaine; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Philosophy; East Carolina University
Levin, James Howard; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; Northeastern University
Lewis, Alexandria Monique; Social Work; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Lewis, Jason Krol; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law
Lewis, Kaleea Regina; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Carolina
Lewis, Melissa Erin; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy
Lewis, Michael Robert; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Irell & Manell Graduate School
Lewis, Shannah Cheyenne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Master of Science; University of Central Missouri
Lewis, Timothy J; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Lewis, Trudy Lynne; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Chicago
Lewis Saidi, Janet Lynn; Journalism; Master's Degree; University College - London
Li, Aigen; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Leiden University
Li, De-Pei; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Hebei Medical College
Li, Rong; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Georgia
Li, Yanguang; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Princeton University
Liang, Huichun; Languages and Literatures; Master's Degree; Governors State University
Libault, Marc; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Science; Paris Orsay
Liepert, Amy Erna; Surgery-Acute Care; Doctor of Medicine; Medical College of Wisconsin
Lietzan, Erika Fisher; Law; Juris Doctor; Duke University
Lim, Crystal Stack; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; Georgia State University
Lim, Robert W; Emeritus; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Univesity of Washington
Lim, Teng Teeh; Prof, Extns; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Limberg, Jacqueline K; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Madiso
Lin, Ai-Ling; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Lin, Chun-Shin; Prof, Asoc; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Lin, Chung Ho; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lin, Dan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; NationalUniversityOfSingapore
Lin, Feng; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Lin, Jian; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Riverside
Lin, Li; Instructor, Adjunct; Languages and Literatures; Master of Science; University of Missouri-Columbi
Lin, Mengshi; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington State University
Lin, Yuyi; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Engineering; University of California, Berkeley
Lincoln, Candy Suzanne; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; UAMS
Lindbloom, Erik J; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Northwestern University
Lindsay, Jody; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Student Services; Master of Science
Linhardt, Richard Dale; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Linville, Michael Lynn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Animal Resources; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri College
Lipscomb, Diane Carol; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Lipton, Emma E; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Liscum III, Emmanual; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Little, Randie Raderman; Pathology and Anatomical Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Littlejohn, Cary Lee; Tutor; Learning Center; Juris Doctor; University of Tennessee
Litton, Paul J; Law; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Liu, Huitao; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liu, Mian; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Liu, Mushuang; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Engineering
Liu, Pei; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Liu, Xiaohua; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Tsinghua University
Liu, Xiaokang; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Liu, Zhao; Pediatrics-Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; China Medical University
Liu, Zhenguo; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine
Livesay, Rachel; Northwest HES; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Missouri State University
Llanos, Oscar Luis; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine
Lo, Clarence Y; Prof, Adjunct; Multidisciplinary Programs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Locke, Mason A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Residential Life
Loehr, John Erik; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Loehr, Megan Michelle; Psychiatry
Logan, Stephanie Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Loginova, Oksana; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Lohman, Brenda Jo; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Lombardo, Cynthia Breanne; Family & Community Medicine; Bachelor's Degree; Drury University
Lombardo, Stephen J; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Berkeley
London, Daniel Albert; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Cleveland Clinic Lerner
Long, Natalie Abert; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Long, Rachel; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Graduate School; Master's Degree - 1st entry; MSU
Lopez Domowicz, Denise Alejandra; Pediatrics-Critical Care; Doctor of Medicine
Lopez Soriano, Magdiel; Northeast Region-ANR; Master's Degree - 1st entry; North Carolina State University
Lord, Samuel Beckham; School of Natural Resources; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Lorenz, Todd E; Plant Sciences; University of Missouri
Lorson, Christian Lawrence; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Lorson, Monique Ann; Veterinary Pathobiology
Lory, John A; Prof, Asoc Extns; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Lovell, Cindy; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Business; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Lovewell, Hunter; West Central Region-ANR; Master of Science; Oklahoma State University
Lowery, Lea Ann; Occupational Therapy; Doctor in Occupational Therapy
Loyalka, Sudarshan Kumar; Emeritus; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Lu, Bo; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Philosophy; Baylor College of Medicine
Lu, Ti; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Lubahn, Dennis Bryant; Emeritus; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Lucas, Elizabeth Katherine; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Journalism Enhancing Programs; Master of Journalism
Lucchesi, Kathryn Renee; Journalism; Master of Business Admin; University of Missouri
Lucy, Matthew C; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Ludden-Schlatter, Alicia Kathryn; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Luebbering, Jessica Cynthia; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; AT Still University of Health Sciences
Luecke, Anna M; Instructor, Adjunct; Architectural Studies; Bachelor's Degree
Luis Valerio Pinaffi, Fabio; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Luisi, Monique Linette; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Luisi, Timothy Paul; Communication; Master's Degree; The University of Kansas
Lundgren, Cory Randy; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Doctor of Science; University of Kansas Medical C
Lundy, Kacey E; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Luo, Yuyan; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Lupo, Anthony R; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Luster-Edward, Shatomi Nicole; Urban West Region; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Lutes, Jennifer Lee; Southwest Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Lykins, Haley L; Lib Spec Collectn & Archives; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri
Lyons, Jesse John; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Animal Science; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Lyons, Leslie A; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pittsburgh
Lytle, Emily Gene; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Reynolds Journalism Institute; Bachelor's Degree 1; American University
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Ma, Hongbin; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Ma, Lixin; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Copenhagen
Ma, Shen Ying; Orthopaedic Surgery
Ma, Wenjun; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Justus Liebig University Giessen
Mabary, Judith A; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Mabe, Nancy Carol; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Mabee, Sarah; Lib Acq Collectn Tech Svcs; Master of Library Science
MacDonald, Brandi Lee; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; McMaster University
MacGregor, Cynthia Jane; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
MacLeod, Kenneth G; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Mack, Willie; Black Studies; Master of Arts
Macneel, Brian Daniel; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts
Maddineni, Prabhavathi; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Madras
Maduke, Tinashe; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ
Maggard, Bryan S; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Mahan, Reiana Jo; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Southern Illinois University
Mahler, Emily M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Health Sciences Department; Master of Science; Western Illinois University
Mains, Marcia Marie; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri School of Medicine
Maitz, Charles A; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Majee, Wilson; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Majors, Kara Drew; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Majumder, Suman; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Makarov, Konstantin A; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Leningrad State University
Malcolm, Kathryn Amanda; Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine
Malfatti, Gabrielle; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Malhotra, Kunal; Medicine-Nephrology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Malik, Asma; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine
Mallon, Grace; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Provost
Mallory, Daniel A; Northeast Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Malm-Buatsi, Elizabeth Ashiokor; Surgery-Urology; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Iowa
Maltsbarger, Robert; Sr Resrch Asoc; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Colum
Malwitz, Kari A; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine; AUA College of Medicine
Mandler, Christopher Reid; Medicine-Administration; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Pacific Northwest University
Manfra II, Louis Paul; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; George Mason University
Manion, Lee B; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Virginia
Mann, Fred Anthony; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; The Ohio State University
Mannella, Christine Pazia; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Manring, Noah; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Manrique Acevedo, Camila Margarita; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Manzo, Angelo A; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; The University of Texas at Austin
Mao, Yijin; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Engineering; University of Missouri-Columbia
Marinova, Detelina Christova; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Cincinnati
Market, Patrick S; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Markie, Peter Joseph; Emeritus; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Massachusetts Amherst
Markley, John Gregory; Surgery-Cardiothoracic; Doctor of Medicine; University of Wisconsin Medical School
Marks, Raymond D; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Marlo, Michael Robert; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Marquardt Ezell, Taya; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Washington State University
Marra, Rose M; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Colorado Boulder
Marrs, Mary Elizabeth; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Marshall, Julie Marie; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Martens, Matthew P; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Martin, Carolyn Nichole; School of Nursing; Master of Public Admin; University of Missouri
Martin, Cynthia Renea; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education
Martin, Dana Elizabeth; Physical Therapy & Athl Traing; Doctor of Science
Martin, Elizabeth Ann; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Texas A&M University
Martin, Joseph Leslie; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri
Martin, Kari Lyn; Dermatology-Derm; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Martin, Lynn Marie; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Martin Kratzer, Renee Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; University of Missouri
Martin-Apostolatos, Gwendolyn Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Anthropology; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Martinez, Sebastian; Journalism; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Martinez-Lemus, Luis Arturo; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Martins, Thiago; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Sao Paulo
Marvin, Helena Margaret; Librarian Iii; Library; Master of Library Science; Queens College
Marwan, Ahmed Ibrahim; Surgery-Pediatric
Maschmann, Matthew R; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr
Mason, Benjamin; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; College of Education
Mason, Lucinda Amber; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Animal Science
Mason, Marquis Rashawn; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy
Mason, Rose; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy
Massengale, Dana Lee; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nevada Las Vegas
Massey, Zachary Brock; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oklahoma
Matheson, Jodi Suzanne; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Mathews, Michelle C; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Mathews, Nicholas Emanuel; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy
Matisziw, Timothy C; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Matz, Brian James; Honors College
Mauldin, Elaine G; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska
Maurer, Brian David; Engineering & Info Tech; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Mawhinney, Thomas Patrick; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Albany Medical College
Mayes, Amy; Social Work; Doctor of Social Science; University of Southern California
Mayes-Denker, Kelli; Economics; Doctor of Business Admin
Mayo, Jennifer; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Mazuru, Dana; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
McAfee, Steven Ray; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri School of Medicine
McBee-Black, Kerri Beth; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
McCaffrey, Kimberly A; English; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
McCann, Katrina Jean; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
McCann, Laura M; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
McCarthy, Denis Michael; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kentucky
McCathren, Rebecca; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
McCaulley, Graham E; Director; Office of Service Learning; Doctor of Philosophy; University Of Missouri-Columbi
McClaren, Stephanie Doyle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Master of Education; University of Missouri
McClay, James Crawford; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Medicine; Wayne State University
McClay, James Crawford; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Medicine; Wayne State University
McClellan, Andrew D; Emeritus; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Case Western Reserve University
McClellan, Chrissa Lea; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
McCorkill, Andrew M; West Central Region-ANR; Master of Science; Missouri State University
McCormack, Jared Evan; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Visual Studies; Bachelor's Degree
McCormick, Casey Jean; School of Nursing; Master of Public Health
McCracken, Megan J; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Cornell University
McCrae, Christina S; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University in St. Louis
McCullough, Christie Marie; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
McCullough, Michael Wayne; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
McCurdy, Kristen; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; University of Edinburgh
McDonald, John Andrew; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy
McDonald, Kerry S; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Marquette University
McDonald, Lauren Marie; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri Columbia
McElroy, Jane A; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
McFadden, Thomas B; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
McFarland, Victor Robert; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
McFillen, Mary Catherine; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; Miami University of Ohio
McGarr, Jennifer L; Law; Juris Doctor; Georgetown University
McGinley, Elizabeth; Urban West HES; Master of Arts; University of Arkansas
McGowan, Kelly Gail; Southwest Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Missouri
McIlwain, Katelynn M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; FM Station; Some College 1
McIntosh, Matthew John; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; Univ of Missouri - Columbia
McKarns, Susan Carol; Surgery-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
McKay, Stephanie D; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alberta
McKean, Michael L; Emeritus; Dean of Journalism; Master's Degree; Rice University
McKee, Adryan Marc; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Missouri Review; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
McKeever, John; Prof, Ast Visiting; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of Colorado Boulder
McKenzie, Gary Austin; Instructor, Adjunct; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci
McKeown, Simon John; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
McKillion, Kevin Charles; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; PCOM-Georgia
McKinney, Jason C; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
McKinney, Mitchell S; Emeritus; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
McKinstry, Megan Louise; Languages and Literatures; Master's Degree; University of Washington
McLamore, Quinnehtukqut James; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Massachusetts Am
McLarty, Bonnie Erin; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of Kansas
McLaughlin, Michael; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
McLay, Barbara Ann; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Master of Arts; The University of Iowa
McMillen, Travis W; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Reynolds Journalism Institute
McNamee, Turi Ann; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Chicago-Pritzkev School of Medicine
McNary, Robert Leon; Southwest Region-Youth; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
McNay, Angela Dawn; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources
McPartland, Kevin; Prof, Ast Visiting; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Cincinnati
McSteen, Paula Catherine; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Anglia Polytechnic University
McWilliams, Austin Paul; Honors College; Master of Music
Mccarty, Brittany Diane; Family & Community Medicine
Mcvey, Janette Dianne; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Meadowcroft, Taira M; Health & Specialized Libs; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Meadows, Richard L; Prof, Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; TAMU
Mecham, Kathi Sue; Northwest Region-ANR; Master of Agriculture; Missouri State University
Medina Botero, Hernan Camilo; Instructor, Adjunct; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; Universidad Nacional de Colomb
Mehra-Chaudhary, Ritcha; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; IARI,New- Delhi, India
Meiman, Elizabeth Joan; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Iowa State University
Meinertz, Naomi; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Meininger, Gerald Alan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dalton Cardiovascular Res Ctr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Meints, Selena; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Master of Arts; Sam Houston State University
Meisenbach, Rebecca J; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Melnyk, Andrew; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Men, Hongsheng; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Mendelson, Tobias Matthew; Applied Soc Sci; Juris Doctor; Cumberland School of Law - Samford University
Mendez, Carlos A; Languages and Literatures; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Mendoza-Cozatl, David Guillermo; Plant Sciences
Meng, Andrew Chengsi; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Mense, Sarah; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Residential Life
Merchant, Rameez; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Dow Medical College
Mercier, Glynda; West Central Region-ANR; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Texas A & M University
Merkle, Edgar C; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Central State University
Merzweiler, Nicole; Lib Acq Collectn Tech Svcs; Master of Library Science
Mestres, Jaime Lynn; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Metro, Rosalie; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Metz, Maria Theresa; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Master of Social Work; University of Chicago
Metz, Michael Lehman; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Meusch, Eric Newman; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master of Science; Auburn University
Meyer, Allison Marie; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; North Dakota State University
Meyer, Anthony J; Prof, Asoc Visiting; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri - Colum
Meyer, James E; AES Human Environmental Sci; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Meyer, Laura Locke; School of Nursing; Doctor of Science; A. T. Still University
Meyer III, James Harmon; Mizzou Academy; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri
Meyers, William H; CAFNR International Programs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Meyr, Maggie Christina; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Radiology - Ultrasound
Miceli, Paul; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael, Sabrina; Honors College; Master of Science
Michalski, Erika Breedlove; Instructor, Adjunct; Dean of College of Business; Doctor of Education
Micheas, Athanasios; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Mickelson, Megan Ann; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Middelkoop, Pilar Mendoza; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis
Middleton, John R; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington State University
Middleton, Kevin M; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Mike, Margaret Elizabeth; Neurology
Milam, Michael R; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Mississippi State University
Milby, Joshua Neill; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Miller, Aaron Charles; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
Miller, Cody Nathaniel; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Iowa
Miller, James Isaac; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Rice University
Miller, Jennifer Louise; MU Extension Hundley-Whaley; Northwest Missouri State University
Miller, Julie Ann; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Sinclair School of Nursing
Miller, Kathleen K; Truman School Government and Public Affairs; Master of Science; The Pennsylvania State University
Miller, Kenneth Jeffrey; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Chiropractic Med; Palmer College of Chiropractic
Miller, Mary E; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Miller, Sandra Dee; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work; University of Maryland
Miller, Steven; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Nursing; Master of Fine Arts; Unviersity of Nebraska
Miller, William H; Resrch Scientist/Academic Sr; Research Reactor; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Miller Jr, Dennis K; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Millham, Ashley Suzanne; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Milliano, Joseph Michael; Honors College; Master of Physics; UM-St. Louis
Mills, Joseph Peter; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych
Mills, Kathleen Maria; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Mills, Mistie Renee; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine
Mills, Rilla Dean; Emeritus; Dean of Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mills, Toby Mackenzie; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy
Milyo, Jeffrey Dennis; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Minshall, Wilson Koblegard; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Missouri- Columb
Mir, Junaid Subhani; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; King Edward Medical university
Mirielli, Edward Joseph; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Misch, Jonathan Thomas; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; Rush Medical College
Mislan, Cristina; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Misra, Madhukar; Medicine
Misra, Shamita; Family & Community Medicine; Master of Science; MLB Medical College Jhansi
Mitchell, Brad Stewart; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; eLearning; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Mitchell, Chelsea R; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri
Mitchell, Simon D; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Pennsylvania
Mitchell JR, William J; Veterinary Pathobiology
Mittendorfer, Bettina; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas Medical Branch
Mittler, Ron; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Miyamoto, Peter Marc; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Moehlmann, Angelina Rosalie; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Moeller, Kimberly Nicole; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Moesel, Douglas D; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Mogetta, Marcello; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Mohamed, Eslam Adel; Radiology
Mohammad, Arwa Mawaffak; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Mohan, Rajiv Ravindra; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Lucknow University
Mohmoud, Jama Adam; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine
Mohr, Kathryn Lynette; Medicine-General Internal; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Mohrland, Michael D; Health Psychology; Doctor of Psychology; Nova Southeastern University
Molina Placeres, Aliuska; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Molitoris, Amy Marie; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Cornell University
Moloney, Timothy Hayes; Plant Sciences; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Monk, James Kale; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Monnier, Nicole M; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Princeton University
Monroe, Holly Orr; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory
Montes Alvarez, Leonardo; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy
Montfrooij, Wouter Theodorus; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Delft University of Technology
Montgomery Smith, Stephen; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Cambridge University
Mooney, Brian P; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University College Dublin
Moore, Brandon Christopher; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Science; University of Florida
Moore, Bret Andrew; Instructor, Adjunct; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Psychology
Moore, Brett A; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; A.T. Still University
Moore, Desiree Nichole; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of South Florida
Moore, Don Kim; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Michigan
Moore, Ellen Elizabeth; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Moore, Joi L; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Georgia
Moore, Kelli Jo; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Moore, Megan Elizabeth; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Moore, Susan Marie; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Moore, Tracie Lynn; Community Development Admin; Master of Agriculture; Northwest Missouri State University
Morales, Rosa Marusia; Languages and Literatures; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Morales Coll, Valerie Rachelle; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ross University
Morawitz, Elizabeth Anne; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Moreland, Jill Annette; Prgm Director; Applied Soc Sci
Morett, Laura; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Santa Cruz
Morgan, Jamie Dawn; Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine
Morgan, John Mark; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Morgan, Ralph Speer; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Morgan-Jack, Brandie Renee; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Morgenthaler, Megan; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice
Morpurgo, Carlo; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Morrill, Alexandra L; International programs; Master of Social Science; University of Edinburgh
Morris, Celeste Michelle; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Morris, Jason Courtney; Dean of Agriculture; Master of Agriculture; University of Tennessee
Morris, Laura Elizabeth; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Morris, Mary Michelle; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Harvard University
Morris, Robert Scott; Prof, Ast Teach; Marketing; Doctor of Business Admin
Mosa, Abu Saleh; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Mosley, Joshua David; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism
Moss, Kathryn; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Philosophy; Emory University
Moss, Matthew; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Aerospace Studies
Mott, Rebecca Louise; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Moulaison, Heather L; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; Rutgers University - Newark
Moxley, David E; Health Sciences Department; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Moyers, Sara Noelle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; TV Station; Not Indicated - 1st entry
Mraovic, Boris; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Rijeka Medical
Mrozowicz, Elizabeth Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; St. Louis University
Mueser, Peter; Prof, Adjunct; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Mukembo, Stephen Charles; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Mullens, Frank Edward; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Vanderbilt University
Muller, Virginia Lee; English; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Mulloy, Robyn; Southeast Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Munter, Charles Michael; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
Muratore, Mary Jo; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Davis
Murdoch, Joanna Elizabeth; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Oregon State University
Murillo Condo, Maria Daveiva; Languages and Literatures; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Murph, Megan Elizabeth; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kentucky
Murphy, Lukin Travis; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education
Murrell, Scottie Dean; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Mushrush JR, Willis C; Plant Sciences; Master of Business Admin; University of Arkansas
Musser, Dale Roy; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Mussey, Joanna Lee; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alabama
Mustapha, Azlin; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska
Muzzey, Allison Kaye; Instructor, Adjunct; Women's & Gender Studies
Mwangi, Katelyn Lanae; Occupational Therapy; Doctor in Occupational Therapy; Washington University in St. Louis
Myers, Anne Marie; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Myers, Gary; Law
Myers, Kathryn Sue; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Myers, Mary A; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Myers, Samantha Alise; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri -- Columbia
Myroniuk, Tyler Wiktor; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
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Na, Hyeong Suk; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Nabelek, Peter I; Emeritus; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Stony Brook University, The State University of New York
Nada, Ayman Mohamed; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; School of Medicine, Cairo University
Naes, Madison Walsh; Intern Veterinarian; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri - Colum
Nafe, Laura Ann; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University Of Missouri-Columbi
Nag, Uttara; Surgery - Vascular; Doctor of Medicine
Naha, Kushal; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Medicine
Naha, Sowjanya; Medicine-Endocrinology; Doctor of Medicine
Nahm, Pyung; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota Carlso
Nail, Michelle Anna; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Pathobiology; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Nair, Satish S; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Nakanishi, Amelia; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; St. George's University SOM
Nam, Kihoon; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Philosophy; Seoul National University
Nandu, Nitish Singh; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; Rosalind Franklin University/Chicago Medical School
Naqvi, Syed Hasan; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Allama Iqbal Medical College
Naramor, Ada Y; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; UC Davis
Nash, Justin M; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Nasrullah, Ayesha; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Aga Khan University
Nassar, Hussein; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Science; Universite Paris-Est
Nassir, Fatiha; Medicine-Gastroenterology; Doctor of Philosophy; University Blaise Pascal - France
Nattanmai Chandrasekaran, Premkumar; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Naumann, Harley Dean; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Naveh-Benjamin, Moshe; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Naz, Sabiha; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Neal, Steven Phelps; Emeritus; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Negozio, Xander M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; HS Graduate or Equivalent
Neier, Leigh P; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Neimeyer, Gregory James; Instructor, Adjunct; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Psychology; University of Notre Dame
Nell, Amanda E; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Career Center; Master's Degree; University of Michigan
Nelsen, William Lee; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Engineering; Master of Arts; Truman State University
Nelson, Christopher S; Surgery-Acute Care; Doctor of Medicine; University of North Dakota
Nelson, Fern Christian; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; Royal Veterinary College
Nelson, Kelly A; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Nelson, Nicole Christin; Surgery-Surgical Oncology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Nova Southeastern University
Nelson, Taylor Brooke; Medicine-Infectious Diseases
Ner, Zarah Hernandez; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Medicine; University of the Philippines
Nesbitt, Allison Marie; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; Stony Brook University
Neuman, Stevanie Schneider; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Neuner, Catherine Marie; Northwest Region-ANR; Master of Agriculture; Colorado State University
Neupane, Jasmine; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Science; Texas Tech University
Nevalga, Jeimmie Deguzman; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Nevatt, Jennifer Rebekah; Southwest HES; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Nevel, Rebekah Joy; Pediatrics-Pulmonary; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Nevius, Marcus Peyton; History; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Newland, Emily Ruth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Special Education; Master's Degree - 1st entry
Newman, Carol Dell; Law; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina
Newton, Stephanie Lisa; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Sociology; Master of Science
Ng'oma, Enoch; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Friedrich-Schiller University
Ngo, Hilton Lim; Pediatrics-Neonatology; Doctor of Medicine; University of The East
Nguyen, Chau Chuong; Pediatrics-Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Nguyen, Henry Thien; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Nguyen, Huy Quang; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-Columbi
Nguyen, Phong Vu; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Nguyen, Van Thi; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Kansas
Ni, Xiaoguang; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Nichols, Bradley Jared; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennessee
Nichols, Nicole L; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Wright State University
Nielsen, Rachel Beth; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alabama
Niemann, Joshua Joe; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Nebraska college of medicine
Niles, Dennisa Ann; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Nilon, Charles H; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; The State University of New York
Nilsson, Peter James; Medicine Hospitalist
Nistala, Ravi; Medicine
Noble, James Stewart; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Noble, Kathy Lynne; VP for International Programs; Bachelor's Degree; Purdue University
Noon, Christian Matthew; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Carolina
Norby, Kiersten Elizabeth; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine
Nordberg, Susan Elizabeth; VP for International Programs; Master of Arts; Western Illinois University
Nordberg, Thomas Glenn; VP for International Programs; Doctor of Philosophy; McGill University (Montreal)
Norregaard, Thorkild Vad; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine; Aarhus University
North, Rebecca; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Waterloo
Norton, Keith N; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Virginia Commonwealth University
Norton III, Charles Elbert; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of New Mexico
Nowell, Kerri Philippa; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy
Nuelle, Clayton W; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Loyola University Chicago
Nuelle, Julia Ann; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Nuetzmann, Kimberley G; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Master of Education
Nugent, Dylan; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of South Florida
Null, Gary Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
Nystrom, Lauren Glyn; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
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O'Brien, Caleb T; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Tech
O'Brien, Dennis; Prof, Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
O'Bryan, Christopher Samuel; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
O'Connor, Jennifer; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
O'Doherty, Michael S; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
O'Donnell, Frederick Thomas; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Texas
O'Halloran, Rachel Joann; Biological Sciences; Master of Science; Illinois State University
O'Haro, Deborah Rene; VP for International Programs
O'Leary, Kimberly Nicole; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Florida
Oba, Yuji; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; Kochi Medical School
Obermier, Nicole Leerae; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master's Degree; Lesley University
Obi, Olugbemisola Amoke; Pediatrics-Neonatology; Doctor of Medicine; Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Oconnell, Robert M; Prof, Adjunct; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Oconnor, Erin K; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Animal Resources; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Odemuyiwa, Olumayowa Adenike; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; Auburn University
Odemuyiwa, Solomon Olawole; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Ibadan - Nigeria
Oeth, Kimberly Sue; School of Nursing
Oetker, Lindsay M; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Social Work
Off, Kelly Ann; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master's Degree; Stephens College
Offutt, Cheryl Ann; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Ogden, Jamie Alise; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Ohmes JR, George A; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennesse - Knoxville
Oler, Melanie Joy; Family & Community Medicine
Olivares, Cecilia Phivan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; VP Undergraduate Studies; Master of Education; Iowa State University
Oliver, Bryan Lyndell; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Law
Oliver, Christopher Matthew; Theatre; Master of Arts
Oliver, Gina M; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Oliver, Richard Edward; Emeritus; CHS Dean's Office; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Oliveri, Rigel Christine; Law; Juris Doctor; Stanford University
Olsen, Amanda Ashley; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy
Olson, Rachel Marie; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ongaga, Kennedy; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Oprean, Danielle Margret; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Oram, Lindsay Elaine; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy
Orbann, Carolyn Marie; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ordway, Eric Alan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Missouri
Orscheln, Jennifer Marie; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Education; University of Missouri St. Louis
Ortega Obando, Martha Sofia; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Orton, Sarah Lynn; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Osborn, Jennifer; Northwest Region; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri-Columbia
Osgood, James Gale; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Otabela Mewolo, Joseph Desire; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; National University of Distance Education
Otis, Alexandria Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Ott, Brian; Prof, Ast Visiting; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Otten, Samuel J; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Ottis, Erica Jean; Prof, Clincl; Pharmacy Practice & Admin
Otto, Taylor; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Bachelor's Degree 1
Otvos, Balint; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Ouda, Abdelnasser; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Science; University of Western Ontario
Ousley, Cannon Tyler; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Columbia -- Miss
Outlaw, Victor Kenneth; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Overholser, Lisa Marie; Urban East Region-Comm Dev; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University - Bloomington
Owens, Sarah A; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ozden, Ilker; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Ozer, Mehmet; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
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Padhye, Amruta Narendra; Pediatrics-Infectious Disease; Doctor of Medicine
Padilla Parellada, Jaume; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana State University
Pagano, Eleonora Samanta; Pediatrics-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy
Page, Barbara Ann; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Page, Brenda Kay; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Page, Laura Alexander; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Pahls, Mark Christopher; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Nursing - General; Doctor of Education; University of Kansas
Pai, Perngjin Frank; Emeritus; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Tech
Palaniappan, Kannappan; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Palaniyandi, Senthilnathan; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Philosophy
Palermo, Francisco; Human Devl & Family Science
Palisch, Andrew Ryan; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Medical College of Wisconsin
Palmer, Caitlin Nelle; English; Master of Fine Arts; University of Idaho
Palmer, Cassidy; Urban East HES; Master of Science; Saint Louis University
Palmer, Dajanae Lukemeonia; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy
Palmer, Mark Henry; Geography; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Oklahoma
Palmero, Mauro Rodrigo; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Ohio University
Pan, Jullie W; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy
Panchanathan, Karthik; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Panchangam, Srinivas Krishna; Pediatrics-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Seth G.S Medical College
Panichsillapakit, Theppharit; Medicine-Infectious Diseases; Doctor of Medicine; Medical School
Pantoja, Marco Antonio; Prof, Ast Extns; Management; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Paoletti, Gabriel Joeseph; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Education; Creighton Uniersity
Papageorgiou, Christos Nikos; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Medicine
Pape, Kirsten Tara; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Arts & Science; Master of Public Administration; University of Missouri
Pardalos, John A; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Park, Baekkwan; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy
Park, Chanwoo; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Park, Joontaek; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Park, Soyon; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Park, Youngok Jade; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine
Parker, Catherine Dore; Emergency Medicine
Parker, Jordan Elizabeth; Dermatology-Derm; Doctor of Medicine
Parker, Kristin Joy; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; MPC Adult Unit 1; Registered Nurse
Parker, Sara Wing; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Public Health; University of Missouri
Parker, Terri; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law
Parks, Elizabeth Jane; Nutrition & Exercise Phys-MED; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Davis
Parmenter, Joshua Glenn; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; Utah State University
Parrish, Alan Ray; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Parshall, Jordan Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biological Science; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Parsons, Eric S; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Parsons, Sarah Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; VC Student Affairs; Doctor of Philosophy
Pasley, Jeffrey L; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Harvard University
Patel, Harsha N; Pediatrics
Patillo, Amy Rachel; Southwest Region-B&I; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Patterson, Amanda Lynn; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington State University
Patterson, David J; Emeritus; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Paukert, Craig Patrick; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; South Dakota State University
Paul, Hannah Lynn; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Colorado Boulder
Pavey, Curtis; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of Cincinnati
Payne, Craig Alan; Prof, Asoc Extns; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Paz Herrera, Amanda Maria; Instructor, Adjunct; Honors College; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of the Ozarks
Pearce, Ibitola Olufunlayo; Black Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Pease, Allison Ann; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy
Peck, Scott C; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Peculis, Brenda A; Emeritus; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Pelikan, Andrew Robert; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri-Columbia
Pelikan, John McKean; Management
Pellerito, Jordan Brianna; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Provost; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Peng, Chunyan; Management; Doctor of Philosophy
Penniman, Rebecca Helmle; Urban East Region; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Johns Hopkins University
Pereverzev, Andrey Yuryevich; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas Austin
Perez Anzaldo, Guadalupe; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Perkins, Susan Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Perna, Leslie; School of Music; Master's Degree; Boston University
Perrett, Courtney; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; News Bureau
Perrone, Rachel Sonya; Instructor, Adjunct; Marketing; Bachelor's Degree 1; Saint Louis University
Perry, Debra Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Perry Jr, Earnest Lee; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Pesko, Michael; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy
Peters, Clark M; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Peterson, Bradley Steinar; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Peterson, Catherine A; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Peterson, Kristi Michele; Occupational Therapy; Bachelor's Degree; University of Nebraska - Omaha
Peterson-Ramey, Aitriona Lois; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Specialist of Education; Northwest Missouri State Unive
Petris, Carisa Kay; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Petris, Michael J; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Melbourne
Petrone, Robert Anthony; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Petry, Amy Leann; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Petter, John Charles; VP for International Programs; Doctor of Public Admin; University of Illinois - Springfield
Peuterbaugh, Jessica Lee; School of Nursing
Pevehouse-Pfeiffer, Danielle Therese; Social Work; Master of Social Work; University of MIssouri
Pezold, Matthew Anthony; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; Univeristy of Missouri
Pfeffer, Drew Asa; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; HS Graduate or Equivalent; Poplar Bluff Senior High Schoo
Phanichkul, Tamara E; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path
Phillips, Charlotte L; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Phillips, Lynelle Mae; Public Health; Master of Public Health; Emory University
Phillips, Winfred George; Prof, Asoc Teach; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Phyall, Adam Antoine; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Piao, Zhenhao; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Picht, Randy N; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Reynolds Journalism Institute
Pickard, Laura; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Podiatric Medicine; Podiatric Medical School
Picking, Elizabeth MacConnell; Southwest Region-ANR; Master of Science; Texas A&M University
Picking, Wendy Lynn; Veterinary Pathobiology
Picking, William Daniel; Veterinary Pathobiology
Picó Del Rosario, Gerardo Rafael; Instructor, Adjunct; Law
Pierce, Bess Janine; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Auburn University
Pierce, Heather L; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Pierce, Jeannette Ellen; MU Libraries; Master of Science; University of Illinois
Pierce II, Robert A; Prof, Asoc Extns; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Pifer, Gina Lee; Occupational Therapy; Doctor of Education; University of St. Augustine
Pina, Zorina M; Family & Community Medicine; Master's Degree
Pinhero, Patrick Joseph; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Notre Dame
Pinhero, Teresa Mary; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Student Services; Bachelor's Degree; University of San Diego
Pinkney, Adrianne Rochelle; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Emory University
Pinnow, Rachel JaDean; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Georgia
Pino, Maria Isabel; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Pintel, David J; Emeritus; Life Sciences Center; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Pintz, Joseph Edmund; School of Visual Studies; Master's Degree; University of Nebraska
Piper, Karen L; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Pippert, Wesley G; Emeritus; Journalism; Master of Arts; Wheaton College
Pires, Joseph C; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Pitts, Teresa Greene; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Pivovarov, Peter; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alberta
Pizzella, Danielle M; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Educ Preparation & Leadership; Master of Education; University of Missouri St. Lou
Plank, Crystal Leigh; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; Southern Adventist University
Podgursky, Michael J; Prof, Adjunct; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin
Poe, Karen; Northeast HES; Doctor of Nursing Practice
Poehlman, Michael L; Instructor, Adjunct; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Master of Science; Walden (NTU)
Pokala, Naveen; Surgery-Urology; Doctor of Medicine; Osmania Medical College
Politte, Lenard L; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Polo Parada, Luis; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Case Western Reserve University
Polsky, Matthew Philip; Instructor, Adjunct; Marketing; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Poock, Scott Ervin; Prof, Asoc Extns; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Pool, Deborah Jo; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; Drury University
Poole, Joel Alan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; General Counsel Office; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Poor, Joel C; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Popejoy, Lori L; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Popescu, Mihail; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Porch, Donna Marie; Campus Business & Communities; Master's Degree; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Porter, Jeannette Hill; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Portman, Alicia Caryn; Pediatrics-Hematology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Texas - San Antonio
Potter, Nick Francis; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Brown University
Pough, Natalie Odom; Prof, Ast Visiting; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; University of Central Florida
Powell, Joy Ann; Theatre; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Powell, Kimberly Ryan; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Prager, Bradley J; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Prahlad, Anand; Emeritus; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Los Angeles
Prall, Sean Page; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Prasad, Srirupa; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Prather, Randall S; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Prats Vidal, David; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Arts; University of Girona (Spain)
Pratt, Garrett Cole; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri
Pratzel, Alan David; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; Washington University
Preble, Kathleen Murray; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas at Arlington
Preis, Stacey Jones; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; College of Education
Prenger, Bethany Marie; East Ctrl Region-Youth; Master of Agriculture; Missouri State University
Presko, Kimberly Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Regional Prof Development Ctr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Prestigiacomo, Carl Christopher; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Prewett, Sara Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Prewitt, Wayne R; West Central Region; Master of Science; University of Arkansas
Price, Nancy Ann; International programs; Master's Degree; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pringle, Lauren Clough; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Proctor, Haley Marie; Fellow; Law; Juris Doctor; Yale Law School
Proffitt, Rachel M; Occupational Therapy; Doctor in Occupational Therapy; Washington University
Pryor, Christina Nichole; Health & Specialized Libs; Master of Library Science
Pryor II, Steven W; Libraries Administration; Master of Library Science; University of Washington
Pukthuanthong, Kuntara; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Putnam, Darcie L; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Puttur, Santhoshkumar; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Mysore
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Qin, Hua; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Qin, Qingming; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; China Agricultural University
Qin, Zhenbo; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Columbia University
Quackenbush, Stephen Lee; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Quinn, Thomas P; Prof, Adjunct; Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Quinsey, Carolyn; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine
Quist, Donald Edem; English; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Qureshi, Adnan Iqbal; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Quaid-e-Azam University
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Raasch, Margaret; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; History
Rabbani, Abed Golam; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Georgia
Rachagani, Satyanarayana; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; National Dairy Research Institute
Radulescu, Alexandru Viorel; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Los Angeles
Raghavan, Ram Kumar; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Rahman, Kathleen; Libraries Administration; Master of Science
Rahman, Md Saidur; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Bangladesh Agricultural University
Rais, Faiza Rasul; Instructor, Adjunct; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-Columbi
Rajagopalan, Anuradha; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine
Rajagopalan, Balaji; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Memphis
Rajendran, Suchithra; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Raju, Murugesan; Sr Resrch Asoc; RSCH Core Facilities; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Madras - India
Ramachandran, Venkataraman; Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Madras
Ramirez, Brittany Lea; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Chiropractic Med; Logan University
Ramirez Bayron Jr, Jose Gilberto; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Chiropractic Med; Logan University
Ramseyer Winter, Virginia Lynn; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Rancour, Brittany Christine; Prof, Ast Visiting; School of Visual Studies; Doctor of Philosophy
Randolph, Jena K; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy
Ranjit, Yerina Shrestha; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Ransdell, Brennan Myles; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; Rockhurst University
Rao, Deepthi Shivaram; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine
Rao, Praveen Ramesh; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arizona
Raonka, Pallavi; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Tech
Rasheed, Abdul Hannan; Medicine-Nephrology; Doctor of Medicine
Rasmussen, Jacqueline Anne; Management; Master of Business Admin; Oklahoma State University
Rath, Punyaslok; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ratliff, Amber Shannon; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Rau, Meagan Brophy; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Rauls, Jessica Nicole; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education; Stephens College
Ravert, Russell Douglas; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University Bloomington
Rawlings, Jared; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Ray, Christina Therese; School of Music; Master of Music; Louisiana State University
Rayburn, Samuel Houston; Honors College; Bachelor's Degree 1
Reall, Tamra; Urban West Region-ANR; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Reams, Robert C; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Rector, Randy S; Nutrition & Exercise Phys-MED; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Reddy, Chada Sudershan; Emeritus; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Mississippi
Redel, Bethany K; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Animal Science
Redmon, Jeremy Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master of Fine Arts; University of Georgia
Redmon, Ryan Wystan; Prof, Asoc Visiting; Law; Juris Doctor; Notre Dame Law School
Reed, Rita; Emeritus; Journalism; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Reeder, Blaine Patrick; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Reeder, Bryce W; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Reeder, Linda S; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Rutgers University
Reesman, Sarah K; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Minnesota Law Sc
Reeves, Lauren Amanda; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Reeves, Randy A; Journalism; Master's; University of Missouri
Regier, Emily Friesen; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Register, Susan Marie; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education
Regneri, Erin Christine; English; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
Reichardt, Alec Zuercher; History; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Reid Arndt, Stephanie A; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Arizona
Reilly, Thomas James; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Reinbott, David L; Southeast Region-ANR
Reinero, Carol Rose; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of California, Davis
Reinke, Wendy M; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Reneker, Lixing W; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Renoe, Susan Dixon; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University Of California-Santa
Resnik, Andrew G; Psychiatry
Reuben, Richard C; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Doctor of Laws
Revelle, Sara M; Prof, Ast Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Frontier Nursing University
Revord, Ronald Scott; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Science; University of Illinois
Reyna, Ivan Roberto; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Reynders, Gilbert; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Rhames, Alexis Shannon; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Master of Science; Johns Hopkins University
Rhodes, Natalie Paige; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Richard, John Dennis; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Richardson, Brandi Michelle; Human Environmental Sciences; Master's Degree - 2nd entry; Missouri State University
Richardson, Norbert L; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; UMKC
Richins, Marsha L; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Richmond, Angela Marie; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Rickman, Richard Dale; Southeast Region-B&I; Master of Science; Arkansas State University
Riddle, Julie Ann; Ext Regional Administration; Master of Social Work; University of Kansas
Ridenour, Laura Elien; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of WI-Milwaukee
Ries, James E; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Ries, Lawrence D; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Riles, Julius Matthew; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
Riley, Shari Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Juris Doctor; University Of Missouri-Columbi
Riley-Tillman, Timothy Christopher; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; Syracuse University
Rindt, Tara Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Residential Life; Some College 1
Ringdahl, Erika N; Family & Community Medicine
Rittenhour, Jennifer Kathryn; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Ritter, Detlef Guenther; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; Ludwig Maximilians University
Ritter, Mistti Michelle; Community Development Admin; Master of Arts; Washington University in St. L
Rivera, Arnaldo Luis; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Puerto Rico
Rivera, Izel Marice; Instructor, Adjunct; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Memphis
Rivera, Rocio Melissa; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Rivera, Tiffany; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Rivero Acevedo, Luis Antonio; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Virginia Tech: VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine
Robbins, Bridgett Allyn; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Science; University of Missouri
Robbins, Philip Alexander; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Robert, Christopher A; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Roberts, Carson; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Mississippi State University
Roberts, Robert Michael; Prof, Adjunct; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Robertson, John David; Executive Director; Research Reactor; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Robinson, Erin Linn; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Robinson, Lisa; Southwest Region-Comm Dev; Master of Business Admin
Robinson, Matthew Timothy; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Robley, LeAnn Michelle; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Master's Degree; Fontebonne University
Rodgers, Shelly Lanette; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Rodrigues, Jessica Marie; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Delaware
Rodriguez, Brian Enrique; English; Master of Arts
Roe, Pamela K; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1; MU School of Journalism
Rogers, Clay Leslie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Intercollegiate Athletics; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Rogers, Evelyn S; Instructor, Adjunct; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Rogers Jr, Reginald E; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Rohde, Phillip Paul; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Kansas School of Medicine
Rojas Moreno, Christian Andres; Medicine-Infectious Diseases; Doctor of Medicine; Universidad Nacional Asuncion
Roland, William; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Rollins, Kathryn Lauren; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Romine, Daniel James; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Rood, Tammy Lynn; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Roof, Carolyn Sue; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Master of Education; Northeast Missouri State Unive
Rook, Mary Elizabeth; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri-Columbia
Roper, Paula Lajean; MU Libraries; Doctor of Philosophy; University of MO Columbia
Rose, Amanda J; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Rose, Chad Allen; Special Education
Rose, Kathleen Maeve; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rose, Thomas D; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Public Health; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Roseland, Kathy; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; Chamberlain University
Rosenblad, Brent Lyndon; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Rosenfeld, Cheryl S; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Rosenfeld, Julie Anne; School of Music; Master of Music; Yale University
Rosner, Chelsea Lynn; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Ross, Anthony Dewayne; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Rossi, John Dominick; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Nursing
Roth, Allison; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Rotman, Robin Mercedes; School of Natural Resources; Juris Doctor; Yale Law School
Rottinghaus, Patrick Joseph; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Routh, Brayden Leigh; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Oklahoma State University
Rowe, Jennifer Lynn; Journalism; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Royal, Angela B; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Royse, Lisa Anne; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy
Rozier, Stephen C; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; Temple University
Rubin, Hannah Marie; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; UC Irvine
Rubin, Leona Joyce; Emeritus; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Univ Colorado
Rucinski, Kylee Jenae; Orthopaedic Surgery; Master of Health Admin; University of Missouri
Rudy, Duane; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Toronto
Ruether, Teresa; VP for International Programs; Master of Education; William Woods University
Ruffolo, Cynthia L; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Ruggeri, David Andrew; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Ruiz-Mendoza, Martin; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy
Runde, Eddie Wayne; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri - Colum
Runyan, Bruce Wayne; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Rushing, Kelsey; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; Health Professions
Rutledge, Alison Michelle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Rymph, Catherine E; History; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Ryu, Dojin; ZZZ-Food Systems Admin; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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SONAWANE, PRASHANT; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Agriculture Biochemistry
Saab, Youssef; Prof, Asoc; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Saavedra, Alix Daniela; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ross University School of Vete
Sadler, Kate Marie; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI
Saemi, Arash Michael; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Vermont
Safaii, SeAnne Jo; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy
Saffran, Lise Jeanne; Public Health; Master's Degree; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Safranski, Timothy J; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Safranski, Trista Ann; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Saguiguit, Leo Contreras; School of Music
Saint, Lindsey Leigh; Surgery-Cardiothoracic; Doctor of Medicine; University of Kansas School of Medicine
Salehi Esfandarani, Maryam; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Sales, Anne Evelyn; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Salim, Hani A; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; West Virginia University
Salinas Tolosa, Alejandra; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts
Salisbury, David; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1; Journalism
Saljoughian, Mohammad; Marketing
Sampson, Cheryl L; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; The University of Iowa
Sampson, Christopher S; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Royal College of Surgeons
Sanchez Quiros, Susana Maria; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy
Sander, Karen Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master's Degree; University of Central Missouri
Sanders, Robert Lawrence; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Inst for Data Sci & Informatic; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Sandvol, Eric A; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; New Mexico State University
Sanford-Martens, Tiffany Casandra; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Counseling Services; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri-Columbi
Sanjeewa, Liurukara Duminda; Chemistry
Sansom, Brandon J; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Civil/Environmental Engr
Sansoucie, Alyssa Kathleen; MO Prevention Science Inst
Santiago, Paul; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine; Yale University
Santiago, Rachel Theresa; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Santiago Santana, Emanuel; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine; San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
Santin, Joseph Michael; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Wright State University
Santoro, Lily; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Provost; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Delaware
Sapp, Megan Jeanette; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master's Degree
Sarafianos, Stefanos; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; Georgetown University
Sarangi, Ashish Kumar; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
Sardis, Katryna Rachel; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Social Justice; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri
Satpathy, Sashi; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Saucier, Aaron James; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Engineering; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Saxena, Smita; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Bern
Sayers, Stephen P; Physical Therapy & Athl Traing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Scaboo, Andrew M; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arkansas
Scardina, Traci Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Health Sciences Department
Scates, Kimberly Michelle; Instructor, Adjunct; Social Work; Master of Social Work
Schacht, Matthew Thomas; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Juris Doctor
Schachtman, Todd R; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Binghampton University, The State University of New York
Schadt, James C; Emeritus; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
Schaffer, Jennifer M; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Student Services; Master's Degree; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Scharf, Martha Elizabeth; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Schatz, Enid Joy; Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania
Schaubroeck, John Michael; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Scheer, Lisa K; Professor; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Scheer, Melissa B; Urban East Region-Youth; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri St Louis
Scheese, Lisa Marie; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Schell, Ryan Michael; Orthopaedic Surgery
Schenck, Craig Albert; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin
Schenker, David Joseph; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Schibig, Monica Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master's Degree; Fontbonne University
Schick, Carol Anne; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Schiffbauer, James D; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Schin, Christina Seojung; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine
Schindler, Stephanie M; Community Development Admin; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Schleicher, Amie D; Animal Science
Schlink, Sarah Nicole; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Animal Resources; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Schmaltz, Chester Lee; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Schmitz, Eugene G; Animal Science; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Schnabel, Robert D; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Schnakenberg, C Tim; Plant Sciences; Master's Degree; University of Arkansas
Schneider, Christine; Medicine Hospitalist
Schneider, Michael David; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Schnell, Rebekah Ruth; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Schnurbusch, Teagan Rae; Prof, Ast Extns; Animal Science
Schopp, Laura; Emeritus; Health Psychology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Schreck, Brenda Mae; Northeast Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Schroeder, Jared Carl; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oklahoma
Schrum, Adam Gregory; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Schueller, Michael John; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin
Schul, Johannes; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Phillips University
Schultz, Courtney Lynne; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Schultz, Eric D; Instructor, Adjunct; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Practical Theology; University of Missouri
Schultz, Loren G; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kansas State University
Schulz, David J; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Schulz, John Hubert; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Schulz, Laura Clamon; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Schumacher, Brandi Lynn; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Schutter, Jennifer; Plant Sciences; Master of Agriculture; Oklahoma State University
Schutterle, Carina Louise; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree 1; Missouri State University
Schwain, Kristin A; School of Visual Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Stanford University
Schwantz, Haley Ehrin; Southeast Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Schwartz, Lisa Renee; Instructor, Adjunct; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Master of Science; Columbia University
Schweiss, Brian Edward; Extension Spclst; School of Natural Resources; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Schweser, Kyle Michael; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Scogin, Joseph M; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Scott, Grant J; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Scott, Joseph Brian; Lecturer; International programs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Scott, Rebecca R; Sociology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Santa Cruz
Scott, Stephen Dwayne; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci
Scoville, Caryn L; MU Libraries; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Seals, Kellie Jean; Prof, Ast Extns; Human Devl & Family Science; Master of Science; Mississippi State University
Sebastian, Jimmy; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis
Segal, Steven S; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Seithel, Michelle Lynn; Emergency Medicine; Master's Degree; Missouri Southern State College
Seitz, Christine O; School of Music; Master of Music; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Seitz, Donald Earl; Law; Juris Doctor
Selders, Kimberly Jeanette; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Arts; University of California - Berkeley
Selly, Tara Lee; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Selva, Thomas J; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Mississippi
Sengupta, Shramik; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Senter, David A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Iowa State University
Seo, Kangwon; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Sergel, Audra D; Instructor, Adjunct; Theatre; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Central Methodist University
Serna, Pablo Andres; Languages and Literatures; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Sethi, Tarunjot Kaur; Northwest HES; Master of Public Health; University of Missouri
Severance, Tyler Scott; Pediatrics-Hematology; Doctor of Medicine; Albany Medical College
Sevrin, Maggie Lynn; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Sevy, Casey Ann; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; ATST-KCOM
Sewell, Thomas Dan; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Sexton, Jay Jarrett; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Shade-Johnson, Jaquetta Leanne; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Shafer, Rhonda M; East Ctrl Region-Youth; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Shaffer, Angela Renee; School of Visual Studies; Bachelor's Degree; Asbury University
Shaffer, Travis L; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Kentucky
Shaffer, Victoria A; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Shafique, Faizan; Architectural Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Shah, Syed A; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Khyber Medical College
Shahan, Morgan Ashley; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice
Shahvari, Omid; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Oregon State University
Shang, Yi; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shankar, Ravi; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine; Gandhi Medical College - India
Shankar, Shyam; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ; Doctor of Medicine; Gandhi Medical College - India
Shannon, Donald Kent; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Shannon, Marcia Carlson; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Shaon, Kelli Yvette; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Optometry; University of Missouri - St. Louis
Sharma, Neekun; Medicine-Endocrinology; Doctor of Philosophy; Gifu University - Japan
Sharma, Rishi; Neurology; Doctor of Philosophy; Jawahar Lal Nehru University
Sharp, Jayde Nykole; School of Nursing; Master of Nursing; University of Missouri-Columbia
Sharp, Robert E; Prof, Adjunct; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Lancaster
Sharpe, Deanna L; Instructor, Adjunct; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Sharrock, Dee Ann; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master's Degree; Texas A&M University - College Station
Shaw, Kenneth William; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin
Shaw, Sonya; Intern Veterinarian; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; AVMA-accredited. UPEI/AVC
Shaw, William Brady; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; A.T. Still University
Shea Lemoins, Samantha Nicole; Occupational Therapy; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Shearrer, Cynthia D; Info Science & Learning Tech
Shedd, Bryan Keith; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine
Sheerman, Julie Martin; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; College of Education
Sheets, Lincoln Ralph; Instructor, Adjunct; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Sheffel, Christina Frances; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Regional Prof Development; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Sheinkopf, Stephen Jon; Pediatrics-Devel/Behavioral; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Miami
Sheldon, Kennon M; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Davis
Shelton, James Arthur; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Shelton, Kevin L; Emeritus; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Shelton, Marc; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine; Medical school
Shen, Jialu; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; Imperial College London
Shen, Zhenyu; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Shenker, Joel Isaac; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana - Champaign
Sher, Kenneth; Prof, Adjunct; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Sheriff, McKenna Emily; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Sherman, Janice; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Woman's University
Sherwin, LeeAnne; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; Oregon Health and Science University
Sherwood, Richard James; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; Kent State University
Shi, Ning; Surgery-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; Fudan University
Shikles, Michelle Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Public Health; Master of Public Health
Shinn, Joshua Daniel; Urban West Region-Youth; Master of Arts; California State University, San Bernardino
Shiri Sichani, Ali; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Florida
Shirwan, Haval; Pediatrics-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Sant
Shiu, Patrick Ka; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of British Columbia
Shoemaker-Moyle, Michael Sean; Medicine-Nephrology; Doctor of Medicine; The State University of New York Health Science at Syracuse
Shoop, Molly Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Progressive Care Unit; Registered Nurse
Shores Pelikan, Lauren Katherine; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri School of Law
Shukla, Shivendra D; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Liverpool
Shull, Kevin B; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of MO - Columbia
Shumate, Susan Elizabeth; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; Missouri State University
Shuttleworth, Brianna Jean; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Master of Fine Arts; New York University
Shyu, Chi-Ren; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Sidberry, Rebecca Lynn; School of Nursing
Siddens, Adrienne Danea; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Associate Degree 1; hickey college
Siddiq, Farhan; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Minnesota
Siddiqui, Mohammed Azfar; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Jawharlal Nehru Medical College
Siegel, Marcelle Arra; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Berkeley
Sieve, Aaron Capri; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Illinois
Sievert, Veronica Conaway; Family & Community Medicine
Silva, Alexandre Vin; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree 1; Universidade Federal do Espiri
Silvey, Brian Ashley; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas
Silvey, Stanley R; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Intercollegiate Athletics; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Simelus, Sonita Claude; Public Health; Doctor of Public Health; Mercer University
Simmons, Andrea Marie; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean - Medical Education; Master of Arts; Western Michigan University
Simmons, Elizabeth Grace; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri-Columbi
Simoes, Eduardo J; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Medicine; Universidade De Pernambuco
Simons, Amy B; Journalism; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Simonsen, Jon Christian; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Simpson, Rebecca G; Northwest Region-Youth; Master of Education; Northwest Missouri State Univ.
Sims, Wendy L; School of Music; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Simsek, Ali; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University College London (UK)
Singh, Amolak; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine
Singh, Deepak Kumar; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy
Singh, Gurbir; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
Singh, Kamlendra; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Banaras Hindu University
Singh, Khimendra; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Singh, Pawan Kumar; Ophthalmology; Doctor of MicroBiology; Jiwaji University, India
Sinha, Nishant Rajiv; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Some College - 4th entry; University of Missouri
Sipe, Daniel A; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Sippel, Travis; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Sites, Robert William; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington State University
Siva, Chokkalingam; Medicine-Immunology & Rheumato
Sivaraman, Manjamalai; Neurology; Doctor of Medicine; Madurai Medical College
Skevas, Theodoros; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Wageningen University
Skinner, Owen Thomas; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; University of Bristol
Skubic, Marjorie; Prof, Adjunct; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy
Skyberg, Jerod Alan; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; North Dakota State University
Slaten, Christopher Daniel; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Slotkin, Richard Keith; Biological Science; Doctor of Science; University of California - Berkeley
Smale, Robert Leland; History; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Smeda, Reid J; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Smith, Amanda Catherine; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Diagnostic Laborato; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Oklahoma State University
Smith, Amber Nicole; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Smith, Cassandra Mezines; Fellow, Post Doctoral; Special Education; Master of Education; University of Missouri - Colum
Smith, Charles J; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Smith, Dan Alan; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Smith, Douglas Earl; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Smith, Frederick; Northwest Region-Youth; Specialist of Education; Private
Smith, Gary Lee; Emeritus; Vice Provost Enrollment Management; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Smith, Jenifer Leigh; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education
Smith, Joshua T; Instructor, Adjunct; Marketing; Master's Degree; Missouri State University
Smith, Krista Renee; Southeast Region-Youth; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Lindenwood University
Smith, Leonard Daryl; Management; Master of Business Admin; Washington University
Smith, Matthew J; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Creighton University
Smith, Nicholas Alexander; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Toronto
Smith, Randall Darby; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Smith, Rebecca; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; FM Station; Bachelor's Degree; Truman State University
Smith, Sara Dale; Adjunct; Dean of Veterinary Medicine; Master of Science; University of South Florida
Smith, Tyler Edward; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Smith Kendall, Abigail Lorraine; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Optometry; University of Missouri - St. Louis
Smith-Parris, Penny Jane; English; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Smoot, Travis William; Radiology; HS Graduate or Equivalent
Smothers, Joshua Eric; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Smothers, Scotty L; Southeast Region-ANR; Master of Science; Arkansas state University
Snider, Timothy; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Oklahoma State Univ
Snyder, Gregory Ryan; Law; Juris Doctor; Notre Dame Law School
Snyder, Ryan R; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; UMKC
Snyder Jr, John Christian; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Colum
Sobba, Mary; Northeast Region-ANR; Master of Business Admin; Kansas State University
Sobule, Robert Marvin; Psychiatry; Master of Science; Missouri State University
Socarides, Alexandra A; English; Doctor of Philosophy; Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Soden, Gregory John; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Saskatchewan
Sohl, Kristin Amanda; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Solbrekken, Gary L; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Somavat, Pavel; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sommer, Richard C; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Master's; University of Missouri
Song, Qisheng; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Song, Xing; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Song, Zhiyan; Accountancy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Sorenson, Lily Ann; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; International programs; Master of Arts; Brigham Young University
Soria Lopez, Maria Del; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sorth, Kristen Lea; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Master of Arts; University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Sowa, Grzegorz; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences
Sowers, Linda Franz; Applied Soc Sci; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Spain, Jimmy N; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Spainhower, Jackie Lee; Northwest Region-Comm Dev; Master of Public Admin; University of Nebraska Omaha
Speir, Laura Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; SOS Temporary Staffing; Bachelor's Degree 1; Missouri State University
Spence, Kayla Mary; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Clinical Neurophysiology
Spencer, Thomas Edward; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Sperber, Jonathan; Emeritus; History; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Chicago
Sperino, Sandra Faye; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Illinois
Spidel, Anna Valleau; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; FM Station; Bachelor's Degree 1; Michigan State University
Springer, Gordon Kent; Emeritus; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Pennsylvania State University
Sprochi, Amanda K; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; Kent State University
Sprouse, Nina G; Mizzou Academy; Master of Science; Central Missouri State University
Squire, Peverill; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Squires, Jody J; Urban East Region; Doctor of Philosophy
Srinivas, Sharan; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Pennsylvania State University
Srinivasan, Hema; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Brandeis University
Srivastava, Akhil; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Hawaii at Manoa
Stacey, Gary; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Stacey, Minviluz; Plant Sciences
Stacy, Carl Christopher; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Oklahoma
Stacy Jr, James M; Journalism
Staib, Cheyenne Mercedes; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Master of Science; University of Delaware
Staley, Robert Eric; Prof, Adjunct; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stallo, Cheryl Ann; School of Nursing; Master's Degree; Cox College
Stambaugh, Michael C; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stanfield, Kellie Patrice; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stannard, James Patrick; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Virginia
Stansfield, John J; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stanton, Anne R; School of Visual Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Starks, Kimberly Renee; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy
Starr, Steven; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Multidisciplinary Programs; Master of Public Health; University of Missouri
Stauss, Melanie; Instructor, Adjunct; Languages and Literatures; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Steele II, Lynden Ray; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Reynolds Journalism Institute; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Steenson, Sarah Katherine; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ
Steffens, Lauren Endicott; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master of Fine Arts; The School of the Art Institut
Steffens, Martha M; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; Indiana University
Steffens, Stacey Lynn; Northwest Region; Master of Science; Trident University
Steger, Karen Elizabeth; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri-columbi
Stegmaier, Mary Ann; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Stein, Jeffrey Mark; Pediatrics-Nephrology; Doctor of Medicine; Yale University
Steinley, Douglas Lee; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Stelzer, Henry Ellis; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Stemmle, Jonathan T; Journalism; Master of Arts; The University of Arizona
Stephens, Elizabeth Conner; Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Stephens, Kelly Ann; CHS Physical Therapy; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Stephens, Luke A; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Stephenson, Elena; Urban West Region-B&I; Master of Arts; NYU
Stern, Reuben Joseph; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Masters of Arts; University of Missouri
Stevens, Jeffrey Allen; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Los Angeles
Stevenson, Brittney Lynn; Occupational Therapy; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Stevermer, James J; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Washington University
Stewart, Austin; Fellow, Post Doctoral - Teach; Provost; Doctor of Philosophy; Lehigh University
Stewart, Eden Roxanne; Southwest HES; Bachelor's Degree 2; Illinois State University
Stich, Roger William; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Stichnote, Alexandra; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Applied Soc Sci; Master of Science; University of Missouri- Columb
Stichter, Janine Peck; Emeritus; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Still, Barry Ray; Mizzou Academy; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Stilley, Joshua David; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Stilley, Julie A; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stillwell, Devyn Nicole; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Thompson Center; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Stith, Kerri Michelle; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Stober, Clintin P; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stockton, Katherine; Architectural Studies; Master of Architecture; University of Kansas
Stodghill II, Ronald; Journalism; Master of Fine Arts; Queen University of Charlotte
Stoker, Aaron M; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stone, Amy Renee; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Stone, Bethany; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stoner, Wesley D; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kentucky
Stormo, Janell Francesca; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Stormont, Melissa; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Story, Ashton Leigh; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine
Strand, Brennan Danielle; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Academic Dean; Master's Degree; Saint Louis University
Strathausen, Carsten; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oregon
Straub, Joanie Higham; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of Journalism; Master of Arts; Colorado State University
Strawhun, Jenna Marie; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Street, Brittany Renae; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Street, Julia Michelle; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Streu, Shayna Marie; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Michigan State University Coll
Strickland, Justin; Urban West Region-Youth; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Midwestern Baptist Theological Studies
Strini, Thomas Stephen; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Music; Master of Music; Southern Illinois University-C
Stroud, Tracy Ann; Pediatrics; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Stryjewski, Megan Coats; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; Maryville University
Stubbs, Sue; Prof, Ast Adjunct; School of Music; University of Missouri
Stuckel, Kayla Kilpatrick; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy
Stucky, Renee; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Stuhlman, Brian P; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Su, Min; Biochemistry; Doctor of Engineering
Subramanian, Venkateswaran; Medicine-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy
Sudduth, Kenneth Alan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Suedmeyer, Kirk; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Suhler, Diane R; VP for International Programs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Maryland
Suits, Arthur Gilmore; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley
Suleiman, Ayman Okla; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; Medical University of Varna
Sullivan, Gregory Sean; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Summerhays, Benjamin John; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; Ohio College of Pediatric Medicine
Summers, Gerald F; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois
Summers, Yuliya Sergeyevna; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Sumner, Lloyd; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Sun, Carlos Chung; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Sun, Changyu; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Engineering; INSA de Lyon
Sun, Hongmin; Medicine; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Houston
Sun, Jianguo; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Waterloo
Sun, Zhe; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Toledo
Sunna, Ramez Sami; Medicine
Suresh, Dhananjay; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Sutcliffe, Mark Andrew; Geological Sciences; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Sutovsky, Peter; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Czech Academy of Sciences
Sutton, Conner John; Family & Community Medicine
Sveum, Matthew Arthur; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Swafford, Scott Cunnigham; Emeritus; Journalism; Master of Journalism; University of Missouri
Swanegan III, Albert Madison; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri
Swank, Jacqueline Melissa; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Central Florida
Swanson, Douglas Joe; Urban East Region-B&I; Doctor of Education; UMSL College of Education
Swenson, Amanda; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Swi, Ahmed Ibrahem; Medicine-Gastroenterology
Switzer, David Leonard; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Swofford, Sarah Jean; Family & Community Medicine
Syam, Niladri Baran; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Dallas
Sykuta, Michael E; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Syler, Claire P; Theatre; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pittsburgh
Szalai, Imre Stephen; Prof, Adjunct; Law; Juris Doctor; Columbia University School of
Szekely, Eva Diana; School of Music; Master's Degree; The Juilliard School
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Tabak, Christian Simon; Instructor, Adjunct; Journalism; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Oklahoma
Tabanelli, Roberta; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tackett, Lydia; Prof, Asoc Visiting; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Southern Califor
Taff, Kimberly Anne; MO Prevention Science Inst; Bachelor's Degree; Lincoln University
Taha, Ammar; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Damascus University
Taha, Moutaz Eltahir; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Medicine
Taiber, Andrew John; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine
Talbott, Jessica; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Oklahoma State University
Talbott-Swain, Evan Nicole; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Center Geospatial Intelligence
Tan, Jinglu; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Tan, Michael; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine
Tanner, John J; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Brown University
Tanner, Lisa Sattenspiel; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of New Mexico
Tanner Jones, Lou A; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Tapps, Tyler Nicholas; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Tarasovic, Lindsay Kathryn; Ext Regional Administration; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Tarkow, Theodore Alfred; Lecturer; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Tarwater, Kristen Deane; Family & Community Medicine
Tarwater, Kurtis Daniel; Medicine
Tassone, Patrick Toerner; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine; The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Tate, Valerie Gwenn; Northeast Region-ANR; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Taylor, Alison Young; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Kansas
Taylor, Brian; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Master of Arts; Patterson School, University o
Taylor, Jeremy F; Emeritus; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of New England
Taylor, Jon Steven; Anesthesiology
Taylor, Katy Beth; Southwest Region-Youth; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Missouri State University
Taylor, Scott; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Tedder, Belinda Ruth; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ross University
Teixeiro, Emma; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University Complutense Madrid
Telugu, Bhanu Prakash; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Templeton, Carter Brooks; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Missouri School
Tenkku Lepper, Leigh Ellen; Emeritus; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; Saint Louis University
Terrell, Jeremiah J; Northeast HES; Master of Education; Stephens College
Terry, Catherine Heller; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Novak Center; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Terry, Melissa Virginia; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine
Teti, Michelle; Public Health; Doctor of Public Health; Drexel University
Thakkar, Mahesh Maganlal; Neurology; Doctor of Philosophy; Jawaharlal Nehru University
Thaqi, Milot; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; Rush University
Tharp, Darla L; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Tharp, Steven Michael; School of Music; Master's Degree; Wichita State University
Thelen, Jay J; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Theus, Joshua Russell; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Intercollegiate Athletics; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Missouri
Thiele, Jessica Anne; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Thies, Karen M; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City Unviersity of Medicine and Biosciences
Thimmappa, Nanda Deepa; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
Thomas, Andrew Brendhan; Geological Sciences; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Thomas, Andrew L; Plant Sciences; Master of Science; Iowa State University
Thomas, David; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Learning Center; Bachelor's Degree 1; University of Central Missouri
Thomas, Jonathan Lee; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Thomas, Jordan Matthew; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Thomas, Samantha Alexis; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Student Success Center; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Thomas, Shelby Anne; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Thomas, Sydney Jourdan; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business
Thomas, Zayne Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Thomen, Robert Paul; Radiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University in St Louis
Thompson, Aaron Mathew; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of North Carolina
Thompson, Alese Marie; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Science; University of North Dakota
Thompson, Allen L; Prof, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska
Thompson, Dewey William; Business Extn/CE; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Thompson, Donald Leo; Emeritus; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Thompson, Frank R; Prof, Adjunct; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Science; University of Missouri
Thompson, Jennifer France; Lib Acq Collectn Tech Svcs; Master of Library Science; University of South Carolina
Thompson, Sarah Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas School of
Thompson, Scott M; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Thompson, Vincent F; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Specialist of Education; University of Missouri
Thompson, Wesley Clifford; Psychiatry; Doctor of Psychology; Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Thompson, Wyatt Warren; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Thornhill, Ericca Lee; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education
Thorson, Esther L; Emeritus; Dean of Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Thrasher, Julianna Marie; East Ctrl Region-Youth; Master of Education; William Woods University
Thudium, Rachel Joyce; Health & Specialized Libs; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri-Columbia
Tiefenthaler, Leilani Lehua; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Dean of College of Business; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Tillberg-Webb, Heather; Instructor, Adjunct; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Virginia
Timms, Kathy L; Emeritus; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Tennessee
Tingler, Colton; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Naval Science
Tivaringe, Kirsten Musetti; Learning Teaching & Curriculum
Tkach, Melanie Morriss; Occupational Therapy
Tlapek, Sarah Myers; Instructor, Adjunct; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University St Louis
Toalson, Marilyn Lee; Mizzou Academy; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Todd, Rose Elizabeth; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Todd, Timothy David; Ophthalmology
Toedebusch, Brian W; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; University Of Missouri-Columbi
Tomlinson, James Leroy; Emeritus; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Master of Veterinary Science; University of Minnesota
Tompkins, Michael Robert; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Master of Education; Univeristy of Missouri
Tonellato, Peter J; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Arizona
Tong, Thi Tien; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Toporis, Jerry Edward; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Topouria, Giorgi; Languages and Literatures; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Topp, Christopher; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences
Tosh, Aneesh Kumar; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Tosh, Stephanie Irene; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Townsend, Alice Kiburz; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Business Admin; Columbia College
Townsend, Kile Shannon; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Prince Edward Island
Toy, Lauren; Pediatrics-Neonatology; Doctor of Medicine
Trachtenberg, Ben Lev; Law; Juris Doctor; Columbia Law School
Tracy, Eunjin; Human Devl & Family Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tran, Andrew Van; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine
Traub, Sarah Marie; Ext Regional Administration; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Trauth, Kathleen M; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas Tech University
Treadway, Jeanine Michelle; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci; Master of Business Admin; william woods university
Triatik, Rebecca L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; International programs; Bachelor's Degree 1
Trick, Steven; Instructor, Adjunct; Management
Trickey, Emilia Gladys; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; CHS Student Services; Master of Science; Illinois State University
Trigg, Deborah A; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
Trindade, Vitor Manuel; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy
Tripathi, Ratnakar; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy; Banaras Hindu Univerisy
Trivedi, Vrinda; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine
Trout, Dennis E; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Trout, Kate Elizabeth; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska Medical Center
Trull, Timothy J; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kentucky
Trussell, Jessica Lynn; Human Devl & Family Science; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Tse, Eliza; Emeritus; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Virginia Tech
Tsoi, Allanus Hakman; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alberta
Tucker, John Alton; Instructor, Adjunct; Health Sciences Department; Master of Engineering; University of Missouri
Tucker, Wesley; West Central Region-ANR
Tuller, Erin Ragan; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Tummons, John D; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Tunink, Carl Ryan; Family & Community Medicine; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Twehous, Abbey Lee; Instructor, Adjunct; CHS Physical Therapy; Doctor of Physical Therapy; University of Missouri
Twenter, Hannah Marie; Animal Science; Master's Degree; Colorado State University
Tyrer JR, Harry Wakeley; Emeritus; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Duke University
Tzou, Robert Da; Emeritus; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Lehigh University
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Ubinas, George Jesus; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine
Udawatta, Ranjith P; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Uf*cktepe, Ekincan; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Izmir Institute of Technology
Uhlmann, Jeffrey; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Ulbrich, Sherri Lynn; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Ulen, Michael James; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; Creighton University
Ulery, Bret Daniel; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Ulery, Eva Schott; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Iowa State University
Ullrich, Carsten Andreas; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wurzburg
Upendran, Anandhi; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Indian Institute of Science
Uphoff, Rodney J; Emeritus; Law; Juris Doctor; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Urlacher, Lucy; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Music
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Vachharajani, Akshaya Jitendra; Pediatrics-Neonatology; Doctor of Medicine; Bombay University
Valbracht, Lauren M; Emergency Medicine
Valdivia, Corinne; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Valentine, Douglas Ryan; Sociology; Master of Arts; University of Missouri
Valettas, Petros; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Athens, Greece
Vallentyne, Peter L; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pittsburgh
Valmorbida, Ivair; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Van Doren, Steven R; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Van Dyke, James A; School of Visual Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Van Garderen-Anderson, Delinda; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Miami
Van Morlan, Amie Margett; Pediatrics-Endocrinology; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
Van Pool, Christine I; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of New Mexico
VanBoening, Angela Marie; Geological Sciences; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
VanMarle, Kristy L; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Vanpool, Todd Logan; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of New Mexico
Vardhanabhuti, Bongkosh; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Varghese, Ebby G; Physical Medicine & Rehab
Vassmer, Sara B; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; The Connector; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Vasudeva, Kiran; Veterinarian, Residnt; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Philosophy
Vatterott, Anthony Gerard; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri - Saint Louis
Velazquez, Celso Raul; Medicine-Immunology & Rheumato; Doctor of Medicine
Velleman, Kenneth Richard; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans
Verbitsky, Igor; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; Kazan State University
Verghese, Cherian; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology
Verma, Nisha; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Verniz, Debora; Architectural Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Vetter Dreier, Molly Jean; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Vieira Potter, Victoria Jeanne; ZZZ-Nutrition & Exercise Physi; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Vientos-Plotts, Aida; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Tuskegee University
Vignale, Giovanni; Emeritus; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Villamil Monroy, Astrid Milena; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Vincent, Paul Leszek; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Natal - South Africa
Violet, Tabetha Kristie; Prof, Ast Visiting; Women's & Gender Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Bowling Green State University
Virkler, Mark Robert; Emeritus; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Virginia
Vital II, Marc Wellington; Theatre; Master of Fine Arts; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Vogel, Todd Rudolph; Surgery - Vascular; Doctor of Medicine; New York Medical College
Vogelsmeier, Amy; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Volgas, David Andrew; Orthopaedic Surgery; Doctor of Medicine; The University of Tennessee
Volz, Michael John; Languages and Literatures; Master's Degree; Stanford University
Volz, Yong Zhang; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Von Thaer, Sarah Marie; Anesthesiology
Voon, James Kiun; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Voothuluru, Priyamvada; Resrch Scientist/Academic; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Science; University of Missouri
Vories, Earl; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Tennessee
Vroman, Amber Nicole; School of Nursing; Master of Science; University of Missouri
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Wagner Mann, Colette Carol; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Missouri
Waitman, Lemuel Russell; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; Vanderbilt University
Wake, Johnny; Southwest Region-Youth; Master of Science; Southwest Baptist
Wakefield, Mark Richard; Surgery-Urology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Waldbuesser, Caroline; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; Ohio University
Walden, Everett Ray; East Ctrl Region-Comm Dev; Master of Science; Missouri University of Science & Technology
Waldo, Allen James; Campus Business & Communities; Master of Business Admin; Southwest Missouri State University
Walensky, Justin Ross; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Irvine
Walker, Daniel Reuben; Path & Anat Sci-Anatomic Path; Doctor of Medicine; F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine
Walker, Dennis James; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Walker, Jennifer Adams; Lib Acq Collectn Tech Svcs; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Walker, Robert S; Anthropology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of New Mexico
Wall, Laurie Lee; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; VP Undergraduate Studies; Master's Degree; Northwest Missouri State University
Wall, Richard Ryan; Instructor, Adjunct; Clinical & Diagnostic Sci
Wall, Timothy Jason; Instructor, Adjunct; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri Columbi
Wallace, Laurie L; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kansas State University
Wallace, Lyle Scott; VP for International Programs; Bachelor's Degree 1; Columbia College
Waller, Erika McGraw; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Walsh, Samuel Peter; Mathematics
Walter, Stephanie Paige; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master's Degree; Lesley college
Wan, Caixia; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Wan, XiuFeng Henry; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; Mississippi State University
Wang, Binbin; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Wang, Fang; Engineering & Info Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Wang, Jeremy Hero; Medicine-Cardiology; Doctor of Medicine
Wang, Jing; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy
Wang, Margaret; Pediatrics
Wang, Shuguang; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Wang, Weijie; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Southern California
Wang, Xinghe; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Wang, Xueju; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Engineering; Georgia Institute of Technology
Wang, Yajie; Economics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Rochester
Wang, Yi; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Ward, Carol V; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; Johns Hopkins University
Ward, Jill Elaine; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Associate Degree 1; Central Oregon Community Colle
Ward, Patrick Devlin; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Georgia Campus
Warhover, Thomas A; Journalism; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Warner, Benjamin R; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Kansas
Warnhoff, Wesley Ralph; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; Michigan State University
Warren, Wesley Charles; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Warzinik, Kelly Anne; Human Devl & Family Science; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Washburn, Benjamin David; Physical Medicine & Rehab; Doctor of Medicine; Saint Louis University
Washburn, Jacob; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Plant Sciences
Washburn, Lisa Tucker; Public Health; Doctor of Public Health; University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Washburn, Noah Benjamin; Engagement; Master's Degree; Louisiana Tech University
Washer, Glenn Alden; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Watson, Lynette Sledge; Campus Business & Communities; Master of Business Admin; Webster University
Way, Austin; Instructor, Adjunct; School of Music
Weatherford, Theodore William; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Ophthalmology; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Webb, Lisa; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources
Webber, David J; Honors College; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Webel, Aaron David; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Medicine; University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Webel, Corey M; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Delaware
Wechsler, Rachel Joy; Law; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford
Weddle, Janice Diane; Extension Youth; Doctor of Philosophy; Liberty University
Weegman, Mitchell Dale; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Exeter
Wehrwein, Anna Ozaroff; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Tennessee
Weigand, Tanya Wyonne; MO Prevention Science Inst
Weir-Guffey, Dana Erin; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Office of Animal Resources; Bachelor's Degree; University Of Missouri
Weirich, Paul; Emeritus; Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Los Angeles
Weisman, Gary A; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Weitkemper, Jana Lea; Campus Business & Communities; Master of Business Admin; University of Missouri
Wells, Christina E; Law; Juris Doctor; The University of Chicago
Wells, Kenzie Whitworth; Prof, Ast Visiting; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Arizona
Wells, Kevin Dale; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State University
Welschmeyer, Vernon Dale; School of Nursing; Master of Nursing; University of Missouri
Welshons, Wade Vincent; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Biomedical Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Harvard University
Wentz, Jennifer Rae; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy
Wesslak, Robert Nicholas; Northeast Region-ANR; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
West, Nancy M; English; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of North Carolina
Westhoff, Jacob Thomas; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Westhoff, Patrick; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Weston, Dana T; Mathematics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wexler, Carlos; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Whaley-Connell, Adam Tyler; Medicine; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Wheeler, Andrew Allen; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Wheeler, Chrisee Sue; East Ctrl Region-ANR; Master's Degree - 1st entry; University of Missouri
Wheeler, Diamond Wade; Instructor, Adjunct; Marketing; Master of Business Admin; University of Missouri - Kansas City
Whistance, Jarrett Lea; Resrch Scientist/Academic; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Whitaker, Margaret (Beth) Elizabeth; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana State University
White, Abbey; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy
White, Carissa; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; David Geffen UCLA
Whitesell, Angie; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Whithaus, Rhonda Kay; MU Libraries; Master of Library Science; University of Missouri
Whiting, Rebecca Elizabeth; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Whitney, Stephen Dennis; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Whitt, Stevan P; Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Whittaker, Kyle Lee; Southwest Region-ANR; Master's Degree - 1st entry; William Woods University
Whittier, Joanna Blair; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Whittier, Sean Kenneth; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Whittington, Alan Geoffrey; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Open University
Wiedermann, Wolfgang; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Klagenfurt
Wiegand, Bryon R; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Wiemholt III, Edward B; Medicine Hospitalist; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; AT Still University
Wiesemann, Sebastian David; Surgery-Cardiothoracic; Doctor of Medicine; University of Freiburg
Wiggen, Kelly Elizabeth; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; University of Illinois
Wigger, John H; History; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Notre Dame
Wightman, Stephanie Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Wikle, Christopher K; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University
Wilbers, Ashley Janelle; Surgery-Surgical Oncology; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri- Columbia School of Medicine
Wilcoxon, Laura Beth; Law Library; Juris Doctor; University of Miami
Wilden, Peter A; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Iowa
Wilhelm, Christopher John; Pediatrics-Gen & Ambulatory; Doctor of Medicine; Uniformed Services University
Wilhelm Stanis, Sonja Ann; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Wilhite, Rodger Ellis; Medicine-Pulmonary & Environ
Wilkins, Katherine Burnham; Instructor, Adjunct; Social Work; Master of Social Work; University of Missouri
Will, Matthew J; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Colorado Boulder
Willard, Adam R; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; College of Health Sciences; Master of Public Administration; University of Missouri
Willard, Claire Kathleen; Instructor, Adjunct; Speech Lang & Hearing Sci
Willett, Dan L; School of Music; Master's Degree; Michigan State University
Willett, Justin F; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Novak Center; Master of Health Admin; University of Missouri
Williams, Bradley J; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Military Science
Williams, Casey D; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Williams, Jennifer Renae; Community Development Admin; Juris Doctor; University of Arkansas - Little Rock Bowen School of Law
Williams, Jennifer S; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; Walden University
Williams, Kenneth Dale; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Nutrition & Exercise Phys-MED; Bachelor's Degree; Brigham Young University
Williams, Laron K; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Williams, Megan Elizabeth; Pediatrics-Critical Care; Doctor of Medicine; Jagiellonian University Medical College
Williams, Michael Steven; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Williams, Shamon Da; MO Prevention Science Inst; Master of Education; Stephens College
Williams III, Fred; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Williamson, Jason; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy
Williamson II, Randy Wayne; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Novak Center
Willis, Bradley W; CHS Physical Therapy; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Willson, Thomas David; Surgery-Plastic; Doctor of Medicine; Rush Medical College
Wilson, Bradley Reagan; Plant Sciences
Wilson, Christine Leanne; Family & Community Medicine
Wilson, Christopher; English; Master of Fine Arts; Kansas State University
Wilson, David Alan; Emeritus; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Master of Science; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wilson, David J; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Doctor of Education; University of Missouri
Wilson, Kelly Robyn; Prof, Ast Extns; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Wilson, Lisa Ruth; School of Nursing; Master of Nursing; Saint Louis University
Wilson, Richard A; School of Visual Studies; Master of Fine Arts; University of Missouri
Windsor, Brice P; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; A.T. Still University
Winholtz, Robert Andrew; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Northwestern University
Wininger, Frederick A; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Veterinary Medicine & Surgery; Master of Science; University Of Pennsylvania
Wintemberg, Jenna N; Health Sciences Department; Doctor of Philosophy; Univeristy of Missouri
Winter, Sonja Desiree; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - Merced
Winters, Nathan Christopher; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Sponsored Program Admin; Master of Science; Indiana University-Bloomington
Winton, Beth Joelle; Instructor, Adjunct; Special Education; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Winuthayanon, Wipawee; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health; Doctor of Philosophy; Mahidol University
Wipke Tevis, Deidre D; School of Nursing; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, San Francisco
Wise, Ramsay B; School of Visual Studies; Doctor of Philosophy; Univeristy of Missouri
Wissman, Robert David; Radiology; Doctor of Medicine; Ohio State University
Wissmann, Mary Elizabeth; Instructor, Adjunct; Food, Nutrition & Exercise Phy; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Witmer, Norman; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Military Science
Woelfel, Stacey W; Prof, Asoc Adjunct; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Wolf, Timothy J; Occupational Therapy; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Wood, Jeffrey David; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Guelph
Wood, Lea Ashleigh; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Wood, Phillip; Psychological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Woodall, Kirby Alyson; Ob, Gyn & Women's Health
Woods, Christine Michelle; Social Work; Master's Degree; University of Missouri
Woods, Jayne Tiana; Law; Juris Doctor; Univeristy of Missouri
Woods, Stephanie Lynn; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; ESCP
Wren, Danna Carol; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; eLearning; Master of Education; University of Missouri
Wright, Abbie C; Emergency Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Washington
Wright, Gary William; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Education; North Carolina State University
Wright, John Atchison; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Law; Juris Doctor; Yale Law School
Wright, Jonathan Daniel; Instructor, Adjunct; Educ, School, & Counsel Psych; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Kansas
Wright, Lisa Ann; Instructor, Adjunct; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Wright, Stacy J; Accountancy; Master of Business Admin; Columbia College
Wu, Bin; Industrial & Systems Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Brunel University
Wung, Lynn M; Family & Community Medicine
Wurtz, Stephanie B; Instructor, Adjunct; Management
Wybrant, Stephanie Joy; Instructor, Adjunct; Human Devl & Family Science; Master of Arts; University of MIssouri
Wycoff, Andrea Marie; Psychiatry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
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Xiao, Feng; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Minnesota
Xin, Ming; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; Missouri University of Science and Technology
Xing, Yangchuan; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Yale University
Xiong, Bai; Community Health; Master of Science; Cox College
Xiong, Xi; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University
Xu, Dong; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Xu, Sen; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy
Xu, Shuangyu; School of Natural Resources; Doctor of Philosophy; North Carolina State Univ.
Xu, Thomas; Surgery-General; Doctor of Medicine; Wake Forest School of Medicine
Xu, Xinhao; Info Science & Learning Tech; Doctor of Philosophy; Florida State University
Xue, Ruobing; Medicine-Hematology & Oncology; Doctor of Medicine
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Yadav, Sanu Raja; Pediatrics-Gastroenterology; Doctor of Medicine
Yaglom, Hayley Danielle; Instructor, Adjunct; Public Health; Master of Public Health; University of Missouri
Yake, Shelby; Southwest Region-Health; Master's Degree - 1st entry; Missouri State University
Yan, Haojing; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Arizona State University
Yan, Zheng; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Science; Rice University
Yang, Bing; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Yang, Meng-Hsuan; History; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of British Columbia
Yang, Minseok; Ed Leadership & Pol Analysis; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yang, Yingchao; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of South Carolina
Yao, Gang; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Yao, Rui; Applied Soc Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; The Ohio State University
Yazdani, Hessam; Civil/Environmental Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oklahoma
Yazdani, Nasser; Instructor, Adjunct; Public Health; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Shahrekord University
Yerram, Preethi; Medicine-Nephrology
Yi, Eunjoo; Instructor, Adjunct; Management; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Pittsburgh
Yohannes, Yordanos; Anesthesiology
Yokom, Adam Lee; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Michigan
Yolcu, Esma; Pediatrics-Administration; Doctor of Philosophy; Ankara University
Yona, Sergio; Classics Archaeology& Religion; Doctor of Philosophy
Yoon, Dongpil; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yore, Adam Shane; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; Drexel University
Youkilis, Andrew; Surgery-Neurosurgery; Doctor of Medicine; University of Cincinnati
Youn, Song-yi; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Doctor of Philosophy; Purdue University
Young, Jason S; School of Natural Resources; Bachelor of Science; University of Missouri
Young, Matthias John; Chemical & Biomedical Eng; Doctor of Philosophy
Young, Michael James; Finance; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Alabama
Young Walker, Laine M; Psychiatry; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Younger, Sarah Beth; Pediatrics; Doctor of Medicine; University of MO - Columbia
Younker, Lori Lee; VP for International Programs; Master's Degree; Southeast Missouri State University
Youse, M Elizabeth; School of Nursing; Bachelor's Degree; University of Missouri
Yu, Mansoo; Social Work; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington University
Yu, Ping; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Yu, Qingsong; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Yu, Shiguang; Radiation Oncology; Doctor of Philosophy; Shandon University
Yueh, I Sydney; Communication; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Iowa
Yun Fowler, Sue Jean; School of Nursing; Master's Degree; University Of Missouri
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Zachary, Iris; Biomed Informatics Biostat EPI; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Zaghouani, Habib; Molec Microbio & Immunology; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Paris
Zahn, Kara Jo; Ophthalmology; Doctor of Optometry
Zahn, Sharon Lisa; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; University of Missouri
Zaki Mustafa Salih, Mohammed Elkhatim; Medicine Hospitalist
Zaleski, Sarah Marie; Lecturer; Path & Anat Sci - Anatomy; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Florida
Zambito, Peter I; School of Music; Doctor of Musical Arts; University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Zangori, Laura Ann; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Zaniletti, Isabella; Prof, Ast Adjunct; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Zawieja, Scott David; Med Pharmacology/Physiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Texas A&M University
Zembles, Shawn Lee; School of Nursing; Doctor of Nursing Practice; UMKC
Zeng, Wenjun; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Princeton University
Zeng, Xiangqun; Chemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; State University of New York at Buffalo
Zhai, Yao; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Engineering; University of Colorado Boulder
Zhang, Bing; Biological Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Cornell University
Zhang, Likun; Statistics; Doctor of Philosophy; The Pennsylvania State University
Zhang, Michael Z; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Zhang, Ruojie; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Science
Zhang, Shuping; Veterinary Pathobiology; Doctor of Philosophy; Kansas State University
Zhang, Shuqun; Agriculture Biochemistry; Doctor of Philosophy; The University of Texas at Austin
Zhang, Yun; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California, San Diego
Zhang, Yuwen; Mechanical & Aerospace Engr; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Connecticut
Zhang, Zipei; ZZZ-Food Science; Doctor of Science
Zhao, Li; Textile and Apparel Mgmt; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Missouri
Zhao, Yunxin; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Washington
Zhou, Jianfeng; Plant Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy; Washington State University
Zhou, Shuhua; Emeritus; Journalism; Doctor of Philosophy; Indiana University
Zhu, Peifen; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci
Zhuang, Xinhua; Emeritus; Electrical Eng & Computer Sci; Doctor of Philosophy; Peking University
Zia, Roseanna Nellie; Dean of Engineering; Doctor of Philosophy; California Institute of Technology
Zigo, Michal; Animal Science; Doctor of Philosophy; Charles University in Prague
Zimpfer, Travis Garrett; Part-Time Adjunct Faculty; News Bureau
Zitsch III, Robert P; Otolaryngology; Doctor of Medicine
Zou, Shaoming; Marketing; Doctor of Philosophy; Michigan State University
Zou, Xiaoqin; Physics; Doctor of Philosophy; University of California - San Diego
Zug, Charles Ulrich; Truman School Gov & Pub Affrs; Doctor of Philosophy; University of Texas at Austin
Zumwalt, Andrew Mark; Applied Soc Sci; Master of Science; University of Missouri
Zweig, Alexander Paul; Family & Community Medicine; Doctor of Medicine; University of Missouri
Zyernov, Oleksiy Mykhaylovych; Anesthesiology; Doctor of Medicine; Crimean State Medical University
deGraffenried, Rebecca; Geological Sciences; Doctor of Philosophy
von Gillern, Sam Robert; Learning Teaching & Curriculum; Doctor of Philosophy; Iowa State University