"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is UVM still a public ivy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It is one of the original eight Public Ivies. UVM is organized into ten schools, including seven undergraduate colleges, an honors college, a graduate college, and the Robert Larner College of Medicine. Vermont's largest hospital complex, the University of Vermont Medical Center, has its primary facility on campus."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What GPA do you need to get into UVM?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"University of Vermont's average GPA requirement is 3.66 on a scale of 4.0. So, in other terms, candidates need to get 87-89% in all their high school subjects to meet the UVM GPA requirement. But, it might be challenging to increase the GPA due to time constraints."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is UVM a hippie school?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"For decades, the University of Vermont has been known as a hippie school. Just mentioning the name “Groovy UV” often conjures images of dreadlocks, drug rug sweatshirts, and Phish paraphernalia in the minds of those who have never even visited."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How white is UVM?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
UVM Racial Demographics:
4 more rows
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is UVM prestigious?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"University of Vermont is ranked No. 54 (tie) out of 255 in Best Education Schools. Schools were assessed on their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the #1 college in Vermont?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Middlebury College

Middlebury is renowned for its Language Department as well as its programs in economics and international studies. The college has a robust international program (75 programs in 40 countries); over 50% of juniors take a semester abroad."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is Vermont a good place to live?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The state is famous for its four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique charm. From the vibrant fall foliage to the snowy winters perfect for skiing, there's something for everyone. Vermont has a fairly low crime rate (compared to other states), making it a safe place to live."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is Burlington, Vermont a good place to live?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Burlington is a town in Vermont with a population of 44,646. Burlington is in Chittenden County and is one of the best places to live in Vermont. Living in Burlington offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What majors are UVM known for?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The most popular majors at University of Vermont include: Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Social Sciences; Natural Resources and Conservation; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Health Professions and Related Programs; Engineering; Psychology; Education; Computer and Information Sciences ..."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is VT university known for?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Virginia Tech, a former military technical institute in Blacksburg, encourages students to “invent the future.” It is a research powerhouse, with seven research institutes and two university research centers that offer undergraduate and graduate students research opportunities."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is UVM so popular?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Aside from its spectacular campus, ranked No. 1 in the U.S. by Travel & Leisure magazine, the University of Vermont is teeming with attributes that appeal to prospective students, including more than 10,000 internships, incredibly high job placement and a strong academic reputation."}}]}}

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Published by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Burlington, Vermont, four times a year; in January, February, March and October, and entered as

second-class matter under Act of Congress of August 24, 1912

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Contents PAGE


Board of Trustees 8—10 Office Hours 10 Officers of Instruction and Administration; Employees 11—27 Committees of the University Senate 27—28 Experiment Station Staff 28—30 Extension Service Staff 30—3 3 Summer School Faculty, 1938 34—3 8

GENERAL INFORMATION 39-98 Location 39 Charters, Corporations, History of the Colleges 39-44 Buildings and Grounds 44—5 6 Fees and Expenses 5 6-61 Employment, Loan Funds and Scholarships 61-73 Prizes 74-79 Honors 79-80 Degrees , 81 Graduate Study 82—86 University Extension 87-88 The Summer Session 8 8—89 Educational Conferences 89 Military Training 90 Physical Education and Athletics 90—92 Religious Life 92—93 Organizations 93—95 University Lectures 96 Publications 96 Regulations 97-98

ADMISSION 99-126 The Academic Colleges . 99—107 Methods of Admission . 107—110 Entrance Subjects 111—123 Special and Unclassified Students 123 Admission to Advanced Standing 123—124 Preliminary Registration and Enrollment 124 The College of Medicine, Requirements for Admission 125—126

COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 127-222 The College of Arts and Sciences 128—139; 145—182 The Department of Education 139—144 The College of Engineering 182—191 The College of Agriculture 192—204 The College of Medicine 204—214 The Departments of Physical Education 215—218 The Department of Military Science and Tactics 219—222


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4 Contents



The Group Elective Curricula 224-231 The Pre-Medical Curriculum 229—231 The Business Curricula 231-233 The Chemistry Curriculum 234—23 5 The Secondary Education Curriculum 236—238

THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 239-243 The Elementary Education Curriculum 239-241 The Music Education Curriculum .... 241—242 The Industrial Education Curriculum 242-243

THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 244-249 The Civil Engineering Curriculum 244-245 The Electrical Engineering Curriculum 246-247 The Mechanical Engineering Curriculum 247-248

THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 249-25 5 The Curricula in Agriculture 250-254 The Curriculum in Home Economics 254-255

THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 256-258 Outline of the Four Years' Curriculum 256-257


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Calendar 1939


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31

APRIL MAY JUNE 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 30


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16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31

OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 2 3 4 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



s M T W T F s 5 M T W T F s s M T W T F s

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UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 1939 Monday, January 30, 7.30 a.m Class Work of the Second Semester

begins. Saturday, February 18 Kake Walk. Friday, March 17, and

Saturday, March 18 .Educational Conference with Vermont Teachers.

Saturday, April 1, 11.SO a.m. to Monday, April 10, 7.30 a.m Easter Recess.

Monday, May 1 Pounder's Day. Tuesday, May 30 Memorial Day. Wednesday, May 24, to

Tuesday, June 6 Final Examinations in the Academic Colleges.

Monday, May 29, to Thursday, June 8 Final Examinations in the College of

Medicine. Wednesday, June 7, to

Friday, June 9 Entrance Examinations. Friday, June 9, to

Monday, June 12 The Events of the Annual Commence­ment Week, the 148th year of the University.

Monday, June 2 6 , to Saturday, July 1 State 4-H Club Week.

Wednesday, July S, to Wednesday, August 1 6 The 1939 Summer Session.

The Academic Year, 1939-1940 Friday, September 8, to

Monday, September 11 Entrance Examinations. Tuesday, September 12, 9.00 a.m Freshman Registration and Enroll­

ment. Wednesday, September 13 Opening University Convocation,

President's Address, Registration and Enrollment of Former Students. Freshman Preliminary Conferences.

Thursday, September 14 Preliminary Instruction for Freshmen. Friday, September 15, 7.30 a.m Class Work of the First Semester


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Deans and Professors (Arranged in order of seniority in the several academic grades)

GUY WINFRED BAILEY, A.B., LL.D. 203 S. Willard St. President of the University

JOSEPH LAWRENCE HILLS, B.S., Sc.D. 59 N. Prospect St. Dean of the College of Agriculture

ELIJAH SWIFT, Ph.D. 415 S. Willard Sr. Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Williams Professor of Mathematics

GEORGE FREDERICK ECKHARD, B.S., C.E. 178 Summit St. Dean of the College of Engineering and Professor of Structural Engineering

* SAMUEL FRANKLIN EMERSON, Ph.D., L.H.D. Professor Emeritus of History

FREDERICK TUPPER, Ph.D., L.H.D., Litt.D. 179 N. Prospect St. Professor of the English Language and Literature

JOHN BROOKS WHEELER, A.B., Sc.D., M.D., F.A.C.S. 210 Pearl St. Professor Emeritus of Surgery

ELBRIDGE CHURCHILL JACOBS, A.M., F.G.S.A. 146 Williams St. Professor of Geology and Mineralogy and Curator of the Geological and Minera-logical Collections. In charge of the Seismograph Station

fARTHUR BECKWITH MYRICK, Ph.D. 146 Summit St. Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures

BERTHA MARY TERRILL, A.M. 205 S. Prospect St. Professor of Home Economics

ASA RUSSELL GIFFORD, A.M. 119 N. Prospect St. Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy

MARSHALL BAXTER CUMMINGS, Ph.D. 230 Loomis St. Professor of Horticulture and Secretary of the Faculty of the College of Agriculture

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LUTMAN, Ph.D. Ill N. Prospect St. Professor of Plant Pathology

GEORGE PLUMER BURNS, Ph.D. 453 S. Willard St. Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture and Professor of Botany

CLARENCE HENRY BEECHER, M.D., F.A.C.P. 151 Robinson Pkwy. Professor of Medicine

"'Deceased April 5, 1939. t Absent on leave.


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12 University of Vermont

THOMAS STEPHEN BROWN, M.D. 419 S. Prospect St. Thayer Professor of Neuro-Anatomy and Superintendent of the Mary Fletcher Hospital

FRED KINNEY JACKSON, A.B., M.D. 75 S. Prospect St. Professor of Physiology in the College of Medicine

DAVID MARVIN, M.D. Essex Junction Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology

HENRY FARNHAM PERKINS, Ph.D. 205 S. Prospect St. Professor of Zoology; Director of the Robert Hull Fleming Museum

GEORGE GORHAM GROAT, Ph.D. 475 Main St. Professor of Economics

EVAN THOMAS, B.S. 40 Robinson Pkwy. Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Mechanics in the College of Engineering

GEORGE HOWARD BURROWS, Ph.D. 393 S. Prospect St. Pomeroy Professor of Chemistry

* PATRICK EUGENE McSWEENEY, M.S., M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology

CHARLES FLAGG WHITNEY, M.S., M.D. 19 Kingsland Ter. Professor of Physiological Chemistry and Toxicology in the College of Medicine

FIOWARD BOWMAN ELLENBERGER, Ph.D. 5 5 Robinson Pkwy. Professor of Animal and Dairy Husbandry

fFRED DONALD CARPENTER, Ph.D. Professor of the German Language and Literature

CHARLES FRANCIS DALTON, M.D. 439 S. Willard St. Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine

CHARLES KIMBALL JOHNSON, M.D., F.A.A.P. 26 Robinson Pkwy. Professor of Pediatrics

EDMUND CURTIS MOWER, A.M., LL.B. 204 S. Willard St. Professor of Political Science

BENNETT COOPER DOUGLASS, Ph.D. 122 Summit St. Professor of Education and Director of the Summer Session

ERNEST HIRAM BUTTLES, A.B., M.D. 457 S. Willard St. Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology; Secretary of the Faculty of the College of Medicine

ARTHUR DEXTER BUTTERFIELD, M.S., A.M., D.Eng. Professor of Mathematics and Geodesy 2 5 Colchester Ave.

LYMAN ALLEN, A.B., M.S., M.D., F.A.C.S. 278 Main St. Professor of Surgery

HOWARD GORDON BENNETT, A.M. 448 S. Prospect St. Professor of Music

* Deceased September 2, 1958. •f Absent on leave.

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Officers of Instruction 13

JAMES CHARLES O'NEIL, B.S., M.D. Professor of Psychiatry

LESTER MARSH PRINDLE, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Greek

MASON HERBERT CAMPBELL, Ph.D. Professor of Dairy Production

JAMES ATKINS BULLARD, Ph.D. 110 Summit St. Professor of Mechanics and Mathematics; Secretary of the Faculty of the College of Engineering

PAUL DEMUND EVANS, Ph.D. Professor of History

EUGENE FREDERICK TRAUB, M.D. Professor of Dermatology

GEORGE MILLAR SABIN, B.S., M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Clinical Surgery

*PAUL ROBERT MILLER, M.S. Professor of Agronomy

LOUIS BLACKMER PUFFER, C.E. Professor of Civil Engineering

RALPH MAYNARD HOLMES, Ph.D. Professor of Physics

EDD RUTHVEN McKEE, M.S., E.E. Professor of Electrical Engineering

MERRILL ELLICOTT SPALDING, B.S. Colonel, Infantry, U. S. Army

Professor of Military Science and Tactics

WILMER CLAYTON DREIBELBIES, M.D. Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps, U. S. Army

Professor of Medico-Military Science

EIOVEY JORDAN, Ph.B., M.S., A.M. Professor of Histology and Embryology

EMMUS GEORGE TWITCHELL, A.B., M.D., F.A.A.O. 88 S. Willard St.

Professor of Ophthalmology, Oto-Laryngology and Rhinology

FRANK ROBERT OBER, M.D., F.A.C.S. 234 Marlborough St. Professor of Orthopedic Surgery Boston, Mass.

HERBERT ASHLEY DURFEE, A.B., M.D., F.A.C.S. 347 S. Union St. Professor of Obstetrics and Assistant Professor of Gynecology

ARTHUR BRADLEY SOULE, JR., A.B., M.D. 144 Ledge Rd. Professor of Radiology

* Absent on leave.

W aterbury

380 Maple St.

32 Wilson St.

261 S. Prospect St.

140 E. 54th St., New York, N. Y. 217 S. Union St.

176 Loomis St.

140 Ledge Rd.

42 Henderson Ter.

216 S. Willard St.

436 Maple St.

449 S. Prospect St.

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14 University of Vermont

JAMES NORMAN PETERSEN, R.S., M.D., C.M. Acting Professor of Neurology

DEWITT MCCLURE TAYLOR, B.S. Professor of Mechanical Engineering

OLIVER NEWELL EASTMAN, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Gynecology and Associate Professor of Obstetrics

JOHN TRUMBULL METCALF, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology

HAROLD BARNARD PIERCE, Ph.D. Professor of Physiological Chemistry

3801 University St. Montreal, Canada 61 S. Willard St.

170 Spruce St.

3 5 Kingsland Ter.

360 College St.

Associate Professors WELLINGTON ESTEY AIKEN, A.M.

Associate Professor of English and Secretary of the University Senate 52 N. Prospect St.

Hillcrest Rd. ROY ORVILLE BUCHANAN, B.S. Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

JOHN BELLOWS DEFOREST, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Romance Languages

DANIEL BERNARD CARROLL, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Political Science

GEORGE DYKHUIZEN, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy

JULIAN IRA LINDSAY, A.M. Associate Professor of English

GEORGE VINCENT KIDDER, A.B. (Oxon.), Ph.D. 206 Summit St. Associate Professor of Greek and Latin; Secretary of the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences

ALFRED GRETHER BUEHLER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Economics

KENNETH JOSEPH SHELDON, A.M. Associate Professor of Agricultural Education

LELAND LAWRENCE BRIGGS, M.B.A. Associate Professor of Economics

ELEANOR STENSON CUMMINGS, A.B. Associate Professor of Physical Education for "Women

CHARLES ALLEN KERN, B.S. Associate Professor of Chemistry

ELEAZER JOHNSON DOLE, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Botany

327 S. Prospect St.

89 S. Willard St.

3 5 0 S. Prospect St.

292 S. Prospect St.

91 S. Willard St.

24 '/2 Brookes Ave.

13 Bay View St.

15 3 S. Prospect St.

74 S. Winooski Ave.

43 3 S. Prospect St.

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Officers of Instruction 15

PAUL KENDRICK FRENCH, Ph.B., M.D., F.A.C.P. 223 Pearl St. Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine

PAUL AMOS MOODY, Ph.D. 197 Howard St. Associate Professor of Zoology

CHARLES ERNEST BRAUN, Ph.D. 67 Robinson Pkwy. Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry

PERCY AUSTIN FRALEIGH, Ph.D. 160 Shelburne St. Associate Professor of Mathematics

HOWARD ANDERSON PRENTICE, B.S., A.M. 45 University Ter. Associate Professor and Director of Physical Education for Men

WILLIAM GRAVES TOWNSEND, B.S., M.D., F.A.C.S. 32 Cliff St. Associate Professor of Urology

FLORENCE MAY WOODARD, Ph.D. 475 Main St. Associate Professor of Economics

EDMUND LOUIS SUSSDORFF, Ph.B., M.E. 3 57 S. Prospect St. Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

ERNEST OLIVER HERREID, Ph.D. 49 University Ter. Associate Professor of Dairy Manufacturing

RAY GILBERT DAGGS, Ph.D. 29 Adsit Ct. Associate Professor of Physiology in the College of Medicine

DORIS FRANCES LAKE, A.M. Home Management House Associate Professor of Home Economics

WILLIAM RITCHIE ADAMS, JR., Ph.D. 36 Overlake Pk. Associate Professor of Forestry and Botany

ALEXANDER GERSHOY, Ph.D. 421 North St. Associate Professor of Botany

PARKER BROWN WILLIS, M.S. 301 College St. Associate Professor of Economics

Assistant Professors HAROLD IRVING WILLIAMS, B.S. 3 4 Elmwood Ave.

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

AMOS BUSH WILLMARTH, A.M., M.S. 3 3 Buell St. Assistant Professor of Chemistry

* CATHERINE FRANCES NULTY, Ed.M. Assistant Professor of Economics (Secretarial)

GENNETTE CLAIRE DAVIS, A.M. 151 S. Prospect St. Assistant Professor of Economics (Secretarial)

* Absent on leave.

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16 University of Vermont

HOWARD GUY MILLINGTON, C.E. 224 Plattsburg Ave. Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the College of Engineering

ROBERT LELAND MAYNARD, M.D., F.A.C.S. 289 College St. Assistant Professor of Surgery and Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery

FLORENCE EMILY BAILEY, M.S. Assistant Professor of Home Economics

FRED WALTER HOUSEHOLDER, A.M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics

KATHRINA HABBERTON STORMS, A.B. Assistant Professor of English

SARA MOULTHROP HOLBROOK, Pd.B., A.M. Assistant Professor of Education

JAMES EUGENE POOLEY, A.M. Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin

GRACE BURWASH, A.M. Assistant Professor of Home Economics

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LADD, A.M. Assistant Professor of German

ALIDA BEATRICE FAIRBANKS, A.M. Assistant Professor of Home Economics

GENO BLAISE LUCARINI, B.S. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

EDWARD JAMES ROGERS, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

ADOLPHUS DUNCAN ROOD, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

* WENDELL EVERETT JAMES, M.S., M.D. Assistant Professor of Bacteriology and Clinical Pathology

LLOYD ABRAM WOODWARD, M.S. Assistant Professor of Physics

LEON W. DEAN, A.B. Assistant Professor of English

WALFORD TUPPER REES, M.D., F.A.C.S. Assistant Professor of Surgery

BENJAMIN DYER ADAMS, M.D., F.A.C.S. Assistant Professor of Surgery

RAYMOND AVERY HALL, B.D., A.M. Assistant Professor of English

GEORGE HERBERT NICHOLSON, A.M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics

* Absent on leave.

54 S. Willard St.

15 Wilson St.

61 N. Prospect St.

205 S. Prospect St.

108 Shelburne St.

151 S. Prospect St.

19 Cliff St.

249 Pearl St.

324 Main St.


146 Chestnut St. Springfield, Mass.

82 Henry St.

308 S. Prospect St.

223 Pearl St.

207 S. Union St.


59 Mansfield Ave.

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Officers of Instruction 17

CHARLES PERKINS MOAT, B.S. 487 S. Willard St. Assistant Professor of Hygiene

*JOHN ALVIN NEWLANDER, M.S. Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry

ROLAND FREEMAN DOANE, A.M. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages

* BENJAMIN BOOTH WAINWRIGHT, A.M. Assistant Professor of English

LYMAN SMITH ROWELL, M.S. Assistant Professor of 2oology

CLARENCE ALDEN BONNER, M.D. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

HERBERT EVERETT PUTNAM, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History

CHESTER ALBERT NEWHALL, A.B., M.D. Assistant Professor of Anatomy

MYRON ELLIS WITHAM, C.E. Assistant Professor of Mathematics

ELIZABETH VANDERPOOL COLBURN, A.M. Assistant Professor of Education

LAURENCE FORREST SHOREY, M.S. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

CHARLES GEORGE DOLL, A.M. Assistant Professor of Geology and Mineralogy; Assistant Curator of the Geological Collections

MILTON PIARRIS ALDRICH, M.S.E. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

* WILLIAM HUDSON BEHNEY, M.S. Assistant Professor of Zoology

EDGAR ELWYN LINEKEN, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry

MELVIN HENRY LAATSCH, A.M. Assistant Professor of Political Science

PHILLIPS DEAN CARLETON, A.M. Assistant Professor of English

ARCHIBALD THOMSON POST, B.S. Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men

WILLARD BISSELL POPE, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English

* Deceased October 27, 1938.

4 Cedar Lane

38 Cliff St.

Danvers State Hospital Hathorne, Mass. 187 Loomis St.

72 Colchester Ave.

41 S. Prospect St.

308 Pearl St.

60 University Ter.

170 N. Prospect St.

S. Willard St.

5 Handy Ct.

266 S. Union St.

236 S. Prospect St.

18 Weston St.

2 S 3 S. Union St.

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18 University of Vermont

KARL CORNELIUS McMAHON, B.S., M.D, 381 S. Union St. Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Clinical Instructor in Oto-Laryngology and Rhinology

ERNEST HARTMAN, Sc.D. 45 Robinson Pkwy. Assistant Professor of Bacteriology and Clinical Pathology

ARTHUR LEO LARNER, M.D. 337 College St. Assistant Professor of Oto-Laryngology and Rhinology, and Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology

EDWARD DOUGLAS McSWEENEY, A.B., M.D., F.A.C.S. Assistant Professor of Gynecology

JOHN PHILIP SABO, A.M. Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men

ALFRED CARLETON ANDREWS, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Latin

PAUL WILLIAM BUTTERFIELD, A.B., M.D. Assistant Professor of Pathology

REX MADISON COLLIER, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology


28 S. Willard St. 96 Summit St.

258 S. Willard St.

37 N. Prospect St.

14 Handy Ct.

Colonel, Medical Corps, U. S. Army Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

JOHN ARCHIBALD FERGUSON, M.S., M.D. Assistant Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology


Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics

RICHARD BARNES KENNAN, A.M. Assistant Professor of Education

FRANKLIN PATTERSON LOWRY, B.S., M.D. Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy

WALTER ALVA STULTZ, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Anatomy

RANDOLPH SHEPARDSON TOWNE, A.M. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages

HIRAM EUGENE UPTON, B.S., M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine


Fort Ethan Allen

107 Main St. Winooski

128 Summit St.

343 S. Prospect St.

313 Washington St. Newton, Mass.

43 Mansfield Ave.

448 S. Union St.

144 DeForest Rd.

371 Pearl St. Assistant Professor of Surgery and Assistant Director of the Free Dispensary

ELLSWORTH LYMAN AMIDON, B.S., M.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine

WILLIAM LAWRENCE GARDNER, B.S. Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men

120 Colchester Ave.

17 Overlake Pk.

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Officers of Instruction 19

31 N. Prospect St. FRANK PACKARD COFFIN Major, U. S. Army

Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics

RALPH LESLIE CUDLIPP, M.D., F.A.C.S. Lieut.-Col., Medical Corps, U. S. Army

Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery

CLIFFORD SHATTUCK LEONARD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Pharmacology

EUGENE YOUNGERT, A.M. Assistant Professor of Education

FRED WILLIAMS DUNIHUE, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Histology and Embryology

CLARA MABEL WHEELER, A.M. Assistant Professor of Education and Supervisor of Elementary School Teaching

MRS. NELLE ALEXANDER ADAMS, A.M. 36 Overlake Pk. Assistant Professor of Education

Fort Ethan Allen

31 Cliff St.

59 University Ter.

380 Pearl St.

262 S. Prospect St.


Instructor in Clinical Medicine

* FRANK AUBREY DRESSER Instructor in Shopwork and Superintendent of Engineering Shops

RAYMOND THOMAS CONNER, D.E.M.L. Technical Sgt., U. S. Army

Instructor in Military Science and Tactics

ALBAN BENNETT ROONEY, M.S. Instructor in Physics


NELSON LEE WALBRIDGE, M.S. Instructor in Physics

MRS. ELIZABETH BRADISH Instructor in Vocal Music

MIRIAM NATILEE MARSTON, A.M. Instructor in Music

MARY LOUISE MORGAN, B.S. Instructor in Economics

ELMER WATERS PIKE, M.D. Instructor in Clinical Medicine

S 7 N. Winooski Ave.

18 Pearl St.

26 University Ter.

27 University Ter.

1334 North Ave.

13 3 King St.

3 Handy Ct.

7 N. Willard St.

262 Pearl St.

* Deceased January 31, 19}9,

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20 University of Vermont

*CONSTANCE LORRAINE BROWN, M.S. Instructor in Chemistry

CARL LUCARINI, A.M. Instructor in Chemistry

MERRILL DUSTIN POWERS, B.S. Instructor in English

WINONA EMYLE STONE, M.S. Instructor in Botany

MRS. CHARLOTTE DEVOLT ELDER, Mus.B. Instructor in Music

GEORGE CHAPMAN CROOKS, Ph.D. Instructor in Chemistry

ERROL CARLETON SLACK, Ph.B. Instructor in Romance Languages

MRS. ISABEL CLARK MILLS, A.M. Instructor in Art

* ALBERT GEORGE MACKAY, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Surgery

* BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CLARK, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology

GERALD ARTHUR LYNDE, B.S. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering

MARY BURKE SULLIVAN, A.M. Instructor in Education and English

WINTHROP MAILLOT FLAGG, M.D. Clinical Instructor in Urology

" BARBARA CROWE Instructor in Physical Education for Women


PAUL DENNISON CLARK, M.D., F.A.A.P. Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics

ERALD FAIRBANKS FOSTER, M.D. Instructor in Preventive Medicine

"'ARTHUR GLADSTONE, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Clinical Surgery

LOUIS RABINOWITZ, M.D. Instructor in Clinical Medicine

ADELAIDE RAWSON, B.S., A.M. Instructor in Home Economics

* Absent on leave.

170 N. Prospect St.

22 Ledgemere St.

Essex Junction

1 Handy Ct.

236 Shelburne St.

24 University Ter.

3 6 Latham Ct.

236 S. Prospect St.

15 5 S. Prospect St.

323 Pearl St.

371 Pearl St.

204 Pearl St.

444 S. Willard St.


14 Kingsland Ter.

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Officers of Instruction 21

MAURICE NORBERT BELLEROSE, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery

HOLDEN BURR BICKFORD, A.B. Instructor in German

JOHN CLIFFORD EVANS, B.S. Instructor in Physical Education for Men

EDWARD JOHN FORD, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Anesthesia

HELEN RENWICK LeBARON, B.S. Instructor in Home Economics

HAROLD A. D. LEGGETT, B.S.A. Instructor in Poultry Husbandry

WILLIAM HOWARD MARTIN, M.S. Instructor in Agricultural Education

HAROLD EDWARD MEDIVETSKY, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Clinical Medicine

JEAN BARNETT PIATT, Ph.D. Instructor in Anatomy

*LORRIN ANDREWS RIGGS, Ph.D. Instructor in Psychology

JESSE ALBERT RUST, JR., M.D. Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology

FERDINAND JACOB MORRIS SICHEL, Ph.D. Instructor in Physiology

CLARENCE JESS SPEAS, D.D.S. Instructor in Oral Hygiene

RAYMOND DUANE TOWNE, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Clinical Surgery

CARLTON EUGENE WRIGHT, M.S. Instructor in Farm Mechanics

ROY EDWARD CORLEY, A.B., M.D., F.A.A.P. Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics

ALBERT MAX KARL BLUME, B.Mus., A.M. Instructor in German

ROBERT WUNNER PRICE, Ph.D. Instructor in Organic Chemistry

JOHN EMERSON DAVIS, Ph.D. Instructor in Pharmacology and Physiological Chemistry

LESLIE ALEXANDER EVANS, V.S. Instructor in Veterinary Science

* Absent on leave.


47 Adams St.

169 Loomis St.

361 College St.

416 Pearl St.

North Hero

326 S. Union St.

76 N. Union St.

2 3 6 S. Prospect St.

5 9 S. Winooski Ave.

34 Henderson Ter.

71 Pine St.

109 S. Prospect St.

934 North Ave.

65 Pine St.

34 Henderson Ter.

163 S. Prospect St.

216 S. Willard St.

Essex Junction

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22 University of Vermont

ALLSTON HAZEN FOGG, B.S., M.D. 41 Clarke St. Instructor in Physical Therapy

ROSEMARY HAZARD, B.S. 54 S. Willard St. Instructor in Physical Education for Women

MILFORD LEROY HOBBS, M.D. 247 Pearl St. Instructor in Medicine

GEORGE FREDERICK JOHN LEHNER, A.M. 295 S. Prospect St. Instructor in Psychology

MARGARET ANNE LEVARN, B.S. 236 S. Union St. Instructor in Economics (Secretarial)

WILLIAM McDERMOTT, A.M. 339 S. Prospect St. Instructor in Chemistry

MALCOLM WALES MACLAY, A.B. 260 Main St. Instructor in Economics

ANDREW EDGERTON NUQUIST, A.M. 380 Pearl St. Instructor in Political Science

RUDOLPH P. PAPPAS 320 E. Allen St. Sgt., Medical Corps, U. S. Army Winooski

Instructor in Medico-Military Science EMELIE MUNSON PERKINS, A.B., M.D. Rutland

Instructor in Home Economics JOHN HAROLD PERRY, A.B., B.S. 43 Mansfield Ave.

Instructor in Zoology JAMES ALBERT PICKETT 415 Pearl St.

Sgt., U. S. Army Instructor in Military Science and Tactics

LAURENCE LAMSON ROBBINS, B.S., M.D. 45 5 Shelburne St. Instructor in Pathology

ROY JOHN WIETZ, A.M. 54 S. Willard St. Instructor in Physical Education for Men

SHELDON WARD WILLIAMS, M.S. 431 S. Union St. Instructor in Agricultural Economics

::"CHARLES SIMPSON WOODALL, A.M., M.D. Instructor in Neurology

HARRY PHILIP LEVINE, M.S. 171 N. Winooski Ave. Instructor in Zoology

ALEXANDER ADRIAN MORRISSETTE, Ph.B. 163 Loomis St. Instructor in French

VERNA ELIZABETH PARKER, A.M. 15 N. Williams St. Instructor in Education

ROBERT SHERMAN QUIMBY, A.M. 88 N. Willard St. Research Instructor in History

* Deceased March 26, 19)9.

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Officers of Instruction 23

PAUL FREDERICK FROESCHLE, B.S. 64 Greene St. Laboratory Instructor in Physiological Chemistry

ALBERT BENSON MESERVEY, B.S. 39 Brookes Ave. Laboratory Instructor in Physiological Chemistry

Assistants and Research Fellows * HUBERT WERTS ALLEN, M.S.

Assistant in Physics

MARY FRANCES MADIGAN Assistant in Elementary Education

MRS. ELIZABETH WARNER MORRILL, A.M. Assistant in Education

F. SYLVIA STEADMAN Assistant in Physical Education for "Women

NATALIE ELLA CARLETON, M.S. Assistant in Geology

JANICE WILLIAMS CARKIN, A.B. Research Fellow (Education) and Assistant in Physical

JACK EDMUND DOAN, B.S.A. Research Fellow (Agronomy)

ARNOLD PERKINS DREW, A.B. Research Fellow (English)

FRANCES MAY JOHNSON, B.S. Research Fellow (Botany)

WERNER OTTO MUELLER, B.S. Research Fellow (Agronomy)

CLARENCE VINTON PLATH, B.S. Research Fellow (Agronomy)

FREDERICK MADISON SKELTON, B.S.A. Research Fellow (Dairy Husbandry)

THEIS ELEANOR AITKEN, B.S. Research Fellow (Chemistry)

CHARLES WESLEY BARNEY, B.S. Research Fellow (Botany)

ROBERT McCRILLIS CARTER, JR., A.B. Research Fellow (Agricultural Economics)

MARY CLEAVE, A.B. Research Fellow (English)

ROLAND JOHN DELFAUSSE, Ph.B. Research Fellow (Economics)

* Appointed Instructor in Physics, April 11, 1339.

46 Perrotta PI.

120 Buell St.

3 0 Adsit Ct.

1 Handy Ct.

222 Loomis St.

10 Hungerford St. Educaton for Women

29 School St.

11 N. Willard St.

407 Colchester Ave.

151 Maple St.

29 School St.

60 Colchester Ave.

32 Nash Pi.

243 Colchester Ave.


75 S. Prospect St.

161 Pearl St.

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24 University of Vermont

JOHN DURRANCE DODD, B.S. Research Fellow (Botany)

ROBERT JENNESS, B.S. Research Fellow (Dairy Husbandry)

JOSEPH GORDEN LEEDER, B.S. Research Fellow (Dairy Husbandry)

DOROTHY DALE NUETZMAN, B.S. Research Fellow (Home Economics)

WILLIAM RAY RATLEDGE, B.S. Research Fellow (Botany)

EDWIN JOSEPH WEATHERBY, B.S. Research Fellow (Dairy Husbandry)

Lecturers and Supervisors HARRY BARKER, B.S.

Lecturer on the Practice of Engineering

KATHERINE ELLA McSWEENEY, A.M., M.D, Lecturer in Hygiene (Women)

AARON HINMAN GROUT, Ph.B. Lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence

DAVID MANSON, D.D.S. Lecturer in Oral Hygiene


Supervisors of Student Teaching


243 Colchester Ave.

60 Colchester Ave.

60 Colchester Ave.

443 S. Prospect St.

307 Colchester Ave.

60 Colchester Ave.

11 Park PI. New York, N. Y.

293 Pearl St.

200 Main St.

79 S. Willard St.

37 Cliff St. 134 Summit St.

Winooski Winooski

39 S. Union St. Shelburne

15 3 Park St. 25 Nash PI.

29 S. Willard St. 146 East Ave. Essex Junction

St. Johnsbury St. Albans

Richford Vergennes

Brattleboro Bellows Falls

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Officers of Instruction 25


President and Comptroller of the University 203 S. Willard St.

College of Medicine Building JOSEPH LAWRENCE HILLS, B.S., Sc.D. 59 N. Prospect St.

Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment Station Morrill Hall

ELIJAH SWIFT, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

GEORGE FREDERICK ECKHARD, B.S., C.E. Dean of the College of Engineering

MARY JEAN SIMPSON, Ph.B. Dean of Women

415 S. Willard St. Old College

178 Summit St. Engineering Annex 61 N. Prospect St.

Old College Redstone FREDA MARIE HARRIS, A.M.

Assistant Dean of Women

FORREST WILKINS KEHOE, B.S. Assistant Comptroller and Registrar of the University

College of Medicine Building

101 Overlake Pk.

JOSEPH EDWARD CARRIGAN, A.M. Director of the Agricultural Extension Service

LEON W. DEAN, A.B. Director of Publicity

MERRILL DUSTIN POWERS, B.S. Secretary of the Rooming and Employment Bureau

RUTH HELEN GREGORY, Ph.B. Assistant Registrar

SABIN CLARK ABELL, B.S. Graduate Manager of Athletics

ANNA CAROLINE SMITH, Ph.B. Secretary to the President



ANNIS ORRILLA BARNEY, Ph.B. Manager of the University Stores

HELEN EDITH FRENCH Assistant Cashier

188 Loomis St. Extension Building 308 S. Prospect St.

8 5 S. Prospect St. 22 Ledgemere St.

Old College 31 S. Prospect St.

College of Medicine Building 18 Spruce St.

Gymnasium 15 3 S. Prospect St.

College of Medicine Building 5 0 Bay View St.

College of Medicine Building 23 Kingsland Ter.

College of Medicine Building 33 S. Prospect St.

Old College Essex Junction

College of Medicine Building

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26 University of Vermont



ESTELLE JULIA FOOTE, A.B., M.D. Medical Examiner for Women

FRED SCOTT KENT, M.D. Medical Director of the University

JOSEPH F. LECHNYR Leader R. O. T. C. Band


MRS. JANET A. BICKFORD Social Director Southwick Memorial

MRS. WAIT C. JOHNSON Director Allen House

MRS. C. W. RICHMOND Director Campus House

MRS. ANNA P. WILLARD Director Grassrnount

MRS. GEORGE GRAVES Director Prospect Hall

MRS. HERBERT HAND Director Redstone

MRS. FRED H. TOWNE Director Robinson Hall

MRS. ANNA N. BOSWORTH Director Sanders Hall

MRS. ANDREW LOUDON Director Slade Hall

MRS. ROSSIE L. WATSON Director Warner House


B.S. 173 Loomis St. College of Medicine Building

Middlebury Southwick Memorial

72 East Ave. Gymnasium

10 Russell St. Gymnasium

82 East Ave. College of Medicine Building

47 Adams St.

Allen House

Campus House


42 N. Prospect St.


Robinson Hall

Sanders Hall

Slade Hall

96 Colchester Ave.


Librarian of the University

MARY RUSSELL BATES, Ph.B. Associate Librarian of the University

MARY OLIVE BOYNTON, Ph.B. Librarian of the Medical Library

308 Pearl St.

41 N. Willard St.

31 S. Prospect St.

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Officers of Instruction 27

MRS. ANNIE SWASEY DONAHUE, A.B. Librarian of the Wilbur Library

GLADYS FLINT, A.B. Circulation Assistant in the Billings Library


Assistants in the Billings Library

Essex Junction

29 S. Prospect St.

326 College St. 55 Cliff St.

56 Marble Ave.

Fleming Museum Staff HENRY FARNHAM PERKINS, Ph.D.


ELBRIDGE CHURCHILL JACOBS, A.M. Curator of the Geological and Mineralogical Collections

HORACE BRYON ELDRED Assistant Director

CHARLES GEORGE DOLL, A.M. Assistant Curator of the Geological Collections




205 S. Prospect St.

146 Williams St.

Queen City Park

170 N. Prospect St.

21 Orchard Ter.

324 Main St.

34 Henderson Ter.

The Senate Committees ATHLETICS—Butterfield, T. S. Brown, fCarpenter, :f:Witham, and W. R.


BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS—The President and the Comptroller, the Assist­ant Comptroller and the Deans

CEREMONIES—H. F. Perkins, Millington, Gifford, Rowell, Miss Colburn, Bennett, Jordan, Towne, Pierce, the Commandant and the Registrar

CHAPEL SERVICES—Jacobs, Bennett and Hall

CURRICULA—fMyrick, :!:Gifford, Buttles, Burrows, Eckhard, Sheldon and Evans

* On leave, 1938-1939 f Absent on leave. $ Interim appointment.

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28 University of Vermont

DEGREES AND GRADUATE STUDY—Burns, Groat, Cummings, Daggs, "My rick, Mower, Douglass and Bullard

EXTENSION—Douglass, Dean, Bennett, Buttles, Eckhard, Burns, Carrigan and Kehoe

GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS—Burns, Eckhard, Jacobs LIBRARY—Tupper, Swift, Miss Shattuck and Mower MILITARY DEPARTMENT—The Commandant and the Deans PERSONNEL WORK—Gilford, Metcalf, Cummings, Kidder, Millington,

Prentice, Miss Simpson, Miss Terrill, Miss Holbrook, ''"Miss Nulty and Miss Cummings


the Deans SCHOLARSHIPS—The President and the Deans STUDENT NON-ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES—Evans, Metcalf and Miss Harris STUDENT CONFERENCE—Miss Simpson, Groat, Mower, Swift, Carroll,

McKee, M. B. Cummings and Miss Cummings SUMMER SESSION—Douglass, Jacobs, Burns, Groat and Miss Simpson SOCIAL LIFE—Kidder, Braun, Bullard, Miss Simpson, Swift





59 N. Prospect St.

101 Overlake Pk. Assistant Treasurer

MARION VIOLA URIE, Ph.B. 239 S. Prospect St. Secretary

Agricultural Economics JOHN ALLEN HITCHco*ck, M.S. 15 Weston St.


317 Maple St. 102 Charlotte St. 431 S. Union St.

Assistant Agricultural Economists * Absent on leave, f Resigned March I, 1959.

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Officers of Instruction 29




DAVIS EDWARD DUNKLEE, M.S. Assistant Agronomist


Research Fellows

Animal and Dairy Husbandry HOWARD BOWMAN ELLENBERGER, Ph.D.

Animal and Dairy Husbandman


Associate Animal and Dairy Husbandmen

JAMES MARSHALL FRAYER, M.S. Associate Dairy Bacteriologist

EVERETT ARTHUR KEYES, M.S. Assistant Animal and Dairy Husbandman


Research Fellows




Assistant Botanists


Research Fellows

* Absent on leave, 1938-1939.


41 University Ter.

79 Buell St.

29 School St. 29 School St.

151 Maple St.

55 Robinson Pkwy.

45 Cliff St. 32 Wilson St.

281 S. Winooski Ave.

46 East Ave.

60 Colchester Ave. 60 Colchester Ave. 60 Colchester Ave. 60 Colchester Ave.

453 S. Willard St.

421 North St. 36 Overlake Pk.

243 Colchester Ave. 243 Colchester Ave. 307 Colchester Ave.

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30 University of Vermont




Assistant Chemists

Home Economics MARIANNE MUSE, M.S.


Assistant Research Home Economist




Assistant Horticulturists


Plant Pathologist

WINONA EMYLE STONE, M.S. Assistant Plant Pathologist

Regulatory Service LEWELL SETH WALKER, B.S.



Assistant Chemists





65 Henderson Ter.

69 N. Prospect St. 842 North Ave.

3 9 Grove St.

506 S. Union St.

10 Hungerford St.

443 S. Prospect St.

230 Loomis St.

Williston Rd. 25 Booth St.

111 N. Prospect St.

Essex Junction

395 College St.

S. Burlington 243 Colchester Ave.

111 N. Prospect St.

203 S. Willard St.

59 N. Prospect St.

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Officers of Instruction


HARRIS WELLS SOULE, B.S. County Agent Leader

EL WIN LEROY INGALLS, A.B. State Club Leader

MARTHA EMMA LEIGHTON, B.S. Assistant State Club Leader

FRANK CLINTON ESSICK, B.S. Assistant State Club Leader

MARJORIE ELLIN WOOD LUCE, B.S. State Home Demonstration Leader


IRENE ELLEN ALLEN, Ph.B. Assistant to the Director

LEROY JAMES DOPP, JR. Office Manager

Specialists HARRY ROSS VARNEY, Ph.D.

Agricultural Economics

HERMON ISAIAH MILLER, A.M. (Assistant) Agricultural Economics










* Absent on Ieave3 193 8-1939.


188 Loomis St.

308 Main St.

144 S. Willard St.

234 College St.

394 S. Union St.

249 Pearl St.

69 Mansfield Ave.

74 Buell St.

10 Lafayette PI.

502 North St.

317 Maple St.

342 Pearl St.

101 Henry St.

2 54 Colchester Ave.

20 N. Williams St.

315 Maple St.

234 College St.

5 5 University Ter.

193 Howard St.

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32 University of Vermont


Addison County

JAMES ALBERT McKEE, B.S. Bennington County



Chittenden County




FRANK DYER JONES, B.S. Lamoille County







Home Demonstration Agents LEONA MARTHA WARREN, B.S.


Bennington County MRS. LORNA KEESLER WHITE, B. S.


Chittenden County

RHODA ALETHA HYDE, A.M. Franklin County



St. Johnsbury

189 S. Winooski Ave.


St. Albans

N. Hero







White River Junction



St. Johnsbury

189 S. Winooski Ave. Burlington St. Albans

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Officers of Instruction 33

MRS. ELIZABETH EMMONS ROBINS, B.S. Morrisville Lamoille County


LOUISE SONDERMANN, B.S. Newport Orleans County



FRANCES ELIZABETH METCALF, B.S. Montpeller Washington County


MRS. HELEN BUTTRICK WHITNEY, B.S. Brattleboro Windham County

MRS. JENNIE ARMSTRONG HALL, B.S. White River Junction Windsor County

White River Junction

MRS. HELEN DANIELS ROBINSON, B.S. 175 S. Union St. At Large Burlington

County Club Agents LOUISE SEGOURNEY BULLARD, B.S. Middlebury

Addison County Middlebury

MARION HARDY, A.B. Bennington Bennington County


RUTH MILDRED WHITE, B.S. St. Johnsbury Caledonia County

St. Johnsbury

RUTH ALICE JEWETT, B.S. 189 S. Winooski Ave. Chittenden County Burlington

DONALD YOUNG STILES, B.S. St. Albans Franklin County

NORMA ELISABETH HATHORN, B.S. Morrisville Lamoille County

HARRIET ELLICE PROCTOR,, B.S. Chelsea Orange County

GLENN FREDERICK McPHEE, B.S. Newport Orleans County


EDWIN EMIL BERGSTROM Rutland Rutland County

WINIFRED SARAH PERRY, B.S. Montpelier Washington County


BRUCE ROBERT BUCHANAN, B.S. Brattleboro Windham County

GEORGE ALLEN, B.S. White River Junction Windsor County

White River Junction

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34 University of Vermont



President of the University

FRANCIS L. BAILEY, A.M. State Commissioner of Education

BENNETT C. DOUGLASS, Ph.D. Director of Summer Session and Professor of Education

NELLE A. ADAMS, A.M. Instructor in Elementary Education

WELLINGTON E. AIKEN, A.M. Associate Professor of English

HOWARD G. BENNETT, A.M. Professor of Music

HOLDEN B. BICKFORD, A.B. Instructor in German

CHARLES E. BRAUN, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry

CLARE DUDLEY BUCK Instructor in Speech, Grand Rapids, Mich.

ALFRED G. BUEHLER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Economics

JAMES A. BULLARD, Ph.D. Professor of Mechanics and Mathematics

RALPH A. BURNS, Ed.M. Professor of Education, Dartmouth College

ARTHUR D. BUTTERFIELD, M.S., A.M. Professor of Mathematics and Geodesy

PHILLIPS D. CARLETON, A.M. Assistant Professor of English

FRED D. CARPENTER, Ph.D. Professor of German

JOSEPH E. CARRIGAN, A.M. Director, Vermont Agricultural Extension Service

DANIEL B. CARROLL, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Political Science

MARION CARSWELL Principal, Hubbard Woods School, Winnetka, 111.

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Officers of Instruction

RUTH W. COBURN, A.B. Art Supervisor, Burlington

ELIZABETH V. COLBURN, A.M. Assistant Professor of Education (Art)

EDWARD J. COLGAN, A.M. Professor of Education and Psychology, Colby College

REX M. COLLIER, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology

LEON W. DEAN, A.B. Assistant Professor of English

ELIZABETH H. DEE, A.M. Instructor in Physical Education, New York City

JOHN B. DEFOREST, PRD. Associate Professor of Romance Languages

ROLAND F. DOANE, A.M. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages

ELEAZER J. DOLE, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Botany

GEORGE DYKHUIZEN, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy

CHARLOTTE DEVOLT ELDER Instructor in Public School Music and Violin

PAUL D. EVANS, Ph.D. Professor of History

MAZY H. EWERT, B.S. Assistant in Art

ALIDA B. FAIRBANKS, A.M. Assistant Professor of Home Economics, State Supervisor Home Economics

FLORENCE E. FISHER Demonstration Teacher, Grades 1 and 2

W. LAWRENCE GARDNER, B.S. Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Coach of Baseball

GEORGE G. GROAT, Ph.D. Professor of Economics

MILO B. HILLEGAS, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

SARA M. HOLBROOK, A.M. Assistant Professor of Education

FRED S. KENT, M.D. Medical Director of the University

GEORGE V. KIDDER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Greek and Latin

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36 University of Vermont

LOIS J. KING Demonstration Teacher, Grades 5 and 6 S Teachers' College, New Haven, Conn.

WILLIAM KVARACEUS, Ed.M. Educational Consultant, Brockton, Mass.

MELVIN H. LAATSCH, A.M. Assistant Professor of Political Science

EDGAR E. LINEKEN, M.S. Assistant Professor of Chemistry

EDITH S. LISTER Instructor in Vocal Music, New York City

EARL H. LITTLE, M.S. State Supervisor of Agricultural Education, Concord, N. H.

LUCIE ANN McCALL, A.M. Supervisor of Fine Arts, Grand Rapids, Mich.

FRANK McMULLAN, M.F.A. Assistant Professor of Play Production, Department of Drama, Yale University

RICHARD M. MARBLE, M.F. Instructor in Zoology

MIRIAM N. MARSTON, A.M. Instructor in Public School Music, Piano and Organ

W. HOWARD MARTIN, M.S. Instructor in Agricultural Education

JOHN T. METCALF, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology

HOWARD G. MILLINGTON, C.E. Assistant Professor of Mathematics

ISABEL CLARK MILLS, A.M. Instructor in Art

PAUL A. MOODY, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Zoology

ELIZABETH W. MORRILL, B.S. Director Peter Pan Nursery School, Burlington, Vt.

GEORGE H. NICHOLSON, A.M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics

RALPH E. NOBLE, A.M. Director of Secondary and Vocational Education for Vermont

CATHERINE F. NULTY, Ed.M. Assistant Professor of Economics (Secretarial)

VERNA E. PARKER, A.M. Assistant in Education

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Officers of Instruction 37

JAMES E. POOLEY, A.M. Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin

ARCHIBALD T. POST, B.S. Assistant Professor of Physical Education

HERBERT E. PUTNAM, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History

LORRIN A. RIGGS, Ph.D. Instructor in Psychology

MARGARET A. RITCHIE, B.S. Instructor in Art, Roosevelt High School, Yonkers, N. Y.

WILLIAM A. ROSS Specialist in Agricultural Education (Subject Matter), United States Office of Education

LYMAN S. ROWELL, M.S. Assistant Professor of Zoology

JOHN F. SCULLY, M.Pd. Special Lecturer in Education, Dartmouth College

W. WARREN SHAW, A. M. Director of Vocal Music, New York City

KENNETH J. SHELDON, A.M. Associate Professor of Agricultural Education, Supervisor of Agricultural Education for Vermont

HELEN E. STENSON, A.M. Specialist in Rural Education, State Teachers College, Kalamazoo, Mich.

FRANCES BRUCE STRAIN, A.B. Associate Director of Education, Cincinnati Social Hygiene Society

MARY B. SULLIVAN, A.M. Instructor in Elementary Education

ELEANOR SUTCLIFFE Demonstration Teacher, Grades 3 and 4, Springfield, Mass.

WILNETTA S. TAGGART, B.L.I. Instructor in Play Production

LAURENCE M. THOMPSON, M.D. Specialist in First Aid, American Red Cross, Washington, D. C.

RANDOLPH S. TOWNE, A.M. Assistant Professor of French and Spanish

FREDERICK TUPPER, Ph.D. Professor of English

HARRY R. VARNEY, Ph.D. Extension Economist

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38 University of Vermont

BENJAMIN B. WAINWRIGHT, A.M. Assistant Professor of English

STANLEY WOOD, B.A. Instructor in Stage Craft, Maplewood, N. J.

FLORENCE M. WOODARD, PhJX Associate Professor of Economics

LLOYD A. WOODWARD, M.S. Assistant Professor of Physics

CARLTON E. WRIGHT, M.S. Instructor in Farm Mechanics

Administration • JENNIE E. ALLEN

Director of Dormitories

FRANCIS L. BAILEY, A.M. • State Commissioner of Education

GUY W. BAILEY, LL.D. President

MARY R. BATES, Ph.B. Associate Librarian


FORREST W. KEHOE, B.S. Registrar


ALICE M. MADIGAN, B.S. Secretary


MARY JEAN SIMPSON, Ph.B. Dean of Women

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General Information 45

building are rich in ornament. Mr. and Mrs. Billings gave one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars as an endowment fund for the building.

The Library contains over one hundred and forty-seven thousand volumes and forty-five thousand pamphlets and is the largest collection of books in the State. It has a classified shelf arrangement, dictionary catalogue, special bibliographies and other modern facilities and aids for convenient use. The shelves are accessible to readers, except in the special collections. All the leading periodicals, including many foreign ones, and the most important transactions of learned societies are received currently.

All the administration is directed toward making the Library the active center of the intellectual life of the University and an auxiliary to every teaching department. Attention is given to directing the students how to use the catalogues, reference books and special bibliographies, and in general research work. Books selected by professors for supplemental reading in connection with class work are "reserved" on special shelves for students in those classes.

The Library is open from 8.15 in the morning to 9 in the evening and from 2 to 6 on Sunday afternoons in term time, with shorter hours during vacations. The privileges of the Library are granted freely to those not connected with the University and books are loaned frequently to high schools and to persons living at a distance. The students also have the use of the Fletcher Free Library of the city, a collection of about sixty thousand volumes of such selection and so liberally administered as very helpfully to supplement the University Library.

Among the special collections of the Billings Library is the private collection of George Perkins Marsh, former resident of Burlington, author, scholar, and United States Minister, first to Turkey and later to Italy. This comprises twelve thousand eight hundred and eighty-two volumes and is especially rich in philology, European history and literature, and physical geography. The collection is contained in a handsome room built in 1887 especially to receive it.

The Hawkins Collection, given to the University by the late Gen. Rush C. Hawkins, is also a notable one, containing several thousand books and pamphlets relating to the Civil War period. This collection has been greatly augmented by the gift of Gen. O. O. Howard's valuable military library, the gift of his son, Harry S. Howard.

The Library is also in possession of an interesting collection of rare and valuable early books, first editions, manuscripts, and autographs.

On the walls of the Library hang portraits of Ira Allen, the founder of the University; Frederick Billings, the donor of the building; several of the Presidents and others intimately associated with the life of the institution.

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46 University of Vermont

Supplementing the extensive collection of the works of Vermont authors, books descriptive of Vermont and those with Vermont imprints which are in the Billings Library, the University has received and cata­logued the valuable Vermont library of the late James B. Wilbur. The books, pamphlets, maps, manuscripts and photostats in this collection are deposited in the Wilbur Room of the Fleming Museum. Gifts for the Vermont collection always are welcome.

The Medical Library containing about ten thousand volumes is in the College of Medicine building. One hundred sixty current medical journals are on file and loose-leaf systems of medicine and surgery are kept up to date. This Library is open from 9 a.m. to S p.m., Saturdays 9 to 12 noon. It is open on Tuesdays and Fridays during the evening.

The Agricultural Library is in Morrill Hall. It contains several thou­sand volumes and many thousand pamphlets and journals dealing with agriculture, horticulture and veterinary science. Departmental libraries are located in the offices of the station agronomist, animal husbandman, agricultural economist, botanist, chemist, regulatory chemist, horticul­turist, as well as in the Extension Service Buildings.

In addition to the main collections of books in the Billings, Marsh, Wilbur, Agricultural and Medical Libraries there are departmental libra­ries in the Williams Science Hall, the Engineering Annex, and the Old College Building.


The Robert Hull Fleming Museum was made possible by the generosity of the late James B. Wilbur of Manchester, Vt., of Miss Katherine Wolcott of Chicago, 111., and of six other friends of the University. It is named in honor of Miss Wolcott's uncle, a graduate of the class of 1862. The architects were McKim, Mead and White of New York.

The south wing of the building, known as the Wilbur Room, was built especially to receive the collection of books, documents and maps that were presented to the University by the late James B. Wilbur. Hie Fleming Room, adjoining the beautiful two-storied Entrance Hall, is given over to the treasures of art gathered by Mr. Fleming during many years of travel.

The exhibition rooms in the Museum contain frequently changed col­lections in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, all branches of zoology, ethnology and archaeology, and early Vermont furniture, utensils and costumes. The bird room and Cannon Room are noteworthy.

The art collections of the Museum consist of paintings, engravings and sculpture. They have recently been supplemented by many repro­ductions of paintings. The collections include one thousand photographs,

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General Information 47

prints and engravings representing nearly every school of art. The Carnegie Art Reference Set, a teaching collection of over two thousand books, photographs, textiles and prints, to which additions are frequently made, is an important part of the Art Library.

Many loan exhibitions are secured from individuals, other museums and galleries by the Art Committee of the Museum, and by the Fleming Art Association, which cooperates in all art activities, including lectures on art. Fifteen to twenty different exhibitions are held in the Art Gallery each year.

Programs of entertainment and instruction are offered each Saturday to the children of the city. The facilities and exhibits of the Museum are made available to all the schools of Vermont.

The staff is supplemented by a very large amount of volunteered aid, much of it continuous.

The Museum is open every day of the year, except Christmas and New Year's Day, from two to five o'clock. During the summer the building is also open to the public on week day mornings.


The Seismograph Station, operated in connection with the Department of Geology, is located in an underground vault connected with the Fleming Museum. The equipment consists of two Milne-Shaw seismo­graphs and a short period Benioff vertical seismometer. The observations of the Station are sent regularly to the Seismology Branch of the Coast and Geodetic Survey at Washington.


In the main Engineering Building are located, besides the lecture and drafting rooms, the wood working shop, the testing laboratory, the mechanical engineering laboratory, the hydraulics laboratory, the machine shop and the forge shop. The central heating plant, which is an annex to this building, is used by the Department of Mechanical Engineering for experimental purposes. Additional lecture and drafting rooms and offices are located in the Engineering Annex. The cement and highway materials testing laboratory is in this building. The electrical engineering laboratories are in the Williams Science Hall.


In this fireproof building, given to the University by the late Dr. Edward H. Williams of Philadelphia, are classrooms and laboratories of the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Geology and

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48 University of Vermont

Electrical Engineering, and also a reference library of over three thousand scientific books and periodicals pertaining to these departments.

The Herbaria of the University are kept in this building. The early collections of Professor Joseph Torrey, supplemented by those of Charles G. Frost, J. Lewis Dutton and Cyrus G. Pringle, comprise more than two hundred thousand specimens. The Pringle Herbarium is unsur­passed in quality by any collection and in size it ranks as one of the largest collections in America.

THE OLD COLLEGE BUILDING (Erected 1825, Reconstructed 18X3)

The Old College is the principal recitation building of the College of Arts and Sciences. It stands on the site of the first college building begun in the spring of 1801 and destroyed by fire in 1824. Three brick buildings, built in line but about eight feet apart, were completed in 1830. The corner-stone of the South College was laid by General Lafayette on June 29, 1825. Shortly before 18J0 the three building swere joined by a continuation of their east and west walls, one structure resulting. The Old College, or the "Old Mill," as it has been called by many generations of students, assumed its present form in 1883, as the result of a gift by John P. Howard. In the Middle College, on the first three floors are the Education Department and Summer Session offices; the Old College Chapel; the University Store, which sells textbooks and student supplies, and the Coffee Corner, a fountain-lunch service under the management of the University Stores. North and South College provide recitation rooms and offices for the College of Arts and Sciences. The offices of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Dean of Women are in North College. The office of the Secretary of the Vermont Christian Association, with the Rooming and Employment Bureau, is in South College. From the tower of the Old College Building a magnificent view of the Champlain valley and the Adirondack and Green Mountains may be obtained.

THE MEN'S GYMNASIUM (Ereefed ujoi)

The main recreation floor of the Gymnasium for Men is one hundred twenty feet long and sixty feet wide. In addition to the usual facilities there are special rooms for handball, squash, boxing, wrestling and corrective exercises.

The north side of the building is occupied as an armory by the student battalion. The shooting galleries, and military storerooms are located in the basem*nt. Offices for the Commandant, the Director of Physical Education for men and the Graduate Manager of Athletics are provided.

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General Information 49

Attached to the Gymnasium building is an extension, one hundred and twenty feet by one hundred feet, with glass roof, and dirt floor. This was erected in 1911 and is used as a drill hall and baseball cage, as well as for indoor track, tennis and badminton.

MORRILL HALL (Erected 1907)

This building, a memorial to Justin Smith Morrill, for nearly forty-four years in continuous service as Representative or Senator from Ver­mont, and the father of the Land-Grant Colleges and Universities of the United States, was erected by the State for the uses of the College of Agriculture. It provides class and laboratory rooms for instruction in technical Agriculture and Home Economics, the Agricultural Library, consisting of about six thousand volumes, and the administrative offices of the College of Agriculture. It also provides some of the offices and the research chemical laboratory of the Agricultural Experiment Station.


A set of three greenhouses with head house is located in the rear of Morrill Hall. They provide facilities for instruction in Botany, Plant Physiology, Pomology, Floriculture, Greenhouse Management and Forestry, and for experimental work in Plant Pathology, Horticulture, Botany, Forestry, and Genetics.


This building, located at 489 Main Street, was erected in 1829 for the use of the Medical College. It was remodeled in 1925 for the Experi­ment Station, more particularly its departments of Animal and Dairy Hus­bandry, Agricultural Economics, Home Economics and Regulatory Work.


This building, now located at 590 Main Street, was built in 1809. It was moved from the present site of Morrill Hall, served as a farm board­ing house for over twenty years, and in 1929 and 1930 was remodeled for use by the Department of Agronomy of the Experiment Station. The building also contains a laboratory and classroom used for collegiate instruction in Agronomy and a greenhouse for agronomical research. Some of the Agricultural Extension offices are temporarily located in this building.


This building is located at 26 Summit Street and is used as a practical laboratory for home management by the Home Economics Department.

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50 University of Vermont

The Home Economics students live at the house in turn during a portion of the four years of their course. The work performed by the students is supervised and constitutes a part of the required laboratory work with credit. Board to such students, during the period of residence in the house, is charged at five dollars per week. The Home Economics Depart­ment occupies an annex in the rear of this building which is used for instruction and for the laboratory testing of pre-school children.


This building located at 481 Main Street, just west of the Experiment Station Annex, is occupied as an administration building by the Agricul­tural Extension Service.


The University farm buildings, erected in 1891 and subsequently, include horse and cattle barns, stock judging arena, piggeries, poultry and tool houses. The foreman's dwelling house is located at 634 Main Street.

THE MUSIC BUILDING (Acquired 1924) ,

This building is located at 8 5 South Prospect Street, and provides offices, studios, recitation and practice rooms for the Department of Music. The Publicity Bureau has offices in the west wing.


This building is located on the Redstone Campus and serves as a social center, recreation and Student Union building for the women of the University. It is a memorial to the late Mabel Louise Southwick of the class of 1905.

The building provides instructional and recreational facilities for the Department of Physical Education for "Women. The Recreation Hall is fully equipped and the large stage has theatre lighting circuits and scenery for the productions of the Dramatic Clubs. Above this room is a Social Hall with a stage which is used for lectures, musicals, dances, and other social gatherings. The equipment includes sound motion picture projectors and an auditorium radio-victrola.

There are also reading and reception rooms, a dining room and kitchen for the use of the women students, and committee rooms for various student organizations. A small but attractive hostess apartment is also provided.

The social life of the women of the University is planned to center at Southwick where a Social Director, who is a member of the staff of

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General Information 61


To students withdrawing from the University during a semester, tuition rebates are made in accordance with a definite schedule. Up to the date of the closing of registration in the first semester and during the first week of the second semester the full amount paid is refunded. There­after rebates are made at ten per cent less for each succeeding week. The Student Activity Fee will not be refunded in whole or in part.

EMPLOYMENT AND AIDS The University Employment Bureau is conducted by the Secretary of

the Christian Associations with offices in the Old College Building. Each year it gives students many opportunities for employment, most of which, however, are temporary. The permanent positions are generally held by members of the three upper classes. These preferred opportunities are passed from one student to another and are seldom at the disposal of the Employment Bureau. Since Freshmen are at employment disad­vantage all should be provided with resources sufficient to cover the essential expenses of the first year. Guaranties of employment in definite amount should not be expected.'

The Dean of Women is in charge of the employment of all women students. Accordingly, such applications should be filed in that office.

Student employment under the Federal National Youth Administra­tion has been provided during the years that these funds have been avail­able. The average amount earned by each student assigned to a project is about ten dollars per month. Applications should be made to the National Youth Administration Director at the University.

LOAN FUNDS Loan funds are apportioned annually to needy and deserving students

who have been enrolled for at least one year in some college of this Uni­versity. They insure continuity of training and present an opportunity to pay a part of the cost of college attendance at some future time. The notes are usually repaid during the productive years immediately follow­ing graduation.


1. Loans are not usually granted to students below Sophom*ore classifica­tion.

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62 University of Vermont

2. Applications for loans must be made annually on the blank forms provided by the University.

3. Applications must refer to three persons of good standing who live at the home of the applicant and to whom the applicant is personally known, the preference being—one clergyman; one teacher, physician, or attorney; and one banker.

4. Loans are always conditional upon the applicant's established record of good scholarship and character.

5. Loans will be made to applicants for use only in the payment of tui­tion, books, board and room rent.

6. A voucher or receipt form supporting the items for which loans can be obtained must be filed with the Comptroller before any loan will become available.

7. Every application for a loan must be approved by the Dean of the college in which the applicant is a student.

8. An insurance policy, assigned to the University "as its interest may appear," is required to protect the Funds from losses that might arise in case the borrower should die before the payment of the loan.

9. Interest is charged at the rate of four per cent while the student is in the University and for one year after graduation and thereafter at the rate of six per cent.

10. The Comptroller may modify these rules in emergency.

ESTABLISHED LOAN FUNDS THE JEUDEVINE FUND was established by the late Allen E. Jeudevine as a memorial to his son, Cornelius A. Jeudevine, who died before his plan of entering college could be realized. The specific purpose of this fund is to aid poor and deserving young men in Vermont in obtaining the advantages of a liberal education. The fund now amounts to more than twenty-five thousand dollars. THE LANDON FUND was established by the late Susan W. Landon in memory of her brother, the late Sealand W. Landon, a member of the Class of 1874, who was for many years a well-known school principal. This fund, amounting to ten thousand dollars, is loaned for the benefit of deserving men and women and is subject to such regulations as may be established by the executive committee of the Board of Trustees. THE MARY A. SHAW AND FANNY E. SHAW LOAN FUND was established by Mrs. Willard Pope, daughter of Mary A. Shaw, for the benefit of women students of the University and is subject to the usual conditions. The fund amounts to three thousand five hundred dollars.

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General Information 6 3

THE CONSOLIDATED LOAN FUND is made up of the Class of 1924 Fund, the Class of 1925 Fund, the Emergency Loan Fund, the Julia I. Bates Fund, the Student Loan Fund, the B. F. Taylor Fund, the New York Alumni Fund of November 1927, the Edmund Seymour Fund, the Kidder Loan Fund and the Lydia M. Blood Loan Fund. These consolidated funds amount to more than nineteen thousand dollars. THE STEVENS LOAN FUND, given in memory of the late Horace E. Stevens of the Class of 1870, is available only to students in the College of Engi­neering. The fund amounts to two thousand dollars. THE MARY GRAVES FUND amounting to seven thousand two hundred dollars is available as a loan fund for women. It is the gift of the late Annette Fiske Mereness, in memory of her mother. THE ASA FISKE LOAN FUND was established by the late Annette Fiske Mereness in memory of her father. It amounts to seven thousand two hundred dollars and is available to young women. THE ANNETTE FISKE MERENESS LOAN FUND is for the benefit of women students subject to the regular University regulations. The fund amounts to more than twelve thousand seven hundred dollars. THE CARBEE LOAN FUND of four thousand dollars was established by the late Mrs. May D. Carbee of Haverhill, N. H., in memory of her husband, Moses Dyer Carbee, M.D., of the Class of 1873. This fund is for the benefit of deserving students of the College of Medicine subject to the usual rules governing loan funds. THE MEDICAL COLLEGE LOAN FUND, amounting to twenty-eight hundred and fifty dollars, is available for loans to students enrolled in the College of Medicine. THE EMILY AND THOMAS TELFER LOAN FUND, established by Mrs. Thomas Telfer of Berkeley, California, is administered in accordance with the usual regulations. The fund amounts to twenty thousand dollars. THE CLASS OF 1923 LOAN FUND, amounting to four hundred dollars, is available under the usual regulations to students of the Academic Colleges. THE CHARLES D. AND CARRIE D. ORDWAY LOAN FUND was received at the death of the donor, Charles D. Ordway in 1933, invested in real and per­sonal property which has since been in process of sale. The fund may amount to more than twenty-six thousand dollars. It is not at present available for loan to students. THE MARY MAUD PATRICK LOAN FUND, amounting to two hundred seventy-five dollars, was established by Epsilon Sigma as a memorial to the late Mary Maud Patrick for the benefit of students in curricula in elementary education.

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64 University of Vermont

THE CLASS OF 1929 LOAN FUND was established in 1936 and is loaned to students of the academic colleges under the usual regulations. The fund amounts to more than five hundred dollars. THE -WOMEN'S STUDENT HEALTH COUNCIL LOAN FUND, amounting to more than three hundred twenty-five dollars, is loaned to women, desig­nated by the Dean of Women and the Director of the Department of Physical Education for Women, under special regulations as to interest and repayment. THE LADIES OF THE FACULTY LOAN FUND, now loaned approximately to its full amount of seven hundred fifty dollars, is available, as outstanding loans are paid, to deserving and needy girls attending the University. The awards are made by a committee of the Ladies of the Faculty. Not more than fifty dollars will be loaned to any one girl. THE JOSEPH LAWRENCE HILLS LOAN FUND is in process of establishment by the friends of Dean Hills, who completed fifty years of service to the University in 1937. TFIE CHARLES H. BAYLEY LOAN FUND, amounting to five thousand dollars, was established in 1937 by gift of Laura Morse Bayley in honor of her husband. THE HENRY BIGELOW SHAW LOAN FUND, amounting to three thousand dollars, was established in 1938 by Mrs. Fanny Shaw Pope in memory of the late Henry Bigelow Shaw of the class of 1896. The fund may be loaned, under certain restrictions, to young men who have been graduated from the University and who wish to study at Harvard University Law School. THE JOHN H. AND MARY A. BLODGETT LOAN FUND, amounting to thirty-three thousand dollars, was established in 1838 by bequest of Mary A. Blodgett late of Rockingham, Vermont. It may be loaned to worthy Vermont boys and girls who are enrolled in any curriculum offered by the University. Preference is to be given to graduates of the Kurn Hattin and Warner Memorial Homes of Westminster and Saxtons River and to students who are residents of the town of Rockingham. The interest charge is to be four per cent during college residence and for one year after leaving and five per cent thereafter until the loan is repaid, subject, however, to modification in particular instances at the discretion of the Loan Fund Committee. Except as indicated above the usual regulations regarding administration of loan funds apply. THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST RESEARCH FOUNDATION LOAN FUND, amounting to two hundred dollars, is available to students enrolled in the College of Agriculture. The awards are made on recommendation of the Dean of that College.

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General Information 65

SCHOLARSHIPS Endowed scholarships of the University, unless otherwise stated, are

awarded annually by a special committee. Applications for each college year should be filed with this committee on or before June i. Any application received by the chairman of the committee subsequent to July i must be refused, regardless of its merits, as the scholarships are all appointed early in July. As scholarship appointments are for one year only, renewal applications for the ensuing college year must be filed before this date. In no event will a scholarship be available to an individual student for more than four years.

Endowed scholarships are rarely awarded to students who have not been previously enrolled at the University and they are never granted to students who are under warning for low college record or who are on probation for any reason.

If a student who has had the benefit of a scholarship shall be excluded or shall abandon his college studies before graduation, or shall leave the University to enter some other institution, he shall thereby become charge­able with the amount of tuition exemption represented by the scholar­ships used.

One-half of the scholarship is credited to the recipient at the beginning of each semester.

The endowment of additional scholarships would enable the University to extend its benefits to those who cannot otherwise afford the expense of a college course.


Scholarships affording aid to students of limited means to the amount of fifty dollars have been endowed as follows: THE LIZZIE p. ALLEN SCHOLARSHIPS, four in number, founded in 1900 by Lizzie P. Allen, a descendant of Ira Allen, founder of the University. THE BARNARD SCHOLARSHIPS, six in number, founded in 1903 by the bequest of Rev. Lucius E. Barnard of the Class of 1853. THE ELIZABETH F. BRIGHAM SCHOLARSHIPS, four in number, founded in 1910, available first for students from Brigham Academy. THE DR. FRED CARPENTER SCHOLARSHIP. Preference is given to sons of clergymen and physicians. THE CLASS OF 1861 SCHOLARSHIP, endowed and made available in 1891. THE CLASS OF 1881 SCHOLARSHIP, endowed in 1937 by William H. Rice, a member of that class.

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66 University of Vermont

THE JOHN H. CONVERSE SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1882, by John H. Con­verse, '61, of Philadelphia. THE LIZZIE s. CONVERSE SCHOLARSHIP, founded by bequest of Sarah Eliza­beth Converse, of Burlington, for poor and deserving students in the Classical Department. THE CRAFTSBURY SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1900, for the benefit of relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Hill, or residents of Craftsbury or Isle La Motte. THE FRANCIS WHELP LEY HICKOK SCHOLARSHIPS, three in number, founded in 1902, by Mrs. Julia F. Hickok, wife of James W. Hickok of the Class of 1837, in memory of a son, a member of the Class of 1871. THE LOUISA H. HOWARD SCHOLARSHIPS, five in number, founded in 1882, by Miss Louisa H. Howard, of Burlington. THE CHARLES HOYT SCHOLARSHIPS, two in number, founded in 1904. THE ISLE LA MOTTE SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1884, by Nathan S. Hill, of Burlington, for the benefit of students from Isle La Motte and, failing such, from Craftsbury. THE SARAH B. JACOBS SCHOLARSHIPS, seven in number, founded in 1882, by Mrs. Sarah B. Jacobs, of Boston, for the benefit of graduates of Brig-ham Academy only. THE EDITH BLANCHE KIDDER SCHOLARSHIPS, five in number, were estab­lished by the late Joseph W. Kidder, and became available in 1936. These scholarships are for students in the College of Medicine, preference being shown to legal residents of Barre, Yt. THE ROBERT J. KIMBALL SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1900, by Hon. Robert J. Kimball, of Randolph, for the benefit of the students from Randolph. The Trustees of Randolph High School may make nominations for this scholarship. THE CELINDA A. B. LILLEY SCHOLARSHIPS, ten in number, founded in 1880, for the benefit of women students. THE CHARLES MUNSON MARSH SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1893, for the benefit of students from Woodstock. THE CHARLES p. MARSH SCHOLARSHIPS, five in number, founded in 1893 for the benefit of worthy young men and women from Windsor county. THE EDWTN WRIGHT MARSH SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1883, by Charles P. Marsh, of the Class of 1839, of Woodstock, in memory of his son of the Class of 1872, for the benefit, in the first instance, of students from the town of Weathersfield or from Windsor county.

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General Information 67

THE MORETOTO AND MIDDLESEX SCHOLARSHIPS, two in number, founded by the Rev. E. C. Bass, '59. THE JUSTIN s. MORRILL SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1900, by Senator Justin S. Morrill, of Strafford, for the benefit of students from Strafford. THE JOHN ORDRONAUX SCHOLARSHIPS, nine in number, founded in 1909, for the benefit of students in the Colleges of Medicine, Arts, Engineer­ing and Agriculture. THE PARKER SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1880, by Rev. Charles C. Parker, D.D., of the Class of 1841, in memory of himself and his son, Charles Edmund Parker, '67. THE MINNIE A. PICKERING SCHOLARSHIPS, six in number, became available in 1938. THE CHARLES w. RICH SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1883, by Charles W. Rich, Esq., of the Class of 1836, of St. Albans, for the benefit of students in the College of Arts and Sciences. THE SAMUEL SIDNEY SMITH SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1896, by bequest of Mrs. Elisa Smith, of Burlington, in memory of her husband. THE SOPHIA STOW SCHOLARSHIPS, two in number, endowed in 1937 by bequest of George L. Stow, '73, in memory of his mother, are available to students enrolled in the Classical Curriculum. THE DANIEL WASHBURN SCHOLARSHIPS, nine in number, founded by Daniel Washburn, M.D., of Stowe, for the benefit of young men study­ing for the Christian ministry, or, in default of such applicants, of other deserving young men. THE WESTFORD SCHOLARSHIP, founded in 1882, by Hon. Luke P. Poland, LL.D., of St. Johnsbury. This scholarship is available first to students from the town of Westford. THE JOHN A. s. WHITE SCHOLARSHIP FUND, now yielding three scholar­ships, was established by a bequest from John A. S. White, of Northfield, for the benefit of needy students from Washington county or from the State of Vermont.


THE FRANKLIN BALDWIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND of more than five hundred dollars, established in 1915, yields an annual income of twenty-five dollars. This scholarship is available to students from Putney. The award is made on the basis of character anrd scholastic record. THE REUBEN CLARK BENTON SCHOLARSHIPS, two in number, paying annually one hundred dollars each, established under the will of Reuben

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68 University of Vermont

Clark Benton, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a native of Waterford, Vermont, and a boyhood resident of Lunenburg, Vermont, for the benefit of stu­dents from Waterford, Lunenburg, or Minneapolis. THE ADA s. BLAIR FUND of two thousand five hundred dollars, received in 1926 is held in trust for scholarships. The income is one hundred and twenty-five dollars per year. THE MARCIA P. BROWN SCHOLARSHIP FUND amounts to eighteen thousand, nine hundred dollars, the income of which is "to be used and expended for the education of a young woman, who, so far as can be judged, promises to become a woman whose life will be of more than usual benefit to humanity and a credit to the University." If the young woman chosen does not need the entire income of the fund, the remainder may be used for another young woman "who needs and merits it." It is stated in the terms of the gift that "this income is not to be given as a charity or a premium for poverty, but as an honor for ability and strength and elevation of character." The selection of the beneficiary or beneficiaries of this fund is left to a committee of awards consisting of the Presi­dent of the University, the Dean of Women and one trustee to be elected by the Board of Trustees. THE EZRA HOYT BYINGTON SCHOLARSHIP, eighty dollars annually, founded in 1905, for the benefit of students from Hinesburg or students bearing the name of Byington, Boynton, Hoyt, or Wortman, or in some way related to these families. THE SARAH L. BURRITT SCHOLARSHIP, the income from a fund of two thousand five hundred dollars is used toward paying the tuition of a deserving young woman student. The income is one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

THE EMEROY N. BURRITT SCHOLARSHIP, the income from a fund of two thousand five hundred dollars is used toward paying the tuition of a deserving young woman student. The income is one hundred and twenty-five dollars. THE MOSES D. CARBEE SCHOLARSHIP, amounting to one hundred fifty dollars annually is awarded to a deserving student in the College of Medi­cine. This scholarship was established by a bequest of three thousand dollars from the late Mrs. May D, Carbee, of Haverhill, N. H., in memory of her husband, Moses Dyer Carbee, M.D., of the Class of 1873.

THE PHILIP HENRY CREER SCHOLARSHIP, three hundred dollars annually, founded by Ex-Gov. Redfield Proctor, for the benefit of students from Proctor. This scholarship is awarded by the donor.

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General Information 69

THE LYNDON INSTITUTE SCHOLARSHIP, yielding three hundred dollars per year, endowed by George E. P. Smith of the Class of 1897, is awarded annually to a graduate of Lyndon Institute of high character and promise. The selection is made by the faculty of Lyndon Institute and is renewed annually through the Senior year if good progress is made by the recipient.

THE SHAW SCHOLARSHIP, amounting to three hundred dollars annually, was originally founded in 1892 by bequest of one thousand dollars by the late Hon. William G. Shaw, of Burlington, of the Class of 1849. The fund has since been increased to six thousand dollars by Mr. Shaw's daughter, Mrs. Willard Pope, who awards the scholarship. THE SOLDIERS' SCHOLARSHIP FUND was founded by a group of Civil War veterans for the benefit of students in any college of the University who are descendants of soldiers in the Civil War. This scholarship amounts to one hundred dollars annually.

THE JOHN AND MARY WATERMAN SCHOLARSHIP of tWO hundred dollars annually, endowed in 1923 by the late Charles W. Waterman, of the Class of 1885 in memory of his father and mother, is available under special restrictions to residents of Waitsfield, Vermont, or Denver, Colo­rado. The scholarship is awarded by the President of the University.

THE HATTIE LAURA WETHERBY WESTON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Consist of a five thousand dollar scholarship endowment for men and an equal one for women. They became available in 1936 by bequest of the late Mrs. Hattie Laura Wetherby Weston. The sum of two hundred and fifty dollars is awarded to one or more deserving men; an equal amount, under similar conditions, to women,

THE NEW YORK ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP is awarded to a stu­dent from New York or vicinity. The amount of this scholarship is five hundred dollars a year. Three hundred dollars of this sum is given for tuition and the balance is loaned, and bears a low rate of interest after the recipient has left College. This scholarship is awarded by a committee of the New York Alumni Association.

THE HOOD SCHOLARSHIPS are provided from a private trust fund estab­lished for the purpose by the late Dr. Charles H. Hood of Boston. Each scholarship has a value of two hundred dollars. The number available each year is announced by the Dean of the College of Agriculture, who awards them to students who are candidates for a degree in agriculture in accordance with definite restrictions suggested by the donor. High scholastic standing is essential.

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70 University of Vermont

STATE SCHOLARSHIPS STATE SENATORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS having a value of one hundred and twenty dollars each have been established by the General Assembly. There are ninety scholarships appointed annually, each Senator having three appointments in each of the two years of his term. The appointees must be residents of Vermont and usually are selected from the county which the Senator represents. Appointments are made by the Senators to whom application should be made.

One of the three annual appointments must be made to a student pursuing a course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agri­culture. The other two may be used in any curriculum except medicine. STATE MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS have been established by the General Assembly for the benefit of students of the College of Medicine who need financial assistance, and who have resided in Vermont for two consecu­tive years preceding enrollment. There are fifty scholarships of one hundred dollars each awarded each year. Students receiving the benefit of these scholarships must agree to practice in the State of Vermont one year for each year the scholarship is held or to refund the amount received. STATE ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS are provided in limited number by the State Board of Education. Elementary education students who have been residents of Vermont for two consecutive years preceding enrollment, who have signed an agreement to teach in the public schools of Vermont for one year in return for each scholarship grant and who are in urgent need of aid in order to continue their studies are eligible to apply. A high scholastic record is expected and the scholarship will not be credited in the second semester if the first half record is not satis­factory. Each appointment is for one year only. In 1938-1939 eleven scholarships of one hundred dollars each were awarded.



Honor Scholarships to the amount of two hundred dollars each are awarded annually by the Board of Trustees to the young man and young woman graduating with the highest standing from a college preparatory course in each of the Vermont high schools accredited by the State Board of Education. These scholarships are for one year only. As the awards are made to the young man and woman having the highest standing in the graduating class of each approved high school, they are personal and individual and therefore not transferable.

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General Information 71


The final contest of the Interscholastic Debating League is held at the University. The four individual debaters judged the best will each be awarded a three hundred dollar scholarship. Each of the four debaters who are judged second best will be appointed to a scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars.


The University offers six scholarships to members of the editorial boards of Vermont high school publications. For the purpose of judging, the schools are divided into three classes, according to size. In class one, comprising the large high schools and private schools, there are two scholarships of one hundred and seventy-five dollars each to be awarded to the best literary publication and the best news publication. In class two, the medium sized schools, there is a scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars to be awarded to the best publication, whether literary or news. In class three, covering the small high schools, is a similar scholar­ship of one hundred and twenty-five dollars. There is also a special scholarship of one hundred dollars for the publication, irrespective of class, which shows the most improvement over the previous year, and another of one hundred dollars for the publication which maintains some department or feature of distinctive merit. The scholarship in each class goes to the editor-in-chief of the winning publication. In case the editor is not an applicant for admission the appointment may be made to the business manager or to some other senior member of the staff.


The University provides annually six district scholarships; one of one hundred and fifty dollars and one of one hundred dollars, to the ranking winners in each of the three districts of the Vermont State Interscholastic Prize Speaking Contest. Three scholarships of one hundred and fifty dollars, one hundred dollars and seventy-five dollars are also awarded to the first, second and third ranking participants in the final contest.


The University has provided eighteen scholarships having a combined value of two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars which are given annually to students of the secondary schools of Vermont who win awards in district and final vocal music contests. These contests are held in three districts under the auspices of the Department of Music and the supervision of the Vermont Headmasters' Club. The first prize for boys, and the first prize for girls in each district is a one hundred and

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72 University of Vermont

fifty dollar scholarship. The district second prizes are one hundred dollars each.

The winners of the district contests participate in a final competition at the University for three scholarships for men and three for women. The value of these awards for the final contest is one hundred and fifty dollars, one hundred dollars and seventy-five dollars.

In addition, winners in the finals, during their freshman year at the University, may take without charge two lessons a week of vocal instruc­tion in the Department of Music, unless they are pursuing the Music Education Curriculum. Students taking the latter curriculum may apply any scholarship credit to fees for vocal music.

Contestants are judged especially on tone, accuracy of pitch, rhythm and interpretation. Stage deportment and diction are also considered. The conditions of these contests are controlled by the Music Department of the University.


Ten scholarships are provided by the University for the encourage­ment of literary work in the schools of the State. Three scholarships of one hundred and fifty dollars each are offered for the best short stories, essays and poems in annual competition, three scholarships of one hundred dollars each for the second best in each class, and three scholarships of seventy-five dollars each for the third best in each class. There also is one scholarship, valued at one hundred dollars, for the best one-act play. The competition closes May 1.


Five scholarships of two hundred dollars each are offered each year by the University to freshmen, not residents of Vermont, who have com­pleted four years of preparatory Latin with honor grades. Those ap­pointed will be expected to take courses in Greek and Latin in college. The scholarships will be renewed in succeeding years for students who maintain high standing and continue the study of classical languages. The awards are made by the Classical Department.


Four full scholarships of three hundred dollars each are offered each year by the University of Vermont to freshman students to be selected by the President of the University from those C. M. T. C. students at the C. M. T. Camps in New England, who, having submitted evidence of having fulfilled the University of Vermont entrance requirements and of being in need of financial assistance in order to attend college,

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General Information 81

DEGREES Degrees are conferred upon the recommendation of the different Col­

leges as follows:


mercial Teaching); Bachelor of Science in Commerce and. Eco­nomics. (B.S. IN CM. AND EC.)

SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM; Bachelor of Science in Education. (B.S. IN ED.)

r * ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM; Bachelor of Education, (ED.B.) ""MUSIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM; Bachelor of Education, (ED.B.) * INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM; Bachelor of Science in Educa­

tion. (B.S. IN ED.)


ing. (B.S. IN C.E.) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM; Bachelor of Science in Electrical

Engineering, (B.S. IN E.E.) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CURRICULUM; Bachelor of Science in Mechani­

cal Engineering, (B.S. IN M.E.)


IN AG.) HOME ECONOMICS CURRICULUM ; Bachelor of Science in Home Economics.

(B.S. IN H.EC.)

COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MEDICINE CURRICULUM. Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) * Given in cooperation with Vermont State Board of Education. The degree is voted by

the trustees of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College on recom­mendation of the Head of the Department of Education and the Senate Committee on Degrees. These curricula are without specific college affiliation.

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82 University of Vermont

GRADUATE STUDY The graduate department is supervised by the Senate Committee on

Degrees and Graduate Study. The degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science may be earned after attendance in regular or summer sessions. Technical Degrees, awarded only to graduates of the College of Engineer­ing of this University, require evidence of high professional achievement for at least four years supplemented by an approved thesis.


For the purposes of assisting students whose undergraduate record and personal qualities give promise of success, either in research or in the profession of teaching, the University has established a number of fellow­ships and scholarships. UNIVERSITY FELLOWSHIPS.—Seven fellowships of seven hundred dollars each the first year, and eight hundred dollars each the second year, with exemption from tuition charges, are awarded to students whose under­graduate record and personal qualities give promise of success either in research or in the profession of teaching. The fee for the degree is charged.

The holder of a fellowship is expected to work for the Master's Degree, to study some special problem of research and to give a certain amount of assistance to the department in which he holds the fellowship. The maximum amount of time devoted to this assistance, however, does not exceed eight hours per week. These Fellows are subject to such general rules as are in effect for those who are doing work for advanced degrees. In awarding three of these fellowships preference is given to applicants who are not graduates of the University of Vermont. EXPERIMENT STATION FELLOWSHIPS.—A number of fellowships of nine hundred dollars each, with exemption from tuition charges, are awarded each year to full time research assistants in the Experiment Station who are working for the Master's Degree. All such awards are made on the recommendation of the Station Director. The fee for the degree is charged. THE GEORGE H. WALKER DAIRY FELLOWSHIP is a grant of not less than seven hundred dollars, with exemption from tuition charges, available to graduate students who during their undergraduate course have studied "agriculture, chemistry and bacteriology" and who desire to study the problems relating to the production of a sanitary milk supply on com­paratively small plants and farms. The endowment of ten thousand dollars is sufficient to provide biennially a fellowship for one year.

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General Information 83

THE SHEFFIELD FARMS DAIRY FELLOWSHIP is a grant of nine hundred dollars per year, with exemption from tuition charges. This fellowship is derived from a grant of one thousand dollars per year provided by The Sheffield Farms Company, Incorporated, and is available for 1939-1940 and 1940-1941. The purpose is to foster research in dairying for the benefit of producers. THE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS provide full and partial tuition rebate for graduate students. Ten scholarships of three hundred dollars each are awarded annually to selected students enrolled in the Graduate Department. The partial scholarships are variable in number and amount and are budgeted annually. In awarding one-half of these scholarships preference will be given to applicants who are not graduates of the Uni­versity of Vermont.

REGISTRATION FOR GRADUATE STUDY A graduate who holds a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent from an

approved college or university may be admitted to graduate study and register for such graduate studies as he is prepared to take.

It is understood that a candidate in Arts shall have taken the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Philosophy, and that a candidate in Science shall have taken the degree of Bachelor of Science. If any other sequence of degrees is proposed the candidate shall satisfy the Committee on Degrees of his ability to do the work outlined. The Bachelor's degree, in order to be accepted, must have been taken at an approved institution.

New students must apply for admission to the chairman of the Com­mittee on Graduate Work. They must file with the committee an enroll­ment blank approved by the department in which the major is to be taken. The payment of the required fees at the Comptroller's office completes registration.

Candidates must register not later than November 1 of the college year in which the degree is sought. Students in the Summer Session must enroll on the appointed day in each of at least three Summer Sessions.

On account of the seminar nature of most of the work the number of candidates selected for each department must be limited. All inquiries concerning the special opportunities for research in each department will be referred to the head of that department, and only candidates who desire to work along lines in which the University offers exceptional advantages will be accepted.

Tuition is three hundred dollars a year. One-half of this charge is payable in advance on the first of each semester. No laboratory fees are charged but charges will be assessed for breakage. The fee for the Master's degree is twenty-five dollars.

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84 University of Vermont

Time alone is a minor consideration in all graduate work. Experience has shown, however, that at least the equivalent of a year's work is neces­sary for a student to fulfill the scholastic requirements for a Master's degree. The degree of Master of Arts or of Master of Science may be con­ferred for research work in a chosen field upon graduates of this Univer­sity or of any other college or university of recognized standing, after one year's residence at this University. Research Fellows, because they assist in teaching, must be in residence during two full academic years.


As the requirements for the Master's degrees are based on the ability of the candidate to do original research in his chosen field the result of which must be presented in the form of a thesis, the work is distinctly individualistic and so-called graduate courses are not directly counted toward a degree.

The instructor in charge may require such graduate and undergraduate courses as seem essential for a proper understanding of the problem dis­cussed in the thesis. Such preliminary work may prolong the time require­ment.

A typical plan for graduate study is given below: 1. General readings. A course of general reading will be assigned by

the committee, to be followed by a written report and examination.

2. The plan of major and minor study must be submitted and the appli­cation for candidacy formally presented to the Committee on Degrees not later than November 1 of the college year in which the degree is sought.

3. Each candidate is required to present a thesis upon some chosen topic within the major field of study which shall give the result of an inves­tigation undertaken since graduation and show evidence of capacity for independent research. The candidate also will be expected to pass an examination before the Committee on Degrees, designed to test the thoroughness of the work done and fitness for the degree. Examinations for the Master's degree are held in May. The thesis must be presented not later than May 1, and will be deposited, if approved, in the University Library.

4. A minor subject must be chosen in a field of study different from that of the major. This minor must be closely related to the work of the thesis.

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General Information 85


The requirements for the degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science earned by attendance in Summer Sessions are essentially the same as those stated above with such minor adjustments as seem necessary.

Students of the Summer Session who desire to have their work count for credit toward an advanced degree should consult with the Director of the Summer Session regarding the selection of courses. Under his guidance a major and a related minor course of study should be chosen. It is desirable that students carry three courses each year while meeting the residence requirements.

At least three summers before the candidate expects to complete his work, he should select a thesis topic in the chosen major field. This topic should be selected only after consultation with the supervising instructor and should be presented to the Committee on Degrees for approval. The outline, method and development of the thesis must be under the constant direction of the supervising instructor, assisted by the Committee on Degrees.

A course of general readings will be assigned by the Committee on Degrees in addition to the work of the major and related minor, and a written report and an oral examination on the readings will be required.

The Director of the Summer Session, subject to the approval of the University Committee on Degrees, will assign supervising instructors for all students who register for work toward an advanced degree. The supervising instructors will make sure that the work followed is of graduate grade and that emphasis is placed on the ability for research.

An oral examination before the Committee on Degrees, covering the courses of study as well as the research method and the conclusions of the thesis, will be required.

At least four Summer Sessions will be necessary to satisfy the time requirement of residence.


The Degree of Master of Education is offered to those Summer Session students who wish to specialize in Education. Candidates for this degree are required to submit a transcript of their undergraduate records before they are accepted for matriculation. If they have not had a sufficient number of courses in Psychology and Education they will be required to take additional courses of undergraduate grade in these fields. Their records as undergraduates must be of such a character as to indicate ability to do graduate work. Matriculation should take place during the first summer of residence.

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86 University of Vermont

Upon matriculation an adviser will be appointed by the Committee on Degrees under whose direction a systematic course of study, con­tinuing for four summers and including not less than thirty semester hours of approved graduate work, will be planned. All courses taken for credit toward this degree must be of such a character as to develop ability in research and must be passed with high standing. The course entitled, "The Intellectual Background of Modern Life" is required of all candi­dates for this degree.

A course in general readings will be prescribed. Abstracts of these readings will be required and a preliminary oral examination will be conducted. The readings should be completed and the preliminary ex­amination should be taken as early as possible during the four summer sessions of residence.

A thesis may be accepted in lieu of six semester hours of graduate study provided that it is developed under the direction of the Department of Education at the University of Vermont and is approved by the Com­mittee on Degrees.

The degree Master of Education will be awarded upon the passing of a comprehensive examination when the thirty semester hours of graduate study have been completed.

The fee for the Master's degree when earned through attendance at Summer Sessions is twenty-five dollars.


The advanced degrees of Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer and Electrical Engineer may be conferred upon graduates of the College of Engineering of the University of Vermont of at least four years' standing, who shall have been engaged in professional work, for at least three years, in positions of responsibility and shall have shown ability to design and execute important engineering work.

The candidate must present a satisfactory thesis upon some technical subject that shall show original investigation. The candidate shall pre­sent to the Committee on Degrees, not later than October 10 of the col­lege year in which the degree is sought, an outline of his thesis and a concise statement of his technical training and experience.

The subject of the proposed thesis as well as the professional record shall be approved by the Committee on Degrees.

The thesis shall be presented to the Committee on Degrees not later than May 15, in order that the Committee may approve and recommend the candidate for the appropriate degree.

The fee for these degrees is twenty-five dollars.

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General Information 87


The aim of the University Extension work is to broaden the horizon of those who have not had the advantages of a college education and to afford an opportunity for those who have attended college to keep in touch with academic thought along their favorite lines, or to gain some information about subjects which they have not studied in college.

The Extension work includes: 1. THE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE.




J. EXTENSION COURSES. Several departments are prepared to offer ex­tension courses in various subjects. It is possible to arrange for such courses to be given in any town where a group of reasonable size can be enrolled. Enrollment is open to all who are interested. Those who satisfactorily complete an extension course of thirty hours are granted two semester hours' credit at the University of Vermont. The State Board of Education grants to those teachers who satisfac­torily complete approved courses, limited credit towards higher cer­tificates. Information regarding courses and expenses may be obtained by addressing the Chairman of the Committee on University Ex­tension.

6 . LECTURES. These are given by members of the Faculty, or other persons affiliated with the University, on topics of general interest. Single lectures, or courses of lectures (available throughout the State) are offered by members of the Faculty. The number of lectures in a courses will be determined by circ*mstances. A list of the lectures offered will be mailed on request and further details concerning the work indicated above may be had from the Chairman of the Commit­tee on University Extension. Inquiries relating to agriculture should be addressed to the Agricultural Extension Service.

7. RADIO BROADCASTING. Radio broadcasting is now a regular teaching method used by the Agricultural Extension Service in its work among the rural people of the state. Four stations within and one outside of Vermont are used regularly for this purpose, the equivalent of about ten broadcasts per week being made. From time to time the Univer­sity, using the facilities of a local broadcasting station, provides edu­cational programs contributed by members of the faculties of the

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88 University of Vermont

four colleges, the Extension Service and Experiment Station staffs. The musical programs are under the auspices of the Department of Music. A series of talks, sponsored by the Museum staff, is presented weekly throughout the year.

8. THE LIBRARIES. The books of the general and special libraries of the University are available for loan to the people of Vermont. Many books are sent each year on loan to other libraries, clubs and organiza­tions and to responsible individuals. The only charge is the cost of transportation. Application should be made to the Librarian.

9 . THE FLEMING MUSEUM. The Robert Hull Fleming Museum is an active agency in the extension program of the University. The ex­hibits have been made available to city and rural schools. With the cooperation of Parent-Teachers' Associations, The Better Films Coun­cil and many other volunteer groups and individuals, the Museum offers on Saturday afternoons, entertainments, moving pictures, a story telling hour, and illustrated talks. These instructive programs interest and attract large groups of children. The Fleming Museum Art Asso­ciation has a large adult membership. Working with the Museum staff these organizations arrange addresses and special art exhibits, all of which are free to the public. University lectures, plays and musicals, as well as the programs of a number of scientific societies and civic clubs are held in the auditorium of the Museum. Many thousand peo­ple visit the Museum annually. Information can be secured from the Director.


A Summer Session is maintained each year for a period of six weeks. Subjects offered include Art, Botany, Chemistry, Commercial Subjects, Dramatic Art, Economics, Education, English, French, Geography, Ger­man, History, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Italian, Latin, Mathe­matics, Music (instrumental and vocal), Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Spanish, and Zoology. The school is intended to meet the needs of various groups of students, such as:

1. Students or teachers who have completed a four-year college course and who wish to take advanced work for credit toward the Master's degrees.

2. Principals and superintendents of schools who desire to take funda­mental or specialized courses in the fields of Educational Administra­tion and Supervision.

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The requirement in English is designed to develop in the student the ability to read with understanding, knowledge and judgment of litera­ture, and accurate thinking and power in oral and written expression. This training is to be viewed not merely in its bearing upon the stu­dent's work in courses in English, but in its relation to his work in all other subjects.

A fundamental aim in the study of literature is to develop the stu­dent's enjoyment of good reading, and his recognition of the varied elements in literature, particularly the artistic, social, and personal. No formal process of study should obscure this aim. Any carefully or­ganized course of secondary school study of literature should recognize the importance of immediate interest in the thing read, and meet the need of clear understanding of its content and of its general significance in relation to author, period, type, and social background. The measure of the student's achievement in literature will be ability to discuss his reading intelligently, with adequate scope, and with a usable knowledge of elementary critical terms. A satisfactory course should therefore pro­vide a sufficient acquaintance with traditionally great literature and with recognized literary types.

Training in composition aims to stimulate the student's original powers of expression, both logical and imaginative, and to enable him to develop and organize his material in a way that reflects his own incentives and interests.

The test in composition will assume continuous and thorough train­ing in mechanics. This training implies a mastery in practice of the essentials of grammar as an aid to the discussion of phraseology, syntax and general structure, and of problems of meaning and interpretation. It implies also habitual correctness in punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and sentence and paragraph construction. In addition, it assumes a reasonable maturity of vocabulary, and such a command of varied and flexible sentence forms as may be expected from rigorous and systematic training in language as the effective instrument of thought. Such in­struction necessitates constant and painstaking practice by the candidate in criticism and revision of his own written work.

This training should be directed to the expansion and intelligent order­ing of the student's experience, and the increase of his sense of power and enjoyment in writing.

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It is important that as far as possible the student be taught to use library facilities such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, card catalogues, indices, periodicals, readers' guides, and other works of reference.

The examination assumes a close and thoughtful acquaintance with a substantial amount of worthy literature, and a general knowledge of the more important literary types. These should include Drama, Prose Narrative, Poetry, Essays, Biography and Miscellaneous Prose.

Teachers and students are referred to a list of suggested readings in English published annually by the College Entrance Examinations Board, 431 West 117th Street, New York City.

However accurate in subject-matter, no entrance paper in English will be considered satisfactory if seriously defective in punctuation, spell­ing, or other essentials of good usage.

The examination may be divided into two parts, one on grammar and composition (2 UNITS), and the other on literature (1 UNIT).

In grammar and composition, the candidate may be asked specific questions upon the practical essentials of these studies. The main test in composition will consist of one or more essays, developing a theme through several paragraphs. The subjects will be drawn from the books read, from the candidate's other studies, and from his personal knowledge and experience quite apart from reading.


There is no prescription either of the amount to be read or of particular authors. It is recommended, however, that the classical Latin read in the last three years of the high school course or their equivalent be no less in amount than the following: Second year, Csesar, Gallic War, Books I and II; Third year, Cicero, the first three orations Against Catiline, the oration In Behalf of the Poet Archias, and the oration For the Manilian Law; Fourth year, Virgil, Aeneid, about three thousand lines. The essen­tial point is not the amount read but the command of vocabulary, forms and syntax which the entering student has actually acquired.

The examinations are of two types and all candidates may choose between them: Type I, (a) a passage or passages for translation into Latin; (b) passages of Latin prose and poetry for translation at sight. Type II, (a) a passage or passages for translation into Latin; (b) passages of Latin prose and poetry for translation at sight; (c) passages for trans­lation taken from the following works, which are recommended as part of the high school reading: Csesar, Gallic War, Book II; Cicero, the oration In Behalf of the Poet Archias, and the first oration Against Catiline; Virgil, Aeneid, Books IV and VI.

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Examinations of both types contain questions on subject-matter, literary and historical allusions, and prosody, as well as on forms and syntax.

Examinations may be taken for 2 UNITS, 3 UNITS or 4 UNITS credit.


A thorough knowledge of the common grammatical forms and elemen­tary construction of Attic Greek; Xenophon's Anabasis, four books; the translation into Greek of simple sentences based on the Anabasis, and the translation into English of a previously unseen passage from some work of Xenophon. (2 UNITS.)

Homer's Iliad, three books; the translation of a previously unseen passage, which presents no great difficulties, from the Homeric poems; the Homeric metre, the simpler forms and constructions of the Homeric dialect, and a certain degree of familiarity with contents, literary char­acter and background of the Homeric poems; the translation into prose Greek of a simple connected passage based on Book II of the Anabasis. The candidate may offer equivalents for the suggested readings. (1 UNIT.)


The first year of French should include the elements of the grammar, careful drill in pronunciation, abundant writing of easy French prose. In the grammar, one year's work should cover the essential elements. The reading should represent the completion of a good reader and such texts as Contes de Fees, Halevy's Abbe Constantin or Laboulaye's Contes bleus. The second year's work should include a more detailed study of the grammar, and the reading of about 250 pages of French prose and poetry of average difficulty, practice in translation at sight, ability to translate into French English sentences of moderate difficulty. The grammar should represent the content of a standard French grammar. Suitable texts are: About, Le Roi des Montagnes; Lamartine, Scenes de la Revolu­tion frangaise; Merimee, Colomba; Labiche and Martin, Le Voyage de M. Ferrichon; Malot, Sans Famille, etc. (2 UNITS.)

The third year should include thorough study of the grammar and the reading of about 300-400 pages of standard French, together with practice in translating into French passages of connected English. Part II of Fraser and Squair's French Grammar, or a work of similar content, would satisfy the requirement. Suitable texts are: Hugo, Hernani or Ruy Bias; Sandeau, MUe de la Seigliere; Loti, Pecheur d'lslande; Balzac, Eugenie Grandet; Daudet, la Belle Nivernaise; Thiers, Expedition de Bona­

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parte en Egypte; Corneille, Le Cid; Moliere, le Bourgeois Gentilhomme; Racine, Atbalie.

Dictations should be employed frequently to accustom the ear to the sounds of the spoken language. In the second and third year it will be found useful to devote some time to abstracts and paraphrases in French of portions of the works read. "Where possible elementary practice with conversational exercises is desirable. (1 UNIT.)


In Elementary German, which presupposes two years of work, the chief aim should be the ability to read with comprehension easy German prose. As a means to the acquisition of this ability, particular attention should be given to accurate pronunciation, to oral and aural drill, and to the building up of a vocabulary of common words and expressions. The study of grammar during the first two years is regarded as subsidiary to the acquisition of reading abililty. This reading knowledge may be tested by translation of sight passages or by English answers to German questions on passages set. In the first year, 75 to 100 pages should be covered in class, a slightly smaller amount of very easy material as col­lateral reading outside class. In the second year, the amount covered in class should be 200 to 250 pages, with collateral reading of easier texts totaling 150 to 200 pages. Some of the material read may deal with physical and historical aspects of Germany. The following texts, arranged in approximate order of difficulty, are suggested: Koischwitz' Bilderlese-buch, Zeydel's Elementary German Reader, Storm's Immensee, Heyse's L'Arrabbiata, Gerstacker's Germelsbausen, Kastner, Emil und die Detek-tive, and Purin and Rose's Deutsche Kulturhunde. (2 UNITS.)

In the third year, 400 or more pages of prose and poetry from the works of standard authors should be read in class, 300 or more pages outside class. Emphasis should also be placed on a command of simple German in speech and in writing. The following are suitable texts: Freytag, Die Journalisten; Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm; Schiller, ballads, Wilhelm Tell and Die Jungfrau von Orleans; Goethe, some poems and Hermann und Dorothea; Heine, poems and Die Harzreise; Sudermann, Frau Sorge; Kastner, Drei Manner im Schnee; Bahr, Das Konzert. (1 UNIT.)


A year's study of Spanish should assure a knowledge of the elements of the grammar, ability to pronounce accurately, to translate easy Spanish prose, and to turn into Spanish simple English sentences. About 100

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duodecimo pages should be read, and careful drill given in Castilian pro­nunciation. The student should have learned the conjugations of the regular, radical-changing and the more common irregular verbs. In the second year the work should include the reading of about 200 to 300 pages of Spanish of average difficulty, mastery of the grammar and syn­tax, with frequent exercises in composition. The student should com­plete his knowledge of the radical changing and irregular verbs with the exception of rare verbs and forms. Suitable texts are: Juan Valera, El pdjaro verde; Perez Escrich, Foriuna; Ramos Carrion Vital Aza, Zara-giieta; Palacio Valdes, Jose; Pedro de Alarcon, El Capitdn Veneno; de Alar-con, or Antonio de Trueba, selected short stories.

Throughout the course dictation should be employed to accustom the ear to the sounds of spoken Spanish. From time to time abstracts and paraphrases may be made in Spanish of portions of the works read. Where possible, elementary conversational exercises are desirable. During the two years regular practice in pronunciation should not be neglected. (2 UNITS.)


Each unit allowed for entrance in History presupposes one year of formal study in the particular subject, using an accurate text. It is ex­pected that appropriate selections which give the student some acqaint-ance with sources and contribute to the historical background, shall have been read. There should be instruction in comparing historical char­acters, institutions, periods, and events and in tracing the steps in the development of important movements through a considerable period of time. Practice should be given in locating places, areas, boundaries and routes which are historically important.

One-half or one unit may be presented in any of the following subjects: Ancient History, European History, English History, and American History. ANCIENT HISTORY. The course should devote one-half of the year to the study of the ancient Orient and Greece as far as the death of Alex­ander and the break-up of his empire, with the expansion of Greek culture in the Mediterranean World. The second half-year should be devoted to the study of the history of Rome to the year 476 A. D.

Since not more than one-tenth of the whole time available can be allotted to the study of the history of the Orient, only so much of its narrative history should be studied as will hold the story together and fix its geography and its time relations. Emphasis should be laid not upon the details of military and political history but upon the civilization

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developed by the different peoples of the Orient, with particular reference to the contributions which they made to later ages.

In the study of Greek history, little time should be spent on the period prior to the Persian Wars, except to deal concretely with Homeric society and to emphasize the expansion of Hellas. From the Persian Wars to the death of Alexander the study should be exact and thorough, with special reference to the political, intellectual, and artistic develop­ment of Hellas during the Age of Pericles. Instead of trying to trace the constitutional development of Athens and Sparta from the begin­ning, the operation of the government in these states at the time of their maturity should be mastered.

In the period following the death of Alexander no attempt should be made to follow the intricate political history of the time, but opportunity should be found to study the federal government of Greece, and the philosophy, literature, art, and religious cults which were the factors of the mixed Graeco-Oriental culture of which Rome became the heir.

At the beginning of the second half-year the history of Rome to about the year 300 B. C. should be covered very rapidly. The attempt should be made rather to understand the organization and working of Senatorial government in the third and second centuries B. C. than to trace the changes made in Roman institutions in the fifth and fourth centuries. From 300 B. C. to the death of Marcus Aurelius the study must be rela­tively detailed and thorough. (l/z OR 1 UNIT. )

EUROPEAN HISTORY. Students who are offering Modern European his­tory should emphasize the absolute monarchy of Louis XIV, colonial expansion and rivalries, the development of the constitutional monarchy in England, the enlightened despotism of Frederick the Great, the republi­can government of Revolutionary France, the Napoleonic epoch, and the main facts in the political development of Europe since 1815. Special emphasis should be laid upon the industrial Revolution—its political and social aspects—upon the growth of nationalism and democracy, and upon the economic expansion of the European possessions outside of Europe. The study of the last half-century should include some account of the great material changes, important inventions, and intellectual and social and humanitarian movements.

Students who are offering Medieval and Modern European history should emphasize the contributions of the Roman Empire, the Germans, and the Christian Church to medieval civilization. The structure of feudal society, the Crusades, the formation of the European states, the several phases of the Renaissance and of the Reformation, and the dis­coveries outside of Europe should be covered. Students who are offering

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this subject will not be held to so detailed a knowledge of the nineteenth century as those offering Modern European history. (/2 OR 1 UNIT.) ENGLISH HISTORY. The division of the work between the two half-years should be made at about 1660.

During the first half-year, the periods of the Tudors and the early Stuarts should receive emphasis. Only the briefest reference to the period before 1066 need be made, and from the Norman Conquest to the acces­sion of the Tudors the treatment should be topical rather than exhaustive. It should deal with the effects of the Norman Conquest, relations with France, Scotland, and Ireland, Magna Carta and the origins of Parlia­ment, and the emergence of parliamentary government out of the feudal monarchy. Some attempt also should be made to explain the develop­ment and character of the Christian Church in England, its relations with the papacy, the severance of these relations, the establishment of the national church, and the Puritan movement.

In the second half-year, starting with the Restoration, attention should be given first to the continued struggle between Crown and Parliament, culminating in the establishment of responsible government. In study­ing the great wars with France, attention should be directed to the com­mercial and colonial expansion in America and the East. "With regard to imperial policy, the causes and effects of the Scottish and Irish unions and the revolt of the American colonies should be explained. The study of the revolution in agriculture, industry, and transportation should include some consideration of the consequent political and social reforms. Since the Reform Act of 1867, emphasis should be laid upon the more important reforms affecting economic, political, and social life, and upon the problem of Ireland. Some idea should be given of the growth and nature of the British power in the colonies and the problem of imperial organization.

In general, it is desirable to emphasize the important epochs and move­ments rather than the reigns of the monarchs; to trace developments; to secure a clear comprehension of the more influential personalities; and to show the relations of English history to the history of other countries, especially the United States. ( % OR 1 UNIT. )

AMERICAN HISTORY. The period of American history prior to 1763 may be treated briefly as a background for subsequent epochs. The period since the Civil War should receive adequate attention (about as much time as the period between 1763 and 1863). Questions on current events will not be asked.

For the guidance of both the teacher and the student, it is suggested that careful attention should be paid to map studies; that the topics of

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slavery and secession should not be emphasized at the expense of the study of territorial expansion and social and industrial growth; that due atten­tion should be paid to the policy of the United States in foreign affairs, tariff, banking, civil service, currency, trusts, conservation of natural resources, capital and labor, immigration, and other present-day problems; and that familiarity with the lives and public services of great Americans should be especially encouraged. (OR 1 UNIT. )


The study of civil government should include a careful analysis of the Constitution of the United States—the powers, organization, and functions of the federal government, the relations between the state and the federal government, and the general nature and extent of the powers reserved to the states. This study should be closely coordinated with American history at every point of contact. (J4 OR 1 UNIT.)


ALGEBRA TO QUADRATICS. The examination will presuppose a knowledge of the meaning, use, evaluation, transformation and derivation of formulas; the construction and interpretation of graphs, the meaning and use of negative numbers; solution of simple and simultaneous linear equations, with verification; ratio, proportion, and variation; the essentials of algebraic technique; exponents and radicals; numerical trigonometry. (1 UNIT.)

INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA. The topics should include numerical and literal quadratic equations; the binomial theorem for positive integral exponents, with applications; arithmetic and geometric series; simultaneous linear equations in three unknown quantities; simultaneous quadratic equations, with graphs; exponents and radicals; logarithms. (J4 OR 1 UNIT.) ADVANCED ALGEBRA. The topics of advanced algebra should include per­mutations and combinations; complex numbers with graphical repre­sentation of sums and differences; simple determinants, including the use of minors and solution of linear equations; numerical equations of higher degree, and elementary aspects of the theory of equations including the remainder theorem and its applications, coefficients as symetric functions of roots, condition for rational roots, conjugate complex roots of equa­tions with real coefficients, Descarte's Rule of Signs, and simple trans­formations; graphical location and determination of roots to two or three significant figures. (J4 UNIT.)

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PLANE GEOMETRY. The usual theorems and constructions of good text­books, including the general properties of plane rectilinear figures; the circle and the measurement of angles; similar polygons; areas; regular polygons and the measurement of the circle. The solution of numerous original exercises, including loci problems. Applications to the mensura­tion of lines and plane surfaces. The aim of the instruction should be the formation of the habit of clear and concise expression, and to this end the classroom work should be largely oral. (1 UNIT.) SOLID GEOMETRY. The usual theorems and constructions of good text­books, including the relations of planes and lines in space; the properties and measurement of prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones; the sphere and the spherical triangle. The solution of numerous original exercises including loci problems. Applications to the mensuration of surfaces and solids. (54 UNIT.) TRIGONOMETRY. The topics should include definitions of the six trigo­nometric functions of angles of any magnitude as ratios; circular measure­ments of angles. Proofs of principal formulas, in particular, for the sine, cosine and tangent of the sum and the difference of two angles, of the double angle and the half angle, the product expressions for the sum or the difference of two sines or two cosines, etc.; the transformation of trigo­nometric expressions by means of these formulas. Solution of simple trigonometric equations. Theory and use of logarithms (without the in­troduction of work involving infinite series). The solution of right and oblique triangles, and practical applications. (J4 UNIT. )


Preparation should include the study of a standard text-book, instruc­tion by lecture-table demonstration and individual laboratory work.

The classroom and lecture instruction should aim to give the student a clear and comprehensive view of the general principles of the subject with their applications to various natural phenomena and to practical problems.

The laboratory work should fix these general principles in the student's mind and render them more concrete. The student should develop a habit of accurate observation and should understand the scientific method of basing theories and principles upon experiment. Emphasis should occasionally be placed on the accuracy of the measurements and on the reliability of the conclusions drawn from them.

Every candidate must present at the time of the examination, a note­book certified by the teacher and containing in the candidate's own language a description of the laboratory exercises with a careful and

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systematic record of observations made and of conclusions drawn. (1 UNIT.)


The requirements should be the equivalent of a course based on one of the recognized secondary school texts.

Greater importance is attached to training in observation and to a knowledge of the properties of common chemical substances than to an understanding of purely theoretical conceptions.

An original, uncopied, laboratory notebook, containing any comments and corrections that may have been made by the instructor must be pre­sented by the candidate at the time of the examination. (1 UNIT.)


Elementary work in the structure and physiology of seed plants together with an introduction to their classification as outlined in any recent textbook. Work on the lower groups of plants and histological studies, if undertaken at all, should be secondary. Individual laboratory work by the student is essential. Records of laboratory work with accurate drawings and precise description should be handed in at the time of the examination. ()4 OR 1 UNIT.)


Biology of animals, including study of the great groups, as represented by the following: Amoeba, Paramecium, sponge, Hydra, starfish, earth­worm, crayfish, insect, clam, fish, frog, bird, mammal. The course should consist of laboratory study of at least eight of the above with notebooks containing original drawings, supplemented by a standard text book. The notebook and drawings should be submitted at the time of examination. (X/Z OR 1 UNIT.)


The elements of human Physiology and Hygiene, as included in stand­ard secondary school texts. In addition to textbook work, laboratory exercises, such as dissections of animals and organs, and the use of models and charts are advised. Some study of tissues by the aid of the microscope is also valuable. Precise notes should be taken and accurate sketches made of objects observed in the laboratory work. These notes and sketches should be presented at the time of examination. (J4 OR 1 UNIT.)

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The elements of physiography or Physical Geography as presented in standard secondary school texts. The earth as a globe, the oceans, the atmosphere, the land. Individual laboratory work, including field trips. The notebook should be presented at the time of examination. (/z OR 1 UNIT.)


The candidate should be able to sketch free-hand, with fair accuracy, simple geometrical figures and their combinations; to sketch from the object with reasonable facility and correctness, geometrical models, simple objects or parts of machines; to sketch from the copy, either enlarging or reducing, simple objects or plain details of machinery. Correctness of proportion, accuracy in the relations of parts of figures and neatness in the execution of the work should be secured. A fair knowledge of perspective and the application of light and shade in free-hand sketching is necessary.

At least twenty drawings representing a year's work in the preparatory school, should be submitted for the lower requirement in this subject, each bearing the certificate of the instructor in charge of the work. (J4 OR 1 UNIT.)


The candidate should always have a knowledge of the proper methods of using the T-square, triangles, and other drawing instruments, with special reference to their use in drawing parallel lines, erecting perpen­diculars and in drawing arcs of circles and irregular curves.

The plates presented should include examples of geometric construc­tions, orthographic projections, isometric projection and working draw­ings of simple objects. It is not desirable that all plates be inked. (J4 OR 1 UNIT.)


The candidate should present evidence of sufficient training to enable him to execute a piece of work with skill, accuracy and neatness in each of the branches offered for admission; should be acquainted with the materials used in the various classes of work and understand the physical properties of these materials; should have a good working knowledge of the tools and machines of the different branches of shopwork and under­stand their care and operation. It is especially necessary that he should

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have a thorough understanding of the process used and the principles involved in all of the work that he does.

In woodworking, forge work and foundry work one year's time is required in preparation for each subject, and in machine shopwork two years' time.

A detailed statement of the work done must be presented, signed by the school instructor or shop superintendent. (OR 1 UNIT.)


Speed and accuracy are the tests of the candidate's preparation in this topic. A speed of sixty words per minute is required. (J4 OR 1 UNIT.)


A limited amount of credit is allowed in certain cases, for high school courses in commercial subjects. (J4 TO 2 UNITS.)


The requirements are those established by (a) the State Board of Edu­cation for approved courses in schools not receiving the benefit of Federal appropriations under the Smith-Hughes or George-Deen Acts; or (b) by the State Board of Vocational Education for approved courses in schools receiving the benefit of Federal appropriations under the Smith-Hughes or George-Deen Acts. A half unit of credit may be accorded upon the com­pletion of each year of the former course which year comprises three double and one single period per week throughout the year, together with an acceptably executed program of supervised practice work. (}4 To 2 UNITS.)

From 1 to 1 l/z units credit may be accorded for the completion of each year of the Federal aid course, which year comprises five double periods per week throughout the year together with an efficiently planned, ex­ecuted and accounted six-months' program of supervised practice. In no case can more than four units be used for college entrance and this maxi­mum only in the College of Agriculture. The report of the State Super­visor of Agricultural Education will be considered in determining the exact amount of credit in each case. (I TO 4 UNITS. )


The requirements are set forth in the "Course of Study in Home Economics" issued by the State Board of Education and apply to all

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Most approved Medical Colleges now require at least three years of acceptable pre-medical preparation which must be completed at an institu­tion recognized by the American Medical Association. It is recommended that all students who intend to apply for admission to the College of Medicine of this University complete a four-year liberal arts curriculum which includes the subjects prescribed by the American Medical Associa­tion. The minimum requirement, however, may be met by completing the seven-year combination curriculum, which leads to the baccalaureate degree at the end of the first year in Medicine and the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the end of the seven-year period. An outline of this curriculum will be found elsewhere in this Catalogue.

As pre-medical and medical curricula have been correlated at the Uni­versity of Vermont, if preparation is to be taken at another institution, the courses elected should correspond as closely as possible with the subject-matter included in the pre-medical work given in the College of Arts and Sciences.


Since enrollment in the first year class of the College of Medicine must be limited to approximately thirty students, the full responsibility for the selection of these students has been delegated to a Medical Admissions Committee.

Because of an appropriation to the College of Medicine by the State of Vermont, the applications of residents of this State are given pref­erence. After qualified Vermont students have been registered, the applications of sons and daughters of the graduates of the University of Vermont are considered. If vacancies should remain after these two groups have been examined, the quota will be filled from the best quali­fied applications of non-residents.

The eligibility of an applicant for enrollment in the first year class is finally determined by the Medical Admissions Committee. In its selec­tions the Committee considers three factors: 1. The quality and quantity of the pre-medical training. 2. The score received in the Medical Aptitude Test which is given

annually throughout the country under the auspices of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

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3. The personality and general fitness of the applicant for the study of medicine, as determined, in part, by personal interview of the applicant with the Medical Admissions Committee. The Committee will not interview students with unsatisfactory scholastic records or a low score in the Aptitude Test.

Application should be made not later than March 1 of the year in which admission is sought. Students having low scholastic records are advised not to apply.


In general, vacancies arising in the three upper classes will not be filled. In its discretion, however, the Medical Admissions Committee may enter­tain applications of well qualified residents of this State who have done medical work in other acceptable medical schools. No applicant for advanced standing will be enrolled under more favorable conditions than would obtain if the student were to continue at the school first attended. All applications from students having conditons or low scholastic records will be refused.

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Courses of Instruction The University offers instruction in four colleges:

The College of Arts and Sciences The College of Engineering The College of Agriculture The College of Medicine

In all colleges, except Medicine, the undergraduate courses are num­bered from 0 to 99; those courses which may be taken for undergraduate or graduate credit are numbered from 100 to 199. Courses offered for graduate credit only are numbered from 200 to 299. The courses in Elementary Education are numbered from 300 to 399 and the courses in Industrial Education from 400 to 499. The courses in Elementary and Industrial Education are separate from the courses offered in the four colleges.

Following the description of each course the number of semester hours credit is indicated. For full year courses this credit must be doubled. Courses that are required are indicated and when elective the classifica­tions and prerequisites are given. Rotating and alternating courses show the college year during which these courses are to be given. Lecture and recitation periods are fifty minutes, laboratory periods at least 110 minutes in length. A key to the abbreviations used follows:


Ag., Agriculture. Agl. Econ., Agricultural Economics. Bus., Business Curriculum. C. E., Civil Engineering. Ch., Chemistry. Cl., Classical. C. T., Commercial Teaching Option. D. M., Dairy Manufactures. D. P., Dairy Production. Ed., Education. E. E., Electrical Engineering. El. Ed., Elementary Education. Eng., Engineering. G. S., General Science.


H. E., Home Economics. Ind. Ed., Industrial Education. L. S., Literary-Scientific. M, E., Mechanical Engineering, Med., Medical. Mus. Ed., Music Education P. I., Plant Industry. Pr. Med., Pre-Medical. Sec., Secretarial Option. S. Ed., Secondary Education. Sp., Special. S. S., Social Science. Tch. Ag., Teaching of Agriculture.

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128 University of Vermont

The College of Arts and Sciences ART HISTORY OF ART

1. GREEK ART AND RENAISSANCE PAINTING. An outline sketch of the Greek Art and of European Painting from 1300 to 1800. The pur­pose of the course is to help the student to understand the meaning of art, to appreciate some of the masterpieces, and to recognize the influence of the art of the past upon the life of the present. Two hours. ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professors Kidder and Prindle 2. A STUDY OF MODERN ART. The purpose of this course is to familiarize

students with the modern and contemporary artists and to give them standards whereby they may judge the quality of any work of art. The Carnegie Collection of two thousand rare books and prints is extensively used in the course. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Mrs. Mills


1. ELEMENTARY APPLIED ART. A study of the principles of design as applied in the making of objects of use and beauty. Some of the processes included are stencilling, block-printing, textile painting, tooled leather, gesso, color-printing and batik. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Two hours credit given if taken in conjunction with History of Art i or 2. ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

2. INTERMEDIATE APPLIED ART. A second course in the study of the principles of color and design with instruction in the more difficult technical processes involved in their application to materials. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Two hours credit given if taken in con­junction with History of Art i or 2. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Colburn and Mrs. Mills


1. FREE-HAND DRAWING. Sketching from the human figure in char­coal, brush and crayon. The principles of free-hand perspective are taught through outdoor sketching in landscape compositions. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Two hours, ELECTIVE.

2. DRAWING AND PAINTING. Advanced course in drawing and paint­ing, requiring more difficult principles and techniques, using oils

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The College of Arts and Sciences 129

and water colors. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Two hours, ELEC­TIVE. Professor Colburn

ART EDUCATION For courses in Art Education refer to the Index.

* BOTANY Professors Burns, Lutman, Dole, Adams and Gershoy; Miss Stone, Messrs. Dodd and Ratledge

1. PRE-MEDICAL BOTANY. A course in elementary Botany particu­larly adapted to the requirements of pre-medical students. Prob­lems of evolution, heredity, structure and functions of plant organs are included. This course must be followed by Zoology 1. Labo­ratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Pour hours, first semester, REQUIRED (PR. MED.) FRESHMEN. Professors Burns and Gershoy

2. ELEMENTARY BOTANY. A general introductory course dealing with problems of plant adjustment to environment. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Pour hours, ELECTIVE TO ALL CLASSES. Section A (Women). Miss Stone Section B (Women). Professor Dole Sections C and D (Men). Professor Gershoy, Mr. Dodd

4. PLANT PEIYSIOLOGY. An experimental study of the nutrition of higher plants, problems of irritability and response. Field, green­house and laboratory with lectures and readings. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, REQUIRED (P. I.). ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: AN ELEMENTARY COURSE IN BOTANY. Professor Burns

6 . PLANT MORPHOLOGY. A study of plant types, representative of each of the larger phylogenetic groups. Special emphasis is placed on the evolutionary development of vegetative and reproductive structures. Adaptation of the plant to its environment, life cycles, and an introduction to the phylogenetic system of classification. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: BOTANY 2 OR 3. Professor Dole

7. EMBRYOLOGY OF SEED PLANTS. Special emphasis is placed on mor­phogenesis, reproduction and heredity. A brief examination is made of the diverse types of the spermatophytes. Laboratory, field work and lectures. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester. ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITES: BOTANY 2 OR 3 AND 10.

Professor Gershoy * For other courses in Botany refer to the Index.

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130 University of Vermont

8. CYTOLOGY. This course includes the technique involved in the preparation of permanent slides for microscopic study and the detailed study of cell contents and cell processes; vegetative and reductive mitotic divisions; the development of the embryo-sac, etc. Laboratory Fee $10.00. Four hours, first semester, repeated seccmd semester, REQUIRED (PR. MED.). PREREQUISITES: BOTANY 1 OR 2 AND ZOOLOGY 1 OR 2. Professor Gershoy, Mr. Dodd

9 . ECOLOGY. A study of the physiological factors of habitats and their effect in plant structure and distribution. Laboratory, field work and lectures. Laboratory Fee $2.$0. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION. Professor Burns

10. PLANT PATHOLOGY. A course dealing with the healthy plant, con­ditions producing disease, insect-produced diseases, bacteria and fungi, fungicides and their action. Laboratory Fee $2.10. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (P. I.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

11. GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY. A study of bacteria in soil, water and air; morphology, classification and requirements. Laboratory Fee $1.00. Four hours, first semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SOPhom*oRES, PREREQUISITE: AN ELEMENTARY COURSE IN BOTANY.

12. GENERAL BACTERIOLOGY. A lecture and laboratory course cover­ing the principles and technique of growing and studying bacteria. Recommended especially to General Science and Pre-Medical stu­dents. Laboratory Fee $1.00. Three hours, first semester, ELEC­TIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: AN ELEMENTARY COURSE IN BOTANY. Professor Lutman

13. HOUSEHOLD MICROBIOLOGY. A course dealing with bacteria, yeast and molds and their relation to home sanitation and to food preserva­tion. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Three hours, first semester, RE­QUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS, PREREQUISITE: AN ELEMENTARY COURSE IN BOTANY. Miss Stone.

14. EDUCATIONAL BIOLOGY. An elementary course dealing with the anatomy, physiology and development of plants. Field trips during the fall and spring to study the native flora and habitat groups. Sample plants collected and mounted by each student. Laboratory Fee for this part of the course $2,00 per semester. One lecture and one laboratory supplementing Zoology 14. OPEN TO EDUCA­TION STUDENTS ONLY. Professor Adams

108. CURRENT LITERATURE IN BOTANY. A review of important papers and books. One hour, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 131

109. SPECIAL INVESTIGATION. Hours to be arranged. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Number of hours to be arranged, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS BY PERMISSION. Professors Burns and Lutman


* CHEMISTRY Professors Burrows, Kern, Braun, Willmarth, Lineken; Mr. Lucarini, Dr. Crooks, Miss f Brown, Dr. Price and Mr. McDermott

1. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. A course in Inorganic Chemistry for stu­dents presenting acceptable entrance credit. It consists of lectures, recitations and laboratory work. The laboratory work includes gen­eral experiments and elementary qualitative analysis. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Five hours, ALTERNATE REQUIREMENT WITH CHEMISTRY 21 FOR (CH., .+ENG., G. S. AND PR. MED.). ELEC­TIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITE: ENTRANCE CREDIT IN CHEMISTRY.

Professors Lineken, Kern, Burrows, Braun; Mr. Lucarini, Dr. Crooks, Dr. Price and Mr. McDermott

2 . QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. This course includes laboratory and class­room work. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Four hours, first semester. REQUIRED (CH.) SOPhom*oRES. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUI­SITE: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21.

3. ELEMENTARY QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. An introductory course including laboratory and classroom work. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Four hours, second semester, REQUIRED (CH., PR.MED.) SOPhom*oRES. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITE: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21.

4. ADVANCED QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. A course comprising lectures and laboratory instruction with class meetings for discussion of methods. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, RE­QUIRED (CH.) JUNIORS. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITES: CHEMISTRY 1 AND 3. Professor Kern

7 . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. This course is offered to students preparing for medicine or majoring in the biological sciences. The instruction consists of lectures, recitations and demonstrations. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21.

Professor Burrows * For other courses in Chemistry refer to the Index, t Absent on leave. ^ Engineering students enroll in a single three-hour laboratory section and receive a credit

of five hours for the first semester and four hours for the second.

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132 University of Vermont

8. ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY. A course consisting of lectures, recitations, and occasional excursions to manufacturing establishments. Three hours, REQUIRED (CH.) SENIORS, ELEC­TIVE TO OTHERS BY SPECIAL PERMISSION. Professor Line ken

9. ELEMENTARY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A course consisting of lectures and recitations adapted to pre-medical students. Two hours, RE­QUIRED (PR. MED.) JUNIORS. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITE: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21.

10. ELEMENTARY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A laboratory course recom­mended for pre-medical preparation and correlated with Chemistry 9. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. One hour, REQUIRED (PR. MED.) JUNIORS. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITE: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21. Professor Braun; Mr. Lucarini

21. INTRODUCTORY INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A course in general chem­istry offered for students who present no credit in entrance chem­istry. The instruction includes lectures, recitations and laboratory work. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Five hours, ALTER­NATE REQUIREMENT WITH CHEMISTRY 1 FOR (CH., *ENG., G. S. AND PR. MED.). FRESHMEN. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

Professors Lineken, Kern, Burrows and Braun; Mr. Lucarini, Dr. Crooks, Dr. Price and Mr. McDermott

2 2 . GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This course includes work in lectures, recitations and laboratory. It is adapted to students en­rolled in the Home Economics curriculum. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Five hours, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN, NOT OPEN TO OTHERS. Professor Willmarth; Dr. Crooks

23. GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. This course includes instruction by lectures, recitations and laboratory. It is adapted to students enrolled in curricula in Agriculture. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Four hours, REQUIRED (AG.), FRESHMEN, NOT OPEN TO OTHERS. Professor Willmarth; Dr. Crooks

104. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. This course consists of lectures, recita­tions and problem work. Three hours, REQUIRED (CH.) JUNIORS. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITES: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21 AND PHYSICS 1. Professor Burrows

105. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. This laboratory course is recommended to students who enroll in Chemistry 104. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Two hours, REQUIRED (CH.) JUNIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS, PREREQUISITES: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21 AND PHYSICS 1.

* Engineering students enroll in a single three-hour laboratory section and receive a credit of five hours for the first semester and four hours for the second.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 133

106. THERMODYNAMICS. Lectures. T-wo hours, second semester, ELEC­TIVE. Professor Burrows

111. ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A lecture course with discussions of the modern theories of organic chemistry and their applications. Current journals and books on organic chemistry are used as works of reference. Three hours, REQUIRED (CH.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION.

112. ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. An advanced laboratory course including the preparation, analysis, and general study of organic compounds. Laboratory Fee $10.00 per semester. Six hours, RE­QUIRED (CH.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION. Professor Braun

ECONOMICS Professors Groat, Buehler, Briggs, Woodard, "Willis, *Nidty and Davis; Miss Morgan, Mr. Maclay and Miss Levarn

1. ELEMENTARY ECONOMICS. An introductory course covering the elements of the subject. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) SOPHO­MORES. ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Buehler and Mr. Maclay 2. MONEY AND BANKING. An analysis of the various types of cur­

rency and the application of banking principles to foreign and domestic business. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS., SEC.), JUNIORS; (c. T.) SENIORS. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Willis 3. PUBLIC FINANCE AND TAXATION. An introduction to the principles

and problems of government spending, borrowing, and taxation. Special attention will be given to the particular methods and prob­lems of taxation and the economic effects of government financing. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Buehler

4. MARKETING AND ADVERTISING. The marketing, wholesale and re­tail, of the products of agriculture and manufacture is described, with a discussion of the processes of buying, selling, speculation, and other marketing activities. Particular attention will be given, during the latter part of the course, to advertising and selling and the promotion and protection of the welfare of consumers. Three hours. REQUIRED (BUS.) SENIORS. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Buehler

5 . CORPORATION FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS. A comparison of the various types of business enterprise and elaboration of the principles

* Absent on leave.

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13.4 University of Vermont

of financing large-scale industry followed by instruction in the methods of analyzing investments and of determining investment policies. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor WHits

6 . ECONOMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. An outline of the development of English agriculture, commerce, industry and finance. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (BUS.) SOPhom*oRES, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

7. ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. An outline of the development of agriculture, manufactures, transportation, com­merce and finance, with special emphasis on the period of national development. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (BUS.) SOPhom*oRES. ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Woodard 8. STATISTICS. An introductory course in the basic methods of statis­

tical computation and the principles of statistical interpretation. Three hours, first semester. This course is repeated in the second semester, REQUIRED (BUS.) SOPhom*oRES, ELECTIVE TO SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Willis

9 . ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY. A course presenting the facts of geography as a basis for business development. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) FRESHMEN, ELECTIVE BY SPECIAL PERMISSION.

Professor Woodard and Miss Morgan 10. SOCIAL ECONOMICS AND CONSUMPTION. A study of modern indus­

try with reference to its effect upon social welfare. It will consider the national income and its distribution, standards of living, family budgets, and cooperation, as these affect social well-being. In re­lation to these topics the course will consider population changes, recent technological achievements, and the consumer cooperative movement. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.), JUNIORS, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS

11. LABOR PROBLEMS AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. A Study of the principles involved in the employer-employee relation including, labor's attitudes and policies, organization of laborers and their ac­tivities, employers' attitudes and policies, employers' organizations, development of personnel policies and of cooperation between em­ployers and workers. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) JUNIORS, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Groat and Miss Morgan

12. ACCOUNTING. An elementary course emphasizing the principles of accounting, with such practical work as is necessary to illustrate them. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) JUNIORS, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 135

13. ADVANCED ACCOUNTING. The principles and practice of advanced accounting. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: ECONOMICS 12. Professor Briggs

20. BUSINESS LAW. The general principles of business law as shown in cases arising out of typical business relations. Three hours, first semester. This course is repeated in the second semester, REQUIRED (BUS.) SOPhom*oRES, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Briggs

114. ADVANCED ECONOMICS. An advanced course in economic theory, emphasizing especially the relationship between the development of economic doctrines and industrial changes. Three hours, REQUIRED (BUS.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: ECONOM­ICS 1. Professor Groat

115. SEMINAR IN ECONOMICS. An advanced course open to those who have shown ability to undertake independent investigation. Three hours. ELECTIVE TO SENIORS BY PERMISSION. PREREQUISITE: A SATISFACTORY MAJOR IN ECONOMICS. Professor Groat

ECONOMICS (Secretarial) Professors *Nulty and Davis; Miss Levarn

52. ELEMENTARY SHORTHAND. Instruction in the fundamental prin­ciples of Gregg Shortland. Dictation of business letters. Five hours. REQUIRED JUNIORS (SEC. AND c. T.). Not open to others.

53. ADVANCED SHORTHAND. Dictation covering a broad business vo­cabulary, and a variety of literary and technical subject-matter. Emphasis on speed in taking shorthand and in transcribing. Five hours, REQUIRED (SEC. AND c. T.) SENIORS. Not open to others.

Miss Levarn 5 6 . ELEMENTARY TYPEWRITING. Instruction in the care of the type­

writer; correct technique; mastery of the keyboard; practice in variety of forms of material. Five hours, REQUIRED (SEC. AND C. T.) JUNIORS. Not open to others.

57. ADVANCED TYPEWRITING. Development of typing speed. Projects covering the different kinds of commercial typing. Transcription of shorthand notes. Five hours, REQUIRED (SEC. AND C. T.) SENIORS. Not open to others. Professor Davis and Miss Levarn

58. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. Construction of business messages, including routine and sales letters; correspondence supervision; preparation of oral and written reports. Three hours, REQUIRED (SEC. AND C. T.) SOPhom*oRES. Not open to others.

* Absent on leave.

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136 University of Vermont

59. FILING. Methods of indexing and filing; organization and manage­ment of the filing department; the business library, cataloging, classification, and reference works. Three hours, first semester. REQUIRED (SEC.) FRESHMEN. Not open to others.

60. BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. Organization and administrative policy; supervision and management of modern busi­ness units. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (SEC.) FRESH­MEN. Not open to others.

61. SECRETARIAL METHODS. A study of the various tasks performed in the ordinary office; a study of the duties of a secretary. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (SEC. AND C. T.) SENIORS. Not open to others.

62. OFFICE MANAGEMENT. A study of organization and management as applied to office functions. Three hours, first semester, RE­QUIRED (SEC. AND C. T.) SENIORS. Not open to others.


of organizing commercial courses on a vocational basis in secondary schools. Discussion of the content and the aims of the various commercial subjects and of the principles underlying their most effective presentation. Practice teaching. Three hours, REQUIRED (c. T.) SENIORS. Not open to others. Miss Levarn

EDUCATION Professors Douglass, Sheldon, Bennett, Colburn, Holbrook, Wheeler, Nelle Adams, Kennan, Youngert, Eleanor Cummings, W. R. Adams, Rowell; Miss Marston, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Elder, Misses Sullivan, Parker, LeBaron, Mary F. Madigan and Mrs. Morrill.

* SECONDARY EDUCATION 1. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. A study of the aims and principles

underlying the educative process. The organization of the public * Students who are preparing to teach in secondary schools are referred to the following

specialized courses which are offered in other departments: Agricultural Education 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 (Teaching and Methods); Economics 63 (Methods in Commercial Educa­tion); English 116 (Advanced Composition); French 108 (Conversation and Composi­tion); German 108, 109 (Composition, Conversation, and Language Methods); Greek 107 (Advanced Prose Composition); Home Economics 16 (Teaching Methods); Latin 9, 14 (Composition and Methods); Mathematics 14 (Teaching Mathematics); Music 10 (Music Methods); Spanish 104 (Conversation and Composition). For the curricu­lum in Secondary Education refer to the Index.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 137

school system and the principles which determine the selection and treatment of subject-matter in the classroom will be considered. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (S. ED., EL. ED., TCH. AG., H. E., C. T.) JUNIORS. ELECTIVE TO OTHER JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professors Douglass, Holbrook, Nelle Adams; Mrs. Morrill .2. HISTORY OF EDUCATION. An interpretation of modern education

in the light of historical development. The course includes a study of the gradual development of education from the primitive to the present complex and highly organized form. The influences of the most significant historical movements upon present educational theory and practice will be studied. Three hours, first semester. REQUIRED (S. ED.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHER JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Douglass

•YL. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. The relation of modern education to the physical and mental development of the child; the modification of original characteristics and responses through, education; the relation of instinctive and emotional tendencies to teaching and learning. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1.

4. PSYCHOLOGY OF ADOLESCENCE. The characteristics of the adoles­cent and their relation to teaching and learning will be studied. This course is intended as an aid to prospective secondary school teachers in understanding the physical, mental and moral develop­ment of the secondary school pupil. Three hours, second semester. REQUIRED (C. T.) JUNIORS, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1. Professor Youngert

5. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. A development of a body of educa­tional theory based upon psychological principles and upon present day social needs. The relationships of education to social welfare and the demands made upon education by a modern democratic society are given intensive study. Three hours, second semester. REQUIRED (S. ED., EL. ED.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ONE COURSE IN EDUCATION. Professors Douglass and Holbrook; Mrs. Morrill

6 . HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. A study of the organization of the secondary school; the re-direction of the curriculum; the super­vision of instruction; the relationship of the principal to the com­munity, the school board, the superintendent of schools, teachers and pupils; the construction of daily programs; pupil guidance; high school costs; extracurricular activities. This course is recom­

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138 University of Vermont

mended to those preparing for administrative positions in the edu­cational field. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (S. ED., TCH. AG.) SENIORS. ELECTIVE TO OTHER JUNIORS AND SENIORS.


A study of principles and techniques used in modern secondary school; class management; pupil diagnosis and guidance, teaching procedures; control; the direction of study. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: A SATISFACTORY GRADE IN EDUCATION 1 WITH STATEMENT OF INTENTION TO TEACH.

8. STUDENT TEACHING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Observation and teaching under supervision in junior and senior high schools in Burlington and vicinity. Conferences, reports, thesis. Practice Fee $10.00. Three hours, second semester. Enrollment is limited. PREREQUISITE: SATISFACTORY CREDIT IN EDUCATION 1 AND EDUCA­TION 7 WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENROLLMENT BY THE DE­PARTMENT OF EDUCATION. Professor Youngert

9. INTRODUCTORY COURSE IN EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS. An in­troductory survey of tests of intelligence, achievement, personality and special abilities, with study of their development and use as an aid to the improvement of instruction. Three hours, first semester. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

10. ADVANCED COURSE IN EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS. A Study of standardized tests, group and individual, with special emphasis on practical application to the study of individual children. Practice in the administration of tests is included. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Holbrook and Miss Parker 11. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. A study of State and county school

administration, supervision of instruction, making of courses of study, use of tests and measurements, use of statistical methods, business methods, selection of teachers. The course is conducted as a research seminar, with lectures and discussions. This course is recommended as a preparation for the position of school principal or superintendent of schools. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS.

13. SCHOOL AND CLASS MANAGEMENT. A study of the principles underlying intelligent management in the modern school. Specific problems in school and class management will be studied to clarify the principles involved. Parts of the school law of Vermont will

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The Department of Education 139

be used to show the relation of teachers, pupils and parents to various legal requirements. Lectures, discussion, readings. This course is identical with Elementary Education 347. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (EL. ED.). ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

Professor Youngert 112. SEMINAR. Problems in present-day education will be proposed for

individual and group investigation. Each student will present a report upon some problem to be chosen in conference with the in­structor. The discovery of a problem, methods of investigation, the making of a bibliography and standards for the presentation of material will be studied. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS IN EDUCATION AND GRADUATE STUDENTS IN EDUCATION.


Professors Douglass, Wheeler, Nelle Adams, Sheldon, Bennett, Colburn, Holbrook, Kennan, Cummings, W. R. Adams, Rowell, Youngert; Misses Marston and Sullivan, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Elder, Misses Parker, LeBaron and Mary F. Madigan

321. INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION. A study of the elements of psychol­ogy as applied to the learning process and child development; an initial, comprehensive preview of the whole program of education, including observation in the preschool clinic, the nursery school, the kindergarten, and various types of elementary schools. De­sirable social and professional relationships are emphasized. Three hours. REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN.

Professors Nelle Adams and Holbrook 322. READING IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. This course includes a

study of principles underlying the teaching of reading. Reading readiness, remedial reading, phonetics, and the cultivation of cor­rect study habits are stressed. The use of standard tests for pur­poses of diagnosis and improvement in reading are considered. Demonstration, illustration, practice and theory, are combined. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (EL. ED.).

323. LITERATURE FOR THE ELEMENTARY GRADES. This COURSE includes an interpretative and critical study of types of literature for the eight grades of the elementary school. Emphasis is placed upon the classification of this material for the various grades and upon pres­entation, through story telling and reading. Students satisfactorily

* For the curriculum in Elementary Education refer to the Index.

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meeting the requirements of this part of the course are allowed the privilege of telling stories at the Saturday afternoon story-telling hour at the Fleming Museum. One hour, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) SOPhom*oRES OR JUNIORS.

324. PROBLEMS OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES. A study of the principles, types of subject-matter and methods in the teaching of English, including spelling, cursive and manuscript writing, in the elementary school. The purpose of the course is to provide for vitalizing the oral and written composition work and for integrating it with the other subjects of the curriculum. Some of the common speech problems and their solutions will be considered. Attention will be given to a study of achievement tests in English, Two hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN OR SOPhom*oRES. Miss Sullivan

325. THE TEACHING OF ARITHMETIC IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES. This course includes a study of the subject-matter and modern methods of presentation. Emphasis is placed upon practical economic and social uses of advanced arithmetic and use of standard tests. Dur­ing the first semester of the first year a remedial course in arithmetic is required of all students who fail to attain the necessary standard as determined by an objective test. Two hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED. ). Professor Nelle Adams

32 6. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. A study of the relationship of man to his natural environment; how geographic conditions affect the life and activities of people and the influence of environment on eco­nomic and social development. Type regions are studied in detail, bringing out causal relationships. This course is especially designed as background for teachers of geography and history. Two hours. REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN OR SOPhom*oRES.

327. UNITED STATES HISTORY AND CIVICS FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS. Designed to give students a thorough acquaintance with the history and civics usually taught in elementary schools, this course deals with the development of the American people and nation from the old world origins to the present day. Special attention is given to valuable materials and procedures in the teaching of history. Social and cultural trends in our national development which are most important to an understanding of present day problems will be stressed. Three semester hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS OR SENIORS. Professor Kennan

328. HYGIENE. This course is intended to give the prospective teacher a thorough knowledge of personal and social hygiene. The struc­

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ture of the human body and the functions of the various organs are studied, as well as the principles of personal and social hygiene and sanitation. First Aid is included as an important part of the course. Movements for the advancement of hygienic living receive careful consideration. This course is closely correlated with Edu­cation 334 (Physical Education). Two hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN. Professor Eleanor Cummings

329. ENGLISH AND LITERATURE. (See English 1 and 2.) Miss Sullivan

330. PENMANSHIP. This course includes practice under supervision for all who have not attained the required degree of proficiency in hand­writing. Several methods in common use are studied. The psy­chology of penmanship is carefully considered. The use of scales in evaluating penmanship and instruction in methods of teaching are given attention. Blackboard writing is included. One hour. REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN. Miss Mary Madigan

331. TECHNIQUE OF TEACHING. This course develops the aims and prin­ciples of education and shows their applications to instruction. It is closely correlated with the course in Student Teaching. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS OR SENIORS, ALTERNATE REQUIREMENT WITH EDUCATION 332.


course includes a study of recent contributions to knowledge re­garding elementary school subject-matter and procedures which have been gained from research and scientific investigations. The materials which should be included in each grade, their psychological arrangement and presentation are considered. Observation, partici­pation and student teaching in graded and one-room schools are included. Six semester hours, first semester, REQUIRED (EL. ED.). ALTERNATE REQUIREMENT WITH EDUCATION 331 FOR EL. ED.

333. STUDENT TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Observation and teaching under supervision in elementary schools of Burlington and in the vicinity. Conferences, reports, thesis. Open to students who have met satisfactorily other academic and professional re­quirements demanded of elementary teachers, including acceptable use of oral and written English. This course is definitely integrated with Education 332. Experienced teachers who show a high degree of competence during their first period of student teaching may be permitted to substitute seminar work in Elementary Education

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for a part of this course. Six horns, second semester, REQUIRED (EL. ED.). PREREQUISITE." EDUCATION 332.

Professors Douglass, Wheeler, Nelle Adams, Keiman, Sheldon and Colburn; Misses Sullivan and Marston

334. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. This course is closely related to the study of hygiene. A physical examination is given and corrective meas­ures for poor posture and the improvement of the general health are taught. The course includes not only physical training and games, but also methods of teaching the subject. Two hours. REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN AND SOPhom*oRES. One hour. REQUIRED (EL. ED.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Eleanor Cummings 33 5 . PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC 1. This course is designed for students in

Elementary Education and others who wish to prepare to teach music in the schools. Emphasis will be placed upon elementary theory and appreciation through rote songs. Two hours.

336. PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC 2. A continuation of the first course in School Music, including part singing, and methods for developing the sense of rhythm and melody. Required reading. Two hours.

Professor Bennett-, Miss Marston and Mrs. Elder 337. ART EDUCATION 1. The theory and practice of art and the develop­

ment of skill and judgment through drawing, painting, lettering and handwork. Special emphasis is given to art appreciation. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Two double periods, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN.

338. ART EDUCATION 2. A study of the principles of color and design as applied in various art crafts, such as stencilling, block printing, bookbinding, color printing, batik, tooled leather and gesso. The aim is to develop in prospective teachers standards of good taste by which they may influence the personal and civic ideals of the communities in which they work. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Two double periods, ELECTIVE (EL. ED.). PREREQUISITE: ELEMEN­TARY EDUCATION 337. Professor Colburn and Mrs. Mills

33 9 . OBSERVATION AND STUDENT TEACHING. The development of teaching skills and the application of the principles involved in effective teaching. The course is closely correlated with the other courses in Elementary Education by classroom demonstration and discussions. Observation of demonstration lessons is followed by conferences in which the underlying principles of the observed in­struction are discussed. This leads to participation in instruction

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and finally to full responsibility for the teaching and control of the school. Two hours of Observation and Conference and of Stu­dent Teaching, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) FRESHMEN, SOPhom*oRES OR JUNIORS. Six hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS OR SENIORS WHO HAVE NOT ENROLLED IN EDUCATION 332 AND 333.

Professor Wheeler 340. MENTAL HYGIENE AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS. This course is divided

into two interdependent parts, both working towards the solution of the problems presented by exceptional children.

The first is a study of the principles of mental hygiene with special emphasis upon the application of these principles to the prob­lems of the teacher dealing with exceptional children.

The second part is a study of practical methods of meeting the problems of exceptional children through instruction and practice in weaving, brushmaking, metal work, woodworking and other kinds of industrial arts suitable for use in rural and urban schools. Studio Fee $1.00 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE (EL. ED.).

Professor Holbrook and Miss Parker 341. THE TEACHING OF ART. Art principles and processes as integrated

with present educational practice will be discussed, demonstrated and observed in this course. Through presentation of the principles of creative expression, with unit technique of developing art appre­ciation, students are trained to recognize and meet the art needs of varying situations. Two hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) SENIORS.

Professor Colburn and Mrs. Mills 344. RURAL EDUCATION. A study of the social forces which are in­

fluencing modern American life, the best use of the local environ­ment in promoting the development of pupils, the place of elemen­tary science in rural and graded schools, the elements of Home Economics essential for the elementary teacher. Three hours. REQUIRED (EL. ED.) SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS OR SENIORS.


The teaching of music in the primary and grammar grades: Classroom management. Definite lesson plans for each grade. Discussion of the various methods in use. The psychology of school music teach­ing. Tests and measurements in music education. Observation of the music in the grades in the Burlington school system. Actual teaching of children under supervision. Students selecting this course should also take or have taken Music 1 and Music 8, unless

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exempted from the latter by examination. Three hours, REQUIRED (MUS. ED.) JUNIORS. ELECTIVE (EL. ED.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Miss Mors ton 346. EDUCATIONAL BIOLOGY. (See Botany 14 and Zoology 14.) Four

hours. Professors W. R. Adams and Rowell 347. SCHOOL AND CLASS MANAGEMENT. (See Education 13.) 348. ADVANCED COURSE IN TEACHING PROCEDURES. In this course par­

ticular consideration is given to the teaching of Reading and Arith­metic. Two hours, REQUIRED (EL. ED.) UNLESS EDUCATION 332 AND 333 ARE TAKEN.


401. PRINCIPLES OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. A study of the history, principles and problems, including early apprenticeship systems, the manual training movement, state and federal legislation and aid, and modern trends in industrial training. One hour, first semester, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) JUNIORS.

402. METHODS OF TRADE TEACHING. This course presents the relations of vocational education and the industrial arts, and special methods of teaching trade, industrial shop and related subjects. It consists of lectures, discussions and shop sessions. One hour, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

403. TRADE ANALYSIS. An analytical study of shop practice as a basis of course planning. One hour, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

404. TRADE INSTRUCTION MATERIAL. A survey of trade literature and teaching aids with emphasis on organization of the materials. Two hours, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

405. TEACHING INDUSTRIAL ARTS. A study of the organization and man­agement of the general shop or laboratory in the industries. Two hours, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

406. OBSERVATION AND PRACTICE TEACHING. This course includes observation and conference discussions, followed by supervised practice in the teaching of trade and industrial classes in the public schools of Burlington and vicinity. Three hours, second semester. REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

421. SHEET METAL AND WELDING. A practical course designed for students preparing to teach courses in trades and industries. Lab­oratory Fee $2.50 per semester. One hour, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

* For the curriculum in Industrial Education refer to the Index.

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* ENGLISH Professors Tupper, Aiken, Lindsay, Storms, Dean, Hall, f Wain-wright, Carleton, Pope; Mr. Powers, Miss Sidlivan

1. RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION. An elementary course, including criticism of the common errors of speech; study of words, sentences and paragraph construction; theme writing and study of selected literature as illustrative of the principles discussed. Two hours. REQUIRED OF ALL FRESHMEN.

Professors Aiken, Lindsay, Dean, Hall, Wainwright, Storms, Carleton and Pope; Miss Sullivan

2. HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. An outline study of the His­tory of English Literature from its beginning through the Vic­torian Period. There are required readings and reports on the more important works. Two hours, REQUIRED OF ALL SOPhom*oRES.

Professors Aiken, Lindsay, Storms, Dean, Hall, Carleton and Pope; Miss Sullivan

3. ENGLISH LITERATURE FROM 1700 TO 1900. Lectures and seminars upon the poets and important literary movements from the Restora­tion through the Victorian age. The course includes a series of lectures upon the history and principles of English versification. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

6 . SHAKSPERE AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES. A study of Elizabethan drama by lectures and collateral reading with literary study and textual interpretation of selected plays of Shakspere. Three hours. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

(1939-1940) Professor Tupper (1940-1941) Professor Pope

7. AMERICAN LITERATURE. A general survey of American prose and poetry from the Colonial period to the present time with lectures, reports and collateral reading. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Lindsay

8. ARGUMENTATION. An outline study of the elements of Argu­mentation with class discussions and practice in brief writing. One hour, ELECTIVE. Mr. Powers

* A major in this department must include credit for English 1, English 2, English 26 and 27. In addition, courses aggregating at least 16 semester hours will be required. Not more than one course in advanced composition may be counted. Four semester hours of credit in Latin 11 or Latin 16 may be counted toward the 16 elective hours.

f Absent on leave.

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9. THE ENGLISH NOVEL. A critical study of masterpieces of English fiction to the nineteenth century. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

10. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY NOVEL. A critical study of selected novels of the nineteenth century. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

Professor Tup per 11. POETRY OF THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. Lectures and textual study

of selected passages from the more important works of Spenser, Milton and their contemporaries. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

12. A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH ESSAY. ...The beginning and develop­ment of the English essay to the present day, with a study of the leading essayists. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Aiken

13. FORMS OF PRESENT-DAY LITERATURE. A study of English poetry, novel and short story with particular reference to contemporary movements and writers. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professors Aiken, Carleton and Lindsay

14. MODERN DRAMA. The origin and development of American drama with a study of leading European dramatists. The course includes readings of representative plays, the new art of drama and the theatre. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Tupper

15. JOURNALISM. A study of the principles and practices of news writing, with daily assignments and discussions that cover the different phases of reportorial and editorial work and the various types of special writing such as department material, correspond­ence, interviews and feature stories. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Dean

16. SOPhom*oRE COMPOSITION. A course planned to introduce second-year students particularly interested in writing to the different forms of creative work. One hour, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Dean

19. INTRODUCTION TO POETICS. An elementary study of the general problems of aesthetics as related to poetry, the forms and char­acteristics of poetry. Special attention is given to the lyric. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

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20. WORDSWORTH AND COLERIDGE. A study of the life, character and work of William Wordsworth and of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Gen­eral class discussion of assigned reading and individual study of selected topics, the results of which are presented before the class. This course may be supplemented by English 30. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alter­nate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Lindsay.

21. BIOGRAPHY AS A TYPE OF LITERATURE. The growth of biography as a literary type will be studied; some of the significant writers in this field will be considered, with especial emphasis on present-day English and American biographers. There will be lectures on theory and practice with conferences on problems assigned to the class. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Hall 22. VICTORIAN LITERATURE. A study of the lives, works (except the

novel), and intellectual backgrounds of the major writers of the era by lectures, reports and discussions. The first semester is de­voted to the prose masters, such as Macaulay, Carlyle, Ruskin, Arnold, Huxley, Pater and Stevenson; the second, to the chief poets, such as Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Morris, Swinburne and Rossetti. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Wainwright 23. BIBLICAL LITERATURE. An introduction to the literature of the

Bible. A consideration of the value and appeal of the Book as an English classic, preceded by a brief review of its historical develop­ment. Lectures, reports, class readings. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Hall

24. SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION. The Old Norse civi­lization and literature including the Elder Edda and the Sagas fol­lowed by a study of the principal Scandinavian authors of the nine­teenth and twentieth centuries. Lectures on those periods not covered by adequate translation. Students will be assigned definite problems for research. (This course is not to be included as a part of any required major.) Two hours, second, semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Carleton

25 . HISTORY AND PRINCIPLES OF CRITICISM. A comparative study of the more important critical writings, past and present, considered as contributions to the theory of literature and as aids to inter­pretation of literary works. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

Professor Lindsay

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2 6 . JUNIOR READING. Reports or tests on reading from a list of books selected by the Department. One semester hour, REQUIRED (CL., L. S., S. S., G. S., ED.) JUNIORS.

27. SENIOR READING. Individual reading assignments and reports. One semester hour, REQUIRED OF SENIORS MAJORING IN ENGLISH.

28. AMERICAN LITERATURE FROM 1865 To 1914. A study of the rise of realism and the growth of regionalism. Lectures, group reports, and subjects assigned for special investigation. Two hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: ENGLISH 7. Professor Carleton

30. THE REVOLUTIONARY POETS. The lives, characters, and works of Byron, Shelley and Keats. Lectures and general class discussion of assigned reading in their poems and letters, collateral reading in the subject and individual reports on selected topics. This course is supplementary to English 20. Two hours, second semester. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Pope

104. ANGLO SAXON. Training in early linguistic forms and in the de­velopment of English. The course includes a literary study of Anglo-Saxon prose and poetry. Text, Smith, Old English Grammar. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

105. CHAUCER. A continuation of English 104 with further training in linguistic development. The course includes a study of Chaucer's poetry and collateral readings in the work of his contemporaries. Two hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: ENGLISH 104. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941. Professor Tup per

10 6 . TYPES OF MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. An introduction to the study of literary forms, including history, legend, romance, allegory, lyric, and the drama in the Middle English period. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alter­nate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Tupper

116. ADVANCED COMPOSITION. This course is recommended to those who wish to teach English, and for others who wish practice in writing. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Lindsay 117. SHORT STORY WRITING. An advanced course in short story tech­

nique for students having the necessary qualifications. A study of the technical methods and devices employed in contemporary

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short story writing, readings, assignments and classroom criticism. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

I I S . MAGAZINE JOURNALISM. A companion course to that in Short Story Writing. The same program of laboratory work, class dis­cussion and reading employed. Consideration given to such phases of magazine writing as articles, book reviews, editorials, interviews, departments, and features. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Dean

* FORESTRY Professor Adams

1. GENERAL FORESTRY. A synoptical course covering the general principles of forestry and its relation to the broad subject of con­servation. An introduction to the profession of forestry touching on the important subjects of silviculture, management, lumbering, utilization and technology, including nursery practice. The iden­tification and characteristics of trees and the common woods. Text­book, lectures, laboratory and field work. Laboratory Fee $2.50 for the first semester only. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS AND OTHERS BY SPECIAL PERMISSION.

2. WOODLOT FORESTRY. (See Department of Forestry in the College of Agriculture.)

3. MENSURATION AND MANAGEMENT. (See Department of Forestry in the College of Agriculture.)

5. LUMBER INDUSTRY. A study of the methods and costs of logging, milling and marketing of lumber and lumber products. Text-book, lectures, inspection trips. Three hours, second semester, PRE­REQUISITE: FORESTRY 1 OR 2.

6. SILVICS. A study of the climatic, physiographic and biotic factors in their individual and collective effect on the growth of trees. Consideration of the physiology of trees in response to their envi­ronment. The course is devised to apply both in horticulture and silviculture. Research methods. Three hours, first semester; re­peated second semester, PREREQUISITE: FORESTRY 1 OR 2, OR BOTANY 4.

FRENCH For courses in French see Romance Languages.

* For other courses in Forestry refer to the Index,

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* GEOLOGY Professors Jacobs and Doll; Miss Carleton

1. INTRODUCTORY GEOLOGY. A lecture and laboratory course in de­terminative mineralogy, including elements of crystallography and elementary geology, serving as an introduction to geologic science. Laboratory Fee $2.JO per semester. Four hours (two two-hour laboratory periods, one lecture, and one recitation.) ELECTIVE TO ALL CLASSES. DESIRABLE PREREQUISITE: CHEMISTRY 1,21, 22 OR 23.

Professor Doll 2. PHYSIOGRAPHY. A course designed to give the student a broad

acquaintance with the surficial features of the earth, as well as an elementary understanding of the universe in which he lives. It includes in the first semester the elementary principles and facts of astronomy, the composition and action of the atmosphere and the ocean, the principles of meteorology and some aspects of clima­tology. During the second semester the relief features of the earth, their classification, description and human significance are consid­ered, particular emphasis being placed on the physiographic divisions of the United States and Europe. Some attention is given to the economic aspects of the subject. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Jacobs

3. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY. This course begins with a study of the ore and rock-making minerals, followed by a consideration of the more common rocks, their mineral composition, occurrence, and genesis. Then comes the usual treatment of structural and dynamic geology and stratigraphy. Stress is laid on those aspects of the subject most useful to engineers. Ries and Watson's Engineering Geology is used as a text and it is supplemented by illustrated lec­tures, map work, and occasional field trips. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester. (One laboratory period and two single hours per week.) REQUIRED (C. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS, PREREQUISITES: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21, AND PHYSICS 1. Professor Jacobs

4. GENERAL AND HISTORICAL GEOLOGY. In the first semester a lecture, laboratory, and field course in structural geology, during which observations made in the field are discussed and supplemented by work in the laboratory. Weekly field trips, carried on as late as

* The courses in Geology are arranged to meet the needs of two classes of students: (1) Those desiring a general knowledge of the subject, as part of a liberal education; and (2) those wishing to specialize in it during the undergraduate years in preparation for possible graduate study. For the former courses 1, 2 and 4 are suggested; for the latter, all courses except 3 and 5 are recommended. Only course 1 is open to freshmen.

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the season permits, to the many and varied points of geological interest within easy motoring distance of the University serve to stress the practical aspect of the subject. In the second semester a course is given in Historical Geology, supplemented by laboratory work in palaeontology and by several field trips to fossil localities. The course serves to present to the student a brief outline of the geological history of the earth and its past inhabitants. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours. (Two laboratory or field periods and one lecture per week for the year.) ELECTIVE TO SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Doll

5. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY. This course, a continuation of Geology 3, presents the modern conceptions of the earth: its probable origin, its internal condition as revealed by the seismograph, and other considerations of value to students having a scientific background. A somewhat brief consideration of historical geology closes the year. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (CH.) JUNIORS, ELEC­TIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITE: MINERALOGY 1 OR GEOLOGY 3.


study is made first of mineral thin sections, oriented or otherwise, and then of minerals and their associations as they occur in rocks. Quite a large collection of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and rock sections is available for the work. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours. (Two laboratory periods and one lecture a week, PREREQUISITE: GEOLOGY 1, OR MINERALOGY 1. ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION. Professor Jacobs

7 . STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY. This course considers the architecture of the earth as seen in the various primary and secondary structural features, such as folds, fractures, faults, cleavage, batholithic intru­sions, etc. Attention is given to the relation of such structures to mountain building. Instruction is given by means of lectures, col­lateral reading, laboratory work and field work. Geology 4 and Geology 8 are suggested as supplements to this course. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester. (Two laboratory periods and one lecture a week.) PREREQUISITE: GEOLOGY 1. Professor Doll

8. ADVANCED STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester. (Two laboratory periods and one lecture a week.) PREREQUISITES: GEOLOGY 1 AND GEOLOGY 7. Professor Doll

108. ADVANCED SEMINAR. The department offers this laboratory seminar for those who have taken Geology 1 or 2, and 4. One or more

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phases of geologic science will be studied in the library and labora­tory, with the aim of acquiring a broad acquaintance with the sub­ject. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION. Professors Jacobs and Doll

GERMAN Professors * Carpenter and Ladd; Messrs. Bickford and Blume

1. ELEMENTARY COURSE. A course in grammar, pronunciation, trans­lation, composition, dictation and oral practice, for students pre­senting less than two years of entrance German. Students taking this course must continue with German 2 the following year. (See also German 11.) Three hours, ELECTIVE TO FRESHMEN, SOPHO­MORES AND JUNIORS. Professor Ladd; Messrs. Bickford and Blume

2. INTERMEDIATE COURSE. In this course emphasis is placed on the attainment of reading ability through the intensive and extensive reading of modern short stories, novels, plays and material con­taining information about the geography and history of Germany. Particular stress is placed on the acquisition of a basic vocabulary necessary for reading German works in any special field. (See also German 11.) Three hours, ELECTIVE TO ALL CLASSES, PRE­REQUISITE: GERMAN 1 OR AT LEAST TWO YEARS OF PREPARATORY GERMAN. Professor Ladd; Messrs. Bickford and Blume

3. SCIENTIFIC GERMAN. A course in the reading of selected scientific works which aims not only to furnish the student a reading knowl­edge of that branch of science in which he is specializing, but also to acquaint him with the general development of scientific thought and method in his field and with the outstanding personalities who have influenced this development. In the second semester, in­dividual assignments are made along the line of each student's chief scientific interest. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO STUDENTS MAJORING IN SCIENCE, PREREQUISITE: A GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN GERMAN 2. Professor Ladd


a selection of the works of Goethe, Schiller and Lessing, and a survey of the development of German literature from the be­ginnings through the Classic period. Recitations, supplementary reading and reports are required. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PRE­REQUISITE: A GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN GERMAN 2. Mr. Blume

* Absent on leave.

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8. COMPOSITION AND CONVERSATION. A course giving practice in German composition and training in speaking the language. Free composition and oral reports on individual assignments are required. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION, THIS COURSE MAY BE TAKEN SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH GERMAN 2.

9. COMPOSITION AND CONVERSATION. A course giving practice in of German 8. By permission it may be taken independently of it for credit. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION. PREREQUISITE: A SATISFACTORY RECORD IN GERMAN 2 OR GERMAN 8.

Professor Ladd 10. GERMAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION. A survey of the develop­

ment of German literature from the earliest times presented by lectures. Representative works, selected mainly from the Classic Period and the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, are read and discussed. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. NO KNOWLEDGE OF GERMAN IS REQUIRED.

Professor Carpenter 11. ELEMENTARY-INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. This double COUTSe is the

equivalent of German 1 and German 2. The first semester is ele­mentary; the second, intermediate. Six hours, REQUIRED (CH.) FRESHMEN. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. Professor Ladd

104. GOETHE'S FAUST. A course based on class readings of Part I and portions of Part II. The sources of the poem and its influence are studied, particularly in relation to English literature and drama. There are supplementary readings assigned to various plays which deal with a similar theme. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: GERMAN 4. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

101. GERMAN LITERATURE, 1800-1850. The course includes a study of the selected works of Kleist, Grillparzer and Heine; recitations, outside reading and German reports. One hour a week is devoted to lectures and discussions on the Romantic movement and Young Germany. Three hours, second semester, PREREQUISITE: GERMAN 4. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

106. MODERN GERMAN LITERATURE. A course consisting of lectures and class discussions of the history of German literature since 18 50. The first semester and a portion of the second are devoted to a study of German drama from Hebbel to the present-day writers. The remainder of the second semester is given to rapid reading of short stories. Typical novels are assigned for outside reading. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: GERMAN 4. (Offered in alter­nate years, 1939-1940.)

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107. EARLY GERMAN LITERATURE. A survey of German literature from the earliest times to the Reformation, followed by a more detailed study of Middle High German and its principal literary monuments. This course is intended primarily for graduate students specializing in German. Two hours, ELECTIVE. Professor Carpenter

108. ADVANCED COMPOSITION AND CONVERSATION. This course aims to enable the student to speak and write German with facility. Special attention is paid to phonetics as a basis for the acquisition of a correct pronunciation. The course is recommended to those preparing to teach German. Students should consult the instructor before enrolling. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: GERMAN 4 OR 8. Professor Carpenter

109. MODERN LANGUAGE METHODS. A general course in methods for those preparing to teach any modern foreign language. After a brief historical survey of the teaching of modern languages, methods now in vogue are examined. Text-book: Cole's "Modern Foreign Languages and Their Teaching." Collateral reading in various text­books dealing in general with secondary school methods, in peri­odicals treating of modern language methods and in the publications of the American and Canadian Committees on Modern Languages. The students in the course are called upon to demonstrate various methods, and are expected to prepare a syllabus outlining suitable secondary school courses in the language of their choice. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED OF THOSE WHO WISH A RECOM­MENDATION TO TEACH GERMAN. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS WHO INTEND TO TEACH A MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE. NO KNOWLEDGE OF GERMAN IS REQUIRED.

GREEK Professors Kidder and Pooley

A. BEGINNERS' GREEK. This course is intended not only for those who wish to continue the study of Greek but also for any who desire a slight acquaintance with the langauge. It should serve as a preparation for college Greek 1. Tour hours, REQUIRED (CL.) FRESHMEN UNLESS AT LEAST TWO YEARS OF GREEK ARE PRESENTED FOR ADMISSION. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

Professors Kidder and Pooley 1. PLATO AND HOMER. The works usually read are Plato's Apology

and selections from other dialogues, as well as selections from the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. Three hours, REQUIRED (CL.). PREREQUISITE: GREEK A OR THE EQUIVALENT.

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2. GREEK DRAMA. The course includes the reading of three plays of Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes, and lectures on the Greek theatre and on the origin, evolution, and history of Attic tragedy and comedy. Three hours, REQUIRED OF ALL CLASSICAL STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ELECT LATIN 2. PREREQUISITE: GREEK 1.

103. GREEK LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION. Lectures on the development of Greek literature, its most important branches, and its chief authors (aside from the drama, for which see Greek 105). Assigned read­ings in standard translations from some of the more important writers. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, NO KNOWLEDGE OF GREEK IS REQUIRED.

101. GREEK DRAMA IN TRANSLATION. The class reads one play by each of the poets, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes. The literary art of each poet and the structure and meaning of each play are discussed, with reference both to the ancient theory of dramatic art and to the influence of Greek tragedy and comedy on modern literature and drama. One hour, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. NO KNOWLEDGE OF GREEK IS REQUIRED.

1 0 6 . ADVANCED READING COURSE. The course normally includes selec­tions from Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Other authors may be chosen, according to the needs and interests of the class. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: GREEK 2 OR 108.


108. BIBLICAL GREEK. The course includes selections from the Gospels according to Mark and according to John, the Acts of the Apostles, the Apocalypse, and some of the Pauline Epistles. Three hours. ELECTIVE. PREREQUISITE: GREEK 1.

HISTORY Professors Evans, Putnam, Pooley and Dean; Mr. Quimby

1. ANCIENT HISTORY. A brief survey of the history of the ancient Near East, the history of Greece and Rome including the cultural development of the Greek world, the expansion of the Roman Re­public and the Roman Empire. Three hours, ELECTIVE BY PER­MISSION TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. ENROLLMENT LIMITED TO THIRTY STUDENTS. Professor Pooley

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156 University of Vermont

2. MEDIEVAL EUROPE. A course in European History from the dis­ruption of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance. The principal barbarian invasions, feudalism, the rise of the Christian Church and the Papacy, the Crusades, the development of culture and the rise of national states. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Pooley

3. SURVEY OF MODERN EUROPE. An introduction to European his­tory commencing with the rise of the national state and the begin­nings of modern economic life. Three hours, REQUIRED (S. S.) FRESHMEN. ELECTIVE TO ALL CLASSES. NO CREDIT ALLOWED STU­DENTS WHO HAVE CREDIT FOR HISTORY 11 OR 12.

Professor Evans; Mr. Quimby

4 . HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA. A study of South America from the time of European discovery and settlement to the present with emphasis upon the political rise of the South American republics. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Putnam

7 . EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY. A course in American history from the discovery of the new continent to 1830 including a study of Colonial affairs, the Revolution, the Constitution, the new nation­alism and Westward Expansion. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Putnam

8. RECENT AMERICAN HISTORY. A study of the History of the United States from 1850 to the present, including the slavery controversy, the Civil War, reconstruction, national and economic development and America as a world power. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Putnam

9. HISTORY OF VERMONT. A course covering the field of state history from the Indian and colonization period to the present, based on textbook, weekly reports and classroom discussion. One hour. ELECTIVE. Professor Dean

10. HISTORY OF CANADA. A study of Canadian development from the French exploration and settlement to the present time with emphasis upon the evolution of self-government and relations with the United States. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

Professor Putnam

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The College of Arts and Sciences 157

11. EARLY MODERN HISTORY. A study of the Renaissance, the Reforma­tion and seventeenth century Europe with special attention to the economic and social history of the period. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. ProfeSSOT EvaiiS

12. EUROPE SINCE 1715. A survey of eighteenth century Europe; the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era; the age of Metternich; liberalism, nationalism, and imperialism; the World War and after. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Evans 13. CONTEMPORARY HISTORY. A study of history in the making based

upon newspaper and periodical material. The course stresses the historical background of current events and problems. Three hours, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION, PREREQUISITES: HISTORY 8 AND HISTORY 12. ENROLLMENT LIMITED TO FOURTEEN STUDENTS.

Professor Evans 14. AMERICAN HISTORY. A general survey of American history from

the early national period to the present, designed for students who intend to take only one course in the subject. Tbree hours, ELEC­TIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS, NO CREDIT ALLOWED STUDENTS WHO HAVE CREDIT FOR HISTORY 7 OR 8.

Professor Putnam

*HOME ECONOMICS Professors Terrill, Bailey and Holbrook

18. NUTRITION. A scientific study of nutrition in relation to health; composition and nutritive value of food; cost of food in relation to food value; processes of digestion and metabolism; the require­ments of the body for energy, protein, minerals and vitamins; food requirements as modified by age, sex and activity. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Bailey 23. THE FAMILY. A course dealing with the origin, development, struc­

ture and functions of the family as a sociological unit and its in­fluence in shaping social ideals and relationships in the modern world. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

24. HOME MANAGEMENT. A study of housing in relation to health with consideration of equipment, budgets and factors of wholesome home environment for all family members. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Terrill

* For the curriculum and other courses in Home Economics refer to the Index.

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158 University of Vermont

25. THE PRESCHOOL CHILD. A study of the mental, moral and emo­tional development of children from birth to six years, with special emphasis upon the social and educational significance of this period. History and theory of the Nursery School movement with oppor­tunity for observation and work with children of preschool age. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Holbrook

ITALIAN For courses in Italian see Romance Languages.

LATIN Professors Prindle, Kidder, Pooley and Andrews

1. LATIN PROSE AND POETRY. The works usually read are: Selections from Livy or Cicero; Virgil, Eclogues; Plautus or Terence, one play. Three hours, REQUIRED (CL., L. S.) FRESHMEN OR SOPhom*oRES, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS WHO HAVE PRESENTED FOUR YEARS OF LATIN FOR ENTRANCE OR HAVE COMPLETED LATIN B.

2. HORACE, CATULLUS, AND PLINY. The works usually read are: Horace, Odes and Epodes; selections from the poems of Catullus and the letters of Pliny. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: LATIN 1.

4. TACITUS. A reading of selections and a study of Tacitus as an historian and as a literary artist. Three hours, first semester, ELEC­TIVE. PREREQUISITE: LATIN 2. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940).

7. ROMAN ELEGY. Reading of selections from Tibullus, Ovid, and Propertius and consideration of the development of the elegy. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: LATIN 2. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Kidder

8. ROMAN PHILOSOPHY. Selections from the De Rerum Natura of Lucretius and from the Georgics of Virgil are studied in detail. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: LATIN 2. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Prindle


Professor Pooley

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The College of Arts and Sciences 159

*11. CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY. The course treats the more important ancient myths and their influence on English literature and on art. The work consists of lectures, assigned readings, short papers, and recitations. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS WHO HAVE SOME CLASSICAL BACKGROUND. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Prindle

12. OVID. Selections from the Metamorphoses are studied in detail. Rapid reading from other works of Ovid. Three hours, first semes­ter. ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: LATIN 2. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Prindle

*14. THE TEACHING OF LATIN. The course is conducted by means of lectures, discussions, outside readings, and papers. Among the sub­jects discussed are the place of Latin in the curriculum, the aims of Latin teaching, ways of studying vocabulary, syntax, and deriva­tives, and the selection and use of textbooks and illustrative mate­rial. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED OF ALL STUDENTS WHO WISH TO BE RECOMMENDED TO TEACH LATIN, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: LATIN 2. Professor Kidder

*16. THE LATIN AND GREEK ELEMENTS IN THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Among the topics treated are dictionaries and their use, the Indo-European family of languages, a sketch of the history of the English language, word formation, the ways in which Latin and Greek words have come into English, and the respective places of the Classical and Anglo-Saxon elements in the English vocabulary. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS, AND SENIORS, SOME KNOWLEDGE OF LATIN is REQUIRED. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Prindle

10 J. CICERO. Selections, chiefly from the Orations and the Letters, are studied in detail. Attention is given to the position of Cicero in the political and literary history of his age. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: LATIN 2. (Offered in alter­nate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Pooley

106. VIRGIL. The whole of the Aeneid is read in the original or in trans­lation. The poem is considered with reference to its structure, its

* Either Latin 11, Latin 14, or Latin 16 may be counted toward a major in Latin if one advanced reading course is also taken. Either Latin 11 or Latin 16 may be counted toward a major in English, Latin 11 may also be counted toward a major in Greek. Latin 14 may be counted as a half-course in Education if taken in conjunction with E d u c a t i o n 1 , 5 , 7 , a n d 8 .

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160 University of Vermont

literary qualities, and its position in the literature of Rome and of the world. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUI­SITE: LATIN 2. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

Professor Prindle

PREPARATORY COURSES IN LATIN LATIN A. Preparatory Latin recognized as equivalent to two units of

entrance credit. Three hours. Professor Andrews LATIN B. Preparatory Latin recognized as equivalent to the second two

units of entrance credit. Three hours. Professor Andrews Enrollment in these two courses is governed by the following regula­

tions: Students who present no Latin for entrance may receive six hours of credit toward the Bachelor's degree for each of the two preparatory courses upon completion of Latin 1. Similarly, students who present two years of Latin for entrance may receive six hours of credit for Latin B upon completion of Latin 1. Either course may be taken by those who desire additional preparation, but college credit will not be given if the equivalent in entrance credit has already been allowed. Latin A and Latin B do not count toward a major or minor in Latin. Students in the Social Science curriculum who do not present two years of Latin for entrance must remove the condition by completing Latin A, without credit toward the degree.

LITERATURE See courses under English. For courses in Comparative Literature see

German 10; Greek 103, 103; Latin 11, 16 and English 24.


Professors Swift, Frdeigh, Householder, Nicholson and Witham 1. FRESHMAN MATHEMATICS. This required course in Elementary

Mathematics includes Algebra, Plane Trigonometry in the first semester, followed by Analytic Geometry and a brief introduction to Differential Calculus. Credit: Algebra and Trigonometry, four

* Those who expect to teach Mathematics must take course 2 and should take course 4. Not all these courses will be given in any one year; those planning to take any of

courses 103, 4 and 105 should consult the instructor before the close of the year pre­ceding that in which they intend to take such course.

A major in Mathematics must include Mathematics 2. Courses 6 and 7 may not be counted toward a required major in Mathematics.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 161

semester hours; Analytics, four semester hours, REQUIRED (CH., CL., S. ED., G. S., L. S., PR. MED., S. S.) FULL YEAR AND (AG.) FIRST SEMESTER ONLY. FRESHMAN.

2. CALCULUS. A study of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Three hours. REQUIRED (CH., G. S.) SOPhom*oRES. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. PREREQUISITE: MATHEMATICS 1.


5. MODERN GEOMETRY. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: MATHEMATICS 1. (Offered in 1940-1941.)

6 . SOLID GEOMETRY. The usual theorems and constructions. Em­phasis will be placed on original exercises and on the formal pre­sentation of assigned work in class. Three hours, first semester. ELECTIVE.

7. ADVANCED ALGEBRA. A study of selected topics in Advanced Alge­bra. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE.


14. THE TEACHING OF ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY. A Course presenting the best modern practices in America and abroad in the teaching of Algebra and Geometry. It includes a discussion of such prob­lems as the position of Algebra and Geometry in the curriculum, the reorganization of subject matter and the sequence of topics, aims in teaching and a consideration of investigations that have been conducted in the teaching of secondary mathematics. This course may be counted as a half course in Education by those taking two other courses in Education. Three hours, second semester. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS WHO HAVE COMPLETED MATHE­MATICS 2. THE PREVIOUS COMPLETION OF A COURSE IN EDUCA­TION is DESIRABLE. Professor Nicholson

103. ADVANCED CALCULUS. An advanced study of Differential and Integral Calculus with an introduction, to Differential Equations. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: MATHEMATICS 2.


MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS For the courses refer to the index.

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162 University of Vermont

MINERALOGY Professors Jacobs and Doll

*1. This course aims to give familiarity with the more commonly oc­curring minerals, their composition, physical properties, crystalline form, and their importance as ores, gems, commercial products, or as constituents of rocks. Laboratory work in blow-piping, de­termination of unlabeled species, study of crystallography from models and natural crystals. Laboratory Fee $3.00. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (CH.) JUNIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS, PREREQUISITE: CHEMISTRY 1 OR 21.


Professor Bennett; Miss Marston, Mrs. Elder 1. THE APPRECIATION AND HISTORY OF MUSIC. A listener's course in

music, aiming to acquaint the student especially with the choral music of the sixteenth century, with the compositions of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and the romantic and modern composers, and with the musical customs and ideals of their times. The instruction includes lectures on the evolution of musical struc­ture and style; illustrations on the phonograph and reproducing piano; class singing of choral and operatic music; reading of musical biography, history, and criticism; and assigned work with automatic instruments. Some ability to read music and some familiarity with the common musical terms are prerequisites. Three hours, RE­QUIRED (MUS. ED.) FRESHMEN. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

3. ELEMENTARY HARMONY. The study of chords—how to arrange them effectively, how to connect them smoothly, and how to employ them to accompany a melody. Students write chords in musical notation, play them on the piano, and recognize them by ear. Melo­dies for harmonization include not only the usual text-book ex­ercises, but also folk-songs and melodies from the works of the great composers. This course presupposes a musical ear capable of recognizing any tone of the scale if the first tone be given, and the ability to read and play on the piano music at least as difficult

* Some knowledge of general Chemistry is necessary, but students of ability who have not had Chemistry may make up the deficiency without charge by spending a few hours with the instructor.

f A major in music must include Music 1, 3 and 4 or 5, the related minor being German, French, or Italian. See Index for Curriculum in Music Education.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 163

as an ordinary hymn. Three hours, REQUIRED (MUS. ED.) SOPHO­MORES. ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION.


5. COUNTERPOINT. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: MUSIC 3. Professor Bennett

8. ELEMENTARY SIGHT-SINGING. A course in sight-singing, dictation and theory, designed primarily to precede or accompany Music 3, Elementary Harmony, but may be taken separately. Two hours. REQUIRED (MUS. ED.) FRESHMEN. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

9. ADVANCED SIGHT-SINGING. Advanced training in Sight-singing, dictation and theory designed to precede or accompany Music 4, Ad­vanced Harmony, or Music 5, Counterpoint, but may be taken sep­arately. Two hours, REQUIRED (MUS. ED.) SOPhom*oRES, ELEC­TIVE TO OTHERS, PREREQUISITE: MUSIC 8. Mrs. Elder

10. SECONDARY SCHOOL MUSIC AND PRACTICE TEACHING. The psy­chology and principles of teaching applied to high school music. The course presents the organization, administration and content of the required and elective music courses in the senior high school, the project method and material for public performances, the formula­tion of courses of study including bibliography of available texts, a study of individual problems in various fields of study in public school music and observation and practice teaching. Students electing this course must have credit for or be enrolled in Music 1 and Music 8. Three hours, REQUIRED (MUS. ED.) SENIORS, ELEC­TIVE BY PERMISSION. Miss Marston

11. ORCHESTRATION AND CONDUCTING. A study of range, transposi­tion, and characteristics of instruments; elementary instrumental technique; score reading; choral and orchestral literature; arrang­ing; baton technique ami practice conducting. Three hours, RE­QUIRED (MUS. ED.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION, PRE­REQUISITE: MUSIC 3; PREFERABLY ALSO MUSIC 4.

Professor Bennett and Mrs. Elder 106. CANON AND FUGUE. Three hours, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION, PRE­



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164 University of Vermont

PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC Miss Marston and Mrs. Elder

33 5. PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. This course is designed for students in Elementary Education and others who wish to prepare to teach music in schools. Emphasis is placed upon elementary theory, appreciation through rote songs, and methods for developing the sense of rhythm and melody. Required reading. Two hours.

336. PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC 2. A continuation of the work of the first course in School Music, including part-singing and methods for developing the sense of rhythm and melody. Two hours.

345. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MUSIC METHODS AND PRACTICE TEACHING. The teaching of music in the primary and grammar grades. The topics include classroom management, definite lesson plans for each grade, discussion of the various methods in use, the psychology of school music teaching, tests and measurements in music educa­tion. Observation of the music in the grades in the Burlington school system and actual teaching of children under supervision. Students must have credit for or be enrolled in Music 1 and Music 8. Three hours, REQUIRED (MUS. ED.) JUNIORS, ELECTIVE (EL. ED.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Miss Marston


The purpose of instruction in piano, organ, violin and singing in the University is to give the student, through actual performance, a more intimate appreciation of music than can be acquired through listening alone. To perform the best musical literature demands both technical and interpretative ability. The aim of the technical instruction is not only to give the student necessary dexterity, but also to achieve a critical understanding of the principles of instrumental and vocal technique.

Students may take either one or two half-hour lessons per week. The fees for instruction and use of organ and practice piano are given elsewhere in this Catalogue.

One semester hour of credit will be given for one private lesson in piano, organ, voice or violin, under a member of the department, and five hours practice per week; and two semester hours of credit for two private lessons and ten hours practice per week, upon the recommendation of the instructor concerned and of the head of the department, and on

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condition that the instruction be accompanied or preceded by any of the following courses: Music 1, Appreciation and History of Music; Music 3, Elementary Harmony; Music 4, Advanced Harmony and Harmonic Analysis; Music 5, Counterpoint.

PHILOSOPHY Professors Gifford and Hykhuizen

1. LOGIC. The purpose of the course is the development of a critical attitude and the detection of the characteristic fallacies of thought. The study includes the general principles and conditions of right thinking, the scientific enterprise as illustrating reflective thinking at its best, the correct methods of thinking as applied to the fields of ethics, law, history, metaphysics, aesthetics and religion. Three hours, first semester, ALTERNATE REQUIREMENT WITH PSYCHOLOGY 1 (CL., G. S., L. S. AND S. S.). ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

2. ETHICS. A study of the historical development of man's moral consciousness as he rises from savagery and advances in civilization, followed by the more significant theories of the moral regulation of life. The course aims to develop an acceptable and coherent theory of personal conduct. Tbree hours, second semester, ALTER­nate REQUIREMENT WITH PSYCHOLOGY 1 (CL., G. S., L. S. AND S. S.) . ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Dykhuizen 3. SOCIAL ETHICS. The various social maladjustments which arise in

modern society are considered and there is a critical study of various practical ways of applying psychological knowledge and ethical principles to the regulation of social life in its various phases. Among the problems studied are those centering in the regulation of family life, industrial relations, voluntary associations, political activities, public health, delinquency and crime. The ideals of harmonious and progressive community and national life and of freely developed individuality are held constantly in mind and a scheme of adjustment sought. This course supplements Philoso­phy 2. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 3 OR PHILOSOPHY 2.


development of critical thinking among the Greeks are outlined and the relations of Greek to modern thought indicated. Somewhat

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detailed consideration is given the works of Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics. The more important mediasval systems are examined for the purpose of determining the chief characteristics of Scholastic Philosophy. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

5. HISTORY OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY. After an introductory study of Renaissance movements the development of philosophy from Descartes to Hegel is traced in detail. A rapid survey of nine­teenth century tendencies concludes the course. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND OF MODERN LIFE. Beginning with a study of the world-views of Plato and Aristotle, this course pre­sents the various pictures of the world which have been influential in determining the world-view of today. Special emphasis is placed upon the part played by philosophy, science, and religion as de­termining factors in the life of today. Three hours, first semester. ELECTIVE TO SENIORS. Professor Dykhuizen HISTORY OF RECENT PHILOSOPHY. A study of the more significant philosophical systems of the nineteenth century with reference to contemporary thought. Especial attention is given to Neo-Hegeli-anism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, and Neo-Realism. Selected read­ings. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS, PRE­REQUISITE: PHILOSOPHY 4 AND J.

107. PHILOSOPHICAL CRITICISM. An advanced and detailed study of some important historical system. The subject is chosen in consultation with the class. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS BY PERMISSION.

108. HISTORY AND INTERPRETATION OF RELIGION. The course first pre­sents a genetic and historical study of man's religious life. This survey of the religious beliefs and ceremonies of savagery and civilization is followed by a critical and constructive study of the higher religions. After the study of Brahmanism, Buddhism, Mazdeism, Islam and Judaism there is a final appreciation of the distinctive and essential elements of Christianity. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS.

109. METAPHYSICS. Typical theories concerning the nature of truth and the nature of reality are outlined and criticized with the intent of evoking a coherent theory of the essential character of reality and the significance of human life. Three hours, second semester. ELECTIVE TO SENIORS. Professor Gifford



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210. INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND OF MODERN LIFE. A Graduate Course based upon Randall's "Making of the Modern Mind." Required of resident candidates for the degrees, Master of Arts, and Master of Science. Three hours, first semester. Professor Dykhuizen

PHYSICAL EDUCATION For courses refer to the Index.

PHYSICS Professors Holmes and Woodward; Messrs. Rooney, Walbridge and Allen

1. GENERAL PHYSICS. An elementary study of some of the experi­mental facts and fundamental principles of mechanics, properties of matter, heat, sound, magnetism, electricity and light. The pur­poses are to train the students in the scientific method of reason­ing and to enable them to acquire a knowledge of their physical environment. A demonstration lecture is given each week for illus­trating the subject-matter of the course. Two hours are devoted to quizzes and discussions. Four hours are for laboratory work. Each student performs about sixty experiments selected to develop skill in observation, to give practice in reasoning and to furnish a more intimate knowledge of phenomena and principles. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Five hours, REQUIRED (CH., G. S., PR. MED., ENG.). ELECTIVE TO OTHERS, PREREQUISITE: MATHEMATICS 1.

Professors Flolmes and Woodward, Messrs. Rooney, Walbridge and Allen

101. MECHANICS. An intermediate course emphasizing fundamental physical principles. Topics such as the following are studied: force and Newton's laws with attention to frames of reference; statics of systems of particles and of rigid bodies; work done when the force is constant and when it is variable; the principle of virtual work; potential and kinetic energies; the principle of conservation of energy and the application of energy principles to conditions of equilibrium; equations of motion of a particle under constant forces; rotation of rigid bodies and application of the principle of con­servation of momentum. It may be possible to introduce general­ized coordinates, the principle of least action and some of the modern developments in wave mechanics and quantum theory. Lecture demonstrations are shown. No Laboratory Fee. Three

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API 1.


FRE 1.


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hours. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITES: PHYSICS 1 AND CALCULUS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

Mr. Walbridge 102. HEAT. An intermediate study of experimental results and of de

scriptive theory together with some of the practical applicatio and the significance of the development of certain phases of mod ern physics. The following topics are included: thermal expan sion; thermometry; calorimetry; theory of the conduction of hea leading to the Fourier wave equations; first and second laws thermodynamics; kinetic theory of heat; laws of radiation and in traduction to the quantum theory of radiation. Laboratory wor includes temperature measurements, heats of combustion, mechanics equivalent of heat and radiation measurements with a sensitiy thermopile. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hour ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITES: PHYSICS AND CALCULUS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

Professor Woodwax 103. SOUND. Not offered in 1939-1940.

104. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. An intermediate course in fu damental principles and their applications to electrical and magnetic equipment. The following topics are studied: magnet and electric fields; terrestrial magnetism; energy relations wi electric currents; resistance; inductance; capacitance; induced cut rents; magnetization of iron; thermo-electric effects and phenomei in evacuated tubes. In the laboratory the class applies the get eral principles to magnetic and to electrical measurements such ; current strength, potential difference, resistance, capacitance, it ductance, temperature measurements with thermocouples and tj experiments with vacuum tube circuits. Laboratory Fee $5,0| per semester. Three hotirs. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIOR! PREREQUISITES: PHYSICS 1 AND CALCULUS. (Offered in alternafl years, 1939-1940.) Professor Holms

105. X-RAYS AND ELECTRON THEORY. The lectures include the descrij tion and theory of experiments which have resulted in model conceptions of the electron and of experiments which resulted : the discovery of x-rays. Topics such as the following are co; sidered: The production of x-rays in modern tubes and the gei eral properties of x-rays; the absorption and scattering of x-raj x-ray diffraction and crystal structure and x-ray spectra with app cations to atomic structure. In the laboratory the class emp a 200 kilovolt Coolidge tube for wave length measureme'

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using a crystal spectrometer as well as for experiments on absorption and on scattering. A 60 kilovolt Coolidge tube is used for the deter­mination of crystal structures. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITES: PHYSICS 1 AND CALCULUS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

Mr. Walbridge

106. LIGHT. An intermediate course in geometrical optics, physical optics and spectroscopy. In geometrical optics the image equation for any reflecting or refracting surface and the equations in terms of cardinal planes for any centered optical system are derived. In physical optics the wave theory of light is used for the description of the phenomena of interference, diffraction and polarized light. In spectroscopy the spectral series relations are considered with their applications to modern theories of atomic structure. Labora­tory work includes experiments with combinations of lenses and of mirrors, and experiments with polarized light. The spectra of some of the elements are investigated and photographed with the Rowland grating and with various types of spectrometers. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE: PHYSICS 1. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Woodward

107. MODERN PHYSICS. A study of certain parts of physics which are either in the process of active formation or which have recently been developed. Such subjects are often classified as electron physics or atomic physics. Topics to be studied are: the conduction of electricity through gases and conclusions regarding the behaviors of atoms and of electrons; the emission of electrons from hot solids with applications to electron tubes; properties of alpha, beta and gamma rays; natural and artificial radioactivity; recently discovered parts of atoms known as neutrons and positrons; transmutation of the elements and recent work with cosmic rays. Laboratory work will include the ionization of gases by short wave radiation and by radio-active substances; measurements of resonance and ionization potentials; experiments on the photo-electric effect, radioactivity, and cosmic rays. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PHYSICS 1. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941).

Professor Holmes 108. INTERMEDIATE LABORATORY COURSE. A course for students who

have selected physics as a major or as a minor subject. The stu­dent will do more intensive experimental work on some subject

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selected in consultation with the instructor than is possible in the courses above described and the student will work without detailed guidance. The course is intended to give experience in independent work where it will be necessary for the student to study the subject without the usual classroom and lecture assistance, to plan labora­tory experiments and to prepare reports. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: ANY ONE OF THE OTHER INTERMEDIATE COURSES.

Professor Holmes

GRADUATE COURSES The general aim of the advanced courses is to start the student in the

independent study of theoretical and experimental aspects of the phe­nomena of the chosen field. The requirements include assigned readings of important scientific papers with regular conferences for discussion, an assigned topic for elementary research and a thesis upon the topic at the conclusion of the research work. These courses are open only to graduate students and may be taken only by permission of the professor in charge of the course. The Seminar is required of all graduate students. 202. ADVANCED COURSE IN SPECTROSCOPY. Professor Woodward 203. ADVANCED COURSE IN ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM.

Professor Holmes 204. SEMINAR. The members of the staff and graduate students meet

one hour each week for the study of contemporary advances in Physics, for discussion of subjects of especial interest to the members of the group and for reports on research problems currently being carried on in the department. One hour, REQUIRED OF ALL GRADU­ATE STUDENTS. Professor Holmes

POLITICAL SCIENCE Professors Mower, Carroll and Laatsch; Mr. Nuquist

1. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. A study of national, state, and local government in the United States. The aim of the course is to deal not only with the mechanism of government, but with its prac­tical operation. The first semester is devoted to the national govern­ment, and the second to state and local government. Three hours. REQUIRED (S. S., BUS., SEC., CT.) FRESHMEN OR SOPhom*oRES. ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. Professor Carroll; Mr. Nuqusit

3. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. This course deals with the funda­mental problems affecting the political relations of the states of the

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world with special attention given to such controlling factors as nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. It embraces a study of the war system, the reasons for its continuance and proposals for its abolition, and the efforts to develop an effective international organization, with special reference to the League of Nations. The foreign policies of selected states will be examined for the purpose of revealing the nature and cause of the conflict of national policies, causes of war, and present resources for international peace. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Laatsch

5. COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. A Course presenting the development, organization, and function of the political institutions of Great Britain, the self-governing dominions, and the colonies and a comparison of these institutions with the political institutions of the other leading states of the world. The influence of England in shaping the governmental institutions of other countries. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE, PRE­REQUISITE: POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. Professor Carroll

6 . COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT OF CONTINENTAL EUROPE. A Com­parative study of the organization and function of the governmental institutions of the leading states of Continental Europe. An analy­sis of the influence of these institutions in shaping those of other states. Emphasis is laid upon types of government. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: POLITICAL SCIENCE 1.

Professor Carroll

8. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. A Study of basic problems and significant developments in the field of municipal government. Subjects considered are the social and economic causes and consequences of city growth, the relation of urban government to modern civilization, the law of municipal corporations, existing forms of city government, law enforcement, police and fire pro­tection, traffic, sanitation, health protection, zoning, metropolitan planning, housing, schools, parks and present financial difficulties. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE, PREVIOUS CREDIT IN POLITICAL SCIENCE RECOMMENDED. Mr. NuqUtst

104. THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. A study of the Constitution of the United States and of its development through legislation, usage, and judicial interpretation. Particular emphasis is laid upon deci­sions of the United States Supreme Court. This course is recom­mended to students of the history and government of the United

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States, and to prospective law students. The alternating course is 114. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQ­UISITE: POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. Professor Mower

106 . FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. A study of the foreign policies of the United States, particularly territorial expan­sion, the Monroe Doctrine, the American doctrine of neutrality, Pan-Americanism, policy in the Caribbean, international arbitra­tion, the Open Door, the United States as a World Power. Three hours. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREVIOUS CREDIT IN POLITICAL SCIENCE RECOMMENDED. Professor Laatsch

107. FAR EASTERN POLITICS. A study of the races, the civilization and the political, economic and social development of the Far East. Attention is given to the activity and interests of European nations and the United States in this region and to the internal and external growth of the states located in this area. Three hours, second semes­ter. ELECTIVE. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

Mr. Nuquist

111. POLITICAL PARTIES. This course is intended to familiarize the stu­dent with the fundamental problems of popular control of govern­ment, including the nomination and election of candidates to public office, the forces which determine attitudes of the people toward public questions, non-voting, the short ballot, suffrage reform, the organization and function of political parties, etc. An effort is made to give the student fundamental principles which may be used as a basis for the solution of political problems. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE, PREVIOUS CREDIT IN POLITICAL SCIENCE RECOMMENDED. Professor Carroll

112. HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT. This course traces the develop­ment of political theories from Socrates to the theorists of the present day. An effort is made to follow particularly the origin and growth of ideas of government which are now recognized as important. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE.

Professor Carroll

114. INTERNATIONAL LAW. A study of the legal basis of international relations, including the nature and development of international law, the legal attributes, rights and obligations of states, treaties, pacific methods of settling international disputes, the law of land and naval warfare, and neutral rights and obligations. The alter­

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nating course is 104. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREVIOUS CREDIT IN POLITICAL SCIENCE RECOMMENDED. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Mower


The Federal Act of May 24, 1924, known as the Rogers Act, effective July 1, 1924, for the improvement and reorganization of the Foreign Service, provides that new appointments to the service shall be to the grade of Foreign Service Officer, unclassified, after examination, and that appointments to the higher grades shall be made from this unclassified group.

The examination under this Act is in two parts, one written and the other oral. The written examination includes the following subjects: Modern languages (either French, German, or Spanish is required); ele­ments of international, commercial, and maritime law; political and commercial geography; the natural, industrial, and commercial resources and commerce of the United States; American history, government, and institutions; history since 1850 of Europe, Latin America, and the Far East; elements of political economy; and arithmetic as used in commer­cial statistics, tariff calculations, exchange, and simple accounting. Can­didates are also rated in English, composition, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and penmanship, as shown by their replies to questions in the written examination.

The oral examination is designed to ascertain "the physical, mental, and temperamental qualifications of candidates for the proper perform­ance of the duties of the Foreign Service; their character, ability, address, judgment, and fitness, general education, culture, contemporary informa­tion, experience and business ability."

Detailed information as to the time and place of holding examina­tions, notifications to prospective candidates, etc., will be furnished by the Department of State on application.

The courses offered in this department which should be especially valu­able as a preparation for the Foreign Service examination are as follows: American Government, the American Constitution, International Rela­tions, Foreign Relations of the United States, Far Eastern Politics, and International Law.

Any other course offered in this department should be decidedly help­ful. Students who are interested should consult the heads of other depart­ments that offer courses falling within the general scope of the examina­tion to determine what additional courses offered in the University should be valuable as a preparation for the examination.

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PSYCHOLOGY Professors Metcalf, Gifford and Collier; *Dr. Riggs, Mr. Lehner

1. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY. An introductory course covering the entire field. While all branches of the subject are treated, emphasis is upon the psychology of the normal, adult human being. Three howrs. REQUIRED (EC., H. E., AND ED.). ALTERNATE REQUIRE­MENT (CL., L. S., S. S., AND G. S.). ...ELECTIVE TO OTHER SOPHO­MORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE TO OTHER COURSES IN PSYCHOLOGY. Professors Metcalf and Collier; Mr. Lehner

2. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY. Following an introduction to the simpler psychometric techniques and their special applications, there will be presented a critical review of psychological principles and ex­perimental results which may be applied to such problems as vocational guidance, personnel selections, industrial management, fatigue, salesmanship, advertising, and personal, mental and physical efficiency. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1. Professor Collier

3. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the relation of human traits and impulses to social tendencies and developments. The course will consider the various ways in which the growth and achievement of the individual are affected by the social environment and group activities; the interaction of individuals in crowds, clubs, parties and other groupings; and the manner in which individuals and smaller groups influence the life and development of communities. This course is supplemented by Philosophy 3 in the second semester. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1. Professor Gifford

4. GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY. A study of mental processes from the point of view of their development. The progress from simpler to more complex forms of behavior in animal life is studied in con­nection with the mental development of the human individual from birth to maturity. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1.

5 . ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. A study of the abnormal mental proc­esses occurring in insanity, criminality, feeble-mindedness, "shell shock," aphasia, and the relationship which these states bear to normal mental states. The views of the leading psycho-analysts will be critically considered. Three hours, second semester, ELEC­TIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1.

* Absent on leave, rns-rns. Professor Metcalf

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7. AESTHETICS. A study of the psychological aspects of the reaction of the individual to the beautiful in nature and in art. The his­tory of the subject is first considered, then modern theories and the results of experimental work in this field are discussed. An attempt is made to develop a consistent psychological interpreta­tion of the aesthetic attitude. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1. Professor Metcalf

106. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. A course in which the student is given an opportunity to perform experiments basic to the factual material of modern psychology. Emphasis is placed upon the tech­nique of experimentation and the evaluation of experimental data. Topics covered include sensory, perceptual, attentive, emotional, learning and reaction processes. Each student may conduct a special experiment of his own toward the end of the course. Three hours. (Two two-hour laboratory periods and a one-hour lecture period.) ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PSYCHOLOGY 1. Mr. Lebner


Professors >lMyrick, Deforest, Doane and Towne; Messrs. Slack and Morrissette

1. ELEMENTARY COURSE. A course in grammar, pronunciation, com­position and translation, dictations and use of the spoken language for beginners and students who present less than two years of pre­paratory French. Students taking this course must continue with French 3 the following year. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO FRESH­MEN, SOPhom*oRES AND JUNIORS. Messrs. Slack and Morrissette

3. INTERMEDIATE COURSE. A course in French Prose and Poetry, grammar, composition and translation, collateral reading, dicta­tions and conversational exercises. The class work is conducted in French. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO ALL CLASSES, PREREQUISITE: FRENCH 1 OR TWO YEARS OF PREPARATORY FRENCH.

Professor Doane; Messrs. Slack and Morrisette 4. FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. An ad­

vanced course including lectures, recitations, collateral reading, reports and assignments in advanced composition. The lectures deal with the growth of Romanticism and the reactions to Realism, Naturalism and present-day tendencies. The course is conducted

* Absent on leave.

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ROMANTIC SCHOOL TO 1900. The course consists of lectures, out­side reading and reports. The class work is conducted in French and a ready reading knowledge of French is presumed. Three hours. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE: FRENCH 4. (Rotating course offered 1939-1940.) Professor Myrick

106. FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. The Course includes readings and recitations, and a series of lectures on the development of classic literature. The influence of Society, the Academy and the Church on the French literature of this period is emphasized. The romance, poetry and drama are read and studied. Collateral readings are assigned and the reports are conducted in French. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PRE­REQUISITE: FRENCH 4. (Rotating course offered 1940-1941.)


consisting of selected readings, lectures on the growth of liberalism, the "return to nature," the drama, and the novel. Voltaire, Rous­seau and their influence on modern thought are emphasized. Col­lateral readings are assigned and the reports are conducted in French. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: FRENCH 4. (Rotating course offered 1941-1942.) Professor Doane

108. FRENCH CONVERSATION AND COMPOSITION. An advanced course in conversation including lessons in phonetics. Exercises in ad­vanced composition continue throughout the year. This course is required of those who expect to be recommended as teachers of French. Three hours, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION, PREREQUISITE: HIGH STANDING CREDIT IN FRENCH 4. Professor Doane

109. FRENCH READINGS IN THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CEN­TURIES. A course based on readings from Joinville, Commynes, Froissart, Villon, and other contemporary writers. Outside reading and reports are required. Two hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS.

10. THE FRENCH LITERATURE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. A Course based on readings from Montaigne, Rabelais, the Pleiade Poets, and other contemporary writers. Outside reading and reports are re­quired. Two hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS.

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111. OLD FRENCH. A series of lectures on Old French phonology and morphology and selected readings from the oldest texts. Three hours. ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS BY PER­MISSION. PREREQUISITE: COURSES IN ADVANCED FRENCH AND LATIN 1. Professor Myrick

112. ADVANCED COMPOSITION AND CONVERSATION. The course includes the translation into French of difficult modern English prose, free composition and subjects assigned or chosen with discussion of questions of rhetoric and style. Practice in advanced conversation continues throughout the year. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS. Professor DeForest

113. MODERN FRENCH DRAMA. Plays by Scribe, Dumas fils, Augier, Becque, Brieux, Hervieu, Lavedan, and Maeterlinck are read. The history of the modern drama in France is traced briefly, and there is outside reading on the drama. The classroom work includes written summaries of portions of the plays read, discussion of the text assigned, and lectures on dramatic technique and literary history. The course is conducted in French. Three hours, ELEC­TIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor DeForest

200. ADVANCED COURSES may be taken by graduate students, and resi­dent candidates for the degree of Master of Arts, for whom further opportunities for independent work will be provided. Qualified graduate students majoring in French may be permitted to take advanced courses in Italian or Spanish. Professor Myrick

ITALIAN Professors "'Myrick, DeForest

1. ELEMENTARY ITALIAN. A beginner's course in grammar and com­position with frequent drill in pronunciation, dictation and prac­tice in the spoken language, composition, daily reading of standard modern Italian authors. Enrollment is restricted to students who have had good standing in other language courses. Three hours. ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION.

2. ADVANCED ITALIAN. The readings in this course include Petrarca, Rime; Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata; and selected cantos from Dante's La Divina Commedia. Two hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUI­SITE: ITALIAN 1.

* Absent on leave, 1938-1939.

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178 University of Vermont

SPANISH Professors * Myrick, DeForest, Doane and Toivne; Mr. Slack

1. ELEMENTARY SPANISH. A beginner's course including grammar, composition and translation with frequent practice in pronuncia­tion, dictations, and use of the spoken language. If possible, at least a few of the more famous chapters of Cervantes' Don Quijote will be read toward the end of the year. Students taking this course must continue with Spanish 2, Three hours, ELECTIVE.

Professors Doane and Towne; Mr. Slack

2. ADVANCED SPANISH. A course consisting of readings from authors such as Becquer, Pardo Bazan, Taboada, Galdos, Pereda, Blasco-Ibanez. Advanced composition, dictation and conversational prac­tice are included. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: SPAN­ISH 1 OR THE EQUIVALENT. Professors DeForest A and T owne

103. SPANISH LITERATURE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. A Course comprising readings of selected texts illustrative of the Romantic, Realist and Naturalist schools with recitations, collateral reading, reports and advanced composition. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. PREREQUISITE: A GRADE OF NOT LESS THAN c IN SPANISH 2. Professor Towne

104. SPANISH CONVERSATION AND COMPOSITION. A course in conver­sation based on current topics and a manual, including lessons in phonetics, intonation and supplemented by training in advanced composition. The course is conducted in Spanish and is required of those who expect to be recommended to teach the subject. Three hours. ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS, SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS WHO HAVE HIGH STANDING IN SPANISH 103. Professor DeForest

105. OLD SPANISH. An introduction to Spanish literature from the be­ginnings to the end of the mediaeval period with readings from early texts. Study of the development of sounds, forms and syntax from vulgar Latin into Spanish. Two hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS. PREREQUISITES: HIGH STANDING IN AD­VANCED COUSES IN SPANISH AND LATIN 1. Professor Myrick

200. The department offers advanced courses in Old Spanish and Spanish Literature for graduate credit to resident candidates for the Master's degree. Qualified graduate students majoring in Spanish may be permitted to take advanced courses in French or Italian.

Professor Myrick * Absent on leave, 1938-1939.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 179

SOCIOLOGY Professor Gifford

1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY. The early life of man and the customs and culture achievements characteristic of the ruder levels of social life are studied the first half year. Attention is directed upon the physiographic, the social and the psychological factors which shape or modify community development and the growth of culture.

Contemporary civilization in certain of its aspects is studied the second half year. The tendencies of modern civilized society, the aims which should guide, and certain outstanding problems of regulation and control are taken up in some detail Effort is made to detect those factors and conditions upon which depend the ordered stability and the liberal life of communities and state. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SOPhom*oRES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

Professor Gifford

2. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. (See Psychology 3.)

3. SOCIAL ETHICS. (See Philosophy 3.)

SPANISH For courses in Spanish see Romance Languages.

*ZOOLOGY Professors Perkins, Moody, Rowell; Mrs. Loudon, Messrs. Levine and Perry

1. PRE-MEDICAL ZOOLOGY. A survey of the animal kingdom and the evolution of organs and systems. This course is taught with special reference to medicine as an objective and particularly as a preparation for future courses in human anatomy, histology, embryology, and physiology. Laboratory Fee $4.00. Pour hours, second semester, supplementing Botany i. REQUIRED (PR. MED.) FRESHMEN. Mr. Levine

2. GENERAL ZOOLOGY. A study of typical invertebrate and vertebrate animals to illustrate the principles of Zoology—structure, physi­ology, behavior, life history and the relation of Zoology to human

* Students who major in Zoology are required to enroll in Zoology 111 during the Senior year. For other courses in Zoology, refer to Index.

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180 University of Vermont

welfare. Laboratory Fee $4.00 per semester. Four hours, ELEC­TIVE TO ALL CLASSES.

Professors Moody, Rowell; Mrs. Loudon, Mr. Levine 5. ANIMAL ECOLOGY. A course treating of the distribution of animals

and their relations to one another and to their other environment including association, seasonal changes and behavior. The field study is supplemented by experiments, lectures and laboratory work. Laboratory Fee $2.$0 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE, PREREQUISITE: ZOOLOGY 2 OR THE EQUIVALENT. Mr. Perry

6 . COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The course is based upon dissection of vertebrate types and emphasis is placed upon the evolution of the systems of organs. The first semester is devoted to the dissection and study of the lower vertebrates; the second to mammalian anatomy. The comparative viewpoint is maintained throughout. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Four hours, ELECTIVE.

Professor Moody 7. EMBRYOLOGY. This course is an introduction to the embryology

of the mammal. It includes the different types of egg development and the significance of the steps. About one-third of the term is occupied in a study of the chick. Laboratory Fee $4.00 per semes­ter. Four hours, first semester. Repeated second semester, PRE-QUISITE: ZOOLOGY 1 OR 2 OR THE EQUIVALENT.

Professor Rowell, Mrs. Loudon 8. ENTOMOLOGY. An elementary study of insects of economic impor­

tance in Vermont with recitation, laboratory and field trips. Labo­ratory Fee $2.50. Two hours, second semester, ELECTIVE, PRE­REQUISITE: ZOOLOGY 2 OR 4 OR THE EQUIVALENT. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Mr. Levine

9. EVOLUTION. A lecture course with assigned readings on evolution, distribution, adaptation, evidences, animal behavior, origin of intelligence and habits. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

10. HEREDITY. A study of the mechanism of heredity, heritable and non-heritable characteristics, the laws of human inheritance, eugen­ics, using material gathered by the Eugenics Survey of Vermont. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

12. EUGENICS. A course of lectures and discussions of practical appli­cations of the principles of race betterment, including conservation of the family, and population problems such as migration, birth rates and racial mixtures. Recommended for general cultural

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The College of Arts and Sciences 181

education and especially to those interested in any phase of social work, including teaching. Three hours, second semester, PRE­REQUISITE: ZOOLOGY 10. Professor Perkins

13. PHYSIOLOGY. An introduction to human physiology, including a detailed study of the functions of the various systems. Demon­strations, lectures and models supplement the recitation. There is experimental work upon cold-blooded animals and microscopic study of mammalian tissues. Laboratory Fee $2.SO. Three hours, first semester. Repeated in the second semester, ELECTIVE TO ALL STUDENTS. PREREQUISITE: ZOOLOGY 1, 2 OR 3 OR THE EQUIVALENT.

Mr. Perry 14. EDUCATIONAL BIOLOGY. This course is an outline of the founda­

tions of general zoology; classification, morphology, physiology, evolution, heredity, embryology, paleontology, by lecture and read­ing and illustrations. Field trips acquaint the student with the habitat and methods of collecting the animals used. Part of the course consists of projects executed by the student. Laboratory fee for this part of the course $2.00 per semester. This course is not a preparation for advanced courses in Zoology. Two hours. (One lecture and one laboratory supplementing Botany 14.) OPEN TO EDUCATION STUDENTS ONLY. Professor Rowell

106. PRIMATE ANATOMY. A detailed dissection of the Rhesus monkey. Recommended to candidates for Senior Honors in Zoology. Labo­ratory Fee $12.50 payable in the first semester only. Two hours. ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION, PREREQUISITE: ZOOLOGY 6 OR ITS EQUIVALENT. Professor Moody



Conducted under the auspices of the Department of Zoology The Eugenics Survey, begun in 1925, is an important adjunct to

Zoology 10 and 12. The Director, with the Advisory Committee of twelve and an office staff, has made studies on various matters relating to possible means of perpetuating the best qualities inherent in the fami­lies of Vermont. Many families of all types have had pedigree charts made and several thousand index cards and case histories are on file. These are available for use by social workers and research students and

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182 University of Vermont

furnish valuable illustrative material for class work in heredity and eugenics.

Several annual reports have been published and may be had on request. The work of the past three years is described in a volume entitled "We Americans" which deals with the interracial problems of Burlington.

The office of the Survey has been closed, but the organization itself continues.

The College of Engineering

CIVIL ENGINEERING Dean EckJhard, Professors Puffer, Butterfield, Aldrich and Mr. Lynde

1. SURVEYING. By lectures, recitations and field work this course covers the theory, construction, use and adjustments of instruments; the theory of land surveying and leveling; methods of computing areas; the elements of city and topographic surveying. Pour hours, first semester (c. E.) SOPhom*oRES. Professor Aldrich

2. ROUTE SURVEYING. The principal topics presented are reconnais­sance, preliminary location, construction and maintenance surveys for railroads, highways, pipe lines, transmission lines, canals; the theory of simple, compound, and reverse curves; turn-outs, cross­overs, switches, vertical curves and the spiral easem*nt; theory and methods of computing earthwork. The instruction includes lec­tures, recitations and problem work. Four hours, second semester (c. E.) SOPhom*oRES. Professor Aldrich

3. ENGINEERING CAMP. Field practice in land and topographic sur­veying, leveling, triangulation and base-line measurement. Camp Fee $15.00. Four weeks at close of second college year; three semester hours credit (c. E.).

Professors Puffer, Aldrich and Mr. Lynde 4. GRAPHIC STATICS. The determination of the dead and live load

stresses in roof and bridge trusses by means of the application of the equilibrium polygon. Three hours, first semester (c. E.) JUNIORS. Dean Eckhard

5. BRIDGE STRESSES. The analytical determination of stresses in sim­ple framed structures under dead and live loads; the theories of deflection and least work; the history of truss development; numer­

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The College of Engineering 183

ous problems exemplify the theory. Three hours, second semester (c. B.) JUNIORS. Dean Eckbard

6 . MAPPING. Computation and plotting of the work done at Engi­neering camp. Two hours, first semester (c. E.) JUNIORS.

Professor Aldrich 7. RAILROAD ENGINEERING. A study of track and other railroad

structures, signaling, yards and terminals, the locomotive, train resistance and operation, including the economic theory of railroad location, construction and operation. Two hours, second semester. ELECTIVE (c. E.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Puffer

8. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION. A study of the manufacture, uses and properties of iron and steel, cements, concrete and other struc­tural materials. Lectures. One hour, first semester (ENG.) JUNIORS.

Professor Puffer 9. MATERIALS LABORATORY. Testing of Portland cement, aggregates,

concrete, wood and steel. Laboratory Fee $2.50. One hour, second semester (ENG.) JUNIORS. Professor Aldrich

10. ENGINEERING CAMP. Field practice in railroad and highway sur­veying. Camp Fee $15.00. Pour weeks at close of third college year (c. E.). Three semester hours credit.

Professors Puffer and Aldrich 11. SANITARY ENGINEERING. A study of water supplies, methods of

collection, storage, purification and distribution of water; relation of disease to water supply; examination of water; construction, operation and maintenance of water works. Three hours, first semester (c. E.) SENIORS. Professor Puffer

12. SANITARY ENGINEERING. A study of the methods of design, con­struction and operation of sewer systems and sewage treatment plants; the problems of disposal; the implications in relation to sani­tation and public health. Three hours, second semester (c. E.) SENIORS. Professor Puffer

13. BRIDGE DESIGN. The design of a roof truss, plate girder and rail­road truss bridge; the making of stress sheets, order and shipping bills, estimates of weight and shop drawings of the structures de­signed. Special attention is given to those points in manufacture, shop work and shipment which have a bearing on the economical design. The methods used conform to the best modern practice. A careful study is made of standard specifications. Three hours, first and second semester (c. E.) SENIORS. Dean Eckhard

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184 University of Vermont

14. MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. The design of dams, retaining walls, concrete bridges and other masonry structures by graphical and analytical methods. The instruction is given by lectures and draft­ing room work. Three hours, first semester (c. E.) SENIORS.

Professor Puffer 15. ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION. A course dealing with the founda­

tions of structures; steel, concrete and timber piles and grillages; caissons, coffer-dams, cribs and piers; river and harbor improve­ment; design and construction of canals and docks, concluding with a study of the methods of tunneling. Three hours, second semester (c. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE (M. E.) SENIORS.

Professor Puffer 1 6 . REINFORCED CONCRETE. The theory and design of reinforced con­

crete structures, the theories of beam flexure, the derivation of formulas and the design of slabs, girders, columns and special struc­tures of reinforced concrete. Two hours, first semester (c. E.) SENIORS. Mr. Lynde

18. HYDRAULICS LECTURES. A study of pressure of liquids on sub­merged surfaces; stresses in pipes; stability of floating bodies; flow through orifices, tubes, pipes and over weirs; flow in conduits, canals and natural streams; meters and water measurement; hydraulic machinery; stream discharge and water power. Three hours, first semester (ENG.) SENIORS. Professor Puffer

19. HYDRAULICS LABORATORY. An experimental and field study course in hydraulic measurements including stream flow, tests of meters and the water wheel. Laboratory Fee $2.50. One hour, first semes­ter (ENG.) SENIORS. Professor Aldrich

20. HIGHWAY ENGINEERING. A study of the general principles of de­sign, construction and maintenance of modern types of highways and street pavements, including methods of highway administra­tion and finance. Three hours, second semester (c. E.) SENIORS.

Professor Aldrich 21. WATER POWER ENGINEERING. The study of precipitation and run­

off; stream flow and storage, and their effect on power development; theory of the water wheel; power plant design and the valuation of water power. The class visits operating power plants. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE (C. E., M. E.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1938-1939.)

Professor Puffer

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Tiie College of Engineering 185

22. GEODESY. A course in practical astronomy, including the deriva­tion of the fundamental formulas of spherical trigonometry and their applications to the celestial sphere. Emphasis is placed on the determination of latitude, time and azimuth as computed from field observations made with the sextant and alt-azimuth. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO STUDENTS HAVING CREDIT IN PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Professor Butterfield

23. GEODESY. A course in the theory and field work of triangulation, trigonometric and precise leveling, base line measurements and computations. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE (C. E.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUISITE: PLANE TRIGONOMETRY.

Professor Butterfield

24. SURVEYING. A practical course in the care, use, and adjustments of surveying instruments with field work, computations, and recita­tions. Two hours, first semester (M. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE (E. E.) JUNIORS. Professor Aldrich

25. ADVANCED GEODESY. A study of the theory of least squares and problems of adjustment of observations, including position com­putations, and the derivation of geodetic formulas. Three hours. ELECTIVE (C. E.) SENIORS. Professor Butterfield

DRAWING AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY Professors Sussdorff and Lucarini; Mr. Lynde

1. MECHANICAL DRAWING. A course which includes the use of instru­ments, geometric construction, orthographic projection, freehand sketching, lettering and titles. Three hours, first semester (ENG.) FRESHMEN Professor Sussdorff; Mr. Lynde

2. MECHANICAL DRAWING. A supplementary course in engineering drawing, including auxiliary views, section views, screw threads, tracing, isometric and oblique drawings. Two hours, second semes­ter (ENG.) FRESHMEN Professor Sussdorff; Mr. Lynde

3. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. A course in the analysis and solution of problems on points, lines, planes and curved surfaces by both the direct and revolution methods of orthographic projection, including practical applications. Three hours, first semester (ENG.) SOPHO­MORES. Professor Lucarini; Mr. Lynde

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186 University of Vermont

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Professors McKee, Buchanan, Williams and Shorey

1. ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. A Study of the laws of electric and magnetic circuits and their application to Electrical Engineering. Two hours (E. E.) SOPhom*oRES.

2. DIRECT CURRENT MACHINES. A course presenting the character­istics of direct current machines. Five hours, first semester (E. E.) JUNIORS.

3. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY. A course in direct current measurements and circuits and experimental determination of the characteristics of direct current machines. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Two hours (E. E.) JUNIORS.

4. ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION. A study of the fundamental principles of communication systems. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours (E. E.) SENIORS.

5. ALTERNATING CURRENT THEORY, A mathematical and graphical analysis of current and voltage relationships in single and polyphase circuits. Five hours, second semester (E. E.) JUNIORS.

6. ELECTRICAL LABORATORY. A course in the experimental determina­tion of characteristics of alternating current circuits and machines. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Two hours (E. E.) SENIORS.

8. POWER TRANSMISSION. A study of the design, construction and operation of transmission and distribution systems. Three hours, second semester (E. E.) SENIORS.

9. POWER STATIONS. A lecture course presenting the Electrical Engi­neering features of steam, water and oil engine power plants. Three hours, second semster (E. E. AND M. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE.

10. GENERAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. A study of direct and alter­nating current circuits, including operation and maintenance of direct current and alternating current machinery presented by lec­tures, problems, laboratory and inspection trips. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours (c. E. AND M. E.) JUNIORS.

11. ELECTRONICS. A study of the theory, characteristics and engineer­ing application of electron tubes. Two hours, first semester (E. E.) SENIORS.

12. TRANSIENT PHENOMENA. A mathematical development of expres­sions of common voltage and current transients with experimental

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The College of Engineering 187

check by means of the oscillograph. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester (E. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE.

13. ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING. A study of the theory of circuits and networks used for communication systems. Labo­ratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester (E. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE.

16. SPECIAL TOPICS. Formulation and solution of theoretical and prac­tical problems dealing with electrical circuits, apparatus, machines or systems. Three hours (E. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE.

17. ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. A study of the principles of design, construction and operation of alternating current machines. Five hours, first semester; three hours, second semester (E. E.) SENIORS.

18. ELECTRONICS LABORATORY. An experimental course in the deter­mination of the characteristics of electron tubes and a study of the circuits commonly used in the application of electronic devices. Laboratory Fee $2.50. One hour, second semester (E. E.) SENIORS.

GENERAL ENGINEERING 1. ENGINEERING. An introduction to the field of engineering, includ­

ing a discussion of the types of work performed by engineers, pre­sented by lectures, demonstrations, field work and inspection trips to local industries and engineering projects. One hour, REQUIRED OF ALL FRESHMEN ENGINEERS. Professors McKee, Puffer and Taylor

2. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS. An introductory course in the prin­ciples of Economics and business organization adapted to the train­ing of engineers. Three hours (ENG.) JUNIORS. Professor Buehler

3. CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. The business and professional relations of the engineer, together with the study of engineering contracts and specifications, and the technical laws relating to their proper enforcement. Two hours, second semester (c. E. AND E. E.) SENIORS. Professor Puffer

* MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Professors Butterfield, Bullard and Millington

A. INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA AND SOLID GEOMETRY. A review course for those not sufficiently prepared for college work in Engineering Algebra and for those who do not present Solid Geometry. Fee

* The course descriptions in this department are only incomplete outlines of the actual content.

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188 University of Vermont

$10.00. Two hours, first semester (ENG.) FRESHMEN, NO DEGREE CREDIT GIVEN. Professor Millington

1. * PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The topics studied are logarithms, de­velopment and use of fundamental formulas of analytical trigo­nometry, solution of the right and oblique plane triangles and the practical applications of trigonometry. Two hours, first semester (ENG.) FRESHMEN. Professors Butter field and Millington.

2. ADVANCED ALGEBRA. The topics studied are theory of equations, determinants, permutations and combinations, probability and chance; imaginary and complex numbers; logarithmic and expo­nential equations, interest and annuities. Two hours, first semester (ENG.) FRESHMEN. Professors Butterfield and Millington

3. PLANE ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY. The topics studied are systems of coordinates and their transformations, rectilinear and polar equations of the straight line, the conic sections, and higher plane curves. Pour hours, second semester (ENG.) FRESHMEN.


CALCULUS. The topics include the study of planes, lines and quad-ric surfaces in solid analytic geometry, and the derivatives of algebraic functions and their application in calculus. Two hours, second semester (ENG.) FRESHMEN.

Professors Butterfield and Millington 5. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. In Differential and

Integral Calculus the topics included are rates, maxima and minima, series, expansion of functions, indeterminate forms, partial and total derivatives; the standard forms of integration and their application to engineering and physical problems, in obtaining areas, surfaces, volumes, centroids, and moments of inertia. Three hours, each semester (ENG.) SOPhom*oRES. Professors Butterfield and Millington

6. THEORETICAL MECHANICS (STATICS). The course includes a study of fundamental concepts, the resultant of a force system by graphical and analytical methods, conditions of equilibrium and the applica­tions to cranes, trusses and flexible cables, followed by centers of gravity and moments of inertia. Three hours, second semester (ENG.) SOPhom*oRES, PREREQUISITE: DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS.

Professor Bullard 7. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. The course includes a study of the be­

havior of elastic bodies, with particular attention to the beam, shaft * For course in Spherical Trigonometry, see Civil Engineering 22 (Geodesy).

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The College of Engineering 189

and column, including simple stress and strain, combined stresses, the elastic curve, and strain energy. Three hours, first smester (ENG.) JUNIORS. Professor Bullard

8. THEORETICAL MECHANICS (KINETICS). The course is a continua­tion of Statics treating the equations of motion of a body under the action of a force system, the principles of work and energy, impulse and momentum. Three hours, second semester (ENG.) JUNIORS.

Professor Bullard 104. ADVANCED MATHEMATICS. This course is arranged to give special

work in mathematics to those engineers who desire to study the application of mathematics to particular subjects as in diiferential equations or advanced calculus or advanced mechanics and may in­clude advanced geodesy and the theory of least squares. Three hours, each semester, JUNIORS AND SENIORS ELECTIVE.

Professors Butterfield and Bullard

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Professors Taylor, Sussdorff and Lucarini; Messrs. Batchelder and Lynde

1. HEAT POWER ENGINEERING. This course comprises a study of the construction and operation of steam equipment, such as boilers, engines, turbines, stokers, and of internal combustion engines, together with the numerous auxiliaries and instruments used in connection with this equipment. Three hours, first semester. (M. E.) JUNIORS. Professors Taylor and Lucarini

2. THERMODYNAMICS. A study of the laws and principles underlying conversion of heat into mechanical work. Lectures, recitations and problems. Three hours, second semester (M. E.) JUNIORS.

Professors Taylor and Lucarini 3. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. A study of the theory, design, prac­

tice and economy of steam and internal combustion engines, turbines and mechanical refrigeration. Three hours, first semester (M. E.) SENIORS. Professor Taylor

4. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. A course in industrial organization, including a study of the Taylor methods of machine shop manage­ment and an investigation of the relationships of labor and capital. Three hours, second semester (M. E.) SENIORS. Professor Taylor

5. MACHINE DESIGN. A course in the application of the principles of mechanics and materials of construction to the solution of prob­lems in the design of machines. Three hours (M. E.) SENIORS.

Professor Sussdorff

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190 University of Vermont

6. STEAM ENGINEERING LABORATORY. An experimental course in the calibration of measuring instruments and the efficiency of steam engines, the air compressor and the steam pump. Laboratory Fee $7.50. Three hours, first semester (M. E.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE

7. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY. An experimental course in efficiency tests and measurements of gasoline engines, air blowers and the steam boiler. Laboratory Fee $7.50. Three hours, second

8. HEATING AND VENTILATING. A study of the design and applica­tion of warm air, steam and hot water heating systems as used in domestic and commercial installations and modern automatic plants using gas, oil and coal fuels. In the second semester, a study of ventilation, including the design and operation of modern air con­ditioning equipment for humidification, washing, drying, heating and cooling of air used in the ventilation of buildings. Three hours. ELECTIVE (M. E.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Taylor

9. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. This course is an analytical study of the mixture type of internal combustion engine. There is an examination of the design features of the automotive, sta­tionary, marine and aviation types of engines in order to determine the effect of basic design of fixed and moving parts upon engine performance, including a detailed study of manner in which the actual engine design may be related to theoretical Otto Cycle for highest efficiency. In the second semester the course is a study of the Diesel or injection type engine, its theory, design, performance and applications for automotive railroad and marine engineering. Three hours, ELECTIVE (M. E.) JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Lucarini

10. MACHINE DRAWING. A study of shape and size descriptions of machine parts, including fits and limits. Detail working drawings, assembly drawings, jigs and fixtures. Two hours, first semester (M. E. AND E. E.) SOPhom*oRES. Professor Lucarini; Mr. Lynde

11. MECHANISM. The study and solution of mechanism problems by analytical and drafting methods. Motion, parallel-motion mechan­isms, cams, linked mechanisms, friction and toothed gearing and gear trains. Two hours, second semester (M. E.) SOPhom*oRES.

(E. E.) SENIORS. Professor Taylor

semester (M. E.) SENIORS. Professor Taylor

Professor Lucarini; Mr. Lynde

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12. HEAT POWER ENGINEERING. An abridged course covering the essentials of courses 1, 2 and 3 above. Three hours (E. E.) JUNIORS.

Professor Taylor 13. ENGINEERING DRAWING. A course in the design of elementary ma­

chine parts with problems involving the application of mechanics and mechanism. Three hours (M. E.) JUNIORS. Professor Sussdorff

SHOP PRACTICE 1. PATTERN MAKING. A course designed to give students such

knowledge of the principles and methods underlying the produc­tion of castings, as is necessary in the execution of drawing and design work. The instruction includes lectures, recitations, con­struction of patterns and visits to commercial foundries. Labo­ratory Fee $3.00 per semester. Two hours (M. E.) SOPhom*oRES.

Professor Lucarini 2. FORGING. A course designed to give practice in working iron and

steel, including bending, shaping, and welding; demonstration and practical work in the hardening, tempering and heat treating of steel and the selection of proper materials for different kinds of work. Fee $2.50 for each laboratory hour. Two hours, first semes­ter (M. E.) JUNIORS; one hour, first semester (E. E.) JUNIORS.

Mr. Batchelder 3. CHIPPING, FILING, AND LATHE-WORK. This course includes prac­

tical work in the use of hand tools with an introduction to the use of the lathe, and other machine shop equipment. Fee $2.50 for each laboratory hour. Two hours, second semester (M. E.) JUNIORS; one hour, second semester (E. E.) JUNIORS.

Mr. Batchelder 4. MACHINE TOOL SHOP. A course prepared to give the student

sufficient knowledge of the use of machines to meet the require­ments of beginners in general machine shop practice. Its main object is to reduce as much as possible the time required to bring a student with no previous shop experience to the point where he is able to do some real work in milling, shaping, grinding and turning. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Three hours (M. E.) SENIORS. Mr. Batchelder

21. SHEET METAL AND WELDING. A practical course designed for stu­dents preparing to teach courses in trade and industrial education. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. One hour, REQUIRED (IND. ED.) SENIORS.

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The College of Agriculture


'''Professor Miller; Messrs. Dunklee and Doan 1. SOILS AND SOIL MANAGEMENT. A study of the physiography, phys­

ics, chemistry and biology of soils. The instruction includes reci­tations, lectures, supplementary reading, laboratory and field work. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, REQUIRED (AG.) JUNIORS. FIELD CROPS. A course of recitations, lectures, supplementary read­ing, laboratory and field work concerning cereals, hay and pasture grasses, legumes, forage, fiber, money and special crops; market grades, judging and identification. No laboratory fee. Three hours, first semster. REQUIRED (AG.) SOPhom*oRES. ADVANCED FIELD CROPS. Field inspections of farms practicing improved pasture and crop programs and a study of questions re­ceived from farmers relative to crops, crop sequences, rotation and field plot technique. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (P. I.) ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) AGRONOMY SEMINAR. An advanced course consisting of reference reading, field studies and laboratory. Two or more hours, ELEC­TIVE TO JUNIORS, SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS.

ANIMAL AND DAIRY HUSBANDRY Professors Ellenberger, Campbell, '''Newlander and Herreid

1. STOCK FEEDING. A course in the principles of animal husbandry and of animal nutrition, including roughages and concentrates, ration formulation and feeding practice. The instruction is by lectures, recitations and laboratory. No Laboratory Fee. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SOPhom*oRES.

Professors Ellenberger and Newlander 3. LIVE STOCK. A course in breeds and stock judging with recitations,

lectures and scoring practice. Two hours, first semester and three hours second semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SOPhom*oRES.

* Absent on leave.



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5. ADVANCED STOCK JUDGING. Field work at breeding establishments with advanced study of types and strains, competitive judging, par­ticularly of dairy cattle. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (D. P.) JUNIORS.

6 . DAIRY HERD MANAGEMENT. A course in herd improvement and management, emphasizing economic production, records, barn prac­tice and marketing. The course includes lectures, recitations and laboratory. No Laboratory Fee. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (D. P.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

7. HORSE, SHEEP AND SWINE MANAGEMENT. A course including lectures, recitations and laboratory in this branch of livestock management, including records, economic production, barn prac­tice and marketing. No Laboratory Fee. Three hours, first semes­ter. REQUIRED (D. P.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor Campbell

8. DAIRY CHEMISTRY. A study of the chemical composition of dairy products taught by lectures, recitations and laboratory. The labo­ratory work includes sampling, analysis and the detection of adul­terations. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester. REQUIRED (D. M.) SOPhom*oRES.

9. DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY. A study of the relation of micro-organisms to milk and milk products and the methods of examination and control presented by lectures, recitation and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (D. M.) SOPhom*oRES. Professor Newlander

10. DAIRY MANUFACTURES 1. A course in general dairying, with lec­tures, recitations and laboratory study, including the secretion, physical properties and the care and handling of milk, Babco*ck testing and manufactured milk products. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (AG.) FRESHMEN.

11. DAIRY MANUFACTURES 2. The theory and practice of condensing and powdering of milk and of butter making with instruction by lecture, recitation and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (D. P.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

12. DAIRY MANUFACTURES 3. A study of the principles and practice of cheese and casein manufacture given by lecture, recitation and

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194 University of Vermont

laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (D. P.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

13. DAIRY MANUFACTURES 4. A course of lectures, recitations and labo­ratory work in market milk with emphasis on sanitary production, processing and the problems of marketing. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (D. M.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

14. DAIRY MANUFACTURES 5. A course in the manufacture of ice cream, including the ingredients, theory and practice of processing and a study of manufacturing and distribution. The instruction includes lectures, recitations and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (D. M.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.) Professor Herreid

15. JUDGING DAIRY PRODUCTS. A lecture and laboratory course pre­senting the quality, criteria and market standards of dairy products with practical experience in scoring and judging. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (D. M.) JUNIORS.

Professors Newlander and Herreid

116. SPECIAL INVESTIGATION. Special advanced work for qualified stu­dents. Two or more hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS.

Professors Ellenberger, Campbell, Newlander and Herreid

18. DAIRY PLANT OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT. Credit One hour. Two weeks of supervised practice in commercial plants prior to Senior year, REQUIRED (D. M.) Professor Herreid


Mr. Leggett 1. POULTRY HUSBANDRY 1. A general course covering equipment,

breeding, feeding, incubation, brooding, culling, diseases, manage­ment, and marketing. Lectures, recitations, laboratory. Labora­tory Fee $2.50 per semster. Three hours, second semester, RE­QUIRED (P. i., D. p., D. M.) JUNIORS.

103. POULTRY HUSBANDRY SEMINAR. Special advanced work; project work under supervision. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS.

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1. FARM MANAGEMENT. The principles and problems of farm organi­zation and management with emphasis on types, accounting, and the factors contributing to successful business operation. The course includes lectures, discussions and laboratory work. Labora­tory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, REQUIRED (AG.) SENIORS.

2. MARKETING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. The economic factors in­volved in marketing of the major products of Vermont farms, par-ticulary the geography of production and interregional competition, areas of distribution, marketing agencies, methods and costs, sales and price policies, and public regulation presented by lectures, dis­cussions and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SENIORS.

3. AGRICULTURAL COOPERATION AND CREDIT. A study of the de­velopment, legal aspects, membership relations, organization, financ­ing and management of farmers' business associations, cooperative and other agencies supplying agricultural credit, including the cost, repayment and use of credit. The course includes lectures, discussions and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

4. PUBLIC PROBLEMS OF AGRICULTURE. The nature and consequences of fluctuations in farm and other prices, including fixed and variable costs of farming, private and public indebtedness, the tax burden, organization and operation of local government. The course con­sists of lectures, discussions and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Professors Sheldon and Douglass; Messrs. Martin and Wright

1. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION. (See Education 1.) Professor Douglass 2. TEACHING AGRICULTURE 1, A basic course in methods, designed

to give prospective agriculture teachers opportunity to survey the field, study their personal fitness for a teaching career, and gain preparation necessary for doing observation and practice teaching at an early date. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG.) JUNIORS.

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3. TEACHING AGRICULTURE 2. A supplementary course in methods, continuing the work of Agricultural Education 2, and giving special attention to the philosophy and psychology underlying agri­culture teaching. The units of study include course construction, lesson planning and job analysis. Three hours., first semester. REQUIRED (TCH. AG.) SENIORS.

4. TEACHING AGRICULTURE 3. A course in methods related to part-time and evening-school teaching and advising Future Farmer of America chapters. Part-time and evening-school units include, locating class members, determining needs of out-of-school youth, planning programs, selecting effective teaching methods. Future Farmer units includes study of purposes, chapter organization, program building, conduct of meetings. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG.) SENIORS.

5. TEACHING AGRICULTURE 4. A course in observation and student teaching of high school classes under supervision. Three weeks during either semester. Three credit hours, REQUIRED (TCH. AG.).

Professor Sheldon; Mr. Martin 6 . HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. See Education 6 .

Professor Douglass 10. TEACHING OF FARM SHOP. A special methods course including

objectives, course construction, lesson planning, shop management, selection and arrangement of shop equipment, and instruction in wood, concrete, metal, leather working skills. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Three hours, second semester, SENIORS. Mr. Wright


1. FARM MECHANICS. A course of practical training in farm engi­neering and mechanics including gasoline engines and power trans­mission, forge work, farm structures and concrete, leveling and drainage, farm water supply and sewage disposal, with a study of current problems in general agricultural engineering. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SENIORS.

2. ELECTRICITY IN HOME AND FARM. A study of the principles and practice of the safe and efficient use of electrical energy, including motors, generators, wiring codes and household and farm appliances. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

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culture has played in the general economic and cultural life of man­kind. Special emphasis is placed on current trends in agriculture and their effects on the life of today. Three hours, second semester.

Professors Burns, Lutman, Dole, Adams and Gershoy; Miss Stone, Messrs. Dodd and Ratledge

3. GENERAL BOTANY. A study of the morphology, anatomy, physiology and classification of higher plants given by lectures, recitations and laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours (AG.) FRESHMEN. Professor Adams; Mr. Ratledge

4. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. An experimental study of the nutrition of higher plants including problems of irritability and response. The course includes lectures, recitations, related readings, laboratory, field and greenhouse work. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, REQUIRED (P. I.) SOPhom*oRES, PREREQUISITE: BOTANY 2 OR 3. Professor Burns

5. GENERAL BOTANY. A study of the morphology, anatomy, physi­ology and classification of higher plants, with lectures, recitations, laboratory and greenhouse work. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Four hours, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN.

6 . PLANT MORPHOLOGY. A study of plant types, representative of each of the larger phylogenetic groups, with special emphasis on the evolutionary development of vegetative and reproductive structures, the adaptation of the plant to its environment, life cycles and an introduction to the phylogenetic system of classification. The in­struction includes lectures, recitations, laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Professor Dole

7. EMBRYOLOGY OF SEED PLANTS. In this course special emphasis is placed on morphogenesis, reproduction and heredity and the diverse types of the spermatophytes. There are lectures, recitations, labo­ratory and greenhouse work. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS, PREREQUI­SITES BOTANY 2 OR 3 AND 10. Professor Gershoy

* For other courses in Botany refer to Index.



Professor Dykhuizen

Miss Stone

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10. PLANT PATHOLOGY. A study of the healthy plant, and the con­ditions producing disease. The course considers insect-produced diseases, bacteria and fungi, fungicides and their action. There are lectures, recitations, laboratory work. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester. REQUIRED (P. I.) SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS.

11. GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY. A study of bacteria in soil, water and air; morphology classification and requirements. The course con­sists of lectures, recitations, laboratory. Laboratory Fee $5.00. hour hours, first semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SOPhom*oRES.

Professor Lutman 13. HOUSEHOLD MICROBIOLOGY. A study of bacteria, yeast and molds

in relation to home sanitation and to food preservation. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS.

Miss Stone 108. CURRENT LITERATURE IN BOTANY. A review of important papers

and books. One hour, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS. 109. SPECIAL INVESTIGATION. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Num­

ber of hours to be arranged, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS BY PERMISSION. Professors Burns and Lutman

115. ADVANCED SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Laboratory Fee to be determined annually Three hours, ELECTIVE BY PERMISSION. Professor Dole

* CHEMISTRY Professor Willmarth; Dr. Crooks, Miss Ait ken

15. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. A study of fundamentals of organic chemistry in special relation to agriculture, presented by lectures, recitations, laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (AG.) SOPhom*oRES. Professor Willmarth

19. OUTLINES OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Introduction to the principal classes of organic compounds with special emphasis on the com­position of foods and their related groups. The course includes lectures, recitations, laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SOPhom*oRES.

Professor Willmarth; Dr. Crooks 20. CHEMISTRY OF FOODS, A general discussion of foodstuffs with

chemical analyses of milk, edible fats and oils, carbohydrate foods, proteins, and tests for preservatives and adulterants. The instruc-

* For other courses in Chemistry, refer to Index.

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tion includes lectures, recitations, laboratory. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second, semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SOPHO­MORES. Professor Willmarth

22. GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. A course in general inorganic chemistry, with a brief introduction to organic compounds pre­sented by lectures, recitations, laboratory. The teaching is related to professional preparation in Home Economics. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Five hours, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN.

Professor Willmarth; Miss Ait ken 23. GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. An introductory course in Inor­

ganic Chemistry with special emphasis to its relation to agriculture. The work includes lectures, recitations and laboratory training. Laboratory Fee $7.50 per semester. Four hours, REQUIRED (AG.) FRESHMEN. Dr. CrookS

24. BIOCHEMISTRY. The elements of biochemistry including the chem­istry of digestion and a study of the bile and other digestive fluids. The laboratory work includes qualitative and quantitative analyses of blood and urine and determinations of hydrogen ion concentra­tion. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Three hours, first semester, ELEC­TIVE (H. E.) SENIORS. Professor Willmarth

FORESTRY Professor Adams

2. WOODLOT FORESTRY. A study of the theory and practice of silvi­culture, nursery management, natural and artificial regeneration, and the identification and classification of economic woods. The course includes text assignments, lectures and field work. Three hours, REQUIRED (TCH. AG., P. I., D. P., AGL. ECON.) JUNIORS.

3. MENSURATION. A course dealing with the principles and prac­tices in land surveying and timber estimation, including a study of growth and yield with application to forest and good lot con­ditions. The instruction is by text assignment, lectures and field work. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE TO JUNIORS AND SENIORS.

7. BIOLOGICAL STATISTICS. A study of the application of the statis­tical method to the analysis of biological data with special reference to agriculure and forestry, including methods of sampling and testing samples, the application of statistical constants and the interpretation of data. The instruction is by lectures and text assignments. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE.

For other courses in Forestry refer to Index.

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GENETICS Professors Cummings and Campbell

1. GENETICS. A course of studies in the principles of plant and animal improvement, origin of species and varieties, heredity, evolution, selection, hybridization, sterility and fecundity and the principles of breeding. The instruction includes lectures, text and reference readings and laboratory technique. Laboratory Fee $2.00. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (D. P., P. I.) JUNIORS.

*HOME ECONOMICS Professors Terrill, Lake, Bailey, Burwash, Fairbanks and Hol-brook; Dr. Emelie Perkins; Misses Rawson and LeBaron

1. SURVEY. An introduction to the development, aims and scope of Home Economics as a profession. One hour, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN. Professor Terrill

2. PRINCIPLES OF SELECTION AND PREPARATION OF FOOD. A labo­ratory course in the composition of foods, the changes effected in food preparation, especially by application of heat with emphasis upon correct preparation in relation to composition. Laboratory Fee $5.00 per semester. Three hours, REQUIRED (H. E.) SOPHO­MORES. Professors Lake and Bailey

3. PREPARATION AND SERVING OF MEALS. A practical laboratory course in the preservation, preparation and serving of food, includ­ing studies and practice in planning, cost calculating and market purchasing. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Three hours, first semester. REQUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS.

5. DIET AND NUTRITION. A study of the chemistry, nutritive values and the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, including special diets, food requirements as modified by age, sex and activity, and the cost of foods in relation to nutritive values. The instruc­tion consists of lectures, text assignments and laboratory work. Laboratory Fee $5.00. Five hours, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS. Professor Bailey

7. APPLIED DESIGN. Studies in the principles of design and their application to costume planning and selection, to the selection of house furnishings and to original decorative schemes, including an appreciation of period furniture. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN.

* For other courses and the curriculum in Home Economics refer to Index.

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8. CLOTHING 1. A course in simple garment construction, the use of commercial patterns and the care, repair and hygiene of clothing. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN.

9. CLOTHING 2. A course in pattern making, costume design and con­struction, including a study of materials appropriate for different garments. Shopping ethics are discussed. The course aims to de­velop good judgment in the selection of materials and ready-made clothing. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester. REQUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS. Professor Burwash; Miss Raw son

10. TEXTILES. A study of textile fibres and their manufacture, includ­ing the identification of fabrics and recognition of admixtures and adulterations. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester. REQUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS. Professor Burwash

11. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT. Studies in the selection and care of equip­ment, efficient organization, sanitary standards, cleaning problems and practices. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SOPhom*oRES. Professor Terrill

12. HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. A study of the economic problems of home life, including the household budget and the principles and field practice of market purchases of equipment, furnishings and food. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) JUNIORS.

Professors Terrill and Bailey 13. THE FAMILY. A study of the origin, development, structure and

functioning of the family in relation to present-day home and social problems. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SENIORS. Professor Terrill

15. CARE OF CHILDREN. A study of the conditions of child life, in­cluding pre-natal influences, infancy and childhood. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SENIORS. Dr. Emelie Perkins

16. HOME ECONOMICS TEACHING. A course in modern educational principles and methods applied to junior and senior high schools, including evaluation of objectives, selection and organization of subject matter, methods of presentation, and special problems of departmental administration. Two hours, first semester; one hour, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SENIORS. Professor Fairbanks

17. STUDENT TEACHING. A practical course in observation and student teaching in the junior and senior high schools, including discussions and individual conferences on teaching problems. Sectioned in both

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semesters. Three semester hours credit, REQUIRED (H. E.) SENIORS. Professor Fairbanks; Miss LeBaron

20. ADVANCED CLOTHING. A course in advanced garment construction and draping; historic costume and costume design. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE (H. E.) SENIORS.

Professor Burwash 21. CHILD NUTRITION. A study of the growth and nutrition of chil­

dren and of the principles and methods of teaching health education to them. The course offers opportunity for practice teaching experience. Two hours, first semester, and one hour, second semes­ter. ELECTIVE (H. E.) SENIORS.

22. READINGS IN NUTRITION. A critical study of the literature dealing with selected subjects in the field of nutrition. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE (H. E.) SENIORS. Professor Bailey

24. BIO-CHEMISTRY. (See Chemistry 24.) 25. PRE-SCHOOL CHILD. A study of the mental, moral, emotional

development of children from birth to six years, with special em­phasis upon the social and educational significance of this period. The course includes an outline of the history and philosophy of the Nursery School movement with opportunity for observation and work with children of pre-school age. Three hours, second semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) SENIORS. Professor Holbrook

2 6 . INTERIOR DECORATION. This course is an application of principles of design and color to the decoration and furnishing of the present-day home from historic, artistic and economic points of view. Three hours, second semester, ELECTIVE (H. E.) SOPhom*oRES.

Professor Burwash 27. RELATED ARTS. A study of the development of sensitivity to beauty

in everyday living, including art experiences in dress, home and school laboratory furnishings and arrangements and an appreciation of the decorative arts. Three hours, first semester, ELECTIVE (H. E.) SENIORS. Miss Rawson

HORTICULTURE Professor Cummings

1. ELEMENTS OF POMOLOGY. An introductory course in orchard fruits and fruit plants, including the science of practice, products and by­products, commercial aspects and extension problems. There are lectures, recitations, laboratory, orchard practice. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (AG.) FRESHMEN.

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The College of Agriculture 203

2. ADVANCED POMOLOGY. A study of fruits not included in the ele­mentary course with consideration of problems, research methods, investigational literature and teaching methods. The course includes lectures, laboratory, related readings, field work. Laboratory Fee $2.50 per semester. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG., P. I.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.)

4. FLORICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING. A course in the principles and practice of the culture of ornamental flowering plants with consideration of general, commercial and systematic prob­lems. The course includes an outline of landscape designing and planning exercises for the improvement of home and school grounds. The instruction is presented by lectures, laboratory, text and reference reading assignments. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, REQUIRED (TCH. AG., P. I.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

5. GREENHOUSE MANAGEMENT. A course in the methods and prob­lems of growing fruits, flowers and vegetables under glass with special reference to the commercial problems. The instruction includes text and related reading assignments, lectures and labora­tory work. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, second semester, JUNIORS OR SENIORS. (Offered alternate years, 1940-1941.)

106. SPECIAL INVESTIGATION. An advanced research seminar in some branch of Horticulture. Laboratory Fee $3.00 per semester. Hours to be determined, ELECTIVE TO SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS BY PERMISSION.


2. DISEASES OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. A study of the etiology, symp­tomatology and treatment of the common ailments and diseases of farm animals. The instruction includes lectures, recitations and clinics. No Laboratory Fee. Three hours, one semester, JUNIORS AND SENIORS. (Offered in alternate years, 1940-1941.)

* ZOOLOGY Professor Rowett; Mrs. Loudon and Mr. Perry

3. GENERAL ZOOLOGY. An elementary course including a general sur­vey of the animal kingdom with special consideration to the aspects of animal life that have a bearing on food supply, including house-

* For other courses in Zoology refer to Index.

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204 University of Vermont

hold pests, and the physiology and embryology of animals. Labo­ratory Fee $4.00. Four hours, first semester, REQUIRED (H. E.) FRESHMEN. Mr. Perry

4. GENERAL ZOOLOGY. A study of typical invertebrate and verte­brate animals, their structure, physiology, behavior, life history, and the relation of Zoology to human welfare. Laboratory Fee $4.00. Four hours, second semester, REQUIRED (AG.) FRESHMEN.

Professor Rowell; Mrs. Loudon 8. ENTOMOLOGY. An elementary study of insects of economic im­

portance in Vermont with recitations, laboratory and field trips. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Two hours, second semester, REQUIRED (P. i.) JUNIORS OR SENIORS, ELECTIVE TO OTHERS. (Offered in alternate years, 1939-1940.) Professor

13. PHYSIOLOGY. An introduction to human physiology. The func­tions of the various systems are studied in detail. Demonstrations, lectures and models supplement the recitation. Experimental work upon cold-blooded animals and microscopic study of mammalian tissues. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Three hours, first semester, RE­QUIRED (FI. EC.) JUNIORS. Repeated in second semester, ELECTIVE TO ALL STUDENTS. PREREQUISITE: A COURSE IN GENERAL ZOOLOGY.

Mr. Perry

The College of Medicine

ANATOMY Professors Brown, Jordan, Newhall, Stultz and Dunihue; Dr. Piatt


I. GROSS ANATOMY. Demonstrations, recitations and laboratory work. Twenty-two hours per week, first semester, and ten hours per week, during second semester, for eight weeks. Four hundred thirty-two hours.

II. HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY. The subject matter is organized and presented in the following parts and sequence: Histology, Em­bryology, Neuro-histology. "Work is carried on by means of lec­tures, discussions, demonstrations and laboratory exercises, and con­tinues throughout the first year. Among the topics considered are:

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The College of Medicine 205

technique, microscopic structure of normal cells, tissues and organs, maturation, fertilization, cleavage, implantation, the development of body form, tissues, and organs, and the development and struc­ture of the nervous system. An effort is made throughout to include practical applications and correlations. One hundred and ninety-two hows. Histology, approximately one hundred twelve hours. Embryology, approximately thirty-two hours. Neuro­histology, approximately forty-eight hours.


I. ANATOMY. General review. Correlation of gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, and developmental anatomy. Recitations: One hour per week during first and second semesters. Thirty-two hours.

CHEMISTRY Professors Whitney and Pierce; Dr. Davis; Messrs. Proeschle and Meservey


i. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. The course is designed to afford the student an insight into chemical transformations which take place in the living animal body, with special reference to man. The work is largely quantitative and deals with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, enzymes, digestion, absorption, blood and urine. The chemistry of the vitamins and hormones is discussed briefly to pre­pare for the more extended study of Physiology in the second year.

The laboratory facilities of the Department are available to quali­fied persons for research in Biochemistry.

Lectures and recitations, four hours per week, second semester. Sixty-four hours.

Laboratory, six hours per week, second semester. Ninety-six hours.

GYNECOLOGY Professors Eastman, Durfee and E. D. McSweeney; Drs. Rust and *B. F. Clark


PRINCIPLES OF GYNECOLOGY. Lectures and recitations on gynecological lesions which are considered in detail, and the method of gyneco­logical diagnosis and treatment indicated. Sixty-four hours,

* Absent on leave.

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20 6 University of Vermont

SECTION WORK. Students receive instruction in history taking and diag­nosis at the Mary Fletcher Hospital. Sixty-four hours.


CLINICAL GYNECOLOGY. Student sections receive instruction at the Mary Fletcher Hospital two hours each week. They are drilled in history-taking, methods of examination, the use of gynecological instru­ments, diagnosis and treatment, including x-ray and radium therapy. Operative clinics in the amphitheatre. Sixty-four hours.

APPLIED GYNECOLOGY. Diagnostic work and supervised treatment of gynecological and obstetrical patients at the College Dispensary. Groups of two students are given twelve hours of individual instruc­tion.

Daily rounds are made in the gynecological wards at the Mary Fletcher Hospital, where opportunity is afforded for individual in­struction of assigned groups of students in practical bedside handling of gynecological patients.


Professors Tu/itchell, McMahon and Lamer THIRD YEAR

Diseases of the lids, conjunctiva, orbit, lachrymal apparatus, cornea, uveal tract and fundus.

Lectures and practical demonstration of the methods used in estimating the refraction, including the use of the ophthalmoscope are given at the Mary Fletcher Hospital.

Lectures and recitations on the common diseases of the nose and throat, and the common diseases of the ear, with demonstrations at the hospital of the methods of examination.

Lectures and recitations. Fifty hours.


Clinical instruction Tuesday and Friday afternoons of each week at the Mary Fletcher Hospital outdoor clinic and at the Free Dispensary. Indoor cases are also used for teaching.

Patients are examined before the sections and by the sections. Treat­ments and methods of treatment are shown and explained.

Each student of the fourth year will be required to hand in a certain number of case reports and two theses, one on a subject concerned with Ophthalmology and one with Otolaryngology. The subject is to be chosen by the student with the approval of the teaching staff of this Department.

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The College of Medicine 207

PEDIATRICS Professor Johnson; Drs. P. D. Clark and Corley


Lectures on the more important diseases of infancy and childhood, preventive pediatrics, breast and artificial feeding. Also lectures and demonstrations on history taking, physical examination, normal develop­ment, body types and posture. Sixty-four hours.

FOURTH YEAR The work of the fourth year is mostly with small sections of students

at the hospitals, Dispensary, the Maternity and Children's Homes. There is also one clinic a week in the amphitheatre. This work is all under supervision and students will be required to write up their cases and tihese case reports turned in and graded. There will also be assigned reading.

RADIOLOGY AND PHYSICAL THERAPY Professors Soule and Dowry; Dr. Fogg

FIRST YEAR INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGY. Lectures and demonstrations in conjunc­

tion with Departments of Physiology and Anatomy. Physics and general principles of radiology; normal roentgen anatomy and physi­ology; fluoroscopic demonstrations of chest and alimentary tract. Eight hours.

SECOND YEAR RADIOLOGY. Lecture-demonstrations in conjunction with Departments

of Pathology and Medicine. Roentgen diagnosis of bone tumors and of diseases of the chest; radio-therapy of tumors. Eight hours.

THIRD YEAR RADIOLOGY. Diagnostic and therapeutic radiology. One hour per week

one semester. Sixteen hours. PHYSICAL THERAPY. Lectures and demonstrations. Six hours.

FOURTH YEAR RADIOLOGY CONFERENCES. Weekly conferences on general radiological

problems, current literature, etc. Thirty-two hours. PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINICS. Three days a week at the Burlington Free

Dispensary. Section demonstrations and discussions of physical therapy at hospitals, dispensary and other institutions.

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208 University of Vermont

HYGIENE AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Professors Dalton and Moat; Drs. Foster, Speas and Manson


HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH. Lectures and demonstrations. General sanitation, ventilation, water and milk supplies, sewage and water purification, vital statistics. Thirty-two hours.


PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Lectures and demonstrations. Epidemiology, diagnosis and control of communicable diseases and other problems of preventive medicine. Sixty-four hours.

ORAL HYGIENE. Lectures and demonstrations. Sixteen hours.


SECTION WORK. Small sections of students observe the work of the various divisions of the State Department of Health and Laboratory of Hygiene. These will include the Divisions of Crippled Children, Maternal and Child Welfare, Vital Statistics, and Communicable Diseases. Field trips will supplement the work in the laboratories.

MEDICINE Professors Beecher, French, Rogers, Rood, Upton, Amidon and Ferenbaugh; Drs. Ravey, Pike, Rabinowitz, Medivetsky and Hobbs



hours, (b) Demonstrations and examinations of patients, section work. Thirty-two hours.

Pathological Physiology Conference. Sixteen hours.


two hours, (b) Sections in practical work at the Dispensary and Hospitals. Sixty-four hours.

Textbook Survey, General Medicine. Sixty-four hours. General Medical Clinic. Thirty-two hours. Therapeutic Conferences. Thirty-two hours. Therapeutic Clinic. Thirty-two hours. Ward Work, in sections. Ward Rounds. Thirty-two hours. Clinico-Pathological Conferences. Sixty-four hours.

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The College of Medicine 209

Tropical Medicine. Lectures are supplemented by recitations, microscopic demonstrations and clinics. Diagnosis, particularly laboratory, is stressed. Sixteen hours, second semester.


The work of this year is entirely clinical and is done in sections in the Mary Fletcher Hospital, the Bishop DeGoesbriand Hospital, the Fanny Allen Hospital, the Fort Ethan Allen Hospital, at the Dispensary, in the State Institutions at Pittsford, Water bury and Brattleboro under preceptors, and at the State Laboratory of Hygiene. The work is in charge of departmental instructors and closely supervised by the Head of the Department. The work in the special subjects is in charge of the instructors in those specialties.

OBSTETRICS Professors Durfee and Eastman; Drs. *B. F. Clark and Rust


pelvis and reproductive organs. Physiology of reproduction and the associated endocrinology. Normal labor. Thirty-two hours.


and abnormal pregnancy and labor. Gross and microscopic path­ology of the complications of pregnancy—in cooperation with the Department of Pathology. Operative obstetrics and the care of the puerperium. Both normal and abnormal labors are demon­strated on the manikin and by motion pictures. Sixty-four hours.


of lectures on special topics precedes the Section Work in practical obstetrics. Students attend prenatal and postnatal clinics at the Elizabeth Lund Home and the Burlington Free Dispensary. (Eighteen hours.) Cases of labor are attended at the Mary Fletcher Hospital, the Elizabeth Lund Home and in the Out-patient Depart­ment. Patients are assigned to individual students, who, under the supervision of a clinical instructor, act as Labor Clerks, taking histories, making general physical and obstetrical examinations and keeping detailed records. The Labor Clerk observes or assists at the actual deliveries.

* Absent on leave.

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210 University of Vermont

Students are assigned to section work for a period of four weeks. A variable number of students obtain additional practical obstetrics at the Berwind Clinic in New York. These appointments are made for a period of three weeks during the summer between the third and fourth years. The character and scope of each student's work at the Berwind Clinic is reported to the Head of the Department by the Clinic authorities.

PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY Professors Buttles, * James, Hartman, Ferguson and P. W. But-terfield; Dr. Kobbins.


I. PATHOLOGY. Lectures and recitations.—Two hours per week. Sixty-four hours. Laboratory.—Five hours per week, first semester and six hours per week during second semester. One hundred seventy-six hours.

n. CLINICAL PATHOLOGY. Lectures and recitations.—One hour per week, second semester. Sixteen hours. Laboratory.—Six hours per week, second semester. Ninety-six hours.

in. BACTERIOLOGY. Lectures and recitations.—Two hours per week, first semester. Thirty-two hours. Laboratory.—Eight hours per week, first semester. One hundred twenty hours.


I. PATHOLOGY. Recitations, lectures and laboratory.—Two hours per week. Sixty-four hours.

n. CLINICAL CONFERENCE. Two hours per week throughout the year, in conjunction with the Department of Medicine.


i. HOSPITAL LABORATORY. An average of twelve hours per week for two weeks for each student.

n. AUTOPSIES. Classes or sections of classes attend autopsies at the hos­pital morgue. These average one or more per week and are subse­quently discussed by the class.

* Absent on leave.

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The College of Medicine 211

PHARMACOLOGY Professors Pierce and Leonard; Dr. Davis


The major purport of the instruction will be to prepare the student for the clinical study of therapeutics by providing him with knowledge of the manner in which drugs modify functional activity in the organism. After a brief survey of the chemical properties of drugs, incompatibilities, toxicological analyses, antidotes, and standardization by bioassay, the chief work of the course will be concerned with experimental pharmaco­dynamics. Lectures and recitations on pharmacological and toxicological properties of drugs will be closely correlated with laboratory work. Avail­able preparation forms and posology of drugs will be studied as the various types of medicinal agents are considered. Prescription writing exercises will be given and various types of official preparations com­pounded in the laboratory.

The laboratory facilities of the Department are available to qualified persons for research in Pharmacology.

Lectures and recitations. Ninety-six hours. Laboratory. Ninety-six hours.

PHYSIOLOGY Professors Jackson and Daggs; Dr. Sichel


The first-year work begins in the second semester and includes muscle, nerve, blood, circulations, respiration, the nervous system and the special senses.

The second-year work includes digestion and excretion, internal secre­tion, nutrition, metabolism, body heat and reproduction.

The laboratories are open during the college year to advanced students or to those who wish to do original research.

Recitations and lectures. First year, sixty-four hours; second year, forty-eight hours.

Demonstrations and laboratory work. First year, sixty-four hours; second year, forty-eight hours.

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212 University of Vermont

SURGERY Professors Allen, Sabin, Ober, Adams, Maynard, Rees, Truax and Cudlipp; Drs. *Mackay, *Gladstone, Bellerose, Ford and Towne


Principles of surgery. Recitations. Sixty-four hours. Practical Surgery. Bandaging, use of splints and other surgical ap­

pliances. Work with plaster of Paris. Taught in sections. Ten hours.


General and Regional Surgery. Ninety-six hours. Fractures and dis­locations. Thirty-two hours.

Clinical Surgery. Thirty-two hours. Surgical Anatomy. Sixteen hours. Clinics. One hour each week for one-half year. Sixteen hours. Clinico-Pathological Conference. (Both medical and surgical.) Sixty-

four hours. Orthopedic Surgery. Orthopedic surgery under the direction of Doctors

Ober, Maynard and Bellerose is taught by clinics and a certain amount of textbook instruction in addition to the cases demonstrated to the class from time to time.

Clinical Surgery, in sections. On six days of each week small sections of the class, taken in rotation, work at the Mary Fletcher Hospital for two hours a day, under an instructor.


The work of this year is entirely clinical and is done in sections in the Mary Fletcher Hospital, the Bishop DeGoesbriand Hospital, the Fanny Allen Hospital, the Fort Ethan Allen Hospital, at the Dispensary, in the State Institutions at Pittsford, Waterbury and Brattleboro, under preceptors, and at the State Laboratory of Hygiene. The work is in charge of Departmental Instructors and closely supervised by the Head of the Department. The work in special subjects is in charge of the Instructors in those specialties. One hour each week the entire class, insofar as it does not interfere with the section work of certain students, meets with the Professor of Surgery for a clinical lecture or demonstra­tion as the case may be.

Minor Surgery. Fractures and dislocations and minor surgery. Taught in sections in wards, in amphitheatre clinics, and at the Dispensary.

Anesthesia. Each fourth-year student is given personal instruction in anesthesia under the direction of the Instructor in Anesthesia. * Absent on leave.

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The College of Medicine 213


Professor Traub


Lectures and demonstrations. Forty-eight hours. Lectures with projectoscope and lantern slide illustrations. Clinics, history taking and methods of procedure in examination of

patients and demonstrations of all the more common skin diseases. Twenty-four hours.


Clinical demonstrations of the common skin diseases. Forty-eight hours.



Right to practice, contractual relations between physician and patient, the law of malpractice, legal aspects of the physician's duties under public health laws, autopsies and reports thereon, medico-legal aspects of certain crimes, expert testimony, insanity, judicial toxicological investigations.

Lectures. Sixteen hours, first semester.

MEDICAL RELATIONSHIPS Lectures on medical history, ethics, economics and trends in medical

practice, social service and internships.

* MEDICO-MILITARY SCIENCE Professor Dreibelbies


First year, lectures. Thirty-two hours. Second year, lectures. Thirty-two hours.


Third year, lectures. Thirty-two hours. Fourth year, lectures. Thirty-two hours.

* See page 222.

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214 University of Vermont

NEUROLOGY Professor Petersen

THIRD YEAR Lectures, recitations and clinics. Thirty-two hours.

FOURTH YEAR Clinics. Thirty-two hours.

PSYCHIATRY Professors O'Neil and Bonner


Psycliobiological approach to the problem of mental disease. Descrip­tive psychology, incidence and causes of mental disease, symptomatology, classification of mental diseases, diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases. History taking. Examination procedures. Commitment of insane. Twenty-two hours. Professor O'Neil

Social Psychiatry. Ten hours. Professor Bonner


Each student spends two weeks, at the Vermont State Hospital. Staff meetings, Clinics, Ward work, examination of patients, under the super­vision of Doctor O'Neil.

TOXICOLOGY Professor 'Whitney

SECOND YEAR The course consists of discussions and recitations one hour a week.

The time is divided about equally between General Toxicology and Special Toxicology in which each important poison is studied with refer­ence to its origin, effect on the body, treatment, etc.

Recitations and discussions. Sixteen hours, second semester.


THIRD YEAR Weekly lectures in Urology and Sexology. Thirty-two hours.

FOURTH YEAR Clinics once a week; ward work and dispensary work throughout the


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The Curricula

The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College offers a variety of curricula in its four colleges: Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, and Medicine. These are fully described in this section.

There are also three curricula that are given in cooperation with the Vermont State Board of Education, the degrees being voted by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the Department of Education and the Senate Committee on Degrees. The Elementary Education curriculum and the Music Education curriculum lead to the degree of Bachelor of Education. In the Industrial Education curriculum the degree is Bachelor of Science in Education.

All baccalaureate degrees require four resident college years or the equivalent. THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES offers instruction in Art, Botany, Chemistry, Economics including Secretarial Studies, Education, English, Forestry, Geology, German, Greek, History, Home Economics, Latin, Mathematics, Mineralogy, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Romance Languages including French, Italian and Spanish, Sociology and Zoology. There are four group elective and five specialized curricula. Group Elective Curricula

Classical Literary-Scientific Social Science General Science and Pre-Medical

Specialized Curricula Chemistry Business, Secretarial,

and Commercial Teaching Secondary Education

Degree Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Philosophy Bachelor of Philosophy Bachelor of Science

Degree Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Bachelor of Science in Commerce

and Economics Bachelor of Science in Education

THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING offers three curricula: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, each leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in the field of specialization.

THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE offers optional curricula in five profes­sional fields: Teaching, Plant Industry, Dairy Production, Dairy Manu-


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224 The Curricula

factures, and Agricultural Economics, each leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. There is also a curriculum in Home Economics leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in that subject.

THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE offers an approved curriculum leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Three or more years of college pre-medical preparation must be completed before enrollment.

The College of Arts and Sciences

GROUP ELECTIVE CURRICULA THE CLASSICAL, LITERARY-SCIENTIFIC, SOCIAL SCIENCE, AND GENERAL SCIENCE CURRICULA are offered under the group elective plan and pre­sent opportunities for major work in almost any department or field of study that may particularly interest an individual student. By proper selection of the curriculum and wise choice of subject matter, these courses of study serve as a basis for professional and technical training, particularly in connection with education, law, journalism, dentistry and medicine. For those having no definite objective these curricula provide a liberal education in the arts and sciences yielding results in personal satisfaction, improved opportunities for success, and a greater usefulness in later life.

Students who are especially interested in languages should consider the Classical or Literary-Scientific curriculum. Those whose primary interests lie in the fields of Economics, History, Philosophy, Political Science or Psychology may choose the Social Science curriculum. The General Science curriculum is offered as a preparation for Medicine and the other scientific professions, as well as to students to whom the sciences and mathematics have particular appeal.

These curricula consist of a required group of courses to provide foundation; major and minor specialization in two related departments, to insure concentration; a group of restricted electives, to provide reason­able distribution of studies; and free electives, to provide for individual interest and self-expression. THE REQUIRED GROUP OF COURSES, each of which must be completed by all students before graduation, are: English 1, English 2, English 26, Mathematics 1, two courses in Physical Education and either Psychology 1 or Philosophy 1-2. Military Science is required of all men during the

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The College of Arts and Sciences 225

Freshman and Sophom*ore years. Each course is taken for credit and this credit is an integral part of the student's record and is counted toward graduation. A MAJOR AND RELATED MINOR is required of each student enrolled in a Group Elective curriculum. A course is the formal resident study of a subject for three hours a week during one college year. A minor con­sists of two and a major of three approved courses in the same depart­ment, normally taken in consecutive college years. A related minor is a minor completed in a department or subject that is considered related to the work in the department in which the required major was taken. Group electives are courses suggested as to their general field and chosen to satisfy the required distribution of studies. Free electives are courses which the student chooses to supplement the required courses and re­stricted group electives in sufficient amount to meet the minimum credit hour requirement for the degree.

Greek A, Latin A, Latin B, English 1 and English 2 are not counted as parts of any major, related minor or minor specified as a group elective. French 1, German X and Spanish 1 are counted as parts of group elective minors but are not considered as parts of the required major or related minor. At least three of the five minimum courses of the major and related minor must be taken during Junior and Senior years, and at least one course during Senior year. In the Social Science curriculum the major and related minor must be chosen from the departments of Economics, History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Psychology. In the General Science curriculum the major and related minors must be taken in Science and Mathematics. Two of the three courses of the major and the two courses of the related minor may either or both be counted as group elective minors. THE GROUP ELECTIVES, which insure a reasonable distribution of studies, are different in each Group Elective curriculum.

The teaching departments of the College of Arts and Sciences are listed in three groups which provide the broad foundation for this dis­tribution. These divisions are: Languages and Literatures, Social Sciences, and Science and Mathematics. Languages—Greek, Latin, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian. Social Sciences—Philosophy, Psychology, History, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Education. Sciences—Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geology, Mineralogy, Forestry.

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226 The Curricula

Although Psychology is listed in the Social Science group, the course in Experimental Psychology 106 may be counted as a non-laboratory science by students who are not majoring in Psychology.

Music, omitted above, is considered a Social Science group subject to the extent that a major in it may be counted as three courses in the Social Science group. Only students in the Classical and Literary Scientific curricula may take music as the required major.

Home Economics is omitted as the courses offered may be taken only as free electives.

The system of elective studies begins with the Sophom*ore year. On or before May 1 of each year each student submits to the Dean a state­ment of the courses which he plans to take to satisfy the major, related minor and group electives of the curriculum in which he is enrolled. The choice of the major must be approved in writing by the head of the department in which the proposed courses are taught. A special form is provided for this report. THE FREE ELECTIVES. The elective courses account for about one-third of the graduation requirement in each Group Elective curriculum. They are chosen in the last two years in sufficient amount to make the enroll­ment total at least thirty-one hours in the Junior and thirty hours in the Senior year.

Except with special permission, no student shall enroll in more than eighteen hours per week if during the previous half-year he has obtained a grade lower than "A" in more than one-half of his work. Any student who desires to elect courses in other colleges of the University, or to take more than eighteen or less than fifteen hours per week, must obtain the approval of the Dean of the college in which he is enrolled.

The student should choose his free electives with a deliberate purpose and should make judicious additions to his major and related minor. The intensive study of some subject or group of subjects is strongly recom­mended.


The entire record of each candidate for the A.B. degree from this curriculum must show the credit expressed in each of the following requirements:

The required courses. An approved major and related minor. A minor in college Greek or Latin. A second minor either in the other classical language or in French,

German or Spanish.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 227

Four courses in the Social Sciences. Two courses, besides the required Mathematics 1, chosen from Botany,

Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Mineralogy, Physics and Zoology; one of which must be a laboratory course.

Free electives in sufficient amount to complete the minimum credit for graduation.


English 1 2 2 Mathematics 1 4 4 French 1 or 3, or German 1 or 2 3 3 Greek A or 1 4-3 4-3 Latin A or B or 1 3 3 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2


The entire record of each candidate for the Ph.B. degree from this cur­riculum must show the credit expressed in each of the following require­ments:

The required courses. An approved major and related minor. Latin 1. Two minors chosen from Latin, French, German or Spanish. Four courses from the Social Sciences. Two courses, besides the required Mathematics 1, chosen from Botany,

Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Mineralogy, Physics and Zoology, one of which must be a laboratory course.

Free electives in sufficient amount to complete the minimum credit for graduation.


English 1 2 2 Mathematics 1 4 4 French 1 or 3, or German 1 or 2 3 3 German 1 or 3, or French 1 or 3, or a Science... 3-3 3-5 Latin A or B or 1 3 3 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2

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228 The Curricula


The entire record of each candidate for the Ph.B. degree from this cur­riculum must show the credit expressed in each of the following require­ments:

The required courses. An approved major and related minor. Economics 1, History 3 and Political Science 1. Two courses chosen from French 3, German 2, Latin 1 and Spanish 2. Two courses in science chosen from Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Physics

and Zoology; one of which must be a laboratory course. Free electives in sufficient amount to complete the minimum credit for


English I 2 2 Mathematics 1 4 4 French, German, Latin or Spanish 3 3 History 3 3 3 Political Science 1 or a second language 3 3 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2

THE SOPhom*oRE YEAR 1ST HF. 2ND HF. English 2 2 2 Economics 1 or Psychology 1 or Philosophy 1-2 3 3 Foreign Language 3 3 Laboratory Science 4-1 4-1 Group Elective 3 3 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


The entire record of each candidate for the B.S. degree from this cur­riculum must show the credit expressed in each of the following require­ments:

The required courses. An approved major, two related minors and one course; the majors

and minors to be chosen from the departments of Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology.

Mathematics 2 and Chemistry 1 and Physics 1.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 229

Botany 2 or Geology 1 or Zoology 2. A minor in French, German or Spanish. Two general courses from Economics, History, Political Science, Philoso­

phy and Psychology. Also, in addition to the foregoing, either a second minor in French,

German, or Spanish; or a minor in a Social Science Department; or two courses from the Science-Mathematics group.

Free electives in sufficient amount to complete the minimum credit for graduation.


English 1 2 2 Mathematics 1 4 4 French 1 or 3, or German 1 or 2 3 3 Chemistry 1 or 21 5 5 Botany 2 or Geology 1 or Zoology 2 4 4 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2


English 2 2 2 Mathematics 2 3 3 French or German 3 3 Physics 1 5 3 Group Elective 3 3 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


The four-year Group Elective curricula, particularly General Science, are recommended to students who intend to study medicine. Those who wish to combine the science courses which are required for medical school admission with a Classical, Literary-Scientific or Social Science enroll­ment must plan the course sequences in advance in order to be sure of meeting both pre-medical and degree requirements at the end of four years.

For those choosing a shorter preparation, the seven-year combination curriculum is offered. This requires three years in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Bachelor's degree being awarded on the completion of the first year's work in any approved medical school. Students who

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230 The Curricula

do not secure admission to a medical college may enroll as seniors in the General Science curriculum and complete the requirements for the Bache­lor of Science degree in that year. Combination curricula are possible in other group elective curricula, but careful planning of the enroll­ment is necessary during the three pre-medical years.

The synopsis of the Pre-Medical curriculum given below is based upon the group requirements of General Science. It also includes those courses which have been recommended by the College of Medicine. English is required in each year. In Chemistry, Physics, and Zoology credits in excess of those suggested by the American Medical Associa­tion are included. Mathematics 1, two years of French or German, and a course in Psychology are required. For men eight hours of credit in Military Science must be completed. Students who complete three years and decide to enroll for a senior year must enroll in Mathematics 2 (Calculus). For men enrolled in the Pre-Medical curriculum the require­ments are as follows: Freshman year, 42 hours; Sophom*ore year, 38 hours; Junior year, 32 to 36 hours. For women the totals are four hours less in each of the first two years, due to exemption from Military Science. The men's minimum of unpledged degree credit at the end of the third year, which includes eight hours of Military Science and four hours of Physical Education, is 108 semester hours. For women this minimum is 100. Students who have fewer credits, or who lack any required sub­ject, are not eligible to apply for admission to the College of Medicine.

At the beginning of the third year all Pre-Medical students must rent or purchase an approved physician's microscope for use in the courses in Cytology and Embryology. Microscopes which meet the require­ments of these courses and those later given in College of Medicine are rented and sold on both cash and installment plans at the Medical Book Store. Arrangements can be made to have rentals apply on subsequent purchase.



English 1 2 2 Mathematics 1 4 4 French 1 or 3, or German 1 or 2 3 3 Chemistry 1 or 21 5 5 Botany 1 and Zoology 1 4 4 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2

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The College of Arts and Sciences 231


English 2 2 2 French or German 3 3 Physical and Quantitative Chemistry 3 or 4 3 or 4 Physics 1 5 5 Elective or Psychology 1 3-4 3-4 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


English (advanced course) 2-3 2-3 Zoology 7 (Embryology)

and Botany 8 (Cytology) 4 4 Chemistry 9 and 10 (Organic) 3 3 Psychology 1 or Elective 3 3 Electives 4-6 4-6


These curricula, established by the late John Heman Converse of Philadelphia, are designed especially to satisfy a demand for a broad specialized training to serve as a foundation for business careers to those who are regularly enrolled. Through expansion of some phases of the work and the curtailing of others it has been possible to carry out more fully the original intentions of the founder.

The basic curriculum is the Business option and it is recommended to those who seek training for a general business career. The Secretarial option is advised for those who wish to prepare to become business or professional secretaries. The Commercial Teaching option includes the specialized training and the courses in Education which are necessary to secure positions as teachers of commercial subjects in business or second­ary schools. The degree, received on the completion of any of these options, is Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Economics.

For the earlier years of the curriculum the courses are substantially the same. In the later years the more special subjects are introduced. The only difference between the Secretarial and the Teaching options is that the latter prescribes those courses in Education that are required for teachers' certificates. These hours are open as electives for the secre­tarial students. It is thus possible to defer the choice until the beginning of the junior year, and in special cases the choice may be deferred until the end of the junior year.

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232 The Curricula

In all modern business, special training is coming to be regarded as more and more necessary. In many quarters the college is looked to for this training. For this there exist very excellent reasons, since with a well-balanced curriculum one may combine the maximum of culture furnishing broader interests and a wider outlook on life with a maximum of special training resulting from carefully directed study in the scientific spirit of various phases of industrial activity. Such a combination is sought in the adjustment of the work.

In all the work of the department prompt attention to all duties will be expected on the part of each student. As success in business rests in a very important way upon regularity, punctuality and systematic atten­tion to all duties, it is very necessary that constant attention be given to these. For this reason the Department insists that all duties required be performed with promptness and care. Regularity in attendance upon all exercises is held as an important requirement of the work.

The quantitative requirements of the curriculum are outlined in the following paragraphs. Modifications may be made with the approval of the head of the department to meet instances of special purpose.



English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 Mathematics 11, Mathematics of Finance 4 4 Economics 9, Economic Geography 3 3 French 3, German 2 or Spanish 2 3 3 Political Science 1, American Government 3 3 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2 These subjects are supplemented by Economics 59, Filing (3 hours),

and Economics 60, Business Organization and Management (3 hours), for those in the Secretarial and Commercial Teaching options.


English 2, English Literature 2 2 Economics 1, Principles 3 3 Economics %, Economic History 3 3 Economics 2%, Business Law and Statistics 3 3 Political Science 3, International Relations 3 3 Elective 3 3 Physical Education 2 I 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2

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The College of Arts and Sciences 233

These subjects are modified for commercial teaching and secretarial students by substituting Psychology 1, General Psychology, for Political Science 3, International Relations, and by enrollment in Economics 58, Business Correspondence, for the elective.


Economics 10 or 11, Social Economics or Labor Problems 3 3

Economics 12, Accounting 3 3 History 12, Modern European History 3 3 Economics 2, Money and Banking 3 3 Psychology 1, General Psychology 3 3 Students in the Commercial Teaching option defer Economics 2,

Money and Banking, taking Education 1, Principles (3 hours), and Edu­cation 4, Adolescent Educational Psychology (3 hours).

Students in the Commercial Teaching and Secretarial options add Economics 52, Stenography (10 semester hours), and Economics 56, Typewriting (10 semester hours).


Economics 114, Advanced Economics 3 3 Economics 3 or 4, Public Finance or Marketing 3 3 Economics 5, Corporation Finance 3 3 Laboratory Science 4-5 4-5 Elective 3-4 3-4


Economics 114, Advanced Economics 3 3 Economics 6%i, Office Management and

Secretarial Methods 3 3 Electives 6 6 Economics 53, Advanced Shorthand 5 5 Economics 57, Advanced Typewriting (5) (5)

The Commercial Teaching students in the senior year follow the Secre­tarial enrollment except that the Electives are Economics 2, Money and Banking (6 semester hours), and Economics 63, Principles and Methods in Commercial Education (6 semester hours).

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234 The Curricula


The curriculum in Chemistry is planned to provide a thorough train­ing in the main divisions of chemical science, and in those other studies that contribute especially to understanding and competence in chemical theory and practice.

That it may be broadly informative, and meet more fully individual needs and tastes, the curriculum includes as full a measure of elective studies as justice to its special field allows.

The required contributory studies are confined to the first two years of the curriculum, leaving free for specialization and for election the last years, when experience and maturity give this freedom greatest value. Much of the student's thought and time in the second half of the Senior year are devoted to a simple, but rigorously followed and carefully guided original investigation.

In connection with the courses in Industrial Chemistry, students each year make trips of inspection to other laboratories and to industrial estab­lishments.

The Chemistry Club, an undergraduate organization, increases fellow­ship and enthusiasm for scientific work.

Graduates of the Department are engaged as teachers of the science in universities and schools, as technical chemists in a wide range of indus­tries, and as men of business in various commercial and industrial under­takings. In manufacturing enterprises that are not definitely chemical, training in an exact science, like chemistry, is recognized as of advantage.

Chemistry laboratories and supply rooms occupy three floors and the basem*nt of the north end of the Williams Science Hall. These labora­tories are modern and well equipped for experimental and research work. The department library is conveniently located in this building.

A list of the required courses and of hours free for election in the Chemistry Curriculum are given in the following paragraphs. An outline of each course is found in the Catalogue under Courses of Instruction.

Students of other curricula, who wish to do special work in Chemistry, on consultation may select one of several groups of courses, each group constituting a major in Chemistry. Those taking a major in Chemistry must maintain a favorable standing in the subject.

At the close of the Freshman year, transfer to or from the Chemistry Curriculum is readily made, without loss of credits. Students whose grades in Introductory Chemistry are not C or better at the close of the year are discouraged from entering or continuing the curriculum. Those who become especially interested in chemistry and who show ability in the subject are welcomed.

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The College of Arts and Sciences 235

In addition to its undergraduate courses, the facilities of the Depart­ment permit graduate work, leading to the degree of Master of Science. Students have found this further training of great value in meeting the exactions of professional work, and in gaining advanced standing toward earning the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the larger universities. Correspondence with the head of the Department is invited regarding opportunities for graduate work, and lines of research on which members of the staff are engaged.



Chemistry 1 or 21, Inorganic Chemistry 5 5 English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 German 11, Elementary and Intermediate 6 6 Mathematics 1, Algebra, Trigonometry and

Analytics 4 4 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science (Men) 2 2


Chemistry 2-3, Qualitative-Quantitative 4 4 Physics 1, General Physics 5 5 Mathematics 2, Calculus 3 3 English 2, Literature 2 2 Elective 3 3 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


Chemistry 4, Advanced Quantitative 3 3 Chemistry 104, Physical Chemistry Lectures 3 3 Chemistry 105, Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2 2 Mineralogy 1, General Mineralogy 3 Geology 5, Engineering Geology ... 3 Electives 6 6


Chemistry 8, Industrial 3 3 Chemistry 111, Organic Lectures 3 3 Chemistry 112, Organic Laboratory and Thesis 6 6 Electives 3 3

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236 The Curricula



The subjects given in this curriculum are of essential value to stu­dents who plan to enter educational work. They also have general cultural value for those who desire to elect subjects in the department. Students in Education will find it desirable to take the course entitled General Psychology before the Junior year, as this subject serves as the basis of the courses in Education.

The department offers a four-year curriculum in Secondary Education for the preparation of teachers for the junior and senior high school, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education.

Students who have fully satisfied the requirements of the first two years in a group elective curriculum may be permitted to transfer to Junior standing in this curriculum. The degree will be granted after the completion of at least sixty-one semester hours which must include any requirements not previously passed.

Students wishing to make this transfer should present a request in writing to the Dean before September 1 of the year in which they intend to make such change. This petition must be approved by the Head of the Department of Education, the Dean of the College from which the stu­dent proposes to transfer and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Such transfer will be permitted only in exceptional cases from the College of Engineering, the College of Agriculture, and the Business Curricula in the College of Arts and Sciences. In all cases the previous academic record must be such as to indicate that the student will profit from this curriculum in Education.

The requirements of the Department of Education are: General Psy­chology (Psychology 1) six semester hours; Principles of Education (Education 1) three semester hours; Philosophy of Education (Educa­tion J) three semester hours; and History of Education (Education 2) or Educational Psychology (Education 3) three semester hours; and High School Administration (Education 6) or Psychology of Adolescence (Education 4) three semester hours; Principles and Methods in Second­ary Education (Education 7) or other approved course three semester hours; Student Teaching (Education 8) or other approved course three semester hours; a full course in laboratory science six to ten semester hours; two majors and one minor from three departments in the College of Arts and Sciences so chosen as to give the student a suitable prepara­tion to teach these subjects in the secondary schools; and Junior Reading (English 26).

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The College of Arts and Sciences 237

Additional approved electives to give a further preparation in the subjects which the student is preparing to teach and to broaden the gen­eral scope of his course will be recommended or required. These electives must bring the number of credits at least to a total of one hundred twenty semester hours exclusive of English 26, Physical Education 1 and 2 and, (for men), Military Science 1 and 2.

Students planning to enter the teaching profession are urged to consult the Department of Education with reference to the selection of courses, as early as possible in their college course. In general students planning to transfer to the curriculum in Education after completing the first two years in any curriculum of the University should complete during those years: two courses in a foreign language, a laboratory course in science, Psychology 1, and a course in either History or Political Science. The Literary-Scientific, Social Science and General Science curricula are so arranged that a student may make these elections and still have freedom to start fulfilling the requirements for a major in Education.

The majors and minors taken should be chosen to correlate with the subjects that occur generally in high school curricula. The departments and subject-matter fields which are recommended are: English; the languages, especially French and Latin; the Sciences; Mathematics; His­tory and certain Social Sciences, especially Political Science and Eco­nomics. Teachers of Agriculture and Home Economics in the public schools should also be prepared to teach a more general subject. Physical Education is a valuable supplementary major for those who have sufficient interest and ability in that field. The University offers special cur­ricula for those preparing to teach Commercial Subjects and Music.

Any student enrolled in any of the academic colleges may, with the permission of the Dean of the college in which he is enrolled, and of the Professor of Education, be admitted to any of the courses in Education for which he is qualified. He shall retain his standing in the college in which he is enrolled and be entitled to the degree to which it leads.

A course in Student Teaching, using a public school system as a laboratory is a prerequisite to a certificate to teach in most states. "While such a course is required for a degree in Education at the University, enrollment in Student Teaching is limited to those: (I) who have declared an intention to teach, (2) who have high scholastic records, (3) who show promise of becoming successful teachers.

While the curricula in Education are designed primarily to meet the requirements for certificates in the State of Vermont it is possible to meet the requirements of many other states if the department is notified prior to the Sophom*ore year.

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238 The Curricula



English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 Mathematics 1, Algebra, Trigonometry and

Analytics 4 4 French or German 3 3 Education 326, Human Geography 2 2 Restricted Electives 4-6 4-6 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science (Men) 2 2


English 2, Literature 2 2 Foreign Language 3 3 Psychology 1, General 3 3 History 3 3 Electives 4-6 4-6 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


Education 1-5, Principles and Philosophy 3 3 Education 2, History 3 Education 4 or 6, Adolescent Psychology or

High School Administration ... 3 English 7, American Literature 2 2 English 26 ... 1 Electives 7-9 7-9


Education 7-8, Methods and Practice Teaching 3 3 English 6, Shakespeare 3 3 Electives 9-12 9-12

The electives suggested for the Junior and Senior years are: Art; Botany, especially Botany 14; Chemistry 1 or 21; Economics; Education 9-10; French; Geology; History; Home Economics; Latin; Mathematics; Philosophy, Political Science, Physics, Sociology and Zoology, especially Zoology 14.

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The Department of Education 239


This curriculum is offered by the University in cooperation with the Vermont State Board of Education. It is intended to offer an excellent preparation for teaching in the elementary schools. The degree of Bachelor of Education is given by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College on recommendation of the Head of the Department of Education and the Senate Committee on Degrees.

Students of good moral character who have been graduated from an approved high school and who satisfy the entrance requirements specified by the State Board of Education are eligible for admission if recommended by the school principal.

A student who has satisfactorily completed one year of elementary teacher preparation in this State or the first year in a standard normal school or its full equivalent, may be admitted to sophom*ore standing, pro­vided the entrance requirements have been met and a satisfactory record presented.

Graduates of the former two-year curriculum, if found qualified, may be admitted to the Elementary Education curriculum in Junior standing. Such students will be given a special enrollment supplementing the courses accepted for advanced credit and will be eligible to receive the degree of Bachelor of Education after satisfactory completion of two years of resi­dent work.

The curriculum in Elementary Education may be modified for students who wish a more highly specialized preparation in other approved fields of study. The free electives included in the outlined curriculum usually provide fully for the supplementary majors desired.

The requirements for teaching certificates in the elementary schools are gradually increasing. In the future professional advancement will be contingent upon the equivalent of four years of preparation and a bachelor's degree. Successful teachers who have earned a degree and are interested in continuing their training may obtain a plan of study after consultation with the Head of the Department.

Students who are unable to spend four consecutive years in preparation for teaching may meet the present minimum for teaching certificates in the elementary schools of Vermont by completing two years of training in this curriculum. In such cases a special two-year enrollment is required and the sequences must be carefully planned in consultation with the Head of the Department of Education.

The State Board of Education allows Vermont students an exemption from tuition payment amounting to two hundred dollars a year provided

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240 The Curricula

the student signs an agreement to teach in Vermont for as long a time as the tuition is re bated. The University now grants a one-hundred dollar scholarship to such students to cover the remainder of the tuition charge of three hundred dollars. These scholarships are subject to University regulations and are not credited to students who are under warning for low scholastic record or who are on probation for any reason. Students who change to another curriculum in the University or who transfer to another institution or who fail to keep the agreement to teach in Vermont become liable to the refund of all the tuition previously rebated.


English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 Education 321, Introduction 3 3 Education 326, Human Geography 2 2 Education 330, Penmanship 1 1 Education 328, Hygiene 2 2 Electives 9 9 Education 334, Physical Education 1 X 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2


English 2, Literature 2 2 Education 327, U. S. History and Civics 3 3 Education 33 3, Public School Music 1 2 2 Psychology 1, General 3 3 Education 323, Child Literature 1 1 Education 324, Teaching English 2 2 Electives 3 3 Education 334, Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (men) 2 2


Education 339, Observation and Conference 2 2 Education 325, Arithmetic and Methods 2 2 Education 322, Reading ... 2 Education 336, Public School Music 2 2 2 Education 1 or 3, Principles or Child Psy­

chology 3 Education 5, Philosophy 3 English Elective 2 2 English 26, Junior Readings 1 Education 337, Principles of Art 1 2 2 Electives 3 3

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The Department of Education 241


Education 332, Curriculum 6 Education 331, Student Teaching ... 6 Education 341, Teaching of Art 2 2 Education 338, Applied Art 2 2 2 Education 344, Rural Education 3 3 English, an advanced course 2 2 Education 334, Physical Education Methods 1 1 Electives 3 3


The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College offers this four-year curriculum in Music Education leading to the degree of Bachelor of Education. It is recommended to students who have sufficient train­ing and natural musical ability to justify a career in music.

In order to prepare qualified teachers for positions as instructors and supervisors of music in the public schools of Vermont, qualified students from this State are accepted and trained without tuition charge. Students who were enrolled prior to January 1, 1939, are also charged one-half the established rate for the applied music courses. All students who enroll after that date pay the regular rates for this practical work. Non-resident students who are accepted, pay a tuition charge of one hundred fifty dollars a semester in addition to the charges for applied music.

Students must pass the aptitude tests given by the Department of Music and must satisfy the general admission requirements for the Elementary Education curriculum or for some curriculum offered in the College of Arts and Sciences.



Music 1, History and Appreciation 3 3 Music 8, Sight-singing, Dictation, Theory 2 2 English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 German 1 3 3 French or History 3 3 Applied Music (two courses) 2-3 2-3 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2

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242 The Curricula


Music 3, Harmony 3 3 Music 9, Advanced Sight-singing 2 2 English 2, Literature 2 2 German 2 3 3 Psychology 1, General 3 3 Applied Music (two courses) 2-3 2-3 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


Music 4, Advanced Harmony 3 3 Education 345, Methods and Practice Teach­

ing 3 3 Psychology 7, Aesthetics or English or Lan­

guage 3 3 Education 1-5, Principles and Philosophy 3 3 History of Art 1 2 2 Applied Music (two courses ) 2-3 2-3 English 26, Junior Readings 1


Music 11, Orchestration and Conducting 3 3 Music 10, High School Methods and Practice

Teaching 3 3 English or Italian 3 3 Education or Elective 3 3 Music 12, Applied Music Methods 1 1 Applied Music (two courses) 2-3 2-3


The Curriculum in Industrial Education is offered by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College in cooperation with the Vermont State Board of Education. It is recommended to students who desire to teach and supervise courses in the Trades and Industries in secondary schools.

The first two years require regular enrollment in the College of Engi­neering, the preferred curriculum being Mechanical Engineering. In the last two years the registration is in the Department of Education.

The degree, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education, is awarded by the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College on recom­

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The Department of Education 243

mendation of the Head of the Department of Education and the Senate Committee on Degrees.

Students enrolled in this Curriculum are subject to the regular fees for laboratory courses, student activities and tuition.


THE FRESHMAN YEAR (See Mechanical Engineering.)

THE SOPhom*oRE YEAR (See Mechanical Engineering).


Psychology 1, General 3 3 Mechanical Engineering 1, Heat-Power 3 Shop Practice 2-3, Forge and Lathe Work 2 2 Mechanical Engineering 13, Machine Drawing... 3 3 Electrical Engineering 10, General 3 3 Engineering Mathematics 3, Mechanics 3 3 Civil Engineering 8-9, Materials of Construc­

tion 1 1 Education 1, Principles 3 Education 401, Principles of Vocational Edu­

cation 1 Education 4, Adolescent Psychology 3


General Engineering 2, Economics 3 3 Mechanical Engineering 9, Internal Combus­

tion Engines 3 3 Shop Practice 4, Machine Tools 3 3 Education 338, Applied Art 2 2 Education 6, High School Administration ... 3 Education 402, Methods of Trade Teaching 1 1 Education 403, Trade Analysis 1 1 Education 404, Trade Instruction Material 1 1 Education 405, Teaching Industrial Arts 2 2 Education 406, Observation and Practice Teach­

ing 3

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244 The Curricula

The College of Engineering The College of Engineering offers instruction in the three curricula,

Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, each leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in the field of specialization. Each curriculum in­cludes certain general subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Elements of Electrical Engi­neering, Mechanics, Materials of Construction, Hydraulics, Economics and English.

All freshman and sophom*ore men are required to complete the two basic courses in Military Science for a total credit of eight semester hours. These credits become an integral part of the record and are counted toward graduation. Two years of Physical Education are required of all students.

Students enrolled in the College of Engineering may become affiliated with their respective national professional engineering societies, the Ameri­can Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as each of these organizations has authorized a student chapter at the University of Vermont. These student organizations sponsor frequent meetings, the purpose of which is to present an opportunity for students to conduct activities similar to those conducted by members of the national societies. These activities include meetings at which technical papers are presented by students and by engineers who are actively engaged in the profession; attendance at conventions and inspection trips, all of which provide helpful contact with engineering practice and also assist in the develop­ment of the qualities of leadership which are so essential for success in the engineering profession.


Mathematics-Mechanics 1, Advanced Algebra 2 Mathematics-Mechanics 2, Plane Trigonometry 2 Mathematics-Mechanics 3, Plane Analytics ... 4 Mathematics-Mechanics 4, Solid Analytics and

Elementary Calculus ... 2 Engineering Drawing 1-2, Mechanical 3 2 Chemistry 1 or 21, Inorganic S 4 English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 General Engineering 1, Introduction 1 1 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2

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The College of Engineering 245


Mathematics-Mechanics J, Differential and Integral Calculus 3 3

Mathematics-Mechanics 6, Statics ... 3 Engineering Drawing 3, Descriptive Geometry 3 Physics 1, General Physics 5 5 English 2, Literature 2 2 Civil Engineering 1, Plane Surveying 4 Civil Engineering 2, Route Surveying ... 4 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2 Summer Engineering Camp (C. E. 3), 4 weeks, 3 hours credit.


Mathematics-Mechanics 7, Mechanics of Ma­terials 3

Mathematics-Mechanics 8, Kinetics 3 Civil Engineering 4, Graphic Statics 3 Civil Engineering 5, Bridge Stresses 3 Electrical Engineering 10, General 3 3 Civil Engineering 8, Materials of Construction 1 Civil Engineering 9, Materials Laboratory ... 1 Civil Engineering 6, Mapping 2 General Engineering 2, Economics 3 3

* Restricted Electives 3 5 Summer Engineering Camp (C. E. 10), 4 weeks, 3 hours credit.


Civil Engineering 18, Hydraulics 3 Civil Engineering 19, Hydraulics Laboratory 1 Civil Engineering 16, Reinforced Concrete 2 Civil Engineering 13, Bridge Design 3 3 Civil Engineering 14, Masonry Construction 3 Civil Engineering 11-12, Sanitary Engineering 3 3 General Engineering 3, Contracts and Specifi­

cations ... 2 Civil Engineering 20, Highway Engineering ... 3 Civil Engineering 15, Engineering Construc­

tion ... 3 Geology 3, Engineering Geology 3

"'Restricted Electives ... 3 * See page 248.

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246 The Curricula


Mathematics-Mechanics 1, Advanced Algebra 2 Mathematics-Mechanics 2, Plane Trigonometry 2 Mathematics-Mechanics 3, Plane Analytics ... 4 Mathematics-Mechanics 4, Solid Analytics and Elementary Calculus ... 2

Engineering Drawing 1-2, Mechanical 3 2 Chemistry 1 or 21, Inorganic 5 4 English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 General Engineering 1, Introduction 1 1 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2


Mathematics-Mechanics 5, Differential and Integral Calculus 3 3

Mathematics-Mechanics 6, Statics ... 3 Engineering Drawing 3, Descriptive Geometry 3 Physics 1, General 5 5 Electrical Engineering 1, Elements 2 2 English 2, Literature 2 2 Mechanical Engineering 10, Machine Drawing 2 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2


Mathematics-Mechanics 7, Mechanics of Ma­terials 3

Mathematics-Mechanics 8, Kinetics ... 3 Electrical Engineering 2, Direct Current

Machines 5 Electrical Engineering J, Alternating Current

Theory ... 5 Electrical Engineering 3, Direct Current Labo­

ratory 2 2 Civil Engineering 8, Materials of Construction 1 Civil Engineering 9, Materials Laboratory ... 1 General Engineering 2, Economics 3 3 Mechanical Engineering 12, Heat Power En­

gineering 3 3 Shop Practice 2-3, Forging and Lathe "Work 1 1

^Restricted Electives * See page 248.

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The College of Engineering 247


General Engineering 3, Contracts and Specifi­cations ... 2 Civil Engineering 18, Hydraulics 3

Civil Engineering 19, Hydraulics Laboratory 1 Electrical Engineering 17, Alternating Current

Machines 5 3 Electrical Engineering 8, Power Transmission... ... 3 Electrical Engineering 4, Communication 3 3 Electrical Engineering 6 , Alternating Current

Laboratory 2 2 Electrical Engineering 11-18, Electronics and

Laboratory 2 1 "'Restricted Electives 3 6


Mathematics-Mechanics 1, Advanced Algebra 2 Mathematics-Mechanics 2, Plane Trigonometry 2 Mathematics-Mechanics 3, Plane Analytics 4 Mathematics-Mechanics 4, Solid Analytics and

Elementary Calculus 2 Engineering Drawing 1-2, Mechanical 3 2 Chemistry 1 or 21, Inorganic 3 4 English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 General Engineering 1, Introduction 1 1 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2


Mathematics-Mechanics 5, Differential and Integral Calculus 3 3

Mathematics-Mechanics 6 , Statics ... 3 Engineering Drawing 3, Descriptive Geometry 3 Physics 1, General 3 3 English 2, Literature 2 2 Shop Practice 1, Pattern Making 2 2 Mechanical Engineering 10, Machine Drawing 2 Mechanical Engineering 11, Mechanism ... 2 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2

* See page 249.

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248 The Curricula


Mathematics-Mechanics 7, Mechanics of Ma­terials 3

Mathematics-Mechanics 8, Kinetics ... 3 Mechanical Engineering 1, Heat Power Eng 3 Mechanical Engineering 2, Thermodynamics ... 3 Civil Engineering 8, Materials of Construction 1 Civil Engineering 9, Materials Laboratory ... 1 Shop Practice 2-3, Forging and Lathe Work 2 2 Mechanical Engineering 13, Eng. Drawing 3 3 General Engineering 2, Economics 3 3 Electrical Engineering 10, General 3 3

^'Restricted Electives


Civil Engineering 18, Hydraulics 3 Civil Engineering 19, Hydraulics Laboratory 1 Mechanical Engineering 5, Machine Design 3 3 Mechanical Engineering 3, Steam Engines and

Turbines 3 Mechanical Engineering 4, Industrial Eng ... 3 Mechanical Engineering 6 , Steam Eng. Lab 3 Mechanical Engineering 7, Mech. Eng. Lab ... 3 Shop Practice 4, Machine Tools 3 3 Civil Engineering 24, Surveying 2

^Restricted Electives ... 6


For Civil Engineering Juniors: To be chosen from C. E. /j, R. R. Engineering, 2 hours; C. E. /21, Water Power Engi­neering, 3 hours; C. E. 2%3, Geodesy, 6 hours; Engineering Math. 104, Advanced, 6 hours; Mil. Sci. 3, Advanced, 6 hours; Pol. Sci. 1, American Government, 6 hours.

For Civil Engineering Seniors: To be chosen from C. E. /*7, R. R. Engineering, 2 hours; C. E. /21, Water Power, 3 hours; C. E. 25, Advanced Geodesy, 6 hours; Engineering Math. 104, Advanced, 6 hours; Geol. /r,, Engineering Geology, 3 hours; Political Science, elective, 6 hours; Civil Engineering Thesis, 3 hours; Mil. Sci. 4, Advanced, 6 hours.

For Electrical Engineering Juniors: To be chosen from C. E. Surveying, 2 hours; Engineering Math. 104, Advanced, 6 hours; Mil. Sci. 3, Advanced, 6 hours; Physics 104, Electricity and Magnetism, 6 hours; Pol. Sci. 1, American Government, 6 hours.

* See page 249.

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The College of Agriculture 249

For Electrical Engineering Seniors: To be chosen from E. E. /g, Power Stations, 3 hours; E. E. /12, Transient Phenomena, 3 hours; E. E. /13, Adv. Communication Engineering, 3 hours; E. E. 16, Special Topics, 6 hours; Engineering Mathematics 104, Advanced, 6 hours; Mil. Sci. 4, Advanced, 6 hours; M. E. ®/, Steam Engineering Lab., 3 hours:

For Mechanical Engineering Juniors: To be chosen from C. E. /21, Water Power Engineering, 3 hours; Engineering Math. 104, Advanced, 6 hours; M. E. 9, Internal Combustion Engines, 6 hours; M. E. 8, Heating and Ventilating, 6 hours; Mil. Sci. 3; Advanced, 6 hours; Pol. Sci. 1, American Government, 6 hours.

For Mechanical Engineering Seniors: To be chosen from C. E. /15, Engineering Construction, 3 hours; C. E. /21, Water Power Engineering, 3 hours; Economics %, Statistics, 3 hours; Economics 2%o, Business Law, 3 hours; E. E. /g, Power Stations, 3 hours; Mechanical Engineering Thesis, 3 hours; Engineering Math. 104, Advanced, 6 hours; M. E. 8, Heating and Ventilating, 6 hours; M. E. 9, Internal Combustion Engines, 6 hours; Mil. Sci. 4, Advanced, 6 hours.

The College of Agriculture The College of Agriculture performs three public functions: it teaches,

it investigates, it disseminates. These three lines of work are carried out respectively by the College as such, by the Agricultural Experiment Station and by the Agricultural Extension Service.

The College as such is supported in part by Federal funds received under the provisions of the Acts of 1862, 1890, 1907 and 1935, known respectively as the first and second Morrill Acts, the Nelson Amendment, and the Bankhead-Jones Act. It offers professional curricula in Agri­culture and Flome Economics.

The Agricultural Experiment Station was established by an act of the State Legislature in 1886. Its activities are supported by sundry Federal and State enactments including the (Federal) Flatch, Adams, Purnell, and Bankhead-Jones Acts of 1887, 1906, 1925 and 1935, and State laws dealing with regulatory work (fertilizer control, feeding stuffs inspection, agricultural seed inspection), and with the conduct of Uni­versity farm operation and other duties. Its essential duty is to conduct research in Agriculture and Home Economics, to administer certain regulatory statutes, and to publish the results of such work.

The Agricultural Extension Service was established by an act of the State Legislature in 1912. It benefits by sundry State and Federal appro­priations, the latter through the instrumentality of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, the Capper-Ketcham Act of 1928 and the Bankhead-Jones Act of 193 5. Its especial function is to improve agricultural and home prac­tice by demonstration and by personal work throughout the State.

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250 The Curricula

It is an aim of this College to impart to its students in agriculture such theoretical and practical training as will serve to fit them success­fully to engage in agricultural pursuits, using that term in the widest sense; that is to say, including not only the conduct of operations directly or indirectly related to agriculture, but also of teaching, research or extension in agriculture. While its fundamental concept is to make agriculture and related subjects the main line of effort, the course is broad in its scope and includes mathematics, literature, sciences, and other cultural studies. The technique of the sundry operations is exemplified, so far as time, means and equipment permit, but the emphasis is laid on lectures, textbook assignments and laboratory work more than upon field operations.

THE CURRICULA IN AGRICULTURE There are five options of the Agricultural curricula each leading to the

degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. These options are: the Teaching of Agriculture, Plant Industry, Dairy Production, Dairy Manu­factures, and Agricultural Economics. The total number of semester hours required for the degree is one hundred forty-four for men, ones hundred thirty-six for women. Men are required to complete two courses in Military Science for a total credit of eight semester hours. This credit becomes an integral part of the record and is counted toward graduation. Two years of Physical Education are required of all students.

Aside from these subjects, the semester hours for graduation are as follows: cultural or humanistic courses 26, science courses 38, technical agriculture 56, and free electives 12. The first two years are nearly identical in all the five options.



Botany 3, Agricultural Botany 3 3 Chemistry 23, General Inorganic 4 4 English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 Mathematics 1, Algebra and Trigonometry 4 Zoology 4, General Zoology 4 Horticulture 1, Pomology 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 10, Dairy

Manufactures 1 ... 3 Physical Education 1 1 1 Military Science 1 (Men) 2 2

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The College of Agriculture 251


English 2, Literature 2 2 Economics 1, Elementary 3 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 3, Live Stock 2 3 Botany 11, Microbiology 4 Chemistry 15, Agricultural Organic ... 4 Agronomy 2, Field Crops 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 1, Stock Feeding ... 3

* Restricted Elective 3 3 Physical Education 2 1 1 Military Science 2 (Men) 2 2



Agronomy 1, Soils and Soil Management 3 3 Poultry Husbandry 1, Introductory ... 3 Forestry 2, Woodlot Forestry 3 3 Education 1, Principles of Instruction 3 Horticulture %, Floriculture and Greenhouse

Management (or Hort. 2 ) 3 3 Agricultural Education 2, Principles ... 2 Restricted Electives 4 2

Minimum credit, for this year, 32 semester hours.


Agricultural Economics 1, Farm Management 3 3 Agr'l Philosophy 1, Agr. and Civilization ... 3 Agricultural Economics 2, Marketing ... 3 Agricultural Engineering 1, Farm Mechanics 3 Agricultural Engineering 2, Farm Electricity... ... 3 Agr'l Edu. 3-4, Methods and Practice Teaching 3 2 Education 6, High School Administration ... 3 Horticulture 2, Adv. Pomology (or Hort. %) 3 Restricted Electives 3

fa*gricultural Education 5, Student Teaching. Minimum credit, for this year, 32 semester hours.

* This elective is restricted to Botany 4, Physiology, 6 hours, for Plant Industry, and to Animal Husbandry 8-9, Dairy Chemistry and Bacteriology, 6 hours, for Dairy Manu­factures.

t In either semester, credit J hours.

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252 The Curricula



Agronomy 1, Soils and Soil Management 3 3 Poultry Husbandry 1, Introductory ... 3 Forestry 2, Woodlot Forestry 3 3 Horticulture 2, Adv. Pomology (or Hort. %) 3 Zoology 8, Entomology (or Agron. 3) ... 2 Genetics 1, Principles ... 3 Restricted Electives 7 2

Minimum credit, for this year, 32 semester hours.


Agricultural Economics 1, Farm Management 3 3 Agricultural Philosophy 1, Agriculture and

Civilization ... 3 Agricultural Economics 2, Marketing ... 3 Agricultural Engineering 1, Farm Mechanics 3 Agronomy 3 (Adv. Field Crops) (or Zool. 8) 3 Horticulture %, Floriculture and Greenhouse

Management (or Hort. 2) 3 3 Restricted Electives 5 5

Minimum credit, for this year, 34 semester hours.


THE JUNIOR YEAR 1ST HF. 2ND HF Agronomy 1, Soils and Soil Management 3 3 Poultry Husbandry 1, Introductory ... 3 Forestry 2, Woodlot Forestry 3 3 Genetics 1, Principles ... 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 7, Horses, Sheep,

Swine (or A. D. H. 6) 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 5, Advanced

Stock Judging ... 2 Restricted Electives 7 2

Minimum credit, for this year, 32 semester hours.

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The College of Agriculture 2 5 3


Agricultural Economics 1, Farm Management 3 3 Agricultural Philosophy 1, Agriculture and

Civilization ... 3 Agricultural Economics 2, Marketing ... 3 Agricultural Engineering 1, Farm Mechanics 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 6 , Herd Manage­

ment (or A. D. H. 7) 3 Restricted Electives 8 8

Minimum credit, for this year, 3 4 semester hours.



Agronomy 1, Soils and Soil Management 3 3 Poultry Husbandry 1, Introductory 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 1%2> Market

Milk, Cheese (or A.D.H. 14At) 3 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 15, Judging

Dairy Products 2 Restricted Electives 10 S

Minimum credit, for this year, 32 semester hours. Animal and Dairy Husbandry 18, Dairy Plant Operation and Man­

agement, two weeks, credit 1 semester hour.


Agricultural Economics 1, Farm Management 3 3 Agricultural Philosophy 1, Agriculture and

Civilization ... 3 Agricultural Economics 2, Marketing ... 3 Agricultural Engineering 1, Farm Mechanics... 3 Animal and Dairy Husbandry 1%i, Ice Cream

and Butter (or A. D. H. 1%2) 3 3 Restricted Electives 8 5

Minimum credit, for this year, 34 semester hours.

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254 The Curricula



Agronomy 1, Soils and Soil Management 3 3 Forestry 2, Woodlot Forestry 3 3 Agricultural Economics 3, Cooperation and

Credit (or Ag. Ec. 4) 3 Restricted Electives 7 10

Minimum credit, for this year, 32 semester hours.


Agricultural Economics 1, Farm Management 3 3 Agricultural Philosophy 1, Agriculture and

Civilization ... 3 Agricultural Economics 2, Marketing ... 3 Agricultural Engineering 1, Farm Mechanics... 3 Agricultural Economics 4, Public Problems (or

Ag. Ec. 3 ) 3 Restricted Electives 8 8

Minimum credit, for tins year, 34 semester hours.


The Home Economics curriculum, though essentially a professional training in household art and science, includes general cultural courses and a strong foundation in chemistry and the biological sciences. The technical courses deal with the economics of food and clothing, the esthetic and practical aspects of home furnishing, equipment and management, and the importance of the family as a fundamental unit of society.

The department operates, as a laboratory for practical experience, a well equipped management house which becomes the home of each student enrolled in this curriculum for a portion of each of the four years. The students are supervised and instructed by a member of the faculty acting as house director and the work is an integral part of several required courses.

Some of the courses in Home Economics may be elected by students who are enrolled in the group elective curricula of the College of Arts and Sciences. The four-year curriculum is given in the College of Agriculture.

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The College of Agriculture 255


English 1, Composition and Rhetoric 2 2 Language, Modern or Classical 3 3 Botany J, Introductory 4 Chemistry 22, General Inorganic 5 5 Home Economics 1, Survey 1 1 Home Economics 7, Applied Design 3 Home Economics 8, Clothing 1 3 Zoology 3, Elementary 4 Physical Education 1 1 1

THE SOPhom*oRE YEAR 1ST HF. 2ND HF. English 2, Literature 2 2 Language, Modern or Classical 3 3 Economics 1, Elementary 3 3 Chemistry 19, Outlines of Organic 3 Chemistry 20, Chemistry of Foods 3 Home Ec. 2, Selection and Preparation of Foods 3 3 Home Economics 11, Household Equipment 3 Home Economics 26, Interior Decoration 3 Physical Education 2 ; 1 1

THE JUNIOR YEAR 1ST HF. 2ND HF. Psychology 1, General 3 3 Education 1, Principles 3 Zoology 13, Human Physiology 3 Home Economics 9, Clothing 2 3 Home Economics 10, Textiles 3 Home Ec. 3, Preparation and Serving of Meals 3 Botany 13, Household Microbiology 3 Home Economics J, Diet and Nutrition ... 5 Home Economics 12, Household Management... ... 3 Restricted Elective ... 3

THE SENIOR YEAR 1ST HF. 2ND HF. History 3 or 12, European History 3 3 Home Economics 16, Methods of Teaching 2 1 Home Economics 17, Student Teaching ... 3 Home Economics 15, Child Care ... 2 Home Economics 25, Pre-School Child ... 3 Home Economics 13, The Family 3

*Electives 9 3 * The technical electives recommended are: Chemistry 24, Bio-chemistry; Home Eco­

nomics 20, Advanced Clothing; Home Economics 21, Child Nutrition; Home Economics 22, Readings in Nutrition; Home Economics 27, The Related Arts.

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256 The Curricula

The College of Medicine

The College of Medicine of the University of Vermont is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the United States. For over a century it has served the State and the Nation by sending out its graduates to every part of the Union.

The College of Medicine is a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges and is on the approved list of the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association. The excellent record of the graduates of this college and the high standing of the institution is, in large measure, the result of the intensive instruc­tion given in small sections in lecture, laboratory and clinic.


The curriculum has been arranged so that the study of the several branches of Medicine is taken up in a systematic way.

The student is taught first the general structure of the body, its em-bryological development, the functions of the various organs, the chemical processes taking place in the body and the minute structure of the tissues and organs in health.

The follows consideration of the changes in gross and microscopic anatomy, the variations in the chemical processes and in the functions of organs and tissues under the influence of disease, how such changes give rise to different symptoms and physical signs and the methods of interpreting such findings in arriving at a diagnosis.

The student is then taught the methods of investigating diseases, their causes and prevention, as well as the remedies used in their treatment. The various surgical conditions are considered, the indications for treatment or operations, and the technique of operating. Reproduction and develop­ment are studied and the diseases of pregnancy as well as the management of labor.

Instruction is given by lectures, demonstrations, recitations, practical courses, laboratory work, clinics and clinical teaching at the bedside, in the hospitals, in the Dispensary and in several public State institutions with which the College has connection.

For clinical work the class is divided into small sections so that each student receives the personal attention of the instructor.

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The College of Medicine 257

The work of the hirst Year includes the study of Anatomy, Physiology, Physiological Chemistry, Histology, Embryology and Radiology.

The courses in Anatomy and Physiology have been graded to cover two years, the work of each year being practically complete in itself.

Laboratory courses are given in Anatomy (dissecting), Histology, Embryology, Physiology and Chemistry.

During the Second Year the study of Physiology is completed. Courses are given in Materia Medica, Pharmacology, Pathology, Bacteriology, Surgery, Bandaging, Medicine, Toxicology, Obstetrics, Radiology and Hygiene. Laboratory courses are given in Anatomy, Pathological His­tology, Clinical Pathology, Physiology and Bacteriology.

The work of the Third Year includes Surgery, Obstetrics, Special Pathology, Therapeutics and the various special subjects of Medicine and Surgery.

There are practical courses in Physical Diagnosis, Minor Surgery and Obstetrics with the manikin. The students attend surgical and medical clinics, in which they are instructed in the methods of investigating disease, in properly interpreting the symptoms of disease, in the principles of differential diagnosis and in the indications for treatment.

The Fourth Year is devoted largely to the study of diagnosis and the treatment of disease, the larger part of the work being given at the gen­eral hospitals, the Dispensary and under preceptors, where students examine patients, make diagnosis and outline treatment.

The class is divided into sections, usually of four students each, which are assigned to various services in rotation. The services include medical, surgical, pathological and specialties at the hospitals; medical, surgical and specialties at the Dispensary, as well as obstetrics and pediatric work at the Elizabeth Lund Home; out-patient service and city physi­cians; four weeks with a preceptor, a general practitioner in the country, and two weeks of intensive training in each of four public institutions.

During this year the students are required to assist at autopsies under the instruction of the Professor of Pathology, and to make such micro­scopic study of the tissues removed as may be of value in understanding the pathological history of the case.

One two-hour period each week is devoted to a clinical conference for which students prepare and present all possible data, clinical and pathological, upon some case which they have studied, usually one which has come to autopsy. These exercises are held under the joint supervision of the departments of Medicine, Surgery and Pathology and cases studied are thoroughly discussed. This conference is attended by the Third Year students as well as by those of the Fourth Year class who are not on Extra-mural Service.

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258 The Curricula


The department of clinical teaching is under the direct supervision of the Professors of Medicine and Surgery, who have an able corps of clinical assistants.

The work in clinical instruction is thoroughly systematized. In the hospital wards the Senior students, under the direction of an instructor, examine patients, write the history of the cases, make laboratory examina­tions indicated, make diagnoses, and suggest treatment.

The clinical facilities include the Mary Fletcher, Bishop DeGoesbriand, Fort Ethan Allen and Fanny Allen Hospitals with approximately four hundred beds; the Laboratory of the State Board of Health and the Free Dispensary; two orphans' homes with approximately five hundred beds; the Weeks School, four hundred beds; Vermont Sanatorium, seventy-six beds; Caverly Preventorium, forty-five beds; Vermont State Hospital for the Insane, one thousand and fifty beds; Brandon State School, three hun­dred beds.

The facilities of the St. Albans Hospital, and the Retreat at Brattleboro are also available.


Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine must have met the requirement of this College in regard to preliminary education and must have attended and satisfactorily completed the prescribed work of four yearly sessions or courses of instruction in Medicine, of at least thirty-two weeks each. On completion of the educational requirements the degree of Doctor of Medicine will be conferred upon candidates of good moral character who are at least twenty-one years old.

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Register, 1938-1939 RESIDENT GRADUATE STUDENTS *Theis Eleanor Aitken, B.S. in CHEM. (VERMONT), 32 Nash PL, Bethel. Max Arthur Bailey, B.s. (VERMONT), Dairy Manufacturing, 416 Pearl St., Burlington. fCharles Wesley Barney, B.S. (SYRACUSE), Forestry, 243 Colchester Ave., Cuba, N. Y. Robert Hamilton Blewitt, A.B. (BROWN), History, 24 Hungerford St., Waterbury, Conn. Frank MacLlewellyn Bryan, A.B. (YALE), History, Montpelier. Basil Harte Candon, B.s. (FORDHAM), Histology, 272 Colchester Ave., Pittsford. * Janice Williams Carkin, B.A. (OBERLIN), Education, 10 Hungerford St., Burlington. TRobert McCrillis Carter, Jr., A.B. (WISCONSIN), Agricultural Economics, Experiment

Station Annex, Fairfax. s,,Mary Cleave, A.B. (SMITH), English, 75 S. Prospect St., Washington, D. C. Harrison Aldrich Cooke, Jr., A.B. (DARTMOUTH), Zoology, 231 S. Union St., Burlington. Frank Alvin Cummings, B.S. (VERMONT), English, 37 N. Prospect St., Bradford. * Robert Powers Davison, B.S. (VERMONT), Agricultural Economics, 474 S. Union St.,

Burlington. *Roland John Delfausse, PH.B. (VERMONT), Economics, 161 Pearl St., Burlington. Clinton Willard Demeritt, B.S. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, Waterbury. *Jack Edmund Doan, B.S.A. (ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE), Agronomy, 29 School

St., Norwich, Ont., Can. fjohn Durrance Dodd, B.S. (SYRACUSE), Cytology, 243 Colchester Ave., Tuxedo Park,

N. Y. *Arnold Perkins Drew, A.B. (MCGILL), English, 11 N. Willard St., Richford. Doris Muriel Fife, A.B. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, 5 6 University Ter., Middlebury. Murray Willbur Foote, B.S. (VERMONT), Biochemistry, Charlotte. * Paul Fredric Froeschle, B.S. (ROCHESTER), Biochemistry, 64 Greene St., Rochester, N. Y. $ William Gray Grieve, (VERMONT), Philosophy, 439 College St., Waterbury, Conn. Dorothy Bradford Holmes, A.B. (VERMONT), English, Si S. Willard St., Plymouth, Mass. fRobert Jenness, B.S. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Dairy Manufacturing, 60 Colchester Ave.,

Dover, N. H. ^Frances May Johnson, B.S. (NEW JERSEY COLLEGE FOR WOMEN), Botany, 407 Colchester

Ave., Stockton, N. J. Esther Appleton Knowlton, B.S. ED. (SALEM STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE), Education, 403

College St., Hamilton, Mass. Margaret Olive Columbia Krogman, B.S. (NEW YORK UNIVERSITY), Education, 97 Bank

St., Burlington. TJoseph Gorden Leeder, B.S. (OHIO STATE), Dairy Manufacturing, 60 Colchester Ave.,

Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Sylvia Margulis Levine, B.s. (VERMONT), English, 171 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Ralph Caldwell McWilliams, B.S. (PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE), Dairy Husbandry,

St. Albans. John Henry Martin, B.S. (MIDDLEBURY), History, 61 N. Prospect St., Burlington. Florence Virginia Mason, A.B. (MT. HOLYOKE), English, 333 S. Prospect St., Peru, N. Y. * Research Fellow. t Experiment Station Fellow. $ PH.B. degree to be awarded June, 19$9.


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260 University of Vermont

Albert Benson Meservey, B.s. (VERMONT), Biochemistry, 39 Brookes Ave., Belfast, Me. Alexander Adrian Morrissette, PH.B. (VERMONT), French, 163 Loomis St., Burlington, FWerner Otto Mueller, B.S. (CONNECTICUT STATE), Agronomy, 151 Maple St., Goshen,

Conn. John Erwin Newton, A.B. (DARTMOUTH), History, 355 S. Union St., W. Hartford. fDorothy Dale Nuetzman, B.S. (NEBRASKA), Home Economics, 443 S. Prospect St.,

Lincoln, Neb. •{"Clarence Vinton Plath, B.S. (NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE), Agronomy, 29

School St., Fargo, N. D. Paul Charles Rand, B.S. (VERMONT), Physics, 38 Loomis St., Burlington, F William Ray Ratledge, B.S. (UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE), Botany, 307 Colchester Ave.,

Wilmington, Del. Jean Longfellow Schoppe, A.B. (STANFORD), English, 305 Main St., Seattle, Wash. William J. Simcox, B.s. (VERMONT), Biochemistry, 39 Brookes Ave., S. Strafford. fEdwin Joseph Weatherby, B.S. (CORNELL), Dairy Husbandry, 60 Colchester Ave., Sin-

clairville, N. Y. Reuben Robert Zile, B.S. (CORNELL), Forestry, 143 N. Prospect St., Burlington.


Crawford McGinnis Adams B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Groton. Stella Marion Adams, B.s. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Hebron, N. H. Mildred Elizabeth Akins, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Clarence Frank Amsden, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Greensboro. Homer Butler Ashland, PH.B. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Mary A. Barrett, A.B. (TRINITY), Education, Hydevilie. Louis William Batchelder, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Hartford, Conn. Leila May Bates, PH.B (VERMONT), Education, Richmond. Nila Elizabeth Bates, B.s. (WEST CHESTER STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE) , English, W. Chester,

Pa. Barbara Reed Bicknell, A.B. (WELLESLEY), Mathematics, S. Weymouth, Mass. Guy Franklin Blake, A.B. (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA), Education, Norwalk, Conn. Lyman Watts Bole, B.S. (CORNELL UNIVERSITY), Education, Bradford. Charles Phillips Boright, B.S. (VERMONT), English, Newport. Gertrude Elizabeth Branon, PH.B (VERMONT), French, Burlington. Eugene George Burnkrant, A.B. (DARTMOUTH), Education, Marshfield, Wis. Helen Spinney Carter, B.A. (WISCONSIN), Education, W. Burke. William H. Carter, A.B. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, Vergennes. Charles Elroy Chase, B.s. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Colebrook, N. H. Belle Louise Church, A.B. (VERMONT), Mathematics, Richmond. Robert Wellington Chutter, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Proctor. Elizabeth Martha Collins, B.S. (VERMONT), History, Burlington. John Thomas Conway, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, New London, Conn. Ruth Donelson Coombs, A.B. (MT. HOLYOKE), English, Shelburne Falls, Mass. Mary Elizabeth Coughlin, A.B. (LADY OF ELMS, CHICOPEE), Education, Greenfield, Mass. Gladys Hogaboom Crockett, B.S. (VERMONT), History, New Britain, Conn. John Yale Crouter, B.s. (NEW YORK UNIVERSITY), English, Providence, R. I. Lorraine Bertha Cushman, A.B. (N. Y. ST. COL. FOR TEACHERS), Science, Bolton, Landing,

N. Y. Jessie Evelyn Dayton, A.B. (HOOD), Education, Basking Ridge, N. J. * Candidates for Master's Degree by attendance at University of Vermont Summer Sessions. J Experiment Station Fellow.

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Register 261

Mary Louise Dee, A.B. (COLLEGE OF MT. ST. VINCENT), English, Hanco*ck, Mass. George Vance Drabble, A.B. (BATES), Education, Rochester. Stella Hughes Durkee, B.E. (CASTLETON), Education, Castleton. Grace Margaret Durling, B.S. (TEMPLE UNIVERSITY), Education, Elizabeth, N. J. John Nelson Erickson, B.s. (COLBY), Education, Northfield. Lenore M. Farnham, B.A. (HEIDELBERG), History, Napoleon, Ohio. Madeline Mary Flynn, A.B. (COLLEGE OF ST. ROSE), English, Rutland. Elizabeth Louise Fox, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, New Britain, Conn. Marion Waters Fox, B.s. (GLASSBORO, N. J., TEACHERS' COLLEGE), Education, Atlantic

City, N. J. Ruth Evelyn French, PH.B. (VERMONT), English, Proctor. Ruth M. Gabler, B.S. (SIMMONS), Education, Holyoke, Mass. Jay Steward Garvin, A.B. (WESTMINSTER), Education, S. Ryegate. Gordon Horatio Gates, B.s. (VERMONT) , Education, Middlebury. Ruth Edna Geffken, B.E. (TEACHERS COLLEGE OF CONNECTICUT), Education, Schenectady,

N. Y. Amy Elian Goodell, B.s. (MIDDLEBURY), Political Science, Barre. George Winthrop Goodrich, B.S. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Stowe. Porter Claude Greene, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, New London, Conn. Leon Exephere Hamel, ED.B. (KEENE NORMAL), Education, Franklin, N. H. Guy Edward Harrington, B.s. (BOSTON UNIVERSITY), Education, Derby. Chester Pilgrim Hartford, B.S. (NORWICH), Education, Northfield. Irene Mary Harvey, B.A. (TRINITY), French, Burlington. Allan Jay Heath, B.S. (MASSACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE), Education, Newfane. Leon Nathan Hill, B.S. IN ED. (VERMONT), Education, Chelsea. Francis N. Hinchey, PH.B (YALE), Education, Rutland. Katherine Culliney Hinchey, A.B. (COLLEGE OF ST. ROSE), Education, Rutland. Helen Joyce Hobbs, A.B. (COLBY), History, Rochester. Harry F. Holder, B.P.E. (SPRINGFIELD), Education, Ludlow. Eleanor Harte Holleran, A.B. (BARNARD), History, Fair Haven. Adrian Emery Holmes, B.B.A. (BOSTON UNIVERSITY), Education, Burlington. A. Weidon House, B.S. (NORWICH), Education, Northfield. Harriet Howard, B.s. (VERMONT), Mathematics, Burlington. Irwin Holden Hoxie, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Peacham. Homer Elijah Hunt, A.B. (BROWN), Education, St. Albans. Mildred Harriet Huntley, PH.B. (VERMONT), History, Fairfax. Cora Alice Hutchins, B.s. (VERMONT), Mathematics, Burlington. Francis Smith Irons, A.B. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, Bennington. Orson Wilbur Jay, PH.B. (VERMONT), Education, Morrisville. George Raymond Jenkins, B.s. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, Hardwick. Olufa Merica Jones, PH.B. (VERMONT), History, Burlington. Jessie Axtell Judd, A.B. (SMITH), Latin, Bellows Fails. Leo Francis Keefe, A.B. (LEHIGH), Education, Rutland. Charles Irvan Keelan, A.B. (VERMONT), Education, Montgomery. Beth M. Kehler, A.B. (FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN), History, St. Petersburg, Fla. Harry Arthur Keniston, B.E. (VERMONT), Education, St. Johnsbury. Bettlna King, B.S. (BRIDGEWATER STATE TEACHERS* COLLEGE), English, Melrose, Mass. Thomas Blake Langley, B.S, (COLBY), Education, Blue Hill, Me. Albert Davis Lawton, A.B. (DARTMOUTH), Education-, Rochester. Walter Roy LeBaron, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Hinesburg. Wilfred Avery Leslie, B.S. (CONNECTICUT STATE), Education, W. Charleston. Margaret Anne Levarn, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Montpelier.

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262 University of Vermont

Ruth Marie McAuliffe, B.LXT. (NEW ROCHEIXE) , English, Burlington. Josiah Small McCann, A.B. (BATES) , Education, St. Albans. Robert Harry Mclntyre, A.B. (TEMPLE), Education, Hershey, Pa. George Matheson MacKenzie, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Claremont N. H. Josephine H. McLouth, B.S. (WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGE), History, Shortsville, N. Y. George Magrath, A.B (DARTMOUTH), Education, Whitinsville, Mass. Marion Rhoda Manchester, A.B. (EASTERN NAZARENE COLLEGE), English, Johnson. Arthur F. Marshall, LL.B (BOSTON UNIVERSITY), Education, Lynn, Mass. Burns Edward Martin, A.B. (ST. MICHAEL'S), Education, Rutland. H. Proctor Martin, A.B. (DARTMOUTH), Education, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Marion A. Martin, A.B. (UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS), Education, Louisville, Ky. Clyde Andrew Maxfield, B.S. IN ED. (VERMONT), Education, Post Mills. Marjorie Mead, B.S. (RUSSELL SAGE), Education, Kingston, N. Y. Solymn Donald Miner, A.B. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, Orwell. Edgar August Moberg, A.B (CLARK), Education, Worcester, Mass. Harry Nichols Montague, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, N. Bennington. John Millyn Moore, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Barre. Chandler Benjamin Mosher, B.S. (COLBY), Education, Bradford. Harold William Muggleston, A.B. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Deep River, Conn. Ruth Mary Mullin, PH.B. (VERMONT), French, Proctor. John Norman Murray, A.B. (CEDARVILLE), Latin, Randolph. William Allen Newton, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Russell E. Nims, B.S. (MASSACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE), Education, Plainfield. Mrs. Ruth Davis Nims, B.A. (OHIO WESLEYAN), Education, Plainfield. Margaret Gertrude Palmer, B.S. inm (WORCESTER STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE), Education,

Worcester, Mass. Leo Joseph Papincau, A.B. (ST. MICHAEL'S), Education, Swanton. Laurence Gilbert Paquin, A.B. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Orange, N. J. Katherine Davidson Park, ED.B. (KEENE NORMAL), English, Groton, Mass. Justus Newton Perrin, A.B. (MIDDLEBURY), Education, Greensboro. Eugenie Mildred Schutt Philbrick, B.S. (BRIDGEWATER, MASS., STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE),

English, S. Royalton. John Frederick Pollard, B.S. (COLBY), Education, Fairfield, Me. Archibald Thomson Post, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Guy Wallace Powers, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Athens. Lucile Emily Powers, B.S. (JACKSON) , English, Woodstock. Gladys Julia Press, PH.B. (VERMONT), Education, St. Albans. Thelma Evelyn Price, PH.B (VERMONT), Education, Tolland, Conn. Ellery Redfield Purdy, B.S. (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA), History, Rutland. Richard Joseph Cousins Race, A.B. (COLBY), Education, Underbill. Robert Osborn Randall, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Middlebury. Lucy Augusta Rich, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Leslie Ricker Rowe, A.B. (VERMONT), Education, Newbury. Newell Dean Rowe, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Fairfax. Ruth McLachlin Rowe, A.B. (WELLESLEY), French, Waterbury Susie Belle Sanborn, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Stowe. Marion Evelyn Sargent, PH.B. (VERMONT), English, Burlington. Mildred Naomi Scanlon, B.S.E. (LOWELL TEACHERS' COLLEGE), Education, Lowell, Mass. Rolfe Weston Schoppe, B.S. (VERMONT), History, Orleans. Henry Clifford Sears, B.S. (SPRINGFIELD), Education, Great Neck, N. Y. Paul Thornton Sellers, B.S. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Canaan.

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Nettie Harriett Simmons, B.S.E. (FRAMINGHAM TEACHERS' COLLEGE), Education, Dedham, Mass.

Holland Lincoln Smith, A.B. (COLGATE), Education, Essex Junction. Walter L. Smith, A.B. (HOWARD UNIVERSITY), Education, Ardwick, Md. George H. Sole, A.B. (WILLIAMS), Political Science, Barre. Floyd Emory Somerville, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, Waitsfield. Margaret Pyle Sorber, B.S. (WEST CHESTER, PA., STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE), English,

W. Chester, Pa. Harris Wells Soule, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Alice Marguerite Stearns, B.s. IN ED. (VERMONT), Education, Burlington. Daisy Eva Stewart, PH.B (VERMONT), English, Springfield. Frank Ossian Stiles, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Highgate Center. Arthur Ladd Stone, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Williamstown. Lewis Julius Streeter, B.S. (UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Westminster. Bernetha Alberta Strickler, A.B. (LEBANON VALLEY), German, Schaefferstown, Pa. Jesse Earl Sunderland, B.s. (VERMONT), Education, St. Albans. Virginia Hope Tallard, PH.B. (WISCONSIN), Education, New Britain, Conn. Elizabeth Curtis Taylor, A.B. (RADCLIFFE), Education, Watertown, Mass. Jesse Merrill Tebbetts, A.B. (WESLEYAN), Education, Fair Haven. Willard Edgar Thomen, B.S. (CONNECTICUT), Education, Derby. Elizabeth Mary Thompson, B.S. (NEW HAMPSHIRE), Education, Whitefield, N. H. Janet Elizabeth Thompson, A.B. (WHEATON), Education, Burlington. John A. Thorp, A.B. (ASBURY, WILMORE, KY.), Education, S. Woodbury. Marion Eugenia Tifft, B.S. (VERMONT), English, Bennington. Lorana Adelaide Tremper, B.S. (DETROIT TEACHERS), Education, Detroit, Mich. Esther Staat Tyler, A.B. (MUSKINGUM), History, Bakersfield. George Robert Tyler, A.B. (MUSKINGUM), Education, Bakersfield. Frank Moses Varney, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Milford, Pa. Beverly Groat Wagner, A.B. (HOUGHTON), Social Science, Delavan, N. Y. Cola Delmore Watson, B.S. (VERMONT), Education, Highgate. Marian Isabel Weeks, A.B. (ADELPHI), English, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lena Amy West, B.S. (COLUMBIA), Education, Strafford. William Murray Wilbur, B.S. (VERMONT), English, Barre. Catherine Amy Wilcox, B.S. (VERMONT), English, Barton. Alice Mary Wimett, PH.B (VERMONT), History, Pittsford. Marion Witters, PH.B. (VERMONT), Mathematics, St. Albans.

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264 University of Vermont


SENIORS—Class of 1939

Leonard Joseph Abbadessa, GS, 38 Latham Ct., Vergennes. Gertrude Elizabeth Atkins, CT, 199 King St., Colchester. Bradley Phillip Bacon, Bus, Alpha Tan Omega House, Springfield. Dudley Barber Ball, SS, 240 Loomis St., Washington, D. C. Joyce Audrey Bates, SS, 26 University Ter., Pittsford. Ruth Baxendale, GS, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Burlington. Leonard Joseph Bisaccia, GS, 61 Hungerford St., New Hartford, Conn. Loren Otis Bishop, SEd, 83 Charlotte St., Shelburne. Oscar Benton Bissell, SS, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Saxtons River. Margaret Ann Bliss, IS, 139 N. Willard St., W. Rutland. Lucy Mary Brigham, LS, 48 Colchester Ave., Morrisville. Feme Louise Bristol, LS, Slade Hall, Brandon. Burke Graham Brown, Bus, Lambda lota House, Jericho. Lois Batchelder Brown, LS, 419 S. Prospect St., Burlington. Bertha Lydia Burkewitz, SEd, Alpha Chi Omega House, Irasburg. Roberta Olga Butterfield, SS, Campus House, N. Troy. Lucy Buttles, Sec, 457 S. Willard St., Burlington. Thomas James Campbell, Cl, Kappa Sigma House, Montpelier. Harriet Almira Canedy, LS, Delta Delta Delta House, Jacksonville. John Alden Chase, Jr., Bus, 23 Brookes Ave., Newton, Mass. Frank Merlin Chereskin, GS, 33 Wilson St., Longmeadow, Mass, Everett Paul Ryan Clifford, SEd, 16 Mansfield Ave., Barton. Alice Cora Coapland, LS, 139 Loomis St., Craftsbury Common. Jack Lewis Cohen, Ch, 173 Intervale Ave., Burlington. Marion Harriet Coleman, SEd, 14 University Ter., S. Londonderry. Seymour Saul Cutler, GS, Phi Sigma Delta House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur Robert Datnoff, SEd, 76 Hyde St., Burlington. Stilman George Davis, Jr., GS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Nashua, N. H. Jeanne Newman Dennis, LS, Redstone, Morristown, N. J. Everett Coyt Dimick, SEd, 72 Greene St., W. Hartford. Madelyn Cecilia Donlon, SEd, 48 Colchester Ave., Richford. Doris Marjorie Dopp, CT, Alpha Chi Omega House, Burlington. Martha Shepard Douglass, LS, 122 Summit St., Burlington. Ruth Marion Fellows, SEd, 206 East Ave., Burlington. Mary Orton Fifield, Cl, Delta Delta Delta House, Newport.


Ag, Agriculture. Bus, Business. CE, Civil Engineering. Ch, Chemistry. Cl, Classical. CT, Commercial Teaching. Ed, Education. EE, Electrical Engineering. ElEd, Elementary Education. GS, General Science.

GS*, Pre-Medical. HE, Home Economics. LS, Literary-Scientific. ME, Mechanical Engineering. Med, Medical. MusEd, Music Education. Sec, Secretarial. SEd, Secondary Education. SS, Social Science. Sp, Special.

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Register 265

Norma Lois Fletcher, SEd, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Orleans. Phyllis Evelyn Foster, SS, Alpha Chi Omega House, Merrimack, N. H. Beryl Frank, SS, 45 Overtake Park, Burlington. Richard Harris Gale, Ch, Sigma Nu Lodge, Stowe. James Curtis Giddings, GS, 345 St. Paul St., New Haven, Conn. Nancy Elizabeth Gillingham, Sec, Alpha Xi Delta House, Woodstock. Walter Martin Glass, GS, 21 Loomis St., Burlington. Robert Ignatius Gleason, GS, 116 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Rosendo Adolfo Gomez, SS, Kappa Sigma House, Barre. Bayard Victor Grant, Bus, Delta Psi House, Brattleboro. Charles Elmer Harmon, GS, 243 Colchester Ave., Island Pond. Doris Agnes Hasseltine, SEd, 29 Mansfield Ave., Bristol. Elma Mary Herrick, CT, Alpha Xi Delta House, Swanton. Delevan Herbert Howe, Ch, 206 Bank St., Pittsfield, Mass. Reta Howe, GS, 49 Mansfield Ave., Wilmington. John Alexander Hunter, Jr.,- GS, Phi Delta Theta House, Dover, N. H. Erma Rita Mae Hurteau, SEd, 56 N. Willard St., Alburg. John Conklin Husing, Bus, Sigma Nu Lodge, Lynbrook, N. Y. Harold Larned Hutcliins, Jr., GS, Phi Delta Theta Home, Hamden, Conn. Muriel Eva Hutchinson, LS, Alpha Chi Omega House, Essex Junction. Edward Jacobson, SS, 69 N. Willard St., Salisbury. Albert Basil Jerard, GS, Sigma Phi Place, Newport, N. H. Barbara Elizabeth Jones, GS, 16 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Frederic Tracy Jones, Bus, Delta Psi House, Burlington. Norman Kemler, GS, 410 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Leona Nellie Kilburn, SEd, Alpha Xi Delta House, Collinsville, Conn. Henry Vincent Kogut, SS, 165 Loomis St., Bridgeport, Conn. Rita Margaret Lambert, SS, Campus House, Holyoke, Mass. Norma Madeleine Lessor, Cl, 82 Hungerford St., Burlington. Murray Newman Levin, GS, 166 Loomis St., Burlington. Aaron Abraham Levine, SEd, Phi Sigma Delta House, W. Rutland. Frank Lewis, GS, Phi Sigma Delta House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clarence Henry Lipsky, Bus, 43 N. Willard St., Great Neck, L. I., N. Y. Bernard Lisman, SS, 158 N. Willard St., Burlington. Helen Louise Loudon, LS, Robinson Hall, Minneapolis, Minn. Lawrence Diskin McCrea, GS, 154 Park St., Burlington. Thomas Burke McHugh, SEd, Alpha Tau Omega House, Rutland. James Elmer McKee, Jr., GS, 16 Mansfield Ave., Arlington. Ruth Wood Anderson Mills (Mrs.), Sec, 339 Colchester Ave., Burlington. Howard Lester Minckler, Ch, Delta Psi House, Grand Isle. Lester Henry Mitchell, SS, 1 19 Mansfield Ave., Burlington. Richard Friedhold Morgner, SS, 32 N. Prospect St., Fitchburg, Mass. Alice Wood Hamilton Myers (Mrs.), Sp(SS), 313 Maple St., Burlington. Elmer Lyle Nicholson, GS, 5 School St., Rochester. Ruth Anne Palmer, LS, Pi Beta Phi House, Crestwood, N. Y, Owen Meredith Parry, SEd, 206 Bank St., Poultney. Charlotte Elma Phelps, SEd, Essex junction, Essex Junction. Robert Ernest Pierce, SEd, 106 Loomis St., Jacksonville. Loren JofFre Pretty, SS, 16 Mansfield Ave., Woodstock. John Thompson Prior, GS, Sigma Nu Lodge, St. Albans. Mary Margaret Rasines, Cl, Redstone, Barre. Edith Marian Rice, SS, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

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266 University of Vermont

Harrietce Louise Riddell, GS, 26 University Ter., Williamstown. Jane Harriet Riddell, SS, 740 North Ave., Burlington. Sarah Catherine Rigney, CT, Alpha Xi Delta House, Lafayette, R. I. Grace Marie Rinck, SS, Redstone, Ridgewood, N. J. Dorothea Robinson, SEd, Pi Beta Phi House, Homestead, Fla. Milton Rosenthal, GS, Phi Sigma Delta House, Roxbury, Mass. Permelia Theodora Ruggles, SEd, Slade Hall, Bellows Falls. Priscilla Savage, Cl, Pi Beta Phi House, Randolph. Alfred Schwartz, GS, Phi Sigma Delia House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Howard Julian Schwartz, GS, 116 N. Prospect St., Mineola, L. I., N. Y. Kathryn Scott, GS, Pi Beta Phi House, Kingston, R. I. Edward Gabriel Sedlis, SS, 23 Wilson St., Brookline, Mass. Edward Joseph Sennett, LS*, 206 Bank St., Poultney. Richard Lyman Seymour, Bus, 21 N. Williams St., St. Albans. Mary Coleman Shakespeare, Sec, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Rutland. Thais Barbara Shapland, SEd, 62 Harrington Ter., St. Albans. Winston Hugo Sharp, Ch, 424 S. Union St., Newton Center, Mass. Janet Preston Sheltus, LS, Alpha Chi Omega House, Swanton. Rebecca Charlotte Shippee, SEd, Alpha Chi Omega House, W. Dover. Philip Brett Shoemaker, GS, 37 N. Prospect St., Essex, N. Y. Arthur Parmelee Silvester, SEd, 13 Wilson St., Brattleboro. Clarence Raymond Simmons, GS, Lambda lota House, Oakland, Me. Harold Leonard Simmons, Jr., GS, Kappa Sigma House, New Bedford, Mass. Anna Arthalene Smith, SS, 48 Hoover St., Burlington. Margaret Elizabeth Smith, CT, Slade Hall, Pittsfield, Mass. Richard Francis Snape, SS, 102 Summit St., N. Adams, Mass. Myron Alden Solin, GS, 349 Pearl St., Chicopee, Mass. Anne Louise Squire, GS, 26 University Ter., Waterbury. James Howell Starbuck, Sp(Bus), 360 College St., Burlington. David Jacob Steinberg, SS, Phi Sigma Delta House, Roxbury, Mass. Joseph Carleton Stickney, GS, 236 Main St., Rutland. Leola Myra Stiles, SEd, 36} Main St., Middlebury. Elizabeth Pawling Struthers, SS, 62 Harrington Ter., W. Wardsboro. Evelyn Martha Sweeny, SEd, Alpha Chi Omega House, St. Albans. Annice Nadine Swertfeger, SS, 143 Robinson Ct., Berwyn, 111. Webster Spencer Thompson, Bus, 33 Lafayette PL, Burlington. George Arthur Tulin, GS, 349 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. Theresa Ottilia Weiss, SEd, 239 S. Prospect St., N. Bergen, N. J. Genevieve Victoria Wesolowska, GS, 9 8 Brookes Ave., Shirley, Mass. Frances Marie Whalen, Sec, 394 Pearl St., Burlington. Margaret Inda Wheeler, SEd, Grassmount, Calais. Anita Lina Wiegand, CT, 62 Harrington Ter., Maplewood, N. J. Willard Alexander Wilcox, SS, 23 Brookes Ave., Jacksonville. Richard Wilson, Ch, Delta Psi House, Arlington, Mass. Ruth Sarah Wimett, CT, Alpha Xi Delta House, Pittsford. Mabel Elizabeth Wood, LS, 48 Colchester Ave., Montpelier.

JUNIORS—Class of 1940

Channing Leach Adams, GS, 243 Colchester Ave., Morrisville. Howard Alfred Allen, Jr., Bus, 89 Ledge Rd., Burlington. Mary Arms, SS, Pi Beta Phi House, Farmington, Me.

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Register 267

Richard Travis Atkins, GS*, 16 S. Winooski Ave,, Brewster, N. Y. Paul John Audette, GS*, 50 S. Willard St., Burlington. Edward Noble Baldwin, Bus, M. Converse Hall, Bennington. Seymour Israel Barowsky, SS, Tau Epsilon Phi House, Holyoke, Mass. Theodore William Bartlett, Ch, 60 Colchester Ave., Newport Center. Eleanor Rust Bayley, CT, 232 Colchester Ave., Burlington. Kendall Forbes Beaton, LS, Lambda loda House, S. Ryegate. Anso Belardinelli, Bus, 206 Bank St., Norwalk, Conn. Edward Milton Berkowitz, GS*, Tau Epsilon Phi House, Chelesa, Mass. Jack Samuel Berkowitz, GS*, 190 Loomis St., Greenwich, N. Y. Jeannette Muriel Bisson, GS*, Grassmount, Berlin, N. H. Gwendolyn Mavis Blanchard, GS, 70 School St., Newport. William Leonard Blanchard, Jr., Bus, Sigma Nu Lodge, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Gordon Badger Booth, SS, 86 Williams St., Burlington. Martin James Boucher, Jr., Bus, 37 N. Prospect St., White Plains, N. Y. Jean Elizabeth Brehmer, LS, Grassmount, Rutland. Rosemary Cady Brewster, GS*, Sanders Hall, Underhiil. Eleanor Brody, SEd, Campus House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alfred Keith Brown, SS, Phi Delta Theta House, Billings, Mont. Clarence Halsall Brown, GS*, ror Robinson Ct., Rutland. Jean Olive Butler, LS, 403 College St., Burlington. Barbara Jean Campbell, LS, Delta Delta Delta House, Milton. Earl Atwood Cash, GS 348 College St., W. Dennis, Mass. Novello Cenci, GS*, 20 Brookes Ave., Barre. Arthur Dewitt Clark, SS, 24 Russell St., New York, N. Y. Catherine Clark, LS, 143 Robinson Ct., Holyoke, Mass. Marcelyn Katherine Heath Clark (Mrs), LS, Hinesburg Rd., Burlington. Mary Avis Cobb, GS, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Rutland. Elizabeth Ann Coggins, Sec. 31 S. Willard St., Burlington. William George Cole, SEd, S. Converse Hall, Quechee. Jean Kay Connor, Sec, 363 Main St., Fairfield. Mary Frances Coryell, GS, 26 University Ter., Palisade, N. J. Marion Louise Craig, SS, Slade Hall, Elmwood, Conn. Brenda Crocker, CT, Warner House, N. Hyde Park. Madeline Marguerite Crosby, CT, Slade Hall, Whiting. William Hazen Cross, Bus, Kappa Sigma House, Bombay, N. Y. Ralph Leslie Cudlipp, Jr. GS*, Fort Ethan Alien, Fort Ethan Alien. George John Cummings, SEd, 3 Handy Ct., Johnstown, N. Y. Lloyd George Davies, GS*, S. Converse Hall, Bath, Me. Everett Lee Davis, GS*, 139 N. Prospect St., Craftsbury Common. John Ware Davis, SS, 60 Colchester Ave., Brattleboro. Roger Martin Davis, Ch, 199 King St., Readsboro. Thomas DePalo, GS*, 308 Main St., White River Junction. Albert Dolinsky, GS*, 98 N. Prospect St., Winsted, Conn. Mortimer DuBoff, GS*, 93 S. Willard St., W. Hartford, Conn. Ruth Eldridge, SEd, Warner House, Wolcott. Howard Francis Fitzgerald, SS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Bennington. Judith Virginia Flack, SEd, 143 Robinson Ct., Potsdam, N. Y. Edmund Hulburd Flagg, Bus, Delta Psi House, Craftsbury Common. Ruth Elizabeth Frisbie, CT, 363 Main St., Westport, N. Y. Frances Cushman Fuller, Sec, Pi Beta Phi House, DeLand, Fla. Eugene Gasperini, Jr., Bus, Phi Delta Theta House, Great Neck, N. Y.

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268 University of Vermont

Stuart Kerr Gilbert, SS, Delta Psi House, Dorset, Herman Goodman, SS, 93 S. Willard St., Hartford, Conn. Robert "Wallace Gorton, Bus, Sigma Phi Place, New Haven, Conn. Dominick James Graziano, GS*', Sigma Nu Lodge, Flushing, N. Y. William Mead Griffin, GS*', 261 S. Prospect St., Hackensack, N. J. Mildred Florence Guttormsen, SS, Redstone, E. Walpole, Mass. Charlotte Finley Hall, SS, Allen House, Ridgewood, N. J. Arthur Haritos, SS, 348 College St., Waterbury. Rebecca Jean Harshbarger, SEd, 143 Robinson Ct., Detroit, Mich. Madge Ellen Hendee, Sec, 244 Maple St., Burlington. Kenneth Edward Hoffman, SS, 37 Buell St., Lyndonville. William Edward Hunter, SS, Kappa Sigma House, Randolph. Janet Lydia Ingerson, Sec, Pi Beta Phi House, Lebanon, N. H. Edward Suter Irwin, GS, 260 S. Union St., Burlington. Gunhild Evelyn Isackson, Cl, Redstone, Barre. Lawrence Albert Janoff, GS*, 236 S. Prospect St., New York, N. Y. Paul Calvin Jenks, GS*, 88 N. Prospect St., Burlington. Elsie Jane Johnson, CT, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Robert Hall Johnson, SEd, 36 Colchester Ave., Fair Haven. Gertrude Isabel Johnston, GS, 35 University Ter., Barre. William Herbert Johnston, GS*, Mary Fletcher Hospital, New Glasgow, N. S., Can. Robert Ellis Johnstone, GS*, 140 N. Prospect St., Burlington. David Robinson Jones, GS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Schenectady, N. Y. Elizabeth Margaret Jorgensen, Cl, 20 Fletcher PL, White River Junction. Jerome David Katz, Bus, 349 Pearl St., W. Hartford, Conn. Helen Louise Keedy, GS, Alpha Xi Delta House, Amherst, Mass. Hester Kehoe, Sec, Pi Beta Phi House, Rutherford, N. J. Leighton Clair Kimball, GS*, 206 Bank St., Lowell, Mass. Doris Cinda Kinsley, LS, 380 Maple St., Montpelier. Wendell Eldon Ladd, GS, Sigma Phi Place, Worcester. Florence Ruth LaFayette, CT, 32 University Ter., Plainfield. Herman Alexander Lebow, GS*, 112 Loomis St., Burlington. Robert Bartlett Linsley, GS*, 462 S. Willard St., Gardiner, Me. Charles Henry McClelland, SS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Johnson. Allan Dale MacDonald, SS, Alpha Tau Omega House, Hardwick. Elizabeth Weyburn Marlow, SS, Redstone, Ridgewood, N. J. John Allan Meiklem, Bus, 261 S. Prospect St., Hartford, Conn, Adrien William Mercier, GS, Sigma Alpha Bpsilon House, Leominster, Mass. Henry Van Middleworth, Bus, Phi Delta Theta House, Rockville Center N. Y. Manuel Albert Miller, GS*, 61 N. Willard St., Fitchburg, Mass. Mary Elizabeth Millington, CT, Slade Hall, Plattsburg, N. Y. Harold Moskovitz, SS, 24 St. Louis St., Burlington. Elizabeth Louise Myers, SS, 200 Howard St., Burlington. Mary Cobb Nelson, SS, Redstone, Woodstock. George Sears Noonan, Bus, Delta Psi House, Vergennes. Elvira Frances Palermo, LS, Grassmount, Waterbury. Peter Ernest Patch, GS*, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Windsor. Elliot David Pearl, Bus, Phi Sigma Delta House, Swanton. Robert Stuart Pease, GS*, 134 Ferguson Ave., Burlington. Robert Alarik Morton Peterson, Bus, Sigma Nu Lodge, Plainfield, N. J. Howard Leon Plant, Ch, 8$ Main St., Hartford, Conn. Alta Amanda Plumb, Sec, Alpha Chi Omega House, Springfield.

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Register 269

Edward Israel Poriss, GS*, 522 North St., Hartford, Conn. Ramon David Rich, Ch, 88 S. Union- St., Burlington. Heath Kenyon Riggs, GS, Richmond, Richmond. Carl Howard Schofield, SS, Kappa Sigma House, St. Albans. Catherine Shalucha, LS, 32 University Ter., Springfield. Lawrence Albert Simpson, Bus, Kappa Sigma House, St. Albans. Barbara Clair Smith, SS, Alpha Chi Omega House, Bridgeport, Conn. Robert Ellsworth Spaulding, LS, 117 Bank St., Burlington. Georgianna Lewitus Steinman, SS, Grassmount, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clark "William Stevens, GS*, 16 Mansfield Ave., N. Stratford, N. H. Paul McLachin Stoddard, GS*, 26 Fletcher PL, Groton. Charles Caverly Swift, GS*, 41 University Ter., Rutland. Elizabeth Esther Taylor, Sec, 32 Brookes Ave., Burlington. John Ernest Thayer, GS*, 38 Lafayette PL, Burlington. Earle Roger Thomas, Bus, Alpha Tau Omega House, Westport, N. Y. Richard Lee Tracy, Bus, Delta Psi House, Shelburne. Shirley Roslyn Treat, LS, Slade Hall, Bridgeport, Conn. Ruth Mary Tucker, GS, 48 Colchester Ave., Middlebury. Charles Wilbar Utter, Bus, Sigma Phi Place, Westerly, R. I. William Fredrick Vassar, SS, 203 S. Winooski Ave., Bristol. Geraldine Mary Waldo, SS, Redstone, Norwichtown, Conn. Russell Smith Wallin, SEd, 5 Handy Ct., Amsterdam, N. Y. Grace Ailleen Weaver, SS, r 59 Loomis St., Brattleboro. Dorothy Wright Whitcomb, SS, Slade Hall, Springfield, Mass. Lee Bretton Whitcomb, Bus, Phi Delta Theta House, St. Albans. Allan Rawson Williams, Ch, Jericho, Jericho. Phyllis Mary Williams, SS, Charlotte, Charlotte. Ruth Helen Williams, Cl, Jericho, Jericho. Donald Edward Wilson, Jr., GS*, 106 Colchester Ave., Bristol. Ethyle Renee Wolfe, Cl, 73 Hyde St., Burlington. Allan Yale Wolinsky, GS*, 236 S. Prospect St., W. Rutland. Rudolph Orville Woodco*ck, GS*, 21 N. Union St., Plainfield, Joseph Michael Wysolmerski, SS, Alpha Tau Omega House, W. Rutland.

SOPhom*oRES—Class of 1941

Peggy-Dean Abbott, Sec, Shelburne Rd., Burlington. Althea Lucille Abell, Sec, 31 Robinson Ct., Burlington. Jane Allen, Sec, 89 Ledge Rd., Burlington. Barbara Ann Bagby, LS, Slade Hall, Plattsburg, N. Y. Ethel Clara Bailey, CT, 48 Colchester Ave., Craftsbury. Pauline Adena Bailey, SS, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Martha Lillian Baker, Cl, 49 Mansfield Ave., Milton. Clifton Summers Baldwin, GS*, 89 Buell St., New Baltimore, N. Y. Bernard Barney, GS*, 197 N. Willard St., Bennington. Margaret Mary Beattie, Cl, Alien House, St. Johnsbury. Arnold Herman Becker, GS*, 234 N. Willard St., Burlington. Leah Begun, LS, Grassmount, New York, N. Y. Albert Raymond Betts, Jr., SS, Sigma Phi Place, Simsbury, Conn. George John Bicoulis, GS*, 155 Loomis St., Fitchburg, Mass. Jack Bloom, GS*, Tau Epsilon Phi House, Hartford, Conn. Mary Catherine Bodette, GS*, Sanders Hall, Vergennes.

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270 University of Vermont

Howard Spencer Bray, SS, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Orleans. Lucille Elizabeth Brennon, GS} 2$ Mansfield Ave., St. Albans. Jean Carol Brooks, SS, S. Burlington, S. Burlington. William Joseph Buckley, GS, Phi Delta Theta House, Bridgeport, Conn. Robert Leal Burke, Bus, 37 N. Prospect St., Rutland. Olive Mae Burrington, SS, Sanders Hall, St. Johnsbury. Alfred William Burroughs, Bus, 515 North St., Brattleboro. Barbara Lennox Butler, GS, 32 University Ter., Rutland. Jose Nemesio Cabanzo, GS*, 403 College St., Barre. Austin Martin Cahill, SS, S. Converse Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Allan James Caldwell, Bus, 34 N. Williams St., Burlington. Christine Caruthers, SS, Fort Ethan Allen, Fort Ethan Allen. Ferdinand George Chiarello, Bus, Lambda lota House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Challiss Irvin Clausing, GS, Essex Center, Essex Center. Gerald Arnold Cohen, GS*, 116 N. Prospect St., New Britain, Conn. Warren Merritt Colehamer, Bus, S. Converse Hall, Newark, N. J. David Vernon Collins, Ch, 587 Park Ave., Burlington. Agnes Moore Conley, SS, Pi Beta Phi House, Brockton, Mass. Paul Edward Corley, Bus, 161 S. Prospect St., Burlington. Martha Hope Crane, Sec, 470 S. Union St., Burlington. Thomas Frank Crimmin, Jr., Bus, S. Converse Hall, Windsor. Margaret Powers Crowley, SS, Pi Beta Phi House, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. James Peter Cunavelis, SS, 27 N. Union St., St. Johnsbury. Lois Anne Dallenbach, Sp, 83 N. Willard St., Champaign, 111. Edward Simeon Dangel, SS, i$o Loomis St., Brookline, Mass. Francis Milton Dellafera, GS*, 505 North St., S. Manchester, Conn. Jeanette DiDio, GS*, Robinson Hall, New York, N. Y. James Patrick Diforio, GS*, 43 N. Willard St., Mamaroneck, N. Y. Harry Enrico DiPietro, GS, 56 Colchester Ave., Watertown, Mass. John Thomas Doheny, SS, Richmond, Richmond. Elizabeth Doton, GS*, 30 Robinson Ct., Woodstock. Sidney Dreier, GS*, 28 Williams St., New York, N. Y. Margaret Leonard Drum, LS, Campus House, Mendham, N. J. Angeline Ducas, LS, Campus House, Waterbury. Harold Allen Durfee, SS, Kappa Sigma House, N. Bennington. Stanley Franklin Dwinell, GS*, 25 Brookes Ave., Bradford. Edward Oscar Eaton, SS, z; University Ter., Waitsfield. James Tuckerman Emott, Jr., SS, Phi Delta Theta House, Morristown, N. J. Adrienne Beatrice Ettlinger, SS, Campus House, New York, N. Y. Barbara Elizabeth Evans, Sec, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. John Joseph Fahey, SS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Marlborough, Mass. Jean Eloise Finney, SEd, Robinson Hall, Malone, N. Y. Sumner Samuel Firestone, GS*, 146 Mansfield Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Kenneth Steele Fletcher, Jr., GS*, Alpha Tau Omega House, Chicopee, Mass. Frederic Earl Ford, Ch, Charlotte, Charlotte. Richard Alan Foster, SS, 235 Loomis St., Abington, Mass. Lyman Whitcomb Gallup, Bus, Delta Psi House, Saylesviile, R. I. Raymond Atkins Ganz, SS, Tau Epsilon Phi House, W. Hartford, Conn. Donald Frederick Gearing, GS*, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Bristol, Conn. Marilyn Elizabeth Gile, Sec, 68 S. Union St., Burlington. Israel Goodman, GS*, Tau Epsilon Phi House, New London, Conn. Shirley Leighton Gray, SS, Robinson Hall, Montclair, N. J.

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Register 271

Clara Ray Griffel, SS, 155 Loomis St., New York, N. Y. Edward August Guilbert, SS, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Waterbury, Conn. Eva Hamilton, GS, Campus House, "White Plains, N. Y. Thomas James Hanley, III, Sp, 17 Wilson St., Hempstead, N. Y. Henry Oliver Hazelton, SS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Peekskill, N. Y. Richard Gerald Healy, Bus, 49 Bay View St., Lynbrook, N. Y. William Sample Hicks, Sp, 233 S. Prospect St., Burlington. Ruth Etta Hopkins, SS, Sanders Hall, Lyndon Center. Ethan Victor Howard, Jr., GS*, 399 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Lyman Curtis Hunt, Jr., GS, 37 Cliff St., Burlington. Taze Rutherford Huntley, SS, So N. Willard St., Morrisville. Anton Jacob, GS*, 128 Colchester Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Howard Hinman Jacobs, GS*, 96 Henry St., Enosburg Fails. Kenneth William Johnson, Bus, 155 Loomis St., Winchester, N. H. Fleda Angie Jones, SS, Allen House, Morrisville. Joseph Louis Kamber, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Manchester Depot. Jacob Kaplan, SS, $3 Hyde St., Burlington. Francis Alan Kennedy, GS*, 147 Loomis St., St. Albans. Harold Walling Kennedy, II, GS, 71 Williams St., Waterbury. Robert Pardon Kenney, SS, Delta Psi House, Auburn, R. I. Dorothy Priscilla Kester, Sec, Prospect House, Walkerville, Ont., Can. Allan Grenville Kidd, SS, 268 Colchester Ave., Northfield. Harriet Lina Kieslich, Sec, 167 North Ave., Burlington. Philip Saford Killoran, SEd, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Olga Kish, CT, Allen House, Florence. Harriet Beatrice Koble, CT, Prospect House, Witherbee, N. Y. Raymond Curtis Lamberton, SEd, 300 Main St., Marshfield. William Carol Langlas, Bus, Sigma Phi Place, Waterloo, la. Alexander John Lapsis, Jr., GS*, S. Converse Hall, New Britain, Conn. Raymond Francis Laramie, Bus, S. Converse Hall, Fair Haven. Nona Agnes Lathrop, Sec., Prospect House, Bristol. Jacob Arolf Levin, SS, 166 Loomis St., Burlington. Meyer Jacob Levin, SS, 203 King St., Burlington. Robert Levine, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Harvey Turner Lippe, GS*, N. Converse Hall, Burlington. Herbert Frank Lowe, SS, 241 Loomis St., Brookline, Mass. William Ray Lyman, Ch, 30 Ad sit Ct., S. Londonderry. Jane Elizabeth Lyons, SS, Pi Beta Phi House, New York, N. Y. Richard Thomas McDonough, GS*, 348 College St., Woburn, Mass. Henry Hill McGinty, GS*, M. Converse Hall, E. Killingly, Conn. Loraine Catherine Mahar, Sec, Alpha Xi Delta House, Fair Haven. John Paul Mahoney, GS*, 147 Loomis St., Stoneham, Mass. Donald William Maley, SEd, 47 Bay View St., Great Barrington, Mass. Armstrong Maltbie, SS, 139 Mansfield Ave., Brant Lake, N. Y. Gertrude Louise Mann, SS, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Burlington. Warren Kendall Manning, Bus, 287 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Elisabeth Pauline Marshall, Sec, 132 Colchester Ave., Burlington. Virginia May Martin, Sp, 143 Robinson Ct., Manchester Center. Joseph Raymond Massucco, GS*, $3 S. Willard St., Bellows Falls. Grace Meeken, GS, 416 S. Willard St., Portland, Me. Maywood Almira Metcalf, LS, Pi Beta Phi House, Waterbury. Samuel Edgar Miller, SS, 60 Colchester Ave., St. Albans.

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272 University of Vermont

William D'arcy Miningham, Jr., GS*, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Newark, N. J. Margaret Emma Moody, Sec, Slade Hall, Waterbury Center. William Joseph Murphy, GS*, 'Phi Delia Theta House, Beverly, Mass. Irene Lucy Newton, GS, 49 Mansfield Ave., W. Hartford. Harry William Noyes> SEd, Alpha Tau Omega House, N. Bennington. Cedric Louis Nussbaum, Bus, Phi Sigma Delta House, New York, N. Y. Floyd Richard Olson, Bus, 162 Lootnis St., Burlington. Henri Louis Pache, GS*, 544 S. Willard St., Burlington. Evelyn Patricia Paciulli, SEd, Fort Ethan Allen, Fort Ethan Allen. Christopher George Palans, GS*, $2 Main St., Burlington. Louis Fabien Pine, GS*, 483 North St., Burlington. Lawrence Arthur Pion, Sp, 23 Brookes Ave., Littleton, N. H. William Arthur. Pratt, GS*, $3 S. Willard St., Rutland. William Sanford Preston, Jr., Bus, 166 Summit St., Burlington. William Irving Pye, Bus, 433 Main St., Pittsford. Emanuel Max Racher, GS*, 75 Loomis St., Bridgeport, Conn. Jonathan Buckminster Ranney, GS*, 37 N. Prospect St., Long Island City, N. Y. Vera Flora Ranney, SS, 32 University Ter., N. Concord. Earl Greene Reed, Bus, 260 Main St., Oakfield, N. Y. Milton Paul Reiser, GS*, N. Converse Hall, Roxbury, Mass. Elizabeth Rose Richmond, Sp, Redstone, St. Johnsbury. Floyd Charles Rising, SEd, 119 Buell St., White River Junction. Edgar Franklin Roby, Bus, Delta Psi House, Montpelier. Elisabeth Helen Roche, SS, Prospect House, New Britain, Conn. Gilman Belcher Rood, GS*, Delta Psi House, St. Albans. Eileen Frances Rooney, CT, 143 Robinson Ct., St. Albans. Ivan Booth Ross, GS*, 64 N. Prospect St., St. Albans. John Russell Royer, Bus, Kappa Sigma House, Westfield, N. J. Raymond Blank Rubens, SS, Phi Sigma Delta House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miriam Barger Rubin, SS, Robinson Hall, Brockton, Mass. Henry Jerome Rulfo, GS*, 20 Brookes Ave., Barre. Harold John Rush, GS*, 64 N. Prospect St., Newport. Richard Salmon, SEd, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Stanhope, N. J. Seeman Samuels, Ch, 108 North St., Kingston, N. Y. Carrye H. Samuelson, Sec, 63 Hyde St., Burlington. Jean Betty Saul, SS, Redstone, Fitchburg, Mass. Doris Shirley Schlaf, SS, 139 Loomis St., Rockville, Conn. Albert Joseph Senuta, Bus, S. Converse Hall, Fitchburg, Mass. Max Michael Shuman, GS*, 241 Loomis St., Fitchburg, Mass. James Edwin Simpson, GS*, Kappa Sigma House, St. Albans. Melvin Herbert Small, GS*, 133 Summit St., Burlington. Dorothea Smith, SS, 129 Spruce St., Burlington. Robert Norman Snider, Bus, 28 Williams St., Boston, Mass. Malcolm Allen Stark, GS*, 348 College St., Jamaica. Seymour Starr, GS, 34 University Ter., Brooklyn, N. Y. Carole Esther Stetson, Sec, Shelburne Rd., Burlington. Jean MacMillan Stewart, SS, Allen House, Rawalpindi, India. Burt Clifton Stone, Jr., SS, 40 Kingsland Ter., Hardwick, Norman Kenneth Strassburg, SEd, Delta Psi House, N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Jessie Swann, LS, 47 N. Prospect St., Danvers, Mass. Francis Marshal Taylor, SEd, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, Brattleboro. Donald William Thayer, SS, 38 Bay View St., Burlington.

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Register 273

Mary Jeanette Thompson, Sec, 33 Lafayette PL, Burlington. Norman Williams Thompson, SS, Sigma Phi Place, Bellows Falls. Edith Louise Topkins, LS, Prospect House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Caroline Trask, Sec, Prospect House, Rochester. Frank Joseph Trigilio, SEd, 96 Summit St., Oakfield, N. Y. Franklyn Haven Utley, GS, Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, W. Hartford, Conn. Helen Walker, LS, Richmond, Richmond. Hazel Marion Warner, Sp, 96 Colchester Ave., Burlington. Duane Whelan, Bus, 43 N. Willard St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Rupert Elmer White, GS*, 21 N. Union St., Starksboro. Geraldine Mae Wilcox, Sec, Allen House, Newport. Harold Irving Williams, Jr., SS, 34 Elm-wood Ave., Burlington. Thelma Lois" Wolinsky, Sec, 36 University Ter., W. Rutland. Arthur Dave Wolk, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Rutland. Elizabeth Anne Wood, LS, 49 Mansfield Ave., Brandon. Martha Jean Wright, Sp, 23 8 S. Willard St., Burlington. William Harold Wright, GS*, 36 Colchester Ave., Middletown, Conn. Beatrice Zeichick, Sec, Warner House, Chelsea, Mass.

FRESHMEN—Class of 1942 Collamer Martin Abbott, LS, 33 Loomis St., Wilder. Roberta Jane Abbott, SS, 83 N. Willard St., Orchard Park, N. Y. Frances Elizabeth Abel, GS, Campus House, Montclair, N. J. Yudel Lester Adler, GS*, 31 Henry St., Burlington. Lawrence Martin Agan, GS*, 155 Loomis St., Bennington. Robert William Agan, GS*, 133 Loomis St., Bennington. Norma Joen£ Agard, Cl, Redstone, Jamaica, N. Y. Marjorie Elaine Albro, Sec, Robinson Hall, Springfield, Mass. Norman Bruce Altenberg, GS, N. Converse Hall, New York, N. Y. Virginia Elizabeth Amidon, SS, Campus House, Worcester, Mass. Carl Marius Andresen, Jr., SS, 531 St. Paul St., Burlington. George Wallace Andrews, SS, 121 Loomis St., Lawrence, Mass. Geraldine Pearle Annis, LS, 381 Main St., Barton. Lillian Elsie Aronson, Sec, Slade Hall, Proctor. Violet Mary Arrison, SEd, 381 Main St., Springfield. George Francis Babits, Ch, M. Converse Hall, Greenfield, Mass. Dorothy Jane Badger, Sec, 44 Perrotta PL, Burlington. Charles Raymond Bannon, GS*, 73 Grant St., Glens Falls, N. Y. Fulvio Bardossi, SS, 24 Nash PL, Barre. Herbert Basch, GS*, 334 North St., Hartford, Conn. Clinton Arthur Baxter, GS*, 313 North St., Milton. Frederick Roberts Bean, Sp, S. Converse Hall, Passumpsic. Sylvia Frances Beckenstein, SEd, Grassmount, Stamford, Conn. Carolyn Joyce Bell, LS, Robinson Hall, Jeffersonville. Bernice Emma Benedict, SEd, Warner House, Middlebury. Adelaide Phillips Bennett, Sec, 19 Fletcher PL, Bennington. Marshall Kruger Berger, Bus, Phi Sigma Delta House, Brockton, Mass. Anna Ruth Berman, GS, 83 N. Willard St., Nantasket, Mass. Paul Van Wyman Berry, SEd, 209 Colchester Ave., Hinesburg. Barbara Ruth Bishop, Sec, Redstone, Springfield. Leicia Annette Black, Sec, 216 N. Willard St., Burlington,

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274 University of Vermont

Ruth Marie Boelsen, GS, Warner House, Elmhurst, N. Y. Marion Charlotte Bonnett, GS, Sanders Hall, Orford, N. H. Milton Borofsky, SS, Sigma Alpha Epstlon House, Keene, N. H. Anne Hale Bottomley, SS, 9 3Adams Si., Burlington. Norman Joshua Boy den, Jr., Bus, 515 North St., Burlington. Priscilla Gifford Brayton, SS, Slade Hall, Fall River, Mass. William Moffett Bronson, Jr. Bus, 64 N. Prospect St., Lancaster, N. H. Barbara Augusta Brown, SS, 98 Brookes Ave., Torrington, Conn. Elizabeth Dutton Brown, Sec, Slade Hall, W. Hartford, Conn. Lester Putnam Brown, Jr., Bus, 39 Brookes Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. John Stuart Burgess, SS, Fern Hill, Burlington. Everett James Burlando, SS, 128 Colchester Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Gideon Sabin Burnham, Jr., Ch, 128 Colchester Ave., Morrisville. Harold Frank Burroughs, SS, 407 College St., Burlington. Barbara Butterfield, LS, 83 N. Willard St., Manchester. Honorine Marie-Josephe Eugenie Cecile Carrier, SEd, 32 University Ter., St. Johnsbury. Isabelle Margaret Carter, GS. Allen House, St. Johnsbury. Steve Frank Catania, SS, M. Converse Hall, Garfield, N. J. Elizabeth Ball Chaffee, LS, Allen House, Enosburg Falls. Ethelyn Lois Chaffee, SS, Redstone, Enosburg Falls. Caroline Marie Christiansen, GS, Slade Hall, W. Hartford, Conn. James Bernard Clancy, GS*, Sigma Nu Lodge, Peekskill, N. Y. Emory Flagg Clark, GS*, M. Converse Flail, Windsor, Conn. Russell Leland Clark, Ch, S. Converse Hall, N. Springfield. Millicent Edmunds Clough, SS, 132 Colchester Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Corinne Pratt Coffin, Sec, 21 Robinson Ct., Burlington. Julius George Cohen, GS*, 27 Loomis St., Burlington. Sumner Harold Cohen, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Manchester Depot. Anne Bertha Cohn, GS*, Prospect House, Larchmont, N. Y. Marie Annette Connery, GS, Redstone, St. George, L. L, N. Y. Wilbert Leon Conrad, Jr., SEd, 348 College St., Morrisville. Nancy Frances Coon, SS, Slade Hall, Albany, N. Y. Elizabeth Tunstall Cooper, SS, Campus House, Merchantville, N. J. Roy Allyn Corell, GS*, 36 Colchester Ave., Middletown, Conn. Clark Edward Corliss, Ch, 106 Colchester Ave., St. Albans. George Demosthenes Corsones, SS, 163 Main St., Rutland. Ralph William Crane, Jr., SEd, 403 College St., Stamford, Conn. Joseph Charles Creed, GS*, 37 N. Prospect St., Rutland. Peter Stanley Czachor, GS, 106 Colchester Ave., Center Rutland. Frank Andrew Dalton, GS*, 42 N. Willard St., Bridgeport, Conn. William Allen Daniels, Bus, Phi Delta Theta House, Bridgeport, Conn. Rita Davidson, SS, Prospect House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Helen Mary Davis, SEd, 206 Summit St., Morrisville. Louise Alethe Davis, SS, Slade Hall, Norfchfield. Lydia Louise Del Giudice, GS, 92 Hungerford St., Waterbury. Catherine-Jean Dewart, LS, 83 Mansfield Ave., St. Albans. Maria Juliet Dietrich, SS, 131 Ledge Rd., Burlington. John Dominic Dimichele, GS*, 133 Loomis St., Poultney. Jerolemon Carmaine Ditore, SS, 128 Colchester Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Marguerite Julia Doheny, Sec, Richmond, Richmond. William Frederick Dooley, Jr., SS, 133 Loomis St., Poultney. Walter Irving Dorion, SEd, 16 Booth St., Rutland.

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Register 275

John Gerard Dowling, LS, S. Converse Hall, Rowayton, Conn. Norman Evans Dubie, GS *, Y. M. C. A,, Graniteville. Harriet Pearson Dustan, GS*, Allen House, Craftsbury Common. Barbara May Edward, GS, 49 Mansfield Ave., Barre. Jean Malot Evans, SS, 261 S. Prospect St., Burlington. Harold Hoffman Feigenbaum, Bus, 15 N. Williams St., Hartford, Conn. Flora Elizabeth Fiffeld, LS, Allen House, Randolph. Elliot Finer, GS*, 25 Wilson St., Roxbury, Mass. Leonard Wright Fisk, Bus, N. Converse Hall, W. Hartford, Conn. Miriam Louise Fiske, LS, Williston Rd., Burlington. Edward Anthony Flynn, Jr., GS*, 261 S. Prospect St., Belleville, N. J. Robert Allison Forbes, GS*, S. Converse Hall, Easthampcon, Mass. Robert Goodwin Foster, Bus, Phi Delta Theta House, Shaker Heights, Ohio. Samuel Joseph Foti, GS*, 16 Booth St., Rutland. Myrna Gertrude French, LS, 27 Latham Ct., Burlington. Donald Reid Frey, GS*, 51 z North St., Saxtons River. Barbara Marion Gallagher, LS, Sanders Hall, St. Albans. Mary Lorraine Gannon, GS, Sanders Hall, Fairfield. Herman Gerber, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Bennington. Beatrix Florence Gibson, GS, Warner House, Richford. Alfred Grover Gilbert, Jr., Bus, Van Ness Hotel, S. Acton, Mass. Robert William Gillette, GS*, S. Converse Hall, Forestville, Conn. Melvin Milton Gipstein, GS*, 334 North St., Hartford, Conn. Melvin Elliott Godnick, GS, S. Converse Hall, New York, N. Y. Robert Seamon Goldberg, GS*, 56 Booth St., Burlington. Nancy Guild Goodwin, LS, Sanders Hall, Tewksbury, Mass. Gladys Mae Gorton, SEd, 132 Colchester Ave., S. Wallingford. Arthur Newman Gosline, Jr., Bus, N. Converse Hall, Gardiner, Me. Clayton Francis Gould, Sp (SS), 522 North St., White River Junction. Catherine Lillian Green, GS, 381 Main St., Brockton, Mass. Georgina Francese Greene, LS, Allen House, Morrisvilie. Ruth Joy Gross, Sec, Redstone, Fords, N. J. Carl Clarence Guynup, GS*, 433 Main St., Rutland. Gerald Leon Haines, GS*, 24 Nash Pi., Barre. John Albert Hamilton, Bus, 89 Buell St., Burlington. Robert William Harvey, GS*, 119 Buell St., Island Pond. Melvin Albert Hawes, Cl, 72 N. Willard St., Fitchburg, Mass. Leona Stella Heath, GS*, 32 University Ter., Orleans. Kay Gilda Heller, SS, 381 Main St., Brockton, Mass. Horace John Hitchco*ck, Bus, Lambda lota House, Jamestown, N. Y. Barbara Hodskins, SS, Prospect House, Palmer, Mass. Phyllis Madine Holcomb, GS, Warner House, Johnson. Milton Holtzman, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Eleanor Lucille Hopkins, GS, 139 N. Willard St., Lyndon Center. James Edward Horvath, Jr., GS, Van Ness Hotel, Glastonbury, Conn. John Nicolas Houpis, GS*, 17 Wilson St., Keene, N. H. Alice Newton Howe, LS, Slade Hall, W. Toronto, Ont., Can. James Orvis Howland, GS*, 33 Brookes Ave., Windsor. Roger Bryant Hunting, SS, M. Converse Hall, Springfield. Barbara Jean Hyde, SS, Redstone, Upper Darby, Pa. Betty Ailsa Ingalls, Sec, Robinson Hall, Fulton, N. Y. Phyllis Ray Ingram, GS*, 83 N. Willard St., Waynesboro, Pa.

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276 University of Vermont

Charles Itzkowitz, GS*, Tau Epsilon Phi House, New London, Conn. Doris Olga Jareckie, SS, 132 Colchester Ave., Madison, N. J. Ruth Evelyn Jones, LS, Redstone, Melrose, Mass. Jane Robinson Judd, LS, Redstone, Randolph Center. Martin Herman Karelitz, GS*, S. Converse Hall, Haverhill, Mass. Victor Karren, GS*, 147 Loomis St., Yonkers, N. Y. Charles Jacob Katzew, SS, 18 Adsit Ct., Brockton, Mass. James Thomas Kearney, GS, 106 Colchester Ave., W. Rutland. Edward Allen Keenan, Jr., GS*, 3 8 Bradley St., Burlington. Mary Rose Kelty, Sec, 381 Main St., Ridgewood, N. J. David Samuel Kenet, SS, Phi Sigma Delta House, Springfield. Albert Clark Kinney, Jr., GS*, 163 Loomis St., Hardwick. James Wilbur Lake, SS, 106 Colchester Ave., White Creek, N. Y. Phyllis Jean Lake, SS, Allen House, Saxtons River. Ethel Carolyn Lamb, Sec, Robinson Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Marietta Kathleen Louise Larney, Cl, Grassmount, Noroton, Conn. James Rice Lawler, Bus, Sigma Nu Lodge, Reading, Mass. Bernard Jack Levinson, GS*, 27 Loomis St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Irene Levinson, Sec, 381 Main St., Hewlett, N. Y. Elizabeth Carol Linn, SS, Allen House, W. Dover. Joseph Nicholas Lionti, GS*, 71 Maple St., Proctor. Frederick Pomeroy Logan, Ch, 37 N. Prospect St., Springfield, Mass. Richard George Lynch, GS*, 220 Main St., Burlington. Robert Henry McEwen, III, Bus, S. Converse Hall, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Mildred Irene Mack, GS, Robinson Hall, New York, N. Y. James MacGregor MacMartin, GS*, 333 S. Union St., Burlington. Dorothy Ruth Manion, GS, 381 Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. Christine Shirley Martin, SS, 14 University Ter., Bakersfield. William Ronald Matthews, GS*, 43 N. Willard St., Rutland. Leon Joseph Menard, Jr., GS*, 3 Handy Ct., Fall River, Mass. Joanna Jeanne Metcalf, GS*, Slade Hall, Waterbury. Philip John Mezzullo, Sp(GS), 98 N. Prospect St., Rye, N. Y. Clark Gillette Miller, GS, 37 N. Prospect St., W. Springfield, Mass. Janet Cameron Miller, SEd, 143 Robinson Ct., Greenland, N. H. Ruth Arms Miller, Sec, Grassmount, Putney. Eugene Charles Moes, GS*, M. Converse Hall, E. Rutherford, N. J. Roger Bryant Fredrick Mullins, GS, S. Converse Hall, Danbury, Conn. William Wolfe Musicant, GS*, 234 Loomis St., Burlington. Harriet Sofia Nelson, GS*, Slade Hall, Proctor. Hay den Earle Newcity, GS*, 62 S. Union St., Morrisville. William John Newcomb, Bus, 23 Isbam St., Burlington. Murry Frank Newman, GS*, 312 North St., Bridgeport, Conn. Clark Salisbury Nichols, Bus, Phi Delta Theta House, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Sylvia Noble, Bus, 381 Main St., Windsor. Maxine Elizabeth Nute, LS, Sanders Hall, Barre. Donald Joseph Nutter, GS, 128 Colchester Ave., New York, N. Y. Gilbert Burton Oakes, Ch, 24 University Ter., Wakefield, Mass. William Francis O'Brien, GS*, 42 N. Willard St., Bridgeport, Conn. Gloria Oling, SS, 83 N. Willard St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Anne Seymour Olmsted, LS, Slade Hall, Winnetka, 111. Calvin Olsham, Bus, Phi Sigma Delta House, Albany, N. Y. Donald Shane O'Neil, GS*, 22 Converse Ct., Burlington.

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Register 277

Mark Kinsley O'Toole, Bus, 206 Bank St., Leominster, Mass. Harriet Ann Parker, SEd, 381 Main St., Springfield. Chester William Hutchinson Partridge, Ch, Shelburne Rd., Burlington. Charles Cole Patterson, CT, 41 University Ter., Walden. Stanley John Pekala, GS*, M. Converse Hall, Amherst, Mass. Wallace Frank Penrose, Bus, 143 Locust St., Burlington. John Madison Perry, GS*, 147 Loomis St., Plainfield. Judith Perry, LS, Redstone, Barre. Catherine Marie Peterson, SS, Robinson Hall, Amherst, Mass. Stanley Raymond Pike, Jr., GS, 406 S. Union St., Burlington. Norma Marjorie Preston, Sec, 328 North Ave., Burlington. Arthur George Quintiliani, GS*, N. Converse Hall, New London, Conn. Max Lawrence Resnick, GS*, 88 N. Willard St., Mattapan, Mass. Myers Jay Reynolds, Jr., GS, Sigma Phi Place, Malone, N. Y. Harold Edward Rice, Bus, Van Ness Hotel, North Haven, Conn. Harold William Rice, GS*, 20 Greene St., Ashland, Ky. Forrest Edward Rivers, SS, 147 Loomis St., Yergennes. William Alexander Roeder, Cl, 128 Colchester Ave., Queens Village, N. Y. Sara Elizabeth Rome, SS, Grassmount, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. David George Rousseau, GS*, Alpha Tau Omega House, Grand Isle. Marion Etta Roy, Sec, Robinson Hall, Maiden, Mass. Louis Michael Rozek, GS*, M. Converse Hall, Berlin, N. H. Bernard Rynowecer, SS, N. Converse Hall, New York, N. Y. Virginia Safford, GS, 83 Mansfield Ave., Hudson, Mass. Antoinette Josephine Salvator, GS*, Redstone, Barton. Elizabeth Ann Sargent, GS, 132 Colchester Ave., Lewiston. Sanford Savin, GS, 73 Loomis St., Bridgeport, Conn. James David Sawyer, GS*, 260 S. Union St., St. Albans. Robert Clayton Sayre, Bus, 139 N. Prospect St., Wadhams, N. Y. Charles Herbert Schaefer, Jr., Ch, M. Converse Hall, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Miriam Ruth Schiller, SS, Grassmount, Cedarhurst, N. Y. Sherburn Clyde Searl, Jr., Bus, 13 University Ter., Ludlow. Harry Reid Seivwright, Bus, Kappa Sigma House, Montpelier. Robert Warren Selvig, Bus, 3 3 Wilson St., Westfield, N. J. Frederick Allen Shaw, Ch, 42 N. Willard St., S. Yarmouth, Mass. Martha Ann Shaw, GS, 98 Brookes Ave., Carver, Mass. Loren Wendell Shores, LS, 28 Brookes Ave., Barre. Charles Ambrose Shortle, Jr., GS*, 128 Colchester Ave., Milton, Mass. Helen Silverman, SS, 98 Brookes Ave., Woodmere, L. I., N. Y. James E. Simcox, GS, 39 Brookes Ave., S. Strafford. Grace Watts Simpson, SS, Robinson Hall, Westfield, N. J. Stanton Sirkin, GS*, N. Converse Hall, New Britain, Conn. Sidney Herbert Sisselman, Bus, Phi Sigma Delta Hotise, Pittsfield, Mass. Mary Pettee Skinner, SS, 381 Main St., New York, N, Y. Franklin Wheatley Slater, Jr., GS*, M. Converse Hall, New Milford, Conn. Stanley Frank Slysz, GS*, M. Converse Hall, New Britain, Conn. John Anthony Smith, GS*, 116 N. Winooski Ave., Springfield Roger Frederick Smith, GS*, 72 East Ave., Waitsfield. Werner Newmann Snow, Bus, 1427 North Ave., Burlington. John Joseph Spasyk, SEd, 136 Shelburne St., Pittsfield, Mass. Ruth Spiwak, Sec, 381 Main St., W. Forest Hills, N. Y. Robert Crandall Stewart, Bus, 13 University Ter., Montpelier.

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278 University of Vermont

John Joseph Stigliano, GS*, 121 Loomis St., N. Bergen, N. J. Frank Howard Stimets, GS*, 76 Brookes Ave., Burlington. James Albert Sudbay, Jr., GS*, 64 N. Prospect St., Gloucester, Mass. Randall Ellsworth Sullivan, SEd, 500 Main St., Burlington. Waino Wiljo Suojanen, Bus, 348 College St., Ludlow June Nathalie Swanson, Sec, Robinson Hall, Schenectady, N. Y. Abraham Swartz, GS*, Phi Sigma Delta House, Roxbury, Mass. William Pomroy Swift, Bus, 260 S. Union St., Barnstable, Mass. Elizabeth Allen Taft, LS, 98 Brookes Ave., Ashland, Ky. Joyce Barbara Talal, Ch, Robinson Hall, Milford, Conn. William Winston Talbert, Ch, 348 College St., Waterbury. Janet Taylor, GS, 381 Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Robert Dwight Thayer, Sec, 3 8 Lafayette PL, Burlington. Clement Joe Tomasi, GS*, 128 Colchester Ave., Fair Haven. William Burke Tooles, GS*, 67 Church St., Burlington. John Stuart Torrey, Bus, Sigma Phi Place, Yonkers, N. Y. Elmer Leonard Trefren, GS, 139 N. Prospect St., Lyndonville. Robert Joseph Trimborn, Cl, 128 Colchester Ave., Bellaire, N. Y. Norman Douglas Tucker, SS, Sigma Phi Place, Fitchburg, Mass. John Joseph Tulley, SS, Sigma Nu Lodge, Lawrence, Mass. Samuel Turchyn, Ch, N. Converse Hall, Yonkers, N. Y. Clarence Edward Wade Ch, Milt-on, Milton. Raymond Asa Waite, Jr., LS, S. Converse Hall, Easthampton, Mass. Robert Donald Wakefield, GS, 262 North Ave., Burlington. Alfred Samuel Walker, Jr., Bus, 37 N. Prospect St., Weliesiey Farms, Mass. Margaret Ward CT, 381 Main St., N. Danville. Alexander Lee Warden, GS*, 141 Mansfield Ave., W. Barnet. Arthur Bradley Warren, GS*, 163 Loomis St., Hardwick. Walter Eugene Weisraan, GS, Fort Ethan Allen, Fort Ethan Allen. Robert Homer Wells, Bus, 96 Henry St., E. Fairfield. Arline Selma Wendel, SS, 381 Main St., Cedarhurst, N. Y, Dean Herbert Wheeler, GS*, 72 East Ave., Marshfield. John Joseph White, Bus, 206 Bank St., Needham, Mass. Joseph Allen White, Jr., Bus, Lambda lota House, Essex Fells, N. Y. Norma Elizabeth Wilbur, Sec, 19 Fletcher PL, Glover. Roxana Dorothy Wilmoth, GS, 23 Russell St., Ludlow. Sarah Adelaide Wilson, SS, 381 Main St., Gray, Me. Richard Bernard Winslow, GS*, 235 Loomis St., Whitman, Mass. Helen Marie Witham, Sec, 41 S. Prospect St., Burlington. Robert Wolfe, SS, 73 Hyde St., Burlington. Patricia Earle Wood, Sec, 381 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Roxanna Mary Woodard, SS, Allen House, Hyde Park. Addie Joyce Woodruff, CT, Jericho, Jericho. Mary Jeanne Woolley, SS, 83 N. Willard St., Glen Cove, N. Y. Jane Margaret Wray, Sec, 324 Main St., Burlington. Jean Gertrude Young, SS, 32 Brookes Ave., Elmhurst, L. I., N. Y. John Joseph Zellinger, GS*, 64 Henry St., St. Albans. Mary Patricia Zullo, SEd, "Warner House, Manchester Center.

UNCLASSIFIED Charlotte Fairbanks Adams, A.B., Sp (GS*), 119 Spruce St., Burlington. Marjorie Bradford Adams, A.B., Sp, 199 King St., Burlington.

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Register 279

Alfred Carleton Andrews, PH.D., Sp, 258 S. Willard St., Burlington. Helen Ulmer Blasberg (Mrs.), Sp, 315 Maple St., Burlington. Sarah Ann Brigham, Sp, 448 North Ave., Burlington. Guido Vincent Chigi, Sp, 71 S. Willard St., Burlington. Lawrence John Cleveland, A.B., Sp, 76 N. Willard St., Northfield. Joseph William Connelly, B.s., Sp((}S''r), 35 Brookes Ave., Albany, N. Y. Ruth Ann Crowley, Sp, 7 S. Cham-plain St., Burlington. Laurence Patrick Daley, PH.B., Sp, 272 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Mary Louise Dee, A.B., Sp, 231 S. Prospect St., Hanco*ck, Mass. Eugene Campbell Dresser, B.s., Sp, 49 Mansfield Ave., Burlington. Horace Byron Eldred, Sp (GS), Queen- City Park, Queen City Park. Francis Patrick O'Toole, B.S., Sp, 72 Buell St., Burlington. Robert Augustus Rivers, PH.B., Sp, 23 Spruce St., Burlington. Florence Sylvia Steadman, Sp, 1 Handy Ct., Needham, Mass. Julius Walter Whitney, Sp(GS*), Nu Sigma N11 House, Salisbury.


SENIORS—Class of 1939

Nathan Merrill Abbott ME, Delta Psi House, Burlington. Elwyn Dickinson Abell, EE, 91 Mansfield Ave., St. Albans. Wendell Hayden Benway, CE, 24V2 Brookes Ave., E. Berkshire. Edward Milton Brown, EE, 389 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Francis Hugh Canary, ME, 37 N. Prospect St., Rutland. Eugene John Cerutti, CE, 91 Mansfield Ave., Plainfield. David Lambert Clark, EE, 273 Maple St., Burlington. Fay Miles Converse, ME, 119 Spruce St., Groton. Frederick Amadon Cross, EE, N. Converse Hall, Lancaster, N. H. Willard Orlin Hale, EE, Lambda lota House, Windsor. Bernard Wilson Harriman, ME, 69 N. Willard St., Canaan. Vincent Charles Juskiewicz, Sp(EE), Phi Delta Theta House, Northampton, Mass. Francis Bernard Leary, EE, 202 East Ave., Burlington. Franklin Brown Mack, ME, Kappa Sigma House, Dover, Del. Elbridge Potter Mansfield, CE, 81 Grant St., Waterbury. Louis Dale Pierce, CE, Delta Psi House, St. Johnsbury. Clinton Alexander Renfrew, ME, Delta Psi House, St. Johnsbury. Seymour Hill Robinson, Sp(EE), 106 Colchester Ave., Bridgewater. William Angell Spelman, Jr., CE, 80 Colchester Ave., Rochelle Park, N. J. William Alfred Wheeler, Jr., ME, 241 Loomis St., Burlington. Gordon Kendrick Young, EE, 113 Buell St., Craftsbury Common.

JUNIORS—Class of 1940

Walter Joseph Augustenovich, ME, 303 North St., Springfield. Everett Clark Bailey, EE, 12 Ludwig Ct., Burlington. Henri John Beauchemin, CE, Kappa Sigma House, Pittsfieid, Mass. Herbert William Coburn, EE, Lambda lota House, Newport. Edward Stone Cram, ME, 87 Shelburne Kd., Burlington, Robert Arthur Dudley, CE, 404 Pearl St., Bradford,

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280 University of Vermont

Elliott Franklin Hawkins, ME, Willis ton, Williston. Fred Stanley Heath, ME, 11 Hickok VI., Barton, Merriman Dunton Hull, EE, 91 Mansfield Ave., Franklin. David Emanuel Johnson, Jr., CE, 210 King St., Burlington. Forrest Arthur Johnson, ME, 83 N. Winooski Ave., Thetford Center. "William Proctor Koch, CE, 231 Colchester Ave., Burlington. John Leo Kotuby, ME, Lambda lota House, Rutland. Maurice Leonard Newton, ME, $8 Buell St., Burlington. Alexander Raymond Pesarik, ME, 404 Pearl St., Windsor. Elbert James Roberts, ME, 155 Loomis St., Jacksonville. Richard Walker Robinson, CE, Sigma Nu Lodge, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Gordon Lord Smith, ME, Sigma Nu Lodge, Si Ryegate. Robert Benjamin Smith, EE, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Walter Merle Smith, Jr., ME, Kappa Sigma House, Bloomffeld, N. J. Richard Morgan Story, Jr., ME, 348 College St., Yonkers, N. Y. Harold Raymond Westover, CE, 37 Hungerford St., Burlington. Powell Joseph Whalen, CE, 394 Pearl St., Burlington. Justus Baldwin Wheeler, CE, 59 Buell St., Morrisville. Louis Basilio Zambon, ME, 23 Brookes Ave., S. Ryegate.

SOPhom*oRES—Class of 1941

Harold Goodnar Carlson, EE, Free Dispensary, Brattleboro. Herbert Adolphus Chesney, EE, 128 Colchester Ave., Island Pond. Harry Bunal Coburn, EE, 233 Pearl St., E. Montpelier. James Francis Patrick Corbett, ME, 206 Bank St., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. John Henry Couture, EE, 28 Hungerford St., Burlington. Edward Merrill Creed, ME, 37 N. Prospect St., Rutland. John Francis Cronin, ME, 37 N. Prospect St., Bennington. Harold Hedley Crossley, EE, 206 Bank St., Gardner, Mass. Carlo Peter Domenichini, EE, 36 Colchester Ave., Readsboro. George Bernard Dunn, Jr., EE, 26 Fletcher PL, Craftsbury Common. Glenn Downing Easton, ME, 60 Colchester Ave., Shoreham. Roswell Farnham, Jr., ME, Sigma Phi Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Bernard William Hill, ME, Sigma Nu Lodge, Bennington. John Begley Kennedy, ME, 128 Colchester Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Maynard John Lawrence, EE, 106 Pearl St., Akron, N. Y. Eugene Gross Link, ME, 128 Colchester Ave., Stamford, Conn. Donald Argyle Morrison, EE, Queen City Park, S. Burlington. Gerald Imlah Palmer, CE, 282 Colchester Ave., Williamstown. Melvin Clyde Phillips, EE, 243 Colchester Ave., Moretown. James Buckley Pignona, ME, Phi Delta Theta House, Morristown, N. J. William Lisle Potter, ME, Phi Delta Theta House, Bridgeport, Conn. Frank Richard Proctor, EE, 13 University Ter., Ludlow. Roger Gibbs Ramsdell, Jr., ME, Phi Delta Theta House, Rockville Center, L. I., N. Y. John Gerald Roche, EE, 162 Loomis St., Granville, N. Y. James Albert Root, CE, 282 Colchester Ave., Middlebury. Walter Gordon Seeley, EE, Delta Psi House, Middlebury. Horace Harrison Squire, Jr., CE, 348 College St., Waterbury. Azel James Taggart, CE, 60 Colchester Ave., Castleton. Owen Malcolm Van Hise, CE, Delta Psi House, Woodstock.

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Peter Waterman, EE, 233 S. Prospect St., Hartford, Conn. Robert Lyons Williams, EE, 34 Elmwood Ave., Burlington. Harold Strong Willson, CE, 128 Colchester Ave., Bethel. William Elwin Young, ME, 163 Loo-mis St., Barre.

FRESHMEN—Class of 1942

Franklin Wharton Baker, Jr., CE, M. Converse Hall, Merchantville, N. J. Ralph William Beck, CE, 13$ N. Prospect St., Royalton. Maurice Beliveau, ME, Vergennes, Vergennes. Leonard Stanley Berman, EE, 83 Brookes Ave., Brookline, Mass. John Hamilton Carpenter, ME, 307 S. Prospect St., Charlotte Donald Lyndon Clark, EE, 243 Colchester Ave., Waitsfield. Orlando Richard Clark, EE, 128 Colchester Ave., E. Montpelier. John Lawrence DeBella, EE, M. Converse Hall, Roxbury, Mass. Paul Allen Dicke, ME, 106 Colchester Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Richard Young Dow, CE, 601 Main St., Burlington. James Kelman Duncan, ME, 155 Loomis St., Montpelier. George Spaulding Dunlop, CE, $6 Henry St., Bakersfield. Donald Gordon Dunn, EE, 98 Brookes Ave., Burlington. Richard Cunningham Eggleston, Jr., CE, M. Converse Hall, Morristown, N. J. Edward Bernard Godfrey, ME, N. Converse Hall, Beverly, Mass. Kenneth Martin Grout, EE, M. Converse Hall, Greenwood, Mass. Eric Adrian Hamilton, CE, N. Converse Hall, Centerport, N. Y. Katharine Clement Holden, CE, 433 S. Union St., Burlington. Harvey Hart Hubbard, EE, 163 Loomis St., St. Albans. Harold Orion Jones, ME, 3 3 Loomis St., White River Junction. Matthew Raymond Kallman, ME, S. Converse Hall, Woodmere, N. Y. Edmond John Kodys, CE, Hotel Van Ness, Gardner, Mass. Mitchell Franz Lambert, EE, 128 Colchester Ave., Barre. Malcolm Frederic Lavelle, EE, 276 North St., Burlington. Frank Eugene McPherson, EE, M. Converse Hall, Roslindale, Mass. Robert Arthur Magnant, EE, 19 Weston St., Franklin. John George Maniatty, Sp(CE), 123 Si. Paul St., Barre. Melville Page Maurice II, ME, Sigma Phi Place, Underhill. Allen Chandler Moore, ME, 316 Main St., Burlington. Donald Lincoln Moran, EE, 243 Colchester Ave., Jericho. Sydney Smith Morgan, EE, 22 Perrotta PL, Burlington. Richard Tabor Otis, EE, 376 S. Union St., Burlington. Rollin James Parker, EE, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Robert Douglas Paterson, CE, Y. M. C. A., Barre. Carl Arthur Pratt, Jr., CE, 67 Buell St., Cuttingsville. Donald Homer Prior, EE, 38 Converse Ct., Burlington. Merle Congdon Reynolds, Jr., ME, 42 N. Willard St., W. Dennis, Mass. Carlton Joseph Rooney, EE, 243 Colchester Ave., Jeffersonville Donald Milburn Sheldon, ME, M. Converse Hall, W. Springfield, Mass. Edward Thatcher Sibley, ME, 133 Loomis St., Bennington. Eugene Sheldon Smith, CE, 83 N. Winooski Ave., Ely. Roderick Lee Smith, EE, 72 N. Willard St., Richford. George Clifton Stanley, Jr., ME, 86 Loomis St., Burlington. James Humphrey Stephen, CE, S. Converse Hall, Copper Cliff, Ont., Can. William James Stetson, CE, Colchester, Colchester.

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282 University of Vermont

George Hazen Stickney, CE, 243 Colchester Ave., E. Thetford. Sigmunt Joseph Sysko, EE, 116 N. Winooski Ave., Bellows Falls. Merle Flagg Warren, Sp(CE), M. Converse Hall, Waterbury. Harry Abel Way, II, ME, 216 S. Prospect St., Burlington. John Malcolm White, CE, M. Converse Hall, Pittsford. Anthony Robert Zullo, CE, N. Converse Hall, Albany, N. Y.


SENIORS—Class of 1939

Harriet Jean Anderson, HE, Robinson Hall, E. Craftsbury. Ruth Adele Bailey, HE, 12 Ludwig CL, Burlington. Charlotte Annabel Beatty, HE, 34 Buell St., Burlington. Virginia Maxwell Bradway, HE, Delta Delta Delta House, Montpelier. Ellen Louise Brigham, HE, 448 North Ave., Burlington. Lucille Clara Bristol, HE, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Burlington. Walter Edward Crandall, Ag., Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Harold Jerry Haynes, Ag, 83 N. Union St., E. Poultney. Miriam Priscilla Healy, HE, Pi Beta Phi House, W. Hartford, Conn. Chesley Peck Horton, Ag, Delta Psi House, Brandon. Lois Ward Jackson, HE, 363 Main St., Brattleboro. Francis Clark Leonard, Ag, 43 N. Willard St., Orwell. Charles William Livak, Ag, 12 Brookes Ave., Rutland. Festus Joseph McDonough, Ag, Kappa Sigma House, Woburn, Mass. Francis Edgar Marsceill, Ag, 83 N. Union St., Bristol. Stanley Lintner Nichols, Ag, 28 Brookes Ave., Burlington. Thelma Ruth Packard, HE, 12 Grant St., Burlington. Estaleen Morgan Perkins, HE, 278 Pearl St., Burlington. Flora Elizabeth Perley, HE, Alpha Chi Omega House, Richford. Dorothy Jenne Piatt, HE, Slade Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert Ellsworth Plumb, Ag, Delta Psi House, Springfield. Martha Weller Rist, HE, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Burlington, Raymond Richard Rogers, Ag, 83 N. Union St., W. Glover. Mary Pauline Rowe, HE, Alpha Chi Omega House, Barnet. Howard Henry Russell, Ag, 348 College St., Hinesburg. Bernard Rutstein, Ag, 311 S. Union St., Burlington. Margaret Orr Stanley, HE, Alpha Chi Omega House, Enosburg Falls. William Willard Stone, Ag, Sigma Nu Lodge, Springfield. Betsey Alden Taylor, HE, Redstone, Hartford, Conn. Rita Alvina Thabault, HE, Winooski, Winooski. Hope Elizabeth Wheeler, HE, Sanders Hall, Marshfield. Alice Elizabeth Whitney, HE, Alpha Chi Omega House, Springfield. Robert Morrison Young, Ag, 367 St. Paul St., Starksboro.

JUNIORS—Class of 1940 Emily Louise Abbott, HE, Delta Delta Delta House, West Newton, Mass. Stuart James Anderson, Ag, Delta Psi House, E. Craftsbury. Marjorie Elaine Bell, HE, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Jeffersonville.

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LeRoy Melvin Bingham, Ag, 267 S. Union St., Burlington. Margaret Elouise Bodette, HE, Grass-mount, Vergennes. Richard Edward Dana, Ag, 28 Latham Ct., N. Pomfret. Katherine Everil Davis, HE, 363 Main St., "Wilmington. Laura Corbin Dustan, HE, Grassmount, Craftsbury Common. Donald Andrew Grady, Ag, 177 S. Prospect St., Burlington. George Tyler Hart, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Rutland. Bernice Carlene Hurlburt, HE, 363 Main St., New Haven. Harry Mack Ketcham, Ag, 348 College St., Newfane. Cedric Arthur Lafley, Ag, 80 N. Willard St., Enosburg Falls. Reid Hayward Leonard, Ag, 590 Main St., Derby. Mary Phyllis McGovern, HE, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Cambridge. George Henry Martin, Ag, 32 S. Union St., Townshend. Jean Margaret Morse, HE, 473 Main St., Essex Center. Howard Fremont Nelson, Ag, 49 University Ter., E. Rygate. Elizabeth Orton, HE, Delta Delta Delta House, Montreal, Que., Can. Harold Gordon Page, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Groton. Lucien Demers Paquette, Ag, 43 Latham Ct., Craftsbury. George Pitman, Ag, Alpha Tau Omega House, Shaftsbury. Helen Louise Reed, HE, 363 Main St., Fair Haven. Lawrence Martin Rice, Ag, Delta Psi House, Mendon. Hugh John Ripper, Ag, Rock Point, Burlington. Claire Vivian Rock, HE, Alpha Chi Omega House, E. Barre. John Clinton Rogers, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Enosburg Falls. Mary Frances Ruder, HE, 139 Loomis St., Schenectady, N. Y. Charles Harold Sheldon, Ag, 24/2 Brookes Ave., Fair Haven. Marion Alice Skinner, HE, 29 Mansfield Ave., Orleans. Eunice Hersey Slayton, PIE, Redstone, Hardwick. David Ernest Stowell, Ag, Sigma Nu Lodge, Bellows Falls. Jean Genevieve Szyman, HE, Slade Hall, Claremont, N. H. Helen Phyllis Towne, HE, 306 Colchester Ave., Milton. Merlin Jerome Wells, Ag, 233 Pearl St., Plainfield. Robert Ellis White, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., E. Ryegate. Elizabeth Gertrude Whitney, HE, Robinson Hall, Montpelier. John Sidney Whitworth, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Warren. Kathryn Emma Wortheim, PIE, Delta Delta Delta House, Richmond.

SOPhom*oRES—Class of 1941

George Howard Bailey, Ag, 31 North Willard St., Rochester. Eloise Parker Bayley, HE, 232 Colchester Ave., Burlington. George Michael Broutsas, Ag, 206 Bank St., Brattleboro. Ellen Sydney Brown, HE, 139 Loomis St., Springfield, Mass. Hester Nettie Carver, HE, Grassmount, Weston. Elmer Luther Chatfield, Ag, 164 Cherry St., Brandon. Caroline Edith Clough, HE, 36 N. Willard St., Charlotte. Robert Davis Copp, Ag, S. Burlington, S. Burlington. Mildred Virginia Creamer, HE, Prospect House, Ridley Park, Pa. Harold Robert Cushman, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Vergennes. Robert Percy Davis, Ag, Delta Psi House, Morrisville. Ruth Wright Davis, HE, 31 N. Willard St., South Hero. Elizabeth Catherine Doud, HE, 63 Greene St., New Haven.

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284 University of Vermont

Laura Ann Douglas, HE, Allen House, Shoreham. Madge Eleanor Duba, HE, 28 Brookes Ave., Burlington. Dorothy Francis Emerson, HE, Campus House, Northfield. Mary Bernadine Esielionis, HE, 323 Pearl St., Shirley, Mass. Kenneth Jay Estey, Ag, 112 Adams St., Hinesburg. Ralph Frederick Evans, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Groton. Mary Arlene Fitzsimonds, HE, Sanders Hall, Jericho. Evelyn Merrill Fuller, HE, 252 Colchester Ave., Chester Depot. Walter Atwood Gage, Ag, 34 "Williams St., Burlington. Edson Emery Gilford, Jr., Ag, 270 Pearl St., E. Bethel. Howard Oliver Gilmore, Ag, 634 Main St., Tinmouth. Betty Doris Gordon, HE, Prospect House, Brooklyn, N. Y. Madeline Ruth Greaves, HE, Alpha Chi Omega House, Morrisville. Elizabeth Louise Gurney, HE, 416 S. Willard St., Burlington. Mary Jane Hammond, HE, Campus House, New York, N. Y. Laura Ruth Hawley, HE, Allen House, New Rochelle, N. Y. Robert Francis Irish, Ag, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Elizabeth Charity Isham, HE, 44 Charlotte St., Burlington. Nancy Rodgers Jones, HE, 50 Robinson Ct., Belmont, Mass. Kathleen Ruth LeBaron, HE, 381 Main St., Hinesburg. Frank Howard Livak, Ag, 12 Brookes Ave., Rutland. Harold Bernard MacDonald, Jr., Ag, 348 College St., Woburn, Mass. Barbara Read Mcintosh, HE, 252 Colchester Ave., S. Royalton. Barbara Jessie Mann, HE, Robinson Hall, N. Easton, Mass. Shirley Watts Mayforth, HE, Robinson Hall, Barre. Curtis Arthur Moore, Ag, University Farm, Weston. James Harold Nelson, Ag, 49 University Ter., E. Ryegate. Dawn Emily Nichols, HE, Malletts Bay Club, Winooski. Dorothy Grace Nichols, FIE, Malletts Bay Club, Winooski. Elmer Lincoln Nichols, Ag, 28 Brookes Ave., Westminster. Francis Walter Nye, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Barton. Ernest Frederick Paquette, Ag, 43 Latham Ct., Craftsbury. Gertrude Louise Peters, HE, Redstone, Bradford. Irene Valentina Prondecki, HE, Campus House, Turners Falls, Mass. Madeline Flora Puffer, HE, 56 N. Willard St., Townshend. Marian Lucy Rice, HE, Robinson Hall, Mendon. Marion Aletta Root, HE, Campus House, Burlington. Beatrice Satter, HE, 36 University Ter., Bennington. Mary Eleanor Shandoff, HE, Alpha Xi Delta House, Burlington. Rae Gwendolyn Sheehan, HE, 29 Mansfield Ave., Newport. Ransom Orcutt Slack, Ag, Delta Psi House, Randolph Center. George Merrill Ward, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., New Haven. Virginia Evelyn Weyell, HE, Warner House, Winsted, Conn. Harry Ernest Wheeler, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., W. Charleston. Jeannette Lucille Whipple, HE, 30 Robinson Ct., Montpelier. Howard Harvey Whitcomb, Ag, Y. M. C. A., Ely. Audrey May Wilcox, HE, Shelburne, Shelburne.

FRESHMEN—Class of 1942

Verna Margaret Alien, HE, 3 8 Hickok PL, Burlington. Richard Sperry Beinecke, Ag, S. Converse Hall, Madison, N. J.

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Register 285

Wilfred Henry Bourdeau, Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Middlebury. Maurice Guy Buzzell, Jr., Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Pittsford. Floyd Walter Campbell, Ag, 83 N. Winooski Ave., Strafford. Robert Lackie Carlson, Ag, 62 S. Union St., S. Ryegate. Lucille Vian Clark, HE, Allen House, Rutland. Wanda Emma Cobb, HE, Allen House, Rutland. Warren Baker Collins, Ag, 173 Loomis St., Colchester. Russell Samuel Corbin, Ag, S. Converse Hall, Leonia, N. J. Douglas Putnam Dana, Ag, 28 Latham Ci., N. Vomiret. Mary Randall De Yoe, HE, 98 Brookes Ave., Paterson, N. J. Colin Campbell Drown, Ag, S. Converse Hall, Newport. Hilda Verne Ebare, HE, 252 Colchester Ave., Fairfax. Catherine Helena Farrell, HE, Shelburne, Sheiburne. Helen May Finch, HE, Robinson Hall, Schenectady, N. Y. Antoinette Joan Blanche Girard, HE, Redstone, Winsted, Conn. Sylvia Cora Guay, HE, Redstone, St. Albans. Shirley Anne Hall, HE, Sanders Hall, E. Randolph. Charlotte Elisabeth Heath, HE, Campus House, W. Haven, Conn. Chester Arthur Holzman, Ag, N. Converse Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. Carol Dorothy Isaksen, HE, 381 Main St., St. Albans, N. Y. Ellen Agnes Isham, HE, 29 Adsit Ct., Burlington. Theodore Kambour, Jr., Ag, 60 Colchester Ave., Montpelier. Joyce Kenyon, HE, Richmond, Richmond. Gail Ferguson Klinger, HE, Warner House, Glen Ridge, N. J. Elizabeth Krase, HE, 83 N. Willard St., Swarthmore, Pa. Katherine Terese Kyle, HE, 143 Robinson Ct., Brandon. Lillian Conant Landon, HE, Redstone, New Haven. William Patrick Leamy, Ag, 130 N. Winooski Ave., Fair Haven. Jeannette Rose Levin, HE, 103 Shelburne St., Burlington. Erva Ruth Livingston, HE, 5 r Monroe St., Burlington. Clifford George Long, Ag, Sigma Nu Lodge, Oakfield, N. Y. Herbert John Long, Ag, Sigma Nu Lodge, Oakfield, N. Y. Anne Stockwell Lovell, HE, 14 University Ter., Bellows Falls. Joan Frances Lynch, HE, 220 Main St., Burlington. Jean Storer Mann, HE, Grassmount, Hempstead, N. Y. Copeland Harris Marks, Ag, 8 Decatur St., Burlington. Gwendolyn Esther Marshia, HE, 49 Henderson Ter., Cambridge. Pearl Rogene Marvin, HE, 306 Colchester Ave., Fairfax. Cortice Edward Mayville, Jr., Ag, Milton, Milton. Frances Ann Merritt, HE, Redstone, Utica, N. Y. Ruth Belding Norcross, HE, Warner House, Monson, Mass. Ruth Evelyn Orr, HE, 23 Russell St., Vershire. Hilda Leone Paquette, HE, 43 Latham Ct., Craftsbury. Lilyan Leona Parizo, HE, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Lawrence John Partridge, Ag, 91 Mansfield Ave., Barre. Gratia Houghton Pearl, HE, 134 Summit St., Burlington. Merton Sabin Pike, Ag, 34 Brookes Ave., Stowe. Edith Louise Pinkerton, HE, 98 Brookes Ave., Montclair, N, J. Barbara Lois Potter, HE, Campus House, Middlebury. John Holden Pratt, Jr., Ag, 106 Colchester Ave., N. Clarendon. Alice Beatrice Reichman, HE, 98 Brookes Ave., New York, N. Y. Hester Doris Rice, HE, 83 N. Willard St., Derby Line.

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286 University of Vermont

Scott David Rowden, Ag, N. Converse Halls Wells River. Louise Mary Rugg, HE, Slade Hall, Essex Junction. Janice Ellen Russell, HE, 21 Henderson Ter., Hinesburg. Janet Elizabeth Rust, HE, 73 Tine St., Burlington. Graham Sabre, Ag, S. Converse Hall, Providence, R. I. Ethel Grace Schermerhorn, HE, 340 North St., Essex Junction. Arnold Chauncey Smith, Ag, 29 Weston St., Barton. Martha Jane Stearns, HE, 50 Robinson Ct., St. Johnsbury. Norman Renwick Stoddard, Ag, 26 Fletcher Pi., Groton. Glenn Clayton Streeter, Ag, 28 Latham Ct., E. Concord. Virginia Elinor Taplin, HE, Allen House, Fair Haven. Jerrold Joseph Thomas, Ag, Shelburne, Shelburne. John Merritt Thomas, Ag, 106 Colchester Ave., Rutland. Shirley May Tuthill, HE, 83 N. Willard St., Hardwick. William Chester Walker, Jr., Ag, 91 Mansfield Ave., Cabot. Charles Alymer Webster, Ag, 19 Weston St., Orleans. Frederick Henry Webster, Ag, 19 Weston St., Orleans. Barbara Ann Wilcomb, HE, Redstone, St. Johnsbury. Lucy Jean Williams, HE, Sanders Hall, Charlotte. Charles Archibald Wilmot, Ag, 200 Pearl St., E. Thetford. Harriet Lee Woods, HE, Sanders Hall, Waterbury. Beatrice Cecelia Wright, HE, 83 N. Willard St., Windsor.


SENIORS—Class of 1939 Evelyn Abbie Allyn, Redstone, Island Pond. Dorothy Helen Blaise, 41 Caroline St., Burlington. Mary Agnes Burke, Winooski, Winooski. Helen Doris Cook, 27 Adsit Ct., Middlebury. Flora Margaret Darling, 26 University Ter., Craftsbury. Lena Lucy Domenichini, 26 University Ter., N. Adams, Mass. Marjorie Alice French, 48 Colchester Ave., Hinesburg. Elizabeth Marion Loop, 46 School St., Burlington. Margaret Jane Johnston MacMartin, 333 S. Union St., Burlington. Louise Catherine Mann, Essex Junction, Essex Junction. Loretta Cora Maynard, 27 Colonial Sq., Starksboro. Shirley Williams Miller, Redstone, Putney. Willard Grant Norton, MusEd, M. Converse Hall, Richmond, Me. Helen Rose Pattrell, Sanders Hall, Norwich. Ralph Harmon Percival, MusEd, 42 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Helen Elizabeth Squire, 26 University Ter., Waterbury. Muriel Audra Thacher, Campus House, N. Pomfret. Celia Adella Thompson, 92^4 S. Winooski Ave., Bristol. Constance Marie-Ann Marguerite Trottier, 20 Fletcher Pi., Wilder. Margaret Rose Tynan, 239 S. Union St., Arlington. * The curriculum is Elementary Education unless otherwise noted.

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Register 287

JUNIORS—Class of 1940 Helen Louise Berry, Alpha Chi Omega House, Brattleboro, Robert Bolkum Brock, 62 S. Union St., Groton. John Charles Brosseau, 43 Fletcher Pi., Highgate Falls, Louise Muriel Brown, 239 S. Prospect St., St. Johnsbury. Gertrude Elizabeth Burbank, 56 N. Willard St., Chelsea, Lina Josephine Caravatti, 70 School St., S. Ryegate. Claire Katherine Delaney, 11 S. Union St., Middlebury. Antoinette Marie De Laricheliere, S. Burlington, S. Burlington. Marguerite Ellen Doe, Warner House, Bradford. Patricia DuBois, 565 Main St., N. Troy. Veleida Louise Fleming, Allen House, Bennington. Eleanor Hall Fletcher, Rohinson Hall, Woodstock. Jean Elizabeth Foster, 5 6 N. Willard St., Groton. Madeline Gallo, 56 N. Willard St., White River Junction. Joyce Lizbeth Gardner, MusEd, 565 Main St., Cabot. Alice Mary Heath, 259 Lootnis St., Barton. Mary Jane Howe, Slade Hall, Tunbridge. Alice Belle Hudson, 144 Ledge Rd., Burlington. Margaret Ethelda Iby, 2 Canfield St., Burlington. Lillian Adela Jay, Delta Delta Delta House, Wardsboro. Hilda Mae LaDeau, 421 North St., Fairlee. Mary-Jane Lechnyr, MusEd, 10 Russell St., Burlington. Edna Carolyn Liese, 48 Colchester Ave., Chelsea. Kathleen Elizabeth Lowell, 63 Greene St., New Haven. Frances Ruth Mack, Robinson Hall, Graniteville. Helen Ruth Maeck, MusEd, Shelburne, Shelburne. Edna Mae Marsett, Robinson Hall, Shelburne. Mary Pasona Mele, Malletts Bay, Malletts Bay. Rose Agatha Miele Allen blouse, Ludlow. Esther Beatrice Moore, 14 University Ter.t Fair Haven. Lois Clarissa Murray, 565 Main St., Richmond. Kathleen Mary Naramore, 56 N. Willard St., Lowell. Margaret Ethel Riddell, 26 University Ter., Williamstown. Ruth Hall Seaver, Delta Delta Delta House, Taftsville. Bettina French Terrill, 147 N. Prospect St., Burlington. Florence Isabel Wade, Redstone, E. Dorset. Elizabeth Lyon Watts, Sanders Hall, Jamaica. Carol Susan Westall, 46 Robinson Ct., Richmond.

SOPhom*oRES—Class of 1941 Bertha Mae Bapp, 31 Hungerford St., Underhill. Wayne Russell Barrows, MusEd, 104 S, Union St., Burlington. Lorraine Corrinne Best, Winooski, Winooski. Hiram Orlando Bevins, MusEd, Milton, Milton. Barbara Katharine Blodgett, 49 Mansfield Ave., Montgomery Center. Claire-Marie Virginia Bosworth, MusEd, Prospect House, New York, N. Y. Glendine Frances Boynton, 14 University Ter., S. Pomfret. Christine Agnes Burbank, 19 Fletcher PL, Walden Heights. Helen Frances Carr, 422 North St., Burlington.

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288 University of Vermont

Lorraine Carver, 171 Lyman Ave., Burlington. Margaret Jeannette Cass, Allen House, Springfield. Alice Elizabeth Cole, MusEd, Redstone, Barre. Ruth Marion Conner, Allen House, Barton. Idora Gertrude Cooley, Alpha Xi Delta House, Randolph Center. Margaret Esherick, Kappa Alpha Theta House, Philadelphia, Pa. Nita Thelma Falby, 64 Bradley St., Burlington. Florence Alfreda Gilmore, 49 Mansfield Ave., Weybridge. Doris Elaine Goodell, 14 University Ter., Pomponoosuc. Madelyn Joyce Goodhue, Sanders Hall, Fairfax. Barbara Macomber Hall, 49 Mansfield Ave., Fairfax. Margaret Frieda Hamm, R. F. D. No. 2, Burlington. Ora Gladys Heywood, 29 Wilson St., E. Ryegate. Mary Elizabeth Hosley, Sanders Hall, Manchester Center. Alyce Mary Johnson, 9 S. Union St., Brandon. Thelma King, 32 University Ter., Island Pond. Reba Maude Leach, 14 University Ter., Fairfax. Cleo Lovina Lovett, 333 S. Prospect St., Bennington. Katherine Mary Mack, 29 Mansfield Ave., Vergennes. Jessie Margaret McKinley, 139 N. Willard St., Wells River. Thomas Keeshon Malone, Jr., MusEd, 69 Brookes Ave., Burlington. Madeline Elsie Martin, Milton, Milton. Bettina Mary Miner, 63 Greene St., Hinesburg. Chester Earl Minkler, MusEd, 11 Grant St., Proctor. Doris Lilyan Mumley, 63 Greene St., Alburg. Marianna Louise Palmer, MusEd, Prospect House, Middlebury. George Readington Pease, 134 Ferguson Ave., Burlington. Evelyn Ann Perkins, Alpha Xi Delta House, St. Albans. Louis Pichierri, MusEd, 60 Grove St., Burlington. Betty Pike, Allen House, Walden. Rose DeLima Poquette, 6 Shelburne St., Grand Isle. Paul Raymond Poulin, MusEd, 11 Grant St., Burlington. Elaine Julia Pratt, Warner House, Vergennes. Frances Allen Rogers, Warner House, Townshend. Dorothy Schwenger, MusEd, Redstone, Northfield. Kathryn Marie Silliman, 76 King St., Burlington. Janice Maurine Spear, 81 Buell St., St. Albans. Madeline Edna Tatro, 14 University Ter., Highgate Center. Oletha Nelia Thompson, 29 Mansfield Ave., Bristol. Virginia Mercedese Tremblay, 29 Mansfield Ave., Highgate Center.

FRESHMEN—Class of 1942 Shirley Isabel Barney, 19 Fletcher PL, Swanton, Frances Mona Bellman, Colchester, Colchester. Mildred Edna Belville, 164 N. Union St., Barre. Mary Spear Bissell, Allen House, Saxtons River. Orrin Marnald Brawn, MusEd, 89 Buell St., Portland, Me. Barbara Ruth Brewster, Essex Junction, Cambridge. Ethel Lucille Brooks, 49 Henderson Ter., Middlebury. Ernest Vail Burroughs, 407 College St., Burlington. Millicent Hoyt Butterfield, 32 Brookes Ave., St. Johnsbury.

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Register 289

June Elizabeth Cook, 19 Fletcher PL, Wilder. Alexandrina Georgette Coutu, 32 University Ter., Westfield. Barbara Emma Dane, Allen House, Cabot. ^nita Theresa DiBona. 49 Henderson Ter., Barre. porothy Ruth Dickinson, 14 University Ter., Bellows Falls, jtfartha Lynette Doe, MusEd, Warner House, Bradford. Celia Fleischmann, 39 Fright St., Burlington. Ernestine Martha Freeheart, 139 N. Willard St., Orleans. Jean French Hall, MusEd, Charlotte, Charlotte, j^ora Eunice Hill, MusEd, 135 N, Willard St., Lyndon Center. Helen Frances Huckabee, 139 N. Willard St., Randolph Center. Evelyn Pearl Kellett, 63 Greene St., Waterbury Center, porothy Frances McCormick, 83 N. Willard St., Burlington. Catherine Wilson McDonald, 9 8 Brookes Ave., Danville. Jean Luise McMahon, Sanders Hall, Barre.

argaret Elizabeth McPherson, 25 Russell St., Graniteville. 'Idred Arlene McRae, 40 University Ter., St. Johnsbury. ene Beverly Manseau, 370 Maple St., Burlington.

Eorraine Elsie Martin, 112 IV. Champlain St., Burlington. Ruth Madeline Mongeon, Winooski, Winooski. porothy Hannah Murphy, 45 5 North St., Burlington, atricia Nadeau, Warner House, Madison, Conn, ames David Neill, no College St., Randolph, hyllis Charlene Ovitt, MusEd, 49 Henderson Ter., Enosburg Falls, yrtle Edith Raymond, Redstone, Bridgewater.

une Everen Riddle, Warner House, Graniteville. orothy Norma Rockwell, MusEd, 25 Russell St., Alburg. "argaret Joy Sandall, 23 Catherine St., Burlington, harlotte Louise Scott, 198 East Ave., Burlington, thel Bartlett Shippee, Sanders Hall, W. Dover. "argaret Elizabeth Tackley, S3 N. Willard St., Malone, N. Y. ~rraine Mae Thibault, 63 Greene St., Waterbury. race Ellen Thompson, 232 Colchester Ave., Milton. 'verette Marcia Torrey, 340 North St., Vergennes. uy Thomas Trono, 430 Colchester Ave., Burlington, arbara Helmer Tucker, Campus House, Nyack-on-Hudson, N. Y. cile Rita Viliemaire, Winooski, Winooski. •tberine Ward, 49 Mansfield Ave., St. Johnsbury. a Angelia Welch, 19 Fletcher PL, Groton.

"••n Francis Wood, no College St., Randolph, arian Ruth Wool, 20 Latham Ct., Burlington.

[CLASSIFIED onald Roy Gage, MusEd, 16 Adams St., Lyndonville. ae Evelyn Fullington Gates (Mrs.), Sp{MusEd), Franklin, Franklin, eEvelyn Winn, Sp(MusEd), 241 N. Willard St., Burlington,

ie Pickett Wood (Mrs.), Sp(ElEd), 35 N. Willard St., Burlington.

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290 University of Vermont


SENIORS—Class of X939

Joseph Aloysius Astone, 40 Front St., Beacon, N. Y. Barbara Beardslee, 15 N. Williams St., Springfield. Paul Cohen, B.s., 51 Brookes Ave., Woonsockct, R. I. James Everett Crane, B.s., Sigma Phi Place. Stamford, Conn. Richard Barre Davis, B.s., / 99 King St., Readsboro. Amore Del Giudice, B.s., 92 Hungerford St., Waterbury. Raymond Carl Densmore, B.s., 187 Loomis St., Burlington. William Bernard Ferriter, B.s., Alpha Tan Omega House, Brattleboro, Herbert Edward Fitch, Jr., B.s., 132 Loomis St., Burlington. Thomas Gleason Fitzgerald, B.s., 40 Front St., Albany, N. Y. John Carl Greenan, b.s., 43 N. Willard St., Berlin, N. H. James Garfield Grimes, Jr., Fanny Allen Hospital, Dumont, N. J. William Henry Heininger, 308 College St., Burlington. Clifton Dexter Howe, b.s., 217 S. Union St., Burlington. Linus James Leavens, ph.b., 2 8 Loomis St., St. Albans. Julius Richard Levin, b.s., 3 8 Bright St., Burlington. Hyman Bernard Levine, b.s., 212 Park St., Burlington. John Van Sicklen Maeck, b.s., Shelburne, Shelburne. Raymond George Mainer, Ha Sigma Nu House, New Britain, Conn. Roger Wendell Mann, a.b., 67 Brookes Ave., Waterville. Abraham Jack Moskovitz, b.s., 24 St. Louis St., Burlington. Belmont Stanley Musicant, b.s., 234 Loomis St., Burlington. Robert Williston Nevin, b.s., 62 S. Union St., Edgartown, Mass. Abraham Oppenheim, b.s., a.b., 61 N. Willard St., New York, N. Y. Piatt Rugar Powell, b.s., 462 S. Willard St., Milton. William Joseph Powers, B.s., Fanny Allen Hospital, Rutland. Burnett Sheldon Rawson, Williston, Williston. Albert Ira Robbins, B.s., 267 Pearl St., Roxbury, Mass. Jacob Frederick Rommel, Jr., B.s., Nu Sigma Nu House, Oneida, N. Y. Richard Woodhull Rommel, B.s., Nu Sigma Nu House, Oneida, N. Y. Charles Brush Rust, 73 Pine St., Burlington. George Millar Sabin, Jr., B.s., 217 S. Union St., Burlington. Andrew Irving Ephriam Schildhaus, B.s., Shelburne, Shelburne. Arthur Pierre Stebbjns, b.s., Shelburne Rd., S. Burlington. Maurice James Walsh, b.s., 114 Buell St., Burlington. Edwin Conrad Weinraub, b.s., 4 Cedar Lane, New York, N. Y. Bernard Weiss, b.s., 234 Loomis St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ruth Mitchell White, B.s., 139 S. Union St., Brattleboro.

JUNIORS—Class of 1940 Howard Huntington Allen, Nu Sigma Nu House, Greensboro. Sidney Alpert, B.s., 286 Pearl St; Lakewood, N. J. Harry Joseph Antoniewicz, 404 Pearl St,, Springfield. Joseph Michael Baker, D.M.D., 16 Brookes Ave,, Brattleboro. Lewis "Willard Barton, B.s., 5^ Buell St,, Lexington, Mass. Sanford Rapheal Bloomenthal, B.s., 350 North St., Burlington.

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Joseph Thomas Bottamini, b.s., Nu Sigma Nu House, Brandon. John Harold Browe, a.b., 2 8 Bradley St., Burlington. Burton Donald Bryan, a.b., Mary Fletcher Hospital, Montpelier. Roy Vedder Buttles, b.s., 457 S. Willard St., Burlington. Clarence Lucian Chester, b.s., 24I/2 Brookes Ave., Cabot. Paul Merrill Choate, b.s., 165 Loo-mis St., W. Barnet. Howard Rawson Clement, B.S., 3<? Brookes Ave., Newport. Raynald Thomas Cooney, 343 College St., Burlington. Kermit Stephen Dugan, b.s., Willis ton- Rd., Newport Center. John Ralph Evans, Jr., b.s., 266 Main St., S. Orange, N. J. John Frederic Gowdey, b.s., 16 Brookes Ave., Montpelier. Harvey Furry Grazier, 125 S. Willard St., Johnstown, Pa. Lois Miriam Hammond, b.s., 121 N. Union St., Burlington.

; Max Harris, B.s., 146 Mansfield Ave., St. Albans. • Clarence Wayne Harwood, b.s., 20 Mansfield Ave., Rupert. : Jay Edgar Keller, 404 Pearl St., Burlington.

Roger Arthur Kenworthy, b.s., NU Sigma N11 House, Middlebury. ; Einar Albin Lundberg, b.s., 40 Kingsland Ter., Proctor. Wilham Gordon MacDonald, b.s., NU Sigma Nu House, Wilmington. John Power Magner, 87 N. Prospect St., W. Rutland. Philip Gardner Merriam, Nu Sigma Nu House, Maidstone. Richard Vaughan Newcombe, B.s., 98 N. Prospect St., Burlington. Russell Smith Page, Jr., a.b., 165 Loomis St., Hyde Park. Trances Ellen Rowe, B.s., 343 Pearl St., Evanston, 111. (William Ireland Shea, a.b., 26 Clarke St., Burlington. Howard Whitcomb Stanley, b.s., Colchester, Colchester. Frederick Whiting Timmerman, b.s., NU Sigma Nu House, Morrisviile. Ransom Edward Tucker, b.s., NU Sigma Nu House, Warren. William Vilardo, b.s., 350 North St., Garfield, N. J. Harold Eugene Williamson, b.s., 8 N. Williams St., Bristol.

SOPhom*oRES—Class of 1941 Clifford Clark Agnew, b.s., 37 N. Prospect St., Brattleboro. Joel Allen, a.b., 164 N. Union St., Burlington, lenwick Keese Caldwell, b.s., 34 N. Williams St., Burlington, locco Cassone, b.s., 3 8 Bradley St., Stamford, Conn. Clifford Tremain Conklin, Jr., B.s., 96 Buell St., Brandon. William Stephen Dempsey, a.b., 16 Brookes Ave., St. Albans. >ino Aldo Dente, 63 Buell St., Barre. latry Cary Halsted, a.b., 101 Brookes Ave., New York, N. Y. lyron Norman King, B.s., 146 Mansfield Ave., Dorchester, Mass. oyce Walter Kingsley, Jr., b.s., 20 Isham St., Burlington. )scar Joseph LaRiviere, b.s., ho College St., Burlington.

Bparry Alto MacMillan, b.s., 266 Main St., Plainfield. Brhotius Demetrius Mamos, b.s., 52 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Kyle John Monti, b.s., 34 Buell St., Barre. •Deane Fremont Mosher, b.s., 72 Greene St., Newport. Bwilliam Joseph Mulligan, b.a., 98 N. Prospect St., Springfield, Mass. Hftmes Patrick ONeil, b.s., 272 Pearl St., Burlington. Victor Joseph Pisanelli, 234 Pearl St., Rutland. •phn Stephen Poczabut, Jr., b.s., 163 Loomis St., Florence.

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292 University of Vermont

Henry Lewis Pratt, b.s., 19 Booth St., Rutland. Maurice Emerson Rowe, b.s., 3 8 Hast Ave., Barnet. Mary Helen Rowley, B.s., Milton, Milton. Harry Richard Ryan, Jr., 37 N. Prospect St., Rutland. Robert Newton Saxby, b.s., NU Sigma Nu House, Morrisville. Leo Schneller, b.s,, 88 N. Willard St., Woodside, L. I-, N. Y. Leo Maurice Seltzer, a.b., 123 Loomis St., Barre. Bartlett Henry Stone, b.s., 19 Booth St., White River Junction. Harry Berne Werner, B.s., 286 Pearl St., Bronx, N. Y. Geoffrey Paul Wiedeman, B.s., 108 DeForest Rd., Burlington. Jack Wool, B.s., 23 6 N. WtUard St., Burlington. John Thomas Wright, b.s., 75 Grant St., Waterbury.

FRESHMEN—Class of 1942 Bertrand Joel Andrews, 39 Brookes Ave., Middlebury. Donald Louis Bashaw, Winooski, Winooski. Paul Norman Berry, 206 Bank St., Richmond. Myer Harold Boyarsky, 81 Spring St., Burlington. Peter Demosthenes Corsones, 163 Main St., Rutland. John Alexander Davidson, a.b., 10 S. Willard St., St. Albans. Otley Leland Dugan, Jr., Williston Rd., Newport Center. Robert Byron Dugan, Williston Rd., Newport Center. Frank Dayton Eddy, 231 Maple St., Burlington, Dean Harding Edson, 80 N. Willard St., W. Lebanon, N. H. Richard Francis Farrell, 163 Loomis St., Shelbume, Malcolm Wendc Finlayson, 33 Brookes Ave., Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Christian Gronbeck, Jr., b.s., Sigma Nu Lodge, E. Barnet. Frank Edward Harrigan, Jr., N. Converse Hall, W. Hartford, Conn. James Howard Kelleher, B.s., 234 Pearl St., Montpelier. John Edward Kennedy, 44 Brookes Ave., Adams, Mass. Avery Parsons King, 10 S. Willard St., St. Albans. Emery Othello Lewis, 323 College St., Montpelier. Leon Robert Lezer, Mary Fletcher Hospital, Websterville. Robert Likovsky, 219 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. John Prentiss Lord, 102 Summit St., Brattleboro. Frederick Powers Mclntyre, B.s., 163 Loomis St., Brandon. Ernest Lee Mills, b.s., 339 Colchester Ave., Burlington. George Bernard O'Connell, Jr., b.s., 44 Brookes Ave., Lewiston, Me. Robert Graham Paterson, b.s., 113 Buell St., E. Craftsbury. Albert Francis Snay, Jr., 72 Greene St., White River Junction. Edward Chapman Stannard, a.b., 28 Brookes Ave., Fair Haven. Ernest Philip Tomasi, B.s., 234 Pearl St., Montpelier. Maurice Traunstein, Jr., b.s., 146 Mansfield Ave., Allston, Mass. Horatio Paul Wakefield, 262 North Ave., Burlington. Charles Flagg Whitney, Jr., 19 Kingsland Ter., Burlington. Robert Lewis Whitney, Essex Junction, Essex Junction.

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Register 293


Althea L. Abell, Burlington. Caroline B. Abel, Burlington. Margaret D. Ackerman, a.b., a.m., Erie, Pa. Charlotte F. Adams, a.b., Burlington. Georgia K. Adams, b.a., Alexandria, Minn. Luna M. Adams, Greenwich, Conn. Patricia L. Adams, Keene Valley, N. Y. Stella M. Adams, b.s., Hebron, N. H. Ruth S. Ainsworth, Burlington. Dorothy B. Akers, b.s. in ed, Essex Junc­

tion. Dorothea E. Akey, a.b., Burlington. Mildred E. Akins, b.s. in ed., Port Rich­

mond, N. Y. Brooke Albert, Burlington. Mrs. Helen B. Albert, ph.b., Burlington. Mildred E. Aldrich, Sutton. Ruth M. Aldrich, Plymouth. Julia M. Allard, Castleton. Helen N. Allen, b.s. in ed., m.a., Burling­

ton. Howard S. Allen, B.s., Xenia, Ohio. Clarence F. Amsden, B.s., Hardwick. Bertrand J. Andrews, Middlebury. Marlene L. Andrews, a.b., Elmwood, Mass. Mesmin Arenwald, b.a., m.a., New York,

N. Y. Rose P. Arenwald, b.a., New York, N. Y. Homer B. Ashland, ph.b., Plainfield. Clara B. Atherton, Westport, Conn. Mary Augustenovich, Springfield. Amos A. Austin, b.s., Middlebury. Bernecia E. Avery, Brandon. Eleanor Bailey, Barre. Everett C. Bailey, Burlington. Herbert A. Baker, Concord. Jennie L. Baker, Winooski. Netina M. Baker, Bolton Landing, N, Y. Rita G. Baker, Brattleboro. Elizabeth C. Baldwin, b.a., Hartford,

Conn. Myrtle C. Baldwin, Hinesburg. Shirley T. Baldwin, b.s. in ed., Charlotte. Phillip T. Barber, Montpelier. Lawrence E. Barnard, b.s.a., Milton. Gladys P. Barney, E. Charleston. Coletta Barrett, ph.b., Watertown, Conn. Eva A. Barrett, Thetford Center. Mary A. Barrett, a.b., Hydeville. Vera E. Barrett, Thetford Center.

Mary L. Barry, a.b., m.a., S. Burlington. Alvah L. Bartiett, B.s., Woodstock. Ralph G. Bartiett, b.s. in ed., Newport

Center. Theodore G. Bashaw, a.b., Richford. Louis W. Batchelder, b.s., Hartford, Conn. Vivian M. Bates, Derby Line. J. Ande Baxter, Waterville, Me. Henri J. Beauchemin, Pittsfield, Mass. Anso Belardinelli, Norwalk, Conn. Helen F. Bellows, b.a., m.a., Newport. Erna L. Benedict, Burlington. Mildred G. Benedict, Waterbury Center. Dorothy E. Bennett, St. Johnsbury. Patricia K. Bennett, Bury, Quebec. Mabelle E. Bentley, Lyndonville. Clare V. Bergen, b.s., Kingston, N. Y. Mrs. Beatrice Bergman, b.a., Port Arthur,

Tex. Sylvia K. Bergman, Burlington. Ruth F. Berman, Hartford, Conn. Muriel E. Best, Brownsville. Bernadine M. Beyer, Victor, N. Y. Barbara R. Bicknell, a.b., S. Weymouth,

Mass. Ruth E. Bigelow, Vergennes Bertha E. Biggers, Watertown, N. Y. Gertrude M. Billings, Middlebury. Hazel A. Billings, Middlebury. LeRoy M. Bingham, Burlington. Jane A. Blackburn, b.ed., a.m., Normal, 111. Bessie Blacksin, b.b.a,, New York, N. Y. Willard H. Blaisdell, b.s., Enosburg Falls. Guy F. Blake, a.b., Norwalk, Conn. Lillian C. Blanchard, Rutland. Alice C. Blodgett, Somerville, Mass. Elsa E. Bolan, Burlington. Lyman W. Bole, b.s., Bradford. Helen R. Bolger, b.s.ed., Montclair, N. J. Harriett E. Bone, Gardner, Mass. Helen I. Boone, Wells. Edward J. Booth, II, Burlington. Gordon B. Booth, Burlington. Mollie A. Booth, Randolph. Glynn B. Bosley, Derby Line. Claire V. Bosworth, Burlington. Irene D. Bouchard, St. Albans. Adeline E. Bourget, b.a., m.a., Moosehorn,

Me. Ruth V. Bourquin, Rutland.

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294 University of Vermont

Blanche Bowen, Little Rock, Ark. Laura M. Boyce, Barre. Athena E. Brackett, Hanover, N. H. Frances Bradley, ph.b., Burlington. Anna M. Brady, b.s.ed., New Bedford,

Mass. Jean E. Branch, Willimantic, Conn. Eileen R. Brickel, Burlington. Ellen L. Brigham, Burlington. Sally A. Brigham, Burlington. Otilia M. Brolin, Proctor. Esther Broudy, Hartford, Conn. Barbara A, Brown, "Washington, D. C. Constance L. Brown, a.b., m.s., Burlington Dora A. Brown, S. Strafford. Helen F. Brown, St. Albans. Margaret S. Brown, Essex Center. Marjorie B. Brush, B.s., Arlington. Karl L. Buck, B.s., Burlington. Mrs. Hazel M. Bugbee, Highgate Center. Jerome Q. Bullis, b.s., Milton. Mrs. Elisabeth C. Bump, Pittsford. Beryl Y. Burmaster, b.a., Newport. Hazel M. Burnap, Burlington. Eugene G. Burnkrant, b.a., Marshfield, Wis. A. Viola Burns, Fair Haven. Harold F. Burroughs, Burlington. Janice J. Byington, ph.b., Charlotte. Jose N. Cabanzo, Barre. Rose E. Cain, East Orange, N. J. Evelyn M. Calhoun, Middlebury. Mary E. Callahan, New London, Conn. Robert R. Callander, Malone, N. Y. Mary H. Callaway, a.b., Thomasville, Ga. Dorothea Cameron, Winooski. Thomas J. Campbell, Montpelier. Mary E. Cannon, Rutland. Georgia N. Carabeau, b.s. in ed., *Danby. Kendall S. Carpenter, b.s., Barton. Merritt E. Carpenter, Jr., Montpelier. Mary L. Carroll, ph.b. in ed., Burlington. Elizabeth G. Carter, W. Rutland. Mrs. Helen S. Carter, b.a., W. Burke. Margaret W. Carter, Barre. Catherine C. Cartier, Burlington. Christine Caruthers, Fort Ethan Allen. Loretta L. Casey, Jericho. Bernard D. Cashman, b.s., Burlington. Fay H. Cassileth, b.s., m.s., Brooklyn, N. Y Novello Cenci, Barre. Doris B. Chamberlain, Ferrisburg. Mrs. Mollie B. Chamberlin, Newport.

Mabel W. Chandler, Barre. Irene Chase, B.s., Massena, N. Y. Irving N. Chase, Weymouth, Mass. Julia J. Cheney, Jamaica. Lucia T. Cherrier, Fairfax. Belle M. Chigi, B.s. in ed., Burlington. Henry T. Child, b.s., Hardwick. Marion E. Child, Montpelier. Belle L. Church, a.b., Richmond. Robert W. Chutter, b.s. in m.e., Proctor. Mildred M. Cilley, St. Johnsbury. Andrew D. Clark, Englewood, N. J. Delia D. Clark, Richford. Julian B. Clark, Burlington. Lawrence B. Clark, b.s., Mohawk, N. Y. Myrtle A. S. Clark, Winooski. Rachel Clark, Waterbury. Virginia G. Clark, W. Hartford, Conn. Nina R. Clay, a.b., a.m., Steubenville, Ohio Marion H. Clemons, Danby. Mrs. Charlotte B. Clifton, Waterbury. Albert W. Coffien, Burlington. Rachel L. Cole, St. Albans. John D. Coleman, Schenectady, N. Y. Katharine B. Collier, a.b., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dorothy M. Collins, Hyde Park. Janet Collins, Colchester. Leonora D. Collins, Burlington. Mary E. Collins, Burlington. Rachel E. Colton, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Beatrice I. Colvin, ed.b,, W. Warwick R. I. Mrs. Esther Conlin, Winooski. Eileen K. Connelly, Underhill. Maie E. Comstock, Ludlow. Elizabeth D. Connors, West Pawlet. Mary B. Conroy, a.b., N. Brookfield, Mass. John H. Cook, B.s. in ed., Hanco*ck, Mass. Margaret M. Cook, Mount Holly. Harrison A. Cooke, Jr., a.b., Burlington. Helen Cooper, a.b., Attleboro, Mass. Cora A. Copeland, Highgate Center. Marian G. Corbett, Wilmington. Cathleen Corcoran, B.s., N. Bennington. Helena G. Corcoran, Rutland. Mary E. Corcoran, Rutland. Phyllis K. Corliss, Springfield. Gladys R. Corsa, Huntington, L. I., N. Y. Lillian E. Corse, ph.b., Burlington. Mary E. Coughlin, Greenfield, Mass. Catherine M. Courtney, ph.b., Burlington. Arthur P. Couture, a.b., m.a., Winooski, Jennie I. Couture, b.s. in ed., W. Burke.

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Register 295

Doris Covell, "Washington, D. C. Edward S. Cram, Burlington. Walter E. Crandall, Essex Junction. Martha H. Crane, Burlington. Mildred E. Creller, Alburg. Esther M. Crook, b.e., Dorchester, Mass. William H. Cross, Bombay, N. Y. Mrs. Ethel Croteau, Barre. Beth E. Crowther, Chester Depot. Doris M. Crozier, a.b., Montpeiier. Ruth G. Crozier, Lebanon, N. H. Loretta A. Cunningham, b.s., Mt. Vernon,

N. Y. Lorraine B. Cushman, a.b., Lake George,

N. Y. Edward M, Dakin, b.a., Sharon, Conn. Lois A. Dallenbach, Champaign, 111. Ernest B. Dana, ph.b., ed.m., E. Jaffrey,

N. H. May C. Dane, Montpeiier. Alba M. Daneluzzi, Barre. Clara Daugherty, b.a., New York, N. Y. Leella A. Davis, Lyndonville. Ruth F. Davis, Rutland. Stilman G. Davis, Jr., Nashua, N. H. Robert P. Davison, B.s., Burlington. Arza L. Dean, Lunenburg. Elma J. DeBrune, a.b., Greensboro. Mary L. Dee, b.a., Hanco*ck, Mass. Elizabeth M. DeForest, Burlington. Mrs. Adella F. Delaney, Randolph. Claire K. Delaney, Middlebury. Sister M. De Lourdes, Burlington. Esther DeMott, Hackensack, N. J. Mrs. Olive H. Dern, Dorset. Sister M. C. Desautels, Burlington. Mable L. Desorcie, Highgate Center. Marion A. Devine, Northfield, Burt L. Dexter, a.b., Littleton, N. H. Paul A. Dicke, Upper Montclair, N. J. Olive M. Dickinson, W. Hartford, Conn. Mary M. Dillon, a.b., Morrisville. Ruth A. Doane, b.s.e., Athol, Mass. John A. Dodds, Jr., b.s., Stowe. Elizabeth R. Dole, a.b., Peterborough,

N. H. Sister M. Dominica, a.b., Burlington. Ellen E. Donovan, a.b., Bristol, Conn. Margaret R. Donovan, b.s., Millbury, Mass. Marie V. Donovan, Bristol, Conn. Stephen A. Doran, a.b., Montpeiier. Edward H. Dorsey, Ludlow.

Eleanor B. Douglas, b.s., Burlington. George V. Drabble, b.a., Rochester. Reba B. Drabble, Rochester. Curtis A. Dressel, b.s., Springfield. Eugene C. Dresser, b.s., Burlington. Elizabeth G. Driscol, Hartford, Conn. Agnes N. DriscolL St. Albans. Isaac A. Drowne, b.s., Morrisville. Isabelle L. Ducharme, E. Fairfield. Phyla M. Ducharme, E. Fairfield. Frances Durell, Newmarket, N. H. Stella H. Durkee, b.e., Castleton. Florence E. Dyer, a.b., Northampton,

Mass. Meredith H. Dyke, b.a., Westmount, Que.,

Can. Mrs. Helen Y. Dykhuizen, b.a., Burlington. William M. Earley, Castleton. Thomas Eccleston, Jr., ph.b., Harrisville,

R. I. Irene H. Eddins, Montpeiier. Anna W. Eddy, b.s. in ed., W. Brattleboro. Joseph D. Eider, a.b., a.m., Burlington. Lenora G. Eidridge, Jericho. Mrs. Grace A. Ellsworth, Richford. Elizabeth A. Emerson, New York, N. Y. Juanita Emery, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sister M. Eucharia, Burlington. Barbara E. Evans, Essex Junction. Janet Evans, New Haven, Conn. Jean M. Evans, Burlington Rebecca I. Everts, Salisbury. Florence Fallon, a.b., Cincinnati, Ohio. Amy D. Francher, Vergennes. Lenore M. Farnham, b.a., Napoleon, Ohio. Mary F. Farquharson, Derby. Jerome H. Farweil, b.s. in ed., Wells River. Teresa M. Fayette, b.s,, Burlington. Louis Fein, b.s., Woodside, L. I., N. Y. Helen Fetters, Celina, Ohio. Susan M. Fillips, Metuchen, N. J. Edith C. Finlay, Essex Junction. Alberta C. Fisher, New London, N. H. Florence Fisher, Burlington. Lila A. Fisher, E. Concord. Ruth J. Fisk, Rutland. Fremont W. Fiske, Burlington. Elizabeth B. FitzSimonds, Underhill. Anna K, Fitzsimons, Underhill. Edmund Flagg, Craftsbury Common. Myra B. Flanders, Quechee.

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296 University of Vermont

Ivis B. Flint, Randolph. Etta M. Folsom, Barton. Jessie W. Ford, a.b., Boston, Mass. Cathaleen M. Foster, Stowe. Jean E. Foster, Groton. Warren E. Fowler, Manchester Depot. Anna M. Fox, Winooski Park. Mrs. Marion E. W. Fox, B.s., Atlantic City,

N. J. Ada B. Fredette, St. Albans. Frances E. French, b.s., Proctor. Ruth E. French, ph.b., Proctor. Dallas D. Fuller, b.s., Lyndon. Olive H. Fuller, b.s. in ed., Brockton,

Mass. Samuel T. Fuller, a.b., N. Conway, N. H. Rose G. Fumagalli, Bethel. Ruth Gabler, b.s., Holyoke, Mass. Martha E. Gage, Burlington. Josephine Gagnon, Vergennes, Agnes I. Gallison, Waterbury. Margaret R. Gallon, Little Neck, N. Y. Olive G. Garrow, b.s. in ed., Burlington. Jay S. Garvin, a.b., S. Ryegate. Catherine F. Gaynor, Rutland. Sadie J. Geary, Winooski. Ruth E. Geffken, b.e., Schenectady, N. \ Caroline F. Gerlach, Bayside, L. I., N. Y. Anna M. Germand, Brandon. Sister M. Gertrude, Burlington. Dorothy C. Gibson, b.s. in ed., Wells River. James C. Giddings, Burlington. Dorothy L. Gilbert, N. Troy. Mrs. Gladys S. Gilbert, Adams Center,

N. Y. Marilyn E. Gile, Burlington. Rebecca P. Gillespie, New Haven, Conn. Paul A. Gilman, b.s., Danville. Elliott S. Gilman, b.s., Barton. Catherine E. Gilmartin, E. Hampton, L. I.,

N. Y. Vina M. Gingras, W. Rutland. Walter M. Glass, Burlington. Marion G. Glidden, Franklin. Blanche J. Glynn, Chester. Norman R. Golding, b.s., Bellows Falls. Amy E. Goodell, b.s., Barre. Lilian M. Goodliffe, Morrisville. Hazel H. Goodnough, Brandon. Hester M. Gordon, Springfield. Madeline G. Graham, White River Junc­


Winifred D. Graham, B.s., Roxbury. Ralph H. Granger, b.s., Brattleboro. Florence G. Greene, Burlington. Jessie M. Greene, Wells. William G. Grieve, Burlington. Elizabeth A. Griffith, B.s, Danby. Ann L. Griggs, Newport. Gertrude E. Griswold, W. Hartford, Conn. Persis E. Griswold, B.s., Orange, N. J. Goldie Grodzinsky, St. Albans. Myrtle V. Gue, Struthers, Ohio. Ruth V. Gue, Struthers, Ohio. Maude P. Guillow, Gardner, Mass. James L. Gunn, B.s., Weare Center, N. H. Marion C. Hackett, ph.b., Proctor. Vernon H. Hadley, St. Johnsbury. Agnes C. Hall, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Ethel S. Hall, St. Albans. Gertrude A. Hallock, Johnson. Eva M. Hammerberg, Oak Park, 111. Mary V. Handy, N. Springfield. Kathryn A. Hanley, Castleton. John T. Hanna, Los Angeles, Calif. Wendell O. Harding, a.b., Rochester. Guy E. Harrington, b.s., Jacksonville. Mrs. Edith C Harris, b.s., Cincinnati,

Ohio. Marie D. Harte, Bennington. Chester P. Hartford, B.s., Northfield. Doris J. Harvey, Cabot. Mary I. Harvey, b.a., Waterbury. Maxine T. Harvey, B.s. in ed., Waterbury. Helen R. Hastings, Ludlow. Bernice E. Hathaway, Rome, N. Y. Mrs. Beulah B. Hayes, Rutland. Francis M. Hayes, m.ed., Whitman, Mass. Flossie C. Haylett, Alburgh. Alice S. Haynam, Cavendish. Ann F. Hays, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lucy P. Hayward, Fairlee. Ethel M. Hazen, Hartford. Michael J. Hearn, New Brunswick, N. J. F. Stanley Heath, Barton. Frances L. Held, b.s., Fullerton, Pa. Isabel R. Held, Fullerton, Pa. Rodney B. Hersey, Winchester, Mass. Alma E. Hewitt, Kalkaska, Mich. Edith M. Hewitt, b.a., St. Louis, Mo. Julia V. Higgins, W. Rutland. Iris H. Higley, Huntington. Marion E. Higley, Richmond.

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Register 297

Lena C. Hill, Montpelier. Leon N. Hill, b.s. in ed., Chelsea. Francis N. Hinchey, ph.b., Rutland Theodore E. Hinckley, b.s., Cuttingsville. Thomas M. Hine, W. Hartford, Conn. Horace J. Hitchco*ck, Jamestown, N. Y. Helen J. Hobbs, b.a., Rochester. Ruth E. Hodet, St. Albans. Barbara Hodskins, Palmer, Mass. Gladys D. Hogaboom, Highgate Center. Mary E. Hogan, Brandon. Roswell A. Hogue, II, Plattsburg, N. Y. Paulita D. Holcomb, Burlington. Bessie L. Holcombe, Springfield, Mass. Dorothy W. Holden, Brattleboro. Adrian E. Holmes, b.b.a., Burlington. G. Allen Holmes, b.s., Cabot. Margaret S. Homer, b.s., Franklin, Me. Genevieve P. Hook, a.b., a.m., Burlington. Fannie Hopkins, b.a., m.a., Waukesha,

Wis. Louise D. Hopkins, W. Orange, N. J. Marvel C. Horn, b.a., m.a., Columbus,

Ohio. A. Weldon House, b.s., Northfield. Hazel W. House, Cos Cob, Conn. Harriet Howard, b.a., Burlington. Alice H. Howe, Passumpsic. Irwin H. Hoxie, b.s., Hardwick. Eugene G. Hoyt, b.s., Ausable Forks, N. Y. Estella F. Hubbard, b.s,, Guildhall. Hope E. Hubbard, Wells. Grace H. Huckins, N. Troy. Nell Huggins, a.b., Houston, Texas. Isabel A. Hunt, b.ed., Littleton, N. H. Mrs. Phyllis W. Hunt, a,b., Bakersfield. Doris E. Hutchins, Brattleboro. Mrs. Hazel M. Hutchinson, Lyndonviile, Helen L. Hyde, Royalton. John C. Hylan, b.s., m.s. in ed,, Essex

Junction. Phyllis R. Ingram, Waynesboro, Pa. Francis S. Irons, b.a., Bennington. Edward S. Irwin, Burlington. Mrs. Lillian M. Iversen, Burlington. Mrs. Viola M. Ives, Bethel. Kathryn B. Jackson, Milton. William M. Jackson, ph.b., a.m., Provi­

dence, R. I. Lois E. Jacobs, N. Troy. Edith N. James, Port Washington, L. I.,

N. Y.

Margaret W. Jarvis, Williston. Orson W. Jay, ph.b., Burlington. Philip A. Jenkin, a.b., Worcester, Mass. George R. Jenkins, b.s., Hardwick. Lucile M. Jenks, Burlington. Mrs. Mary N. Jenne, Lyndonviile. Thelma H. Jobling, Burlington. Bessie W. Johns, ph.b., a.m., Providence,

R. I. Gertrude I. Johnson, Barre. Mary L. Johnson, Benson. Agnes Jolin, Hortonville, Wis. David R. Jones, Schenectady, N. Y. Frederic T. Jones, Burlington. Irene P. Jones, Englewood, N. J. Sherman H. Joslin, b.ed., Monroe, N. H. Paul Keebler, b.s., Philadelphia, Pa. Leo F. Keefe, a.b., Rutland. Charles I. Keelan, a.b., Montgomery. Marion S. Keith, a.b., Rochester, N. Y. T. Llyle Keith, Rochester, N. Y. Kathleen Kendall, b.s. in ed., New York,

N. Y. Harry A. Keniston, b.e., St. Johnsbury

Center. Cora Kennedy, Groton. John E. Kennedy, Adams, Mass. Edwin Kent, Greenwich, Conn. Rose M. Kerrigan, Rutland. Grace W. Kezar, Rochester. Emma A. Kimball, Sharon. Mrs. Alice L, King, Augusta, Me. Avery P. King, St. Albans. Bernice E. Kingsbury, Waitsfield, Sheila J. Kingston, Winnipeg, Mana., Can. Robert T. Kinney, Hardwick. Mrs. Grace E. Kinsley, Barton. Neill G. Kirby, Burlington. Mrs. Mildred W. Kneeland, N. Hyde Park. Constance L. Knight, a.b., Putney. Grace E. Knight, West Burke. Esther A. Knowlton, b.s. in ed., Hamilton,

Mass. William P. Koch, Burlington. Agnes F. Kolb, Holtsville, L. I., N. Y. John L. Kotuby, Rutland. Carl A. Kowalski, Lafayette, Ind. Richard Krolik, Scarsdale, N. Y. Martha J. Kuhlmann, b.s., m.a., Brooklyn,

N. Y. Isobel M. Kynoch, Williamstown. Bessie L. Labor, Orleans.

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298 University of Vermont

Mrs. Nellie M. Labounty, Charlotte. Mary E. Ladd, Burlington. Mrs. Thelma B. Lafayette, Burlington. Beatrice Lamb, Greenfield, Mass. Arlie T. Lambert, E. Hardwick. Mary A. Lamoy, Websterville. Adelaide J. Lanphere, Wells River. Mrs. Esther E. LaPierre, Graniteville. Mrs. Bertha L. Larabee, b.s. in h.e., Bur­

lington. Paul K. Larner, Burlington. Velma K. Lawler, Plainfield. Rosalind E. Lawrence, Woodstock. Albert D. Lawton, a.b., Essex Junction. S. Irene Leary, Middlebury. Arnold LeBell, ll.b., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hessie U. LeBoeuf, Keene, N. HL Ruth A. LeCaro, b.s. in l.s., Bainbridge,

N. Y. Elsa P. Leonard, B.s. in ed., W. Rutland. Romuald G. Lesage, a.b., Winooski. Wilfred A. Leslie, b.s., Orleans. Cynthia Lester, Wickford, R. I. Eugene R. Lester, Wickford, R. L Ronald R. Levesque, Littleton, N. H. Beatrice Levin, Burlington. Wilhelm Levinger, New York, N. Y. Frank Lewis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Helene M. Leyden, Somerville, Mass. Isabelle M. Leyden, Somerville, Mass. Robert Likovsky, Burlington. Ida E. Lindroth, b.s., m.a., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Marion A. T. Linsenmeir, Burlington. Elsie M. Long, Waitsfield. Helen L. Loudon, Minneapolis, Minn. Elizabeth R. Lovett, Middlebury. Ralph B. Low, ph.b., a.m., Essex, Mass. Lotta M. Lower, b.s., LaPorte, Ind. Robert E. Lucco*ck, b.a., Hamden, Conn. Birke M. Luckenbill, Redlands, Calif. May H. Luckenbill, a.b., Redlands, Calif. Irene B. Lunean, Tilton, N. H. Ralph D. Lund, b.s., Hartford, Conn. Marjorie E. Lutkins, Hackensack, N. J. Ruth A. Lyman, Charlemont, Mass. Richard G. Lynch, Burlington. Josephine S. Lyne, B.s., Orange, Va. Katherine W. Lyon, Morrisville. Dorothy M. McCain, Houlton, Me. Charles G. McCosco, Brownington Center. Esther B. McCosco, Brownington Center. Charles A. McCuin, B.s., Jeffersonville.

Violet B. McCurdy, Jamaica. Mary K. McDermott, Burlington. F. Joseph McDonough, Woburn, Mass. Beuiah C. McFarland, Burlington. Robert H. Mclntire, a.b., Hershey, Pa. Barbara R. Mcintosh, S. Royalton. Bernice McKee, Morrisville. George McKenzie, Rutland. Lewis F. McKerley, N. Clarendon. Winifred J. McLam, E. Ryegate. Josephine H. McLouth, b.s., Shortsville,

N. Y. Cecilia A. McMahon, N. Clarendon. Maxine E. McNamara, Northfield. Paul C. McNamara, b.c.s., Winchester,

N. H. Anna B. McPherson, Atlantic City, N. J. Harold B. MacDonald, Jr., Woburn, Mass. Marjorie MacDonald, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Elsie F. Mack, b.s,, Detroit, Mich. Christine I. Mackenzie, Claremont, N. H. George M. MacKenzie, b.s., Claremont,

N. H. Royal V. Mackey, Jr., Summit, N. J. Helen E. Madden, Burlington. Catherine M. Madigan, B.s., a.m., Burling­

ton. Mabel A. Maginn, St. Albans. Alice R. Magoon, Richford. George Magrath, a.b., Whitinsville, Mass. Irma A. Mallow, Jericho. Daniel I. Manch, B.s., m.s., Buffalo, N. Y. Genevieve M. Manley, Wethersfield, Conn. Ruth H. Manley, N. Sheldon. Gertrude L. Mann, Burlington. Lida M. Mann, b.s. in ed., Johnson. Louise C. Mann, Essex Junction. Addie J. Marsh, Rochester. Marion S. Marshall, b.s.e., Rockport, Mass. Herbert F. Martel, Burlington, Burns E. Martin, a.b., Rutland. Helen F. Martin, Morrisville. H. Proctor Martin, a.b., Barre. John H. Martin, b.s., Milwaukee, Wis. Leora M, Martin, Jeffersonville. Marion A. Martin, a.b., Louisville, Ky. Virginia Mason, a.b., Peru, N. Y. Josephine Masso, New Brunswick, N. J. Sister M. Matilda, Burlington. Clyde A. Maxfield, b.s. in ed., Post Mills. Dorothy E. Maxwell, Andover, N. J. Mrs. Jeannette C. May, Williston.

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Register 299

Loretta C. Maynard, Starksboro. Marguerite S. Mazelli, Wilmington. William G. Meader, Jr., Providence, R. I. Mae I. Meehan, Northampton, Mass. Ruth E. Mencer, Lowellville, Ohio. Adrien W. Mercier, Leominster, Mass. Elliott T. Merrick, b.a., Craftsbury Com­

mon. Mary R. Metz, a.b., Morrisville. Pauline A. Meyer, a.b., m.a., Cortland,

N. Y. Caroline E. Miles, b.a., Charlotte. Mrs. Dama G. Miller, E. Corinth. Isabelle J. Miller, b.a., W. Newbury. Louise C. Miller, Chazy, N. Y. Mrs. Luella M. Miller, N. Hartland. Robert N. Millett, a.b., Springfield. Mrs. Ruth W. Millington, Burlington. Ruth W. Millington, Jr., Burlington. Thomas M. Miner, Plainfield, N. J. William D. Miningham, Jr., Newark, N. J. Dorothy E. Mitchell, St. Albans. Lester H. Mitchell, Burlington. Edgar A. Moberg, a.b., Worcester, Mass. Ruth G. Moerchen, Yonkers, N. Y. Mrs. Eleanor W. Montague, b.s., N. Ben­

nington. Harry N. Montague, b.s., N. Bennington. Ethel M. Moody, b.a., E. Northfield, Mass. Ethel G. Moore, Stratford, Conn. John M. Moore, b.s., Barre. Marguerite M. Moreau, Swanton. Mary H. Morey, E. Fairfield. Ola S. Morgan, Canton, Ohio. Richard F. Morgner, Fitchburg, Mass. Maurice B. Morrill, b.s. in agr., N. Ben­

nington. Florence E. Morse, ph.b., Framingham,

Mass. Agnes J. Morton, Alburgh. Robert E. Moseley, Milford, Conn. Chandler B. Mosher, b.s., Mclndoe Falls. Dorothy D. Mott, b.s. in ed., Waltham,

Mass. Dorothea V. Moynihan, W. Concord, Mass. William H. Muggleston, a.b., Deep River,

Conn. John G. Murphy, b.s., Burlington. Mary A. Murphy, Charlotte. William J. Murphy, b.s., Oakville, Conn. John N. Murray, a.b., Randolph. Elizabeth H. Musgrave, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Julia B. Naramore, Orwell. Doris F. Nelson, Waitsfield. Priscilla J. Newton, b.s. in ed., Burlington. William A. Newton, b.s. in ed., N. Ferris-

burg. Addie J. Nichols, Underhill. Mrs. Alice H. Nichols, Rutland. Lena Nislow, b.s., m.a., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ridley J. Norton, b.s., Bristol. Thomas E. O'Brien, Winooski. Sister M. Joseph O'Keefe, b.s., Burlington. Charles Oliver, b.s., Brandon. Jennie E. Olmstead, Greensboro. Ernest E. Olson, W. Rutland. Mary C. Orbison, Appleton, Wis. Harriett W. Osgood, Sutton. Anne A. Ouiton, Nashua, N. H. Charles L. Oxley, Granville, Ohio. Thelma R. Packard, Burlington. Elizabeth A. Page, b.s. in ed., Hinesburg. Esther H. Page, S. Orange, N. J. Sarah J. Painter, b.a., Wooster, Ohio. Andrew G. Palan, b.s., Bristol, Conn. Georgina L. Palmer, b.ed., Williamstown. Margaret G. Palmer, b.s., Worcester, Mass. Marianna L. Palmer, Middlebury. Laurence G. Paquin, a.b., Orange, N. J. Charles L. Park, Jr., b.s., Thetford, Dorothy L. Parker, Grand Isle. Athleen E. Parks, Castleton. Jeannette W. Parmenter, b.s.e., Eastondale,

Mass. Dwight D. Patch, Windsor. Mrs. Julia H. Paterson, Bellows Falls. Sister M. Patricia, Burlington. George W. Patterson, m.a., Vergennes. Marian Peabody, Exeter, Me. Glennice R. Pearce, Lyndon Center. Elizabeth S. Pease, Ludlow. Lillian M. Pease, Hartford, Conn. Lula Percey, Bennington. Ralph H. Percival, Burlington. Winifred Perkins, Franklin, N. H. Alexandra C. Perrault, St. Albans. Germaine M. Perrault, St. Albans. Albina Perry, Manchester Depot. Eva L. Perry, Morrisville. Karl G. Perry, a.b., m.a., Cumberland, Md. William A. Peters, b.s., Vergennes. Marjora M. Peterson, Waterbury Center. Dorothy Pierce, a.b., m.a., St. Johnsbury. Frances L. Pierce, Brattleboro. Mary E. Pierce, b.s. in ed., Columbus, Ohio.

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300 University of Vermont

Lettie E. Pike, b.r.e., Randolph Center, Lionel N. Poquette, B.s., Greensboro. Paul R. Poulin, Burlington. Mrs. Evelyn H. Power, Pittsford. Freda E. Powers, Franklin. Josephine E. Powers, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Mrs. Mildred A. Powers, Orleans. Norma M. Preston, Burlington. Dolores Proctor, b.a., St. Albans. Eleanor M. Prunier, Burlington. Elbertine O. Pudvar, Enosburg Fails. Madeline F. Puffer, Townshend. Olive L. Puffer, ph.b., Burlington. Marion Radgiff, Jamaica, N. Y. Hilda F. Ramsay, Limestone, Me. Robert O. Randall, b.s. in agr., Middle-

bury. Medora K. Reed, b.s., Newport. Mrs. Fratia M. Rees, Burlington. Mildred T. Rees, Fort Ethan Allen. Anna M. Reil, Hydevxlle. Anne G. Reilly, Center Rutland. Anna S. Reynolds, Burlington. Alfred J. Rice, Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Eleanor E. Rice, Weathersfield. Jeanette T. Rice, Cambridge, N. Y. Lucy A. Rich, b.s., Burlington. Mary E. Rich, Chester Depot. Anna S. Riley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Edmund Ritchie, Brooklyn, N. Y. Madlyn J. Ritter, Bethlehem, Pa. Rosa Ritzer, Northfield. Alexanderina M. Robb, Hardwick. Margaret M. Robbins, Newton Center,

Mass. Elmer C. Roberts, Chelsea. Hazel M. Roberts, W. Pawlet. Llewellyn Roberts, a.b., Wallingford. Bernice D. Robertson, a.b., Barre. Miriam J. Robie, B.s. in ed., Enosburg Falls. Dorothea Robinson, Burlington. Mrs. L. Helen Robinson, b.a., Toronto,

Ont, Can. Stephen G. B. Robinson, b.a., Toronto,

Ont., Can. Edgar F. Roby, Montpelier. Alice E. Rogers, Waterbury. Abraham M. Rogoff, b.a., m.a., Brooklyn,

N. Y. Henrietta C. Rogoff, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Robert Rooney, b.s., Circleville, Ohio. Anna Ross, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Henry E. Ross, b.s., Arlington. Syble T. Rountree, b.a., Westmount, Que.,

Can. Harry M. Rowe, b.s., Barnet. Irene J. Rowe, Marlboro, Mass. Leslie R. Rowe, a.b., Bristol. N. Dean Rowe, b.s. in ed., Fairfax. Mrs. Freda B. Rudd, Waterbury. Mary F. Ruder, Schenectady, N. Y. Doris C. Russ, Morrisville. Mrs. Dorothy S. Russel, Fayetteville, N. C. Mrs. Mary D. F. Russell, Vergennes. Alice A. Ryan, b.s., Fair Haven. Alice C. Ryan, Craftsbury Common. Leona R. Ryan, Springfield. Loretta S. Ryan, b.s. in ed., .White River

Junction. Margaret T. Ryan, b.a., Vergennes. Mary Sabin, Burlington. Mrs. Florence C. Safford, St. Johnsbury. Mae Safford, St. Johnsbury. Eugene J. St. Marie, Newport. Ruth M. Sallies, Montpelier. Mrs. Helen B. Sanborn, a.b., St. Albans. Nelson E. Sanborn, a.b., Chelsea. James E. Sargeant, University, Va. Lois M. Sargent, N. Ferrisburg. Thelma L. Sartwell, b.a., Peru, N. Y. Anna F. Saunderson, a.b., m.a., Brooklyn,

N. Y. Mildred N. Scanlon, b.s.e., Lowell, Mass. Valerie L. Scheidecker, Brooklyn, N. Y. Frances A. Scott, Westboro, Mass. Georgia Scott, Johnson. Mrs. Irene C. Scott, Montgomery Center. Robert W. Selvig, Westfield, N. J. Pearl F. Shannon, Cambridge. Gertrude M. Sherwood, Eagle Bridge, N. Y. Olive E. Shields, Groton. Ann M. Shire, a.b., a.m., Kansas City, Mo. Thelma I. Shott, East Hampton, L. I.,

N. Y. Carol M. Siedler, b.a., m.a., Fieldston, New

York, N. Y. Marie M. Simenean, Fitzwilliam, N. H. Harold L. Simmons, Jr., New Bedford,

Mass. Mrs. Katherine R. Simmons, Randolph. Nettie H. Simmons, b.s.e., Newport, R. I. Mrs. Ruth S. Simpson, St. Johnsbury. Hoyt W, Sisco, b.s., Bradford.

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Register 301

Kathleen M. Skerry, St. Johnsbury. Mary H. Skerry, St. Johnsbury. Marion A. Skinner, Orleans. Ruth M. Slack, W. "Woodstock. Louise Slipper, a.b., Brooklyn, N. Y. Herman B. slu*tzkin, a.b., m.a., New York,

N. Y. Ralph L. Small, a.b., a.m., Barre. Allen G. Smith, b.a., N. Woodbury, Conn. Doris G. Smith, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Dorothy R. Smith, b.s., Jeffersonville. Grace F. Smith, Burlington. Lillian M. Smith, b.s., Ossining, N. Y. Margaret E. Smith, Pittsfield, Mass. Walter M. Smith, Jr., Bloomfield, N. J. Wesley W. Smith, b.s., Bristol. Marion A. C. Somers, Douglaston, N. Y. Martha E. Sorensen, Appleton, Wis. Harris W. Soule, b.s., Burlington. A. Fern Souther, Lowell. Anne M. Soviero, Huntington, L. I., N. Y. Mrs. Ruth E. Spaulding, S. Royalton. Grace L. Spelman, b.s., Rochelle Park, N. J. Richard Sprague, b.s., St. Johnsbury. Horace H. Squire, Waterbury. Mary B. Stapleton, Cuttingsville. Mary K. Steady, Lyndonville. Freda B. Stearns, Orleans. Anastasia Stebbins, Shelburne. Margery P. Stebbins, Manchester Center. Roland B. Steele, b.s., Groton. Raymond B. Steward, b.s., Eastport, Me. Madeline M. Stockman, Burlington. Elwood M. Stoddard, Rockland, Mass. Ann S. Stokes, Burlington. Clara M. Stone, Northfield. Mrs. Evelyn G. Stone, Websterville. Winifred A. M. Stone, ph.b., Winooski. Vieva V. Stout, Fort Wayne, Ind. Mary M. Strickler, Schaefferstown, Pa. Wilbur H. Stufflebeam, b.s., N. Troy. Edward B. Styles, Saugerties, N. Y. Mrs. Ann O. Sullivan, b.a., Winooski. Thomas J. Sullivan, ph.b., Burlington. Olive I. Sumner, New Haven. Alice C. Sunderland, B.s., St. Albans. Russell O. Sunderland, St. Albans. Rita E. Sutliff, Newport, R. I. Harry O. Swett, a.b., Danby. Charles C. Swift, Rutland. Harumi Takeuchi, Niigata Pref., Japan. Yola R. J. Tamburri, Hardwick.

Gordon M. Taylor, East Orange, N. J. Madaline M. Taylor, ph.b., a.m., Winooski. Bettina F. Terrill, Burlington. Louis G. Thabault, m.d., Winooski. Lucille A. Thabault, b.s., Winooski. Rosemary J. Thayer, Burlington. Mrs. Ethelyn H. Thomas, Woodbury. Gordon M. Thomas, a.b., ed.m., Johnson. Lowell G. Thomas, Burlington. Willard E. Thomen, B.s., Derby. Alice E. Thompson, Milford, Conn. Arthur T. Thompson, Long Beach, N. Y. Eleanor Thompson, b.a., Berlin, N. H. Elizabeth M. Thompson, b.s., Whitefield,

N. H. Ethel E. Thompson, West Woodstock. Marian L. Thompson, b.s., E. Orange, N. J. Marjorie S. Thompson, Rutland. Madeline E. Tiernan, Danby. Clifford W. Tilley, b.s. in agr., Essex Junc­

tion. Elsie A. Tinker, Burlington. Helen M. Torrance, Upper Jay, N. Y. Edna M. Towle, Morrisville. Henry B. Towne, Fair Haven. Robert M. Towne, b.s., North Troy. Earle T. Tracey, a.b., Nashua, N. H. Mrs. Freda G. Trapp, Huntington Center. Jennie E. Trefren, Lyndonville. Lorana A. Tremper, b.s., Detroit, Mich. Annie S. Truitt, B.s., Richmond, Va. Ruth M. Tucker, Middlebury. Katharine L. Tupper, Burlington. Margaret N. Turcott, W. Haven, Conn. George W. C. Turner, b.s., Burlington. Llewellyn L. Turner, b.s., Richford. William S. Twicheli, m.a., Paterson, N. J. Mrs. Elizabeth N. Twing, W. Brattleboro. Wayne G. Twombly, b.s., Peachani. John W. Urquhart, b.s., Pittsford. Aiden C. Utton, b.s., N. Troy. Congetta S. Vanacore, a.b., Brookline,

Mass. Gerald B. R. VanName, b.s., Burlington. Alice VanWinkle, Morris Plains, N. J. Frank M. Yarney, b.s., Milford, Pa. Jeanine P. Vercauteren, Manchester, N. H. Ellwynne M. Vreeland, Rochester, N. Y. Leon E. Wagner, Hardwick. Urban C. Wakefield, a.b., Morrisville. Lillian C. Wakeman, Brooklyn, N. Y.

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302 University of Vermont

Laurence H. "Walker, b.s. in ed., Charlotte Hall, Md.

Mrs. Eunice C. Wallace, Vergennes. John W. Wallace, a.b., Vergennes. Margaret H. Wallace, Fair£eld. May B. Wallace, Fairfield. Russell S. Wallin, Amsterdam, N. Y. Mary A. Walter, Winooski. Jean D. Walzer, Far Rockaway, N. Y. Lizzabelle Warden, Wells River. Mrs. Mary S. Wardwell, Mount Taber. Arthur T. Warner, Jr., Maplewood, N. J. Mabel V. Watson, Peacham. Mrs. Emogene P. Watts, Waterbury Center. Edwin J. Weatherby, b.s., Sinclairville,

N. Y. Francis A. Weaver, b.a., Pittsford. George E. Webster, B.s., Poultney. Frank E, Wedge, Lakeside, Conn. Marie P. Weik, Lakeside, Conn. Theresa O. Weiss, N. Bergen, N. J. Mrs. Alice M. Welch, S. Peacham. Anna S. Welch, Winooski. Lucile A. Welch, b.s. in ed., Fairport, N. Y. Anne D. Weld, b.a., Watertown, Conn. Lynford L. Wells, ph.b., Bakersfield. Charles H. Welsby, a.b., Stamford, Conn. Elizabeth Wenncke, Upper Montclair, N. J. Andrew C. Werner, B.s. in ed., Derby. Harriet S. Werner, B.s. in ed., Boston,

Mass. Lena A. West, B.s., Strafford. Mrs. Ruth C. West, Bridgewater Corners. Dirck D. Westervelt, Winnetkt, III. Peter J. Westervelt, Winnetka, 111. Margaret D. Westman, Cambridge. Harold R. Westover, Burlington. Edward F. Wheeler, b.s., Bristol, Conn. Mrs. Esther R. Wheeler, Fair Haven. Eva J. Wheeler, Wilmington. Hope E. Wheeler, Marshfield. Iris E. Wheeler, Newport Center. Margaret I. Wheeler, Calais. Julia K. Wheelock, Plainfield.

Marie R. Wheelock, b.s.e., Enosburg Falls. Dorothy W. Whitcomb, Springfield, Mass. Hazel C. White, Brandon. Thomas H. White, b.a., S. Hero. Mrs. Mary Whiting, Franklin. Rachel H. Whiting, Franklin. Roland W. Whiting, b.s., Johnson. Mrs. Bertha H. Whitney, Northfield. Courtland G. Whitney, b.s., Norwich,

Conn. Mary R. Whitney, a.b., Northfield. Ralph C. Whitney, Williamstown. Robert L. Whitney, Essex Junction. Helen M. Whitten, a.b., Miami, Fla. Cyrus F. Wicker, Jr., Burlington. Anita L. Wiegand, Maplewood, N. J. Beatrice W. Wilber, a.b., Johnson. Catherine A. Wilcox, a.b., Barton. Mrs. Marion K. Wilkinson, Burlington. Blair Williams, b.s., Brooklyn, N. Y. Elizabeth F. Williams, Knowlton, Que.,

Can. Mrs. Kathleen M. Williams, Charlotte. Phyllis Williams, Charlotte. Robert L. Williams, Burlington. Ruth H. Williams, Jericho. Mrs. Ruth L. Willis, Troy, N. Y. Mary L. Wing, Burlington. Richard B. Winslow, Whitman, Mass. Carolyn P. Wixson, b.s., Wappingers Falls,

N. Y. Edith M. Wood, Yonkers, N. Y. Elizabeth Wood, Germantown, Phila., Pa. James E. Woodhull, b.s., Hinesburg. Rachel M. Woodis, Hartford, Conn. Amaryllis Woodruff, Nyack, N. Y. Marjorie L. Worcester, S. Barre. Gertrude B. Wray, b.a., Burlington. Carlton E. Wright, B.s. in agr., Burlington. Eldora M. Wright, a.b., Milton. Gladys G. Wrisley, Waterbury. Abel J. M. Wyman, b.s. in ed., Burlington. Anthony R. Zullo, Albany, N. Y.

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Register 303



BY CURRICULA: men "women total

Elementary Education 7 130 137 Music Education 10 14 24

17 144 161

BY CLASSES: men women total

Seniors, 1939 2 18 20 Juniors, 1940 2 3 6 38 Sophom*ores, 1941 7 42 49 Freshmen, 1942 5 4 5 50 Unclassified 1 3 4

17 144 161


Agriculture 88 0 88 Home Economics 120 120

88 120 208

BY CLASSES: men women total

Seniors, 1939 14 19 33 Juniors, 1940 21 18 39 Sophom*ores, 1941 23 37 60 Freshmen, 1942 30 46 76

88 120 208


120 208

BY CURRICULA: men women total

Civil Engineering 36 1 37 Electrical Engineering 47 0 47 Mechanical Engineering 46 0 46

129 1 130

BY CLASSES: men women total

Seniors, 1939 - 21 0 21 Juniors, 1940 25 0 25 Sophom*ores, 1941 33 0 33 Freshmen, 1942 50 1 51

Totals 129 1 130

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304 University of Vermont


BY CURRICULA: Chemistry Classical Commerce and Economics, Business Commerce and Economics, Commercial Teaching Commerce and Economics, Secretarial General Science Pre-medical Literary-Scientific Secondary Education -Social Science .. Special


BY CLASSES: Seniors, 1939 Juniors, 1940 Sophom*ores, 1941 Freshmen, 1942 Unclassified



Resident Graduate Students


BY CLASSES: Seniors, 1939 Juniors, 1940 Sophom*ores, 1941 Freshmen, 1942



SUMMARY BY CLASSES: Seniors, 1939 -Juniors, 1940 Sophom*ores, 1941 Freshmen, 1942 Unclassified

men women total

27 1 28 4 12 16

86 1 87 1 20 21 1 55 56

58 39 97 153 13 166

7 49 56 28 34 62 80 72 152 14 12 26

459 308 767

men women total

69 64 133 87 53 140

121 69 190 172 115 287

10 7 17

459 308 767

men ' women total

31 12 43

men women total

38 2 40 34 2 36 30 1 31 32 0 32

134 5 139

men women total

106 101 207 135 107 242 184 148 332 257 207 464 11 10 21

Totals 693 573 1,266

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Register 305


The Department of Education. .. 17 144 161 The College of Agriculture 88 120 208 The College of Engineering 129 1 130 The College of Arts and Sciences 459 308 767

Total in Undergraduate Curricula 693 573 1,266


Total in the Academic Colleges 724 585 1,309


Total in the University 858 590 1,448

THE SUMMER SESSION, 193 8 289 660 949

Total registrations 1,147 1,250 2,397 Less students counted twice (56) (37) (93)

Total different students enrolled 1,091 1,213 2,304

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION MEN WOMEN TOTAL Connecticut 60 20 80 Delaware 2 0 2 District of Columbia 1 1 2 Florida 0 2 2 Illinois 0 4 4

1 0 1 Kentucky 1 1 2 Maine 8 3 11 Massachusetts 88 38 126 Michigan 0 1 1 Minnesota 0 1 1 Montana 1 1 Nebraska . 0 1 1 New Hampshire 14 20 New Jersey . 24 21 45 New York 88 53 141 North Dakota 1 1 Ohio 3 1 4 Pennsylvania 2 5 7 Rhode Island 5 7 VERMONT . 5 55 425 980 Washington 0 1 1 Canada 3 3 6 Canal Zone 1 0 1 India 0 1 1

Totals 858 590 1,448

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306 University of Vermont

Degrees in Course, 1938


Louise Marion Brazier, Montpelier. Pauline Chamberlin, South Ryegate. Kathleen Donahue, Essex Junction. Marita Mary Farrell, Rutland. Naomi Elizabeth Fickett, Bellows Fails. Anna Frances Gardner, Springfield. Elizabeth Campbell Gilmour, Barton. Elizabeth Eleanor Jenkins, Washington, D. C. Eleanor Elizabeth Kimball, North Ferrisburg. Muriel Mary Linnehan, Burlington. Phyllis Aletha McRae, St. Johnsbury. Flora Lucille Maxham, Malone, N. Y. Catherine Martha Muir, Burlington. Emma Elizabeth Needham, Orwell. Mrs. Kathryn Kellett Nichols, Burlington. Alice Lorraine Palmer, Springfield. Ethel Harriet Pearl, Swanton. Ruth Ada Spooner, Burlington.


Grace Eleanor Baldwin, North Ferrisburg. Alvah Leonard Bartlett, Underhill Center. Roger Hamilton Beadle, Newport Center. Kendall Sewell Carpenter, cum laude, Groton. Aaron Leib Cohen, Burlington. Paul Arthur Gilman, Bethel. Silas Hamilton Jewett, Middlebury. Martin Howe Lamson, Hudson, Mass. Arlton Ernest Lapierre, Greensboro. fRoger Courtney Martin, Wolcott. Leonel Paul Nelson Paquette, Craftsbury. Merrill Ernest Perley, Richford. Henry Edward Ross, Lyndonville. Donald Charles Stafford, Waits£eld. Donald Young Stiles, Barton. Roger Davis Whitcomb, Springfield.

* Diploma in four-year curriculum awarded by University of Vermont and State Agri­cultural College.

f As of 1937.

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Register 307


Margaret Beulah Allen, cum laude, South Hero. Helen lone Brown, Brandon. Marlon Huntington Brown, Brandon. Frances Rita Cain, Orwell. Dorothy Constance Chittenden, South Burlington. Evelyn Maxine Churchill, Burlington. Doris Elaine Corey, Providence, R. I. Phyllis Martha Craig, Peacham. Lois Parker Gould, Mclndoe Fails. Lola Vena Hastings, Saxtons River. Bertha Laura Hewitt, Bristol. Jennie May Hutchins, Burlington Mary Gretchen Keelan, Montgomery. Priscilla Alicia Locke, Canaan. Jeanette Billings McFarland, Morrisville. Avis Harriet Pike, Irasburg. Alice Jane Pratt, North Clarendon. Dorothy Lenore Quade, Gardner, Mass. Theresa Emily Rowley, Milton. Flora Isabel Selleck, cum laude, Sudbury. Rosetta Elizabeth Squires, Brattleboro. Helen Elizabeth Start, Bakersfield. Barbara Ann Wells, Burlington. Madaline Ruth Wheelock, Barre. Ruth Marie White, East Ryegate.


Jean Louise Cunningham, Bridgeport, Conn. ^Richard Johnson Duncan, Mclndoe Falls. Kenneth Albert Laplant, cum laude, West Burke. William Cuyler van Dyck, Rockville Center, N. Y. George Barnes Worthen, Montpelier.


Frederick Trask Gear, Montpelier. Allen Strickland Hall, Jr., cum laude, Greensboro. Elias Lyman, VII, Evanston, 111. Raymond Muller Snow, Montpelier. ^Frederick Kermit Wiseman, Burlington.


Albert Murray Cate, Plainfield. Donald MacLean Dewart, St. Albans. Thomas Michael Herbert, West Rutland.

* As of 1937.

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308 University of Vermont

Charles Knights Houghton, Brattleboro. Earl Rockwell Howard, Rockville, Conn. Kenneth Martin Kidd, Northfield. "William Lyon Lee, St. Petersburg, Pla. Moses Leon Thibault, Jr., Waterbury.


Theis Eleanor Aitken, cum laude, Bethel. Edward Clark Bingham, Jr., Rutland. Willard Boyce Farnham, magna cum laude, Morrisville. Murray Wilbur Foote, Charlotte. Albert Benson Meservey, cum laude, Bradford, N. H. William J. Simcox, South Strafford.


Beatrice Hazel Ball, Bristol. Mary Draper, Belmont, Mass. Donald Kay Duley, Wakefield, Mass. George Sidney Edwards, Burlington. Gertrude Fraint, magna cum laude, Burlington. Olive Elaine Griffith, Manchester. Paul Herbert Jordon, St. Johnsbury. Kathryn Marie King, Fort Ethan Allen. Mary Lucille McCormick, magna cum laude, Pittsford Eloise Wilhelmine McLeod, Barre. Rita Alice Mahoney, Burlington. Catherine Mary Newcomb, Burlington. Kathryn Virginia Newcomb, Waitsfield. Mary Katherine Rooney, St. Albans. Albert Clark Spaulding, Burlington. Dorothy Spelman, Berwyn, 111. Ethel Allan Starbird, Burlington. Ethel Stroh, West Hartford, Conn. Carrie Louise StufHebeam, Bakersfield. Alfred Robert Tomassetti, Meriden, Conn. Helen Anna Towle, St. Johnsbury. Stoddard Roy Warden, West Barnet.


Dorothy Beatrice Akers, Essex Junction. Martha Constance Bishop, Montpelier. Alice Matilda Brock, West Barnet. Theodore Peter Budzyna, East Douglas, Mass. Russell Drake Chase, Essex Center. *Paul Craig, Newport. * As of 1936.

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Register 309

Norma Therese Falby, Burlington. Dorothy Elizabeth Gibson, Wells River. Laura May Giddings, North Springfield. Doris Mae Goldman, Burlington. Marion Tomlinson Hall, Morrisville. Maxine Towne Harvey, Waterbury. Evelyn Clara Heath, Orleans. Marjorie Irene Horton, Brandon. Rebecca Farnham Kibby, Randolph Center. Howard Litsky, Burlington. Frances Ethel Mackie, Hardwick. Maxine Evvie Maxham, Malone, N. Y. Rudolph Joseph Mazelli, "Wilmington. Hazel Thelma Morris, cum laude, Poultney. Priscilla June Newton, Burlington. David Harold Ripper, Burlington. Mildred Janet Rockwood, magna cum laude, Bennington. Gretta Leona Rowe, Barnet. Carol Evelyn Stone, Richford. Lucia Thorington, Northfield. *Nester Honore Trottier, Wilder. Walter Harold Van Wyck, Wilmington. Marion Frances Yerks, Manchester, Conn. Sylvia Hilda Zabarsky, cum laude, St. Johnsbury.

BACHELORS OF SCIENCE Clifford Clark Agnew, Brattleboro. Vincent Baptist, Bristol, Conn. Julian Maurice Barron, Brookline, Mass. William Saxton Bedford, Oneonta, N. Y. Noe Nelson Benoit, Fisherville, Mass. fjames Salvatore Brescia, Montgomery, N. Y. Amy Joanne Bronkhorst, Wethersfield, Conn. Renwick Keese Caldwell, magna cum laude, Burlington. Marco Balerio Cano, Montpelier. Rocco Cassone, Stamford, Conn. Armanno William Ciccarelli, Bristol, Conn. Robert Arthur Crandall, Essex Junction. Ruth Lucille Greenfield, New London, Conn. Sidney Grevior, Manchester, N. H. Christian Gronbeck, Jr., East Barnet. Frances Ellen Hennessey, Bellows Falls. Marjorie Elizabeth Howe, Jamaica, N. Y. fRobert Hayward Lowe, Montpelier. Frederick Powers Mclntyre, Brandon. Ethel Bonita Matthews, Rutland. Ernest Lee Mills, Burlington. Lyle John Monti, Barre. Deane Fremont Mosher, magna cum laude, Newport. * As of 1937. fAs of 193 J.

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310 University of Vermont

James Patrick O'Neil, Burlington, Robert Graham Paterson, East Craftsbury. Ruth Christine Perkins, Northfield. Henry Lewis Pratt, Rutland. Paul Charles Rand, Burlington. Gabriel Damion Rosanelli, Brooklyn, N. Y. Maurice Emerson Rowe, Barnet. Leonard Albert Schine, Bridgeport, Conn. Leo Schneller, Woodside, L. I., N. Y. Wendall Arthur Smith, Lancaster, N. H. Bartlett Henry Stone, White River Junction. Maurice Traunstein, Jr., cum laude, Allston, Mass. *William Mansfield Waterman, Vergennes. fMorton Wheeler, Plymouth, N. H. Geoffrey Paul Wiedeman, Burlington. Jack Wool, Burlington.


Howard Clark Abbott, Franklin, Mass. Ruth Baldwin Bronson, New Haven, Conn. Donald Blodgett Carpenter, Burlington. Marie Constance Catania, Garfield, N. J. Charlotte Luella Clark, cum laude, Rutland. Florence Emily Cook, Shrewsbury, Mass. Fred Goddard Coombs, Brattleboro. Margaret Evelyn Corliss, cum laude, St. Albans. Robert Francis Dalton, Burlington. Wendell Edwin Farnham, Georgia. fGeorge Boardman Gardiner, Jr., Lynn, Mass. Gordon Wilbur Howard, Montpelier. Pauline Elizabeth Hunt, magna cum laude, Burlington. Helen Philips Huntington, Rochester. Howard Loomis Johnson, Rutland. Hastings Keith, Brockton, Mass. William Garrett Kidd, Northfield. Janet Gabrielle Lanou, magna cum laude, Burlington. Helen Mary Leary, Burlington. Phyllis Avery Mann, Littleton, N. H. Ruth Catherine Maurice, cum laude, Burlington. Miriam Mulcare, Cambridge, Mass. Melvin Bertram Newman, Bridgeport, Conn. Maolyn Doane Osgood, cum laude, Wilder. Charlotte Elizabeth Perkins, cum laude, Bridgewater Corners. Irma Marguerite Perkins, Lyndonville. Winston Russell Pillsbury, Barre. John Willoughby Robinson, cum laude, Bellows Falls. Harris Wertheim Stahl, St. Johnsbury. Joyce Hall Stearns, Johnson.

* As of 1935. fAs of 1937.

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Register 311

John Henry Suitor, South Deerfield, Mass. Barbara Ann Sussdorff, cum laude, Burlington. Waltina Agnese Szyman, Claremont, N. H. John Henri Twohey, St. Albans. Agnes Dorothy "Walker, Cabot. Alfred Joseph Wimett, Jr., Pittsford. Irving Isadore Wolfe, Burlington. Melville Wolinsky, West Rutland.


Louise Eleanor Abbott, St. Johnsbury. Alice Gracelyn Drew, Randolph. Lyrace Flower, Hartland Four Corners. Winifred Marguerite Harvey, Plainfield. Dorothy Bradford Holmes, Plymouth, Mass. Constance Lucy Knight, summa cum laude> Putney. Beverly Reith Nute, magma cum laiide, Barre. Helen Mar White, Northfield.



Earl Hutchinson, a.b., Bates, 1929. Thesis'. A Study of the Adequacy of Secondary School Programs in the High Schools of Aroostook County, Maine.

Mrs. Elizabeth Warner Morrill, ph.b., Vermont, 1928. Thesis: Case Studies of One Hundred Burlington Children with Special Reference to Their Variability in Reading Readiness.

Roseola Mary Rooney, b.s., Vermont, 1925. Thesis: The Selection of Subject Matter to be Included in a Course of Study in Home Economics for the City of Hartford, Connecticut.


Marjorie Finlay Hewitt, a.b., Smith, 1936. Thesis: The Role of the Supernatural in English Poetry of the Later Eighteenth Century.

Mrs. Margaret Essery Nicholson, a.b., McGill, 1932. Thesis: The Contrast Between Neo-Classicai and Romantic Criticism as Exem­plified in the Works of Coleridge,

M. Eluned Roberts, a.b., Vermont, 1937. Thesis: The Hero in Old Welsh Literature.


Bernetha Alberta Strickler, a.b., Lebanon Valley Callege, 1927. Thesis: The Lyrical Works of Hugo Von Hofmannsthal.

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312 University of Vermont


Raymond Douglas Dopp, b.s., Vermont, 1937. Thesis: The Chevalier de Levis in New France (1756-1760).

Neil Adams McNall, B.s., Vermont, 1936. Thesis: Anti-Slavery Sentiment in Vermont (1777-1861).

Robert Sherman Quimby, b.s., Vermont, 1937. Thesis: Landshut Operations. A Study of the Franco-Austrian Operations in Bavaria in 1809.



Anson John Pollard, B.s., Connecticut State, 1936. Thesis: Transportation of Milk and Cream to Boston.


Daniel Israel Manch, B.s., Cornell, 1936. Thesis: Meiosis in an Fx Viola Hybrid and Its Reciprocal.


Wayne Alton Caldwell, B.s., Pennsylvania State, 1937. Thesis: Some Factors Affecting the Estimation of Fat in Milk by the Babco*ck Method.


Marvin Robert Schneller, b.s., Syracuse, 1936. Thesis: An Analysis of Physiological Responses and a Comparison of Practical Methods in Pruning Pinus strobns.


Barbara Shalucha, ph.b., Vermont, 1937. Thesis: The Histology of the Pome Epidermis, Vyrus mains, in Relation to Bitter Pit.


Margaret Elizabeth Tiffany, B.s., Iowa State, 1935. Thesis: A Study of the Relation Betwen the Retail Prices of Some Specific Foods and the Amounts, Styles, and Containers in Which They Are Purchased.


Herbert Jackson Cannon, B.s., Vermont, 1937. Thesis: A Survey of Storage and Market Diseases of the Fruits and Vegetables Shipped into Burlington with Their Effects on Market Prices.


Rollaston George Stiles, b.s., Vermont, 1936. Thesis: The Thermoelectric Properties of Sputtered Films of Nickel.

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Register 313


Harry Philip Levine, b.s., Vermont, 1936. Thesis: The Application of the Precipitin Reaction to the Study of Rodent Re­lationships.


James Lawrie Hibbard, B.s. in Civil Engineering, Vermont, 1926. Thesis: A Study of Water bury Dam for Available Power.


Cyril George Veinott, B.s. in Electrical Engineering, Vermont, 1926. Thesis: Fractional Horsepower Motors.



John Bloomenthal, Burlington. James Salvatore Brescia, b.s., Montgomery, N. Y. William Walsh Brislin, B.s., Rutland. Sidney Harold Burness, a.b., Hartford, Conn. Lewis Lynford Chester, a.b.., cum laude, New Britain, Conn. Thomas George Cogswell, b.s., Warner, N. H. Ray Williston Collins, Jr., b.s., Colchester. Harry Livingston Colombo, b.s., Montpelier. Eric Denhoff, b.s., Taunton, Mass. Daniel Charles DeWolfe, Jr., a.b., Monroe, Conn. Oliver Rolfe Eastman, b.s., Burlington. Edward Philip Gelvin, a.b., cum laude, Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert Hershey, a.b., cum laude, New York, N. Y. Wendell Everett James, m.s., cum laude, Burlington. Robert Matthew Levin, b.s., Burlington. Emanuel Levine, West Rutland. Henry Louderbough, b.s., Tenafly, N. J. Robert Hayward Lowe, b.s., Montpelier. Frank Carson Lutman, b.s., Burlington. Grace Elizabeth Lutman, b.s., Burlington. John Henry McCrea, b.s., Burlington. Sidney Earl Maislen, b.s., Hartford, Conn. Bernard Margulies, b.s., cum laude, Brooklyn, N. Y. John Louis Meunier, Essex Junction. Stanley Frederick Morris, b.s., Brooklyn, N. Y. Anthony Victor Dominic Nevulis, b.s., New Britain, Conn, Haydon Rochester, a.b., Long Beach, Calif. Samuel Rogers, b.s., Underhill. Joseph Peter Shelc, Bellows Falls. John Rolf Simonds, b.s., Attleboro, Mass. George William Starbuck, b.s., Burlington.

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314 University of Vermont

William Paul Stetson, b.s., New Haven, Conn. Ralph Daniel Sussman, b.s., Rutland. David Boris Teitelbaum, a.b., New York, N. Y. John Belden Vander, b.s., Burlington. William Mansfield Waterman, b.s., Vergennes. Fletcher Howard White, Lyndon Center. John Hamilton Woodruff, Jr., b.s., Barre.


Ellice Murdoch Alger. Professor of Ophthalmology, New York Post-Graduate Medical School, New York, N. Y.

Dennie Hammond Udall. Professor of Veterinary Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.


Henry Schnakenberg. Artist; President, Art Students League of America, Manchester.


Walter John Coates. Author; President, The League of Vermont Writers, North Montpelier.


Howard Chandler Robbins. Preacher; Professor of Pastoral Theology, General Theological Seminary, New

York, N. Y.


Kenneth Ballard Murdoek. Author; Professor of English, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



Edward Clark Bingham, Jr., Rutland. Albert Murray Cate, Plainfield. Willard Boyce Farnham, Morrisville, Robert John MacGregor Fyfe, Jr., Waban, Mass. Charles Knights Houghton, Brattleboro. Earl Rockwell Howard, Rockville, Conn.

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Register 321

The Alumni Council This organi2ation was formed May 1, 1920. The object of the Council is to advance the interest, influence and

efficiency of the University of Vermont; to strengthen the relations between the alumni and the University; to encourage sufficient class organization; to keep the public informed in regard to the University; to keep before the various preparatory schools of the country the advan­tages of the University of Vermont as an educational institution; to aid and assist in the establishment of alumni associations and promote their interests, to report from time to time to the Board of Trustees of the University any facts and recommendations by the Council deemed mate­rial or for the interests of the University; to act as a medium that may make known the ideas of the alumni to the University, and wishes of the University to the alumni; to keep in touch with the undergraduate activities and to act in an advisory capacity through the Executive Com­mittee and office of Alumni Council to such of the undergraduates as may desire to consult it in reference to their occupations after graduation and for that purpose to keep in as close a touch as possible with the demands of the country's professional, business and industrial needs and to supervise and conduct the nomination and election of Alumni Trustees of the University of Vermont.

The Alumni Council is composed of one member from each of the fifty classes last graduated, one member from each active alumni club and twenty members at large, one-half of such members at large being women. PRESIDENT—Thomas J. Mulcare, Jr., B.S., '09, 414 Mt. Auburn St.,

Cambridge, Mass. SECRETARY—Mrs. Isabelle Y. Gallup, 530 North St., Burlington, Vt. ALUMNI OFFICE—Rooms 34-36, College of Medicine Bldg., Burlington,



'89 Max L. Powell, Burlington, Vt. '90 Herbert M. Mcintosh, Burlington, Vt. '91 Mrs. Hattie Andrews Forbes, Burlington, Vt. '92 Edmund C. Mower, Burlington, Vt. '93 Frank Wells, Burlington, Vt. '94 Arthur Crombie, 551 Fifth Ave., New York City. '95 M. Shaler Allen, 189 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. '96 Erwin M. Harvey, 26 State St., Montpelier, Vt.

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322 University of Vermont

'97 Albert E. Lewis, Waterman Bldg., 44 School St., Boston, Mass. '98 Helen G. Hertdee, Burlington, Vt. '99 Carl B. Brownell, Burlington, Vt. '00 Clifton M. Heaton, Montpelier, Vt. '01 Samuel S. Dennis, 44 School St., Boston, Mass. '02 Harry P. Hudson, 423 Furman St., Schenectady, N. Y. '03 Hollis E. Gray, Burlington, Vt. '04 Dr. Arthur L. Larner, Burlington, Vt. '0 J Walter H. Washburn, Windsor, Vt. *06 Dr. Donald Miner, 96 Gilford Ave., Jersey City, N. J. '07 Charles H. Covey, 224 Cooper St., Ottawa, Canada. '08 Wm. L. Blanchard, 49 South Ave., Melrose Highlands, Mass. '09 William L. Gardner, Burlington, Vt. '10 Albert V. Kieslich, Burlington, Vt. '11 Dr. Thomas E. Hays, Burlington, Vt. '12 Albert L. Gutterson, 49 Cherry St., Springfield Vt. '13 Everett I. Soule, St. Albans, Vt. '14 Major Adrian St. John, Edgewood Arsenal, Md. '15 Harold A. Mayforth, 5 8 Franklin St., Barre, Vt. '16 Morris R. Wilcox, Burlington, Vt. '17 Henry T. Way, Burlington, Vt. '18 George C. Stanley, Burlington, Vt. '19 Phillips M. Bell, Burlington, Vt. '20 William L. Hammond, Burlington, Vt. '21 Willard C. Arms, Burlington, Vt. '22 I. Munn Boardman, Burlington, Vt. '23 Bartholomew F. Garrity, Burlington, Vt. '24 Richard D. Aplin, 30 Middlesex Rd., Watertown, Mass. '25 Robert T. Platka, Burlington, Vt. '26 Olney W. Hill, Burlington, Vt. '27 William M. Lockwood, Burlington, Vt. '28 Sabin C. Abell, Burlington, Vt. '29 Constans M. Holden, Burlington, Vt. '30 Herrick M. Macomber, Merrill Hall, Exeter, N. H. '31 Rogers B. Adams, Burlington, Vt. '32 Allen O. Eaton, 57 Millette Rd., Swampscott, Mass. '3 3 James E. Bigelow, Fair Haven, Vt. '34 Donald J. Tobin, 1 "C" St., Taftville, Conn. '3 5 Richard Woodard, Hyde Park, Vt. '36 Mary R. Whitney, Milton, Vt. '37 Richard J. Duncan, Mclndoe Falls, Vt. '38 Donald B. Carpenter, Burlington, Vt.

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Register 323


Term Expires 19 39 '94 Mary R. Bates, Burlington, Vt. '95 Dr. James H. Naylor, 3 Main St., Hartford, Conn. '09 Dr. Edward A. Herr, 43 Central Ave., Waterbury, Conn. '15 Mrs. Mabel Watts Mayforth, Barre, Vt.

Term Expires 1940 '03 Paul Gulick, Boston Post Road, Pelham Manor, N. Y. '13 Mary Jean Simpson, Burlington, Vt. '14 David W. Howe, Burlington, Vt. '32 Mrs. Lillian Mount Martin, c/o Dr. Raymond A. Martin, Bridgeport,


Term Expires 1941 '05 Fred B. Wright, 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. '28 Howard A. Prentice, Burlington, Vt. '10 John C. Orcutt, 1 Wall St., New York, N. Y. '14 James H. Moore, 9 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y.

Term Expires 1942 '01 Edwin W. Lawrence, Rutland, Vt. '11 Clarence H. DeMar, Keene Normal School, Keene, N. H. '22 Mrs. Lois B. Horsford, Charlotte, Vt. '31 Mrs. Georgianna Hubert Kiphuth, 4 Cleveland Rd., New Haven,

Conn. J. Hervey Macomber, Jr., Undergraduate Activities, Burlington, Vt.

Term Expires 1943 '96 Harry C. Shurtleff, Montpelier, Vt. '06 H. Morton Hill, W. Newton, Mass. '17 Mrs. Margaret M. Loudon, Burlington, Vt. '31 Clinton J. Sammond, Hotel Astor, New York, N. Y.


'92 Dr. George L. Shattuck, 150 George St., Providence, R. I., for Rhode Island Alumni Association.

'06 H. Morton Hill, 8 Chesterfield Rd., W. Newton, Mass., for Greater Boston Alumni Association.

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324 University of Vermont

'11 Arthur H. Kehoe, 4 Irving PL, New York, N. Y., for New York Alumni Association.

'13 Roswell Farnham, Vice-President, Western N. Y., Alumni Club, 5 Clarendon PL, Bulfalo, N. Y.

'14 Dr. Frank C. Buckmiller, 1119 Stratford Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., for Connecticut State Alumni Association.

'18 Dr. Roger N. Blake, River Edge, N. J., for Northern New Jersey Medical Alumni Association.

'20 Dr. Peter P. Lawlor, Burlington, Vt., for Vermont Medical Alumni Association.

'22 Frederick S. Harris, 84 Crown St., Meriden, Conn., for Hartford, Connecticut, Alumni Association.

'24 Erminie L. Pollard, 7 Shultas PL, Hartford, Conn., for Hartford Alumnae Club.

' 2 6 Mrs. Allene Bertholf Hill, Burlington, Vt., for U. V. M. Alumnae Association.

'27 Mark G. Pierce, Box 606, Worcester, Mass., for Worcester County (Mass.) Alumni Association.

'28 Phillip R. Wheeler, 3 Pine St., Mt. Ida, Alexandria, Va., for Wash­ington, D. C., U. V. M. Alumni Association.

'3 J Winona M. Oatley, 33 Arleigh Rd., Great Neck, L. I., N. Y., for New York Alumnae Association.

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* Faculty Index Abbott, E. B., 25 Abell, S. C„ 25 Adams, B. D., 16, 212 Adams, Mrs. Nelle A., 19,

136, 139 Adams, T. M., 28 Adams, W. R., Jr., IS, 29,

129, 136, 139, 149, 197, 199

Aiken, G. D., 8 Aiken, W. E„ 14, 145 Aitken, Theis E., 23, 198 Aldrich, M. H., 17, 182 Alger, G. W., 8 Allen, G., 3 3 Allen, H. W„ 23, 167 Allen, Irene E., 31 Allen, L., 12, 212 Amidon, E. I,., 18, 208 Andrews, A. C., 18, 1S8 Austin, W. R., 9, 10 Bailey, C. G., 27 Bailey, Florence E., 16, 1J7,

200 Bailey, F. L., 34, 3 8 Bailey, G. W„ 8, 9, 10, 11,

21, 28, 30 Barker, H., 24 Barney, Annis O., 25 Barney, C. V., 23, 29 Batchelder, A. E., 19, 189,

191 Bates, Mary R., 26, 3 8 Beecher, C. H„ 11, 208 Behney, W. H„ 17 Bellerose, M. N., 21, 212 Bennett, H. G., 12, 136, 139,

162 Bergstrom, E. E., 33 Berry, J. F., 24 Bickford, H. B., 21, 142 Bickford, Mrs. Janet A., 26 Blasberg, C. H., 31 Blow, T. H., 32 Blume, A. M. K., 21, 152 Bonner, C. A., 17, 214 * Summer Session faculty not

Bosworth, Mrs. Anna N., 26 Boyce, E. F., 30 Boy den, K. E., 32 Boynton, Mary O., 26 Bradish, Mrs. Elizabeth, 19,

164 Bradlee, Mrs. Jennie R., 30 Braun, C. E., 15, 131 Briggs, L. L., 14, 133 Brisson, F., 30 Brooks, Mrs. Charlotte P.,

31 Brown, Constance L,, 20,

131 Brown, T. S., 12, 204 Bruce, S. T., 25 Buchanan, B. R., 33 Buchanan, R. O,, 14, 186 Buehler, A. G„ 14, 133, 187 Bullard, J. A., 13, 187 Bullard, Louise S,, 33 Burns, G. P., 11, 29, 129,

197 Burroughs, R. A., 32 Burrows, G. H., 12, 131 Burwash, Grace, 16, 200 Butterfield, A. D., 12, 182,

187 Butterfield, P. W., 18, 210 Buttles, E. H,, 12, 210 Cailaghan, Frances C., 33 Camburn, O. M., 29 Campbell, M. H., 13, 29,

192, 200 Carkin, Janice \V.. 23, 217 Carleton, Natalie E., 23, 150 Carleton, P. D., 17, 145 Carpenter, F. D., 12, 152 Carrigan, J. E., 25, 31 Carroll, D. B,, 14, 170 Carter, R. M,, Jr., 23, 29 Cartier, Catherine C., 24 Chaffee, N. K., 8, 9, 10 Cheney, T. C., 8 Clark, B. F., 20, 205, 209 Clark, Mrs. Harriet L., 33 included. See pages 34 to 3 8.

Clark, P. D., 20, 207 Cleave, Mary, 23 Coffin, F. P., 19, 219 Colburn, Elizabeth V., 17,

128, 136, 139 Colby, S. W., 32 Collier, R. M., 18, 174 Collins, Marjorie M., 26 Conner, R. T., 19, 219 Copeland, A., 27 Corley, R. E., 21, 207 Couture, A. P., 24 Crooks, G. C., 20, 131, 198 Crowe, Barbara, 20 Cudlipp, R. L., 19, 212 Cummings, Eleanor S., 14,

136, 139, 217 Cummings, M. B., 11, 30,

200, 202 Daggs, R. G., IS, 211 Dal ton, C. F., 12, 208 Dalton, J. J., 28 Davis, Gennette C., 15, 133 Davis, J. E., 21, 205, 211 Davis, L. E., 30 Davison, R. P., 32 Dean, L. W., 16, 25, 145,

155 Deavitt, E. H„ 8, 9, 10 DeForest, J. B., 14, 175,

177, 178 Delfausse, R. J., 23 Doan, J. E., 23, 29, 192 Doane, R. F„ 17, 175, 178 Dodd, J. D„ 24, 29, 129,

197 Dodge, W. A., 31 Dole, E. J., 14, 129, 197 Doll, C. G., 17, 27, 150,

162 Donahue, Mrs. Annie S., 27 Dopp, L. J., Jr., 31 Doten, C. W., 8 Douglass, B. C., 12, 34, 3 8,

136, 139, 195


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326 University of Vermont

Dreibelbies, W. C., 13, 213, 219, 222

Dresser, F. A., 19 Drew, A. P., 23 DuBois, L. S., 9 Dunihue, F. W., 19, 204 Dunklee, D. E., 29, 192 Dunning, R. G., 30 Durfee, H. A., 13, 205, 209 Dykhuizen, G., 14, 165, 197 Eastman, O. N., 14, 205,

209 Eckhard, G. F., 11, 25, 182 Elder, Mrs. Charlotte deV.,

20, 136, 139, 162, 164 Eldred, H. B., 27 Ellenberger, H. B., 12, 29,

192 Emerson, S. F., 11 Erit, J. D., 30 Essick, F. C., 31 Evans, J. C., 21, 215 Evans, L. A., 21, 203 Evans, P. D., 13, 155 Fairbanks, Alida B., 16, 200 Ferenbaugh, T. L., 18, 208 Ferguson, J. A., 18, 210 Fitch, W. B., 24 Flagg, W. M., 20, 214 Flint, Gladys, 27 Fogg, A. H., 22, 207 Foote, Estelle J., 26 Ford, E. J., 21, 212 Foss, E. N., 8 Foster, E. F., 20, 208 Fraleigh, P. A., 15, 160 Frayer, J. M., 29 French, Helen E., 25 French, P. K., 15, 208 Froeschle, P. W., 23, 205 Gardner, W. L., 18, 215 Gates, G. H., 32 Gershoy, A., 15, 29, 129,

197 Giflord, A. R., 11, 165,

174, 179 Gillfillan, J. E., 18, 219 Gladstone, A., 20, 212 Graves, Mrs. George, 26 Gregory, Ruth H., 25 Groat, G. G., 12, 133 Grout, A. H., 24, 213

Hall, Mrs. Jennie A,, 33 Hall, R. A., 16, 145 Hand, Mrs. Herbert, 26 Hardy, Marion, 3 3 Harrington, Lois E., 24 Harris, Freda M., 25 Harris, Mrs. Marion S., 32 Hartman, E., 18, 210 Hathorn, Norma E., 33 Hazard, Rosemary, 22, 217 Heald, A. F., 32 Hemenway, D. A., 9 Henderson, D. C., 31 Herreid, E. O., 15, 192 Hills, J. L., 11, 25, 28, 30 Hitchco*ck, J. A., 28 Hobbs, M. L., 22, 208 Holbrook, Sara M., 16, 136,

139, 157, 200 Holmes, R. M., 13, 167 Householder, F. W., 16, 160 Hunt, H. Barbara, 24 Hunt, L. C., 24 Hyde, Rhoda A., 32 Ingalls, E. L., 31 Jackson, F. K., 12, 211 Jacobs, E. C., 11, 27, 150,

162 James, W. E., 16, 210 Jenkins, E. W.} 30 Jenness, R., 24, 29 Jewett, Ruth A., 33 Johnson, C. K., 12, 207 Johnson, Frances M., 23 Johnson, Mrs. Wait C., 26 Jones, C. H., 30 Jones, F. D., 32 Jordan, H., 13, 204 Kehoe, F. W., 25, 28, 38 Kennan, R. B., 18, 136, 139 Kent, F. S., 26, 215 Kern, C. A., 14, 131 Keyes, E. A., 29 Kidder, G. V., 14, 128, 154,

158 Laatsch, M. H., 17, 170 Ladd, B. F., 16, 152 Lake, Doris F., 15, 200 Lane, Mary P., 27 Larner, A. L., 18, 206 Lawiiss, F. J., 24 Lawrence, E. W., 9

LeBaron, Helen R., 21, 136, 139, 200

Lechnyr, J. F., 26 Leeder, J. G., 24, 29 Leggett, H. A. D., 21, 194 Lehner, G. F. J., 22, 174 Leighton, Martha E., 31 Leonard, C. S., 19, 211 Levarn, Margaret A., 22,

133 Levine, H. P., 22, 179 Lindsay, J. I., 14, 145 Lineken, E. E., 17, 131 Loudon, Mrs. Andrew, 26 Loudon, Mrs. Antoinette

H., 20, 179, 203 Loveland, E. H., 31 Loveless, W. G., 32 Lowry, F. P., 18, 207 Lucarini, C., 20, 131 Lucarini, G. B., 16, 185,

189, 191 Luce, Marjorie E., 31 Lutman, Mrs. Anna S., 30 Lutman, B. F-, 11, 30, 129,

197 Lynde, G. A., 20, 182, 185,

189 McDermott, Mary K., 24 McDermott, W., 22, 131 McFarland, H. M., 9 Mackay, A. G., 20, 212 McKee, E. R., 13, 186, 187 McKee, J. A., 32 Maclay, M. W., 22, 133 McMahon, K. C., 18, 206 McPhee, G. F., 33 McSweeney, E. D., 18, 205 McSweeney, Katherine E.,

24, 217 McSweeney, P. E., 12 McWilliams, R. C., 32 Madigan, Alice M., 38 Madigan, Mary F., 23, 136,

139 Manson, D., 24, 208 Marston, Miriam N., 19,

136, 139, 162, 164 Martin, W. H., 21, 195 Marvin, D., 12 Maynard, R. L., 16, 212 Medivetsky, H. E., 21, 208

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Faculty Index 327

Midgley, A. R., 29 Mileham, H. P., 31 Miller, E. E., 32 Miller, H. I., 31 Miller, P. R., 13, 31, 192 Millington, H. G., 16, 187 Mills, Mrs. Isabel C., 20,

128, 136, 139 Moat, C. P., 17, 208 Moody, P. A., 15, 179 Morgan, M. Louise, 19, 133 Morrill, Mrs. Elizabeth W.,

23, 136 Morrissette, A. A., 22, 175 Mower, E. C., 12, 170 Mueller, W. O., 23, 29 Muse, Marianne, 30 Myrick, A. B-, 11, 175,

177, 178 Newhall, G A., 17, 204 Newlander, J. A., 17, 29,

192 Nichols, Helen E., 26 Nicholson, G. H., 16, 160 Northrop, Frederika B., 27 Nuetzman, Dorothy D., 24, Meservey, A. B., 23, 205 Metcalf, Frances E., 33 Metcalf, J. T., 14, 174

30 Nulty, Catherine F., 15, 133 Nuquist, A. E., 22, 170 Oatley, H. B., 8 Ober, F. R., 13, 212 O'Neil, J. C., 13, 214 Page, G. M., 8, 9 Pappas, R. P., 22, 219 Parker, Verna E., 22, 136

139 Parkhurst, Marion, 24 Patrick, R. L., 9 Pearl, H. D., 24 Peck, C. R., 8 Perkins, Emelie M., 22, 200 Perkins H. F., 12, 27, 179,

318 Perry, J. H., 22, 179, 203 Perry, Winifred S., 33 Petersen, J. N., 14, 214 Phelps, F. C., 24 Piatt, J. B., 21, 204 Pickett, J. A., 22, 219

Pierce, H. B., 14, 205, 211 Pike, E. W., 19, 208 Plath, C. V., 23, 29 Pooley, J. E., 16, 154, 155,

158 Pope, W. B., 17, 145 Post, A. T., 17, 215 Powers, G. M., S Powers, M. D., 20, 145 Prentice, H. A., 15, 215 Price, R. W., 21, 131 Prindle, L. M., 13, 128,

158 Proctor, Harriet E., 33 Puffer, L. B., 13, 182, 187 Putnam, H. E., 17, 155 Quimby, R. S., 22, 155 Rabinowitz, L., 20, 208 Randall, R. O., 32 Ratledge, W. R., 24, 29,

129, 197 Ravey, C. A., 19, 208 Rawson, Adelaide, 20, 200 Raymond, K. L., 27 Rees, W. T., 16, 212 Richmond, Mrs. C. W., 26 Riggs, L. A., 21, 174 Ripley, H. G., 24 Robbins, L. L., 22, 210 Roberts, R., 8, 9, 10 Robins, Mrs. Elizabeth E.,

33 Robinson, Mrs. Helen D., 3 3 Rogers, E. J., 16, 208 Rood, A. D., 16, 208 Rooney, A. B., 19, 167 Root, E. M., 32 Rowell, L. S., 17, 136, 139,

179, 203 Rust, J. A., Jr., 21, 205,

209 Sabm, G. M., 13, 212 Sabo, J. P., 18, 215 Sample, L. E., 24 Shattuck, Helen B., 26 Shaw, C. C., 24 Sheldon, K. J., 14, 136, 139,

195 Shorey, L. P., 17, 186 Sichel, F. J. M., 21, 211 Simpson, Mary Jean, 25

Skelton, F. M., 23, 29 Slack, E. C., 20, 175, 178 Smith, Anna C., 25 Sommerfeld, Edna E., 31 Sondermann, Louise, 33 Soule, A. B., Jr., 13, 207 Soule, H. W., 31 Spalding, M. E., 13, 219 Speas, C. J., 21, 208 Stackpole, G. R., 24 Steadman, F. Sylvia, 23, 217 Stiles, D. Y., 3 3 Stone, Winona E., 20, 30,

129, 197 Storms, Kathrina H., 16,

145 Stultz, W. A., 18, 204 Sullivan, Mary B., 20, 136,

139, 145 Sussdorff, E. L., 15, 185,

189 Swift, E., 11, 25, 160 Tarrant, Lydia, 31 Taylor, D. M., 14, 187, 189 Terrill, Bertha M., 11, 157,

200 Thomas, E., 12 Tiffany, Margaret E., 30 Towne, Mrs. Fred H., 26 Towne, R. D., 21, 212 Towne, R. S., 18, 175, 178 Townsend, W. G., 15, 214 Traub, E. F., 13, 213 Truax, K. F., 18, 212 Tully, W. M., 26 Tupper, F., 11, 145 Turner, G. W. C,, 31 Twitchell, E. G., 13, 206 Upton, H. E., 18, 208 Urie, Marion V., 28 Varney, H. R., 31 Von Bruns, Mrs. Beulah A.,

24 Wainwright, B. B., 17, 145 Walbridge, N. L., 19, 167 Walker, L. S, 30 Walker, W. C., 8 Warren, Leona M., 32 Watson, Mrs. Rossie L., 26 Weatherby, E. J., 24, 29 Wheeler, Clara M., 19, 136,


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328 University of Vermont

Wheeler, J. B., 11 Whipple, Mrs. Virginia M.,

27 Whitcomb, R. D., 32 White, Mrs. Lorna K., 32 White, Ruth M., 33 Whitney, C. F., 12, 205,

214 Whitney, Mrs. Helen B., 33

Wietz, R. J., 22, 215 Willard, Mrs. Anna P., 26 Williams, H. I., IS, 186 Williams, S. W., 22, 28 Willis, P. B., 15, 133 Willmarth, A. B., 15, 131,

198 Witham, M. E., 17, 160

Woodall, C. S., 22, 195 Woodard, Florence M., 15,

133 Woodard, L. A., 16, 167 Wright, C. E., 21, 195, 196 Wright, C. J., 8, 9, 10 Wright, Mrs. Florence L., 32 Youngert, E., 19, 136, 139

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* Student Index Abbadessa, L. J., 264 Abbott, C. M., 273 Abbott, Emily L., 282 Abbott, H. C., 310 Abbott, Louise E., 311 Abbott, N. M., 279 Abbott, Peggy-Dean, 269 Abbott, Roberta J., 273 Abel, Frances E., 273, 319 Abell, Althea L,, 269 Abell, E. D., 279 Adams, C. L., 266 Adams, Charlotte F., 278 Adams, Marjorie B., 278 Adler, Y. L., 273 Agan, L. M., 273 Agan, R. W., 273 Agard, Norma J., 273 Agnew, C C., 291, 309 Alters, Dorothy B., 308

Antoniewicz, H. J., 290 Bashaw, D. L., 292 Arms, Mary, 266 Bates, Joyce A., 264 Aronson, Lillian E., 273, 319 Baxendale, Ruth, 264 Arrison, Violet M., 273 Astone, J. A., 290 Atkins, Gertrude E., 264 Atkins, R. T., 267 Audette, P. J., 267 Augustenovich, W. J., 279 Babits, G, F., 273 Bacon, B. P., 264 Badger, Jane D., 273 Bagby, Barbara A., 269 Bailey, E. C., 279 Bailey, Ethel C., 269

Baxter, C. A., 273 Bayley, Eleanor R., 267 Bayley, Eloise P., 283 Beadle, R. H., 306 Bean, F. R., 273 Beardslee, Barbara, 290 Beaton, K. F., 267 Beattie, Margaret M., 269,

317, 318, 319 Beatty, Charlotte A., 282 Beauchemin, H. J., 279 Beck, R. W., 281

Aitken, Theis E., 259, 308, Baker, J. M., 290

Bailey, G. H., 283, 318, 319 Beckenstein, Sylvia F., 273 Bailey, M. A., 259 Becker, A. H., 269, 318, 319 Bailey, Pauline A., 269 Bedford, W. S., 3 09 Bailey, Ruth A., 282 Begun, Leah, 269 Baker, F. W., Jr., 281 Beinecke, R. S., 284

315. Albro, Marjorie E., 273 Allen, H. A., Jr., 266 Allen, H. H., 290 Allen, J., 291 Allen, Jane, 269

Belardinelli, A., 267 Baker, Martha L., 269, 317, Beliveau, M., 281

318, 319 Baldwin, C. S., 269 Baldwin, Grace E., 306 Baldwin, E. N., 267 Ball, Beatrice H., 308

Bell, Carolyn J., 273 Bell, Marjorie E., 282 Bellman, Frances M., 288

Allen, Margaret B., 307, 315 Ball, D. B., 264 Allen, Verna M., 284 Allyn, Evelyn A., 286 Alpert, S., 290, 316 Altenberg, N. B., 273 Amidon, Virginia E., 273 Anderson, Harriet J., 282,

316 Anderson, S. J., 282 Andresen, C. M., Jr., 273 Andrews, A. C., 279 Andrews, B. J., 292 Andrews, G. W., 273 Annis, Geraldine P., 273,


Bannon, C. R., 273 Bapp, Bertha M., 287 Baptist, V., 309 Bardossi, F., 273, 319 Barney, B., 269, 318, 319 Barney, C. W., 259 Barney, Shirley I., 288 Barowsky, S. I., 267 Barron, J. M., 309 Barrows, "W. R., 287 Bartlett, A. L., 306 B a r t l e t t , T . W 2 6 7 Barton, L. "W., 290

2 8 8 ,


Belville, Mildred E.; 319

Benedict, Bernice E., 273 Bennett, Adelaide P Benoit, N. N., 309 Benway, "W. H., 279 Berger, M. K., 273 Berkowitz, E. M., 267 Berkowitz, J. S., 267 Berman, Anna R., 273 Berman, L. S., 281 Berry, Helen L., 287 Berry, P. N., 292 Berry, P. V. W., 273 Best, Lorraine C., 287 Betts, A. R., Jr., 269 Bevins, H. O., 287 Basch, H., 273, 319

This Directory does not include Students enrolled in the Summer Session of 1938. See alphabetical list, pages 293-302. Non-resident Graduate Students are omitted. See pages 260-263. The High Standing Students on pages 318-320 are not included in this Directory as they are there listed alphabetically by classes.


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330 University of Vermont

Bicoulis, G. J., 269 Bingham, E. C., Jr., 308,

314 Bingham, L. M., 283 Bisaccia, L. J., 264 Bishop, Barbara R., 273, 319 Bishop, L. O., 264 Bishop, Martha C., 308 Bissell, Mary S., 288 Bissell, O. B., 264 Bisson, Jennette M., 267 Black, Leicia A., 273, 319 Blaise, Dorothy H., 286 Blanchard, Gwendolyn M.,

267 Blanchard, W. L., Jr., 267 Blasberg, Mrs. Helen U., 279 Blewitt, R. H., 259 Bliss, Margaret A., 264 Blodgett, Barbara K., 287 Bloom, J., 269 Bloomenthal, J., 313 Bloomenthal, S. R., 290 Bodette, M. Catherine, 269,

318 Bodette, Margaret E., 283 Boelsen, Ruth M., 274 Bonnett, Marion C., 274 Booth, G. B,, 267 Borofsky, M., 274 Bosworth, Claire V., 287 Bottamini, J. T., 291 Bottomley, Anne H., 274 Boucher, M. J., Jr., 267 Bourdeau, W. H„ 285 Boyarsky, M. H., 292 Boyden, N. J., Jr., 274 Boynton, Glendine F., 287,

318 Bradway, Virginia M., 282 Brawn, O. M., 288 Bray, H. S., 270 Brayton, Priscilla G., 274 Brazier, Louise M., 306 Brehmer, Jean E., 267, 318 Brennan, Lucille E., 270 Brescia, J. S„ 309, 313 Brewster, Barbara R., 288 Brewster, Rosemary C., 267 Brigham, Ellen L., 282 Brigham, Lucy M., 264 Brigham, Sarah A., 279

Brislin, W. \V'.S 313 Bristol, Feme L., 264 Bristol, Lucille C., 282 Brock, Alice M., 308 Brock, R. B., 287 Brody, Eleanor, 267 Bronkhorst, Amy J., 309 Bronson, Ruth B., 310 Bronson, V. M., 274 Brooks, E. Lucille, 288 Brooks, Jean C., 270 Brosseau, J. C., 287 Broutsas, G. M., 283 Browe, J. H., 291 Brown, A. K., 267 Brown, B. G., 264 Brown, Barbara A., 274 Brown, C. H,, 267 Brown, E. M., 279 Brown, Elizabeth D., 274 Brown, Ellen S., 283 Brown, Helen I., 307 Brown, L. P., Jr., 274 Brown, Lois B., 264 Brown, Louise M., 287 Brown, Marion H., 307 Bryan, B. D., 291 Bryan, F. M., 259 Buckley, V. J., 270 Budzyna, T. P., 308, 317 Burbank, Christine A., 287 Burbank, Gertrude E., 287 Burgess, J. S., 274 Burke, M. Agnes, 286 Burke, R. L., 270 Burkewitz, Bertha L., 264 Burlando, E. J., 274 Burness, S. H., 313 Burnham, G. S., Jr., 274 Burrington, Olive M., 270,

318, 319 Burroughs, A. W., 270 Burroughs, E. V., 288 Burroughs, H. F., 274 Butler, Barbara L., 270 Butler, Jean O., 267, 318 Butterfield, Barbara, 274 Butterfield, Millicent H., 288 Butterfield, Roberta O., 264 Buttles, Lucy S., 264 Buttles, R. V., 291 Buzzeil, M. G., Jr., 285

Cabanzo, J. N., 270 Cahill, A. M., 270 Cain, Frances R., 307 Caldwell, A. J., 270, 317,

318, 319 Caldwell, R. K., 291, 309,

315 Caldwell, W. A., 312 Campbell, Barbara J., 267,

318 Campbell, F. 285 Campbell, T. J., 264 Canary, F. H., 279 Candon, B. H., 259 Canedy, Harriet A., 264 Cannon, H. J., 312 Cano, M. B., 309 Caravatti, Lina J., 287 Carkin, Janice W., 259 Carlson, H. G., 280 Carlson, R. L., 285, 319 Carpenter, D. B., 310 Carpenter, J. H., 281 Carpenter, K. S., 306, 31 5 Carr, Helen F., 287 Carrier, Honorine C., 274 Carter, Isabelle M., 274, 319 Carter, R. M., Jr., 259 Caruthers, Christine, 270 Carver, Hester N., 283 Carver, Lorraine, 288 Cash, E. A., 267 Cass, Margaret J., 288 Cassone, R., 291 Catania, Marie C., 310 Catania, S. F., 274 Cate, A. M., 307, 314, 316 Cenci, N., 267 Cerutti, E. J., 279 Chaffee, Elizabeth B., 274 Chaffee, Ethelyn L., 274 Chamberlain, Pauline, 306 Chase, J. A., Jr., 264 Chase, R. D., 308 Chatfield, E. L., 283 Chereskin, F. M., 264 Chesney, H. A., 280 Chester, C. L., 291 Chester, L. L., 313, 315 Chiarello, F. G., 270 Chigi, G. V., 279 Chittenden, Dorothy C., 307

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Student Index 331

Choate, P. M., 291 Churchill, Evelyn M., 307 Christiansen, Carol M., 274,

319 Ciccarelli, A. W„ 309 Clancy, J. B., 274 Clark, A. D., 267 Clark, Catherine, 267 Clark, Charlotte L., 310, 313 Clark, D. (avid) L., 279 Clark, D.(onald) L., 281,

319 Clark, E. F., 274 Clark, Lucille V., 283, 319 Clark, Mrs. Marcelyn H.,

267, 318 Clark, O. R., 281 Clark, R. L., 274, 319 Clausing, C. L, 270 Cleave, Mary, 239 Clement, H. R., 291 Cleveland, L. J., 279 Clifford, E. P. R., 264 Clough, C. Edith, 283 Clough, Millicent E., 274 Coapland, Alice C., 264 Cobb, M. Avis, 267 Cobb, Wanda E., 283 Coburn, H. B., 280 Coburn, H. W., 279 Coffin, Corinne P., 274 Coggins, Elizabeth A., 267 Cogswell, T. G., 313 Cohen, A. L., 306 Cohen, G. A., 270 Cohen, J. G., 274 Cohen, J. L., 264 Cohen, P., 290 Cohen, S. H., 274 Cohn, Anne B., 274 Cole, Alice E., 288 Cole, W. G., 267 Colehamer, W. M., 270 Coleman, Marion H., 264 Collins, D. V., 270, 318,

319 Collins, R. W., Jr., 313 Collins, W. B., 28 3 Colombo, H. L., 313 Conklin, C. T., Jr., 291 Conley, Agnes M., 270 Connelly, J. W., 279

Conner, Ruth M., 288 Connery, M. Annette, 274 Connor, J. Kay, 267 Conrad, W. L., Jr., 274 Converse, F. M., 279 Cook, Florence E., 310 Cook, Helen D., 286 Cook, June E., 289 Cooke, H. A., Jr., 239 Cooley, Idora G., 288 Coombs, F. G., 310 Coon, Nancy F., 274 Cooney, R. T., 291 Cooper, Elizabeth T., 274 Copp, R. D., 283 Corbett, J. F. P., 280 Corbin, R. S., 283 Corell, R. A., 274 Corey, Doris E., 307 Corley, P. E., 270 Corliss, C. E., 274 Corliss, Margaret E., 310,

313 Corsones, G. D., 274 Corsones, P. D., 292 Coryell, Mary F., 267 Coutu, A. Georgette, 289 Couture, J. H., 280 Craig, Marion L., 267 Craig, P., 308 Craig, Phyllis M., 307 Cram, E. S., 279 Crandall, R. A., 309 Crandall, W. E., 282 Crane, J. E., 290 Crane, Martha H., 270 Crane, R. W., Jr., 274 Creamer, Mildred V., 283 Creed, E. M., 280 Creed, J. C., 274 Crimmin, T. F., Jr., 270 Crocker, Brenda, 267, 318 Cronin, J. F., 280 Crosby, Madeline M., 267 Cross, F. A., 279 Cross, W. H,, 267 Crossley, H. H., 280 Crowley, Margaret P., 270,

318 Crowley, Ruth A,, 279 Cudlipp, R. L,, Jr., 267 Cummings, F. A., 239

Cummings, G. J., 267 Cunavelis, J. P., 270 Cunningham, Jean L., 307 Cushman, H. R., 283 Cutler, S. S., 264 Czachor, P. S., 274 Daley, L. P., 279 Dallenbach, Lois A., 270 Dalton, F. A., 274 Dalton, R. F., 310 Dana, D. P., 283, 320 Dana, R. E., 283 Dane, Barbara E., 289 Dangel, E. S., 270 Daniels, W. A., 274 Darling, F. Margaret, 286 Datnoff, A. R., 264 Davidson, J. A., 292 Davidson, Rita, 274 Davies, L. G., 267 Davis, E. L., 267 Davis, Helen M.» 274, 320 Davis, J. W., 267 Davis, Katherine E., 283 Davis, Louise, A., 274 Davis, R. B., 290 Davis, R. M., 267 Davis, R. P., 283 Davis, Ruth W., 283 Davis, S. G., Jr., 264 Davison, R. P., 239 DeBeila, J. L., 281 Dee, Mary L., 279 Delaney, Claire K., 287 DeLaricheliere, Antoinette

M., 287 Deifausse, R. J., 239 Dei Giudice, A., 290 Del Giudice, Lydia L., 274 Dellafera, F. M., 270 Demeritt, C. W., 239 Dempsey, W. S., 291 Denhoff, E., 313 Dennis, Jeanne N., 264 Densmore, R. C., 290 Dente, G. A., 291 DePalo, T., 267 Dewart, Catherine-Jean, 274 Dewart, D. M., 307 DeWolfe, D. C., Jr., 313 DeYoe, Mary R., 283 DiBona, Anita T., 289

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332 University of Vermont

Dicke, P. A., 281 Dickinson, Dorothy R., 289 DiDio, Jeanette, 270 Dietrich, Maria J., 274 Diforio, J. P., 270 Dimichele, J- D., 274 Dimick, E. C., 264 DiPietro, H. E., 270 Ditore, J. C., 274 Doan, J. E., 2S9 Dodd, J. D., 259 Doe, M. Lynette, 289 Doe, Marguerite E., 287 Doheny, J. T., 270 Doheny, Marguerite J., 274,

320 Dolinsky, A., 267 Domenichini, C. P., 280 Domenichini, Lena L., 286 Donahue, Kathleen, 306 Donlon, Madelyn C., 264 Dooley, W. K, Jr., 274 Dopp, D. Marjorie, 264 Dopp, R. D., 312 Dorion, W. I., 274 Doton, Elizabeth, 270 Doud, Elizabeth C., 283 Douglas, Laura A., 284 Douglass, Martha S., 264 Dow, R. Y., 281 Dowling, J. G., 275 Draper, Mary, 308 Dreier, S., 270 Dresser, E. C., 279 Drew, Alice G., 311 Drew, A. P., 259 Drown, C. C., 285 Drum, Margaret L., 270 Duba, Madge E., 284 Dubie, N. E., 275 DuBoff, M., 267 DuBois, Patricia, 287 Ducas, Angeline, 270 Dudley, R. A., 279 Dugan, K. S., 291 Dugan, O. L., Jr., 292 Dugan, R. B., 292 Duley, D. K., 308 Duncan, J. K., 281 Duncan, R. J., 307 Dunlap, G. S., 281 Dunn, D. G., 281

Dunn, G. B., Jr., 280, 318 Durfee, H. A., 270 Dustan, Harriet P., 275, 320 Dustan, Laura C., 283 Dwinell, S. F., 270 Eastman, O. R., 313 Easton, G. D., 280 Eaton, E. O., 270 Ebare, Hilda V., 285 Eddy, F. D., 292 Edson, D. H., 292 Edward, Barbara M., 275 Edwards, G. S., 308 Eggleston, R. C., Jr., 281 Eidred, H. B., 279 Eldridge, Ruth, 267 Emerson, Dorothy F., 284,

318 Emott, J. T., Jr., 270 Esherick, Margaret, 288 Esielionis, Mary B., 284 Estey, K. J., 284, 318 Ettlinger, Adrienne B., 270 Evans, Barbara E., 270 Evans, J. M., 275, 319 Evans, J. R., Jr., 291 Evans, R. F., 284 Fahey, J. J., 270 Falby, Nita T., 288 Falby, Norma T., 309, 315,

317 Farnham, R,, Jr., 280 Farnham, W. B., 308, 314,

315 Farnham, W. E., 310 Farrell, Catherine H., 285 Farrell, Marita M., 306 Farrell, R. F., 292 Feigenbaum, H. H., 275 Fellows, Ruth M., 264 Ferriter, W. B., 290 Fickett, Naomi E., 306 Fife, Doris M-, 259 Fifield, Flora E., 275, 320 Fifield, Mary O., 264 Finch, Helen M., 285 Finer, E., 275 Finlayson, M. W., 292 Finney, Jean E., 270 Firestone, S. S., 270 Fisk, L. W., 275 Fiske, Miriam L,, 275, 320

Fitch, H. E., Jr., 290 Fitzgerald, H. F., 267 Fitzgerald, T. G., 290 Fitzsimonds, Mary A., 284 Flack, Judith V., 267 Flagg, E. H., 267 Fleischmann, Celia, 289 Fleming, Veleida L., 287,

318 Fletcher, Eleanor H., 287 Fletcher, K. S., Jr., 270 Fletcher, Norma L., 265 Flower, Lyrace, 311 Flynn, E. A., Jr., 275 Foote, M. W.y 259, 308 Forbes, R. A., 275 Ford, F. E., 270 Foster, Jean E., 287 Foster, Phyllis E., 265 Foster, R. A., 270 Foster, R. G., 275 Foti, S. J., 275 Fraint, Gertrude, 308, 315 Frank, B. H., 265 Freeheart, Ernestine M., 289 Freeman, Linda, 318 French, Marjorie A., 286 French, Myrna G., 275, 320 Frey, D. R., 275 Frisbxe, Ruth E., 267 Froeschle, P. F., 259 Fuller, Evelyn M., 284, 318 Fuller, Frances C., 267 Fyfe, R, J. M., Jr., 314 Gage, D. R., 289 Gage, W. A., 284 Gale, R. H., 265 Gallagher, Barbara M., 275

320 Gallo, Madeline, 287 Gallup, L. W., 270 Gannon, M. Lorraine, 275 Ganz, R. A., 270 Gardiner, G. B., Jr., 310 Gardner, Anna F., 306 Gardner, Joyce L., 287 Gasperini, E., Jr., 267 Gates, Mrs. Mae F., 289 Gear, F. T., 307 Gearing, D. F., 270 Gelvin, E. P., 313, 315 Gerber, H., 275

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Student Index 333

Gibson, Beatrix F., 275 Gibson, Dorothy E., 309 Giddings, J. C., 265 Giddings, Laura M., 309 Gifford, E. E., Jr., 284 Gilbert, A. G., Jr„ 275 Gilbert, S. K., 268 Gile, Marilyn E., 270 Gillette, R. W., 275 Gillingham, Nancy E., 265 Gilman, P. A., 306 Gilmore, Elizabeth C., 306 Gilmore, Florence A., 288 Gilmore, H. O., 284 Gipstein, M. M., 275 Girard, A. Joan B., 285 Glass, W. M., 265, 317 Gleason, R. I., 265 Godfrey, E. B., 281 Godnick, M. E., 275 Goldberg, R. S., 275 Goldman, Doris M., 309 Gomez, R. A., 265 Goodell, Doris E., 288 Goodhue, Madelyn J., 288 Goodman, EI., 268, 319 Goodman, L, 270 Goodwin, Nancy G., 275,

320 Gordon, Betty D., 284 Gorton, Gladys M., 275, 320 Gorton, R. W., 268 Gosline, A. N., Jr., 275 Gould, C, V., 275 Gould, Lois P., 307 Gowdey, J. F., 291 Grady, D. A., 283 Grant, B. V., 265 Gray, Shirley L., 270 Graziano, D. J., 268 Grazier, H. F., 291 Greaves, Madeline R., 284,

318, 319 Green, Catherine L., 275 Greenan, J. C., 290 Greene, Georgina F., 275 Greenfield, Ruth L., 309 Grevior, S., 3 09 Grieve, W. G., 259 Griffel, Clara R., 271 Griffith, Olive E., 308 Griffin, W. M., 268

Grimes, J. G., Jr., 290 Gronbeck, C,, Jr., 292, 309,

317 Gross, Ruth J., 275 Grotit, K. M., 281 Guay, Sylvia C., 285 Guilbert, E. A., 271 Gurney, Elizabeth L., 284 Guttormsen, Mildred F., 268 Guynup, C. C., 275 Haines, G. L., 275, 319 Hale, W. O., 279 Hall, A. S., Jr., 307, 315,

316 Hall, Barbara M., 288 Hall, Charlotte F., 268 Hall, Jean F., 289 Hall, Marion T., 309 Hall, Shirley A., 285, 320 Halsted, H. C., 291 Hamilton, E. A., 281 Elamilton, Eva, 271 Hamilton, J. A., 275 Hamm, Margaret F., 288 Hammond, Lois M., 291 liammond, Mary J., 284 Hanley, T. J., Ill, 271 Haritos, A., 268 Elarmon, C. E., 265 Harrigan, F. E., 292 Harriman, B. W., 279 Harris, M., 291 Harshbarger, R. Jean, 268 Hart, G. T-, 283 Elarvey, Maxine T., 309 Harvey, R. W., 275, 320 Harvey, Winifred M., 311 Harwood, C. W., 291 Hasseltine, Doris A., 265 Hastings, Lola V., 307 Hawes, M. A., 275, 320 Hawkins, E. F., 280 Hawley, Laura R., 284, 318,

319 Hayes, H. J., 282 Hazelton, H. O., 271 Healy, Miriam P., 282 Healy, R. G., 271 Heath, Alice M., 287, 318 Heath, C. Elisabeth, 285 Heath, Evelyn. C., 309 Heath, F. S., 280

Heath, Leona S., 275 Heininger, W. H., 290 Heller, Kay G., 275 Hendee, Madge E., 268 Hennessey, Frances E., 309 Herbert, T. M., 307 Herrick, Elma M., 265 Hershey, H., 313, 315 Hewitt, Bertha L., 307 Hewitt, Marjorie F., 311 Heywood, Ora G., 288 Hibbard, J. L., 313 Hicks, W. S., 271 Hill, B. W., 280 Hill, Nora E., 289 Hitchco*ck, H. J., 275 Hodskins, Barbara, 275 Hoffman, K. E., 268, 318 Holcomb, P. Madine, 275 Holden, Katharine C., 281 Holmes, Dorothy B-, 259,

311 Holtzman, M., 275 Holzman, C. A., 285 Hopkins, Eleanor L., 275 Hopkins, Ruth E,, 271 Horton, C. P., 282 Horton, Marjorie I., 309 Horvath, J. E., Jr., 275 Hosley, Mary E., 288, 320 Houghton, C, K., 308, 314 Houpis, J. N., 275 Howard, E. V., Jr., 271 Howard, E. R., 308, 314 Howard, G. W., 310, 315,

318 Howe, Alice N., 275 Howe, C. D., 290 Howe, D. H., 265 Howe, Marjorie E., 3 09 Howe, Mary J., 287, 318 Howe, Reta, 265 Howland, J. O., 275 Hubbard, H. H., 281 Huckabee, Helen F., 289 Hudson, Alice B., 287 Hull, M. D., 280 Hunt, L. C., Jr., 271, 318,

320 Hunt, Pauline E., 310, 315,


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334 University of Vermont

Hunter, J. A., Jr., 265 Hunter, W. E., 268 Hunting, R. B., 275 Huntington, Helen P., 310 Huntley, T. R., 271, 317,

318 Hutchins, Jennie M., 307 Hutchinson, Earl, 311 Hurlburt, Bernice C., 283 Hurteau, Erma R. M., 265 Husing, J. C., 265 Hutchins, H. L., Jr., 265 Hutchinson, Muriel E., 265 Hyde, Barbara J., 275 Iby, Margaret E., 287 Ingalls, Betty A., 275 Ingerson, Janet L., 268 Ingram, Phyllis R-, 275, 320 Irish, R. F., 284 Irwin, E. S., 268 Isackson, Gunhild E., 268,

318 Isaksen, Carol D., 285 Isham, Elizabeth C., 284,

318, 320 Isham, Ellen A., 285 Itzkowitz, C., 276, 320 Jackson, Lois W., 282 Jacob, A., 271 Jacobs, H. H., 271 Jacobson, E., 265 James, E., 313, 315 Janoff, L. A., 268 Jareckie, Doris O., 276 Jay, Lillian A., 287 Jenkins, Elizabeth E., 306 Jenks, P. C., 268, 318 Jenness, R., 259 J"erard, A. B., 265 Jewett, S. H., 306 Johnson, Alyce M., 288 Johnson, D. E., 280, 318 Johnson, Elsie J., 268 Johnson, F. A., 280, 318 Johnson, Frances M., 259 Johnson, H. L., 310 Johnson, K. W., 271, 318 Johnson, R. H., 268 Johnston, Gertrude I., 268,

317 Johnston, W. H., 268 Johnstone, R. E., 268

Jones, Barbara E., 265 Jones, D. R., 268 Jones, F. T., 265 Jones, Fleda A., 271 Jones, H. O., 281 Jones, Nancy R., 284, 318,

320 Jones, Ruth E., 276 Jordon, P. H., 308 Jorgenson, Elizabeth M., 268 Judd, Jane R., 276, 319 Juskiewicz, V. C., 279, 315 Kallman, M. R., 281 Kamber, J. L., 271 Kambour, T., Jr., 285 Kaplan, J., 271, 319 Karelitz, M. H-, 276 Karren, V., 276 Katz, J. D., 268 Katzew, C. J., 276 Kearney, J. T., 276 Keedy, Helen L.» 268 Keelan, Mary G., 307 Keenan, E. A., Jr., 276 Kehoe, Hester, 268 Keith, H., 310, 315 Kelleher, J. FL, 292 Keller, J. E., 291 Kellett, Evelyn P., 289 Kelty, Mary R., 276 Kemler, N., 265 Kenet, D. S., 276 Kennedy, F. A., 271 Kennedy, H. W., 2nd, 271 Kennedy, J. B., 280 Kennedy, J. E., 292 Kenney, R. P., 271 Kenworthy, R. A., 291 Kenyon, Joyce, 285, 320 Kester, Dorothy P., 271 Ketchem, H. M., 283 Kibby, Rebecca F-, 309 Kidd, A. G., 271 Kidd, K. M., 308 Kidd, w, G., 310 Kieslich, Harriet L., 271, 320 Kiiburn, Leona N., 265 Killoran, P. S., 271 Kimball, Eleanor E., 306 Kimball, L. C., 268 King, A. P., 292 King, Kathryn M., 308

King, M. N., 291 King, Thelma, 288 Kingsley, J. W., Jr., 291 Kingsley, Lois I., 319 Kinney, A. C., Jr., 276 Kinsley, Doris C., 268, 318 Kish, Olga, 271, 319, 320 Klinger, Gail F., 285, 320 Knight, Constance L., 311,

315 Knowlton, Esther A., 259 ICoble, Harriet B., 271 Koch, W, P., 280 Kodys, E. J., 281 Kogut, H. V., 265 Kotuby, J. L., 280 Krase, Elizabeth, 285 Krogman, M. Olive C., 259 Kyle, Katherine T,, 285 Ladd, W. E., 268 LaDeau, Hilda M., 287 LaFayette, Florence, 268, 3IS Lafley, C. A., 283 Lake, J. W., 276 Lake, Phyllis J., 276, 320 Lamb, Ethel C, 276 Lambert, M. F., 281 Lambert, Rita M., 265 Lamberton, R. C., 271 Lamson, M. H., 306 Landon, Lillian C., 285 Langlas, W. C., 271 Lanou, Janet G., 310, 315 Lapierre, A. E., 306 Laplant, K. A., 307, 315 Lapsis, A. J., Jr., 271 Laramie, R. F., 271 LaRiviere, O. J., 291 Larney, Marietta L., 276 Lathrop, Nona A., 271 Lavelle, M. F., 281 Lawler, J, R., 276 Lawrence, M. J., 280 Leach, Reba M., 288 Leamy, W. P., 285 Leary, F. B., 279 Leary, Helen M., 310 Leavens, L. J., 290 LeBaron, Kathleen R., 284,

320 LeBow, H. A., 268

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Student Index 335

Lechnyr, Mary-Jane, 287 Lee, W. L,, 308 Leeder, J. G., 2 59 Leonard, F. C., 282 Leonard, R. H., 283, 318 Lessor, Norma M., 265 Levin, J. A., 271 Levin, J. R., 290 Levin, Jeanette R., 285 Levin, M. J., 271, 317 Levin, M. N., 265 Levin, R. M., 313 Levine, A. A., 265 Levine, E., 313 Levine, H. B., 290 Levine, H. P., 313 Levine, R., 271 Levine, S., 317 Levine, Mrs. Sylvia M., 259 Levinson, B. J., 276 Levinson, Irene, 276 Lewis, E. O., 292 Lewis, F., 265, 315 Lezer, L, R., 292 Liese, Edna C., 287 Likovsky, R., 292 Link, E. G., 280 Linn, Elizabeth C., 276 Linnehan, Muriel M., 306 Linsley, R. B., 268 Lionti, J. N., 276 Lippe, H. T., 271 Lipsky, C. H., 265 Lisman, B., 265, 317 Litsky, H., 3 09 Livak, C. W., 282 Livak, F. H., 284 Livingston, Erva R., 285 Locke, Priscilla A., 307 Logan, F. P., 276, 320 Long, C. G., 285 Long, H. J., 285 Loop, Elizabeth M., 286 Lord, J. P., 292 Louderbough, H., 313 Loudon, Helen L., 265 Lovell, Anne S., 285 Lovett, Cleo L,, 288 Lowe, H. F., 271, 319 Lowe, R. H., 309, 313 Lowell, Kathleen E., 287 Lundberg, E. A., 291

Lutnian, F. C., 313 Lutman, Grace E., 313 Lyman, E., VII, 307 Lyman, W. R., 271, 319 Lynch, J. Frances, 285 Lynch, R. G., 276 Lyons, Jane E., 271 McClelland, C. H., 268 McCormick, Dorothy F., 289 McCormick, Mary L., 308,

315 McCrea, J. H,, 313 McCrea, L. D., 265 MacDonald, A. D., 268 McDonald, Catherine W,,

289 MacDonald, H. B., Jr., 284 MacDonald, "W. G., 291 McDonough, F. J., 282 McDonough, R. T., 271 McEwen, R. H., 276 McFarland, Jeanette B., 307 McGinty, H. H., 271 McGovern, M. Phyllis, 283 McHugh, T. B., 265 Mcintosh, Barbara R., 284 Mclntyre, F. P., 292, 309 Mack, F. B., 279 Mack, Frances R., 287 Mack, Katherine M., 288 Mack, Mildred I., 276 McKee, J. E., Jr., 265 Mackie, Frances E., 309 McKinley, Jessie M., 288 McLeod, Eloise W., 308 McMahon, Jean L., 289 MacMartin, J. M., 276 MacMartin, Margaret J. J.,

286 MacMillan, H. A., 291 McNall, N. A., 312 McPherson, F. E., 281 McPherson, Margaret E., 289 McRae, Mildred A., 289 McRae, Phyllis A., 306 McWilliams, R. C., 259 Maeck, Helen R., 287 Maeck, J. V. S,, 290 Magnant, R. A., 281 Magner, J. P., 291 Mahar, Loraine C., 271 Mahoney, J. P., 271

Mahoney, Rita A., 308 Mainer, R. G., 290 Maislen, S. E., 313 Maley, D. W., 271 Malone, T. K., Jr., 288 Makbie, A., 271, 320 Mamos, P. D., 291 Manch, D. I., 312 Maniatty, J. G., 281, 320 Manion, Dorothy R., 276 Mann, Barbara J., 284 Mann, G. Louise, 271 Mann, Jean S., 285 Mann, Louise C., 286 Mann, Phyllis A., 310 Mann, R. W., 290 Manning, W. K., 271 Manseau, Irene B., 289 Mansfield, E. P., 279 Margulies, B., 313, 315 Marks, C. H., 285 Marlow, Elizabeth V., 268 Marsceill, F. E., 282 Marsett, Edna M-, 2 87 Marshall, Elisabeth P., 271,

320 Marshia, Gwendolyn E., 285 Martin, Christine S., 276 Martin, G. H-, 283 Martin, J. H., 259 Martin, Lorraine E., 289 Martin, Madaline E., 288 Martin, R. C-, 306 Martin, Virginia M., 271 Marvin, Pearl R., 285, 320 Mason, F. Virginia, 259 Massucco, J. R., 271 Matthews, Ethel B., 3 09 Matthews, W. R.} 276 Maurice, M. P., 281 Maurice, Ruth C., 310, 315,

316 Mayforth, Shirley "W., 284,

319 Maynard, Loretta C., 286 Mayville, C, E., 285 Maxham, Flora L., 306 Maxham, Maxine E., 309 Mazelli, R. J., 309 Meeken, Grace, 271 Meiklem, J. A., 268 Mele, Mary P., 287

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336 University of Vermont

Menard, L. J., Jr., 276 Mercier, A. "W., 268 Merriam, P. G., 291 Merritt, Frances A., 28 5 Meservey, A. B., 260, 308,

315 Metcalf, Joanna J., 276 Metcalf, Maywood A., 271,

319 Meunier, J. L., 313 Mezzullo, P. J., 276 Middleworth, H. V., 268 Miele, Rose A., 287 Miller, C. G„ 276 Miller, Janet C., 276 Miller, M. A., 268 Miller, Ruth A., 276 Miller, S. E., 271 Miller, Shirley W., 286 Millington, Mary E., 268 Mills, E. L., 292, 309 Mills, Mrs. Ruth W. A., 265 Minckler, H. L., 265 Miner, Bettina M., 288 Mininghara, W. D., Jr., 272 Minkler, C. E., 288, 319 Mitchell, L. H., 265 Moes, E. C, 276 Mongeon, Ruth M., 289 Monti, L. J., 291, 309 Moody, Margaret E., 272 Moore, A. C, 281 Moore, C. A., 284 Moore, Esther B., 287 Moran, D. E., 281 Morgan, S. S., 281 Morgner, R. F., 265 Morrill, Mrs. Elizabeth W.,

311 Morris, Hazel T., 309, 315 Morris, S. F., 313 Morrison, D. A., 280 Morrissette, A. A., 260 Morse, Jean M., 283, 319 Mosher, D. F., 291, 309,

315 Moskovitz, A. J., 290 Moskovitz, H., 268, 319 Mueller, W. O., 260 Muir, Catherine M., 306 Mulcare, Miriam, 310 Mulligan, "W. J., 291

Mullins, R. B. F., 276 Mumley, Doris L., 288 Murphy, Dorothy H., 289 Murphy, W. J., 272 Murray, Lois C., 287 Musicant, B. S., 290 Musicant, W. W., 276 Myers, Mrs. Alice W. H.,

265 Myers, Elizabeth L., 268 Nadeau, Patricia, 289 Naramore, Kathleen M., 287 Needham, Emma E., 306 Neill, J. D., 289 Nelson, H. F., 283, 319 Nelson, Harriet S., 276 Nelson, J. H., 284 Nelson, Mary C., 268, 319 N e v i n , R . W 2 9 0 Nevulis, A. V. D., 313, 316 Newcity, H. E., 276 Newcomb, Catherine M.,

308 Newcomb, W. J., 276 Newcomb, Kathryn V., 308 Newcombe, R. V., 291 Newman, M. B., 310 Newman, M. F,, 276 Newton, Irene L,, 272, 319 Newton, J. E., 260 Newton, Priscilla J., 309 Newton, M. L., 280 Nichols, C. S., 276 Nichols, Dawn E., 284 Nichols, Dorothy G., 284 Nichols, E. L., 284 Nichols, Mrs. Kathryn K.,

306 Nichols, S. L., 282 Nicholson, E. L., 265 Nicholson, Mrs. Margaret E.,

311 Noble, Sylvia, 276 Noonan, G. S., 268 Norcross,' Ruth B., 285 Norton, "W. G., 286 Noyes, IL W., 272 Nuetzman, Dorothy D., 260 Nussbaum, C. L., 272 Nute, Beverly R., 311, 315 Nute, Maxine E., 276 Nutter, D. J., 276

Nye, F. W., 284 Oakes, G. B., 276 O'Brien, W. F., 276 O'Connell, G. B., Jr., 292 Oling, Gloria, 276, 320 Olmsted, Anne S., 276 Olshan, C., 276 Olson, F. R., 272 O'Neil, D. S., 276 O'Neil, J. P., 291, 309 Oppenheim, A., 290 Orr, Ruth E., 285 Orton, Elizabeth, 283 Osgood, Maolyn D., 310, 315 Otis, R. T., 281 O'Toole, F. P., 279 O'Toole, M. K., 277 Ovitt, Phyllis C., 289 Pache, H. L., 272 Paciulli, Evelyn P., 272 Packard, Thelma R., 282 Page, H. G., 283 Page, R. S., Jr., 291 Palans, C. G., 272 Palermo, Elvira F., 268 Palmer, Alice L., 3 06 Palmer, G. I., 280, 320 Palmer, Marianna L., 288 Palmer, Ruth A., 265 Paquette, E. F., 284, 319,

320 Paquette, Hilda L., 285, 320 Paquette, L. D., 283, 318 Paquette, L. P. N., 306 Parizo, Lilyan L., 285 Parker, Harriet A., 277 Parker, R. J., 281 Parry, O. M., 265 Partridge, C. W. H., 277 Partridge, L. J., 285 Patch, P. E., 268 Paterson, R. D., 281 Paterson, R. G., 292,309 Patterson, C. C., 277 Pattrell, Helen R., 286 Pearl, E. D., 268 Pearl, Ethel H., 306 Pearl, Gratia H-, 28 5 Pease, G. R., 288 Pease, R. S., 268, 319 Pekala, S. J., 277 Penrose, W. F., 277

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Student Index 337

Percival, R. H., 286 Perkins, Charlotte E., 310,

315 Perkins, Estaleen M., 282 Perkins, Evelyn A., 288 Perkins, Irma M., 310 Perkins, Ruth C., 310 Perley, F. Elizabeth, 282 Perley, M. E., 306 Perry, J. M., 277 Perry, Judith, 277, 320 Pesarik, A. R., 280 Peters, G. Louise, 284 Peterson, Catherine M., 277 Peterson, R. A. M., 268 Phelps, Charlotte E., 265 Phillips, M. C., 280, 319 Pichierri, L., 288 Pierce, L. D-, 279 Pierce, R. E-, 265 Pignona, J. B., 280 Pike, Avis EI., 3 07 Pike, Betty, 288, 320 Pike, M- S., 28 5 Pike, S. R„ Jr., 277, 320 Pillsbury, V. R., 310 Pine, L. F., 272, 319, 320 Pinkerton, Edith L., 285 Pion, L. A., 272, 320 Pisanelli, V. J., 291 Pitman, G., 283, 319 Plant, H. L., 268 Plath, C. V., 260 Piatt, Dorothy J., 282 Plumb, Alta A., 268, 316,

319 Plumb, R. E., 282 Poczabut, J. S., Jr., 291 Poquette, Rose DeL., 288 Pollard, A. J., 312 Poriss, E. I., 269 Potter, Barbara L., 285 Potter, "W. L., 280 Poulin, P. R., 288 Powell, P. R., 290 Powers, W. J., 290 Pratt, Alice J., 307 Pratt, C. A., Jr., 281 Pratt, Elaine J., 288 Pratt, H. L., 292, 310 Pratt, J. H., Jr., 28 5 Pratt, W. A., 272

Preston, Norma M., 277 Preston, W. S., Jr., 272 Pretty, L. J., 265 Prior, D. H., 281 Prior, J. T., 265 Proctor, F. R., 280 Prondecki, Irene V., 284 Puller, Madeline F., 284 Pye, W. I., 272 Quade, Dorothy L., 307 Quimby, R. S., 312 Quintiliani, A. G., 277 Racher, E. M., 272 Ramsdell, R. G., Jr., 280 Rand, P. C., 260, 310 Ranney, J, B., 272 Ranney, Vera F., 272 Rasines, Mary M., 265 Ratledge, W. R., 260 Rawson, B. S., 290 Raymond, Myrtle E., 289 Reed, E. G., 272 Reed, Elelen L-, 283 Reichman, Alice B., 28 5 Reiser, M. P., 272 Renfrew, C. A., 279 Resnick, M. L., 277 Reynolds, M. C., Jr., 281 Reynolds, M. J., Jr., 277 Rice, Edith M., 265 Rice, H, E,, 277 Rice, H. 3jy., 277 Rice, Hester D., 285, 320 Rice, L. M., 283 Rice, Marian L., 284 Rich, R. D., 269 Richmond, Elizabeth R., 272 Riddell, Harriette L., 266 Riddell, Jane H., 266 Riddell, June E., 289 Riddell, Margaret E., 287 Riggs, H. K:) 269, 319 Rigney, Sarah C., 266 Rinck, Grace M., 266 Ripper, D. H., 309 Ripper, H. J., 283 Rising, F. C., 272, 320 Rist, Martha W., 282 Rivers, F. E., 277 Rivers, R. A., 279 Robbins, A. I., 290 Roberts, E. J., 280

Roberts, M. Eluned, 311 Robinson, Dorothea, 266 Robinson, J. W., 310, 315 Robinson, R. W., 280 Robinson, S. H., 279 Roby, E. F., 272 Roche, Elisabeth H., 272 Roche, J. G., 280 Rochester, H., 313 Rock, Claire V., 283 Rockwell, Dorothy N., 289 Rockwood, Mildred J., 309,

315 Roeder, W. A., 277, 320 Rogers, Frances A., 288 Rogers, J. C., 283 Rogers, R. R., 282 Rogers, S., 313 Rome, Sara E., 277 Rommel, J. F., Jr., 290 Rommel, R. W., 290 Rood, G. B., 272 Rooney, C. J., 281 Rooney, Eileen F., 272 Rooney, Mary K., 308 Rooney, Roseola M., 311 Root, J. A., 280, 320 Root, Mary A., 284 Rosanelli, G, D,, 310 Rosenthal, M., 266 Ross, H. E., 306, 315 Ross, I. B., 272, 319 Rousseau, D. G., 277 Rowden, S. D., 286 Rowe, Frances E., 291 Rowe, Gretta L., 309 Rowe, M. E., 292, 310 Rowe, M. Pauline, 282 Rowley, Mary H., 292 Rowley, Theresa E., 307 Roy, Marion E., 277 Royer, J. R., 272 Rozek, L. M., 277 Rubens, R. B., 272 Rubin, Miriam B., 272 Ruder, M. Frances, 283 Rugg, Louise M., 286 Ruggles, Permelia T., 266 Rulfo, H. J., 272, 320 Rush, H. J., 272 Russell, H. H., 282 Russell, Janice E., 286

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338 University of Vermont

Rust, C. B.} 290 Rust, Janet E., 286 Rutstein, B., 282 Ryan, H. R., Jr., 292 Rynowecer, B., 277 Sabin, G. M., Jr., 290 Sabre, G., 286 Safford, Virginia, 277 Salmon, R., 272 Salvator, Antoinette J., 277 Samuels, S., 272 Samuelson, Carrye H., 272 Sandall, Margaret J., 289 Sargent, Elizabeth A., 277 Satter, Beatrice, 284 Saul, Jean B., 272 Savage, Priscilla, 266 Savin, S., 277 Sawyer, J". D., 277 Saxby, R. N., 292 Sayre, R. C., 277 Schafer, C. H., Jr., 277 Scliermerhorn, Ethel G., 286 Schildhaus, A. I. E., 290 Schiller, Miriam R., 277 Schine, L. A., 310 Schlaf, Doris S., 272 Schneller, L,, 292, 310 Schneller, M. R., 312 Schofield, C. H., 269 Schoppe, Jean L., 260 Schwartz, A., 266 Schwartz, H. J., 266 Schwenger, Dorothy, 288 Scott, Charlotte L., 289 Scott, Kathryn, 266 Searl, S. C., Jr., 277 Seaver, Ruth H., 287 Sedlis, E. G., 266 Seeley, W. G„ 280 Seivwright, H. R., 277 Selleck, Flora I., 307, 315 Seltzer, L. M., 292 Selvig, R. W., 277 Sennett, E. J., 266 Senuta, A. J., 272 Seymour, R. L., 266 Shakespeare, Mary C., 266 Shalucha, Barbara, 312 Shalucha, Catherine, 269 Shandoff, M. Eleanor, 284 Shapland, T. Barbara, 266

Sharp, W. H., 266 Shaw, F. A., 277 Shaw, Martha A., 277 Shea, 'W. I., 291 Sheehan, Rae G., 284 Shelc, J. P., 313 Sheldon, C. H., 283 Sheldon, D. M., 281 Sheltus, Janet P., 266 Shippee, Ethel B., 289 Shippee, Rebecca C., 266 Shoemaker, P. B., 266 Shores, L. 277, 320 Shortle, C. A., Jr., 277 Shuman, M. M., 272 Sibley, E. T., 281 Silliman, Kathryn M., 288 Silverman, Helen, 277 Silvester, A. P., 266 Simcox, J. E., 277 Simcox, W. J., 260, 308, 315 Simmons, C. R., 266 Simmons, H. L., Jr., 266 Simonds, J. R., 313 Simpson, Grace V., 277 Simpson, J. E., 272 Simpson, L. A., 269 Sirkin, S., 277 Sisselman, S. H., 277 Skinner, Marion A., 283 Skinner, Mary P., 277 Slack, R, O., 284 Slater, F. Jr., 277 Slayton, Eunice H., 283 Slysz, S. F., 277 Small, M. H., 272 Smith, A. Arthalene, 266 Smith, A. C., 286 Smith, Barbara C., 269 Smith, Dorothea, 272 Smith, E. S., 281 Smith, G. L., 280 Smith, J. A., 277, 320 Smith, Margaret E., 266 Smith, R. B., 280 Smith, R. F., 277 Smith, R. L., 281 Smith, "W. A,, 310 Smith, W, M., Jr., 280 Snape, R. F., 266 Snay, A. F., Jr., 292 Snider, R. N., 272

Snow, R. M., 307 Snow, W. N., 277 Solin, M. A., 266 Spasyk, J. J., 277 Spaulding, A. C., 308 Spaulding, R. E., 269 Spear, Janice M., 288 Spelman, Dorothy, 308 Spelman, W. A., Jr., 279 Spiwak, Ruth, 277 Spooner, Ruth A., 306 Squire, Anne L., 266 Squire, H. H., 280 Squire, Helen E., 286 Squires, Rosetta E., 3 07 Stafford, D. C., 3 06 Stahl, H. W., 310 Stanley, G. C., Jr., 281 Stanley, H. W., 291 Stanley, Margaret O., 2 82 Stannard, E. C., 292 Starbird, Ethel A., 308 Starbuck, G. W., 313 Starbuck, J. H., 266, 315 Stark, M. A., 272 Starr, S„ 272 Start, Helen E., 307 Steadman, F. Sylvia, 279 Stearns, J. H., 310 Stearns, Martha J., 286 Stebbins, A. P., 290 Steinberg, D. J., 266 Steinman, Georgianna L.,

269 Stephen, J. H., 281 Stetson, Carole E., 272 Stetson, V. J., 281 Stetson, W. P., 314 Stevens, C. W., 269 Stewart, Jean M., 272 Stewart, R. C., 277 Stickney, G. H., 282, 319 Stickney, J. C., 266 Stigliano, J. J., 278 Stiles, D. Y., 306 Stiles, Leola M., 266 Stiles, Rollaston G., 312 Stimets, F. H., 278 Stoddard, N. R., 286 Stoddard, P. McL., 269 Stone, B. C., Jr., 272 Stone, B. H., 292, 310

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Student Index 339

Stone, Carol E., 309 Stone, W. W., 282 Story, R. M., Jr., 280 Stowell, D. E., 283 Strassburg, N. K., 272 Streeter, G, C., 286 Stroh, Ethel, 308 Strickler, Bernetha A., 311 Struthers, Elizabeth P., 266 Stufflebeam, Carrie L., 308 Sudbay, J. A., Jr., 278 Suitor, J. H., 310 Sullivan, R. E., 278 Suojanen, W. W., 278, 320 Sussdorff, Barbara A., 310,

315 Sussman, R. D., 314 Swann, Jessie, 272, 317, 318,

319 Swanson, June N., 278 Swartz, A., 278 Sweeny, Evelyn M., 266 Swertfeger, Annice N., 266 Swift, C. C., 269 Swift, W. P., 278 Sysko, S. J., 282 Szyman, Jean G., 283 Szyman, Waltina A., 311 Tackley, Margaret E., 289 Taft, Elizabeth A., 278 Taggart, A. J., 280 Talal, Joyce B., 278 Talbert, W. W., 278, 320 Taplin, Virginia E., 286 Tatro, Madeline E., 288 Taylor, Betsey A., 282 Taylor, Elizabeth E., 269,

319 Taylor, F. M., 272 Taylor, Janet, 278 Teitelbaum, D. B., 314 Terrill, Bettina F., 287 Thabault, Rita A., 282 Thacher, Muriel A., 286 Thayer, D. W., 272, 320 Thayer, J. E., 269 Thayer, R. D., 278 Thibault, Lorraine M., 289 Thibault, M. L., Jr., 308,

315 Thomas, E. R.» 269 Thomas, J. J., 286, 320

Thomas, J. M., 286 Thompson, Celia A., 286 Thompson, Grace E,, 289 Thompson, M. Jeanette, 273 Thompson, N. W., 273 Thompson, Oletha N., 288 Thompson, W. S., 266 Thorington, Lucia, 309, 317 Tiffany, Margaret E., 3 22 Timmerman, F. W., 291 Tomasi, C. J., 278 Tomasi, E. P., 292 Tomassetti, A. R., 308 Tooles, W. B., 278 Topkins, Edith L., 273 Torrey, Alverette M., 289 Torrey, J. S., 278 Towle, Helen A., 308 Towne, Helen P., 283 Tracy, R. L., 269 Trask, Caroline, 273 Traunstein, M., Jr., 292,

310, 315 Treat, Shirley R., 269, 319 Trefren, E. L., 278, 320 Tremblay, Virginia M., 288 TrigiHo, F. J., 273 Trimborn, R. J., 278 Trono, G. T., 289 Trottier, Constance M. M.,

286 Trottier, N. H., 309 Tucker, Barbara H-, 289 Tucker, N. D-, 278 Tucker, R. E., 291 Tucker, Ruth M., 269 Tulin, G. A., 266 Tulley, J. J., 278 Turchyn, S., 278 Tuthill Shirley M., 286, 320 Twohey, J. H., 311 Tynan, Margaret R., 286 Utley, F. H,, 273 Utter, C. W,, 269 Vander, J. B., 314 Van Dyck, W. C., 307,

316, 317 Van Hise, O. M., 280 Van Wyek, W. H., 309 Vassar, W. F., 269 Veinott, C. G., 313 Vilardo, W., 291

Villemaire, Cecile R., 289 Wade, C. E., 278 Wade, Florence I., 287, 318 Waite, R. A., Jr., 278 Wakefield, H. P., 292 Wakefield, R. D., 278 Waldo, Geraldine M., 269 Walker, Agnes D., 311 Walker, A. S., Jr., 278 Walker, Helen, 273 Walker, W. C., Jr., 286 Wallin, R. S., 269, 319 Walsh, M. J., 290 Ward, G. M., 284 Ward, Katherine, 289 Ward, Margaret, 278 Warden, A. L-, 278 Warden, S. R., 308 Warner, Hazel M., 273 Warren, A. B., 278 Warren, M. F., 282 Waterman, P., 281 Waterman, W. M., 310, 314 Watts, Elizabeth L., 287, 319 Way, H. A., II., 282 Weatherby, E. J., 260 Weaver, Grace A., 269 Webster, C. A., 286 Webster, F. H., 286 Weinraub, E. C., 290 Weisman, W. E., 278 Weiss, B., 290 Weiss, Theresa O., 266 Welch, Ida A., 289 Wells, Barbara A., 307 Wells, M. J., 283 Wells, R. H., 278 Wendel, Arline S., 278 Werner, H. B., 292 Wesolowska, Genevieve V.,

266 Westall, Carol S., 287 Westover, H. R., 280 Weyell, Virginia E., 284 Whalen, Frances M., 266 Whalen, P. J., 280 Wheeler, D. H., 278 Wheeler, H. E., 284, 320 Wheeler, Hope E., 282 Wheeler, J. B., 280, 319 Wheeler, M., 310

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340 University of Vermont

Wheeler, Margaret I., 266, 317

Wheeler, W. A., Jr., 279 Wheelock, Madaline R., 307 Whelan, D., 273 Whipple, Jennette L., 284,

319 Whitcomb, Dorothy W., 269 Whitcomb, H. H., 284 Whitcomb, L. B., 269 Whitcomb, R. D., 306, 316 White, F. H., 314 White, Helen M., 311 White, J. A., Jr., 278 White, J. J., 278 White, J. M., 282 White, R.(obert) E., 283 White, R. (upert) E-, 273 White, Ruth M(arie), 307 White, Ruth M(itcheil),

290 Whitney, Alice E-, 282 Whitney, C. F., Jr., 292 Whitney, Elizabeth G., 283 Whitney, J. W., 279 Whitney, R. L., 292 Whitworfh, J. S., 2 83 Wiedeman, G. P., 292, 310 Wiegand, Anita L., 266 Wilbur, Norma E., 278 Wilcomb, Barbara A., 286 Wilcox, Audrey M., 284 Wilcox, Geraldine M., 273,


Wilcox, W. A., 266 Williams, A. R,, 269 Williams, H. I., Jr., 273 Williams, Lucy J., 286 Williams, Phyllis M., 269 Williams, R. L., 281 Williams, Ruth H., 269,

319 Williamson, H. E., 291 Willson, H. S., 281 Wilmot, C. A., 286 Wilmoth, Roxana D., 278 Wilson, D. E., 269 Wilson, R., 266 Wilson, Sarah A., 278, 320 Wimett, A. J., Jr., 311 Wimett, Ruth S., 266 Winn, E&e E., 289 Winslow, R. B., 278 Wiseman, F. K., 307 Witham, Helen M., 278 Wolfe, Ethyle R., 269, 317.

319 Wolfe, L L, 311 Wolfe, R., 278, 320 Wolinsky, A. Y., 269, 319 Wolinsky, M., 311 Wolinsky, Thelma L., 273 Wolk, A. D., 273, 319, 320 Wood, Elizabeth A., 273 Wood, Mrs. Fannie P., 289 Wood, H. F., 289

Wood, Mabel E., 266 Wood, Patricia E., 278 Woodard, Roxanna M., 278 Woodco*ck, R. O., 269 Woodruff, A. Joyce, 278,

320 Woodruff, J. H., 314, 316 Woods, Harriet L., 286 Woll, J., 292, 310 Wool, Marian R., 289 Woolley, M. Jeanne, 278 Wortbeim, Kathryn E., 283 Worthen, G. B., 307 Wray, Jane M., 278 Wright, Beatrice C., 286,

320 Wright, J. T., 292 Wright, Martha J., 273 Wright, W. H., 273 Wysolmerski, J. M., 269 Yerks, Marion F., 3 09 Young, G. K., 279 Young, Jean G-, 278 Young, R. M., 282 Young, W. E., 281, 319, 320 Zabarsky, Sylvia H., 309,

315 Zambon, L. B., 280, 319 Zeichick, Beatrice, 273 Zellinger, J. J., 278 Zile, R. R., 260 Zullo, A. R., 282 Zullo, Mary P., 278

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General Index Abbreviations, Keys to, 127,

264 Administration, 8-3 8

Officers of, 25-26 Admission, 99-126

Advanced Standing, 101, 123-124

Enrollment, 124 Entrance Conditions, 100,

101 Entrance Credits, 101-103 General Statement, 99 Guidance, 100 Limited Enrollment, 101 Medicine, College of, 125-

126 Methods of Admissions,

107-110 Method of Selection, 100-

101 Preliminary Registration

Program, 124 Special and Unclassified

Students, 123 Subjects Accepted for,

111-123 Subjects Required for, 99-

100 To Elementary Education,

105-107 To Industrial Education,

107 To Music Education, 105-

107 Agriculture

Courses in, 192-194 For Entrance, 122

Agriculture, College of, 192-204, 249-255

Admission to, 104-105 Buildings of, 49-50 Courses in, 192-204 Curricula in, 249-25 5 Graduates, 1938, 306-307 Students, List of, 282-286

Agricultural Economics, 195

Agricultural Education, 195-196

Agricultural Engineering, 196

Agricultural Experiment Station

(See Experiment Station) Agricultural Extension

(See Extension Service) Agricultural Philosophy, 197 Agronomy Building, 49 Agronomy, Courses in, 192 Aid, Student, 61-73 Algebra

Courses in, 160-161, 187-188

For Entrance, 118 Allen House, 54 Alumni Council, 321-324 Animal Husbandry, Courses

in, 192-194 Annex, Engineering, 47 Annex, Experiment Station,

49 Apartments, University, 51 Art Collections, 46-47 Art, Courses in, 128-129,

142 Arts and Sciences, College

of, 128-139, 145-182, 224-238

Admission to, 103-104 Courses in, 128-139, 145-

182 Curricula in, 224-238 Graduates, 1938, 308-311 Students, List of, 264-279

Assistants, 23 Athletic Fields, 55-56 Athletics, 91-92 Attendance, Statistics of,

303-305 Billings Library, 44-46 Botany, Courses in, 129-131,

197-198 For Entrance, 120

Breakage Charges (Labora­tory), 56

Buildings and Grounds, 44-56

Business Curricula, 231-233 Calendars, 5-7 Camp, Engineering, 58, 182 Camp, Freshman, 93 Camp, R. O. T. C., 221, 222 Campus, Description of, 5 5 Campus House, 54 Centennial Field, 5 5-56 Chapel, Ira Allen, 44 Chapel Services, 92 Charter Laws of University,

39-43 Chemistry, Courses in, 131-

133, 198-199, 205 Curriculum in, 234-23 5 For Entrance, 120

Christian Associations, 92-93

Civil Engineering, Courses in, 182-185

Curriculum in, 244-245 Civil Government for En­

trance, 118 Classical Curriculum, 224-

227 College Entrance Examina­

tion Board, 109-110 "College Green," 5 5 Colleges

(See; Agriculture Arts and Sciences Engineering Medicine)

Commencement Dates, 6-7 Commerce and Economics,

(See Economics) Commercial Subjects for En­

trance, 122 Commercial Teaching Cur­

riculum, 231-233 Committees of the Trustees,



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342 University of Vermont

Committees of the Univer­sity Senate, 27-28

Comparative Literature, 160 Composition, Courses in

(See English, Courses in) Conferences, Educational, 89 Contents, 3-4 Converse Hall, 52, 60 Corporations, 42 Course, Definition of, 225 Courses of Instruction, 127-

222 Methods of Numbering,

127 Curricula, 223-258 Dairy Husbandry, Courses

in, 192-194 Deans, 11, 25 Deans' Lists, 80 Degrees, 81, 223-224, 306-

314 Advanced, 84-86, 311-313 Conferred in 1938, 306-

314 Honorary, 314

Dining Halls (Women), 52-54

Dormitories, 51-54 Drawing (See Art) Drawing, Engineering,

Courses in, 185, 189-191

Drawing for Entrance, 121 Economics, Courses in, 133-

136, 187, 195 Editors (High School),

Conference, 89 Education

Elementary, Courses in, 139-144

Elementary, Curriculum in, 239-241

Industrial, Courses in, 144 Industrial, Curriculum in,

242-243 Music, Curriculum in,

241-242 Secondary, Courses in,

136-139 Secondary, Curriculum in,


Electrical Engineering, Courses in, 186-187

Curriculum in, 246-247 Elementary Education

(See Education) Employment Bureau, 61 Engineering, College of, 182-

191, 244-249 Admission to, 104 Buildings, 47-48 Courses in, 182-191 Curricula in, 244-249 Graduates, 1938, 307-308 Students, List of, 279-282

Engineering, General, Courses in, 187

English, Courses in, 145-149 For Entrance, 111-112

Enrollment, 124 Entrance Examinations,

Schedule of, 108-109 Entrance Requirements

(See Admission) Eugenics Survey, 181-182 Expenses, General, 59-60 Experiment Station Annex,

49 Experiment Station, 42, 249

Board of Control, 10 History of, 42 Staff of, 28-30

Extension, Agricultural, 42, 87, 249

Extension Building, 50 History of, 42 Staff of, 30-33

Extension, University, 87-88

Faculty Student Council, 93 Farm Buildings, 50 Farm, University, 50, 56 Fees and Tuitions, 56-59, 83

Applied Music, 58 Engineering Summer

Camp, 58 For Degrees, 56, 59 Laboratory, 56-58 Solid Geometry and

Algebra, 5 8 Special Students, 123 Student Activity, 56

Fees and Tuitions—continued Summer Session, 59 Technical Degrees, 86

Fellows, Research, List of, 23-24, 259-260

Fellowships, Research, 82-83 Fleming Museum, 46-47

Staff of, 27 Foreign Service, Preparation

for, 173 Forestry, Courses in, 149,

199 Founder's Day Speaker,

1938, 318 Fraternities (Social Groups),

94 French, Courses in, 175-177

For Entrance, 113-114 Freshman Camp, 93 Freshman Registration, 124 Gates House, 54 General Science Curricula,

224, 228-229 Genetics, Course in, 200 Geology, Courses in, 150-

152 Geometry

Descriptive, 185 Plane, for Entrance, 119 Projective and Modern,

161 Solid, Course in, 161, 187-

188 Solid, for Entrance, 119 Solid, Fee for, 58

German, Courses in, 152-154 For Entrance, 114

Gifts, and Bequests, How Made, 42

Government, Courses in (See Political Science)

Graduate Club, 95 Graduate Students, Lists of,

259-263 Graduate Study, 82-86 Graduates, 1938, 306-314 Grassmount, 54 Greek, Courses in, 154-155

For Entrance, 113 Greenhouses, 49 Grounds, University, 5 5-56 Gymnasium, Men's, 48-49

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General Index 343

High Standing Lists, 80, 318-320

History and Charter Laws, 39-44

History, Courses in, 15 5-157 For Entrance, 115-118

Holidays, 6-7 Home Economics, Courses in,

155-158, 200-202 Curriculum, 254-255 For Entrance, 122-123

Home Management House, 49-50

Honor Courses (Arts), 80 Honor Lists, 80, 318-320 Honorary Degrees

Conferred in 193 8, 314 Honors, 79-80 Horticulture, Courses in,

202-203 Hours, Office, 10 Hygiene, 120, 140-141, 208,

215, 218 Index of Faculty and Officers,

325-328 Index of Students and 1938

Graduates, 329-340 Industrial Education Courses

in, 144 Curriculum in, 242-243

Infirmary (Women), 54-55 Instruction, Courses of, 127-

222 Officers of, 11-24

Instructors, 19-23 Ira Allen Chapel, 44 Ira Allen Statue, 5 5 Italian, Courses in, 177 Laboratory Breakage, 56 Laboratory Fees, 56-5 8 Lafayette Statue, 55 Latin, Courses in, 15 8-160

For Entrance, 112-113 Lecturers (Special), 24 Lectures, University, 96 Lectures, University Exten­

sion, 87 Libraries, 44-46, 48 Library Staffs, 26-27 Literary Scientific Curricu­

lum, 224, 227

Literature, Courses in (See English)

Loan Funds, 61-64 Location of University, 39 Major, Definition of, 225 Master's Degrees

(See Advanced Degrees) Mathematics

Courses in (Arts and Agri­culture), 160-161

Courses in (Engineering), 187-189

For Entrance, 118-119 Mechanical Drawing

Courses in, 185, 189-191 For Entrance, 121

Mechanical Engineering Courses in, 189-191 Curriculum in, 247-248

Medical Building, 44 Medical Preceptors, 24 Medicine, College of

Admission to, 125-126 Building, 44 Courses in, 204-214 Curriculum, Outline of,

256-258 Fees, 59 Graduates, 1938, 313-314 History of, 43-44 Students, List of, 290-292

Medico-Military Science, 222 Microscope Requirements,

230 Military Science, 90, 219-222

Commissions Awarded, 1938, 314-315

Courses in, 221-222 Faculty, 219 Medico-Military Science,

222 Prizes, 78-79, 318 Reserve Officers Training

Corps, 220-221 Uniforms, 60, 220

Mineralogy, Course in, 162 Minor, Definition of, 225 Morrill Hall, 49 Museum, Fleming, 46-47

Staff of, 27 Music Building, 50

Music, Courses in, 142, 162-165

Applied, 164-165 Fees for, 58-59

Music Education Curricu­lum, 240-242

Numbering of Courses of Study, 127

Office Hours, 10 Officers of Administration

and Employees, 25-27 Officers of Instruction, 11-

24 Old College Building, 48 "Old Mill," 48 Organizations, 93-95, 244 Outing Club, 94 Payment of Bills, 60 Phi Beta Kappa Society, 94 Philosophy, Courses in, 165-

167, 197 Physical Education, Depart­

ments of, 90, 215-218 Physical Education, Courses

in Men, 215-217 Women, 218

Physics, Courses in, 167-170 For Entrance, 119-120

Physiography for Entrance, 121

Physiology, Courses in, 181, 204, 211

For Entrance, 120 Political Science, Courses in,

170-173 Poultry Husbandry, Courses

in, 194 Preceptors (Medical), 24 Pre-medical Curriculum,

229-231 Prizes, 74-79

Awards, 1938, 316-318 Professors, 11-19 Prospect Hall, 54 Psychology, Courses in, 174-

175 Publications, 96 Public School Music

(See Music) Radio Broadcasting, 87-88 Redstone Campus, 5 5

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344 University of Vermont

Redstone Dormitory, 53 Refund of Tuition, 61 Register, 259-324 Register of Students, 259-

302 Registration

Date of, 6-7 Of Freshmen, 124 Of Graduate Students,

83-84 Regulations, General, 97 Regulations for Loans, 61-62 Regulations for Women, 52-

53, 97-98 Related Minor, Definition of,

225 Religious Life, 92-93 Reports, Scholastic, 98 Requirements for Admission

(See Admission) Research Fellows, 23-24,

259-260 Reserve Officers' Training

Corps (See Military Science)

Robinson Hall, 53 Romance Languages, Courses

in, 175-178 Rules

(See Regulations) Sanders Hall, 54 Schedule of Entrance Ex­

aminations, 108-109 Scholarships, 65-73, 82-83 Science Hall, 47-48 Secretarial Courses, 135-136 Secretarial Curriculum, 231-

233 Seismograph Station, 47 Shop Practice, Courses in,


Shopwork for Entrance, 121-122

Shorthand, Courses in, 135 Slade Hall, 53-54 Social Organizations, 94-95 Social Science Curriculum,

224-228 Sociology, Courses in, 179 Solid Geometry

(See Geometry) Southwick Memorial Build­

ing, 50-51 Spanish, Courses in, 178

For Entrance,! 14-115 Special Students, Admission

of, 123 Stenography, 13 5

For Entrance, 122 Stores, University, 44, 48 Student Activity Fee, 56 Students in Residence, 303-

305 Student Union (Women),

94 Students, List of, 259-302 Studio Fees

(See Laboratory Fees) Summer Session

Announcement, 88-89 Faculty, 1938, 34-38 Graduate Students in,

260-263 Graduate Work in, 8 5-86 Students, List of, 293-302 Summary of Attendance,

1938, 305 Supervisors of Teaching,

24 Tuition, 59

Teachers* Conference, 89

Text Books, Estimated Cost, 59-60

Transfer from other Col­leges, 101, 123-124

Trigonometry, Courses in (See Mathematics) For Entrance, 119

Trustees, Board of, 8-9 Committees of, 9

Tuition, (Sre Fees)

Typewriting, Courses in, 135

Uniform, Military, Cost of, 60, 220

University of Vermont, The Corporation of, 42

University of Vermont and State Agricultural Col­lege, Corporation of, 42

"University Row" 55 University Stores, 44, 48 Vacations

(See Calendar) Veterinary Science, Course

in, 203 Warner House, 54 Wilbur Vermont Library,

46 Williams Science Hall, 47-

48 Women, Rooming Regula­

tions, 52-53, 97-98 Women, Physical Education

for (See Physical Education)

Zoology, Courses in, 179-181, 203-204

For Entrance, 120

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What is the University of Vermont known for? ›

Making an impact on Vermont and beyond

As Vermont's land-grant think tank, we are nationally acclaimed for tackling everything from farm viability to environmental growth, and we support commercialization and major job creation in the region through our partnerships and innovation.

Is the University of Vermont a public or private school? ›

The University of Vermont is a medium-sized public university located on an urban campus in Burlington, Vermont.

What city is UVM in? ›

Burlington, VT | The University of Vermont.

What colleges are there in Burlington, Vermont? ›

Is UVM still a public ivy? ›

It is one of the original eight Public Ivies. UVM is organized into ten schools, including seven undergraduate colleges, an honors college, a graduate college, and the Robert Larner College of Medicine. Vermont's largest hospital complex, the University of Vermont Medical Center, has its primary facility on campus.

What GPA do you need to get into UVM? ›

University of Vermont's average GPA requirement is 3.66 on a scale of 4.0. So, in other terms, candidates need to get 87-89% in all their high school subjects to meet the UVM GPA requirement. But, it might be challenging to increase the GPA due to time constraints.

Is UVM a hippie school? ›

For decades, the University of Vermont has been known as a hippie school. Just mentioning the name “Groovy UV” often conjures images of dreadlocks, drug rug sweatshirts, and Phish paraphernalia in the minds of those who have never even visited.

How white is UVM? ›

UVM Racial Demographics:
4 more rows

Is UVM prestigious? ›

University of Vermont is ranked No. 54 (tie) out of 255 in Best Education Schools. Schools were assessed on their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is the #1 college in Vermont? ›

Middlebury College

Middlebury is renowned for its Language Department as well as its programs in economics and international studies. The college has a robust international program (75 programs in 40 countries); over 50% of juniors take a semester abroad.

Is Vermont a good place to live? ›

The state is famous for its four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique charm. From the vibrant fall foliage to the snowy winters perfect for skiing, there's something for everyone. Vermont has a fairly low crime rate (compared to other states), making it a safe place to live.

Is Burlington, Vermont a good place to live? ›

Burlington is a town in Vermont with a population of 44,646. Burlington is in Chittenden County and is one of the best places to live in Vermont. Living in Burlington offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes.

What majors are UVM known for? ›

The most popular majors at University of Vermont include: Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Social Sciences; Natural Resources and Conservation; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Health Professions and Related Programs; Engineering; Psychology; Education; Computer and Information Sciences ...

What is VT university known for? ›

Virginia Tech, a former military technical institute in Blacksburg, encourages students to “invent the future.” It is a research powerhouse, with seven research institutes and two university research centers that offer undergraduate and graduate students research opportunities.

Why is UVM so popular? ›

Aside from its spectacular campus, ranked No. 1 in the U.S. by Travel & Leisure magazine, the University of Vermont is teeming with attributes that appeal to prospective students, including more than 10,000 internships, incredibly high job placement and a strong academic reputation.

Why is UVM called a public ivy? ›

UVM, or the University of Vermont, has indeed been referred to as a "public Ivy" because of its strong academic programs and overall quality of education. However, while UVM is a great school, it is important to keep in mind that the term "public Ivy" does not imply equivalence with top private Ivy League schools.


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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