Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

1 A CAMDEN DAILY COURIER, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 19910 SUBURBS NEWS OF THE SUBURBS BY COURIER STAFF CORRESPONDENTS THE CITY KID VA SURE (OM OM AW, YOU PANTS HAD YOU LOOK SURE, ON WHEN ALL RIGHT YOV LOOK CAME WITHOUT BETTER SKIRTS WITH US IN YOU 800 H0-0 ILL TELL A POLICEMAN IF YOU PONT GIVE ME BACK MY PANTS (Copyright.) WEST COLLINGSWOOD Windeld Predmore of 122 returned 10-1A, Barnegat and New How Roberts, 1w weeks in Horner. Mall: spent over Sunday with Mra Kiridge avenue Albert Gillette spent 1h- in Haddon Heights ford Bikinin has from Atlantic City. Miss Hudson. of avenue, the whor* for Mra Mary Jack. ell who ham been unproving.

Mr. It. hased hich of Mrs. Lick Mr ra The the place 1. Ineet ON Friday 114 Are hall for the purpose LIVA to the at coming fair.

Another Hareford A taken. weck4 ho wet. misort won the 0 0 00 the Largest $100. In a anor: ime bi big dinner to the In honor the past card party be benefit of h. Thursia porch Mra Alter: Skillmen.

411 Riches as ente GLOUCESTER M. Mild -1 el Jut. n- nod h. the 'it Mra Harlan 3 Miner daug' ter will 1114 1 vacation Atlantic frienda George Ltek. former And pT of Sunset In tional Pank barely being Ad Express chine and ran up against an awning.

it. The machine dislodged a from place which foil. bare ing hitting Mr pet4 on the Stanley Miller, liarold Ken and Ralph Kenworthy returned resterday after spending the week end. at Atlantic Announcement has been made of marriage of John F.a en of 112 Hunter street. NOT of and Mr.

Caves, to Miss Mary Corbett, of den. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev Carroll M. (Surck, rector of the E. Church of the Ascens on Lente Morton, clerk of the Board of Education, has returned after spending the past week at Atlantic Mias Florence Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Cook. of Third and Hunter streets, is very ill at her home with typbold fever. Camp No 56, of will meet in weekly session in Luker's tonight Mr and Mra George Barnard and family, of South Burlington street. Aero Sunday vlaitors at National Park Star of Promise Lodge, No 14, Shepherds of Bethlehem, will meet tonight in Prickett's Hall. Miss Miriam Newman, of the Delaware Water Gap, in the guest of Prof and Mra.

R. Daisey and family At their home on Market street The body of Edna, the young daughter of Mr. and Mra Frank Mo Donnell. of Wilmington, Del. who died on Sunday, will be brought here and the funeral will take plare tomorrow mort ing from the residence of her aunt, Mrs.

Alfred Wolf. 410 South Broadway with interment In St Mars's Cemetery Howard Haines, of Laurel Springs, on Sunday motored to this city and spent the day the guest of Dallas Gray, of Hudson street The Anna Danaher. Anna Hanley. Oakes. Grace Hanley and Grace Oakes were Amon those who went from here to National Park Sanday.

Tearing up Broadway at the rate of about fifty miles an hour last evening party of Joy riders in an antomobile never stopped when they came to the crossing of the Atlantic City Rallroad at Broadway and Salem street, with the realt that they took the safety cates alone with. them. 88 Note Music Rolls 25c. Why not buy at home and save time and car fare? Large assoriment to be had at LENNY'S MARKET AND GLOUCESTER CITY, N. J.

Special orders for music rolla executed on one day's notice. Call and got en August I catalogue. of WANT CLEMENTON RAIDS PUBLISHED Township Committee Fails to See Use of Smothering War on Vice Kirkwood. Aug Clementon town. ship committee met in regular seshion yesterday afternoon Solleltor King wan requested to get definite Information 10 whether the 10:41 leading over the dam is on record as a public road, 60 that proper action can be taken to have obstructions removed that now close it to travel.

Clementon tow purchased parcel of land in Gloucester township from Eliza Jane Bartholomew, and him deed for same under date of July 1. 1915. The land adjourns property of George P'orter, W.10 18 maid to have been interfering with men in employ of the township who were taking gravel from the property for township purrpoxes, claiming they were trespassing on his He was arrested on Saturday, taken before Squire Wright and fined. $5 and costa. The clerk was instructed to communi.

cate with Squire Wright the lion of the township committee of his efforts 10 clear the town of oh. etionable clubs and persona The quest on of having special offi meet trolley cars arriving a 1 the terminal from 10 p. 171 10.3 and Immediately arresting the male and female drunks and dissolute characters who sometimes arrive on those rare. WAS discussed The policy of trying to suppress formation and keep out of the purblt. press the results of raids made oN clubs In Clementon was unofficially diNand the opinion expressed was that such action had a tendency to courage clubs to continue to break the law, but few people ever heard the facts 1n the and the Mnes did not botaer further that the morals of Clementon and the effects to the youth of the town should he rather than the claims of those arrested that they 'are Sunday acholars and MORA and daughters of respectable parents Such hypocrary should he poRed.

Measures will be taken to enforce the auto traffic rules regarding the stopping of autos on the wrong aide of the road The township adopted the following scale of wages double team cart and horse, $3.50, men each $2 per day. Billa 10 $332 44 Were ordered paid, LAUREL SPRINGS A visitor was badly bitten by dog on Sunday and was Kiven medical treatment before leaving for him home Edward. Blizzard has returned to Bridgeton after A vimit with Martin Gibba, of Lindenwold. Mayor and Mra Louis Pink. of Park avenue, are Ocean City visitors.

Mrs. Horner. of Park avenue, Is en tertaining her daughter Dr. and Mra Cook, of Park avenue. ate on a vacation at Toms River Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Phillips and children, of Logan, PA. Are guests of friends here. Mra. Walter Ladd.

of Camden, apent the week end with friends on Linden avenue. Mable Bush, of Park avenue, bitten on the head by a dog, and is under medical care 0 TEACHERS SUMMER HOOT ENDS SESSION THIS WEEK. Collings wood. Aug The State Summer School In t.ie high hool here, to nearing the close of 114 1916 weasion. with only this week temaining for atudy, and exhibitions fIn Friday afternoon and Saturday all the members of the faculty residing out of Collingawood will pack up And K0 home.

The exhibition of work in no on and the last few days of the week will be devoted to the publte who wIll be invited to view what tae over 400 teacher- -students have been doing during the past mix weeks. Today practically ended the new course of observation and the children who were NO punctual in their it. tendance will diamissed tomorrow with six weeks of added knowledge Yesterday after school many of the students gave a merry piente at Clem. enton Park. At the last assembly morning a very interesting program was rendered.

Keep In Touch with the news in your hometown while enjoying your vacation by having the Daily Courier MAILED TO YOUR ADDRESS A WEBK 25cts Month A postal to Circulation Department will bring it to you POISON TABLETS CAUSE DEATH OF TOT IN SUBURB Haddonfield, Leon, the three sear old Mr. and Mrx Lent. of West End died after eating several head. he The child red by her mother eating the table had climbed up Gloxe! to get Leon look the child at once the oft of br. where the of ply proved futile child pawning shortly afterward The one WitH favorite the helghborhood The famili from Atlantie City Sunday The arrangements for the funeral have not jet been COLLINGSWOOD Agitation grow borough oVer the fart that factory has been within with the consent of the building tuapertor, and ordinance which states In be eterted in but fire though the Mayor a rid think the building sale be built fir wood and fire paint.

Frank Bond other and to check the building he Introduced resolution Conn it demanding that attention bel given the Are zone bullding ordinance, and. according 10 his statement, he to keep the resolution where 11 keep going Mr. and MIn W. Griffenburz and family motored to Sunda enjo.ed one of tire poplar Lattip meetings Han Batchelor, badly injured his getting but hopes to from njury will not pale for elention to Mrs. Charles lingel and ton avenue, are City this week.

Ont the spacious lawn of the home Dr. Eugene M. C'offee there will be meeting of ali the weekday the Fit F. Church An religious program has been which will include tractions. IL 11 1 light wit! he heard after will be free for open met Miss Winnie Maurans of Frazer Due.

14 becoming very her China painting exhibitions lantie Hey Alfred Wage and family. of Park avenue. will: lease thia 10 ADend their the and their MOT on Long I-land. Harold Curriden has returned from A Week end at Salem On Thursday night six automobiles will load-d to Clementon where. after having Park.

fresh water ening they will indulge in the pleasur of A These will take CAT party. JAmIeR A Taylor. Diffenderfer. B. M.

Thompson, 49 of MorTiN Haddonn-ld. and for. amden Mrs. Emma Siminons. of Atlantic A building a Of Fern hear Maple avenue Dr.

Franklin Jones Park are and family, of avenue, enjoying month at the shore. William Simmons, of Atlantic Va returned from Harper's Ferry, Miss Myrtle Tallferro, of Macon, Ga Charles relatives. Mr and Mra visiting W. Wolfkiel. on Stokes for several avenue, Mr and Mra Joseph Mr.

and Mra William Rainey, Harry Thompson and Rather ATe week at Haddon Hall, enjoying Atlantic City The Greater Collingswood and Loan Association Building business doing 80 much that the directors find It to hold every. month to complete meeting business the regular liman Frank Bond. 18 president of the association Hefner has house 10 who now family occupies and moted to 19 Lees The U'nhera' Amsociation M. of the First E. church will meet Friday night MERCHANTVILLE Mrs.

George Munday, of West Cedar avenue, la home from a vacation spent at High Point: Mrs. C'onstance Crichton the sea breezes at Beach enjoying Haven Mr. 4nd Mira. William Baetty, of West Walnut venue, back from A stay Townsend's Inlet. Charles Myers and family Atlantic city for their vacation Mr and Mrx William Wilson, of Walnut avenue, have returned from A weeks stay at Ocean City Benjamin Townsend, of Maple terrace, is entertaining M.

Simons of West Philadelphia Mr. and Mra Walter Evert, of Walnut avenue. are home after a week at Townsend's Inlet Mr. and Mra. 1.

R. Bangard, Irving avenue, visited friends at Media, Pa. on Sunday. and Mra Walter Ball and Mr. and Mra Harry Low, motored to Fenton Beach.

Del, on Sunday. Mine Laura Gardiner. of Philadelphia, spent several days as the guest of her Mra. 8. Thomas of Volan street.

Troop A. of Camp Fire Girls connected with Trinity M. K. Church are ning lawn fete to be held on the church lawn on next Friday and Saturday evenings. WOODLYNNE The Camp Fire Girls and the Aid of the M.

E. Church will peach festival On Cedar avenue in front of the church next Saturday evening. Delbert, of Cooper avenue, fell off a porch and broke her arm. Mra. H.

Casey, of Cooper avenue, 18 on the wick list Mra. W. Camerson, of Cedar avenue, spending a week at Townsend'. Inlet. Mira.

Childs, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mra. John Keenan, of Elm avenue. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Woodlynne Fire Company was held last night at the fire hail. George Randolph, of Elm avenue, has reutrned from a trip to New Orleans. Mine Mildred Kaminakie, of Collingswood, was 1 visitor at the home of Mra.

Dannera, of Elm avenue, CONTRA AWARDED FOR NEW DAM AT HADDONFIELD. Aug. 8 meet of the Borough Commissioners he last evening the contract for the new dam. at Eran's pond, awarded to Hennessy, All of the contract price being the work will be done 11 the unit price according to the bid F. Young was appointed last night as inspector for the borough salary of $3.00 per day.

It will be the work of the Inspector to oversee all of the new work being done In the borough In the line streets and bridges. WESIMONI MARLION BARRINGION amien. HADDONFIELD Avondale he.d family shortly Highway. to Park who Pa Hug turned home beth the Baltimore Aned to montha Lowdare Mr. and of Mad venue, 40 badly damaged by again: Miss Emma Stein, of has retimed home after at the shore MAGNOLIA Mrs Fearn.

of Brooklyn, will make an extended visit with Mrs. Spiegel, of Evesham avenue Telley Olsen, of Warrick avenue, has heen visiting friends at. Clementon Heights. Borough Council will meet on Thursday night in Mechanic's HalL The Civic Association contempla taking a fishing trip to the shore. Mrs.

John Taylor, of White Horse pike, ca entertained friends from Germantown for the week Mrs. Frederick Buckner, of White Horse pike, la entertaining friends Protection Counell, 146, Jr. 0. U. A will meet to regular session tonight TYPHOID SPREADS IN SISTER CITY Three New Cases Reported 10 Board of Health in Scattered Sections AUDUBUN for 4AYP'S WONDERFUL STOMACH REMEDY ONE DOSE.

WILL CONVINCE STRATFORD Marley and Mr. returned from and of York, with Mr. and ninn avenue Mr. 1141 children guesta of Mra (Y Brien erday Banishes Nervousness Puts Vigor and Ambition Into Run Down, Tired Out Pe p'e. If you feel tired out.

out of sorta dementally of physically depressed, and lack the desire, to accomplish things. get cent box of WenAmbition Pills at Cowgille today and four troubles will be over. you much toe much. or because of overwork of any kind, Wendell' Ambition Pills will make you feel better in three days of money back from Wm. gill a on the Brat box purchased.

For all affectiona of the nervous ayetem, constipation, loss of appetite, lack of confidence, trembling, kidney or liver haunted vitality or weakness of any kind. Ret DOx of Wendell's Ambition Pille today on the money back plan. Mall orders Ailed, charges prepaid, by The Wendell Pharmacal Company, Ind. Syracuse, -Adr. ped 1.

AL EDUCATION BOARD NAMES INSPECTORS Dr. Duncan W. Blake, and W. L. De Lap Succeed Gloucester Democrats A August meeting the A da! Sr.

and 'ember Dr Bake and mer re and DIe alri Dr Dr John H. Bennett. Mra 4 Hi-: TORI: D. hits. Her Teachers month men hool anger like will steel fax The Hunter and Pon ell repainted and the bids the A The Property it Comm.

1 also purchase curtains for the and and Ridgway street schools The same committee was ern powered to secure the service of a man and repair the deska of the Hunter street school CLEMENTON Mra Finos Jarvia of Berlin avenue has been entertainine Miss Maude Lock of Philadelphia of Philadelphia. his aunt Mra Fred erick Nolte, of lakerlew avenue The Infant son of Mr. and Mr. lam Cartwright, of Trenton was buried on Sunday, interment made in Berlin. Membranous croup the cause of death Mra Edward Brandt.

of Chew continues Improve from her injuries in an auto accident Mothers of small children are breaking In Philadelphia since the quarantine has cane into effect Mrs Picot, of Berlin: avenue, has been tertaining friends Walter Duncalfe, of Berlin avenge, has An attack of rheumatism in the left a riat A New Jerse automobile parts took of the lawn the home Mra. Nolte, last and used abusive and profane language when to leave An effort being made to trie them through the number of the Mins Dorothy Woodco*ck will take her vacation later In the season. HADDON HEIGHTS I TOMOBILE TURTLE AND FOUR FU APE: OAKLYN Mi: Mri Sunda not ki led badly lured by he man friend and reside ng the the the the vicinity of the ridge Timber the nirol that roadhed hicher the met along ofthe andine road fell The felt In the with the A. Ellott; Wham Bakely of here. cident.

them from righted and names. the quickly the behind to they being shaken up their perilous experience The Coolest Place Gloucester is Buena Vista Park DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH Swept by cooling and invigorating breezes all the time. An ideal place to spend your afternoons and evenings, CONCERT TONIGHT BY METROPOLITAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with MRS. J. MUELLER, Soloist.

This afternoon in Children's Day, with all amusem*nts one cent per ride. Sature day afternoon PROF. MILTON JOHNSON will make another and more thrilling balloon ascension Low it wood ney, end leave 10 400 pike, of the and TINDIA, from beat grAd the h. 04 A Vas Mina of 6cts.

Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

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