Niles National Register from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

i Vista 214, 235; his supplemental artillery 232-3-4; report of volunteers, account of the train, arrival there of the dead and reports of ordered from Matamoros to Mon- wounded, arrival of troops, gen Cadwallader reaches officers of light gen 240, Cushing. 250; forces Tennessee regiment returns to New the train with reinforcements and takes command 276-7; terey 250, 251; 3d dragoons Kendall's account of movements, detachment under Orleans 240; forces how posted Shover's official report capt Bainbridge leaves Puebla for Vera Cruz, affairs on ordered to join to Monterey 252; remarks the route 276; report of the determination to remove gen Scott 250; It. on 251; a amount march of from gen Camargo 'Taylor's forces, unpublished letter the military depot from V. Cruz to Tuspan and opening ft om gen reinforcements 264-5; movements of troops, a new line of communication, Tampico had threatened, advanced, ingeneral orders of department, complimentary, battle of surrection the attempted, Mexicans had report sent that Scott propositions of peace Buena Victory at Vista, Cerro gen Gordo, Taylor's number of announcement cannon captured 265; 277; contradicted 297; exhaustion of the troops returning of Scott's and that 298; movement and posi- to Vera Cruz, rumors and disatisfaction at the manner items 288, 298; for, ordered back to embark the train had managed, Santa Anna's manifesto on reguerrilla affair tion of corps, reinforcements advancing abandoned 308; suming command 277; review of the posture of our sefor Vera Cruz, all hope of starting for when returniug veral armies 288; gen Cadwallader, after several Tennessee regiment when letter from maj Gaines 327; gen conflicts reaches Jalapa with the train, gen Pillow organfrom the campaign, 328; letter from Monterey izing another reinforcement at Vera Cruz, vomito fatal. Hopping, camp of instruction to Mexican enquiry as to man- guerrillas audacious 297; gen Pillow marches with 1800 329; gen.

Taylor's reply men and 125 waggons, his skirmish with guerrillas; rener of conducting to the be war 341; occupied gen Taylor's volunteers orders under port arrives at Vera Cruz that Santa Anna was dictator, No. 68, him 342; assigning items posts and rumors 343; train attacked 368; items and at the head of 30,000 men, 298; dr. Vanderlenden, starving Mexicans at the battle of Buena rumors from the will army have and over the 20,000 capital "men, 304, general 'Union' Pil- in373, Indiana volunteers, corporal Agnew. 411 sists that Scott 399; 'the low's letter, general Patterson's opinion, release of major "ARMY OF INVASION." Gaines and other persons 307; met and detained by Report that Santa Anna had ordered the evacuation Cruz, Urrea en route for Tampico, preparations for defence, of Vera Cruz 20; preparations for attacking Vera Jalapa evacuated, less than 300 men garrison V. Crnz, 83-4-5-6, Union's statement of forces under gen Taylor, 90; col Mansfield's account of the battle 99; gen Taylor's movement to re-open communication, pursues Urrea 100; his official report thereof 151; movement at Camargo 100; his pursuit of Urrea unavailing 112; items 114; gen Taylor's official report, battle B.

Vista 117; Santa Anna's official report 117; Santa Anna's orders, found on the B. Vista battle field 150; gen Taylor to the inhab. bitants of Tamaulipas, Nueva Leon, and Coahuila 152; Wool at Buena Vista 156; position of gen Taylor's porces 160, 165; preparations for advancing on San Luis, 165; ndian rubber bigs, term of volunteers expiring capt. Hughes' account of battle of Buena Vista 169; maj Gaines' official report 175; diminution of Taylor's forces 184; Mexicans massacred, retribution, Ogleby massacred 154; Simmons 198, Canales' proclamation, Camanche depredations 199; official report of maj Chevallie's expedition, gen Wool's official report 202; half gen. Taylor's forces ordered to Vera Cruz to reinforce gen Scott 208; col Lane's statement, Indiana vol.

at B. 269; official delay, 32; gen Scott reaches Tampico from division the em- Rio barked from Tampico 35; 59; gen Worth's division cmGrande, proceeds to Lobos. gen Twiggs' barks from Brazos, reports that Santa Anna was marching on Monterey in large force, and that gen Taylor was falling back 48; recruits respecting embarking atrocities 48; 49; gen army Scott's concentrating at Lobos 59; gen Worth reaches general order No. 20, Lobos, operations at that island, editorial 68; landing remarks of on the the 69, bombardment and surrender of Vera Cruz and can paign ib; Vera Cruz invested of army the castle 81; officers killed and wouuded ib; general Scott's official report of landing and investing, correspondence relative to foreigners in the city 96; the 100; seige, col Harney's operations fight after near V. Cruz 102; official report of the surrender, forces employed capitulation and surrender of Vera Cruz and of the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa 107; Quitman's brigade marches on Alvarado which surrenders to lieut Hunter 114; army movements towards the capital 112; list quits of Vera killed Cruz and for wounded Jalapa, 132; arrival of col Bankhead 137; gen Twiggs' division road from Vera Cruz to Mexico, Mexicans evacuate V.

Cruz, S. Anna's address to the Mexicans thereon, his address to his army on marching from San Luis to the capital, his march thence and inaugural address 136, 168; his address on quitting the capital to encounter 168 gen Scott -Official report of gen Scott and his subordinates, of capture of Vera Cruz 142, 158; general 141; orders, the disposi- army tions for marching to the interior advances, ascertain that Santa Anna is at Cerro Gordo 144; Mexican narrative of events at Vera Cruz 149; picnic gen Scotts proclamation to the people of Mexico 150; at tion official list of killed and wounded at V. Cruz Tampico 151; orders No. 94, relative to transporta159; victory of Cerro Gordo 160; Jalapa taken 163; Perota taken 264; scenes witnessed on the route. from Cerro Gordo, effects of the news of the defeat of Santa Anna at the capital 164; orders of battle, gen Scott's official report 167; list of Mexican officers taken 170; assurances of the 'Union' that Scott will be reinforced that by end of May, equal to the number of volunteers leave 177, 192, 189; Kendall's account of the battle of C.

G. 182; maj Turnbull's account, other accounts 183; report that a deputation from the capital had met gen Scott, inviting him to advance and take possession, guerrilla warfare on the route, La Vega and other prisoners, items, Salas' guerrilla proclamation, mediation, Santa Anna's whereabouts, rumors and incidents 185; gen Scott's design to relinquish the line of communication, Mexican account of the battle of C. gen Scott's official report 168; list of volunteer corps whose time expires, promise of the 'Union' 192; gen Scott's advance corps quits Jalapa for Puebla, a large train with supplies for which Walker's he had been waiting, quits V. Cruz same day 198; dragoons arrive at Vera Cruz, Mr. Trist reaches Scott's Vera Cruz and proceeds to headquarters, barbarities, forces reduced to 0000 men foray upon Santa Fe, Scott's general order on advacing from Jalapa 198; Juan Morales' contradiction, an account of the battle Cerro Gordo, gen Twiggs' official report 199; gen Worth takes Perote 201; gen Scott's proclamation to the Mexican nation 214; gen Worth takes, Puebla, items 224; gen orders respect- INDEX.

military deportment and prohibiting gambling 230; Jalapa stage attacked 240; reinforcements promised, vomito prevailing at V. Cruz, col Sowers with despatches for gen Scott massacred and the despatches captured. robbers taken and tried, R. Frio pass Mexicans fortifying it, col Haskell, rumors of insurrection at Puebla 249; gen Scott advances; gen Twiggs enters Puebla 249; affairs on the route from Vera Cruz to Jalapa, forces at Vera Cruz. Kendall states Scott's aggregate available force at 9000 men 250; remarks and statements relative to his force, train under col McIntosh start from Vera Cruz 264; general orders of war department, ding conduct at number of cannon captured 265; Santa Anna's official notice of gon Scott's proclamation 265; gen Pillow's address to the public 270; vomito increasing at Vera Cruz, train under Mcintosh attacked and forty waggons lost, communication cut off, guerrillas of 272; account of the attack on the train 275.

276; gen Worth's official report of march to and occupation of Puebla, gen Scott's preparations to advance on the capital 275; return of Duperu's dragoons to V. Cruz, his Tabasco taken, gen Scott detained at Puebla for want of reinforcements and supplies, Cadwallader at Perote waiting arrival of Pillow's forces, foraging party at- zos tacked, rumors, gen Pierce at Vera Cruz organizing reinforcements 308; estimate of force in the field 327: of remarks thereon 328; maj Gaines letter, affair near 'Tabasco, 327; gen Scott's council of war, whether to advance or delay for reinforcements, Mexican account of of Scott's force 336; items, Union's implied consure of Scott relative to 'Trist's proposals 341; escape and arrival of 8 American prisoners 342-3; letter from Puebla and Alvarez 344; Pierce's train attacked, returns to' V. Cruz, for reinforcements, advances again, Scott still at Puebla. col De Russ ey's detachment attacked returns to Tam pico, alarm there, col Gates' requisiton, another report that Mexican commissioners were appointed to treat 352; battle at Huajutla 357-8; march of the train under McIntosh from Vera Cruz to Perote 359; items 368; report that the capital was taken 372; speculations men thereon, gen Pierce leaves Vera Cruz with 3000 to join Scott 373; Union's statement of forces 374; by general the orders at Vera Cruz, affairs there, spy arrested Mexicans with despatches 374; rumors contradicted, Pierce's train reach Perote 384; his affairs with the guerrillas, Scott despatches Smith's brigade to meet him 394; letter from Puebla 395, accounts from the capital 396; Tabasco evacuated, De Russey's official report, battle of Huajutla 396; Nat. Int.

on Scott's probable course 400; Union's comments and their version, flag of truce rela. to prisoners 409; Mr. Trist despairs of negotiating at present, correspondence between gen Scott and Santa Anna relative to peace intercepted by the Mexicans, project for opening communications from Vera Cruz to Jalapa 409; maj Lally's affair at National Bridge, gen Pierce joins gen Scott, who issues orders to his several 416 divisions to advance on the city of Mexico. 1 War steamers, bill for constructing four, and employ. ing twelve others passed constructing 371, steam.

iVar tax on exports from Mexican ports, discontinued by com. Perry 386 400 Warehoused goods WASHINGTON, when proposed for the presidency 334; address presented to, on his way to the grand ral congress 352; governor Johnson of Maryland, first to nominate, as commander in chief of American armies 414; correspondence of his military secretary 415 Washington National Monument report on funds 257 of Washington Magnetic Telegraph elections 301 Washington city. illumination 161 Washington steamship 193; Washington, offi. report, B. Vista 232 Warchouse goods 400 Wayne, gen, 337 Webster, senator, remarks in sen.

on peace 22; speech on three million bill 40, 42; tour south, reception at Raleigh 148; at Richmond, Charleston S. C. speech 190; reception at Columbia 191; unwell at Augusta, at Boston 256; speech to students at Columbia 268; letter to Chicago conven. 332 Webster, offi: report B. Vista 233 Weights and measures, prices affected, by different legal weights of grains 247 Weightman, promoted 244; letter from 372 Wentworth, Mr.

on sup. tariff bill 4 West Point cadets, orders to 386; Mil. Acad.1 Western Borders 243; Western Hospital Westcott, senator, on three million bill defence 128 Wheat, new crop at market 256; Muskingum Co. 0. 260; harvest 336; Wheaton, Henry, on the right of succession, in mark 49; returns home 193; dinner to 290 Wheeling suspension bridge at, over Ohio riv.

er 160 Whipple, taken prisoner 394; letter from, treat. ment 398 Whirling Thunder, Indian chief obit. 17 Whittlesey, Elisha, 257 White, Mr. on Paul Jones' claim 5 Willock, in new Mexico letter from Monterey 329 Wilks, Mr. on sup.

to tariff 4 Williams, inaugural 244 307 Wise, Mr. minister at Brazil, item 129 Wood, R. letter to Chicago conv. 309 Wool 330; statistics 331, 340; Woollens 380; Woollen factory, Utica 375 IVool, at Buena Vista, letter from 83; his campaign 155; official report Buena Vista 202; his letter 204 Willis, biographic 364 Wilmot Proviso -yeas and nays, in senate on striking out classification of the votes on 18; Reverdy Johnson's speech on 24; proceedings at Charleston on reception of Mr. Calhoun, and resolutions respecting, Virg.

resolutions 39; Mr. Calhoun's speech on 73; remarks of Evening Post thereon 75; gov. A. Brown's, of reply to Virginia resolutions 178; Mr. Rhett on 179; gov Williams on 245; Georgia adm.

conven. on 293; in Maine, Mr. speech on 376; resolutions adopt. 377; Washington 'Union' on. Eve.

Post, Ohio Jour. Charleston Mercury, Rich. Whig 408 Wilson, gov. V. Cruz 144 Winnebago Indians 321 Winthrop, Mr.

on relief to Ireland to WISCONSIN Territory--bill to admit as a state, passed Norwegians emigrants 20; state 35; constitution rejected by popular vote 114, 288; newspapere 195; frauds 288; taxable property assessed, Norwegian newspaper Women, organized as military in Switzerland 40 Worth, appointed maj. by brevet at 16; embarks 36; at Tampico 59; governor V. Cruz 100; items 186; offi. report occupation of Perote 201; march to and occupation of Puebla 275; court of innominated for presidency 416 letter to Chicago conv. 332 quiry 386; Mathew, donation 262 Wright, Silas.

Cerro Gordo 231 Wright, cap, biographic obit. 243 Wynkoop, Wyoming, Yeadon, reception Mr. W. 83-4 191 Yell, at Buena Vista Yellow fever, at Vera Cruz 197-8, 240: V. Raritan, frigate 338; New Orleans 394, 400; last pages Yeas and nays, on bill for relief of Ireland on Mr.

respective Nos. Berrien's amendment to three million bill ib: on 18; Oregon on passing government the bill 3,6, on amendment to army officers bill bill. on the Wilmot proviso 3, 6, 15 'a live with Abd-el-Kader 160 Yankee, YUCATAN- -Don Jose Robiria 113; blockade officially 274 extended to return of remains of 312 Zoll Verein, decline to renew treaty with G. Britain Zabriskre, 180 4 1 Li IN :1 44 1 3 4. 4.

Niles National Register from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.