The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY AUGUST 29 1878 3 OtKirtional ART STORE Previous to REMOVAL to the New Block now being erected for us at the comer of Main and Bridge streets we are making low prices on all goods with a view of reducing as much as possible our stock before said removal MANY CHORDS Parties wanting anything in the line of BOOKS STATIONERY ANCY GOODS GAMES TOYS BASE BALLS OOT BALLS POCKET BOOKS ISHnsical iflmljaninse MATERIALS WAX MATERIALS MIRRORS MIRROR RAMES EASELS BRACKETS PICTURE RAMES PAINTINGS ENGRAVINGS LITHOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS BRONZES Or other kinds of goods now in our store too nu merous to mention will profit by making immedi of 1 Parties wishing for a permanently valuable loca tion for their various kinds of business can exam ine the plan of the New Block and make arrange ment for the required room at my present place of business They can also see the plan at the office of George Potter architect INE ART JAMES STORE GILL Sankniptcp Notices TO TRUSTEES AMERICAN COL LEGES AND UNIVERSITIES William Humber's Great Work entitled A COMPREHENSIVE TREATISE ON THE Knabe pianos the best in the WORLD STIMPSON fegal Notices Hrofegsionol Cards Springfield Mass ate selections from this only large and now so rea sonably low priced stock Orders should be addressed to The orth Ameri can Reriew ew York Price per copy $1 per Year $5 APPLETON CO Publishers Piano Leg Manufacturer WESTIELD MASS ORTH AMERICAN REVIEW SEPTEMBER OCTOBER WITH PIPE AND LUTE With pipe and flute the rustic Pan Of old made music sweet for man And wonder hushed the warbling bird And closer drew the calm eyed herd The rolling river slowlier ran Ah! ah! would a little span Some air of Arcady could fan This age of ours too seldom stirred With pipe and flute! But now for gold we plot and plan And from Beersheba unto Dan self might pass unheard Or find the night note Not so it fared when time began With pipe and flute! Dobson at Honest Peices One visit will satisfy all that this is the place to find the choicest and highest grade of Pianos and Organs at lower rates than any ethers can give JAMES LEWIS 63 Pynchon st Agent for the celebrated Ivers Piano This is the first translation ever published of a novel by Paul Heyse who ranks as the most famous of the younger German novelists and it opens an entire new field to English readers The of the book is a club of Munich artists and their friends and the strong unconventional characters the charming picture of their intellectual Bohemia and the perfect freshness of this new circle to the most hackneyed novel reader would of themselves make the story eagerly read even without the strongly wrought plot It is in short a perfect stud of a most dramatic phase of life which has never been so treated by a novelist before and should have in this country the great success which has attended its several editions in Germany It is not the novel of a day but a real classic ranking among the best books of contempo rary fiction writers Mailed post paid to any address within the United States on receipt of the price APPLETON CO Publishers 549 and 551 Broadway New York SECRET LOVE A secret love a hidden love A love must shun the light Like gold is often told In the watches of the night Recounting the secret store The grasp the clasp the kiss That worked the mingling the minds The oneness the wish Built from this sacred treasury The heart enshrines a saint Gifted the loveliness partial eye can paint wants and wishes hopes and fears May crowd and cloud the brain But evermore in thy core That image must remain Ainslie meeb erglanzte weit The sea loomed wide a shining flat The eve its parting smile lent By the lonesome house we sat Alone we sat and were silent Up rose the mist the surges rose The sea mew kept round us sailing And tears fell thickly and fast from those Sweet eyes with a gentle wailing Upon thy hand I saw them fall And there on my knees I sank down rom thy white hand I kissed them all These tears I kissed and I drank down Since then I have withered for years My soul like a dead thing to me That ill starred woman with her tears Has sent very poison through me translated by Theodore Martin £01518 COENEN MUSIC TEACHER Piano lessons $30 a quarter Address 169 MAPLE STREET Springfield Mass I also HAZELTON STEINWAY SONS HENRY MILLER HALLET DAVIS CO UNITED PIANO MAKERS CHICKERING SONS WOODWARD BROWN BACON KARR EMERSON PIANO CO GUILD CHURCH CO VO8E SONS PIANOS and SMITH AMERICAN ESTEY MASON HAMLIN ORGANS The above Instruments with many others to suit the purchasers are all furnished at greatly reduced rates Call and get prices before purchasing else where and save money Guarantees direct from th manufacturers given with every Instrument I soil Wholesale warerooms at 396 Main street Spring field (gPECIAL NOTICE TO BUYERS IRST CLASS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS New York June 8 This is to certify that Mrs Hutchins Springfield is the SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENT for the sale of our Pianos in Hampden Hampshire and ranklin counties Mass I STEINWAY SONS Boston June 8 This is to certify tliat Mrs Hutchins Springfield is the SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENT for the sale of our Pianos iu Hampden Hampshire and ranklin counties Mass CJIICITERING SONS The careful attention of the public is called to the above copies of letters in my possession as certain unscrupulous dealers in Cheap Pianos and Or gans are trying to attach some respectability to their swindling operations by pretending to furnish instru ments manufactured bv the time honored houses of Steinway Chickeriug Musou Hamlin and Estey Those who wish to buy wisely should bo on their guard and have nothing to do with parties who have so little regard for fairness and honesty There is danger that their warrants and statements of the in ferior goods they may wish to get oil their hands will contain as little truth as their advertisem*nts HUTCHINS Only Wholesale or Retail Agent of Steinway Sons Cbickering Sons Pianos and Mason Hamlin Organs iu Hampden Hampshire and ranklin counties and the Estey Organs In Hampden and Hampshire county District court of the united 5 STATES DISTRICT MASSACHU In Upon a petition pre sented to the court by John Huber of Springfield praying that he may be decreed to have a full discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Acts it is ordered that a hearing be had upon the same qn the 13th day of September A 1878 before the court in Boston in said dis trict at 10 a and that all persons in in terest may appear at said time and place and show cause if any they have why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted EDWARD DEXTER Clerk of said Court I KIN BEYOND THE SEA By the Right Hon Gladstone II TORPEDO WARARE By Porter Admiral III IS THE REORMER ANY LONGER NEED ED? By George Julian IV THE READJ USTMENT VOCATIONS By William Harris LL CIVIL SERVICE REORM By John Jay VI ALRED de MUSSET By Perry VII WHAT IS INSPIRATION? By the Rev Hedge DD the RevE A Washburn the Rev Chauncey Giles the Rev Newman the Most Rev James Gibbons I) Archbishop of Baltimore and John iske VIII CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE ISS BOARDING SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES Portsmouth Native rench and German teachers reside in the family School year begins Sept 18 Circulars on application pHICKERING PIANOS The oldest Pianos in America More than 55000 in use Always at the head or sale by HUTCH INS Exclusive Agent WATER SUPPLY CITIES AND TOWNS Ttf ASON HAMLIN irst DJL prize everywhere or sale wholesale and re tail by HUTCHINS Exclusive Agent THE SENSE TIME The more we live more brief appear Our succeeding stages A day to childhood seems a year And years like passing ages The gladsome current of our youth Ere passion yet disorders Steals like a lingering river smooth Along its grassy borders But as the care worn cheek grows wan And shafts fly thicker Ye stars that measure life to man Why seem your courses quicker? When joys have lost their bloom and breath And life itself grows vapid Why as we near the falls of death eel we its tide more rapid? THE SOUL IN ETERNITY This day before dawn I ascended a hill And looked at the crowded heaven And I said to my spirit When we become tho enfolders Of those orbs and the pleasure and knowledge of everything in them Shall we be satisfied then? And my spirit said No we but level that lift To pass and continue beyond! Whitman REMARKABLE GERMAN NOVEL I) Appleton Co will publish August 30 IN PARADISE HfRS SYLVANUS BOARDING Ivl AND DAY SCHOOL OR GIRLS Nos 6 and 8 East 53d st New York re opens October 1 1878 Trench is the language of the school The Collegiate course requires four years Every pro vision is afforded for the health and comfort as well as the thorough education of pupils A NOVEL rom the German of Paul Heyse (orming No 12 of oreign Iu two volumes Paper cover price 60 cents per volume in cloth per volume DISTRICT COURT THE UNITED DISTRICT 3LVSSACHUSETTS Upon a petition presented to the Court by Horatio Powell of Springfield praying that he may bo decreed to have a full dis charge from all his debts provable under the Bank rupt Acts it is ordered that a hearing be had upon the same on the 13th dav of September A 1878 before the Court in Boston in said district at 10 a and that all persons in interest may appear at said time and place and show cause if any they have why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted EDWARD DEXTER Clerk of said Court not because the names on itare ob jectionable but because it does not represent the reform and economy which the people demand ed The present collector William Tucker who has held the office for two terms pledged himself to be content with of the fees of the office and pay over the excess into the county school fund This pledge he faithfully kept paying into the school fund $7000 This so pleased the people that they wanted Mr Tucker kept in the office and the Tucker principle ap plied to other offices They were indignant therefore when the county convention ignored Tucker and nominated another man for the place The hubbub rose higher and higher till it reached a climax in a large mass convention the largest ever held in the county a few days ago The chairman was Mr Henry Larimore had entered the room in his shirt sleeves and with only one He was chosen with a tremendous aye and puttiug on his coat and with a single suspender Mr Larimore took his position on the stand and proceeded to deliver a brief at the close of which the meeting gave cheers for the one gallows and then buckled down to work It resolved that salaries of $1500 for the collector $1200 for probate judge $1200 for county clerk and $1200 for circuit clerk were sufficient and that no can didates should be supported who would not agree to perform the duties of those offices res pectively for the salaries attached and then nominated a full ticket PIANOS AND ORGANS at Wholesale A general assortment of all makes and varieties at No 396 Main street Springfield Mass STIMPSON Piano Leg Westfield Mass NT USIO SCHOOL PITTSIELD Mass Au all Term opens September 17 In new and ele location and with increased facilities in all epartments Instruction given in all branches of the Science and Art of Music as also in the English branches languages and all that pertains to a com plete education Prof Vocal Class in Spring field will be continued on Monday as heretofore or particulars catalogues etc apply either to Miss A BACON No 28 Spring st Springfield or at the school to BLODGETT Principal THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 1 twentieth day of August A 1878 a War rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Es tate of William fl Phillips of Pittsfield in the Countv of Berkshire and State of Massachu setts who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: that the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to such bank rupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law: that the petition was filed on the 10th day of August A 1878 to which date interest is to be computed: that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assign ees of his Estate will be held at a Court of Bank rupts to be holden nt Springfield Mass at Office of lin'd before Brown Esq Register on the 12th dav of September A 1878 at 10 a ROLAND USHER Marshal Mass District as Messenger TTNION ALBANY LAWJ Regular course one year beginning on the 3d of September Address Prof ISAAC ED WARDS Albany STEINWAY PIANOS Two Gold Medals and two Diplomas of Honor at Philadelphia Highest prize over the whole world or sale by HUTCHINS Exclusive Agent 1QK MUSIC LESSONS for $15 at the new ENGLAND CONSERVATORY Music Hall the largest music school in the world Open all the year 75 eminent professors 18000 students since 1867 Situations secured for its grad uates or prospectus address TOURJEE Music Hall Boston With Numerous Specifications and Drawings of Existing Works Illustrated with over 50 Double Lithographic Plates and 258 ood cuts BY WILLIAM HUMBER Assoc Inst Mem Inst Published in 1876 and heretofore sold by Ameri can Booksellers at $60 COPY is now offered for a limited number of copies at $10 PER COPY Issued in 12 monthly parts at $125 each part or $10 for the 12 parts if paid for $5 with order and $5 on receipt of first number Nos 1 and 2 each containing 24 pages of text and 4 Double Plates are already issued and No 3 will be ready in three weeks Only 500 oories are being published This edition is certain to be sold within a very short time and as it is absolutely cer tain that no other publisher will risk another edi tion the opportunity of obtaining at the very lowest trice at which it will ever be sold this Only Standard Work on Public Water Supply published in the English language should not be missed The reprint is identical in size of pago with the original and is printed in large type on heavy paper manufactured expressly for this book The litho graphic plates are exact reproductions of the orig inals and printed on heavy paper of supe rior quality to the original while the wood cuts are as nearly fac similes of the originals as they can be made by good engravers This edition is sold only by subscription It is not being canvassed and no discounts will be allowed If yon want it send direct to GEO ROST 153 Washington st Chicago (office of Engineering News) COMMONWEALTH MASSACHU SETTS Hampden sS PROBATE COURT the Heirs at Law Next of Kin and all other Persons interested in the Estate of Mary Bangs late of Springfield in said County deceased greet Whereas a certain instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased lias been presented to said Court for lrobate by JOHN Bangs who prays that letters testamentary may bo issued to Mm the executor therein named and that he may be exempt from giving a surety or sureties on his official bond as such executor: You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be held at Westfield in said County of Hampden on the third Tuesday of September next at 9 o'clock in the forenoon to show cause if any you have against tlie same And said petitioner is hereby directed to give pub lie notice thereof by publishing this citation once a week for three successive weeks in the newspaper called The Republican printed at Springfield last publication to be two days at least before said Court and to mail a copy of snch notice to each of said next of kin who may reside out of this Common wealth whose residence is known to the petitioner fourteen days at least before said Court i Witness William hurtluff Esquire Judge of said Court this twenty eighth day of Au gust tn the year one thousand eight hundred and eighf SAML SPOONER Register lorence kindergarten The Training Class for 1878 79 connected with lor ence Kindergarten will begin on Tuesday Oct 8 1878 or particulars applv to Mrs A ALDRICH Principal or HAVEN Secretary lorence Mnas Prospect hill school for young LADIES Greenfield or circular ad dress Rev MOORS or Miss SABRA WRIGHT Greenfield A TLANTIC MILITARY INSTITUTE 21 near Yale College Hamden Ct Rev and Walton Principals Catalogue on application VXTESTEND INSTITUTE OR YOUNG LADIES Mrs 8 CADY New Haven Ct TVESTIELD NORMAL SCHOOL or Both Sexes Next Term opens Aug 29 1878 (Entrance examination at 9 a m) Tuition free to those who intend to teach in the public schools of Mass Excellent facilities for laboratory practice ull corps of experienced teachers Board in beau tiful hall including room rent light heat and jy as Hing $75 per term of 20 weeks $80 for gentle Jno or Catalogues etc address vVTT estueiu rriHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the A twentieth day of August A 1878 a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of William 15 Miles of Springfield in the County of Hampden and State of Massachusetts who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: that the payment of anj debts and the delivery of any property belonging to such bank rupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law: that the petition was filed on the 16th day of August A 1878 to which date interest is to be computed: that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more as signees of his Estate wiH be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy to be holden at Springfield Mass at the Office of and before Brown Esq Register on the 13th day of September A 1878 at 10 a ROLAND USHER Marshal Mass District as Messenger PARK INSTITUTE Rye Westchester Co Wholly devoted to preparing boys for college Terms for board and tuition $500 a year Catalogues containing full information sent onre quest HENRY TATLOCK A Principal PEEKSKILL (N Y) MILITARY ACAD EMY Send for Illustrated Circular for 1878 79 QCHOOL OR GIRLS Middletown Ct all corps of teachers Best instruction Health mind manners morals all cared for Generous table Cheerful home Number limited RevBA SMITH SELECT AMILY AND DAY SCHOOL New Britain Ct Address CAMP QPRINGIELD COLLEGIATE INSTI JTUTE SPRINGIELD MASS The all Term will begin Sept 9 There will be an able corps of skilled and experienced Teachers The very best facilities will be given to both ladies and gen tlemen to prepare for College Scientific Schools Teaching Business or to take Special Courses in rench German Elocution Penmanship Book keeping etc or Catalogues or further particulars address the Principal Rev STEBBINS A QPRINGIELD ENGLISH AND CLASS KJ1CAL all Quarter opens Wednes day Sept 11 All Academic studies taught Apply at 51 Court st Springfield CHAS BURNETT SWARTHMORE Ten miles from Philadephia under the care of riends gives a thorough coUegiate education to both sexes who here pursue the same courses of study and re ceive the same degrees or catalogue giving full particulars as to course of study terms etc address EDWARD MAGILL President Swarthmore College Swarthmore Delaware County Pa Read the following extracts selected from many testimonials in their have tried your pianos and find them equal if not superior to any in the THALBERG have not seen their CLARA LOUISA KELLOGG Hf ISS Boarding and Day DA School for Young Ladies Pittsfield A limited number of Pupils received into the family of the Principal School year begins Sept 17 or Circulars address SALISBURY Pittsfield Mass us too much for me or I know the girl? meant it every To him character was everything and the instrument nothing The library at Vassar has no doors to its book cases and the room itself is scarcely ever closed must use up the books we said to him have them so free for the board sometimes he replied the books are made for the young ladies not the young ladies for the books The more they are used the And in Vassar they are in con stant use It was in accordance with the same principle that the riding school was abandoned when experience proved that it cost much and furnished exercise to but very few and the gymnastics were allowed to give way to boating and walking and other natural forms of exercise because the very mechanical regularity of the gymnastic drill which made it so beautiful de prived it of half its value Dr Raymond lived not for Vassar college both he anil the college lived for Vassar collegians and tian Union YOUNGATraKML "BROOKLYN HEIGHTS A The all session of the 28th year of this well ap pointed Day and Boarding School for young ladies will commence on the 18th of September or terms courses of study etc (Circulars will be sent on application to CHARLES WEST LL Prin cipal Nos 138 and 140 Montague st Brooklyn CIVIL and MECHANICAL ENGINEER At the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy Next term begins Sept 12 The An nual Register for 1878 contains a list of the graduates for the past 52 years with their positions also course of study requirements for admission expenses aiM auuress wji ivuj UfAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE for Young DA Ladies Pittsfield Long and most favor ably known Thorough collegiate and college pre paratory courses Superior advantages for music Location unsurpassed for beauty and salubrity Terms reduced Address Rev SPEAR or Rev AVERY the Principals for prospectus rpiLDEN SEMINARY West A Lebanon Patronized by half the states In the Union HIRAM ORCUTT A Principal lUISSS SCHOOL will DA re open Monday Sept 16 Miss Willard will be assisted by Miss Gertrude Kimball 257 Union st WESLEYAN emale College Wilmington 38th year begins Sept 9 Just refitted and refurnished Rev WILLIAMS A Pres A DAMS ACADEMY Quincy Mass 21 WILLIAM EVERETT Ph Master This Academy is intended to fit boys in the best manner for the best American Colleges Its success in this design during the six years of its existence under the late William Dimmoi has been grati fying Its course is four years and the tuition fee is $150 annually The next school year begins Sep tember 18 and the examination for admission will take place the day before Tuesday Sept 17 All ap plications for admission for catalogues and other information to bo addressed to the Master or WORDEN A Quincy Mass Mr Worden is in charge of the large Academy Boarding House and will receive applications for rooms The charge for room and board including washing is $350 annually PLEASANT AND HEALTHY HOME AND SCHOOL for motherless children under the care of Mrs READ 181 Capitol avenue Hartford Ct TVILLIAMSTOWN (Mass) English and Classical School for Boys A limited number received in familv of the principals Expenses $400 to $450 a year Circulars on application to Rev EGLESTON WILLISTON SEMINARY At EASTHAMPTON MASS The next Term will begin September 5 The full course of study in both the Classical and English Departments occupies four years though students will be fitted to enter the best Scientific Schools at the end of the third year Expenses as low as else where and free tuition to worthy students or catalogue containing full information address AIRBANKS Principal Hawthorn music school a Pri vate Boarding School for Young Ladies or particulars see Circular at Music Store Springfield Mrs CRAWORD Prin Hawthorn School 111 Hawthorn st Chelsea Mass ASELL SEMINARY for Young Women Auburndale Boston privileges with de lightful suburban hom*o Special care of health manners and morals of growing girls Unusual advantages in Music Elocution etc Send for catalogue BRAGDON Principal MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL DA Entrance examinations June 18 and August 29 or catalogue or a free scholarship worth $300 address CLARK Amherst Mass Hf ISS PRIVATE SCHOOL AT DA No 3 MAPLE ull Term will commence Aug 26 Particular attention given to fitting chil dren for different grades of the Public Schools MISS CATHARINE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL OR GIRLS WILL RE OPEN SEPTEMBER 23 1878 Miss Howard will be assisted by Miss Sophia Howard and Miss Ellen Warner Madame Louise Bonner teacher of rench Herr A Spieser teacher of German Miss Georgina Moore teacher of Draw ing and Painting ANOS AND Wholesale and Retail Agency for the sale of Pianos in North ern New England All makes represented A suc cessful record of thirty years in tne Piano business STONE SONS Salesroom Greenfield Mass ALcuiiiicicvory aihss piANOSI PIANOS 1 1 GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT rpHE ALL TERM of Miss Select A School will open Sept 2 at 580 State st Hours 9 till 12 a in Terms 50 cts per week IJIHE MAPLES A amily School for Young Ladles Richmond Hill Stamford Ct or Circulars apply to Miss A ESSENDEN Principal Wanted a Patent for a Chalk Several days ago an application reached the patent office from Strong and KateM Strong of Talladega Ala for a patent for an ant guard The petition which was a very funny one set forth that the Strongs who are man and wife had jointly put their minds together and had invented the most wonderful thing ever heard of to wit an which they went on to describe at great length They claimed that it was patentable as it was new and useful two things that are necessary to secure a patent The guard consisted of drawing a chalk mark around a table or other place by which it was claimed the approach of ants was stopped Mr Strong says and Mrs Strong swears it is true that an ant cannot walk over a chalk line and that all that is necessary to keep ants away from anything is to draw a chalk line around it It appears that chalk makes an legs slip up as soaping a track prevents a railroad engine from starting The petition was novel and caused considerable fun At last the commissioner of patents looked over the precedents and directed his law clerk to write a decision refusing the application on the ground that there was nothing new in the invention claimed that chalk had been used for such purposes heretofore and winding up with the general statement that such ideas are not patentable This decision was sent to the Strong family but it failed to satisfy them They had made up their minds that there was millions in their invention and they did not intend to be cheated out of it by any such decision As they have money they can pay lawyers To day there was filed an appeal from the decision of the commissioner of patents This appeal will be tried in September next in the circuit Letter to Hart ford Times American Ingenuity has again triumphed in London where the correspondent of the Rochdale Observer after hoping as usual that free trade was about to come in with a rush in America thus dilates on the latest arrival: This reminds me of the splendid new tram cars that have just been placed on the North Metropolitan lines They are so admirable that it is hardly possible to speak of them without enthusiasm They are 20 years in advance of anything that has hitherto been seen in and they are not only an American patent but they are brought over from America made and finished ready for placing on the rails They are made so light and easy of pull that they will carry eight more persons than those on the line before with only two horses (a third being hooked on occasionally for a bit of up hill) There are 11 places on each side of the knife rail outside and 11 on each seat inside and as they are very often full the two horses carry 44 persons besides the driver and conductor The most striking improvement is the outside seat Every seat is a separate flapper with a leather covered fixed cushion upon it When you are not sitting upon it you cannot see it for it has flown up with a spring and concealed its cushion in a hollow place in the side of the knife board You pull it out by a leather handle turning it upon its hinge till it lies flat upon the seat cushion upwards and you sit upon it and keep it there You must either sit upon it or hold it down or it will fly back to its place and conceal its cushion in the hollow of the knife board And so it never gets wet in the rain When you do not sit upon it it packs itself away and keeps itself dry ree trade gives us all the benefit of this fine American and the North Metropolitan tram way company goes on paying its shareholders 8 per cent The ox Girls as they used to be called 29 years ago when the Rochester (N Y) knockings attracted so much attention have been so little heard of lately that many persons suppose they have gone to the spirit land from which they claimed to receive innumerable communications They have not however They are in good health are said to have as firm faith in Spiritu alism and to he as extraordnary mediums as ever though but one of them now gives public exhibition of her powers This is the youngest of the three sisters Margaret ox or Margaret ox Kane (she was reported to have been mar ried to Dr Kane the Arctic explorer some time before his death though his relatives vehement ly denied the marriage) who is reported to be holding seances in London The second sister Catharine or Kate is living in rance the wife of a renchman possessed of a title The third sister Leah is Mrs Underhill and a resident of New York The rise of spirit rapping was ac cording to the believers in it as follows: In 1817 Michael Weekman of Hydesville Wayne county was surprised by knockings upon the door of his house which he could not possibly explain They so troubled him that he moved out and John ox and his family entirely honest and respectable folks moved in The knockings they were louder and more frequent than before The oxes tried every way to un ravel the mystery but all to no purpose inally Kate ox then only nine years old observed that such sounds as she made were exactly imi tated and this led to communications from the invisible source that were quite astounding to the family Kate and her sister Margaret es pecially the former seemed to act very sympa thetically on the who or which grew to be so annoying that Kate went to Rochester to get rid of them The rappings followed her and so much curiosity was felt in the matter that a lecture was given November 14 1848 in Corinthian hall stating the alleged facts This was the first introduction of Spiritualism to the public and its phenomena have excited more or less attention since the world over President Raymond of Vassar as a Teacher Some small men cast large shadows some large men cast small shadows Dr Ray mond was greater than his reputation He was unambitious of fame He was a teacher an administrator and a pioneer and he found his reward in his pupils his college and the silent influence of his work in the community His character was essentially that of an instructor said a friend to him in a quiet conference in his parlor one day last spring you do not weary of going over and over again the same dry and dusty path the alphabet of mental and moral replied Dr Raymond with quiet significance because you are not a teacher An investi gator finds his enjoyment in exploring new fields: a teacher in developing new His interest was in his pupils his reward was in their affection When last commencementday the valedictorian speaking for her class hade him good by the tears came unbidden to his eyes said he afterward to WB HARRIS LAND SURVEYOR 6 Block 365 Mitin street OLIN CUTTER AKOHITECT 106 25th ST NEW YORK Plans specifications and estimates furnished No Charge for preliminary sketches WARNER Physician and bur geot Office and residence 43 Pynchon st Sprffiglrid Mass Office hours from 11 a to 12 from 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 CHARLES SWEET of Lebanon Ct will be in Bprincfleld Mass the Wednesday fntinwinu the second Tuesday in each month at his office in the Marshall House near the Depot to at tend tc patients who may wish to ocnsult him pensions and bounties AH soldiers wounded ruptured or injured In the late war however slightly can obtain a Pension Under late legislation thousands of pensioners are entitled to an increase AH such should apply at once Soldiers of war of 1812 or their widows are now entitled to a pension Claims prosecuted with promptness CONEY Attorney at Lai Mjdn Springfield Mass HI ISS SCHOOL will re open at DA 33 Spring st September 18 Pupils of all ages admitted Oral Lessons In natural history and science will form an interesting feature rench and German Languages gratuitously taught MRS GRACE SCHOOL DA OR GIRLS will re open on Tuesday Sept 10 at 367 State st Thorough instruction given In the English branches also in German rench and Music or admission or any farther informa tion apply by letter until August 31 after that at the house PIANOS Squares $2 others $3 Quarterly Tuning 25 per cent off WHITE 417 State st Orders at 375 Main st PIANOS AND irst class at wholesale lowest prices easy payments JAMES LEWIS 63 Pynchon st Oncational yyiLBRAHAM ACADEMY Will open Its ifty ourth Year Aug 21 Price of board to suit the hard times is reduced to $3 per week Location unusually pleasant and healthful A thoroughly Classified School for both sexes In struction given In the following Departments: Eng lish Commercial Scientific College Preparatory Elocution Art and Music Each Department in charge of a competent Teacher Send for Catalogue ELLOWS A Principal GULDEN HILL Seminary for Young La AM dies Bridgeport Ct Miss EMILY NELSON (GREENWICH ACADEMY 'with Musi AM cal and Col ounded 1802 A Sea side school for both sexes or catalogue address Rev BLAKESLEE A ME Greenwich I QREYLOCK INSTITUTE SOUTH WILLIAMSTOWN Berkshire Co Mass Prepares Boys for Business Scientific School or College Expenses $450 per year Established by its present Principal in 1842 orCat alogues addrtys BENT MILLS A Principal HAVERORD THOMAS CHASE LL Pres On 9 miles from Philadelphia Under care of riends Ortho dox A collegiate education given under guarded influences Classical and Scientific Courses pursued Laboratories Museum Lecture and Class Rooms remodeled and new apparatus added Barclay Hall (completed 1877) affords every two students a study room with communicating single bed rooms Situa tion healthful ine Cricket Ground Gymnasium etc all term opens 9th month (Sept) 4 or cat alogues etc address Prof A THOMAS Prefect Haverford College Montgomery Co Pa New publications jOW READY MASSACHUSETTS STATUTES 1878 SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENERAL STATUTES of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Vol II No 6 Legislation of Edited by William A Richardson and George Sanger 8vo paper Price (10 cents MASSACHUSETTS GEN IIR AJj STATUTES to 1860 Second edition 1873 Roval 8vo sheep $3 SUPPLEMENT to MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL STA'IUTES Vol I 1860 1872 8v sheep $3 SUPPLEMENT to MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL STATUTES Vol 11 1873 77 8vo sheep $250 OR SALE BY LITTLE BROWN CO 251 Washington street Boston WITHOUT PREJUDICE Spanish women get along with one mantilla comes The last language spoken on earth will proba bly be the innish why is an Irishman loike a asked Mike because aich wan of is followed by a was ready reply said an Irish gentleman at Long Branch lady is very disagreeable at table If I lived in the same house with her she would be the only one in it I can toll A celebrated composer wrote to a friend re questing the pleasure of his company lunch eon key of His friend a thorough musi cian interpreted the invitation rightly and came to the house for a luncheon at one sharp A critic met at the salon the other day a young painter a youth of some ability but of more van ity young said he paternally you wish to become a great replied the artist who waut any advice you want said the crit ic gently keep on as Shrewd clerk (with an eye to the an accident insurance ticket Passenger sir nothing has gone wrong this and London for the last 14 months and by the haverages the next smash on the up line is hoverdue exactly six weeks and three Old gent forks out with Punch We called James Gordon Bennett a polo tician on Saturday and here comes a man along and says he is a Mormon because he is a pologam ist Now let this end Bulletin Nay friend not so methinks indeed When speeding to his mimic frays He hears his fiery untamed steed Give vent to many polo neighs And if perchance h'e gets a thump Upon the head when near the goal oh sure exclaim ugly lump Reminds me much of Marc Traveller He was a and approached Capt Jase Phillips as the train hauled up at Pewee you de ob de replied Jase 'want ter hire any deck hands duz not run ning a Monti ride strad dle ob de cow snatcher to de busted a long ways from on! All and the negro straddled the Ed Gilligan pulled out the throttle wide open and the train had not gone more than half a mile before the engine colli ded with a cow throwing it over a fence into a corn field and the negro after the cow Next day coming down the negro limped up to Jase at the same depot and said: I ride fur wid you on dat cow snatcher Kase yon see de cow wanted to ride dar too dar room bofe of us so we got off to gedder up here in a field to rest De next time I ride wid you freeze to de tail gate oh de Courier Journal I.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.