Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (1)

Annual Report | 2009Taarifa ya Mwaka

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (2)

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (3)

1Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Financial Summary 2

Board of Directors and Profiles 4

Chairperson’s Statement 8

Managing Director’s Report 10

Corporate Social Investments 12

Environment 15

Quality 19

Corporate Governance 20

Value Added Statement 25

General Information 27

Report of the Directors 28

Statement of Director’s Responsibilities 34

Report of the Independent Auditors 35

Statement of Comprehensive Income 38

Statement of Financial Position 40

Statement of Changes in Equity 42

Statement of Cash Flows 44

Notes to the Financial Statements 46

Notice to Members 72

Vidokezo vya Mapato 3

Maelezo Mafupi kuhusu Wakurugenzi 5

Waraka wa Mwenyekiti 9

Taarifa ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji 11

Uwekezaji wa Kijamii wa Kampuni 13

Mazingira 15

Ubora 19

Utawala wa Kampuni 22

Taarifa ya Thamani Iliyoongezwa 25

Taarifa ya Mapato 39

Mizania ya Kampuni 41

Taarifa ya Mabadiliko ya Hisa/Mtaji 43

Mtiririko wa Fedha 45

Taarifa kwa Wanachama 73

Contents Yaliyomo

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (4)

• Financial performance in line with 2008• Dividend per share: 2008 : Tzs 120

2009 : Tzs 179

Financial Summary





Tzs Billions Tzs per share

Tzs Billions Tzs per share



Year Year

Year Year

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009





















Annual Report | 20092

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (5)

• Uwezo Kifedha kama ilivyokuwa mwaka 2008• Gawio kwa hisa: 2008 : Tzs 120

2009 : Tzs 179

Vidokezo vya Mapato





Tzs Billioni Tzs kwa hisa

Tzs Billioni Tzs kwa hisa


Mwaka Mwaka

Mwaka Mwaka

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009





















3Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (6)

Board of Directors and Profiles

Charles Naude (52) South AfricanChairman (Non Executive) B.Sc (Hons), MBL

Charles Naude is the Chief Executive Officer of AfriSam South Africa. He has held various positions within that organization, including Commercial Executive, Director for Cement and Director for Stone and Ready – Mix. Mr. Naude has 25 years of experience in the building and construction material manufacturing industry.

Charles Naude (52) Mwafrika KusiniMwenyekiti (Si mtendaji) B.Sc (Hons) MBL

Charles Naude ni Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Afrisam, Ameshika nyadhifa mbalimbali ndani ya shirika, ikiwemo Mtendaji wa Biashara, Mkurugenzi wa Saruji na Mkurugenzi wa Stone and Ready – Mix. Bw. Naude ana uzoefu wa miaka 25 katika uzalishaji wa vifaa/nyenzo za majengo na ujenzi.

Jürg Flühmann (55) Swiss Managing Director (Executive) Mechanical Engineer

Jürg Flühmann is the Managing Director of Tanga Cement. Mr. Flühmann has 23 years of experience in the cement industry.

Jürg Flühmann (55) Mswisi Mkurungenzi Mtendaji (Mtendaji) Mhandisi Mitambo

Jürg Flühmann ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Kampuni ya Tanga Cement. Bw. Flühmann ana uzoefu kwenye sekta ya saruji kwa zaidi ya miaka 23.

Annual Report | 20094

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (7)

Maelezo Mafupi kuhusu Wakurugenzi

Prof. Samuel Mwita Wangwe (61) Tanzanian(Non - executive)Phd (Economics), BA (Economics)

Professor Wangwe is a highly respected academician. Professor Wangwe has published extensively and continues to act as an independent consultant.

Prof. Samuel Mwita Wangwe (61) Mtanzania(Si mtendaji)Phd (Economics), BA (Economics)

Profesa Wangwe ni msomi anayeheshimika sana. Profesa Wangwe ameandika na kuchapisha vitabu vingi na anaendelea kufanya shughuli kama mshauri wa kujitegemea.

Grace Rubambey (64) Tanzanian(Non-Executive)MA (Economics), B. BA (Economics)

Grace Rubambey is an Economist. Ms. Rubambey brings to Tanga Cement years of professional experience from both regional and international environments.She serves on a number of boards and committees.

Grace Rubambey (64) Mtanzania(Si mtendaji)MA (Uchumi) B. BA (Uchumi)

Grace Rubambey ni Mchumi. Bi. Rubambey analeta uzoefu na ujuzi wa miaka mingi kwa kampuni ya Tanga Cement.Ni mjumbe wa bodi na kamati nyingi.

5Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (8)

Board of Directors and Profiles

Jayne Nyimbo Taylor (49) TanzanianHuman Resources Manager (Executive)Appointed to the Board of Directors in May 2008, Jayne Nyimbo Taylor serves on various boards including that of the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation. Ms. Taylor is one of the two executive Directors on the Board.

Jayne Nyimbo Taylor (49) Mtanzania Meneja Rasilimali Watu (Mtendaji) Aliteuliwa katika Bodi ya Wakurugenzi mwezi Mei mwaka 2008, Jayne Nyimbo Taylor anatumikia katika kamati mbalimbali pamoja na Taasisi ya Sekta Binafsi Tanzania(TPSF). Bi. Taylor ni mmoja kati ya Wakurugenzi watendaji wa Bodi.

Khamis Mussa Omar (45) Tanzanian(Non-Executive)Post Graduate Diploma (Business Administration), Advanced Diploma (Tax Management)

Khamis Omar is currently the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs in Zanzibar.Mr. Omar also serves on various boards including the Zanzibar Revenue Board and the Zanzibar Ports Corporation. Khamis Mussa Omar (45) Mtanzania(Si mtendaji)Diploma ya Uzamili (Uendeshaji wa shuguli za Biashara) Diploma ya Juu (Usimamizi wa Kodi)

Khamis Omar ni Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Fedha na Uchumi, Zanzibar.Bwana Omar ni mjumbe wa bodi mbalimbali ikiwemo bodi ya Mapato Zanzibar na Shirika la Bandari la Zanzibar.

Annual Report | 20096

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (9)

Maelezo Mafupi kuhusu Wakurugenzi

barry Griesel (59) South African Company Secretary ACIS, CIA, AEP (UNISA)

Barry Griesel is the Commercial Manager and Company Secretary. Mr Griesel has 31 years experience in the cement industry.

barry Griesel (59) Mwafrika Kusini katibu wa kampuniACIS, CIA, AEP (UNISA)

Barry Griesel ni Meneja Biashara na Katibu wa Kampuni.Bwana Griesel ana uzoefu wa miaka 31 katika sekta ya saruji.

Mr. Cornelius kariwa (49) Tanzanian (Non - Executive) LLB

Cornelius Kariwa is a lawyer and has been a practising advocate since 1994. He is also a founding partner and managing counsel of a law firm Kariwa & Co. Advocates. Mr Kariwa is currently the Chairperson of the Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE).

bwana Cornelius kariwa (49) Mtanzania (Si mtendaji)LLB

Cornelius Kariwa ni Mwanasheria na amekuwa Wakili tangu mwaka 1994. Pia ni Mbia Mwanzilishi na Mshauri Mtendaji wa Ofisi ya Sheria ya Kariwa & Co Advocates. Bwana Kariwa kwa sasa ni Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Waajiri Tanzania (ATE).

Mofasi Lekota (52) South African(Non-Executive)B.Com & MBA (Rutgers, USA)

Mofasi Lekota is the Executive Deputy Chairman of the AfriSam Board of Directors. He is Executive Chairman and CEO of Lekota Investments and previous served as the CEO of National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and as CEO of the Premier Soccer League in South African.

Mofasi Lekota (52) Mwafrika Kusini(Si mtendaji)B.Com & MBA (Rutgers, USA)

Mofasi Lekota ni Naibu Mwenyekiti Mtendaji wa Bodi ya Wakurugenzi ya Afrisam. Ni Mwenyekiti Mtendani na Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu (CEO) wa Lekota Investments na aliwahi kuwa CEO wa National African Federated Chamber of Commerce na pia CEO wa Ligi Kuu ya Soka ya Afrika Kusini.

7Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (10)

Despite an increase in national cement consumption, the market in which the Company operates showed a decline of 3%. The Company, nevertheless managed to maintain its sales volumes at the same level as in 2008.

After a strong improvement in sales volumes during the second half of the year, sales revenue reflected only a 1% decrease compared to the previous year. Despite this decline in sales revenue as well as increase in foreign exchange losses following the depreciation of the Shilling against major currencies, the Company still managed to maintain net profit above the 2008 level. This was achieved mainly through improvements in operating efficiencies as well as lower raw material and fuel costs.

The new cement mill and packing plant were successfully commissioned during the year adding 500,000 tons per annum to the installed cement grinding and packing capacity. This takes the total installed cement capacity to 1.25 million tons per year.

During the year the Company’s Quality Management System was audited and certified to be compliant with the ISO 9001:2008 System. The Company was also graded by the NBAA as the overall winner of the best presented financial statements.

DividendsA dividend of 37.5% of net profit after tax is proposed and consequently the Board has recommended a final dividend of Tzs 179 per share. This amounts to Tzs 11.4 billion.


With the expectation of growth in the cement market in 2010, the Company is optimistic that with the additional cement mill in place, it will be able to increase sales volumes and market share. The impact of excess capacity in the market, imports of cement, power interruptions and rail service delivery problems will be amongst the main challenges the Company will face during 2010.

Closure of Share Register

The Register of Members will close on 22 March 2010. The last day of trading cum dividend will be 15 March 2010. The dividend will be paid on or about 30 May 2010.

Chairperson’s Statement

The new cement mill and packing plant were successfully commissioned during the year adding 500,000 tons per annum to the installed cement grinding and packing capacity. This takes the total installed cement capacity to 1.25 million tons per year.

Charles Naude Chairperson

Annual Report | 20098

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (11)

Ingawa kulikuwa na ongezeko la matumizi ya saruji kitaifa, soko ambalo Kampuni inaendeshea biashara limeonyesha kupungua kwa 3%. Hata hivyo Kampuni imeweza kudumisha mauzo yake katika kiwango kilekile cha mwaka 2008.

Baada ya uboreshaji mkubwa wa kiasi cha mauzo katika kipindi cha pili cha nusu mwaka, mapato ya mauzo yameonyesha kupungua kwa 1% tu ikilinganishwa na mwaka uliopita. Licha ya kupungua kwa mapato ya mauzo pamoja na ongezeko la hasara katika ubadilishaji wa fedha za kigeni baada ya kushuka kwa thamani kwa shilingi ya Tanzania dhidi ya fedha nyingine kuu duniani, Kampuni iliweza kudumisha faida halisi kwa kiwango cha zaidi ya mwaka 2008. Mafanikio haya yalipatikana hasa kutokana na uboreshaji katika ufanisi wa uendeshaji pamoja na bei za chini za malighafi na mafuta.

Mtambo mpya wa saruji na mtambo wa ufungashaji ilifanikiwa kuzinduliwa katika mwaka wa taarifa hii na kuongeza tani 500,000 za saruji kwa mwaka kwenye uwezo wa kusaga saruji na kufungasha. Hii inasababisha uwezo wa uzalishaji saruji wa mitambo iliyopo kufikia tani milioni1.25 kwa mwaka.

Katika mwaka wa taarifa hii, mfumo wa Usimamizi wa Ubora wa Kampuni ulikaguliwa na kuithibitisha kuwa unatimiza kanuni za Mfumo wa ISO 9001:2008. Aidha Kampuni iliteuliwa na Bodi ya Taifa ya Wakaguzi na Wahasibu (NBAA) kuwa mshindi wa jumla wa taarifa bora za fedha zilizowasilishwa.

GawioGawio la 37.5% la faida halisi baada ya kukatwa kodi linapendekezwa na kutokana na hayo Bodi imependekeza gawio la mwisho la Tzs 179 kwa kila hisa. Hii inafikisha jumla ya Tzs bilioni 11.4.


Kutokana na matarajio ya kukua kwa soko la saruji mwaka 2010, kampuni inatarajia matokeo mazuri hasa kwa kuwa kuna mtambo mpya, itaweza kuongeza kiasi cha mauzo yake na hisa yake katika soko. Athari ya ongezeko la uwezo katika soko, saruji inayoingizwa nchini kutoka nchi za nje, tatizo la umeme la mara kwa mara na matatizo ya usafirishaji kwa njia ya reli, zitakuwa miongoni mwa changamoto kuu za kampuni itakazozikabili katika mwaka 2010.

kufungwa kwa Daftari/Rejesta ya Hisa

Daftari/Rejesta ya Wanachama itafungwa tarehe 22 Machi, 2010. Siku ya mwisho ya biashara na gawio itakuwa tarehe 15 Machi, 2010. Gawio litalipwa mnamo tarehe 30 Mei, 2010.

Waraka wa Mwanyekiti

Mtambo mpya wa saruji na mtambo wa ufungashaji ilifanikiwa kuzinduliwa katika mwaka wa taarifa hii na kuongeza tani 500,000 za saruji kwa mwaka kwenye uwezo wa kusaga saruji na kufungasha. Hii inasababisha uwezo wa uzalishaji saruji wa mitambo iliyopo kufikia tani milioni 1.25 kwa mwaka.

Charles Naude Mwenyekiti

9Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (12)

The year 2009-Results showed the positive result of our efforts to reduce a costs while confronting an oversupply on the local market due to additional production capacities as well the growing trend of cement imports into Tanzania. The cement demand in and around Dar es Salaam did grow substantially, however Tanga Cement’s core market consumption of cement in the northern region of Tanzania did shrink by 3%. As a result, our net sales revenue was kept constant on the same level of 2008, with operational profits up by 5%.

The new cement mill and packing plant was commissioned in November 2009, achieving a successful completion of that expansion phase well on time, within budget and delivering the expected production performance. With that expansion Tanga Cement Production Capacity has reached 1.25 million tons per annum.

The removal of the suspended duties on cement resulted in an increased importation of cement into Tanzania which, due to the subsidies on cement from exporting countries like Pakistan combined with the global oversupply and the collapsed sea freight rates, allowed cement to reach our markets at a substantial lower cost compared to local production. In total 250,000 tons (2008: 120,000 tons) of cement were imported in 2009 which represents a market share of 12%.

Achievements in 2009:• 706,000 tons of cement produced and sold• Growth of operational profit by 5% despite increased competitive situation and

economical crisis in our core market region.• Successfully completed the expansion phase of the Tanga Plant with commissioning

of the new cement mill and packing plant towards the end of the year.• Obtained certification of ISO 9001 – 2008 demonstrating Tanga Cement’s clear

commitment towards quality products and processes• Again an excellent result on Occupational Health & Safety with only one minor

accident during 2009

Challenges in 2009:• Supply of electricity from Tanesco has further deteriorated and we need to support

our production frequently with the installed back-up generators, which does increase our cost of production.

• Our distribution of cement via rail came to a complete standstill with the reduction of services from TRL. Practically all of our products to the Lake Zone need to be transported via road at a substantial higher cost.

• Dumping of subsidized cement, mainly from Pakistan based on the removed suspended duties is having a big impact on our margins and volumes sold. Due to the unpredictability of policies in place to protect local industry, further expansion projects have been stopped for the time being.

Future Prospects:Despite the global crisis Tanzania did experience a good growth of construction activities in 2009 and we project this to continue, especially in an election year. Volumes and margins will be further affected by the imports and it will depend very much on the policy makers to what extent the local manufacturing of cement will grow or not. Tanga Cement Company Limited with its Simba brand is in a good position with modern plant and, subject to availability of electricity, will be more than able to meet its customer needs not just in Tanzania but also in other East African countries.

Managing Director’s Report

Jürg FlühmannManaging Director

Despite the global crisis Tanzania did experience a good growth of construction activities in 2009 and we project this to continue, especially in an election year.

Annual Report | 200910

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (13)

Taarifa ya mwaka 2009 imeonyesha matokeo mazuri ya juhudi zetu za kupunguza gharama wakati huohuo kukabili wingi wa bidhaa ya saruji katika soko la ndani ya nchi kutoka uwezo wa ziada wa uzalishaji na mtindo unaoendelea wa kuingiza saruji nchini Tanzania kutoka nchi za nje. Ingawa mahitaji ya saruji Dar es Salaam na maeneo yanayozunguka yameongezeka kwa kiasi kikubwa, hata hivyo matumizi ya saruji katika soko kuu la Tanga Cement katika mikoa ya Kaskazini ya Tanzania yamepungua kwa 3%. Kutokana na hali hiyo, mapato yetu halisi ya mauzo yalibaki kama yalivyokuwa mwaka 2008, yenye ongezeko la faida ya uendeshaji la 5%.

Mtambo mpya wa saruji na mtambo wa kufungashia ilizinduliwa mwezi Novemba, 2009 na kufanikiwa kukamilisha awamu ya upanuzi kwa wakati, kulingana na bajeti na kutoa utendaji wa uzalishaji uliotarajiwa. Uzalishaji wa Tanga Cement umefikia tani milioni 1.25 kwa mwaka.

Kuondolewa kwa kodi/ushuru kwenye saruji kumesababisha ongezeko la uingizaji wa saruji nchini Tanzania ambao kutokana na ruzuku ya saruji ya nchi zinazouza nje kama Pakistani ukijumuisha na ongezeko kubwa la bidhaa duniani kote na kupungua kwa viwango vya usafirishaji bidhaa kwa meli, saruji inafikia masoko yetu kwa bei ndogo zaidi ikilinganishwa na uzalishaji wa ndani. Kwa ujumla kiasi cha tani 250,000 (2008: 120,000) za saruji ziliingizwa nchini mwaka 2009 ambayo ni sawa na mgao wa soko wa 12%.

Mafanikio ya mwaka 2009:• Tani 706,000 za saruji zilizalishwa na kuuzwa• Kukua kwa Faida ya Uendeshaji kwa 5% ingawa kulikuwa na ongezeko la ushindani na

kudorora au mtikisiko wa uchumi katika mikoa ya soko letu kuu.• Kukamilika kwa upanuzi wa awamu ya tatu ya Kiwanda cha Tanga na kuzinduliwa kwa

Mtambo Mpya wa Saruji na Mtambo wa Ufungashaji kuelekea mwisho wa mwaka.• Kupatikana kwa hati ya viwango vya ISO 9001 – 2008 kuonyesha dhamira ya wazi ya

Tanga Cement kupata ubora wa bidhaa zake na michakato.• Mwaka huu pia kulikuwa na mafanikio ya kupigiwa mfano ya Usalama na Afya ya

Wafanyakazi kwa kutokea ajali moja tu ndogo mwaka 2009.

Changamoto za mwaka 2009:• Ugavi wa umeme wa Tanesco umeendelea kupungua na tunahitaji kusaidia mara

kwa mara uzalishaji wetu na jenereta za kuongezea zilizofungwa, na hivyo kuongeza gharama zetu za uzalishaji.

• Usambazaji wa saruji kwa njia ya reli ulisimama kabisa kutokana na kupunguzwa kwa huduma kutoka TRL. Kusema kweli bidhaa zetu zote kwenda kanda ya ziwa zinahitaji kusafirishwa kwa njia ya barabara kwa gharama kubwa sana.

• Uuzaji kwa bei ya kutupa wa saruji yenye ruzuku, hasa kutoka Pakistani kutokana na kuondolewa kwa kodi/ushuru unaonyesha athari kubwa katika ziada na wingi wa bidhaa zilizouzwa. Kutokana na kutotabirika kwa sera zilizopo kulinda viwanda nyumbani, miradi ya upanuzi zaidi imesimamishwa kwa sasa.

Matarajio ya baadaye:Ingawa kumekuwa na kudorora au mtikisiko wa uchumi duniani, Tanzania imepata ongezeko la shughuli za ujenzi katika mwaka 2009 na tunataraji hali hii kuendelea, hasa katika mwaka wa uchaguzi. Wingi wa bidhaa zinazoingizwa nchini kutoka nje na itategemea sana watunga sera kama uzalishaji wa saruji wa ndani utaongezeka kwa kiasi gani au hautaongezeka. Tanga Cement Company Limited na bidhaa yake ya Simba ina nafasi nzuri na mtambo wake wa kisasa na kutegemea upatikanaji wa umeme itaweza kukidhi mahitaji ya wateja wake si wa nchini Tanzania tu bali pia wa nchi nyingine za Afrika Mashariki.

Taarifa ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji

Jürg FlühmannMkurugenzi Mtendaji

Ingawa kumekuwa na kudorora au mtikisiko wa uchumi duniani, Tanzania imepata ongezeko la shughuli za ujenzi katika mwaka 2009 na tunataraji hali hii kuendelea, hasa katika mwaka wa uchaguzi.

11Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (14)

Annual Report | 200912

In the year 2009 Tanga Cement has continued to support the Tanzanian society through its Corporate Social Investment Programme. The areas that have been supported are community development, education, health and environment. The Company has continued to support Tanga Business Against Crime, to help fight crime.

The Company spent a total of Tzs 249 million to support various projects. Altogether, a total of 17 projects have been supported by Tanga Cement in 2009, a few are detailed below:

ZAyEDESA’s Community Development ActivitiesThe Association supports Zanzibar youth development, education, environment and other community development activities. Tanga Cement has continued to support this initiative in Zanzibar and has donated a total of 100 tons of cement for renovation of schools, dispensaries, cooperative societies, the construction of an orphanage as well as residential houses in rural areas.

Rosmini Secondary SchoolThe Company donated a total of 80 tons of cement to the school for its expansion program. The school is in Tanga Region and is one of the top performing schools in Tanzania.

Construction of Classrooms A total of four classrooms were built by the Company. One block of three classrooms was built for the Pande Secondary School in Tanga District. Another classroom was built in the Korogwe District for Kwamsisi Secondary School. Each classroom was furnished with 25 desks and 25 chairs. Musoma DispensaryThe Company donated a total of 40 tons of cement towards construction of a dispensary in the Musoma District.

Teachers College in karagwe DistrictIn the same spirit of contribution to the education sector, the Company contributed 20 tons of cement towards construction of a Teachers College in Karagwe District in Kagera Region.

Msangani High School water ProjectThe Company contributed Tzs 20.2 million for the completion of the school water project in Kibaha Coast Region.

Friends of Serengeti The Company donated a total of 400 bags of cement for repairing ranger posts as well as constructing bridges and drifts in Serengeti and Tarangire.

In Summary most of the support was directed to education and community development. This is because, the Company has been supporting the Tanzanian Government initiatives of boosting education in the Country as well as Tanzania’s community well being.

In terms of its policy, Tanga Cement sets aside 1% of its profit before tax for its CSI programme.

Corporate Social Investments

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (15)

13Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Katika mwaka 2009, Tanga Cement imeendelea kusaidia jamii ya Tanzania kupitia Uwekezaji wa Kijamii wa Kampuni. Maeneo ambayo Tanga Cement imekuwa ikiyashughulikia ni maendeleo ya jamii, elimu, afya na mazingira. Kampuni imeendelea kusaidia Tanga Business Against Crime, kama sehemu ya juhudi za Kampuni za kusaidia kupambana na uhalifu katika mkoa huo.

Kampuni imetumia jumla ya Tzs, milioni 249 kusaidia miradi mbalimbali kwa pamoja. Jumla ya miradi 17 imesaidiwa na Tanga Cement mwaka 2009. Michache imeorodheshwa hapa chini:

Shughuli za Maendeleo ya Jamii za ZAyEDESAChama hicho husaidia maendeleo ya Vijana Zanzibar, elimu, mazingira na shughuli nyingine za maendeleo ya Jamii. Tanga Cement imeendelea kusaidia juhudi hiyo huko Zanzibar na imetoa msaada wa jumla ya tani 100 za saruji kwa ajili ya ukarabati wa shule, zahanati, vyama vya ushirika, ujenzi wa kituo/nyumba ya mayatima pamoja na nyumba za kuishi katika maeneo ya vijijini.

Shule ya Sekondari ya RosminiKampuni imetoa msaada wa jumla ya tani 80 za saruji kwa shule hiyo katika programu yake ya upanuzi. Shule iko mkoani Tanga na ni moja ya shule zinazoongoza kwa kufanya vizuri nchini Tanzania.

Ujenzi wa MadarasaJumla ya vyumba vinne vya madarasa lijengwa na kampuni. Jengo moja la madarasa matatu limejengwa Pande, kwa ajili ya Shule ya Sekondari ya Pande, iliyopo Wilaya ya Tanga. Darasa jingine lilijengwa Wilaya ya Korogwe kwa ajili ya shule ya Sekondari Kwamsisi. Kila darasa lilipatiwa madawati 25 na viti 25.

Zahanati ya MusomaKampuni imetoa jumla ya tani 40 za Saruji kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa Zahanati Wilaya ya Musoma.

Chuo cha walimu karagweKatika moyo ule ule wa kuchangia katika sekta ya elimu , kampuni ilitoa mchango wa tani 20 za saruji kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa Chuo cha Walimu, Wilaya ya Karagwe, Mkoani Kagera.

Mradi wa Maji wa Shule ya Sekondari ya MsanganiKatika mradi huu, Tanga Cement imechangia Tzs. milioni 20.2 kwa kukamilisha mradi huo Wilayani Kibaha, Mkoa wa Pwani.

Friends of Serengeti Kampuni imechangia mif*cko 400 ya saruji kwa Friends of Serengeti kwaajili ya kukarabati vibanda vya walinzi wa mbuga za wanyama pamoja na kujenga madaraja na makaravati katika mbuga za Serengeti na Tarangire.

Msada mkubwa ulielekezwa kwenye elimu na maendeleo ya jamii. Hii ni kwa sababu kampuni imekuwa ikisaidia juhudi za Serikali ya Tanzania za kukuza elimu nchini pamoja na ustawi na maisha ya jamii.

Kwa mujibu wa sera yake hii, Tanga Cement imetenga 1% ya faida yake kabla ya kodi kwa ajili ya programu yake ya CSI.

Uwekezaji wa Kijamii wa Kampuni

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (16)

Annual Report | 200914

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (17)

15Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

The environmental performance of the Company for the year 2009 was comparatively good, especially in plant emissions and rehabilitation programs.

• The gaseous emission levels from the plant were in full compliance with the allowable emission limits

• The quarry rehabilitation programs were positively acknowledged and rewarded with a special NEMC award for statutory fulfillment of environmental impact assessment decommissioning process for a pozzolana quarry in Holili. The photos on this page show the quarry before and after rehabilitation

• The Company’s Environmental Management System (EMS) program, in place since the year 2004, continued to meet the requirements of the ISO14001:2004 standard.

• Consistant with Company’s Environmental Policy, Tanga Cement managed to engage various stakeholders through factory visits, discussion forums, as well as positive interaction, heightening the environmental awareness of the operations to the public.

Utendaji wa mazingira kwa Kampuni kwa mwaka wa 2009 ulikuwa mzuri kiasi, hasa katika kutoa moshi/vichafuzi vya mitambo na katika programu za ukarabati.

• Viwango vya utoaji vichafuzi vya hewa kutoka katika mitambo vinafuata kwa ukamilifu ukomo wa viwango vinavyoruhusiwa.

• Programu za ukarabati wa machimbo ya mawe zimekubaliwa na kutunzwa Tunzo maalumu ya Baraza la Hifadhi na Usimamizi wa Mazingira (NEMC) wa tathmini ya athari kwa mazingira kwa machimbo ya mawe ya Pozzolana ya Holili. Picha za hapa chini zinaonyesha machimbo hayo kabla na baada ya kufanyiwa ukarabati.

• Programu yetu ya Mfumo wa Usimamizi wa Mazingira (EMS) tulionayo tangu mwaka 2004 imeendelea kutimiza masharti ya kiwango cha ISO 14001:2004.

• Kulingana na Sera yetu ya mazingira (imeambatishwa), tumeweza kuwashirikisha wadau mbalimbali kwa njia ya ziara za kiwandani, makongamano na mijadala, pamoja na maingiliano, kukuza uelewa wa mazingira ya shughuli kwa wananchi.



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Our quality policy begins and ends with our customers as our focal point.

Tanga Cement Company continues to maintain its ISO 9001:2008 accreditation and continues to produce high quality products in line with the quality management standard.

Sera ya ubora inaanzia na kuiishia kwakuwajali wateja wetu.

Kampuni ya Tanga Cement inaendelea kutunza mfumo uliosajiliwa kwa kufikia vigezo vya ISO 9001:2008 na inaendelea kuzalisha bidhaa zenye ubora wa hali ya juu kwa kufuata mfumo wa uongozi bora.

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Corporate GovernanceTanga Cement Company Limited is committed to the principles of effective corporate governance and the Board is of the opinion that the Company currently complies with principles of good corporate governance.

The board of DirectorsThe Board of Tanga Cement Company Limited consists of eight Directors. Apart from the Managing Director and Human Resource Manager, no other Directors hold executive positions in the Company. The Board takes overall responsibility for the Company, including responsibility for identifying key risk areas, considering and monitoring investment decisions, considering significant financial matters, and reviewing the performance of management against budgets and business plans. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that a comprehensive system of internal control policies and procedures is operative, and for compliance with sound corporate governance principles.

The Board is chaired by a Non-Executive Director, who has no executive functions. The roles of Chairman and Managing Director are separate, with each having set responsibilities.

The Board is confident that its members have the knowledge, talent and experience to lead the Company. The Non-Executive Directors are independent of management and exercise their independent judgment. With their depth of experience, they add value to Board deliberations.

The Board is required to meet at least four times a year. The Board delegates the day-to-day management of the business to the Managing Director assisted by senior management. Senior management is invited to attend Board meetings and facilitates the effective control of all the Company’s operational activities, acting as a medium of communication and coordination between all the various business units.

All Directors have access to the Company Secretary and his services and may seek independent professional advice if necessary. It is the Company’s philosophy to manage and control its business on a decentralized basis. Senior management meets on a monthly basis to review the results, operations, key financial indicators and the business strategy of the Company. Board meetings are held quarterly to deliberate the results of the Company.

Performance evaluation and rewardDetails of the remuneration of Directors are disclosed in Note 31 to the financial statements. The Company utilises the results of market surveys to ensure market related salaries are paid and that market related trends are followed in terms of changes in benefits, while at the same time, taking into account the intrinsic value of individual contributions. A portion of remuneration of all managerial staff, especially senior management, is linked to the performance of their respective business units and of the Company as a whole.

Risk management and internal control The Board accepts final responsibility for the risk management and internal control systems of the Company. It is the task of management to ensure that adequate internal financial and operational control systems are developed and maintained on an ongoing basis in order to provide reasonable assurance regarding:

The effectiveness and efficiency of operations;• The safeguarding of the Company’s assets (including information); • Compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and supervisory requirements;• The reliability of the accounting records; • Business sustainability under normal as well as adverse conditions; and• Responsible behaviour towards all stakeholders. The efficiency of any internal control system is dependent on the strict observance of prescribed measures. There is always a risk of non-compliance of such measures by staff. Consequently, even a strict and efficient internal control system can provide no more than a reasonable measure of assurance in respect of the above mentioned objective.

The Board assessed the internal control systems throughout the financial year ended 31 December 2009 and is of the opinion that they met acceptable criteria.

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Ethical behaviorThe Company’s Code of Conduct governs all its activities, internal relations and interactions with stakeholders in accordance with its ethical values. It is expected of all staff to maintain the higher level of integrity and honesty in dealing with customers, suppliers, service providers and colleagues.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct is the ultimate responsibility of the Managing Director and the Company Secretary, with day-to-day monitoring delegated to line management with the support of personnel officers.

The code is supplemented by the Company’s responsibility philosophy as well as its employment practices, occupational health and safety controls.

business ethics and organizational integrityThe Company’s Code of Conduct commits it to the highest standards of integrity, conduct and ethics in its dealings with all parties concerned, including its Directors, managers, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, investors, shareholders and the public in general. The Directors and staff are expected to fulfill their ethical obligations in such a way that the business is run strictly according to fair commercial competitive practices.

Financial reporting and auditingThe Directors accept final responsibility for the preparation of the annual financial statements which fairly present: • The financial position of the Company as at the end of the year under review;• The financial results of operations, as well as;• The cash flows for that period.

The responsibility for compiling the annual financial statements was delegated to management.

The external auditors report on whether the annual financial statements are fairly presented. The Directors are satisfied that during the year under review:• Adequate accounting records were maintained; • An effective system of internal control and risk management, monitored by management, was maintained; • Appropriate accounting policies, supported by reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates, were used consistently; and• The financial statements were compiled in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and in the manner required

by the Companies Act, 2002.

The Directors are also satisfied that no material event has occurred between the financial year-end and the date of this report.

The Directors are of the opinion that the Company has sufficient resources and commitments at its disposal to operate the business for the foreseeable future. The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

ENVIRONMENTALThe Company has a formal environmental control accreditation program and all operations are following the ISO 14001:2004 system.

AUDITORSThe auditors, Ernst & Young have expressed their willingness to continue in office as auditors and are eligible for re - appointment. A resolution proposing the re-appointment of Ernst & Young as auditors of the Company for the year 2010 will be tabled at the Annual General Meeting.

Charles Naude - Chairperson Jürg Flühmann - Managing Director

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Utawala wa KampuniTanga Cement Company Limited imedhamiria kufuata kwa ukamilifu kanuni na misingi ya utawala wa kampuni na Bodi na kwamba kwa sasa imeamua kufuata kanuni na misingi ya Utawala Bora wa Kampuni.

bodi ya wakurugenziBodi ya Tanga Cement Company Limited ina Wakurugenzi wanane. Zaidi ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji na Meneja wa Rasilimali Watu, hakuna Wakurugenzi wengine wenye nyadhifa za utendaji katika Kampuni. Bodi inachukua jukumu la jumla kwa Kampuni, pamoja na jukumu la kubainisha maeneo makuu ya hatari/mashaka, kufikiria na kufuatilia uamuzi wa uwekezaji, kufikiria masuala muhimu ya fedha, na kupitia utendaji wa menejimenti ikilinganishwa na bajeti na mipango ya biashara. Bodi pia ina jukumu la kuhakikisha kwamba mfumo mpana wa sera za udhibiti wa ndani na taratibu unafanya kazi na kwa mujibu wa kanuni na misingi ya utawala bora wa shirika.

Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ni Mkurugenzi Asiye – Mtendaji, asiye na kazi za kiutendaji. Majukumu ya Mwenyekiti na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji yametenganishwa, kila mmoja akiwa na seti ya majukumu.

Bodi inaamini kwamba wajumbe wake wana maarifa, vipaji na uzoefu wa kuongoza kampuni. Wakurugenzi Wasio Watendaji hawategemei menejimenti na hivyo hutoa uamuzi wao huru. Kwa kutumia uzoefu wao mkubwa, huongezea uzito katika majadiliano ya Bodi

Bodi inatakiwa kukutana angalau mara nne kwa mwaka. Bodi imekasimu usimamizi wa kila siku wa biashara kwa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji akisaidiwa na Wajumbe Waandamizi wa Menejimenti Wajumbe Waandamizi wa Menejimenti wanaalikwa kuhudhuria Mikutano ya Bodi na kuwezesha udhibiti unaofaa wa shughuli zote za uendeshaji za Kampuni, na kuwa kama njia ya mawasiliano na uratibu kati ya vitengo vyote vya biashara.

Wakurugenzi wote wana fursa ya kuonana na Katibu wa Kampuni na huduma zake na wanaweza kuomba ushauri huru wa kitaalamu kama ni lazima. Ni falsafa ya Kampuni kusimamia na kiudhibiti biashara yake kwa msingi wa kugawa madaraka. Wajumbe Waandamizi wa Menejimenti wanakutana kila mwezi kupitia mafanikio, shughuli, viashirio muhimu vya fedha na mkakati wa biashara wa kampuni. Mikutano ya Bodi inafanyika kila robo mwaka kujadili mafanikio ya Kampuni.

Tathmini ya Uendeshaji na ZawadiMaelezo ya kina ya mishahara ya Wakurugenzi yameonyeshwa katika Jedwali/Ufafanuzi Na. 31 katika taarifa za fedha. Kampuni inatumia matokeo ya utafiti wa soko, kuhakikisha kuwa mishahara sahihi inalipwa na kuwa mwenendo wa soko unaohusika unafuatiwa kuhusiana na mabadiliko ya mafao, wakati huohuo kuzingatia thamani halisi ya michango ya kila mtu. Sehemu ya mishahara ya wafanyakazi wote wa ngazi za uongozi wa juu, hasa wafanyakazi waandamizi wa menejimenti, inahusishwa na utendaji wa vitengo vya biashara vinavyohusika na Kampuni kwa jumla.

Usimamizi wa Hatari/Mashaka na Udhibiti wa NdaniBodi inakubali jukumu la mwisho la mifumo ya usimamizi wa hatari/mashaka na udhibiti wa ndani ya Kampuni. Ni jukumu la menejimenti kuhakikisha kuwa kutayarishwa na kudumishwa kwa mifumo ya udhibiti wa kutosha kwa msingi unaoendelea ili kutoa uhakika unaofaa kuhusu:

Kufaa na ufanisi wa shughuli• Kulinda rasilimali za Kampuni (ikiwemo taarifa);• Kufuata sheria zilizopo, kanuni na masharti ya usimamizi;• Kuaminika kwa kumbukumbu za hesabu za fedha;• Uendelevu wa biashara katika hali ya kawaida pamoja na hali isiyofaa; na• Tabia adilifu kwa wadau wote.

Ufanisi wa mfumo wowote wa udhibiti wa ndani unategemea sana ufuataji wenye kuzingatia hatua zilizoelezwa. Daima kuna hatari ya kutofuata hatua hizo na wafanyakazi. Hatimaye hata mfumo wa udhibiti wa ndani wenye kuzingatia na wenye ufanisi hauwezi kutoa zaidi ya hatua inayofaa ya uhakika kuhusiana na madhumuni yaliyotajwa hapo juu.

Bodi ilitathmini mifumo ya udhibiti ya ndani katika kipindi chote cha mwaka wa fedha uliyomalizika tarehe 31 Desemba 2009 na ina imani kwamba imekidhi vigezo vinavyokubaliwa.

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Charles Naude - Mwenyekiti Jürg Flühmann - Mkurugenzi Mtendaji

Tabia za kimaadiliKanuni za Maadili za Kampuni zinatawala shughuli zake zote, uhusiano wa ndani na maingiliano na wadau kwa mujibu wa maadili yake. Inatarajiwa kuwa wafanyakazi wote watadumisha na kufuata kiwango cha juu cha uadilifu na uaminifu katika kushughulikia wateja, wagavi, watoa huduma na wafanyakazi wenzao.

Kufuata Kanuni za Maadili ni jukumu la mwisho la Mkurugenzi Mtendaji na Katibu wa Kampuni, na ufuatiliaji wa kila siku kukasimiwa kwa menejimenti inayohusika na msaada wa maofisa utumishi.

Kanuni hizo za maadili zinaongezewa na falsafa ya uwajibikaji ya Kampuni pamoja na kanuni za ajira, na vidhibiti vya afya na usalama kazini.

Maadili ya biashara na Uadilifu wa kampuniKanuni za Maadili za Kampuni zinaitaka Kampuni kutumia viwango vya juu kabisa vya uadilifu, mwenendo na maadili inaposhughulika na pande zote zinazohusika, wakiwemo Wakurugenzi wake, mameneja, wafanyakazi, wateja, wagavi, washindani wa biashara, wawekezaji, wanahisa na wananchi kwa jumla. Wakurugenzi na watumishi wanatarajiwa kutimiza majukumu yao ya kimaadili kwa hali itakayoifanya biashara iendeshwe kwa kuzingatia kanuni za ushindani wa kibiashara wa haki.

Utoaji taarifa za fedha na ukaguzi wa hesabuWakurugenzi wanachukua wajibu wa mwisho wa matayarisho ya taarifa za hesabu za mwaka ambazo zinawasilisha kwa usahihi:• Hali ya fedha ya Kampuni kama ilivyokuwa mwisho wa mwaka wa taarifa hii• Matokeo ya fedha ya uendeshaji wa shughuli pamoja na• Mapato halisi kwa kipindi cha taarifa hii.

Jukumu la kukusanya taarifa za fedha za mwaka limekasimia kwa menejimenti.

Jukumu la wakaguzi wa nje wanatoa taarifa kuhusu kama taarifa za hesabu za mwaka zimewasilishwa kwa kufuata taratibu na haki.

Wakurugenzi wanaridhika kwamba katika mwaka wa taarifa hii:• Kumbukumbu za hesabu za fedha za kutosha zimetunzwa;• Mfumo unaofaa wa udhibiti wa ndani na usimamizi wa mashaka uliofuatiliwa na menejimenti, umezingatiwa;• Sera za utunzaji wa fedha zilizo sahihi, zilizoambatana na uamuzi wa busara na makadirio, zimetumiwa ipasavyo;• Taarifa za fedha zilikusanywa kulingana na Viwango vya Utoaji Taarifa za Fedha vya Kimataifa katika hali inayotakiwa na Sheria ya

Kampuni ya mwaka 2002.

Wakurugenzi pia wanaridhika kuwa hakuna tukio lolote kuu lililotokea kati ya mwisho wa mwaka wa fedha na tarehe ya taarifa hii.

Wakurugenzi wanaamini kwamba Kampuni ina rasilimali za kutosha, ahadi na wajibu wa uendeshaji wa biashara kwa siku zijazo, taarifa za fedha zimetayarishwa kwa matarajio kwamba biashara inaendeshwa kwa faida na ina matarajio yasiyo na kikomo ya kuendelea kupata faida kwa kipindi kisicho na mwisho.

MAZINGIRA:Kampuni ina programu rasmi ya kutambuliwa kudhibiti mazingira na shughuli zote zinafuata mfumo wa ISO 14001: 2004.

wAkAGUZI:Wakaguzi, Ernst & Young wameonyesha kuwa tayari kuendelea kutoa huduma ya ukaguzi na wanastahili kuteulia tena. Azimio la kupendekeza kuteuliwa tena kwa Ernst & Young kama wakaguzi wa Kampuni kwa mwaka 2010 litawasilishwa katika Mkutano Mkuu wa Mwaka.

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Value added Statement

Taarifa ya Thamani Iliyoongezwa

For the year ended 31 December

Kwa mwaka ulioishia tarehe 31 Desemba

2009 2008 Tzs ‘000’ % Tzs ‘000’ %

Value Added Gross Turnover 119,898,248 121,349,244 Share of Profit of associates 390,898 987,282 Other operating expenditure (61,993,339) (64,405,048) 58,295,807 100 57,931,478 100

Revenue To Employees 12,010,444 20.6 12,028,061 20.8To Government-Corporate Income Tax 13,414,337 23.0 12,965,708 22.4To Shareholders-Dividend - 0.0 19,419,669 33.5To Lending Institutions - 0.0 280,675 0.5To Expansion and Growth

-Depreciation 2,450,783 4.2 2,207,366 3.8-Retained Income 30,420,243 52.2 11,029,999 19.0

58,295,807 100 57,931,478 100

2009 2008 Tzs ‘000’ % Tzs ‘000’ %

Thamani Iliyoongezwa Pato Ghafi 119,898,248 121,349,244 Hisa ya faida ya wenza 390,898 987,282 Matumizi mengine ya uendeshaji (61,993,339) (64,405,048) 58,295,807 100 57,931,478 100

Mapato Kwa Wafanyakazi 12,010,444 20.6 12,028,061 20.8Kwa Serikali - Kodi ya mapato ya Kampuni 13,414,337 23.0 12,965,708 22.4Gawio la Wenyehisa - 0.0 19,419,669 33.5Kwa Vyombo vya Ukopeshaji - 0.0 280,675 0.5Kwa Upanuzi na Kukua

-Uchakavu 2,450,783 4.2 2,207,366 3.8-Mapato yaliyobakizwa 30,420,243 52.2 11,029,999 19.0

58,295,807 100 57,931,478 100

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General Information


Tanga Cement Company LimitedPongwe Factory Area

P.O. Box 5053Tanga


Tanga Cement Company LimitedPongwe Factory Area

P.O. Box 5053Tanga

AUDITORS Ernst & Young

Utalii House, 36 Laibon Road, OysterbayP.O. Box 2475

Dar es Salaam


Rex House, 145 Magore Street, UpangaP.O. Box 7495

Dar es Salaam

TAX ADVISORSPricewaterhouseCoopers

International HouseP.O. Box 45

Dar es Salaam

MAIN bANkERSNational Bank of Commerce Limited P.O. Box 71625 Tanga

Citibank Tanzania Limited P.O. Box 5031 Dar es Salaam

Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania LimitedP.O. Box 9011Dar es Salaam

Stanbic Bank Tanzania LimitedP.O. Box 72647Dar es Salaam

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Report of the DirectorsFor the year ended 31 December 2009

The Directors submit their report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 which disclose the financial performance and the state of affairs of Tanga Cement Company Limited.

1. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIESThe principal activities during the year remained to be the manufacturing and selling of clinker and cement.

2. OPERATING RESULTSThe Company maintained its sales volumes at the same levels as in 2008. Sales revenue, however reflected a 1% decrease compared to the previous year. Despite this decline in sales revenue as well as increase in foreign exchange losses following the depreciation of the Tanzanian Shilling against major currencies, the Company still managed to maintain net profit above the 2008 level. This was achieved mainly through improvements in operating efficiencies as well as decrease in raw material and fuel costs.

The detailed financial performance of the Company, during the year is set out on page 14 of these financial statements.

3. FUTURE PROSPECTS OF THE COMPANyWith the expectation of growth in the cement market in 2010, the Company is optimistic that with the additional cement mill in place, it will be able to increase sales volumes and market share. The impact of excess capacity in the market, imports of cement, power interruptions and rail service delivery problems will be amongst the main challenges the Company will face during 2010.

4. SOLVENCy EVALUATIONThe Company’s state of affairs as at 31 December 2009 is set out on page 15 of these financial statements. The Directors have reviewed the current financial position of the Company and the existing short-term borrowings. On the basis of this review together with the current business plan, the Directors are satisfied that the Company is a solvent going concern within the meaning ascribed by the Companies Act, 2002.

5. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERSThe Company is capable of handling all administrative matters.

6. DIVIDENDThe Directors did not declare payment of an interim dividend for the financial year 2009 (2008: Tzs 120 per share). The Directors propose a final dividend of Tzs 179 per share for the year ended 31 December 2009 (2008: Tzs Nil).

7. SUbSEQUENT EVENTSThere are no subsequent events that have occurred which are either to be disclosed or to be adjusted in the financial statements that could materially affect the financial statements.

8. SHARE CAPITALThe total issued share capital of the Company amounts to 63,671,045 ordinary shares (2008: 63,671,045 ordinary shares). There was no change in the issued share capital.

The shareholding of the Company as at 31 December 2009 is as stated below:Name 2009 2008 % shareholding % shareholding AfriSam Mauritius Investment Holdings Limited 62.50 62.50Tanzania General Public and Institutions 36.25 37.00Employees’ Share Trust 0.75 0.50 100.00 100.00

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Report of the DirectorsFor the year ended 31 December

9. STOCk EXCHANGE INFORMATIONOn 26 September 2002 the Company went public and its shares started to trade on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. During 2009 the shares of the Company were continuously traded in the secondary market through auctions organised by the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE). In the year the performance of the Company’s shares in the secondary market was as follows: Market capitalization as at 31 December 2009 was Tzs 112,061 million (2008: Tzs 118,428 million). Total turnover of Company’s shares at DSE was Tzs 4,757,680,760 (2008: Tzs 1,676,790,040). The average price of Company shares was Tzs 1,823 per share (2008: Tzs 1,750) and share price prevailing as at 31 December 2009 was Tzs 1,760 per share (IPO price Tzs 360 per share).

10. SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANyThe total number of shareholders during year 2009 was 11,497 shareholders (2008: 11,642 shareholders). The following were ten largest shareholders of the Company:

Name Nationality % of HoldingAfriSam Mauritius Investment Holdings Limited Mauritius 62.50Public Service Pension Fund Tanzanian 7.18National Social Security Fund Tanzanian 6.54Social Action Trust Fund Tanzanian 1.79The Registered Trustees of Tanga Cement Company Limited Employees Scheme Tanzanian 0.75Sajjad F. Rajabali Tanzanian 0.58Aunali F. Rajabali Tanzanian 0.53Government Employees Provident Fund Tanzanian 0.35Local Authorities Provident Fund Tanzanian 0.35BP Tanzania Provident Trust Limited Tanzanian 0.32


The Directors of the Company at the date of this report, all of who have served throughout the period (unless as otherwise stated) were:

Name NationalityMr. C Naude (Chairperson) Appointed – 22 May 2009 South AfricanMr. J Flühmann SwissMr. D King Resigned – 22 May 2009 South AfricanMr. M Lekota Appointed – 22 May 2009 South AfricanProf. S Wangwe TanzanianMr. K Omar TanzanianMs. G Rubambey TanzanianMrs. J Nyimbo-Taylor TanzanianMr. C Kariwa Appointed – 22 May 2009 Tanzanian

With the exception of Mr. J Flühmann, the Managing Director, and Mrs. J Nyimbo-Taylor, the Human Resources Manager, all other Directors were non-executive.

12. DIRECTOR’S INTEREST IN THE SHARES OF THE COMPANyThe Director’s shareholding in the Company were as follows:

Prof. SM Wangwe 2,000 sharesMrs. J Nyimbo-Taylor (through Employee Share Trust) 30,000 shares

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Report of the DirectorsFor the year ended 31 December

13. DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATIONThe remuneration for services rendered by the Directors of the Company in 2009 was as follows:

Amount in Tzs Chairman of the Board of Directors 14,150,000Other Directors 65,810,000

During the year under review, executive Directors’ remuneration was Tzs 451 million (2008: Tzs 302 million).


The key management personnel who served the Company during the year ended 31 December 2009 were:

Mr. J Flühmann Managing DirectorMrs. J Nyimbo-Taylor Human Resources ManagerMr. B Lema Plant ManagerMr. O Kitomari Environmental ManagerMs. K Kerenge Corporate Communication ManagerMr. B Griesel Commercial ManagerMr. H Duggal Head of Strategic Planning and MarketingMr. A Osman Project Manager

15. ACCOUNTING POLICIESThe annual financial statements are prepared on the underlying assumption of a going concern.

The Company’s accounting policies, which are laid out on pages 18 to 33 are subject to an annual review to ensure continuing compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

16. INVESTMENTSThe Company owned 20% of the share capital of Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited and 20% of the share capital of East African Rail Hauliers Limited. Detailed information regarding the company’s interests in associate companies is given in Note 20 to the financial statements.

17. ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALSThere was no material disposal or acquisition of business during year 2009 (2008: Nil).

18. RELATED PARTy TRANSACTIONSAll related party transactions and balances are disclosed in Note 31 to the financial statements.

19. QUALITyThe Company has a formal quality assurance accreditation program, with all operations following the ISO 9001:2008 system (2008: ISO 9001:2000 system).

20. EMPLOyEE wELFARERelationship between management and employeesA voluntary agreement entered into between the Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) and management governs the relationship between management and employees. The voluntary agreement will expire on 31 December 2010.

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Report of the DirectorsFor the year ended 31 December

Medical facilitiesThe Company fully meets the cost of medical consultation and treatment for all employees and their immediate families.

TrainingTraining programs have been and are continually being developed to ensure employees are adequately trained at all levels. Generally, most employees have some form of annual training to upgrade skills and enhance development.

EmolumentsSalary levels are adjusted annually within the Company’s means after negotiations between TUICO and management. The 2009 increments were agreed in January 2009. During the year under review, all permanent employees had an average gross income level of Tzs 18 million per annum.

Employee benefitsSome employees are members of Parastatal Pension Fund (PPF) and others are members of National Social Security Fund (NSSF). The Company contributes 15% of basic salary of each employee to PPF and 10% of gross salary to NSSF on behalf of all permanent employees. All these plans are defined contribution plans.

The Company’s employment terms are regularly reviewed to ensure they continue to meet statutory and market conditions. The Company communicates with its employees through regular management and staff meetings and through circulars. The Company has continued to maintain a conducive working environment in terms of offices, canteen, medical facilities and transport.

The average number of employees during the year was 311 (2008: 328).

21. DISAbLED PERSONSIt remains the Company’s policy to accept disabled persons for employment for those vacancies that they are able to fill. Opportunities for advancement are provided to each disabled person when a suitable vacancy arises with the organization and all necessary assistance is given with initial training. Where an employee becomes disabled during the course of his or her employment, the Company will seek suitable alternate employment and necessary training thereof. The Company’s policy is not discriminatory against people with regards to race, gender, religion or disability.

22. HEALTH AND SAFETyThe Company has facilities and equipment in place, which meet the requirements contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2003 and other relevant legislation concerning industrial safety including AfriSam Occupational Health and Safety pyramid. The Company considers the health and safety awareness campaign as an on-going process.


Code of Corporate Practice and Conduct Tanga Cement Company Limited is committed to the principles of effective corporate governance and the Board is of the opinion that the Company currently complies with principles of good Corporate Governance.

The board of DirectorsThe Board of Tanga Cement Company Limited consists of eight Directors. Apart from the Managing Director and Human Resource Manager, no other Directors hold executive positions in the Company. The Board takes overall responsibility for the Company, including responsibility for identifying key risk areas, considering and monitoring investment decisions, considering significant financial matters, and reviewing the performance of management against budgets and business plans. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that a comprehensive system of internal control policies and procedures is operative, and for compliance with sound corporate governance principles.

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Annual Report | 200932

The Board is chaired by a Non-Executive Director, who has no executive functions. The roles of Chairman and Managing Director are separate, with each having set responsibilities.

The Board is confident that its members have the knowledge, talent and experience to lead the Company. The Non-Executive Directors are independent of management and exercise their independent judgment. With their depth of experience, they add value to Board deliberations.

The Board is required to meet at least four times a year. The Board delegates the day-to-day management of the business to the Managing Director assisted by senior management. Senior management is invited to attend Board meetings and facilitates the effective control of all the Company’s operational activities, acting as a medium of communication and coordination between all the various business units.

All Directors have access to the Company Secretary and his services and may seek independent professional advice if necessary. It is the Company’s philosophy to manage and control its business on a decentralized basis. Senior management meets on a monthly basis to review the results, operations, key financial indicators and the business strategy of the Company. Board meetings are held quarterly to deliberate the results of the Company.

Performance evaluation and rewardDetails of the remuneration of Directors are disclosed in Note 31 to the financial statements. The Company utilises the results of market surveys to ensure market related salaries are paid and that market related trends are followed in terms of changes in benefits, while at the same time taking into account the intrinsic value of individual contributions. A portion of remuneration of all managerial staff, especially senior management, is linked to the performance of their respective business units and of the Company as a whole.

Risk management and internal control The Board accepts final responsibility for the risk management and internal control systems of the Company. It is the task of management to ensure that adequate internal financial and operational control systems are developed and maintained on an ongoing basis in order to provide reasonable assurance regarding:

The effectiveness and efficiency of operations;• The safeguarding of the Company’s assets (including information); • Compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and supervisory requirements;• The reliability of the accounting records; • Business sustainability under normal as well as adverse conditions; and• Responsible behaviour towards all stakeholders. The efficiency of any internal control system is dependent on the strict observance of prescribed measures. There is always a risk of non-compliance of such measures by staff. Consequently, even a strict and efficient internal control system can provide no more than a reasonable measure of assurance in respect of the above mentioned objective.

The Board assessed the internal control systems throughout the financial year ended 31 December 2009 and is of the opinion that they met acceptable criteria.

Ethical behaviorThe Company’s Code of Conduct governs all its activities, internal relations and interactions with stakeholders in accordance with its ethical values. It is expected of all staff to maintain the higher level of integrity and honesty in dealing with customers, suppliers, service providers and colleagues.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct is the ultimate responsibility of the Managing Director and the Company Secretary, with day-to-day monitoring delegated to line management with the support of personnel officers.

Report of the DirectorsFor the year ended 31 December

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33Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Report of the DirectorsFor the year ended 31 December

The code is supplemented by the Company’s responsibility philosophy as well as its employment practices, occupational health and safety controls.

business ethics and organizational integrityThe Company’s Code of Conduct commits it to the highest standards of integrity, conduct and ethics in its dealings with all parties concerned, including its Directors, managers, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, investors, shareholders and the public in general. The Directors and staff are expected to fulfill their ethical obligations in such a way that the business is run strictly according to fair commercial competitive practices.

Financial reporting and auditingThe Directors accept final responsibility for the preparation of the annual financial statements which fairly present: • The financial position of the Company as at the end of the year under review;• The financial results of operations, as well as;• The cash flows for that period.

The responsibility for compiling the annual financial statements was delegated to management.

The external auditors report on whether the annual financial statements are fairly presented. The Directors are satisfied that during the year under review:• Adequate accounting records were maintained; • An effective system of internal control and risk management, monitored by management, was maintained; • Appropriate accounting policies, supported by reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates, were used consistently;

and• The financial statements were compiled in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and in the manner

required by the Companies Act, 2002.

The Directors are also satisfied that no material event has occurred between the financial year-end and the date of this report.

The Directors are of the opinion that the Company has sufficient resources and commitments at its disposal to operate the business for the foreseeable future, the financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

24. ENVIRONMENTALThe Company has a formal environmental control accreditation program and all operations are following the ISO 14001:2004 system.

25. AUDITORSThe auditors, Ernst & Young have expressed their willingness to continue in office as auditors and are eligible for re - appointment. A resolution proposing the re-appointment of Ernst & Young as auditors of the Company for the year 2010 will be tabled at the Annual General Meeting.

Charles Naude - Chairperson Jürg Flühmann - Managing Director

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Annual Report | 200934

The Companies Act, 2002 requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial period that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at the end of the financial year and of its profit or loss. It also requires the Directors to ensure that the Company keeps proper accounting records that disclose, with reasonable accuracy, the financial position of the Company. The Directors are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud, error and other irregularities.

The Directors accept responsibility for the annual financial statements, which have been prepared using appropriate accounting policies supported by reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the requirements of the Companies Act, 2002. The Directors are of the opinion that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the financial affairs of the Company and of its profit or loss.

The Directors further accept responsibility for the maintenance of accounting records that may be relied upon in the preparation of financial statements, as well as adequate systems of internal financial control.

Nothing has come to the attention of the Directors to indicate that the Company will not remain a going concern for at least twelve months from the date of this statement.

Charles Naude - Chairperson12 February 2010

Jürg Flühmann - Managing Director12 February 2010

Statement of Directors’ ResponsibilitiesFor the year ended 31 December 2009

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35Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

To the Members ofTanga Cement Company Limited We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Tanga Cement Company Limited, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2009 and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.

Directors’ responsibilities for the financial statementsThe Directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and in compliance with the Companies Act, 2002. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circ*mstances.

Auditors’ responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

OpinionIn our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the company as of 31 December 2009, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and Companies Act, 2002.

Report on other legal and regulatory requirementsThis report, including the opinion, has been prepared for, and only for, the Company’s members as a body in accordance with the Companies Act, 2002 and for no other purposes.

As required by the Companies Act, 2002, we report to you, based on our audit, that:

i. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit;

ii. In our opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the Company, so far as appears from our examination of those books;

iii. The report of the Directors is consistent with the financial statements,

iv. Information specified by law regarding Directors’ remuneration and transactions with the company is disclosed; and

v. The Company’s Statement of financial position and Statement of comprehensive income of are in agreement with the books of account.

Report of the Independent AuditorsFor the year ended 31 December 2009

Ernst & youngCertified Public AccountantsDar es Salaam

Michael kimoni12th February 2010

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Annual Report | 200936

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37Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009 37Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

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Statement of Comphensive IncomeFor the year ended 31 December

Annual Report | 200938

Notes 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

Revenue - sale of goods 119,898,248 121,349,244

Cost of sales 7 (63,828,094) (68,871,990)

Gross profit 56,070,154 52,477,254

Other income 9 (a) 361,012 999,277

Other expenses 9 (b) (206,083) (146,016)

Selling expenses 10 (1,297,792) (1,232,231)

Administration expenses 11 (7,327,710) (7,091,646)

Depreciation and amortization 18 & 19 (2,450,783) (2,207,366)

Operating profit 12 45,148,798 42,799,272

Foreign exchange losses 13 (1,763,217) (286,853)

Finance revenue 14 58,101 31,382

Finance expenses 14 - (312,057)

Share of profit of associates 15 390,898 987,282

Profit before tax 43,834,580 43,219,026

Income tax expense 16 (13,414,337) (12,965,708)

Profit for the year 30,420,243 30,253,318

Other comprehensive income - -

Total comprehensive income for the year 30,420,243 30,253,318

Earnings per share

Basic, profit for the year attributable to

ordinary equity holder’s of the company (Tzs) 17(a) 478 475

Diluted, profit for the year attributable to

ordinary equity holder’s of the company (Tzs) 17(b) 478 475

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Taarifa ya Mapato Mwaka wa fedha uishao 31 Desemba

39Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

kielezo 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

Mapato – Mauzo ya bidhaa 119,898,248 121,349,244

Gharama za mauzo 7 (63,828,094) (68,871,990)

Faida ghafi 56,070,154 52,477,254

Mapato mengine 9 (a) 361,012 999,277

Gharama nyingine 9 (b) (206,083) (146,016)

Gharama za uuzaji 10 (1,297,792) (1,232,231)

Gharama za utawala 11 (7,327,710) (7,091,646)

Uchakavu 18 & 19 (2,450,783) (2,207,366)

Faida ya Uendeshaji 12 45,148,798 42,799,272

Hasara ya ubadilishaji fedha 13 (1,763,217) (286,853)

Mapato ya fedha 14 58,101 31,382

Gharama za fedha 14 - (312,057)

Hisa ya faida ya wenza 15 390,898 987,282

Faida kabla ya kodi 43,834,580 43,219,026

Gharama za kodi ya mapato 16 (13,414,337) (12,965,708)

Faida kwa mwaka 30,420,243 30,253,318

Pato kuu jingine - -

Jumla ya Pato kuu kwa mwaka 30,420,243 30,253,318

Mapato kwa hisa

Faida ya msingi kwa mwaka inayostahili wamiliki

wa hisa za kawaida za Kampuni (Tzs) 17(a) 478 475

Faida hafifu kwa mwaka inayostahili wamiliki

wa hisa za kawaida za Kampuni (Tzs) 17(b) 478 475

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Annual Report | 200940

Notes 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 18 84,319,136 58,776,827Due from employees’ share trust 379,482 -Intangible assets 19 - 39,836Investment in associates 20 291,885 468,959 84,990,503 59,285,622Current assets Inventories 21 17,176,966 21,138,953Trade and other receivables 22 3,808,699 4,600,852Cash and cash equivalents 23 10,169,853 3,804,282 31,155,518 29,544,087

TOTAL ASSETS 116,146,021 88,829,709 EQUITy AND LIAbILITIES Capital and reserves Issued capital 24 1,273,421 1,273,421Revaluation surplus 24 2,668,534 2,795,906Retained earnings 87,939,964 57,337,761 91,881,919 61,407,088Non-current liabilities Provision for site restoration 25 57,445 53,444Deferred tax liability 16 13,293,426 6,340,887 13,350,871 6,394,331Current liabilities Interest bearing borrowing 23 & 30 - 6,078,136Trade and other payables 26 10,626,875 14,422,864Income tax payable 27 286,356 527,290 10,913,231 21,028,290 TOTAL EQUITy AND LIAbILITIES 116,146,021 88,829,709

These fi nancial statements were approved by the Board of Directors for issue on 12 February 2010 and were signed on their behalf by:

Charles Naude Jürg FlühmannChairperson Managing Director

Statement of Financial PositionAs at 31 December

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (43)

Mizania ya Kampunikama ilivyokuwa 31 Desemba

41Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

kielezo 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000RASILIMALI Rasilimali za kudumu Mali, mitambo na vifaa 18 84,319,136 58,776,827Stahiki kutoka kwa mf*cko wa hisa wa wafanyakazi 379,482 -Rasilimali zisizoshikika 19 - 39,836Uwekezaji kwa wenza 20 291,885 468,959 84,990,503 59,285,622Rasilimali za muda Bidhaa 21 17,176,966 21,138,953Hesabu za kupokelewa kibiashara na nyingine 22 3,808,699 4,600,852Taslimu na benki 23 10,169,853 3,804,282 31,155,518 29,544,087

JUMLA yA RASILIMALI 116,146,021 88,829,709 HISA NA DHIMA Mtaji na akiba Mtaji wa hisa ulitolewa 24 1,273,421 1,273,421Ziada Iliyothaminiwa upya 24 2,668,534 2,795,906Mapato yaliyobakishwa 87,939,964 57,337,761 91,881,919 61,407,088Dhima za kudumu Tengo la utunzaji eneo 25 57,445 53,444Dhima ya kodi Iliyochelewa 16 13,293,426 6,340,887 13,350,871 6,394,331Dhima za Muda Mkopo wenye riba 23 & 30 - 6,078,136Madeni ya kibiashara na mengineyo 26 10,626,875 14,422,864Madeni ya kodi ya mapato 27 286,356 527,290 10,913,231 21,028,290 JUMLA yA HISA/MTAJI NA DHIMA 116,146,021 88,829,709

Taarifa hizi za fedha zimeidhinishwa na Bodi ya Wakurugenzi ili zitumike tarehe 12 Februari 2010 na zimetiwa saini kwa niaba yao na:

Charles Naude Jürg FlühmannChairperson Managing Director

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (44)

Statement of Changes in EquityFor the year ended 31 December

Annual Report | 200942

Notes Issued Revaluation Retained

Capital Surplus earnings Total

Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

At 1 January 2008 1,273,421 2,933,351 46,307,762 50,514,534

Profit for the period - - 30,253,318 30,253,318

Total comprehensive income - - 30,253,318 30,253,318

Dividends 28 - - (19,419,669) (19,419,669)

Transfer from deferred taxation 16 - 58,905 - 58,905

Transfers - Depreciation transfer on revalued

property, plant and equipment 24 (b) - (196,350) 196,350 -

At 31 December 2008 1,273,421 2,795,906 57,337,761 61,407,088

At 1 January 2009 1,273,421 2,795,906 57,337,761 61,407,088

Profit for the period - - 30,253,318 30,253,318

Total comprehensive income - - 30,420,243 30,420,243

Dividends 28 - - - -

Transfer from deferred taxation 16 - 54,588 - 54,588

Transfers - Depreciation transfer on revalued

property, plant and equipment 24 (b) - (181,960) 181,960 -

At 31 December 2009 1,273,421 2,668,534 87,939,964 91,881,918

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Taarifa ya Mabadiliko ya Hisa/MtajiMwaka wa fedha uishao 31 Desemba

43Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Ufafanuzi Mtaji Ziada Mapato

Uliotolewa Iliyodhaminiwa yaliyobakishwa Jumla

Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

Hadi 1 Januari 2008 1,273,421 2,933,351 46,307,762 50,514,534

Faida kwa Kipindi - - 30,253,318 30,253,318

Jumla ya Pato Kuu - - 30,253,318 30,253,318

Gawio 28 - - (19,419,669) (19,419,669)

Uhamisho kutoka iliyoahirishwa 16 - 58,905 - 58,905

Uhamisho – Uhamisho wa uchakavu kwa majengo,

mitambo na vifaa vilivyotathminiwa upya. 24 (b) - (196,350) 196,350 -

Hadi 31 Desemba 2008 1,273,421 2,795,906 57,337,761 61,407,088

Hadi 1 Januari 2009 1,273,421 2,795,906 57,337,761 61,407,088

Faida kwa Kipindi - - 30,253,318 30,253,318

Jumla ya Pato Kuu - - 30,420,243 30,420,243

Gawio 28 - - - -

Uhamisho kutoka kodi iliyoahirishwa 16 - 54,588 - 54,588

Uhamisho – Uhamisho wa uchakavu kwa majengo,

mitambo na vifaa vilivyotathminiwa upya. 24 (b) - (181,960) 181,960 -

Hadi 31 Desemba 2009 1,273,421 2,668,534 87,939,964 91,881,918

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Annual Report | 200944

Statement of Cash Flows

Notes 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000Operating activities

Operating Profit 45,148,798 42,799,272

Adjustment to reconcile profit before tax to net cash flows


Depreciation and amortisation 2,450,783 2,207,366

Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment 206,083 146,016

Provision for site restoration 4,001 4,001

Foreign exchange losses (1,763,217) (286,853)

Provision for Stock obsolesce 252,891 -

working capital adjustments:

Decrease/(increase) in inventory 3,961,987 (3,450,481)

Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables 792,153 (1,381,782)

(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables (3,795,989) 2,875,180

47,257,490 42,912,719Dividends received 15 540,000 954,000

Interest received 14 58,101 31,382

Interest paid 14 - (312,057)

Income taxes paid 27 (6,648,144) (11,686,648)

Net cash flows from operating activities 41,207,447 31,899,396

Investing activities

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 100,570 150,789

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (28,484,828) (20,429,581)

Net cash flow used in investing activities (28,384,258) (20,278,792)

Financing activities

Employees’ share trust (379,482) -

Dividends paid to equity holders 28 - (19,419,669)

Net cash flow used in financing activities (379,482) (19,419,669)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 12,443,707 (7,799,065)Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January (2,273,854) 5,525,211Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 23 10,169,853 (2,273,854)

For the year ended 31 December

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45Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Mtiririko wa Fedha

kielezo 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000Shughuli za Uendeshaji

Faida ya Uendeshaji 45,148,798 42,799,272

Marekebisho kulinganisha faida kabla ya kodi kwenye mapato halisi

Rasilimali zisizo za fedha:

Uchakavu 2,450,783 2,207,366

Hasara/(faida) kwa mauzo ya mali, mitambo na vifaa 206,083 146,016

Provision for site restoration 4,001 4,001

Tengo kwa ajili ya utunzaji eneo (1,763,217) (286,853)

Hasara ya ubadilishaji fedha za Kigeni 252,891 -

Marekebisho ya Mtaji utumikao:

Ongezeko la bidhaa 3,961,987 (3,450,481)

(Ongezeko)/punguzo la biashara na vinavyotarajiwa kupokewa 792,153 (1,381,782)

(Ongezeko)/punguzo la biashara na vingine vya kulipiwa (3,795,989) 2,875,180

47,257,490 42,912,719Gawio lililopokewa 15 540,000 954,000

Riba iliyopokewa 14 58,101 31,382

Riba iliyolipwa 14 - (312,057)

Kodi za mapato zilizolipwa 27 (6,648,144) (11,686,648)

Mapato halisi kutokana na shughuli za uendeshaji 41,207,447 31,899,396

Shughuli za Uwekezaji

Mapato ya mauzo ya mali, mitambo na vifaa 100,570 150,789

Ununuzi wa mali, mitambo na vifaa (28,484,828) (20,429,581)

Mapato halisi yaliyotumika katika uwekezajis (28,384,258) (20,278,792)

Shughuli za kugharimia

Mf*cko wa hisa wa Wafanyakazi (379,482) -

Gawio waliolipwa wanahisa 28 - (19,419,669)

Mapato halisi yaliyotumiwa katika shughuli za kugharimia (379,482) (19,419,669)

Punguzo halisi la taslimu na hawala 12,443,707 (7,799,065)Fedha taslimu na hawala tarehe 1 Januari (2,273,854) 5,525,211Fedha taslimu na hawala tarehe 31 Desemba 23 10,169,853 (2,273,854)

Mwaka wa fedha uishao 31 Desemba

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (48)

Annual Report | 200946

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December

1. COMPANy INFORMATIONThe financial statements of Tanga Cement Company Limited for the year ended 31 December 2009 were authorized for issue in accordance with a resolution of Directors on 12 February 2010.The Company is incorporated in Tanzania under the Companies Act, 2002 as a limited company and it is domiciled in Tanga Tanzania. The principal activities of the Company are disclosed in the Report of the Directors. Tanga Cement Company Limited’s shares are publicly traded at the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange.

2. bASIS OF PREPARATIONThe financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis modified to include revaluation of property, plant and equipment. No other adjustments have been made for inflationary factors affecting the statement. The financial statements are prepared in Tanzanian Shillings and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (Tzs‘000) except when otherwise indicated.

Statement of complianceThe financial statements of Tanga Cement Company Limited have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and comply with the Companies Act, 2002.

3. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND DISCLOSURESThe accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year except as follows:

The Company has adopted the following new and amended IFRS and IFRIC interpretations as of 1 January 2008.

• IFRS 2 Share-based Payment: Vesting Conditions and Cancellations effective 1 January 2009• IFRS 2 Share-based Payment: Group cash –settled Share-based payment Transactions effective 1 January 2010 (early adopted)• IFRS 3 Business Combinations (Revised) and IAS 27 Consolidated and separate Financial Statements (Amended) effective 1 July

2009 (early adopted) including consequential amendments to IFRS 7, IAS 21, IAS 28, IAS 31 and IAS 39• IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure effective 1 January 2009• IFRS 8 Operating Segments effective 1 January 2009• IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements effective 1 January 2009• IAS 23 Borrowing Cost (Revised) effective January 2009• IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and IAS 1 Puttable Financial Instruments and obligation arising on liquidation

effective 1 January 2009• IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement – Eligible Hedged items effective 1 July 2009 (early adopted)• IFRIC 9 Re-measurement of Embedded derivatives and IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement effective

for periods ending on or after 30 June 2009• IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes effective 1 July 2008• IFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation effective 1 October 2008• IFRIC 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers effective 1 July 2009 (early adopted)• Improvements to IFRSs (May 2008)• Improvements to IFRSs (April 2009, early adopted)

When the adoption of the standard or the interpretation is deemed to have an impact on the financial statements or performance of the Company, its impact is described below:

IFRS 7 Financial Instruments disclosures The amended standard requires additional disclosures about fair value measurement and liquidity risk. Fair value measurements related to items recorded at fair value are to be disclosed by source of inputs using a three level fair value hierarchy, by class, for all

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47Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December

financial instruments recognized at fair value. In addition, reconciliation between the beginning and ending balance for level 3 fair value measurements is now required, as well as significant transfers between levels in the fair value hierarchy. The amendments also clarify the requirements for liquidity risk disclosures with respect to derivative transactions and assets used for liquidity management. The fair value measurement disclosures are presented in Note 16. The liquidity risk disclosures are not significantly impacted by the amendments and are presented in Note 31.

IFRS 8 Operating SegmentsThe IASB issued IFRS 8 in November 2006. IFRS 8 replaces IAS 14 Segment Reporting (IAS14) upon its effective date. The Company early adopted this amendment as of 1 January 2008. The Company concluded that this amendment does not have an impact on the disclosures of the Company as the company has only one operating segment.

IAS 1 Presentation of the Financial StatementsThe revised standard separates owner and non owner changes in equity. The statement of changes in equity includes only details of the transactions with owners, with non owners changes in equity presented in a reconciliation of each component of equity. In addition, the standard introduces the statement of comprehensive income: it presents all items of recognized income and expenses, either in one single statement or in two linked statements. The Company has selected to present single statement.

IAS 23 Borrowing Costs (Revised)The IASB issued an amendment to IAS 23 in April 2007. The revised IAS 23 requires capitalisation of borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset. The Company’s previous policy was to expense borrowing costs as they were incurred. In accordance with the transitional provisions of the amended IAS 23, the Company has adopted the standard on a prospective basis. Therefore, borrowing costs are capitalised on qualifying assets with a commencement date on or after 1 January 2009. During the 12 months to 31 December 2009, Tzs 586 million of borrowing costs have been capitalised on long-term construction in progress as presented in Note 18.

Improvements to IFRSsIn May 2008 and April 2009 the IASB issued omnibus of amendments to its standards, primarily with a view to removing inconsistencies and clarifying wording. There are separate transitional provisions for each standard. The adoption of the following amendments resulted in changes to accounting policies but did not have any impact on the financial positioning or performance of the Company.

• IFRS 5 Non-Current Asset held for sale and Discontinued Operations: clarified that the disclosures required in respect of non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale or discontinues operations are only those set out in IFRS 5. The disclosure requirements of other IFRSs only apply specifically required for such non-current assets or discontinued operations. This amendment did not have impact on the financial statements of the Company.

• IFRS 8 Operating Segments Information: clarifies that segment assets and liabilities need only be reported when those assets and liabilities are included in measures that are used by the chief operating decision maker. This amendment did not have impact on the financial statements of the Company.

• IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements: Assets and liabilities classified as held for trading in accordance for IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement are not automatically classified as current in the statement of financial position. The Company analysed whether the expected period of realisation of financial assets and liabilities differed from the classification of the instrument. This did not result in any reclassification of financial instruments between current and non-current in the statement of financial position.

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• IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows: Explicitly states that only expenditure that results in recognizing an asset can be classified as a cash flow from investing activities. This amendment did not have impact in the presentation of the statement of cash flows.

• IAS 16 Properly, Plant and Equipment: Replaces the term “net selling price” with “fair value less costs to sell”. The Company amends its accounting policy accordingly, which did not result in any change in the financial position.

• IAS 18 Revenue: The Board has added guidance (which accompanies the standard) to determine whether an entity is acting as a principal or as an agent. The features to consider are whether the entity:

- Has primary responsibility for providing the goods or services- Has inventory risk- Has discretion in establishing prices- Bears the credit risk

This amendment did not have impact on the financial statements of the Company.

• IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosures of Government Assistance: Loans granted with no or low interest will not be exempt from the requirement to impute interest. Interest is to be imputed on loans granted with below-market interest rates. This amendment did not impact the Company.

• IAS 23 Borrowing Costs: The definition of borrowing costs is revised to consolidate the two types of items that are considered components of ‘borrowing costs’ into one – the interest expense calculated using the effective interest rate method calculated in accordance with IAS 39. The Company has amended its accounting policy accordingly which did not result in any change in its financial position.

• IAS 36 Impairment of Assets: When discounted cash flows are used to estimate ‘Fair value less cost to sell’ additional disclosure is required about the discount rate, consistent with disclosure required when the discounted cash flow are used to estimate ‘value in use’. This amendment had no immediate impact on the financial statements of the Company because the recoverable amount of its cash generating units currently estimates using ‘vales in use’.

The amendment clarified that the largest unit permitted for allocation goodwill, acquired in a business combination, is the operating segment as defined in IFRS 8 before aggregation for reporting purposes. The amendment has no impact on the Company.

• IAS 38 Intangible Assets: Expenditure on advertising and promotional activities is recognised as an expense when the Company either has the right to access the goods or has received the service. This amendment has no impact on the Company because it does not enter into such promotional activities.

Other amendments resulting from improvements to IFRS to the following standards did not have any impact on the accounting policies, financial positioning or performance of the Company:

• IFRS 2 Share-based Payment• IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures• IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Change in Accounting Estimates and Error• IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period• IAS 19 Employee Benefits• IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements

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• IAS 28 Investments associates• IAS 31 Interest in Joint Ventures• IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting• IAS 38 Intangible Assets• IAS 40 Investment Properties• IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement• IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives• IFRIC 16 Hedge of Net Investment in a Foreign Operation.

4. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING JUDGMENTS, ESTIMATES AND ASSUMPTIONSThe preparation of the Company’s financial statement requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the reporting date. However, uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could require a material adjustment to carrying amount of the asset or liability affected in the future periods.

JudgmentsIn the process of applying the Company’s accounting policies, management has made the following judgment, apart from those involving estimations, which has the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements:

Operating lease commitments – Company as a lesseeThe Company has entered into lease agreements for office space and residential The Company has determined that it does not retain significant risks and rewards of ownership of these properties and so accounts for them as operating leases.

Estimates and assumptionsThe key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below:

Provision for quarry restorationThe Company’s quarry is an open pit quarry with bench heights at 12 - 15 metres. The overburden materials vary in thickness, but seldom exceed 0.5 metres. The removed overburden is later used as natural backfill material on the mined benches. Limestone is mined from the quarry in a way that leaves the “used” area as a one-level horizontal plateau (bench). From management’s point of view there should not be any need for provision to cover future costs for restoration of the quarry area due to continuous ongoing backfilling and the way the area is left after extraction. The Company has re- cultivated the lands of the quarry that will no longer be mined. The Company has prepared a quarry restoration plan.

Asset useful livesThe useful lives of items of property, plant and equipment are estimated annually and are in line with the rate at which they are depreciated.

Impairment of non-financial assetsThe Company assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for all non-financial assets at each reporting date. Intangibles are tested for impairment annually and at other times when such indicators exist. Other non-financial assets are tested for impairment when there are indicators that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. When value in use calculations are undertaken, management must estimate the expected future cash flows from the asset or cash generating unit and choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows.

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Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable those future economic benefits will flow to the company and that the revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received, excluding discounts, rebates and Valued Added Taxation (VAT).

Sale of goodsRevenue arising from the sale of goods is recognised when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have passed to the buyer, usually on delivery of goods. Technical feesRevenue is recognised when service is rendered.

DividendsRevenue is recognised when the company’s right to receive the payment is established.

b) Foreign currency translationThe financial statements are presented in Tanzanian Shillings, which is the Company’s functional and presentation currency. Transactions in foreign currencies during the year are translated into Tanzanian Shillings at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are re-translated at the exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Resulting exchange differences are recognised in the Statement of comprehensive income for the year. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are recorded at the exchange rate ruling at the date of transaction.

c) Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Such cost includes the cost of replacing part of the property, plant and equipment when that cost is incurred, if the recognition criteria are met. All other repair and maintenance costs are recognised in profit and loss as incurred.

Depreciation on property, plant and equipment is computed on a straight line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The rates of depreciation used are:

• Leasehold land 1.00% – 10.00%• Buildings, roads and railway siding 2.86% – 10.00%• Plant, machinery and equipment 3.33% – 10.00%• Motor vehicles 3.33% – 12.50%• Fixtures, fittings and equipment 3.33% – 33.33% Property, plant and equipment of the Company were re-valued to reflect their market value at the acquisition date by the new owners. Any excess of the value of the net assets acquired over their cost at the date of takeover is described as revaluation surplus.

An annual transfer from the revaluation surplus to retained earnings is made for the difference between the depreciation based on the re-valued carrying amount of the assets and depreciation based on the assets original cost.

An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset, (calculated as the difference between the net

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disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in the Statement of comprehensive income in the year the asset is derecognised.

The assets’ residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed and adjusted if appropriate at each financial year end.

d) ProvisionsProvisions are recognised when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event, if is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of obligation. The expense relating to any provision is recognised in the Statement of comprehensive income net of any reimbursem*nt. If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using pre-tax rate that reflects, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to passage of time is recognised as a finance cost.

Site restoration provisionA provision is made over the life of the quarry, for the restoration of the quarry and general upkeep of the environment surrounding the quarry. The annual charge to the Statement of comprehensive income is based on the expected life of the quarry and is included in operating expenditure.

The current cost is the sum of money required to return the quarry to the necessary state if paid at the end of the financial period.

e) Investment in associatesThe Company investments in its associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. An associate is an entity in which the Company has significant influence.

Under the equity method, the investment in the associate is carried in the balance sheet at cost plus post acquisition changes in the Company’s share of the net assets of the associate. The Statement of comprehensive income reflects the share of the results of operations of the associate. Unrealised gains and losses resulting from transactions between the Company and the associate are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the associate.

The share of profit of associates is shown on the face of the Statement of comprehensive income. This is the profit attributable to equity holders of the associates.

After application of the equity method, the Company determines whether it is necessary to recognise any additional impairment loss with respect to the Company’s net investment in the associate. The Company determines at each balance sheet date whether there is any objective evidence that the investment in the associate is impaired. If this is the case the Company calculates the amount of impairment as the difference between the recoverable amount of the associate and its carrying value and recognises the amount in the Statement of comprehensive income.

The reporting dates of the associates and the Company are identical.

f) InventoryInventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost incurred in bringing each product to its present location and conditions are accounted for as follows:

Raw materials and consumables – average cost on a first-in-first-out basis

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Finished goods and work in progress – cost of direct materials and labour and a proportion of manufacturing overheads based on normal operating capacity excluding borrowing costs.

Net realisable value is the net estimated selling price in the ordinary course of the business less estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

g) Financial assets

Initial recognition and measurementFinancial assets within the scope of IAS 39 are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables, held-to-maturity investments, or available-for-sale financial assets, or as derivatives designated as hedging instruments in an effective hedge, as appropriate. The Company determines the classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.

The financial assets are recognised initially at fair value plus, in the case of investments not at fair value through profit or loss, directly attributable transaction costs.

The Company’s financial assets include cash and short-term deposits and trade and other receivables.

Subsequent measurementThe subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification as follows:

Loans and receivablesLoans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. After initial measurement loans and receivables are carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method less any allowance for impairment. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the loans and receivables are derecognised or impaired, as well as through the amortisation process.

h) Financial liabilities

Initial recognition and measurementFinancial liabilities within the scope of IAS 39 are classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, loans and borrowings, or as derivatives designated as hedging instruments in an effective hedge, as appropriate. The Company determines the classification of its financial liabilities at initial recognition.

The financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and in the case of loans and borrowings plus directly attributable transaction costs.

The Company’s financial liabilities include trade and other payables and bank overdraft.

Loans and borrowingsAfter initial recognition, interest bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

Gains and losses are recognised in the Statement of comprehensive income when the liabilities are derecognised as well as through the amortisation process.

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i) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet comprise cash at banks and cash on hand.

For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in bank and cash on hand, net of the outstanding bank overdrafts.

j) Intangible assets Intangible assets acquired separately are measured on initial recognition at cost. Following initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and any accumulated impairment losses.

Intangible assets with finite useful lives are amortised over the economic life and assessed for impairment whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired. The amortisation period and method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life is reviewed annually at each financial year end. The change in the useful life is accounted for by changing the amortisation period or method and treated as change in accounting estimate. The amortisation expense on intangible assets with finite useful lives is recognised as an expense in the Statement of comprehensive income.

k) Royalties Royalties payable to the representatives of the ministry of Energy and Minerals, the Resident Mines Officer and Zonal Mines Officer and in some instances local government, are included under the cost of sales, are calculated based on quantities of limestone and red soil crushed/hauled and pozzolana used during the year under review.

l) Impairment of non-financial assets The carrying amounts of tangible and intangible assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is objective evidence that an asset or a group of assets may be impaired. If such evidence exists, the estimated recoverable amount of that asset is determined and an impairment loss recognised for the difference between the recoverable amount and the carrying amount.

The Company assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, or when annual impairment testing for an asset is required, the Company makes an estimate of the asset’s recoverable amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of the asset’s or cash generating unit’s fair value less cost to sell and its value in use and is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other assets or groups of assets. Where the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is considered impaired and is written down to its recoverable amount. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. Impairment losses of continuing operations are recognised in the Statement of comprehensive income in those expense categories consistent with the function of the impaired asset.

An assessment is made at each reporting date as to whether there is any indication that previously recognised impairment losses may no longer exist or may have decreased. If such indication exists, the recoverable amount is estimated. A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed only if there has been a change in the estimate used to determine the asset’s recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognised. If that is the case the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its recoverable amount.

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That increased amount cannot exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years. Such reversal is recognised in Statement of comprehensive income unless the asset is carried at the re-valued amount, in which case the reversal is treated as a revaluation increase. After such a reversal the depreciation charge is adjusted in future periods to allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount, less any residual value, on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life.

m) Taxation

Current income taxCurrent income tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted by the balance sheet date. The current rate of corporate taxation is 30%.

Deferred taxDeferred tax is provided using the liability method on temporary differences at balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences except:

• where the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of goodwill or of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and

• in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with the investments in associates where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

Deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, carry-forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and carry-forward of unused tax credits and tax losses can be utilized except:

• where the deferred tax asset relating to the deductible temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and at the time of transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and

in respect of deductible temporary differences associated with the investments in associates, deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.

The carrying amount of the deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the year when the asset is realised or liability settled, based on the tax rates that have been enacted at the balance sheet date.

Income tax relating to items recognised in equity is recognised in equity and not in the Statement of comprehensive income.

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Value added taxRevenues, expenses and assets are recognised at amounts net of value added tax except:

• where the value added tax is incurred on a purchase of an asset or service is not recoverable from the taxation authority in which case the value added tax is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or part of the expense item as applicable.

• receivables and payables are stated with the amount of Value Added Tax included.

The net amount of value added tax recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included as part of the receivables or payables in the balance sheet.

n) borrowing costBorrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that necessarily takes a potential period of time to get ready for its intend use are capitalised as part of the cost of the respective assets. All other borrowing costs are expensed in the period they occur. Borrowing costs consist of interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds. The Company capitalises borrowing costs for all eligible assets where construction was commenced on or after 1 January 2009. The company continues to expense borrowing costs relating to construction projects that commenced prior or 1 January 2009.

o) Employees’ benefitsAll of the Company’s local employees are either members of the National Social Security Fund (“NSSF”) or Parastatal Pension Fund (PPF), which are defined contribution plans. These plans are prescribed by Law. All employees must be a member of at least one of the aforementioned. The Company and employees both contribute 10% of the employees’ gross salaries to the NSSF. For PPF, the Company and employees contribute 15% and 5%

of the employees’ basic salaries to the scheme respectively. The contribution is charged to the Statement of comprehensive income when incurred.

p) Leases The determination of whether an arrangement is, or contains a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement at the inception date of whether the fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets or the arrangement conveys a right to use the asset.

For arrangements entered into prior to 1 January 2005, the date of inception is deemed to be 1 January 2005 in accordance with the transitional requirements of IFRIC 4.

Company as a lesseeOperating lease payments are recognised as an expense in the Statement of comprehensive income on a straight line basis over the lease term.

q) Construction in progress Construction in progress includes accumulated cost of property, plant and equipment which is under construction or for which cost has been incurred, but which is not yet ready for use by the Company. It also includes cost incurred for assets being constructed by third parties, assets which have not been delivered to or installed in the facility and assets which cannot be used until certain other assets are acquired and installed.

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Where there is a significant interval between the time at which cost is incurred in connection with the acquisition of an asset, and when the asset will be ready for use, the cost is accumulated in capital work in progress. At the time the asset is ready for use, the accumulated cost is to be transferred to the appropriate category and depreciation starts.

Construction in progress is not depreciated, since by the definition it is not yet ready for use.

r) Impairment of financial assetsThe Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or a group of the financial assets is impaired. A financial asset or a group of the financial assets is deemed to be impaired if, and only if, there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that has occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (as incurred ‘loss event’) and that loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets or the group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated. Evidence of impairment may include indications that debtors or a group of debtors is experiencing significant financial difficulty, default or delinquency in interest or principal payment, the probability that they will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization and where observable data indicate that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows, such as changes in arrears or economic conditions that correlate with defaults.

In relation to trade receivables, a provision for impairment is made when there is objective evidence (such as the probability of insolvency or significant financial difficulties of the debtor) that the Company will not be able to collect all the amounts due under the original terms of invoice. The carrying amount of receivable is reduced through use of an allowance account. Impaired debts are derecognized when they are assessed as uncollectible.

s) Offsetting of financial instrumentsFinancial assets and liabilities are offset, only if, there is a current enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

t) Derecognition of financial assets and liabilities

Financial assetsA financial asset (or, where applicable a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial assets) is derecognised when:

• the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; or• the Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset or has assumed an obligation to the received

cash flows in full without material delay to a third party under a ‘pass through’ arrangement; and either (a) the Company has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) the Company has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.

When the Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from an asset or has entered into a pass through arrangement, and has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the asset, the asset is recognised to the extent of the Company’s continuing involvement in the asset.

Financial liabilitiesA financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expires.

When an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a de-recognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in the respective carrying amounts is recognised in profit or loss.

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Standards issued but not yet effective to the date of issuance of the Company’s financial statements are listed below.

IFRIC 17 Distributions of Non-Cash Assets to OwnersThe interpretation is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009 with early application permitted. It provides guidance on how to account for non-cash distributions to owners. The interpretation clarifies when to recognise a liability, how to measure it and the associated assets, and when to derecognise the asset and liability. The Company does not expect IFRIC 17 to have an impact on the financial statements as the Company has not made non-cash distributions to shareholders in the past.

2009 2008

Tzs’000 Tzs’000


Finished goods purchased (5,899,248) (7,857,883)

Raw materials (6,028,374) (6,465,771)

Distribution costs (8,745,923) (7,777,629)

Fuel expenses (15,406,176) (16,021,212)

Electricity expenses (7,474,184) (7,170,066)

Personnel expenses (6,394,511) (7,069,782)

Maintenance expenses (5,615,556) (7,883,346)

Other production expenses (8,473,656) (8,749,986)

Royalties (Note 8) (93,146) (115,273)

Changes in inventory 302,680 238,958

This does not tie with the face of SCI (63,828,094) (68,871,990)


Limestone (74,405) (72,905)

Red soil (7,555) (7,134)

Pozzolana (11,186) (35,234)

(93,146) (115,273)

Royalties payable to the Resident Mines Officer and Zonal Mines Officer from the Ministry of Energy and Minerals and local

government during the year are recognized as expenses and are included in the cost of sales line item as part of direct costs of

raw materials.

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2009 2008

Tzs’000 Tzs’000


Technical fees 305,422 304,965

Sundry income 55,590 694,312

361,012 999,277


Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment (206,083) (146,016)


Other marketing and sales expenses (76,767) (65,181)

Personnel expenses (752,431) (708,984)

Third party service (468,594) (459,066)

(1,297,792) (1,232,231)


Personnel expenses (4,398,383) (3,782,062)

Third party service (1,358,806) (1,701,029)

Other administration expenses (1,570,521) (1,608,555)

(7,327,710) (7,091,646)


Operating profit from operations is after (charging)/crediting:

Loss gain on sale of property, plant and equipment (206,083) (146,016)

Audit fees – external (67,318) (60,641)

Directors’ expenses (92,546) (124,050)

Holcim Group Support - group fee (2,092,051) (1,866,657)

Staff costs:

- Service costs (8,500,886) (8,660,399)

- Defined contribution plan (1,250,089) (1,081,852)

Rentals – Operating lease payments (175,061) (214,284)

Depreciation and amortization (2,450,783) (2,207,366)


Foreign exchange losses (1,763,217) (286,853)


Finance revenue 58,101 31,382

Finance expenses - interest on bank overdraft - (312,067)

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2009 2008

Tzs’000 Tzs’000


Dividends received

- Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited 540,000 954,000

540,000 954,000

Share of retained profits

- Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited (114,818) 32,680

- East African Rail Hauliers Limited (34,284) 602

(149,102) 33,282

390,898 987,282

Dividends received are net of 10% withholding tax.


Current income tax

Current income tax charge (6,407,210) (10,361,856)

Deferred tax charge (7,007,127) (2,603,852)

(13,414,337) (12,965,708)

Deferred tax

Due to accelerated capital allowances

At 1 January 5,215,879 2,612,027

Charge for the year 7,007,127 2,603,852

At 31 December 12,223,006 5,215,879

Due to creation of revaluation surplus

At 1 January 1,125,008 1,183,913

Transfer to revaluation surplus (54,588) (58,905)

At 31 December 1,070,420 1,125,008

Total deferred taxation 13,293,426 6,340,887

Tax rate reconciliation

Standard rate of Tanzania normal taxation 30.00 30.00

The standard rate has been affected by:

- Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 4.3 -

- Income taxed at reduced rate (3.7) -

30.60 30.00

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(a) Basic earnings per share Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. The calculation is based on:

Attributable profit to ordinary shareholders - Tzs 30,420,243 30,253,318Weighted average number of ordinary shares 63,671,045 63,671,045

(b) Diluted earnings per share Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company (after deducting interest on the convertible non-cumulative redeemable preferences shares) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.

Attributable profit to ordinary shareholders - Tzs 30,420,243 30,253,318Weighted average number of ordinary shares 63,671,045 63,671,045


Leasehold Furniture Capital

Land and Plant and Motor Fittings & work in

buildings Machinery Vehicles Equipment Progress Total

Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

At 1 January 2009 3,821,429 46,005,063 1,387,065 847,433 23,070,068 75,131,058

Additions 179,480 23,017,355 215,217 273,329 4,799,447 28,484,828

Transfers 7,610,425 16,733,926 - - (24,344,351) -

Disposals (68,902) (1,343,125) (256,950) (1,004,160)) - (2,673,137)

At 31 December 2009 11,542,431 84,413,219 1,345,332 116,602 3,525,165 100,942,749

Cost 10,733,443 74,757,865 1,174,437 66,515 3,525,165 90,257,425

Revaluation – 1996 808,988 9,655,354 170,895 50,087 - 10,685,324

11,542,431 84,413,219 1,345,332 116,602 3,525,165 100,942,749


At 1 January 2009 1,529,567 13,593,551 448,298 782,815 - 16,354,231

Charge for the year 138,338 2,618,378 190,512 16,593 - 2,963,821

Disposals/value adjustment (65,294) (1,226,148) (103,603) (746,520) - (2,141,565)

Write-up (115,012) (437,862) - - - (552,874)

At 31 December 2009 1,487,599 14,574,919 535,207 52,888 - 16,623,613

Net book value

At 31 December 2009 10,054,832 69,865,300 810,125 63,714 3,525,165 84,319,136

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December

Leasehold Furniture Capital Land and Plant and Motor Fittings & work in buildings Machinery Vehicles Equipment Progress Total Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

At 1 January 2008 3,106,274 31,415,627 1,679,607 794,820 18,320,320 55,316,648

Additions 324,431 5,910,460 238,461 52,613 13,903,616 20,429,581

Transfers 474,892 8,678,976 - - (9,153,868) -

Disposals (84,168) - (531,003) - - (615,171)

At 31 December 2008 3,821,429 46,005,063 1,387,065 847,433 23,070,068 75,131,058

Cost 3,012,441 36,349,709 1,216,170 797,346 23,070,068 64,445,734

Revaluation - 1996 808,988 9,655,354 170,895 50,087 - 10,685,324

3,821,429 46,005,063 1,387,065 847,433 23,070,068 75,131,058


At 1 January 2008 1,448,280 11,725,985 560,318 770,486 - 14,505,069

Charge for the year 99,260 1,867,566 190,919 9,783 - 2,167,528

Disposals/value adjustment (17,973 - (302,939) 2,546 - (318,366)

At 31 December 2008 1,529,567 13,593,551 448,298 782,815 - 16,354,231

Net book value

At 31 December 2008 2,291,862 32,411,512 938,767 64,618 23,070,068 58,776,827

Information relating to property, plant and equipment:(i) The property, plant and equipment are used as security for facilities provided by the NBC Limited, Standard Chartered Bank Limited and Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited, refer Note 30. (ii) The property, plant and equipment were revalued by an independent sworn appraiser in 1996 to reflect their market value at the acquisition date by the new owners and the excess over cost credited to the revaluation reserve. The revaluation was carried out in line with Government of Tanzania disposal of its shares in the company to the new owners. (iii) In December 2007 an independent valuation was carried out by a sworn appraiser for the purpose of establishing the market value of the Company’s property, plant and equipment. The net current replacement cost of the plant and equipment amounted to US$ 200 million. No adjustment was made in the accounting records to reflect the current market value of the Company’s property, plant and equipment.

(iv) Included in Plant and Machinery at 31 December 2009 is Tzs 44 billion relating to the capitalized cement mill (2008: Tzs Nil).

The amount of borrowing cost capitalized during the year ended 31 December 2009 was Tzs 586 million (2008: Tzs Nil). The rate used to determine the amount of borrowing cost eligible for capitalization was 14%, which is effective interest rate of the specific borrowing.

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2009 2008

Tzs’000 Tzs’000

19. INTANGIbLE ASSETS Computer software Balance brought forward 39,836 79,674Amortised during the period (39,836) (39,838)Balance carried forward - 39,836

The useful life of computer software was assessed to be six years.

20. INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES Unlisted shares at cost 154,960 154,960Share of post acquisition reserves 136,925 313,999 291,885 468,959

The Company owns 20% of Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited’s total ordinary shares in issue. The associate’s principal activity is the distribution of cement.

Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited is a private entity that is not listed on any public exchange.

The Company also owns 20% of East African Rail Hauliers Limited total ordinary shares issued. The principle activity of the associate is the rail transportation of cement and other products Tanzanian mainland. East African Rail Hauliers Limited is a private entity that is not listed on any public exchange.

For the year ended 31 December

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For the year ended 31 December

The following table illustrates summarized financial information of the Company’s investment in Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited and East African Rail Hauliers Limited: CDEAL EARHL TOTALReport on Associate Companies 2009 – Tzs The Company’s proportionate share of retained earnings is as follows:

Sales 29,782,349 995,151 30,777,500Operating profit 709,920 (21,575) 688,345Borrowing costs (16,803) (12,709) (29, 512)Profit before taxation 693,117 (34,284) 658,833Income tax expense (207,935) - (207,935)Profit for year 485,182 (34,284) 450,898Brought to account by the Company as dividend income (600,000) - (600,000)Extraordinary items - - -Share of earnings retained by associates (114,818) (34,284) (149,102)Net assets acquired during year 126,949 14,810 141,759Minorities Share - - -Transfer direct to non-distributable reserves - - -Carrying value at beginning of year 313,869 154,487 468,356Investment in associate sold - - -Investment in associate written off (165,286) (3,843) (169,129)Carrying value at end of year 160,714 131,171 291,885 The Group’s proportionate share of assets and liabilities is as follows: Share Capital 20,400 134,561 154,961Accumulated profit 596,635 133,611 730,246Non-current liabilities - 29,009 29,009Non-current assets 367,124 849,425 1,216,549

Net current assets / (liabilities) (255,671) (18,768) (274,438)

(i) No adjustments have been made for any unrealised profits arising from transactions between the Group and the associate companies.

(ii) The above figures are determined from the latest audited financial statements but where these are older than six months

the latest financial information available is used.

The accounting policies of the associates are materially similar to those of the Group.

The financial position of the associates has not been affected by any significant events occurring between the dates of the

associates’ financial statements and the Group’s annual report.

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For the year ended 31 December

CDEAL EARHL TOTALReport on Associate Companies 2008 – Tzs The Group’s proportionate share of retained earnings is as follows:

Sales 30,541,791 752,304 31,294,095Operating profit 1,001,396 (13,691) 987,705Borrowing costs (4,534) (13,266) (17,800)Profit before taxation 996,862 (26,957) 969,905Taxation (299,058) - (299,058)Profit for year 697,803 (26,957) 670,846Brought to account by the Group as dividend income (1,060,000) - (1,060,000)Extraordinary items - - -Share of earnings retained by associates (362,197) (26,957) (389,154)Net assets acquired during year 287,330 27,559 314,889Minorities Share - - -Transfer direct to non-distributable reserves - - -Carrying value at beginning of year 281,190 154,487 435,677Investment in associate sold 107,546 - 107,546Investment in associate written off - - -Carrying value at end of year 313,869 155,089 468,959 The Group’s proportionate share of assets and liabilities is as follows: Share Capital 20,400 134,561 154,961Accumulated profit 1,040,669 252,631 1,293,300Non-current liabilities 90,894 69,283 160,177Non-current assets 219,308 834,615 1,053,923Net current assets / (liabilities) 117,528 (78,017) 39,512

(i) No adjustments have been made for any unrealised profits arising from transactions between the Group and the associate companies.

(ii) The above figures are determined from the latest audited financial statements but where these are older than six months

the latest financial information available is used.

The accounting policies of the associates are materially similar to those of the Group.The financial position of the associates has not been affected by any significant events occurring between the dates of the associates’ financial statements and the Group’s annual report. 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

21. INVENTORIES Raw materials (at cost) 2,006,422 1,219,085Semi finished and finished products (at cost) 1,869,970 5,951,057Fuels (at cost) 2,996,992 5,466,938Parts and consumables (at cost) 10,303,582 8,501,873 17,176,966 21,138,953

The amount of inventory written back recognised as an income is Tzs 268 million (2008: Tzs 386 million as an expense). This write back is included in the cost of sales line item as an income, which is disclosed in Note 7.

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For the year ended 31 December

2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

22. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVAbLES Trade receivables 2,040,328 1,892,886Prepaid expenses 752,752 672,380Other receivables 1,064,755 2,084,724Provision for impairment of receivables (49,136) (49,136) 3,808,699 4,600,852Trade receivables are non-interest bearing and are generally on 30 day terms. Days’ sales outstanding for 2009 were 4 days (2008: 6 days).Trade receivables amounting to Tzs Nil (2008: Tzs Nil) were impaired and fully provided for.

Movement on the provision for impairment of trade and other receivables: At 1 January 49,136 223,811Charge for the year - -Recoveries (49,136) (174,675)At 31 December - 49,136

As at 31 December, the ageing analysis of trade receivables is as follows: Up to 30 days 2,036,289 1,904,84761 days 1,718 11,40391 days 2,322 -122 days - -Over 123 days - (23,364)At 31 December 2,040,329 1,892,886

23. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash at bank and on hand 10,169,853 3,804,282Interest bearing borrowings - (6,078,136) 10,169,853 (2,273,854)


63,671,045 Ordinary shares of Tzs 20 each 1,273,421 1,273,421

Issued and fully paid 63,671,045 Ordinary shares of Tzs 20 each 1,273,421 1,273,421

(b) Revaluation Surplus Property, plant and equipment of the Company were revalued to reflect their market value at the acquisition date by new owners in 1996. Any excess of the value of the net assets acquired over their cost at the date of takeover is described as revaluation surplus.

25. PROVISION FOR SITE RESTORATION At 1 January 53,444 49,443Additional provision during the year 4,001 4,001At 31 December 57,445 53,444

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For the year ended 31 December

Provision for site restoration is based on the estimated net present value of cash outflows that will be required to restore the environment. The provision is assessed on an annual basis and any increase/(decrease) is recognised in the Statement of comprehensive income.

During year 2009, the Directors engaged experts from the group company to review the adequacy of the provision and it was confirmed to the Directors that the current provision is adequate as the company is performing concurrent rehabilitation. 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

26. TRADE AND OTHER PAyAbLES Trade payables 3,266,824 6,878,111 Other payables 7,360,051 7,544,753 10,626,875 14,422,864 Terms and conditions of the above financial liabilities:• Trade payables are non-interest bearing and are normally settled between 15 to 45 days after date of invoice.• Other payables are non-interest bearing and have an average term of 30 days.• For terms and conditions relating to related parties, refer to Note 31.

27. INCOME TAX PAyAbLE At 1 January 527,290 1,852,082 Payment made during the year (6,648,144) (11,686,648)Current year provision (Note 16) 6,407,210 10,361,856 At 31 December 286,356 527,290

28. DIVIDEND PAID AND PROPOSED Dividend paid during the year: Dividends on ordinary shares: Final dividend 2008: Tzs Nil per share (2007 : Tzs 185 per share) - 11,779,143Interim dividend 2009: Tzs Nil per share (2008: Tzs 120 per share) - 7,640,626 - 19,419,669

The dividend paid is subject to appropriate withholding tax which is payable to Tanzania Revenue Authority. Proposed for approval at the Annual General Meeting, not recognized as a liability as at 31 December 2009, wasTzs 179 per share.

29. OPERATING LEASES During the year the Company entered into operating lease agreement for a number of properties, under which the minimum lease payments are as follows: Commitments expiring in: US$ US$- Within one year 64,000 64,000- After one year and not more than five years 64,000 96,000

During the year, the Company has charged Tzs 162 million (2008: Tzs 195 million) as expenses in the Statement of comprehensive income in respect of these lease.

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For the year ended 31 December

30. INTEREST bEARING bORROwINGS The details of external borrowing facilities of Tanga Cement Company Limited as at the end of year are as set out below: Repayment/Name of Holder Facility settlement terms

(a) Standard Chartered Bank Tanzania Limited Overdraft (Tzs ‘000) 10,000,000 On demand

Security held (i) Debenture charge over fixed and floating assets shared with National Bank of Commerce Limited (NBC) and Stanbic Bank

Tanzania Limited on a pari passu basis. (ii) Legal Mortgage over Title No. 1802 registered in name of Tanga Cement Company for Tzs 20 billion shared pari passu with

NBC and Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited. (iii) The overdraft bears a rate of interest of one year Treasury Bills plus 220 basis points per annum (2008: 182 days Treasury Bills

plus 250 basis points) charged every month on the daily outstanding amount.

Repayment/Name of Holder Facility settlement terms

(b) National Bank of Commerce Limited Overdraft (Tzs ‘000) 15,000,000 On demand

Security held (i) Debenture charge over the Company’s fixed and floating assets shared with Standard Chartered Bank (T) Limited and Stanbic

Bank Tanzania Limited on a pari passu basis. (ii) Legal Mortgage over Title No. 1802 registered in name of Tanga Cement Company for Tzs 13 billion shared pari passu with

Standard Chartered Bank (T) Limited and Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited. (iii) The overdraft bears a rate of interest of NBC base rate of 12% per annum (2008:14% per annum) charged every month on the

daily outstanding amount. It’s agreed that, the Bank is entitled to vary the rate of interest provided that due notice shall be given to Tanga Cement Company Limited.

(c) Stanbic Bank Tanzania Limited Repayment/

Name of Holder Facility settlement termsOverdraft (Tzs’000) 4,000,000 On demand

Security held (i) Debenture charge over the Company’s fixed and floating assets shared with Standard Chartered Bank (T) Limited and NBC

on a pari passu basis. (ii) Legal Mortgage over Title No. 1802 registered in name of Tanga Cement Company for Tzs 5.2 billion shared with Standard

Chartered Bank (T) Limited and NBC on a pari passu basis. (iii) The overdraft bears a rate of interest of 364 days Treasury Bills plus 200 basis points per annum with a minimum floor of 14%

(2008: 365 days Treasury Bills plus 200 basis points) charged every month on the daily outstanding amount.

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Annual Report | 200968

For the year ended 31 December

31. RELATED PARTy TRANSACTIONS (a) The Company sells at arm’s length a major portion of its production to Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited (CDEAL), an

associate Company and charges CDEAL technical fees at an agreed rate of Tzs 400 per ton (2008: Tzs 400).

Transactions with the associates during the year were as follows: 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

Sales to CDEAL 116,425,671 118,231,975Transportation service rendered by CDEAL 4,883,794 6,714,542Technical fees received 305,422 304,965

(b) There were no transactions between Afrisam (Mauritius) Investment Holdings Limited and Tanga Cement Company Limited during this financial year (2008: Nil).

(c) Compensation of Key Management PersonnelShort–term employee benefits 1,183,772 1,213,349Post employment benefits 175,924 56,263 1,359,696 1,269,612 Key management personnel are described as those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any Director of the Company.

(d) The Company pays group fees to Holcim Group Support Limited as follows:The group fee is calculated at 1.75% of turnover as per formula stipulated in the contract. This amounted to Tzs 1,924,088,959 and Tzs 1,866,657,130 for the years 2009 and 2008 respectively.

(e) The sales to and purchases from related parties are made at normal market prices. Outstanding balances at the year-end are unsecured, interest free and settlement occurs in cash. There have been no guarantees provided or received for any related party receivables or payables. At 31 December 2009 the Company has not recorded any impairment of receivables relating to amounts owned by related parties (2008: Tzs Nil). This assessment is undertaken at the end of each financial statement year through examining the financial position of the related party and the market in which the related party operates.

Balances outstanding at the end of the year to and from related companies are as follows: Due from related Company Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited 1,873,238 1,664,345

Due to related Companies Holcim Group Support Limited - Group fees 440,451 1,619,982Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited 38,491 487,045AfriSam South Africa (Pty) Limited 82,717 95,682 561,659 2,202,709

32. FINANCIAL RISk MANAGEMENT ObJECTIVES AND POLICIESThe Company’s principal financial liabilities comprise of bank overdraft and trade payables. The Company does not enter into derivative transactions for trading purposes. The main purpose of these financial liabilities is to raise finance for the Company’s

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For the year ended 31 December

operations. The Company has various financial assets such as trade receivables and cash and cash equivalents, which arise directly from its operations

The main risks arising from the Company’s financial instruments are interest rate risk, liquidity risk, foreign currency risk and credit risk. Policies are reviewed and agreed upon at a group and Company level in order to manage these risks as summarized below:

Interest rate riskInterest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in market interest rates is insignificant as the Company has fixed interest rate on borrowings.

Foreign Currency riskForeign currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in foreign currency rates. The Company’s exposure to the risk of changes in foreign exchange rates relates primarily to the Company’s operating activities, mostly when expenses are denominated in a difference currency from the Company’s functional currency.

Foreign currency risk is managed at an operational level and monitored by the Chief Financial Officer. Exposure to losses from foreign liabilities is managed through prompt payment of outstanding liabilities and forward purchase of foreign currencies.

The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to possible changes in the exchange rate between the Tanzanian Shilling and foreign currencies (mainly US dollar), with all other variables held constant, of the Company’s profit before tax (due to changes in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities).

Increase/decrease in the value Effect on profit of Tzs vs. other currencies before tax Tzs’000Net effect based on balance sheet 31 December 2009 10% 144,660 Transaction exposure arises on monetary financial assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currency other than reporting currency (Tzs) in which they are measured.The Company sensitivity analysis has been determined based on Company net transaction exposure as at 31 December 2009, a change in 10% is used when the net foreign currency transaction risk reported internally to Key management personnel to assess reasonably possible change in foreign exchange rates.

Credit riskThe Company deals only with recognised, creditworthy third parties. It is the Company’s policy that all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures. In addition, debtors’ balances are monitored on an ongoing basis with the result that the Company’s exposure to bad debts is not significant. For transactions that do not occur in the country of the relevant operating unit, the Company does not offer credit terms without the approval of the credit committee. The Company’s major credit customer is Cement Distributors (East Africa) Limited which as at 31 December 2009 had a balance of Tzs 1,664 million (2007: Tzs 2,356 million). There is a significant concentration of credit risk within the Company; however, management does a monthly review of the financial position of the main debtor to ensure its financial health. With respect to credit risk arising from the other financial assets of the Company which comprise cash and cash equivalents, the Company exposure to credit risk arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these instruments. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying value of each class of financial asset mentioned in Note 22. The Company does not hold collateral as security.

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December

Liquidity riskThe Company monitors its liquidity risk by using cash flow projections.

The Company’s objective is to maintain a balance between continuity of funding through the use of bank borrowings. The table below summaries the maturity profile of the Company’s financial liabilities at 31 December 2009 based on contractual undiscounted payments:

On Less than 3 to 12year ended 31 December 2008 demand 3 months months Total Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000 Tzs’000Interest bearing borrowings - - Trade and other payables - 10,626,875 - 10,626,875 year ended 31 December 2008 Interest bearing borrowings 6,078,136 - - 6,078,136Trade and other payables - 13,876,586 546,279 14,422,865

33. CONTINGENT LIAbILITIES(a) There are several court cases instituted against the Company by some of its ex-employees whose services ceased as part of a

redundancy exercise. These ex-employees are claiming various termination employment benefits aggregating to over Tzs 377 million (2008: Tzs 148 million).

(b) As at 31 December 2009, the Company was a defendant in several lawsuits. The plaintiffs are claiming damages and interest thereon for the loss caused by the Company due to breach of contracts and unlawful termination of employment. The Company has filed counter-claims against the plaintiffs. The total principal amount claimed in the various lawsuits approximates to Tzs 138 million (2008: Tzs 167 million). In the opinion of the Directors and the Company’s Legal Counsel, no material liabilities are expected to crystallize from these lawsuits. 2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’000

34. CAPITAL COMMITMENTS As at the balance sheet, the Company had the following capital commitments: Approved but not contracted for - 3,830,964Approved and contracted for 19,017,249 46,385,923

Funds to meet this expenditure will be provided from Company’s own resources and overdraft facilities.

35. CAPITAL MANAGEMENT The primary objective of the Company’s capital management is to ensure that it maintains a strong credit rating and healthy capital ratios in order to support its business and maximise shareholder value. The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it, in light of changes in economic conditions. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the dividend payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new shares. No changes were made in the objectives, policies or processes during the years ended 31 December 2009 and 31 December 2008. The Company monitors capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus net debt. The Company’s policy is to keep the gearing ratio between 9% and 25%. The Company includes within net debt, interest bearing borrowings, trade and other payables, less cash and cash equivalents, excluding discontinued operations. Capital includes issued and full paid capital, retained earnings

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Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December

and other reserves. Despite heavy Investment activity and acquisition, net financial debt decreased compared to last year, as a result of higher equity base and no interest bearing liabilities

2009 2008 Tzs’000 Tzs’00Interest-bearing borrowings (Note 30) - 6,078,136Trade and other payables (Note 26) 10,626,875 14,422,864Less: Cash and cash equivalent (Note 23) (10,169,853) (3,804,282)Net debt 457,022 16,696,718 Capital 91,881,918 61,407,088 Capital and net debt 92,338,940 78,103,806Gearing ratio 0.5% 21%

36. INVESTMENTS IN SUbSIDIARIES (a) Investment in Hippo Quarries Limited

The Company’s percentage holding in Hippo Quarries Limited - 70% Hippo Quarries Limited was incorporate on 22 October 2008 and has been dormant since its incorporation. The management decided to dissolve and de-register Hippo Quarries Limited during the year.

(b) Investment in Mivumoni Biofarm Limited % Share Holding Non Controlling InterestMivumoni Biofarm Limited 51% 49% The Company was incorporated on 22 February 2007 and has been dormant since its incorporation. The minority shares are hold by Larry Electrical Works Limited. These subsidiaries are dormant subsidiaries and insignificant and do not materially affect financial statements of the Tanga Cement Company Limited for the years 2009 and 2008. These entities were incorporated for the operation of various projects and they have been dormant since there formation. The Directors have decided not to prepare consolidated financial statements.

The consolidated financial statements, if prepared, will not be materially different from the financial statements of Tanga Cement Company Limited.

37. HOLDING COMPANyThe immediate holding company is AfriSam (Mauritius) Investment Holdings Limited.

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Notice to Members

TANGA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED(Incorporated in the United Republic of Tanzania)

Notice is hereby given that the sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Tanga Cement Company Limited will be held at the Kilimanjaro Kempinski Hotel in Dar es Salaam, on Friday 14 May 2010 at 14:00 hours, for the following purposes:

1. Notice of MeetingNotice convening the meeting be taken as read.

2. Approval of MinutesTo approve and sign the minutes of the fifteenth Annual General Meeting held on 22 May 2009.

3. Financial Statements and Directors’ ReportsTo receive and adopt the Financial Statements and Directors’ report for the year ended 31 December 2009.

4. Dividend for the year ended 31 Decembe r 2009To approve the declaration of the dividend for the year ended 31 December 2009.

5. Appointment of DirectorsTo appoint new Directors to the Board.

6. Appointment of Statutory AuditorsTo approve the appointment of the Statutory Auditors for the year ending 31 December 2010.

7. GeneralAny other business.

Any member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote on their behalf. If a member is an organisation then the proxy must submit proxy forms and Board resolution to appoint the proxy. These are to reach the registered office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time of holding the meeting.

By order of the Board.

Company Secretary

13 April 2010

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73Taarifa ya Mwaka | 2009

Taarifa Kwa Wanachama

TANGA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED(Imeshirikishwa katika Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania)

Taarifa inatolewa kwa wanahisa kwamba Mkutano Mkuu wa Mwaka wa kumi na sita wa wanahisa wa Kampuni ya Tanga Cement utafanyika Hoteli ya Kilimanjaro Kempinski Ijumaa tarehe 14 Mei 2010 kuanzia saa 8 mchana kwa madhumuni yafuatayo:

1. Taarifa ya MkutanoTaarifa ya kuitisha mkutano ichukuliwe kama inavyosomeka.

2. Kupitisha KumbukumbuKupitisha na kusaini kumbukumbu za Mkutano Mkuu wa Mwaka wa kumi na tano uliofanyika tarehe 22 Mei 2009.

3. Taarifa za Fedha na Ripoti za WakurugenziKupokea na kupitisha Taarifa za Fedha na ripoti za Wakurugenzi kwa mwaka ulioishia tarehe 31 Desemba 2009.

4. Gawio kwa Mwaka Ulioishia tarehe 31 Desemba 2009Kuidhinisha taarifa maalumu ya gawio kwa mwaka ulioishia tarehe 31 Desemba 2009.

5. Uchaguzi wa WakurugenziKuchagua Wakurugenzi wapya wa Bodi.

6. Uchaguzi wa Wakaguzi wa Hesabu Wanaokubalika Kisheria.Kuidhinisha uchaguzi wa wakaguzi wa hesabu wanaokubalika kisheria kwa mwaka unaoishia tarehe 31 Desemba 2010.

7. MajumuishoMengineyo.

Mwanachama yeyote anayestahili kuhudhuria na kupiga kura kwenye mkutano ana haki yakuchagua mwakilishi au wawakilishi kuhudhuria na kupiga kura kwa niaba yake. Kama mwanachama ni shirika basi mwakilishi anatakiwa kuwakilisha fomu za uwakilishi pamoja na maamuzi ya Bodi ya kumteua mwakilishi huyo. Fomu hizo zifike katika ofisi za usajili za Kampuni si chini ya masaa 48 kabla ya mkutano kuanza.

Kwa agizo la Bodi.

Katibu wa Kampuni

13 Aprili 2010

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Dar es Salaam office:50 Mirambo Street, 2nd & 3rd FloorsP. O. Box 78478 Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaTel: +255 22 2120135Fax: +255 22 2119569

REGISTERED OFFICE:Tanga Cement Company Limited Pongwe Factory Area P. O. Box 5053 Tanga, TanzaniaTel: +255 27 264 4500/1/2 Fax: +255 27 264 6148E-mail: [emailprotected]: www.simbacement.co.tz

Tanga Cement Annual 2009 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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