SOMETHING CRIMINAL WITH in a sentence | Sentences WordTool (2024)

«A gift from God, and it will be a terrible thing if anyone tries to do something criminal with it,» Koroma said.

Not exact matches

The show has thrust the criminal defense attorney into the national spotlight and his eloquent and impassioned arguments in Avery's trial even inspired something of a cult following for the Wisconsin lawyer (with some even deeming Strang the show's «sex symbol»).

Eisen suggested it might have something to do with the fact that Cohen is under criminal investigation in New York.

When we seek instead to «pay something back to the victims and bring them closure,» we are doing a justice either lower (as in civil - court cases) or higher (as in repaying blood with blood)» but, in any case, something that should not be a model for how we deal with criminals.

The film was made in California by a Californian (with something like 17 aliases and a criminal record), who is at this point, presumed to be a Coptic Christian.

In the case of abortion there is a possible separation between criminal and victim, something punishable crime presupposes, which is not the case with suicide.

Clearly there came a time in the church's wrestling with the ignominy of its leader having died the death of a common criminal, a rebel against the rule of Rome, that transformed its negativity into something so positive it could be named «Good Friday.»

Filmgoers want to experience something new, visceral and game changing, which is exactly what this heist musical accomplishes with Baby (played by Ansel Elgort), a hearing - impaired getaway driver who lives his life to the beat of a constant stream of music in his ears, often to the discontent of his criminal allies, led by Kevin Spacey in one of his most fatherly roles yet, especially for a crime boss.

I was out with my dad, 2 month old baby and nephew and we parked in a parent spot and my dad had to go back to the car for something I had forgotten and all the parents looked at him like he was a criminal!

BTW, something like 90 percent of professional law enforcement in NYS is against it, and 50 out of the 62 some odd counties with their respective sheriffs came out, and opposed it... The only people that this benefits are the elitist, that live in gated communities, criminals, thugs, and sex offenders that like a disarmed public... Ohh, and maybe some welfare moms, that don't want their precious litter getting shot when the break into someones home..

The Hall of Justice, the 4 - year - old criminal court building on 161st Street that was supposed to be something of a civic architectural gem, is still plagued with faulty elevators, electrical wiring and fire alarms, not to mention a leaky roof and an underground parking garage and courtyard that remain off limits, the Daily News reports.

«When you have a population that is generally afraid of cops, a criminal population, and you have a non-criminal element who too are afraid of the police officers, I think there's something wrong with how the people who are out to protect us, are treating us.»

Making it a criminal offence for seven people to be on a picket line is a waste of police time and not something you would expect in a country with a proud tradition of liberty.

Go ahead tell me you have not said something about some woman, pretty or not pretty in your lifetime??? IF this is the worst the other side can come up with... good luck with that... as opposed to arming ISIS, Foundation Fraud, leaving countrymen to die, calling her rapist husband's victims slu*ts, breaching the security of our country and the criminal list goes on and on.....

«The fact that we're even having a discussion about an ex-governor who resigned because he was part of a federal criminal probe and now he's running to be the chief banker of the city when he absolutely tried to segregate payments to avoid federal detection... there's just something wrong with that.»

When you deal with major criminal justice reform, it's just inertia, because whatever you do, you're tough on crime, you're soft on crime, you're doing something and everyone hesitates.

«There is something wrong with our disclosure system if that kind of misstatement can exist for years and years and years and it takes a criminal trial to really show what the true situation is,» Lerner added.

«Just of recent, the President has given us a directive and it is something which we must comply with and in other cases, we deploy our men through operations such as the one against cattle rustling, Operation Sharandaji, which is to ensure that no herdsmen involved in criminal activities are spared.»

And most Americans, the overwhelming majority of Americans, believe that we can and should make ourselves safer: make sure guns don't get into the hands of criminals or people with mental health problems; make sure we have safe storage, training and gun safety programs and that's something the people can agree on.

The approach allows researchers to «actually come up with a valid estimate of the rate of false convictions — knowing something that people say [in criminal justice] is not knowable,» says study author Samuel Gross, a law professor at the University of Michigan Law School and editor of the National Registry of Exonerations, a U.S. - focused exoneration database.

Her backstory isn't only ill - defined — something about a painful past with her father, who was a criminal — but never really figures into Breaking In's plot or her actions.

Just sticking to relatively recent television (as opposed to something like the movie version of From Hell), The Alienist arrives after The Knick and Boardwalk Empire featured a New York only slightly further in the future, Peaky Blinders and Penny Dreadful have done the same across the pond (the latter featuring an alienist character of its own), and Netflix's Mindhunter tackled the»70s codification of the kinds of criminal profiling that Kreizler fumbles about with here.

What gets uncovered is something sinister, criminal and creepy, with the film hopping around in time, to tell a story of the investigation and much more.

Once Quentin Tarantino latches on to something, he can't let it go: following three films about black - suited criminals and two about yellow - suited samurai, he's now moved into his Western phase, chasing «Django Unchained» with another hard - bitten tale of frontier violence.

When one is presented with an outlandish, take - it - or - leave - it premise that works thanks to compelling characters, nifty plot twists and exciting action sequences, the result is something like Face / Off; when presented with an outlandish, take - it - or - leave - it premise that offers none of these key ingredients, the result is something like Criminal.

If you really want something more than just the film on your shelf, buy the edition that comes with a t - shirt — this is a criminal waste of your money.

These criminals are sitting back, collecting money for something I sweated blood creating, with no intention of passing along a royalty check any time soon... or EVER.

I've had countless people tell me that they liked a dog they saw at So - and - so's Rescue Group, but the people there acted like the adopters were some kind of criminals trying to get away with something.

Somehow this week I've managed to acquire three different games for review that focus on criminal activities and daring heists, which is just fine by me because there's something brilliantly compelling about busting into a location and making off with all the loot, preferably tucked neatly into a burlap sack with a large dollar sign printed on it.

There are typically blanket statements in either statutes or preamble to / in pawn broker licensing requirements that say something like they'll work with law enforcement, including supplying lists of all pawned goods w / serial numbers and descriptions, contacting police if they suspect an item is stolen, allow for the inspection and analysis of any pawned goods that there is reasonable suspicion was the fruit of, or related to criminal activity.

Something as simple as starting a sentence with, «As a criminal defense attorney...» can help optimize your text while also aligning your skills with your audience's needs.

Being charged with a criminal offense is not something to be messed with.

The CBA's Code of Professional Conduct on Obligatory Withdrawal states: «4 (a) if the lawyer is instructed by the client to do something inconsistent with the lawyer's duty to the court or tribunal and, following explanation, the client persists in such instructions etc.;» Regrettably, I believe the B.C. SC has totally missed the point: upholding the law comes first and therefore, anyone engaging in white - collar criminal activity should be charged or the public will loose faith and confidence in the independence and impartiality of the Justice System.

These are that: (i) the jurisdiction is to be invoked and exercised exceptionally and with great caution; (ii) there must certainly be something more than mere infringement of the criminal law before the assistance of civil proceedings can be invoked and accorded for the protection or promotion of the interests of the inhabitants of the area; (iii) the essential foundation for the exercise of the court's discretion to grant an injunction is not that the off ender is deliberately and flagrantly flouting the law, but the need to draw the inference that the defendant's unlawful operations will continue unless and until effectively restrained by the law and that nothing short of an injunction will be eff ective to restrain them.

After watching the video (below) of two gentlemen who were filmed, with no masks, gloves or disguises, breaking into the New Mexico Court of Appeals building and walking out with thousands of dollars in stolen goods, I hereby offer up the first «LBW Criminal Defense Challenge»: Come up with something — anything — creative that might be used by these bozos as a defense to charges they will presumably soon be facing and share it in the comments.

And small and medium sized businesses are really top targets for cyber criminals and talking with industry experts as well as our customers themselves, this is something they continue to struggle with, how to defend and how to react to it.

Some people claim that this multiplicity of charges is one of the reasons for the delays in the criminal courts, others that the multiplicity gives the Crown something to bargain with about pleas, others that the police need to ensure that they have laid charges that the facts will support as a matter of law, and — depending on how long they have between investigation and charging — they lay a number of charges to ensure that the offence is covered somehow.

If the heir is charged with something like «involuntary manslaughter,» then no intent is involved in that crime under the criminal statutes.

His record of aggressively and successfully defending people charged with Capital Murder is something you should ask about when selecting your criminal attorney.

If you have a friend or family member who is charged with an offence because of something their addiction drove them to do, it is very important you help them find an experienced lawyer who understands and can help them navigate the criminal justice system.

I am pretty sure that there is something illegal about this, When I was taking criminal and civil law classes in college it was hammered into us that the Executive Branch is to be separate form the Judicial Branch and not interfere with the Juducial Branch or try to alter Criminal sentence or give direction on how to sentence an offender or rule oncriminal and civil law classes in college it was hammered into us that the Executive Branch is to be separate form the Judicial Branch and not interfere with the Juducial Branch or try to alter Criminal sentence or give direction on how to sentence an offender or rule onCriminal sentence or give direction on how to sentence an offender or rule on a case.

But if we think there is something distinctive and worth preserving about the higher level of condemnation communicated through a criminal sanction compared to the presumably lower level of condemnation communicated with a civil sanction, then keeping some of the relevant and reasonable collateral consequences of conviction might better facilitate the realization of that gradation.

The acquisition of Canada Law Book provides a unique opportunity for Carswell Thomson to eliminate a significant amount of duplication in print law reporting by merging print publications like the Criminal Reports and Canadian Criminal Cases, something long overdue in a market that is filled with law report services that offer virtually identical content to virtually the same customers.

Just something you might want to discuss with some of your less savory clients prior to their next criminal enterprise.

«The crypto that's in them is almost incidental to their use, they are essentially a digital file or a set of digital files that prove ownership over something and those files can be stolen — that's what criminals do, criminals steal files, they steal data, credentials — and that's all we are talking about here with cryptocurrencies.»

The advantage is that an employer can use a well worded application form to discourage applicants with something to hide while also encouraging applicants to be open and honest regarding questions about past criminal convictions.

Something to stay with for the long hall and in the criminal justice field.

Healing is not something that should only be available at the post-release stage, rather it should be available at any point when a woman is ready — this may be before a woman comes into contact with the criminal justice system, or after they have been in and out of prison over a number of years.

I welcome Gatherings such as this one because they shine light on the issue of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental ill health; something that is overlooked in the debate about passive welfare and substance abuse; or dealt with inappropriately through the criminal justice system.

With a recent forgotten lunch bag episode I really felt embarrassed and humiliated in front of the front office staffs with their questions and looks like I am a criminal or somethWith a recent forgotten lunch bag episode I really felt embarrassed and humiliated in front of the front office staffs with their questions and looks like I am a criminal or somethwith their questions and looks like I am a criminal or something.

SOMETHING CRIMINAL WITH in a sentence | Sentences WordTool (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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