So Much (For) Us - Chapter 24 - Niallinjapan2013 (2024)

Chapter Text



Louis wakes up startled by the close of the car door.

Blinking in confusion, he tries to get his bearings. They are parked somewhere, and it's dark. Niall and Zayn are gone, and Liam and Harry are still asleep beside him. Louis stretches carefully, feeling the familiar ache in his ribs. Despite the discomfort, he feels surprisingly good, albeit wide awake with no concept of time except that it’s dark out. It reminds him of when they were on tour and would wake up in some random country on some random day.

Looking outside, he tries to figure out where they are. He can faintly see a few decorative lights strung around what look like cabins. There are patches of snow scattered around but mostly just dead grass that covers most of the area. The air outside is still and quiet, the kind of calm that only comes in the dead of night. He looks around the interior of the car, the light from the dashboard casting a soft blue glow on Harry and Liam's sleeping faces. Harry’s head is resting on Louis’ shoulder, his breath steady and warm against his neck. Liam is slumped over, his head on Harry’s shoulder, his mouth slightly open. Both are just cute little puppy dogs. He wants to figure out where they are though. It’s driving him a bit mad.

Louis carefully extricates himself from the tangle of bodies, mindful not to wake them, bunching up Harry’s coat to put under his head. He opens the car door slowly, the cold air hitting him like a wall. He shivers without a coat as he steps out. The night is crisp, the sky clear and filled with stars. He breathes in the fresh air, the cold freezing his cheeks and nose, but it feels invigorating. There’s just something in the air that makes him feel more alive. The area around them is quiet, the only sounds are the soft rustling of leaves, the distant hoot of an owl and what sounds like…waves? This all seems so surreal. Maybe he’s still dreaming. It would be a nice dream. A warm (although it’s f*cking freezing) welcome from the nightmares he’s been having. Louis walks a few steps away from the car, his boots crunching on the mix of snow and gravel. He looks around, taking in the sight of the cabins and one big wooden building. They are quaint, with wooden exteriors and small porches, each one adorned with strings of lights that he sees in posh restaurants that want to look rustic. Hipster sh*t. But this seems authentic. The scene is almost magical.

Louis wraps his arms around himself, trying to keep warm as he looks for any sign of Niall or Zayn. He has been joking about Niall planning on killing them but this place seems so deserted he almost wonders if he’s going to stumble upon Niall strangling Zayn. A car passing illuminates the ground enough for him to start walking towards the road, determined to read the large sign he has briefly seen. Quickly enough he gets close and faintly reads ‘ The inn on Gitche Gumee ’. Well. That’s unf*cking helpful. God, he misses his phone.

“Where the f*ck is Louis!?” He hears an angry panicked sleepy sexy voice say loudly, followed by several quieter less sexy voices.

“M’here!” He yells and starts shuffling back up towards the car. A dishevelled-looking Harry meets him halfway and their bodies collide too roughly, he lets out a hiss.

“sh*t, sorry. Just scared me.” Harry says into his hair. “You’re freezing!” Louis ignores it.

“Any idea where we are?” Louis asks into Harry’s shoulder, he’s warm. Harry shrugs.

“Dunno, Niall and Zayn are just unpacking the car so we are here , whatever that means.” Louis pops up at that.

“Zayn!” Louis half shouts as he tears himself from Harry’s warmth. He all but sprints back to the car, Harry hot on his heels. “Zayn! Did you see the stars? You can see them!” He points up into the sky like a happy toddler, his eyes wide with excitement.

Zayn’s face is lit up by the glow from inside the car. He smiles big and nods, looking up again. "It's been like this for the last hour of driving. It's amazing," Zayn says, happiness clear in his voice.

"Yes, yes, the stars are lovely," Niall huffs, his arms full of bags. "Now can you guys help me get this inside before we die of hypothermia?" Niall says.

Louis laughs and reaches for a large bag but hisses when he moves too abruptly. He has almost forgotten about his ribs as they barely gave him any trouble the last few days. He was kind of sick of babying them. He wishes he could Google what the worst that could happen if they don’t heal right.

“What is it?” Harry frowns, concern etched on his face. Cute.

"Slept weird, I think. Ribs are just tight," Louis says, trying to downplay the discomfort.

Harry snatches the bag out of his hands and grabs the rest. (Louis hates how much he loves it)

"Show off," Louis mutters, rolling his eyes but smiling at Harry’s protectiveness.

Liam groggily stumbles out of the car, rubbing his eyes. "Where are we?" he says with a yawn, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings. And yeah, Louis would like to know that as well.

"I'll tell you in the morning. Come on!" Niall says, already trudging towards one of the cabin-looking structures. Wordlessly, they all follow him. The night is cold, and their breaths are visible. The ground crunches under their boots as they walk, the cold seeping through the soles. Louis is so ready to be warm and in a bed, preferably under Harry. Niall leads the way to the nearest cabin , fumbling with the key in the lock. The door creaks open, and a rush of warm air greets them. Louis all but shoves past the rest of them to get inside (they are all in f*cking coats, he’s in trackies). Inside, the cabin is simple but comfortable. There’s a small living area with a couch and a coffee table, a kitchen, and a couple of doors leading off to what must be the bedrooms. It's covered in orangey wood panelling and the fireplace is all stone. There are several large windows but they show nothing but blackness.

“Finally,” Niall mutters, dropping the bags on the floor and rubbing his hands together for warmth. Harry, ever the caretaker, quickly sets about organizing the bags, making sure everyone has what they need. Louis knows Harry will take care of their things so he doesn't bother helping.

“Let’s get you settled, Lou,” Harry says as he gets up and begins guiding Louis to the couch.

“I’m fine, Haz,” Louis protests lightly, but he doesn’t resist as Harry helps him sit down. He doesn't dislike being taken care of. (He will not admit that out loud). Liam yawns again, stretching his arms above his head.

“I’m ready to shower and sleep in a bed,” Liam announces, heading towards one of the bedrooms. "Whose is whose?"

Niall takes off his coat, throwing it over a small kitchen table. "There's only two bedrooms. I'll take the couch," he shrugs. And, that is funny.

"Seriously, we have Ziam and Larry bedrooms?" Louis laughs from the couch. Their fanbase would lose their sh*t if they knew the sleeping arrangements.

"And the loving captain all by himself?" Harry adds, raising an eyebrow. Everyone snickers at that. Louis is unsure why Niall got dubbed as captain of the Larry ship. His money would have been on Liam.

"Well, there's only going to be f*cking in one of them," Zayn says, putting their uneaten snacks in the fridge and popping a few pretzels into his mouth. Harry walks down the hall towards the bedrooms.

"For the love of God, Louis, remember walls are thin. And I NEED to sleep," Niall whines, starting to dig through a closet and grabbing blankets (it almost feels like a challenge).

"What are you talking about? I'm quiet as a mouse. Harry's the loud one," Louis retorts. He won’t mention he likes being the loud one. Harry audibly scoffs from down the hall.

"WE GET THIS ROOM!" he yells loudly before running back out. "Lou, come see! There are twinkly lights!" Louis grins big, grabbing the bags he knows are mostly his and Harry's stuff. He loves how hopelessly endearing Harry always is. It’s adorable.

"Night, boys! Should play some sleep music or wear headphones or summat," he says cheekily to the groans of Niall, Liam, and Zayn. Not his fault they aren't getting any.

"I'm waking everyone up at 6:30!" Niall calls after him. f*cker. Louis shakes his head at that, unaware of what time it even is now. He doesn’t really care. All he cares about is getting his hands on Harry. The thought of the twinkly lights makes him smile wider as he follows Harry’s voice down the hall. Harry is waiting for him in the doorway of one of the bedrooms, his face lit up with excitement. Louis steps inside and sees the twinkly lights Harry mentioned, strung up along the bed , casting a gentle, magical glow around the room. The sight makes Louis feel like a kid on Christmas morning. Now he just wants to unwrap Harry.

"This is perfect," Louis says, setting the bags down and wrapping his arms around Harry from behind. "Absolutely perfect."

Harry leans back into Louis' embrace, turning his head to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Yeah, it is. Let's get settled and then maybe we can...enjoy the twinkly lights," he says all sultry and sexy.

They start unpacking their bags, taking out the essentials they'll need for the night. Louis moves carefully, mindful of his aching ribs, but his excitement makes him feel lighter, the pain barely registering. He glances at Harry, who is methodically arranging their clothes and toiletries, and feels a wave of love wash over him. This is where he belongs, with Harry. Always.

“Niall packed my hand soap,” Harry says as he looks at the small silver pump in his hand.

“Sounds about right.”

As they finish unpacking, Louis notices Harry's face light up even more. He’s so f*cking attractive. And he’s all Louis’.

"Look," Harry says, pointing to a small window near the bed. Outside, the stars are shining brightly, a perfect complement to the twinkly lights inside.

"Beautiful," Louis whispers, more to himself than to Harry. Actually, he can’t be sure if he’s talking about Harry or the scene (definitely Harry). He steps closer to the window, feeling his soulmate’s presence close behind him. The night sky is clear, the stars scattered like tiny diamonds flung across a dark canvas. It's a sight that makes him feel both insignificant and incredibly lucky. Louis feels Harry press himself up against his back. Harry's arms snake around his waist, pulling him closer. Louis sags into his touch, his muscles relaxing as he melts into the embrace. They stay like that for a moment, The younger man gently rocking them side to side, the motion soothing and intimate.

Harry's breath is warm against the back of his neck as he starts pressing soft kisses to his skin. Each kiss sends a shiver down Louis' spine, and he accidentally lets out a tiny moan (he’s loud, okay?). He feels his lover smile against his neck, the curve of his lips pressing into his skin.

"We have to be quiet," Louis whispers, his voice barely audible, as he turns his head slightly to look at Harry.

"I'll f*ck you nice and slow," Harry whispers into his neck, his voice a low, seductive murmur. "Up to you if you can be quiet." Harry rocks Louis' hips back against him, the friction igniting a spark of desire in Louis' belly. His breath hitches, and he bites his lip to stifle another moan. The sensation of Harry's hard dick pressing against him through their clothes sends a rush of heat through his body. Louis turns in Harry's arms, their faces inches apart. He can see the lust in his eyes. Swirling blues to swirling greens. Harry's hands slide under Louis' shirt, his fingers skimming over his skin. He leans in, capturing Harry's lips in a slow, passionate kiss. Their mouths move together in perfect harmony, the kiss deepening as Louis’ need intensifies. He could even do this all night and probably get off. Harry’s lips are perfect and they always always always do their job.

Harry's hands move to the waistband of Louis' joggers, fingers under elastic. He swallows hard as he feels Harry's hands slip inside, his touch gentle but insistent. He gasps against Harry's mouth, the sensation of his hand wrapping around him sending a jolt of pleasure through his body. Harry breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down Louis' jaw and neck. "On the bed," he whispers, his voice rough. Louis flings himself onto the bed, taking off his shirt in the process. Harry smirks with a wolf-like grin, and Louis is already rock hard, the anticipation about to f*cking kill him. Harry spins to turn off the light, leaving only the twinkly lights on. The room is bathed in a soft, light that casts shadows across their faces. Harry rummages through their Walmart bag, producing a small bottle of lube.

"My baby is so smart," Louis says, his voice laced with a mixture of amusem*nt and desire. Harry chuckles before throwing the lube on the bed next to Louis and ridding himself of his own clothes. He crawls between Louis' parted thighs, the warmth of his skin against Louis' sending shivers down his spine.

"You're beautiful," Harry murmurs, his hands skimming up Louis' sides, his fingers light and teasing. Louis arches into the touch, his breath coming out ragged as Harry's fingers brush over his sensitive skin.

"Nah, rugged," Louis says back, but it comes out whiney.

Harry smiles crookedly, leaning forward and kissing Louis' forehead leaving a trail of heat as he moves down his face, neck, and chest. Louis laces his fingers through Harry's hair, feeling the soft strands slip between his fingers. God, he loves his hair. Any length, it just has a power all its own.

"I can't believe I went three years without this," Harry says into Louis' skin, his voice filled with regret.

"Yeah, I can't believe you did either," Louis responds, breathless as Harry continues his kissing descent. "I, on the other hand, had plenty of—OW!" Louis jumps as Harry bites his hip the sharp sting surprising him.

Louis looks down to see Harry's dark eyes glaring up at him, a possessive heat burning in them.

"Don't," Harry says quietly, his voice low and commanding as he takes Louis' length in his hands. "You're mine," Harry growls before taking Louis into his mouth. The sensation is overwhelming, Harry's mouth hot and wet and f*cking perfect around him. Louis' head falls back against the pillows, a moan escaping his lips despite his best efforts to stay quiet. Harry's tongue swirls around him, each movement deliberate and skillfull (his mouth has always been so f*cking obscene). Louis' fingers tighten in Harry's hair, his breath coming in short gasps as pleasure courses through him. Harry's pace is slow and teasing, his mouth working Louis with a practiced ease that drives him up to the brink. He looks up through his lashes, meeting Louis' gaze, and the intensity in his eyes almost sends him over the edge. Louis' hips buck involuntarily, and Harry's hands grip his thighs, holding him steady as he takes him deeper. The sensation is exquisite, every nerve ending in Louis' body is lit up like a sparkler. He bites his lip, trying to stifle his moans, but the pleasure is too much. So much. HarryHarryHarry.

"Harry," Louis breathes, his voice a desperate whisper. "I'm close."

With that, (because Harry Styles is f*cking twisted and evil) he pops off of Louis, causing the older man to whine loudly.

"On your stomach," Harry commands, his voice firm and irresistible.

Louis desperately scrambles up on the bed and flips onto his stomach, the pressure feeling nice on his dick. He spreads his legs, presenting himself to Harry, who runs his hands down Louis' sides and over his arse, apparently appreciating the view.

"Harry," Louis starts to whine as the cruel curly headed man’s touch remains much too light.

"Yes, Lou?" Harry says way too calmly. Louis already feels f*cking wrecked.

"Please," he squeaks, pushing his hips back, trying to get Harry to touch him where he needs it most.

"Please what, darling?" Harry asks as he kneads his arse, his fingers digging into the soft flesh, making Louis squirm.

"Oh, for f*ck's sake, Harry I—OH!" Louis cries out as Harry licks a long stripe over his entrance. The sensation is electric. The heat of Harry's tongue contrasts with the cool air, driving Louis f*cking mad. Trying to muzzle himself, Louis bites into the bedding, the fabric smelling faintly of pine. Harry's tongue is relentless, swirling and flicking, and just honestly doing a great f*cking job. Louis' body trembles, his fingers gripping the sheets tightly, knuckles white. He might die. "Baby," he cries into the blanket, his voice muffled but full of need. Harry's beautiful long fingers join the assault, pressing themselves inside Louis alongside his tongue. The sensation is f*cking overwhelming, Harry's fingers curling just right to hit that spot inside him that makes him see stars. Harry's tongue continues its relentless work, lapping and teasing, while his fingers move with expert precision. Louis feels like he's coming apart at the seams, his body trembling uncontrollably. The pleasure is intense, a white-hot fire that consumes him.

"Harry, please," Louis whimpers, his voice strained. "I can't—I'm gonna—"

Harry doesn't let up, his fingers thrusting deeper, his tongue pressing harder. Louis' vision blurs, and he bites down harder on the bedding to stifle his cries. The taste of the fabric mixes with the pine scent, anchoring him in the here and now even as his mind feels like it's floating away. The build-up is excruciating, Harry's ministrations driving him to the brink again and again but never letting him tip over the edge. Louis' whole body is still trembling, broken out in a cold sweat. He has gone silent now, so at least Harry succeeded in that mission. His mind is too wrecked to form words. Finally. Finally. f*cking finally. Harry removes his fingers, followed slowly by his tongue. Louis has to mentally remind himself that he hasn't come yet, feeling completely wrecked and spent.

"Still with me, my love?" Harry's voice is more hoarse and lustful now.

Louis makes some incoherent affirming noise and rubs his face more into the bedding. He can faintly hear the pop of the lube, and then Harry is over him completely, his lips pressing soft kisses on the back of Louis's head. He wraps his arm around Louis' neck, bringing them both up slightly. Louis can faintly feel Harry at his entrance. He squeezes his eyes shut, waiting. Aaaannnnnddddd nothing.

"H," Louis whines, desperation clear in his voice.

Harry kisses the side of his face, tightening his arm slightly.

"I'm yours?" he whispers.

"Y-yes, you're m-mine," Louis forces out, his voice shaky.

"You're mine?" Harry whispers again, his tone darker. Louis nods frantically. "Words," Harry demands, his voice a low growl as Louis tries to push his hips up.

"Yes, yes, I'm yours, Harry, please!" Louis cries, feeling hot tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. This is f*cking torture. If he doesn’t die, he might kill Harry. And then, with one steady, harsh, bruising, beautiful, perfect push, Harry bottoms out and Louis lets out a loud moan, the sensation overwhelming.

Harry moves his hand over Louis' mouth, squeezing slightly. "Shhh," Harry says smugly, kissing Louis' cheek before starting to move his hips. The rhythm is slow and deep, each thrust calculated to drive Louis f*cking wild. Louis makes quiet whimpers and moans into Harry's hand, the sound muffled but still desperate.

"You're so strong, Lou," Harry murmurs against his ear. "Taking me so perfectly."

And holy f*cking f*ck f*ck f*ck.

Louis' entire body is on fire, every nerve ending alive and dancing erratically. Harry removes his hand from Louis’ mouth and slides it to cup his jaw, his index finger still laying across his open mouth. It’s just stupid hot.

"Please," he whispers again, his voice breaking with need. He dick pressed between himself and the mattress begging for more.

"Not yet," Harry breathes into his ear, his voice commanding.”You’re doing so good, always so good for me.” He continues his slow, deliberate thrusts, prolonging Louis' agony and ecstasy. His body is quivering uncontrollably as Harry takes him closer and closer to the edge but never lets him tip over. His breath comes in hoarse gasps, the tension coiling tighter and tighter inside him.

"This is where you belong," Harry continues, his voice thick with emotion. "Right here with me."

"Please, Harry, I f*cking can't—" Louis tries again, all broken and raspy.

"You're going to wait until I tell you," Harry says firmly, his lips brushing Louis' ear. "Do you understand?"

Louis nods frantically, biting down on the bedding once again. His entire body feels like it's about to shatter, the pleasure almost too much to bear. Harry's thrusts become deeper, more forceful, each movement driving Louis closer to the brink. Harry bites down on Louis' shoulder, the sharp sensation adding to the intense pleasure. Louis cries out, his nails digging into Harry's forearm, leaving red marks.

"Please, f*ck Harry, please," Louis begs, tears streaming down his face. "I need to—please, I can't take it."

"Yes, you can” Harry says as he places a light kiss on Louis’ shoulder blade, his rhythm never changing. “You're mine, Louis," Harry growls, his voice filled with possessive need. "Only mine."

"Y-yes, I'm yours, all yours," Louis sobs, his body starting to jerk violently with the overwhelming sensations.

"This is where I belong," Harry whispers, his voice low and intense. "With you." The words penetrate Louis to his very soul. Yes. Yes, this is where they belong. "Now," Harry growls, his voice commanding. "Come for me, Lou."

Louis' org*sm crashes over him with a force that leaves him breathless, his body convulsing with the intensity of it. His release is overwhelming, his muscles clenching and releasing in waves of pleasure.He doesn't even try to muffle himself (Sorry, lads), his body trembling uncontrollably.

Harry follows right after, his grip on Louis tightening as he finds his own release. With a final, deep thrust, Harry lets out a low groan, his body tensing as he empties himself inside Louis. The sensation sends aftershocks of pleasure through Louis, his body still shaking from the intensity of his own org*sm.

“Good boy” Harry breathes into Louis’ ear. (%#!@&$%#$%^#^!!!!)

They stay like that for a moment, bodies intertwined, hearts racing, and heavy breathing. Slowly, Harry withdraws, his touch gentle and reassuring. He places soft kisses along Louis’ spine, causing goosebumps to erupt after them.

"You were amazing, you’re so beautiful like this" Harry whispers, pressing a kiss to his ' temple. Louis smiles, a contented sigh escaping his lips.

"You always are," he murmurs, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and love as Harry falls to his side and pulls him closer.

A moment later, they hear a loud voice from the other side of the door. "Thank God it’s over! You f*ckheads!" Niall yells, his voice carrying through the room.

Louis lets out a loud laugh while Harry's cheeks go red. It’s f*cking funny.

"Sorry!" Harry yells back.

"I'm not," Louis yells after him, making them both burst out laughing. Harry kisses Louis' shoulder while gently sliding out of bed. He’s really not sorry at all. Niall should of known better and got them a separate cabin.

"What the f*ck!" Louis pouts, reaching out to pull Harry back. The audacity of this man to get out of bed right now. Harry scoops him up bridal style, making Louis yelp in surprise. Harry makes his way to the shower, a satisfied smirk on his face. Louis can’t tell if he absolutely hates it or wants to permanently attach himself to Harry like this.

"If you ever tell them you carried me like this, I'll bite your dick off," Louis threatens. He’s serious too. He would.

"Noted," Harry laughs, pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead as he carries him into the bathroom. Without putting him down, Harry reaches in and turns the water on. The warm steam begins to fill the room, enveloping them both. The laughter subsides into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the gentle patter of the water and their synchronized breathing. Harry steps into the water and carefully sets Louis down in the shower, adjusting the temperature slightly. He knows Louis likes it a bit on the scalding side. As the warm water cascades over them, washing away the remnants of each other, they press their foreheads against each other. Harry’s hands move to gently wash Louis, his touch loving and gently. Louis closes his eyes, leaning into Harry's touch, feeling safe and cherished. It’s a feeling he hasn't felt in a f*cking long time. He never wants it to go away.

"You're really something else, you know that?" Harry whispers, his voice only a touch louder than the sound of the water.

"So are you," Louis murmurs back, his eyes opening to meet Harry's. He’s so desperately in love with him. Always has been. Always will be. Heart and Arrow, Ship and Compass. Rose and Dagger, Anchor and Rope, Harry and Louis.

Harry begins to wash Louis with a few complimentary toiletries in the shower. His fingers glide over Louis' skin, exploring every contour and dip, lathering soap and rinsing it away. Louis's skin tingles under Harry's touch, it’s not inherently sexual, it’s just intimate. It’s perfect. It’s home.


Harry loves Louis.

Harry is freshly out of the shower and tucked into bed, admiring Louis as he animatedly talks about his vision for playing Faith in the Future songs live after their world tour. Louis is rummaging through the mishmash of clothes, his eyes big with excitement. Harry can't help but be mesmerized by the way Louis' eyes sparkle, the way he gives a play-by-play of how he would perform each song and the way he uses his hands to express his excitement.

"‘Silver Tongues’ as the final song, I reckon. I'll throw myself into the barricade on that one," Louis says with a wide smile.

Harry has to force himself not to frown at that. The thought of Louis throwing himself into the barricade scares the sh*t out of him, but he knows better than to try to tell Louis what to do when it comes to performing. It's a discussion for a different day, and he doesn't want to dampen Louis's excitement right now. This is his favourite Louis: relaxed, f*cked out, slightly wet, happy, and excited.

"I love you," Harry says, resting his face on his hands as he tries to give Louis his best heart eyes. Louis beams at him, sitting on the floor in only a pair of the boxer briefs they bought earlier. "Come to bed," Harry whines.

"I'm trying to find something to sleep in," Louis says, picking up a red shirt with white polka dots. "This is too small to be yours. How did he pack like this?" Louis says, stunned.

"I'm offended you're wearing any clothes," Harry complains, jutting out his bottom lip.

"I'm trying not to traumatise Niall further," Louis shrugs. "Ah, f*ck it," he says, grabbing the hot pink shirt of Harry's he was apparently trying to avoid putting on. He slides it over his head, turns off the big light, and hops onto the bed. He manoeuvres himself so he is behind him, Harry's head resting on his chest, and his arm draped over Harry's chest. Comfy. Cosy. Perfect. Harry snuggles in deeper, loving being held like this, especially after topping. It's safe to say he is absolutely obsessed with their dynamic. It allows them both to be every part of themselves, taking and giving when they need it. He can wear lipstick and nail polish and be sensitive while still driving Louis into the mattress. He can grow his beard out, protect his man and be strong while still begging for Louis to take him.

Harry strokes Louis' arm, feeling the tiny little scars that littered them. Mostly faded and small enough not to be seen thanks to the camouflage of tattoos, but still there, still making Harry's heartache.

"Lou?" Harry asks quietly. This isn’t fun.

"Yes, baby," Louis hums back, his fingers gently running through Harry's hair.

"Do you still feel the urge to do it?" Harry asks timidly, his fingers running over the side of Louis' wrist like some sort of f*cked-up braille.

Louis freezes, and Harry can feel him resist the urge to snatch his arm away. The room feels suddenly quieter, smaller. Harry feels his lover’s tension, the way his body stiffens slightly.


"Sometimes," Louis finally says. "It's like a little f*cked up addiction. But I'm trying, H. I'm really trying."

Harry's chest tightens at Louis' words. He lifts his head slightly, turning to look into Louis' eyes. That’s terrifying and heartbreaking and just bloody awful.

"I know you are, Lou. And I'm so proud of you for that. But... did you ever do it because of me?"

Its a question that has been plaguing him for weeks. Louis' eyes widen in surprise and immediate denial.

"No, H, no.” He says sternly. “While all the f*cked-up sh*t didn't help and maybe sometimes to cope I turned to that, at the end of the day, I was depressed before you. It's not because of you. I would of done it regardless." Louis takes a deep breath, looking away briefly before meeting Harry's eyes again. It makes him want to cry. "I'm sorry for them, though. They make me feel weak."

Harry feels a punch of protective anger. "Weak? Louis, you've been through more sh*t than anyone I've ever known, and you're the strongest person I know. Those scars don't make you weak. They show how much you've survived."

It’s kind of cheesy to say but it’s true. Louis is the strongest person he has ever met by a long shot.

Louis tries to lighten the mood, his usual humour returning. "Yeah, well, if I start crying now, it's your fault, you sappy git."

Harry smiles, leaning in to kiss Louis gently. "And here I thought you liked it when I got sappy."

"Only a little," Louis grins, his eyes twinkling. And there it is. There is his happy beautiful Louis.

"Well, I think you're the most amazing, resilient, and downright gorgeous person I've ever met," Harry says cheekily.

Louis chuckles, pulling Harry closer. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Styles."

They settle back into their comfortable position, Louis's arm draped over Harry, and Harry snuggles in closer, feeling Louis' warmth surround him.

"I know we are probably going to be insanely busy, but if I helped find you an online therapist or something, would you do it?" Harry expects an immediate refusal. Instead, Louis surprises him.

"Sure, but only if you do too," Louis says.

Harry pops up at that, confused. He’s fine? Why would he need therapy?

"What? Why?"

Louis quirks an eyebrow at him and pulls him back down onto his chest, sliding his arm up to his own and spreading Harry's fingers out. He begins counting on Harry's fingers.

On Harry's thumb, he says, "Panic attacks."

On his pointer finger, he says, "Bribery and blackmail."

On his middle finger, he says, "Max," with hatred in his tone.

On his ring finger, he says, "Getting back together with your ex." Harry shudders at the word "ex." He always has.

Louis stops at Harry's pinky, hesitating. "Being closeted and having a boyfriend who won't come out," he says in a flat tone. "Should I go on?"

Louis laces their fingers together, gripping tightly. And well sh*t, it made sense. Obviously.

"I suppose you're right. So we both see a therapist?" Harry asks, searching Louis' eyes for reassurance.

"Yeah," Louis says. "I think it would be smart."

Harry nods into his chest, feeling the soothing movements beneath him. It's a small step, but it feels significant. This is more honest talking than they have probably had since 2014. That’s kind of a depressing thought. But, they're here now. They are here and they are talking.

"What are we going to do about Jeff?" Louis asks while shifting himself further down.

Harry sighs, the mention of Jeff stirring a mix of anger and anxiety within him. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, tracing small patterns on Louis' chest with his fingers. Harry feels the warmth of Louis' skin under his fingertips. It makes him feel better, as cliche as it is.

"I've been thinking about that," Harry begins. "I had a conversation with Zayn that made me realise some things."

Louis hums in response, his fingers gently stroking Harry's hair, a habit that hasn't changed in 12 years. "Our wise sage, Zayn, as always," he says with a small smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Cutie.

"I think... I think I need to actually act like I'm in control with him. He works for me," Harry says, and he can feel Louis grinning against him. "His biggest fear is me coming out and it ruining everything supposedly, whether I agree or disagree with that, it's true," Harry continues, his voice growing more confident. "So if I assure him that we won't be doing that and then also threaten to walk and expose his sh*t if he even breathes in your presence wrong... what other choice would he have?"

"Little mutual assured destruction?" Louis asks, his tone half-amused, half-serious.

"Yes, exactly!" Harry says a determined edge in his voice. He is the talent. Not Jeff. He has power. "I haven't fully figured it out, but if he wants to take you or me down, he's coming down with us."

"I have no fear of that." Louis chuckles, the sound warm and reassuring. "Are you... are you actually okay if I don't ever come out?" Louis asks nervously, his fingers not moving in his hair. Harry twirls in the bed so his cheek is pressed over Louis' heart, looking up at him.

"Yes. I really am. But... can I ask... like why? I'm not insecure enough to think it's me you're trying to hide. I just don't want you hating yourself. I don't want you hating a part of yourself."

Louis takes a moment, his thoughts clearly jumbled. Harry can’t tell if it’s soothing or anxiety-inducing. He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling steadily beneath Harry's head. The room feels heavy, but also intimate, a bubble of safety and honesty around them. It’s refreshing.

"Ya know, I thought for a long time that I hated that part of myself. That it's this part of ME that is keeping things out of my reach, making my life harder. But it's not. It's just the world. I hate the world that makes this part of me harder to live with. There are things I want to accomplish and things I want to do, and coming out... it would make it harder. And I just don't think I need the world to know that part about me." Louis says quietly. Harry listens intently, his eyes fixed on Louis' face, taking in every word, every nuance. "I don't want to be known as 'gay singer Louis Tomlinson' or even with positive connotations. I don't really want to talk about being a 'gay icon' or whatever. I want to do festivals, I want to get to your level and play stadiums. And the sad reality is, no one says their kids can't go to a concert because the artist is NOT gay, you know?” And yeah, Harry did know. He understood that. “ I just want to be able to go up there, write my songs, sing my songs, perform my songs, and then be able to turn that all off and come home to you," Louis says, his thoughts spilling out in a rush, his hands moving animatedly. "Even if I was straight, I just don't want to talk about that personal sh*t. I'm over it. I'm over giving all those pieces of myself to people. My fans... my real fans, they'll listen. They'll know. But they'll respect it enough to leave it be, you know? That's who I'm playing to. That's who I do this for. And those fans can have their conspiracy theories and whatever, but they don't actually care, ya know? They have my back. I don't need to come out for them. I don't need to come out for you. So then why would I?" Louis finishes, his voice steady, his eyes sincere.

Harry is stunned. Somehow, he understands every single word. Every emotion. He understands. Fully. Completely.

"You're gonna play stadiums," Harry says with conviction. He knows he will. Big ones. Maybe he could convince him to get a catwalk. Louis will look great on a catwalk.

Louis smiles a small, bashful smile. "Yeah? You think so?"

"I know so," Harry replies, his voice firm. "And I'll be there, cheering you on every step of the way."

Louis's eyes soften, his grip on Harry tightening. "I can sing to you up in the VIP?"

“Obviously!” Harry kisses Louis's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath his lips. "I love you, Lou. And I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too, H," Louis replies.

"We should get these twinkly lights over our bed," Harry yawns, his voice soft and drowsy. Louis hums in agreement, his breathing evening out and his fingers slowing their gentle strokes. Harry smiles as he feels sleep fully pull Louis under. Slowly, he peels himself from the love of his life’s chest, looking down at the sweet creature he holds so dear. Louis' face, relaxed in sleep, looks almost angelic. His long eyelashes cast delicate shadows on his cheeks, and his lips, slightly parted, still carry the remnants of a soft smile. The twinkly lights cast a glow over his features, highlighting the gentle curves and the small freckles that Harry has memorized. He brushes a stray strand of hair from Louis' forehead. Resisting the cute aggression to bite him. As Harry watches Louis sleep, his mind drifts back over the last couple of months, specifically the last three weeks. The memories flood him with a mix of emotions: the terror of rushing Louis into the E.R., the euphoria of their stolen kisses at the club, the fear and loathing with Max, and the desperation of the bad Mandy comedown. Each moment, each trial and trauma feels like a piece of the puzzle that has led them to this point. And now, here he is. After the literal blood, sweat, and tears, he's looking at forever with Louis f*cking Tomlinson. His Louis f*cking Tomlinson.

Harry's eyes well up with tears, because he’s a sensitive little princess sometimes. He feels a profound sense of relief and joy that they've made it through so much and found their way back to each other. They always were meant to find their way back to each other. The love he feels for Louis is all-encompassing, swallowing his being whole. He gently presses a kiss to Louis' temple, careful not to wake him. He just had to.

"You’re the love of my life, Boobear," he whispers, knowing Louis would smack him for the nickname. Oh well. He loves it. Louis stirs slightly, nestling closer to Harry in his sleep.

Oh f*ck, he heard me.

He holds his breath, staring at Louis’ chest until it evens out again. His gaze returns to Louis' face, taking in every detail with a reverence that borders on worship. He gently traces a finger along his jawline, feeling the slight roughness of stubble. Even in sleep, Louis radiates a kind of quiet strength and beauty that captivates Harry. He marvels at how lucky he is to have him in his life, to be the one who gets to hold him and love him. Just him, all him. Always. Always. Always. Always.

As sleep begins to claim him, Harry holds him a little tighter, his heart beating in sync with his future husband.

Morning comes too quickly.

"PLEASE BE WEARING CLOTHES!" Niall yells as he bursts through the door, hands over his eyes as he feels around the wall for the light switch.Harry had woken up about five minutes earlier but was trying to go back to sleep. Damn it.

"f*ck OFF, Horan!" Louis whines, burrowing his head under the pillows.Harry stays still, blinking blearily. He's oddly awake though.

“Oh my god, H, put that thing away!" Niall yells, throwing a jumper off the ground onto Harry. He looks down to see his morning wood, prominent. Ha!

"Stop looking then, Niall!" Louis says with an angry kitten face. (He’s so f*cking cute, Harry might have to bite him) Niall rolls his eyes.

"We are leaving in seven minutes," he says sharply and closes the door.

Louis starts whining, "Get me dressed. And carry me out to the car."

He smirks at him, "I'll carry you bridal style and tell you how pretty you are." Harry coos. Louis grumbles, his face scrunched up adorably as he begrudgingly gets up. The room is quiet as they use the loo, brush their teeth, and change into their new outfits from Walmart. Louis in a navy tracksuit, Harry in grey Packer's sweatpants and a jumper. Louis finishes first, leaning against the wall.

"It's still dark out," Louis whines. "I still think Niall is going to kill us, or maybe murder-suicide."

Harry feels cheeky. As he finishes getting ready, he saunters up to Louis, pressing his body flush against his. He rests one arm above Louis' head, boxing him in. With his other hand, he cups Louis' jaw. He has now gone silent, looking up at him, their faces close. Their breath mingles, both tasting of the kids' strawberry toothpaste they had grabbed. Harry hovers for a few moments until Louis starts to squirm.

"Your mouth is so pretty when you're whining," Harry says seductively.

"OI!" Louis yells, pushing himself off the wall and past Harry. "Dick!" Louis yells as he laughs and runs out the door.

Harry chuckles, watching Louis' retreating figure. There's an intimacy in these small, everyday moments that makes Harry's heart soar. The way Louis' eyes soften when he's annoyed but amused, the way his lips pout when he's being playful—all of it makes Harry fall that much harder. He’s so f*cking whipped. Good.

He follows Louis down the hall and out the door, the chilly morning air hitting them as they step outside. The sky is still dark, the first hints of dawn barely visible on the horizon. The world is quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the sound of what Harry swears is waves.Louis is standing by the car, still grumbling under his breath about Niall's early wake-up call. Harry walks up behind him, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and pulling him close.

"Hey," Harry murmurs against Louis's ear. "We'll do whatever it is Niall has planned. And then we'll go back to bed."

Louis leans back into Harry, his body relaxing in his embrace, lip protruding in a pout. "You promise?"

"I promise," Harry says, kissing the side of Louis' head.

Niall appears, looking at them with a mix of impatience and amusem*nt. "Alright, lovebirds, let's go. We don't have all day."

Zayn bounds out of the cabin, surprisingly energetic. His eyes are bright, and he’s already chattering excitedly about the day ahead. "Come on, lads! We've got a lot to do!"

Harry releases Louis but keeps his hand on the small of his back as they climb into the car. Liam looks like he could fall back asleep any second. He’s slumped in the passengers seat, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Do we really have to do this now?" Liam mumbles, his voice thick with sleep.

Louis is decidedly grumpy, crossing his arms and pouting as he settles into his seat.

"I’m going to be a nightmare today," he warns.

Harry feels a weird excitement bubbling up inside him. Despite the early hour and the unknowns ahead, something about today feels different, like an adventure waiting to unfold. For the first time in weeks (Months? Years?) he isnt anxious. The car ride is quiet, the early morning stillness settling over them. Harry holds Louis' hand, their fingers laced together, as they drive through the dark. The headlights of the car doing little to make it clearer where they are. Mostly pine trees and some vast emptiness.

"Where are we even going?" Louis mutters, half-asleep against Harry's shoulder.

"You'll see," Niall says cryptically.

As the car continues its journey, Harry leans his head back, closing his eyes and savoring the warmth of Louis' body against his. He can hear Zayn moving and bopping along to the soft music playing.

"Hey, Zayn," Harry calls out, "what’s got you so energized this morning?"

Zayn grins, his excitement palpable. "Just feeling good, man. It's a new day, new possibilities. Plus, I’m looking forward to seeing where Niall’s taking us."

Niall glances at him in the rearview mirror, smirking. "You’ll love it, trust me."

Liam shifts in the passenger seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. "I hope it’s worth it. I could use a few more hours of sleep."

Louis huffs, still grumpy but starting to wake up more. "If it’s not, Niall, I swear to God."

Harry laughs, "I think we’ll be alright.”

"Yeah, Niall," Louis adds with some light snark, "If you lead us to some serial killer's hideout, just know I'll kill you first, slowly."

Niall chuckles, shaking his head. "Relax, Tommo. No serial killers today."

Louis slumps further into his seat, closing his eyes. "I better get coffee out of this."

“Don’t worry, we will be at the coffee shop in 2 minutes if I can find the damn turn.” Niall says frustrated, slowing down.

"I can't believe we let you be in charge, Niall. You can't even keep track of your socks," Louis quips.

"Hey, at least I know where we're going," Niall retorts, grinning. The funny thing is, Louis is the one to misplace his socks. Not Niall.

"Yeah, well, if you get us lost, you’re buying breakfast," Louis replies and rubs his face more into his boyfriend’s shoulder.

Harry chuckles, feeling the tension ease. "Just enjoy the ride, darling."

"Enjoy the ride?" Louis echoes. "Niall's driving. If we make it in one piece, it’ll be a bloodymiracle."

Niall rolls his eyes. "Keep it up, Tomlinson. See if I share my snacks with you later."

"Promises, promises," Louis says, laughing.

Twenty minutes and a ton of Louis' bitching later, they pull into Cedar Coffee Company . Niall grumbles that they missed the sunrise. Louis practically leaps out of the car and sprints to the door of the coffee shop , a quaint spot that doubles as a bike repair shop in the middle of the woods. It’s modern but rustic and cozy, with large windows letting in the early morning light. Louis waits by the door and opens it for Harry, giving him a dramatic little bow.

"Such a gentleman," Liam laughs at him, earning a playful shove from Louis.

The shop has only a few early risers scattered about. The barista, a young woman with an eyebrow piercing, quirks said eyebrow but says nothing else.

"Good morning!" Zayn says to her with a charming smile.

"Hi, what can I get you today?" She smiles back.

"Oh, we are in Minnesota!" Louis chirps, apparently a secret dialect savant.

"Um, yes?" She says, eyeing them even more.

Liam grabs the menu and says, "It will just be a minute."

Harry glances around the cosy interior , taking in the warm, inviting atmosphere. The smell of fresh coffee mixes with the scent of cedar from the surrounding woods.

“This place is nice," he says, leaning against the counter next to Louis.

Louis nods, his eyes scanning the chalkboard menu. "

“Yeah, not bad for the middle of nowhere. Let's hope their coffee is decent."

Niall nudges Harry. "What are you having, H?"

Harry squints at the menu, trying to make sense of the various options. "I’ll take whatever Louis is having."

Louis smirks, leaning closer to Harry. "Careful, I might order something full of sugar and full fat milk."

Harry laughs. "Go ahead, surprise me."

So they order:

Harry&Louis: 2 Flat Whites, Blueberry Muffin, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Raspberry Danish, Pistachio Muffin

Liam: Drip Coffee, Spicy Peanut Toast

Zayn: Vanilla Latter, English Muffin Sandwich

Niall: Dark Side smoothie, Burrito

As they wait for their orders, they find a corner table, the morning sun casting in on it.

"Why do I feel like we’re on some sort of secret mission?" Liam asks, slapping his cheels a little and stifling a yawn.

"Because Niall’s being all mysterious," Louis replies, eyeing the former blonde. "So, what’s the plan, Captain Horan?"

Niall leans back in his chair, rolling his eyes. "We’re just taking a little detour. Trust me, you’ll like it."

"You know, if you wanted to kill us, this would be the perfect place," Louis says, looking around dramatically. "Remote, quiet, lots of places to hide the bodies."

"Lou, I’m not going to kill you," Niall says with a sigh. "You’re too much trouble even when you’re alive." Harry smirks, wrapping his arm around Louis’ chair. He missed the banter.Their drinks arrive, and the group settles,sipping their coffee and scarfing down their food.

"Alright, let’s get back on the road before Niall starts planning our funeral," Louis says, stretching and yawning, still half-asleep but visibly more cheerful. Harry’s not sure why today he finds everything Louis does endearing. (It’s not just today honestly.)

"Yeah, let’s go," Niall says, standing up and gathering his things. "Next stop is even better."

Harry doesn't have any doubts that the next stop will be cool, but he’s not too worried. He feels so content to just ‘be’ today. This is his happy place. They all pile back into the car and start heading back toward the town. Now with the sun up, all the boys are scanning the small town, trying to figure out where they are. The quaint streets and charming buildings pass by quickly, the boys managing to deduce that they are in Minnesota but little else. Harry has only been to Minnesota when they toured and that was only a handful of times and in the summer. Liam had his disaster interview in Minneapolis but that’s the extent of their Minnesota knowledge.

"Come on, Niall, where the hell are we?" Louis demands, his eyes squinting at every sign they pass. It figures he is the one most bothered by the mystery.

"Yeah, Ni, give us something," Harry adds, leaning forward from the back seat. "We’re dying of curiosity here."

Niall smirks, keeping his eyes on the road. "Patience, lads. You'll find out soon enough."

"Patience? We’ve been patient since five in the bloody morning yesteday ," Liam grumbles, punctuated with yawn. Harry thinks he looks a little worn down, less awake then everyone. He will need to chat with him soon.

Zayn, ever the mediator, chimes in. "Seriously, give us a hint. Are we at least going somewhere cool?"

Niall chuckles, apparently enjoying the anticipation he's building. "You'll love it. Just trust me."

Louis huffs dramatically. "If this ends up being some lame sightseeing spot, I’m staging a mutiny."

"Lou darling, you stage a mutiny every other week," Harry teases, poking Louis in the cheek, the stubble scratching his finger. He’s always been jealous of Louis’ ability to grown nice clean, non patchy facial hair.

Louis crosses his arms, mock-pouting. "Yeah, well, maybe one day I’ll succeed."

As they continue driving, the town begins to fade away, replaced by stretches of highway flanked by dense forests. The road curves, and they come upon a giant tunnel with " Silver Creek Cliff " carved into the top in bold letters.

"Whoa, look at that," Liam says, his eyes widening. The tunnel looms ahead, a massive stone structure cutting through the cliffside. As they enter, the interior is dimly lit, with the headlights casting eerie shadows on the rough-hewn walls. The sound of the tyres on the road echoes around them, creating a surreal, almost otherworldly atmosphere.Upon exiting the tunnel, the view opens up to the expanse of a large body of water, shining under the morning sun. "Is this Lake Superior !?" Liam asks excitedly, his face pressed against the window.

"Yes!" Niall exclaims happily.

And woah.

Harry has never seen Lake Superior before. It’s more grand than Lake Michigan and is hard to tell yourself that it’s not an ocean. The colour of the water reminds him of a certain man’s beautiful eyes. All the boys press their faces to the windows, staring out at the jewel-toned water that seems to go on forever, the horizon blending seamlessly with the sky. The sight is breathtaking.

“Almost as pretty as you,” Louis whispers into Harry’s ear, causing heat to rise in his cheeks.

"Look at that water," Zayn murmurs, awe in his voice. "It’s like a painting."

The shoreline is dotted with rocky outcrops and patches of forest, the trees still holding onto the last remnants of autumn. It’s gorgeous and ethereal and makes Harry want to go live in the forest and never be seen again. (With Louis of course)

"This is incredible," Harry says, his breath fogging up the window. And it is. It’s beautiful and serene and so so so so big.

Soon enough, they see signs for Beaver Bay , population 120. As they drive through the tiny town, a sign catches Zayn’s eye.

"Wait! Rock shop! Stop!" he protests, pointing at a sign that says Beaver Bay Agate Shop .

Niall rolls his eyes but obliges. "Fine, but only because I need to wee."

They pull into the parking lot of the quaint little shop. A tan house looking building with a green porch and a red sign advertising ‘ Agate Shop and Museum ’. It’s cute.

"Beaver Bay Agate Shop. Sounds...interesting," Louis says, arching an eyebrow. He never was very interested in touristy things.

"Maybe we’ll find some cool rocks," Harry says, opening his door and stepping out into the crisp air. Luckily the sun was high and bright, keeping the chill from being too bad.

"Or maybe Zayn's planning to start a new rock collection," Liam adds with a grin, following suit.

"Come on, it’ll be fun," Zayn says, already heading towards the entrance. "I used to collect rocks as a kid. Always wanted to visit a place like this."

Louis makes a face. "Nerd."

Harry laughs, wrapping an arm around Louis. "You love it." Realistically, besides his siblings, Louis loves Zayn more than almost anyone in the world. (Although he would like to think he loves Harry a little more.)

They all head inside,the interior is a treasure trove of sparkling agates, and polished stones of every color. The walls are lined with shelves displaying various geological specimens, and the air smells faintly of earth and minerals.

"These are actually pretty cool," Louis admits, holding up a particularly pretty agate.

"See? Told you it’d be worth it," Zayn says, grinning as he examines a large piece of amethyst. Harry walks away from them, exploring the large collection . The shelves are filled with different types of rocks, some left in their natural state and others polished and shaped. He takes his time, appreciating the natural beauty of each stone. He could get into this easily. A giant chunk of amethyst in his foyer? Yes please. Then he stumbles upon a case of tiny glass animals. Instantly, he sees a tiny frog and hedgehog. He smiles, picking them up gently. He scans the others, also choosing a colorful parrot, a black cat, and a fox. He makes his way to the register where Zayn and Louis are already talking to the woman behind the counter as she rings up Zayn’s order.

"So he kidnapped us!" Louis says, pointing over to Niall, who is standing with Liam looking at carved rocks in the shape of cups.

"Great place to be kidnapped to!" the young woman says with a laugh. "Gitche Gumee is a magical place."

"Gitche Gumee?" Zayn questions, curiosity piqued.

"Lake Superior. The Ojibwe name for the lake is Gitche Gumee, meaning great sea. This is a place of escape and healing," she explains proudly.

"Well...we definitely need that," Louis mutters as he places a green rock on the counter.She smiles sweetly and rings him up as they chat more. Afterwards, Louis holds the green rock up next to Harry's eye. "Perfect match," he beams.Harry feels his chest tighten as he smiles at his soulmate. Louis always had a way of making him feel special. Sometimes Harry felt stupid liking being doted on like that, but come on, it’s Louis doting on him. Who wouldn't want that? Harry pays for his little glass animals, the small treasures tucked into a paper bag. The woman behind the counter wraps each one carefully, handing them to Harry with a warm smile.

"Enjoy your little friends," she says kindly. They all make their way back out to the car, the morning sun casting long shadows on the ground. The air is frigid but fresh, filled with the scent of pine and the distant sound of water lapping against the shore. As they climb into the car, Harry places his bag of glass animals in the pocket of his jacket. He looks over at Louis, who is carefully examining his new green rock.

"Do you think this rock has healing powers?" Louis asks, holding it up to the light.

"I think it’s whatever you make of it," Harry replies, his eyes soft with affection. "And if you believe it can help, then it will."

Louis smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're cute." he says warmly, leaning into Harry’s shoulder. As they settle back into their seats, Niall starts the car and they head back onto the road. The landscape stretches out before them, with the glistening expanse of Lake Superior on one side and the dense forests on the other.

"Where are we headed next, Captain?" Zayn asks, as he goes through his handful of small agates.

"Just wait and see!," Niall chirps, “You all are worse than bloody children.”

Harry starts to doze off, lulled by the hum of the engine, the warm sun streaming through the windows, and Louis' hand gripping his thigh.His eyelids grow heavy, and he begins to drift into a light sleep.

Some time later, Harry is jostled awake as the car turns onto a gravel road. The ride becomes noticeably bumpier, and he hears Louis grumbling beside him.

"This road is going to rattle my teeth out," Louis complains, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Harry, still groggy, leans in close to Louis' ear and whispers, "You should sit in my lap. Might be more comfortable."

Louis rolls his eyes, though a small smile threatens to break through. "Oh yeah? And what about you? You think you can handle it?"

Harry's heart skips a beat as Louis runs his hand up his thigh, giving it a squeeze that makes Harry's skin tingle with heat.

"For the love of God, stop," Zayn begs from the front seat. Buzzkill.Soon, they pull off into a tiny, secluded parking lot with no other cars in sight. The lot is surrounded by thick woods, and there’s a small brick bathroom next to a narrow trail that disappears into the trees .

"Maybe he is going to murder us," Harry whispers, the eeriness of the empty lot adding to his suspicion. He’s not going to right? Harry needs to stop watching so much Snapped.

"Bundle up," Niall says as he puts on his hat and mittens and gets out of the car quickly. The boys follow suit, grumbling but curious. Harry pulls on his coat and wraps a scarf around his neck, while Louis tugs a beanie over his messy hair. They step out into the cold air.

"Are you seriously going to drag us into the woods, Horan?" Louis asks. He always was a freeze-baby.

"Trust me, it’ll be worth it," Niall insists, leading them towards the trail.

The path is narrow and winding, the trees on either side thick and towering. The ground is covered in a thin layer of frost but there is a noticeable absence of snow. The forest is quiet, the only sounds being their footsteps and the occasional rustle of leaves.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Liam asks, stifling a yawn. Niall just scoffs and continues trudging forward. As they walk, Harry feels Louis' hand slip into his, their fingers interlocking between the fabric over their gloves. Even after all this time, he gets butterflies. He glances over at Louis, who gives him a reassuring squeeze. After about 5 minutes of walking, the trail opens up to a beach.

Beach is not a big enough word though. It seems too simple.

This is whatever it is unlike anything he’s seen.

The sand is a dark black, spreading out before them until it meets rough jade blue water. Large red-orange rocks and cliffs on either side. There's a few sparse rock islands in the distance and minus the few gulls flying overhead, they are completely alone.

Holy f*cking sh*t !” Louis yells, releasing Harry’s hand and taking a few steps forward into the silky black sand.

"Wow," Zayn breathes, taking in the sigh t, his voice almost reverent. Harry notices the biggest smile he thinks he’s ever seen on his face. GOOD.

"This is incredible," Liam adds, his eyes wide with wonder as he takes in the panoramic view.

Niall turns to them, a satisfied smile on his face. "Told you it’d be worth it."

They stand there in silence for a moment, each of them absorbing the beauty of the scene. The lake seems to go on forever, the horizon blending seamlessly with the sky. The early afternoon light bathes everything in a soft, golden glow, making the scene look almost fake.

Louis nudges Harry. "Guess this isn't such a bad place to be murdered after all," he jokes, his breath visible in the frosty air.

Harry chuckles, wrapping an arm around Louis' shoulders and pulling him close. "If this is where it ends, at least it’s beautiful."

Louis shakes him off and begins running towards the shore, pulling Zayn with him, but not before turning around and shouting, “YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!”

Harry’s hand goes to hold his jaw as he thinks his smile might literally break his face.

“Aw, how adorably gross.” Liam jokes as he swings his arm around Harry’s shoulder and starts walking them towards the shoreline. “Good job, Ni.”

Niall beams proudly, preening as he runs to join Zayn and Louis. Zayn is running in circles, howling and whooping. Nothing but pure unbridled joy and freedom clear on his face. Louis races to the water, ripping off his gloves before trying to cup his hands in the water, shrieking when the waves come spraying back at him. Once he apparently has gotten some in his hands he starts chasing Niall, who screams like a little girl when the icy droplets hit his face. Harry and Liam sit down in the sand close to the water, its warm thanks to the sun beating down on it. “He looks happy. It’s nice.” Liam muses before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his vape. Harry grimaces at him. “Would you rather it be a flask of vodka?”

“Touche” Harry quips, as he watches the other three goofing off at the other end of the beach. The three of them are throwing rocks into the lake, trying to skip them across the water's rocky surface. Occasionally, one of them picks up a particularly large rock and pretends to hurl it at the others, resulting in peals of laughter that carry across the beach. Harry lies back, feeling the heat of the sand against his skin, a stark contrast to the cool breeze off the lake.

"Join me!" he calls to Liam, pulling him back playfully. Liam thuds back onto the sand beside him, staring up at the sky. Harry closes his eyes, the sound of the waves and the distant laughter makes him feel all blissed out. "I never asked how A.A. was.”

Liam sighs, taking another audible puff from his vape. "It was good, I think. I’d like to go again, but... it seems like we’re gonna be on the road nonstop for this tour. Hoping I can find a good online one," he says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"sh*t, I didn't even think about that," Harry replies, opening his eyes briefly to glance at Liam. That really wasn't good.

"It... it's not ideal. But I'll make it work," Liam says, though his laugh is tinged with anxiety. "Or I won't," he adds, the humour in his voice failing to mask his worry.

"Don't say that," Harry says quietly, reaching out to grab Liam’s hand. Liam squeezes his hand back, staring at the sky again.

"I'm just scared," he admits. "Being on tour was the exact reason I'm at this point, ya know?"Harry sighs deeply. He does know. It’s like running into oncoming traffic. "Can I ask a question?" Liam asks, shifting slightly. Before Harry can answer, their attention is drawn to a commotion at the other end of the beach. Zayn and Louis are manhandling Niall toward the water, and he is screaming for his life. At the last second, he breaks free and starts laughing, running down the beach with Zayn and Louis giving chase.

"Sure," Harry says with a grin, lying back down and closing his eyes.

"What you said to Simon, in the penthouse, that got him to stop the therapy sh*t... how did you know about that?" Liam asks, his voice tentative.

Harry laughs, a bitter edge to the sound. "It’s funny, in the saddest way possible. I'm so desensitised to it all, it doesn’t feel like a big deal," he says, opening his eyes to look at the puffy white clouds above. One looks like a butterfly.

"Tell me," Liam urges, sitting up and turning to face Harry.

Harry takes a deep breath. "There’s this security guard who works for Simon’s team. He’s been feeding me information for years. I pay him well for it. There’s also an assistant who has a grudge against him. She’s been slipping me details whenever she can. They both despise him and want to see him fall."

Liam gapes at him.

"You’re serious?"

Harry nods. "Completely. They’ve given me enough dirt to fill a book. It’s not just minor stuff. It’s everything. Fraud, embezzlement, and even a cover-up involving a hit-and-run accident. Simon’s got his hands dirty in ways you wouldn’t believe."

Liam's face pales. "Jesus, Harry."

He shrugs, his shoulders burrowing deeper into the sand. "This business... the bigger you get, the more it becomes a game. And the stakes are high. Simon has stuff on me, too. He knows about the times I’ve used drugs, the people I’ve been with, the fights I’ve been in. He’s got photos, videos, witness statements. Enough to ruin me if he wanted to. Not to mention, he's got pictures and videos that would out Louis and me as gay officially."

Liam sits back, processing the information. "How do you deal with that? Knowing that someone has that much power over you?"

Harry sighs. "You learn to play the game. You gather your own dirt. You make sure you have leverage. Simon might have stuff on me, but I’ve got stuff on him, too. And Jeff. It’s a delicate balance. Mutual assured destruction, as a wise man once said."

Liam shakes his head, still in disbelief. "It’s like we’re living in a movie. I had no idea it was this dark."

"It is," Harry says simply. "But we’ve got each other. And we’ve got enough to keep them at bay. We'll probably have to use some of the blackmail to get out of the trouble we're going to get in for taking off on this road trip."

Liam's eyes widen. "You think they'll come after us for this?"

Harry nods. "Probably. But we’ll handle it. We’ve got the upper hand. We just have to be smart about it."

There's some silence after that. Nothing awkward or even comfortable. It just is. It’s a lot to process.

"Thanks for telling me," Liam finally says, his voice soft.

Harry nods. "You needed to know. We all need to know what we’re up against I suppose." He stares out at the lake, lost in thought. It’s all a lot.

"What...what was all that Max stuff then?" Liam asks quietly.

Harry freezes at the question, trying to suppress the panic rising in his chest. It’s something his brain doesn't want him to think about too much. He sits up and faces Liam, taking a deep breath.

"There’s an even darker part of this industry, Liam. It’s not just about making music and performing. There’s a lot of...expectations and pressures. Sleeping your way to the top is very real."

Liam’s face stays tense. "What…?"

Harry looks away, it's not something he loves to talk about. It's shameful and gross.

"I’ve flirted and let people entertain the thought of being with me, but that was the first time I actually attempted anything like that. With Max. I thought I could handle it, was a mistake."

Liam looks appalled, his face pale. It makes Harry feel like sh*t. "Harry, promise me you’ll never do that again. It was terrifying seeing you in that state."

He nods, the guilt and shame heavy in his heart. "I promise, I don’t think Louis would let anything like that happen again. He’d murder someone before it got that far."

Liam embraces Harry in a tight hug, it’s crushing but he did not realise how badly he actually needs it. "I love you, Haz."

Harry hugs him back, whispering, "I love you too." They hold each other for a moment, they always did have a special bond. Their embrace is interrupted by Louis yelling for Harry, running up to them with red cheeks and out of breath.

"I got you a present!" Louis grins, handing Harry a small red rock in the shape of a heart.

Harry takes it and grins back at him, he can't do anything but stare into Louis’ eyes. The water has nothing on them.

"Oi, Tommo! Quit making the puppy eyes and get back here!" Zayn yells from a distance, trying to fend off Niall chasing him with a wet stick. Louis purses his lips at him and runs quickly to defend Zayn. Liam stays silent for a moment longer, his gaze shifting between Harry and Louis

"So," he starts, his tone a bit more playful, "are you and Louis together-together now? Proper boyfriends?"

Harry chuckles, rubbing the heart-shaped stone between his fingers. "Yeah, we are, thank f*ck. And I have no plans on ever letting him go again." (NEVER EVER).

Liam raises an eyebrow. "You’re serious, aren’t you? No more disappearing acts? No more running around, no more breakups?"

Harry nods firmly. "Absolutely. I’m done with all that. Louis is it for me."

Liam looks thoughtful, then glances at Louis, who is now attempting to drag Zayn in the lake while Niall cheers him on. Harry’s expression softens, and he looks down, a bit of nostalgia in his eyes (but also a little heartache).

"Did you know I proposed back then?"

Liam's eyes widen in surprise. "No, I didn't know that. Seriously?"

"Yeah," Harry says, "I proposed to him in 2019. I had this whole romantic set up and then all of a sudden it just happened as we were putting groceries away. I thought it was perfect, but... well, you know how things went."

Liam nods, understanding the unspoken history between them. "And if you thought he’d say yes now? Would you do it again?"

Harry doesn’t hesitate. "In a heartbeat. If I thought he was ready and okay with it, I’d propose to him right now. Maybe with this rock, like penguins." Harry looks back at Louis, who is now sprawled on the sand, laughing as Zayn and Niall gang up on him.

"I don’t know," Liam says thoughtfully, turning back to Harry. "I think you two have always been inevitable. He would never say no."

And Goddddddddddddddd, does that make Harry’s heart flutter. As happy as he has been the past few days with Louis back in his arms, there has been a hint of anxiety about it all.

"You think so?"

"I know so," Liam says with a confident smile. "Louis loves you, H. He always has. And anyone can see how happy you make each other. You’re both different when you’re together—in the best way. It’s disgusting and you need to buy us all very expensive noise canceling headphones, but it's adorable."

Harry beams. "Thanks, Liam. That means a lot. And pick some out, I’ll order them as soon as Niall gives us our phones back"

Liam pats Harry on the back, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "Just go for it when the time feels right. You’ve got all of our support. But the best man race is gonna be a massacre" (And oh sh*t, Harry never thought about that.)

Harry looks at Louis again, and my god is he the most beautiful thing.Louis catches his eye from across the beach and falls to his knees dramatically, making Harry laugh. Louis pushes himself up from the sand, brushing off the black grains clinging to his clothes. He jogs over, still slightly out of breath and fringe slightly damp.

"What are you two whispering about over here?" He asks, his eyes narrowing between the two.

Harry grins, slipping the heart-shaped stone into his pocket. "Nothing you need to worry about, Darling."

Louis scowls playfully. "I see how it is. Keeping secrets from me now, are we?"

Before Harry can respond, Zayn and Niall rush over, both breathless and grinning. "Lou! Help!" Zayn yells, trying to fend off Niall, who is waving a wet stick around threateningly.

"Gotta go, love. Manly things to do," Louis yells as he races back to the other two boys, tackling Niall to the ground. The three of them roll around in the sand, laughter ringing out across the beach. f*cking precious.

Harry shakes his head, chuckling. "He’s never going to heal his ribs at this rate," he laughs, watching Louis rough and tumble without a care in the world.

Liam grins, nudging Harry. "So, when are you going to pop the question again?"

Hmm. Good question. Honestly, Harry hadn't thought about it too much. He would do something better this time, no groceries involved. Although that was perfect in its own way.

“Soon. Very soon."

Liam claps him on the back. "Good. He deserves it. And so do you."

It dawns on Harry that Liam, Zayn, and Niall (and Eleanor of course) were there for Louis when he wasn't. Even if they fell out and drifted apart after, they were there.

Harry turns back to Liam, "Thanks for being there for him…when I wasn’t. I’m glad he was safe with you."

Liam smiles warmly. "We’ve all got each other’s backs, Harry. Always.


Louis is f*cking starving.

Like really really f*cking starving

As they walk back toward the car, Louis can feel his stomach growling louder than ever. "If you don’t feed me immediately, I’m going to eat one of you," he grumbles, making sure his voice is loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Can I volunteer?." Harry asks with a wide grin.

“f*cking gross.” Zayn protests lightly as he gets in the passenger seat. Whatever, his baby is hilarious. They all pile into the car, Liam, Harry, and Louis in the backseat.Once again Niall is driving and Louis makes sure to say a quick prayer to whatever god that he didn't careen them off a cliff. Zayn, Louis, and Niall are dishevelled and dirty from their epic war on the beach. Zayn is brushing sand out of his hair, his expression one of mild annoyance. "I swear, there’s more sand in my hair than on the beach."

"Found a place!” Niall exclaims as he types away on the phone. He eyes Louis in the rearview mirror. "Just try not to eat the seats before we get there, yeah?"

"Not making any promises," Louis mutters, smirking. He wonders if there are any snacks shoved under the seats. They drive for a while and Louis stares out the window, watching the trees blur by, his stomach growling louder with each passing minute.

"Are we there yet?" Louis whines after a few minutes. He might resort to biting at this point.

"We’re almost there. Patience," Niall says, his eyes on the road.”I thought we would be done with all this whining.”

Finally, Niall pulls into a parking lot in front of a building with a sign that reads ‘ Tracks and Racks .’ The restaurant is an old wood panel house-style building. Antlers and fishing gear adorn the exterior kind of gives off a ‘Wrong Turn’ horror movie vibe. Louis stares at the building, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, so this is actually where we get murdered," he says dryly, glancing at the others.

Zayn snickers, shaking his head. "Relax, Lou. It looks cosy."

"Just saying, I’m faster than all of you and I will leave you all behind," Louis says, grinning before mouthing ‘except you’ at Harry, who preens at the odd compliment.

They pile out of the car, stretching their legs and brushing off any remaining sand. The scent of grilled meat wafts from the restaurant, making Louis's stomach growl even louder. He’s never been this hungry in his life.

"Smells promising," Harry comments, taking Louis's hand as they head toward the entrance.

Inside, the restaurant is even more rustic and cosy. The walls are lined with more antlers, fishing rods, and old photographs of hunting and fishing trips. There are even a few taxidermied animals. Louis changes his mind. He is kind of obsessed with this place. The tables are made of sturdy wood, the same dark colour as the walls. The place is mostly empty save for a few old men seated at the bar and what looks to be a dad and son in the corner playing Buck Hunter.

A friendly waitress greets them with a smile. “ Hello! Five today?"

"Yes, please," Niall answers, glancing around appreciatively.

As they follow the waitress to their table, Louis leans over to Harry. "If the food is as good as it smells, I might forgive Niall for dragging us here."

Harry chuckles, squeezing Louis’s hand. "I’m sure it will be. And if not I’ll go to the shop and buy you some sweets."

"Deal," Louis grins. Some good chocolate sounds amazing right now. They settle into a large red pleather booth near a window overlooking the woods.

“Oh my god.” Harry stammers as they look at the menu. “They have poutine. Louis, they have poutine.” his voice is borderline frantic. “Guys, they have poutine, I’m getting poutine.”

Louis thinks Harry might be getting the poutine. Weirdo.

"You do that baby" Louis says, flipping through the menu eagerly. "I’m going to order everything."

Liam laughs, shaking his head. "Just make sure to leave some for the rest of us."

As they peruse the menu, Zayn continues to fuss with the sand in his shoes. "I swear, this sand is never coming out."

"Just embrace it," Louis advises. "You’re one with the beach now."

Zayn looks up and him and makes a face of approval. “Yeah, yeah I like that.”

The waitress comes back, her curls bouncing as she walks. “Alright, what can I get’chya?”

Louis: co*ke, Cheese Curds, Onion Rings, Outdoorsmen Burger

Harry: Water, Tracks Poutine, House Salad

Liam: Root beer, BLT

Zayn: Water, Philly Wrap

Niall: co*ke, Fried Pickle Chips, Walleye Sandwich

As they wait for their food, they relax in the cosy booth, absolutely revelling in the anonymity of the tiny town. Louis leans back in his seat, feeling content despite his earlier complaints. There’s something about being with his friends, in a place like this, that makes everything feel right. He can almost forget the sh*t show waiting for them back in Chicago.

The waitress comes back quickly, depositing their drinks in front of them before shuffling off again.

"Alright, boys," Niall says, raising his glass. "To unexpected adventures and not getting murdered in the middle of nowhere."

They all laugh, clinking their glasses together.

Louis takes a sip of his drink, smiling at his friends. "And to finally getting fed."

“Amen!” Zayn shouts happily. Which makes Louis so f*cking happy.

“So, Niall” Harry begins, “What brought this all on? Why are we here? Is it just a break…or?”

They all turn their heads to their Irish friend, who now looks apprehensive and nervous. He takes another drink of his co*ke.

“I…I have something to tell you boys.” he begins, eyeing them all wearily.”But, I don’t want to do it here. I’m sorry.”

“So…” Louis says softly, “When?” Niall takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “f*ck, you're not dying are you?”

He’s gonna feel like a bloody tosser if he’s been joking that Niall is going to murder them all while he is sick.

Niall shakes his head violently. “No, no. ‘course not. I just…I wanted to have a fire tonight and we can talk about it then, yeah?”

“Sure, Ni. Whatever you need.” Liam says, patting him on the shoulder.

“Lou, need a smoke?” Zayn asks from across the table, his eyebrow arching. Louis can tell he wants to talk in private. He nods and scooches out of the booth, giving Harry’s thigh a pat as he moves out. They silently make their way to a back door with a small ‘Designated Smoking Area’ sign above it.

The area is a small screened-in porch with a couple of stools and ashtrays. A giant lamp heater stands in the middle, casting a red light around the space.

"Fancy," Louis comments, the heater is a nice touch. Zayn remains quiet as he lights his cigarette, then hands one to Louis. He takes the cigarette and sits on one of the stools, the metal cold against his legs. He flicks his lighter, the flame briefly illuminating his face as he lights it. He takes a deep drag, letting the smoke fill his lungs before exhaling slowly. God, he loved smoking.

"You okay?" Louis asks, watching Zayn carefully as he sits down beside him. The dim light from the heater casts shadows across Zayn's face, highlighting the turmoil he looks to be in.

Zayn nods before meeting Louis' eyes. "I don't know if I can go back, Lou," he says solemnly. "This is the best I’ve felt in months...and I don't know if I can go back."

Louis' heart breaks a bit staring at his best friend, the struggle and pain evident in his expression. "Maybe we can negotiate a long break? Get you back to the farm for a week or two?" Louis suggests.

Zayn smiles weakly, the corners of his mouth barely lifting. "Yeah, that would be nice. Feel like I need longer though."

Louis takes another drag of his cigarette, the smoke curling up to the wooden ceiling. "We could fake your death," he jokes. Zayn chuckles softly, a brief glimmer of amusem*nt in his eyes.

"Or I could try to off myself again. That would get us a decent break...maybe. Probably not, though," Louis says, his voice trailing off. He immediately regrets the words as they leave his mouth.


Zayn looks at him with intense eyes.


"Please don't joke about that, Lou. Are you feeling like that?" Zayn asks, his voice is soft but serious.

"No, god no," Louis says quickly, shaking his head. He reaches out and places a hand on Zayn's arm, squeezing gently. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Just trying to joke around, you know?"

Zayn nods, but his face still looks tense. "I get it. But careful, yeah?"

Louis nods, feeling guilty, he’s put Zayn through a lot. He takes another drag of his cigarette, trying to shake off the heavy feeling in his chest. "I just hate seeing you like this, Z. We’ll figure something out. We always do," Louis says. The scent of tobacco sticking to the inside of his nose. Zayn hums in response, his eyes downcast as he flicks the ash from his cigarette. His expression is weary, shadows accentuating the lines of stress and fatigue etched into his face.

"Will... will you just promise to keep an eye on me a bit? Make me talk?" Zayn says quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. He doesn’t meet Louis’ eyes, his vulnerability laid bare. "I don't want to end up like last time. I want to ask for your help before I need it, ya know?"

Louis feels a lump form in his throat. He stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray, the butt smouldering as it extinguishes. Without a word, he steps closer to Zayn, the soles of his shoes scuffing against the wooden floor of the porch. He pulls Zayn into a tight cuddle, who grips back tightly.

"Always, Zayn. Always," Louis replies, his voice steady and filled with sincerity. He holds Zayn tightly, feeling the slight tremble in his friend’s body. The familiar scent of Zayn’s cologne combined with the smell of smoke, creates a sense of nostalgia and security that only Zayn can give him. "And you'll keep an eye on me?" Louis asks, needing the reassurance as much as Zayn does.

Zayn smiles weakly and nods, pulling back slightly to look Louis in the eye. "Always."

Louis can see the relief in Zayn’s eyes, the tension easing from his shoulders. He claps Zayn on the back, the sound a soft thud in the quiet daylight. "

Come on, let’s get back inside before they start thinking we actually got murdered out here."

Zayn chuckles softly, the sound bringing a smile to Louis’ face. They turn and head back towards the door, their footsteps echoing softly on the wood planks.

As they walk back to their table, Louis glances at Zayn, who looks more at ease now. He wishes he could just take all of his burdens away. Erase his contract and put him on the first flight to Pennsylvania. Zayn could wake up and feed his chickens and make art and maybe record one of those folksy blues-sounding songs he showed him last spring. They reach their booth, and Louis slides in next to Harry so their arms are pressed together. Harry looks at him with concern, his beautiful green eyes searching Louis’ face. "Everything okay?" he asks softly.

Louis nods, offering a small smile. "Yeah, everything’s good. Just needed a chat."

Harry seems to relax at that, returning the smile. He wraps an arm around Louis’ shoulders, pulling him even closer. Zayn sits down across from them, his expression lighter, the worry lines on his forehead smoothed out. Niall and Liam are engrossed in conversation, discussing something animatedly, their faces lit up with laughter. Louis lets out a breath he thinks he might of been holding for years.

After their lunch, they make their way back to the car, all completely stuffed. Louis groans dramatically, clutching his stomach. "I’m so full, I think I might die."

Harry, carrying a to-go box with a bemused smile, glances at him. "You're very complainy today."

And yes. Yes, he is. But, he’s happy. So it feels safe to complain. Does that make sense? It makes sense to Louis.

Liam laughs as he watches Harry carefully place the box in the car. "I still can't believe you ordered poutine to go. Who does that?"

Harry shrugs, a playful grin on his face. "Hey, it was too good to not have more late. It’s poutine Li, its a delicacy."

Once again. Weirdo. Louis’ weirdo, but a weirdo nonetheless.

They all pile into the car, Niall taking the driver’s seat. "Alright, back to the inn," Niall announces, starting the engine. "We’ll ask the people at the front desk where they recommend having a fire."

Louis yawns, stretching his arms above his head. "I call dibs on building the fire."

Protests arise from the other boys, but Louis doesn’t listen. He snuggles into Harry’s shoulder, letting the warmth and comfort lull him. Harry’s arm wraps around him, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on Louis’ arm. He closes his eyes, a content sigh escaping his lips. This is good, so good. As they drive, Louis feels sleep overtaking him. He drifts in and out of consciousness, snippets of conversation blending with the motion of the car. He faintly hears Niall and Zayn debating the best techniques for building a fire. He’s gonna build the fire goddamn it. The car hits a bump, jolting Louis slightly. He nestles deeper into Harry’s side, seeking the stability and comfort he always finds there. Harry’s thumb brushes against his shoulder automatically.

Home .

The car eventually slows, the sound of gravel crunching under the tires indicating they’ve arrived at the inn.

"Hey, Lou. We’re here," Harry says softly, gently shaking Louis awake. Louis grumbles, blinking against the light as he pulls himself up and out of the car. His body feels heavy and sluggish from sleep. They all stretch and yawn, the full stomachs and car ride having apparently taken its toll. The large wooden building of the inn looms ahead.They make their way up the creaking wooden steps, the sound of their footsteps echoing amongst the cabins. The inn’s door dings as they walk in, the sound cheerful and welcoming. The lobby is cosy, with a crackling fireplace in the corner and plush armchairs arranged around it. A woman with long black hair and a man with strawberry blonde hair look up from behind the counter. Maybe he and Harry should just buy an inn.

"Welcome!" the woman greets them with a bright smile. "Is everything okay with your cabin?"

Niall steps forward, grinning widely. "Everything’s great, thank you. We actually wanted to ask about having a fire near the lake." The Irishmen ask. Louis, feeling more awake now, admires the giant map of the North Shore Drive that spans the counter. The map is detailed and vibrant, capturing the rugged beauty of the area with intricate illustrations of the winding roads, dense forests, and giant lake. He traces the route they’ve taken with his finger.

The man and woman exchange a quick glance before the woman speaks up. "Unfortunately, that's not allowed."

Niall’s face falls, his shoulders slumping in disappointment. "Oh, that’s…sad."

The woman looks at the man quickly, and he gives her a subtle nod. She leans in slightly, lowering her voice conspiratorially.

"Definitely not allowed. You definitely shouldn't grab a couple of bundles of wood and folding chairs from the front. And you definitely shouldn't go here and take this," she says, pointing to a place on the map labelled 'French River Wayside' and handing them a large camping lighter. "And you definitely shouldn't get there before dark and start a fire down on the rocks right here. Yup. Definitely not."

Niall’s face lights up with a huge smile. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" he says happily.

The man shrugs with a smirk on his face. "So sorry for ruining your plans," he says, winking. They all practically prance back to the car. The cold air nips at their faces, but the anticipation of a cosy fire keeps them warm. Liam and Niall quickly pack up four bundles of firewood and chairs from the stack at the front of the inn, throwing it all into the boot of the Subaru.

"Do you think they’ve done this before?" Louis asks Harry, as they pile back into the car.

"Definitely," Harry replies with a quick glance back at the inn. "But let’s not question it."

With the firewood securely packed, they all get back into the car. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation and excitement. The low sun casts a golden hue over the landscape as they drive, the trees and hills bathed in warm light. Louis leans back in his seat, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.

"This is going to be sick," he murmurs to Harry, who nods in agreement.

"Absolutely. Can’t wait to see the stars," Harry replies, squeezing Louis’ hand. They follow the directions on the map, the road winding through dense forests and along the rocky shoreline. The scenery is breathtaking, the beauty of the North Shore Drive unlike anywhere else they have been. As they near the French River Wayside, the excitement in the car is buzzing. They pull into a small, secluded parking lot, the gravel loud under the tires. They file out quickly and stare for a moment at the view of Lake Superior. Louis breathes it all in, feeling invigorated. He stretches, his muscles aching pleasantly. The others are doing the same, shaking off the stiffness as they unload the car.

"Alright, let’s get everything set up," Niall says, hopping out of the driver’s seat with a wide grin. They each grab their chairs, Harry taking Louis' chair as well, and make their way down the paved slope that leads right to the shore of the lake. This shore doesn't have the same silky black sand, instead its all rocks, smoothed over by the pummeling lake.Said lake, vast and shimmering, stretches out before them, its surface reflecting the fiery hues of the sunset. Louis assumes the nearby river is the French River, its waters merging with the lake.

" Wow, this place is beautiful ," Zayn says, his voice filled with awe as he takes in the scene.

"Yeah, it’s amazing," Liam agrees.

The sun hangs low and is setting quickly. Zayn, Liam, and Niall start to set up the wood and chairs, not even bothering to try to convince Louis to help. (Smart of them, really). Louis watches as Harry walks right up to the shoreline, squatting down and pulling something out of his pocket.

"Hey, Niall! Can I use your phone for a sec?" Harry calls out.

Niall runs over, handing the phone to Harry before scurrying back to the others to help with the setup. Curious, Louis comes closer to Harry, sitting down beside him and putting his chin on Harry's shoulder. He watches as Harry sets up tiny glass figures on a piece of driftwood.

"Why a pinecone?" Louis asks, eyeing the little figure with a bemused expression.

Harry scoffs, trying to suppress a smile. "It’s a hedgehog, Lou. It’s you," he says as he sets a green blob next to it.

"Well, what’s that?" Louis questions, pointing at the green blob.

Harry shakes his head, clearly trying to stop a smile. "It’s a frog, and it’s me," he says as he sets a fox, black cat, and a parrot beside the hedgehog and frog. "Guess who these are."

Louis looks at them and studies them intently. "Cat is Zayn. Fox is... Liam? And then the parrot is Niall?" he guesses.

Harry nods happily. "Yup!" he says, making a popping noise with his lips.

"Cute," Louis says, kissing Harry's shoulder.

Harry quietly moves the figures a bit closer together and t akes a picture of them . Looking at the picture with a smirk. He carefully places them back in his pocket and kisses the top of Louis' head. They sit there for a moment, lost in their own little world. The colors of the sunset play across the water.

“I could live here, easy.” Louis confesses.

“Anything you want, darling.” Harry says as he leans into Louis.

"I'm glad you didn't give up on me," Louis says quietly, his voice coming out a little sadder than he had anticipated. .

Harry swivels his head to him, his expression serious. "No. Never. Why would I ever?" he says, slightly offended.

Louis shrugs, looking down at the ground. "I'm a lot sometimes. I'm too much sometimes."

Harry studies his face for a moment before a smile creeps up on his face. "Louis Tomlinson, I love how much you are," he says confidently.

Louis can't help the smile that appears on his face and the butterflies in his stomach. The weight of his doubts lifts slightly, replaced by a warmth that spreads through his chest. "And now we get to just be us," Louis says quietly.

Harry nods, looking back out into the dimming sun. "So much us," Harry says.

Their eyes lock, and without another word, they lean in for a kiss. It’s deep and full of love, their lips moving together in sync. It’s f*cking beautiful and f*cking perfect. The world fades away, leaving only the two of them and the soft, gentle sounds of the lake. Yeah. He wants to live here.

"Alright, alright boys," Liam chirps from behind them, breaking the spell. "Let's see those fire-making skills, Tommo!"

Louis and Harry smile at each other before begrudgingly getting up and heading toward the others.

Louis carefully arranges the logs in a pyramid shape, making sure there's enough kindling in the middle to catch fire. He grabs the lighter from Niall,, holding it to the kindling until it catches. The small flames flicker, growing stronger as they lick up the sides of the logs.

Zayn watches with a proud smile. "I made Louis learn how to build a fire at my farm," he says, nudging Liam.

Liam raises an eyebrow. "Really? Think we could come to visit sometime?"

Zayn's eyes light up with excitement. "Absolutely! You all should come out. It's so peaceful."

The fire starts to roar, casting a warm glow over the group. Louis steps back, satisfied, and sits down in his chair, winking at Harry. "Your man made fire," he says puffing out his chest.

Harry laughs, reaching over to interlock their hands. "I’m impressed."

Louis looks at Harry, his stomach swooping. He’s so f*cking in love with him he could f*cking scream.The warmth of the fire, the comfort of Harry's hand in his, and the laughter of his friends around him make this moment perfect. The sun finally dips below the horizon, and they’re bathed in darkness. The only light comes from the fire, casting flickering shadows on their faces. They all settle into their chairs. It’s nice.

Zayn gazes into the distance, his amber eyes reflecting the flames. "The sunsets in Pennsylvania are something else. The sky turns this incredible mix of pink and orange. It’s like watercolours on acid!" Zayn explains excitedly. Louis notices Niall is oddly quiet, staring into the fire. He wants to ask if he’s okay but decides to give him some space for now.

Harry chimes in, "The sunsets in Japan are beautiful too. There’s something magical about them."

Zayn perks up. "Do you guys remember the sunset in Brazil?"

Everyone agrees enthusiastically. "That was one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen," Louis says.

Liam nods, looking contemplative. "I wish I had kept track of all the places we’ve seen sunsets. I don’t think I’ll ever tour like that again."

Louis turns to him. "Why do you think that?"

Liam sighs, looking forlorn. "I don’t know if I want to go on tour again. I’m not sure I have the solo fanbase for it. The Logan Paul interview really isolated a lot of my fans."

Louis scoffs, shaking his head. "Real fans know what that was. If we forgive you, then who the f*ck cares? We don’t need people to be offended on our behalf."

Everyone murmurs their agreement.

Harry reaches out his leg and nudges Liam’s chair. "None of us would be where we are in our solo careers without you, Liam," he says genuinely.

Liam smiles, though he looks like he’s holding back tears. "Love you, lads."

Zayn looks around at the group, a nostalgic smile on his face. "Remember when we thought the 1D days were the best times of our lives?"

Everyone groans, probably remembering the intense schedules and pressure.

"Shows how young and naive we were," Harry says, chuckling.

"And exploited," Louis adds, making them all laugh. “We should have been getting paid so much more.”

Zayn suddenly looks up into the sky. "Look," he says softly.

Everyone follows his gaze. The sky is a brilliant tapestry of stars, cloudless and clear. The Milky Way stretches across the sky in a haze of light, and millions of stars twinkle against the dark backdrop. They all fall silent, awestruck by the sheer beauty of it.

After a moment, Niall breaks the silence. "We need to talk."

Louis feels a shiver run down his spine at the gravity in Niall's voice. He turns to look at Niall, his expression serious and filled with an emotion that Louis can’t quite place. The weight of the moment presses down on them all as they wait for Niall to continue.The fire crackles softly in the background, and the stars above seem to hold their breath along with them.

“You…you have to promise me though.” Niall begins nervously, “You can’t leave me again. You’ll answer my phone calls.”

And f*ck, that hurt to hear.

“Niall…” Liam says quietly.

“And please please please, don’t be mad.” Niall says, squeezing his eyes shut, “I should have talked to you lads before I did it…but I didn’t know what else to do.”

“It’s okay Ni, just tell us,” Harry says softly, leaning over to rub Niall’s back. Niall opens his eyes and takes another deep breath. Louis was starting to get a bit freaked out now. What the f*ck.

“You…you know how I got us out of the morality clauses by resigning with Modest?” Niall says quietly. They all say yes in some form. “Well…I also had it so I got the reunion contract voided for myself.”

“Wait…what?” Harry blurts out.

“Let me finish, okay?” Niall says quickly before continuing, “I…I got out of it. I was angry. But then when they told me that Harry signed…I agreed to come back.” Niall looks up at the other 4 men who are deadly silent. “Capital only agreed to it if Syco and Columbia didn't use any songs I wrote under them. They made Syco sign a contract”

“Holy sh*t,” Zayn said quietly, his eyes going wide. Louis didn't quite understand what all of this meant.

Niall began wringing his hands together. “So they kept hounding me to resign the contract, and I was going to. But…I didn't. I kept putting it off and they just assumed I would do it eventually…cause it's...ya” Niall steals a quick glance at all of them before continuing. “And…and I was worried that they also could still force you all somehow if I fully pulled out…so I put songs I wrote under Capital on the album and didn't tell them. Every song I wrote on is technically owned by Capital, even the name.”

Louis is so f*cking confused. Louis sees Niall visibly swallow hard, “And after the media day and seeing Zayn breakdown…I knew I had to do it. So I flew to London. Officially denied signing the new contract. And then I sent the paperwork to Syco and Capital about the songs on the album. The album is basically a copyright infringement officially and me pulling out technically voids all your contracts because it states it has to be all 5 of us.”





No one says a word.

Louis is not sure if anyone even breathes.




“Please don’t be mad.” Niall says so quietly the cracking of the fire is louder. All at once, Zayn is on top of Niall.

“Thank you! f*cking thank you, Niall! Oh My GOD!” Zayn exclaims while looking like he is squeezing the life out of him.

Liam joins the fray, knocking into Zayn and Niall. “You absolute LEGEND Niall!”

Louis and Harry are frozen, before turning to each other. A large stupid beautiful smile appears on Harry’s face.

“You can tour your album, Lou.” Harry says quietly.

And sh*t.

Holy sh*t.

Holy sh*t.

HOLY f*ckING sh*t!!

“NIALL!” Louis yells before launching himself at the three boys still embracing with enough force to knock the chair backwards, luckily softly thanks to their thick jackets and mess of limbs. Harry joins in, plopping himself on top of Liam and Louis.

They stay like that for a while. Yelling and whooping praises at the Irish boy.

“Okay, Okay. I am officially being crushed to death.” Niall protests while laughing. They slowly all untangle themselves and push themselves off. Sitting back in their chairs like mature adults they are.

“So…that’s it? It’s just all done?” Zayn asks, still needing reassurance.

Niall shrugs with a wide smile, “My lawyer is handling it all, and she’s contacting all your lawyers and management teams. But yeah, essentially. They could fight it but my lawyer thinks the stipulations are airtight.”

“Oh my god.” Zayn says again, staring up at the stars with a wide smile and a look of peace on his face. “We’re free.”

“I bet Simon is throwing a proper hissy fit.” Liam laughs, crossing his legs and looking just as content as Zayn.

“I would pay so much money to see that,” Harry says as he takes Louis’ hand back in his.

“I have a question,” Louis asks sternly, eyebrows furrowed. He’s not feeling as carefree as the others. “Why did you bring us here? What was this all about? You could have told us days ago. We have been losing our sh*t about how Simon is going to punish us.”

They all turn their heads to Niall, who now looks nervous.

“I just…I just wanted one more adventure with you guys before you all left me again.”


Zayn shakes his head.

“No, no we aren't doing that again. I’m not leaving.” Zayn says confidently.

“Me either,” says Liam.

“I missed you guys too much, I’m forcing you to be my friends forever.” Harry comments.

Louis looks up at the stars and then the lake, and finally to the four boys on either side of him. It’s odd how much can change. It’s odd how much stays the same. Looking at each of them he can see both the naive, optimistic, innocent teenagers they were and the broken, angsty, weathered, men they are now. A year ago, (Hell even a month ago) he would have sworn 3 of them were his enemies. Now, they were right back to where they were. Where they belonged. Not in One Direction. f*ck that. But just 5 boys who somehow found each other and whose souls have stayed intertwined even after all these years.

Niall, the little brother. The boy next door. The flirty, smart, born to be famous loveable one. Complex and deep and so much smarter than anyone ever gets him credit for. Who just wants to have his friends in his life.

Liam, the caretaker. The ‘daddy’. The sensitive, dedicated and too kind for his own good one. With layers of demons and hurt that he fights every day to overcome. Who just wants to be there for everyone.

Zayn, the mystery. The boy who left. The brooding, artsy, beautiful one. Who can pinpoint the nuances of life and find beauty in simple living. Who just wants to rescue everyone and see the stars.

Harry, the lover. The ‘Whatever the world needs him to be’. The happy, bright, talented one. Who can turn anything light while navigating the darkness. Who just wants to protect the people he loves. Who loves Louis.

“Yeah, you lot are alright. I’ll keep ya.” Louis says with a cheeky grin on his face.

They all laugh.

They all smile.

It’s perfect.

“So it’s official?” Zayn asks as he’s slumped happily in his chair, looking around at the other boys. “We are all still gonna be mates?”


So Much (For) Us - Chapter 24 - Niallinjapan2013 (1)

So Much (For) Us - Chapter 24 - Niallinjapan2013 (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.