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Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, FASG
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Selected Branches of the
Redway Family Tree
Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, FASG
Selected Branches of the
Redway Family Tree
Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, FASG
Ojai, California 2016
Gene Zubrinsky ([emailprotected]) is a retired community college sociology instructor and former professional musician. A Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists, he has contributed many
articles to the leading genealogical journals and local-history magazines.
Copyright © 2016 by Eugene Cole Zubrinsky
Published and distributed by Eugene Cole Zubrinsky
559 Pala Drive Ojai, California 93023-3547
All rights reserved.
As its title implies, this genealogy is not exhaustive. Chapter one presents a particular immi-grant of the surname Redway: James1, who, though of English heritage, arrived at Hingham, Mas-sachusetts Bay Colony, in 1637 as an indentured servant from Dublin, Ireland, and in 1644 became a freeholder in Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony, where he and many of his descendants remained. The following five chapters trace a single Redway line—John2, Capt. James3, James4, Preserved5, and David6—while also presenting each man’s siblings and information about the latters’ families. The remaining chapters follow two branches of the family: one, through David6’s daughter Mary (Redway) Griswold, ends with the family of my daughter, Camille (Zubrinsky) Charles; the other, through David6’s son Albert, ends with the respective families of the late David Dugald Redway (1949–2005) and his siblings. Living persons’ vital-event data are redacted to protect their privacy.
David and I were in contact by post and telephone beginning in 1989, during the period (1988–1992) in which most of my Redway research was conducted (there have been several targeted re-sumptions over the years since). I had not met this fine man, however, until 1990, when he (an Oregonian) and I (a Californian) rendezvoused in New York City, rented a car, and visited Red-way ancestral sites in upstate New York. In 1992, David provided me with a compilation pertaining to his branch of the family, which I had offered to incorporate into my work. Assisted in recent months primarily by reliable online sources and input from David’s daughters, siblings, uncles, and several cousins, I have confirmed, augmented, and updated his information—as, independently, I have that of my branch.
For those unfamiliar with genealogical writing conventions or who might puzzle over a couple of my stylistic innovations, a number of clarifications will be useful.
All children are listed with lower-case roman numerals; a preceding arabic numeral indicates that the child is carried forward to the following chapter as a parent. The superscript number follow-ing a person’s forename (or middle name/initial or nickname, if either or both are given) indicates the number of generations he or she is from the American progenitor. Generation numbers of Red-way descendants born with another surname are parenthesized. Since all children in a family belong to the same generation, only the first child in a list of siblings receives a generation number. Foot-note reference numbers are bracketed to distinguish them from generation numbers.
An underscored middle name indicates that the person went (or goes) by it, rather than by his or her forename. In multi-name chapter titles (worded thus for quick reference), the names of those in the covered lineages are also underscored. The index lists every name but does not distinguish between text and footnotes.
When specific vital-event dates are unobtainable from reliable sources, approximations are often made from other data (such as age at death for calculating a birth date) or from well-grounded assumptions (a two-year interval between births, for example, or 25 and 20 as the average respec-tive ages at which most men and women first married in early New England). A date preceded by about or ca. should be considered accurate within a year or two of the stated year; the word say accompanies less precise estimates.
Most source notes are embedded in the text, virtually always in abbreviated form; see pages xi–xxxii for full citations. While most of the footnotes are discursive, when a string of citations is so lengthy as to jeopardize the flow of the narrative, it is made a footnote.
Many early dates are presented with dual years—1685/6 and 1706[/7], for example. While the uninitiated reader might assume that such renditions lack precision, the opposite is true. Cor-rectly written, pre-1752 dates from 1 January through 24 March were recorded with dual years to account for the coexistence in England and its colonies of two dating styles: Old Style (year begin-ning 25 March, Annunciation Day) and New Style (year beginning 1 January, the historic secular date). When a date calling for dual years is recorded with only one—not a rare occurrence—it raises the question of whether Old Style or New Style dating was intended; 25 January 1706, for example, could be 1705/6 or 1706/7. The accepted practice is to present the incomplete date as recorded unless other evidence is found that reveals what the omitted year should be, in which case it is inserted in brackets (as above).
Certain quoted passages from seventeenth- and eighteenth-century records contain the word ye, which in Early Modern English was an abbreviation of the. The y used in this manner had evolved from an older character, þ, called thorn; both were pronounced th.
Most of us indulge a sense of pride when reflecting (selectively) upon our ancestors, particu-larly those, such as James1 Redway, who were among the first Europeans to reach these shores
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
and, as central characters in America’s founding mythology, command great prestige. Not wishing to diminish their personal qualities or the adversities they endured and often (but not always) over-came, I nevertheless perceive a common tendency to idealize our forebears as heroic figures of extraordinary fortitude, virtue, imagination, etc. Were they not instead mostly ordinary folk doing pretty much what they had to do, as have countless others over the millennia in rising to compar-able challenges? Caught up in the sweep of historical forces, did they not act largely according to the opportunities and constraints afforded by objective reality and their cultural predispositions? I believe so. Yet we often invoke them in defining ourselves (“I am of these remarkable people”), basking in an aura of our own creation.
It is not unusual when taking credit by association that we also identify one or more attributes in ourselves that we ascribe to inheritance—a genetic legacy of the “good stock” from which we come or of a specific precursor several generations removed. We need not accept the proposition that nature trumps nurture to acknowledge that much about us is legitimately attributable to our genes. Contemplating a crazy uncle or other less-than-exemplary relatives, however, should quickly disabuse us of the good-stock notion. We are equally misguided in thanking (or blaming) a particu-lar ancestral group for bequeathing us traits—religiosity, a love of learning, or a propensity to gesticulate, dance, fight, or drink, for example—that, although culturally transmitted, we mistake as being physically “bred in the bone.”
We are on similarly thin ice in supposing, for example, that our high cheekbones came from a Native American fifth-great-grandmother, or that musical aptitude runs in our family due to an antecedent who was a fifer in the Revolutionary War. There is an important distinction between a genealogical connection to a direct ancestor, based on demonstrated descent, and a genetic one, in which we carry some of that person’s genes. Because genes assort randomly, the more generations removed we are from a particular ancestor, the more likely it becomes that we carry none of his or her genes. As Donald Lines Jacobus, the father of modern genealogy, put it:
[T]he prevalent notion that certain traits characterize a certain American family . . . is sheer non-sense. . . . [T]he law of averages and the laws of heredity preclude the possibility that all, or even a majority, of the several thousand descendants of the first American ancestor will inherit one certain trait. And this is considering only descendants in the male line. . . . [F]rom a different angle[,] [s]uppose that a living member of your family numbers among his ancestors from five hundred to a thousand immigrant ancestors – and that is a fair computation if he is wholly of early colonial ancestry [86 years after its first publication, this is a great underestimate]: what are his chances of inheriting a given trait from a single one of these forebears, even though that one be his ancestor on the male line? (Genealogy as Pastime and Profession, 2nd ed. [Baltimore, 1968], 92–93)
(Ironically, we welcome horse thieves and the like into our family narratives—at sufficient remove, they are “colorful”—and ignore the genetic implications we might otherwise consider.)
The foregoing observations are not intended to denigrate the labor of genealogical research (when conducted with rigor) or to devalue its fruits (when correctly apprehended). Family history has much to teach us about our predecessors and about ourselves. Without unduly elevating our ancestors and their accomplishments, we are nevertheless likely to discover among them a few genuine role models. A proper understanding of ancestral biographies, moreover, confers a degree of humility as we recognize the extent to which our forebears paved our way. Our own successes and failures are in many respects the result of an accident of birth that places each of us in a cer-tain social location whose associated advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and obstacles, are the cumulative legacy of our ancestors. Like its opposite, social advantage tends to be self-perpetuating. High-quality “life chances” accrue most frequently to those families whose American progenitors, by virtue of arriving early (and unfettered), “got in on the ground floor” of a new society. Those of us who descend from James1 Redway and the immigrant ancestors of other “old” families were born with a leg up. We should not forget it.
KEY TO TITLES AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS 1771 Mass Tax List Bettye Pruitt, ed., The Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771 (Bos-
ton, 1978) 1774 RI Census Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence
Plantations . . . 1774 (Providence, 1858) 1777 RI Census The Rhode Island 1777 Military Census (Baltimore, 1985) 1812 Payroll Abstr New York, War of 1812 Payroll Abstracts for New York State Militia,
1812–1815, database at ancestry.com 1812 Pension Files War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812–1815, database at
ancestry.com 1812 Service Recs U.S., War of 1812 Service Records, 1812–1815, database at ancestry.com 1826 Mass Reg The Massachusetts Register and United States Calendar for the Year of
Our Lord 1826 (Boston, 1825) 1835 Pension Roll U.S., The Pension Roll of 1835, database at ancestry.com 1844 NY Senate Docs Documents of the Senate of the State of New-York, Sixty-Seventh Session,
1844, Volume I, 50 pts. (Albany, 1844) 1854 Ag Soc Rpts Transactions of the [Michigan] State Agricultural Society: With Reports
of County Agricultural Societies for 1854, vol. 6 (Lansing, 1855) 1908 Cong Yrbk The Congregational Year-Book, 1908 (Boston, 1908) AdChR Adams, New York, First Presbyterian Church Records; not paginated Add Co Hist H. P. Smith, ed., History of Addison County, Vermont (Syracuse, 1886) Adj Gen Reg Adjutant General’s Office, Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Mili-
tary and Naval, in the Service of the United States, 30 Sept. 1871 (Washington, D.C., 1872); . . . 30 Sept. 1877 (1878)
A. J. Redway Bible Bible of David J. Redway’s son Albert J. Redway (records transcribed
for this writer by Albert J. Redway IV, 1988), now in custody of Jona-than Redway, Arlington, Virginia
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Albany Dir Albany city directories, in U.S. City Directories, 1822–1989, database at ancestry.com
Alb Argus Daily Albany (N.Y.) Argus Alb Eve Jour Albany (N.Y.) Evening Journal Alden–Smith Harriet Chapin Fielding, The Ancestors and Descendants of Isaac Alden
and Irene Smith, His Wife (1599–1903) (East Orange, N.J., c1903) AllGovCalif “President of the Public Utilities Commission: Who Is Michael Picker?”
at allgov.com/usa/ca/news AllW Allegany County, New York, Wills AMC ltr A. M. Closson, letter dated at Jackson, Michigan, 11 February 1889, at
www.bobpatcoto.com/ClossonDaniel2.html American Fams Burke’s American Families with British Ancestry (Baltimore, 1975); off-
print of pp. 2529–3022 of the 16th edition of Burke’s Landed Gentry (London, 1939)
ApptPap Departmental Appointment Papers, Appointments Division, Office of the
Secretary of the Interior, Record Group 48, Entry 27, National Ar-chives, Washington, D.C.; numbered files
Arm Chron Armour (S.D.) Chronicle Arnold, Redway Willis G. Boughton, Arnold, Redway and Earle Families (Ft. Lauderdale,
Fla., 1948) Atlas Argus Atlas Argus (Albany, N.Y.) AurTR Aurelius, New York, Town Records Austin John Osborn Austin, The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island . . .
(1887; repr., with additions and corrections by John O. Austin and G. Andrews Moriarty, Baltimore, 1978)
AVR Vital Records of Attleborough, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849
(Salem, Mass., 1934) b. born BaChR Barnston, Québec, Free Will Baptist Church Records; not paginated bap. baptized Barney Fam Eugene Dimon Preston, Genealogy of the Barney Family in America, ed.
William Clifford Barney (1990, Springfield, Va.)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
Beach, Radway Theodore L. Brownyard, The Beach, Radway, Mattice and Williams An-cestors of Mary Electa Beach Brownyard (Silver Spring, Md., 1967; rev. 1972)
Berk Co Hist Henry B. Hooker, “A History of the Town of Lanesborough,” in Samuel
W. Bush, ed., A History of the County of Berkshire, Massachusetts (Pittsfield, Mass., 1829)
BerkLR1 Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Northern District, Adams BerkLR2 Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Middle District, Pittsfield BerkPR Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Probate Records Blanding Fam Leonard Clark Blanding, Genealogy of the Blanding Family, 2d ed. (Grand
Rapids, Mich., 1995) Bliss Fam Aaron T. Bliss, Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America, 3 vols. (Mid-
land, Mich., 1982) Bloss Gen James O. Bloss, Bloss Genealogy (Boston, 1887) Blue Book Chicago Blue Book of Selected Names . . . of Prominent Residents . . . for
the Year Ending . . . (Chicago, 1890–1919) Bodge George M. Bodge, Soldiers in King Philip’s War, 3d ed. (Boston, 1906) Brady Anc L. Effingham deForest and Anne L. deForest, James Cox Brady and His
Ancestry (New York, 1933) Branch Co Hist Crisfield Johnson, History of Branch County, Michigan (Philadelphia, 1879) BrCtR Bristol County, MA: Extracts from Court of General Sessions of the Peace,
1697–1801, ed. Helen S. Ullmann (AmericanAncestors.org database, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012)
BridgVR Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, 2 vols.
(Boston, 1916) Briggs Fam F. J. Humphreys, “The Briggs Family” (5 April 1935), unidentified and
undated newspaper clipping from collections of Onondaga Historical Association, Syracuse, New York
Brklyn Eagle Brooklyn (N.Y.) Daily Eagle BrLR Bristol County, Massachusetts, Deeds, Northern District, Taunton BrookLR Brookings County, South Dakota, Deeds Brook Reg Brookings (S.D.) Register BrookVR Brookings, South Dakota, Vital Records
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Brown Fam Farwell T. Brown, Brown Family of New England Heritage, 1659–1984 (Ames, Iowa, 1984); includes Kendrick W. Brown, “Autobiography” (1888), pp. 97–102
BrPR Bristol County, Massachusetts, Probate Records bur. buried bur rec burial record BVR Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751, Twenty-eighth Report of the Bos-
ton Record Commissioners (Boston, 1898; repr. Baltimore, 1977) CA Birth Index California Birth Index, 1905–1995, database at familysearch.org CA Death Index California Death Index, 1905–1939; . . . 1940–1997, databases at family
search.org calc. calculated from age at death CantVR Canterbury, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) Carpenter Fam Amos B. Carpenter, A Genealogical History of the Rehoboth Branch [sic]
of the Carpenter Family in America (Amherst, Mass., 1898); the Car-penters of Rehoboth, Mass., are an American family separate from all others, including the Carpenters of Providence, R.I.
Carpenter sketch1 Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, “William2 Carpenter (William1) of Rehoboth,
Massachusetts,” (Ojai, Calif., 2008; rev. 16 Oct. 2012), online via hyper-link at http://carpentercousins.com/carplink.htm
Carpenter sketch2 Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, “Abiah3 Carpenter (William1–2) of Rehoboth,
Massachusetts, and Warwick, Rhode Island” (Ojai, Calif., 2008; rev. 29 May 2013), online via hyperlink at http://carpentercousins.com/ carplink.htm
Casual Affairs Maryellen V. Keefe, Casual Affairs: The Life and Fiction of Sally Benson
(Albany, 2014) CaT&VR Calais, Vermont, Town and Vital Records CayCemR Flora B. Daniells and Mable L. Crosby, transcr., Cemeteries of Cayuga
County, New York – Fleming (Cayuga Co., 1966) CayLR Cayuga County, New York, Deeds CayPR Cayuga County, New York, Probate Records, abstracted in NYW cem rec cemetery record cert(s) certificate(s)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
Chat Dem Chatfield (Minn.) Democrat Chat News Chatfield (Minn.) News ChatVR Chatfield, Minnesota, Vital Records ChauLR Chautauqua County, New York, Deeds ChelPropR Chelmsford, Massachusetts, Proprietors’ Records (includes miscellaneous
vital records) CheshChR “Second Baptist Church, Cheshire, Mass., 1789–1885” (1903, typescript;
includes Third Baptist Church records), Rollin H. Cooke Collection, Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
CheshVR Cheshire, Massachusetts, Vital Records ChestOrphCt Chester County, Pennsylvania, Orphans’ Court Decedents Papers, file of
Benjamin “Byers” [Jacob Boyers’s father], Charlestown, 1785 Chicago Dir Chicago city directories (various years) CIC’s Guard Carlos E. Godfrey, The Commander-in-Chief’s Guard (Baltimore, 1972) Cin CC Rept Fifty-Seventh Annual Report of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and
Merchants’ Exchange, for the Year Ending December 31, 1905 (Cin-cinnati, 1906)
Cin Dir Williams’ Cincinnati Directory [various years] (Cincinnati, Ohio) Cin Enq Cincinnati (Ohio) Enquirer Cin Indust A. N. Marquis, ed., The Industries of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, 1883) Cin Leading Men Maurice Joblin, Cincinnati Past and Present: Or, Its Industrial History,
as Exhibited in the Life-Labors of Its Leading Men (Cincinnati, 1872) Cin Post Cincinnati (Ohio) Post Cin Rep Citizens Charles T. Greve, Centennial History of Cincinnati and Representative
Citizens, 2 vols. (Chicago, 1904) Citizen Reg Citizen Register (Ossining, N.Y.) Civ Pers Rec George Redway file, Civilian Personnel Records, National Personnel Rec-
ords Center, St. Louis, Missouri CivWarArch Union Regimental Index, New York and Union Regimental Index, United
States Colored Troops, databases at www.civilwararchive.com
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
CivWarClips “76th Regiment, New York Volunteers, Civil War Newspaper Clippings,” New York Military Museum and Veterans Research Center webpage, at dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/infantry/76thInf/76thInfCWN.htm
CivWarPF Civil War pension file, National Archives, Washington, D.C. CivWarRecs U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861–1865 and U.S., Civil War Soldier Records
and Profiles, 1861–1865, databases at ancestry.com Claflin Fam Charles Henry Wight, Genealogy of the Claflin Family: Being a Record
of Robert Mackclothlan, of Wenham, Mass., and of His Descendants, 1661–1898 (New York, 1903)
Cole Bible Bible of Hannah Eliza (Terrett) Cole, in custody of this writer Com Adv Commercial Advertiser (Potsdam, N.Y.) Cong Ch Hist J. Chester Molyneux, An Outline of the History of First Congregational
Church, Jamestown, New York, database at ancestry.com Conn Mar Frederick W. Bailey, Early Connecticut Marriages, 7 vols. (1896–1906) Conn Men Henry P. Johnston, ed., The Record of Connecticut Men in the Military
and Naval Service During the War of the Revolution, 1775–1783 (Hart-ford, 1889)
Cook Co Deaths Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878–1939, 1955–1994, database at family
search.org Cooper file Cooper file, Historical Association of South Jefferson, Adams, New York Cooper MS [George Cooper], “Family Descendants of George Cooper of Old Had-
dam, Conn.” (c1897, manuscript at Historical Association of South Jefferson, Adams, New York)
Cour & Frmn Courier and Freeman (Potsdam, N.Y.) Cowles Fam Calvin Duvall Cowles, Genealogy of the Cowles Family in America, 2
vols. (New Haven, Conn., 1929) CS/IT Jour Cold Storage [vol. 13] and Ice Trade Journal [vol. 29] Curtis Fam Harlow D. Curtis, A Genealogy of the Curtiss–Curtis Family of Stratford,
Connecticut (Stratford, 1953) C. Z. Charles CV Camille Zubrinsky Charles curriculum vitae, online via hyperlink on Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania faculty-profile page, at sociology.sas.upenn.edu/ c_charles
d. died
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
Daily Argus Daily Argus (Mt. Vernon, N.Y.) Daily Jour Daily Journal (Ogdensburg, N.Y.) Daily Nrthwstrn Daily Northwestern (Oshkosh, Wisconsin) DAR Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C.; numbered files Dating Temp David Kathman, “Dating The Tempest,” at http://shakespeareauthorship
.com/tempest.html Dawes–Gates Mary Walton Ferris, Dawes–Gates Ancestral Lines, 2 vols. (n.p., 1943,
1931) DC Deaths District of Columbia Deaths, 1874–1961, database at familysearch.org DC Dir Boyd’s Directory of the District of Columbia [various years] (Washington,
D.C.) DC Marriages District of Columbia Marriages, 1811–1950, database at familysearch.org Dickinson ltrs Letters of Julian G. Dickinson and Flora Dickinson, in possession of
Nancy (Lehto) Bailey, Rockford, Illinois Doane Fam Alfred Adler Doane, The Doane Family: I. Deacon John Doane of Plym-
outh . . . [vol. 1] (Boston, 1902); Doane Family Association of Amer-ica, The Doane Family, Volume II (Vestal, N.Y., 1975)
DougLR Douglas County, South Dakota, Deeds DurChR Durham, New York, First Presbyterian Church Records Durham Ch Hist William S. Borthwick, History of the Organization of the First Presby-
terian Church of Durham, Greene County, N.Y. (Durham?, 1934) DVR The Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths . . . in the Town of Dedham,
Volumes 1 & 2 . . . , ed. Don Gleason Hill (Dedham, Mass., 1892) dw dwelling Dwight Desc Benjamin Woodbridge Dwight, The History of the Descendants of John
Dwight, of Dedham, Mass., vol. 1 (New York, 1874) Early NY Settlers Janet Wethy Foley, ed., Early Settlers of New York State, Their Ances-
tors and Descendants, vol. 2 (Baltimore, 1993) Early Rehoboth Richard LeBaron Bowen, Early Rehoboth: Documented Historical Studies
of Families and Events in This Plymouth Colony Township, 4 vols. (Rehoboth, 1945–1950)
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Early Saugatuck May Frances Heath, Early Memories of Saugatuck, Michigan, 1830–1930, 4th ed. (Grand Rapids, Mich., 1953)
ED Enumeration District; Election District Edith Redway recs Family records of Edith (Parker) Redway, in custody of Jonathan Redway,
Arlington, Virginia Emma Redway notes Genealogical notes among papers of Miss Emma Redway (Ellisburg, N.Y.,
1858–1926), daughter of John S.7 and Susan (Fox) Redway (no. 16.ii); photocopy in custody of this writer
Eve Star Evening Star (Washington, D.C.) FHL Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah Fill Co Hist Edward D. Neill, History of Fillmore County, Minnesota (Minneapolis,
1882) FL Death Index Florida Death Index, 1877–1998, database at ancestry.com Flem Hill Cem “Fleming Hill Cemetery,” at www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nycayuga/cem/
cem50.htm Fleming Hist Sheila Saft Tucker, The Township of Fleming, Cayuga County, New York,
1823–1973 (Auburn, N.Y., 1973) FL Mar Index Florida Marriage Indexes, 1822–1875 and 1927–2001, database at ances
try.com Frank Co Hist Lewis Cass Aldrich, ed., History of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties,
Vermont (Syracuse, N.Y., 1891) FrankVR Orestes T. Doe, ed., The Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths in the
Town of Franklin, from 1778 to 1872 (Franklin, Mass., 1898) Fridley ltr Jessie (Cole) Fridley, letter to sister Olive (Cole) Zubrinsky (no. 28), ca.
1 Sept. 1963, in custody of this writer Fuller Gen Clarence F. Fuller, Records of Robert Fuller of Salem and Rehoboth (Nor-
wood, Mass., 1969) Gifford notes Genealogical notes of Penney descendant Kate Gifford (born by 1866);
photocopy in custody of this writer Giles Mem John Adams Vinton, The Giles Memorial (Boston, 1914) GlouVR Vital Records of Gloucester, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849,
Volume I—Births (Topsfield, Mass., 1917)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
GM Robert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634–1635, 7 vols. (Boston, 1999–2011)
GMB Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to
New England, 1620–1633, 3 vols. (Boston, 1995) Gnl Land Off Recs U.S. General Land Office Records, database at ancestry.com Gov Hayes Russel H. Conwell, Life and Public Services of Gov. Rutherford B. Hayes
(Boston, 1876) Greene Co Hist History of Greene County, New York: With Sketches of Its Prominent Men
(New York, 1884) Green Mtn Walter Hill Crockett, Vermont, The Green Mountain State, vol. 5 (New
York, 1923) Greswold Fam Robert Lewis French, Esther Griswold French, and Coralee Griswold,
The Greswold Family: 12 Generations in England (Wethersfield, 1999) Griswold Bible Bible of Henry Strong and Mary Louisa (Redway) Griswold, in custody
of this writer Growth of Century John A. Haddock, The Growth of a Century: As Illustrated in the History
of Jefferson County, New York, from 1793 to 1894 (Albany, 1894) g.s. gravestone(s) Guild Fam Charles Burleigh, The Genealogy and History of the Guild, Guile, and Gile
Family (Portland, Me., 1887) Hale–House Donald L. Jacobus and Edgar Waterman, Hale, House and Related Fam-
ilies, Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley (Hartford, 1952) HampLR Hampden County, Massachusetts, Deeds Hanco*ckPR Hanco*ck County, Illinois, Probate Records, in Illinois, Wills and Probate
Records, 1772–1999, database at ancestry.com Harv Alum Dir Harvard Alumni Directory (Boston, 1919); includes nongraduates Harv Obit Coll Harvard University Obituary Collection – 3, at GenealogyBuff.com HASJeff Historical Association of South Jefferson, Adams, New York Heads of Fams Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the
Year 1790, Massachusetts (Washington, D.C., 1908); . . . , Vermont (1907); . . . , New York (1908)
HebVR Hebron, Vermont, Vital Records
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Henry Adams J. Gardner Bartlett, Henry Adams of Somersetshire, England, and Brain-tree, Mass.: His English Ancestry and Some of His Descendants (New York, 1927)
Herk Co Hist George A. Hardin, ed., History of Herkimer County, New York, 2 pts.
(Syracuse, 1893) Hicks Fams Harriet W. Hodge, Hicks (Hix) Families of Rehoboth and Swansea, Mas-
sachusetts (Winnetka, Ill., 1976) Hingham Hist George Lincoln, History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, 3 vols.
(Hingham, 1893) House resolutions Preserved Redway pension resolutions, Records Group 233 [U.S. House
of Representatives], HR 21A-G13.1, 22A-B3, National Archives, Wash-ington, D.C.
Hubbell Fam Walter Hubbell, History of the Hubbell Family, Containing a Genealogical
Record (New York, 1881) Idaho Hist Lewis Publishing Co., An Illustrated History of the State of Idaho (Chi-
cago, 1899) Idaho Stsmn (Boise) Idaho Statesman Ide Gen Louis W. Flanders, Edith Flanders Dunbar, and R. W. G. Vail, Simeon
Ide, Yeoman, Freeman, Pioneer Printer (Rutland, Vt., 1931) IGI International Genealogical Index, Family History Library CD-ROM,
version 4.00 (Salt Lake City; main file, through March 1993, and addendum, from March 1993 to February 1997)
int. intentions (public notice of intended marriage; banns; publishment) Inter Ocean Daily Inter Ocean (Chicago) Intl NY Times International New York Times, at nytimes.com Iron Triangle Gordon Adams, The Politics of Defense Contracting: The Iron Triangle
(New Brunswick, N.J., 1981) Jaffrey Hist Daniel B. Cutter, History of the Town of Jaffrey, New Hampshire (Con-
cord, N.H., 1881) James Cole of Plym Ernest Byron Cole, The Descendants of James Cole of Plymouth, 1633
(New York, 1908) Jas. Redway fam rec Typescript of births, deaths, and marriages of the James6 Redway family,
transcribed almost certainly from his Bible; copy provided by Bonnye Bond, San Antonio, Texas
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
JCJ Jefferson County (N.Y.) Journal JCN Jefferson County (N.Y.) News JeffCemR Jefferson County, New York, Cemetery Records: Grave Stones Copied with
Death Date Prior to 1885 (Syracuse, 1964) [FHL microfilm 414,872] Jeff Co Burials Burial Collection: Jefferson, Lewis, and Oswego Counties of Northern New
York, database at nnygenealogy.com Jeff Co Fam Hist Renssalaer A. Oakes, Genealogical and Family History of the County of
Jefferson, New York, 2 vols. (New York, 1905) Jeff Co Gaz Hamilton Child, comp., Geographical Gazetteer of Jefferson County, New
York, 1684–1890 (Syracuse, 1890) Jeff Co Hist1 [Samuel W. Durant and Henry B. Peirce], History of Jefferson County,
New York: With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers (Philadelphia, 1878)
Jeff Co Hist2 Franklin B. Hough, A History of Jefferson County in the State of New York
(Albany and Watertown, 1854) Jeff Co mar clip Extract of marriage notice from unidentified Jefferson Co., N.Y., news-
paper (in notebook in Genealogy Room, Roswell P. Flower Memorial Library, Watertown, N.Y.), in “Pre-1850 Vital Records,” a St. Law-rence County GenWeb page, at rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nystlawr/1850 _VR_ViTALS.htm
JeffEstPap Jefferson County, New York, Estate Papers JeffLR Jefferson County, New York, Deeds JeffLtrsAdm Jefferson County, New York, Letters of Administration JeffW Jefferson County, New York, Wills J. H. Redway diary Diary of James Hicks Redway (son of Thomas6 [no. 9.v]), in custody of
Helen Newell, Skaneateles, New York John Wilson Desc Ken Stevens, Descendants of John Wilson of Woburn, Massachusetts
(Walpole, N.H., 1991) Jones Gen L. Newton Parker, History and Genealogy of the Ancestors and Descen-
dants of Captain Israel Jones (Norwalk, Ohio, 1902) K1stSocMtgs Killingly, Connecticut, First Society Meetings, 1753–1834; not paginated Karner–Van Guilder Joseph M. Kellogg (1945), Karner–Van Gilder and Allied Families . . .
of Egremont, Massachusetts (Pittsfield, Mass., 1992)
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
KentVR Kent, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) KLR Killingly, Connecticut, Deeds KVR Killingly, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) LanesChR “Lanesborough Congregational Church Records, 1764–1831” (1899, type-
script), Rollin H. Cooke Collection, Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Lanes Hist Charles J[ames] Palmer, History of Town of Lanesborough, Massachusetts,
1741–1905, vol. 1 (n.p., 1905?) LanesVR “Lanesborough Copy of Births, Marriages, and Deaths to 1810 [sic], Tran-
scribed from Ancient Records” (microfilm), Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
LBVR Lake Benton, Minnesota, Vital Records L. D. Redway autobio Laurance David Redway (no. 26), “Life on the Ohio: An Autobiography”
(1938, typescript); digital images (from Jessica Wirth, Milwaukee, Wis.) in custody of this writer
L. D. Redway bio Virginia Larkin Redway (see no. 26), “Laurance David Redway, M.D.”
(ca. 1945; typescript); digital images (from Jessica Wirth) in custody of this writer
L. D. Redway ltr(s) Laurance David Redway (no. 26), typed letters to [brother] “Bill” (i.e.,
Albert J. Redway III [no. 27]), 13 and 27 Oct. 1942, 6 Sept. 1945; to Bill and [his wife] Edie, 23 Nov. 1942; to [cousin] Helena, 9 Nov. 1942; and to Central Trust Co., Cincinnati, ca. Nov. 1942. Digital images (from Jessica Wirth) in custody of this writer.
Life at Redways Helena Perin Wilson [daughter of Lulu (Hipp) Redway’s sister, Wilhelmina
“Minnie” (Hipp) Perin], “Life at the Redways: A Vignette” (undated typescript); digital images (from Jessica Wirth) in custody of this writer. Content includes extensive descriptions of the Albert II and Lulu Red-way family’s elegant Avondale home and lifestyle.
Lincoln Co Hist A. E. Tasker, comp., Early History of Lincoln County[, Minnesota] (Lake
Benton, Minn., 1936) Lincoln Co News Lincoln County News (Newcastle, Maine) Liv Co Hist Franklin Ellis, History of Livingston Co., Michigan (Philadelphia, 1880) LoTR Lorraine, New York, Town Records £/s/d pounds/shillings/pence Ludlow Hist Joseph N. Harris, History of Ludlow, Vermont (Charlestown, N.H., 1949)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
LudLR Ludlow, Vermont, Deeds m. married MA Birth Index Massachusetts, Birth Index, 1901–1960 and 1967–1970, database at ances
try.com Marietta Ldr Marietta (Ohio) Daily Leader mar rec marriage record Mason Fam Alverdo Hayward Mason, Genealogy of the Sampson Mason Family (East
Braintree, Mass., 1902) Mass Soldiers Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 17 vols.
(Boston, 1896–1908) Mather Lineage Horace E. Mather, Lineage of Rev. Richard Mather (Hartford, Conn.,
1890) Mayflower Soc stmt Undated “Statement of Line of Eligibility for Membership in the Society
of Mayflower Descendants,” prepared after 1954 by Virginia (Larkin) Redway; digital image (from Jessica Wirth) in custody of this writer
MD Mayflower Descendant, vol. 1 through present (1899–1937, 1985+) Medina Gaz Medina County (Ohio) Gazette (Medina Gazette until 1869) Meth Arch General Commission on Archives and History, United Methodist Church,
Madison, New Jersey MF6 John D. Austin, Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Volume
Six, Family – Stephen Hopkins, 3rd ed. (Plymouth, Mass., 2001) m.i. monument inscription MichDeaCerts Michigan Death Certificates, 1921–1952, database at familysearch.org Mich Hist Walter Romig, Michigan Place Names: The History of the Founding and
the Naming of More Than Five Thousand Past and Present Michigan Communities (Detroit, 1986)
Mich Hist Colls Michigan Historical Collections, vol. XXVII (Lansing, 1897) MichMar Michigan Marriages, 1822–1995, database at familysearch.org MichVR Michigan Vital Records from the Michigan Christian Herald; digital images
at ancestry.com Mil Sentinel Milwaukee (Wis.) Sentinel
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Mohawk Val Hist Nelson Greene, ed., History of the Mohawk Valley, Gateway to the West, 1614–1925, 4 vols. (Chicago, 1925)
MontPR Montgomery County, New York, Probate Records Mort Sched Mortality Schedule MQ Mayflower Quarterly, vol. 1(1935)–present NEHGR The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 1(1847)–
present NHVR New Hampshire: Births to 1901, Deaths and Marriages to 1937 (from
microfilmed records; AmericanAncestors.org database, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014)
Niagara Co Hist William Pool, ed., Landmarks of Niagara County, New York (Syracuse,
1897) n.p. not paginated; place of publication not given NYGBR The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 1(1869)–
present NY Inmates New York, Census of Inmates in Almshouses and Poorhouses, 1830–1920,
database at ancestry.com NYT New York Times NYW Abstracts of Wills, Administrations and Guardianships in NY State, 1787–
1835 (AmericanAncestors.org database, New England Historic Gene-alogical Society, 2006), from material compiled by William A. D. Eardeley, now held by Brooklyn Historical Society
NY WWII Enl Men New York, WWII Enlisted Men Cards, 1940–1945, database at ancestry
.com Ob Col cats Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Oberlin College for the
College Year . . . (years 1855 through 1859) Ob Col file George Redway alumni file, Oberlin College Archives, Oberlin, Ohio Ob Col Gen Cat General Catalogue of Oberlin College (1909) Ob Dir Oberlin City Directory 1859–60 (Mason–Shiperd; transcr.), n.p., at www
.oberlin.edu/external/EOG/Directory%201859-60/directory4.html O’burg Jour Ogdensburg (N.Y.) Journal Ohio deaths Ohio, County Death Records, 1840–2001, database at familysearch.org
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
Ohio Mar1 Ohio, Marriages, 1803–1900, database at ancestry.com Ohio Mar2 Ohio Marriages, 1800–1958, database at familysearch.org Ohio Recs & Fams Ohio Records and Pioneer Families, vols. 1–53 (1960–2012) Ohio Soldiers Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Re-
bellion, 1861–1866, Vol. VII (Akron, 1888) Onon Co Hist W. Woodford Clayton, History of Onondaga County, New York (Syracuse,
1878) OnonLR Onondaga County, New York, Deeds OnonPR Onondaga County, New York, Probate Records OR Mar Index Oregon, Marriage Indexes, 1906–1924, 1946–2008, database at ancestry
.com Our County Edgar C. Emerson, ed., Our County and Its People: A Descriptive Work
on Jefferson County (Boston, 1898) Our Family Lena Bailey Sullivan, “Our Family” (1947, typescript); copy in custody
of this writer Partridge file Partridge file, Potsdam Public Museum, Potsdam, New York Pay Vouchers War of 1812 Pay Vouchers, payroll nos. 417, 422, 427, Office of Cultural
Education, New York State Archives, Albany, N.Y. PCLR Plymouth Colony Deeds PCR Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, ed. Nathaniel
B. Shurtleff and David Pulsifer, 12 vols. in 10 (Boston, 1855–1861) PCW Plymouth Colony Wills Pittsford Hist A[biel] M[oore] Caverly, History of the Town of Pittsford, Vt., with Bio-
graphical Sketches and Family Records (Rutland, Vt., 1872) Pitt Sun Pittsfield (Massachusetts) Sun PlainLR Plainfield, Connecticut, Deeds PM Robert Charles Anderson, The Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth
Colony, 1620–1633 (Boston, 2004) PomLR Pomfret, Connecticut, Deeds PomPR Pomfret, Connecticut, District Probate Records
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Port Heritage James B. Holm, ed., Portage Heritage (Portage Co., Ohio, 1957) PortLR Portage County, Ohio, Deeds Pots Hrld-Rec Potsdam (N.Y.) Herald-Recorder Potter Desc Frank E. Potter, Descendants of Nicholas Potter of Lynn, Massachusetts
(Baltimore, 1991) Potter file Potter file, Flower Memorial Library, Watertown, N.Y. Potter–Redway Bonnye Bond, Edwin Sylvester Potter (1828-1863) and S. Angeline Red-
way (1828-1910) of Onondaga County, New York (San Antonio, Tex., 2007); copy in custody of this writer (only known library copy at Ros-well P. Flower Memorial Library, Watertown, N.Y.)
PrestonVR Preston, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) Prin Wkly Princeton Alumni Weekly, at paw.princeton.edu Private Claims U.S. House of Representatives, Digested Summary and Alphabetical List
of Private Claims Which Have Been Presented to the House of Repre-sentatives, 3 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1853)
Proc Buf CC Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo, January 1,
1904, to December 31, 1904 (Buffalo, N.Y., 1904) Prov Gaz Providence (R.I.) Gazette ProvTR The Early Records of the Town of Providence, 21 vols. (Providence,
1892–1915) PuChR Putney, Vermont, Congregational Church Records PuLR Putney, Vermont, Deeds PuL,T&VR Putney, Vermont, Land, Town, and Vital Records PuT&VR Putney, Vermont, Town and Vital Records, 1796–1833 PutChR Putnam, Connecticut, Congregational Church Records Putnam Hist Margaret M. Weaver, Perspectives of Putnam (Putnam, Conn., 1980) Putney Hist The History of Putney, Vermont, 1753–1953, ed. Edith De Wolfe, et al.
(Putney, 1953) PuVR Putney, Vermont, Vital Records, 1791–1862; not paginated after 198 PuVR[pub] Ken Stevens, Vital Records of Putney, Vermont, to the Year 1900 (Pitts-
ford, Vt., 1992)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
Quincy 1857 Joseph T. Holmes, Quincy in 1857, or, Facts and Figures Exhibiting Its Advantages, Resources, Manufactures and Commerce (Quincy, Ill., 1857)
Quincy Hist John Tillson and William H. Collins, History of the City of Quincy, Illinois
(Chicago, n.d.) Quincy Whig Quincy (Ill.) Daily Whig RChR Robert Sheldon Trim, comp., Records of the . . . [Second] Congrega-
tional Church, Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Part 1 (Rehoboth, 1954) Redway chart Lineage chart from Redway data compiled 1945–1956 by Albert S. Red-
way; copy in custody of this writer Rehob Hist George H. Tilton, A History of Rehoboth, Massachusetts (Boston, 1918) Reminiscences S. Angeline Redway Potter Briggs [daughter of James6 and Sally (Tyrell)
Redway (no. 9.i)], “Reminiscences of Pioneer Life” (1904; second-generation transcription by Bonnye Bond of San Antonio, Texas); copy in custody of this writer; also published in Potter–Redway
Repub-Jour The Republican-Journal (Ogdensburg, N.Y.) res. resides, resided, resident RevWarPF Revolutionary War pension file, National Archives, Washington, D.C. RICR Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New
England, 10 vols., ed. John Russell Bartlett (Providence, 1856–65) RICtR Rhode Island Court Records: Records of the Court of Trials of the Colony
of Providence Plantations, 1647–1670, 2 vols. (Providence, 1920–22) RI Spirit Benjamin Cowell, Spirit of ‘76 in Rhode Island (Boston, 1850) RIVR James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636–1850, 21 vols.
(Providence, 1891–1912) RMarInt Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Marriage Intentions, Office of Town Clerk; not
paginated Rome Sentinel Rome (N.Y.) Daily Sentinel, in memorials 146870965 and 146872176 at finda
grave.com RootsWeb Tree RootsWeb (WorldConnect) Family Tree listing for Margaret Dickinson,
at wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=21030&id =I5683
RPropM Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Proprietors’ Meetings
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
RPropR Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Proprietors’ Records RRBk Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Rate Book, 1671–1712 RTM Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Town Meetings; Book One includes birth and
death records RVR Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Vital Records (originals; FHL microfilm [no
longer cataloged; personal copy]) RVR[pub] James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642–1896 (Providence, 1897) RVR[unrec] Robert S. Trim, Unrecorded Vital Records of Rehoboth, Massachusetts
(Rehoboth, 1980) [FHL microfiche 6,046,755] Sarah Hildreth Anc Walter G. Davis, The Ancestry of Sarah Hildreth . . . (Portland, Maine,
1958) Sar Co Hist Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester, History of Saratoga County, New York (Phila-
delphia, 1878) SarLR Saratoga County, New York, Deeds Savage James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New
England, 4 vols. (1860–1862; repr. Baltimore, 1965) SC News Sandy Creek (Oswego Co., N.Y.) News Sessions Fam Francis C. Sessions, Materials for a History of the Sessions Family in
America (Albany, 1890) Shepard Coll Elmer I. Shepard Collection, Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachu-
setts Sixtown Robert Gummer, “Sixtown Settlers” (1989), in John Nichols, “The Six-
town Militiamen of 1812–1814” (1991, typescript at Historical Associ-ation of South Jefferson, Adams, New York)
SLR Suffolk [County, Massachusetts,] Deeds. Liber III (Boston, 1885) Smalley Bible Abigail (Hill) Smalley Bible, records transcribed in Helen Parsons Mack,
“Smalley” (n.d., typescript, n.p.); photocopy in custody of this writer Smith fam recs Smith family records, in custody of Smith descendant Barbara Benson
Golseth, Tucson, Arizona SoLR Somerset, Vermont, Deeds SomLR Somers, Connecticut, Deeds SomVR Somers, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
SonsRevNY Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York; numbered files SoVR Somerset Vital Records, Office of Windham County Clerk, Newfane,
Vermont s.p. without offspring [sine prole] Sport in SD Sport in South Dakota, vol. 1 no. 1(Oct. 1930)–vol. 1 no. 6(March/April
1931) SPR Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Probate Records SS Apps/Claims U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936–2007, database
at ancestry.com SSDI U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935–2014, database at ancestry.com StafLR Stafford, Connecticut, Deeds StafPR Stafford, Connecticut, District Probate Records StafVR Stafford, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) Stan Co Hist B. F. Hubbard, Forests and Clearings: The History of Stanstead County,
Province of Quebec, with Sketches of More Than Five Hundred Fam-ilies (n.p., 1963)
Stats of Mar/Deaths Statistics of Marriages and Deaths for the Year Ending June 1, 1855, New
York State Census St George’s St. George’s School (Middletown, R.I.) Alumni Association, St. George’s
School in the War . . . (Boston, 1920) StJos Co Hist L. H. Everts & Co., History of St. Joseph County, Michigan (Philadel-
phia, 1877) StJosMR St. Joseph County, Michigan, Marriage Records St Lawr Co Hist [Samuel W. Durant and Henry B. Peirce], History of St. Lawrence County,
New York: With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers (Philadelphia, 1878)
St Lawr Repub St. Lawrence Republican (Ogdensburg, N.Y.) StrLR Stratton, Vermont, Deeds SwPropR Swansea, Massachusetts, Proprietors’ Records SwVR Swansea, Massachusetts, Vital Records Syr Jour Syracuse (N.Y.) Daily Journal
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
TAG The American Genealogist, vol. 9(1932)–present TG The Genealogist, vol. 1(1980)–present Thayer Mem Bezaleel Thayer, Memorial of the Thayer Name . . . Richard & Thomas
Thayer, and Their Descendants, from 1636 to 1874 (Oswego, N.Y., 1874)
ThompChR Thompson, Connecticut, Congregational Church Records ThompLR Thompson, Connecticut, Deeds Thurston Gen Brown Thurston, Thurston Genealogies, 2d ed. (Portland, Me., 1892) Times Times (London) Tower Gen Charlemagne Tower, Tower Genealogy: An Account of the Descendants
of John Tower, of Hingham, Mass. (Cambridge, Mass., 1891) TrChR Trinity Episcopal Church (Potsdam, N.Y.) Records T. Redway Bible Bible of Thomas6 Redway (no. 9.v), in custody of Eurena Henderson
Stalker, Marcellus, N.Y., when records transcribed by her grandniece Helen Newell, Skaneateles, N.Y., 1972
Trowbridge Fam Frederick W. Chapman, The Trowbridge Family, or the Descendants of
Thomas Trowbridge, One of the First Settlers of New Haven, Conn. (New Haven, 1872)
TVR Vital Records of Taunton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, 3 vols. (Bos-
ton, 1928–1929) Twp. Township U Press Utica (N.Y.) Daily Press US Bio Dict The United States Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Emi-
nent and Self-Made Men: Minnesota Volume (New York, 1879) US Pass Apps U.S. Passport Applications, 1795–1925, database at ancestry.com Van Guilders Debra Winchell, “The Origin of the Van Guilders” and “Wawanaquasick,”
(both 2012); Drew Blattner, “DNA Testing: The Genealogical Game Changer . . .” (2014); all at historysfaces.blogspot.com
Ven Co div decree Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage, Ventura Co., California, 12
November 1971 VR Vital Records Vt Gaz Vermont Gazette (Bennington)
Key to Titles and Other Abbreviations
Vt Hist Gaz Abby M. Hemenway, comp., ed., Vermont Historical Gazetteer, 5 vols. (Burlington, Vt., 1868–1891)
Vt Soldiers John E. Goodrich, Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 1775–
1783: The State of Vermont (Rutland, Vt., 1904) VtVR Vermont, Vital Records, 1760–1954, database at familysearch.org Vt Warnings Alden M. Rollins, comp., Vermont Warnings Out, 2 vols. (Camden, Me.,
1995–1997) Waite Fam D. Byron Waite, A Genealogical Sketch of a Branch of the Wait or Waite
Family of America (Canadice, N.Y., 1892) WarCtTr Helen Capwell, transcr., Records of the Court of Trials of the Town of
Warwick, R.I., 1659–1674 (Providence, 1922), reprinted as appendix to Jane Fletcher Fiske, transcr., Rhode Island General Court of Trials, 1671–1704 (Boxford, Mass., 1998)
WarLE Warwick, Rhode Island, Land Evidences War[Mass]VR Warwick, Massachusetts, Vital Records WarTR1 The Early Records of the Town of Warwick (Providence, 1926) WarTR2 Cherry Fletcher Bamberg and Jane Fletcher Fiske, eds., More Early Rec-
ords of the Town of Warwick, Rhode Island, transcr. Marshall Morgan (Boston, 2001)
WarVR Warwick, Rhode Island, Vital Records Wash Post Washington (D.C.) Post Wat Times Watertown (N.Y.) Daily Times Wd Ward WePR Westminster, Vermont, District Probate Records WesVR Vital Records of Westport, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, 1918) WF Robert Charles Anderson, The Winthrop Fleet: Massachusetts Bay Com-
pany Immigrants to New England, 1629–1630 (Boston, 2012) WGalChR West Galway, New York, First Presbyterian Church Records WhChR Whitesboro (Whitestown, New York) First Presbyterian Church Records,
in New York, Marriages, 1686–1980, database at familysearch.org WhitLR Whitingham, Vermont, Deeds
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Whitney Fam Stephen Whitney Phoenix, The Whitney Family of Connecticut and Its Affiliations . . . , 3 vols. (New York, 1878)
Wilderness Stlmt Frances S. Martin, Lanesborough, Massachusetts: The Story of a Wilder-
ness Settlement, 1765–1965 (Lanesborough, 1965) WilVR Willington, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) WindsVR Windsor, Connecticut, Vital Records (cited in Barbour Collection) Winona Repub Winona (Minn.) Daily Republican WinPR Windham, Connecticut, District Probate Records Winslow Mem David Parsons Holton and Frances Keturah Forward Holton, Winslow
Memorial: Family Records of Winslows and Their Descendants in America . . . , Kenelm1 Winslow. Volume II (New York, 1888)
Wm Sumner Desc William Sumner Appleton, Record of the Descendants of William Sumner,
of Dorchester, Mass., 1636 (Boston, 1879) WorLR Worcester County, Massachusetts, Deeds WorPR Worcester County Probate Records: record volumes; Series A case files
(original papers), Worcester County Probate Registry, Worcester, Mas-sachusetts
WoVR Woburn, Massachusetts, Vital Records WrenVR Vital Records of Wrentham, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, 2 vols.
(Boston, 1910) WVR[&TR] Woodstock, Connecticut, Vital Records, Book 1 (early town meeting
records at back of volume, upside down) and Book 3 (including vital records transcribed from Book 1 and elsewhere by town clerk Elisha Childs [1724/5–1798])
Young Desc William R. Elms and Diana M. Ricks Hart, The Descendants of Henry
Young: Our Immigrant Ancestor, vol. 1 (Stow, Ohio, 2002), citing Baker family Bible and also presenting two letters from “E. Baker” to [step]father, Capt. Robert Parks, and mother [Elizabeth (Dickinson) (Redway) Parks] of Troy, Michigan
1. JAMES1 REDWAY, planter, was born (location unknown) say 1616 (not 18 April 1620 or any other specific date stated in secondary sources) and was buried in Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony, 31 March 168[4] (RVR 1:56a; PCLR 5:299); his estate inventory, taken 14 May 1684, calls him “lately Deceased” (PCW 4:2:72). He married probably in Hingham, Massachusetts Bay Colony, about 1641, a woman of unknown identity.[1] Not mentioned in her husband’s will, dated 26 July 1677 and proved 4 or 18 June 1684, she was perhaps among those killed on 28 March 1676, when Rehoboth was destroyed during King Philip’s War (PCW 4:2:73; Early Rehoboth 1:128–29).
According to the obituary of editor and publisher George7 Redway (no. 15.i), his patrilineal ancestors had originated in Devon, a county in southwestern England (Medina Gaz 7 Dec 1923). A survey of IGI entries for England indicates that his surname and its variants (Reddaway, Radway, Ridway, etc.) were concentrated there. On 23 June 1637, however, James1 Redway was living in Dublin, Ireland, as a servant of stationer and alderman William Bladen (SLR 3:177; Early Reho-both 1:124–25). (England had been colonizing Ireland heavily for a hundred years.) Redway arrived at Hingham later that summer with former Dublin merchant Ralph Woodward, with whom Bladen and John Fisher, a tailor of that city, had formed a partnership. Each having put one hundred pounds into a “Joynt Stocke,” their agreement stated that
Woodward shall provide proportions of land . . . for himselfe and the said William Bladen and John ffisher according to the Custome of ye planters in New England, and shall Erect & build houses both for himselfe, and likewise for ye said William & John and upon the said land, whereby they may respectively be provided for, and theire families when it shall please God to call them over. . . . Woodward, his wife, daughter, & servants [James “Ridway” and another] that he carryeth over with him shall Imploy theire whole endeavors & labors, for the terme of three yeares after theire Arriv-all.[2] (SLR 3:176)
James1’s period of indenture would thus have expired in 1640, and he probably married the follow-ing year; his second child, the first recorded at Rehoboth, was born in 1644.
James Redway was among the earliest settlers of Seekonk (renamed Rehoboth, 1645), which was founded by planters mainly from the Bay Colony towns of Hingham, Weymouth, and Brain-tree. In mid-1643 [sic; probably mid-1644], shortly after Seekonk’s First Division (of 6-, 8-, and 12-acre home lots), the proprietors met for the Second Division (of woodland); an 8-acre home lot was then granted “unto James Redewaie which he now poseseth” (RTM 1:25; RPropR 4A:4; Early Rehoboth 1:126, 4:3–4; Carpenter sketch1 7). The original home lots were located in a U-
1 It is often asserted online that James1 Redway’s wife was Mary Whipple, whom he is said to have married on 14
April 1648. This, however, reflects confusion with the woman of that name of Cumberland, R.I., who married at Reho-both 14 April 1748, as his second wife, Capt. James3 Redway; she was perhaps the widow of William Whipple of Cumberland (see p. 9, below).
2 The partnership documents—one dated 18 April 1637, two the following 23 June—are fully transcribed in SLR 3:176–77 and Early Rehoboth 1:124–25. Ralph Woodward remained in Hingham and died there 5 Jan. 1662/3 (Hing-ham Hist 3:332–33).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
shaped bend of Mill (later Ten-Mile) River in what is now Rumford, a section of East Providence, Rhode Island. Present-day Rehoboth —including the Palmer’s River section, where later genera-tions of Redways would live—lies five miles east, in Massachusetts.
James’s early land acquisitions were from distributions made periodically to Rehoboth pro-prietors [joint owners of the town’s common lands]. By about 1662,[3] he had received nearly 32 acres in allotments and had bought from John Carpenter, brother of two of Redway’s sons-in-law, several parcels totaling another 33+ acres (RPropR 1:1, 11–13). Made in the mid-1650s, the pur-chases from Carpenter included a 6-acre home lot, to which the Redway family moved, adjoining the property occupied by Samuel Carpenter, who in 1660 would marry James Redway’s daughter Sarah (RPropR 1:12, 13). James’s personal estate in 1645 was £50, of which £48 was for four heads; his taxes in 1657 amounted to 5s.3d.; as above, he had by about 1662 acquired 65 acres; and at his death, in 1684, his personal estate was valued at £36.10s.3d (RTM 1:25, 231; RPropM 6; RPropR 1:1, 11–13; PCW 4:2:72; Early Rehoboth 1:126–30).[4] These figures, when compared to those of other Rehoboth men in the same or similar years, depict the gradual rise of one of the town’s poorest householders to one of average means.
Redway was among 40 Rehoboth men who took the Oath of Fidelity in 1658 (PCR 8:178). Conventional wisdom to the contrary notwithstanding,[5] one should not infer from this that he was a freeman, eligible to hold the office of town selectman or deputy to the General Court. While the Oath of Fidelity and the Freeman’s Oath were both affirmations of loyalty to colony and crown, the former was taken by those male householders (the majority) upon whom the Gen-eral Court had not conferred freemanship.[6] A 1658 colony list of 16 Rehoboth freemen fails to include Redway, as does a 1670 list of 32 (PCR 5:278, 8:201). His participation in civic affairs was modest and infrequent: in 1653 he was among 41 Rehoboth inhabitants who authorized a committee of four to represent the town in a land dispute; he was named “overseer of the wayes” the same year and again (“surveyor of highways”) in 1671 (PCLR 2:2:78; PCR 3:33, 5:58).[7]
Although the records are not available to confirm it, Redway was almost certainly a member of the Rehoboth church under its first minister, Samuel Newman. As pastor of the Weymouth church, Newman had been a key organizer of the migration to Rehoboth. Following his death, in 1663, the town took several years to select a permanent replacement. Among those who preached in the interim was John Myles, whose Baptist sympathies soon alienated Rehoboth’s Congrega-tional majority. Rev. Myles and those of like mind therefore established in the fall of 1666 a separate, unsanctioned church. (Founded about a year after the one at Boston, it was the second Baptist church formed in Massachusetts.) Less than a year later, the Plymouth Colony General Court concluded that Myles’s church competed unduly with Rehoboth’s established Congrega-tional church and ordered that his meetings be discontinued. In the fall of 1667, the church was reestablished in that part of Rehoboth that the General Court formally set off as the major part of Swansea, a new, essentially Baptist, town.[8] Redway evidently found Myles’s brand of Christianity appealing, for on 20 February 1667[/8] he was proposed for membership in the Swansea church and, barring objections, was to be received the following Sunday. His name appears in the church
3 For a calculation, with contradictions, of compilation dates of so-called Rehoboth Land Records [i.e., Rehoboth
Proprietors’ Records], Book I, see Early Rehoboth 4:13–14. 4 James Redway’s estate inventory evaluates his personal estate at £27.10s.3d., but an item—”nine pound in com-
mon pay”—was overlooked in the calculation. Will and inventory are fully transcribed in Early Rehoboth 1:128–30. 5 See, for example, Early Rehoboth 1:127; RVR[pub] 917–18. 6 See Charles Evans, “Oaths of Allegiance in Colonial New England,” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian
Society, Oct. 1921 (Worcester, Mass., 1922); Dawes–Gates 2:854; Eugene A. Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History & People, 1620–1691 (Salt Lake City, 1986), 145–50, 190, 355.
7 For a complete presentation of abstracts of town meeting, land, and tax records pertaining to James1 Redway, see Early Rehoboth 1:126–28.
8 Myles had come to Plymouth Colony from Ilston, Wales (near Swansea, namesake of the Massachusetts town), where he had founded and been rector of the first Baptist church in that country.
James1 Redway
records several times thereafter, the last being on 11 March 16[79/]80 (NEHGR 139:27–47 passim; PCR 4:163).
James1 Redway’s will mentions “my Daughter[s]” Sarah, Martha, and Rebecca; David Car-penter, son of Samuel Carpenter [Sarah’s husband]; Rebecca Carpenter, daughter of Abiah Carpen-ter [husband of James’s deceased daughter Mary]; daughter Rebecca’s forthcoming child, legacy entrusted to John Carpenter [Rebecca’s husband], son of William Carpenter; and “my son John” (principal beneficiary, executor) (PCW 4:2:73; Early Rehoboth 1:128–29).[9] His estate inventory (as above, valued at £36.10s.3d.) does not include real estate.
Children, surname REDWAY; ii through vii born in Rehoboth (RVR 1:12):
i. SARAH2, b. probably Hingham ca. 1642, d. Rehoboth 15 July 1717 (not 8 Jan. 1717/8) (RVR 2:230); m. (1) Rehoboth 25 May 1660, SAMUEL CARPENTER, b. probably Weymouth, Mass., say 1638, bur. Rehoboth 20 Feb. 1682[/3], son of William2 and Abigail (Briant) Carpenter of Rehoboth (RVR 1:44, 56a; TAG 70:194, 195–97, 204); m. (2) Rehoboth 18 Jan. 1687[/8], as his second wife, GILBERT BROOKS (RVR 1:48; RPropR 2:11).[10]
2 ii. JOHN, b. 10 Dec. 1644; m. MARY (IDE) FULLER. iii. MARY, b. 27 May 1646, d. by 1676/7, probably Pawtuxet (Warwick), R. I.; m. probably Rehoboth
by 1667, ABIAH CARPENTER, b. Weymouth 9 (2) [April] 1643, d. Pawtuxet after 14 Dec. 1687, probably before 26 Dec. 1689 (certainly before 22 March 1699, 11 William III [i.e., 1698/9]),[11] son of William2 and Abigail (Briant) Carpenter of Rehoboth (NEHGR 8:348, 9:171; WarVR 1:2:16; Early Rehoboth 1:57; WarLE 1:184; TAG 70:200–2, 204). At Warwick on 14 Sept. 1667, Abiah was granted guardianship of Mary Baker; the record mentions his wife but not by name (WarTR1 333). While James1 Redway’s will, dated 26 July 1677, fails to mention his daughter Mary, “Rebeckah Carpenter the daughter of Abiah Carpenter” is to receive 20 acres from the next land division (PCW 4:2:73).[12] Since it is certain that Carpenter did not marry
9 Three of James1 Redway’s daughters married members of the Carpenter family of Rehoboth. For the most current
and accurate scholarship pertaining to the early generations and English origin of that family, see this writer’s Carpenter sketches, at carpentercousins.com/carplink.htm. (If this Web address becomes obsolete, search for “Carpenter Sketches.”)
10 For original birth records of Sarah’s children (all with Samuel Carpenter), see RVR 1:6; for additional informa-tion, see Early Rehoboth 1:130–32. Corrections to the latter: (1) the word stranger and the date 8 Jan. 1717/8 are not part of widow Sarah Brooks’s death record but belong to an adjacent entry (RVR 2:230); and (2) son Jacob Carpenter survived the Canada Expedition in 1690 but fell sick in Rhode Island and died there not long before 23 Sept. 1693, when his estate inventory was taken at Rehoboth (BrPR, Jacob Carpenter file, 1693, incl. brother James Carpenter’s admin. accounts [FHL microfilm 572197]).
11 Abiah’s theretofore regular performance of public service ended with his grand-jury duty at Newport on 13 and 14 Dec. 1687 (WarTR2 159–340 passim; RICR 3:233–34). He was presumably deceased when “Rebecka Carpenter Daughter of Abiah Carpenter” was recorded in the “Orphants” section of a list of grantees appended to William Bradford’s quitclaim deed to the town of Rehoboth, dated 26 Dec. 1689; those listed held “Rights and Tittells” to the quitclaimed lands and dwellings (see Early Rehoboth 1:56–57). Rebecca’s listing as a Rehoboth freeholder stems from the will of her maternal grandfather, James1 Redway, dated 26 July 1677 and proved 4 June 1684, which instructs that “Rebeckah Carpenter the daughter of Abiah Carpenter” receive 20 acres from the next land division (PCW 4:2:73; Early Rehoboth 1:129). While it may be loosely appropriate to call Rebecca an orphan based on the death by 1676/7 of her mother, Mary (Redway) Carpenter, the term was/is used more commonly to indicate the loss of both parents or, if one, the father. In the four other instances in which orphan freeholders are comparably listed in the 1689 document—”Sons of Nath. Cooper,” “Son of Nehemiah Sabin,” “Jacob Ormsbys Daughter,” and “Sons of Mr John Mylles”—the respective fathers were all deceased (Early Rehoboth 1:57; RVR 1:53a, 54a; SwVR A:147). The earliest record explicitly indicating that Abiah had died, however, is his son Oliver’s Warwick deed to Benjamin Smith Jr., dated 22 March 1699, in the 11th regnal year of William III [i.e., 1698/9], which mentions “my honoured Father Abiah Carpenter deceased” (WarLE 1:184). As to Abiah’s residence at the end of his life, the record of his son Joseph’s marriage to Mary Brown, on 18 March 1702/3, refers to his deceased father as “of Pautuxet in the township of Warwick” (WarVR 1:2:16).
12 The will names three others, known to be a grandchild and two sons-in-law, in the same fashion—that is, the relationship of each to the testator or his daughters is not specified.
Still a minor in late 1689 (see note 11), James1 Redway’s granddaughter Rebecca was born no earlier than the end of 1668 (if under 21) or of 1671 (if under 18). She was perhaps Mary’s last (but not necessarily only) child: Rebecca’s cousin David, seventh and then youngest child of Samuel and Sarah (Redway) Carpenter, was but two years old when named in his grandfather Redway’s will (RVR 1:6; PCW 4:2:73); the only other grandchild to receive a bequest was the forthcoming first child of Redway’s expectant daughter Rebecca. On 3 Sept. 1675, the Providence constable was
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
any of James1 Redway’s other daughters, it is reasonable to conclude (as Richard LeBaron Bowen was the first to do in print) that he had been Mary’s husband (Early Rehoboth 1:132).
On 13 July 1663, Abiah was among four whose trial “concerning a Riot” was transferred, at the defendants’ request, from the Warwick Court of Trials to the General Court of Trials (Carpenter Fam 46; WarCtTr 230). At the latter court, Mr. William Carpenter of Pawtuxet (that part in Providence) and John “Swett” [Sweet] of Warwick posted a bond of £100 ster-ling, guaranteeing the good behavior and subsequent appearance of Benjamin Smith, Joseph Carpenter [Benjamin’s brother-in-law and son of the aforementioned William of Providence], Abiah Carpenter [Joseph’s brother-in-law through his wife, Abiah’s sister Hannah], and Mr. Henry Ruddick, all of Pawtuxet (that part in Warwick) (RICtR 2:22).
It has been said that Abiah (and, by implication, Mary) went to Musketa Cove, Long Island, with his brother-in-law and sister Joseph and Hannah (Carpenter) Carpenter about 1668 and did not return to Warwick until about 1673 (see Carpenter Fam 47). There is strong docu-mentary evidence, however, that Abiah was living at Warwick continuously from 1668 to late 1673 and beyond (Carpenter sketch2 3). It does appear that he was at Musketa Cove—but only briefly—in June 1669, when he quitclaimed back to his brother-in-law Joseph2 Carpenter (William1 of Providence) land there that the latter man, hoping that Abiah would join him, had deeded to him about six months earlier (ibid.). (The quitclaim has Abiah as being of Pawtuxet [Warwick], but the witnesses were Musketa Cove men.) Since Mary is not among the siblings to whom her brother James’s estate was divided, on 7 March 1676/7, it is likely that the wife of Abiah’s who testified at Newport on 25 Aug. 1676—about an incident in King Philip’s War occurring at Pawtuxet on 27 Jan. 1675[/6]—was not she (see PCW 3:2:77; RICT 67; Carpenter Fam 47n; Early Rehoboth 1:133). The claim that Abiah’s subsequent wife was a sister of Anna Weeks, second wife of the aforementioned Joseph Carpenter of Warwick and Musketa Cove, is both unsupported and unlikely (Carpenter sketch2 2).
iv. MARTHA, b. 15 March 1648, bur. Rehoboth 1 March 1685/6 (RVR 1:57a); m. (1) Rehoboth 27 Sept. 1667, PRESERVED ABELL, b. probably Rehoboth say 1644, d. there 18 Aug. 1724, son of Robert1 and Joanna (____) Abell (RVR 1:45, 2:235; Early Rehoboth 1:133; WF 64–68). He m. (2) Rehoboth 27 Dec. 1686, Sarah Bowen, b. Rehoboth 7 Feb. 1656, d. there 14 May 1703, daughter of Richard2 and Esther (Sutton) Bowen (RVR 1:44, 48, 179; RTM 1:232); m. (3) Boston 3 Jan. 1706[/7] (int. Rehoboth, 20 Dec. 1706), Anne (Saunderson) West of Boston, d. Rehoboth 11 Dec. 1723 (BVR 7; RMarInt; RVR 2:234; NEHGR 52:23–24).[13]
v. JAMES, b. “latter end” of March 1650, bur. Rehoboth 28 Oct. 1676 (PCR 8:63). An unmarried farmer, he participated in the Narragansett Swamp Fight, 9 Dec. 1675 (RRBk 18). He may
ordered to bring Abiah Carpenter and a dozen others, including Abiah’s son Oliver, to appear before a colony magistrate to answer the complaint of Samuel Reape, apparently arising from a year-old dispute (ProvTR 15:147; see also 141–43, 144, 146). Presumably, Oliver had by then reached the age—seven, under English common law—at which moral dis-cernment was thought possible. When in July 1687 and again the following Dec. he killed a wolf, Oliver was presumably at least in his late teens (see WarTR2 260). Thus apparently older than Rebecca, he, too, was probably Mary’s child. Abiah’s son Joseph’s first recorded marriage, on the other hand (see note 11), was late enough to suggest that Mary was not his mother.
John Carpenter, who died at East Greenwich, R.I., on 25 Aug. 1753, in his 87th year, has been mistakenly identi-fied as Abiah’s son (RIVR 1:2:107; Brady Anc 135; Austin 36). On 10 Jan. 1708 John Carpenter of East Greenwich sold to brother Benjamin one-third part of two ranks in the undivided lands in Swansea (SwPropR 1:167). This was undoubtedly his interest in the Swansea commonage rights that Abiah’s brother Joseph Carpenter of Swansea had willed to his sons Joseph, Benjamin, and John (see PCW 3:2:33; TAG 70:204). The latter’s birth is unrecorded but occurred after that at Rehoboth of Joseph’s daughter Esther, 10 March 1661, and before that at Swansea of his daughter Hannah, 21 1st mo. [March] 1671 (see RVR 1:10; SwVR A:17). Predictably, the age at death of John of East Greenwich implies an approximate birth year of 1667, which fits nicely into this gap. Abiah’s putative son Solomon, of South Kingstown, R.I. (aged about 41 in deposition dated 20 March 171[8/]9 [b. ca. 1678]), was born at Rehoboth, 23 Dec. 1677, son of Samuel and Sarah (Redway) Carpenter (see Austin 36; Brady Anc 135; RVR 1:6; NEHGR 159:362). Abiah’s known children are thus Oliver, Rebecca, and Joseph, of whom Mary Redway was the mother of at least one, probably two. For additional details about Abiah and his family, see Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, “Abiah3 Carpenter of Warwick, Rhode Island, and His Family,” NEHGR 159(2005):55–68, 362–64, 161(2007):300; Zubrinsky, “Abiah3 Carpenter (William2–1) of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, and Warwick, Rhode Island” (Ojai, Calif., 2008; last rev. 29 May 2013), online at carpenter cousins.com/Abiah3_Mass&RI.pdf.
13 For more information, including children, see Early Rehoboth 1:133–35.
James1 Redway
have been killed in one of the many violent incidents that followed King Philip’s War.[14] His estate inventory—valued at £67.2s.5d., including a house but no land—was taken on 1 Feb. 1676/7, and the following 7 March, “John Reddaway [was] allowed by the Court to have a double portion of this estate; and his three [surviving] sisters [Sarah, Martha, and Rebecca] the Remainder in equall and alike proportions” (PCW 3:2:77; Early Rehoboth 1:135–36).
vi. LYDIA, b. 30 May 1652, bur. Rehoboth 25 Nov. 1676 (RVR 1:54a); m. there 17 July 1673, JOHN TITUS, b. Rehoboth 18 Dec. 1650, d. there 2 Dec. 1697, son of John2 and Abigail (Carpenter) Titus (RVR 1:19, 45, 90; PCW 2:1:81, 83; TAG 70:194, 198–200, 203–4).[15]
vii. REBECCA, b. “middle” of Feb. 1654, d. Woodstock, Mass. (now in Conn.), 29 Dec. 1702 (WVR [&TR] 1:11); m. Rehoboth by 1677 (1st child b. there 19 Dec. 1677), JOHN CARPENTER, house carpenter and wheelwright, b. there 19 Oct. 1652, d. Dedham, Mass., after 13 May 1708, prob-ably on 9 April 1713, son of William3 and Priscilla (Bennett) Carpenter (PCW 4:2:73; RVR 1:9, 35, 44; WorLR 7:355; SPR 16:434; DVR 37). John Carpenter served from Rehoboth in the Narragansett Expedition of King Philip’s War in 1775 (RRBk 18). The family moved to Woodstock about 1692 (RVR 1:35; WVR[&TR] 1[reverse]:29, 30, 31). He m. (2) between 29 Dec. 1702 and 7 March 1705/6, probably at Dedham, Sarah (Fuller) Day, widow of Ralph Day of Dedham (SPR 16:127–28; DVR 17). Sarah m. (3) Dedham 27 July 1721, Samuel Ware (not Ward) (WorLR 7:355; DVR 47).[16]
14 For more information, see Early Rehoboth 1:135–36. 15 For more information, see Early Rehoboth 1:136. 16 For more information, including children, see Early Rehoboth 1:136–37, to which add children recorded at Wood-
stock: Rebecca, b. 4 Nov. 1694 (WVR[&TR] 1:4, “[–]br” [worn]; 3:1, “Nov.”); and Anna, b. 1 March 1696/7, d. 13 Dec. 1717 (WVR[&TR] 1:5, 27). Amos B. Carpenter adds a son John, but supporting evidence is neither given nor has it been found (see Carpenter Fam 64). The John Carpenter who “m. probably Ruth Inman, of Cranston, R. I.” did so on 20 Nov. 1763, too late to have been John and Rebecca Carpenter’s son (ibid.; Cranston VR 1:319). He was probably the man of that name who, “late of Smithfield,” R.I., died at Providence, 15 April 1806, in his 69th year, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Rhodes) Carpenter of Providence, Cranston, and Smithfield (RIVR 2:2[Cranston]:9, 13:250; NEHGR 114:282–84).
JOHN2 REDWAY, SURVIVING SON 2. JOHN2 REDWAY (James1), house carpenter, was born in Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony, 10 Decem-ber 1644 and died in Rehoboth (Bristol Co. [1685], Province of Massachusetts Bay [1691]), prob-ably of smallpox, 26 March 1718 (BrLR 10:419 [occupa.]; RVR 1:12, 2:231; Early Rehoboth 1: 138, 139). He married in Rehoboth 27 December 1677, MARY (IDE) FULLER, born there 10 Decem-ber 1649 and died there, also probably of smallpox, 25 March 1718, daughter of Nicholas and Martha (____) Ide[17] and widow of Capt. Samuel Fuller (RVR 1:19, 46, 53, 2:231). Nicholas Ide —like James1 Redway, among the first settlers of Rehoboth—is said to have come to New Eng-land from the parish of Ide, county Devon, England, about 1636, but no supporting evidence is provided, and the Ide name is rather uncommon in that county.[18] Mary’s first husband was buried in Rehoboth 15 August 1676, having died about two weeks before the end of King Philip’s War in southern New England, in which he was perhaps killed (RVR 1:45, 54; PCLR 4:263). Her only Fuller child, named for his deceased father, was born posthumously 25 November 1676 and pre-sumably raised in the Redway household (RVR 1:36).[19]
John Redway, whose birth was the first recorded at Rehoboth, fought and was apparently wounded in the Narragansett Swamp Fight of King Philip’s War, 19 December 1675. An account of war-related payments by the town includes the following items for 26 January 1676: “Soldiers Creditors That went to Nariganset – John Redway £2.3s.7d.”; and “To Saml Carpenter for John Redway for a month’s diet 14s.” (RRBk 18).
In 1676/7, he received a two-fifths share of his deceased brother James’s estate and in the years following, acquired a considerable estate of his own (PCW 3:2:77; Early Rehoboth 1:138–39). As his father’s sole male heir, he inherited the family homestead and the bulk of his father’s other property, including commonage rights (PCW 4:2:73; Early Rehoboth 1:128–29). In 1685,
17 Because Nicholas Ide is referred to as “sonninlaw” in the will of Thomas Bliss of Rehoboth, many sources give
Ide’s wife Martha’s maiden name as Bliss (see, for example, Savage, 2:516; Early Rehoboth 1:137; Ide Gen 178–79). This, however, is almost certainly incorrect. With his first wife, Dorothy Wheatlie, Bliss had seven known children, baptized between 1615 and 1626 (Bliss Fam 1:36; taken from a Daventry, Northamptonshire, parish register, the baptismal record of a supposed son Nathaniel is actually that of a daughter “Marthah”). Of the seven, Bliss’s will, dated “the seventh day of the eighth month [Oct.] 1647,” names only three, a son and two daughters—Martha is not among them—yet it mentions “my fouer Children” (PCW 1:67–68, inventory dated “the 21 of the eighth month [Oct.] 1647”). The will refers to Bliss’s surviving daughters’ husbands in relation to their respective wives: “my eldest Daughter [Eliza-beth] and her husband Thomas Willmore [Wilmarth]” and “my Daughter Mary and her husband Nathaneell harmon.” By contrast, “sonninlaw” Nicholas Ide —his wife, Martha, was then living—is mentioned only in relation to Ide’s son “Nathaneell.” While these facts are significant in their own right, they become all the more so when it is understood that the term son-in-law was commonly used at this time to mean stepson.
In view of the foregoing facts, it seems probable that Nicholas Ide was Thomas Bliss’s stepson, the fourth of his “fouer Children,” and not the husband of Bliss’s daughter Martha. This interpretation is consistent with the petition of “Nicolas Hyde” to the Plymouth Colony General Court on 7 June 1648 “for a childs portion of the estat[e] of Thomas Blisse, desseased” (PCR 2:126). For further discussion of the issue, see GenForum’s Ide Family Genealogy Forum be-ginning with message 275 (genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/ide/275/) and ending eight follow-up messages later, with number 431, dated 13 Aug. 2007. (The thread continues, but it is unnecessary to follow it further.)
18 See Gene Zubrinsky, “Nicholas1 Ide’s English Origin,” online at genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/ide/452/. 19 For additional data, see Early Rehoboth 1:137.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
the year following his father’s death, John’s commonage rights were valued at £225, then the eighth-largest accumulation among eighty-five Rehoboth proprietors (RTM 2:42). From the dis-tributions of town land to which these rights entitled him, he had by 1697 accumulated slightly more than 200 acres (RPropR 2:226–27, 333). By 1707/8 he had received an additional 161+ acres, all of which he gave to sons Preserved and James (44 and 77+ acres, respectively) and to daughter Martha and her husband William Hammond (40 acres) (RPropR 3:45–46; BrLR 10:419).
John Redway took the Oath of Allegiance in 1680 and in a 1685 town meeting was one of two men “propounded to the freemen in order to take up their freedom and [was] by them approved on” (RTM 2:43, 338 [the latter upside down]). Since his name is not on a 1689 list of Plymouth Colony freemen, however, it seems that the General Court did not concur in the recommendation of the Rehoboth freemen that John become one of them (see PCR 8:203, 209). Thereby remaining excluded from political participation at the colony level (as were most at this time), he nevertheless participated in the civic life of the town, serving as surveyor [overseer] of the highways and petty juryman (Early Rehoboth 1:139).
Although the fragmentary, reconstructed records of Rehoboth’s First, or Newman, Congrega-tional Church do not mention him, there is good reason to believe that John was a member. His work for the meetinghouse and its minister is mentioned in the town records several times be-tween 1678 and 1693 (Early Rehoboth 1:138–39).
The compiler of a popular Fuller genealogy claims that John Redway moved to the Palmer’s River section of Rehoboth (about five miles east of his father’s home lot, in the “Ring of the Town”) shortly after the distribution of his brother James’s estate, in 1676/7 (Fuller Gen 87–88). He speculates that John, with thoughts of future marriage, would have arranged with his sisters (all married, with their own homes) to obtain and occupy his late brother’s house, which the author claims was at Palmer’s River. There is no evidence, however, that the house was located at Palmer’s River; the vast majority of Redway land there was acquired later. That James2’s estate inventory includes a house but no land suggests that he lived on his father’s land in the western part of Reho-both (now in East Providence) (PCW 3:2:77). Even if James2’s house had been at Palmer’s River, it is likely that John, as the only surviving son, would have remained with his father until the lat-ter’s death, in 1684, at which time his father’s lands, including the home lot, became his, giving him no reason to move. In the unlikely event that John did relocate to Palmer’s River, the inclu-sive dates of his work for the Newman Church (above) suggest that he probably would not have done so until the mid-1690s. His sons, however, certainly established homes at Palmer’s River, as did his grandsons.[20]
Children, surname REDWAY, all born in Rehoboth (RVR 1:36):
3 i. JAMES3, b. 10 Jan. 1678[/9]; m. (1) JOANNA HILDRETH, (2) MARY (____) WHIPPLE. ii. JOHN, b. 10 Sept. 1682, d. Rehoboth 18 June 1708 (RVR 1:180). 4 iii. PRESERVED, b. 12 Jan. 1684[/5?]; m. ESTHER ORMSBEE.
iv. MARTHA, b. 26 July 1687, d. after 1742; m. (1) Rehoboth 16 Aug. 1711 (int. 17 Dec. 1709), as his third wife, WILLIAM HAMMOND, son of William1 and Elizabeth (Bartram) Hammond (RVR 1:45, 177, 198; NEHGR 149:230–32); m. (2) Rehoboth 20 Jan. 1742/3 (int. 18 Dec. 1742), as his second wife, JONATHAN ORMSBEE, son of John and Grace (Martin) Ormsbee (RVR 2:265).[21]
20 For additional data (abstracts of relevant town meeting, land, and tax records), see Early Rehoboth 1:137–39. 21 For more information about Martha’s husbands and a complete account of her children, see Eugene C. Zubrinsky,
“The Hammonds of Rehoboth and Swansea, Massachusetts,” NEHGR 149(1995):224–29, 150:216–19.
3. CAPT. JAMES3 REDWAY (John2, James1), yeoman (later gentleman) and militia commander, was born in Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony, 10 January 1678[/9] (RVR 1:36, 46 [parents m. 27 Dec. 1677]). He died in Rehoboth 30 May 1760, in his 83rd year (g.s.). James married first in Rehoboth 18 August 1719, JOANNA HILDRETH (not Heldrick, Holdrick, Holbrook), born in Woburn, Massa-chusetts, 16 November 1695 and died in Rehoboth 15 February 1741[/2],[22] in her 47th year, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Wilson) Hildreth (RVR 2:135; WoVR 1:38; g.s.; ChelPropR 1: n.p.; NEHGR 146:337–42).[23] Both were buried in Palmer’s River Meetinghouse (Rehoboth Sec-ond Congregational Church) Cemetery. He married second in Rehoboth 14 April (intentions 26 March) 1748, MARY (____) WHIPPLE of Cumberland, Rhode Island (RVR 2:266). She died after 4 March 1757, the date of James’s will, which depicts Mary as having returned to her own home (BrPR 17:60). While considerable research has failed to produce a positive identification, it is likely that she was the widow of William3 Whipple (David2, John1) of Attleborough, Massachu-setts, of which a part became Cumberland in 1746/7 (see BrPR 10:349–50; AVR 284–85; NEHGR 32:406).[24]
James became the most prosperous and prominent of the Rehoboth Redways. Initially a yeo-man [typical freeholding farmer], he is depicted in land records after 1734 as “Gentleman” [com-paratively wealthy, influential, and respected freeholder], the title of highest social rank (Early Rehoboth 1:142–44). From allotments and purchases beginning in 1714/15, James had by 1746 acquired more than 116 acres (RPropR 4:141–42, 278–80). And while there is no probate record to indicate the disposition of his father’s estate, it is clear that James, the eldest heir, received the lion’s share. (John2 Redway had had two other surviving children: Preserved, who died less than seven years after his father, and Martha (Redway) Hammond. Several years prior to their father’s death, James had received from him several lots whose total area of 77+ acres was almost equal to the combined acreage given to Preserved and Martha [see no. 2, above].) In 1735, with rights of commonage valued at £250—of which £200 had been inherited from his father—he was the second-largest owner of such rights in Rehoboth (see RPropM 115–20). He left commonage rights in that amount to his three sons, who sold £220 of them in 1766 (RPropR 4:280).
22 RVR 2:250 has Joanna’s year of death as 1742/3, but see NEHGR 146:338n2. 23 Joanna’s paternal grandfather, Richard Hildreth, had come to Massachusetts Bay Colony by 1643 and was a
founder of Chelmsford. Civically and commercially active, he was undoubtedly the most contentious townsman when it came to religious doctrine (Sarah Hildreth Anc 4–8). Joanna’s maternal grandparents, John and Hannah (James?) Wilson, landed at Salem by about 1653 and settled in Chelmsford a few years later. Wilson seldom occupied public office, and as Baptists, he and his wife were alienated from many of their neighbors, being fined more than once for “frequently absenting themselves from public worship on the Lord’s day” (John Wilson Desc 1–3).
24 Presumably because William and Mary Whipple named one of their sons Ibrook, it is sometimes said that this had been Mary’s maiden name. There are two reasons to doubt this: First, Richard Ibrook (Hingham, 1635) had no sons who lived to adulthood (GM 4:1–2). And second, it was on William Whipple’s side of the family that the name Ibrook appears, as the maiden name of his maternal grandmother, Margaret (Ibrook) Tower, and the forename of her son, Whip-ple’s maternal uncle, Ibrook Tower (ibid. 2; Tower Gen 1, 47, 54–55).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
In addition to his considerable holdings in Rehoboth, James also owned land in Narragansett Township No. 4, granted by the General Court in 1740—almost 65 years after the fact—to soldiers of the Narragansett Expedition or their heirs. In the name of his father, who had served in the Great Swamp Fight, James received rights to land immediately west of Hatfield, in central Massa-chusetts (Bodge 425, 427; BrPR 17:60; HampLR O:529 [see also N:442, W:230]).[25] Also in 1740, James became a shareholder in the ill-fated Land Bank experiment (NEHGR 50:312). An attempt in Massachusetts to issue a common currency based upon real estate, the bank aroused great polit-ical opposition and was finally killed by the British Parliament in 1741. While some shareholders were ruined, the financial impact upon James was evidently less severe.
In 1710, James and his brother Preserved were privates in the Palmer’s River militia company of Capt. Hunt (Rehob Hist 153). James subsequently became commander of that unit and from 1733 onward bore the title Captain; the militia’s muster and training field, “Readway Plaine,” was on his farm (Early Rehoboth 1:142–43, 148n).[26] Capt. Redway served Rehoboth in several other official capacities over the years: field driver, or “harward” [haywards attended to the enclosures that kept cattle in the common pasture and impounded strays]; hog reeve; surveyor [overseer] of highways; tax collector (briefly); and juryman at various county courts (Early Rehoboth 1:141–42). In 1727, he was fined £5 for refusing to serve as constable (ibid. 141). Following his brother’s death, in 1724/5, James became guardian of two of Preserved’s four children (BrPR 5:337); in that capacity, distinct from foster parent, he managed his wards’ property. In 1728/9, after Preserved’s widow, Esther, had also died, James assumed guardianship (perhaps also surrogate fatherhood) of another of the orphaned children (ibid. 6:216).[27]
The will of “aged” James “Redaway” (signed Redway) of Rehoboth, dated 4 March 1757 and proved 3 June 1760, specified liberal bequests of land, commonage rights, and certain personal property to his children James, Samuel, and Elizabeth, and left the remainder—unspecified but presumably the farmhouse, outbuildings, farming implements, most of the livestock, and monetary assets—to his son Timothy, who was also named executor. The grandchildren were to receive land or money or both, and Timothy was to provide support for the widow, Mary, if she were to need it (BrPR 17:58–60; Early Rehoboth 1:144).
Children, surname REDWAY, all with 1st wife; all born in Rehoboth (RVR 2:28):
i. MARY4, b. 30 March 1720, d. Rehoboth 10 June 1722 (RVR 2:235). ii. ELIZABETH, b. 24 Sept. 1721, bap. Rehoboth 22 Jan. 1722/3, died after 1787 (RChR 1; BrLR
67:515½); m. Rehoboth 11 Nov. (int. 1 Oct.) 1763, as his second wife, THADDEUS WILMARTH, b. Rehoboth 23 Nov. 1721, son of John and Hannah (Hunt) Wilmarth (RVR 1:153, 177, 3:341). Elizabeth’s mother died in 1741/2, leaving several minor children, of whom the youngest, Samuel, was not quite four. Since her father did not remarry for six and a half years, Elizabeth was probably the family’s central domestic figure during this period. Her stepmother had left the Redway home by 1757 (see above), which probably left to Elizabeth the role of caregiver and probably explains why she remained single for another six years. At Rehoboth on 12 June 1788, she was one of four persons who sold their respective interests in the farm left to them by her cousin Thomas Redway (BrLR 67:515½).
25 The great majority of Township No. 4—also known as the Quabbin Grant—was further east. That part became
Greenwich in 1754 and was submerged in 1936 by the Quabbin Reservoir. 26 As an act of historical preservation, the town of Rehoboth purchased Redway Plain in 1992. It lies just north of
Rehoboth Village Cemetery on the south side of Route 44, which connects East Providence and Taunton. Opposite Red-way Plain, on the north side of the highway, is the Faxon Farm, whose soccer fields, tennis courts, and great, rambling two-story house (much of which was built about 1790) are used by students of the private, all-girls Lincoln School, located in nearby Providence. This property, on the east side of Palmer’s River, once comprised that part of Capt. Red-way’s homestead farm that he devised to his son Timothy. Adjacent lands, once the remainder of Capt. Redway’s farm, he left to his other surviving sons, James and Samuel (BrPR 17:59–60; Early Rehoboth 1:144). The three brothers sold this cluster of homestead farms during the period 1772–1780, as they left for Vermont, Connecticut, and western Massachusetts, respectively.
27 For additional data (relevant town meeting and land-record abstracts and a partial transcription of Capt. James’s will), see Early Rehoboth 1:140–45.
11 Capt. James3 Redway and His Brother Preserved
iii. MARY (again), b. 6 Feb. 1723/4, bap. Rehoboth 19 April 1724, d. there 18 Oct. 1747 (RChR 2; RVR 2:255); m. Rehoboth 16 Nov. (int. 20 Oct.) 1744, PHILIP WHITAKER, b. 16 Nov. 1723, son of Richard and Ann (Wood) Whitaker (RVR 2:30, 266; MD 4:71).[28]
iv. JOANNA, b. 15 Feb. 1725/6, bap. Rehoboth 24 April 1726, d. there 5 Jan. 1756, in 30th yr. (RChR 3; RVR 3:359; g.s., Palmer’s River Meetinghouse Cem); m. Rehoboth 16 June (int. 14 May) 1748, JOSHUA SMITH, b. 19 Sept. 1724, son of Joshua and Mary (Whitaker) Smith (RVR 2: 49, 136, 266).[29]
5 v. JAMES, b. 26 Sept. 1728; m. MEHITABEL BLISS. vi. SAMUEL, b. 1 Sept. 1731, bap. 2 Sept. 1731, d. Rehoboth by 1737/8 (RChR 6). His immediate
baptism and the absence of a death record suggest that he died soon after birth. 6 vii. TIMOTHY, b. 8 Oct. 1733; m. MARY WILMARTH. viii. JOHN, b. 13 Aug. 1735/6 [sic], bap. 17 Aug. 1735, d. before 1758, probably Rehoboth (RChR
8). As with the first Samuel (no. vi), John’s baptism so soon after birth and the absence of a death record suggest that he died in early infancy. He is not named in his father’s will, dated 4 March 1757.
7 ix. SAMUEL (again), b. 11 March 1737/8; m. (1) ABIA FOLLETT, (2) JERUSHA ______. 4. PRESERVED3 REDWAY (John2, James1), yeoman, was born in Rehoboth 12 January 1684[/5?] and died there in February 1724/5 (RVR 1:136, 2:236).[30] He married in Rehoboth 30 July (inten-tions 17 June) 1713, ESTHER ORMSBEE, born there 2 May 1684 and died in Rehoboth before 19 November 1728, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Fitch) Ormsbee (RVR 1:135, 157).
A history of early Rehoboth names Esther’s parents as John and Grace (Martin) Ormsbee, but that couple is recorded as the parents of a son, Joseph, born five weeks after Esther, on 8 July 1684, and thus could not have been her parents (Early Rehoboth 1:145; RVR 1:18). Esther is recorded among the children of Thomas Ormsbee, whose wife is not named (RVR 1:35). Among the heirs named in Thomas Ormsbee’s will, dated 23 March 1715/6 and proved 10 December 1716, are wife Mary and daughter Esther Redway (BrPR 3:316–17). The full identity of Esther’s mother is found in the vital records of adjacent Taunton, where on 11 May 1667 were married Thomas “Armsbee” and Mary Fitch and where their first five children were born (TVR 1:20, 2:24).[31]
On 12 January 1726/7, Esther’s brother-in-law James Redway was appointed guardian to her sons John and Preserved (BrPR 5:336). The same day, her brother Jacob Ormsbee was appointed guardian to her remaining son, Thomas (BrPR 5:337). While one authority has taken this as evi-dence that Esther had died previous to that date, it was probably related to the death of her hus-band (see Early Rehoboth 1:145). A guardian’s function was not that of foster parent but was to protect a child’s financial interests. The first explicit indication of Esther’s death was not recorded until 19 November 1728, when her brother Jacob was appointed administrator of her estate; the inventory was taken the following 7 December (BrPR 6:176–77, 218–19). Jacob Ormsbee’s admin-istrative account, dated 18 March 1728/9, included an item for twelve weeks of “houseroom nurs-ing bo[a]rd” and another indicating that a doctor had been brought from Norwich, Connecticut (BrPR 6:219). Also on that date, James Redway was appointed guardian to the fourth and youngest of Preserved and Esther’s children, their only daughter, Esther (BrPR 6:216).
Children, surname REDWAY, all born in Rehoboth (RVR 1:93):
i. JOHN4, b. 8 Jan. 1714/5, d. before 1745. His sister Esther’s quitclaim deed, dated at Rehoboth 30 March 1744 (see no. iv below), calls him deceased (BrLR 34:287).[32]
28 For children, see Early Rehoboth 1:145. 29 For additional data, including children, see Early Rehoboth 1:145. 30 For relevant town meeting and land-record abstracts, see Early Rehoboth 1:145–46. 31 Several probate records concerning the estate of Mary Fitch of Rehoboth (widow of John) name daughter Mary/
Mercy Ormsbee and/or mention Thomas Ormsbee (BrPR 2:123, 124, 171). 32 For additional data, see Early Rehoboth 1:146.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
ii. THOMAS, yeoman, b. ca. 1719 (rec. undated), d. Rehoboth 15 March 1788, in 70th yr. (g.s., Rehoboth Village Cem); m. Rehoboth 1 Aug. (int. 10 June) 1749, MARY ORMSBEE, b. Reho-both 31 [sic] Sept. 1708, d. there 9 March 1789, in 81st yr., daughter of Jeremiah and Mehitabel (Wilmarth) Ormsbee (RVR 1:121, 2:262; g.s., Rehoboth Village Cem; SwVR B:88/186). He died intestate and without issue. His estate inventory, taken on 4 April 1788 and presented to the court by administrator Jonathan Bliss the following 3 June, valued his personal belongings at £36.16s., his 63¾-acre Rehoboth homestead at £255, and 2¼ acres of cedar swamp at £6 (BrPR 29:539–40). The property was distributed in equal shares to his five surviving first cousins: widow Elizabeth (Redway) Wilmarth of Rehoboth (no. 3.ii); Timothy Redway of Put-ney, Vt. (no. 6); Samuel Redway of Harpersfield, N.Y. (no. 7); Amos Hammond of Stephen-town, N.Y.; and Elizabeth (Hammond) Read (with husband Benjamin) of Dartmouth, Mass. (Early Rehoboth 1:140, 148, 149–50, citing BrLR 67:333, 515½, 69:256). The last two were children of Thomas’s aunt Martha (Redway) Hammond (no. 2.iv) and her first husband, William Hammond.[33]
iii. PRESERVED, laborer, b. middle of July 1721, d. before 1747, perhaps during the 1745 Louisbourg (Nova Scotia) Expedition, in which he served as a private in Capt. George Morey’s Fourth Company, Ninth Mass. Regiment, under Gen. Joseph Dwight (NEHGR 25:264). His brother Thomas was appointed administrator of his estate on 2 Sept. 1746 (BrPR 11:181–82).[34]
iv. ESTHER, b. 2 March [not May] 1722[/3],[35] d. Rehoboth 22 Sept. 1770 (RVR[unrec] 120). On 30 March 1744, Esther received £90 from her brothers Thomas and Preserved in return for her quitclaim of rights to what had been her share of their father’s estate (BrPR 34:287; Early Reho-both 1:146 [abstr.]). On 14 June 1748, the Court of General Sessions found Esther Redaway guilty of fornication and fined her forty shillings (BrCtR 62). The town voted on 1 Oct. 1770 that James Redway (no. 5) be paid £4.3s.3d. for boarding and nursing Esther Redway and that Dr. Joseph Bridgham receive 19s.2d. for “Doctoring” her (RTM 3:296). She never married.
33 For additional data (deed abstracts, gravestone inscriptions, etc.), see Early Rehoboth 1:150– 51. 34 For additional data, see Early Rehoboth 1:146. 35 The published transcription of Esther’s birthdate erroneously gives it as 2 May 1722 (RVR[pub] 729).
5. JAMES4 REDWAY (Capt. James3, John2, James1), yeoman, was born in Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, 26 September 1728 and was baptized there 11 May 1729 (RVR 2:28; RChR 5). He died in Killingly, Windham (now Tolland) Co., Connecticut, __ May 1777 (PomPR: file 3377; 4:542–43). He married in Rehoboth 22 September 1748, MEHITABEL BLISS, born and baptized there 9 June 1725 and 26 March 1727, respectively, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Mehitabel (Whitaker) Bliss (RVR 2:56, 266; RChR 4); she died in 1821 (Bliss Fam 1:72).
James became at 43 the first Redway to leave Rehoboth, where the family had lived for the previous 128 years. On 16 April 1772, he received £253.10s. for his 64-acre farm in the Palmer’s River section and the following 21 May paid £220 for an 80-acre homestead in Killingly, about 35 miles to the west (BrLR 55:163; KLR 9:61/88).[36] Perhaps James’s maternal second cousin Ammi Wilson, who witnessed the latter transaction and had left Rehoboth for Killingly in 1768, influenced the Redways’ decision to relocate. The new farm lay on the northern bank of Five Mile River, in what was then central Killingly but is now just south of the Killingly–Putnam line.[37] Settlement of Killingly had begun in the early 1690s, when two families from Rehoboth established themselves on either side of the Quinebaug River, in the western part of present-day Putnam (Put-nam Hist 3). Redway bought and sold two other Killingly tracts, one of which—a 50-acre parcel bought for £90 on 31 March 1775—he sold a year later for £75 to his son-in-law Ebenezer Brown (see no. 8) (KLR 9:107/135, 10:263; see also 9:96/124, 10:41).
James was active in the religious and civic life of Killingly’s semiautonomous First Society, or Putnam Parish. Bearing a letter of dismissal from Rehoboth’s Second Church of Christ (Con-gregational), he and his wife were on 4 July 1773 admitted to the Putnam Congregational Church. On 20 December 1774, James was chosen with nine others to be on the parish’s school committee for the following year (K1stSocMtgs). The townsmen voted on 7 November 1775 that he would finish the work of another man in collecting parish taxes for the remainder of that year; two and a half weeks later, he was made parish tax collector for the year following (ibid.). On 8 July 1776, during a period in which the society lacked a “settled” minister, James and two others were chosen to “supply the pulpit” [preach] for the next three months; for this he was paid eleven shillings (ibid.).
James Redway died intestate at the age of 48. While there is no record of his death or burial, his estate inventory was taken on 29 May 1777. The estate’s initial value of £667 (£197 personal, £470 real) was reduced to £507 with the payment of debts and administrative expenses (PomPR: file 3377; 4:542–43). James Jr.’s itemization of administrative expenses begins thus: “For Going after Docters & wachers & Paying for Nurses From May ye 10th 1777 to August the 21st 1777 for my Hon’d Mother – £8:0:0” (PomPR file 3377). The family homestead—calculated at 88 acres when distributed, on 5 October 1778—was divided among James’s six surviving children (PomPR
36 For relevant Bristol Co. deed abstracts, see Early Rehoboth 1:146–47. 37 The entire town of Thompson and most of Putnam were originally part of northern Killingly; Thompson was in-
corporated in 1785, and Putnam in 1855.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
file 3377). The distribution record fails to mention it, but his widow’s dower right entitled her to “widow’s thirds,” a life estate in one-third of her deceased husband’s real estate. By 13 February 1779, James’s teenage sons, Comfort and Preserved, were under the guardianship at Killingly of their brother-in-law Ebenezer Brown and family friend Joseph Cady, respectively; the latter had posted bond on 1 September 1778 (PomPR file 3377).
Mehitabel’s immigrant Bliss ancestor, Thomas Bliss, came from the village of Preston Parva, in Northamptonshire, England, landing at Boston about 1639 (Hale–House 476–77). The mother of his children, Dorothy (Wheatlie), had died in England, and at an unknown date and place there-after, Thomas married the widowed mother of Nicholas Ide (see note 17). Bliss was granted land at Braintree in 1639/40 and in 1644 became one of the original proprietors of Rehoboth (Bliss Fam 1:32–36). Mehitabel’s father is said to have “entered the colonial service eight days after the battle of Lexington, being then 73 years old [b. 1702], and served through the Revolutionary War. He was still living in 1796” (Jeff Co Fam Hist 1:603). In Newman Cemetery, East Providence, Rhode Island, stands the gravestone of Nathaniel’s third wife, formerly Mrs. Abigail Sabin, who died 1 June 1796, in her 89th year. Since the inscription refers to her as Capt. Bliss’s wife, rather than his widow, it has been assumed that he was then still living (Bliss Fam 1:73). That Mehitabel and (apparently) her father lived into their mid-90s reflects a family trait of longevity: her brothers Samuel and Timothy both died at 89, and her brother Nathaniel was living at 94 (RIVR 12:425–26; RVR 4:222; Bliss Fam 1:72–73).
Children, surname REDWAY, all born in Rehoboth (RVR 3:56):
8 i. MOLLY5, b. 7 Aug. 1750; m. EBENEZER BROWN. ii. MEHITABEL, b. 1 June 1752, bap. Rehoboth 4 May 1760, d. Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., N.Y., 22
July 1829 (s.p.), bur. 23 July 1829, aged 77 (RChR 19; Redway chart; AdChR [1807 admis-sions; funerals]); m. (1) Somers, Windham (now Tolland) Co., Conn., 24 Aug. 1782, DANIEL JONES, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gibbs) Jones (SomVR 1:2, 101; Sessions Fam 97–98; SomLR D:50–56); m. (2) Galway, Saratoga Co., N.Y., after 1792, EPHRAIM POTTER, son of Theophilus and Lois (Walker) Potter (Potter file). She was the second wife of both men.
In 1779, Mehitabel and her brother Joel sold their inheritances—each had received 11 acres of their father’s Killingly farm and a quarter interest in his house—and moved about 30 miles northwest to Stafford, Conn. (KLR 10:288, 297; PomPR file 3377; StafLR 5:112). She was of Stafford three years later, when she married Daniel Jones of neighboring Somers (SomVR 1:101).[38] Daniel, having deeded two parcels of land at Somers to his son Giles on 5 February 1793, died there the following 22 March,[39] and by 1804 Mehitabel had married Ephraim Potter of Galway, Saratoga Co., N.Y. (SomLR E:84; SomVR 1:107; SarLR CD:3). Though her brother Preserved had by then lived at Galway for about 15 years, she probably did not arrive there until at least 1796. That year, her brother James (no. 9) moved his family to Galway from Killingly, and her stepdaughter Jemima (Jones), wife of Abner Fuller, left Somers for Whitingham, Vt. (SomLR E:221–22 [ack.]; WhitLR 3:365). The next year, her only remaining relative in Connecticut, stepson Giles Jones, also moved to Whitingham (SomLR E:199–200, 256–57; WhitLR 3:364).
The evidence that Mehitabel’s second husband was Ephraim Potter is indirect but collec-tively strong. First, Redway family accounts give her second husband as “Potter” (Redway chart; Arnold, Redway 58). Second, Ephraim Potter of Galway (and later Ellisburg, N.Y.) mar-ried (second) a woman named Mehitabel (SarLR C:1, CD:3; JeffW A:4, 5). Third, Ephraim’s Galway homestead was near that of Mehitabel Redway’s brother Preserved and not far from that of their brother James (1800 US Census, Galway 31). Fourth, the Ellisburg homestead Ephraim bought in 1804 was near that settled by Preserved the same year. Fifth, Ephraim’s
38 In his Jones genealogy’s list of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gibbs) Jones’s children, L. Newton Parker omits Daniel,
born 12 March 1746/7, and his brothers Stephen and Abiel (Jones Gen 228; Sessions Fam 97–98; SomLR D:50–56). Parker also assigns the incorrect, gravestone version of Benjamin’s son Daniel’s date of death to another Daniel, born in adjacent Enfield, 31 Jan. 1743, son of Joseph and Sarah (Wood) Jones of Somers (see Jones Gen 228–29).
39 Daniel’s gravestone, in Somers West Cemetery, and Sessions Fam 98 incorrectly date his death as 23 March 1792.
James4, Timothy, and Samuel Redway
daughter Susannah (d. 23 Dec. 1839, aged 57) married Ebenezer Brown Jr., son of Mehitabel Redway’s sister, Molly (no. 8) (g.s., Lorraine Village [N.Y.] Cem; JeffW A:1, 4; Potter file [probate petition]; Brown Fam 98). Sixth, the age of “Mrs. M. Potter (of Ellisburg[,] Chh. member) 77” at her burial in 1829 matches perfectly Mehitabel Redway’s 1752 birthdate (AdChR [funerals]; RVR 3:56). And finally, that Ephraim mentioned “beloved wife” Mehitabel in his will, dated 7 June 1827, but “left no widow” at his death, 15 July 1830, is consistent with Mrs. M. Potter’s year of death and burial (JeffW A:4, 5; RevWarPF S44245).
Ephraim Potter had enlisted in the Continental Army at Brookfield, Mass., 3 Feb. 1777, and served in several companies of Col. Rufus Putnam’s Fifth Massachusetts Regiment. A series of promotions led to his becoming a sergeant major in Feb. 1781; the following 19 Oct., he was commissioned an ensign, the rank he held until his discharge, at Newburg, N.Y., 9 Jan. 1783 (RevWarPF S44245; Mass Soldiers 12:624). He fought “in the Battle of Kingsbury, with Indians, and at Stillwater [Saratoga] at the taking of Gnl. Burgoisne [sic]” (RevWarPF S44245).
On 6 Dec. 1804, Ephraim and Mehitabel sold 40 acres at Galway for £48 “lawful money of the state of New York” (SarLR CD:3). Twenty-two days later he bought 150 acres at Ellis-burgh, over one hundred miles northwest of Galway, at the eastern end of Lake Ontario (JeffLR A:401). Costing $450 and comprising the western half of Lot 143, the property was two miles south of the parcel purchased in Lot 140 the previous Feb. by Mehitabel’s brother Preserved (JeffLR A:163, 401; 1864 Ellisburg plat map). Since Mehitabel and Ephraim were still of Gal-way when on 25 Dec. 1806 they received $875 for 35 acres there, it appears that they did not migrate to Ellisburg until after that date (SarLR C:1). Much of the two-year interval between these last two transactions may have been consumed in clearing the Ellisburg land and con-structing a house and outbuildings. Once she had settled there, however, Mehitabel’s pere-grinations finally ceased. She was admitted to the nearby First Congregational (later Presby-terian) Church of Adams in 1807 and remained a member for the rest of her life (AdChR [ad-missions; funerals]).
Although an exhaustive search of Ellisburg’s Pierrepont Manor Cemetery in 1990 failed to locate their gravestones, Ephraim and Mehitabel are almost certainly buried there. An alpha-betized list of that cemetery’s gravestone inscriptions, some augmented by parenthesized data from other sources, includes Ephraim Potter and his wife (JeffCemR 682). His listing reads, “Potter Ephraim (born July 31) 1752; died (July 15) 1830 Rev. Sol.” Immediately below it is hers: “Potter (Susannah Rice) born Sept. 28, 1758 Westboro, Mass.” Susannah Rice, however, was Ephraim’s first wife (Potter file). She had died at Galway probably after the 4 Aug. effec-tive date of the 1800 U.S. census: the oldest female in Ephraim Potter’s household on that date is recorded as 26–44, and Susannah’s birth had been less than 42 years earlier; Mehitabel, on the other hand, was then 48 (1800 US Census, Galway, Saratoga Co NY 31; Potter file; RVR 3:56). Although the identification of the person buried next to Ephraim Potter is incorrect, the listing nevertheless suggests strongly that he was (as one would expect) laid to rest next to his second wife, Mehitabel.
It has been claimed that Ephraim’s son Luke, said to have been called Luther, was born to his second wife, Mehitabel (Potter Desc 41, 42, 723). Luke and Luther Potter, however, were two different people. It is highly probable that Luke, whose name appears only in his father’s probate records, was born to Ephraim’s first wife, Susannah Rice. The relatively small size of Luke’s legacy and his place in the order of heirs (as twice listed in his father’s probate records) suggest that he was the youngest of Ephraim’s children, born say 1794 (three years after Edwin [below]) (JeffW A:4; Potter file [probate petition]). In light of the probabilities—that Mehitabel remained in Somers until at least 1796 and that Susannah was living in 1800—and that Mehit-abel’s 10-year first marriage had produced no children, the inevitable conclusion is that she was not Luke’s natural mother.
Ephraim’s 1800 Galway household included two boys under 10 (1800 US Census, Gal-way, Saratoga Co NY 31). One was son Edwin, born in 1791 (Potter file; JeffCemR 682); the other was almost certainly Luke, since the remaining son, Ephraim Jr., had been born in 1774 (Potter file, citing Brookfield, Mass., VR). Luke died before 7 Sept. 1846, when his brother Edwin deposed that only three of Ephraim Potter’s heirs, himself and two sisters, were then living (RevWarPF S44245).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Luther Potter was born in Saratoga Co., N.Y., ca. 1807 and died a resident of Ellisburg 29 Aug. 1868, aged 61 (1855 NY Census, Ellisburg, Jeff Co dw 286 fam 302; JeffCemR 662); Mehitabel Potter was 54 or 55 in 1807, too old to have been his mother. It is clear from the following facts that Luther’s parents were Ephraim Jr. (Luke’s brother) and Lydia (____) Potter: Luther arrived in Jefferson Co. about 1815 (40-yr. resident in 1855) and by 1833 had married Charlotte Rule (23-yr. res. in 1855), daughter of James and Lucy (____) Rule of Arlington, Vt. (1855 NY Census, Ellisburg dw 286 fam 302; 1830, 1840, 1850 US censuses, Arlington, Bennington Co VT 108, 208, 54, resp.). Their eldest known child (17 in 1850) was, like Ephraim Jr.’s wife, named Lydia (1850 US Census, Ellisburg 320; JeffCemR 662). While Ephraim and Mehitabel migrated to Ellisburg in 1807, Ephraim Jr. remained in Saratoga Co. until at least 1813, joining his father in Ellisburg by 1820 (1800 [Providence], 1810 [Edin-burg] US censuses, Saratoga Co NY 35, 280, resp.; 1810, 1820 US censuses, Ellisburg, 38, 388, resp.; Sar Co Hist 372, 376). This is consistent with the 1855 state census record showing 47-year-old Luther as having been born in Saratoga Co. and a 40-year resident of Jefferson Co. In 1843, Luther was appointed to administer the estate of Ephraim Potter [Jr.] (JeffLtrsAdm B:31). They and their wives are the only Potters buried in Ellisburg’s Maplewood Cemetery (JeffCemR 662).
While Mehitabel evidently had no children of her own, she was nevertheless a mother many times over. When she married Daniel Jones, she became stepmother to his four young offspring, among whom was Azubah, eventual wife of Mehitabel’s brother Preserved. Upon marrying Ephraim Potter, she acquired eight more stepchildren, several of them minors.
9 iii. JAMES, b. 6 or 17 Aug. 1754; m. ALETHEA HIX/HICKS. 10 iv. JOEL, b. 14 June 1757; m. (1) HANNAH CLARK, (2) LUCINDA MOREY. 11 v. COMFORT, b. 14 (28?) July 1760; m. ROXANNA EATON. vi. JOANNA, bap. Rehoboth 3 Oct. 1762 (RChR 21), d. before 1779. She is not named in her father’s
real estate distribution, dated 5 October 1778. That her birth is unrecorded suggests that she died in infancy.
12 vii. PRESERVED, b. 14 July 1764; m. AZUBAH JONES. 6. TIMOTHY4 REDWAY (Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, 8 October 1733 and was baptized there 4 February 1733[/4] (RVR 2:28; RChR 7); “Mr. Redaway” died at Putney, Vermont, 5 March 1813, aged about 80 (PuChR 1:107, in VtVR and PuVR[pub] 335). He married probably in Attleborough, Massachusetts—intentions were declared at neighbor-ing Rehoboth 24 November 1753—MARY WILMARTH of Attleborough, who was born there 2 February 1726/7 and died probably in Calais, Vermont, not long before 13 March 1813,[40] aged 86, daughter of Nathan and Mary (Stacy) Wilmarth (RMarInt; AVR 296, 616; CaT&VR 1:196).[41]
Timothy Redway served seven days as a private in the Rehoboth militia company of Capt. John Lyon or Capt. Jesse Perrin (both companies were reported on one roll), which marched to Boston in response to the Lexington alarm of 19 April 1775. Later serving with Capt. Nathaniel Carpenter’s Company, he was stationed at Brookline for six weeks and dismissed 15 January 1776. With Capt. Sylvanus Martin’s Company, Col. Thomas Carpenter’s Regiment, he marched from Rehoboth to Bristol, Rhode Island, following the Newport alarm of 8 December 1776 (Mass Soldiers 13:40, 49).
On 21 March 1778, Timothy sold his homestead farm and over 80 acres of additional land,[42] all in the Palmer’s River section of Rehoboth (BrLR 59:71); wartime inflation elevated the sale
40 A genealogy of Radway and allied families describes the Putney Congregational Church record of Mary (Wil-marth) Redway’s death as the last one listed for 1812 (Beach, Radway 28). Other accounts of the same record date the death of “Mrs. Redaway” as 1813 (no day or month) (PuChR 1:106, in VtVR and PuVR[pub] 335).
41 There were two Mary Wilmarths of Attleborough during this period. One, born there 22 Aug. 1733, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Chub) Wilmarth, was two months older than Timothy. That 86-year-old “Mrs. Redaway” died in late 1812 or early 1813, however, indicates that she was about six years his senior and thus the Mary Wilmarth identified in the narrative.
This account of Timothy Redway and his family draws heavily from Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, “The Redway/Radway Family of Putney, Vermont: A Branch of the Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Redways,” NEHGR 154(2000):446–58.
42 The 1771 Massachusetts Tax Valuation List indicates that 31 acres of Timothy’s Rehoboth land was “improved.” For relevant Bristol Co. deed abstracts, see Early Rehoboth 1:147–48.
James4, Timothy, and Samuel Redway
price to £1,124. He then took his family to Putney, on the Connecticut River in southeastern Ver-mont, where on 11 May of the following year he was named a tithingman [enforcer of the Sab-bath] (PuL,T&VR 1:1:6). He was chosen a hayward there in 1780, a surveyor [overseer] of high-ways in 1781, and a tithingman again in 1785 (PuL,T&VR 1:1:9, 10, 28). From 6 August 1781 to the following 2 December, Timothy Redway (perhaps Timothy Jr., then 21) served in Capt. Elijah Gates’s company of volunteers, Col. Benjamin Wait’s Battalion (Vt Soldiers 542). He is named on a list of Putney freemen dated 6 September 1796 (PuL,T&VR 1:1:461, 464 [date in margin]).
Timothy sold his 100-acre homestead farm at Putney (Lot 9, Range 13) to sons David and Jonathan on 11 September 1787 (PuL,T&VR 2:7; see also 2:5–6). That same day, the latter two signed a £500 bond, promising in great specificity to provide their parents, who “are advanced in years and almost past Labouring[,] . . . [with] Comfortable Support During their Natural Lives” (PuL,T&VR 2:255–56). On 2 January 1794, however, Timothy repurchased the property and, with wife Mary, the next day discharged David and Jonathan of their support obligation (PuL,T&VR 2:255 [margin], 298 [3 Jan 1793 (sic)], 3:20–21). The young men were objects of a writ of eject-ment, which Timothy, in repurchasing the farm, agreed to fight at his own risk and expense (PuL, T&VR 3:22). He must have succeeded, for on 3 September 1794 he deeded back to Jonathan that half of the Putney farm the latter had formerly occupied and on 2 October 1795 sold back to David the half of the farm he had previously taken up (PuL,T&VR 3:77–78, 196). On 1 May 1796, with the family homestead once more in their possession, David and Jonathan again agreed to provide their parents a lifetime annuity consisting of one-third of the farm’s products, a third of meat killed, and the use of a horse, 10 sheep, and firewood (PuL,T&VR 3:345).
The deaths of Timothy and his son Jonathan, which occurred only days apart, were caused by “fever” (PuChR 1:106, 107, in VtVR). This was undoubtedly spotted fever [cerebrospinal menin-gitis], which killed an estimated 6,400 in Vermont during the fall and winter of 1812–1813. Called the worst scourge ever to befall the state, the epidemic originated among troops quartered at Bur-lington. “Whole families were attacked and death frequently occurred in a few hours. There were often none who were well enough to care for the sick or bury the dead” (Green Mtn 605–6). Timo-thy was buried probably on the family farm (see Putney Hist 109).
Although Timothy’s wife, Mary, died about the same time as he (perhaps another casualty of the epidemic), her final resting place is somewhat less certain. She was undoubtedly the “Poley [Polly] Readaway” who in December 1809 was one of several people, including her son Timothy, ordered to depart the town of Calais with their respective families (CaT&VR 1:216). Though perhaps living at Putney in 1810 (US Census, Windham Co VT 320), she was of Calais in 1812 and evidently died there rather than Putney, as generally assumed. An account of expenditures by the town’s overseer of the poor for 1812, presented for reimbursem*nt on 13 March 1813, includes a $30.62 item “for property paid Mary Readway and other Expirees [emphasis added] in atendding to the sam affare to be taken out of the property taken of Henry Hammond” (CaT&VR 1:196).
From 1812 to 1820 the surname of Timothy’s son Wilmarth, daughter-in-law Martha (Jona-than’s widow), and their respective families underwent a transition from Redway to Radway (see PuLR 4:570, 580, 621, 5:56–622 passim, 6:62–532 passim, 7:29–361 passim; 1820 US Census, Putney 133, 134). While certain of Wilmarth’s descendants retained the latter spelling, others reverted to the former; all Jonathan’s descendants appear to have remained Radways. (It is ironic that this modification did not follow on the heels of the Redways’ migration to Putney but occurred after more than 30 years there. Timothy’s other two sons and their respective families left Putney before the transition began and escaped it altogether.)
Children, surname REDWAY/RADWAY, all born in Rehoboth (RVR 3:60 [all]; SoVR 2:28 [no. vii]):
i. WILMARTH5, b. 29 May 1755, d. Putney 27 or 28 Jan. 1837, aged 82 (g.s., in VtVR; PuVR n.p.; PuChR in PuVR[pub] 335); m. Rehoboth 20 Nov. (int. 13 Sep.) 1777, CHARITY THURBER, b. probably Rehoboth ca. 1754, d. Putney 16 or 17 June 1836, aged 82, daughter of Joseph and
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Rebecca (Goff) Thurber (RVR 3:292; RMarInt; g.s., in PuVR[pub] 334; PuVR n.p.).[43] Wil-marth was a Revolutionary militiaman while living at Rehoboth (Mass Soldiers 13:49). He was of Brookline, on Putney’s western border, when on 23 April 1812 he purchased for $1,000 a 100-acre Putney homestead farm (Lot 8, Range 14) bounded on the west by the line separat-ing the two towns (PuLR 4:580; Putney Hist 47–48). He appears to have occupied the same property previously: when it was announced that an 8 Oct. 1804 Putney town meeting would take up the matter of setting off to Brookline a portion of western Putney, the proposed town line was described as running south “to the North line of Willmorth Readways land then west-erly to the west line of said land, then southerly on the west line of said Redways land.” The town meeting record, in describing the town line after the grant to Brookline was approved, refers to Wilmarth’s property as “the eighth lot in the fourteenth Range” (PuT&VR 65). All known property owned by Redway/Radway family members in Putney was clustered in this, the southwest part of the town (see all Putney deeds cited throughout this section). It is in two records of 1812 Putney land transactions to which Wilmarth was a principal party that the family name first appears as Radway (PuLR 4:570, 580).
While Putney town records indicate that his brothers were Baptists for a few years (below), there is no such evidence pertaining to Wilmarth. That in 1791 he named a son Maturin, how-ever, indicates high regard for the revivalist Rev. Maturin Ballou and probable membership in Putney’s first Baptist church, formed in 1787 after multiple baptisms performed by Ballou (Putney Hist 103). Wilmarth and Charity are buried in Dipping Hole Cemetery, the old Con-gregational burying ground at West Hill, near their homestead (VtVR; PuVR[pub] 334).
Redway/Radway children, b. Putney (PuT&VR 376): 1. Hannah6, b. 8 April 1780. 2. Rebecca, b. 26 May 1783. 3. Wilmarth, b. 12 Dec. 1785. 4. Maturin, b. 6 Dec. 1791. 5. Joseph Thurber, b. 13 Nov. 1793. 6. Charity, b. 25 Feb. 1796.
ii. JOANNA, b. 25 Sept. 1757, d. Rehoboth 13 May 1759, in 2nd yr. (g.s., Palmer’s River Meeting-house Cem).
iii. TIMOTHY, b. 13 April 1760, d. probably at or near Calais, Vt., after mid-March 1813 (after 30 April 1817?); m. probably at Royalston, Mass. (int. Putney 27 April 1783), FREELOVE KINGS-LEY of Royalston, b. Rehoboth or Swansea, Mass., ca. 1759, daughter of Peleg and Sarah (Wood) Kingsley (PuL,T&VR 1:1:334; WorPR 25:3, case A35432; SwVR B:121, 207, 209). Timothy appears on the same 6 Sept. 1796 list of Putney freemen as his father and all but one of his brothers (PuL,T&VR, 1:1:462). The Timothy Redway listed in town records on 30 July 1799 as a Baptist is not described as Jr. but was probably he (PuT&VR 19). His name does not appear, however, on an 1806 list of those in disagreement with majority religious opinion (PuT&VR 435–36).
On 23 March 1785, Timothy paid his father $100 for 100 acres in western Putney (Lot 7, Range 14), of which he sold off a third [sic] in 1794 (PuLR 3:68, 4:96). By 8 Oct. 1808, when for $333 he sold the remainder (the original lot’s south half [sic]), he was living on the western part of it, which had been set off to the adjacent town of Brookline (PuLR 4:401; Put-ney Hist 47–48, 163). It was at about this time that Timothy and his family migrated to the central-Vermont town of Calais, where son Peleg appears on its 1809 Grand [tax] List (Vt Hist Gaz 4:176). Despite a warning-out order issued there on 14 Dec. 1809 (served 21 Dec.) against Timothy, his mother, and their respective families, he was still a head of household at Calais the next year (CaT&VR 1:216; 1810 US Census, Caledonia Co VT 149).44 In mid-March 1813, he was reported as having three children in the West School District there (CaT&VR 1:184). While no further record can be connected to him with certainty, his descendants are found at Calais and vicinity (e.g., Montpelier, Worcester, and Berlin) for many decades there-after. (On 19 April 1817 the selectmen of Putney ordered the constable to summon Timothy Redway and five others “now residing in Putney to Depart the Said Town”; eleven days later the warrant was served on Redway and another individual “by leaving a true and attested coppy thereof at [their] Usial places of abode” [PuT&VR 297]. It is uncertain whether the “warned out” Redway was the subject Timothy or his 18-year-old namesake son.)
43 For evidence supporting the identification of Charity Thurber’s parents, see RVR 2:18, 268, 3:81; PuT&VR 376. 44 Warnings out were often not enforced. Their main purpose was to formally free a town of responsibility for new-
comers, whose respective towns of origin were then held for their support if they became a public charge.
James4, Timothy, and Samuel Redway
Redway children, b. Putney (PuT&VR 380): 1. Peleg, b. 12 Dec. 1784. 2. Mehitabel, b. 7 May 1786. 3. Lucy, b. 19 May 1788. 4. Mary, b. 2 Dec. 1790. 5. Sarah, b. 13 Oct. 1792. 6. Freelove, b. 9 June 1796. 7. David, b. 10 Aug. 1797. 8. Timothy, b. 9 Aug. 1798. 9. Phoebe,[45] b. 26 March 1800.
iv. DAVID, b. 26 March 1762, d. Barnston, Stanstead Co., Québec, Canada, 21 March 1851, aged 88 yrs., 11 mos., 23 da. (BaChR);[46] m. probably Putney—int. there 25 (not 28) Jan. 1789—ELIZABETH WESTCOTT/WESTCOAT of Putney, b. probably Rehoboth or adjacent Dighton, Mass., ca. 1764, d. Barnston 6 March 1845, aged 81, daughter of Richard and Rachel (Goff) Westcott/Westcoat/Waistcoat/etc. (PuL,T&VR 1:1:341; RVR 2:268; BrLR 50:231; g.s.).[47]
David was of Putney as late as 2 Jan. 1794, when his father reassumed ownership of the family farm to fight David and brother Jonathan’s ejectment (PuL,T&VR 3:20–22). When on 2 Oct. 1795 his father deeded half the Putney homestead farm back to him, David was living in Warwick, Mass.—wife Elizabeth’s father, a brazier, had brought his family there from Dighton between 1765 and 1773—where he stayed probably less than two years (PuL,T&VR 3:196; BrLR 50:231; War[Mass]VR 1:68). By 1 May 1796, David had returned to Putney and the following 6 Sept. was listed among the town’s freemen (PuL,T&VR 1:1:462, 3:345). On 22 March 1804, David was identified in Putney records as a Baptist (PuT&VR 59); he was not on a similar, 1806 list, however. Between 17 and 21 Jan. 1807, he disposed of all his lands at Putney, including the aforementioned half of his father’s former farm, which he sold for $600 to brother Jonathan, who already owned the other half (PuLR 4:318, 319, 419).
Presumably, David and his family left Putney about this time. Absent from the U.S. census after 1800, they next appear in the northern-Vermont town of Burke, where on 25 May 1813 a warning-out order was issued against them and served on David’s wife (Burke T&VR A:146). The only subsequent New England record found for any member of this family is that of the marriage at Burke 28 Oct. 1816 (not 1815) of David’s namesake and only known son to Nancy Humphrey (Burke T&VR A:445). While it is uncertain if the family was residing at Burke at this time (neither party’s residence is noted), the record’s failure to refer to the groom as Jr. suggests that David Sr. and thus the bulk of his family were living elsewhere. Although available records do not put them in Quebec until 1817 (NEHGR 154:452n59), they may have arrived there as early as 1807, directly from Putney. (In Canada, the War of 1812 produced conditions inhospitable to immigrants seen as loyal to the American cause; this could explain the Redways’ presence at Burke in 1813.) The earliest known contemporary record of father or son in Quebec is the 1825 provincial census, which locates both men in Barnston Township, whose southern border abuts the Vermont townships of Holland and Norton; listed successively as heads of household are David Redway, David Redway 2nd, and Wheeler Westcoat [eldest child of Elizabeth’s brother Richard] (1825 Quebec Census, Richelieu Co 728; War[Mass]VR 1:45). David and Elizabeth, David Jr. and Nancy, and three of the latter couple’s daughters are buried in Barnston’s Buckland Cemetery (findagrave.com). Buried in Old North Church Ceme-tery, North Hatley, also in Stanstead Co., is Ruth F. Radway, wife of Silas Perkins [and prob-able daughter of David and Elizabeth Redway] (ibid.). Silas was blind; Ruth, “though ‘tender eyed,’ was not entirely blind” (Stan Co Hist 294; see pp. 40, 48, 50 below).
Redway children, b. probably Putney: 1. David, b. 10 Aug. 1793 (findagrave.com). 2. Probably Ruth F., b. __ Sep. 1797 (bur rec, Old North Ch Cem). Probably others.
v. JONATHAN, b. 13 March 1764, d. Putney 1 or 2 March 1813, aged 49 (g.s., in PuVR[pub] 334 and VtVR [Radway]; PuChR 1:106, in VtVR), bur. Dipping Hole Cemetery, Putney; m. there 18 Feb. (int. 31 Jan.) 1790, MARTHA WESTCOTT/WESTCOAT, b. probably Rehoboth or Digh-
45 From the 1873 Montpelier death record of Phoebe Redway, aged 73, it is clear that the name entered in the birth
record of Timothy Redway’s last child, transcribed by some as Lebe and others as Tibi, is actually Febe (Vt Hist Gaz 4: 329; see, for example, PuVR[pub] 95).
46 David Redway gravestone, Buckland Cemetery, Barnston, d. 20 March 1851, aged 90 (findagrave.com). 47 For evidence supporting the identification of Elizabeth Westcott’s parents, see RVR 2:136, 173, 268, 6:94; BrLR
66:319, 467; War[Mass]VR 1:45, 68, 77, 78, 2:260; PuT&VR 397; PuL,T&VR 2:298 (witness), 3:78 (witness); PuLR 6:248 (witness); Heads of Fams, Mass 127 (Richard Waistcoat, Richard Waistcoat 2nd); 1800 US Census, Warwick, Hampshire Co MA 40 (Richard Weastcoat, Richard Weastcoat Jr.); 1825 Quebec Census, Barnston, Richelieu Co 728 (David Redway, David Redway 2nd, Wheeler Westcoat).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
ton, Mass., ca. 1766, d. Newburg (Cleveland), Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, 9 March 1852, aged 85, bur. Harvard Grove Cemetery, Cleveland, daughter of Richard and Rachel (Goff) Westcott/ Westcoat/Waistcoat/etc. (PuL,T&VR 1:1:343, 1:2:15; RVR 2:268; BrLR 50:231; findagrave .com [Radway]).[48] Jonathan, who had married a sister of his brother David’s wife, lived in the sisters’ hometown of Warwick about the same time as did David but probably even more briefly. Like his brother, he had been of Putney on 2 Jan. 1794 (PuL,T&VR 3:20–22). Of War-wick when on 3 Sept. of that year his father deeded half the Putney homestead farm back to him, he probably returned to Putney about that time (PuL,T&VR 3:77–78). Clearly by 1 May 1796, Jonathan had returned to Putney and on 6 Sept. of that year was listed among the town’s freemen (PuL,T&VR 1: 1:463; 3:345). In 1807, he bought David’s half of what had been their father’s farm (PuLR 4:318). Like David, he was listed as a Baptist on 22 March 1804 and does not appear on a similar, 1806 list (PuT&VR 59). Since Jonathan’s death is reported in the rec-ords of the Putney Congregational Church (1:106, in VtVR), he had apparently resumed wor-shipping there.
Jonathan’s estate inventory, presented to the court on 24 May 1813, valued his personal property at $492 and 150 acres of real estate at $1,890 (WePR D:380–82). Debts accruing to the estate forced widow Martha, who was granted letters of administration on 25 March 1813, to sell an “out pasture” of about 50 acres in two transactions totaling $379 (WePR D:323, E:219–20, F:127–28; PuLR 5:56, 166). The 100-acre homestead farm, valued at $1,600, was finally distributed on 24 March 1818 to Martha and six of the ten surviving children (WePR F:183–86). Son Lovell acquired his siblings’ interests in the property, which he sold out of the family in 1832 (PuLR 7:305–61 passim). Martha remarried between 1820 and 1823, taking as her second husband John Priest of Westminster, on Putney’s northern border (1820 US Cen-sus, Putney, Windham Co VT 133 [Radway]; PuLR 6:62, 63, 338, 350, 7:123).
Redway/Radway children, b. Putney (except perhaps no. 3) (PuT&VR 397): 1. Bethany, b. 7 March 1791. 2. Experience, b. 2 Dec. 1792. 3. Arad, b. [Warwick?] 17 Aug. 1794. 4. Martha, b. 2 Aug. 1796. 5. Daniel, b. 16 May 1798. 6. Rachel, b. 3 June 1800. 7. Elizabeth, b. 26 July 1802. 8. Richard, b. 24 July 1804. 9. Preserved, b. 26 June (d. 24 July) 1806. 10. Laban, b. 16 Dec. 1807. 11. Lovell, 26 Aug. 1809.
vi. ELIZABETH, b. 5 March 1766, d. Putney 16 March 1843, aged 77 (PuVR 17; g.s., in VtVR); m. probably Putney ca. 1793, SAMUEL BLANDIN(G)/BLANDEN, b. Attleborough 7 July 1766, d. Putney 14 Feb. 1813, aged 47, son of Daniel and Sarah (La[i]ne) Blandin(g) (Emma Redway notes; AVR 36, 332; PuChR 1:106 and g.s., in VtVR). A Samuel Blandin(g) served from 1 to 7 Aug. 1780 as a private in Capt. Israel Trow’s Company, Col. Isaac Dean’s Bristol Co. Regi-ment, on an alarm at Rhode Island (Mass Soldiers 2:164); that Elizabeth’s eventual husband was then 14 does not rule him out. Not recorded as a householder in 1790,[49] Samuel was chosen a hayward at the first meeting of Brookline townsmen in 1794 (Vt Hist Gaz 5:2:378). The next year he witnessed Timothy Redway Sr.’s deed of half his farm to Elizabeth’s brother David (PuL,T&VR 3:196). The family moved the short distance from Brookline to Putney between Aug. 1800 and 20 Jan. 1804 (1800 US Census, Brookline, Windham Co VT 593; Vt Warnings 2:246). Despite a warning-out order issued against them there on the latter date, they were living at Putney, perhaps on Redway land, in 1810 (US Census, Windham Co 319).
The date of Samuel’s premature death suggests that he, too, was a victim of the spotted-fever epidemic that killed Elizabeth’s father, brother, and, perhaps, mother. Letters of admini-stration on Samuel’s estate were granted on 25 March 1813 to Elizabeth’s brother Wilmarth (WePR D:322). The estate, a modest $73.42 (no land), was awarded to widow Elizabeth for the support of two children under seven years of age, one crippled from birth, left by the deceased (WePR D:374–75, 561–62). Presumably, these were the two girls, aged 10–15, in Elizabeth’s household in 1820; another probable child, a 16–18-year-old boy, was then living
48 The 1850 U.S. census for Newburg, Ohio, lists Martha (aged 85, born in Massachusetts) in the household of her
youngest son, wagon maker “L[ovell] Rodway,” aged 38 [sic] (1850 US Census, Cuyahoga Co OH 650 [Rodway]). For sources supporting the identification of Martha Westcott’s parents, see the preceding note.
49 Samuel may have been one of three males over 16 living in his father’s Attleborough household in 1790 (Heads of Fams, Mass 41). Elizabeth was almost certainly among the four females in her father’s Putney household in 1790 (Heads of Fams, Vt 53).
James4, Timothy, and Samuel Redway
nearby with her son Samuel (1820 US Census, Putney 133).[50] Elizabeth never remarried and died a pauper (PuVR 17); she and Samuel are buried in Dipping Hole Cemetery, Putney (g.s., in VtVR).
Blandin(g)/Blanden children (Blanding Fam 37),[51] 1–4 b. Brookline, 5 b. Brookline or Putney, 6–8 b. Putney: 1. Samuel, b. 5 Jan. 1794. 2. Betsey, b. 26 Oct. 1796. 3. Rebecca, b. __ Aug. 1798. 4. Olive, b. 26 March 1800. 5. Jacob, b. 29 May 1803. 6. Othniel H., b. [ca.?] 1805. 7. Sarah/Sally, b. ca. Feb. 1808.[52] 8. Mary, b. by 1810.[53]
vii. MARY, b. 2 July 1768, d. probably Ludlow, Vt., between 1830 and 1840; m. probably Putney—int. there 15 Feb. 1795—as his second wife, JAMES THURSTON, b. Rehoboth 23 Oct. 1757, d. probably Ludlow between 1830 and 1840, son of James and Phebe (Perkins) Thurston (PuL,T& VR 1:1:432; RVR 3:14; SoVR 2:28; BridgVR 2:369).[54] He—with first wife Mary (Guild), daughter of Ebenezer and Margaret (Pond) Guild of Wrentham, Mass.[55]—had had at least one daughter, Sally, born Putney 17 Aug. 1789 (WrenVR 1:106, 2:309, 380; Heads of Fams, Vt 53; SoVR 2:28).
James Thurston (with brother Obed) served in the Revolution as a private in Col. Topham’s Regiment, part of a Rhode Island brigade raised in Dec. 1776 and discharged 16 March 1780 (RI Spirit 61, 63, 82, 120). He reached Putney no later than 1789 but might not have owned land there until 22 Aug. 1794, when he purchased two acres in Lot 5, Range 11 (PuL,T&VR 3:76). He sold that parcel on 31 Oct. 1796 and the following 3 Feb. bought 100 acres at Strat-ton, about 20 miles to the west (PuL,T&VR 3:205; StrLR 2:126). He sold off 60 acres in 1800 (two transactions) and the remaining 40 on 28 Jan. 1802, two days after paying $300 for a 47-acre homestead farm at adjacent Somerset (StrLR 2:121, 165, 187–88; SoLR 1:134, 138). He sold the Somerset land between 1803 and 1807 (three transactions), netting $70 less than he had paid for it (SoLR 1:174, 193, 234).[56] Thurston’s last known purchase, 25 acres at Somerset in the latter year, seems to have been more profitable: he sold that lot on 22 Dec. 1809 for $300, more than twice the purchase price (SoLR 1:236, 423). By mid-1810 the Thurstons were living in the southern district of Wardsboro (now Dover), on Somerset’s eastern border (1810 US Census, Windham Co VT 379). Their stay there might have been short-lived, how-ever: a warning-out order was issued against James and his family on 15 Oct. 1810 (Vt Warn-ings 2:178). (That Thurston owned no real estate at Wardsboro—combined with his pattern of buying land, gradually selling it off [at least once at a loss], and moving on—tempts one to speculate that the proceeds from the 1809 sale at Somerset had gone to paying debts incurred there [see SoLR 1:138–39].) The family does not reappear in the records until 1820, when
50 Samuel Blanden of Putney, Vt., and Gouverneur, N.Y., was the father of V[olney] R. Blanden of Belleville, N.Y.,
identified in Redway family records as the grandson of Elizabeth Redway, wife of Samuel Blandin (1850 US Census, Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co NY 187; Jeff Co Gaz 441; Emma Redway notes).
51 The Blanding genealogy does not cite primary sources for the birthdates of these children, and no date is given for either of the last two (see Blanding Fam 37). That of Samuel is found in his Bible, in possession of Howard Blanding, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., when copied by Nina W. Smithers in 1958 (Ruth Blandin Peters, “Blanding Genealogy,” e-mail to author, 14 Jan 1999); his birthplace (with birth year) is found in Jeff Co Gaz 441). The comparably precise birthdates of several of Samuel’s siblings presumably came from other, similar family records.
52 Sally Blanden, 42, was enumerated in her brother Samuel’s household in the 1850 U.S. census (Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co NY 187). Her Putney death record contains the following data: d. 14 Nov. 1878; 70 yrs., 9 mos.; single; b. Townshend [sic] [also in Windham Co.] (PuVR[pub] 263).
53 Mary was presumably among the three girls under 10 in the 1810 Putney household of Samuel “Blandding” (1810 US Census 319); it is possible that she was seventh in the birth order.
54 James Thurston [Sr.], of Rehoboth as late as 1771, was living in Cumberland, R.I., by 1774 and Plainfield, Conn., by 1778 (1771 Mass Tax List 596–97; 1774 RI Census 208; PlainLR 6:311; see also RIVR 3:5:30 [Jonathan Fisher Jr. mar rec]). Rhode Island’s 1777 military census records him as aged 50–60, a Cumberland resident “belonging” to Rehoboth (1777 RI Census 31). There is no evidence that he ever lived at Chester, Vt., as did his son (Mary’s husband) James (1820), let alone Chester, Mass., as claimed in Thurston Gen 371 (p. 370 should nevertheless be consulted for this family’s later connections to Cumberland).
55 For evidence supporting the identification of James Thurston’s first wife, see RVR 3:14; SoVR 2:28; WrenVR 1:104, 106, 2:309, 380; 1774 RI Census 208; RIVR 3:5:30, 63, 64; LudLR 8:156; Guild Fam 51.
56 That part of Somerset not annexed by Stratton and Wilmington in 1858 became a wilderness area in 1937.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
they are found, again landless, about 25 miles north-northeast, at Chester (US Census, Windsor Co VT 204).
During the 1820s the Thurstons evidently lived for a time in Cumberland, R.I., which had once been James’s home.[57] By the end of the decade, however, a dwindling Thurston house-hold was again in Vermont: on 1 Sept. 1829, son Ebenezer—”of Cavendish [on Chester’s northern border] … formerly of Cumberland[,] … Rhode Island”—purchased 76 acres in the southwesterly part of neighboring Ludlow, where the next year he was enumerated a head of household (LudLR 8:156–57; 1830 US Census, Windsor Co 155). Living in Ebenezer’s Ludlow home in 1830 were two males 20–29, one male 80–89 [70–79 probably intended] and one female 60–69; these were undoubtedly Ebenezer, his brother John, and their parents. Given the parents’ advanced ages and that no one of comparable age was living in Ebenezer’s 1840 Ludlow household, James and Mary probably had died during the previous decade (1840 US Census, Windsor Co 296).[58] Of 105 graves visible by 1949 at Ludlow’s South Hill Cemetery, 21 were unmarked (Ludlow Hist 143); perhaps those of James and Mary are among them.
Thurston children of Mary Redway, 1 b. Putney, 2 b. Stratton, 3–5 b. Somerset (SoVR 2: 28): 1. Huldah (not Hullah), b. 14 Jan. 1796. 2. Lydia, b. 12 Sep. 1800. 3. Mary, b. 31 Aug. 1802. 4. Ebenezer, b. 31 Dec. 1805. 5. John, b. 1 Jan. 1809 (1810?).[59]
7. SAMUEL4 REDWAY (Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, 11 (baptized 18) March 1737/8 and died in Aurelius, Cayuga Co., New York, 7 December 1812, in his 77th [sic] year (RVR 2:28; RChR 10; g.s.). He married first in Attleborough, Massachusetts, 21 February (intentions 4 January) 1760, ABIA FOLLETT, who was born in Norton, Massachusetts, 16 September 1735 and died in Lanesborough, Massachusetts, on 23 February 1785, daughter of Jonathan and Abia (Hodges) Follett.[60] He married second, after 23 February 1785, JERUSHA ______, who was born about 1749 and died in Aurelius 3 December 1812, in her 64th year (g.s.). Samuel and Jerusha were buried in Galpin/Grover Hill Cemetery, in that part of Aurelius set off as Fleming in 1823 (CayCemR [Galpin Hill] 2).
Private Samuel Redway responded with other Rehoboth militiamen (including his brother Tim-othy) to the alarm at Lexington 19 April 1775. With Capt. Israel Hix’s Company, Col. Thomas Carpenter’s Regiment, he marched to Bristol, Rhode Island, on the alarm at Newport, 8 December 1776. He served as a sergeant with Capt. Sylvanus Martin’s Company, Col. Williams’s Regiment, at Tiverton, Rhode Island, from 29 September to 30 October 1777 and was again at Tiverton with the Hix–Carpenter unit from 1 to 8 August 1780 (Mass Soldiers 13:40, 49).
The last of the Redway brothers to leave Rehoboth (their cousin Thomas [no. 4.ii] remained), Samuel and wife Abia received £840 for their 72-acre farm in the town’s Palmer’s River section
57 At least one of James’s sisters, Abigail (Mrs. Noah) Ballou, and his eldest daughter, Sally (Mrs. Emerson) Tower, were already living in Cumberland during this period (Thurston Gen 370); James and Mary’s daughter Lydia married at Cumberland in 1825 (RIVR 3:5:63).
58 The staple Thurston genealogy gives James Thurston’s residence as Franklin, Mass., and states that son John lived in Rhode Island and son Ebenezer went west (Thurston Gen 370). There is no evidence that James ever lived in Franklin, though his sisters Huldah (Mrs. Samuel) Heaton and Abigail (Mrs. Noah) Ballou did—the latter after many years at Cumberland, Rhode Island (RVR 3:14; WrenVR 2:380; FrankVR 150; Thurston Gen 370); James’s first wife’s brother Ebenezer Guild also lived there (Heads of Fams, Mass 201; Guild Fam 85). John Thurston sold his Ludlow homestead in 1856 (reserving the premises until 1 April 1857) and had settled at Burrillville, R.I., by 1870 (LudLR 16:497 [see also 21:322]; 1870 US Census, Providence Co RI 40 [parts of the 1860 US Census for Burrillville are illegible]). John’s sisters Lydia (Mrs. Seth) Harden and Mary Thurston and half-sister Sally (Mrs. Emerson) Tower were at nearby Cumberland (RIVR 3:5:63; 1850, 1860 US censuses, Providence Co RI 127, 153, resp.; Thurston Gen 370). Ebenezer did in fact go west, migrating to Berlin, Wis., in the late 1840s (1850 US Census, Marquette Co 131). That unnamed sons of James and Mary (Redway) Thurston are said in Emma Redway’s notes to have lived in Sher-burne, Vt., is thus demonstrably false.
59 John’s age is reported as 40 in the 1850 U.S. census for Ludlow (Windsor Co VT 265). The year 1809 entered in his birth record may thus reflect the tendency to continue writing the old year in the first few days of the new one.
60 For primary sources and resolution of conflicts in surnames and vital-event dates recorded for Abia, see Eugene Cole Zubrinsky, “Samuel Redway of Rehoboth, Massachusetts: His First Wife and Later Life,” NEHGR 150(1996): 311–14.
James4, Timothy, and Samuel Redway
on 15 November 1780 (BrLR 63:361).[61] Soon thereafter they migrated to Berkshire County, in western Massachusetts, settling in Lanesborough, where on 5 November 1781 they acknowledged the sale of their former homestead (BrLR 63:361). The following August, Samuel made his only recorded land purchase at Lanesborough (BerkLR1 14:171–72). He sold the property in two trans-actions, the second occurring on 7 September 1784 (ibid. 17:352, 18:38). Almost six months later at Lanesborough, however, “the House of Mr. Samuel Redway [presumably standing on a home lot granted by the town] . . . was consumed by Fire. His wife and a young Child perished in the Flames” (Prov Gaz 12 March 1785).
How long Samuel remained at Lanesborough after this tragedy is unknown. Perhaps he returned to Rehoboth for a time: on 18 October 1788, an attachment order was issued against Samuel, “late of Rehoboth,” for nonpayment of a debt to Rehoboth physician Joseph Bridgham (BrLR 67:333). The 1793 marriage of his daughter Lucy “Wredway” to Cornet Timothy Walker, both of Rehoboth, suggests resumed residence or lengthy visits there (RVR 4:239). By 26 December 1789, however, when Samuel sold his inherited interest in Rehoboth real estate left by his deceased cousin Thomas Redway, he was living at Charlotte River in Harpersfield District, Montgomery (now Delaware) County, New York (BrLR 69:256). By mid-1790, he had moved to Chemung, where his house-hold contained two males 16 or older (including himself), one male under 16, and six females (Heads of Fams, Montgomery Co NY 105). There is no record of Redway land ownership at either Harpersfield or Chemung.
The family settled finally at Aurelius, where on 13 April 1795 Samuel Redway registered his livestock’s earmark (AurTR 1:463). The next year, Samuel, wife Jerusha, and son Samuel Jr. joined the recently formed Baptist church in Aurelius (later Fleming Baptist Church) (Fleming Hist 14, 100). The 1800 federal census for Aurelius shows his household as including a female 45 or older and three females between 10 and 15 (Cayuga Co NY 712 [Redaway]). His only known adult son, Samuel Jr., purchased a 50-acre lot there on 8 October 1799 and sold it on 1 September 1800 (CayLR B:368, 371). The Redway name last appears as a principal party in Cayuga County land records on 5 November 1800, when Samuel Redway [Jr.?] bought 109¾ acres at Aurelius (CayLR B:359).[62] Since Samuel Sr. does not appear in the 1810 U.S. census, and Samuel Jr. had died about five years earlier (see below), evidently the former man and his wife were by then members of another household—perhaps that of George Follett, a nephew of Samuel Sr.’s first wife and resident of Aurelius by 1808 (CayLR H:376; 1810 US Census, Cayuga Co 1203). It is not known if Follett’s death, which occurred no more than two months after those of Samuel and his second wife, was in some way connected to them (NYGBR 72:196; see also NEHGR 150: 314n22).
Children, surname REDWAY, all with 1st wife; all born in Rehoboth (RVR 3:98, 196):
i. ABIA5, b. 27 Aug. 1760; no further record. ii. MARTHA, b. 12 June 1762, res. Lanesborough 1800 (US Census, Berkshire Co MA 149 [Rede-
way]). iii. LUCY, b. 14 Oct. 1764, d. Rehoboth 18 Nov. 1813, in 50th yr. (g.s., Newman Cem, Rumford,
East Providence, R.I. [originally Rehoboth, Mass.]); m. Rehoboth 11 July 1793 as his second wife, CAPT. TIMOTHY WALKER, b. Rehoboth 22 May 1751, d. there 2 April 1814, in 63rd year, son of Timothy and Elizabeth (Carpenter) Walker (RVR 2:209, 4:239 [Wredway]; g.s., Newman Cem; AVR 594). A cornet when they married, Walker died a captain (RVR 4:239; g.s.).[63]
61 The 1771 Massachusetts Tax Valuation List shows him as owning 22 “improved” acres. All Bristol Co. deeds
to which Samuel Redway was a party are abstracted in Early Rehoboth 1:149–50. 62 The deed by which Samuel Jr. sold the aforementioned 50 acres does not refer to him as Junior but is signed as
such (CayLR B:371, 373); Samuel Sr. was then 62. It is therefore likely that the younger man also made the final pur-chase. That there is no deed of sale for this lot indexed under the name Redway suggests that it was sold by one or more female heirs (and their respective husbands).
63 For children, see Seekonk, Mass., VR (orig. birth recs.) or Early Rehoboth 1:150.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
iv. CHLOE, b. 2 March 1767, m. Bristol, Addison Co., Vt., 4 Aug. 1814, EPHRAIM HUBBEL(L) [not Hubbard (see VtVR)] then of Vergennes, Addison Co., probably the man of that name b. Kent, Conn., 27 April 1767, d. Newburgh (Cleveland), Ohio, 8 Dec. 1835 (unconfirmed), bur. Har-vard Grove Cemetery, Cleveland, son of Jedediah and Lucy (Noble) Hubbell (Bristol VR 2:123; KentVR 1:132; Hubbell Fam 256, 274; Add Co Hist 663; 1810 [Monkton, Addison Co VT], 1820 [Ferrisburg, Addison Co] US censuses, 42A, 36A, resp.; IGI; findagrave.com).
v. ANNE/ANNA (twin), b. 7 June 1770, d. Armada, Macomb Co., Mich., 30 Jan. 1859 (findagrave .com); m. Bristol 18 Feb. 1798, GEORGE HENRY SUMNER, b. Thetford, Vt., 13 July 1771, d. Bristol 12 or 18 April 1848, son of Thomas Hunt and Rebecca (Downer) Sumner (Wm Sumner Desc 18, 42; findagrave.com; HebVR 2:106, 243).
vi. HANNAH (twin), b. 7 June 1770; no further record. vii. SAMUEL, b. 22 Jan. (not 21 June) 1775 (RVR 3:196);[64] d. Aurelius between Oct. 1804 and 25
Nov. 1805; m. (2?) ELIZABETH DICKINSON, b. Pennsylvania ca. 1784–1785, d. (as Elizabeth Park[s]) Troy, Oakland Co., Mich., 10 Sept. 1852, aged 68, daughter of William and Barbara (Boyer[s]) Dickinson.[65] Elizabeth m. (2) probably in or near Aurelius, _____ Irish (Parks desc. via Nancy (Lehto) Bailey, Rockford, Ill.); she m. (3), as his second wife, Robert R. Parks of Aurelius and Troy (Young Desc 490–91; 1810 US Census, Aurelius 1199 [Parks]); his first wife, Polly, d. Troy 30 June 1844 (interment.net [Beach Rd Cem]).
On 25 Nov. 1805, letters of administration were granted to Elizabeth “Raddeway” on the estate of Samuel Raddeway Jr., late of Aurelius (CayPR B1:73–74, in NYW). Also on that date, Elizabeth Raddeway, Jacob Boyers, and William Dickenson filed an administrative bond of $1,000 with the probate court (ibid.). Jacob Boyers was from Charlestown, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, probably where William Dickinson had married Boyers’s sister Barbara (Ches OCDP); the 1850 U.S. census lists Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert) Parks, 65, as born in Pennsylvania (Troy, Oakland Co MI 21). The fifth and sixth children of William and Barbara (Boyer[s]) Dickinson’s daughter Margaret (Mrs. John) Martin were named Samuel Redway and Margaret Elizabeth, respectively (1850 US Census, Troy 9; RootsWeb Tree). Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel) Redway’s grandson Horace Baker had Dickinson cousins (Young Desc 490–91; Dickinson ltrs). Her daughter Elizabeth B. Redway (b. 22 July 1805) married in Fleming [Samuel4 and Jerusha Redway’s burial place], 21 Dec. 1830, William Young Baker (Young Desc 490–91).
viii. JOHN, b. 14 Sept. 1779; no further record. Although neither he nor brother Samuel was yet 26 in 1800, it is possible that he is one of two men recorded as 26–44 in their father’s household that year (see above). Or perhaps he was the Redway child who died in 1785 in the aforemen-tioned Lanesborough house fire.
64 The published transcription of Samuel’s birth record erroneously has the date as 21 June 1775 (see RVR[pub] 729). 65 ChestOrphCt; 1800 US Census, Aurelius, Cayuga Co NY 712 (Redaway), 726 (Bower); 1810 US Census, Aure-
lius 1196 (Boyer); Fleming Hist 6, 18; Flem Hill Cem (Dickison); 1850 US Census, Troy 9, 21; interment.net (Beach Rd Cem); MichVR 57.
8. MOLLY5 REDWAY (James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Rehoboth, Massachu-setts, 7 August 1750 and baptized there 4 May 1760 (RVR 3:56; RChR 19); she died in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., New York, 28 December 1832, aged 82 (g.s.; AdChR [1821 admissions]). She mar-ried in Killingly, Windham (now Tolland) Co., Connecticut, 26 March 1775, EBENEZER BROWN, farmer, born there 7 April 1752[66] and died in Lorraine 3 January 1833, son of Josiah and Keziah (____)[67] Brown (Brown Fam 6; RevWarPF S44650, aged 66 in 1818; g.s.; Conn Mar 5:39, citing PutChR; KLR 13:34, 36). They are buried in Lorraine Rural Cemetery.
Ebenezer, whose family had long occupied the Chestnut Hill section of Killingly, became guardian to Molly’s brother Comfort following the death of their father, in 1777 (KLR 1:135, 10:87, 12:40, 13:34, 36; PomPR file 3377). Like Comfort and two others of Molly’s four brothers, Ebenezer was a soldier in the Revolution. His 1818 pension application, whose veracity was af-firmed by Comfort and Preserved Redway, indicates that he enlisted 8 July 1781; served in New York as a private in Capt. Benton’s Company, Col. Sherman’s Fifth Connecticut Regiment; fought in the Battle of White Plains and in skirmishes at Morrisania and elsewhere; and was discharged at West Point on 31 December 1783 (RevWarPF S44650). The Americans successfully attacked the British garrison at Morrisania, a village in what is now the Bronx, twice in March 1782. The White Plains conflict, however, occurred on 28 October 1776, long before Ebenezer began his stated term of service. In 1820 Ebenezer signed an affidavit detailing the “reduced [financial] cir-c*mstances” on which basis his pension had been granted two years earlier; in it he named his respective company and regimental commanders as Capt. Stillwell and Col. Huntington (ibid.). Since Col. Huntington’s 17th Connecticut Regiment did fight at White Plains, perhaps Ebenezer had served in the Connecticut Line previous to his 1781 enlistment.
66 Ebenezer’s gravestone has his age as 82, and his Revolutionary War pension file contains a deposition dated 6
July 1820, in which he gave his age as 70; both produce a calculated birth year of about 1750. It is likely that the former is an exaggeration and the latter an approximation.
67 From 1741 to 1746, the Putnam Congregational Church was without a minister, and members took their children to the Thompson Church to be baptized (Putnam Hist 19); both churches were then in Killingly. Thompson Church rec-ords indicate that “Keziah, wife of Josiah Brown,” was admitted to full communion on 16 June 1745. Putnam Church records describe “the wife of Josiah Brown” as “about 40” when she died, on 19 March 1761. That church’s records also reveal that a Kezia, daughter of John Cutler, was baptized on 19 July 1719. That Keziah (Mrs. Josiah) Brown’s death occurred 41 or 42 years after the birth of Keziah Cutler raises the possibility, albeit weak, that they were the same person. Keziah Cutler was living 8 Sept. 1727, when her father (d. before 12 March 1730) deeded to her and two sisters the right to 65 acres from Killingly’s common, undivided land and gave responsibility for her upbringing to his son Hezekiah (KLR 3:12a, 14; WinPR 1:2:198; see also Dawes–Gates 1:201–4). Hezekiah, and hence his sister Keziah, lived in the vicinity of Killingly Hill (now Putnam Heights), the site of successive Putnam Congregational meetinghouses (Dawes–Gates 1:204–5; Putnam Hist 11–12, 20). Among Kezia Cutler’s siblings was a brother Timothy, who is said to have died about 1736 or 1737 (Dawes–Gates 1:203; KLR 3:12); his estate inventory, however, was recorded in June 1743 (WinPR 2:442). Perhaps it was in his memory that Ebenezer Brown’s brother Timothy (bap. 28 July 1745) was named (Thompson ChR).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
On 12 September 1780, Ebenezer and Molly sold the 14-acre portion of her father’s farm dis-tributed to her two years earlier; they received a staggering £1,800—about eight times the £220 her father had paid for the entire 80-acre parcel in 1772 (KLR 9:61/88, 11:33; PomPR file 3377). This reflects the steep decline in the value of paper money during the active phase of the Revolu-tionary War (1775–1781). Twenty months earlier, Molly’s brother Joel and sister, Mehitabel, had sold their respective legacies, 11 acres and a quarter interest in the buildings, for £240 each (KLR 10:288–89, 297). When their brother Comfort sold his 13-acre inheritance in early 1782, however, the widespread debt, both governmental and personal, incurred during the active phase of the Revo-lution had caused a severe depression that lasted until the end of the decade; as a result, he received only £36 (KLR 9:191/214).
On 5 September 1787, Ebenezer and Molly sold their 45-acre Killingly farm and another, 13-acre parcel for £60 and £30, respectively (KLR 13:18, 19). Soon thereafter they migrated to Argyle, Washington County, New York—possibly by way of nearby Granville, where their son Parley’s Bible records his birth, in 1788 (Jeff Co Hist1 224; Brown Fam 144). They remained at Argyle for about a decade after their presence there was recorded in the 1790 U.S. census. In 1800 (deed issued 13 Aug. 1805), Ebenezer contracted with “land baron” Nicholas Low to buy 43½ acres in the southwest corner of Lot 53, now part of Adams village, in the town of the same name, in Jefferson County, New York (JeffLR A:262; Jeff Co Hist1 242). Over the next year, son Aaron Brown cleared the land, whose southern boundary was the Adams–Lorraine town line; the rest of the family joined him in 1801 (Jeff Co Hist1 224). Others of Molly’s siblings would follow, but she was thus the first Redway-by-birth to settle in Jefferson (then part of Oneida) County. On 30 June 1806, Ebenezer and Molly sold their Adams property to Aaron and moved for the last time, to adjacent Lorraine (then Malta); either Ebenezer or his namesake son was elected fence viewer there on 3 March 1807 (JeffLR A:262; LoTR, in Brown Fam 128). Molly was on 1 November 1821 propounded for admission to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams, no more than a couple of miles from her Lorraine home (AdChR [session recs] 21; AdChR [1821 admissions; year only]).
Children, surname BROWN, i–vi born in Killingly:
i. CHARLOTTE(6), b. ca. 1776 (Brown Fam 97), d. Lorraine/Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., N.Y., 24 July 1860 (Claflin Fam 68; g.s., Ellisburg Rural Cem); m. probably Argyle, by 1799, as his 2nd wife, AMOS CLAFLIN, b. Hopkinton, Mass., 6 Dec. 1769, d. Lorraine 13 Feb. 1829, son of Samuel and Mary (Bullard) Claflin (Brown Fam; JeffW 10:219; JeffEstPap box B–25 case 318; Claflin Fam 39–40, 68; g.s., Giddingsville Cem, Ellisburg). Like his father-in-law, Claflin’s home was at Argyle when he purchased land at Adams in 1800. It was he who surveyed the Adams land that Aaron Brown purchased from his parents in 1806 (1800 US Census, Argyle, Washington Co NY 258; Jeff Co Hist1 242; JeffLR A:262.)
ii. JOEL, entrepreneur, farmer, b. 7 Oct. 1777 (JCJ 15 Aug 1872), d. Lorraine 8 Aug. 1872, aged 94 yrs., 10 mos. (ibid.; Jeff Co Hist1 225); m. (1) Galway, Saratoga Co., N.Y., 1803,[68] NANCY ALLEN, b. Westport, Mass., 18 Jan. 1785, d. Ellisburg 8 Jan. 1844, aged 59, daughter of Joseph and Prudence (Earl) Allen (WesVR 18; Brown Fam 97; g.s., Pierrepont Manor Cem; Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:995–96); m. (2) ca. 1845, ABIGAIL/POLLY ______, b. N.H., ca. 1800 (1850 [Redfield, Oswego Co NY], 1860 [Lorraine, Jeff Co] US censuses, 147B, 164, resp.). Nancy’s father, a veteran of the Revolution, was a blacksmith and farmer who had brought his family from Dartmouth, Mass., to Galway, N.Y., in 1793. The 1800 U.S. Census shows the Allens to have been neighbors of Joel’s uncles James and Preserved Redway (nos. 9 and 12, resp.). In the fall of 1804, Joseph Allen bought 320 acres at Bear Creek (renamed Pierrepont Manor about 1840), becoming the first settler in that part of Ellisburg; Joel and Nancy were
68 From the following record, it might appear that Joel and Nancy married about 1800: Joel, son of Joel and Nancy
Brown, d. 29 Oct. 1801 [sic], aged 1 yr. 15 da. (g.s., Adams Rural Cem [findagrave.com]). In old, worn gravestone inscriptions, the number 4 is sometimes mistaken for a 1. From Nancy’s birth year (1785); marriage year as given in Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:996 (1803); age at death as inscribed on her gravestone (59 in 1844); and Joel’s 1800–1801 recovery at Argyle from an axe injury (below), that is probably what happened here.
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
then living about five miles to the north. Allen was county supervisor from Ellisburg in 1808 and 1809 and was also a magistrate; he built the present Pierrepont Manor Hotel about 1818.
At the age of 22 (probably in the fall of 1799) Joel, guided by marked trees, made his way by foot through the wilderness from Argyle to the valley of Sandy Creek. Though settle-ment is said to have consisted of only one house and a sawmill when he arrived, these were actually built the next year. After a week or 10 days of looking for land to purchase, he went home, intending to return in the spring. Instead, he was laid up for the better part of two years by a life-threatening accident with an axe. When he returned in the summer of 1801 to Town-ship No. 7 (or Aleppo, as present-day Adams was also then known), it was probably with his parents and siblings.
On 27 April 1802, Joel contracted to purchase 50 acres of Lot 140 in the northeast corner of Ellisburg, no more than two miles west of his family’s homestead on the Adams–Lorraine border (deed issued 26 May 1806). His uncle Preserved Redway settled on the remainder of Lot 140 in 1804. Joel and Nancy sold the Ellisburg land on 23 June 1806, and on 28 July of the next year he bought from his brother Aaron the Adams homestead that their parents had sold to the latter man the previous year. Although the 1810 U.S. Census for Adams has him living there, records of the last two transactions give his residence as Malta (renamed Lorraine, 1808) (see no. v below, for a brief discussion of this contradiction). With Aaron, he kept a store and an inn for some years. The 1820 U.S. Census for Ellisburg indicates that Joel had by then returned to that place, and in 1823 he took over his father-in-law’s hotel in the village of Pierre-pont Manor, where he lived for many years. He also engaged extensively in the mercantile and brewery businesses, owned a potashery, and co-owned a line of stagecoaches running from Watertown to Salt Point (now Syracuse), Rome, and Utica. He drew the first load of goods on the state road from Rome, which included a bear-infested stretch of dense forest known as the Redfield Nine-Mile Woods. After losing several thousand dollars in the Panic of 1837, Joel returned to farming. Census records indicate that he continued to reside in Ellisburg until at least 1840. While the 1850 U.S. Census has him at Redfield, Oswego Co., the 1855 New York State Census for Lorraine reports that he had been living in Jefferson Co. for the previous eight years. He was highly respected as an active, shrewd, and enterprising man. (Biographical sources: Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:995–96; JCJ 15 Aug 1872; Jeff Co Hist1 225, 370; Our County 609; Growth of Century 381; JeffLR A:224, 226, 263.)
iii. POLLY, b. ca. 1780, d. after 1868 (res. Watts Flats, Harmony, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., 8 Dec. 1864; Hamburg, Erie Co., N.Y., 1865) (Brown Fam 97; JeffW 10:219; 1865 NY Census, E. Hamburg 58); m. probably Adams, by ca. 1804, as his 2nd wife, RICHARD ALLEN, d. 1812 (1855 NY Census, Harmony ED 1 dw 232 fam 233; Brown Fam 97; JeffW 10:219; JeffEstPap box B–25 case 318). At Argyle, he had been a neighbor of the Browns and of Polly’s sister Charlotte’s husband, Amos Claflin (1800 US Census, Washington Co NY 258). In 1810, the household of Richard “Allin” was enumerated in Ellisburg near Preserved Redway (US Census, Jeff Co 555); his daughter Nancy (Mrs. Gideon S.) Goudy, however, was born in Oswego Co. ca. 1811–1812 (1855 NY Census, Mansfield, Cattaraugus Co 235; 1865 NY Census). Polly remained a widow following her husband’s death (Brown Fam 97; 1865 NY Census).
iv. EBENEZER, farmer, b. 1781, d. Ellisburg, 2 Sept. 1864, aged 83 (JCN 8 Sept 1864; g.s., Pierre-pont Manor Cem); m. (1) Ellisburg, SUSANNAH POTTER, b. ca. 1782, d. Lorraine 23 Dec. 1839, aged 57, daughter of Ephraim and Susannah (Rice) Potter (JeffW A:1; Brown Fam 98); m. (2) Lorraine 1840, OLIVE (KASSON) BAILEY, daughter of Robert and Jennie (Gaston) Kas-son (JCJ 16 Sept 1874; Our Family 1). Susannah’s stepmother was Ebenezer’s maternal aunt, Mehitabel (Redway) (Jones) Potter (no. 5.ii). Olive was the widow of George Bailey, with whom she had come to Lorraine from Broadalbin, N.Y. (adjacent to Galway), about 1806.
Having moved from Adams to Lorraine probably with his parents about 1806, Ebenezer bought 50 acres in Lot 20 at the latter place on 24 July 1809; four years later, he acquired an additional 25.9 acres in the same lot. The farm was in northwest Lorraine, less than a mile south of that of Amiel and John Penney, respective grandfather and maternal uncle of David Red-way’s wife, Hannah (Doane) (see no. 17), and respective grandfather and father of Grove Pen-ney, husband of two of David and Hannah’s daughters (see nos. 17.iii and 20). An ensign in the War of 1812 and deacon of his Baptist church, Ebenezer spent most of his adult life in
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Lorraine, where he occupied several minor public offices—most frequently, overseer of the poor. Although there is no record of his having joined the First Presbyterian Church of Adams (as there is for his mother), he was in 1828 and 1829 elected to church committees responsible for Sabbath School activities. When he was about 65, a broken leg left him permanently crip-pled, but he nevertheless kept his farm until about five years before his death, moving then to the hamlet of Pierrepont Manor, in Ellisburg (JCJ 16 Sept 1874; Jeff Co Hist1 242, 441; Jeff Co Fam Hist 1:374, 2:1075; Our County 692–93; JeffLR F:256, 258; LoTR, in Brown Fam 128–32; JCN 8 Sept 1864; Secretary’s Book, Adams Union Sabbath School).
v. AARON, entrepreneur, farmer, b. 19 Aug. 1784, d. Lorraine 9 May 1870 (g.s.); m. Lorraine 1 Feb. 1810, BETSEY BURPEE, b. Jaffrey, N.H., 18 Feb. 1791, d. Lorraine 17 Nov. 1878, daugh-ter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Weston) Burpee (Jeff Co Hist1 225; NHVR; g.s.); both bur. Lorraine Rural Cemetery. Betsy was 16 in the summer of 1807, when she accompanied her maternal grandfather, Isaac Weston, from Jaffrey to be Lorraine’s first schoolteacher. Her father, who had served in the Revolution from Lancaster, Mass., as a matross [gunner’s assistant] in Col. Paul Revere’s (Artillery) Regiment, did not migrate from Jaffrey to Lorraine until 1832, the year of his death.
In 1800 and 1801, while the rest of his family remained at Argyle, Aaron spent about a year clearing the Adams land that his father had contracted to buy. “A man of medium stature but great physical strength, unusual activity, decision, energy, and enterprise,” he made potash from the timber he cut and sold it for needed items. In 1806, his parents sold him the land he had worked so hard to clear. By 28 July 1807, when he sold the same 43½-acre parcel to his brother Joel, Aaron had moved to Malta (Lorraine). He built a sawmill there that year and, about 1808, a gristmill and distillery. On 18 March 1809, he bought 50 acres in Lot 35 (now occupied by Lorraine village), and before the year was out, he and Joel began operating a store out of a small room in his house; by 1811 they were also keeping a small inn.[69]
Aaron went on to become one of Lorraine’s most prominent and respected citizens, acquir-ing an estimated 2,000 acres of land, two or three sawmills, and (though a strict teetotaler) two distilleries. He was almost completely self-educated but wrote and calculated well enough to keep his own accounts. A strong Democrat, he opposed Emancipation, the Civil War, and his relatives’ participation in it. He occupied several civic offices over the years, the most note-worthy being commissioner of highways (1818–1826); magistrate (1818, 1820); justice of the peace (1820–1828); town clerk (1827); and representative to the state assembly (1830). He was a radical Baptist and by far the largest contributor to his local church’s construction and maintenance. The inclusive dates of his brief service as a private in the War of 1812 (30 May to 7 June 1814) indicate that he was among those who carried a great cable from Sandy Creek to Sackets Harbor (see p. 44). Known for frugality, energy, activity, probity, perseverance, charity, and liberality(?), his advice, particularly on business matters, was frequently sought and freely given. (Biographical sources: 1810 US Census, Lorraine, Jefferson Co NY [Isaac Weston]; Jaffrey Hist 241; DAR 357696; Jeff Co Hist1 224–25, 441, 443; Our County 691; Brown Fam 19, 98, 128–31; Jeff Co Gaz 551; JeffLR A:226, 262, 263, F:265.)
vi. LYDIA, b. ca. 1786, d. probably Hanco*ck Co., Ill., between 1 May 1834 (acknowledged deed) and 6 Feb. 1839 (husband’s will) (ChauLR 15:59; Hanco*ckPR Box 8; Brown Fam 98, d. 1853); m. probably Lorraine by 1815, as his 2nd wife (he m. 1st Lydia Butler), BENJAMIN GATES, farmer, b. Canterbury, Conn., 4 Nov. 1774, d. Hanco*ck Co., 11? (will filed 24) Nov. 1840, son of [Gen.?] Silas and Mary (White) Gates (Brown Fam 98; VtVR [1st mar.]; JeffW 10:219; CantVR 1:151; Hanco*ckPR Box 8; PrestonVR 2:32). Benjamin came to Malta (Lor-raine) in 1803 from Herkimer Co., N.Y., and occupied Lot 75 by 1805; he became the town’s
69 Aaron does not appear as a head of household in the 1810 U.S. Census. The last page of that census’s enumera-
tion of Adams households, however (that of Lorraine begins on the page following), shows Joel as head of a household that, besides him and wife Nancy, included two males and one female 16–25 and one male 10–15; these were almost certainly Aaron, his wife, Betsey, and his brothers Parley and Walter. Two Jefferson Co. deeds, dated 23 June and 28 July 1807, place Joel at Malta—the latter also puts Aaron there—and Lorraine town records indicate Aaron’s election as an overseer of highways there 1 March 1808 and 6 March 1810. It must therefore be assumed either that the census is mistaken as to the location of Joel’s household in 1810, or that the brothers were living temporarily on the Adams property (bounded on the south by Lorraine’s northern border) that Aaron had sold to Joel three years earlier.
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
first postmaster about 1806. On 6 February 1810, his house was the site of a special town meeting at which it was voted to create a new jurisdiction from Lorraine’s western half. Ben-jamin sold his Lorraine land, totaling about 127 acres, in four transactions between 1807 and 1812 but served in the War of 1812 as a private under Lt. Hungerford in what appears to have been a local militia unit. He was living in Chautauqua Co., N.Y., on 24 July 1815, when he applied for a military pension, and in 1820 and 1830 as a head of household in that county’s town of Harmony. In 1834, he and second wife Lydia sold their 50-acre tract there and pre-sumably about that time removed to Hanco*ck Co., Ill. Benjamin’s will does not mention Lydia, nor does the 1840 or 1850 federal census (Jeff Co Hist1 442–43; Jeff Co Hist2 152; JeffLR A:216, 374, E:181, U:221; 1812 Pension Files; 1835 Pension Roll; 1820, 1830 US censuses, Harmony 83, 86: ChauLR 15:59; 1840 US Census, Hanco*ck Co 189).
vii. REV. PARLEY, minister, farmer, b. Granville, Washington Co., N.Y., 4 Dec. 1788 (Brown Fam 98, 144), d. Philadelphia, Jefferson Co., N.Y., 17 March 1870 (g.s.),; m. Denmark, Lewis Co., N.Y., 29 Sept. 1824, SUBMIT FARWELL, b. Mt. Holly, Vt., 24 May 1800, d. Philadelphia 7 June 1884, daughter of Solomon and Sabina (Burlingame) Farwell (Brown Fam 99–103; g.s.); both bur. Sandy Hollow Cemetery, Philadelphia, N.Y. She had by 1805 come with her parents from Mt. Holly to Denmark, N.Y., 20 miles northeast of Adams.
According to the account of his son Kendrick, Parley came to Adams with his parents when he was 11. From age 19, he worked three years on a farm and in a store for his brother Joel, at either Adams or Lorraine. He served twice, briefly, in the militia during the War of 1812 and was “very slightly” wounded. Although virtually illiterate at 20, Parley, after diligent study, entered a Baptist theological seminary (now Colgate University) at the age of 32; upon graduation, in 1824, he was ordained a minister. Subsequently pastor of Baptist churches in Lorraine (1824–1830), Lafargeville (town of Orleans), and Clayton (all in Jefferson Co.), he was a powerful preacher who could recite whole chapters of the Bible from memory. In 1831, Parley took his family to the northern part of the county, where he lived thereafter. He had a highly productive farm at Orleans for 20 years, after which he farmed another 12 years at Alexandria. He and Submit then retired to nearby Philadelphia, where they spent the remainder of their lives.
Long an ardent abolitionist, Parley was an influential supporter of the Underground Rail-road, which aided the escape of fugitive slaves to Canada. Son Kendrick recalled that Parley became a Republican in 1856, having first been a Whig and then a member of the Free Soil and Know-Nothing [sic] parties.[70] Parley was a man of high principle and deep conviction, who held and practiced “many radical precepts that the popular sentiment of the day was not ready to accept.” (Biographical sources: Brown Fam 98–100; Jeff Co Hist1 444; Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:1076.)
viii. BETS(E)Y, b. Argyle 23 May 1790 (Heads of Fams, NY 187; g.s.), d. Lorraine 1 Feb. 1857 (g.s.), bur. Lorraine Rural Cemetery; m. Lorraine before 1820, GEORGE G. BUEL, farmer, b. Conn. ca. 1792, d. Lorraine ca. 30 Sept. 1869[71] (Brown Fam 98; JeffW 10:219; JeffEstPap box B–25 case 318, B–49 case 710; 1820 US Census, Lorraine 451 [2 ch. under 10]; 1865 NY Census, Lorraine 9).
ix. WALTER, farmer, b. Argyle ca. 1792 or 1793, d. Lorraine 26 Dec. 1875, in 83rd or 84th yr. (g.s.; JCJ 29 Dec 1875), bur. Lorraine Rural Cemetery; m. (1) probably Lorraine, ca. 1815 (eldest ch. 34 in 1850), ABIGAIL RISLEY, b. Conn. 2 Feb. 1796, d. Lorraine 18 Dec. 1863, aged 67 yrs., 9 mos., 20 da. [sic], bur. Rural Cemetery, daughter of Jeremiah and Lucy (Arnold) Risley (1850 US Census, Lorraine 363A; 1855 NY Census, Lorraine dw/fam 149; Brown Fam 24; g.s.); m. (2) Lorraine 24 Feb. 1869, MRS. HANNAH SPENCER (1812 Pension Files; Brown Fam 24). Serving for several brief periods as a private in the War of 1812, he was among the
70 While the Whigs, Free Soilers, and Republicans all opposed slavery, the Know-Nothings were anti-Catholic nativ-
ists who evaded the slavery issue. Chances are Parley had instead been a member of the Barnburners, the antislavery wing of the New York Democratic Party.
71 The petition for letters of administration on George’s estate gives his date of death as “on or about the 30 [sic] day of September 1870,” but the document itself is dated 5 Feb. 1870, and many of the other estate papers are dated between March and June 1870 (JeffEstPap box B–49 case 710). The estate administrator’s distribution petition, dated 20 Oct. 1871 and filed 2 Dec. 1871, states George’s date of death as “on or about the 30th of Sept 1869.”
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Sandy Creek-to-Sackets Harbor cable carriers (see p. 44). Beginning in 1831, he was several times elected Lorraine commissioner of highways. Known in later life as “Uncle Walter,” he was for 66 straight years a member of the Lorraine Baptist Church and was widely loved for his integrity and virtue (1812 Pension Files; LoTR, in Brown Fam 131–32; JCJ 29 Dec 1875).
9. JAMES5 REDWAY (James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1), farmer, was born in Rehoboth, Mas-sachusetts, 6 or 17 August 1754, baptized there 4 May 1760, and died in Otisco, Onondaga Co., New York, 10 January 1817, aged 62 yrs., 5 mos., 23 da. (RVR 3:56; T. Redway Bible; RChR 19). He married in Killingly, Connecticut, 27 November 1777, ALETHEA HIX/HICKS, born in Rehoboth 22 May 1753 and died in Otisco 13 July 1828, aged 75 yrs., 1 mo., 21 da., probable daughter of Benjamin and Anna (Ormsbee) Hix/Hicks (ThompChR; Conn Mar 2:60; T. Redway Bible; MQ 67:146 and RMarInt [parents]).
Having become a freeman of Killingly probably in 1778 or 1779 (see brother Joel, no. 10), James remained there until August 1795 (longer than all other Redways), when he sold his inher-itance—the remaining 20 acres of what had been his father’s farm and a half interest in the house—for £70 (KLR 14:277).[72] James acknowledged the sale of the Killingly property on 30 January 1796, about which time he took his family to Galway, Saratoga Co., New York, joining his brother Preserved and becoming a neighbor of Ephraim Potter, who married their sister Mehit-abel (KLR 278; Onon Co Hist 353; 1800 US Census, Galway 1087).[73] In 1806—about six years after James’s namesake son had migrated to Pompey, New York (see below); two years after Preserved had migrated to Ellisburg, New York; and about the time that the Potters did likewise—James and the remainder of his family also left Galway. Moving for the last time, they established themselves a little over a hundred miles west, near Amber village, in that part of the town of Otisco set off from Marcellus that year and then on Pompey’s western border (Onon Co Hist 353). When son Thomas drove their team of steers and flock of 14 sheep through nearby Syracuse, only one house stood there (ibid.). When the farm was cleared from the woods, the nearest sawmill was eleven miles distant (ibid.). Respective online listings for James and Alethea locate their burials in “Redway Cemetery,” Otisco (findagrave.com [questionable birth, age data for both]). Since these are the only listings for that location, the markers are probably on the former family farm.
While no record has been found that explicitly establishes Alethea’s parentage, circ*mstantial evidence points to Benjamin and Anna (Ormsbee) Hix. Rehoboth vital records show eight children born to them between 1734 and 1750; Alethea’s birth occurred three years later. (The birth of a child whose parents continue to live in the same town is less likely to be recorded if it is late in the birth order.) Benjamin Hix had a sister—and his brother Barnard, a daughter—named Alethea. (The latter was born 6 March 1751, married Levi Bowen, 18 September 1766, and died 22 Octo-ber 1776 [RVR 2:33, 3:344, 367]). At this time, there was still a tendency to name the first son and daughter after the same-sex parent and for grandparents’ names to be bestowed somewhat later in the birth order. While James and Alethea Redway had no recorded daughter named after her mother, they did name their first daughter Anna and their third son Benjamin.
On 28 March 1763, Benjamin Hix purchased almost four acres of cedar swamp in eastern Rehoboth from James and Mehitabel (Bliss) Redway, Alethea’s eventual parents-in-law (BrLR 48:163). The land Hix last sold at Rehoboth, on 9 May 1778 to son Israel, was adjacent to the land of Thomas Redway (no. 4.ii) (BrLR 58:298). The latter’s wife, Mary, and Hix’s wife, Anna, were sisters, both being daughters of Jeremiah and Mehitabel (Wilmarth) Ormsbee (RVR 1:121). The Wilmarths were also related by marriage to the Redways (see nos. 3.ii and 6). On 10 December 1778, Benjamin’s aforementioned brother Barnard purchased 115 acres at Killingly, on the west bank of Five-Mile River (KLR 12:20). Then located in Killingly’s North Society, or Thompson
72 The other half of the house, with adjoining property, had been sold by James’s brother Joel and sister Mehitabel to a nonrelative in 1779, and the house had consequently become a condominium duplex of sorts.
73 Mehitabel, whose first husband, Daniel Jones, had died at Somers, Conn., in 1793, remarried at Galway; she may well have gone there with James and his family.
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
Parish (in whose church records James and Alethea’s marriage is recorded), the Hix farm was but a short distance upriver from the Redway homestead, which was in Killingly’s Middle (First) Society (ThompLR 1:149, 150; KLR 14:277; Putnam Hist 17, 20, 26). Whether Benjamin and Anna accompanied Barnard to Killingly is uncertain, but the order of the brothers’ respective 1778 Rehoboth and Killingly land transactions certainly raises that possibility. On the other hand, the Hixes may not have left Rehoboth until 1796, when their son Israel purchased land immediately northwest of Killingly, in Pomfret (PomLR 9:34). Benjamin died there in 1798; Anna, who died in 1808, is buried in that part of Pomfret forming the western part of present-day Putnam (Hicks Fams 23). This was on Killingly’s western border, within five miles of the former Redway farm.
On 18 June 1777, “Allitheia” Hix acknowledged receipt from eventual husband James Redway of £8.4s., paid out of his father’s estate. She was probably among the “wachers and . . . Nurses” mentioned in James’s account of administrative expenses charged to the estate (PomPR file 3377). Children, surname REDWAY, i–v born in Killingly (KVR 1:316):
i. JAMES6, b. 10 Jan. 1780, d. Otisco 15 Mar 1872, aged 92 (g.s., Amber Village Cem; J. H. Red-way diary); m. (1) probably Galway, 23 Jan. 1799, SALLY TYRELL, b. Pittsfield [sic; probably Lanesborough], Berkshire Co., Mass., 8 April 1782, d. Otisco 6 Feb. 1852, aged 69 yrs., 9 mos., daughter perhaps of Benajah and Rebecca “Betsey” (Wolcott) Tyrrel (Reminiscences 1; Potter–Redway 95–97, 102-A; 1850 US Census, Otisco 188B; g.s., Amber Village Cem);[74] m. (2) Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N.Y, 7 Sept. 1853, MARIA HINMAN (Syr Jour 8 Sept 1853).[75]
This Redway family appears to have been the first to settle in Onondaga Co., N.Y. The 1800 U.S. census shows the household of James Redway with one male and one female, both 16–25, and one male, 10–15, living in Pompey (Onondaga Co 133–34). James and Sally’s daughter S. Angeline (Redway) (Potter) Briggs[76] recounted that in March 1802 the family moved from Pompey to that part of Otisco that became the village of Amber. “Mr. Redway built a log hut on a tract of land consisting of 60 acres, for which he paid $1.25 per acre, and moved his family with their household goods on an ox sled. . . . My father’s principal business for two or three months was chopping down trees and clearing off an acre or two of land on which to plant corn and potatoes, which was done mostly with a hoe” (Reminiscences 1; Potter–Redway 102-A–B). Sally Redway was “prominent” among the first 24 members of the Onondaga Church of Christ when it was established, in 1812 (Onon Co Hist 279).
ii. JOHN, b. 24 Nov. 1781; probably died young. iii. ANNA, b. 10 Sept. 1783; probably died young. iv. BENJAMIN, b. 4 July 1785, d. [Otisco?] 31 March 1834, aged 47 yrs, 9 mos. (Otisco Town His-
torian), bur. probably Jackson Farm Cemetery, Otisco (stones removed); m. ca. 1806 SARAH “SALLY” GIBBS, daughter of Jabez and Ruth (Bailey) Gibbs. The will of Jabez Gibbs, dated
74 No one of the surname Tyrell or its variants is recorded as a resident of Pittsfield (the Berkshire Co. seat) during
this period and for many years thereafter. The 1790 U.S. census for Lanesborough (on Pittsfield’s northern border), however, lists four Terrell/Turrell heads of households, two of whose surnames appear in the town’s vital records as Tyrrel(l) (Heads of Fams, Mass 346; Lanes Hist 105). Three of the four were still in Lanesborough in 1800; the other, identified in 1790 as “Benager” [Benajah] Terrell, was in 1800 living in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., about 45 miles east-southeast of Galway (1800 US Census, Lanesborough 150–51, Hoosick 20 [Bennajah Terrill]). Not long thereafter, he—said to have married Rebecca “Betsey” Wolcott about 1782—settled with his family in Schroon, Essex Co., N.Y., where his gravestone is inscribed “Bennajah Tyrrel 1761–1828” (1810 US Census, Schroon 5 [Bennajah Terrel]; finda grave.com). Benajah Tyrrel had a daughter Salome, born ca. 1797 (findagrave.com); James6 and Sally Redway had a daughter Saloma/Salome, born in 1809 (Jas. Redway fam rec; Potter–Redway 99; Alb Argus 11 April 1872 p. 3, Saloma Ross of Onondaga among James6 Redway’s legatees).
In 1790, Hezekiah Terrell, origin unknown, resided in Caughnawaga (now Amsterdam), Montgomery Co., N.Y., on Galway’s southwest border (Heads of Fams, Mass 103).
75 A Maria(h) Hinman, daughter of Elder [Josiah] Hinman, was on 10 Jan. 1822, propounded for admission to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams, among whose members were James’s uncle Preserved (no. 12) and his family (Ad ChR [session recs] 26; ibid. [admissions]; she was dismissed in June 1839 (ibid. [admissions]).
76 Her second husband, George E. Briggs, was the brother of James W. Briggs, first husband of Angeline Fannie (Redway) (Briggs) Smalley (no. 21), S. Angeline’s second cousin (Jas. Redway fam rec; Potter–Redway 21–22, 98–102; 1900 US Census, Marcellus, Onondaga Co NY ED 64 p. 12A; OnonPR U:11–12).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
at Northampton, Montgomery (now Fulton) Co., N.Y., 13 Feb. 1826 and proved the following 26 May, names Sarah and Susannah Redway as his daughters (MontPR 4:15). The Gibbses were living in Galway (10–15 miles from Northampton) in 1800 (US Census, Saratoga Co 1088). In 1810, the Otisco household of Benjamin Redway contained one child, under 10 (US Census, Onondaga Co 45). It is likely that he and Sally married at Galway shortly before he and the bulk of his family migrated from there to Otisco, in 1806 (above). It was nevertheless almost certainly Benjamin who was the male aged 10–15 enumerated in his brother James’s Pompey household in 1800 (US Census, Onondaga Co 133–34).
At Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., 28 July 1841, Benjamin W. Redway of that place, probably Benjamin and Sally’s son, married Mrs. Clarissa McGee (Skaneateles Columbian 30 July 1841; findagrave.com [b. 1820, bur. Milan, Ohio; widow Nancy]).
v. THOMAS [D.?],[77] farmer, b. 10 Dec. 1791, d. Otisco 22 Nov. 1880, aged 89 (T. Redway Bible; g.s., Amber Village Cem); m. [Otisco?] 10 Feb. 1811, SUSANNAH GIBBS, b. ca. 1790, d. Otisco 8 Nov. 1861, aged 71, daughter of Jabez and Ruth (Bailey) Gibbs (T. Redway Bible; g.s., Amber Village Cem; MontPR 4:15; Onon Co Hist 353). The 1810 Otisco household of Thomas’s brother Benjamin included two females, both 16–25 (US Census, Onondaga Co 45). One was probably Susannah (sister of Benjamin’s wife, Sally), who had not yet married Thomas. Drafted into the army on 14 Oct. 1814, Thomas served about a month in the War of 1812 as a private in Capt. Otis Baker’s Company, 98th Regiment, New York Militia (Pension Declaration SC23636; 1812 Service Recs). First a Whig and then a Republican, he was Otisco highway commissioner for 13 straight years and also held other town offices (Onon Co Hist 353). He had never seen a doctor until age 84, when he suffered a stroke that left him para-lyzed but with memory and hearing “still very good” (ibid.).
vi. MEHITABEL (Onon Co Hist 353); place in birth order uncertain. vii. NANCY (ibid.); place in birth order uncertain. 10. MAJ. JOEL5 REDWAY (James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Rehoboth, Massa-chusetts, 14 June 1757 and was baptized there 4 May 1760 (RVR 3:56; RChR 19); he died in Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, 1 July 1837, in his 81st year, and was buried in Morey Burial Ground there (g.s.). Joel married first in Killingly, Connecticut, by 1781 (first child’s birth year), HANNAH CLARK, born in Killingly __ _____ 1755 and baptized there 15 June 1755, daugh-ter of Nehemiah and Abigail (Dupton) Clark (Shepard Coll [Joel Redway]; Casual Affairs 388; ThompChR; KVR 1:33, 36, 39; Conn Mar 2:52; BerkPR file 3743).[78] She died in Lanesborough, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, 8 or 18 June 1824, in her 70th year, and was buried in nearby Co-man–Whipple (Ingalls Road) Cemetery, Cheshire, 19 June 1824 (g.s.; CheshChR 109).[79] Joel mar-ried second in Stamford, Bennington Co., Vermont, 5 September 1825, LUCINDA MOREY, born in Massachusetts about 1780–1781, daughter of Nathaniel and Susannah (____) Morey (Vt Gaz 20 Sept 1825; Shepard Coll [Nathaniel Morey]; BerkPR files 3742, 6532). She died in Hinsdale 25 October 1856, aged 74 or 75, and was buried in Morey Burial Ground (g.s.; RevWarPF S29992; Pitt Sun 8 Jan 1857; 1850 US Census, Hinsdale 201A; 1855 MA Census, Hinsdale dw 58 fam 65).
Joel enlisted in the Continental Army at Killingly, Connecticut, 11 May 1775, a month before his 18th birthday and three weeks after the initial Revolutionary incident at Lexington. A private in Capt. Elliot’s Eighth Company, Col. Experience Storrs’s Regiment, Third Connecticut Brigade, he was stationed at Cambridge and Roxbury (both near Boston) until his discharge, 14 December 1775. After about five months at home, he re-enlisted 14 May 1776 and served 12 months, again as a private, in New York and New Jersey. He fought with Capt. Benoni Cutler’s Company, Col. Andrew Ward’s Seventh Regiment Horse and Foot, in the battles of White Plains, Trenton, and Princeton, and in three skirmishes thereafter. Discharged at Chatham, New Jersey (near Morris-
77 The D. is from a transcription of Amber Village Cemetery inscriptions, perhaps from an old gravestone; the present family monument omits it.
78 Hannah was given the name of a presumably deceased older sister, who had been born in Killingly 5 March 1745/6 and baptized there four days later (KVR 1:33; ThompChR 1:34).
79 The transcription of her funeral record erroneously identifies her as “Mr. Jas. Redaway” (see CheshChR 109).
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
town, where the army had encamped during the winter and spring), he returned home on 23 May 1777, no more than two weeks after his father’s death. So as to be exempted from an additional three years of service, Joel and another man, in keeping with an act of the Connecticut General Assembly, hired a third man to serve in their stead.
Among 17 Killingly men on “A List of the Names of Sundry Persons Taking ye Oath [of] Fide[lity]” are Joel Redway, his brother James, brother-in-law Ebenezer Brown, and Joel’s brother Preserved’s guardian, Joseph Cady (K1stSocMtgs). The list is undated, but preceding entries sug-gest that it was made no earlier than 1775. Since Joel did not turn 21 until 14 June 1778 and had left Killingly by 16 March 1779 (see below), the oath was probably taken between those dates.
On 8 January 1779, Joel sold his inheritance—11½ acres of his father’s Killingly farm and a quarter interest in the house thereon—for £240. The following 16 March he (“of Killingly”) paid £450 for 50 acres at Stafford, in present-day Tolland County, about 30 miles to the northwest; by 25 November 1782, he had bought and sold another 33–35 acres there. On 15 February 1783, he sold for £100 the 50-acre Stafford homestead he had bought almost four years earlier. (As described previously, runaway inflation during the first several years of the Revolution was followed by severe depression [see p. 26].) Moving to western Massachusetts, he paid £42 for two parcels totaling 64 acres in Lanesborough on 19 November 1784. In the interim Joel, his wife, and first child may have lived with his uncle Samuel (no. 7), who had settled there by 1781. (Samuel had sold the last of his Lanesborough property only two and a half months before Joel’s aforemen-tioned purchase but continued to reside there until at least March 1785.)
Joel remained in Lanesborough for more than 50 years. Admitted to the town’s Congregational church on 1 May 1785, he was nevertheless baptized and received by the Second Baptist Church of Cheshire (formerly of Lanesborough)[80] on 26 July 1793 and was dismissed from it on 27 July 1811. That an item dated 25 August 1804 in the latter church’s records refers to him as Major Joel Redway suggests participation in the state militia. Joel and his son-in-law Eddy Mason were among more than 60 men who in 1809 founded the Cheshire Glass Manufactory. In 1822, he was chosen a deacon of the Third Baptist Church of Lanesborough, which he, son Joel Jr., the latter’s wife Laura, and nine others founded on 13 February 1818. Upon receiving $1,500 for his 100-acre homestead farm at Lanesborough on 1 March 1836, Joel and his second wife moved to her sister’s home, in nearby Hinsdale, where he died the next year. He (and later, she) was buried in her family’s burial plot, on the premises. (Biographical sources: RevWarPF S30057; Conn Men 57, 109; KLR 10:288, 297; PomPR file 3377; StafLR 5:112, 148, 341–42, 448–49, 6:50; BerkLR1 2:371–72, 51:119–20 [Joel Redway]; BerkLR2 18:38 [Samuel Redway]; BrLR 63:361 [Samuel Redway]; LanesChR; CheshChR 3, 27, 64, 80, 129; Wilderness Stlmt 39; Berk Co Hist 390; BerkPR file 5848; Pitt Sun 14 Oct 1809.)
Children, surname REDWAY, all with 1st wife; i born in Stafford, ii–v born in Lanesborough (Lanes-borough Hist 101):
i. ANNA6, b. 4 Sept. 1781, d. probably Pendleton, Niagara Co., N. Y., between 1837 (probably 1840) and 1850; m. probably Lanesborough, BAILEY CURTIS, b. Lanesborough 28 Dec. 1777, d. Nile Village, Friendship, Allegany Co., N.Y., 4 Aug. 1856, son of Azor and Margery/Molly (Andrews) Curtis of Farmington, Conn., and Lanesborough (Curtis Fam 22, 55–57; findagrave .com; BerkPR files 1196, 5848). Anna is named in her father’s estate distribution, dated 5 Sept. 1837 (BerkPR file 5848). The Curtises were in Victor, Ontario Co., N.Y., by 1820 and Pendleton, Niagara Co., N.Y., by 1827 (1820 US Census, Victor 326; Niagara Co Hist 332; 1830, 1840, 1850 US censuses, Pendleton 423, 199, 242B, resp.) Bailey Curtis’s will, dated at Friendship 24 August 1853, mentions neither wife nor children (AllW 4:22).
80 On 4 March 1793, the incorporation of Cheshire, formed in part from a section of Lanesborough, had caused the
latter township’s first two Baptist churches to become Cheshire institutions. Lanesborough’s original Baptist church had consisted of 18 families, all from Swansea, Mass., whose Baptist church had included among its earliest members the immigrant James Redway (no. 1).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
ii. MATILDA, b. 22 April 1785, bap. Lanesborough 20 June 1785, d. 24 Oct. 1865, aged 80, bur. Boughton Hill Cemetery, Victor (LanesChR; g.s.); m. (1) Lanesborough 11 Aug. (int. Cheshire 15 May) 1806, REV. EDDY MASON, b. probably Lanesborough, 27 Sept. 1781, d. Victor or nearby Penfield 7 Sept. 1827, aged 46, bur. Boughton Hill, son of Brooks and Anne (Eddy) Mason of Swansea, Lanesborough, and Cheshire, Mass. (Mason Fam 134, 220; CheshVR 1:56; g.s.; SwVR B:171); m. (2) REV. JAMES DAVIS (Branch Co Hist, 120). She was living with daughter Elmina Coe in Coldwater, Mich., in 1860 (US Census, Branch Co, 940).
iii. HANNAH, b. 12 April 1787, d. Victor 19 March 1841, aged 54 (g.s., Boughton Hill Cem); m. Lanesborough 7 Nov. 1805, PETER PERRY, b. Attleborough, Mass., 18 Aug. 1783, d. Victor 2 Feb. 1868, aged 84, son of Peter and Lydia (Wilmarth) Perry of Rehoboth, Attleborough, and Stockbridge, Mass. (LanesVR; Lanes Hist 113; AVR 195; g.s., Boughton Hill; RVR 3:288; BerkPR file 4399).
iv. MAHALA/MAHALETH, b. 21 April 1791, bap. Lanesborough 22 Aug. 1791 (LanesChR), d. ca. 1837; m. Lanesborough or Stockbridge ca. 1809 IRA SMITH, b. West Stockbridge ca. 1787–1788 (1785?), d. Manitowoc, Wis., 5 or 6 Feb. 1854, aged 66 or 67 (65 in 1850), bur. Ever-green Cemetery, Manitowoc, son of Nicholas and Abigail (Boughton) Smith of Stockbridge (Casual Affairs 388; 1850 US Census, Manitowoc Co 23A; g.s.; Smith fam recs; Mil Sentinel 15 Feb 1854 p. 2; BerkPR file 5848). The Smiths were in Victor (then called Bloomfield) by 1810 (1810 [Bloomfield], 1820 [Victor] US censuses 624, 322, resp). The petition for admin-istration of Mahala’s estate, filed 5 Sept. 1837 by her father’s widow, states that her children were living in New York (BerkPR file 5848). A volunteer in the War of 1812, Ira was twice taken prisoner, the second time for nine months (Mil Sentinel 15 Feb 1854).
v. ELECTA, b. 8 May 1793, d. Perinton, Monroe Co., N.Y., 1 Jan. 1837, aged 43 yrs., 7 mos., 23 da. (g.s., Boughton Hill); m. Lanesborough 25 Oct. 1814, VALENTINE PERRY, b. Attleborough ca. 1791,[81] d. Macedon, Wayne Co., N.Y., 22 Sept. 1879, aged 88, son of Peter and Lydia (Wilmarth) Perry (LanesVR; Lanes Hist 115; g.s.; 1880 US Census Mort Sched, Wayne Co, ED 180; BerkPR file 4399). The Perrys were in Victor by 1820 and Perinton by 1830; Valen-tine remained in Perinton until at least 1840 (1820 US Census, Ontario Co 321; 1830, 1840 US censuses, Monroe Co 75, 70, resp.). By 1850, he had moved to Macedon[82] and had mar-ried [Mrs.?] Abigail Bussey, who died there 2 Jan. 1877, aged 83 yrs., 1 mo., 24 days; she and Valentine share a headstone in Macedon Village Cemetery (1850, 1860, 1870 US censuses, Wayne Co 65B, 1174, 290B, resp.; g.s.).
vi. JOEL, b. 13 May 1796, d. Centreville, Nottawa Twp., St. Joseph Co., Mich., 18 June 1856, aged 60 or 61, bur. Pioneer Cemetery there (MichVR 70; g.s.); m. (1) probably Berkshire Co., Mass., by 1818, LAURA ______, b. [ca. 1790?], d. Bucks (Fabius), St. Joseph Co., 16 March 1841, aged 51 [sic], bur. Pioneer Cemetery (Wilderness Stlmt 39; 1840 US Census, Bucks 250; 1845 MI State Census, Fabius 26; g.s.); m. (2) between 1841 and 1849, MELIT(T)A (HUNTLEY) ALDEN, d. Centreville 5 Sept. 1849, widow of Dr. Hiram Alden of Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich. (Alden–Smith 21–22; 1840 US Census, Coldwater 86 [widow Alden]; g.s., Oak Grove Cem, Coldwater); m. (3) Nottawa 1850, MARY (____) MCKEE, d. 28 Aug. 1869, widow of Samuel McKee of Nottawa (1850 US Census, Nottawa 364; g.s., Pioneer Cem).
Joel was undoubtedly a member of his father’s Lanesborough household in 1810 and probably (though married) also in 1820 (1810, 1820 US censuses, Berkshire Co 169, 175, resp.). He is said to have been at adjacent Pittsfield in 1811, but in 1818 he and Laura were among the founders of the Third Baptist Church of Lanesborough (Arnold, Redway 58; Wil-derness Stlmt 39). He was still of Lanesborough on 14 May 1823, when as Joel Redway Jr., he advertised for the return of a stray horse (Pitt Sun 22 May 1823). And in 1825, Joel Redway Jr. of Lanesborough was a captain of artillery in a Berkshire Co. brigade of the Massachusetts Militia (1826 Mass Reg 104). Joel and Laura Redway were admitted by letter to the Baptist Church of Friendship, Allegheny Co., N.Y., in 1827 and dismissed in 1833 (Early NY Settlers 455; 1830 US Census, Friendship 92). In 1832, Joel was the first purchaser of land in Green
81 Although unrecorded in the civil records of either Attleborough or Stockbridge, Valentine Perry’s birth undoubt-
edly occurred in Attleborough, where his family was still living in 1793 (BrLR 71:548, 72:237–38). A birthdate of 19 March 1791 appears online but is unconfirmed.
82 Victor, Perinton, and Macedon were/are adjacent to one another.
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
Oak, Livingston Co., Michigan Territory (Liv Co Hist 328). In 1834, he built the first house and sawmill in Kensington, Milford Twp., in the territory’s Oakland Co. (Mich Hist 301; Genl Land Off Recs).[83] By 1840, Joel had moved to Bucks Twp. (that part set off in 1841 as Fabius Twp.), St. Joseph Co., where he was the first school director (StJos Co Hist 210). It was here in the latter year that
the citizens of Fabius township were thrown into a state of consternation by the discovery of the dead body of Mrs. Laura Redway hanging from a beam in an out-house. It appears that the unfortunate woman was subject to attacks of temporary derangement, in one of which she com-mitted the melancholy deed. The news was first circulated by a neighbor calling at the house of Mr. Solomon Hartman just as the family were [sic] about partaking of the evening meal. The women-folks observed that there was something more than the ordinary news to be imparted and so became curious to know what had happened. The visitor was loath to tell them and man-aged to keep his secret until after supper, when he took the people of the house with him to where the suicide lay in death. (ibid.)
Less than a month later, when officers of the new township were elected, Joel was named assessor, school inspector, road commissioner, and justice of the peace (one of three in each case) (ibid.). Removing to Centreville between 1845 and 1848, he became a charter member of the county’s first Masonic lodge on 10 Jan. 1849 and was appointed deacon of the town’s Baptist church upon its founding, on 28 Aug. 1852 (ibid., 43, 104). On 28 March 1854, about two years before his death, he was elected to a year’s term as vice president of the St. Joseph County Agricultural Society (1854 Ag Soc Rpts 673).
Joel and Laura Redway had three known children: 1. Nelson H., b. probably Lanesborough, say 1819. 2. Valentine Perry, b. Mass. (probably Lanesborough) ca. 1823. 3. Flora C., b. N.Y. (probably Friendship) ca. 1827 (1830 [Friendship], 1840 [Bucks] US censuses 92, 251, resp. [Joel Redway]; 1850 US Census, Fabius 247 [Valentine P. Redway]).[84] Nelson and Valentine were still minors when on 10 April 1837 each was granted public lands in Oakland Co. (Gnl Land Off Recs).
11. COMFORT5 REDWAY (James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Rehoboth, Massa-chusetts, 14 (28?) July 1760, was baptized there 5 October 1760, and died in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., New York, 20 July 1837 (RVR 3:56; RChR 19; RevWarPF R8646).[85] He married in Stafford, Connecticut, 16 February 1783, ROXANNA[86] EATON, born there 19 September 1763, daughter of Aaron and Lydia (Barber) Eaton (RevWarPF R8646; StafVR 2:15; WindsVR 2:147). She died at the home of her son Carpus, in Ray, Macomb Co., Michigan, 19 October 1839, aged 76 yrs., 1 mo. (RevWarPF R8646; g.s., Willow Grove Cem, Armada [adjacent to Ray]).
Sixteen when his father died, Comfort was put under the guardianship of Ebenezer Brown, his sister Molly’s husband. At Killingly on 14 May 1777, within days of his father’s death, he enlisted in the Continental Army, serving three years in New York and northern New Jersey (mainly along the Hudson River) as a private in Capt. Wills Clift’s Company, Col. Samuel Wyllys’s
83 Joel’s cousin Carpus Redway (no. 11.v) had migrated to nearby Macomb Co. between 1825 and 1830. 84 At Fabius in 1850, the household of Valentine P[erry] Redway (27, b. Mass.) also included Mary E[lizabeth]
Redway (19, born Vt.) and Flora C. Redway (23, born N.Y.). It is reasonable to infer that Flora was Valentine’s sister. Mary, on the other hand, was his first wife, Betsey Harwood, whom he had married in Constantine, St. Joseph Co., Mich., 19 April 1849 (StJosMR B:63; findagrave.com [Elizabeth Mary “Betsey” Harwood Readway]). Her gravestone, in Harwood Lake Cemetery, Newburg, Cass Co., Mich. (less than 10 miles from Fabius), records that “BETSEY M. / Wife of Perry Readway / Dau. of H[iram and Sylvia (Reed)] Harwood [formerly of Rupert, Vt.] / DIED / July 29, 1850 / AE. 19 Ys. 7 Mo.” (findagrave.com). We may surmise that she died from complications associated with childbirth. Valentine’s second known wife was Clarissa Huntley, whom he married in Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich., 13 or 18 June 1858, perhaps a relative of his stepmother Melit[t]a (Huntley) (Alden) Redway (see text) (MichMar; 1860 US Census, Fabius 412).
85 His memorial at findagrave.com says he was buried in nearby Adams Rural Cemetery, but this writer found no stone on visits there.
86 Her birth record, gravestone, and daughter Lydia’s gravestone have her forename as Rocksana; Comfort’s pension file, including a family record, has it several times as Roxainna.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Third Regiment, Connecticut Line; he was discharged at Springfield, New Jersey (near Newark), 14 May 1780.
On 29 January 1782, Comfort, of Killingly, sold for £36 the 12–13 acres received from his father’s estate and thereupon joined his brother Joel and sister Mehitabel at Stafford. Following his marriage there, in 1783 (a day after Joel sold his Stafford homestead), Comfort and his new wife accompanied his brother to Lanesborough, Massachusetts, where the couple’s first child was born (and died) the next year. (Since there is no record of his having owned property in Berkshire County, they may have lived on land belonging to Joel.) That the births of their third and fourth children took place at adjacent Pittsfield suggests that the family may have moved there about 1786. If so, they had returned to Lanesborough by 1790, when the federal census enumerated them there. Sometime between 1792 and 1795, Comfort and his family migrated to Ludlow, Hampden County, Massachusetts, where on 4 February 1796 he paid $51 for 14+ acres, and the following 1 July, $20 for 12 acres. On 14 September 1799, he sold these lots for $113.33 and the same day paid $60 for 60 rods [three-eighths of an acre], a dwelling house, and shop in nearby Springfield’s Chicopee Parish. On 17 April 1809, a Springfield blacksmith paid Comfort and his wife $30 for a third of this property, presumably including the shop. After receiving $75 on 10 January 1812 for the remaining quarter-acre, he and his family joined his brother Preserved and sisters, Molly Brown and Mehitabel Potter, in Jefferson County, New York. Though residing in Ellisburg (probably with Preserved) when he applied for a military pension on 18 April 1818, Comfort and his wife had by mid-1820 settled in adjacent Lorraine, where he remained. Their son Carpus had bought 20+ acres there in 1815; while retaining that property (three or four miles from Preserved’s farm, in Ellisburg), he bought land at nearby Henderson in early 1820 and was probably living there by midyear. Carpus’s parents probably began occupying his Lorraine farm at that time.
Comfort’s death, in 1837, was preceded that year by the decease of his brothers Preserved and Joel. That there is no probate record for Comfort suggests that he had little to bequeath (he was apparently less prosperous than his siblings), or that he had distributed his assets to his chil-dren before his death. (Biographical sources: PomPR file 3377; RevWarPF R8646; Conn Men 168–69, 177; KLR 9:191/214; HampLR 34:29, 38:7577, 50:469, 53:442; JeffLR N:550; 1820, 1830 US censuses, Lorraine 453, 153, resp.; 1825 NY Census, Henderson.)
Children, surname REDWAY; i–ii, v born in Lanesborough, iii–iv in Pittsfield, vi–vii in Ludlow (Rev WarPF R8646): i. ______6, b. and d. 19 April 1784 (RevWarPF R8646). ii. AARON, b. 8 Sept. 1785, d. Lanesborough 31 Dec. 1785 (RevWarPF R8646). iii. SALINDA, b. 12 Oct. 1787, bap. Pittsfield 31 May 1789 (Arnold, Redway 61), d. after 1838; m.
Ellisburg or Lorraine after 1815, THOMAS DICKINSON, perhaps son of Thomas and Ann (Fin-ley) Dickinson (AdChR; wikitree.com/wiki/Dickinson-859). Miss Salinda Redway was received by the First Presbyterian Church of neighboring Adams in Aug. 1816 and dismissed in Dec. 1831 (AdChR [1816 admissions; eventual husb.’s name added]); she was living in Lorraine in 1830 (US Census, Jeff Co 153). A transcription of her parents’ Bible records, in which the latest entry is dated 19 October 1839, does not include a record of her death (RevWarPF R8646). Neither is she mentioned in her brother Carpus’s affidavit, dated 28 Sept. 1853, naming their parents’ surviving heirs (below). She evidently died sometime between those two dates.
iv. MEHITABEL “HITTY,” b. 1 March 1789, bap. Pittsfield 31 May 1789, d. Adams, N.Y., 15 Oct. 1865, aged 76 yrs,, 7 mos., 14 da. (Arnold, Redway 60; g.s., Adams State Road [Honeyville] Cem); m. Lorraine after 4 March 1825 [25 Oct. 1825? (IGI)], as his second wife, AUSTIN LOVELAND, b. Glastonbury, Conn., 17 Sept. 1779, d. Adams 5 May 1867, aged 87 yrs., 8 mos., 10 da., son of Robert and Elizabeth (Gaines) Loveland (Arnold, Redway 60; g.s., Adams St Rd Cem; Pittsford Hist 295).[87] Miss Hitty Redway was admitted to the First Presbyterian
87 Although unconfirmed, the bracketed marriage date, 25 Oct. 1825, is quite plausible: Austin Loveland’s first
wife, Sally (Wright), had died the previous 4 March (g.s., Isham Cem, Rodman, Jeff Co). Several online sources give Loveland’s birth and parental data as presented above but without documentation. Records show that Robert Loveland
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
Church of Adams in 1822 or 1823 (AdChR [1822 admissions; eventual husb.’s surname added]; AdChR [session recs] 53, propounded 1 Oct. 1823).
v. CARPUS, b. 9 Dec. 1791, d. Armada, Macomb Co., Mich., 27 Aug. 1874, aged 81 yrs., 8 mos., 18 da. (g.s., Willow Grove Cem, Armada; Arnold, Redway 60, appx 4); m. (1) Henderson, Jefferson Co., N.Y., 7 Jan. 1821, SALLY PERSONS, b. Bennington, Vt., 17 Nov. 1794, d. Armada 19 Dec. 1838, aged 44 yrs., 1 mo., 2 da., daughter of Edward Persons (Arnold, Redway 60; g.s., Willow Grove); m. (2) Washington, Macomb Co., 12 March 1840 (separated ca. 1844), SYBIL (MILLER) BURLINGHAM, b. Granville, Washington Co., N.Y., 12 June 1792 or 12 May 1793, d. 1858, widow of Sardis Burlingham (Macomb Co mar recs; Arnold, Redway 60); m. (3) Macomb Co. 27 Feb. 1870, CHLOE J. (ROBLEE) WAITE, b. Granville 3 Sept. 1802, d. 11 Oct. 1884, widow of Thomas Wait (Macomb Co mar recs; g.s., Willow Grove; Arnold, Redway 60; Waite Fam 17). After Carpus’s death, Chloe married in Macomb Co., 4 April 1875, Alonzo Barber (Macomb Co mar recs).
During the War of 1812, Carpus served as a private and corporal from 30 May to 14 November 1814 in Capt. Elisha Allen’s Company, Col. Clark Allen’s Regiment, New York Militia (Pay Vouchers). His term of service included the dates during which local men carried a long, thick, and heavy cable from the mouth of Sandy Creek to Sackets Harbor (see p. 44). On 1 Sept. 1815, Carpus paid $82.64 for about 20½ acres in the town of Lorraine—part of Lots 23 and 33, up the state road about a mile northwest of Lorraine village (JeffLR N:550). His parents began living there about the time that he purchased about three-quarters of an acre for $25 and a half-acre for $100, both at nearby Henderson, on 22 Feb. 1820 (JeffLR O:93, 95). He sold the larger of the Henderson parcels the next year but continued to occupy the other (on the Henderson–Adams line, within a mile south of Smithville village) until at least 1825 (JeffLR Y:61; 1825 NY Census, Henderson). By the time Carpus sold his Henderson homestead (in 1839, for $250) and the 20+ acres at Lorraine (in 1840, for $300), he and his first wife had long since established themselves in Macomb Co., Michigan Territory, where in 1825 and 1828 “Charles” [Carpus] Redway had secured title to land in Section 8 of Ray Town-ship (JeffLR K3:256, V3:29; Mich Hist Colls 27:280; 1830 US Census, Ray 134). The property on which they settled was probably “bounty land,” granted by the government for military service (many such awards were in the Michigan Territory). At Ray during 1853 and 1854, Carpus—on behalf of himself and his sister Mehitabel Loveland, their parents’ only surviving heirs—was unsuccessful in obtaining the widow’s pension that their deceased mother had not sought (and, as it turned out, for which she had not been eligible) during the two years she had survived Comfort (RevWarPF R8646).
vi. SABRINA, b. 16 Jan. 1796, d. Armada 23 Feb. 1839, aged 43 yrs., 1 mo., 7 da. (RevWarPF R8646; g.s., Willow Grove Cem [husb. named]); m. probably Lorraine, by ca. 1818, AMASA MOSS CLOSSON, b. N.Y. ca. 1796, res. Leslie, Ingham Co., Mich., 1860, son of John Closson (of Lorraine 1820) (RevWarPF R8646; Arnold, Redway 61; 1850, 1860 US censuses, Leslie 110A, 168, aged 54, 64, resp.; 1820 US Census, Lorraine 451; AMC ltr). Their son Amasa M. Closson was born in New York about 1818 (1870 [Rives] 1880 [Jackson] US Census, Jackson Co MI 374B, 306A, resp.; Indiana Death Index).
vii. LYDIA, b. 23 April 1799, d. Chicopee Parish, Springfield (that part now town of Chicopee), 21 July 1801, aged 2 yrs., 3 mos. (RevWarPF R8646; g.s., Chicopee Street Bur Grnd).
12. PRESERVED5 REDWAY (James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1), farmer, was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, 14 July 1764 and died in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., New York, 25 April 1837, aged 73 (RVR 3:56; g.s., Rural Cem, Adams NY). He married in Somers, Tolland Co., Connecticut, 29 June 1789, AZUBAH JONES, born there 1 November 1770 and died in Ellisburg 1 January 1853, and Elizabeth Gaines married at Glastonbury on 17 Dec. 1761, and that their children included Erastus and Abel Love-land, early settlers of Adams and adjacent Rodman, who on 17 April 1801 sold 240 acres in Granville, Mass., abutting land occupied by Austin Loveland (Conn Mar 7:101; HampLR 42:630, 43:313, 315, 48:686). A history of Pittsford, Vt. (cited above), explicitly identifies eight children of Robert and Elizabeth (Gaines) Loveland of “Hartford” [then adjacent to Glastonbury], with Austin named last. While his birth data remain unconfirmed, the location is consistent with Robert and Elizabeth (Gaines) Loveland’s origin, and the date closely matches Austin’s age at death, which yields a calculated birthdate of 25 Aug. 1779.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
aged 82 yrs., 2 mos., daughter of Daniel and Jemima (Webb) Jones (Conn Mar 5:97; StafPR file 1259; SomVR 1:67; g.s., Rural Cem; Sessions Fam 97–98).[88] Though only six years younger than Preserved, Azubah had been his stepniece since 1782, when her father married, as his second wife, Preserved’s sister Mehitabel (no. 5.ii), then of Stafford, Connecticut (on Somers’s eastern border). Azubah was a direct descendant of Thomas Jones, among the first settlers (by 1640) of Cape Ann (Gloucester), Massachusetts (GlouVR 1:390; see note 88, below). She was a third cousin once removed, of second U.S. President John Adams, by virtue of their common ancestor Henry Adams, who settled in Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1638 (Giles Mem 502–3, 510–11; Henry Adams 27–51, 59–72, 76–78; American Fams 2534–35). Azubah’s immigrant ancestor Christo-pher Webb also lived in Braintree, having arrived by 1645 (Giles Mem 499–503, 510–11).[89]
Preserved was only 12 when his father died and not yet 16 when, at Killingly, Connecticut, 1 July 1780, he enlisted in the Continental Army. Until his discharge the following 4 December, he served as a private in Capt. Robert Warner’s Company, Col. Samuel Wyllys’s Third Regiment, First Connecticut Brigade. His was one of seven brigades that marched down the Hudson River from their camp opposite West Point, New York, to the vicinity of Ft. Lee, New Jersey, and back again, without incident. On 19 February 1781, after spending most of the winter at home, he re-enlisted in the same company (the Third and Fourth regiments had by then been consolidated and designated the First Regiment, under Col. John Durkee) (Conn Men 127–649 passim).
If long marches characterized Preserved’s first term of service, the second was probably spent mainly in drills and maneuvers or guard duty. Since neither of his two pension applications men-tions battles, skirmishes, or the like, he probably did not accompany Gen. George Washington’s army to Virginia in the fall of 1781, but remained on the Hudson (as did most of the Connecticut Line) to defend, uneventfully, the Highlands. The British surrender at Yorktown effectively ended the war, and Washington’s troops returned to the Hudson that December. In early November 1782, the entire Continental Army marched to Washington’s headquarters, at Newburgh, New York (by West Point), where it spent the last winter of the war. Although the army was largely disbanded in early June 1783, Preserved remained at West Point, probably with Col. Heman Swift’s Regiment (the last formation of the Connecticut Line), until his discharge the following 31 December (Conn Men 127–649 passim; RevWarPF W18796).
All known secondary sources of biographical information about Preserved assert that he had been a member of General Washington’s bodyguard.[90] Always with Washington in time of action, the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard was (according to his order of 30 April 1777) to be comprised of “sober, young, active, and well made . . . men of some property.” Having inherited 20 acres from his father’s estate, Preserved met the property requirement (PomPR file 3377). And despite his tender age, he was not too young to be considered for this elite corps: more than a few guards-men were in their teens, some as young as 15. Given the unit’s great prestige, however, Preserved’s failure to mention it in either of two pension applications suggests that he had not been a member.
88 There is no civil record of Daniel Jones’s birth, and the genealogy that includes his family fails to acknowledge
him and two of his brothers. He was born in Somers 12 March 1746[/7?] and died there 22 March 1793 (not 23 March 1792, as his gravestone, in Somers’s West Cemetery, has it), son of Benjamin4 Jones (Benjamin3-2, Thomas1) and Eliza-beth (Gibbs) (Sessions Fam 98; SomVR 1:2, 107; SomLR D:505–6, E:84; Jones Fam 1–11, 13–19, 225–28).
89 A compilation of various Webb family sources asserts that Christopher1 Webb was the son of Alexander Webb III and thereby a descendant of several persons of note: Robert and Mary (Webb) Arden, grandparents of William Shake-speare; Sir Henry Webb (b. 11 May 1510), usher in the Privy Council of Catherine Parr, Queen Regent of Britain (his sisters Mary and Abigail were both grandmothers of Shakespeare); William Webb (b. 16 March 1425), Lord Mayor of London; and Sir Thomas Wilson, private secretary of Queen Elizabeth I (Media Research Bureau, The Name and Family of Webb [Washington DC, n.d.], 12, 816, 19, 62, 68–69 [digital image at https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManager Servlet?dps_pid=IE211809]). The foregoing is provided solely for readers’ amusem*nt: about 1959 or so, the American Society of Genealogists (of which this writer is a fellow), with the cooperation of the U.S. Postal Service, forced the purveyor of this information, the Media Research Bureau, out of business for false and misleading claims.
90 See, for example, JCJ 1 May 1873, 2 Aug 1876; Jeff Co Hist1 244; Our County 409; Idaho Hist 448; Jeff Co Fam Hist 1:603.
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
The definitive history of the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard includes a roster and service records of all those identified as members between its reorganization, on 30 April 1777, and its dissolution, on 20 December 1783, for which period virtually all the original rolls are extant. Preserved’s name does not appear among those listed. Of the many instances of Guard membership attributed to Revolutionary soldiers, the vast majority are unsupported or disconfirmed by the records (CIC’s Guard 10–11, 14–15, 40–43, 80–81, 86, 95–98, 113–274 passim).
Several sources state that Preserved had been corporal of the guard at the surrender of British General Burgoyne (see, for example, Jeff Co Hist1 244; Idaho Hist 448). While Preserved’s dis-charge indicates that he had indeed attained the rank of corporal, the event at which he is said to have been present occurred on 17 October 1777, when he was 13 and almost three years away from his first enlistment. This error probably arose from confusion between Preserved’s service and that of his sister Mehitabel’s second husband, Ens. Ephraim Potter (see no. 5.ii), whose pension file indicates that he had participated in the victory over Burgoyne (RevWarPF S44245).
Preserved returned to Killingly after the war and remained there until at least 1785. On 10 December of that year, he (“of Killingly”) received £45 from Col. Joseph Cady, his former guard-ian, for the 20 acres distributed to him from his father’s estate (PomPR file 3377; KLR 12:71). Sometime during the next three and a half years he migrated to New York: the record of his mid-1789 marriage has him “of Albany” (Conn Mar 5:97). The 1790 and 1800 U.S. censuses place him, respectively, at Ballston, Albany County (Saratoga Co., 1791), and Galway (set off from Ball-ston, 1792). Listed on the same page as Preserved in the latter census are his brother James and the aforementioned Ephraim Potter. Since no land records (which specify dates and locations) have been found for Preserved in Albany or Saratoga counties, a more detailed account of their approximately 15-year stay at Ballston/Galway is not now possible.[91] The only local evidence that Preserved and his family lived in this vicinity is found at the North Galway (Foster Hill) Cemetery, where stand the gravestones of two of his children.
On 20 February 1804, Preserved Redway of Galway paid $666 for most of Lot 140 in the northeast corner of Ellisburg, Oneida County (that part set off as Jefferson Co., 1805), abutting the towns of Adams (north) and Lorraine (east) (JeffLR A:163–64). Of the lot’s 316+ acres, 50 in the southeast corner had been purchased two years earlier by his nephew Joel Brown (JeffLR A: 224–25).[92] On this property, theretofore part of the surrounding wilderness, Preserved spent the rest of his days. The farm was only a mile from Adams Village, whose commercial, educational, and religious activities, though limited at first, became highly important to the farmers for several miles around. On 18 August 1805, Preserved was among the founders and original six trustees of the First Congregational Society of Adams (Jeff Co Hist2 77). Later generations of Redways emu-lated his long and devoted membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Adams (Congregational until 1824) and attended school in the village, as well.[93] Though technically residents of Ellisburg (and later Lorraine), the Redways’ close proximity to and association with Adams often led them to name it as their place of residence. Preserved is often mentioned in historical accounts of Adams rather than Ellisburg.
In 1799, Preserved named a son after Swiss-born congressional leader Albert Gallatin, thereby implying a keen interest in politics and strong Jeffersonian sympathies.[94] By that year, Gallatin, a member of the Democratic–Republican party (founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1792 and now
91 The Redway farm was presumably located near that of Ephraim Potter, in lot 4, a subdivision of lot 2, itself a subdivision of lot 5 of allotment 11, the Kayaderosseras Patent (SarLR C:1, CD:3).
92 No doubt his sister Molly (Mrs. Ebenezer) Brown (no. 8) and her family’s migration to Adams in 1801 influ-enced Preserved and his family’s removal to Ellisburg (see JeffLR A:262; Jeff Co Hist1 224, 242).
93 Despite Preserved’s early affiliation with the Adams church, his wife, Azubah, did not become a member until 1821, when her sons Chauncey, David, and Abel did likewise (AdChR [1821 admissions]; AdChR [session recs] 23).
94 Gallatin would go on to become the longest-serving treasury secretary in American history; U.S. minister first to France and then Great Britain; cofounder of New York University; first president of the National (later Gallatin) Bank, in New York City; and founder and first president of the American Ethnological Society.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
the Democratic party), had become the most dangerous opponent of the Federalists, who, repre-senting mainly landed and commercial interests, distrusted the exercise of individual liberty by the masses of Americans and favored a strong central government. In opposition, the Jeffersonians adopted political principles of direct, popular control of government; preservation of states’ rights and opposition to centralized, federal power; wide extension of voting rights and the fullest meas-ure of personal liberty consistent with law and order; equal rights for all; freedom of religion, speech, and press; and opposition to laws regulating personal, moral behavior. It is not surprising that Preserved, a modest farmer, would share these principles with the majority of those similarly situated.
An 1898 newspaper article recalled that Preserved, more than 60 years earlier, had been “a hale and hearty man, albeit he had one wooden leg” (JCJ 8 Feb 1898). A biographical sketch of a grandson asserts that Preserved had lost the limb in the Revolution (Idaho Hist 448). Two letters found among the “nonselected” records in his pension file indicate otherwise, however. His family physician wrote in January 1831 that Preserved “has been deprived of one leg for about 20 years.” About the same time, an old acquaintance was somewhat more specific, writing that “he lost a leg by amputation in 1808” (RevWarPF W18796).
Pursuant to a congressional act of 18 March 1818, veterans of the Revolution who could dem-onstrate financial hardship were entitled to a military pension. Preserved’s pension application of 17 April 1818 contains the following statement: “Said Redway is [sic] now but one leg & has been unfortunate in life.” His first payment, $36.80, represented arrears from the date of his application to the following 4 September at the rate of $8 per month. In an 1831 letter to his congressman, however, Preserved asserted that he “drew [the pension] three times and [has] not recd any pay since that time.” His pension application of 25 July 1832 explained that he had been removed from the pension roll (probably in 1820, when eligibility requirements were tightened) “on account of his being the owner of more property than was contemplated by said Act” (RevWarPF 18796). This second application was in response to federal legislation of 7 June 1832 making pensions available to all who had served in the Revolution for at least six months, regardless of need. His pension was restored on 7 August of that year, but at $88 annually, it was slightly smaller than the original one (ibid.).
The resumption of benefits was certainly a welcome augmentation of Preserved’s income. In the two preceding years, his poor financial condition had led him to file private pension claims with his congressmen. As a result, Rep. Joseph Hawkins of New York introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on 28 December 1830 a resolution “that the Committee on Military Pen-sions be instructed to enquire into the expediency of allowing a pension to Preserved Redway, a soldier of the Revolution”; Rep. Daniel Wardwell of New York presented a similar proposal on 21 December 1831 (House resolutions; Private Claims 3:156). Wardwell also forwarded Preserved’s 1832 deposition to the Pension Office, saying, “I have known him for twenty years & no man sustains a better character for truth” (RevWarPF 18796). Though both resolutions passed, neither received committee action.
Other correspondence in Preserved’s pension file reveals that despite owning a sizeable farm, he was having difficulty supporting his family. A longstanding acquaintance wrote to the Chair-man of the Committee of Claims, House of Representatives: “I have often remarked his habits of persevering industry, and economy: have frequently Seen him in the most Severe Storms, engaged with his team, and at Other Times Standing upon his Crutch beside a large Tree, Chop[p]ing, by which means he has hitherto been enabled to Support his family. . . . [His] means are small and I believe few men can be found more deserving of a Pension.” The aforementioned doctor’s letter also indicates that Preserved “is now sixty-six years of age . . . has a wife aged and infirm, and eight children[,] several of whom are now living with him and are dependent on him for a liveli-hood. He has one son [Daniel] 34 years of age who has for years been totally blind [and] [a]nother son that has been afflicted with chronic ophthalmia of both eyes for a year and a half past[,] which has produced partial blindness and threatens wholly to deprive him of his sight.” The letter
Molly5, James, Joel, Comfort, and Preserved Redway
specifying the year and manner in which Preserved lost his leg (above) describes his dependents in much the same terms, adding that “the statute Law of this State . . . obliges Fathers to support their Children, when paupers, if they have property. I believe the actual expenditure necessary from s[ai]d Redeway [sic] for that purpose might be such as soon to render him a Pauper or unable to support himself.”
Preserved’s impecuniosity apparently followed him to the grave. His will, made 13 days before his death, mentions money only in instructions to his son Chauncey, whose inheritance of a residual portion of the farm is made contingent upon his paying $100 each to Preserved’s daughter Azubah and son David and $20 to son Daniel. There is no indication that the source of these payments was to be other than Chauncey’s own pocket. The largest portion of Preserved’s farm—along with all the equipment, virtually all the livestock and, ultimately, sole ownership of the house—went to his son Albert (JeffW A:127–30). This property, about one hundred acres, lies on Grove Street in Ellisburg and was in 1996 owned by Albert’s great-grandson Albert Watts Redway of West-brook, Connecticut, and St. Petersburg, Florida.
Children, surname REDWAY; i born in Somers, ii–vii born in Galway, viii–x born in Ellisburg:
13 i. CHAUNCEY HAMILTON6, b. 5 Nov. 1789; m. LODEM(I)A COOPER. ii. POLLY, b. 4 April 1791, d. Galway 8 June 1803, in 13th yr. (Redway chart; DAR 166766; g.s.,
North Galway [now Foster Hill] Cem). 14 iii. AZUBAH, b. 25 Aug. 1792; m. PELATIAH DWIGHT. iv. ABEL, b. 3 Dec. 1794, d. Galway 23 May 1803, in 9th yr. (Redway chart; DAR 166766; g.s.,
North Galway [Foster Hill] Cem). 15 v. DANIEL JONES, b. 10 Sept. 1796; m. ABIGAIL VAN. 16 vi. ALBERT GALLATIN, b. 1 Feb. 1799; m. ANN MARIA SESSIONS. 17 vii. DAVID JONES, b. 30 April 1802; m. HANNAH DOANE. 18 viii. ABEL (again), b. 8 Feb. 1805; m. SALLY CHARLOTTE GRINNELL. 19 ix. HARVEY NATHAN, b. 25 Feb. 1808; m. ELMINA PRUDENCE PARTRIDGE. x. MARY MARIA, b. 10 April 1812, d. Ellisburg 6 Jan. 1857, aged 45 (Redway chart; DAR 166766;
g.s., Adams Rural Cem; JCN 8 Jan 1857). The Adams Union Sabbath School secretary’s book lists her as a “scholar” [student] in 1825 and again about 1828, the latter at age 16. She was admitted to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 2 July 1843 (AdChR). In 1850, she was sharing with her mother the half of her father’s house that he had left to her 13 years earlier (1850 US Census, Ellisburg 300A; JeffW A:229–30). By 1855, her mother had died, and Mary was living in the household of her brother Albert, who had inherited the other half of the same house (1855 NY Census, Ellisburg dw 254 fam 269; JeffW A:229). It is almost certainly here that she died, less than two years later. It is doubtful that Mary, who never married, lived anywhere but on the Redway family farm.
13. CHAUNCEY HAMILTON6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1), farmer, was born in Somers, Tolland Co., Connecticut, 5 November 1789 (g.s.; DAR 76222, 77029, 147903, 567484); he died in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., New York, 22 November 1854 (g.s.; JeffPR 4:58; AdChR).[95] Chauncey married in Adams (adjacent to Ellisburg) __ February 1815, LODEM(I)A[96] COOPER, daughter of Miles and Asenath (Cowles) Cooper (DAR 77029, 147903; AdChR [1812 admissions]). She was born in Durham, Albany (that part later Greene) Co., New York,[97] 6 No-vember 1793, baptized there 20 September 1801, and died in Ellisburg 2 May 1856 (g.s.; Cooper file; 1800 US Census, Freehold 1088; Cowles Fam 1:206, 208, 438; DurChR; AdChR). Both were buried in Adams Rural Cemetery.
Fourteen when his family left Galway, New York, to settle at Ellisburg, Chauncey lived in the latter place for 12 years. On 15 March 1816, he paid $150 for 50 acres just north of Adams Center (Township 7, Lot 22), where he resided until 1833 (JeffLR I:227). On 22 March of the latter year, he paid $824 for 62+ acres in Ellisburg Lot 162, about three miles south of his father’s farm, where he lived thereafter (JeffLR 143:120; JeffW 4:58). Chauncey served several short terms
95 Chauncey died of “quick consumption” [rapidly progressing tuberculosis] (1855 NY Census, Ellisburg ED 1
Stats of Deaths line 3). 96 Her forename appears as Lodemia on her baptismal record and in the 1855 NY Census for Ellisburg; in all other
records, she is Lodema or, occasionally, Ladema. 97 Three descendants’ respective DAR files give Lodema’s birthplace as Connecticut, as does a history of Jefferson
Co. (DAR 77029, 566953, 567484; Our County 405). Even her brother George’s handwritten account of the family asserts that “my father – Miles Cooper – the youngest [of four children] – married Asenath Cowles, Jan. 2nd 1793, and moved to Durham, Conn.” (Cooper MS 1A). The 1790 U.S. Census, however, lists Miles’s brothers George and Abner Cooper and their sister’s husband, Moses Austin, as respective householders not in Connecticut but in the Albany County, N.Y., town of Freehold, known informally as New Durham and officially renamed Durham in 1805 (Heads of Fams, NY 27; Greene Co Hist 257). (Many of the earliest English settlers of Freehold had come from Durham, Connecticut, which borders Haddam [Miles Cooper’s birthplace] on the west and after which the New York settlement was eventually named [Greene Co Hist 257; Cooper MS 1A].) Miles Cooper appears as a head of household for the first time in 1800, also at Freehold (then in Greene Co., set off from Albany Co. that year) (US Census 1088). (He had probably been the other of the two males over 16 in Abner’s household in 1790.) Among those who in 1792 signed the covenant of the First Presbyterian Church of Durham, N.Y., were George, Abner, and Miles Cooper, and the latter’s eventual brother-in-law, John Cowles (Durham Ch Hist 4–8). Records of the Presbyterian Church of Greenville, N.Y., indicate that John Cowles and Lucy Griswold (daughter of Abraham and Betsey (Strickland) Griswold) were both of adjacent Durham when they married, on 30 April 1795. Lodema herself was baptized in Durham, N.Y. (see text); the 1850 U.S. Census for Ellisburg gives her birthplace as New York, and that for Adams reports the same origin for her brothers Ira and George. John Cowles settled about 1800 in that part of Mexico, Oneida Co., that became Adams (1802), Jefferson Co. (1805) (Our County 59, 402–3 [Coles]). The 1810 federal census enumerated him at Adams, where in 1811 he co-administered, and Miles Cooper co-appraised, the estate of Abraham Griswold (JeffEstPap box G–6 case 96). At the first Adams town meeting, on 1 March 1803, John Cowles was elected an overseer of highways and George Cooper, a fence viewer (Our County 408). The foregoing facts leave little doubt that Miles Cooper and Asenath Cowles met and married in Freehold (Durham), N.Y., and none that Lodema, their eldest child, was born there, not in Connecticut. With less to go on, the leading Cowles genealogy nevertheless reached the same conclusion (see Cowles Fams 1:94, 206, 208, 438).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
in the War of 1812, as a private in the 55th Regiment, New York Volunteer Militia, and then in the 14th Regiment, from which he was discharged a corporal (1812 Service Recs; 1812 Payroll Abstr). He was probably among the local volunteers who in June 1814 shouldered a critically im-portant “cable” 20 miles from Sandy Creek to Sackets Harbor (Sixtown n.p.). (Actually a great rope—six inches thick, six hundred feet long, and weighing almost five tons—it was intended as anchor line or rigging or both for the USS Superior, the huge new frigate that could alter the balance of power on Lake Ontario.)
While Chauncey’s will, dated at Ellisburg 7 November 1854 and proved at Watertown 1 Octo-ber 1855, named his legatees and their bequests, it was a court order of 16 July 1855 that provided their respective places of residence at that time. Combining the two produces the following infor-mation: wife Lodema (life interest in one-third of farm proceeds); daughter Harriet, wife of Caleb G. Cowles of Augusta, Oneida County ($100 and two cows); daughter Electa, wife of Sylvester Thayer of Quincy, Illinois ($200); daughter Cornelia Ann, wife of the will’s executor, Thomas C. Chittenden 2nd ($200); granddaughter Ida C. Chittenden ($100); granddaughter Ellen Loretta Smith of Ellisburg, daughter of Chauncey’s deceased daughter Emma [sic; Amy] Loretta Smith, ($200); son Hamilton K. Redway of Ellisburg (remainder of real and personal estate) (JeffW 4:56–59).
Lodema’s uncle George Cooper’s name appears in a 14 November 1799 entry in the land books of Nicholas Low, among the largest early Jefferson County landowners (Jeff Co Hist1 242). Not until 1802 or 1803, however, did George and his brother Miles, Lodema’s father, migrate with their families from Durham, New York, to Adams (ibid. 243, Myron [sic]; 1800 US Census, Freehold 1088; DurChR).[98] They arrived not long after their Durham neighbor John Cowles (Lodema’s maternal uncle) and his family, and about the same time as fellow Durham residents Abra(ha)m and Betsey (Strickland) Griswold and their family (Cowles Fam 1:208; US Bio Dict 271). In 1804, Lodema’s mother, Asenath Cooper, was among the original six members of the First Congregational (later Presbyterian) Church of Adams, as were the aforementioned Griswolds, whose grandson Henry later married Chauncey’s niece Mary (no. 23) (Jeff Co Hist1 259; JCJ 12 July 1904; AdChR). The Adams church received Miss Lodema Cooper into communion in January 1812 (AdChR [admissions; parents, eventual husb. named]).
Children, surname REDWAY; i–vii born in Adams, viii in Ellisburg (JeffLR I:227, 143:120; Cowles Fam 1:208; DAR 147903):
i. AMY LORETTA7, b. ca. 1816, bap. Adams 1823–1826,[99] d. Mexico, Oswego Co., N.Y., 22 July 1841, aged 25 (AdChR; g.s., Adams Rural Cem); m. Adams 18 June 1840 DR. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH, b. Willington, Conn., 23 April 1815, d. probably Orwell, Oswego Co., 7 Oct. 1848, son of Jason and Eunice (Stowell) Smith (AdChR; DAR 147903; Cooper MS 1A; g.s., Evergreen Cem, Orwell; WilVR C:67); he m. (2) Lucinda Balch (findagrave.com). Miss Amy Lorretta Redway was received into communion with the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 7 Aug. 1831 (AdChR [admissions (d. Aug. 1841)]). She died four months after delivering her daughter, Ellen Loretta, born in Mexico, N.Y., 22 March 1841 (DAR 76222, 147903; DC Deaths).
In 1850, Ellen “Redway” [née Smith] was living with her maternal grandparents; in 1855, with her recently married uncle Hamilton (no. viii below) and her grandmother Lodema; and in 1860, with Lodema’s brother John C. Cooper (1850, 1860 US censuses, Ellisburg 301, Adams 622, resp.; 1855 NY Census, Ellisburg ED 1 dw 29 fam 31). Ellen, under the name Nellie M. Redway, married in the District of Columbia 7 Nov. 1868, Winfield Scott Jenks (DC Marriages). Her DAR membership application (1919) has her as Helen Marr (Smith) Jenks and her death certificate (1929) as Helen Marr Jenks (DAR 147903; DC Deaths).
98 The 1855 New York State Census for Adams (dw 57 fam 94) reported that Lodema’s brother John C. Cooper
was then a 52-year resident of the town. 99 The undated baptismal record in which her name appears lists, in order, Amy L., Emma D., Harriet Selden, and
Electa Redway (AdChR).
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
ii. EMMA DIANTHA, b. ca. 1819, bap. Adams 1823–1826, d. Ellisburg 4 Nov. 1842, aged 23 (AdChR [baptisms; 1831 admissions]; g.s., Adams Rural Cem; Cooper MS 1B; Cowles Fam 1:438).
iii. HARRIET SELDEN, b. 18 Oct. 1821 or 1822, bap. Adams 1823–1826, d. Dist. of Columbia, 13 May 1911, aged 89 (Cowles Fam 438; Cowles m.i., Adams Rural Cem; AdChR; DC Deaths); m. Ellisburg ca. 1842, CALEB G. COWLES, carpenter, b. Ellisburg 1 April 1819 or 1820, d. 1902, son of Leander and Dorcas (Tifft) Cowles (Cowles m.i.; Cowles Fam 1:242, 438; 1900 US Census, Oneida, Madison Co NY 5B). They removed from Ellisburg to Augusta, Oneida Co., N.Y., about 1852; were residing in Lenox, Madison Co., N.Y., by 1865; Oneida Castle, Oneida Co., by 1870; Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, by 1880; and Oneida, Madison Co., by 1897 until at least 1900.[100] Though memorialized with her husband on the Cowles monument in Adams Rural Cemetery, Harriet was cremated in the District of Columbia (DC Deaths).
iv. ELECTA L., b. 5 Aug. 1823, bap. Adams 1823–1826, d. Chicago, Ill., 5 Feb. 1918, aged 98 [sic] (Cowles Fam 1:438; AdChR; cem rec; Cook Co Deaths); m. probably Ellisburg, __ June 1843, as his third wife, SYLVESTER THAYER, ESQ., b. Lebanon, Madison Co., N.Y., 25 Feb. 1808, d. Chicago 22 Sept. 1868, son of Jonathan and Catherine (Blair) Thayer (Thayer Mem 498–99; NEHGR 115:26; Inter Ocean 26 Sept 1868; Quincy Whig 1 Oct 1868; cem rec). From 1844 or 1845 until at least 1860, this childless couple lived in Quincy, Adams Co., Ill. (Quincy Hist 143; 1850, 1860 US censuses, South Ward 244B, 6th Ward 339, resp.); by 1865 they had removed to Chicago, where they remained (1865 IL Census 16; 1870 US Census, Chicago 3rd Ward 456B; JCJ 15 Aug 1877; Cowles Fam 1:438). Both are buried in Graceland Cemetery and Arboretum, Chicago (cem recs).
At Quincy, Sylvester Thayer and his brother William opened a dry-goods store about 1845; built a flourmill in 1846; established a grain distillery in 1849; an alcohol distillery in 1855; and also in the latter year, an iron and heavy hardware business and a forwarding and commission house (Quincy Hist 143; Quincy 1857 pp. 28, 38, 45, 46). Elected mayor in 1857, Sylvester was “generally recognized as the foremost businessman of the city” (Quincy 1857 p. 58; Quincy Hist 142 [see also 141, 143, 146, 155]). He and William prospered greatly in Chicago, where, as Thayer Bros., owners of Star and Crescent Mills (Chicago) and Eagle Mills (Lacon, Ill.), they were millers and distillers; Sylvester was a respected member of the Chicago Board of Trade (Chicago Dir; Inter Ocean 26 Sept 1868). Electa’s ascension to Chicago’s upper class is indicated by her listings in the social register from its inception (1890) until her death, 28 years later (Blue Book). The 1900 U.S. Census for Chicago describes her as a widow, born in Aug. 1823, and a “Capitalist” (Wd 4 ED 80 p. 10A).
v. CORNELIA ANN, b. 1825, bap. Adams 4 Aug. 1826, d. Gloversville, Fulton Co., N.Y., 6 Dec. 1886, bur. Elmwood Cemetery, Adams (g.s. not found) (Cowles Fam 1:438; 1850 US Census, Ellisburg 301B; AdChR; JCJ 14 Dec 1886 pp. 4, 5); m. probably Ellisburg, 5 Jan. 1852, THOMAS C. CHITTENDEN, ESQ., b. Harmony, Gibson [sic; that part by then Posey] Co., Ind., 21 Oct. 1822 (1823?), d. Adams 26 or 27 May 1883, aged 60 yrs., 7 mos., 5 da., son of Homer and Margaret Foote (Trowbridge) Chittenden (JCJ 30 May 1883, 16 Jan 1884; Jeff. Co. Wills, 4:56; Cooper MS 1B; Trowbridge Fam 157). Among the most prominent men of Adams, T. C. Chittenden was variously a lawyer; hardware store proprietor; insurance, pension, and real estate agent; village postmaster; justice of the peace; trustee of Hungerford Collegiate Institute and of the public school; chief engineer of the fire department; and high-ranking Mason (JCJ 30 May 1883). Cornelia died at the home of her niece, Mrs. M. C. Treadway, with whom she had been staying for five weeks. Mentally unsound for the previous five years, she had required “watchful attendance” (JCJ 14 Dec 1886).
vi. SARAH, b. ca. 1828, bap. Adams 31 Oct. 1828, d. before 1855 (AdChR). Not mentioned in her father’s will (or in Cooper MS, Cowle Fam, and findagrave.com), she probably died young.
100 1850 US Census, Ellisburg 323B; 1855 NY Census, Augusta ED 1 dw 241 fam 260, 3-yr. res.; 1865 NY
Census, Lenox ED 3 p. 29; 1870 US Census, Oneida Castle 403B; 1870 US Census, Mason City 290D; Cowles Fam 1:438; 1900 US Census, Oneida 5B (Harriet b. Oct. 1822; Caleb b. April 1819; m. 58 yrs.).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
vii. HAMILTON CASE, b. ca. 1830, bap. Adams 11 Nov. 1830 (AdChR), d. Adams or Ellisburg by 1835, bur. Rural Cemetery, Adams (g.s. illegible).
viii. CAPT. HAMILTON KINNEY,[101] law enforcement officer, b. 5 March 1835,[102] bap. Adams 20 Oct. 1835, d. Georgetown, Dist. of Columbia, 27 Dec. 1888, aged 53, bur. Rock Spring Cemetery, Dist. of Columbia (AdChR; Eve Star 28, 29 Dec 1888; Cowles Fam 1:438; g.s. [b. 1835]); m. Ellisburg 4 Jan. 1855, LORIETTE C. TAFT, b. Rodman, Jefferson Co., N.Y., 1834, d. Chatta-nooga or Loveland, Okla., 4 Jan. 1919, aged 84, daughter of Reuben and Caroline (Barney) Taft (CivWarPF 252369; DC Deaths; g.s., Rock Spring Cem; 1850 US Census, Ellisburg 293A; JeffW A:166–70, at 167; Barney Fam 280).
After farming at Augusta, Oneida Co., N.Y., for four years, Hamilton enlisted as a private in the Union Army at Pierrepont Manor, Ellisburg, N.Y., on 17 May 1861, less than a month after the onset of the Civil War. In June 1862, while serving in Virginia as a corporal in K Company, 24th (“Oswego County”) New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, he contracted typhoid fever. Attributed to fatigue, exposure, and insufficient food and medical treatment during a series of forced marches lasting two and a half months, it caused his hospitalization near Fredericksburg, Va. (three weeks), and in the District of Columbia (six months). (Falling ill when he did may have saved Hamilton’s life: many of his comrades subsequently died at the battles of Second Bull Run [aka Second Manassas], South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericks-burg, and Chancellorsville.) Despite being unable to return to action for the remainder of his term of service—he was placed on a special roll from Feb. 1863 until his discharge at Elmira, N.Y., the following 29 May—he was made a sergeant on 1 March 1863.
At Elmira on 3 Aug. 1863, Hamilton enlisted as a sergeant in B or D Company, 1st (“Veteran”) New York Volunteer Cavalry Regiment. Promoted to first lieutenant on 7 Oct. (effective 20 Nov.) 1863 and to captain on 24 April (effective 31 Oct.) 1864, he raised and then commanded Company F of the 1st Veteran Cavalry, which saw much action during 1864. After his discharge, at Camp Piatt, W.Va., on 20 July 1865, Hamilton served a postwar term from 2 Jan. to 15 April 1866 as a second lieutenant with Company D, 6th U.S. Colored Cavalry Regiment (white officers commanded all black troops). Following his discharge, at De Valls Bluff, Arkansas, he brought his family from Ellisburg to the District of Columbia, where he had established himself the previous year. In 1868, he became a mounted officer with the capi-tal’s Metropolitan Police Dept. and was a lieutenant at his premature death.
Hamilton suffered from chronic health problems—rheumatism and rheumatic fever, heart disease, and pulmonary trouble—all induced by the typhoid he had incurred during the war. These afflictions periodically rendered him bedridden, progressively limited his activity, and ultimately contributed to his death, from “consumption” [wasting away of the body, especially from tuberculosis but probably not in this case]. (Biographical sources: CivWarPF 361346, 252369; Jeff Co Hist1 557, 559; JCN 20 Aug, 17 Sept 1863; Eve Star 28, 29 Dec 1888; CivWarRecs; CivWarArch.)
14. AZUBAH6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Galway, Saratoga Co., New York, 25 August 1792 and died in Henderson, Jefferson Co., New York, 6 April 1871 (Jeff Co Gaz 224; Dwight m.i., Elmwood Cem, Adams). She married in Ellisburg or Adams, Jefferson Co., 9 July 1822, DR. PELATIAH DWIGHT, born in Somers, Tolland Co., Con-necticut, 14 January 1785 and died in Adams 12 December 1882, son of Alpheus and Phanna/ Phanny (Prentice) Dwight (Jeff Co Gaz 224; Dwight m.i.; JCJ 20 Dec 1882; Dwight Desc 320). Although memorialized in detail on the imposing Dwight monument in Elmwood Cemetery, both are buried in Adams Rural Cemetery (JeffCemR 141; JCJ 20 Dec 1882).
101 AdChR (baptisms), Kinney; DAR 77029, 567484, Kenny. Hamilton received his middle name perhaps in honor
of Dr. Roswell Kinney (b. 1802), a prominent resident of Mannsville, a village in Ellisburg. 102 His birth year appears as 1839 in Cooper MS 1B, Cowles Fam 1:438, and Eve Star 28 Dec 1888. But see his
baptismal date, age at death, and gravestone citation (text); also, he was 15 in 1850 (US Census, Ellisburg 301B).
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
Azubah became a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Adams in 1817 and continued to attend for almost three years after her marriage took her to neighboring Henderson (AdChR, 1817 admissions). Not until pregnant with her first child did she, on 1 April 1825, request and receive a letter of dismission to the church in Henderson (AdChR [session recs] 76). She died of consumption, aged 78 (Dwight Desc 320).
When Pelatiah was 11, his family removed from Somers to Wilmington, Vermont, where, beginning at age 21, he taught school for nine years. (During this period, in 1813, he was a groomsman for the father of Rutherford B. Hayes. In 1881, after Hayes had become President of the United States, the two exchanged letters. The president’s father had died the year he was born, and Hayes was interested in Pelatiah’s recollections of him.) At the age of 30, he went to Cham-pion, Jefferson Co., N.Y., where his uncle, a physician, proposed that he study medicine. Upon receiving his diploma, in 1821, he established a medical practice in the town of Henderson, on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario. He reached his patients, many of whom lived at great distances, mainly on horseback, occasionally by rowboat. Reputed never to have brought collection proceed-ings against anyone, he allowed patients unable to pay him to work off their debts on his 40-acre farm. Even after formally ending his practice, Pelatiah, wrapped in buffalo skins, would sometimes go out into the night to attend those who needed him. By his own account, his practice at Henderson lasted for 50 years. In 1874, he joined the First Presbyterian Church of Adams, probably having recently joined his son’s household there.
Pelatiah was known as a man of peace and honesty and for his deep religious, moral, and polit-ical convictions. For some time following the 1826 disappearance of a dissident Mason thought to have been murdered by others in the order, Pelatiah bitterly denounced Masonry, for which his own life was frequently threatened. An active Congregationalist most of his life, he voted as a Whig and then a Republican. His love of education was reflected in his 15 consecutive years as Hender-son school commissioner and in the informal assistance he often gave both teachers and students. His last eight years were spent at his son’s home, in Adams. Almost 98 when he died, Pelatiah was not the first in his family to live well past average age: his father and mother reached 85 and 97, respectively, and his grandmother, Dorothy (Sexton) Prentice, lived to 99. Pelatiah was a lineal descendant of John Dwight of Wolverstone, Suffolk, England, and Watertown (1635) and Dedham (1638), Massachusetts Bay Colony. (Biographical sources: Dwight Desc 320; JCJ 19 Jan 1881, 20 Dec 1882; AdChR [roll book]; Jeff Co Gaz 224; GM 2:371, 376.)
Children, surname DWIGHT, all born in Henderson:
i. DEALTON(7), b. 9 Feb. 1824, d. Henderson same day (Dwight Desc 320). ii. DEALTON A., b. 15 or 25 Sept. 1825, d. Adams 1 April 1900, aged 74, bur. Elmwood Ceme-
tery, Adams (Jeff Co Gaz 224; HASJeff scrapbk 44:61–62 [clipping, JCJ 3? April 1900]; AdChR [roll book]); m. Henderson 4 June 1854, CATHERINE SARAH BROWN, b. there 23 May 1830, d. Adams 4 April 1895, daughter of Dea. Amasa and Sarah Goodwin (Hopkins) Brown (Jeff Co Gaz 225; Dwight Desc 320; scrapbk 44:50, 61–62 [clippings, JCJ 9? April 1895, 3? April 1900]; Dwight m.i., Elmwood Cem). One of the most respected men of Adams, his home from 1861, DeAlton co-owned a lumber business (Henderson 1847–1852); taught in, and was commissioner of, the public schools (Henderson ca. 1852–1856); farmed (Hender-son ca. 1856–1857, and Belleville [in Ellisburg] 1857–1861); co-owned a bookstore that had previously belonged to his cousin Albert P. Redway (no. 16.iv) (Adams 1861–1890+); and also co-owned the Jefferson County News (Adams 1863–1865). In the late 1880s, he was among the founders of the Adams Furniture and Manufacturing Co., becoming both a director and president. At about the same time, he and others purchased the Adams Electric Light and Power Co., of which he was the first president. He was also a founder and director of Adams National Bank (1883–1889) and Farmers National Bank of Adams (1889–1890+).
After the Hungerford Collegiate Institute closed (1882) and the building to which it was relocated burned (1884), the Dwights purchased the Cooper House Hotel and conveyed it by perpetual lease to the trustees of the newly incorporated Adams Collegiate Institute; DeAlton
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
was among its first trustees and became board president. He was very active in the temperance movement most his life and gave liberally of his time and money to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams. (Biographical sources: Jeff Co Gaz 224–25; HASJeff scrapbk 44: 50, 61–62 [clippings]; Our County 420, 423–24.)
iii. ALPHEUS, b. 2 Dec. 1827, d. Henderson 5 Dec. 1827 (Dwight Desc 320). iv. ELVINAH/ELVENAH/ALVINAH AZUBAH, b. 29 April 1831, d. Henderson 21 May 1875 (Dwight
Desc 320; JCJ 26 May 1875; Dwight m.i., Elmwood Cem); m. Henderson 24 Dec. 1851, CHARLES EDWIN PERSONS, mechanic of Henderson, b. 4 April or Sept. 1826, d. Gettysburg, Pa., 2 July 1863, son of Ira and Eliza (Harmon) Persons (JCJ 26 May 1875; Dwight Desc 320; Dwight m.i.; Atlas Argus 7 Feb 1860 p. 4). A rigid Baptist and an abolitionist, he enlisted Sept. 1860 [sic; 1861 or 1862] in the 24th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, and while with the 76th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg (Dwight Desc 320; CivWarClips).
15. DANIEL JONES6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Gal-way, Saratoga Co., New York, 10 September 1796 and died on the Ohio River by 1840, perhaps in 1837 (DAR 123521; Redway chart). He married, probably in the township of Stow or Streets-borough, Portage (Stow now in Summit) Co., Ohio, __ May 1834, ABIGAIL “ABBY” VAN, born in Georgia, Franklin Co., Vermont, 1 March 1817 and died in the District of Columbia 7 March 1892, daughter of Absalom and Abigail (____) Van,[103] formerly Van Gilder; she was buried in Glenwood Cemetery, District of Columbia (g.s. [1816–1891]).
In January 1831, Preserved Redway’s doctor and another old acquaintance each wrote a letter in support of his private claim to a military pension (see no. 12 above). Both described Preserved as having among his dependents a 34-year-old son who was totally blind; one says he had been so for years. This is perfectly consistent with Daniel’s age at that time and confirms that it was he who “was blind, went from home” (Redway chart). The first Jefferson County Redway to leave New York and the only one of his generation to do so, Daniel removed to northern Ohio in the early 1830s.[104] He apparently lived for a time near Indianapolis in Center Township, Marion County, Indiana, where his first child was born in 1835. According to his granddaughter Georgia Redway, Daniel was killed in a steamboat explosion on the Ohio River (DAR 123521). This might have occurred about the time of his second (and last) child’s birth, in late March 1837. On 24 April of that year, Abigail, under her maiden name, sold a parcel of land in Stow that she had inherited from [her mother] Abigail Van (PortLR 29:550; see also 27:155–56). Twelve days earlier, Daniel’s father had named him in his will (JeffW A:230); it is possible that Daniel had already died, and
103 PortLR 6:68, 203–4, 27:155–56, 29:550; DAR 123521, 60230; San Bernardino Co CA death cert 150 (George
Redway); DC death cert 82730 (Abigail Redway); Eve Star 7 March 1892; Medina Gaz 10 March 1892; Port Heritage 476; 1810 US Census, Georgia, Franklin Co VT 291.
104 In 1830, a Daniel Redway headed a household in Danube, Herkimer Co., N.Y., composed of a male and female aged 60–69, a male and two females 30–49, a male and female 5–9, and a male and female under 5 (US Census 180). At Little Falls, N.Y. (on Danube’s western border), in 1850, the household of Nancy Redway, 50, included Rhoda Ann Redway, 25, and John S. Redway, 20, factory man—all reported as born in New York (US Census 233A). At Little Falls in 1860, the young man appears as householder Sheldon Redway, 30, factory hand; various Civil War military records call him Sheldon J. (US Census 521; ancestry.com) In North Bay Lawn Cemetery, Vienna, Oneida Co., N.Y., are gravestones identifying “Nancy / wife of / Daniel Redway / died May 31, 1881 / ae. 81” and Rhoda Redway [wife of Henry Nicholas, M.D.], born 14 Feb. 1823. Clearly, these two had been members of the aforementioned Danube and Little Falls households.
The only other known Daniel Redway living at this time was born in Putney, Vt., son of Jonathan Redway (see no. 6.v.5 above) and is accounted for: Daniel Radway of Cortland Co., N.Y., and Rock Co., Wis., married, successively, sisters Diploma Bean and Sally (Bean) Rogers. We must therefore consider the possibility that Nancy Redway had been the subject Daniel’s first wife and Rhoda and Sheldon Redway his children—all of whom he left, returning to Ellisburg and then going west—and that Abigail Van was therefore his second wife. (Daniel’s brother Albert G. Red-way’s sons Edward P. and Albert P. [nos. 16.iii, 16.iv] removed—the latter, if not both, in 1862—from Adams to German Flatts, on Little Falls’s western border.)
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
that the news had not yet reached Ellisburg. (Preserved Redway died 13 days after making his will, which instructed son Chauncey to pay Daniel $20, the least generous cash legacy by $80.)
When Abigail was a small child, her family migrated from Vermont to northern Ohio as early settlers of what was then Portage County (1820 US Census, Hudson 39 [Abner (sic) Van]; PortLR 6:68, 203, 204; Port Heritage 476). Following her marriage, she presumably spent no more than a year or two in Indiana before returning to Stow for her second child’s birth, about the time of Daniel’s death. Never to remarry, she raised her two sons in Medina, Ohio, where she first appeared as a head of household in 1840, and where her sister Sophia, widow of Thomas Lappin, was also a householder (US Census, Medina Co 229, 231; PortLR 27:155); by 1850, their brother George was farming in adjacent Granger (US Census, Medina Co 338B). It was Abigail and the boys’ misfortune that “the big fire of April 1848” consumed all their possessions, including some in-herited money that, in the absence of a bank, she had sewn into a feather bed. They removed from Medina to Oberlin, Lorain Co., in the early 1850s, returning to Medina about 1855. They soon went back to Oberlin, however, where between fall 1855 and summer 1860 Abigail’s sons successively took “preparatory” courses at Oberlin College, while she ran a boarding house. In 1860, the family returned once more to Medina; finally, in late 1866, Abigail accompanied her sons to the District of Columbia, where she remained (Eve Star 7 March 1892; Medina Gaz 20 June 1919; 1855–59 Ob Col cats; 1859–60 Ob Dir; DC death cert 82730 [Abigail Redway]; 1867 DC Dir 470).
Abigail’s agnate great-great-grandfather was Toanunck/Tawanaut, alias Jan/John Van Gelder/ Gilder (c1698–1758), a Mohican–Wappinger Indian living in [Rhinebeck?] Dutchess County, New York, when he married at Kingston, New York, in 1719 (banns 28 June), Anna Maria Koerner, a German Palatine immigrant. Their son Andrew left the family home in Egremont, Massachusetts, and settled in Georgia, Vermont, about 1785, as did his namesake son, Abigail’s paternal grand-father, Andrew Van Guilder (Van Guilders; Karner–Van Gilder 3–43 passim; Frank Co Hist 568–69; Heads of Fams, Georgia 25). In a (perhaps unwitting) distortion of Abigail’s heritage, her son George’s obituary states that “his mother was of Dutch extraction” (Medina Gaz 7 Dec 1923).
Children, surname REDWAY:
i. CAPT. GEORGE W.7, editor, publisher, civil servant, b. Center Twp., Marion Co., Ind., 25 Feb. 1835, d. Redlands, San Bernardino Co., Calif., 26 Nov. 1923, aged 88 yrs., 9 mos., 1 da. (Ob Col file; Medina Gaz 7 Dec 1923; CivWarPF 165167; SB Co death cert; g.s.); m. Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio, 1 Oct. 1867, AMELIA HARRIET “AMY” NORTON, b. there 24 Nov. 1836, d. Dist. of Columbia, 21 April 1921, daughter of Faulkner Isaac and Harriet Miranda (Willard) Norton (Sand Co mar rec; CivWarPF 165167; 1909 Ob Col Gen Cat 802; DAR 123521; Ob Col file; Medina Gaz 7 Dec 1923; g.s.; 1850 US Census, Fremont 402A). Both are buried in Arlington National Cemetery (g.s. photo at findagrave.com).
Due to the family’s losses in the Medina fire (above), George, at age 13, began working as a printer’s apprentice at the Medina Gazette. At 16, he became a journeyman printer and worked for the Wooster Republican and the Oberlin Evangelist and Times. By September 1854, at the tender age of 19, he had returned to Medina and bought a half interest in the newspaper where he had been an apprentice. Selling out to his partner in June 1855, he entered Oberlin College that fall and there edited the Oberlin Student’s Monthly. In 1859 or 1860, George re-turned to the newspaper business, briefly publishing and editing The Stark County Republican (Canton, Ohio). In August 1860, he reacquired the Medina Gazette and in 1861 printed N. B. Northrop’s Pioneer History of Medina County. After running the Gazette for two years, he volunteered for military service in the Civil War.
On 7 Aug. 1862, 27-year-old George was inducted into the Union Army as a private and the next day was made a first lieutenant. Serving for three years with K and I companies, 103rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he was promoted to captain on 25 May 1864. This came during a period of hospitalization for dysentery, which he had contracted the previous month while encamped at Bull’s Gap, Tennessee. From April through June, he was hospitalized, first at Knoxville, Tennessee, and then at Lookout Mountain, Georgia. On 1 July, he rejoined his
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
company as its commander, a post he retained until his discharge, at Raleigh, North Carolina, on 12 June 1865. While George apparently went unscathed in the several battles in which he participated, including the sieges of Knoxville and Atlanta, the dysentery limited and inter-rupted his activities for the rest of his life.
At the war’s end, George returned to Medina and in August 1865 sold the Gazette, which his brother, Roscoe, had managed in his absence. He nevertheless continued in his former occu-pations, editing and publishing The Henry County Signal (Napoleon, Ohio, 1865) and the Fremont Weekly Journal (1865–1866). In late 1866 and early 1867, he worked as a printer in the District of Columbia but soon became editor and publisher of the Sparta (Wis.) Eagle (1867–1869) and then the Erie (Pa.) Dispatch (1869–1873). Recurrent attacks of dysentery, however, finally caused him to abandon the newspaper business. He then began manufacturing wagon woodwork with steam machinery, which he did at Marion, Grant Co., Ind., until March 1877, when “loss of property” forced him out of business. The following month, George joined his brother in the government’s employ, taking a job with the Government Printing Office, in the nation’s capital. That June, he became a clerk in the Office of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, where he worked for 10 years. (It is perhaps significant in this regard that John Sherman, three-term U.S. senator from Ohio, had become Secretary of the Treasury the previous March. The 1870 U.S. Census for Medina describes Roscoe Redway as a clerk in the U.S. Senate.) In Sept. 1889, George was appointed chief clerk of the General Land Office, Dept. of Interior.
George left government service in 1893, dabbled briefly in real estate, and the next year returned once more to the newspaper business as editor and publisher of the Lisbon, Ohio, Republican Leader (1894–1896). During the years 1896–1897, part of which time he continued to own and write for the Leader, he was active in the temperance movement in Redlands and Pasadena, Calif. For eight months during this period, he also edited and published the Pasadena Daily News. George returned to the General Land Office in 1897 as chief of its accounts divi-sion, but by 1914 his health had deteriorated such that he was not expected to live much longer. By 1919, however, two major surgeries had restored him to comparative health. Although George’s position and salary were reduced with advancing age and declining health, he never-theless continued working in the General Land Office until he was 87 years old, in 1922. He died the following year at the home of his daughter Georgia. (Biographical sources: Medina Gaz 29 Aug 1863 through 26 Aug 1865 [masthead], 20 June 1919, 7 Dec 1923; Ob Col file; CivWarPF 165167; Ohio Soldiers 511, 534; Civ Pers Rec file 23674; 1867, 1891, 1894, 1898 DC Dir [470; 783, 1010; 824; 801, 1039, resp.]; Ohio Recs & Fams 20:131.)
ii. ROSCOE EMERSON, editor, publisher, civil servant, b. Stow Corners, Stow Twp., 29 March 1837, d. Orkney Springs, Shenandoah Co., Va., 22 May 1919, aged 82 yrs., 2 mos., 22 da. (Medina Gaz 20 June 1919; Eve Star 23 May 1919; g.s.; Winslow Mem 636);[105] m. Medina 10 Oct. 1866, FRANCES JOSEPHINE PEAKE, b. Medina 20 June 1840, d. Dist. of Columbia 7 Nov. 1905, daughter of Alanson Livingston and Harriet Newell (Winslow) Peake (Medina Co mar rec; DAR 60230 [dau. Winifred H. Redway]; Medina Gaz 10 Nov 1905; Winslow Mem 636). Both are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Medina (g.s.).
Like his brother, Roscoe spent his childhood in Medina. At age 11, following the afore-mentioned fire, he was placed for a time with a farmer in Harrisville, about 10 miles away. When the family first moved to Oberlin, about 1851, Roscoe learned the plasterer’s trade and soon employed his skills in Lansing, the newly designated, heavily forested capital of Michigan. Working on the capitol and other buildings, “the boy of fifteen earned a man’s full wages and performed a man’s work until the public buildings were completed.” While attending Oberlin College (1857–1860), Roscoe spent his winters teaching school, first in Highland County and then in Cincinnati.
105 Roscoe’s death certificate misstates his birth data as Medina 29 March 1838 and his age at death as 81 (see Com-
monwealth of Va. death cert. 15145). A Medina newspaper item announcing his local burial is also mistaken in giving his age as 81 yrs., 1 mo., 24 da. (see Medina Gaz 30 May 1919). All the sources cited in the text support the birth data presented therein, as do the 1850 and 1860 U.S. censuses (Medina 217B, Roscoe aged 13; Oberlin 50/207B, aged 23).
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
Reluctantly, Roscoe remained at Medina to run the Gazette during his brother George’s participation (1862–1865) in the Civil War. George’s obituary of his brother contains the fol-lowing passage: “Whatever success my brother achieved was in the face of a handicap of de-fective eyesight, the result of an infantile ailment. But for this, he would have been with me in the army. His efforts to secure a place in the ranks were unremitting, until, having gone with the 103d down into Kentucky, he was peremptorily rejected at our final muster into the United States service, which did not take place until after we had smelt powder.” (One wonders at the possible link between Roscoe’s “infantile ailment” and the “chronic ophthalmia” that had ren-dered one of his paternal uncles partially blind and may have caused his father’s total blind-ness.) After selling the Gazette in the fall of 1865, the brothers bought the Fremont Weekly Journal, which they kept for about a year.
By Jan. 1867, Roscoe was working as a federal clerk in the District of Columbia, where he remained, except for a short period spent at Sparta, Wis., editing and publishing the Sparta Eagle with brother George. The 1870 U.S. Census for Medina describes Roscoe as a clerk in the U. S. Senate; all other sources have him in the Department of Interior—primarily the Pension Office but also the Office of Indian Affairs. When in 1909 he requested the respective Revo-lutionary War pension files of his grandfather Preserved Redway and the latter’s brothers Joel and Comfort, Roscoe was himself on the Pension Bureau’s Board of Review. He retired after about 40 years of “departmental service.” An invalid the last five years of his life, Roscoe died of kidney disease while in the devoted care of his daughter, Winifred Helen Redway, with whom he was residing at Royce’s Cottages in Virginia’s Allegheny Mountains. (Biograph-ical sources: Medina Gaz 30 May, 20 June 1919; Ob Col file; 1857–59 Ob Col cats; 1867, 1889, 1891, 1894, 1898 DC Dir 470, 717, 783, 824, 801, resp.; 1870 US Census, Medina 365A; VA death cert 15145; 1871, 1878 Adj Gen Reg 159, 281, resp.; ApptPap files 2764-82, 362-84, 742-1903; RevWarPF W18796.)
16. ALBERT GALLATIN6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1), farmer, was born in Galway, Saratoga Co., New York, 1 February 1799 and died in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., New York, 15 February 1870, aged 71 yrs., 10/11/15 da. (Sessions Fam 97; JeffCemR 140; JCJ 17 Feb 1870). He married in Adams, Jefferson Co., 29 October 1828, ANN MARIA SESSIONS, born in Lunenburg, Essex Co., Vermont, 13 March 1808 and died in Adams 30 July 1885, aged 77, daughter of John B. and Lucinda (Washburn) Sessions (AdChR; Sessions Fam 74, 76; JCJ 19 March 1879, 25 Aug 1885; JeffCemR 141). She came to Adams in 1825, joining the household of her brother Rev. John B. Sessions, then pastor of that town’s First Presbyterian Church (JCJ 25 Aug 1885; Sessions Fam 75; AdChR). She died at the home of her son John S. Redway, where she had spent her last days (JCJ 25 Aug 1885). Albert and Maria were buried in Adams Rural Cemetery (JeffCemR 140–41; g.s. not found 1990). Received as a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Adams in May 1819, Albert was active in church affairs most of his life (elected ruling elder 1840) and remained a member until his death (AdChR). He and Maria had “exquisite” voices; he taught a singing school and for 30 years directed the church choir, regarded the best in the county most of that time (JCJ 17 Feb 1870, 25 Aug 1885; Jeff Co Fam Hist 1:604). Albert’s will, dated 28 March 1863 and proved 5 April 1870, stated that the four hundred dol-lars each that he had already advanced to sons Edward P. and Albert P. Redway comprised their respective shares of his property; to “my adopted daughter Alice C. Redway” he left two hundred dollars. The remainder of Albert’s personal and real estate went to his son John S. Redway, whom he also appointed executor (JeffW 12:527–28). John’s inheritance included the Ellisburg farm, of which part had devolved to Albert from his father, Preserved Redway, and the remainder, left by Preserved to certain other children, Albert had purchased from them.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Children, surname REDWAY, all born in “Adams” [i–v almost certainly born in adjacent Ellisburg]:[106]
i. HARVEY WATTS7, b. 25 Aug. 1830, bap. Adams 11 Nov. 1830, d. New York, N.Y., 1 Oct. 1854, aged 24 (AdChR; Sessions Fam 96; g.s., Adams Rural Cem). He was admitted to membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 1 June 1848 (AdChR).
ii. JOHN SESSIONS, farmer, b. 15 May 1833, bap. Adams 22 Aug. 1834, d. Ellisburg 1 March 1904 (AdChR; Redway chart; DAR 75998; 1900 US Census, Ellisburg ED 17 p. 6B; Wat Times 4 March 1904); m. Adams 4 June 1856, SUSAN MARIA FOX, b. Lorraine or Adams 16 Sept. 1830, d. Ellisburg 19 Nov. 1899, daughter of Calvin and Amney (Kellog) Fox (AdChR; Ses-sions Fam 96; Arnold, Redway 64; 1850 US Census, Adams 270B; Wat Times 21 Nov 1899). He was received into communion with the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 6 April 1851 (AdChR). Both were buried in Adams Rural Cemetery (g.s.). He inherited the family farm.
iii. EDWARD PAYSON, merchant, b. 2 Sept. 1835, bap. Adams 30 Oct. 1835, d. Ilion, German Flatts, Herkimer Co., N.Y., 9 June (6 May??) 1887, aged 51, bur. Adams Rural Cemetery (AdChR; Jeff Co Burials; findagrave.com). He was admitted to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 26 June 1858 (AdChR [roll book] 29). In 1859, he was elected librarian, and in 1860, secretary of the Adams Union Sabbath School (AdChR [secretary’s book]). By 1865, he had removed to Ilion, where he and his brother Albert were dry-goods merchants (NY Census, German Flatts ED 2 dw/fam 1). Edward never married.
iv. ALBERT PRESERVED, merchant, b. 2 Sept. 1837, bap. Adams 3 Aug. 1838, d. Ilion 5 Sept. 1882, aged 45, bur. Elmwood Cemetery, Adams (AdChR; JCJ 13 Sept 1882; Mohawk Val Hist 3:299; Jeff Co Burials); m. Adams 20 Sept. 1859, FRANCES AMELIA “FANNIE” WRIGHT, b. Adams 23 March 1839, d. Ilion 30 Jan. 1905, daughter of William and Experience (Bard-well) Wright (Sessions Fam 96–97; JCN 22 Sept 1859; Mohawk Val Hist 3:299). Albert was of Rome, N.Y., when he and Frances married but had returned to Adams by 7 July 1860, when he was received as a member of the First Presbyterian Church there (JCN 22 Sept 1859; AdChR [roll book] 29; 1860 US Census, Adams 622). He opened a bookstore that year in Adams village, which he sold in 1862 to his cousin DeAlton Dwight (no. 14.i) (Jeff Co Hist1 254; Our County 420; Jeff Co Gaz 224). Sometime between that year and 1865, he and his family removed to Ilion, where he operated a dry-goods business (Herk Co Hist 2:93; JCJ 13 Sept 1882; 1865 NY Census, German Flatts ED 2 dw/fam 1). Albert was killed when a train struck the enclosed, horse-drawn wagon in which he was a passenger. As was then customary, the newspaper account of his demise was extremely graphic:
Mr. Redway [was] thrown about 100 feet and instantly killed. . . . The body was horribly man-gled. The skull was split open from the forehead down, and his brains and pieces of the skull were picked up from various points. One of the legs was broken and mangled, and the body throughout was crushed and torn. . . .
At the coroner’s inquest held, the driver of the omnibus was censured, and the New York Central [Railroad] is declared to be criminally responsible for the death of Mr. Redway. (JCJ 13 Sept 1882)
v. ANGELINE ELMINA (“youngest”), b. 5 Aug. 1844, d. Ellisburg 26 Oct. 1841 [sic; 1844], aged 7 [sic] wks., bur. Adams Rural Cemetery (Sessions Fam 97; Jeff Co Burials; see note 68, above).
vi. ALICE CORNELIA “ALLIE” (adopted), music teacher, b. 26 Oct. 1848, d. Los Angeles 11 Feb. 1930, aged 81 (res. Saugatuck, Allegan Co., Mich.), bur. Riverside Cemetery, Saugatuck (JeffW 12:528; obit clip, findagrave.com; 1900 US Census, Saugatuck 8B; CA Death Index); m. (1) probably Ilion, Herkimer Co., N.Y., __ May 1869 DAVID CREWELL, d. Ilion or Columbia, Herkimer Co., 7 Aug. 1869, son of Henry J. and Eliza (Getman?) Crewell (1860
106 In an 1871 letter misattributed to David Sessions, Ann Maria (Sessions) Redway listed her five natural children,
with vital event and family data for each, after stating that all were born in Adams (Sessions Fam 96–97). The family farm, however, while near the Adams town line and about a mile from the village of that name, was actually in north-eastern Ellisburg. A lengthy obituary of Alice C. Woodworth, Albert and Maria’s [adopted] daughter, asserted that she, too, was born in Adams (newspaper clipping, findagrave.com). It is nevertheless possible that she, like her adoptive sib-lings, was born elsewhere nearby.
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
US Census, Columbia 936; obit clip); m. (2) probably Ilion, 12 Aug. 1872, CHARLES HEDGE-MAN MATHER, d. Baltimore, Md., 25 Oct. 1892, res./bur. Saugatuck, son of Daniel and Anna (Cushman) Mather (Mather Lineage 332; JCJ 25 Aug 1885; findagrave.com); m. (3) Saugatuck 3 Nov. 1894, WARREN A. WOODWORTH, d. Saugatuck 9 Jan. 1922, son of Augustus and Violetta (Bowker) Woodworth (MichMar; obit clip; Early Saugatuck 222).
Alice died at the home of her son, George Mather, and his family, with whom she had been spending the winter (obit clip). George was born David G. S. Crewell (24 Jan. 1870) but took the surname of his first stepfather (1870 US Census, German Flatts, Herkimer Co 121B; CA Death Index).
17. DAVID JONES6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1), farmer, dairyman, small-scale carpet maker, was born in Galway, Saratoga Co., New York, 30 April 1802 and died in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., New York, 31 July 1876 (JCJ 2 Aug 1876; Redway m.i.; A. J. Redway Bible). He married in Lorraine 25 February 1823, HANNAH DOANE, born in Plainfield, Otsego Co., New York, 28 November 1800, and died in Malone, Franklin Co., New York, 24 September 1876, daughter of Daniel and Esther (Penney) Doane.[107] Hannah died at the home of her daughter Angeline, where she had gone following David’s death, about two months earlier. She and David were buried in Adams Rural Cemetery, about a mile north of their Lorraine farm (Redway m.i.).
David and Hannah apparently spent the first year and a half of their marriage on his or her father’s farm, in northeast Ellisburg and northwest Lorraine, respectively; the farms were adjacent, separated by the line dividing the two towns. (New York towns were/are very similar in their inclu-siveness to townships in certain other states, often containing more than one village and/or hamlet.) By the fall of 1824, the couple and their first child had established themselves about seven miles north, in Adams Center, town of Adams. On 24 September of that year, “Mrs. Hannah, wife of David Redway, a member of the Baptist Church of Lorraine,” was received as a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Adams; David had united with the latter church in 1821 (AdChR [session recs] 70–71; ibid. [1821 admissions]). In 1825, David’s three-member household occupied 25 acres at Adams (NY Census). Between 1827 and the spring of 1835, he bought a total of almost 124 acres in the northeast part of the town, near Adams Center (JeffLR R2:456–61). By summer of the latter year, the family occupied 55 acres there (1835 NY Census).
Not long thereafter they returned to the Lorraine farm where Hannah had been raised and to the house in which she and David had married. On 21 March 1836, when he bought 20 acres next to his father-in-law’s 71-acre farm, David and his family were already occupying the latter property (JeffLR A3:132–33). (About the same time, Hannah’s parents vacated their farm and moved about five miles west, to southeast Henderson [ibid. Z2:543–44, 573–74, E3:448–49].) Early the next year, David formalized the arrangement, purchasing the Doane farm for $750 (ibid. A3:40–42 [see also A2:6–8, X2:606–7]). He subsequently augmented his real estate (valued at $10,000 in 1860), but it was here that he and Hannah remained (1860 US Census, Lorraine 168).
Shortly after his marriage, David painted two fine portraits, one of himself and the other of his bride, both of which disappeared from the personal estates of his granddaughter Marian (Gris-wold) Cole (no. 25) and her husband, following their deaths in the early 1930s (Fridley ltr). An item attesting to David’s artistic ability remains, however: hanging in this writer’s living room is a beautiful, detailed map of the United States and its territories, which he drew in 1816, when he was no more than 14 years old.[108]
107 A. J. Redway Bible; Redway m.i.; 1800 US Census, Plainfield 677; 1865 NY Census, Lorraine dw/fam 11, b.
Otsego Co.; Malone Palladium 28 Sep 1876; JCJ 27 Sep 1876. 108 Family tradition has regarded nationally known geographer, meteorologist, philosopher, and author Dr. Jacques
Wardlaw Redway (1849–1942) as a “cousin.” If such a relationship exists, it is extremely remote: his parents, Rev. John W. and Lady Alexandrina (Wardlaw) Redway, emigrated from Ireland (as had James1) and settled in Tennessee (NYT 6 Nov 1942; Daily Argus 6 Nov 1942).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
David died in the same room in which he and Hannah had been married more than 53 years earlier (JCJ 2 Aug 1876).
He was a man of strict probity—one whose word was as good as his bond—respected and esteemed by his neighbors, and repeatedly elected by them as supervisor of his town and once and again declining a nomination to the legislature when the party with whom he uniformly acted was over-whelmingly in the ascendant. He was a man of remarkable strength of memory, embracing facts, dates, and but few to be found better posted in the political history of the state and nation. In secur-ing data of our local history not yet written his death is an irreparable loss. (ibid.)
The 7 March 1899 issue of the Jefferson County Journal published a 14-stanza poem, “Old Recol-lections,” written for the newspaper by a former Adams resident. The sixth stanza begins, “I never can forget the sound of David Redway’s voice, / A pure and perfect tenor, in which he did rejoice.” (In that David’s brother Albert [no. 16] had been known for his fine voice, it is possible that the author confused the two.)
David’s will, dated 6 June 1876 and proved the following 2 August, directed that after the death of his wife, Hannah, all his real and personal estate should go to his only surviving son, Albert, also named executor (JeffW 16:540–41). Daughters Adaline and Mary were to receive two thou-sand dollars each, and daughter Angeline was to be paid a lifetime annuity of $50 per year. After Angeline’s death, the sum of $750 was to be distributed in equal shares to her children.
Hannah’s patrilineal immigrant ancestor is John Doane of Plymouth (1630), a distinguished citizen of the colony (Doane Fam 1:1–75 passim, 2:1–2, 13, 21). Through her great-grandfather Elnathan4 Doane’s mother, Ruth (Freeman), Hannah descends from Stephen Hopkins, who in 1609 sailed on the Sea Venture for Jamestown, the first successful Virginia settlement.[109] Hopkins re-turned to England about 1616 and in 1620 took passage on the Mayflower with his family (MF6 1–389 passim; PM 271–75; TAG 79: 241–49). Through her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth (Myrick) Doane, Hannah also descends from Mayflower passenger William Brewster, elder of the Pilgrims’ Separatist church and their spiritual leader, and from his daughter Patience, who came over after him; she married Thomas Prence, eventual governor of Plymouth Colony. He arrived from England in 1621 on the Fortune, the second ship to reach Plymouth (Dawes–Gates 2:143–55, 356–62, 683–93; GM 2:576–82; PM 66–70, 374–81).
Children, surname REDWAY; i, viii born in Lorraine, ii–vii born in Lorraine or neighboring Adams (while their parents resided in the latter place):
20 i. CAROLINE M.7, b. 8 Dec. 1823; m. GROVE JUDSON PENNEY. 21 ii. ANGELINE FANNIE, b. 3 Sept. 1825; m. (1) JAMES W. BRIGGS, (2) ALBERT LUCIUS SMALLEY. iii. ADELINE, b. 19 or 20 April 1827, bap. Adams 5 Feb. 1830, d. Chatfield, Fillmore Co., Minn.,
15 July 1914, 87 yrs., 2 mos., 25 da. (s.p.), bur. Chatfield Cemetery (Chat News 23 July 1914; ChatVR; AdChR); m. Lorraine 2 Jan. 1862, as his second wife, GROVE JUDSON PENNEY, son
109 On 2 June 1609, a seven-vessel fleet of which the Sea Venture was the flagship sailed from Plymouth, England,
and on 24 July encountered a hurricane in the West Indies that blew the ship off course. Fleet admiral Sir George Somers took command and, to avert foundering, grounded it the next day on a reef at the northeastern end of the Bermuda archi-pelago. Stranded for nine months on an otherwise uninhabited island, the passengers and crew built two pinnaces from local cedar and parts salvaged from the Sea Venture. During this period, Stephen Hopkins was charged with mutiny for questioning the authority on Bermuda of Sir Thomas Gates, who was to be Jamestown’s new governor. Hopkins was convicted and sentenced to death but appealed for mercy (citing a wife and children) and was pardoned. On 10 May 1610, the party boarded the newly constructed boats and departed for Jamestown, arriving 11 days later. That July, William Strachey, a passenger on the Sea Venture who became secretary of the Virginia Colony, addressed a letter to an “Excellent Lady” in England in which he recounted in great detail the events he had witnessed. Due to the many “thematic, verbal, and plot correspondences” between Strachey’s letter and Shakespeare’s Tempest, it is widely believed that the former was a major source for the latter (see, for example, Dating Temp). For the most accurate and complete account of Stephen Hopkins, see Caleb Johnson, Here Shall I Die Ashore: Stephen Hopkins: Bermuda Castaway, James-town Survivor, and Mayflower Pilgrim (n.p., 2007).
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
of John and Mary “Polly” (Brown) Penney (JCN 2 Jan 1862; see no. 20 below). He was Adeline’s first cousin once removed and had previously been married to her sister Caroline.
The First Congregational Church of Adams received Adeline into full communion on 2 July 1843 (AdChR). By the time Caroline died, in late 1860, Adeline had been living with her and Grove in Ohio for more than 10 years (1850, 1860 US censuses, Bainbridge 371B, Cin-cinnati 348, resp.). In 1861, she and Grove returned to Lorraine, their original home, where they were married and remained until 1865, when they resumed living in Cincinnati (Chat News 23 July 1914). The great wealth Grove acquired as a grain broker gained them membership in Cincinnati’s circle of elites. Adeline was godmother to Nicholas Longworth II, eventual Speak-er of the U.S. House of Representatives, and was on intimate terms with the Tafts, Proctors, Everetts, et al. (Fridley ltr). In October 1905, about four months after her husband’s death, Adeline left Cincinnati for her sister Mary’s Chatfield home, where she spent the last nine years of her life (Chat News 23 July 1914).
iv. HARVEY PRESERVED, b. 2 June 1829, d. Adams 5 Jan. 1830, aged 7 mos., 3 da. (Redway m.i. [d. 5 July]; g.s.; AdChR); bur. Adams Rural Cemetery 6 Jan. 1830 (AdChR).
v. DAVID JONES, b. 9 Oct. 1830, bap. Adams 5 Aug. 1831, d. Lorraine 21 or 22 Aug. 1846, aged 15 yrs., 10 mos. (Redway m.i.; AdChR; g.s.); bur. Adams Rural Cemetery.
vi. CHARLES C., b. 8 July 1832, d. Lorraine 16 Jan. 1858, aged 26, bur. Adams Rural Cemetery (Redway m.i.; bur rec). The 1850 U.S. Census for Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio, shows a “Cor-nelias [sic] Redway, 16, [occupation] sinner,” residing in the household of Grove and Caroline (Redway) Penney (no. 20); no other record of a Cornelius Redway has been found. The same year’s census, taken 47 days later at Lorraine, N.Y., shows “Charles C. Redway, 18 [sic],” at home with his parents and three siblings. Although this census’s effective date was 1 June, it seems that Charles C[ornelius?] was enumerated twice. He died of consumption (bur rec).
22 vii. ALBERT JAMES, 19 March 1834; m. EMMA HARRIET MITCHELL. 23 viii. MARY LOUISA, b. 3 Nov. 1840; m. HENRY STRONG GRISWOLD. 18. GEN. ABEL6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1), farmer, teamster, was born in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., New York, 8 February 1805, died in Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., New York, 25 May 1882, and was buried in Adams Rural Cemetery (g.s.; Idaho Hist 448; bur rec; JCJ 31 May 1882). He married in Perth, Fulton Co., New York, 27 January 1831, SALLY CHARLOTTE GRINNELL, born in Galway, Saratoga Co., New York, 19 May 1810 and died in Adams, Jefferson Co., New York, 20 February 1877, in her 67th year, daughter of Ezra and Olive (Parker) Grinnell (WGalChR; g.s.; bur rec; JCJ 28 Feb 1877). Abel died at the home of his daugh-ter Maria, where he had been living since shortly after his wife’s death (JCJ 6 June 1877, 31 May 1882). Both were buried in Adams Rural Cemetery (g.s.).
By 1843, Abel had become commanding general of the 55th Brigade, Twelfth Infantry Divi-sion, New York State Militia (1844 NY Senate Docs 5:13; JCN 14 Jan 1864). Sometime between 1865 and 1870, he ceased farming in Ellisburg and moved his household to neighboring Adams, where he worked as a teamster [driver of a horse-drawn wagon that hauled heavy loads]; he was still doing so in 1875, at the age of 71 [sic; 70] (1865, 1875 NY censuses 49, 5, resp.; 1870 US Census 25A). These changes of residence and occupation were probably related to Abel’s default in 1863 on the payment of $3,805.81 in principal and interest on a loan of $2,840 made to him in 1858 and secured by his 50-acre homestead farm and two other parcels totaling another 35+ acres (JCN 30 July 1863). The sale of these properties at public auction, scheduled for 8 August 1863, is presumably what reduced the value of Abel’s real estate from $5,220 in 1860 to $2,000 in 1870 (1860 [Ellisburg], 1870 [Adams] US censuses 58, 25A, resp.). No probate records are found.
Having removed from Galway to Ellisburg after her marriage, Sally was admitted to Adams First Presbyterian Church on 26 March 1831 (AdChR). She is a direct descendant of John Alden of the Mayflower through Daniel3 Grinnell’s wife, Lydia3 Pabodie, daughter of William and Eliza-beth (Alden) Pabodie (TG 7–8:144–48, 156, 203–4).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Children, surname REDWAY, all born in Ellisburg:
i. HARVEY PRESERVED7, salesman, b. ca. Oct. 1832 (calc.), bap. Adams 22 Aug. 1834, d. there 21 Jan. 1865, aged 32 yrs., 3 mos. (AdChR; JCJ 2 Feb 1865; g.s., Adams Rural Cem); m. ca. 1856 (1st child 3 in 1860) MARY ANN GIBBS, b. Jefferson Co. ca. 1839 (Arnold, Redway 66; 1860 US Census, Adams 624; 1865 NY Census, Ellisburg ED1 p. 49).
ii. ORRIN/AUREN[110] GRINNELL, b. 5 March 1835, bap. Adams 30 Oct. 1835, d. Boise, Ada Co., Idaho, 24 Feb. 1900 (Idaho Hist 448; DAR 284784); m. Pulaski, Oswego Co., N.Y. 30 or 31 Aug. 1856, MARY ANN OUTTERSON, b. Dublin, Ireland, 7 Aug. 1830, d. Boise 5 May 1914, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth Josephine (Carroll) Outterson (Idaho Hist 448; Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:958; DAR 284784; g.s.). She immigrated to New England in 1835. Her father, a native of Scotland, manufactured the paper on which the first American greenbacks were issued. A. G. and Mary A. Redway were buried in Pioneer Cemetery, Boise (findagrave.com).
On the 20th of December 1859, when a young man of twenty-four years, [Auren] sailed from New York to San Francisco by way of the Isthmus of Panama [overland], . . . making the voyage in twenty days and six hours. For a time, he was engaged in the nursery business in San Jose, California, and in 1862 he went to Vancouver, Washington, where he was employed as clerk in the sutler’s store until his removal to Boise, on the 10th of July 1863. He was then commis-sioned to act as sutler to the fort which had been recently established at Boise, and bought goods, selling to the soldiers. He continued in that business for five years, or until 1868, when he turned his attention to speculating in loans, buying obligations, etc. In 1872, he entered the First National Bank of Boise as bookkeeper and was connected with that institution for twenty-four years. He served for fourteen years as bookkeeper, four years as assistant cashier and six years as cashier [treasurer], and in 1896 retired to private life. During all that time, he was never absent from the bank with the exception of two weeks, and his fidelity, trustworthiness, and ability, manifested in the discharge of his duties, contributed not a little to the success of the institution. (Idaho Hist 448)
(Additional biographical sources: Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:958; Idaho Stsmn 25 Feb 1900.) iii. ABEL DWIGHT, b. say 1838,[111] d. Utica, Oneida Co., N.Y., 24 or 25 April 1901, bur. Adams,
probably Rural Cemetery (no record or marker found) (CivWarPF 500645; U Press 27 April 1901; JCJ 7 May 1901); m. (1) Whitestown, Oneida Co., 18 Oct. 1869, MARY L. CLARK, b. Oneida Co., probably Whitestown, ca. 1847, d. presumably by 1875, daughter of Aaron J. and Louisa (Fletcher) Clark;[112] m. (2) probably Oneida Co., by 1875, MARY LOUISA BROWN, b. Madison or Brookfield, Madison Co., N.Y., 19 June 1851, d. probably Marcy State Hospital for the Insane, Marcy, Oneida Co., 15 July 1941, bur. New Forest Cemetery, Utica, daughter of Elias A. and Maria (Hoxie) (Burdick) Brown;[113] m. (3) probably New Hartford, Oneida
110 In New York, he was Orrin/Orren (see AdChR; 1850 US Census, Ellisburg, Jeff Co 300A; Jeff Co Fam Hist 2:
958); in Idaho and according to two granddaughters, he was Auren (see Idaho Hist 448; DAR 182581, 284784). 111 Dwight’s birthdate is highly uncertain: in four pension-application depositions, he was 21 on 7 June 1862, 48
on 12 Dec. 1888, 45 on 6 March 1889, and 53 on 13 Feb. 1894 (CivWarPF 500645); he was enumerated as 12 in 1850, 16 in 1855, 22 in 1865, 38 in 1875, 31 in 1880, and 57 (b. Jan. 1843) in 1900 (1850, 1880, 1900 US censuses [Ellisburg 516; German Flatts, Herkimer Co NY ED 27 p. 110D; Utica, Oneida Co NY ED 55 p. 12B, resp.]; 1855, 1865, 1875 NY censuses [Adams ED 1 dw 255 fam 270; Le Ray, Jefferson Co ED 1 p. 13; German Flatts ED 2 dw 501 fam 718, resp.]); and his obituary states that he died in his 57th year (U Press 27 April 1901). Abel Redway’s 1840 household included two boys 5–9 [Harvey and Orrin] and a boy under 5, perhaps Abel Dwight (US Census, Ellisburg 187).
112 WhChR; 1850 US Census, Whitestown 43A (William Bull household, Aaron J. Clark fam [Mary, 3]); 1855 NY Census, Utica Wd 6 dw 140 fam 213 (Mary L. Clark, 8, b. Oneida Co; Susan Clark, 2); MichDeaCerts ([Mary’s sister] Susan Ann Erskine [incl. mother’s maiden name]).
113 1850 US Census, Madison 70A (Elias A., Maria Brown); 1855 NY Census, Sangerfield, Oneida Co ED 2 p. 4 (Mary L. Brown, 3, b. Madison Co); 1860 US Census, Kirkland, Oneida Co 91 (Mary L. Brown, 8); 1875 NY Census, German Flatts ED 2 dw 501 fam 718 (Mary Redway, 24); 1880 US Census, German Flatts ED 27 p. 110D (Mary Read-way, 28); New Forest Cem Recs 4:532 (b/d data, parents); Madison Co Wills K:303, 305; Find A Grave memorials 41522873, 145607470. On 15 July 1882, Mary L. Redway, 30, was admitted to the Herkimer Co. Poor House as a public charge due to insanity (NY Inmates). The decennial U.S. censuses from 1900 through 1920 (that of 1890 is virtually nonextant) list Mary L. Redway as a patient in Utica State Hospital, New York’s first state-run psychiatric facility; the 1915 and 1925 N.Y. State censuses show Mary Louisa Redway at the same location. The 1930 and 1940 U.S. censuses
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
Co., between 1883 and 1889, ANNA LAMBERT, b. ca. 1854, d. New York Mills, Whitestown, 15 July 1897, bur. Glenside Cemetery, New York Mills, daughter of Christopher and Phyllis (Clark) Lambert (Rome Sentinel 1, 2 Feb 1889, 16 July 1897; NY Inmates [Mrs. Dwight Red-way]); m. (4) ca. 1897 ______ ______, res. Waterloo, Seneca Co., N.Y., 1901 (1900 US Census, Utica ED 55 p. 12B, Dwight Redway m. 3 yrs.; U Press 27 April 1901).
On 22 October 1861, about six months after the onset of the Civil War, Dwight enlisted at Adams as a private for a three-year term of military service in A Company, 94th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry. Less than a year later, at or near Alexandria, Va., he contracted “malarial poisoning and rheumatism . . . [which] brought on disease of the kidneys.” His disability was such that on 13 June 1862, while in the hospital at Alexandria, he was discharged from the Union Army.
Returning to Jefferson Co., he first resumed the agricultural life that he had had prior to his military service. The malaria and rheumatism continued to disable him, however, and he was unable to continue performing the manual labor required of a farmer. Forced to find other means of support but unable even to write his name, Dwight removed to New York City, where he drove a horse-drawn streetcar on Sixth Avenue for a year or two. Presumably by 1869, the year of his first marriage, he was living in or near Whitestown (his Civil War pension file does not mention this). By 1875, he and his second wife, Mary, had moved to the village of Ilion, town of German Flatts, Herkimer Co., where two sons of his uncle Albert (no. 16) were living; Dwight worked there in a hotel and as a teamster. In mid-1882, Mary L. Redway was admitted to the county poorhouse as insane. Probably not long thereafter, Dwight took her to Upper New York Mills, where he worked as a coachman and groom, and she entered Utica State Hospital, apparently remaining institutionalized for the rest of her long life (see note 113).
With Mary’s condition as grounds for divorce, Dwight married again. But in August 1896, Anna (Mrs. Dwight) Redway, “Blind and Her Husband Unable to Support Her,” was admitted to the Oneida County Poor House. By 1900, Dwight had moved to a boarding house in Utica, where, despite having married a fourth time, he was living as a single man. He died in Utica City Hospital after an illness of two weeks, his last occupation having been that of hotel eleva-tor tender. The ailments incurred during his military service had continued to afflict him, lim-iting his activities and undoubtedly foreshortening his life. (Biographical sources: CivWarPF 500645; see also notes 111–13, above.)
iv. OLIVE LUCINDA, b. 1841–1842, bap. Adams 1 July 1842, d. Sharston Villa, Fallowfield, Man-chester, Lancashire, England, 26 April 1887, in 46th year (AdChR; Times 29 April 1887 p. 1); m. Adams or Ellisburg 5 Jan. 1864, ORRA JEROME ROUNDS of New York City, b. Oswego, N.Y., 12 Nov. 1840, res. Didsbury, Manchester, 5 April 1891 and 31 March 1901, d. Manches-ter 20 Feb. 1906, son of Bertram Jerome and Laura Platina (Bloss) Rounds (JCN 14 Jan 1864; US Pass Apps; 1891, 1901 England censuses; Brklyn Eagle 23 Feb 1906 p. 20; Bloss Gen 11).
Lucinda Redway was admitted to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 26 June 1858 and dismissed on 6 July 1867 (AdChR [Roll] 29). By June 1865, Jerome Rounds—24, married a year, one child—was again living in his parents’ Brooklyn household (NY Census Wd 20 p. 47). (Although Lucinda removed to Brooklyn after her marriage, the 1865 census did not enu-merate her and her first baby there or in Adams, where Lucinda had probably given birth; per-haps she was in transit.) Sometime between 1880 and Lucinda’s death, seven years later, the family emigrated from Brooklyn to Manchester, probably in connection with Jerome’s busi-ness activities (1880 US Census, Brooklyn ED 234 p. 339B). An obituary of his “dearly be-loved wife,” Olive Lucinda, describes Orra J. Rounds as “of Manchester and New York” (Times 29 April 1887). The 1901 England Census for Didsbury describes him as “Representative of American Merch[ant] & Mercantile House.”
v. GEORGE HORATIO, b. 13 Sept. 1844, bap. Adams 9 Feb. 1848, d. Albany, N.Y., after 1907 (Whitney Fam 2:1072; AdChR; Arnold, Redway 66; 1908 Albany Dir 514); m. Albany 14 Jan. 1874, CATHERINE LOUISE “KATE” WHITNEY, b. Albany 30 April 1846, d. probably there
locate Mary L. Redway, aged 78 and 88, respectively, in Marcy State Hospital for the Insane, 10 miles from the Utica institution.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
between 1892 and 1900, daughter of James Alexander and Mary Melicent (Strong) Whitney (JCJ 22 Jan 1874; Whitney Fam 1:426, 2:1072; 1892 NY, 1900 US censuses ED 7 Wd 16 p. 8l, ED 63 p. 8A, resp.). A clerk in Albany by 1865, George had by 1869 become a carpet mer-chant there with the firm of A. B. Van Gaasbeek, which in 1878 supplied carpeting for the new state capitol (1865 NY Census, Albany Wd 10 p. 20; Alb Eve Jour 22 Jan 1869 p. 2; JCJ 10 July 1878). He was a bookkeeper in 1892 and a “carpet salesman” again by 1900 (1892 NY, 1900 US censuses). A bookkeeper again in 1901, he was auditor of the United Traction Co. from at least 1902 to 1908 (1901, 1902, 1908 Albany Dir 339, 352 [and 415], 514, resp.).
vi. MARIA E. “RIA,” b. 16 Sept. 1848, d. Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N.Y., 10 Sept. 1899 (finda grave.com [birthdate], d. 1 Oct; SC News 21 Sept 1899 p. 4, d. 10 Sept); m. Adams 14 June 1876, LEMAN A. BALDWIN, “dealer in books, etc.,” b. Sandy Creek [perhaps 7 Oct.] 1850 (calc.) (not 1840), d. there 25 July 1886 (not 15 June 1885), aged 35, son of Israel and Mary “Polly” (Harris) Baldwin (both b. 1825).[114] Both were buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Sandy Creek, as were Leman’s parents (findagrave.com).
19. MAJ. HARVEY NATHAN6 REDWAY (Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., New York, 25 February 1808; he died in Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., New York, 9 November 1885, in his 78th year (mrng ltr [below]; g.s.; Com Adv 19 Nov 1885 p. 3; DAR 149113). He married in Potsdam, 23 July 1834, ELMINA PRUDENCE PARTRIDGE, born in Alstead, Cheshire Co., New Hampshire, 1 December 1814 and died in Potsdam 1 April 1891, aged 76, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Ladd) Partridge (Jeff Co mar clip; Cour & Frmn 8 April 1891 p. 3; g.s.; Partridge file; St Lawr Co Hist 258). Both were buried in Bayside Ceme-tery, Potsdam (g.s.). Elmina’s father, a descendant of Roger Sherman, a Founding Father of the United States, was on Potsdam’s first board of trustees in 1831 and was its president in 1834, 1835, and 1840. A man held in high esteem, he also served several terms as a county supervisor from Potsdam, was a trustee of St. Lawrence Academy, and was among the first directors of the Watertown and Potsdam Railroad Company (St Lawr Co Hist 248, 249, 250, 258–59). In the early 1830s, Harvey left Ellisburg for Watertown, the Jefferson County seat, where he was living when he married Elmina, then of Potsdam (Jeff Co mar clip). They remained in Water-town until 1842 and then removed to Potsdam, where Harvey was a merchant in 1850 and estab-lished an insurance agency about 1856 (Cour & Frmn 8 April 1891 p. 3, 19 Aug 1875 p. 2 [weekly ad, “18th annual statement”], resp.; 1850 US Census 13). Due to a long string of victories in local and county elections in which he often ran unopposed, he became known as the “old hoss” (Com Adv 3 Feb 1876 p. 3). During the 1870s, many newspaper items mentioned him with the title Major, presumably the rank he had attained in the state militia (e.g., O’burg Jour 8 Feb 1876 p. 2; Com Adv 1 Feb 1877 p. 3). In this writer’s possession is a black-bordered letter of mourning, notifying relatives and friends of Harvey’s death, in which is printed the following: “For many years Mr. Redway was promi-nently connected with the business affairs of this town and county. He assisted in the organ-ization of the Republican Party in this county, and was an influential member of the same; was for twenty-one years town clerk and eighteen years county treasurer. He was a gentleman both intelligent and accommodating, and possessed many excellent qualities of head and heart.” Honesty was apparently not always among them, however: Following a lengthy examination of his accounts, a committee appointed by the St. Lawrence County Board of Supervisors reported that Harvey had embezzled almost $37,000 during his six terms as county treasurer (1858–1875). Since state law had not addressed malfeasance of this sort until 1874, Harvey’s arrest, on 3 April 1876, was only for the misappropriation of $4,052.86 during 1875, his last year in office. Two grand-jury
114 JCJ 21 June 1876 pp. 4, 5; 1880 US Census, Sandy Creek 100D (occupation); findagrave.com, b. 7 Oct 1840,
d. 15 June 1885; SC News 29 July 1886 p. 4 (d. 25 July 1886, almost 36), 13 Aug 1914 p. 4 (Mary Baldwin sister of late Sylvanus Harris of Sandy Creek).
Chauncey6, Azubah, Daniel, Albert, David, Abel, and Harvey Redway
indictments issued on 6 April 1876 nevertheless charged him with diverting $36,733.45; with interest, the shortfall amounted to slightly over $50,000. The election of a new county treasurer had led to the board’s decision to scrutinize Harvey’s books as a matter of sound business practice. His long career in civic office ultimately ended over his zealous support for a $20,000 opera house, built in Potsdam during his last year in office and financed by public funds. Voters were angered that Harvey had used county funds to “lobby” their state senator for his support of the unpopular “Opera House Bill,” then before the state senate; they expressed their unhappiness at the polls by electing his opponent. Had the old hoss not alienated his constituents, he might have continued running true to form and died in harness, his misdeeds escaping detection during his lifetime. Harvey began suffering “dyspepsia” shortly after the investigation was announced and was in such poor health by the time of his arraignment that his trial was postponed several times. On 2 February 1877, three-fourths of the county supervisors signed a petition requesting that the district attorney proceed no further against him. His “increasing infirmities” were noted, as was the fact that “his bail [bondsmen] have made good the deficiency in his accounts.” (By the time of his arrest, Harvey and his wife had put in trust about $30,000 in securities and property to secure the county against loss. The remainder was presumably transferred in subsequent months.) The follow-ing May, his trial was postponed indefinitely.[115] While this seems to have put an end to Harvey’s legal problems, he apparently never regained his health and was soon thereafter described as an invalid (1880 US Census, Potsdam 333B).
Children, surname REDWAY, born in Potsdam:
i. HENRY PARTRIDGE7, b. 1837 (13 in 1850 [US Census, Potsdam 13]), d. Potsdam 22 Jan. 1853, in 16th yr. (St Lawr Repub 1 Feb 1853 p. 3); bur. Bayside Cemetery, Potsdam (g.s., no dates). “He died in the full possession of his faculties, having in his dying hour selected from among his youthful companions, those by whom he wished to be carried to his grave, leaving to them and to all his associates this message: ‘Be careful how you live, that you may be ready to die’” (St Lawr Repub 1 Feb 1853 p. 3).
ii. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS, b. 28 Aug. 1845, bap. Potsdam 4 Jan. 1846, d. there 26 Oct. 1930, aged 86 [sic];[116] m. Potsdam 30 Sept. 1873, MARGARET HANNAH ROSS, b. Brockville, Leeds Co., Ontario, Canada, 5 June 1852, d. Potsdam 18 March 1942, aged 89, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Clark) Ross.[117] Both were buried in Bayside Cemetery, Potsdam (g.s.).
On 24 March 1853,
Augustus Redway, son of H. N. Redway, Esq., of Potsdam, had his right arm caught between the cogs of a horse power, used for sawing wood, and jammed completely off up to the elbow. It seems that he went up on the opposite side of the machine from which the men were at work, who did not know he was near until they heard him scream. When they got to him, he said, “my arm’s off” and asked if another hand could be put on, and said if there could, he should not care so much about it. He is a smart, intelligent lad, about seven years old. It is but a few weeks since the death of Mr. Redway’s oldest [sic] son and now this, his only son is maimed for life. (St Lawr Repub 29 March 1853 p. 2)
As a young man, S. A. Redway clerked for his father at the county treasurer’s office (1870 US Census, Potsdam 78B). Early on, he joined his father in the latter’s general insurance agency and remained in that business for 58 years (Cour & Frmn 13 March 1873 p. 4; Pots Hrld-Rec 31 Oct 1930 p. 4). He was also justice of the peace in Potsdam and the town’s registrar of vital records, both for more than 30 years. In 1928, he was appointed police justice, which position
115 Cour & Frmn 1875 (9 Dec), 1876 (3, 17 Feb; 9, 23, 30 March; 6, 13 April; 24 Aug; 14 Dec), 1877 (25 Jan, 24
May); Com Adv 1876 (3, 24 Feb; 30 March; 6, 13 April), 1877 (1, 8 Feb). 116 DAR 149113 and g.s., b. 1845; 1900 US Census, Potsdam 191B, b. Aug 1845; St Lawr Repub 29 March 1853,
aged 7; Repub-Jour 27 Oct 1930 p. 10 and Pots Hrld-Rec 31 Oct 1930 p. 4, b. 1844; TrChR bap #189. 117 TrChR mar #118; Pots Hrld-Rec 27 March 1942 p. 5; Cour & Frmn 25 March 1942 p. 1; 1871 Canada Census,
South Burgess, Leeds Co Dist 67 p. 59; DAR 149113.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
he held until his death (Repub-Jour 27 Oct 1930). “Although he had lost an arm, he could do almost as much with one arm and hand as the ordinary man could with two. He was always keenly interested in current events, the latest inventions, and the Scientific American was as keen a source of delight to him in these last years as many years ago” (Pots Hrld-Rec 31 March 1930 p. 4).
20. CAROLINE M.7 REDWAY (David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., New York, 8 December 1823, baptized in Adams about 1825, and died in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, 16 December 1860, aged 37 yrs., 8 da. (bur rec; Redway m.i., Adams Rural Cem; AdChR [undtd]). She married in Lorraine about 1840, GROVE JUDSON PENNEY, born in Lorraine 6 February 1820 and died in Cincinnati 28 June 1905, aged 85, son of John and Mary “Polly” (Brown) Penney (Gifford notes; 1900 US Census, Cincinnati ED 35 p. 3B; Ham Co death cert; bur rec). Both were buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati (bur recs; g.s.). Grove’s aunt Esther (Penney) Doane was Caroline’s maternal grandmother, making Grove and Caroline first cousins once removed. The Penney farm was in northwest Lorraine, about a mile south of that of the Redways and about two miles south of the village of Adams.
By 1845—after losing their first child (whom Caroline had had at 17) and the birth of their second—she and Grove moved to Ohio. They lived successively in Newark (with Grove’s brother, George), Bainbridge, and Wilmington before settling in Cincinnati, by 1855. Previously in the hard-ware business, Grove became a “commission merchant” in Cincinnati, amassing great wealth as a grain broker. Upon his retirement, at age 84, a Cincinnati newspaper published the tribute excerpted here:
There is perhaps no grain and provision merchant whose name has been more intimately associ-ated with the city’s business history than that of Penney. To show the esteem in which it held him, the Chamber of Commerce on Dec. 17, 1901, by unanimous vote made him an honorary mem-ber. . . . Penney, known as “Honest Penney,” did a large commission business during the Civil War and filled big contracts for the government. Always a strong Republican, he was intensely loyal to the Union, and on several occasions aided the government in a substantial way. One of his shippers, who trusted him implicitly, left a large sum of money with him during the war for safekeeping, and Penney loaned this to the government. He was repaid with interest, but all of the interest went to the owner of the money, Penney insisting on paying him every cent of it. Penney lost a large fortune just at the close of the war, on cotton, which he ordered a broker in the East to close out. The broker, expecting higher prices, failed to obey orders, and after a slump Penney had to pay a large sum. . . . “He is one of the most honorable men I have ever met,” said James London, the grain commis-sion merchant, in talking of Penney. “He would always rather suffer wrong than do wrong.” (Cin Post 19 Nov 1903 p. 9)
Grove had joined the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce in 1856 and died as its oldest member. Even after retirement, he was often seen at the Chamber and on the floor of the grain exchange.
A year after Caroline died from childbirth—all six of her children predeceased her—Grove married her sister Adeline (no. 17.iii). (Additional biographical sources: 1850 US Census, Bain-bridge, Ross Co 371B; 1855 Cin Dir 171; Cin Enq 29 June 1905 p. 12; children’s bur recs.)
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Children, surname PENNEY: i. ERMINA C.(8), b. Lorraine 7 July 1841 (calc.), d. there 26 Sept. 1841, aged 2 mos., 19 da. (g.s.,
Adams Rural Cem). ii. ELLEN C., b. Lorraine 19 Oct. 1842, d. Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, 13 March 1848, bur. Newark,
reinterred Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, 17 June 1861; she died of scarlet fever (bur rec). iii. EMILY, b. Newark 17 July 1845, d. there 17 March 1848, bur. Newark, reinterred Spring Grove
Cemetery 17 June 1861; she died of scarlet fever (bur rec). iv. CAROLINE “CARRIE,” b. Newark 16 Jan. 1847, d. Wilmington, Clinton Co., Ohio, 24 Feb. 1853,
bur. Wilmington, reinterred Spring Grove Cemetery 17 June 1861; she died of scarlet fever (bur rec).
v. JUDSON G., b. Wilmington 23 Aug. 1852, d. there 10 Feb. 1853, bur. Wilmington, reinterred Spring Grove Cemetery 17 June 1861; he died of asthma (bur rec).
vi. MARY, either stillborn Cincinnati ca. Dec. 1860 or b. and d. there about then (birth, death date[s] not reported). She was placed in a vault in Covington, Ky. (across the Ohio River from Cin-cinnati), prior to burial with her mother in Spring Grove Cemetery 18 Dec. 1860 (bur rec).
21. ANGELINE FANNIE7 REDWAY (David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Adams, Jefferson Co., New York, 3 September 1825 and baptized there 4 August 1826 (DAR 83895 [dau. C. Hotchkiss], 432125; 1850 US Census, Lorraine, Jefferson Co. p. 372A; AdChR). She died in Buffalo, Erie Co., New York, 8 March 1894 and was buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery there (Buf death cert; JeffCoEstPap box R–17 case 208; C. Hotchkiss Bible, 7 March). Angeline married first in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., __ February 1855, JAMES W. BRIGGS, farmer, born in Marcellus, Onondaga Co., New York, about June 1830 (calc.) and died there (village of Marietta) 1 or 3 March 1860, aged 29 yrs., 9 mos., son of Noah and Deborah (Foster) Briggs;[118] he was buried in Amber Village Cemetery, Otisco, Onondaga Co. (g.s.). Angeline lived with her parents-in-law at Marcellus and adjacent Skaneateles, apparently from the time of James Briggs’s death until her remarriage (1860 US, 1865 NY censuses, Marcellus 697, Skaneateles ED 1 p. 91, resp.). She married second in Skaneateles in 1866, (the eventual Rev. Dr.) ALBERT LUCIUS SMAL-LEY, born in Malone, Franklin Co., New York, 23 July 1843 and died in Buffalo 9 June 1907, aged 63 yrs., 10 mos., 16 da., son of Lucius and Abigail Lucinda (Hill) Smalley; he was buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo (1908 Cong Yrbk 34; DAR 4727, 432125; Smalley Bible; Sons RevNY 2563; 1900 US Census, Jamestown, Chautauqua Co NY, ED 102 p. 9A; Buf death cert).
Angeline was admitted to membership in the First Presbyterian Church of Adams on 2 July 1843 (AdChR). She seems to have had an affinity for younger men: her first husband, whom she married at age 29, was almost 5 years younger than she; her second husband was almost 18 years her junior. The latter, Albert Smalley, had accompanied his family to Omro, Wisconsin, in 1855 (Daily Nrthwstrn 1 May 1897 p. 1). He “studied at [the] University of Wisconsin (Lawrence Uni-versity), 1860–64; University of Michigan and Lane College, 1865; and received his theological education in the Black River [Central New York] Conference, 1867, studying also in Harvard Sum-mer School, 1901. [He] was ordained to the Methodist ministry at Auburn, N.Y., April 8, 1869. . . . Degrees: Ph.D. and D.D., Chicago University, 1897” (1908 Cong Yrbk 34).
Angeline’s marriage to Smalley introduced her to an itinerant lifestyle with which she, as the daughter and widow of farmers, had had no experience. Albert’s pastoral assignments at Methodist–Episcopal churches, all in New York, took them to Fayetteville, 1870–71; Oswego (East Church), 1872–74; Malone (Centenary), 1875–78; Ogdensburg (First), 1878–79; Waverly, 1879–82; Scran-ton (Hyde Park), 1883–84; and Binghamton (Main Street), 1885 (Meth Arch). In 1886, with his
118 Briggs Fam (undtd clip); 1855 NY Census, Marcellus ED 2 dw 163 fam 172 and Stats of Mar ln 10; g.s. (legible
death data on back of stone); OnonPR C:34; JCN 8 March 1860. Noah Briggs’s will, dated in 1875, calls James fourth son, deceased (OnonPR U:11–12); his household in 1830 contained three sons and that of 1840, four (youngest <10) (US censuses, Marcellus 228, 330, resp.); in 1850, son Alexander was 21 and James 19 (US Census, Marcellus 342B).
Caroline7, Angeline, Albert, and Mary Redway
installation as pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church in Buffalo, Rev. Smalley ended his affilia-tion with the Methodist–Episcopal Church. His subsequent assignments, all with the Congregational Church, were at Ottumwa, Iowa (First), 1887–90; Chicago, Illinois (Pilgrim), 1890–95; Jamestown, New York (First), 1896–1905; and Cleveland, Ohio (Highland Avenue), 1906 to April 1907 (1908 Cong Yrbk 34).
About 10 months before her death from stomach cancer, Angeline returned from Chicago to the home of her daughter Emma, who had remained in Buffalo. In Des Moines, Iowa, 21 March 1895, Albert remarried, to Mrs. Anna E. (Percival) Hill, daughter of Denman P. and Lucy (Lamb) Percival (1908 Cong Yrbk 34; Cong Ch Hist 27; findagrave.com). Like Angeline, Rev. Smalley died at the home of their daughter, Emma (Buf death cert).
Children with 1st husband, surname BRIGGS, all born in village of Marietta, town of Marcellus:
i. CHARLES FREMONT(8), b. 1856–1857, d. of consumption, hamlet of Waverly, town of Barton, Tioga Co., N.Y., 13 May 1880, aged 23 (1860, 1870 US censuses, Marcellus 697, Lorraine 464B, resp.; 1875 NY Census, Lorraine 19; JCJ 19 May 1880 p. 4); bur. Adams, probably Rural Cemetery (JCJ 19 May 1880 p. 5; neither g.s. nor bur rec found). As a 10- or 11-year-old, he was among the best students at Emily Griswold’s Select School, in Adams (JCN 3 Oct 1867).[119] Baptized in that village’s First Presbyterian Church on 4 April 1869, he resided about a mile away during this period (by 1867 to at least 1875) on the Lorraine farm of his maternal grandparents, David and Hannah Redway.
ii. FREDERICK LYMAN, accountant, b. 8 Jan. 1858, d. Binghamton, Broome Co., N.Y., 25 Jan. 1937, aged 79 yrs., 17 da. (Bing death cert; g.s., d. 23 Jan); bur. Floral Park Cemetery, Johnson City, Broome Co. (d. cert.; findagrave.com); unmarried. After living for many years in Buffalo, he had joined his widowed sister Carrie in Binghamton by 1930 (US Census ED 10 p. 6A).
iii. CAROLINE ELLA “CARRIE,” b. 2 Feb. 1860, d. Binghamton 14 May 1943, aged 83 yrs., 3 mos., 12 da. (Bing death cert; C. Hotchkiss Bible; g.s.); m. Buffalo 1 June 1887 CLARENCE FRANCIS HOTCHKISS, b. Unadilla Forks, Plainfield, Otsego Co., N.Y., 18 Dec. 1859, d. Binghamton 9 Sept. 1928, in 68th yr., son of Edgar Fitzgerald and Caroline (Enos) Hotchkiss (Buf mar cert; C. Hotchkiss Bible; g.s.); both bur. Floral Park Cemetery, Johnson City (findagrave.com). Carrie, whose father died a month after her birth, played the organ, probably doing so in several of the churches pastored by her stepfather. Clarence, a prominent Broome County industrialist, was president of Stow Manufacturing Co., of which Carrie was vice president.
Child with 2nd husband, surname SMALLEY:
iv. EMMA A., b. village of Oneida Lake, town of Lenox, Madison Co., N.Y., 23 Jan. 1867, d. Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles Co., Calif., 5 Dec. 1932, aged 65 yrs., 10 mos., 12 da. (LA Co death cert; DAR 47270, 432125; 1900 US Census, Buffalo ED 183 p. 13A; Buf mar cert); m. Buf-falo 13 Oct. 1887, HERBERT GROSVENOR WALKER, b. Buffalo 24 May 1863, d. Los Angeles 10 Dec. 1945, aged 82 yrs., 6 mos., 16 da., son of English-born William and Fanny (Lath-bury) Walker (mar cert [dtd 1888 but stamped 1887]; DAR 432125; 1900 US Census [eff. 1 June], m. 12 yrs., 1st child b. Aug 1888; LA Co death cert). In Buffalo, Herbert worked successively as a bookkeeper, iron works manager, furniture manufacturer, and machine shop secretary (1900–1930 US censuses); he was also a commissioner of deeds there (Proc Buf CC 2235). In 1930, he and Emma moved to Southern California, where she, assisted by a gas oven, committed suicide about two years later (LA Co death cert); her burial place is unknown. Her-bert was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Calif. (findagrave.com).
22. ALBERT JAMES7 REDWAY (David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Adams, Jefferson Co., New York, 19 March 1834 and died of pneumonia in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, 13 November 1903 (A. J. Redway Bible; bur rec). He married in Cincinnati 20 September 1864, EMMA HARRIET MITCHELL, born there 17 July 1845 and died of breast cancer in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., California, 9 November 1932, daughter of Robert and Harriet
119 Emily Griswold’s brother, Henry, married Angeline (Redway) (Briggs) Smalley’s sister Mary (no. 23).
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
(Hannaford) Mitchell; all were buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati (A. J. Redway Bible; JCN 29 Sept 1864; Edith Redway recs; bur recs; findagrave.com). Robert Mitchell emigrated from Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, at age 13. In Cincinnati, he began as a cabinetmaker’s apprentice and rose to great heights as a manufacturer of the finest furniture in the region (findagrave.com). His firm, founded as Mitchell & Rammelsberg and later bearing his name alone, became one of the largest and most successful furniture makers in the country (www2.cin cinnati.com/homestyle/082104/treasures.html).
In 1855, with half a dollar in his pocket, Albert arrived in Cincinnati and found employment as a stove salesman. Hard working, astute, and confident, he, with Stephen R. Burton, formed Redway & Burton, which began in 1856 as a retail establishment and became a stove manufacturer in 1859. Albert complemented great business acumen with exceptional mastery of physical and mechanical principles. Thanks to his inventions, the company produced the finest, most inno-vative ranges available. During the Civil War, Redway & Burton stoves were widely used on gun- boats and in hospital camps.
Albert’s patents and the firm’s extremely successful business operations made him a multimil-lionaire. He owned extensive Cincinnati real estate, had interests in other enterprises (including a dairy farm near Wilmington, Ohio), and was president of his father-in-law’s Mitchell Office Build-ing Company. His “palatial” residence on Redway Avenue (now Lenox Place near Reading Road) and his apartments at the Hotel Alms (where he died) were among several beautiful homes he owned in Avondale, an upper-class Cincinnati suburb (annexed to the city in 1893). In the preface to a biography of Ohio governor and soon-to-be U.S. president Rutherford B. Hayes, the author includes “Mr. A. I. [sic] Redway of Cincinnati” among the “intimate friends of Gen. Hayes . . . without whose assistance . . . a complete biography” would not have been possible. That Albert was one of Cincinnati’s most distinguished citizens is further illustrated by an anecdote related by Jim Redway (no. 30): One evening during the administration of President William Howard Taft (1909–1913), Albert’s son (Jim’s grandfather) attended a presidential reception. As the receiving line advanced to where Albert Redway II was opposite the president, he shook Taft’s hand and introduced himself. A native of Cincinnati, the president remembered Redway’s father fondly, saying that he had more than once extricated Taft from financial difficulty with personal loans.
Albert was one of the founders of Grace Episcopal Church in Avondale and for 20 years one of its vestrymen. He is said to have been charitable, kind, and gentle in all his dealings. (Biographi-cal sources: 1856 Cin Dir 221; Cin Leading Men 324–25; Cin Indust 181–82; Cin Rep Citizens 2:793–94; A. J. Redway obit [clip, ca. 15 Nov 1903]; Gov Hayes 7–8; Albert J. Redway IV).
Albert’s grandniece Jessie (Cole) Fridley, called Emma Redway “one of the most beautiful, aristocratic people” she ever saw. When she and Albert married, her father built them a $75,000 home, which her grandniece Helena (Perin) Wilson described as “castle-like” (Fridley ltr; Life at Redways 5). “[I]t was considered so handsome and luxurious that during its building it was visited by many sightseers. The interior woodwork was all made in the Mitchell furniture factory and put up in the house, thus making the woodwork the finest in construction and finish of any place in the city” (Cin Enq 11 Aug 1897 p. 10). The mansion was sold in 1897 to Mrs. H. Thane Miller “for the accommodation of the school for young ladies that bear[s] that name” (ibid.).
Child, surname REDWAY:
24 i. ALBERT JAMES II8, b. Cincinnati 22 Feb. 1867; m. LULU MAUD HIPP. 23. MARY LOUISA7 REDWAY (David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., New York, 3 November 1840, baptized in adjacent Adams 4 July 1841, and died in Brookings, Brookings Co., South Dakota, 18 or 19 October 1916 (Griswold Bible; g.s.; AdChR; BrookVR; Chat News 26 Oct 1916). She married in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 May
Caroline7, Angeline, Albert, and Mary Redway
1861, (the eventual Hon.) HENRY STRONG “HARRY” GRISWOLD,[120] born in Adams 24 January 1833 and died in Chatfield, Fillmore Co., Minnesota, 18 December 1906, son of Jeremiah and Eunice (Strong) Griswold (Griswold Bible; g.s.; US Bio Dict 271; Fill Co Hist 533; Fill Co death cert). Both were buried in Chatfield Cemetery (g.s.). Mary was born and raised on her father’s farm in the town of Lorraine, near the Adams town line, 15 miles from the eastern shore of Lake Ontario, and about a mile and a half from Henry’s home, in Adams village. (Due to the farm’s proximity to the latter place, where the nearest stores, schools, churches, etc., were located, later records show that Mary typically identified Adams as her birthplace.) According to a granddaughter, Mary “was a graduate of a very swanky girls’ school in Cincinnati” (Fridley ltr). That she was in Cincinnati while still in her teens is confirmed by the 1860 U.S. census for that city, which lists her in the household of Grove Penney, along with her siblings Caroline Penney, Adeline Redway, and Albert Redway (see nos. 17.iii, 20, 22); Mary is described as a nineteen-year-old music teacher (US Census 348). Mary and Henry wed at the Penney home and went by boat and stagecoach back to his resi-dence, in Chatfield. Several months later, they removed to Mary’s former home, in Lorraine, so that her mother could assist her in the late stages of her pregnancy and the delivery in March 1862 of her only child, Marian. (It was not uncommon for a woman to give birth to her first child at her parents’ home. Perhaps they arrived early enough to attend the wedding there in January 1862 of her sister Adeline to Grove Penney.) The Griswolds remained in Lorraine for a year—Mary was readmitted to the First Presbyterian Church of Adams in July 1862—before returning to Chatfield. A prominent member of the Chatfield Presbyterian Church, Mary lent her “beautiful [soprano] voice” to the choir for over fifty years and was its director until a few months before her death. A handsome woman (as several photographs in this writer’s possession attest), she was widely known and respected as a cultivated person “of sterling worth.” Mary died at the home of her daughter, where she had gone two months earlier. (Most of the foregoing biographical information not other-wise attributed is from Mary’s obituary in Chat News 26 Oct 1916.)
A compendium of biographical sketches of eminent Minnesotans depicts Henry Griswold thus (bracketed insertions by this writer):
Mr. Griswold received an academic education at [or near] Adams, and at thirteen was prepared to enter the second year in Hamilton College, but was too young and could not be received; so he discontinued his studies and became a clerk at Adams, in a store kept by [the father of] Henry B. Whipple, now [Episcopal] bishop of Minnesota. Subsequently our subject worked a year or two with his father [a saddle, harness, and leather trunk maker]; was four years a clerk in [Gen. Solon D.] Hungerford’s bank at Adams, one year in Fort Stanwix bank, Rome, New York, and in the spring of 1857 came to Chatfield and became bookkeeper [chief clerk] for J. C. Easton, banker. [Gen. Hungerford presented Henry with a fine pocket watch (now in this writer’s possession) when the young man turned twenty-one. Congressman W. A. Gilbert of Adams, Easton’s partner in the newly formed Chatfield bank, recommended Henry to him.] Two years later, Mr. Griswold [backed by Easton] was elected county treasurer, filling that office one term. [The 1860 U.S. Cen-sus indicates that Henry had by then become a banker in his own right, with assets of $2,000 in real estate and $9,000 in personal estate—large sums at that time, especially for a twenty-seven-year-old.] In the latter part of 1861 he became a paymaster’s clerk in the regular army, stationed in the Red River Valley of the North [another source says St. Paul], resigning at the end of ten months. He is a superior accountant. [Henry’s Civil War draft registration, dated in June 1863, gives his occupation as “agent.” That he was then a land agent is implied in the obituary of Charles Cole, who had arrived in Chatfield in 1857 and after five or six years became “engaged in the real estate business very largely, being associated with Hon. H. S. Griswold in these transactions” (Chat Dem 28 Oct 1892). In 1866, a flood caused severe losses in West Chatfield, where “not less than one hundred tons of hay [were] swept off from the bottoms thereabouts, Harry Griswold losing some forty tons” from his hayfield, across town from his home (Winona Repub 13 Aug 1866).]
120 Henry acquired the title Hon[orable] for having served in the Minnesota state legislature.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Since 1867 Mr. Griswold has been engaged . . . in the manufacture of woolen goods in the village of Chatfield. [He owned a half interest in a woolen mill for ten years and, for many more, bred sheep on his 228-acre farm in nearby Orion Township, where in 1881 he kept “460 as fine graded sheep as can be found in our part of the country” (ibid. 14 Dec 1881). In late 1887, he “shipped a car of selected sheep . . . to Lake Benton, consigned to his son-in-law, George D. Cole of that place” (ibid. 30 Aug 1887).] . . . He was a member of the Minnesota House of Represen-tatives in 1871, and while in the legislature secured the reincorporation of the village of Chatfield. Prior to that date he was president of the village two terms. He is a practical and efficient business-man.
Mr. Griswold cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, Republican candidate for President in 1856, and has seen no reason for changing his politics. [The Republican Party of today bears no resemblance to the party of that time, which promoted civil rights and is retrospectively called the Party of Lincoln.] His name often appears in the list of delegates to district and state conventions, in which he has large influence. He is a Royal Arch Mason, and was the first scribe when the chapter at Chatfield . . . was organized. (US Bio Dict 271–72)[121]
A lengthy obituary says that “our esteemed townsman” died “after a lingering and painful ill-ness of considerable [sic] more than a year’s duration.” It repeats much of the information presented above but also includes the following (bracketed insertions by this writer):
[Henry was] a member of the board of officers of the first municipal organization established for the management of Chatfield’s local affairs. . . . [Since serving in the state legislature] in 1872 [sic] . . . he has positively declined the repeated offers of a nomination for all elective offices. He, however, accepted an appointment by the governor as a member of the Reformatory Prison Board commission and served as secretary of that body for 12 years. . . .
Late in the summer of 1905, Mr. Griswold found himself under the necessity of going to the hospital at Rochester [the eventual Mayo Clinic] for relief for an internal trouble which had been growing more and more painful for a considerable time. An operation resulted in the removal of a large cancerous tumor, but this operation gave no permanent relief. . . .
To the people of this community and to many beyond its limits it is hardly necessary to state that the deceased was a man mentally strong and above the average in intelligence, natural and acquired, remarkable for his ready knowledge of mathematics, retaining his knowledge of the clas-sical languages and possessing a familiar acquaintance with scientific and historical matters. [A granddaughter has recounted that Henry “read Greek lit. in the original, just for pleasure” (Fridley ltr).] Perhaps no one in this section of the country had a larger, better selected or more carefully read library.
Those who know [sic] him well unhesitatingly accord him a kindly heart and a hand often extended with generous liberality toward the needy and the unfortunate, always seeking to avoid any publicity for help bestowed. [His aforementioned granddaughter described him as “one of the kindest, most philanthropic men I have ever known: his gifts to the poor were not even betrayed to Grandma; many she discovered after his death through people who came to talk to her about it.”] (Chat Dem 20 Dec 1906)
Henry’s patrilineal immigrant ancestor is Michael Griswold (Wethersfield by 1640); through his mother, he is also a direct descendant of Edward Griswold (Windsor 1639) (Greswold Fam 34–36; Dawes–Gates 2:398). Often said, erroneously, to have been brothers, both were early inhabitants of Connecticut Colony. Henry’s lineal ancestors also include John Strong (Hing-ham 1635, Hopewell); Eltweed Pomeroy (Dorchester 1632), and Thomas Ford (Dorchester 1630, Mary & John), all among the earliest settlers of Massachusetts Bay Colony (GM 6:581, 587; GMB 1:688, 3:1486, 1489).
Child, surname GRISWOLD:
25 i. MARIAN ESTHER(8), b. Lorraine 12 March 1862; m. GEORGE DEXTER COLE.
121 For additional details about Henry Griswold’s activities in Chatfield, see Margaret Snyder, The Chosen Valley:
The Story of a Pioneer Town (New York, 1948), 140–63 (particularly 146–61), 329–30.
24. ALBERT JAMES “BERT”8 REDWAY II (Albert J.7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, 22 February 1867 and, as a two-year resident of Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., California, died of throat cancer in French Hospital, Los Angeles, 8 September 1929, aged 62 yrs., 6 mos., 16 da. (LA Co death cert; A. J. Redway Bible). He married in Cincinnati 12 June 1889, LULU MAUDE “MAUDIE” HIPP, born in Ohio, probably Wapakoneta, Auglaize Co.,[122] 13 March 1869 and died in Ossining, Westchester Co., New York, 5 November 1942, daughter of German-born Col. Frederick William Hipp and his wife, Laura M. (Bosche), whose parents had come from Prussia.[123] Both were buried in Dale Cemetery, Ossining. Albert began as a clerk for a Cincinnati coal company (1888) but soon became a partner in Kroger, Redway & Co., iron commission merchants and proprietors of Suburban Coal and co*ke Yards (1889–1895) (1888, 1889, 1895 Cin Dir 1067, 750, 947, resp.) In 1896 or 1897, he took his family to Lima, Ohio, where his investments in oil leases and a gas company ultimately failed.[124] In 1900, he was back in Cincinnati as secretary and treasurer of the newly formed Cellular Insulat-ing Company and, in 1902, manager of the Cincinnati office of Union Fibre Company of Winona, Minnesota; his office (like that of his father) was in the Mitchell Building, formerly owned by his maternal grandfather (1900, 1901, 1902 Cin Dir 1380, 1403, 1455, resp.; Iron Age 66:1[5 July 1900]:23). In 1903, Albert and a partner established Redway & Henry as sales agents for Union Fibre’s insulating materials; the business became Redway & Company in 1904 and A. J. Redway & Company in 1905 (Natl Provisioner 28:1[3 Jan 1903]:18, 23; 1903, 1904, 1905 Cin Dir 1506, 1608, 1371, resp.). Under the latter name, the company immediately broadened its activities to include insulation contracting and concrete construction (CS/IT Jour 13/29:2[Feb 1905]:10; 1905 Cin CC Rept 192, 204). While A. J. Redway and Co. continued to operate until 1910, Albert’s Concrete–Steel Company, which he formed in 1906, took over building construction (1906, 1910 Cin Dir 1427, 1489, resp.; 1910 US Census, Cin Wd 13 ED 151 p. 7B). Between 1911 and 1913, indirect signs of decisive financial losses may have begun to appear. In the former year, Albert moved his office from the Mitchell Building to another (more modest?) location (1911 Cin Dir 1578). Beginning with the latter year, his listings in the city directory fail to include the name of his company, which he had by then apparently lost (1913, 1919 Cin Dir 1571, 1547, resp.). About 1920, Albert was forced to sell his elegant house, at 950 Burton Avenue, in the then wealthy Cincinnati neighborhood of Avondale. He is absent from that year’s city direc-tory, and the 1920 federal census for Ossining, New York, lists Albert (occupation “none”) and
122 Lulu’s parents were married in Auglaize Co. 26 March 1867 and, with Lulu, 2, were enumerated at Wapakoneta
in 1870 (Ohio Mar1; US Census, Auglaize Co OH 325B). 123 Ohio Mar2; A. J. Redway Bible; Edith Redway recs; Cin Enq 6 Nov 1942 p. 25; L. D. Redway ltrs 9 Nov 1942,
ca. Nov 1942; L. D. Redway bio 1; 1870, 1880 US censuses, Wapakoneta 325B, Avondale, Hamilton Co ED 96 p. 352C, resp.; Ohio Mar1.
124 1897 Cin Dir 1255; 1900 US Census, Cin Wd 2 ED 16 p. 14A; Marietta Ldr 10 Jan 1901 p. 1; L. D. Redway autobio 4–5, 9–12; Life at Redways 12.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Lulu as lodgers in the household of a wine company bookkeeper (1920 Cin Dir 1633; 1920 US Census ED 155 p. 2B). By 1925, they were living in Peekskill, New York, where Albert bought stock in the Peekskill City Laundry (NY Census, Cortlandt, Westchester Co ED 9 p. 24; L. D. Redway ltr 23 Nov 1942). About two years later, they moved to California. Drawn mostly from census records and city directories, the foregoing reconstruction is inevit-ably sterile. A niece of Hipp descent who lived next door and for a time in Albert’s household recounts in human terms his financial reverses—a classic example of the failure of about two-thirds of inherited fortunes to survive the second generation— and their repercussions:
Unfortunately for my dear uncle, he did not inherit his father’s business acumen. He went through several fortunes in several different types of businesses; he had been in the construction business, in iron and steel, and in oil. The oil game had always been his true love but apparently proved to be his undoing. This last venture was in the Kentucky oil fields. There had always been more money to invest, but these funds were fast becoming depleted. There was not enough of the Redway fortune left to recoup, and bankruptcy proceedings followed, when the family residence was to be sold. Grandma [Emma] Redway sold her own property and moved to California. I never knew their exact financial status but imagined that poor Uncle Bert had exhausted his inheritance from his father. . . .
I was in the Redway home when financial disaster struck. The lawyer came to dinner that night and explained the situation privately to my aunt after my uncle had helped me upstairs. . . . He could not face his beloved wife to break the sad news of their financial status, all by himself. . . . [M]y aunt put up a valiant front in the face of this blow. . . . [Having dismissed the servants and] [n]ever having cooked a meal in her life, my aunt and uncle took their dinner meal across the street . . . with . . . [a] family [of] impoverished aristocra[ts]. . . . My aunt cleaned her own house, prepared the breakfast and continued to tend her beautiful rose garden, where a fortune had been spent in [sic] the rarest of roses, graceful arbors, and graveled walks throughout. She did not whimper or let her hair down to me or anyone else at any time. When the house was eventually sold, she and my uncle moved to Ossining to be near [their son] Larry. . . . Uncle did have a pittance to invest in a Peekskill laundry, but evidently it did not prove lucrative, for they later moved to California and were not there for too long a period when my beloved uncle died. My aunt hated California and returned to Ossining, where she lived at the woman’s club there for several years, until she devel-oped a fatal . . . malignancy. Her devoted eldest son, Larry, had her return to his own home after a period of hospitalization, where he and his dear wife did all in their power to make [Lulu’s] last days more bearable. She died at their residence. (Life at Redways 12–13)
Albert was for many years a warden of Grace Episcopal Church [of which his father had been a founder and longtime vestryman] (ibid. 9). His aforementioned niece described “Uncle Bert” as “easy-going,” “gentle,” “loving,” and possessed of “charming good humor” (ibid. 2, 5, 8). Lulu was a “stormy little mother, whose . . . Germanic tendencies enforced obedience [from her sons].” She was a “conscientious [student] of the Bible,” who her niece implied was competent, thoughtful, and cultured (ibid. 2, 7, 9). Their son Larry related that his father “was more often than not the victim of his friends and of his own good nature” (L. D. Redway autobio 5). His mother was the “boss,” with an “iron streak” reminiscent of her tyrannical grandmother. Lulu was also an “exqui-site” housekeeper and “way ahead of her time in medicine. . . . Nobody had to convince her that germs existed. . . . She believed in soap and water, boiled water, and plenty of it” (ibid. 5, 8, 13).
Children, surname REDWAY, all born in Cincinnati:
26 i. LAURANCE DAVID9, b. 26 March 1890; m. VIRGINIA WARD LARKIN. ii. EMMETT MITCHELL, b. 3 Aug. 1893 (calc.), d. of influenza and pneumonia, Cincinnati 6 Jan.
1897, aged 3 yrs., 5 mos., 3 da. (Ohio deaths; bur rec, Spring Grove Cem, Cincinnati; A. J. Redway Bible, b. 2 Aug, d. 3 Jan).
27 iii. ALBERT JAMES III, b. 17 Dec. 1895; m. EDITH WRIGHT PARKER.
Albert8 Redway II and Marian(8) Griswold
25. MARIAN ESTHER “MAMIE/MAY”(8) GRISWOLD (Mary L.7 Redway, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Lorraine, Jefferson Co., New York, 12 March 1862 and died in Brookings, Brookings Co., South Dakota, 23 September 1931, aged 69 yrs., 6 mos., 11 da. (Griswold Bible; SD death cert; Brook Reg 24 Sept 1931). She married in Chatfield, Fillmore Co., Minnesota, 24 July 1883, GEORGE DEXTER COLE, born in Cheshire, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, 30 December 1855 and, though a resident of Brookings, died in Vermillion, Clay Co., South Dakota, 26 June 1933, son of Sylvester and Hannah Eliza “Lizzie” (Terrett) Cole (Fil Co mar cert; Cole Bible; SD death cert; Brook Reg 27, 29 June 1933; James Cole of Plym 290). Both were buried in Chatfield Cemetery (g.s.).
Marian, although born in the same farmhouse as her mother (who had returned to Lorraine to deliver her), was raised in Chatfield, where her parents spent their entire married lives. In the summer of 1880, her father’s two spinster sisters visited Chatfield and took her back to their home in Adams (adjacent to Lorraine), where she attended the Hungerford Collegiate Institute, a post-secondary academy (JCJ 23 June, 24 Nov 1880). At her commencement ceremony there, in mid-1881, Marian was a debater and piano soloist (JCJ 6 July 1881). A dignified woman of limited social tolerance (a former daughter-in-law called her haughty), Marian died of a bacterial infection of the heart (death cert). George, an infant when his family went West by covered wagon, grew up on his father’s farm in the rural township of Elmira, Minnesota, about five miles from Chatfield. In 1880, after attending business college, he went to Lake Benton as the town’s first banker and within the year was elected town clerk. By 1888, he, with another man, owned a horse-breeding concern in 50-miles-distant Arlington, South Dakota. From his half interest in Lake Benton’s Lincoln County Bank and astute land investments, George had prospered nicely by 1892, when he and his family returned briefly to Chatfield. In mid-1894, George was a court-appointed receiver of the failed Douglas County Bank, in Armour, South Dakota. Later that year, three Cole children (and their nurse) died there of diphtheria within about a month. About 1895, George, Marian, and their surviving child removed to Wheeler, Charles Mix County, South Dakota, where George established a horse and cattle ranch, and Marian gave birth to three more children.[125] In 1901, George was thrown from his horse while rounding up cattle and incurred a severe head injury. He spent several weeks in critical condition at a hospital in Sioux City, Iowa. About 1903, the family settled on the outskirts of Brookings on a 160-acre tract pur-chased for $9,800 in late 1902 in the name of Marian G. Cole of Charles Mix County; she and George sold it in 1915, presumably much improved, for $23,000. In 1907, they moved to a three-story house in town, where the couple spent the rest of their lives; they paid $8,000 for the large lot, which included a barn and pasture. The section of the street on which they lived was known informally as Quality Row. In Brookings, George was a land agent and insurance broker. About 1927, George retired from commercial activity and turned his full attention to training and racing horses, which had been his avocation for more than 40 years. A horse lover from child-hood, he built a national reputation as an owner, breeder, trainer, and sulky driver of record-setting trotters and pacers. Despite losing most of his wealth in the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and sub-sequent bank failures, George remained a devoted horseman. Some years before his death—felled by a heart attack at an out-of-town race meeting, he succumbed in a stall with one of his horses—he had become known as the “grand old man” of South Dakota harness racing. He was a warm and friendly man with a wonderful sense of humor. He was also a poet of sorts: his daughter Olive kept a two-page, typed letter from him composed entirely in rhyme. His obituary ends with this insightful passage: “Mr. Cole loved horses, but he loved children more. In his own family, not one harsh word passed his lips in reproof, his children, who idolized him, like to tell. He was always a favorite of children in the neighborhood, and since his sudden death many of them have
125 On a bank of the Missouri River, Wheeler became a ghost town as work began in 1946 on nearby Fort Randall
Dam. By 1969, when the dam was completed, the site had become submerged.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
called at the home in token of their love for him.” (Principal biographical sources for George Cole: Brook Reg 27, 29 June 1933; Winona Repub 25 July 1883, 12 April 1888, 22 Aug 1901; Lincoln Co Hist 156; DougLR 10:195, 11:509; Arm Chron 9, 16 Nov, 14 Dec 1894; BrookLR 33:325, 39: 12, 45:617; 1910 US Census, Brookings 9A; Sport in SD 1[Nov 1930]:14; Olive (Cole) Zubrinsky).
George’s patrilineal immigrant ancestor is James Cole, who had come from Barnstaple, Devon, England, arriving at Plymouth in 1633 with his wife, Mary (Tibbes), and their first two children. A shoemaker and innkeeper, his tavern was perhaps the first in New England. Others of George’s ancestors are Mayflower passengers John Howland, his eventual wife, Elizabeth Tilley, and her parents, John and Joan (Hurst) (Rogers) Tilley. In later life, John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland spent winters in the home of their son Jabez, whose house is the only one extant in which Pilgrims actually lived.
Children, surname COLE; i–ii born in Chatfield, iii–iv in Lake Benton, v–vii in Wheeler:
i. LOIS ESTHER(9), b. 27 May 1885, d. Armour, S.D., 7 Nov. 1894, bur. Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Armour (ChatVR; Griswold Bible [Lois Gertrude]; Arm Chron 9 Nov 1894; bur rec).
ii. JESSICA LOUISE “JESSIE,” b. 2 Aug. 1887, d. Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark., 21 May 1977 (s.p.) (ChatVR; Griswold Bible; death cert); m. Brookings 14 Aug. 1912, (eventual Col.) JESSE RAY FRIDLEY, b. S.D. 2 Nov. 1885, d. Little Rock 20 Feb. 1974 (BrookVR; Griswold Bible; bur rec). Ray was a career officer in the U.S. Army Air Forces; Jessie was a librarian. Both bur. Little Rock National Cemetery.
iii. ROBERT HENRY, b. 30 Jan. 1889, d. Armour 10 Nov. 1894, bur. Pleasant Ridge Cemetery (LBVR; Griswold Bible, b. 31 Jan; Arm Chron 16 Nov 1894; bur rec).
iv. RUTH ESTHER, b. 20 Nov. 1890, d. Armour 10 Dec. 1894, bur. Pleasant Ridge Cemetery (LBVR; Griswold Bible, b. 21 Nov; Arm Chron 14 Dec 1894; bur rec).
28 v. OLIVE MARIAN, b. 28 Jan. 1898; m. JOSHUA HARRY ZUBRINSKY. vi. DEXTER GRISWOLD “DECK/DEX,” b. 1 Oct. 1899, d. Pasadena (res. North Hollywood), Los
Angeles Co., Calif., 9 March 1974, bur. Valhalla Memorial Park, North Hollywood (SD birth cert, dtd 31 Jan 1941; Griswold Bible; LA Co death cert); m. (1) Chicago, Cook Co., Ill., 11 Sept. 1926 (div. 1932), ETHEL LUCILLE ZEMLIKA, b. Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis., 28 July 1900, d. Portland, Multnomah Co., Ore., 19 Dec. 1990, daughter of Frank C. and Sarah Jane (Finley) Zemlika (Ethel Cole; birth, death recs; Griswold Bible); m. (2) Los Angeles Co. 14 Feb. 1942 (div. 1952), ORA ANTOINETTE “TONI” SCHUTT (Griswold Bible). After graduating from the University of Illinois, Dexter worked for some years in Chicago as a “constructor” of Otis ele-vators. Having migrated to California by 1940, he first sold real estate but soon got on at Lock-heed [Aircraft] Corp. (now Lockheed Martin) in parts sales, which involved extensive inter-national travel. A scratch golfer, Dexter played on some of the finest courses in the world. He died from a ruptured aortic aneurysm.
vii. MARJORIE MARY “MARJ,” b. 16 April 1903, d. Burbank, Los Angeles Co., 26 Nov. 1987 (s.p.), bur. Valhalla Memorial Park (Griswold Bible; LA Co death cert); m. Brookings 1 Jan. 1933 (div. ca. 1945), LEON EUGENE SCHULE, b. Dawson or Madison, Lac Qui Parle Co., Minn., 6 Jan. 1909, d. Great Falls, Cascade Co., Mont., 2 or 3 Aug. 1977, son of Arthur and Ellen May (Jensen) Schule (BrookVR; Griswold Bible; ancestry.com [fam trees]; 1910 US Census, Madi-son 5A; Mont Death Index; findagrave.com). Marj worked as a drug store clerk in Brookings and also after migrating to Burbank, about 1946. Beset by lupus in late middle age, she suffered painful, crippling symptoms and spent about the last twenty years of her life in a nursing home.
26. DR. LAURANCE DAVID “LARRY”9 REDWAY (Albert J.8-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio, 26 March 1890 and died in Ossining, Westchester Co., New York, 18 November 1960 (L. D. Redway bio 1; A. J. Redway Bible). He married in Ossining 29 May 1915, VIRGINIA WARD “GINNY” LARKIN, born there (then Sing Sing) 11 July 1886 and died on her 89th birthday in Briar Crest Nursing Home, Ossining, 11 July 1975, daughter of Col. Francis Jr. and Eliza Virginia “Lily” (Brandreth) Larkin (Westchester Co mar rec; A. J. Redway Bible; L. D. Redway bio 3, 5; Citizen Reg 14 July 1975). As a student at Harvard University (B.A. 1912, M.D. 1916), Larry participated with his friend Robert Benchley on the Harvard Lampoon.[126] During World War I, he served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, attaining the rank of captain. While maintaining an ophthalmology practice in Os-sining, he published an entertaining volume, The Springtime of Physick: Being a Diverting Outline of Medicine and Surgery (1928); did groundbreaking photography of the eye (late 1920s); and was literary editor (1940–1952) and editor (1952–1960) of the New York State Journal of Medicine. An excellent musician (violin and cello), Larry was a member of the White Plains Symphony Or-chestra and played in and composed for chamber ensembles. He was also a talented and prolific creator of what a granddaughter has described as “delightful and imaginative etchings and intrigu-ing art photographs.” Following his death, the Medical Society of the State of New York estab-lished the annual Laurance D. Redway Award for Excellence in Medical Writing (Jessica Wirth; Richard Kandt Jr.; L. D. Redway bio 1–3; St George’s 138). Virginia studied music in Berlin, Germany, and at the Institute of Musical Art (now The Juil-liard School), in New York City. An accomplished keyboardist, she frequently performed piano recitals and concerts, played the organ at her Episcopal church, and for 15 years provided weekly musical therapy to patients at a regional hospital. Virginia authored a number of typescripts and booklets pertaining mainly to music history but also possessed a scholarly interest in the past more broadly. An “energetic” member of the Ossining Historical Society, she was its president for 12 years, founding curator of its museum, and organizer of many commemorative events. Virginia received several awards and citations for her community service and earned the sobriquet “Mrs. Ossining” for her many contributions to the city’s cultural life (Jessica Wirth; Richard Kandt Jr.; Citizen Reg 14 July 1975; L. D. Redway bio 5). Virginia is a direct descendant of Mayflower passenger Edward Winslow, third governor of Plymouth Colony (Mayflower Soc stmt).
Children, surname REDWAY:
i. ELIZABETH MAUDE “BETTY”10, b. Boston, Mass., 5 May 1916, d. San Bernardino, Calif., 21 March 1989 (MA Birth Index; CA Death Index; SSDI); m. RICHARD HARTWIG KANDT (Brklyn Eagle 6 Sept 1939 p. 11; L. D. Redway bio 5). Elizabeth graduated from the Masters School, in
126 See, for example, the masthead of the publication’s index to volume 60 (1910–11) (catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/
008686662). Benchley went on to great success as a humorist, critic, and actor.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Dobbs Ferry (near Ossining), and majored in psychology at Barnard College (Brklyn Eagle; L. D. Redway bio 5; Richard Kandt Jr.). In 1937, Richard earned an engineering degree from Tri-State College (now Trine University), in Angola, Indiana. He worked successively for Doug-las Aircraft, Northrop Aviation, Ryan Aircraft, and Space Technology Laboratories (later TRW), all in California (Richard Kandt Jr.; L. D. Redway bio 5).
ii. GEORGE FREDERICK, b. Ossining 1 Nov. 1917, d. Sarasota, Fla., 11 Dec. 1974 (NY WWII Enl Men; FL Death Index; SSDI); m. (1) ELIZABETH MCCULLY KIPP, (2) NATHALIE (BEACH) MCLAURY (Jessica Wirth; FL Mar Index). On 30 Jan. 1941 (about 10 months before the U.S. entered World War II), George enlisted in Battery G of the U.S. Army’s 207th Coast Artillery Corps (NY WWII Enl Men). He later served in the Rhineland and Central Europe as an anti-aircraft unit commander and left the army in 1946 as a 1st lieutenant. Subsequently, he worked as a sales engineer for Cambridge Instrument Co.; project engineer for Lummus Co.; and de-veloper of sales and service for General Power Plant, manufacturer of a combustion control device. Founding his own small corporation, George developed, built, and distributed an elec-tronic combustion controller and smoke alarms for industrial and heating boilers; he held patents on smoke detector and wire-stripper designs (Jessica Wirth).
Like George, his wife Elizabeth (mother of his only child) grew up in Ossining. She was a 1926 Wellesley College graduate and in 1931 studied at the New York School of Fine and Applied Art (now Parsons School of Design). She married George after a brief, childless mar-riage to Kenneth Boyd Lucas. Elizabeth’s civic spirit and voluntarism are manifest in the several community-service organizations in which she was active. Among them were the Amer-ican Red Cross Motor Corps (during World War II) and the District Nurses Association of Ossining (now the Visiting Nurse Association). According to Elizabeth’s daughter, “[h]er fierce devotion to the D.N.A. [of which she was president in the 1950s] was inspired by the care that the nurses had given her ailing father before he died.” After Elizabeth’s death, George married Nathalie, an artist and childhood acquaintance; their respective parents had been close friends (Jessica Wirth).
27. COL. ALBERT JAMES “BILL/DEAC”9 REDWAY III[127] (Albert J.8-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Cincinnati 17 December 1895 and died in the District of Columbia 27 September 1966 (Edith Redway recs; A. J. Redway Bible; David D. Red-way). He married in Newark, Essex Co., New Jersey, 3 January 1920, EDITH WRIGHT “EDIE” PARKER, born in Newark 5 February 1899 and died in the District of Columbia 19 October 1988, daughter of Hon. Chauncey Goodrich and Dora Mason (Wright) Parker (Edith Redway recs; A. J. Redway Bible; David D. Redway). By the time she died, Edith had 17 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren (Laurance M. Redway). Albert, whose Harvard education (1914–1916) was cut short by his father’s bankruptcy, was a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Infantry during World War I (Harv Alum Dir 585; Life at Red-ways 12; St. George’s 138). By 1930, he was living with his wife and children in Dedham, Massa-chusetts, a Boston suburb; his occupation was “sales manager – machinery” (US Census ED 40 p. 12A). By 1935, they were in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, a wealthy suburb of Springfield, and Albert was working for the Package Machinery Company, maker of automatic wrapping machines (1940 US Census ED 7-129 p. 4A; Laurance M. Redway). The 1940 U.S. census for Longmeadow gives his occupation as “manufacturer – machinery” (ED 7-129 p 4A). Albert was a member of the Army Air Forces during World War II; serving in England and India, he left the military as a colonel. Thereafter, he and his family lived in the District of Columbia, where he worked at the Export–Import Bank of the United States (Laurance M. Redway). Albert and Edith were buried in Arlington National Cemetery (g.s. photo at findagrave.com).
127 Albert’s brother and a first cousin, at least, called him Bill, even in adulthood (L. D. Redway ltrs; Life at Redways
1–12 passim). While this seems to have been his nickname within his family of origin and among a few other close rela-tives, he was otherwise known informally as Deac, the only nickname known to his son Larry.
Laurance D.9 and Albert III Redway; Olive(9) Cole
Children, surname REDWAY:
29 i. ELIZABETH MASON10, b. Newark 16 Nov. 1920; m. CHARLES ELIOT PIERCE. 30 ii. ALBERT JAMES IV, b. Boston, Mass., 9 Nov. 1923; m. ZILLA MATHILDE DE KAUFFMANN. 31 iii. EDITH PARKER, b. Boston 26 Feb. 1929; m. CHARLES KEMP WRIGHT. 32 iv. LAURANCE MITCHELL (twin), b. Springfield, Mass., 31 July 1939; m. ANNABELLE LOUD. 33 v. WILLIAM WRIGHT (twin), b. Springfield 31 July 1939; m. (1) ALICIA LINDSAY AMENT, (2)
JUDITH (SWANSON) BELL. 28. OLIVE MARIAN(9) COLE (Marian E.(8) Griswold, Mary L.7 Redway, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Wheeler, Charles Mix Co., South Dakota, 28 January 1898 and died in Burbank, Los Angeles Co., California, 7 January 1983 (Griswold Bible; 1900 US Census, Wheeler 5B; 1905 SD Census, Brookings, index card 526; LA Co death cert). She married in Los Angeles, California, 13 January 1934, JOSHUA HARRY ZUBRINSKY, born in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, 24 August 1910 and died in Burbank 1 April 1986, son of Hyman and Ida (Wexler) Zubrinsky (LA Co mar, death certs; Cook Co birth cert). Both were cremated at Grandview Memorial Park, Glendale, California.
Olive was born on her father’s ranch in an area of South Dakota so remote that her birth was not officially recorded. When she was five years old, the family moved to the college town of Brookings, where she lived (except while away at university) until moving to Los Angeles in 1929 or 1930. She excelled at the keyboard, performing many piano recitals in the region, playing pipe organ at Brookings’s First Presbyterian Church, and providing accompaniment for the silent films shown at the local theater. In 1920, when only a semester short of graduation as an English major at the University of Wisconsin, where she was also a swimmer and diver, Olive suffered a “ner-vous breakdown” and failed to complete her studies. She later received a diploma in piano from South Dakota State College (now University) and by 1925 was a music teacher (SD Census, Brook-ings, index card 2988).
As a single woman in Los Angeles, Olive worked as a bookkeeper and stenographer. While at the beach in Santa Monica about 1933, she suffered a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder as she dove from the pier into unexpectedly shallow water. During her convalescence, she was unable to carry her groceries home from the neighborhood market, run by Harry Zubrinsky and his brother; to assist her, Harry carried them for her. In this way, their acquaintance deepened, and they eventually married.
Olive was sufficiently sensitive about being 12½ years older than Harry that their marriage certificate has her as 27 (she was almost 36) and Harry as 26 (he was 23). And while their son’s (this writer’s) birth certificate contains Olive’s correct birthdate, Harry’s birth year is five years too early. It helped in concealing her age that until late in life Olive looked much younger than her years. But when she was 58, a couple of neighbor ladies brought her a newspaper in which an article—describing an accident in which, the previous day, Olive had stalled our family car on the railroad tracks, and a train had hit it—revealed her actual age. Never mind that one of the women was a former Christian missionary, or that Olive almost never uttered an expletive of any kind. As she read the disclosure of her secret, the words of consternation that burst spontaneously from her lips were loud and clear: “Well, I’ll be God damned!” It was only at that moment that this writer, then 15, learned how old his mother really was.
About 1936, an ectopic pregnancy caused one of Olive’s fallopian tubes to burst, and she almost died from internal bleeding. Her 43rd birthday was less than three weeks away when in early 1941 her only child was born. In middle age, Olive developed coronary artery disease, which manifested itself as chest pain and shortness of breath. She managed it with medications and func-tioned very well for most of the remainder of her life. She died of a heart attack, three weeks before her 85th birthday.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
Olive, whose excitability and perfectionism made life difficult for those around her (she called herself “high strung”), gave her son strong foundations in music and English and imparted to him high standards and a deep sense of moral conviction, all of which have served him well.
In 1918, eight-year-old Harry—he never used his first name, Joshua, and throughout his life, close relatives sometimes called him by his childhood nickname, Chachi—left Chicago by train with his mother and three siblings to join his father, who had preceded them to Los Angeles by several months. His parents were Russian Jews who, with Harry’s sister, Geneva, had immigrated to Chicago in 1906. Some of Harry’s most vivid memories of his childhood there were of stick fights against Polish Catholic boys.
Growing up in various parts of Los Angeles County—Lincoln Heights, Boyle Heights, Sierra Madre, and Reseda (not all of them friendly to Jews)—Harry lived in the Fairfax district of Los Angeles during his high-school years. Although that area later became predominantly Jewish, Harry attended Fairfax High School when the number of Jewish students was very small. He stood up to a few anti-Semitic bullies—while also gaining popularity as an athlete—and they soon left him alone. His sickly and bookish older brother, Milton, however, was an easy and frequent target. Harry’s protection of Milton averted many beatings and was a lifelong source of the latter’s grati-tude.
Though small by today’s standards (5ʹ8ʺ, 145 pounds), Harry was a star athlete at Fairfax High. He was the football team’s leading scorer as their quarterback (then primarily a running position); also the punter, he played on defense, as well. His lasting impact, however, was as a boxer. The annual all-city high school boxing tournament was discontinued after Harry won his weight class by knocking out all opponents. When he was about 19, his father’s millinery business failed, and Harry helped support the family by boxing professionally in local nightclubs (popular fight venues at the time).
One of Harry’s high-school friends, his football teammate Aaron Rosenberg, went on to become an all-American guard at the University of Southern California and later an Oscar-nominated movie director. Soon after Harry finished high school, a relative of Aaron’s who worked in the film indus-try helped Harry get on as a driver in the transportation department at Warner Bros. Pictures. The 1930 U.S. Census describes him as a 19-year-old “chauffeur” in the “transportation” industry. Since no occupation is reported for any other family member, including his father, Harry seems to have been the sole breadwinner at that time.
In the early 1930s, Harry and his younger brother, Al, tried their hands at running the afore-mentioned grocery store but were unable to keep it afloat. After a couple of years, Harry returned to Warner Bros., for whom he continued to work for more than 40 years. He was for many years a transportation gaffer [supervisor] on the Warner “lot,” in Burbank, and transportation coordinator for film locations that took him out of town. He spent about the last fifteen years with Warner Bros. as location manager, in which capacity he and an assistant scouted film locations, secured permits, and made all the other contacts and arrangements with public and private entities necessary for filming to proceed smoothly. Harry retired from Warner Bros. in 1976 but accepted a few more projects from the studio and other production companies before retiring fully in 1979.
At age 61, Harry suffered a heart attack requiring quadruple-bypass surgery and survived another, near-fatal coronary episode on the operating table. He lived for 14 more years (average survival time was then 5) before succumbing to the same sort of coronary-artery blockage that had prompted his surgery. During the night and without warning, he died at his home at 923 E. Verdugo Avenue, in Burbank, where he had lived since the fall of 1941. A man of great integrity, decency, and quiet warmth, his personal qualities endeared him to family and friends and inspired great respect from all who knew him.
Child, surname ZUBRINSKY:
34 i. EUGENE COLE(10), b. Los Angeles, Calif., 8 Jan. 1941; m. JANELL JOAN SMITH.
29. ELIZABETH MASON “DORA/DODIE”10 REDWAY (Albert J.9-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Newark, Essex Co., New Jersey, 16 November 1920 and died in Bar Harbor (resided Northeast Harbor), Hanco*ck Co., Maine, 16 May 2006 (Intl NY Times 24 May 2006).[128] She was known from childhood as Dora, after her maternal grandmother (1930 US Census, Dedham, Norfolk Co MA, ED 40 p. 12A). She married in Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, 14 September 1940, CHARLES ELIOT PIERCE, born in Milton, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts, 15 December 1914 and died in Bar Harbor (resided Northeast Harbor) 12 June 1999, son of Roger and Ruth (Eliot) Pierce (MA Birth Index; SS Apps/Claims; mainegenealogy .net). A graduate of Harvard in 1936 and of its advanced management program in 1951, he was a trust officer at Old Colony Trust Company, in Boston, until retiring to Northeast Harbor in 1981 (Harv Obit Coll).
Children, surname PIERCE:
i. CHARLES ELIOT(11), b. Springfield, Mass., 25 Dec. 1941, res. Salt Point, N.Y.; m. BARBARA HANSON (Intl NY Times 4 Jan 2004; Joan Uraneck). A scholar of English literature and pre-viously chairman of the English department at Vassar College, he was for 20 years (1987–2007) director of the Pierpont Morgan Library, “one of the nation’s leading museums and centers for scholarship in the field of printed books, illuminated manuscripts and drawings” (Intl NY Times 27 May 1987; themorgan.org).
ii. EDITH, b. Wilmington, Del., 2 May 1944, d. Rockland, Me., 26 Aug. 2009 (Lincoln Co News 3 Sept 2009); m. THOMAS HENRY MURPHY (divorced). She was for many years registrar of Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland (Joan Uraneck).
iii. JOAN, b. Wilmington 1 March 1947, res. Falmouth, Me.; m. DOUGLAS ADAM URANECK. An inveterate traveler and indefatigable mountain climber, she is a professor emerita of art history at Maine College of Art and the chaplain there (Joan Uraneck).
iv. BENJAMIN REDWAY “BEN,” b. Boston, Mass., 12 Feb. 1952, res. Wynnewood, Pa.; m. (1) CYNTHIA WOODco*ck, (2) CASSIE A. SOLOMON (Joan Uraneck). A Harvard graduate with a background in financial administration, Ben was executive director (1998–2010) and presi-dent (2010–2015) of Vanguard Charitable, one of the nation’s largest public charities (linkedin .com; vanguardcharitable.org). Cassie is an organizational change consultant (linkedin.com).
30. ALBERT JAMES “JIM”10 REDWAY IV (Albert J.9-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, 9 November 1923 and died in George Washing-ton Hospital, District of Columbia, 28 October 2002 (Jim Redway; Prin Wkly 12 March 2003). He married in the District of Columbia 19 December 1948, ZILLA MATHILDE “TILDA” DE KAUFF-MANN, born in Beijing, China, 29 February 1928 and residing in Sacramento, California, daughter
128 The principal source of information pertaining to families 29–33 and 35–38 is the late David Dugald Redway (no. 35), whose contributions, in 1992, derived from direct contact with certain of those relatives, family records at his disposal, and personal knowledge. Additional sources, confirming, augmenting, and updating his data, are cited in the text.
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
of Henrik Louis Hans and Charlotte (MacDougall) de/von Kauffmann (Eve Star 20 Dec 1948; Jim Redway; Bettina Redway). Tilda’s father was a Danish diplomat. After serving in the Army Air Forces as a flight engineer during World War II, Jim attended Princeton, where in 1949 he received a bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering. He retired in 1982 as corporate vice president of the eastern region for McDonnell Douglas, a major producer of jet fighters, commercial aircraft, and space vehicles. Thereafter, he and a partner formed an aero-space consulting business, in which he continued until his death. Jim died a resident of Alexandria, Virginia, after living for many years in Markham, Fauquier Co., Virginia, where he and Tilda had a business breeding beef cattle (Prin Wkly 12 March 2003; Iron Triangle 145).
Children, surname REDWAY; i–ii born in St. Louis, iii–v born in District of Columbia:
36 ii. ALBERT JAMES V, b. 23 May 1952; m. MARY WADHAMS THOMEN. 37 iii. KATHARINE MATHILDE, b. 7 Sept. 1955; m. (1) DAVID S. HYSLOP, (2) STEPHEN DAVID ROSEN-
FIELD. iv. BETTINA CHARLOTTE “NINI,” b. 25 Jan. 1958, res. Sacramento; m. there 10 Aug. 1991, MICHAEL
B. PICKER (Bettina Redway). Bettina received a B.A. in art history from Vassar College in 1980 and a J.D. from University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law in 1989. From 1999 to 2007, she was a California deputy attorney general specializing in consumer, energy, and environmental law. Since 2007, she has been a deputy state treasurer dealing with climate- change and alternative-energy finance (linkedin.com). Michael, whose background is in both public and private sectors, was senior renewable-energy advisor to Gov. Jerry Brown, who in 2015 named him president of the California Public Utilities Commission (AllGovCalif 24 Dec 2014).
31. EDITH PARKER “EDIE”10 REDWAY (Albert J.9-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, 26 February 1929 and resides with her husband in Atlanta, Georgia. She married in the District of Columbia 7 January 1961, DR. CHARLES KEMP WRIGHT, born in Knoxville, Knox Co., Tennessee, 9 February 1928, son of Robert Ferdinand and Jessie (Murphy) Wright. Charles is a retired gynecologist.
Children, surname WRIGHT, all born in Atlanta:
i. MARGARET MURPHY “MARNIE”(11), b. 10 Feb. 1963, res. Warren, Me.; m. HAROLD E. “HANK” READ III. Formerly a magazine editor, she is a marketing consultant (Marnie Read).
ii. CHARLES KEMP, b. 20 July 1964, res. Senoia, Ga.; m. (1) CYNTHIA HETTLE, (2) GINGER L. ORR (Marnie Read). Formerly an attorney, he has worked in materials management for LSG Sky Chefs since 2007 (linkedin.com).
iii. ROBERT MASON REDWAY “BOBBY,” b. 30 Sept. 1966, res. Atlanta; m. MELISSA FURNISS. He has a background in sales and since 2000 has been a sales representative for Medtronic, a leading manufacturer of medical devices (Bobby Wright).
32. LAURANCE MITCHELL “LARRY”10 REDWAY (twin) (Albert J.9-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Springfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, 31 July 1939. He married in the District of Columbia 7 September 1963, ANNABELLE LOUD, born in Chicago 4 November 1943 and died in the District of Columbia 29 June 2013, daughter of Gordon and Honor (Merrell) Loud (Larry Redway; Wash Post 2–8 July 2013). A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Larry is a stockbroker and financial advisor; he resides in the District of Columbia, where he is managing director of investments with Wells Fargo Advisors.
Dora10, Albert IV, Edith, Laurance M., and William Redway; Eugene(10) Zubrinsky
Children, surname REDWAY, both born and reside in the District of Columbia:
i. MERRELL EDITH11, b. 18 Nov. 1967; m. PRESTON M. CHEROUNY. She works in admissions at The [sic] Potomac School, in McLean, Va. (Larry Redway).
ii. ANNABELLE PARKER, b. 9 June 1970; m. JACKSON T. DUNN III. She is a reading specialist at The Potomac School (ibid.).
33. WILLIAM WRIGHT “BILL”10 REDWAY (twin) (Albert J.9-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, 31 July 1939 and resides with his second wife in Marion, Massachusetts. He married first in the District of Columbia 10 October 1959 (divorced 1980), ALICIA LINDSAY AMENT, born in New York, New York, 8 July 1940, daughter of Walton Campbell and Mary Alicia (Nickerson) Ament. He married second in Riverside, Connecticut, 23 August 1983, JUDITH (SWANSON) BELL. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Bill was vice president of the Foreign Credit Insurance Association (1970–1993). He subsequently held various administrative positions with the Export–Import Bank of the United States (1993–2006), retiring as senior vice president in charge of small business (Bill Redway). Lindsay married second in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, 1 August 1981, Arthur G. Rollins and resides in Rio Verde, Maricopa Co., Arizona.
Children, surname REDWAY, all with 1st wife:
i. MARY ALICIA11, b. Dist. of Columbia 3 June 1960, res. Bellingham, Wash.; m. WALTER KOCHAN. A doctor of holistic medicine, Alicia operates Soulworks Acupuncture Clinic (Bill Redway; soul worksacupuncture.com).
ii. ELIZABETH LAIRD, b. Philadelphia, Pa., 2 July 1962, res. Seattle, Wash.; m. ERIC ALEXANDER HEIA. A project/program manager with the King Co. Dept. of Community and Human Services, Laird works with the homeless in Seattle (lbloom.net/xking11.html; Bill Redway).
iii. WILLIAM WRIGHT “WILL,” b. Dist. of Columbia 14 May 1966, res. Amherst, N.H.; m. MARY ELLEN CONTE. Having worked in alumni relations at Colgate University, Babson College, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and as director of development at St. Mark’s School (Southborough, Mass.), Will is currently vice president of sales and marketing at WhippleHill Communications, a school-software company (Bill Redway; linkedin.com).
34. EUGENE COLE “GENE/ZUBY”(10) ZUBRINSKY (Olive M.(9) Cole, Marian E.(8) Griswold, Mary L.7 Redway, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in Los Angeles, California, 8 January 1941 (LA Co birth cert) and has resided in Ojai [O-hi], Ventura Co., Califor-nia, since 1977. He married at the United States Military Academy, West Point, Orange Co., New York, 11 August 1964 (divorced 1971), JANELL JOAN SMITH, born in Andalusia, Covington Co., Alabama, 2 March 1944 and residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, daughter of Hubert Jones and Classie Mae Smith (NY mar cert; Ven Co div decree; Janell Zubrinsky). As a young man, Gene was a world-class high jumper. At 20, his leap of 6ʹ10¼ʺ ranked about fifth nationally and about tenth in the world for the 1961 season and also set a new (albeit obscure) American height-over-head record and tied the world mark; he was not quite 5ʹ9ʺ. While in the Army (1963–1965), he won the Armed Forces (Interservice) Championship; jumped 6ʹ11ʺ, estab-lishing a new distance-above-head world record of 14 inches; and finished fifth in the 1964 final United States Olympic Trials (the top three made the team that competed in Tokyo). In spring 1968, during his last semester of graduate school, he joined the (then) elite club of 7ʹ jumpers. Gene is a retired instructor of sociology, having taught at San Jose State College (now Uni-versity) during graduate school there (1967–1968) and at Ventura College (1968–1987). Thanks in part to the excellent musical foundation his mother had provided, he was for most of his adult life a professional musician, playing trumpet and flugelhorn. A soloist at age 14 with the highly regarded Burbank (Calif.) Youth Symphony, he soon gravitated toward jazz, in which, from small groups to big bands, his improvisational, phrasing, and sight-reading skills served him well. By
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
his mid-to-late 60s, however, the stamina of his “chops” [muscles of the embouchure] had declined such that the struggle to get through a three- or four-hour engagement outweighed the joy of making music, and he put his horns away for good. Janell attended Fisk University, in Nashville, Tennessee, for three years before her marriage and received a B.A. from San Jose State in 1968. The following year, she began working for the California Employment Development Department (EDD) as an eligibility interviewer of applicants for unemployment insurance benefits. She rose to head a section and then a field office, took a promotion to EDD headquarters (Sacramento) as a project manager, and retired as chief of the department’s information technology branch.
Child, surname ZUBRINSKY:
39 i. CAMILLE LESLIE(11), b. San Pedro, Calif., 8 June 1965; m. SCOTT PHILIP CHARLES.
35. DAVID DUGALD11 REDWAY (Albert J.10-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in St. Louis, Missouri, 10 October 1949 and died of metastatic prostate cancer in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon, 6 August 2005, where he had resided since 1972 (Oregonian 11 Aug 2005). He married first in Cincinnati, Ohio, 21 June 1971 (divorced Portland 1990), PHYLLIS EMERY “TWINK” HINKLEY, born in Cincinnati 2 March 1951 and residing in Newberg, Oregon, daughter of Don Raymond and Lela (Emery) Hinkley. He married second in Portland 28 December 1992 (divorced 1994), ANITA MURRAY BARBEY (OR Mar Index; Irene Ohana). He married third in Portland 23 January 2005, KAREN JOY (MCDONALD) CZYSZ (OR Mar Index; Irene Ohana; Oregonian 11 Aug 2005). David was a 1972 graduate of Boston University and earned an M.A. in fiction writing from Johns Hopkins University in 1974. He had a retail motorcycle sales business in Portland, followed by an automobile dealership. And as president of Redway Acquisition Corp., he engaged in turning around underperforming businesses. “[David] was a pilot, and in the last decade of his life, it was an important part of his identity. He flew fire fighters into the forest fires in Idaho, spent a summer living out of his bush plane in Alaska, and was trained as a flight instructor” (Irene Ohana).
Children, surname REDWAY, with 1st wife; both born in Portland:
i. IRENE GIBSON “RĒNĒ”12, b. 24 June 1976, res. Felton, Santa Cruz Co., Calif.; m. Moss Landing, Monterey Co., Calif., 22 Dec. 1999, JILL TRACY (BRADLEY) OHANA, b. Glendale, Los Angeles Co., Calif., 16 Sept. 1957, daughter of Horace Rurick and Louisa (Cassano) Bradley (Irene Ohana; CA Birth Index). A graduate of Smith College, Irene is an English teacher. She is the mother of one son, Morgan Dana Ohana (b. 22 Oct. 2002), and stepmother of another, Andrew Caleb Ohana-Richardson (Irene Ohana).
ii. CHARLOTTE STONE, b. 9 Nov. 1978, res. Portland. A graduate of Mount Holyoke College and the Smith College School of Social Work, Charlotte is licensed in clinical social work and is a therapist in private practice. She is the mother of Lucia Irene Redway (b. 15 July 2010) and Eliza Adelaide Redway (b. 15 Nov. 2013) (Charlotte Redway).
36. ALBERT JAMES “JAKE”11 REDWAY V (Albert J.10-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in St. Louis, Missouri, 23 May 1952. He married in Southwest Harbor, Hanco*ck Co., Maine, 7 September 1974, MARY WADHAMS THOMEN, born in Rahway, New Jersey, 4 July 1952, daughter of Robert Wadhams and Nancy (Dudley) Thomen. A 1974 Princeton graduate, Jake received his J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1980. “[He] retired from partnership [at the firm of Latham & Watkins] on December 31, 2009. In addi-tion to 14 years experience in New York, Mr. Redway practiced as a New York lawyer in Moscow, Taipei, and Singapore. [For some years prior to retirement], Mr. Redway was active principally in Indonesia, but he also ha[d] extensive experience in . . . Thailand, Taiwan, Russia, and the former Soviet Union, as well as the People’s Republic of China. Mr. Redway speaks Chinese (Mandarin) and Russian” (lw.com/people/). “Since retiring as a senior partner at Latham & Watkins, he has
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
been serving as consigliere to a major Asian-based business group, dividing his time between Singapore and other parts of East Asia and Providence [Rhode Island]. He has been teaching in the law faculty at the National University of Singapore, which has a joint program with the NYU Law School” (m.brown.edu/events/cal/20140312). Mary graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1974 with a degree in geology. After receiving a master’s degree in regional planning from the University of Pennsylvania in 1987, she worked in that field for a number of years in Jersey City, New Jersey, before becoming a full-time mother (Jake Redway; archives.upenn.edu).
Children, surname REDWAY, both born in New York City:
i. SAMUEL WADHAMS “SAM”12, b. 22 Oct. 1990, res. Brooklyn, N.Y. A former drama student at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, from which he received a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in 2013, he is an aspiring actor and playwright (backstage.com).
ii. BETTINA KAUFFMANN, b. 26 Aug. 1994. She expects to graduate in 2016 with a B.S. in inter-national public health from Georgetown University, where she is a captain of the varsity sailing team.
37. KATHARINE MATHILDE “KATE”11 REDWAY (Albert J.10-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in the District of Columbia 7 September 1955. She married first DAVID S. HYSLOP (Wash Post 11 April 1984; intellius.com). She married second in New York City 19 August 1989, STEPHEN DAVID “STEVE” ROSENFIELD, born in Cincinnati 4 June 1946, son of Abraham and Edith (Tilkin) Rosenfield (filmreference.com; SS Apps/Claims [Edith (Tilkin) Rosenfield]). Kate, a graduate of the Emma Willard School, in Troy, New York, and of Vassar College, studied acting in London before training for two years at the American Conserva-tory Theater, in San Francisco (Wash Post). She is an actor, comedian, and professor of theatre, formerly at Bloomfield College and currently at William Paterson University, both in New Jersey. Stephen has a B.A., cum laude, in theatre and drama from Lawrence University and an M.F.A. in theatre direction from Stanford University. He is an Obie Award-winning stage director and play-wright, former political speechwriter and theatre professor, and founding director of the American Comedy Institute, in New York City (comedyinstitute.com). They reside in Montclair, New Jersey.
Children, both with 2nd husband, surname ROSENFIELD:
i. BENJAMIN ACE “BEN”(12), b. New York, N.Y., 1 Aug. 1992, res. Brooklyn. He is a successful actor and a singer/songwriter (Kate Rosenfield).
ii. NATHANIEL EDEN “NATE,” b. Paterson, N.J., 25 Aug. 1994, res. Brooklyn, N.Y. A senior and research assistant at The New School majoring in creative and nonfiction writing, he is a writer and comedian (ibid.).
38. HENRIK JONATHAN11 “JON” REDWAY (Albert J.10-7, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in the District of Columbia 9 March 1960 and resides with his second wife in Arlington, Virginia. He married first in Salem, Virginia, 4 June 1983 (divorced Fair-fax, Virginia, 2007), SYLVIA LINN KAISER, born 18 September 1960, daughter of Robert William and Sylvia Linn (Bess) Kaiser; she resides in McLean, Virginia. He married second in Tiburon, California, 3 September 2011, NICOLE MICHELLE MEYER, born Columbus, Ohio, 12 January 1973, daughter of Michael Gustov and Virginia Paulina (Boos) Meyer. A 1982 graduate of Roanoke College, Jon received his J.D. from George Washington University in 1989 after employment as an officer with the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department. He is a partner at the firm of Dickinson Wright, where, as co-chair of the intellectual property litigation group, he focuses his practice on patent, trade secret, trademark, and copyright litigation (Jon Redway).
David11, Albert V, Katharine, and Jonathan Redway; Camille(11) Zubrinsky
Linn received a B.A. in political science from Roanoke College in 1982 and a law degree from George Washington University in 1986. A specialist in product liability and torts, she is a litigation and trial attorney in the D.C. office of Crowell & Moring (crowell.com). Nicole received a B.A. in law, jurisprudence, and social thought from Amherst College in 1995 and a law degree from American University in 1998. She is an equity partner in the D.C. office of Dickinson Wright, where she focuses on all aspects of trademark law (Jon Redway).
Children with 1st wife, surname REDWAY:
i. ETHAN PARKER12, b. Dist. of Columbia 9 Nov. 1990, res. Arlington. Having studied philosophy and history at Franklin & Marshall College, he is a business specialist with Apple in the D.C. metro area (linkedin.com; Jon Redway).
ii. ELIZA BESS, b. Arlington 23 April 1993, res. McLean. A 2015 graduate of Lynchburg College, she worked for a time as a behavioral health technician at Priorities ABA, specialists in behav-ioral consulting and therapy services for children with autism and their families; she is now employed by Corner Place LLC. Eliza is an avid runner and enjoys working with children (linkedin.com; prioritiesaba.com; Jon Redway).
Child with 2nd wife, surname REDWAY:
iii. ALEXANDER MICHAEL, b. Arlington 21 April 2014 (Jon Redway). 39. CAMILLE LESLIE(11) ZUBRINSKY (Eugene C.(10) Zubrinsky, Olive M.(9) Cole, Marian E.(8) Gris-wold, Mary L.7 Redway, David J.6, Preserved5, James4, Capt. James3, John2, James1) was born in the U.S. Army Hospital at Ft. MacArthur, San Pedro, Los Angeles Co., California, 8 June 1965 and resides with her husband and children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (LA Co birth cert). She married in Sacramento, California, 31 August 1997, SCOTT PHILIP CHARLES, born there 8 Octo-ber 1967, son of Philip and Suzanne (Corbett) Charles (Scott Charles). In 1989, Camille received a B.A. with honors in both sociology and communication studies from California State University, Sacramento, and in 1995 a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles. After three years on the faculty of The [sic] Ohio State University (1995–1998), she accepted a position at the University of Pennsylvania, where she remains. A full professor with an endowed chair, Camille has been director of the Center for Africana Studies since 2009; served as chair-elect, chair, and past-chair of the UPenn faculty senate (2010–2013); and was instrumental in creating the Department of Africana Studies, of which she was the first chair (2012–2013). She is an authority in the areas of urban inequality, racial attitudes and intergroup relations, racial residential segre-gation, minorities in higher education, and racial identity (C. Z. Charles CV, faculty profile). Scott, who received undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, “has spent more than 20 years working with at-risk youth and has spoken nationally about the use of service-learning in urban school settings” (cradletograveprogram.com). He has been trauma out-reach coordinator at Temple University Hospital since 2005. In 2008, the Robert Wood Foundation awarded $20,000 to him and $105,000 to his internationally recognized Cradle to Grave program, “a hospital-based violence prevention initiative that demonstrates the harsh realities of gun violence for public school students and adjudicated youth. He is also a member of St. Joseph’s University’s Institute for Violence Research and Prevention” (ibid.). Children, surname CHARLES, both born in Philadelphia:
i. ZORA IRENE(12), b. 9 May 2000. A student at ultra-selective Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School, Philadelphia’s magnet school for gifted students, she has a particular aptitude for mathematics, is an outstanding tennis player, and is taking an interest in golf.
ii. SASHA MAE, b. 22 Sept. 2004. A voracious reader with superb verbal, reading, and writing skills, she attends Friends Select School in Philadelphia, plays the violin, and participates in various athletic activities, softball most prominently.
INDEX OF PERSONS ABELL Anne(Saunderson)(West),4Joanna(____),4Martha(Redway),4,5Preserved,4Robert,4Sarah(Bowen),4
ADAMS Henry,38John(Pres.),38
ALDEN Elizabeth,55Hiram(Dr.),34John,55Melit(t)a(Huntley),34,35
ALLEN Clark(Col.),37Elisha(Capt.),37Joseph,26Nancy,26–27,28Polly(Brown),27Prudence(Earl),26Richard,27
AMENT AliciaLindsay,73,77
ANDREWS Margery/Molly,33
ARDEN Mary(Webb),38Robert,38
ARNOLD Lucy,29
AUSTIN Moses,43
BAILEY George,27Olive(Kasson),27Ruth,31,32
BAKER EizabethB.(Redway),24Horace,24Mary,3Otis(Capt.),32
WilliamYoung,24BALCH Lucinda,44
BALDWIN Israel,58LemanA.,58MariaE.“Ria”(Redway),55,58
Mary“Polly”(Harris),58BALLOU Abigail(Thurston),22Maturin(Rev.),18Noah,22
BARBER Alonzo,37ChloeJ.(Roblee)(Waite)(Redway),37
Lydia,35BARBEY AnitaMurray,76,79
BARDWELL Experience,52
BARNEY Caroline,46
BARTRAM Elizabeth,8
BEACH Nathalie,72
BEAN Diploma,48Sally,48
BELL Judith(Swanson),73,77
BENCHLEY Robert,71
BENNETT Priscilla,5
BENTON _____(Capt.),25
BESS SylviaLinn,80
BLADEN William,1
BLAIR Catherine,45
BLANDIN(G)/BLANDEN Betsey,21Daniel,20Elizabeth(Redway),20–21Howard,21Jacob,21Mary,21Olive,21OthnielH.,21Rebecca,21Samuel(1766),20–21Samuel(1794),21Sarah(La[i]ne),20Sarah/Sally,21VolneyR.,21
BLISS Abigail(Sabin)(Mrs.),14Dorothy(Wheatlie),7,14Jonathan,12Mehitabel,11,13,14,30Mehitabel(Whitaker),13Nathaniel,14Nathaniel(Capt.),13,14Samuel,14Thomas,7,14Timothy,14
BLOSS LauraPlatina,57
BOOS VirginiaPaulina,80
BOSCHE LauraM.,67
BOUGHTON Abigail,34
BOWEN Esther(Sutton),4Levi,30Richard,4Sarah,4
BOWKER Violetta,53
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
BOYER(S) Barbara,24Jacob,24
BRADFORD William,3
BRADLEY HoraceRurick,79JillTracy,79Louisa(Cassano),79
BRANDRETH ElizaVirginia“Lily”,71
BREWSTER Patience,54William(Elder),54
BRIANT Abigail,3
BRIDGHAM Joseph(Dr.),12,23
BRIGGS Alexander,62AngelineFannie(Redway),31,53,54,62–63
BROOKS Gilbert,3Sarah(Redway)(Carpenter),3,5
BROWN Aaron,26,27,28Abigail(Risley),29Abigail/Polly(____),26Amasa(Dea.),47Bets(e)y,29Betsey(Burpee),28CatherineSarah,47Charlotte,26,27Ebenezer(1752),13,14,25–30,33,35
BUEL Bets(e)y(Brown),29GeorgeG.,29
BURDICK Maria(Hoxie),56
BURGOYNE [John](Gen.),39
BURLINGHAM Sardis,37Sybil(Miller),37
BURPEE Betsey,28Ebenezer,28Elizabeth(Weston),28
BURTON StephenR.,64
BUSSEY Abigail(Mrs.?),34
BUTLER Lydia,28
CADY Joseph(Col.),14,33,39
CARPENTER Abiah,3–4Abigail,5Abigail(Briant),3Benjamin,4David,3Elizabeth,23Elizabeth(Rhodes),5Esther,4Hannah,4Hannah(Carpenter),4Jacob,3John(1626),2
CARROLL ElizabethJosephine,56
CASSANO Louisa,79
CHARLES CamilleLeslie(Zubrinsky),78,81
CHEROUNY MerrellEdith(Redway),77PrestonM.,77
CHITTENDEN CorneliaAnn(Redway),44,45
ThomasC.2nd(Esq.),44,45CHUB Elizabeth,16
CLAFLIN Amos,26,27Charlotte(Brown),26,27Mary(Bullard),26Samuel,26
CLARK AaronJ.,56Abigail(Dupton),32Elizabeth,59Hannah,16,32Louisa(Fletcher),56
CLIFT Wills(Capt.),35
CLOSSON AmasaM.,37AmasaMoss,37John,37Sabrina(Redway),37
COLE Charles,65DexterGriswold“Deck/Dex”,70
CONTE MaryEllen,77
COOPER Abner,43Asenath(Cowles),43,44George,43,44Ira,43JohnC.,44Lodem(i)a,41,43–44Miles,43,44
CORBETT Suzanne,81
COWLES Asenath,43,44CalebG.,44,45Dorcas(Tifft),45HarrietSelden(Redway),44,45
CREWELL AliceCornelia“Allie”(Redway),51,52–53
CURTIS Anna(Redway),33Azor,33Bailey,33Margery/Molly(Andrews),33
CUTLER Benoni(Capt.),32Hezekiah,25John,25Kezia,25Timothy,25
CZYSZ KarenJoy(McDonald),76,79
DAY Ralph,5Sarah(Fuller),5
DE KAUFFMANN Charlotte(MacDougall),76HenrikLouisHans,76ZillaMathilde“Tilda”,73,75–76
DEAN Isaac(Col.),20
DICKINSON Ann(Finley),36Barbara(Boyer[s]),24Elizabeth,24Margaret,24Salinda(Redway),36Thomas,36William,24
DOANE Daniel,53Elizabeth(Myrick),54Elnathan,54Esther(Penney),53,61Hannah,27,41,53–54,63John,54Ruth(Freeman),54
DOWNER Rebecca,24
DUDLEY Nancy,79
DUNN AnnabelleParker(Redway),77
DUPTON Abigail,32
DURKEE John(Col.),38
DWIGHT Alpheus,46,48Azubah(Redway),41,46–48CatherineSarah(Brown),47DeAlton(1824),47DeAltonA.(1825),47–48,52John,47Joseph(Gen.),12Pelatiah(Dr.),41,46–48Phanna/Phanny(Prentice),46
EARL Prudence,26
EATON Aaron,35Lydia(Barber),35Roxanna,16,35
EDDY Anne,34
ELIOT Ruth,75
ELLIOT _____(Capt.),32
ENOS Caroline,63
EVERETT family,55
FARWELL Sabina(Burlingame),29Solomon,29Submit,29
FINLEY Ann,36SarahJane,70
FITCH John,11Mary,11
FLETCHER Louisa,56
FOLLETT Abia,11,22Abia(Hodges),22George,23Jonathan,22
FORD Thomas,66
FOSTER Deborah,62
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
FOX Amney(Kellog),52Calvin,52SusanMaria,52
FREMONT JohnC.(Gen.),66
FRIDLEY JesseRay,70JessicaLouise“Jessie”(Cole),64,70
FULLER Abner,14Jemima(Jones),14Mary(Ide),3,7Samuel(Capt.),7Sarah,5
FURNISS Melissa,76
GAINES Elizabeth,36,37
GALLATIN Albert,39
GASTON Jennie,27
GATES Benjamin,28–29Elijah(Capt.),17Lydia(Brown),28–29Lydia(Butler),28Mary(White),28Silas(Gen.?),28Thomas(Sir),54
GETMAN Eliza,52
GIBBS Elizabeth,14,38Jabez,31,32MaryAnn,56Ruth(Bailey),31,32Sarah“Sally”,31–32Susannah,32
GILBERT W.A.(Rep.),65
GOFF Rachel,19,20Rebecca,18
GOUDY GideonS.,27Nancy(Allen),27
GRINNELL Daniel,55Ezra,55Lydia(Pabodie),55
GRISWOLD Abraham,43,44Betsey(Strickland),43,44Edward,66Emily,63Eunice(Strong),65HenryStrong“Harry”(Hon.),44,55,65–66
Michael,66GUILD Ebenezer,21,22Margaret(Pond),21Mary,21
HAMMOND Amos,12Elizabeth,12Elizabeth(Bartram),8Henry,17Martha(Redway),8,9,12William,8,12
HANNAFORD Harriet,63–64
HANSON Barbara,75
HARDEN Lydia(Thurston),22Seth,22
HARMON Eliza,48
HARRIS Mary“Polly”,58
HARTMAN Solomon(Mr.),35
HARWOOD Hiram,35MaryElizabeth“Betsey”,35Sylvia(Reed),35
HAWKINS Joseph(Rep.),40
HAYES RutherfordB.(Gen.,Gov.,Pres.),64
RutherfordB.(Pres.),47HEATON Huldah(Thurston),22Samuel,22
HEIA ElizabethLaird(Redway),77EricAlexander,77
HETTLE Cynthia,76
HICKS, see HIX HILDRETH Elizabeth(Wilson),9Isaac,9Joanna,8,9Richard,9
HILL AnnaE.(Percival),63Lucinda,62
HINKLEY PhyllisEmery“Twink”,76,79
HINMAN Josiah,31Maria,31
HIPP FrederickWilliam(Col.),67LauraM.(Bosche),67LuluMaude“Maudie”,64,67–68
HIX Alethea,16,30–31Anna(Ormsbee),30–31Barnard,30,31Benjamin,30–31Israel,30,31Israel(Capt.),22
HODGES Abia,22
HOPKINS SarahGoodwin,47Stephen,54
HOTCHKISS Caroline(Enos),63CarolineElla“Carrie”(Briggs),63
HOWLAND Elizabeth(Tilley),70Jabez,70John,70
HOXIE Maria,56
HUBBEL(L) Chloe(Redway),24Ehraim,24Jedediah,24Lucy(Noble),24
HUNGERFORD _____(Lt.),29SolonD.(Gen.),65
HUNT _____,10Hannah,10
HUNTINGTON _____(Col.),25
HUNTLEY Clarissa,35Melit(t)a,34,35
HURST Joan,70
HYSLOP DavidS.,76,80KatharineMathilde“Kate”(Redway),76,80
IBROOK Margaret,9Richard,9
IDE Martha(____),7Mary,3,7Nicholas,7,14
INMAN Joan,5
IRISH _____Irish,24Elizabeth(Dickinson)(Redway),24
JAMES Hannah,9
JENKS HelenMarr(Smith/Redway),44
JENSEN EllenMay,70
JONES Abiel,14Azubah,16,37–38,39Benjamin,14,38Daniel,14,16,30,38Elizabeth(Gibbs),14,38Giles,14Hubert,77Jemima,14Jemima(Webb),38Joseph,14Mehitabel(Redway),14–16,27,30,36,38,39
KAISER RobertWilliam,80SylviaLinn,76,80–81SylviaLinn(Bess),80
KANDT ElizabethMaude“Betty”(Redway),71–72
RichardHartwig,71–72KASSON Jennie(Gaston),27Olive,27Robert,27
KAUFFMANN Charlotte(MacDougall),76HenrikLouisHans,76ZillaMathilde“Tilda”,73,75–76
KELLOG Amney,52
KINGSLEY Freelove,18Peleg,18Sarah(Wood),18
KINNEY Roswell(Dr.),46
KIPP ElizabethMcCully,72
KOCHAN MaryAlicia(Redway),77Walter,77
KOERNER AnnaMaria,49
LA(I)NE Sarah,20
LADD Abigail,58
LAMB Lucy,63
LAMBERT Anna,57Christopher,57Phyllis(Clark),57
LAPPIN Sophia(Van),49
LARKIN ElizaVirginia“Lily”(Brandreth),71
LONGWORTH NicholasII(Speaker),55
LOUD Annabelle,73,76Gordon,76Honor(Merrell),76
LOVELAND Abel,37Austin,36,37Elizabeth(Gaines),36,37Erastus,37Mehitabel“Hitty”(Redway),36–37
LOW Nicholas,26,44
LUCAS KennethBoyd,72
LYON John(Capt.),16
MACDOUGALL Charlotte,76
MARTIN Grace,8,11John,24Margaret(Dickinson),24MargaretElizabeth,24SamuelRedway,24Sylvanus(Capt.),16,22
MASON Anne(Eddy),34Brooks,34Eddy,33,34Matilda(Redway),34
MATHER AliceCornelia“Allie”(Redway)(Crewell),51,52–53
MCDONALD KarenJoy,76,79
MCGEE Clarissa(Mrs.),32
MCKEE Mary(____),34Samuel,34
MCLAURY Nathalie(Beach),72
MERRELL Honor,76
MEYER MichaelGustov,80
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
MEYER (continued) NicoleMichelle,76,80–81VirginiaPaulina(Boos),80
MILLER H.Thane(Mrs.),64Sybil,37
MITCHELL EmmaHarriet,55,63–64,68Harriet(Hannaford),63–64Robert,63–64
MOREY Lucinda,16,32Nathaniel,32Susannah(____),32
MURPHY Edith(Pierce),75Jessie,76ThomasHenry,75
MYLES John(Rev.),2
MYRICK Elizabeth,54
NEWMAN Samuel(Rev.),2
NICHOLAS Henry(M.D.),48RhodaAnn(Redway),48
NOBLE Lucy,24
NORTON AmeliaHarriet“Amy”,49FaulknerIsaac,49HarrietMiranda(Willard),49
OHANA IreneGibson“Rēnē”(Redway),79
ORMSBEE Anna,30–31Esther,8,10,11Grace(Martin),8,11Jacob,11Jeremiah,12,30John,8,11Jonathan,8Martha(Redway)(Hammond),8
ORR GingerL.,76
OUTTERSON Andrew,56ElizabethJosephine(Carroll),56
MaryAnn,56PABODIE Elizabeth(Alden),55Lydia,55William,55
PARKER ChaunceyGoodrich(Hon.),72
PARKS Elizabeth(Dickinson)(Redway)(Irish),24
RobertR.,24PARR Catherine(QueenReg.),38
PARTRIDGE Abigail(Ladd),58ElminaPrudence,41,58Samuel,58
PEAKE AlansonLivingston,50FrancesJosephine,50HarrietNewell(Winslow),50
PENNEY Adeline(Redway),54–55,61,65
PERCIVAL AnnaE.,63DenmanP.,63Lucy(Lamb),63
Jesse(Capt.),16PERKINS Phoebe,21RuthF.(Redway/Radway),19Silas,19
PERRY Abigail(Mrs.Valentine),34Electa(Redway),34Hannah(Redway),34Lydia(Wilmarth),34Peter,34Valentine,34
PERSONS CharlesEdwin,48Edward,37Eliza(Harmon),48ElvinahAzubah(Redway),48Ira,48Sally,37
PICKER BettinaCharlotte“Nini”(Redway),76
MichaelB.,76PIERCE Barbara(Hanson),75BenjaminRedway“Ben”,75CassieA.(Solomon),75CharlesEliot(1914),73,75CharlesEliot(1941),75Cynthia(Woodco*ck),75Dora(Redway),75Edith,75ElizabethMason“Dora/Dodie”(Redway),73,75
PIERSON Abraham(Rev.),70
POMEROY Eltweed,66
POND Margaret,21
POTTER Angeline(Redway),31Charlotte(Rule),16Edwin,15Ephraim,15,27Ephraim(Ens.),14–16,30,39Lois(Walker),14Luke,15Luther,15,16Lydia,16Lydia(____),16
PRENCE Patience(Brewster),54Thomas(Gov.),54
PRENTICE Dorothy(Sexton),47Phanna/Phanny,46
PRIEST John,20Martha(Westcott)(Radway),20
PROCTOR family,55
PUTNAM Rufus(Col.),15
RADWAY Arad,20Bethany,20Charity,18Charity(Thurber),17Daniel,20,48Diploma(Bean),48Elizabeth,20Experience,20Hannah,18JosephThurber,18Laban,20Lovell,20Martha,20Martha(Westcott),17,19–20Maturin,18Preserved,20Rachel,20Rebecca,18Richard,20RuthF.,19Sally(Bean)(Rogers),48Wilmarth(1755),17–18,20Wilmarth(1785),18
READ Benjamin,12Elizabeth(Hammond),12HaroldE.III“Hank”,76MargaretMurphy“Marnie”(Wright),76
REAPE Samuel,4
REDWAY/RED(D)AWAY/ETC., see also RADWAY _____(1784),36
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
REDWAY/ETC. (continued), see also RADWAY Emery“Twink”(Hinkley),76,79
REED Sylvia,35
REVERE Paul(Col.),28
RHODES Elizabeth,5
RICE Susannah,15,27
RISLEY Abigail,29Jeremiah,29Lucy(Arnold),29
ROBLEE ChloeJ.,37
ROGERS Joan(Hurst),70Sally(Bean),48
ROLLINS AliciaLindsay(Ament)(Redway),77
ArthurG.,77ROSENBERG Aaron,74
ROSENFIELD BenjaminAce“Ben”,80KatharineMathilde“Kate”(Redway)(Hyslop),76,80
ROSS Elizabeth(Clark),59MargaretHannah,59Saloma(Redway),31Samuel,59
ROUNDS BertramJerome,57LauraPlatina(Bloss),57OliveLucinda(Redway),57OrraJerome,57
RULE Charlotte,16James,16Lucy(____),16
SABIN Abigail(Mrs.),14
SCHULE Arthur,70EllenMay(Jensen),70LeonEugene,70MarjorieMary“Marj”(Cole),70
SCHUTT OraAntoinette“Toni”,70
SESSIONS AnnMaria,41,51,52David,52JohnB.,51JohnB.(Rev.),51Lucinda(Washburn),51
SEXTON Dorothy,47
SHAKESPEARE Abigail(Webb),38William,38,54
SHERMAN _____(Col.),25John(Sec’y),50Roger,58
SMALLEY AbigailLucinda(Hill),62AlbertLucius(Rev.Dr.),54,62–63
SMITH Abigail(Boughton),34AmyLoretta(Redway),44BenjaminJr.,3,4ClassieMae,77EllenLoretta,44Eunice(Stowell),44HelenMarr,44Ira,34JanellJoan,74,77–78Jason,44Joanna(Redway),11Joshua,11Lucinda(Balch),44Mahala/Mahaleth(Redway),34
Selected Branches of the Redway Family Tree
SOLOMON CassieA.,75
SOMERS George(Sir),54
SPENCER Hannah(Mrs.),29
STACY Mary,16
STILLWELL _____(Capt.),25
STORRS Experience(Col.),32
STOWELL Eunice,44
STRACHEY William,54
STRICKLAND Betsey,43,44
STRONG Eunice,65John,66MaryMelicent,58
SUMNER Anne/Anna(Redway),24GeorgeHenry,24Rebecca(Downer),24ThomasHunt,24
SUTTON Esther,4
SWANSON Judith,73,77
SWIFT Heman(Col.),38
TAFT Caroline(Barney),46family,55LorietteC.,46Reuben,46WilliamHoward(Pres.),64
TERRETT HannahEliza“Lizzie”,69
THAYER Catherine(Blair),45ElectaL.(Redway),44,45Jonathan,45Sylvester(Esq.),44,45William,45
THOMEN MaryWadhams,76,79–80Nancy(Dudley),79RobertWadhams,79
THURBER Charity,17
THURSTON Ebenezer,22Huldah,22James,21–22John,22Lydia,22Mary,22Mary(Guild),21Mary(Redway),21–22Obed,21Phoebe(Perkins),21Sally,21
TIBBES Mary,70
TIFFT Dorcas,45
TILLEY Elizabeth,70Joan(Hurst)(Rogers),70John,70
TITUS Abigail(Carpenter),5John,5Lydia(Redway),5
TOPHAM _____(Col.),21
TOWER Emerson,22Ibrook,9Margaret(Ibrook),9Sally(Thurston),22
TREADWAY M.C.(Mrs.),45
TROW Israel(Capt.),20
TROWBRIDGE MargaretFoote,45
[TUDOR] ElizabethI(Queen),38
TYRELL/TYRREL/TERREL(L)/ TERRILL Benajah,31Hezekiah,31Rebecca“Betsey”(Wolcott),31
URANECK DouglasAdam,75Joan(Pierce),75
VAN Abigail“Abby”,41,48–49Abigail(____),48
VAN GELDER/G(U)ILDER Andrew,49AnnaMaria(Koerner),49Jan/John,akaToanunck/Tawanaut(nosurname),49
VON KAUFFMANN Charlotte(MacDougall),76HenrikLouisHans,76
WAIT(E) Benjamin(Col.),17ChloeJ.(Roblee),37Thomas,37
WALKER Elizabeth(Carpenter),23EmmaA.(Smalley),63Fanny(Lathbury),63HerbertGrosvenor,63Lois,14Lucy(Redway),23Timothy(Capt.),23Timothy(Sr.),23William,63
WARD Andrew(Col.),32
WARDLAW Alexandrina(Lady),53
WARDWELL Daniel(Rep.),40
WARE Samuel,5Sarah(Fuller)(Day)(Carpenter),5
WARNER Robert(Capt.),38
WASHBURN Lucinda,51
WASHINGTON George(Gen.),38
WEBB Abigail,38AlexanderIII,38Christopher,38Henry(Sir),38Jemima,38Mary,38William,38
WEEKS Anna,4
WEST Anne(Saunderson),4
WESTCOTT/WE(A)STCOAT/ WAISTCOAT Elizabeth,19Martha,17,19–20Rachel(Goff),19,20Richard,19,20Wheeler,19
WESTON Elizabeth,28Isaac,28
WHEATLIE Dorothy,7,14
WHIPPLE David,9HenryB.(Bishop),65Ibrook,9John,9Mary(____),1,8,9,10William,1,9
WHITAKER Ann(Wood),11Mary,11Mary(Redway),11Mehitabel,13Philip,11Richard,11
WHITE Mary,28
WHITNEY CatherineLouise“Kate”,58JamesAlexander,58MaryMelicent(Strong),58
WILLARD HarrietMiranda,49
WILLIAMS _____(Col.),22
WILMARTH Elizabeth(Chub),16Elizabeth(Redway),10,12
WILSON Ammi,13Elizabeth,9Hannah(James?),9Helena(Perin),64John,9Thomas(Sir),38
WINSLOW Edward,71HarrietNewell,50
WOLCOTT Rebecca“Betsey”,31
WOOD Ann,11Sarah,14,18
WOODco*ck Cynthia,75
WOODWORTH AliceCornelia“Allie”(Redway)(Crewell)(Mather),51,52–53
WRIGHT CharlesKemp(1928)(Dr.),73,76
WYLLYS Samuel(Col.),35,38
ZEMLIKA EthelLucille,70FrankC.,70SarahJane(Finley),70
ZUBRINSKY Al,74CamilleLeslie,78,81EugeneCole“Gene/Zuby”,4,7,8,16,22,74,77–78
NO SURNAME Toanunck/Tawanaut,akaJan/JohnVanGelder/G(u)ilder,49
Redway internationalization brochure
BRANCHES ON THE TREE OF LIFE: PROTISTS· Branches on the Tree of Life: PROTISTS Written, produced and photographed by Bruce Russell All photos in this guide are from the DVD Cosmerium,
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Distance Learning Packet Week 1legs help them climb trees and hang from tree branches. They spend almost their entire lives hanging from tree branches. The life of a sloth is not very
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Fault Tree Analysis - HAZOP Malaysia · PDF file03.07.2009· What is Fault Tree Analysis ... termed the “top event” and fault tree is developed in branches below this event showing
Developing a preventive pruning program: Young trees· tree and half of the branches on a 5– to 10-year-old tree are temporary. These branches are managed with reduction cuts to
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One Tree, Three Branches Government in the United States
MANY BRANCHES. ONE TREE.· Come and learn how the many branches of The Baby Fold tree reach out to meet the needs of our children and families. This year we’re taking a special
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Tree Map! With a partner, you will now make a tree map. Your tree will have two main branches— – Parts of government – Outside organizations that limit
The New England Colonies· The New England Colonies Jacques W. Redway, F.R.G.S., The Redway School History (New York, NY: Silver, Burdett and Company) ... Bidde rd r srmut Dover
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Bright Branches Family Tree Printing Services
1. 2 Rooting the tree and giving length to branches
Yggdrasil. The tree of Norse mythology whose branches lead to heaven. Realized as Alexander's
Ideas for Teachers - kochrms.weebly.com· branches, trunk, and middle label (“My Family Tree”) for ... of their family: student, brothers, sisters ... branches of the tree. Aunt:
ALEXIS REESE ANNEMARIE There homes were made of hay, tree bark, and branches
EVANSTON TREE SELECTION LIST - EQWelleqwell.ca/sites/default/files/2020 Qualico Tree List.pdf· Branches gracefully cascade from the middle of the tree White papery bark Parkland
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