SEEDLING - NEW EDITION (2022) (2024)



Dr T PSasikumar 220225 +91 944 74 37 948

Author (DrTPS)

Bornat Naduvil in Kannur District in Kerala. He had his schooling at Naduvil High School and Tagore Vidyaniketan, Thalipparamba. Done his Pre-Degree &Degree atPayyanur College, followed moving through Kanjangad, and Kannur. He joined Devagiri College for a masters in Mathematics then shifted to Cochin University. He completed his MPhil and PhD from Bangalore University.

Joinedas a Scientist at Advanced Data Processing Research

Institute, Hyderabad in the year 1989 and took VolunteerRetirement in 2009 after Serving as Deputy Director at Cabinet Secretariate,Government of India at New Delhi. Servedin Ahmadabad at Space Application Center & Bangalore with Program Planningand Project Management at ISRO-HQ for short period on deputation. Between was Director of UGC Academic StaffCollege at the University of Calicut, Kerala.

Healso studied Philosophy from SV University, Done LLB from Osmania University, MBA from IGNOU, Delhi, and MS(Psychotherapy and Counselling) from IPMS, Mumbai.

Heis also educated in Ayurveda, Herbo Mineral, and Homeopathy medical practices as he is a progeny of an Ayurveda-related family. Learned REIKI, Pranic, GEM, Color,Rudraksha, andvarious other Therapy/Healing practices and is also well-versed in Astrology and Vaastu.

Hisinterest includes HRD, Training, Knowledge Management apart from Mapping from Space. He participates in many activities of professional bodies like the Indian National Cartographic Association, the Indian Society of Remote sensing, and the Indian Society of Geomatics. Heis socially committed to the development of YOUTH in India and Abroad. Havereached to more than a million of Teachers, and an equal number of Parents andTeachers.

Covered Internationally withthousands of Webinars on Various Topics. Got in a Variety of Social – Cultural –Spiritual – Indological fields that can get into the hearts of the young and theold. Learn to Learn and LIFE (Live/Learn In Full Enjoyment) are the mostinteresting activities of DrTPS. His Books are also LIFE made Simple, RHYTHM ofLIFE, LIFE of LOVE, etc.

Foreward on SEEDLING

DrTPSinterested in Health and Holistic treatment has gained his knowledge in Geobiology. He practices the dowsing for the Hartmann Lines (Geopathic Stress / Irritation zones) and for solving the problems at homes, working establishments, factories, and other business infrastructures. Dowsing on individuals to recognize the nature of AURA (PRANA PANCHA Koshas) to assess their mental and physical wellbeing is also done as per requirements.


DOWSINGAND HEALING)is the brainchild of DrTPS. Through a largenumber of interactions and experiments after educating through the lectures and service for manyyears since the year 2000. This book is a result of its own documented factsestablished by theoretical knowledge.

Thisbook explains the idea, science, the working of the SEEDLING, and the related topics. More research and studies are required for better evidence and proof/disproof. If time permits and the force behind the energy still stimulates; wait formore results anddocumentation.

This book was originally made and kept aside unedited until Asha Poorna took itfor discussion and Proof Reading. Thanks are due to Asha for making this inthis shape.

2022 February 25
























B.2.1. Family Problems – Relations are Blind
B.2.2. Gods too Had Problems

B.2.3. Pray for the Courage to Face Problems
B.2.4. Give Time to God to DecideWhat is Good for You

B.2.5. Karma

B.2.6. Bhakti (Devotion)


B.3.1. Spiritual Physics




C.1.1. Body & Mind – Better Practices



C.3.1. The Ethereal Body
C.3.2. The Astral Body

C.3.3. The Mental Body

C.3.4. The Spiritual Body


C.4.1. Chakra’s Performance


C.6.1. Unconventional Energised Water – Indian Way






D.4.1. Field of Energy Around Havan Kund

D.4.2. Healing Ash, Pyramids & Cow Manure

D.4.3. Agnihotra (Havan)


D.5.1. The Reality & The Truth of Spirit
D.5.2. The Big Spirit

D.5.3. Spiritual Healing
D.5.4. Healing by Worshiping GOD

D.5.5. Manthra Sound – The Seed of Matter


D.6.1. Energy Measure & Balance

D.6.2. Is the Patient Required to do Anything?

D.6.3. How Many Visits Does It Take ?

D.6.4. Does the patient Need Faith ?

D.6.5. Does it Work for Everyone ?

D.6.6. Esoteric Tradition


D.7.1. Spiritual Medicine

D.7.2. How do one become Ill ?

D.7.3. What Depletes Us ?

D.7.4. Negative Energy – Releasing



E.1.1. Kirlian Photography

E.1.2. Egely Wheel

E.1.3. Aurastar2000 - Bio Imaging System

E.1.4. Trimeter

E.1.5. My Experiments with Dowsing Rod & Validation

E.1.6. Rare Experiences


Thehuman physical body is called the Annamayakosha, which exists for any living being. The Praanamayakosha is the vital body present as long as life exists. When one diesthe Praanamaya kosha gets detached. The dry leaf does not have the PraanamayaKosha, so does any dead be. All the animates which have the memory and theconscious mind do have the next layer around the body covering the PraanamayaKosha called the Manonmaya Kosha. As oneattains higher knowledge; the superconscious mind gets enlarged and covers theManonmaya Kosha by the VijnanamayaKosha. The outermost cover is the cosmic energy kosha called the Anandamaya Kosha. These PanchaKoshaform the energy layer of all living beings called the AURA.

Spiritualitycalms the overactive mind and increases the mental energy and concentration tofocus inwards. As one becomes more and more spiritual, the AURA grows, thecosmic energy gets enlarged and the person reaches closer to GOD. Increasingspirituality could attain the divine power of realization of vital life forceenergy.

Thereis no need to talk about connecting Yoga and Meditation in the general sense.But to be specific, this helps in realizing their goals much faster and better.Consider the Yoga initialization exerciseSwaasaKriya, the breathing exercise. With the chanting of AUM (OM), the Swaasa Kriya becomessimple and much more effective. The Yoga mudra and the positions make themeditation easy and complete. It is easyfor a yogi to get into meditation.Reaching meditation keeps the chemical reactions inside the brain andthe vibrating frequencies of the brain to a minimum. Thus, the meditationsallow keeping the energy at the highest level. Spirituality is simpler to practice,compared to any other practicing methods for focusing inwards or to becalm. This is the reason why ten minutesof meditation replaces two to three hours of sleep.

Healingshould keep the patient fit in three-fold - physically, mentally, andemotionally. Our traditional ways oftreatment such as AYURVEDA follow this holistic approach. The imported methods like Unani, Homeopathy,and Allopathy lack this approach. The latest techniques of the ancient scienceslike Reiki, Praanic Healing, KundaliniYoga, Colour Therapy, Crystal Healing, Music Therapy, and Magneto Therapy have been able toconsider this three-fold health approach. But it is disheartening to see thatmany healers claim much more than what the method they follow could do, alsothey fail to give merits the other methods too.

Thereare earth energies that influence living beings. These energies could be good or bad. They aregenerated by the earth, minerals, stones, etc… or could be generated from thepollution contributed by humans. Thus, under the ground and in the atmosphere,there are a lot of such energies of good (positive) and bad (negative)naturethat influence the biological inmates. The study of such energies is dealt withunder the subject called geo-biology.

Someanimals and plants attract and enjoy these geo-biological energies. On onehand, some of them are attracted to consume, store and spread the energieswhich are positive, concerning humans, while some others spread, consume orstore energies, which are negative concerning humans.

LikeI mentioned about animals, there are also some plants attracted to negativeenergy and some other plants attracted to positive energy. The trees like coconut,peepal, apple, pear, plum; plants like tulsi, sunflower, etc. are positivewhile the cherry, peach, oak, fir is negative.Similarly, the animals like humans, dogs, cows, elephants, horses,chickens get attracted to the positive energy, and on the contrary the cats,bees, ants, insects, bacteria like the negative energy. This is the reason whypeople say that the place where your dog rests is a good place and on the otherhand the cat’s rest is not good.

Thestress influenced on the living being because of the bad energy at the place ofstay is called the geopathic stress. The above classification of negative andpositive energies makes it clear that the place where the negative energypersists is not good for humans. Thus,there is a need for identification of such places and clear it for making thempositively livable.

Hartmannwas a German dowser who was extremely successful in identifying the undergroundwater source. He realized on his dowsingfailures - the existence of negative energies along the straight lines – due tothe presence of some other energy that influences the dowsing. His experiments gave rise to theunderstanding of the lines formed by the Geopathic Stress called the Hartmann Lines. It is detected thatthere are two sets of Hartmann Lines, one in the south-north and the other inthe east-west direction. These lines are the agglomeration of the negativeenergies and flow from one side to the other in specific directions. Thecrossings of these lines are called the Hartmann Nodes.

TheHartmann Lines are the concentrations of the negative energies; they influencebadly the positive life. One who sits atthe locations of these Lines will feel sluggish. Continuously, being exposed tobad energy will cause health problems. Recent studies also report that theseplaces give symptoms like Sleeplessness, insomnia, a decrease of appetite,nightmares, mental depression, increased heartbeat, suffering from ill-defineddisease, paralysis, sharp headache, etc.The anxiety of the business plans and functions with uncertainty slowdevelopment, loss of self-confidence, difficulty in learning is also understoodto be influenced by the earth’s rays. When children are exposed to these, theseenergies seem to cause a stammered effect on their intelligence.

Asper the reports by Kathe Bachler, earth ray researcher in Austria; Dr

ArnoldManliker, Dr Harger in Germany, Dr Ernest Hartmann, and Melvin Calvin (Nobelprize), the cancer is caused under the influence of geopathic earth ray.

Thereare various types of scientific equipment to measure the AURA. Some use aninstrument, in which the finger needs to be inserted in a relaxed state andshould concentrate in turn to get the measurement stabilized. Thus, the AURAcan be read in numbers. KirlianPhotography is used to photograph the AURA of the body and is thendeveloped on a special negative film or print paper. There is no foolproofscientific reasoning on these mechanisms, but it is observed that the AURAexists only for the living being and not for the dead. The green leaf has got AURA and not on thedried ones. Also, the person who has problems with health – physically,mentally, emotionally – can be photographed and the detection of the illnessesis possible by interpreting the AURA.

Thedowsing technique is known for the identification of the existence of water andminerals within the earth. The dowser’s help is sought in the detection ofexisting pipelines and cables during land surveys. The dowsing technique hasbeen in use for more than 8000 years and its success rate is relatively high.But, till today no one knows how does dowsing work. Einstein thought that theanswer probably lies in electromagnetism, also the research by many physicistssuggests that this may be so.

RussianScientific Association has recognized the pair of Hartmann rods as the simplestdowsing equipment. With a little practice, anyone can easily handle these rodsto measure the AURA and positive and negative energies as one dowse for theunderground water and minerals.

KirlianPhotography is used to photograph the AURA of the body and is then developed ona special negative film or print paper. There is no infallible scientificreasoning on these mechanisms, but it is observed that the AURA exists only forthe living being and not for the dead.The green leaf has got AURA and not on the dried ones. Also, the personwho has problems with health – physically, mentally, emotionally – can bephotographed and the detection of the illnesses is possible by interpreting theAURA.

Itis a realization for animals that can detect the presence of the energies.There are stories about the predictions of an earthquake in China by watchingthe behaviour of the animals in that region.This prediction had saved many lives. There is no scientific method topredict the earthquake, the studies by scientists are only on the measurementsand their after-effects.

Inancient times, the resting places of animals such as cows, sheep weredetermined by humans for their dwelling. This indicates the faith that humanshad in the VAASTU SASTRA, "thetraditional Indian system of architecture". These animals have the specialcapability to detect the location with positive energy. The migratory birds arebelieved as being navigated by the pattern of the Earth’s magnetic field. Thismay be because of an unconscious reaction on the muscles, which can be realizedonly when gets sensitized for that.

Somesaints could predict the energy levels of places and the people. Also, thereare healers who either channelize or provide the cosmic energy or the praanafor the needed ones. These healers realize the energy, so do the beneficiaries.The meditation and spiritual practices could increase the power of realizationand the visualization of the positive and the negative energies at places and livingbeings.

TheGOD has infinite AURA and is the source of cosmic energy. Hindu Veda considers Sun, Air, Water, Earth, Atmosphere,BRAHMANDAM as the source of energies. Infinite power exists in these sources,and one could consume it as much as required. A learned healer can transferthis energy to the required beneficiaries, who are not able to absorb itdirectly.

Thereare various sources of energy, and all have varied strengths. The energies havetheir impressions on all varied forms of Idols, Pictures, and Geometries. Also, the japasand the Mantras chanted aroundthese symbols makes them light it more powerful to serve well.

Thespecific Geometries and the metal used in their making, determine the power ofthese YANTHRAS. The yantras are alsovery powerful as the concentrations of the energies. 'Muggu’(Kolam), are special geometric shapes being drawn in front of many of thehouses. The Swastik being drawn onmany occasions also serves as the source or transformer of energy.

Manyof the stones, gems, rings, rudrakshas,rosaries, and the various ornaments used could collect and concentrate theenergies. The life force energies arebeing immensely enriched by these external practices

TheJapam (chanting)and the MUSIC alsocould create a positive force. Thepresence of idols, pictures, geometries, and their wearing are ways that canattract these energies and preserve them for our wellbeing for a longer time. Thus, the Prarthanaand Pooja with Japam withthese spiritual symbols become more powerful and will have more longevity.

Wateris understood to have the maximum capacity to absorb energies. When theordinary tap water is analysed after being enlarged to 20000 times, a scatteredpattern is shown. On the contrary, the purest water shows a six-petalled shape. When observed as above, distilled water getsa polygon shape while clustered water gets the blurred petal shape. The Theertham,that one collects from the TEMPLE or at your PRARTHANALAYAM after the poojagets a clear petalled shape. Thisindicates that the water can be cleansed through the Japas of mantras.

Hence,water is used with mantras for many of the SpiritualKarmas. Consuming pure waterhelps the body to be healthy. The visualization of blood purification can beseen by analysing the blood before and after consuming the Theertham. Thus, theconsumption of Theertham is really good for the health. It is to be noted thatraw vegetables and fruits are known as sources of vitamins and energy as thepurest water is present in them.

Inpractice, cleaning a place is not possible unless one identifies the place ofthe dustbin, the same applies to energies. Energy can neither be created nor bedestroyed. The spiritual powers work as the sink of the bad energies and sourceof the good energies. They can thus be considered transformers.

Onecould approach the healer to fill the gap in his AURA and the healer balancesand energises it. But if the place of stay is not a place of positive energy,the treatment is as pouring water in a leaking vessel. Thus, it is important toplace the patient in a place of positive energy.

Thesimplest step to keep a place positive is to place Idols or Pictures of

GOD, Yanthras and also do POOJA and chant Mantras as much as possible.

Thebest way to get cleaned, balanced and energised is the SPIRITUAL WAY. In thisadvanced mechanized era, people don’t have opportunities to realize GOD andhence have varied ill-defined problems. A well-defined approach in life can beachieved by leading a positive attitude in the activities.

Thenormal prayers and worship are not able to remove bad energies with highintensities and power. As a solution to this, one needs to attend by the Doshapariharas. The method could be a transfer of the Doshato a priest (Brahmin) who has the powerto make them positive. Giving the Dakshinais what is being assumed to be happening.The papam is being transferred to the BRAHMIN, which he can neutralizeby chanting the required mantras.

Theworst negative effect could only be removed by the Avahana methods. In this process, the bad energies arecaught in some specific Yanthras, and they are generally disposed of indeep-water ponds.

Strongmantras could also be used to clear the bad energy in these Avahanas andYanthras can be reused. These processes of Udwahana canbe done only by a certain category of specialized brahmins.

Thereare specific idols of Gods in Hindu Tantra,capable of absorbing the evil spirits.In such places, pujas like Kurutiwill be done and the deity takes the bad effects on the individuals, and thus,the person gets relieved. Most of theGods in these classes exist as the sub-deity along with powerful Gods like Rudra (Shiva). The reason is that theperson needs to get positive energy as he gets rid of the negative effects ofthe dosha, then only the person can improve in their activities.

Theplace where the bad thoughts are propagated fills the surrounding with negativeenergies. Wherever unhealthy argumentsor scolding take place, fights happen, bad energy is being produced. By analysing the energy levels at differentlocations in a house, it is possible to indicate the level of happiness in thehouse as well as the level of discord, arguments, and fights.

Thefighting nature could be the character of the individual due to his planetaryposition in the Jathaka (Horoscope). Theplace at which one stays could help in aggravating or pacifying the Grahacharas. The Pariharams(solutions), prescribed bythe astrologer for these happenings help the individual in creating positiveenergy. It is the responsibility of the individuals to continue the prayers andsustain the energy level.

Ifone could not catch the rail and the Pooja Karmas are not generating thepositive effect or he remains in the negative area, the effect will be the badthoughts. Because of the bad thoughts, the area becomes worse and the peoplestaying in such places will be suffering. Fights, arguments, and diseasespertain in such places.

Theplace of living needs to be clean to be healthy. Compounded effects of many of the factorsneed to be considered to conclude the status of the place of living. These maybe like the direction of the wind, location of rooms, place of entrants, theexistence of the neighbouring establishments and facilities, external thoughtsthat influence the place, internally created bad thoughts, etc. There are waysand means of handling each of these in various methods and most of them work intandem while deciding the effect of VASTHU.The cumulative effect of all these varied components can be quantifiedand shown in terms of goodness (positive) or badness (negative) in the energyconcept.

TheHartmann Lines inside the house determine the health, divinity, and the goodand bad locations in the house. It is easy to feel the energy differences inthe house for a geopathic energy practitioner (Geobiologist).The Hartmann Rods can be used to detect and demonstrate the presence of theenergy lines and nodes. Also, the clearing processes by simple techniques thatcan be felt instantly by the housemates provide the opportunity to demonstratethe energy concept. The virtue and grace of GOD can be realized even in thisday of complex lifestyles to underline the ancient Indian Traditions in Veda.

Theway to improve in activities is the realization of GOD, absorbing the infinitesource of energy. Do Prayers, Poojas,Japas, and similar rites for getting immense power to visualize the self andclean the thought processes. Also, it helps in cleaning the Doshas andattaining positive energy. The wearingof the Gems, Stones, Rudrakshas, Maalas, Rosaries helps in concentrating thepositive energy effect on the person wearing them. The Yanthras helps in cleaning the area byclosing the passages of the bad energies. All these are the methods and stepsthat take us and show the presence of God.

Meditatingon God is another (and the best) way to feel the presence of God. The opening of the Chakras and the realization of the Extreme givehappiness. The practice of suchvisualization of GOD gives more Praana and a good aura for the better healthand spirituality of the practitioner.

Thesituation of God Realisation takes one into a stage where the individual willnot distinguish the healing methods like Yoga,Reiki, Praanic, Colour, Music, Vedic, etc. The positive energy needs to beadministered to the patient and negative energy should be cleared off. Thesehealing methods cannot be replacements for any treatment that cures the ailmentof the physical body. Thus, thetreatments under Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani,Herbal, Mineral, Allopathy need to be continued. The staying place of the patient needs to becleared and his spirituality needs to be improved. The placement of Idols,Pictures, Chakras, Yantras helps in this process. Only such unified treatmentcould help the progress of healing. Tokeep good health and sustain energy, staying in an area of positive energy isessential. Thus, the concept of UnifiedVaasthu is built-in in the treatment of problems in life without gettinginto the complexities and details. The idea is to find health in theenvironment and mind that will influence the three-fold fitness (physical,mental and emotional).

Apartfrom these general treatments, there could be specific cases where one needs toanalyse the Jathaka (Horoscope). Because of the specific planetary position inthe Jathaka, there could be problems that are beyond the general prescriptions.To reduce such Jathaka Doshas and the DasaSandhi (planetary transits), it is essential to have a study of thehoroscope and prescribe specific Gems, Poojas, Karmas, and Japas.

Thus,the prescription of treatments for well-being needs to be a unified one onlyafter considering the overall aspects of planetary positions at the time ofbirth, the place of living, and the spirituality that determines the Chaithanyam of life. To attain abetter living and Moksham as the end goal, one needs to get into betterpractices.

Thespiritual dowsing is the visualization of the

· Power of the life force energy

· Earth generated positive and negativeenergies

· Effect of meditation / being spiritual

· Negative places in your place of stay

· Cleaning process through

japas, meditation, dhyana, prayers by keeping the idols,pictures, etc. transferring the cosmic energy etc.

placing the stones, plants, engraved mantras, yantras, gems,stones, etc. Performing homams, poojas, avahanas, etc.

TheSpiritual Dowsing Rods are used toillustrate these. It is possible to gowithout devices with continuous practice of meditation and improvedconsciousness sensitized to measure energies. The tools themselves provide anelement of safety for the beginner and create confidence in the beneficiaries.The dowsing tool can be used to create faith in God by taking the individual tothe spiritual world through physical experiences. For each of the questions inthe spiritual world, one could come back to the physical world and ask the samequestion to see or feel the response of the dowsing tool (the spiritual dowsingrod).


Thewhole world is full of energies; Good, Bad, Natural, Created, Converted, andmany more. But in this state of chaos, all forget the address of the source andsearch for the energy elsewhere. The needed will be able to tap the energy onlyif one knows where it exists. The energy that we describe is likeelectromagnetic radiation. Sound waves and other visual waves that existeverywhere, come on your TV/radio set only when you tune for the same in thespecific frequencies. We do not realize its existence as we do not see, hear,smell, taste, or feel them with our PANJEDRIYAS (the five senses). With theSIXTH sense, one will be able to feel the energy.

Iremember a story from my brother. The boy who sees a pebble on the roadsidewill start kicking at it until it breaks or gets out of his view or interest.On the other hand, a geologist may start worrying about the age, contents,strength, etc. of the stone. To sum up, the one who knows the value onlyunderstands or tries to analyse. For theboy who does not understand its worth, it is only a playing item and may beable to derive joy out of it. There may be many who just stomp and pass by it,but do not even care to look at it at all. As this story says the value existsbut the boy is not aware of it.

Ourbody does have an energy field around it; call itPraana, Bioenergy, Chith, Chaithanyam, Prabha, Life, or whatever youprefer. Such is the case with every living being. Also, the non-living thingstoo have an energy level. For now, we deal with the energy in the living beingwhich is termed bioenergy.

Everythingin the universe consists of energy. Everything is interconnected. All ourthoughts and mental states are energy. As parts of a cosmic organism, we arebeings with energy. The most amazing fact is that we have electromagneticfields around us. These energy fields are nonmaterial, and they are associatedwith human emotions or thoughts as forms of energy. Any live organism has aspecial structure - abio-energy field.

Thebio-energy field of a human consists of subtle bodies with their energeticpotentials, giving strength and power to the biological field.

Energypotential depends on the conditions of physical and psychic health, and,perhaps on astrological factors too. For example, experienced psychics can feelhuman energy fields with their hands without touching a body and sometimes, caneven see a glowing aura around individuals.

Manyviews and hypotheses about bioenergy exist nowadays, and many researchers callit 'psi-energy'. Special experiments in the laboratories enabled researchers todiscover waves of energy emitted by humans. By mental activities, the waveschange at the speed of thought: the thought was followed by energy. Electriccharges in the human's head change on different levels of consciousness. Theelectric field of a human is the unity of positive (+) and negative (-)electric zones.

Tobe healthy, the balance of energy must be maintained in the bioenergy system.Energetic balance and constant freely flowing of energy are important factorsin the health and well-

Bioenergycan be explained as bio-electromagnetic energy.The term bio-positive energy means pure healing energy coming from God.Positive energy flows freely in energy systems bringing vitality and health. Incontrast to this, the definition of bio-negative energy is trapped,disharmonious, stale, or stagnant energy that blocks pathways and preventsvital energy from freely flowing in energy systems. Negative energy bringsimbalances into energetic systems, and it is connected to illnesses andemotional trauma.

Everyone of us possesses incredible strength - our bioenergy. If you employ itconsciously, it will give you tremendous power, and the ability to healyourself and others from physical, spiritual, and mental problems. It is possible to control energyconsciously. To perform "distantmental healing" and "healing on a photograph” are also possible.

Everyonepossesses a more or less powerful bio-energy field that interacts with thefields of others. It is interesting to learn about how to manage lifesituations with your bioenergy. With the power of your bio-energetic field, andenergy in your hands, you can become a healer.

ifyou use this knowledge for yourself or your loved ones, you will experience howyour life will be happier, more energetic, and more fulfilling.

Iremember my neighbour talking about Moksham; Moksham, on the course of livingitself. The essence is that one could reach to sanyasam,after really renouncing all the worldly pleasures. They should more stable andgood in their activity instead of merely being in sanyasi attire, craving forworldly enjoyments. When some people do not get any opportunities for relishingthe freedom and the ways for worldly enjoyments, they get into dejection mode.To save themselves from deep dejection, they act as if they have given up theirall to attain sanyasam.

Themoksham can be attained only after renouncing. The concept of renouncing is nota physical phenomenon. This has to be a mental status. Else the time one isexposed to worldly attractions, they get trapped in those and get lost in them.The mind needs to be in a stage of rejection for not having the interest in theso-called interesting worldly enjoyments.

Iused to advise the people who have non-vegetarian food, if you love that somuch, eat it as much as and as long as you want. Don’t worry about moksham,when you long for meat. If you keep thinking about the same, you will not enjoythe meat fully. The reason why this is being told along when explaining the badeffect of ‘eating meat’ is that it is better to avoid it only when you do notlike to have it. when your mind criesand mouth waters for the meat, you still pretend yourself as someone who doesnot require non-vegetarian food. This is self-deception, which is a papam.

No one is born as a saint and so is attractedto worldly beauty, tastes, etc., and wants to satisfy the desires. For being asocial being, we must act against the will and wish of the subconscious mind.the more important is that the process of getting into MOKSHAM should benatural rather than being pushed or pulled into it. While understanding theenergy, we must be in the MOKSHAM stage.

B.2.1. FamilyProblems – Relations are Blind

Inthe early years, most families get into problems. The expectations are high,and the reality is not able to match them. I used to joke that it is good tohave a mother-in-law at home as the fights between the bride and themother-in-law would keep both of them busy. Thus, the husband becomes moresupportive of his wife, which in turn makes the wife more attached to him.

LordKrishna was lucky as his two wives were busy quarrelling with each other, sothey had no time to quarrel with Krishna. Also, their complaints were funny forLord Krishna. There could be myriad reasons for them. Logically though, the fact is that people arenot ready to accept each other in the way they are the demands are too much thatcan’t be satisfied.

Itis startling to note that at many homes, even after looking into the needs ofthe husband and children, the wife is being rejected or not cared for. The mainreason is that the involvement of the father is not being felt in the family asis felt by the mother. A good mind setting, preparation, and a readiness toaccept the kid as their dearest one need to come from the heart.

Insome cases, the relations are mere acting only. The inner story is beingunderstood, only when everything pops out on a troublesome day. Any family must show love to each other. Itneeds to be shown, but not to be acted. If we analyse most of our grandparents,none of them looks handsome or beautiful. But you never feel so, unless you seethem as an outsider from your family. The reason is your relationship gives thelove between you, so you are seeing them only as your grandma or grandpa andnot as an individual. Hence the relation supersedes individuality. But itshould never be demanded. That would just make you accept them, blindly.

B.2.2. GODS too had Problems

Mostof the GODs had problems. Brahma's problems with his wife are known. Also, thereason for him not being worshipped is not required to be reiterated. Shivaoften fights with Parvathi. consider his family which has a snake, a peaco*ck, arat, an ox, and a lion. Interestingly, though all these are born enemies, theyare being pampered by the parents and kids. Think how difficult, it has beenfor shiva to manage his home. Now let's look at the family of Krishna. He hadtwo quarrelsome wives. The brother was a heavy drunkard. In the mediation with Kauravas and Pandavas, he could not succeed. Later he advised them tofight. He was partial but was stated as impartial. A person becomes great whenthe people around him/her get some benefits from the individual. Think ofKrishna, his closest were the Pandavas and they always had troubles. Krishnacould have created another land or even a world and given it to Pandavas as SriLanka was given by Shiva to Raavana. Thus, he was not useful to even hisclosest people around him. He could not even save himself from an arrow of acommon hunter. then, how do you think he can save the world.

Anotherexample, I quote often is Ganesha. By the physical structure of him, you can’teven imagine him walking. But he is being prayed to bring a beginning push,when one needs to run, jump, or do any circus!!! Is this not a symbolism tothink of somebody weaker than you and get the courage? If, even Sukumaran can jump, then why can't Ior you? This is encouraging for anyone.

Manysuch contradictions against the Godly powers and charisma of the GODs can beput forth. But what is the lesson? The lesson is that the GOD represents allthe problems and indicates he and his incarnations are for understanding theproblems and one cannot solve until the individual undergoes the troubles.

B.2.3. Prayfor the Courage to Face Problems

Mostof us have faith in God but more is the fear. It is difficult to find out whohas real faith. These days many are taking advantage in the name of God. The Kalki – the tenth incarnation of Vishnu has entered every one of us.The act of Kalki is what is showing all the trouble around us.

TheBhakti is something that cannot beweighed. Bhakti is too private. But many do it too public and when we comparewith them, we get bewildered. In Puranas too there are many mentionsabout the Bhakti of characters. In the Bhagavatam,mainly many characters got entered only due to their BHAKTHI. The incarnationof the GOD itself has been to protect the real bhaktas.Thus, we could see many starting from the Prahalada,Mahabali as examples.

WhenGod takes the incarnation and lives like a king or a human being and lives inthis world with all the problems and pleasures. Their supernatural powers arenot shown to tackle their problems. The problems are faced with all bravery andshow to all the Bhaktas how to face the problems. Thus, each of the problemsand the solutions that God identifies is considered to be an example for us tolearn. Arjuna in the Mahabharatawar expresses his problems, and the lessons of Lord Krishna could notget into Arjuna. Declaring that nothing could get into his brain or mind,Arjuna expresses total helplessness. Krishna asks him for the total surrender,and he will take care. This lesson explains that for LORD to act in you need tobe surrendered.

B.2.4. GiveTime to GOD to Decide What is good for you

Anyonein a problem is and will be in hurry to solve it. Understand that many of theproblems are lessons in one’s life. One needs to experience it. The trouble of mount climbing experienced bythe individual is not horrible but is thrilling as long as he is involved inthat. An outsider feels it as a mere waste of energy and may comment on theunnecessary trouble he is undergoing. Striving to reach the top is the only aimthat the climber keeps. Learn from him.

Ialways like to watch a squirrel jumping from one plantain leaf to another.Notice the way the leaf swings with the weight of the squirrel and thebalancing of it to find the optimal time to jump to the next leaf. My heartused to beat while watching it, fearing the fall. This fear builds tension inhumans in their individual, family, and social problems. The courage that thissmall animal has is not there with the human. Always scared. We are not in aposition to use our ability and power.

Theadvance withdrawal and avoiding the instances itself gives us less ofexperiences and keeps us alone. People feel attachment may demand more from usand they keep it alone. Scared of being satisfied and making others satisfied.Consider the positive attitude is that GOD wants us to take up. The power tosolve the problems thitherto will also be given by GOD. Only we have to givethe time for GOD to act. I have seen many people hurry in settling their issuesand processes. I used to ask them to give some time to the GOD to decide andyou or any healer shouldn’t be in a hurry to solve your problems. Also, it isalways said that a healer should stand by when nature does its duty.

B.2.5. Karma

Iconsider life as a drama. You have no option on the script, the direction, thedialogue, the actions of other characters, the feelings, etc. The actions andreactions are at your disposal, within the scope of the drama. You act well andperform the job well. Let other characters appreciate the acting, you areprobably assured with a better role tomorrow. I just do not want to take therole of a master, nor I am qualified to do so.

B.2.6. Bhakti(DEVOTION)

Theterm Bhakti comes from the root 'Bhaj', which means 'to be attached to God'.Bhakti, Anurag, Prem, Preeti are synonymous terms. Bhakti is love for love'ssake. The devotee wants God and God alone. There is no selfish expectationhere. There is no fear also. Therefore, it is called 'Parama Prem Rupa'. Thedevotee feels, believes, conceives, and imagines that his Ishta Devata(favourite deity) is an Ocean of Love or Prem.

Bhaktiis the slender thread of Prem or love that binds the heart of a devotee withthe lotus feet of the Lord. Bhakti is intense devotion and supreme attachmentto God. Bhakti is supreme love for God. It is the spontaneous out-pouring ofPrem towards the Beloved. It is pure, unselfish, divine love or Suddha Prem.There is not a bit of bargaining or expectation of anything here. This higherfeeling is indescribable in words. It has to be sincerely experienced by thedevotee. Bhakti is a sacred, higher emotion with sublime sentiments that unitesthe devotees with the Lord.

Mark,how love develops. First arises faith. Then follows attraction and after thatadoration. Adoration leads to the suppression of mundane desires. The result issingle-mindedness and satisfaction. Then grow attachment and supreme lovetowards God.

Inthis type of highest Bhakti all attraction and attachment that one has forobjects of enjoyment are transferred to the only dearest object, viz., God.This leads the devotee to an eternal union with his Beloved and culminates inoneness.

Bhaktiis of various kinds. One classification is Sakamya and Nishkamya Bhakti.Sakamya Bhakti is devotion with a desire for material gains. A man wants wealthwith this motive practices Bhakti. Another man wants freedom from diseases andtherefore does Japa and offers prayers. A third one wants to become a Ministerand does Upasana with this aim. This is Sakamya Bhakti. Whatever you want theLord will certainly give you, if your Bhakti is intense and if your prayers aresincerely offered from the bottom of your heart. But you will not get supremesatisfaction, immortality, and Moksham through Sakamya Bhakti.

YourBhakti should always be Nishkamya Bhakti. God has already given you a goodposition, a good job, a wife and children, and enough wealth. Be content withthese. Aspire for Nishkamya Bhakti. Your heart will be purified, and the DivineGrace will descend upon you. Be in communion with the Lord, you will become onewith the Lord and you will enjoy all the Divine Aiswaryam (Divine attributeslike wisdom, renunciation, power, etc.). All the Vibhutis (Special forms inwhich the Lord manifests) of the Lord, will give you. He will give you Darshan.He will help you to dwell in Him. At the same time. He will give you all theDivine Aiswaryam also.

Anotherclassification of Bhakti is Apara-Bhakti and Para-Bhakti. Apara-

Bhaktiis for beginners in Yoga. The beginner decorates an image with flowers andgarlands, rings the bell, offers Naivedya (food offerings), lights; he observesrituals and ceremonies. The Bhakta here regards the Lord as a Supreme Person,who is immanent in that image and who can be propitiated through that formonly.

Hehas no expanded heart. He is sectarian. He dislikes other kinds of Bhaktas whoworship other Devatas. Gradually, from Apara-Bhakti, the devotee goes toPara-Bhakti, the highest form of Bhakti. He sees the Lord and Lord aloneeverywhere and feels His Power manifest as the entire universe. "Thou artall-pervading; on what Simhasana shall I seat Thee? Thou art the Supreme Light,in whose borrowed light the sun, the moon, the stars and the fire shine; shallI wave this little Deepa or light before You?" - thus the devoteerecognizes the transcendental nature of God. Para-Bhakti and Jnana are one. Butevery Bhakta will have to start from Apara-Bhakti. Before you take your food,offer it to God mentally; and the food will be purified. When you pass througha garden of flowers, mentally offer all the flowers to the Lord in Archana(offering flowers in worship). When you pass through the bazaar and see asweetmeat shop, offer all the sweetmeats as Naivedya to the Lord. Suchpractices will lead to Para-Bhakti.

Bhaktiis also classified into Gauna-Bhakti and Mukhya-Bhakti. Gauna-

Bhaktiis the lower Bhakti and Mukhya-Bhakti is the higher type of Bhakti. Go fromstage to stage. Just as a flower grows in the garden, so also gradually developlove or Prem in the garden of your heart.

Theenemy of devotion is egoism and desire. Where there is no Kama or desire, therealone will Rama (the Lord) manifest Himself. The enemies of peace and devotionare lust, anger, and greed. Anger destroys your peace and your health also.When a man abuses you, keep peaceful. When blood begins to boil, it isimpoverished. You lose vitality if you become prey to fits of temper.

Thephysical structure (BODY) and the environment in which one lives are the same.This means that the within and the outside are the same for many of us. Theirbody and the food, brain and the education, mind and the logic, BHAKTI and thespiritual level may also be the same. The GOD – maybe Allah, Ishwar, Lord,Dieu, Gott, Jehovah, or any other – is the same and he does not distinguish theone from the other. Despite these many of us have problems and we start asking“Why this for me? Why should I live with these problems and sufferings?”

Maybethe answer to this is not available as the knowledge that we have is limitedand is difficult to understand the problem of others totally by anybody otherthan himself. This doesn’t mean that there is no solution. The answer to yourquestions is to be asked to the Spiritual Masters. Maybe in a sense what I amtrying is to answer the query in some sense, if not directly. This attempt willhelp in finding some answer within each one of you.

Ican see the energy in spirituality by the life force energy. The benefit hasbeen seen working and many got benefited. Thus, it is the belief and thefeeling that has to play a higher role than the brain and the mind to realizethe energy of spirituality. After all, we understand many things by our heartthan our brain. Do not logically weigh them to understand what is got into thebrain and what is in the heart. Then spirituality will have no place in you.Otherwise, the heart will direct the brain.

Thebottom line for many concerning their Health and Wellbeing in their presentexistence is much affected by doctors. Doctors are trained as mechanics thatwork on the physical mechanism. They are in the Business of Treatment; they arenot trained in the "Art of Healing".

Mostdo not even understand the most rudimentary concepts of Healing. Most do notrealize how they can produce damage and even induce death sentences on theirpatients. There is little difference inthe effects produced by an intentional damaging curse, or a prayer prayedimproperly, bad advice, or simply some random negative thought.

Healersare the gap-filling agents to cure holistically. Many healers generally havelittle concept about True Spirituality or how the universe operates. As aconsequence, they convey misinformation, half-truths, superstitions, and fearsalong with a multitude of associated damaging information into a person'sconsciousness. The result of which is Confusion and Paradox. The suggestionregarding a strictly religious approach would be to make a serious effort tostudy every one of them thoroughly and in-depth. The result will be amazingwhen one discovers every one of them are all talking about the same thing, onlyfrom their unique perspective. Real enlightenment develops as the understandingfor each reveals they are only methods and techniques.

B.3.1. SpiritualPhysics

Physicsin the past hit a stone wall until someone dared to suspect there must be rulesand laws that existed, they knew nothing about. "Spiritual Physics"is a term coined in '96 by Jim Harmon as a descriptive term as it applies tothe technical understanding regarding spiritual healing.

IBM’s'scientists recently achieved the amazing feat of relocating a particle ofenergy a small distance; maybe they should have called a metaphysician. Time,space, and consciousness travel has been around forever, history is filled withexamples. Progress in the field of physics as it applies to the spiritual hasbeen neglected for two reasons, fear and money. Some of the scientists I'vetalked to who are spiritually aligned speak about how it all works as a matterof fact; others are not being scared to even discuss it.

Oneunique phenomenon recently observed by scientists indicated energy behaveddifferently with different observers. The revealing truth in this discovery isthat our energy influences us as well as others and other things. The puzzlingthing about our energy is that much as it behaves electrically, magnetically,and demonstrates electromagnetic characteristics. But it has defied attempts tomeasure this activity even with the most sophisticated equipment.

Almostall sentient people can "feel" this "energy"; a largepercentage of them can clearly "see" it also. There is a definiteSuper-conductive element present for the flow of this spiritual energy aspect.People's and objects’ energy fields can become extremely elevated by another’sinfluences. If a sentient person scans another or any object to establish abaseline reference of its energy field strength and the person or object is"enhanced", a dramatic elevation of activity is readily apparent. Theonly reliable direct means of measuring these effects is the biologicalinterfacing with sensitive electroencephalogram (EEG) test. With some of thebetter aura photography equipment, renounced effects have also been observed.

Themain conclusion one could theorize: all things exist with characteristicsoperating on many dimensional levels we are not fully aware of or is assured at some point shortly all the mystery will disappear and theattitude on this subject will change.

Onelaw of Spiritual Physics is everything is subject to how you feel about it.


Thevarious forms of energy such as chi, chakras, Siddhas, subtle body forms,auras, etc.., are dealing with the same life force energy / PRAANA. Thephysical form body we have, through which we function in this physical world isonly one of many bodies we utilize - often without knowing that we are usingthem. They are bridge bodies that connect us with the absolute. They are theconnectors between the micro and macrocosmic forces. It is through theabilities inherent in these supplemental bodies that we can extend our ordinaryknowing beyond its physical confines. Think of envelopes or cosmic foldssurrounding the physical body. These other bodies are called sheaths or koshasand create layers of decreasing density until there is no density left and all arein union. Mystics and psychics are frequently aware of these subtle body layersand the chakras. They are most often visible as what we know as auras.


Pranais the energy in all living beings for its functioning. The content and the quantum of the energydetermine the life force and the health. They are mainly of five types and havespecific kinds and nature of duties. Through the breath called PRAANA, a livingcreature is enabled to move. Through that called VYANA, they put forth strengthof action. That called APAANA movesdownwards. That called SAMAANA resides within the heart. Through that calledUDAANA, one eructates and is enabled to speak in consequence of its piercingthrough the lungs, the throat, and the mouth.

Thelook and feel as well as the well-being of the physical body are only beingtaken care of by many as the general public is much concerned about it. Are you thankful to your body? How many of ushave considered the importance of each of our body parts and felt thankful tothem for all the services being given by them to you. Also, see them asindividuals with identity and given their due credits.

ThePRAANA body also is felt to a certain stage, and one cares it for the cleaning.Considers the cleanliness and also tries to avoid the proximity of pollutedair. Thus, the vital body and the energyis felt and hence it is taken care of.It is required to get the full benefit of PRAANA by filling the purestair and sucking the full energy for the benefit. How many enjoy the breath. Howmany get to know the breath. For goodPRANA there have to be ten minutes of known breath.

Thememory and the conscious body that feeds the superconscious mind to decide themental, intellectual and spiritual levels are not really under the custody ofmany individuals. The way to reach this is to practice MEDITATION. Spirituality increases the positiveness ofthe individual and takes towards the GOD to keep the person much happier andprotected.

Ourbodies emanate radiations in a pulsating pattern that surrounds the physicalentity like a glowing capsule. This is known as the aura. Generally invisibleto normal sight, these radiations can be seen by certain"sensitives," and have indeed been photographed! The aura serves as amirror of physical health, and

therefore,all auras - like all people - differ. This differential is in colour, notshape, and researchers believe that varying auric colours reflect specificcharacteristics of the people they surround.

Sittingin Bjorn Jensen's lounge is like sinking into the peaceful ambience of a logcabin that has no electricity connected. "The problem with damaging energyfields is that they can't always be measured by any currently existingrecognized instruments", says Jensen. In connection with electromagneticfields, one can find elements of radiation and energies which our science canstill not understand because they cannot be measured. It is these unknownelements, which are most damaging to life's energy itself, which the scientistscan't even measure. Life energy can be proven with Kirlian photography and Auracameras, even though the existing technique at the moment is quite primitive.Often, we find radiation thetically, but we have to filter away the unknowndamaging elements.

Ina science meeting, Dr Dubrow showed Chris Bird a picture of a very complicateddevice made in Orenburg by Kravchenko and its diagnostics of what the Russianscall the human bioelectronic field. He showed a diagnosis of several layers ofthe aura by this device, and diagnostics of health and disease were being done.The machine was constructed by a man who lived in the far mountains of theforests in Orenburg." I have heard these stories in the past, over fifteenyears. I am suggesting that all of us - Americans and British - put up £5 or£10 each, and bring Mr. Kravchenko and his machine over here to BangorUniversity, where there are some very interesting scientific folks, or maybeOxford, who could be present", Chris Bird told to Dr Dubrow

C.2.1. Thingsthat will weaken the aura

1. Noteating a well-balanced diet.

2. Lackof or no exercise in the daily routine above and beyond the daily regimen ofactivities.

3. Notenough rest and/or sleep.

4. Stressis a definite factor that can be alleviated through the use of meditation,exercise, or leisure activities.

5. Theuse of drugs and/or alcohol. (This includes prescription medications.)

6. Theuse of tobacco or anything else in excess.

7. Notenough fresh air.

8. Participationin negative psychic activities that upset or stress the inner person.

C.2.2. To SEE AURA

To enhanceyour ability to see auras, you must remember these things

1. Everyone'saura is unique.

2. Theaura of one person will interact with the energies of others, as well as thoseof other animals and plants.

3. Whena person's aura changes, this is a sign of changes within that person's self.It can be physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or even psychological.

4. Thelonger a person is around another person, the more their auric fields willexchange energy.

Everyonehas an aura, but do you know what colour your aura is? First of all, the aurais the energy field surrounding your body. This energy field is made up of avariety of colours like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet,turquoise, and pink. The intensity can vary. It displays the condition of yourpsychological and physical condition by way of your thoughts and emotions on aconscious and unconscious level.

Wesee colours through light rays, which determine the power and frequency of thecolour. Each part of our body is connected to these energy fields by way of ourchakras. All of our body functions and organs are energized via ourcoordinating chakras. We take in this energy and light daily. The more balancedour chakra energy is, the more balanced our overall aura energy is.

Easternphilosophy believes that the body’s cells are energized and tuned by ourthoughts, experiences, and emotions. They are held within our organs andglands. This is very similar to what Gregg Braden discusses in his conferences.How a cell in our body looks when we are filled with anger and rage. It is notdefined with clarity of shape and beauty but takes on an ugly essence. When weare filled with love, joy, and harmony the cell takes on a clearer and moredefined shape. It becomes beautiful to look at. The same is true with a waterdroplet depending upon where it comes from. If it comes from a dirty body ofwater, it looks unshaped and not geometric.

Everythinghas an aura because everything is created from some sort of energy. I havealways been able to see auras. It started with being able to see an aura arounda plant, then animals, and then finally people. The vibrant colours came later.I could see the basic energy field, and the colour was always yellowish orwhite. Eventually, I began to look for auras purposely especially on people.Sometimes, this gave me a pretty good idea of what their energy was like.Sometimes, I didn’t like what I was seeing, and it made me cautious of thatperson.

Everyonecan learn to see auras. It just takes some practice. If you are interested inlearning more about auras, I recommend reading the following book. Please referto the book list for additional reading.

Asa rule, there are said to be four subtle energy bodies (layers of the aura),each having its fundamental vibrational frequency. The ethereal body, closest to the physicalbody, vibrates at the lowest frequency.The astral or emotional body and the mental body operate at higherfrequencies. The spiritual body has thehighest frequency of all.

Itis said that the ethereal body is formed anew with each life reincarnation anddissolves within 3-5 days after physical death.The astral, mental, and spiritual bodies continue to exist after deathand reunite with the newly formed physical and ethereal bodies in everyreincarnation. This represents karma,the energies of one life affecting all subsequent lives.

C.3.1. The Ethereal Body

Thefirst layer of the aura is the ethereal body.It resembles the physical body in shape and dimension and its energyexudes about 2 inches outward from the physical body. The ethereal body shapes the physical bodyand the vital creative energies of life, as well as all physical sensations.

Theethereal body draws vital energies from the sun and from the earth via thesolar plexus chakra and the root chakra, feeding them to the physical body incontinuous streams via the chakras and Nadis.These rays of energy envelop the physical body like a protective layer,preventing disease-causing germs and harmful materials from entering.

Thisnatural protection means basically that a person cannot fall ill from externalforces. The cause of all sickness lieswithin. Negativity, stress, unhealthylifestyles all use up the ethereal life force, lessening its strength andintensity, allowing for "holes" and weakened areas. These weak areas either allow foreign mattersuch as bacteria into the physical plane, or they allow vital energy to leakout, further weakening the system.

Theethereal body also acts as a mediator between the physical body and the higherenergy bodies. If the ethereal energiesare distorted, so then are the energy pathways to and from the higher layers ofthe aura.

Torepair and enhance the ethereal body, we must first support the physical bodywith proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest. We must then reconnect with the energies ofMother Earth. Surround yourself withsoil and green plants. Accept the warmthof the sun for about 20 minutes every day.Take regular excursions into wild areas, listen and breathe in thebeauty and serenity. Stay rooted in theearth while soaring through the universe.

C.3.2. The Astral Body

Alsoknown as the emotional body, the astral body is the carrier of our feelings,emotions, and character traits. It isoval and may exude outward for several yards in highly developed beings and isbarely discernible in undeveloped beings.

Everychange in emotion is radiated out into the aura by the astral body, creatingcolourful waves of energy in constant motion.Emotions such as fear, anger, depression, or worry cause dark cloudyareas in the astral body, and these energies are passed unconsciously to theexternal world. When one opens up theconsciousness to love, devotion, and joy the astral body glows with brillianttransparent colour.

Theastral body shapes our view of the world more powerfully than any of the othersubtle bodies. It stores all ourunresolved emotions, conscious and unconscious fears and aggressions,loneliness, rejection, and lack of self-confidence. When these emotional vibrations aretransmitted outwardly, they attract similar vibrations. This is why we seem to attract people orsituations that mirror our troubles.

Consciousthought and the intellectual goals of the mental body have little influence onthe astral body. The astral body follows its laws. The mental body can direct external behaviour,but it cannot override subconscious patterns.This is why even if a person consciously strives for love and success,yet continues to radiate contradictory frequencies, preventing the attainmentof those goals.

Ifthe astral body survives physical death and joins the new physical body in thenext reincarnation, unresolved emotional problems from one life will determinethe conditions of the new life, to a large extent. Once we understand thesematters, we should stop seeing ourselves as victims and start takingresponsibility for our weaknesses and misery.

Releasingtrapped emotions from the astral body is not always an easy task, but it isalways enlightening. We nourish andrefresh the astral body by reconnecting with our inner self via the heartchakra, and with the higher self through the crown chakra. Through counselling, meditation, hypnosis,energy work, etc., we can recognize the past emotions behind our behaviours andcan recreate patterns of wisdom, love, and bliss within our astral plane.

C.3.3. The Mental Body

Ourthoughts, ideas, rational and intuitive perceptions are all borne by the mentalbody. That too is oval, with its depth and radiation relative todevelopment. In highly advanced personsit may extend many yards beyond the astral body.

Themental body operates on both higher and lower frequencies. The lower frequencies are expressed in thelinear thinking of the rational mind.Many people seek truth from this linear model with perceptions based onthe physical level. This is the currentscientific method in the world. Butinformation received from the physical senses is transmitted to the mental bodyvia the astral body, with emotions, where it easily becomes distorted andbiased.

Thehigher function of the mental body is to absorb universal truths via thespiritual body and integrate them with the rational mind. This in turn filters downward through theastral and physical bodies, creating patterns in harmony with universal law.

Thehigher frequencies of the mental body can be reached via a connection with theinner eye chakra and the crown chakra.

Whenenergies are unblocked and nourished, our intuition and insight allow us toview truth from a holographic perspective instead of a linear one.

C.3.4. The Spiritual Body

Oftenreferred to as the causative body, the spiritual body has the highestfrequencies of all the energy bodies. Inunderdeveloped persons, it may only extend about a yard beyond the mental bodyand remain oval-shaped. In a trulyenlightened person, it may be felt for up to a mile away and at these higherlevels becomes circular as it extends outward.

Thespiritual plane radiates with gentle but purely brilliant colours. In a master's presence, one may experience asense of fulfilment with abundance, light, and love. As the spiritual aura streams up into theuniverse, it also streams down through the mental, astral, ethereal, andphysical bodies. Thus, enhancing and harmonizing their frequency patterns.

Throughthe spiritual body, we experience oneness with the Divine Source and an innerconnection with all that exists in Creation.We recognize the source and goal of our being and the purpose of ourlives. In all our actions we express ourhigher selves. By doing so, we share an all-encompassing universal love.

Humansare children of the cosmos. All our organs correspond to energies fluctuatingin the cosmos. According to ancient teachings, subtle worlds of the cosmoscreate our bodies. Like the Universe, our energetic system consists of sevenworlds and has seven primary bodies (or auric layers) that interact with eachother. These bodies consist of the energy of the corresponding universal worldsaccordingly, deal with them, and receive energetic information from them.

Besidesthe physical bodies, our energy system consists of ethereal, astral, mental,karmic, intuitive, nirvana, and absolute subtle energy bodies, which form ouraura - human energy field or bio-energy system. We call energy bodies subtlebecause it is difficult to perceive them with our senses. Nevertheless, we canperceive them when are specially trained and use bio-energy methods andtechniques.

Allsubtle bodies in a human energy system communicate with each other, and withthe physical body, through the energetic "transformers"- chakras.Chakras transform cosmic universal, life-support energies into human energysystems. In Sanskrit, the chakra is a wheel of life. Indian tradition considersinvisible chakras as centers of consciousness. All humans have chakras whetherwe are being aware of it or not. Chakras are centers of different levels ofconsciousness, ranging from almost bodily to highly spiritual.

Healthychakras spin all the time bringing energy to the physical body and all itsenergy layers. Chakras play a very important role in wellbeing and health.Chakras are an important part of bio-energy systems. The locations andfunctions of the major chakras are closely related to the endocrine system andautonomic nervous system. The chakras are located on the spinal column, thehead, and one chakra is located in the heart plexus.

Thefirst chakra is Mooladhara (the root chakra). It is located in the coccyx. Thecolour is red. This chakra represents the physical body and corresponds to it.

Thesecond chakra is Svadhishthana (the sacral chakra), and it is located in thesacrum (lower abdomen). The colour is orange. The chakra represents the etherealenergy body (energetic matrix of the physical body) and corresponds to it.

Thethird chakra, Manipura (the solar plexus chakra), is located on the fifthlumbar (abdomen) vertebra. The colour is yellow. It relates to the astral body.It depends on the emotional condition of the person and can change its form dueto personal conditions.

Thefourth chakra is Anahata (the heart chakra). It is located on the 5th thoracicvertebra (chest). The colour is green. It relates to the mental body (mind,related to intellect).

Thefifth chakra is Vishuddha (the throat chakra). It is located on the firstthoracic vertebra, on the thyroid level (throat). The colour is blue. Itconnects to the karmic body (ego).

Thesixth chakra is Ajna (the third eye). It is located on the second cervicalvertebra (the forehead). The colour is dark blue. It is connected to theintuitive body ("super consciousness", intuition). Ajna chakra is thecentre of physical energy.

Thechakra of Nirvana is the Central chakra. It is located on the heart plexus. Thecolour is violet. This is the link between our physical body and Nirvana("World of Love").

Theseventh chakra is Sahasraara (the Crown Chakra). It is located on the top ofthe head. The colour is white. It is linked to the Absolute body (theconclusion of the development of all seven bodies of a cosmic organism).Sahasraara chakra is a centre of psychic energy and the only chakra thatfollows its subtle body Absolute in cosmic spheres after death. It is thecentre of the psychic energy of the human organism. Through Sahasraara chakra,we connect to the "Divine Centre".

Humanbodies of energy are complex structures as compared to the physical body. Theether body lasts up to two inches over our physical body. During prenataldevelopment, the solid body of a fetus is constructed according to the matrixof the ether body, and it is its exact duplicate. During its life cycle, theether body performs a function of a constructor, which builds and restores thesolid body. A healthy ether body differs by an accumulation of energy, whichgoes through the solid body and influences its organs positively.

Manyresearchers believe that the chakra of the physical plan - Mooladhara - andSvadhishtana belong to the ether body. Certainly, they are similar to eachother by their energetic functions as well. Mooladhara plays a connecting rolebetween the centre of the physical energy (Ajna-chakra) and the centre of thepsychic energy.

Mooladhara-chakraabsorbs important physical body electromagnetic fields of the Earth.Svadhishtana, which produces internal energy, feeds by prana or vital energy ofthe food matter, which it distributes to the organs of the physical body andother energetic centres along energy pathways. Interactions of Svadhishtana withother chakras determine the influence of food intake on energeticmanifestations (Manipurachakra), sexuality (Mooladhara-chakra), and emotionalspheres (Anahata-chakra).

Theastral body possesses extraordinary mobility and, depending on emotional state,can accept different shapes and sizes. Movement in astral bodies in areas ofactivity of the gravitational field of the Moon is possible if done under thesupervision of an experienced professional. The primary chakra of the astralbody is Manipura-chakra. This centre accumulates and distributes energies thatare produced in other chakras. Through Manipura, the energy and material of theastral world are united.

Themental body (mind, intellect) connects to our physical body by meridians(energy pathways). It is the strongest body among others. If intellect is highin its development, then the mental body is developed perfectly. We use ourmental bodies in our actions, behaviours, and thoughts.

Thekarmic body is a ruler of our ego. All events, their reasons, and all of theunconscious traits of past lives that determine an individual's being anddestiny are kept in the karmic body (karma). The karmic body rules all functionof a cosmic organism. It connects to the karmic world by the Vishuddha chakra.

Intuitivebody contacts to the intuitive world by Ajna-chakra (the third eye), which canbe a source of intuitive insight and super consciousness (unconscious sphere ofconsciousness). The intuitive body develops more or less in all people. Manypeople have experienced moments when their intuition yielded the mostintelligent decision at unexpected times. Besides controlling the vision of thepast, the intuitive body directs the future.

Thechakra of the Nirvana body -Central chakra- is a connection between a physicalbody and a Nirvana body through the heart. A peak of our soul is a body ofNirvana, which acts as a fusion of our ego and the Universe, and a union ofTruth and Love.

Andthe last body – The absolute body - is a consequence of the development of allbodies of a cosmic organism. If human life is improved due to karma, theSahasraara-chakra regulates human behaviour according to changed expectationsof life.

C.4.1. Chakras' Performance

Thefunctioning of humans and the condition of their subtle bodies depends on thechakras' work or spinning. When the chakras are spinning effectively, theybring balanced functioning to the organism, a free flowing of energies, andharmony between consciousness and subconsciousness and between inner and outerworlds as well.

Chakrasshow patterns of electromagnetic activity. When all chakras work properly(spinning not too slow or too fast), a physical organism is in perfect healthand powerful energetic shape. When the chakra is opened and functional, it canperform its work perfectly, process prana energy, bring energy to the physicalorgans and subtle bodies, and remove used stale or stagnant energy from thesystem.

Whenthe chakra is closed or blocked, it stops spinning and becomes dysfunctional.Chakras may become closed when they are congested with stale or stagnantenergy. One way they can close is during an instance of the fight-or-flightresponse of the organism. This response is a natural way for the organism tobecome alert and prepared for any danger or unusual situation. However, if thisstressful condition of the body is left uncontrolled and continues for a longtime, the chakras may stay closed and dysfunctional. When the physical bodystays in prolonged stress (distress) or depression, the chakras cannot spin andwork properly; they become unbalanced, blocked with stale and stagnant energyand unbalanced.

Ourthoughts and attitudes can block energy flowing through the chakras as well.Unexpressed emotions can cause the chakras to be overcharged, leading to theirclosing or blockage. Personality problems both cause and are caused by energyimbalances. Imbalances in the chakra system of the physical body revealthemselves through both negative personality and physical illness:dysfunctional chakras cause imbalances in the subtle energetic bodies, andimbalances in the subtle bodies then manifest in personal, psychological andemotional problems.

Whenchakras are closed, energy cannot be transformed and released to the physicalbody. If energy is not flowing freely through energetic systems, physicalproblems may develop in specific areas, and discomfort or illness can occur inthe organism. When a chakra is blocked, it needs healing by uncovering andremoving whatever is blocking it. The clearing of congested energy from thehuman energy system becomes a necessary prophylactic way for keeping theorganism healthy.

Becausethe chakras work together as a system, a block in the functioning of one chakramay affect the activity of another. These chakras are especiallyinter-related:

1.the root chakra andthe third eye tie,

2.the sacral chakraand throat chakra,

3.the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra.

Ifone chakra is not functioning, it must be cleansed, balanced, normalized, andhealed together with the associate chakra accordingly.

Chakrasare interrelated not only with parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomousnervous systems, but endocrine systems as well. Chakras transform vital energyto the endocrine glands.

The root chakra (Mooladhara) correlates to the testicl*s, the sacral chakra (Svadhishtana) - theovaries,

the solar plexus chakra (Manipura) - the adrenals and pancreas, the heart chakra (Anahata) - the thymus,

the throat chakra (Vishuddha) - the thyroid andparathyroid, the third eye chakra (Ajna) - the pinealgland,

and the crown chakra (Sahasraara) - the pituitary(master) gland.

Chakras feed the life force into our endocrine systems,which regulates our hormonal balance. In our initial years as healers, we haveobserved that healthy chakras spin in a clockwise direction in both sexes,whereas closed and unbalanced chakras either spin in a counterclockwisedirection, stay still, spin in eclipses or move unevenly. The energy balance ofthe bio-energy system is very important to our general well-being and health.This can be achieved by a constant smooth flow of refreshed and vitalizedenergy, aided by constantly spinning chakras.

Thefirst outward sheath of the subtle body forms is the etheric body. It is called"Annamaya-kosha". At this level shaman, healers, and other medicinepersons work with earth (Mooladhara) [base Chakra), water (Svadhishtana[genital] Chakra), and fire (Manipura [solar plexus] Chakra).

Thesecond, emotional body, is the Praanamaya-Kosha. It is the sheath ofcirculatory vital air and bears the universal life-force Prana. Air and etherelements are most represented here. As in the Anahata [heart] Chakra andVishuddha [throat] Chakra.

Thethird level is the psychic body. It is the Manonmaya-Kosha and works most withcognitive processes. Both the emotional and the mental sheaths support the Ajna[3rd eye] chakra. It is the location of the psyche. The chakra centres functionprimarily at this level and extend through the other layers and the physical body.Our ego personality is located here. Our aura and auric colours are visible atthis layer and this layer can extend many feet in enlightened individuals.

Thisis the area where psychics, mystics, and most of us view the auras.

Thefourth, mental level, is the Vijnanamaya-Kosha or mind and intelligence sheathand work most with discriminatory processes through the Ajna [3rd eye] centre.It is through the third eye, or our cosmic consciousness opens. Through thethird and fourth sheaths, we awaken inner vision - knowledge of things as theyare.

Thefifth, causal level, is the Anandamaya, the most subtle of all levels. It ishere we have the capacity for bliss consciousness. This centre is most closelyassociated with the Sahasraara [crown] Chakra. The causal body level of thesubtle levels is the quintessential consciousness.

Thechakras are integral to our awakening to our full potential of manifest formsupporting cosmic energies. These centres are most often represented advortices of energy and/or lotuses. With self-realization, these centres openand are activated. Similarly, the yogasare additional terms one should be aware of persons who are interested inexpanded awareness

Highlyenergized waters are said to help defend the body against disease. Fresh fruitsand vegetable juices also provide the body with water clusters that have a highenergy level. This is why I say that we need to take fruit and vegetable, andan equivalent of Vitamin is not enough for the health. Water is paramount onEarth, if not in the universe. We live on a water planet, and our bodies aremostly water. The water molecule has an angle of 105 degrees, which is in thegolden mean proportion.

Inthe human body, there are two basic types of water (bio water): Bound water andClustered Water. Clustered Water can move freely through the cell walls and isnecessary to transport nutrients, remove waste, and maintain propercommunication between the cells. Bound water, on the other hand, is water thatbecomes physically bound to other molecular structures and is unable to movefreely through the cell walls.

Whenwe are young, our bodies contain a high level of Clustered Water and verylittle bound water. However, as we age, bound water becomes more predominantand clustered water levels decrease hindering the effectiveness of literallythousands of metabolic functions and causing significant structural changes inour body’s tissues. No cells in anybody are older than seven years. Then whatis the meaning of getting older? It means that your cells, “the buildingblocks” of the brain, organs, muscle, and every part of your body are gettingdried out and clogged up with toxins and waste debris on a cellular levelbecause they are not getting enough pure water. The Clustered water has astar-like shape, and the pure water is star-shaped.

DrAlbert Szont-Gyorgyi, who won a Nobel Prize for his discovery of vitamin C,spent most of his scientific career studying water, He declared, "Sincethe molecular structure of water is the essence of all life. The man who cancontrol this structure would change the world with this."

Theenvironment in which we live is filled with pollutants, from car exhaust tofood preservatives. There are always diseased cells being created in the body.In healthy people, these cells are kept under control by the body's immunesystem. While the scientific understanding of the different structures andcharacteristics of water has been around for some time, the technology forproducing clustered waters has been a more recent development. Part of therecent development has been the ability to create small, highly energizedclusters that can be stored and shipped without deterioration

TheLiquid water is also not so simple. Water found in a river or lake in naturehas its outer electrons complete. This is the key to healthy water, or at leastone of the keys; how many electrons the water has or doesn't have. At theUniversity of Georgia, they found that diseased cells (no matter what thedisease) in a human body were surrounded by what is called"unstructured" water. And they also found that every healthy cell wassurrounded by "structured" water. What does this mean? It is simple,at least as far as chemistry is concerned.

"Unstructured"water simply is missing one electron from its outer orbit, and"structured" water has no missing electrons. Water, when it movesthrough pressurized pipes, is forced to move in concentric rings instead of itsnatural movement, which is in spirals. When water moves through pipes it forcesthe outer electrons to be removed, creating "unstructured" water.This means that all water that we drink or bathe in that comes from pressurizedpipes is associated with the disease. And when we bathe in the water we absorbthrough our skin in twenty minutes, 16 ounces of the water that we are sittingin. It is the same as if we drank the water. Perhaps, mankind has made amistake much as the Romans did with their use of lead plates and utensils. So,this is the first indication of a difference between "structured" and"unstructured" water.

Whenthis was discovered, many people began to search for a way to structure"unstructured" water. Hence the magnets, strangely shaped glassvessels, metal nozzles, etc. that have appeared around the world structureswater. Our research showed that water that was structured in artificial waysdid not always look like naturally structured water when analysedscientifically. For example, magnets can structure water almost instantly, butthis water is not safe to drink according to the University of Georgia.

Thenabout fifteen years ago brand-new water was discovered. I believe it was Japanwho discovered it. It is called "Clustered Water". Frozen clusteredwater magnified 20,000 times looks like tiny snowflakes under the microscope.Clustered water is found in all babies, human and otherwise when they are born.It is also found in all organically grown fruits and vegetables. At some point,as we grow older the clustered water in our bodies becomes bound to proteins.So, we must ingest some clustered water every day to maintain proper cell hydrationand function.

This"Clustered Water" can only be obtained in the United States in twoways that I am aware of. Dr Patrick Flanagan has made clustered water thatperhaps is good, but I have never tried it. He calls it micro clustered water.And then there is Dr Lee Lorenzen who also makes

ClusteredWater (TM). It is important to know that the Clustered Water (TM) concentratewill have a shelf life of two years if kept at 70 degrees. If the concentratereaches a temperature of up to 115 degrees, it can be frozen for 45 minutes torestore clusters and then kept in the refrigerator. If the water goes over 115 degrees,the clusters are compromised.

Also,in the last 15 years or so, another new water has been found called"ionized" water. It has one extra electron. This water is amazing forits ability to clean the environment and other specialized areas. Chile has aninvention that will ionize the water and make it stable with environmentalresults that are very promising. And I believe that the Japanese and theAmericans and probably other nations do too.

Now,however, there is another new water available to the world that could changethe world, as we now know it and very possibly save us from some incredibleenvironmental disaster in the future. This water is called "Super IonizedWater" (SIW). SIW has three extra electrons in the water molecule's outerorbits, and it is also stable. If you analyse the SIW water, you will findnothing but water. But if you take an ordinary lamp and simply put the pluginto a glass of SIW it will light up the lamp brighter than if you plugged itinto a wall. It is not ordinary water. It is water filled with electricity.

Conventional Sources of Clustered Water

Amniotic Fluid:

the water you were born within your body

Healing Spring:

the spring of Lourdes in France,

Japan, about 13 worldwide

Clustered Water:

solutions scientifically created and patented

C.6.1. Unconventional Energised Water – IndianWay

The‘THEERTHAM’ one gets from the temple is the energised water. The tradition of keeping the water in themetal vessel during the puja and supplying them to the gathered devotees needto be analysed scientifically. The tradition of keeping the water in hand,while chanting mantras is in the practice in Indian tradition. The mantras make the water energised and thewater would have the star-near shape in its molecule.


Whetherwe try to answer this question from our Vedic knowledge or our latestdevelopment in the field of medical science, the answer is the same. Life is anessential energy force. “Gita shloka says alive is one who has lived andlifeless is termed as dead". Aids is nothing but the inability of ourimmune system to withstand the onslaught of diseases. So, it's the presence orthe absence of energy that defines life. Different levels and directions of energyforce decide and form the various conditions of life viz. healthy, ailing ordiseased body. More and more ancient healing techniques should be usedadditionally to help and assist people in different situations where the healthor the inner balance is injured. The main view and perception of suchtechniques or methods are that the Self or Soul needs to be healed and balancedfirst, then the Body will be well too. All diseases are the result of inhibitedsoul life.

Alist of different approaches, but somehow, they all look at the same thing fromanother point of view, and mainly have one common: they perceive the body likea cloth of soul, and every imbalance, sickness or malfunction of the body has aconnection to the soul, the spirit. Some approaches more focus on the spirit,some more on physical assistance:

Ancient techniques















Modern spiritual techniques






Atlantean, Lemurian,





















Traditional techniques


























Itmay help often to search for another approach to perceive a healing issue, thiscan be the point of view of astral influences. We have all heard of the law oflike attracts like, but what it doesn't tell you is that it is what you are,not what you think you are necessary. 'You' is defined here by what you as aspirit are. Sometimes we find spirits attaching themselves to our auras forlike reasons that don't seem like anything that is 'us'.

Theycan be removed, but if one doesn't heal and integrate that part of themselvesanother will only come to take their place for that like reason. Spiritsattaching to one's aura can be good in this way, as they become bellringers togreater aspects of our multi-dimensional Self that are needing healing andintegration. We don't need extra burden in our lives when we are doing this andhaving a non-claimed space can make us susceptible to that kind of burden.

Thehealing has a non-medical connotation as the healing practices are beinghandled by non-medical practitioners.The basic concept of the relation between physical and mental healthwill be generally appreciated by all the medical practitioners, they hardly payattention to holistic healing. Thecurriculum does not include the life force energy concept, but there is aninclination of attention in the recent past towards Yoga and Meditation. Thehealing methods are based on the energy concept. Most of the healing practices help totransform and amplify various energies into biological energies that rebalanceand re-energize our biological system on the cellular level, as well as on ouremotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Surya,the sun is a source of pure energy, power radiance, and prosperity and he helpsto sustain life. His mantra destroyed poverty and is especially popular to cureany kind of disease and fill the body with the vital power of the sun. ChantSURYA mantra when you don't feel well or get sick - the rays of the inner sunwill destroy the demons of illness. Chant this mantra to help someone curefaster or to empower your healing abilities.




Aryans,just like Slavs, worshipped Sun, or Surya as it called in India. This term isfrom "Savitr", which means a bright luster and also means sound.Surya is the form of Sun who is very bright and always perceived by Sages andpoets. He also rules over sounds. He is worshipped in the Eastern directionruled by Sun.

Theswastika is a symbol of the sun in Hindu tradition and the cross is the symbolof the sun in Slavic traditions. Hindus draw the swastika in Vermillion onbusiness documents and bridal clothes for luck. They paint it on the walls andthresholds of homes to energise the environment. Naturally linked with theglitter of gold, the swastika is worn as a locket hung on a gold chain - atalisman to ward off darkness, despair and danger. The word swastika means'all-well'. Its short form swasti is commonly used in all sacraments andceremonial chants.

Theshape of this symbol was created to point out the four cardinal directions inwhich fire sticks were placed to begin Vedic sacrificial fires. An ancientsymbol, it was found in civilizations such as the Greek, Egyptian and Chinese.Used in snake worship, it is supposedly seen on the hoods of cobras. Theauspicious Swastika is always dedicated to the springtime sun.

Inthe Vedas, the sun is being represented as a handsome youth, who comes in agolden chariot of seven horses, driven by his chauffeur 'Arunan'. His sevenhorses represent each day of the week. He is a common symbol of magnanimity inHinduism, as a true karma yogi who gives abundantly, without asking foranything in return. There are only two ancient sun temples in India, both ofwhich are archaeological treasures. These temples got vandalised long years agoand hence they don't have any idols now.

TheSun (Surya) is one of the chief deities of the Vedas. The physical

Sunis the celestial form of fire (Agni). It is the source of Light, of Warmth, ofLife and Knowledge. Solar energy is the source of all life.

Thesun is the facilitator of Creation, at the centre of the universe. From Him,sixteen rays of knowledge are believed to emanate. The sixteen rays ofknowledge being

Kripa (mercy), Mrudulata (gentleness), Dhairya(Courage), Vairagya

(dispassion),Dhruti (determination), Sampat (spiritual prosperity),

Hasya (cheerfulness), Romancha (rapture or thrill), Vinaya (humility),

Dhyana (meditativeness), Susthirata (quietude), Udyama (effort), Gaambhirya (gravity of demeanour), Aksobha (being undisturbed by emotion), Udarata (magnanimity) andEkagrata (concentration).

Forcenturies, "Surya" (Sun) has been worshipped as a major deity inIndia. The sun acknowledged as the source of energy, vitality and life,controls the course of our life. Ourconcepts of life, time and death, good and evil, happiness and misery stem fromthis primaeval source of divine effulgence. Surya in the chariot driven byseven horses is a familiar image in Indian art and sculpture. Ramayana saysthat when Rama stood exhausted in the battle with Ravana, sage Agastya, who isSurya’s son, recited Aditya Hridayam to Rama, and that Rama recited it thriceand got himself rejuvenated. Then proceeded further to kill Ravana.

Agni(fire) is the deity that represents all the other deities. Agni is said to be themouth of the Gods. He is known as the messenger of the Gods. Whatever man hasto say to the Gods, to the higher powers, he conveys it through Agni. All theGods are fed through Agni. Agni is the link with the Supreme Lord of all theworlds. Agnihotra or Havan is a primary and fundamental rite. While performingit, oblations to the Supreme are offered in the consecrated fire. The rite isusually performed in the external fire in which the Supreme is invoked.

Inthe Bhagavad Gita, Ch.7, Verse 9, the Lordsays: "I am the brilliance in the fire."

"Thedeities are said to have Agni for their mouth" – TheMahabharata,

Santi Parva Section 342

"Agniis Vishnu. Entering all creatures, he upholds their life-breaths. "The Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Section 343

Yajnaslink human beings with the hidden cosmic forces called DEVAS. “The greatelements starting from Space to Earth are grosser than the former ones. Ofthese five SPACE and AIR are formless and cannot be comprehended by eyes. TheWATER and EARTH are grosser in that order and have form and shape. The elementFIRE is formless when unmanifest and attains form while manifested. It istherefore a bridge (link) between the manifest world and the unmanifest world.Therefore, fire is the conveyor of all the offerings to the formlessmanifestation of Pitrus and Gods and other deities. It is fire who accepts theofferings from the world of mortals and conveys it to the world." - SwamiAnubhavananda, Mumbai.

"Bypouring libations on the sacred fire, sin is burnt"- The Mahabharata,

Santi Parva, Section 191.

Iam the kratu (a kind of Vedic sacrifice), I am Yajna, I am the offering (food)to the manes; I am the medicinal herb and all the plants; I am the mantra; I amalso the ghee or the melted butter; I am the fire; I am the oblation. -The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 9, Verse 16

It isunto Krishna (the Supreme Lord) that the sacrificial priests pour theirlibations. It is unto Him that people dedicate diverse kinds of food. He is thesoul of the deities and human beings, and Pitrus. It is He who is the Sacrificeperformed by those persons that are conversant with the rituals of sacrifices- The Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Section


Thesacred fire waits for libations to be poured upon it when the hour for Homaarrives.

Five great daily sacrifices, whichare to be performed by every householder, as explained by Swami Sivananda,Divine Life Society, Rishikesh

BrahmaYajna or Veda Yajna: - Sacrifice to Brahman or the Vedasor the sages. (Teaching and studying scriptures are Brahma Yajna)

DevaYajna: -Sacrifice to the celestials. (Homa or oblations intothe sacred fire is Deva Yajna)

PitruYajna: - Sacrifice to the manes. (Tarpan or offering ofwater to the ancestors, and Sraddha, form Pitru Yajna)

BhutaYajna: -Sacrifice to all the creatures. (Offering of food toall creatures is Bhuta Yajna)

ManushyaYajna: - Sacrifice to man. (Hospitality to guests isManushya Yajna or AtithiYajna)

D.4.1. Field Of Energy Around Havan Kund

Agnihotrais generally known as the Havan or yagna (yajna) ceremony or the sacred fireceremony. Some researchers in Baltimore, Maryland. The USA has published literature from which,the following points are taken.

Agnihotrais a gift to humanity from the ancient Vedic traditions to the present age.

Atremendous field of energy is created around the Havan Kund (the pyramid-shapedmetal container). A magnetic type of field is created which neutralisesnegative energy or vibrations and reinforces positive energy or vibrations.This extends to the persons who perform the Agnihotra ceremony. The positiveinfluence penetrates the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual planes.Subtle energies are created by the rhythmical chanting of the Vedic mantrasduring the Havan ceremony which spread the purifying as well as healingenergies far and wide beyond the horizons.

Plantsplaced in a room where vibrations of the Agnihotra ceremony are maintained,such plants receive nutrition from the Agnihotra atmosphere and seem to behappy and grow well. They seem to thrive better than those plants not under theAgnihotra sphere of influence. Just as Agnihotra nourishes plants, it providesthe same for human life and also for animal life.

Manypeople on all continents belonging to different races, languages, religions andspiritual groups who practice

Agnihotrahas observed that simply by performing daily Homa (i.e., Agnihotra atsunrise/sunset) they feel as if a protective film surrounds them.

Theashes from the Agnihotra fire are charged with special potencies. Thesprinkling of the ashes on the perimeter of your the property affordsprotective influences.

TheAgnihotra ash is the basic substance used for the preparation of all Agnihotramedicines, for external as well as for internal use. Agnihotra medicalpreparations include Agnihotra powder, capsules, ointment, cream, eye drops,suppositories and inhalation.

D.4.2. Healing Ash, Pyramids and Cow Manure

Everyonetalks about healing the planet, but few offer viable solutions and, whileprograms such as recycling may slow the damage, they make no claims to restorethe planet.

Agnihotrais an alternative that will not only heal the atmosphere but also reset theplanet's energies and its abilities to heal itself--with a simple, inexpensivemethod usable in any home.

Agnihotrapractitioners work to restore the earth's energies through the fire, tuned tothe circadian rhythm of sunrise and sunset.

Agnihotraemploys a copper, pyramid-shaped pot. Pieces of dried cow manure are added tosticks of sandalwood and then dabbed with ghee (unsalted table butter, heatedand strained through a cheesecloth or paper towel when properly prepared, gheedoesn't spoil over time and requires no refrigeration). Natural brown ricemixed with ghee--just the amount you can grasp with the fingers of onehand--are placed in the centre of the flames precisely at the moment the sun issaid to rise and set. Ancient vibrational tones in the form of a short mantraare uttered when adding the rice.

Fragrant,healing substances are released into the air and the dancing flames provide arelaxed atmosphere--perfect for meditation. Agnihotra atmosphere also aidsplant growth.

Theuse of Agnihotra ash is unlimited. It detoxifies anything, anywhere. Placed directlyon wounds, it stops bleeding and itching. In the garden, ash enhances plantgrowth--and plant leaves dusted with ash discourage aphids. Mixed with honey orsprinkled in food or drink, Agnihotra ash taken internally purifies yoursystem.

Allhuman cultures use charcoal as a purifier because harmful bacteria cannot growin ash. African folk medicine rubs cow-dung ashes on the eyes to cure theinfection. Following the Union Carbide leak in Bhopal, India, Agnihotra ashes,when used, eradicated the devastating effects. In the modern world, charcoal isused to purify drinking water and fish tanks, it is in cigarette filters, andhospitals pump charcoal through the stomachs of those who overdose on drugs.Agnihotra ash is structurally similar to charcoal, but its healing propertiesare enhanced due to the subtle energy interplay stemming from the combinedeffects of the substances burned, the energies associated with the copperpyramid, the vibrations of the mantra, and the synchronicity to the powerful sunrise/sunsetbiorhythm.

D.4.3. Agnihotra (Havan)

Agnihotrais the smallest form of Yagna. It is the basic form of purification of theatmosphere. By inducing a change in the atmosphere, you bring about changes inPRANA (Life Energy). PRANA and the mind are like two sides of the same coin andhence, the beneficial change is transposed to the realm of the mind. ForAgnihotra, A copper pyramid of prescribed size is recommended.

Thereare specific varieties of trees prescribed for firewood to prepare the fire forthe specific purpose If they are not available you may use any firewood.However, firewood from trees with thorns or trees bearing bitter fruit shouldbe avoided. Ghee prepared from cow's butter is another item required. It is amust. Take pure butter, unsalted, unadulterated butter from cow's milk) andheat it on low heat, bringing it to a slow boil. Remove the white substancethat rises to the top and discard it. Pass the liquid through several layers ofcheesecloth or a paper towel. What passes through is ghee. Store it in acontainer. It could be stored without refrigeration. Apply a little ghee tofirewood sticks and arrange the sticks in the pot in a log circulate. Take afew pieces of dry cow dung and keep one small flat piece at the bottom touchingthe pyramid cabin fashion to allow air to enter and put the rest on top of thefire sticks in the pot. How to prepare dry cow dung? By using a rubber handdash cow dung and let them dry in the sun. If the weather does not permit, thendry the pieces in the house under an electric sun lamp. Store the dry dungcakes for daily use. Put a little ghee on cow dung pieces before lighting fire.Sunrise and sunset are the timings for Agnihotra.

Youcan find timings from an almanac which should be adjusted to local time. Abouttwo minutes before sunrise or sunset, light the fire. The fire should be ablazeat sunrise or sunset time. Utter the first Mantra and add the first portion ofrice into the fire. Then utter the second Mantra and add the second portion ofrice into fire. Raw rice, preferably brown rice, should be used for Agnihotra.The quantity of rice that you can hold in the tips of your fingers constitutesone portion. Keep enough rice ready for two portions. Apply ghee to the body ofrice and put portions on fire after Mantras. Try to spare as many minutes asyou can for meditation after each Agnihotra.

Keepone corner of your room aside for Agnihotra. If you have plants growing in the room,you will soon notice that Agnihotra gives nourishment to plant life. Agnihotraashes should be kept aside for use as fertilizer for plants. With Agnihotraatmosphere and Agnihotra ash, you can grow large crops in a small area. Thetaste, texture, colour and quantity improve by this method of gardening.Agnihotra is the smallest, though the basic form of HOME. Agnihotra removes thetension from the mind. It unburdens the mind. You will soon notice that angerand greed become less, and you feel free. This brings in happiness.

Youwill soon notice that you are moving in a happy atmosphere if you practisethis. getting rid of your Medicines are prepared from emotional cycles, whichleads you to tranquillity and peace. Agnihotra ash. Agnihotra is the basis forholistic healing. Vedas describe Agnihotra as a process of fumigation also. Thepractice of Agnihotra nullifies the effect of pathogenic bacteria. Agnihotra,if practised regularly, yields great HEALING POWER to the atmosphere as well asto the individual.

Thus,Agnihotra has three disciplines:

a. Burning of specific organic substances intothe fire.

b. Mantra.

c. Specific timings corresponding to onecircadian rhythm of nature,

i.e., sunrise, sunset.

Ifyou miss the timing, then it is not Agnihotra. Vibratory effects of certainmetals such as copper and gold are known to scientists. When specificsubstances are burnt in a pyramid made of copper with Mantra and the timings,for example, a specific effect is guaranteed to occur.

Thelayer of useful atmosphere surrounding the earth is very thin. Automobilepollution, pollution due to factory exhausts, water pollution, noise pollution,the disturbance caused to marine biology due to the disposal of nuclear wastein the oceans, the effect of radiations on human physiology, indiscriminatecutting of forests for raw materials, indiscriminate probing into the bowels ofthe earth for raw materials to feed the industrial complex, indiscriminate useof pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, deodorants, room freshener,all these adversely affect the atmosphere. This leads to tension in the mindand an increase in the incidence of disease, nervousness and psychiatry. Allthis must go if we wish to be happy.

TheFivefold Path of the Vedas is a manual for happy living. The first aspect ofthe Fivefold path is Agnihotra for purification of the mind. You may belong toany formal religion; you may be an atheist or agnostic you will benefit fromthe Agnihotra of the Fivefold Path. The Fivefold Path sets up life patternsbased on the bio-psychological techniques given through Vedic knowledge. Youneed not carry the hypothesis of God to practice the Fivefold Path. You startthe practice and knowledge will be unfolded to you from within. Believe onlywhat you experience.

This is the approach of the true scientist. (Please note this there is no Havan (home therapy) whichcan cure any disease, it can help to improve the health, but cannot cure)

Wecome back to the quote from Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey, "All diseaseis a result of inhibited soul life." A book called The Sai Prophesy by BarbaraGardner explains how conflicts and the soul’s purpose extend over multiplelifetimes and are not confined simply to this lifetime. It is important to lookat the bigger picture when viewing it from the soul's perspective. Frequentconflicts with our soul's purpose can occur. Conflicts in past liferelationships can continue until you correct the relationship and lifestylechoices. These include other conflicts between what the soul wants thepersonality to do and what the personality actually brings forth, exist. Thespiritual energy that comes through the physical can be felt when a sense ofpeace envelops one, even during adversity or danger. When you start toexperience the synchronicity and miracles in your life frequently, you know youare on the right course. As long as the personality is conflicted with thesoul's direction, there will be strife, conflict, and depression in theemotional plane. At a certain point in one's spiritual development, thespiritual energy begins to come through the personality and disintegrate thenegative patterns in the personality. People report that they feel like thereare coming apart when this divine transformation begins.

Thereis a lot of pure energy that is coming through that has not been experiencedbefore. They describe spinning sensations inside the body, and they feel likethey are being pulled out of their body, often through, their crown located atthe top of the head. Of course, no MRI or lab test will diagnose thiscondition. This is called spiritualawakening and is accompanied by shifts in consciousness. The easterntradition calls this Kundalini rising and the western tradition refers to it asthe Holy Spirit. We find that after a period of releasing physically,emotionally, and mentally, what is being released is mostly fear. One arrivesat a peaceful place where one is more detached, and the emotions and desires nolonger have any role. One begins to take on the role of the observer. Thisspiritual energy can be associated with strange neurological symptoms whichinclude jerking, headaches, dizziness, areas of numbness that are not relatedto nerve distributions, palpitations, and shortness of breath. Rather than anyparticular pill that might be prescribed by western doctors, we would recommendinstead meditation, contemplation, walking in nature, and digging in the earthto ground oneself of these high spiritual energies

Disciplinessuch as Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong are successful in balancing the body'senergy. One is usually led to a vegetarian diet and taken to sacred spaces forbalancing and initiations. Vibrational medicine such as flower essences, gemelixirs, and crystals may be very helpful at this time. Other vibrationaltherapies such as essential oils, chakra balancing, colour and sound therapy,spiritual healing, and toning could also be helpful. One starts to listen tospecific music that balances the energy. It is important to work with a group,for this is a time for group initiation, not individual initiation. Groupmeditation and group input are very supportive while developing spiritual sightand hearing. If you try this alone, you have a danger of going off, of course.You need input from experienced teachers who have taken this same route. You donot necessarily want to seek a Guru, but teachers.

Itis important to seek the God or the "I am" within you and find thisplace of inner unconditional love. You cannot give away what you don't havewithin you. When you realize that you will not find what you think you needoutside of yourself and start looking within, all will manifest. The mostimportant lesson is our mission to serve on Earth and to fulfil our purpose. Inserving, we connect our physical self with our God-self, which in turn allowsus to be God's manifestation on Earth and help uplift the planet includinghumanity.

d.5.1. The Reality & The Truth of Spirit

Inplain language, there is only One God or Universal Energy that Is Everything.There is only One Consciousness. We are only one individuated expression of TheOne. All the dogma, theology and religious beliefs anyone chooses to pile onthis truth. It is the lack of true knowledge and the application of thesedistortions which have been the source of all the problems. Spirit is alive, itis something that is lived and experienced, the surest way to destroy orsuppress it is to organize it and institutionalize it.

A very special understanding has come aboutout of all the Trinity Project research, a brief outline as follows:

Everythingwe think or feel affects us and others. Realize every feeling such as anger,fear, hate etc., are mind generated emotions and should be modified oreliminated, one of our hardest to let go of is that of Judgement and isimperative. Anyone can accomplish an extremely beneficial start byconcentrating only on the Spiritual aspects, the emotions of Love, Compassionand purity of Intent and Purpose. In every situation where "I" and"ME" become the central thought and focus, begin realizing this asthe mind driven Ego blocking the True Spirit of yourself and everything in theuniverse. No matter what you think about anything, how does it feel in yourHeart, if it is not coming from Love let it go?

Inthis modern material world filled with cynicism and disbelief, Begin to KnowThis Universe Is Full of Real Mystery and Magic beyond your wildestimagination. All that is required to access these aspects is to do all thingswith compassion, good intent and with unconditional Love. These few steps soundvery simplistic and trite yet contained within in their simplicity lie the keysto unlocking the universe and to discovering the Real Reality.

d.5.2. The Big Secret

Ifthere is but one bit of knowledge derived from these writings cherish thiscrucial information. There are only two types of individuals in this world, theones who want to stay and those who want to leave. The ones who are determinedto leave have already set the process in stone and cannot be interfered with.The ones who want to stay and are having problems can affect dramatic changesby addressing the body, mind and spiritual energy patterns and consciousness.

Thebottom line for many concerning their Health and Wellbeing in their presentexistence is much affected by two factions, Doctors and Ministers. Doctors aretrained as mechanics who work on the physical mechanism. They are in theBusiness of Treatment; they are Not Trained in the "Art of Healing".Most do not even understand the most rudimentary concepts of Healing. Most donot realize how they can produce damage and even induce death sentences ontheir patients.

Thereis little difference in the effects produced by an intentional damaging curse,or a prayer prayed improperly, bad advice or simply some random negativethought. Ministers are trained in traditional theosophical dogmatic perceptionsspecific to the cultural-religious views they ascribe to. Many generally havelittle concept about True Spirituality or how the universe really operates. Asa consequence, they convey misinformation, half-truths, superstitions and fearsalong with a multitude of associated damaging information into a person'sconsciousness. The result of which is Confusion and Paradox.

Thesuggestion regarding a strictly religious approach would be to make a seriouseffort to study each and every one of them thoroughly and in-depth. The resultwill be absolutely amazing when one discovers each and every one of them is alltalking about the Same Thing, only from their own unique perspective. Realenlightenment develops as the understanding for each reveals they are onlymethods and techniques.

Consideringwhat the public is receiving from so many sources, Bad Information is BadInformation and Incorrect Information is still Incorrect Information, no matterhow well-intentioned.

d.5.3. Spiritual Healing

Allliving material emanates energizing radiations. These rays are a powerful forceand therefore it is understandable that the force fields from certain peoplecan have a healthful effect on others. Such healing rays are similar to themanufactured x-rays or ultra-violet rays, long used in medical cures. Someindividuals have such strong energizing force fields that they can actuallycure others without any physical contact. Plants and animals, as well ashumans, can exchange healing rays that influence health and growth. Spiritualhealing can also be accomplished at a distance whereby people have sent curesto others through the thought process alone.

TheHealing that is referred to is in keeping with all known traditional practicesand what is beginning to be understood scientifically about the Healing processand what is referred to as Energy Healing or Spiritual Healing. SpiritualHealing Has always existed amid religious beliefs and practices, along withmystery, superstition, fear, and misunderstanding. By many, it has also beenlooked upon as something as an oddity or a complete fantasy. It has only been avery short time since the idea of giant iron birds carrying hundreds of usthrough the heavens was considered sheer lunacy. Spiritual or Energy Healing isnow becoming a very real reality regardless of what anyone chooses to believeor think.

Bydefinition the word "HEAL" means,

1.To restore to health orsoundness,

2.To set right, repair,

3.To restore a person tospiritual wholeness,

4.To become whole andsound, to return to health.

Muchconfusion arises out of the association of healing with religion and thespiritual. Many people do not understand the difference. By definition"spirit" means the vital principle or animating force within livingbeings, Incorporeal consciousness. There are about twelve more elaborationsmostly to do with various religious implications.

Bydefinition "religion" means,

1.Belief in and reverence for a supernatural poweror powers regarded as creator andgovernor of the universe,

2.A set of beliefs, values and practices based onthe teachings of a spiritual leader.

Basedon these common interpretations of how things 'ARE', many paradoxes arecreated. The resultant effect is confusion and unwellness. The Truth is we arebeginning to understand it is this: Everything in the universe is Energy andConsciousness. How anyone feels about that Fact cannot change it. The purpose ofAll religions is the recognition that humans have a part of themselves that isnot physical and there is a need to explore and experience this aspect ofthemselves. Part of the intent is to discover one’s purpose and to live in thebest way possible, part of that goal also includes the attainment of Truth andSpiritual Wellness. However, the result in regard to our Spiritual health mosthas been an abysmal failure.

Ifthe most important aspect of our being is our Spiritual self, it is a miraclewe even exist. Currently, many churches are in a state of extreme confusion inan attempt to enter the next millennium considering their struggle toincorporate all the now known knowledge and incorporate it into their dogma andtheology. The problem is the impossibility of reconciling the obvious flaws inmost theology and doctrine. The obvious shortcomings and how political andnationalistic and other special interests and agendas have resulted in ahistory filled with disappointment and tragedy.

Themost beautiful and simple interpretation of how everything 'IS' can be found inthe Native American tradition. "Everything in the universe is Spirit, eachthing in it is of the same Spirit and it is all Connected." This isexactly what we are beginning to understand in science and quantum physics,that everything in the universe is made of the same thing and has aconsciousness about it. The two things that are driving the scientists mad isthe fact that all these things operate across time, space and dimensions theydo not yet understand, and the ability of things to operate on interdimensionaland multidimensional levels.

Indiscussions with traditionally trained physicists and scientists involved inaerospace research who have become involved in the spiritual aspect, they havea more concise and accurate understanding of Spirit and the Spiritual thanthose from a theological background.

d.5.4. Healing By Worshipping God

Godcreated you, your brother, sister, father, mother, friend and your relatives.He created the sun, moon and stars. He created the animals and the birds. Hecreated the mountains, rivers and trees. He created the whole world. He dwellsin your heart. He is everywhere. He is all-pervading. He is all-knowing. He isall-powerful. He is all-merciful. He is all-loving. He is all-blissful. Yourbody is the moving temple of God. Keep the body pure, strong and healthy.

Godis Love. God is Truth. God is Peace. God is Bliss. God is Light. God is Power.God is Knowledge. Realise Him and be free.Do Kirtan daily morning and night. Pray daily. Offer flowers to Him.Prostrate before Him. Offer sweetmeats to Him and then eat. Place light beforeHim. Burn camphor before Him. Do Arati. Put garland on Him. Pray to Him daily.He will give you everything.

Keepa picture of God in your room. Worship Him daily. All your desires will befulfilled. God loves you. He gives youmany good things. He gives you food to eat and clothes to wear. He has givenyou ears to hear, eyes to see, a nose to smell, tongue to taste, hands to feeland work, and legs to walk. You cannot see God with your fleshy eyes, but Hesees you. He takes care of you. He knows all that you do. He is very kind toyou. Love Him. Praise Him. Sing His Name and glory. Pray to Him to keep youaway from all sins. He will be pleased with you. He will bless you. There isonly one God. But His names and aspects are endless. Call Him by any name andworship Him in any aspect that pleases you. You are sure to see Him and get Hisgrace and blessings.

Brahma,Vishnu and Siva are the three forms of the one God of the Hindus. Allah is theGod of Muslims. Jehovah is the God of the Jews. The Father in Heaven is the Godof Christians. Ahura Mazda is the God of the Zoroastrians.

Godis the Aim of all religions. Every religion points out the way to attain God.God is the central topic of every religion. Purity, charity, control of thesenses, penance, truthfulness, absence of hatred and pride will help you toattain God.

d.5.5. Mantra Sound- the Seed of Matter

AMANTRA is mystical energy encased in a sound structure. Every mantra containswithin its vibration a certain power. Upon concentration and repetition of agiven mantra, its energy is liberated and takes the form

Thereare different types of mantras. Some called Bija (Seed) mantra. They have noexact meaning but act directly on the nerves of the astral body. The other typeof mantras, having a combination of words and having some meaning also set uppowerful vibrations in the body. Mostcommon, however, is the deity mantras, in which a specific form with attributesis visualized along with the repetition of the sound. Initiation - If possible,before attempting Japa one should seek out a guru and receive mantra initiationfrom him. Only those who are themselves pure can give initiation to others.Therefore, it is important to find a qualified guru to successfully implant themantras in the disciple’s body. If no guru can be found, one may select any mantrathat seems appropriate to fulfil his desires, assuming Lord Shiva as his guruand start repeating it mentally with faith and devotion every day. Theefficiency of the Japa is accentuated according to the degree of concentration.The mind should be fixed on the source or the related YANTRA (please see thesection for details). Then only you will realize the maximum benefit of amantra.

Theenergy field surrounds and permeates all living beings. It is the scaffoldingfor our physical body. Within the energy field of each person are seven majorcentres. Each of these centres energizes or vitalizes its related nerve centre,endocrine gland, internal organ system and circulatory system. It is withinthis energy field that the cause of disease appears to be located. Throughtraining, a practitioner can learn to work with areas that are weak orcongested within the energy field, and by use of various balancing techniques,can bring the individual’s energy field to a more flowing, healthy, harmoniousstate.

Thistype of healing work is called Esoteric Healing. 'Esoteric' means 'hidden' or'further within'. There is a subtle aspect that is not obvious until you studyit in greater depth. The existence of the energy field and its use in healinghas been known for thousands of years, especially in Egypt, India, and China.It is only recently, however, that modern western science has realized its significance.It has been called by various names: Vital body, bioenergy field, "L"(life) field and etheric body.


Throughyears of observation and study of many different disciplines, the members ofthe International Network of Esoteric Healing have developed a Science ofHealing in the Energy Field (or Esoteric Healing). This has proven to be a veryeffective method of treatment. In a healthy person, the energy field is evenlybalanced and harmonious, but where there is dis-ease, imbalance and disharmonycan be felt. Healing practitioners learn to sensitize their hands and innerperception to examine the energy field in detail in order to find alterationsin the flow of the energy field. The practitioner does not touch the individualbut works away from the body.

D.6.2. Is the patient required to do anything?

Abrief history is obtained prior to each treatment. The individual is treated intheir position of comfort and asked to relax and be receptive. Sessions willgenerally last 30 to 45 minutes. Some individuals may feel nothing while othersmay have a sense of deep relaxation or light movement. Occasionally the effectis felt immediately, but more frequently the effect is not observed untillater.

Ourenergy fields are influenced by our mental and emotional states and working inthis field may produce an effect in these areas. We ask the individual to havesome quiet time to consider the thoughts, memories, and feelings that may comeup to the surface of the mind in the days following the treatment.

D.6.3. How many visits does it take?

Thereis no rule about this. Occasionally total relief is obtained after one visit;however, six and ten visits are more often required to achieve balance

D.6.4. Does the patient need faith?

No,this is not 'faith' healing. Sceptics have benefited from this form of healing.Obviously, if a person is open-minded, they are more likely to be responsivethan one who 'resists' help. We as a group are spiritually oriented andnon-sectarian. We believe that healing energies are available to all, whetheror not the individual belongs to any religious denomination.

D.6.5. Does it work for everyone?

Wefind that about 75% of those who come for help benefit considerably. Of theremainder, about 10% seem to have no benefit whatsoever while the other 15%find that while their treatment has helped, they do not see benefits forseveral weeks.

InEngland, in 1965 a small group of healers, led by a pioneer radar scientist,began to discover the significance of the human energy field. Until this timemost healers had worked through contact with the physical body, but thisresearch group uncovered a far more effective method of energy diagnosis andtreatment. They found that they could pinpoint weak or congested areas of thefield and then re-charge or redirect the energy flow. In turn, the energy fieldaffected the physical body as well as the more subtle levels of theindividual’s being, and healing took place.

In1973 one of this group, Brenda Johnston was invited to lecture on the work,first in England, and then in Canada and America. She set up a series of threecourses designed to introduce the student to the esoteric anatomy of the energyfield, bringing in related spiritual subjects and meditation. Mrs. Johnston wasinvited to teach these courses in many countries, including Switzerland,Germany and South Africa. It was not until the early 1980’s that other teachersbegan to come forward from among her students to share the workload and it wasthen that the ‘International Health Research Network’ was founded. In 1993 thename was changed to ‘International Network of Esoteric Healing ‘.

Anetwork is a group of people brought together by their common interest inholistic medicine. They believe that a true state of good health can only comeabout when there is a balance between the physical, psychological, andspiritual aspects of the individual.

Eachnetwork teacher has had a minimum of three years of practical experience usingthe Esoteric Healing principles followed by two to three years in ateacher-training program. The teachers meet yearly throughout the world todevelop, discuss and coordinate their work. Worldwide there are over sixtyteachers in the network. Courses are currently offered regularly in Australia,Bulgaria, Canada, Czech

Republic,Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand,Poland, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA, and Zimbabwe.

D.6.6. Esoteric Tradition

Fromimmemorial time, and in all races, there has been current, especially amongminds more receptive and thoughtful than the average run, an intuition,persistent and ever enduring, that there exists somewhere a body of sublimeteaching or doctrine which can be had by those who qualify to receive it bybecoming worthy depositaries of it. These intimations have frequently foundlodgement in legend and myth and thus have become enshrined or crystallized inthe different religious and philosophical records of the human race.

Thereis probably no single group of religious and philosophical works which does notcontain some more or less clear record, given either in an open statement or byvague hint, of the existence of this wisdom teaching. It is one of the mostinteresting of literary pursuits to trace out and assemble together thesescattered and usually imperfect records, found everywhere; and by juxtapositionto discover in them distinct and easily verifiable proof that they are indeedbut fragments of archaic wisdom common to the human race. The literaryhistorian, the mythologist, the anthropologist, all know of the existence ofthese scattered fragments of archaic thought, but being utterly unable to makeanything coherently sensible of them, they are usually falsely ascribed to theinventive genius of a so-called primitive man weaving myths and legendary talesabout natural phenomena which had occurred and which, because of the fear andawe their appearance had aroused, were thought to be the workings of Gods andgenii, Godlings and demons, some friendly and some inimical to man.

Runningin a directly contrary direction is the teaching brought again to the westernworld by H. P. Blavatsky, who showed in her marvellous books the real andcontinuing existence in the world of such a body of wisdom-teaching, full andcomplete, coherent throughout and throughout logically satisfying, andcomprising in its totality a marvelous system of very difficult teaching, ofinformation dealing not only with cosmogonic matters embracing the noumena andthe phenomena of the universe but, because naturally included in this totality,likewise a complete story of the origin, nature, and destiny of man.

Thisgreat system of teaching has been called in different ages the esotericphilosophy, wisdom-religion, secret doctrine, ancient wisdom, or again, theesoteric tradition. As stated by H. P. Blavatsky in the Introductory to her Secret Doctrine:

TheEsoteric philosophy is alone calculated to withstand, in this age of crass andillogical materialism, the repeated attacks on all and everything man holdsmost dear and sacred, in his inner spiritual life. . .. Moreover, Esotericphilosophy reconciles all religions, strips every one of its outward, humangarments, and shows the root of each to be identical with that of every othergreat religion. It proves the necessity of an absolute Divine Principle innature. . ..

. .. The Secret Doctrine was the universally diffused religion of the ancient andprehistoric world. Proofs of its diffusion, authentic records of its history, acomplete chain of documents, showing its character and presence in every land,together with the teaching of all its great adepts, exist to this day . . .

Anexhaustive and genuinely critical examination, conducted in a wholly impersonalspirit, of even the remains of ancient times, will convince one that thesestatements are founded on truth and fact; and the conviction grows upon theimpartial student that it is a marvel that scholars could have been so blind asto allow the actual existence of the esoteric tradition to escape observationand discovery for so long. What is needed, very evidently, is more intuitionand less merely brain mind analysis of dates and grammar and names andspellings.

Intuition,be it active or relatively inactive, is the source of all human understandingof truth. It lives in the heart of man, in the core of his being; and it is theworking of this intuition that gives to him all his highest and best ideasregarding the nature of man and the universe. Doubtless, everyone has at sometime thought: Is there no truth in the universe that a thinking man can findand understand? Is there in fact nothing but uncertainty and vague surmises andspeculations without number, all based upon a mere researching, albeit faithfulenough, among natural facts? The answer comes like the "still smallvoice" saying: There must be, in a universe regulated and ruled by law andconsequence, some means of arriving at a fully satisfying explanation of thatuniverse, because it is One, and therefore wholly and throughout consistentwith itself. Where then may be found the truth about the universe -- somesatisfactory explanation of THINGS AS THEY ARE?

Therecan be but one truth, and if we can find a formulation of that truth inlogical, coherent, and consistent form, obviously we then can understandportions of it equal to our capacity of comprehension. It is the esoterictradition, today called theosophy, which may be proved to be this formulationof truth -- formulated in our present age according to thespiritual-intellectual fashions and manners of the time, it is true, butnevertheless conveying the age-old message of wisdom and cosmic reality.

Thesubjects of which it treats deal with the universe and with mankind as anoffspring of that universe. It tells us what man is, what his innerconstitution is, how the latter is held together in a coherent unity, whence itcomes, what becomes of its various principles and elements when the greatliberator, death, frees the imprisoned spirit-soul. Telling us all this, itteaches us likewise how properly to understand men; and, understanding them,this comprehension enables us to go behind the veil of outer appearances andunder the surface of the seeming into the realms of reality. It teaches uslikewise of the nature of civilizations, and how they arise, what they arebased on, and of the working of the energies springing from human hearts andminds which form civilization. It offers, moreover, an explanation of what tothe materialist are the unsolvable riddles of life, an explanation entirelybased upon that Mother Nature which is the source and background of all ourbeing.

Theosophyis not an invention; it was not discovered; it was not composed by some finelyintellectual and spiritual mind. Nor is it a mere syncretistic aggregate ofphilosophical and religious doctrines, taken piecemeal from the variousreligions and philosophies of the world. Theosophy is that original formulationof truth from which all the great religions and philosophies of antiquitysprang in their origin.

Weaver that this majestic wisdom-religion is as old as thinking man, far olderthan the so-called enduring hills; because races of thinking men have existedin times so far past that continent have been submerged under the water of theoceans and new lands have arisen to take the places of those which disappeared,and these geologic convulsions were long posterior to the first appearance of hom*o sapiens on this globe. Geologytells us somewhat of the wondrous story of the rocks and seas; how continentsreplaced seas and oceans, which in their turn now again roll their waters overwhat was once vast stretches of plain and mountain -- and, theosophy adds,lands which were the habitats of highly civilized races of men.

Indeed,this ancient doctrine, this esoteric system, was delivered to the firstthinking human beings on this earth by highly intelligent spiritual entitiesfrom superior spheres; and it has been passed down from guardians to guardiansthereof, until our own time. Furthermore, portions of this original andmajestic system have been given out at various periods of time to various racesin various parts of the world by those guardians when humanity stood in need ofsome new extension and cyclical renewal of spiritual verities.

Whoare these guardians of the wisdom religion? They are those whom we call theElder Brothers of the human race, and are men in all senses of the word and notexcarnate spirits; but they are, relatively speaking, fully evolved orperfected men -- men who have, more successfully than we as yet have, run theevolutionary race and are therefore now, in point of spiritual and intellectualgrandeur, where we shall be many ages hence.

Ineach age which needs it -- and these needs recur cyclically due to therevolving wheel of life -- there comes a new "revelation," a newunveiling with an accompanying spiritual and mental revolution in human mindsand hearts, from this great brotherhood composed of these masters of life andwisdom -- a mastery gained through the unfolding in the individual of thespiritual and intellectual powers and faculties which are native to all men,but which require bringing forth or unfolding, partly by self-induced effortsin training and partly by teaching given in the initiation chambers.

Humanmentality, while differing greatly in individuals due to differences inindividual evolution and because each one follows his own path, neverthelesspursues one common course of action, because we are all intimately related ashuman beings. On account of this fact, our minds do tend, through the naturaloperations of thinking itself, towards one common end; so that the universalconsent of people everywhere to certain fundamental principles, based onnature's workings in the human constitution, is a proof, as far as it goes,that any system of thought comprising fundamental truths, acknowledged by allmen, must be a truthful presentation of the elementary workings of nature, sofar as the human intellect can understand and transmit these workings intohuman mental systematization. And those elementary, or indeed more complicatedand developed, workings of nature -- or what comes to the same thing, thosenatural principles of universal being -- are what we call truth, in otherwords, things and beings AS THEY ARE IN THEMSELVES.

Thisbody of teachings, kept and reserved for worthy depositaries, yet divulged atcyclical intervals for the common human weal, is the common property ofmankind, and is seen always to have been so. Consequently, in all the variousgreat religions and philosophies are to be found fundamental principles which,when subjected to meticulous examination and analysis, are easily discovered tobe identic in substance. However, no world religion or philosophy gave out infullness and in clear and explicit shape or form the entire body of teachingswhich are at its heart; one religion emphasizes one or more of such fundamentalprinciples; another religion or philosophy will emphasize others, the remainingprinciples lying in the background and relatively veiled in the formulation.For this reason, the various religions and philosophies vary in type andcharacteristics and often, to the unreflecting mind, seem to have little incommon, and perhaps to be contradictory one of others.

Anothercause of this variety in shape and appearance is the varying manner in whicheach such religion or philosophy was originally given or promulgated to theworld, the form that each took being best for the period in which it waspropagated. Each such religion or philosophy, having its own place and periodin time, represents, in its later forms, the various human minds who havedeveloped its doctrines or who have translated it to the world in this or thatparticular form. These mannerisms of thinking we may discard if we wish, but inthe fundamental principles behind every great religion or philosophy, in thisuniversal doctrine, lies the mystery-field of each great religion orphilosophy.


Spiritualmedicine begins with a doctor or practitioner becoming more aware of energyfields. Usually this is as a result of spiritual practices such as:



·Tai Chi


Thepractitioner begins to sense his or her energy fields and only then can beginto sense these fields in the patient.

Asthe majority of other practitioners do not yet have this perceptual awareness,and traditional medicine does not yet recognize energy fields, thepractitioners undergoing these shifts have few reference points. Each person'sawakening is different but there seem to be common elements. Most begin with adesire to be more in silence, often out in nature. Radios are turned off andthe person avoids large crowds and noisy bars and restaurants. Music is softoften without words. More and more time is spent in meditation or otherspiritual practices. Dietary changes occur away from alcohol, caffeine and redmeat as a result of preferences, not abstinence. Spinning sensations are feltin different parts of the body as the chakras or energy centres open up. Oftenneurological symptoms such as tingling, heat, or jerking occur spontaneously.Intense emotions including fear, anger and love rise up from within often withno apparent connection to external reality.

Relationshipsoften change abruptly with the person sensing that they must leave a job or amate or both simultaneously. My own awakening occurred more quickly when aclairvoyant came to my plastic surgery office with the book "Hands ofLight" and told me that I was a healer and needed to get started. When Iwent into meditation, I was told internally to quit my job. I did so and didnot work for the next five months but instead meditated 5-7 hours a day, begana vegetarian diet and worked with a spiritual group several times a week inorder to develop spiritual sight and hearing.

Faithis developed and tested as the person learns to walk "the razor'sedge", relying on intuition rather than logic or the advice of others.Families are often alienated as they sense an abrupt change in the person andresent their advice not being followed.

Asenergy shifts occur the practitioner becomes more aware of their energy body,especially of weak areas. By working in meditation with weak energy centres manyacute illnesses can be avoided. Whereas before the shift, I would suddenlybecome ill with a viral infection, I now have a chance to work with weak"chakras" or energy systems and often can avoid the cold or flu. Asenergy centres open up, one develops an ability to sense or feel thingsintuitively. Other sources of clairvoyant information develop includingspiritual hearing or clairaudience and spiritual sight or clairvoyance. Andfinally, the strongest intuitive information comes through an acute sense of"knowing".

D.7.2. Sohow do we become ill?

Eachof us has a certain amount of "life force" energy. We can measurethis energy with devices that measure the aura. Without such devices, we haveto rely on our intuitive senses. Often, we can feel the energy around theperson. People with large bright auras make us feel better and people with darkauras drain us.

Eachof us is given a “quantum” of energy, to use for "our daily bread".

Howmuch we have at the end of the day depends on how we use it. Lifeforce energycan be stimulated by sunlight, exercise, meditation and vital foods. Dr ValerieHunt has a videotape of a machine that measures auras, recording the differencein the aura of a person eating vital food and eating junk food. Anything oranybody we bring into our field has the capacity to change our field.Meditation, yoga, and breathwork very much increase the life force as if we aretapping directly into the source of this energy. Any creative activity alsoincreases the energy flow into ourfield.

D.7.3. Whatdepletes us?

Thetwo most significant ways to waste energy is through judgment and defendingone's sense of self-importance. Certain types of foods, electromagnetic fields,and addictions deplete the field. Addictions actually use up a certain amountof etheric or life force energy with each "desire" created.Addictions can be to a wide variety of things - food, drugs, sex, alcohol, bodyimage, and materialism. All addictions suppress spiritual growth by depletinglife force energy. All are serving the same purpose, to suppress some form ofemotional energy that should be allowed to surface and be released.

D.7.4. NEGATIVEENERGY - releasing

Anyactivity that causes the release of negativity can infuse us with energy. Theseinclude forgiveness, gratitude and praise, and praying for others. Healingoccurs when there is a large release of negativity rather than the suppressionof the energy. The healer helps the patient to transmute the energy.

Donot hold onto old relationships. Energy determines relationships so that if arelationship is not working, release it so that the energy can come back intobalance. Do not hold onto any particular relationship, allow change to occurwithout fear. So many illnesses are related to us holding onto that which nolonger serves us. Old patterns of behaviour, relationships that are notworking, and outdated patterns of thought.

Whatcauses us to hold on? Fear includes fear of loneliness, fear of separation, andfear of rejection. The hell we know is better than the hell we don't know.

Healingis transmuting that fear into faith. Faith that creation will provide us withwhat we really need, not with what we think we need. Fear causes us to breatheshallowly and causes our life force to diminish.

Forgivenessis a vast topic and one that is crucial to healing. For those of you workingwith forgiveness issues, I highly recommend Dr Michael Rye’s work "Why isthis happening to me Again" including his No-Fault Forgiveness Worksheet.Forgiveness, as Michael teaches, is for the release of energy in us, not forthe person we are forgiving. The release of negative energy generated by theonset of forgiveness can stimulate the immune system enough to reverse diseasessuch as cancer.

Holisticmedicine uses techniques to stimulate the "field". Chiropractic,acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, massage, hom*oeopathy and otherholistic methods increase the energy field and thus the immune and endocrinesystems. Spiritual medicine adds to this releasing technique of spiritualhealing, forgiveness work, past life regression, and hypnotherapy to aid in theareas of weakness of the energy body. Spiritual practices such as meditation,fasting, yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and breathwork help to stimulate and balancethe energy body. Add to this intuitive diagnosis and you really have lost themajority of the medical profession. But as we say at Millennium Healthcare -the shift is on the shift toward more compassionate and effective healthcare.We are on the verge of an awakening. The institutions of medicine, law andpolitics will only shift as those within these institutions wake up and startto shake the belief systems. And as with any transformation, there will be much"gnashing of teeth". But, as we move forward into the 21st century,all we can say is "shift happens".


Geobiologyemploys molecular biology, environmental microbiology, organic geochemistry,and the geologic record toinvestigate the evolutionary interconnectednessof life and Earth. It attempts to understand how the Earth has changed sincethe origin of life and what it might have been like along the way.

Geopathicstress is thegeneral term used for energies emanating from the earthwhich may cause ill health in human beings. Interest in geopathic stress firstarose in Germany in the 1920s.

Herewe want to introduce a few measuring tools as have been described in earliersession and my personal experience that made me to investigate a few cases assamples to mention here conclusions and draw some applicable conclusions.

Geopathicstress arises from a geological fault line that is, a deep crack in the bedrockwhich allows radiation from deep within the earth to come up to the surface.Living on such lines highly affects the physical and mental conditions So it isimportant to do survey of living places.

Undergroundwater courses (or water veins) emit an energy that is draining our body’sbioenergetics field and can be harmful if a person is spending long periods oftime above those areas. As per prior art, it has been found that geopathicstress is a common factor in many minor and serious illnesses as well aspsychological conditions, especially those conditions in which the immunesystem of human body is severely affected. The major risk factor is anincreased possibility of cancer like diseases. While geopathic stress does notdirectly cause cancer, it weakens the body and makes it much more prone toacquire cancer.

Furthermore,the effects of geopathic stress lines have also been linked to heart relatedproblems, attention deficit disorder, immune deficiency disorders and chronicfatigue.

Geopathic stress arises from a geological fault line that is, a deep crack inthe bedrock which allows radiation from deep within the earth to come up to thesurface. Living on such lines highly affects the physical and mental conditionsSo it is important to do survey of living places.

In one of the prior art studies, these kinds of surveys were carried out usingdowsing method or based on certain study of natural conditions. The presentinvention includes the instrument which is based on fundamental scientifictheory. Advanced microcomputer-based technology used in this instrument givesthe digital output so is possible to reduce the effects of manual errors.

E.1.1. KirlianPhotography

SemyonKirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally captured subtle electromagnetic energy thatis aura of living and non-living energy, thus Kirlian photographyis imageof importance in SEEDLING.

E.1.2. EgelyWheel

The Ultimate Bioenergy Measuring Device has been developed by aHungarian scientist called György (George in English) Egely. Actually, thereare two devices called this way: the Egely Wheel Vitality Meter, and the EgelyWheel Vitality Indicator.

Thekey component in both cases is a 70 mm diameter plastic wheel that rotates on adelicate pivot. These devices work with the help of psychokinesis, thephenomenon when objects start to move in the vicinity of somebody withoutphysical contact.

TheEgely Wheel is very simple to use. You put the device on a table, or any flatsurface. Remove the plastic cover. Cup one of your hands around the wheel,surrounding it as completely as possible with your fingers and palm, but nottouching it. As you relax and concentrate you direct your mental energy towardsthe wheel, and it starts to rotate. As you continue concentrating the impulsescoming from your hand accelerate the rotation of the wheel. It means that youmove this small object, the light-weight wheel purely by your thoughts.

Youcan try to rotate the wheel with your other hand, too. Then the direction ofthe rotation will most probably change to the opposite direction. That isbecause normally the energy comes from the middle of your palm and moves intothe direction of the fingers.

Inthe case of the Vitality Meter there are 24 LEDs on the device indicating thespeed of rotation (rpm) of the wheel. Actually, this is the measure of yourlife energy (or vitality) The two lights display the current rate of revolutionand the maximum value achieved since the beginning of the measurement. Thebeeping sound can be used for biofeedback, or it can be turned off.

E.1.3. Aurastar2000 - BIO IMAGING SYSTEM

Themost advanced biofeedback imaging system... Energy Technology for the Next Millennium!

Colour Energy Corporation, as the North American distributor for the Aurastar2000, introduces a breakthrough for practitioners in all modalities. Themissing link between alternative and traditional therapies has been themind/body connection... the Aurastar 2000 is that connection!

Biofeedback information is provided on forty-four organs and glands in variousformats, allowing the practitioner, together with their patient or client, tocomprehend their present energy status on different levels: as a full bodyenergy picture, in a graph analysis format and with a chakra activity report.The Aurastar 2000 is a great visual aid that will enhance and expand yourconsultation.

E.1.4. Trimeter

The100XE came in a weighted and a flat response model. Traditionally it was theweighted model that sold the largest numbers. Weighted means that frequencieshigher than the normal 50/60Hz of the power grid, or multiple fields, wouldweigh in heavier in the indicated value it displayed. This meant that the 100XEwas a good problem finder as it raised the warning signs early andenthusiastically, but you couldn’t see if it had inflated the reading and soyou were never quite sure if the numbers shown related to health researchwarnings or if they were exaggerated. When a weighted Trifield 100XE raisedconcern about magnetic field exposure, it was sometimes met by a sigh of reliefwhen a professional consultant came to check the readings on their instruments.That is not to say most homes don’t need mitigation, most do, but that ismostly for electric field and radio frequency radiation (RF).

Theflat response model didn’t have this habit and was more in line with theprofessional meters. In line-up of gauss meters from the same manufacturer, theUHS2 is much more considered a base professional meter but it only assessedmagnetic fields.

E.1.5. MyExperiments with - Dowsing Rod & Validation

Asexplained in the earlier section on the dowsing experiments and Spiritual Dowsing,here I am to mention after a short view on other Energy Measuring Equipmentsthat I had not experienced much but had verified my experiments with dowsingrod with the other equipments to verify my accuracy and validated.

Ihad gone around with Dowsing Rods to thousands of houses and places on varietyof disease (defined / undefined), vastu / pooja / temple / agama / yaga / yajnaetc. to make my experiments / support the people around.

Many papercoverages / TV interviews etc. and my guru – Brahmasree KPC AnujanBhatathiripad mentioned in his book (in Malayalam) “KshethracharangalumAnushtanangalum”. Leading News Paper – Indian Express published my articles onEarth Energy in the early 2000s.








E.1.6. RareExperiences

Aday when I was on the dowsing rods and had electricity failure, I moved around,marked the nodes and lines in dark, at all places I got the feel withvibration. As the light was on, confirmed and validated my markings. Thenonwards I had not used the rods and palms were enough as my antenna / could getthe vibrations. It worked so well with human / plants / flowers / etc. too.

Clear chanting / cleansing with Manthras as I have explainedearlier was done as healing and found massive effect.

My self-cleansingas prescribed by the Brahmanic rituals got prescribed from my Guru BrahmasreeAnujan Bhatathiripad in the early 2000 was a great blessing for me to improvemy Aura and felt that my presence had made differences for may who reallywanted to get benefit and healing.

Therewere many such as one in Gulf when I had made sick on bed for many years inease etc. Had a bit of help for many who were in chronic disease too.

When newborn babies were crying as soon as birth, they were made to feel okayas their place of cradle is moved slight out of the geopathic lines detected.

Astrology,Vastu, Geopathic Measure, Psychological counseling, many therapies – all hadits role and could make them use in supplementary supportive.

Electricand electronic equipments around the home and its effects were also had madeits clear role in making sick / upset physical – emotional. Harmonizationprocesses are very small changes / modifications / change of positions /directions were made in many houses as part of experiments and found itspositive effect on people of psychological and physical illness.

Development of the study that improves Physical – Emotional – Intellectual –Social has most bearing and uplifting ability with the Spiritual Development. Thishas been shown with many cases of variety experiments.

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SEEDLING - NEW EDITION (2022) (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.