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Cadenza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Classifi eds . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Crime strikes at Center Court Welcome to the weekend

Does Center Court’s all-you-can-eat style have a dark side? Forum’s Caleb O’Brien looks at students tempted by an apple or two. Forum, Page 7

Need to unwind after a week of midterm madness? News’ weekend calendar has the where and when of what’s happening this weekend. News, Page 2

The Environmental Pro-tection Agency (EPA) gave a grant to four academic or-ganizations in an attempt to strengthen environmental compliance in America’s uni-versities. Washington Univer-sity is a member of three of the four recipients.

The grant comes in the wake of new regulations pub-lished in recent months by the agency. Organizations re-ceiving the grant include Na-tional Association of College and University Business Offi-cers, Campus Consortium for Environmental Excellence, Campus Safety, Health and Environmental Management Association, and the Asso-ciation of Higher Education Facilities Officers.

According to Bruce Back-us, assistant vice chancel-lor for environmental health

and safety, the organizations work to bring environmental compliance centers to col-leges and universities across the country. The centers, facilitated by the EPA, will serve to help these institu-tions better understand how to deal with materials that could potentially be hazard-ous to the environment, such as chemical waste.

“The EPA has established compliance centers for some time,” said Backus. “These centers have been developed to help these industries to better understand their com-pliance requirements, but also to help them go beyond compliance to really improv-ing environmental perfor-mance.”

While the University and other large schools may be able to easily comply with requirements, smaller cam-puses need assistance in meeting the more stringent

regulations. “It is one of those things

that not every college and university has,” said Backus. “This center will be able to help those smaller colleges that don’t have a very large environmental staff to better understand their compliance needs and help give them tools to help their environ-mental performance.”

The compliance centers will be built over the next five years. Policies at the cen-ters will be augmented with methods gleaned from the University’s recent environ-mental research initiatives. Backus noted that the four grant recipients have also as-sisted the University in im-proving its environmental compliance.

“Some of our practices that we’ve used at Wash-ington University are being


Incumbent U.S. State Senator Jim Talent (R-Mo.) faced off in another debate with State Auditor Claire Mc-Caskill, the democratic can-didate, on Wednesday night at Clayton High School. This was the fi rst of three tele-vised debates between Talent and McCaskill in their race for U.S. State Senator.

The topics of the debate in-cluded the war in Iraq, a stem cell research ballot initiative, the government’s position towards North Korea and en-ergy conservation issues.

The debate began with a question about sending troops to Iraq, despite the lack of weapons of mass de-struction found there.

Talent said the mission in Iraq was to remove the threat it represented in the region and to replace it as an ally in the war on terrorism.

“[The ally’s] very existence would rebuke the terrorist vision for the Arab Islamist

world,” said Talent.In contrast, McCaskill

called the war in Iraq a failed policy.

“The elected government of Iraq supported the Hez-bollah terrorist organization that invaded our strongest ally [Israel] in the region,” said McCaskill. “It is not even clear if we stayed for another decade if we are going to get a government that will be our ally in the war on terror.We are never going to build democracy at the barrel of a gun.”

The pair also debated stem cell research and focused on Amendment 2, the stem cell initiative that would ensure that patients have rights to stem cell therapies and cures available under Federal law. In the past, representatives from both the state house and senate proposed bills that would outlaw embryonic stem cell research.

Talent replied that he does not support Amendment 2, saying, “I can’t support the ballot issue because it grants a constitutional right to clone the earliest stages of human life and that goes too far for me. The right would exist…on an unqualifi ed basis, regard-less of whether there was a continued medical necessity for it.”

In response, McCaskill said, “My faith dictates that we should heal the sick and God gave us incredible intel-ligence to fi nd ways to make people’s lives better with sci-ence and medicine. Our coun-try has never turned its back on medical research. Missouri should never turn its back on medical research.”

The duo also discussed the U.S.’s involvement with North Korea and Iran. Each party responded differently to


McCaskill and Talent debate in Clayton, clash on issues

See DEBATE, page 4

A team of Washington Uni-versity neurosurgeons, engi-neers and neurologists has made science fi ction a reality. They wired a local boy’s brain to be able to control a video game with his imagination alone. The team, led by neu-roscientist Dr. Eric Leuthar-dt and biomedical engineer Daniel Moran, used a device planted on the surface of the boy’s brain to read his brain-waves, which controlled the Atari game “Space Invaders.”

The brain wave reader, known as an ECoG (electro-corticographic) device, was originally installed in the boy to help diagnose his epilepsy, but Leuthardt and Moran’s

team recieved permission to perform their experiment on brain computer interface with his ECoG. A similar ex-periment was performed with adults moving computer cursors two years ago, but electrical engineering gradu-ate student Nick Anderson got the idea to use “Space In-vaders” to gather unique data and keep the young patients entertained.

“You can imagine, having a large operation like this, you’re not too motivated to do simple boring tasks,” said Moran. “But if you can make it fun, like a video game, they would really enjoy it. They’re really looking forward to us coming.”

The experiment used the ECoG device to identify which

areas of the brain fi re when performing a simple task such as wiggling your fi ngers or your tongue, or simply imagining doing those activi-ties. Biomedical engineering graduate student Tim Blakely programmed “Space Invad-ers” into the brain interface computer. The controls were tied to the signals received from the ECoG. When the boy imagined wiggling his fi ngers or his tongue, the video game ship moved right or left.

The results surprised the scientists. Not only was the boy able to understand the controls in minutes, he dis-played excellent control over the game.

“He was able to get two di-

EPA pays visit to campus to publicize college partnership


U.S. EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson (left) tours the laboratory of Himadri Pakrasi (right), Ph.D., Wash. U. professor of biology on Wednesday afternoon. Johnson came to Wash. U. to announce the development of a na-tional compliance assistance center for colleges and universities. In remarks at a ceremony, Johnson recognized the leadership that the University has shown in managing hazardous waste and in its various other environmen-tal endeavors.


A capella groups sing to rebuild


See ECOG, page 8

See EPA, page 4


For an analysis of the debate, see Page 4


Senior Benjamin Gold-haber of the Pikers described the evening in one sentence as his a cappella group took the stage and opened the show: “We’re anti-hurricane.”

Project SOS (Students of the South) and the a cappella community at Washington University hosted a benefi t concert to raise funds for the Gulf Coast’s continuing recov-ery from Hurricane Katrina’s devastation in Aug., 2005.

The concert, known as Rhythms for Rebuilding, came to Graham Chapel from 7:30-9 p.m. yesterday, featur-ing all nine a cappella groups of the A Cappella Auditions Council performing together for the fi rst time in Washing-ton University’s history.

The a cappella groups were After Dark, the Amateurs, the Aristocats, the Mosaic Whis-pers, the Greenleafs, the Pik-ers, Staam, the Stereotypes and More Fools Than Wise.

All proceeds raised from ticket sales will be donated to Common Ground Collective, a grassroots relief program and social activism organization

formed in the wake of Hurri-cane Katrina.

With more than a year hav-ing passed since Katrina and the decline in media coverage, senior Maurine Wall, president of Project SOS, was initially concerned about the concert’s turnout. However, by concert time, a line had formed out-side the Graham Chapel and the building was nearly fi lled to capacity. By the time of the concert, Project SOS had sold about $2400 in tickets.

“I was really excited about the turnout,” she said. “In the thirty minutes before the ac-tual concert I was really ner-vous, but it turned out won-derfully.”

By the end of the concert, Rhythms for Rebuilding had raised about $3,084, making it the most successful ben-efi t concert in the University’s history, according to junior Chandan Khandai, a member

Sophomore Ashley Schneidman and senior Emily Flanders, both of the Amateurs, perform at the Rhythms for Rebuilding benefi t concert.

See RHYTHMS page 8


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Senior News Editor / Mandy Silver / [emailprotected] FRIDAY | OCTOBER 13, 20062 STUDENT LIFE | NEWS

One Brookings Drive #1039#42 Women’s BuildingSaint Louis, MO 63130-4899

News: (314) 935-5995Advertising: (314) 935-6713Fax: (314) 935-5938e-mail: [emailprotected]

Copyright 2006

Editor in Chief: Sarah KliffAssociate Editor: Liz NeukirchManaging Editors: Justin Davidson, Da-vid TaborSenior News Editor: Mandy SilverSenior Forum Editor: Daniel MilsteinSenior Cadenza Editor: Ivanna YangSenior Scene Editor: Erin FultsSenior Sports Editor: Andrei BermanSenior Photo Editor: David BrodySenior Graphics Editor: Rachel HarrisNews Editors: Troy Rumans, Laura Geg-gelContributing Editor: Shweta MurthiForum Editors: Tess Croner, Nathan Everly, Chelsea Murphy, Jill StromingerCadenza Editors: Elizabeth Ochoa, Brian StittScene Editors: Sarah Klein, Felicia BaskinSports Editor: Scott Kaufman-RossPhoto Editors: David Hartstein, Meghan Luecke, Jason Hubert, Carolyn GoldsteinOnline Editor: Matt RubinDesign Chief: Laura McLeanProduction Chief: Anna DinndorfCopy Chief: Mallory WilderCopy Editors: Willie Mendelson, Troy Rumans, Josh Hantz, Ellen Jones, Em-ily Fridman, hannah draper, Indu Chan-drasekhar, Jessica Trieber, Meghan Lu-ecke, Erin FultsDesigners: Ellen Lo, Jamie Reed, Eliza-beth Kaufman, Kate Ehrlich

General Manager: Andrew O’DellAdvertising Manager: Sara Judd

Copyright 2006 Washington University Stu-dent Media, Inc. (WUSMI). Student Life is the fi nancially and editorially independent, student-run newspaper serving the Washing-ton University community. First copy of each publication is free; all additional copies are 50 cents. Subscriptions may be purchased for $80.00 by calling (314) 935-6713.

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If you wish to report an error or request a clari-fi cation, e-mail [emailprotected].


Laughs on the LandingComedian Craig Gass will be giving a standup act today at Laughs on the Landing Comedy Club today and tomorrow. Born into a deaf family, Gass is known for his frequent appearances on “The Howard Stern Show” as a celebrity voice impersonator. He also played Miranda’s “glazed donut boy-friend” from HBO’s “Sex and the City,” a role that he put on 80 pounds to play.Shows begin at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door and can be bought by calling 314-241-LAFF (241-5233) or at the box of-fi ce, 801 North Second Street on Laclede’s Landing in Downtown St.

Zhivegas CD ReleaseDr. Zhivegas is releasing a CD amid much fanfare tonight at the Pageant. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. General admission costs $15 and all ages are invited, but minors will be charged an extra $2 at the

North Korean DiscussionWorried about the North Korean Nuclear Crisis? Share your thoughts and hear more about the nuclear situation at 5 p.m. today in Mudd’s multipur-pose room.

St. Louis Wine FestivalSwirl, sniff and sip the wine offered at the St. Louis Wine Festival today

The Flying Karamazov BrothersThe Karamazov Brothers present “Life: A Guide for the Perplexed,” for the Edison The-ater OVATIONS! Series. The play stages several different plots, from the brothers receiv-ing a box containing a “Guide for the Perplexed,” to a random trip to Bollywood. The brothers, as expert jugglers, will also invite audience members to contribute objects for an amazing juggling scene. The show begins at 8 p.m. both Friday and Saturday. Tickets are available at the Edison Theatre Box offi ce and are $18 for students, $25 for seniors and University faculty and $30 for the general public.

Music at Cicero’sVitamen A and Tongue & Groove is jamming at Cicero’s venue tonight in the Loop. Ages 18 plus welcome. Tickets are $8 for those under 21 and $5 for 21 plus. Door open at 8:30 and the concert begins at 9 p.m.

Shiny Toy GunsSpruce up this event by bringing a couple squirt guns to the Upstairs Lounge. The Shiny Toy Guys- Le Disko is playing at London Calling from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Cover is $4 before 10 p.m. and $6 after. Ages 21 plus.Upstairs Lounge3131 S. Grand Blvd.St. Louis, Mo. 63118

The MusesPoet Samuel Coleridge lyrically wrote about damsels with dulcimers in his masterpiece “Kubla Khan.” Tanya Brody and Matthew Gurnsey join together at The Focal Point for an 8 p.m. show where they will indulge their listeners by playing hammered dulcimers, clapping little fi nger cymbals called zils, blowing into pennywhistles and more in a Celtic music themed night. Tickets are $12 in advance and $14 at the door.2720 Sutton Blvd.Maplewood, Mo. 63143

Chamber ConcertThe Washington University Department of Music presents Chamber Music of Dmitri Shostakovich at 7 p.m. in the Whitaker Hall Auditorium. The concert includes two scenes from the opera Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, Shostakovich’s Cello So-nata in D minor, op. 40 and Piano Quintet in G minor op. 57. Professors from the music school and members of the Saint Louis Symphony, among others, will participate in the performance. Admission is free.

Pack the TrainVolunteers, get your MetroLink Passes ready! Get out into St. Louis and volunteer with the elderly and healthcare services. Meet at either Skinker or Big Bend.

CarsThe Shifting Gears exhibit at the Missouri History Museum will display the automobile in St. Louis from 1890-1930, will feature a road rally of the Classic Car Club of America and display restored “orphan” cars that are no longer being manufactured. The road rally will last from noon to 3 p.m., and the “Orphan” Car Show will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The exhibition itself will concern the progression of automobile technology and the development of major automobile companies. Admission is free.

Doe, a deer, a female deerThe renowned musical “The Sound of Music” will be playing at the Florissant Civic Cen-ter Theater this weekend, and will be playing at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday. The musical “Captain Louie” will be playing at the Florissant Civic Center Theater next weekend.

Compiled by Laura Geggel

Friday, Oct. 13

Saturday, Oct. 14

Sunday, Oct. 15

from 4-9 p.m. while you schmooze with your friends and maybe a potential employer or two. The festival, held along Forest Park’s Grand Basin also provides food, jazz and blues music and over 15 different wine vendors selling around 150 different bottles of their delicious wares. All who buy a ticket get a complimentary wine souvenir glass and several free tastings.


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Senior News Editor / Mandy Silver / [emailprotected] FRIDAY | OCTOBER 13, 20064 STUDENT LIFE | NEWS

Thursday evening’s Mis-souri senate debate between incumbent Republican Jim Talent and Democratic State Auditor Claire McCaskill was predictably devoid of any ma-jor campaign developments in what has become one of the most closely watched races in the country.

In a campaign in which the key issues have already largely been framed, the candidates seemed comfortable expound-ing upon their stances on the war in Iraq, American foreign policy in general, the stem cell debate currently raging in Mis-souri and the anti-incumbent mood in Washington.

Though substantive and respectful in tenor, the debate featured constant attempts by both candidates to caricature their opponents as represent-ing ideological archetypes. Tal-ent repeatedly sought to type-cast McCaskill as weak and out-of-touch on defense issues, twice linking the challenger’s skepticism about the Terrorist Surveillance Program to the media outfi t which revealed the existence of the program, the cosmopolitan New York Times.

McCaskill, meanwhile, fre-quently attempted to paint Tal-

ent as being a rubberstamp for the agenda of President Bush, particularly on the Iraq War which she deemed a “mess” and a “failed policy.” She wisely and not surprisingly distanced her criticism of the war from that of more overtly anti-war liberals by direct-ing it at the administration’s unwillingness to listen to the advice of top generals and by denouncing Bush’s failure to properly fund the mission.

As she has done for much of the campaign, McCaskill at-tempted to defi ne the race in terms of a struggle between the “the families of Missouri” against what she defi ned as an overly partisan and out-of-touch Washington, one osten-sibly represented by Senator Talent. Implicitly alluding to the recent Republican scan-dals involving Mark Foley and Jack Abramoff, McCaskill said that Republicans, in becoming overly enamored with power, have failed to effectively gov-ern and have grown increas-ingly removed from their con-stituencies.

In a post-debate press con-ference, Talent dismissed the notion that the Foley pedo-philia scandal might be hav-ing an effect on the statistical-ly tied senate race, but rather candidly acknowledged the political reality of the day, say-

ing that right now is “probably not the ideal time to run.” He seemed genuinely confi dent, however, that voters would not determine their vote based on Bush’s record.

In defending his record in Washington, the junior Sena-tor went to great lengths to stress the bipartisan legisla-tion he has sponsored both in the Senate and previously in the House of Representatives. He generally attempted to ei-ther avoid or strike a middle ground on polarizing issues, such as the stem cell research initiative (also on the Missouri ballot in November) which he opposes, though only in terms of embryonic stem cell use.

Talent did not stray from his support for the war in Iraq, though, saying that in spite of current sectarian violence, progress had been made there, adding that on Iraq as well as North Korea, “My opponent has positions of weakness.”

Still, the themes of bipar-tisanship and moderation were apparent throughout the debate, as both candidates at-tempted to tout their indepen-dent bona fi des in an attempt to boost their appeal with the undecided and independent voters who will likely deter-mine the outcome of the race.

In McCaskill’s concluding remarks she called herself

“independent, strong and straightforward.” Conspicu-ously absent from her debate rhetoric was even a single mention of her party affi li-ation, probably a wise move considering she has already sealed up Democratic support in a state that is increasingly leaning red.

Throughout the debate, she lauded the Republican senators who, unlike Talent, did “ask the tough questions” of Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush Administration. And in condemning the atmosphere in Washington, she noted that the Democratic Party was guilty of the same problems when it held control of both houses in the early 1990s. This criticism of her own party came in the form of a light jab at Talent, who McCaskill noted has voted with President Bush 94 percent of the time.

While the debate touched on issues ranging from region-al infrastructure improvement and the importance of aiding the emerging ethanol indus-try, to eminent domain and the political class’s ignoring of the Black community, the conversation—like the race it-self—was focused on the hot button foreign policy issues of the day.

McCaskill was only some-what successful at debunk-

ing Talent’s claims that she would be weak on defense. He successfully derided her posi-tion concerning negotiating with North Korea as naïve and lacking in substance. He also skillfully argued on behalf of the wiretap program, combin-ing just enough oratorical fl air with his characteristic wonk-ishness to win that argument.

Where Talent failed, how-ever, came in his excessive mention of McCaskill as being “weak” on defense and foreign policy matters. Her past as a prosecutor coupled with her genuinely centrist positions on these matters made his constant use of the term ap-pear overly scripted. Each time the challenger was accused of being weak, she would coun-ter by discussing the failures of Bush’s foreign policy and linking those failures directly to his alleged enabler, Talent. And though her notion of “ask-ing the tough questions” was a trite way of defi ning what it takes to be a successful for-eign policy thinker, she did so enough that Talent’s claims re-garding her alleged weakness couldn’t compellingly stick.

There was no clear-cut win-ner in this debate, as both can-didates remain on their feet with neither being likely to suffer a knockout punch until late on Nov. 7.


used by those associations and vice versa,” he said. “We have learned some good tech-niques to improve our own initiatives.”

Compliance centers may be needed more in the near fu-ture, as the EPA has made its regulations more stringent. In addition, the new regulations will be more directed towards universities, as opposed to chemical industries.

“The hazardous waste rules in effect were written over 20 years ago and for large chemical manufactur-ing industries,” said Backus. “The rules did not apply well to research or teaching labo-ratories, where you’re work-ing with small test tubes.”

Backus added that the new rules would allow for univer-sities to operate under a sys-tem more in tune with their needs.

“The EPA studied this for the past four years and ac-knowledged that it was very different for these rules to be applied to teaching or re-search laboratories,” he said.

“What they proposed was a performance-based rule that will provide all the en-vironmental protection but will also give the flexibility for universities to provide for management of hazardous waste from labs.”

Some professors, however, are skeptical as to the ef-fect of the new regulations. Steven Kinsley, a lecturer in chemistry, said that the new standards will hardly change procedure for him.

“The requirements will change slightly,” said Kins-ley. “In teaching laboratories, I really don’t have any major issues with current regula-tions.”

Kinsley said, however, that the requirements would sig-nificantly affect research lab-oratories.

“A teaching lab is very dif-ferent from a research lab,” he said. “For a research lab, you are doing things for the first time, and may not know what is produced. For a teach-ing lab, they are tried and true experiments.”


Candidates clash: neither win the debate


PAGE 1the issue, with Talent stating that the United States should avoid bilateral talks with North Korea. McCaskill said she would encourage diplomacy talks with North Korea.

The debate rounded off with

a question on rising college costs and the candidates’ solu-tion to the problem. McCaskill said that she would support a measure that would give tax breaks to middle class income earners. Her proposed tax break

would redirect the middle class tax credit for college education.

Talent said that he had sup-ported strong funding for Pell Grants in Congress and had sup-ported universities in Missouri to help them lower their tuition

costs, but said that he opposes any tax increases that McCaskill may propose.

The race between candidates is expected to be close, although Talent currently has a signifi -cant fi nancial advantage due

to fundraising from the Bush administration. The televised debates did not include third-party candidates Frank Gilm-our, nominee of the Libertarian Party, or Progressive Party can-didate Lydia Lewis.


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arts &ZAAZZ

Senior Cadenza Editor / Ivanna Yang / [emailprotected] | OCTOBER 13, 2006 STUDENT LIFE | CADENZA 5


I never thought The Decemberists would sound like Kansas. But I reached the 6:30 mark of the second track of “The Crane Wife,” the epic “The Island, Come and See, The Landlord’s Daughter, You’ll Not Feel the Drowning” (yes, that’s actually the name of the song), and found Colin Meloy and company imitating the prog-rock synth of Kansas’s “Journey to Mariabronn.”

“The Crane Wife,” The Decemberists’ first major label offering, is actually much more accessible than its previous albums. In tracks like “When the War Came” and the aforemen-tioned “The Island…” the band rocks harder than ever before. Meloy still wails his vivid lyrics of soldiering and sailing, except this time he’s accompanied not by accor-dion, but by surprisingly crunchy guitar.

Overall, the guitar work

feels cleaner and the accom-paniment better planned. There’s more focus on the instrumentals, and Meloy’s trademark quasi-British vo-cals are less prominent than before. Yet it’s not really bet-ter or worse, just different. Throughout the album The Decemberists feel out new directions.

But don’t think they’ve abandoned their roots. “Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then)” is a fantastic folk duet of death and love, and “Sons and Daughters,” the album’s final song, is just like The Decemberists of old.

Unfortunately, the album’s worst track, “The Perfect Crime 2,” is placed right in the middle. Weirdly groovy, it just doesn’t feel like it belongs. This is the biggest problem “The Crane Wife” faces: the lack of unity throughout the album. As a whole it’s not nearly as co-hesive as The Decemberists’ previous CD, the excellent “Picaresque.”

Without this cohesion, “The Crane Wife” feels a little bit hollow. That’s a shame, because there’s a lot of good stuff here. “The Crane Wife” is less inhibited than its first three LPs, less afraid to venture outside the land of ballads and sea shanties.

Actually, that’s the one thing I really missed this time. The Decemberists shouldn’t be afraid to change: just don’t leave the sea shanties behind.

The Decemberists:‘The Crane Wife’

I feel sorry for “Ugly Betty,” not the character, but the show itself. Based on the Colombian hit series, “Yo

Soy Betty La Fea,” the show has been Americanized and brought to ABC by Salma Hayek. Before I sink my teeth into the show, fi rst I’d like to congratulate Colombia for exporting something to America that doesn’t have to be smuggled across the bor-der. As far as I’m concerned, the show itself doesn’t quite translate, which isn’t surpris-ing since I’m still not entirely convinced that Salma Hayek has a full grasp on the Eng-lish language.

The main problem the show faces is the parallels that can be drawn between it and the summer blockbuster, “The Devil Wears Prada.” The series follows a young wom-an, Betty Suarez, trying her best to make it in the world of journalism. Catching a lucky break, she ends up becom-ing the assistant to the editor of a high fashion magazine named “Mode.” Of course, the basic premise is that she has no knowledge of the fash-

ion world, but by golly with enough pluck and determina-tion she’s going to try her best to make it, followed by some heart-touching hilarity.

ABC dug itself into a hole, because by attempting to ride the wave of popularity stemmed by “The Devil Wears Prada,” the network is also being held to those same high expectations. The other trouble with the show is that it needs to separate itself from the movie, but it does it in all the wrong ways.

Let’s start with the hero-ine, Betty. Compared to Anne Hathaway’s character, she’s just not likeable. Hathaway is torn apart for being fat, ugly and poorly dressed when the reality of it is that she’s a size four with a Macy’s sensibil-ity. In any other industry, she would have been fi ne. Betty, however, is slightly pudgy, has braces and the taste of a blind drag queen. Further-more, she makes no effort to at least try to dress normally. The bottom line is, Betty is that girl no one talked to in high school, except eight years older.

Making fun of the im-age-obsessed culture of high fashion isn’t that hard, but

somehow the show manages to miss its mark. The offi ces of “Mode” magazine are fi lled with campy caricatures, whereas in “The Devil Wears Prada” the characters could actually be imagined work-ing for a fashion magazine. The level of bitchiness has been downgraded, maybe to make the show more family friendly, but then there’s no edge. And for the love of God, what happened to the eating disorder jokes?

The only place where the show succeeds is with the character of Wilhelmina Slater, played by Vanessa Wil-liams. Slater, the diva of the offi ce, feels she should have gotten the job of editor over Daniel Meade, the son of the magazine’s owner. I’d charac-terize her as delightfully evil, giving the show an anti-hero who’s actually interesting and fun to watch. Unfortunately, it looks like she’s going to get sucked into a crappy subplot involving the mysterious “death” of the former editor of the magazine, who may or may not still be alive.

Give it a few months, and I’m sure “Ugly Betty” will be so last season.

‘The Devil Wears Prada’…sans pitchfork



The DecemberistsThe Crane Wife

Rating: ★★★★✩Tracks to download: “Yan-kee Bayonet,” “The Crane Wife 1 and 2,” “Sons and Daughters”For fans of: Neutral Milk Hotel, Of Montreal, Belle & Sebastian


NEWS & SPORTS 1,2,4,8,10 - [PDF Document] (6)

Senior Forum Editor / Daniel Milstein / [emailprotected] FRIDAY | OCTOBER 13, 20066 STUDENT LIFE | FORUM

FORUMFORUMOur daily Forum editors:Monday: Chelsea Murphy Wednesday: Nathan Everly Friday: Tess [emailprotected] [emailprotected] [emailprotected]

To ensure that we have time to fully evaluate your submissions, guest columns should be e-mailed to the next issue’s editor or forwarded to [emailprotected] by no later than 5 p.m. two days before publication. Late pieces will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

We welcome your submissions and thank you for your consideration.


Student Life welcomes letters to the editor and op-ed submissions from readers.

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All submissions must include the writer’s name, class, address and phone number for verifi cation. Student Life reserves the right to edit all letters for style, length, libel considerations and grammar. Letters should be no longer than 350 words in length. Readers may also submit longer articles of up to 750 words as guest columns. Student Life reserves the right to print any submission as a letter or guest column.


Editorials are written by the Forum editors and refl ect the consen-sus of the editorial board. The editorial board operates indepen-dently of the newsroom.

Editor in Chief: Sarah KliffAssociate Editor: Liz NeukirchManaging Editors: David Tabor, Justin DavidsonSenior News Editor: Mandy Silver

Senior Photo Editor: David BrodySenior Forum Editor: Daniel MilsteinForum Editors: Tess Croner, Na-than Everly, Chelsea Murphy, Jill Strominger


Once an article has been published on, our Web site, it will remain there permanently. We do not remove articles from the site, nor do we remove authors’ names from articles already published on the Web, unless an agreement was reached prior to July 1, 2005.

Why do we do this? Because Google and other search engines cache our Web site on a regular basis. Our thought is this: once an article has been published online, it’s too late to take back. It is irrevocably part of the public sphere. As such, removing an article from our site would serve no purpose.

Regardless of how people feel about the issue, the college so-cial scene and alcohol

go hand in hand. At Wash. U., alcohol is a particularly im-portant social impetus. While at other schools, students bond over football games and hatred for their rivals, Emory and the like have failed to instill a similar spirit at this university. Instead, Wash. U. students gather together as a cohesive student body during events like W.I.L.D. and Bauhaus. A large reason these events are successful is because students have an opportunity and excuse to drink together.

Rather than keep these

drinking opportunities few and far between, Wash. U. should offer more on-campus alcohol options. Through-out the years, the University has steadily decreased the amount of alcohol it has allowed on campus. From disallowing kegs on frat row to disallowing kegs at W.I.L.D. to closing down “The Rat,” the opportunities to really get together and drink as a cam-pus are slowly vaporizing.

This move should be reversed. The fact that Wash. U. still holds happy hour is great, but this is not enough: in order to provide a social gathering place for legal Wash. U. students who want to drink and to promote

responsible alcohol consump-tion by allowing an on-cam-pus venue, the University should give serious consider-ation to bringing back the bar once located in “The Rat.”

The intuitive objection to reinstalling an on-cam-pus bar is that it means the school is endorsing drinking and all the ensuing problems that result from alcohol abuse or overuse. In light of Chan-cellor Wrighton’s e-mail last year asking students to drink responsibly, it seems that giv-ing students more opportuni-ties to drink would not be the best way to solve this prob-lem. But providing students places to drink on campus does two things. First, it al-

lows the school some control over the amount of alcohol consumed. Secondly, it means that students can easily fi nd a place to sleep without needing to drive. This seems important, as the alcohol and driving mix is clearly one of the more dangerous ones.

Furthermore, allowing students who are legally able to drink to do so on campus does not mean the school endorses alcohol abuse. The enlightened approach to cre-ating an on-campus alcohol culture is realism and practi-cality. It’s naïve, for example, to believe that students won’t drink if a campus’s approach is to pretend that alcohol doesn’t exist or simply to

preach its dangers and tell students to avoid drinking.

For the most part, Wash. U. accepts the fact that students will drink and allows this, as its alcohol policy focuses instead on encouraging students to drink responsibly and on preventing students from abusing alcohol. The open nature of the policy al-lows frank discussion about drinking between students and authority fi gures such as RAs. It also ensures students feel comfortable calling for medical help if they think they need it, rather than forcing students to balance getting in trouble with the risk that someone will die of alcohol poisoning.

Extending the insight shown by the University’s al-cohol tolerance would be ben-efi cial to students. Not only would re-opening the bar provide students a forum for social drinking—the Thurs-day night tradition of going to “The Rat” is often recount-ed fondly by many alumni as a good time with live music, dancing and drinks—but could also serve to reduce some of the heavier off-cam-pus drinking that begins the weekend. By providing an at-tractive alternative, students would no longer be required to fi nd transportation.

It’s time to re-evaluate the decision to slowly phase out alcohol at Wash. U.

Bring back the on campus barSTAFF EDITORIAL

Just when I thought I was hitting my university stride, it turns out col-lege is the new middle

school. That aching awkward-ness of being a tween is like a cramp that won’t go away. In middle school ev-erything is in between. You’re not an adult (or even a young adult), but you’re not a little kid. You’re not sexy, but you wish you were. You’re a geek. You feel the fi rst buddings of future ma-turity, yet playing in the dirt is still disturbingly tantaliz-ing (for me it still is). I hated middle school and all the things that were so halfway. I hated being constantly pulled in two directions, backward toward childhood and forward into the great abyss of responsibility. Get-ting stretched that much can be torture. And now it turns out college is another kind of rack.

Please. Don’t misunder-stand. I don’t hate college. I love college. But the in-be-tween is in my face again. I’m making lots of independent choices, but not exactly en-joying all of them or feeling so wonderfully independent. Here at Wash. U., if you want to stay up until 4 a.m. watch-ing the Game Show Network, miss class, and eat a cupcake for breakfast, no one is going to stop you. For the fi rst time ever, major decision-mak-ing power rests in our eager, though often incapable, hands. We are urged to make intelligent choices—not cup-cake choices—but stupidity is a freedom at our disposal. And we’re free to take our great collegiate liberties for granted. We’re like the genie in “Aladdin.” And not the Robin Williams genie; he knows his limitations. No, we are all Jafar. He wishes for the ultimate power of genie-hood and ends up stuck in a lamp in the Cave of Wonders. Crammed in there with his obnoxious parrot sidekick…. for ALL TIME (or at least until the sequel). He gets pseudo-

power the way we get pseudo-independence.

My parents visited this weekend. While I loved hav-ing them, I was surprised to fi nd myself nettled and squirming over the small-est things. My dad wanted to arrange my room, my mom wanted to trim my hair. They were cleaning up, they were organizing, they were making suggestions. And I submit-ted with a scowl or a pout or something equally grumpy. I haven’t quite grasped why I was so bothered by my parents being parental, but I think it has something to do with my groping for that elusive independence. I’m mostly self-reliant and I know it’s only “mostly.” I’m not great at taking advice even when I admit I need it. In fact, I’ll resist good advice so I can wallow in the autonomy of my own bad choices. I’m older

and wiser than before but still looking for the experi-ence and skills to back up the bluster.

College is a big gulp of independence followed by a fi t of coughing. You stretch this way and that for new challenges and you look ridic-ulously awkward. We’re still geeks. And we’re trying to get through our new middle school here in St. Louis. We make some dumb choices, but at least they’re ours. I’m glad I let my mom cut my hair-- my bangs were blinding me—but I probably should have had my dad set up my speakers.

Tess is a sophomore in Arts & Sciences and a Forum editor. She can be reached via e-mail at [emailprotected].



“I’ll resist good advice so I can wallow in the autonomy of my own

bad choices. I’m older and wiser than before but still looking for the experience and skills to back up the bluster.”

Tess Croner

College: it’s the new middle


Dear Editor:

I read with interest the recent articles and editorials (“Professor resigns amidst allegations of sexual miscon-duct,” Oct. 9, 2006; “University silence on sexual misconduct unacceptable,” “Oct. 9, 2006) concerning a star assistant professor of paleontology whose pattern of sexual ha-rassment, if the stories are accurate, was covered up by the Washington University administration, to preserve this institution’s public image. If this story is true, research trumps character for those now in power here.

When I was in graduate student government at the University of Pennsylvania, a resolution was proposed banning all student-faculty romantic relationships of any kind, including those between TAs and their students. I was one of the very few gradu-

ate students who supported this policy (proposed by the University supposedly for “le-gal” reasons; in other words, intended to be selectively enforced). I had a practical and ethical reason for support-ing this: the student-faculty relationship may be quite devotional but should not be confused with any other type of relationship. A prohibition may not be enforceable but would provide clear expecta-tions, with no ambiguity.

I was surprised to learn that this University bans only romantic relationships in which a faculty member is in a position of authority over the student. This may or may not be a wise and realistic policy. However, the policy’s reference to “the perception of a roman-tic relationship” is vague and could be abused, for personal or political reasons. An article in Student Life (“University Policies Regulate Student-Fac-

ulty Relationships,” Oct. 9, 2006) exhorts us all to report rumors of inappropriate conduct. This could turn into a witch hunt, “the politics of personal destruction.”

Sexual harassment is underreported, but also often falsely reported. I remem-ber reading a defi nition of “sexual harassment” at the University of Montana. Some-thing seemed wrong with it. Someone wrote a letter to the student newspaper, pointing out that this defi nition did not mention sex (I checked and he was right). “Sexual harass-ment” was defi ned as ordinary harassment, or rather just being a bit of a jerk. Obviously, such a vague policy could be used to harass people we don’t like, or who are in our way.

It is a dirty secret that University harassment policies are themselves harassment tools. A blogger commenting on the Student Life editorial,

“University’s Silence on Sexual Misconduct Unacceptable” (10/9/06), claims that he, an award-winning staff mem-ber, was fi red for telling the truth about an assault case, and smeared with lies. He claims that the Administra-tion always sides with faculty in these cases. The blogger requests alumni to withhold their contributions until this pattern of offi cially sanctioned abuse is rectifi ed. I second this. Harassment is a crime.

Why do we spend so much time trying to regulate con-duct that is never appropriate? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Let’s tell the truth and keep our promises to each other, and set a good example. Richard Nixon said “It’s the lie that will get you.” Let’s combat lies with truth. That is the only way.

-Jerome BauerLecturer in Religious Studies

More regulation of faculty-student relations needed

NEWS & SPORTS 1,2,4,8,10 - [PDF Document] (7)

Senior Forum Editor / Daniel Milstein / [emailprotected] | OCTOBER 13, 2006 STUDENT LIFE | FORUM 7

I’ll call evolution a hoax. I’ll support racial profiling. Hell, I’ll even condemn underage

drinking if that’s what it takes for somebody on this campus to oppose me with his hands untied. Honestly, every time I try to have a political discussion, people always tell me how they can, “see it from my point of view,” and “appreciate where I’m coming from.” That’s a load of bullshit. Half the time I can’t even see where I’m coming from because I’m spouting liberal crackpot propaganda just to get the other person to argue. Maybe I just haven’t been here long enough to “see the other side,” but at this point I’m thinking the campus is so open-minded its collective brain has fallen out.

The problem is two-fold: a large majority of students are liberal, which makes it hard to find people who don’t lean in the same direction. As a personal example, I’m in two politics classes with mandatory weekly discussion, and I’m still waiting for anybody to say anything remotely conservative.

That’s the first problem, but I think the second is a far bigger concern: students

here are so terrified of of-fending other people that they hide how they really feel about the issues of our day.

We live in interesting times. I mean that in the “JFK: interesting times are a curse” sense, by the way. That means it’s a stupid time to forget that the mar-ketplace of ideas (read: the theoretical justification for free speech) requires more than one thought for sale. It also absolutely demands competent ideological competition—more than the endless sound bites politi-

cians expect us to consume.I come from Johnson

County, Kansas. It’s the county that gives more money to the Republican Party than any other in America. Diversity basically comes down to Protestant or Catholic. This is not to say there are no liberals, because we meet for coffee every Thursday, but there is an ever-present conserva-tive majority... God, I miss that.

I miss the crazies who supported that Missouri

resolution to make Chris-tianity the favored state religion. I miss the people who supported Bush’s wiretapping program, even after he tapped Quakers. Why do I miss these people, who generally had argu-ments about as coherent as, “durka durka Mohammed Jihad?” Because they cared! Because they were passion-ate! Sure plenty of them were idiots, but they were idiots with all their hearts! I had an acquaintance who once asked me the differ-ence between Congress and The Supreme Court. She was an idiot, but at least she was willing to rail against abortion, when was the last time you defended what you believed in?

Oppress me, commodify me, marginalize me, but please—somebody, any-body—oppose me. It has been so long since I’ve dealt with anybody who was in my face, and frankly, I miss it. There are too many is-sues in desperate need of real dialogue for people to dance around their real beliefs out of fear of tread-ing on those of others. Be open, be honest, but more importantly, be passionate. Don’t expect any less from your peers.

Greg is a freshman in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at [emailprotected].

I am not a crook—at least, I don’t think I am. The security guard in Center Court, though,

would seem to believe oth-erwise. I frequent Center

Court once or twice a week, and every time I visit that Xanadu of culinary plea-sures I want to take a little piece of it with me. So I save a little for later. I’ll usu-ally secrete (conceal, rather than producing a secre-tion) an apple or two, and

sometimes a banana in my pocket before departing.

Now, I’ve heard people gloat about how they have brazenly strolled out of Center Court carrying entire meals, including the trays, in plain sight. I, on the other hand, am end-

lessly careful. I try to sit in an inconspicuous corner of the dining hall. I scan the area for guards before slip-ping fruit into my pockets. I wear large cargo shorts or, weather permitting, jackets. Big pockets make the theft less flagrant and keep peo-ple from speculating about whether that actually is a banana in my pocket. And it was working. I’d pulled off some spectacular fruit heists without even register-ing on the security guards’ radars. But, like most good things, it was not to last.

To tell the truth, I be-came both greedy and slop-py. One ill-fated evening, I sat in a different location and didn’t look around before slipping my loot into my pockets. I didn’t notice that I was being watched. On the way out, one of the security guards leapt glee-fully from behind a column and cut me off from my dinner party. He invited me over to an empty table and, mustering his sternest glower, said, “I think you know as well as I do what this is about.”

“I have,” I replied, “my suspicions.”

Hoping to cow me with a display of his sleuthing prowess, the guard said “I’m referring to the three pieces of fruit and cupcake in your pockets.”

“Actually, sir, it’s a ba-gel.”

He hesitated for only a few moments, before say-ing, “Well, let’s have them, then.”

I reluctantly removed the fruit and napkin-wrapped bagel from my pockets and placed them on the table—an incriminating third of the food pyramid, laid out like suspects in a police lineup. Now, I’m just as con-cerned as anyone else about wasting food, so I asked him what he was planning on doing with the confis-cated fruit. He said he was

going to put the fruit back and throw the bagel away.

Now, a bagel is a terrible thing to waste, so I asked the guard if he “didn’t think that was awfully wasteful?” He grimaced and muttered something about how I was in no position to talk, because I’d been operating outside the realm of the law. Hmmm. “Well, have a nice day,” I said, and left.

Walking back to my suite, I swore that from then on, I’d redouble my efforts. I’d steal fruit by the bushel. Hell, I’d recoup my tuition, one apple at a time. And if, God forbid, I ever got caught again, I would be prepared. I’d take out my apples and, without uttering a word, eat them and depart. I like to think of myself as a sort of a Robin Hood: stealing

from the rich and giving to the poor, the destitute and the deprived—Wash. U. and yours truly, respectively. (Now when I steal fruit, people say, “Is that a banana in your pocket, or a Little John?”).

Really, though, when done within reasonable limits, taking food from Center Court makes perfect sense. For example, if Wash. U. were to allow students to take a piece or two of fruit with them, they could elimi-nate mandatory student in-surance. The insurance plan is worthless anyway, and

everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctors away. In reality, encouraging stu-dents to get a balanced diet would do wonders for our collective health. Hell, they should be paying us to eat well. Also, I’ve heard it said that attendance at Center Court has dropped precipi-tously in the last few years. If Bon Appétit could bear to relax a bit, students would have more incentive to make the arduous trek upstairs. Furthermore, allowing students to take food would keep much of the food that is thrown away every day from going to waste. And it would mollify me a bit. I always knew Washington University was a money-grubbing institution, but this business of charging for printing is far beyond the pale. A little token of generosity, of caring for the students on the part of the University would do won-ders for my esprit de corps. I’m not suggesting that stu-dents should take grocery bags to Center Court and stock up for the semester. All Bon Appétit would have to do is station the security personnel by the door and have them make sure that the amount of food stu-dents take is within reason. Barring a miracle, this will never happen.

Sometimes, what is right and reasonable, and what is within the “realm of the law,” diverge. When they do, one is confronted with a choice: conform to a mis-guided, unsuccessful way of doing things, or behave as if the better way of behaving were mainstream. So steal fruit from Center Court. Go ahead, try the apple.

Caleb is a sophomore in Arts & Sciences. He can be reached via e-mail at [emailprotected].

If you’ve never taken a campus tour, you should. You’ll learn quite a bit. Better still:

befriend a tour guide. You’ll learn even more.

A few weeks ago I was wandering main campus in the middle of the night with my good friend, the tour guide. Essentially, we had nothing to do and lots to discuss, so a walk to Brook-ings at 1 a.m. seemed like absolute genius.

As we were walking past the library, the following question was posed: “Did you know that Olin used to have a beach?” No, I did not know, as was evidenced by the utter skepticism writ-ten across my face. Olin Library? A beach? Somehow, I didn’t see sand and salt water fitting in quite so well with the whole studi-ous “yay books!” library vibe. “No, really. The roof that overhangs the first floor, it used to be flat and open, like a porch. Where the windows are on the left side used to be doors and you could go sit and study, or chill, whatever. Profes-sors would even take their classes up there to teach.”

Can you say awesome? I did! I mean, I acknowledge that a substantial portion of what our tour guides es-pouse is not what one might refer to as gospel truth, but still. The whole idea of a sunroof, of a beach even sans sand, was intriguing. I was intrigued.

So, I did what any self-

respecting Washington University student would do—I did research! (On a side note, in addition to a campus tour, I would sug-gest getting acquainted with the Student Life online archives: they are ridicu-lously helpful when trying to learn things about, well, student life). As it happens, this particular tour guide story is true. Olin Library used to be home to what was referred to as “the Olin beach,” an area open to all

students and faculty for ba-sically any purpose to which one sought to put it. From what I gather it was quite the hotspot, with everything from sunbathing to serious studying taking place on its “shore.” The beach met its demise during the library renovation in 2001, at which point it was partially enclosed, and in its place we were given… benches. Benches and landscaping.

I don’t know about you, but I happen to think that there’s a difference between a bench and a rooftop. Fur-thermore, there is a distinct

difference between a roof-top and grass. The area out-side of Olin is beautiful and it’s a great place to hang out when the weather’s nice, but somehow it’s just… not a rooftop beach. Maybe it’s the novelty value, maybe it’s the fact that the beach isn’t there anymore, but after the initial “wow” my first thought was, “Why don’t we have that?” Benches are nice, but you can only fit so many people on a bench be-fore it becomes ridiculously awkward and uncomfort-able and a total violation of personal space. And land-scaping is also great, but bugs and dirt and all the things that come along with landscaping are really not. I’d even go so far as to call them slightly icky.

Thus, while I admit freely that I know nothing about architecture or insurance or why the beach was closed off to begin with, and while I’m sure that there are plen-ty of practical, logistical reasons for why that par-ticular privilege was taken away, I still think that the Olin beach would be a pret-ty cool thing to bring back. Maybe it couldn’t be part of the library; maybe it’d have to go elsewhere; honestly, maybe a lot of things. The fact remains that a beach on campus, even (especially?) a fake beach, would be pretty sweet. Don’t you think?

Sara is a sophomore in Arts & Sciences. She can be reached via e-mail at [emailprotected].




“The area outside of Olin is beautiful and it’s a great place to hang

out when the weather’s nice, but somehow it’s just...not a rooftop


“I like to think of myself as a sort of a Robin Hood: stealing

from the rich and giving to the poor, the desti-tute and the deprived - Wash. U. and yours truly, respectively.”

“Oppress me, commod-ify me, marginalize me, but please—somebody, anybody—oppose me.”

Even Eve would steal from Center Court: tales of forbidden fruit

For the love of God, somebody offend


Books on the beach: the ideal Olin combination


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U.S. Cellular® gets me... so I can always get the score.



Basketball Wednesday, Oct. 25Arm Wrestling Tuesday, Nov. 21

Basketball Wednesday, Oct. 25


Basketball Wednesday, Oct. 25 3-on-3 Basketball Wednesday, Oct. 25SLU/WU Fall Classice Thursday, Oct. 26

BASKETBALL OFFICIALS AND SCOREKEEPERS TRAINING MEETINGWednesday, Oct. 18th, 8:30-10:00 pm in South Classroom of A/C

Senior Sports Editor / Andrei Berman / [emailprotected] FRIDAY | OCTOBER 13, 20068 STUDENT LIFE | SPORTS

Athletes of the Week

DaRonne Jenkins

The senior rushed for a career-high 153 yards in the football team’s victory at LaGrange College last Saturday. Jenkins played in front of an adoring crowd, as dozens of family members and friends made the two hour trek from Jen-kins’s hometown of Marietta to watch the senior compete. Jenkins also went over the 1,000-yard mark for his career. Jenkins and the rest of the Bears football team, now 3-3 on the season, play at the University of Chicago on Saturday.

Caryn Rosoff

The freshman forward scored all three Wash. U. goals in a 3-1 triumph over Carn-egie Mellon University in Pittsburgh Sunday. The rookie leads the team in scoring with ten goals. The team returns to action this week-end with a pair of key league games at Case Western and Rochester, respectively.

Freshman Caryn Rosoff, pictured below, scored all three Wash. U. goals in a 3-1 victory over Carnegie Mellon. Rosoff leads the team in scoring this year with 10 goals.



mensional control imagining, which none of our patients had previously been able to do. This kid was an all-star,” said Blakely. “We recorded data from him for 14 days straight, and we haven’t even begun to analyze more than two days worth. We’re already fi nding brand new stuff that we didn’t even imagine before.”

The study hopes to learn more about brain computer interface, and one day be able to use a smaller wireless ECoG device to control things like wheelchairs and robotic arms. Researchers also intend to learn if brain signals change at different stages of devel-opment. Leuthardt believes it may even be possible to read someone’s thoughts in the fu-ture.

The boy had the ECoG re-cording device surgically placed on the surface of his brain near the motor cortex to locate the area of the brain responsible for his epilepsy. A small area of the brain with ir-regular neuron fi ring patterns can set off the rest of the brain, triggering a seizure. By remov-ing this area, the number of seizures is greatly reduced.

Multiple devices, such as EEG or MRI, can read the brain but the invasive ECoG surgery is far more effective.

“Think of a really loud car stereo, and you’re two blocks down the road,” said Moran. “You only hear the loud low frequency bass, but you don’t hear the high frequency stuff. When you do EEG, you only hear the bass. But by getting down to the surface, you can hear the high frequencies. That’s where all the good in-formation is.”



of the Amateurs and primary coordinator of the event.

“It was a great experience,” said senior Jazzy Danziger, a singer for After Dark, after the concert. “It was a great crowd tonight, and it was a good cause and it raised a lot of money, so I’m excited about it.”

Khandai said the idea for the concert originated because

of what he referred to as two holes that needed to be fi lled. The fi rst hole was the prior lack of any opportunity for students to see all of the Uni-versity’s a cappella groups in one concert. The second hole was the still needy status of the Gulf Coast as it continues to recover. Khandai noted that despite the relative decline in

Katrina-related news and pub-licity, there is still great need in the region.

Khandai said that he and members of Project SOS felt that “it’d be great to unite two great causes—that of rebuild-ing and that of uniting the a cappella community.”

Financing for the concert came from Project SOS as well

as the Student Union and the Offi ce of Community Service. Student Union funded the re-maining expenses.

“That just speaks volumes about Wash. U., that we have a student body that’s really ded-icated to the ideas of commu-nity service and social justice, and that we can put on some-thing like this,” said Khandai.

Rhythms for Rebuilding is the second major effort proj-ect SOS has undertaken in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Last year the group raised $2,000 by hosting a bowl-a-thon to benefi t a grassroots school fund in southern Loui-siana.

In addition to selling tick-ets, Project SOS also sold baked goods during the concert’s in-termission. Mosaic Whispers will also be selling its CDs af-ter the concert.

Several other campus orga-nizations sent representatives

to speak at the concert about other community service opportunities for students. These organizations included the Campus Y, Habitat for Hu-manity, Jewish Student Union, Inter-Fraternity Council, The Women’s Panhellenic Associa-tion, Engineers Without Bor-ders, Congress of the South 40, the Student Union and the Of-fi ce of Community Service.


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NEWS & SPORTS 1,2,4,8,10 - [PDF Document] (10)

Senior Sports Editor / Andrei Berman / [emailprotected] FRIDAY | OCTOBER 13, 200610 STUDENT LIFE | SPORTS


Cross country stays hot at Edwardsville

Playoff fever sweeps Wash. U. campusThe Cardinals are back in

the NLCS for a third straight year, and the red shirts can be seen all over campus. Once again the St. Louis natives are excited about the playoffs.

This time around however, the red birds are playing the role of underdog and this year it’s not just the Cards fans don-ning their team’s gear.

All over campus New York-ers are sporting Mets hats, t-shirts and jerseys. The large northeastern population at

Wash. U. is fl exing its collec-tive Mets muscle, as fans of the metropolitans prepare for an exciting series and a chance to fi nally see their team in the playoffs.

“I defi nitely like the fact that the Cardinals made it this far, because now I get to see the Mets play live,” said junior Jim Wexler. “I have been wait-ing for this since 2000 and for the next three weeks, my life revolves around the Mets.”

Regardless of the Mets’ pres-ence on campus, St. Louisans are certainly not prepared to cede their territory. Cardinal Nation is still confi dent in its team and hope stars Albert Pu-jols and Chris Carpenter can carry them back to the World Series.

“We have an underachieving class of baseball stars that if they live up to their potential can take us to the promised land,” said sophomore Martin Gregory. “Mets fans have been on a high all year, but with their depleted rotation I think the Cards have a chance of shutting all the Mets fans on campus up for good.”

With Game One postponed due to rain, the Mets and Car-dinals began their run of fi ve straight games last night with a 2-0 Mets win.

The ALCS has hit home for many Wash. U. students as well. Although Detroit and Oakland don’t quite have the same on-campus followings of the Mets and Cardinals, the smaller numbers haven’t stopped the A’s and Tigers faithful from rooting for their teams.

Accounting Professor Mark Soczek is a native of Goetz-ville, a small town in Michi-gan’s upper peninsula. With-out much reason to cheer on the Tigers in recent seasons, Soczek had grown to root for the team in his adopted city of St. Louis, where he has lived for 10 years. The recent Tiger

success, though, has brought back his love of the blue and orange.

“I am fi rst and foremost a Tigers fan,” explained Soczek. “I’ll root for the Cardinals, and I wouldn’t be completely heart-broken if they won. It’s hard to follow an AL team exten-sively because they don’t come through as much. The Tigers haven’t been a contender lately so there’s no animosity. But now we’re back and it’s a good feeling.”

Professor Soczek fi nds him-self in the minority as a Tigers fan in Cardinal country.

“I don’t know too many Ti-gers fans in St. Louis. What is interesting though is what you see in Detroit as well as other cities such as Kansas City and Chicago. There are a large

number of Tigers fans follow-ing them this year.”

Professor Soczek is not the only fan feeling a bit out of place, though. Alex Tint, a sophomore at Washington Uni-versity, is a die-hard Oakland A’s fan…from New Jersey.

“I only knew one other A’s fan growing up: my gym teach-er,” said Tint. “The fi rst base-ball game I went to was Yan-kees vs. A’s, and Jose Canseco hit a home run that my dad caught.

“I’ve met a couple of A’s fans here, though most of them are from California. I get pretty lonely at home, but I like be-ing an A’s fan. No one hates them since they haven’t really done anything, but everyone respects [General Manager and baseball savant] Billy Beane.”

Tint has enjoyed every mo-ment of this season, but with the A’s down in an early 2-0 hole heading back to Detroit, he’s just happy to have expe-rienced the league champion-ship series.

“This has been a great run,” confi rmed Alex. “Getting past the division series was great since it’s the fi rst time it’s happened since I was about three.”

The A’s and Tigers con-tinue their series Friday night in Detroit, where the A’s will try steal home fi eld advantage back from the Tigers with a couple of wins. The World Se-ries begins Saturday, Oct. 21 in the city of the AL champion.

“Who do you think will win the World Series and why?”

Matt SmithSophomoreHometown: Cincinatti, Ohio

“The Cincinatti Bengals. They have the best pitching staff in the league this year.”

Ethan SternFreshmanHometown: Los Angeles

“The Mets because they’ve got the spirit of Pedro work-ing through them.”

Adam GreensteinJuniorHometown: Newton, Mass.

“Fahk the Mets. Fahk the Cards. Go Red Sox!”

David YanofskySophomoreHometown: Newton, Mass.

“Pudge! Pudge! Pudge!”

Eli FuchsbergJuniorHometown: Larchmont, N.Y.

“The Yankees. They’re defi -nitely going to win.”

Abel SametSophomoreHometown: Needham, Mass.

“I want the Oakland A’s to win because my good friend Alex Tint is a huge Oakland A’s fan and I know it’ll make him happy. So, if it makes him happy, it’ll make me happy.”


The Washington Universi-ty men’s and women’s cross country teams took first and fifth place at the Border Wars event last Saturday in Edwardsville, Ill. Each of the Washington University cross country teams beat numer-ous Div. II, Div. III, and NAIA schools in the races on Sat-urday.

Edwardsville, which is lo-cated just 40 minutes from St. Louis, made both squads feel like they were running at home and the women’s teams’ results certainly in-dicated that the Bears had a home field advantage Satur-day.

The women’s team again improved upon their perfor-mance from previous weeks

in destroying the field’s competition. In a shorter than usual race (5K opposed to the standard 6K race), the ladies smoked the next clos-est opponent in the meet by a resounding 34 points. A 34 point victory in cross coun-try is similar to winning via the mercy rule in baseball or softball. What makes the accomplishment even more impressive is that 28 other teams participated in the race, meaning the 28 other teams also fell victim to the sport’s version of the mercy rule.

The women were led once again by junior Kate Pentak, who placed fifth in the 300 runner field, finishing with a time of 18:10. Pentak noted that the weather conditions during the race were partic-ularly ideal for a race. Senior

Beth Herndon finished two seconds behind Pentak in sixth place, while senior Lin-sdsay Harkema (18:31, 14th place), junior Tyler Mulkin (18:46, 20th place), and ju-nior Lisa Sudmeier (19:10, 38th place) rounded out the Bear’s top five finishes.

Much like the women, the men were competing against 29 other teams and about 300 total runners. The male harriers finished fifth over-all, but first amongst Divi-sion III teams in the race. The Bears were led in the 8K race by junior Jesse McDan-iel who finished in 24th place with a time of 26:02. Senior Joe Guinness finished 34th with a time of 26:21, while senior Ryan Lester (26:48, 56th place), junior Jeff Bay-ers (26:53, 58th place), and senior Kevin Gale (27:02,

70th place) rounded out the Wash. U. top five.

The goal of the men’s team this year is to qualify for nationals as a team.

“This meet, we showed great progress towards this goal,” said junior Michael Nasuta. “Our upperclass-men were able to use their experience to run well in this competitive meet on a very tough course. In addi-tion, our freshman class has turned quite a few heads.”

The depth of the men’s squad should help them in their upcoming races, in-cluding the UAA conference meet, which will be held in St. Louis on Oct. 28.

The cross country teams return to action tomorrow at the Oshkosh Invitational in Oshkosh, Wis.



Mets catcher Paul Lo Duca tags out J.D. Drew at home in the second inning of Game 1 of the National League Division Series in New York. The Mets defeated the Dodgers 6-5.

St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Chris Carpenter pitches during Game 1 of the National League Division Series between the St. Louis Cardinals and the San Diego Padres at Petco Park in San Diego, Calif., Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2006. The Cardinals defeated the Padres 5-1.



The outcome of every cross country race is very much dependent on the events that take place the night before the race. “Most runners are kind of OCD. They develop rou-tines based on what they remember doing before good performances in the past,” said junior Jeff Bay-ers

Often these routines are driven by pre-race dietary concerns. “It’s pretty com-mon for runners to carbo-load the night before, but most other pre-race activi-ties are more for mental comfort,” said Bayers.

The psychological aspect

of running can lead some runners to a near-militant insistence on adhering to the same pre-race routine.

“Most of the time run-ners know that their quirks won’t physically af-fect their performance, but when you miss one it can haunt you the next morn-ing, causing you to lose focus. That’s how a lot of runners put themselves out of the race before it even starts,” added Bayers.

The pre-game routines of some of the University’s runners may have helped the men in their outstand-ing performance this week-end.

Pre-race routines important for runners

NEWS & SPORTS 1,2,4,8,10 - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is there a D3 transfer portal? ›

The Transfer Portal is an NCAA application to systematically manage the transfer process for Division I, II and III student-athletes. The portal is the first step in the application of the Division I notification of transfer and Division II and III permission to contact.

What are the benefits of participating in sports? ›

Playing sports helps you stay in shape, teaches you how to organize your time, boosts friendships, and builds relationships with your peers and adults. Through athletics, you gain skills that can best be acquired on a court, track, or field.

Why are youth sports beneficial? ›

Physical exercise is good for the mind, body and spirit. Team sports help teach adolescents accountability, dedication, leadership and other skills.

Should kids have to play sports? ›

Participation in sports allows children to make lasting friendships, develop communication skills, feel a sense of community and learn to respect their teammates and coaches. Even athletes in individual sports learn to work as a team with their coach and make lasting friendships with others in their sport.

How do D3 athletes transfer? ›

Transferring between divisions

You don't need to contact the NCAA Eligibility Center if transferring to another D3 school. All you need to do is fill out the NCAA Self-Release form. What about National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) students wanting to transfer to an NCAA school?

Can any college player enter the transfer portal? ›

Undergraduate athletes can enter the portal and test the waters for however long the window is open for in their particular sport. For example, in college basketball, athletes have a 44-day window (March 18 to May 1) to enter the portal and select another school.

What is a 5 sentence about sports? ›

1) Any competitive physical activity providing a sense of enjoyment is Sport. 2) Sports play a major part in improving our physical and mental fitness. 3) It helps in developing Self Confidence, Team Spirit, and Mental & Physical toughness. 4) There are two types of sports, Indoor and Outdoor.

Are sports good for mental health? ›

Sports are associated with lower rates of stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal behavior. Participation in team sports reduces the risk of teen substance abuse and other reckless behaviors. Team sports enhance resilience, empathy, confidence and empowerment.

What are the three social benefits of sports? ›

Social benefits

Playing in a team helps children to develop many of the social skills they will need for life. It teaches them to cooperate, to be less selfish, and to listen to other children. It also gives children a sense of belonging. It helps them make new friends and builds their social circle outside school.

What happens to kids who don't play sports? ›

Without participation in organized sports, kids spend less time outdoors running, jumping, and getting much-needed exercise to help with their development and overall health. But what many don't realize is the detrimental effect this can also have on their mental and emotional learning.

What causes girls to drop out of sports? ›

Lack of positive role models.

Peer pressure can be hard for girls at any age; when that pressure isn't offset with strong encouragement to participate in sports and healthy physical activity, the results may lead girls to drop out altogether.

Do youth sports really build character? ›

Sports impact youth in more ways than you can imagine and do far more than help kids burn off steam and develop skills. Sports shape children's mindsets, emotions and views. Youth sports build character and teach life lessons.

Why can't 6th graders play sports? ›

In many schools across America, sixth-graders are not allowed to participate on middle school sports teams. Reasons for this range from not having enough room on the teams to the fact that sixth-graders are still growing and could get hurt.

What age do most kids quit sports? ›

About 70 % of kids drop out of organized sports by age 13 and the so-called “professionalization of youth sports” can't be understated as a significant factor why, according to a new report released Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Can kids play too many sports? ›

Overtraining often is accompanied by persistent fatigue, poor sleep and mood swings, the report says. Overscheduling and excessive training are two other potential risk factors for burnout, both linked to children participating in too many sports.

Can D3 athletes get Nil deals? ›

On June 30, 2021, college student-athletes at all levels of play (D1, D2 and D3) gained the right to use their name, image and likeness (NIL) to generate profit under new NIL legislation—the NCAA's way of giving all athletes equal opportunity to monetize themselves.

Can you talk to other coaches before entering the transfer portal D3? ›

While it is a violation to speak to a coach from a different school before entering the NCAA Transfer Portal, you are permitted to speak to student-athletes and alumni at any time to gain a better understanding of the prospective program.

Can juco players enter the transfer portal? ›

It doesn't matter if they are a key contributor to their team or they played in one game-they can transfer. Just under 1,500 football players entered the portal in 2023 and that number is still growing.

Do you lose your scholarship if you enter the transfer portal? ›

According to the NCAA, once a student-athlete enters the transfer portal, their current institution has the ability to cancel or reduce their scholarship for the upcoming academic year. This means that a student-athlete may indeed lose their scholarship if they decide to enter the transfer portal.


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