Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (2024)

Small, sweet, and snow-white, the Maltese is a picture of poise and pizzazz in a pretty little package. The keyword here is pretty—these ornamental pups have been winning dog shows for decades.

Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (1)

When it’s in “show mode,” the Maltese’s characteristic floor-sweeping coat is a sight to be seen. When it’s in “sport mode,” you’d easily lose your pup in a pile of teddy bears. No matter how you groom your Maltese puppy, one thing’s for certain: you have a cute and cuddly little dog on your hands. And on your couch.

But don’t think the Maltese dog is only a looker. These mini mop-tops are playful, personable, and oh-so loyal. If you’re looking for a charming companion, you’ve found it.

Breed Overview

  • Height: 7–10 inches
  • Weight: 6–9 lbs
  • Lifespan: 12–15 years
  • Breed Size: Small
  • Colors: White, lemon, tan
  • Good With: Kids, other dogs, cats
  • Temperament: Affectionate, alert, attached

Also Known As…

Maltese dog. Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta. The Swiffer with a sniffer. “Who took a hair straightener to that tiny lamb?”

What Is The History Of The Maltese?

For such a tiny pup, the Maltese has sparked a massive debate in the dog breed historian community. Some say Malteses have been around for thousands of years; others say this wonderful white dog is a more recent creation.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle. True, there are ancient paintings with little white dogs that look like Malteses. And the breed name itself—named for the island of Malta, a famous crossroad of civilizations during antiquity—also lends itself to the idea that the Maltese is a millennia-old mutt. Indeed, dogs like the Maltese have long been fluffy favorites.

But the genetic information tells somewhat of a different story. In its current form, the Maltese we know and love today has probably only been around for a few hundred years.1 As with all modern breeds, the Maltese is the product of careful canine crossing. At a certain point, those intrepid early breeders landed on a pooch they liked, and the rest is (recent) history.

At the end of the day, we can say a few things about the Maltese’s history with relative certainty:

  1. The Maltese’s lap-loving ancestors go back thousands of years.
  2. A “Maltese Lion Dog” was exhibited at the first Westminster dog show in 1877.1
  3. The present-day Maltese is just as cute as (if not cuter than) the pups in those stuffy old paintings.
Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (2)

How Big Do Malteses Get?

Height: 7–10 inches

Weight: 6–9 pounds

How Long Do Malteses (Generally) Live?

Like the Chihuahua or any other toy breed, the Maltese has a longer lifespan than your average mid-sized or massive mutt. In general, you’re looking at a solid 12 to 15 years with your canine bestie.

What Is A Maltese’s Temperament & Personality Like?

Among family and friends, Maltese dogs are all affection. Don’t be surprised to find yourself glued to the last chair you sat in—your lap won’t be vacant for long.

With that said, these aren’t lazy lounge lizards. Au contraire, mon ami. Your Maltese puppy will work to earn its keep, usually as an amateur watchdog. Despite its size, the Maltese is known as an alert animal with a protective streak. Sure, your fluffy white friend probably won’t win any fights. But with enough barking, they might just scare off the neighborhood cat burglar (or the neighbor’s cat, for that matter).

Overall, the Maltese breed is the dictionary definition of “all bark, no bite.” As long as they receive a proper introduction (with a small dog treat included, ideally), they’ll love anyone they meet.

Are Malteses Good With Kids? Cats? Dogs?

As tiny tykes themselves, most Malteses fare well with kids of all ages. Due to their shorter stature, they may see a toddler thundering toward them as a cause for alarm, but in general, you can’t go wrong pairing your munchkin with a Maltese. As always, supervise your kids around canines to avoid any accidents.

With cats, the outcome is usually the same. Maltese dogs were never hunters of prey, so they lack the instinct that sees felines as tasty treats. What’s more, because Malteses are roughly the same size as your typical tabby, there’s rarely that feeling of an off-kilter power dynamic that leads to scrapping and scratching. Most Malteses should have no trouble getting along with a cat, especially if introduced to them at an early age.

Other dogs will also receive a similar treatment. While each canine has unique quirks and dislikes, the average Maltese is a puppy-pleaser. As with kids and cats, a little adult supervision during doggo meet-ups goes a long way.

Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (3)

Do Malteses Need A Lot Of Exercise?

After a long history as a lovable little dog, you might expect the Maltese to be more of a “lounge around all day” kinda pup. You’d be wrong. The Maltese takes the “toy” part of its breed group name seriously; these energetic sweethearts often love to play.

The type of play, however, doesn’t need to be too pulse-pounding. A quick game of fetch, a walk around the block, or a romp in the backyard is usually enough for a Maltese’s lil’ legs.

Ultimately, your Maltese shouldn’t need more than 30 minutes of cardio per day.

Are Malteses Hard To Train?

Although they have tiny heads (and therefore even tinier brains), Maltese are moderately intelligent mutts. With some patience and consistency—and a fistful of treats—you can train a Maltese to tackle most tricks. Follow an even more disciplined training regimen, and you could have the next obedience or agility champion at the end of your leash.

Regardless of your training aspirations, you should prepare for a bit of pushback. Like the bull terrier, the Maltese has a reputation for being slightly stubborn. For that reason, your pup may benefit from obedience classes, though they’re far from essential.

Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (4)

Do Malteses Have Health Issues?

As with every dog breed, the Maltese has a personalized list of potential dog health issues. Smaller dogs tend to be healthier, and the Maltese is no exception. Still, there are a few problems to watch out for, which include:2

  • Dental issues
  • Cataracts
  • Entropion (in-turned eyelids)
  • Heart disease
  • Hydrocephalus (excess fluid in the brain’s ventricles)
  • Luxating patellas (kneecaps sliding out of place)

Thankfully, most of these conditions are screened for and manageable when spotted early. By taking your Maltese to the vet on a regular basis—ideally once every six months—you can catch any sign of sickness before it worsens.

Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (5)

Do Malteses Need To Be Groomed?

As a low-shedding breed, the Maltese dog is ideal for those with allergies. However, with minimal shedding comes maximum grooming requirements.

Every few months, you’ll need to bring your Maltese into the groomer’s (or familiarize yourself with a set of shears). More frequent touch-ups may be necessary if you like to keep your Maltese’s silky coat at floor level.

Along with the occasional trim, your Maltese—like all dogs—will need regular routine care in other areas. Other grooming responsibilities include:

  • Brushing their teeth
  • Clipping their nails
  • Cleaning around their ears and eyes

How Much Does It Cost To Care For A Maltese?

Because of variations in the cost of living, unforeseen expenses, and personal preferences, we can’t tell you exactly how much Maltese ownership will cost you. As a rough estimate, you should budget at least $1400+ per year to adequately care for your beloved buddy.

Let’s break down where all that cash ends up.


Tiny tummies don’t need too much in the way of kibble. On average, you’ll likely feed your Maltese less than a cup of dog food per day. Expect a monthly cost of $40 to cover that canine chow.

Did you know that BARK makes breed-specific food for each dog breed—and gets it approved by veterinarians and shipped to your doorstep? Get 25% off and free shipping with code 25FOOD!

Routine Vet Care (Healthy Dog)

Like their owners, all dogs should go for routine checkups, whether they’re sick or not. If possible, aim to take your Maltese to the vet once every six months.

Healthy dogs won’t need much more than the basics:

  • Vet appointment fee ($40–70)
  • Vaccines ($20–30/dose)
  • Heartworm medications ($40)

Preventative Medications For Malteses

Aside from the vitamins and minerals, you’ll find in high-quality dog food, there’s not a ton of preventative medicine to give your Maltese. However, one medication you shouldn’t forgo is flea and tick prevention.

Found in either treat or ointment form, flea and tick medication is a must for any outdoor doggo. About $110/year is a small price to pay to keep tiny pests from hitchhiking on your Maltese’s back.

Maltese Grooming

Unlike notorious shedders (such as the chow chow or Samoyed), Malteses require haircuts. If you don’t want to risk a botched at-home cut, consider taking your pooch to a groomer; they’ll generally charge you $50–80 for a cut. A show-ready, floor-kissing trim—ribbons and all—may run you a little extra.

Toys, Treats, Beds, & Accessories

And the rest of your budget goes to the fun stuff! We’re talking toys ($50/year). We’re talking treats ($70/year). Because it’s impossible to say “no” to those kind, dark eyes, expect to spend a fair share of cash on this category.

Feeling like really spoiling your little sweetheart? Enter BarkBox. A $23/month subscription lands you 2 bags of treats, 2 ultra-fun toys, and a tasty meaty chew. Up it to $29/month, and you’re in Super Chewer territory. Every month, you’ll receive 2 treat bags, 2 durable toys, and 2 whole meaty chews. And now, GET YOUR FIRST BOX FREE.

Aside from the exciting treats (edible or otherwise), you’ll want to pick up the following for your Maltese:

  • Collar (~$15)
  • Dog bed ($30–80)
  • Food and water bowls ($20)
  • Leash ($15–25)
  • Nail clippers ($8–13)


  1. The New York Times. How Old Is the Maltese, Really?
  2. The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals. Maltese.

Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care (2024)


Maltese Breed Information Guide: Photos, Traits, & Care? ›

These friendly dogs are very intelligent, social, and trusting. They are often friendly with other dogs and pets, which makes the breed a great choice for families with multiple pets. Although small, the Maltese are very curious, energetic, and playful, and they generally enjoy learning tricks.

What are Maltese best traits? ›

These friendly dogs are very intelligent, social, and trusting. They are often friendly with other dogs and pets, which makes the breed a great choice for families with multiple pets. Although small, the Maltese are very curious, energetic, and playful, and they generally enjoy learning tricks.

What is the leading cause of death in Maltese? ›

Heart failure is a common cause of death of Maltese in their golden years, and 75% of the heart disease is caused by valve deterioration. A valve that regulates blood flow slowly becomes deformed so that it no longer closes tightly. Blood then leaks back around the valve and strains the heart.

Do Maltese get attached to one person? ›

These dogs become very attached to their families and are happiest when spending time with you as you go about your day. Don't leave them alone for too long, or they could develop separation anxiety. They have very trusting and gentle dispositions.

What is the average life expectancy of a Maltese dog? ›

Most Maltese will live well into the double digits, with a typical lifespan of 12-15 years. They are a generally healthy breed with few health concerns.

What do Maltese love the most? ›

They adore humans and like to be very close to them—either right underfoot, cozy in your arms, or cuddling in your lap. Because they like attention and closeness so much, they can be prone to separation anxiety. You can help avoid separation anxiety by crate training your Maltese dog.

What makes a Maltese happy? ›

Because of their love for humans, Maltese dogs will also need plenty of human attention. Without enough love and care from their owners, these pups are prone to separation anxiety. Before picking a Maltese up, make sure you have enough time to give them every day to keep them happy.

What not to do to a Maltese? ›

#1 Don't feed your Maltese food with additives or fillers.

Another is chemical preservatives which is a top cause of allergies and are linked to many serious health issues. Other ingredients to avoid include fillers (like corn and its by-products), high levels of wheat, meat by-products, and generic meats and oils.

Do Maltese dogs bark a lot? ›

Overview. Though the Maltese may receive a pretty bad rep for being an excessive barker, in many cases this is no more so than the typical toy sized dog. And in addition, it may be a matter of needing to teach right from wrong. How you react to barking will play a huge role in a Maltese's continuation or ceasing of it.

What is the most common disease in Maltese? ›

Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets, affecting 80% of all dogs by age two. Unfortunately, your Malty is more likely than other dogs to have problems with her teeth. Dental disease starts with tartar build-up on the teeth and progresses to infection of the gums and roots of the teeth.

Do Maltese bond with one person? ›

The Maltese is an enchanting companion dog and they will happily live in a family; however, they bond closely to one person and are too small and gentle for noisy families with young and boisterous children.

How do I know my Maltese is happy? ›

Signs your dog is happy
  • A high and waggy tail. This is probably the most well-known sign your dog is a happy pooch.
  • Floppy ears. By this, we mean that their ears are relaxed, not tense or flattened against their head. ...
  • Their body's relaxed. ...
  • They're playful. ...
  • They lean in to you.

Why does my Maltese stare at me? ›

Dogs Are Reading Us

They sense our moods, follow our pointing gestures, and read us for information about what's going to happen next. That means they stare at us a lot to gain knowledge about their environment. Essentially, they are waiting for us to do something that will impact them.

Are Maltese good for seniors? ›

Maltese make excellent companions, having actually been originally bred for this purpose. Maltese are very small dogs who are gentle and very loving. Their tiny size and the fact that their coat doesn't shed makes them the perfect dog for a senior.

Are Maltese a smart dog? ›

The Maltese is gentle, affectionate, intelligent, responsive and trusting. A good family dog, Maltese are lively, playful, vigorous, and they generally enjoys learning tricks. They can be snappy with raucous children.

At what age is a Maltese considered old? ›

Let's talk Malteses
Baby ageBirth to 2 months
Puppy age2 to 10 months
Adult age10 months to 8 years
Mature age8 to 12 years
Senior age12 to 22 years

What are the unique characteristics of a Maltese? ›

The Maltese is gentle, affectionate, intelligent, responsive and trusting. A good family dog, Maltese are lively, playful, vigorous, and they generally enjoys learning tricks. They can be snappy with raucous children. The petite build of the Maltese belies its fearless presence.

Why are Maltese so special? ›

Famous for their show-stopping, floor-length coat, Maltese are playful, charming, and adaptable toy companions. Maltese are affectionate toy dogs weighing less than seven pounds, covered by a long, straight, silky coat. Beneath the all-white mantle is a compact body moving with a smooth and effortless gait.

What are Maltese people known for? ›

People of Malta

The Maltese are by and large known for their friendliness and hospitality. English is widely spoken on the islands and many speak Italian as a third language. The Maltese have a strong sense of community and crime rates are among the lowest in the world.

What are the pros and cons of a Maltese? ›

The Maltese is a caring, affectionate dog that loves people. They are tiny, delicate dogs so it isn't recommended that they spend lots of time around young children and boisterous dogs. Due to their small size, it's easy for them to become injured if they are dropped, stepped on, or played with too roughly.


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