A New Path for VeteransVEEP Offers a Career in the Trades 3
The IBEW’s Newest LocalAtlanta Local 1997 Has Its Coming Out 3
In This Issue
Editorials 2
Letters to the Editor 2
North of 49˚ 6
Circuits 7
Politics & Jobs 8
Transitions 9
Local Lines 10
Retirees 16
IEC Minutes 16Who We Are 20
HAS THE NLRB LOST ITS WAY? continued on page 4
Has the NLRB Lost Its Way?
Deadline: Oct. 1See page 19 for details
“ Everybody needs a law that is precise and certain.”
Sen. Robert F. Wagner was matter-of-fact in his call for Congress to pass the National Labor Relations Act in 1935: The New Deal’s labor board was failing American workers.
The oversight agency had become a “maze of confusion and contradictions… a sham and a delu-sion,” Wagner said. Workers were struggling to survive while business and industry reaped the rewards
of the nation’s recovery from the Great Depression.With the stroke of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s pen that July, the NLRA was law.It laid the foundation for a National Labor Relations Board with the power to enforce the right of workers to
organize, bargain contracts and lawfully strike when management refused to play by the rules.The Act wasn’t perfect. It excluded many workers and its
remedies were weak. But it was a huge step forward.As union membership grew over the next 40 years, so did the economy. Working
families prospered, able to buy homes, send their children to college, take vacations and look forward to a secure retirement.
If unions were the nails in building America’s middle class, the NLRB was the hammer.Wagner, who authored the Social Security Act that same year, understood that. What would he think now?
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Printed in the USA I n t e r n a t i o n a l B r o t h e r h o o d o f E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s Vol. 13 | No. 9 | September 2019
Last Month to Enter
Fighting Addiction
Thank you for your cover story on opioid abuse in the construction industry in August’s Electrical Worker. There are so many people suffering, and no one wants to talk about it. This is a great start.
I work at Local 1245 with a program called the Peer Volunteer Program. It’s been run by Pacific Gas and Electric since 2000 and is available to all employees to help those with substance abuse issues have a safe place to seek help. We have over 30 union and management employees who volunteer with the program that’s available 24/7. All of our volunteers are in recovery from alcohol and addiction and are at least two years clean and sober.
We reach out to employees through annual safety meetings and have helped hun-dreds of PG&E employees over the years. I’m retired now, but I work as a presenter on behalf of Local 1245. I’m always struck by how quiet rooms get when they learn that the presenters were all active addicts and alcoholics; people start listening because that makes it real.
I just want others to know that we have firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to struggle with addiction and we’re here to help. There’s more information available about our program at www.peervolunteers.org and we’d be happy to talk to other IBEW locals interested in setting up similar programs. The first step to recovery is talking about the issue, and I’m glad to see that happening at the IBEW.
Brent Turner, Local 1245 retiree Vacaville, Calif.
Adventures Past
I enjoyed July’s Electrical Worker article about Brother John Murphy’s adventure to Ant-arctica [The Electrician at the End of the Earth, July 2019]. It brought back a lot of memo-ries of my own time there more than 50 years ago.
In 1963, I was a third-year apprentice with New York Local 3 and also a member of the U.S. Navy. I went active in July of that year, when I was assigned to the USS Glacier out of Boston. We sailed through the Panama Canal and on to Christchurch, New Zea-land, where we resupplied. We then headed to McMurdo Station in Antarctica, where our ship broke a channel through the ice to allow cargo ships to offload their supplies.
I spent 14 months on the ice, and though I was a third-class electrician on the ship, I spent most of my time installing piping that allowed ships to offload various types of fuel needed to sustain the station.
I was impressed by my fellow Local 3 brother’s great adventure. Thanks for sharing it.
William Horn, Local 3 retiree New York
We Want to Hear From You: Send your letters to [emailprotected] or Letters to the Editor, The Electrical Worker, 900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001.
From Facebook: Every month the IBEW Facebook page receives thousands of comments from our dynamic and engaged community of members and friends.
Atlanta’s Finest
Congratulations to the AGL workers at the new Atlanta Local 1997! I’m a member of Local 995 in Baton Rouge, La. I personally know how hard it is to organize in a right-to-work state. You guys accomplished a major victory. I hope you get everything you ask for.
Steven Stathes, Local 995 member Baton Rouge, La.
Say ‘No’ to Florida Energy Deregulation
Responding to “Florida Activists Fight to Fend Off Deregulation Threat” from last month’s Electrical Worker:
Deregulation is just another word for lining some rich peoples’ pockets.
Roger Eberstein, Local 131 retiree Kalamazoo, Mich.
Speaking Up for Workers
This was a busy summer for those of us committed to bettering the lives of working families.
Here in Washington, we were able to push several of our highest priorities to passage in the House of Representatives, and we just
wrapped up a major effort to preserve the quality of IBEW apprenticeships at the Department of Labor.
We asked each of you to help through stories here in the Electrical Worker, on IBEW.org or in messages from your local union, and you delivered.
To those of you who made calls or wrote letters, thank you.In the late days of July, the U.S. House passed the Butch Lewis Act, some-
thing you’ve read about many times in these pages. It’s a loan program to help preserve retirement security for millions of Americans who have multiemployer pensions like many of those run by the IBEW.
International Secretary-Treasurer Cooper’s column below will go into more detail, but I’ll just say that we were only able to get that bill passed because IBEW leaders showed up when we asked and members made calls and sent emails to
their representatives of Congress.Days before that, the House overwhelmingly passed a repeal of the “Cadillac Tax,” a well-meaning but misguided tax
on high-quality health care plans like many of those negotiated by IBEW locals. The tax was meant to curb excessive health care giveaways to CEOs and corporate executives, but it eventually swallowed up union members who’d given up raises or other compensation to negotiate for better benefits. Republicans and Democrats in the House were able to agree that punishing working people was a mistake, and IBEW members were a key part of the coalition that made that happen.
But now, as Labor Day is here and lawmakers are back in Washington, we need your help again. Both of these bills could end up like mountains of other legislation — stuck in the Senate without a vote on the floor.
No matter which party your senators represent, I need you to pick up the phone or fire up your email and let them know that Butch Lewis (Senate Bill 2254) and the Cadillac Tax repeal (House Resolution 748) deserve a vote and that working families will be watching closely.
You’ll be hearing more from us on issues like these, because Kenny and I and your district vice presidents and business managers can only do what we do if we’re backed up by all of you. An engaged, collective voice speaking out for working people is what union brotherhood is all about.
I know some of you get sick of politics. Believe me, it gets overwhelming for all of us. But if we’re not out there sticking up for important issues, then no one is looking out for working families. We don’t have armies of highly-paid corporate lobbyists. We have you, and when you’re speaking out with a single voice, there’s nothing more powerful.
Thank you for sticking with us and speaking out for working people.Find your senators at Senate.gov. z
A Win for Pension Promises
Back in July, many of you helped pull off something that’s pretty extraordi-nary in Washington these days: a bipartisan victory for workers.
For months, we’ve banded together with our brothers and sisters in other unions to support the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions
Act, better known as the “Butch Lewis Act.” Amazingly, a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives voted for the bill — every single Democrat and 29 Republicans.
As your International Secretary-Treasurer and a trustee of the National Elec-trical Benefit Fund, I’m happy to report that nearly all of the IBEW’s multiemployer pension plans have been wisely invested and are doing well. We’re in good shape because our industry is strong.
But several major multiemployer plans in other industries are in trouble. It’s not the workers’ fault. In most cases, it’s not even the pension managers’ fault. Instead, the once-plentiful jobs that helped balance outgoing pension payments with incoming paycheck contributions are vanishing as the economy evolves.
Let me tell you, it’s a recipe for disaster.For 45 years, the federal government’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has served as a safety net for work-
ing people’s pensions. It guarantees that if a plan collapses, workers won’t be left holding the bag.But if these troubled plans in other industries all go under — and without intervention, that’s almost a certainty —
it would bankrupt the PBGC, endangering every single pension in the whole country, including yours.That’s where Butch Lewis comes in. It’s designed to help take pressure off of the PBGC by creating a new federal
loan agency tasked with figuring out how to bring troubled plans back to solvency. You can read more about it on Page 7 of this issue.
But here’s the important thing. It’s not a bailout; these loans would be fully repaid.You and I know, a pension is a promise that if you work hard and put away a little from each paycheck throughout
your career, you’ll be able to retire securely and comfortably when the time comes. Imagine having that promise destroyed. Without a fix, millions of our brothers and sisters in other unions could be facing just that.
For the past year, we’ve lobbied, rallied, written and called, and we came out on top in the House. Thank you for that.But the Senate is where good bills go to die. We need to keep up the pressure, and that means we need you to call
your senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them to support Sen. Sherrod Brown’s SB 2254, the Butch Lewis Act. Together, we can help ensure that everyone’s pension promises are kept promises. z
Lonnie R. StephensonInternational President
Kenneth W. CooperInternational Secretary-Treasurer
2 T h e E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r | S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9
VEEP Bridges the Gap Between the Military and What’s Next
The transition from military to civilian life can be a difficult one for servicemen and women.
Gone are the regular pay-checks, the structure, the camaraderie and the shared sense of mission. That first step after military discharge often feels like a leap into the unknown.
But for soldiers, sailors, airmen or Marines looking for a career in the trades, the Veterans Electrical Entry Program can solve a lot of those problems.
“We’re a great fit,” said Kyle Kaiser, Lead Organizer for Anchorage, Alaska, Local 1547, who works with VEEP. “It’s great for the servicemembers and it’s great for the IBEW.”
Local 1547’s is the first JATC to joint-ly host the VEEP curriculum with the IBEW and the National Electrical Contrac-tors Association’s longtime training arm, the Electrical Training Alliance. Executive Director Todd Stafford says ETA is work-ing to expand the program to other locals and training centers close to major mili-tary bases.
Anchorage is home to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, where thousands of U.S. servicemembers are stationed, often far removed from the places they’ll call home when their service ends.
VEEP works with base leadership to provide an opportunity for servicemen and women in their final six months to complete their first year of apprenticeship training in an intensive, full-time course.
The free, seven-week pre-appren-ticeship training works in tandem with the more than 300 JATCs across the U.S. to place servicemembers in IBEW appren-ticeships based on their top four choices.
“This is a real benefit for these folks who want to go home when they’re out of the military,” Stafford said. “We’re able to take the huge reach of the IBEW-NECA partnership and give them the opportuni-ty to get a head start. It takes a lot of the uncertainty out of the transition back to civilian life.”
Every year, approximately 200,000 veterans transition out of the service and present a good pool of applicants for the construction workforce, says Kaiser. Not only does it benefit the military by offering a solid opportunity to its veterans, those returning civilians tend to be younger with long careers ahead. Plus, the sense of sol-idarity is something many are likely miss-ing from their time in service.
“Going from one ‘band of brothers’ to another is important,” Kaiser said. “These veterans become members and will fight for a cause they believe in. We give them a cause to fight for.”
Stafford, too, is excited about the opportunity for veterans to “trade one brotherhood for another,” he said. But he’s also excited for the benefits to the IBEW and NECA. “The trade always needs apprentices, but these veterans are disci-plined and hard working. These men and women are used to showing up on time and putting in a full day’s work. They’re a
valuable addition to any training program we place them into.”
Local 1547s’ first VEEP class graduat-ed in April with 10 out of the 11 participants
finishing. Kaiser says the one who didn’t complete the program got his own direct entry agreement to the JATC he was hoping for. Alaska has been a good host for VEEP
since the state has the highest per capita number of veterans, Kaiser said.
“There’s a lot of interest in the pro-gram and there’s really no downside,”
he added.At the International Convention in
2016, delegates voted on a resolution to support VEEP. It called on the union to work with the NECA and ETA to assist locals in providing training programs for veterans.
The International Office recently rolled out a veterans committee, with one representative in each district. Interna-tional President Lonnie R. Stephenson is encouraging locals to set up their own committees as well.
“Our vets have given us so much. This is our chance to give something back,” Stephenson said.
Visit alaskaelectricalapprenticeship.org/veep for more information. z
The pre-apprenticeship program run out of Anchorage, Alaska, Local 1547 trains veterans coming out of the military for electrical careers across the country.
Atlanta’s Newest Local is Home for Gas Workers
The IBEW has its first new local in the state of Georgia in nearly 40 years. The birth of Atlanta Local 1997 on June 29 marks a major
victory for the rights of working people in the Deep South.
International President Lonnie R. Ste-phenson signed the new local’s charter sur-rounded by leaders from the new local, the Fifth District and the International Office.
Local 1997 will represent about 675 gas employees of Atlanta Gas Light, a division of Southern Company. The sign-ing ceremony was held at the Atlanta Local 613 hall, which assisted with the organizing effort and donated office space to Local 1997. AGL employees voted for IBEW representation in April 2018.
“This was a special moment for me and our entire brotherhood,” Stephenson said. “Looking out and seeing the faces of people from so many different back-grounds who came together to make their lives better was tremendously inspiring. Many thanked me for the work we’ve done, but in reality, we should be thanking them. No organizing effort is successful without working men and women taking the lead.”
Fifth District International Represen-tative Anna Jerry, who is working with local leaders on negotiations for a first contract, said 1981 was the last year a new local was chartered in Georgia. When the contract is completed, AGL’s workers will join gas workers at Nicor Gas in Illinois and Virginia Natural Gas among IBEW members work-ing for Southern Company.
The utility conglomerate also has longstanding relationships with the IBEW through its electric-side subsidiaries, Ala-bama Power and Georgia Power.
The Local 1997 charter continued a recent run of success in organizing utility employees. Just days before the Atlanta cer-emony, members of Baltimore Local 410 — who are employed by Baltimore Gas & Elec-tric Company — ratified their first contract.
Stephenson was joined at the cere-mony by International Secretary-Treasur-er Kenneth W. Cooper and interim Local 1997 Business Manager Steve Galloway, a field service specialist for AGL. Galloway will serve in that role until elections are held in June of next year.
Galloway, who has worked for AGL for 31 years, was part of two other orga-nizing campaigns with the IBEW in 2006 and 2012 that fell just short.
“Lonnie Stephenson promised a fami-ly atmosphere to us and, so far, he and oth-ers have provided it,” he said. “It just feels good to have the charter signed and be part of IBEW history. It’s been a long road.”
In addition to the charter, Stephen-son signed a founders’ list, which includ-ed the names of 78 Local 1997 members who were instrumental in the organizing effort. He told the new members of how some older IBEW local unions have their original charters framed and signed by Henry Miller, the IBEW’s founder and first president, prior to his death in 1896.
Hopefully, Local 1997 members in 100 years will be looking back on today’s pio-neers with the same appreciation, he said.
“In any kind of organizing drive, the workers have to understand they are the driving force of their campaign,” Director of Professional & Industrial Organizing Jammi Juarez said. “They have to own it. We’re here to help them through the pro-cess. These working families in Georgia
led the way. It’s about stepping up and fighting for the things that are good for you and your family and your community.”
Now, Local 1997 has two important pieces of work to attend to.
The first is reaching agreement on a contract. Chris Harris, an international representative in the Utility Department who is leading the negotiating team, not-ed the IBEW’s partnerships with South-ern Company, and he thinks that will lead to a fair agreement.
“It has not been clear sailing from the get-go, but we’ve made steady prog-ress,” said Harris, who negotiated with Southern officials previously while busi-ness manager of Aurora, Ill., Local 19, which represents Nicor workers.
“It’s going to take some time because I think there’s a trust factor that needs to be developed between the IBEW and Atlanta Gas Light. I know the negotia-tion committee that [former Fifth District Vice President Joe Davis, who retired ear-lier this year] has put in place has the employees’ best interests at heart.”
The second task is creating a true sense of unity and solidarity among AGL workers. Galloway and the new local’s leaders plan to put real effort into making everyone — even those who voted against IBEW representation — feel like they have a personal stake in the success of Local 1997 and the company.
Galloway said even skeptical employees have noticed the IBEW already making a positive difference, and he hopes that once a first contract is com-pleted, he’ll have an easy case to make to those who remain wary of the union.
For now, leaders hope AGL’s workers will celebrate their new local and embrace what it means to be an IBEW member: sol-idarity with one another and an uncompro-mising commitment to excellence.
“Signing the charter of a new local union is a highlight for any international president and it’s no different for me,” Stephenson said. “As great as the jour-ney was to get here, I’m even more excit-ed about what the future holds for our new members.” z
Fifth District International Vice President Brian K. Thompson and interim business manager Steve Galloway present Atlanta Local 1997’s newly-signed charter surrounded by international staff and members of the negotiating committee.
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NLRB Who’s Who
William J. EmanuelWilliam Emanu-el, a partner at union-busting law firm Littler M e n d e l s o n , revealed 48 recent corporate clients when nominated in
2017. Under pressure, he later admitted represent-ing 161 businesses the previous two years, the window of disclosure required under federal ethics rules. He pledged to recuse himself from board work involving any of them. His refusal to do so in a case overturning the joint-employer standard led to turmoil, but he remains on the board.
Marvin KaplanFormerly a gov-ernment lawyer s e r v i n g a n t i - w o r k e r members of Con-gress, Marvin Kaplan drew fire at his confirma-tion for failing to
grasp basic labor issues. “His sole experience with labor law is drafting legislation to weaken worker protections and holding hearings to criticize the NLRB,” the AFL-CIO said in a letter urging senators to reject both Kaplan and Emanuel, citing their past work as proof of their hostility toward workers.
Chairman John RingA partner at anti-union law firm Morgan-Lewis, John Ring was appointed chair-man of the NLRB a day after the Senate con-firmed him in
April. During his hearing, Washington Sen. Patty Murray challenged his objectivity, telling him, “The last thing our nation’s labor board needs is another champion for those at the top. You’ve spent your years representing companies, not workers. … You’ve encouraged the board to under-mine long-established rights.”
TODAY’s National Labor Rela-tions Board is knocking down workers’ rights and affirming management abuses at a breathtaking pace.
Recent rulings give employers a green light to eject union organizers from public spaces, to more easily withdraw union recognition, to discriminate against union members in the workplace, to thwart protests and to run roughshod over the rights of people working for subcontractors and franchises. The list goes on.
“You have a board under this admin-istration that is rolling back policies of an Act that was limited from the outset, inter-preting it in a way that continues to dimin-ish the rights and protections of employ-ees,” former NLRB Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce told The Electrical Worker.
NLRB members are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for staggered five-year terms. By tradition, but not spelled out in the law itself, the party in the White House controls three of the board’s five seats and nominates two members from the minority party.
The current board is split 3-1, with a lone pro-worker voice drowned out by three GOP appointees, two of them from “union-avoidance” law firms that help management skirt labor law and crush organizing drives.
The fifth seat is vacant. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked Pearce from being reconfirmed when his term expired in 2018 and has indicated he will do the same with any future Democratic nominee.
Pearce, who heads a new Workers’ Rights Institute opening at Georgetown University this fall, is careful to talk about the NLRB in the context of history. For start-ers, it wasn’t born of altruism.
To be sure, Wagner had fought tireless-ly for workers since leading a four-year probe of New York’s deadly Triangle Shirtwaist fire in 1912. As a state senator, he introduced more than 50 labor reforms; 38 became law. Fellow progressives were appalled by reports of nightmarish working conditions and deaths in coal mines and factories.
But what they wanted most of all was
labor peace. “There was a lot of strike activity going on,” Pearce said. “It was affecting the economy.”
He stressed the NLRA’s many short-comings and how the anti-union Taft-Hart-ley Act of 1947 made things worse.
Still, the NLRA’s mission to balance the scales for workers is unambiguous. Section 1 cites employers’ “denial” of their workers’ right to unionize and makes it the policy of the United States to address the “inequality of bargaining power” by “encouraging the practice and procedure of collective bargain-ing and by protecting the exercise by workers of full freedom of association.”
“The Act was not designed to be neu-tral,” Pearce said. “It was designed to be a protection for workers.”
On paper, it still is. In practice, it depends on who’s interpreting it.
“What we’re seeing and what we’re hearing from the current chairman is his feeling that the board needs to be sensitive to the quote-unquote ‘job creators,’” Pearce said. “He is specifically stating that the board has a responsibility to interpret the NLRA with those kind of concerns in mind, which is completely contrary to the language of the Act.
“The Act states clearly that it was designed to facilitate and foster collective bargaining.”
UNIONS held out some hope for the NLRB after the 2016 elections, in light of the incoming president’s many promises to workers. Then the board threw out five Obama-era rulings in a single week.
The board was at full strength at the time, late 2017, and had done damage already. But the clock was ticking on the GOP chairman’s term; soon the board tem-porarily would be split 2-2. Republicans raced to kill the pro-worker reforms.
The flurry of decisions put dents in workers’ organizing rights, their ability to bargain over employment terms, the pur-suit of fair settlements for mistreated work-ers, and more.
“No matter the administration, we
never have taken anything for granted at the NLRB and we never can,” International Pres-ident Lonnie R. Stephenson said. “We didn’t always get our way under President Obama’s appointees. But we got a fair shake, and that’s a far cry from what’s happening now.”
The board’s biggest target that week was the joint-employer standard. A 2015 ruling against Browning-Ferris Industries had updated it to hold parent companies to account when subcontractors and franchi-sees violate labor law.
The revelation of a member’s conflict of interest forced the board to undo its reversal. Shrugging that off and ignoring a court decision that affirmed Browning-Fer-ris, the majority switched tactics: they would use the board’s rule-making author-ity to get rid of the language.
That new rule could be issued at any time. Nothing in the board’s pattern suggests it will be anything less than a gift to corpora-tions, shielding them through layers of own-ership from their obligations to employees.
“Ordinary Americans will feel the
consequences,” Karla Walter of the Center for American Progress warned in a column for The Hill. “Corporations can cut pay, low-er workplace standards, and increase their own profits by outsourcing their workforce. … The NLRB’s joint-employer safeguard provides an important check on corporate power by helping to ensure leading firms bargain over decent pay and work conditions.”
If there’s good news, it’s that Pearce expects the decision will be tied up in the courts for the foreseeable future.
“It will be interesting to see how these rules will be able to survive if this board chooses to ignore the admonitions of the D.C. circuit and engage in what they seem to be hell bent on engaging in,” he said.
THE current board routinely votes 3-1 against workers. Lauren McFerran is the opposing voice.
In her exhaustive dissents, she blasts the shaky foundations of cases the
board picks to review and dissects the majority’s pretzel-like arguments.
“Today’s decision reflects a failure to engage in the reasoned decision-making required of the board,” McFerran wrote when the board sided in July with Johnson Controls against the United Auto Workers. “There is no rational connection between the reasons offered by the majority for rejecting established law and the new approach it adopts here.”
The board made it easier for employ-ers to withdraw union recognition and refuse to bargain collectively, even “in the face of objective evidence that the union has not lost majority support,” she said.
In June, the board ruled 3-1 for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, asserting that managers had the right to call police to kick out two union organizers who were talking quietly with employees over lunch in a public cafeteria.
The majority bought the hospital’s claim that the visitors violated policies bar-ring solicitation and distribution. In fact, managers cited no such policies at the time, McFerran countered, nor had the organizers done anything prohibited.
“That fact does not trouble the major-ity,” she wrote. “In effect, the majority invites employers to post ‘No Union Repre-sentatives Allowed’ signs on property that is open to all other members of the public.”
Among other recent 3-1 decisions:
• The board sided with a San Francisco company that fired a group of janitors who picketed a secondary employer in their fight for fair wages and better working conditions. SEIU is appealing. Bloomberg Law said the case has “major implications for what workers can do to protest their employers’ practices.”
• The board in June ordered a Laborer’s local in Brooklyn to deflate its giant rat balloon, a decision quickly reversed by a federal judge on free-speech grounds. The board’s general counsel is pursuing similar cases vigorously, determined to exterminate the rat permanently.
• In May, the board found that pharma-
Continued from page 1
Has the NLRB Lost Its Way?
The current NLRB is escalating attacks on workers’ rights, but unions have had to fight for fairness from GOP-led boards for decades. Above, union members in Chicago march on the city’s NLRB office in 2006 to protest the Bush-era board’s anti-worker agenda.
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NLRB Who’s Who
VacantIn a Republican administration, two of the board’s five seats are sup-posed to be filled by Demo-crats. Last year, Senate Majority Leader Mitch M c C o n n e l l
refused to allow Obama appointee Mark Gaston Pearce to be reconfirmed, leaving the board in GOP hands 3-1. McConnell has indicated he will block any Democrat from filling the seat, and the Trump administration has made no further nominations.
Lauren McFerranThe only Demo-crat on the board, McFerran served nine years as labor counsel to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
committee, among other posts advising senators on labor issues. She has written scathing dissents that call out the majority’s bias, pointing out where members blatantly ignore facts that support work-ers and unions. “‘Heads, the employer wins; tails, the union loses,’ cannot be the Board’s new mot-to,” she tweeted in May.
Peter RobbNLRB General Counsel
Attorney Peter Robb cut his teeth as a union-buster by drafting the legal argu-ments Ronald Reagan used to fire the striking air traffic controllers in 1981. He moved over to the GOP-led NLRB in an era when it became a “fundamentally anti-union entity,” then-Rep. Barney Frank said in 1985. In private practice for most of his career, he assailed workers’ rights with “scorched earth” tactics, as a New England IBEW leader put it after Robb derailed a power plant organizing drive in 2014. He returned to the NLRB as general counsel in late 2017, letting loose his anti-worker aggression on a national scale. He swiftly set plans in motion to kill the 2014 quick-election rule that narrowed the window for employ-
er interference; a public comment period on the announced rollbacks is now underway. He has successfully pushed the board to undo other rules and precedents to the detriment of workers and is clamoring for more. Meanwhile, he is plotting a pro-business overhaul of the agency, schemes that have sparked staff revolts. He has lived up to the worst fears of Democrats who opposed his nomination. “Working men and women … have enough to worry about,” Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow said in 2017. “They shouldn’t have to worry that the person who is supposed to have their back is, instead, looking for ways to strip away their freedom to organize on the job.”
Continued from page 1
ceutical giant Merck did nothing wrong by giving nonunion employees an “appreciation” day off — to celebrate soaring profits — while requiring union members to work. McFerran decried the ruling as discriminatory and punitive.
Adding to the alarm, watchdogs warn that the board’s decision-making process is moving further from public view.
The Johnson Controls case in July was at least the 10th time the Trump-era board reversed settled law without giving prior notice or seeking public input, Bloomberg Law reported.
“Not providing notice or inviting addi-tional input en route to overruling prece-dent without being asked feeds criticism that the Trump NLRB is advancing its pro-management agenda more aggressive-ly than past boards pushed their policy priorities,” the article states.
The escalating hostility goes beyond the board itself. Behind the scenes, general counsel and former construction industry lawyer Peter Robb is putting precedent-shat-tering cases on the front burner, calling for vast structural changes to give the central agency more power over regional offices, and seeking to slash staff and investigatory budgets, among other upheaval.
“He seems to be on a mission that’s really unprecedented,” past NLRB Chairman William Gould told Bloomberg News in June.
HOW big an impact specific rulings will have on the IBEW’s organizing efforts isn’t clear, but organizers say the NLRB’s hostility toward unions is validating employers’ worst instincts.
“It seems under the current board that companies are bolder in fighting every little issue they can,” said Bert McDermitt, a Fourth District regional organizing coor-dinator. “They are less concerned about any objections we may file.”
He noted how an electrical company in Maryland recently sent its HR director to be the official observer when 15 employees voted on representation. The IBEW lost.
“It was a brazen effort to intimidate
the workers,” the kind of move that compa-nies tended to be more cautious about in the past, McDermitt said.
When his team prevailed in a cam-paign in Kentucky last year, the company groundlessly filed a “test of cert,” refusing to recognize the IBEW as the new unit’s bargaining representative.
“Small group of folks, six people, vot-ed 100% to be represented,” McDermitt said. “From Day One we used standard labor board language to describe the bargaining unit. But the company fought us every step of the way, and it’s still fighting.”
Joseph Skinner, a Fifth District regional organizing coordinator, is accus-tomed to uphill battles in the Deep South. But he’s worried about the NLRB making a tough job harder.
The public-space ruling is of particu-lar concern, given what he’s long experi-enced while leafleting on a public right of way. Even though he’s not on company property, security guards and managers routinely order him to leave.
He politely explains that he’s there legally, and at the request of workers who are interested in the IBEW. Managers often call the police, who tell them Skinner isn’t breaking any laws.
But he can foresee employers being emboldened by the public-spaces ruling, and fears the consequences.
“It would limit our abilities drastical-ly,” Skinner said. “Any little thing like that hurts us. If you take away any of our points of communication, it hurts us.”
The board has also resurrected the issue of employer email with a case brought by a Caesar’s hotel.
It targets a 2014 ruling against Purple Communications affirming that employees have the right to discuss union issues via their work email accounts. That ruling capped a decade of litigation by Purple and an Oregon newspaper fighting to restrict workers’ access.
The board reasoned that email had become essential at work beyond strictly business purposes — the electronic version of public spaces where off-duty employees meet on breaks and lunch hours.
Few people realize the case is in play again, with scant media coverage beyond employment law and HR websites eager about the prospect of Purple’s demise.
Topeka, Kan., Local 304 organizer David Galvan is hoping for an outcry before it’s too late. In communicating with the local’s 2,100 far-flung utility industry mem-bers, some of them covering hundreds of miles of territory, he says access to employ-er email systems is vital.
The local has filed an amicus brief in the pending case, which begins by explain-ing that today’s work vehicles have comput-ers, not radios. As a result, Galvan said com-panies use email for everything — from posting bids and schedules to requesting an available steward or other union assistance.
“It seems hypocritical at best,” he said, to block unions from using email to announce meetings or share other information that doesn’t need to be sent more securely.
The brief led Galvan to be interviewed for a column published on Medium. “Email is kind of seen as a white-collar, office worker type of thing, but it’s really not,” he told the writer. “Taking that away would be a crushing blow for us. … You got a guy who’s on the road for six or 12 hours a
day — he doesn’t communicate except over company email.”
ANTI-union fervor inside the NLRB, fueled by corporate and political ani-mus from the outside, is as old as the board itself.
But Pearce said it wasn’t overtly polit-ical until Ronald Reagan’s presidency. “That was a turning point,” he said. “And when the changes came, they came in a very partisan way.”
Under McConnell, Senate ire toward the NLRB shifted into overdrive during the Obama administration. The GOP’s refusal to confirm nominees left the board without a quorum from the time he took office in 2008 until mid-2013.
With miles of backlogged cases and long-delayed justice for workers, Obama attempted to revive the board in January 2012 with three recess appointments. A year later, the D.C. Circuit Court threw out the appointments and 12 months of progress.
As Senate leaders continued to obstruct Obama’s nominations, labor unions launched a major campaign to help Americans understand the crisis. By July, a full five-member board with a work-er-friendly majority had been confirmed.
Stephenson said it’s proof of the pow-er workers have when they band together, even at times like these when political opponents seem to hold all the cards.
“Our collective power can change everything in 2020 if we elect leaders who have our backs, who understand just like Robert Wagner and Franklin Roosevelt did 80 years ago that strong unions are essen-tial to the quality of life for workers and their families. We need politicians who understand that unions are the backbone of a strong economy that works for us, not just corporations,” he said.
“We’ve done it before and we can do it again. Our votes next November and every-thing we do in the meantime to educate other voters can fundamentally shift the direction of the NLRB and the other arms of government that are attacking our rights.” z
New Institute Puts Workers First
A Workers’ Rights Institute is opening this fall at Georgetown University with a member of the IBEW’s extended family at the helm.
Mark Gaston Pearce, past chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, says he has a “soft spot” for the IBEW: His broth-er is a New York Local 3 journeyman, his uncle a retired local business agent, and he fondly recalls his time as a Local 3 summer helper during is college years at Cornell.
Heading the institute at Georgetown Law, where he currently lectures, “is an exciting opportunity for me to participate in a program focused on protecting work-ers and educating them about their rights, and to do what is possible to influence policy,” he said.
Pearce spent his early career as an NLRB field attorney in Buffalo, N.Y., then represented unions in private practice. President Barack Obama appointed him to the five-seat NLRB in 2010. He served until 2017, mostly as chairman.
He is a natural fit for his new role, Georgetown Law Dean William M. Treanor said. “Both Mark’s work and the institute embody our motto that ‘Law is but the means, justice is the end.’” z
Former NLRB Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce
“It seems under the current board that companies are bolder in fighting every little issue they can.”— Bert McDermitt, Fourth District
regional organizing coordinator
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A Win in Ontario, but Labour’s Battles Continue
Toronto’s leaders stood defiantly in June against an anti-union attempt by Ontario’s Conserva-tive Party to reclassify the city’s
relationship with its construction work-force. In doing so, city leaders reinforced and expanded their commitment to work-ing people and voted overwhelmingly to maintain longstanding relationships with the IBEW and other construction trades.
“This decision will help ensure Toronto’s continued high safety stan-dards,” said Toronto Local 353 Business Manager Steven Martin. “It keeps at bay the risk to the public that improperly trained workers would have a hand in the construction of the city’s public works projects.”
Historically, the Ontario municipali-ties of Toronto, Hamilton, Waterloo and Sault Ste. Marie held agreements that permitted them, if they wished, to only accept bids on publicly funded infrastruc-ture projects from union contractors. This made those municipalities construction employers under provincial law.
But since Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative party came to power in 2018, lawmakers in the province have prioritised passage of a number of anti-worker measures. In December, Ford introduced Bill 66, an omnibus measure that sought to repeal a number of pro-worker provincial laws — for example, shifting overtime rules in favor of employers.
For members of the IBEW and the other construction trades, perhaps more worrying was the bill’s call to reclassify those four municipalities as non-con-struction employers and to cancel their long-held agreements with trades organi-sations, thus freeing any given contractor, union or nonunion, to bid on publicly funded projects.
“Workers were left out of the consul-tation process entirely and ignored” as Bill 66 was being crafted, Martin said. Nevertheless, activists from the IBEW and other labour organizations loudly made their objections known. In March, the Ford administration agreed to an amendment giving the leaders of those municipalities the freedom to vote in favor of remaining construction employ-ers and maintaining their existing agree-ments. But they were given just three months from the bill receiving royal assent to do so — a July 3 deadline.
The push to take away municipali-ties’ construction employer status was influenced by claims from Ford’s anti-union allies that work performed by union workers was costing municipalities too much money.
“Anti-union forces have been work-ing for a number of years in the cities of Hamilton, Sault Ste. Marie, Waterloo and Toronto,” said First District International Vice President Tom Reid, “to elect politi-cians who buy into their desire to remove
the construction employer status for those municipalities, selling them bogus claims of substantial cost savings.”
But when staffers for Toronto’s city councillors took a closer look at those claims, they determined that if the city were to become a non-construction employer and end its relationships with the IBEW and eight other unions, the city’s savings would be nominal, at best.
With that in mind, Toronto’s council-lors voted 20-4 to hold on to the city’s status as a construction employer. Fur-ther, they added a tenth union, LiUNA, to their preferred list.
In a statement, the IBEW Construc-tion Council of Ontario applauded
Toronto’s decision, saying that the move will ensure “a continued relationship that allows our highly skilled electri-cians to continue to deliver professional and safe service that benefits both the public and workers.”
Regrettably, the leaders of Hamil-ton, Sault Ste. Marie and Waterloo voted Ford’s way. In those cities, unionised con-struction workers have had their fairly negotiated agreements with the local gov-ernments essentially erased.
Worse, nonunion contractors in those places can now bid on public proj-ects classifying workers as “subcontrac-tors,” paying rock-bottom wages with limited benefits — if any. And thanks to
Bill 66, future public project bids from such contractors almost certainly will come in lower than the fair and equitable bids submitted by union employers.
But there remains a question about whether Bill 66 is even legal. Ontario’s Supreme Court has upheld the part of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms stating that the rights of workers to deter-mine union representation belong in the hands of workers, and activists in the con-struction trades believe that a case can be successfully made that Bill 66’s con-struction employer amendment restricts that right.
“We’re willing to take a charter chal-lenge to the Supreme Court, if necessary,”
Martin said.Meanwhile, IBEW members are con-
tinuing to protest Bill 66’s implementa-tion by holding informational rallies alongside our allies in Ontario’s other building trades and labour organizations.
“Our struggles in Ontario should send a message to all IBEW members in every province and territory about how we should be aware of who we are support-ing and electing at each level of govern-ment,” Reid said. “Clearly, electing men and women who aren’t willing to back our best interests can result in unfortunate consequences for all working people.” z
Une victoire en Ontario, mais les batailles du syndicat se poursuivent
En juin dernier, les dirigeants de la ville de Toronto se sont opposés à la tentative antisyndicale du Parti conservateur de l’Ontario des-
tinée à requalifier la relation profession-nelle de la ville avec les travailleurs de la construction. Ceci a permis à la ville de réaffirmer et d’élargir son engagement envers les travailleurs et elle a voté avec une écrasante majorité en faveur d’entre-tenir les relations de longue date avec la FIOE ainsi qu’avec les autres métiers de la construction.
« Cette décision garantit le respect des normes élevées en matière de sécu-rité de la ville de Toronto », dit le gérant d’affaires Steven Martin du local 353 situé à Toronto. « Elle éloigne le risque qui touche le public lorsque des travailleurs mal formés participent à la construction des projets de travaux publics de la ville. »
Dans le passé, les municipalités ontariennes de Toronto, de Hamilton, de Waterloo et de Sault-Sainte-Marie bénéfi-ciaient des accords qui leur permettaient, si elles le souhaitaient, de seulement accepter des soumissions pour des pro-jets d’infrastructures financés par les fonds publics de la part des entrepre-neurs syndiqués. Les employeurs de ces municipalités liés à l’industrie de la con-struction devenaient donc assujettis aux lois provinciales.
Mais depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir du Parti progressiste-conservateur de Doug Ford en 2018, les législateurs de la prov-ince ont priorisé l’adoption d’un certain nombre de mesures législatives contre les travailleurs. Ford a introduit le projet de loi 66 en décembre, cette mesure lég-islative omnibus a pour but d’abroger un certain nombre de lois provinciales qui sont en faveur des travailleurs, par exem-
ple : de pencher la balance des règles rel-atives aux heures supplémentaires en faveur des employeurs.
Pour les membres de la FIOE et les autres métiers de la construction, l’ap-proche de requalifier ces quatre munici-palités pour qu’elles soient réputées être des employeurs non liés à l’industrie de la construction et d’annuler les conven-tions collectives conclues entre eux depuis longtemps, libérant ainsi tout entrepreneur syndiqué ou non de soumis-sionner sur des projets financés au moy-en de fonds publics, sont les points les plus inquiétants.
« Pendant qu’il élaborait le projet de loi 66, les travailleurs ont complètement été exclus du processus de consultation et totalement mis de côté, » mentionne Martin. Toutefois, les militants de la FIOE et d’autres organisations syndicales ont clairement fait entendre leurs objections et au mois de mars, l’administration de Ford a approuvé un amendement qui don-ne la liberté aux leaders de ces municipal-ités de voter en faveur de garder leur statut comme employeur de la construc-tion et de maintenir leurs conventions collectives actuelles. Ils ont cependant eu jusqu’au 3 juillet pour le faire, un délai de seulement trois mois a été accordé une fois que le projet de loi a reçu la sanction royale.
Le fait de pousser à retirer ce statut aux municipalités a été influencé par les allégations des alliés antisyndicaux de Ford selon lesquelles le travail exécuté par les travailleurs syndiqués coutait beaucoup d’argent aux municipalités.
« Les forces antisyndicales travail-lent dans les villes de Hamilton, de Sault-Sainte-Marie, de Waterloo et de Toronto depuis un bon nombre d’années en vue d’élire des politiciens influencés par leur
désir de retirer le statut d’employeur de la construction à ces municipalités, en leur vendant de fausses idées qui leur per-mettraient de réaliser des économies importantes, » ajoute le vice-président international Tom Reid du Premier District.
Lorsque les conseillers municipaux de Toronto ont examiné ces allégations de plus près, ils ont déterminé que si la ville devenait un employeur hors construction et met fin à sa relation professionnelle avec la FIOE et avec les huit autres syndi-cats, l’économie réalisée par la ville sera, dans les meilleurs cas, minimale.
Et en ayant à l’esprit cette conclu-sion, les conseillers municipaux de la ville de Toronto ont voté 20 contre 4 en faveur de garder leur statut d’employeur de la construction. Le syndicat LiUNA a égale-ment été ajouté comme dixième syndicat à leur liste privilégiée.
Le Construction Council of Ontario de la FIOE a félicité la décision de Toronto en déclarant que : « cette décision garan-tie une relation continue qui permet à nos électriciens hautement qualifiés d’offrir un service professionnel et en toute sécu-rité qui avantage à la fois le public et les travailleurs. »
Les leaders de Hamilton, de Sault-Sainte-Marie et de Waterloo ont malheu-reusem*nt voté en faveur de cette mesure législative. C’est-à-dire, dans ces villes, les conventions collectives qui ont été négociées équitablement avec le gouver-nement local pour les travailleurs syn-diqués du secteur de la construction ont essentiellement été effacées.
Pire encore, les entrepreneurs non syndiqués dans ces endroits, peuvent maintenant soumissionner sur ces pro-jets, classant ces travailleurs dans la catégorie des « sous-traitants » leur per-
mettant ainsi de verser des salaires de misère avec des avantages limités, voire aucune. Et ce projet de loi va permettre à ces soumissions futures d’être fort proba-blement présentées à la baisse à compar-er aux soumissions présentées de façon juste et équitable par les employeurs syndiqués.
Il reste à savoir si ce projet de loi est légal. La Cour suprême de l’Ontario a con-firmé les droits exposés dans la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés en stip-ulant que la décision d’être représentée par un syndicat appartient aux travail-leurs, et les militants syndicaux croient qu’un dossier peut facilement être monté pour faire valoir que l’amendement au sujet de l’employeur de la construction du projet de loi 66 limite ce droit.
« Nous sommes même prêts à con-tester en vertu de la Charte devant la Cour suprême, » dit Martin.
Entre-temps, les membres de la FIOE continuent à protester contre l’appli-cation du projet de loi 66 en tenant des manifestations à but éducatif ouvertes au grand public accompagnés de nos alliés dans les autres métiers de la construction en Ontario ainsi qu’avec d’autres organi-sations syndicales.
« Nos luttes en Ontario devraient envoyer un message à tous les membres de la FIOE dans chaque province et terri-toire sur la manière dont nous devrions être conscients à qui nous apportions un soutien et quel candidat ou quelle candi-date on veut élire à chaque palier du gou-vernement, » ajoute le vice-président international Tom Reid du Premier Dis-trict. « Il est clair qu’élire des hommes et des femmes qui ne sont pas prêts à défendre nos intérêts peut entraîner des conséquences fâcheuses à tous les tra-vailleurs. » z
6 T h e E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r | S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9
CIRCUITSIBEW Effort Helps Move ‘Butch Lewis’ Closer to Passage
Intensive lobbying by activists from the IBEW and other labor unions paid off on July 24 when a bipar-tisan majority in the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pen-sion Act by a vote of 264 to 169. The legislation, which would restore retirement security to hun-dreds of thousands of working people in troubled multiemployer pension plans, is one of labor’s high-est priorities.
“Nearly all of our own pension plans are in great financial shape,” said International President Lonnie R. Stephenson. “But a few plans for our brothers and sisters in the mining, trucking and other industries are in serious danger of going under, and that could drag healthy plans like ours down with it.”
House Resolution 397, known informally as the Butch Lewis Act, calls for creating a Treasury agency to help keep troubled plans from insolvency through long-term, low-interest federal loans. Lew-is was a Teamster whose death was blamed on the stress he experienced after his own local’s pension plan went bankrupt.
“This win is a clear victory in our long battle to protect workers’ pensions, but the fight is far from over,” International Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth W. Cooper said. “We can take a moment to congratulate ourselves, but we also need to gear up for the Senate fight that lies ahead.”
There are about 1,400 multiemployer pension plans in the U.S. Most are financially stable, but if even a few of the larger at-risk ones went under, it could effectively destroy the Pension Benefit Guaranty Cor-poration, the federal agency covering pension plans that are no longer able to meet their obligations.
“Our plans are among the strongest in the nation and our members’ retirement savings are secure,” said Cooper, whose duties include oversight of the IBEW’s National Electrical Benefit Fund. “But we stand as always in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in other unions whose promised pensions are being threatened.”
The PBGC is healthy at the moment, but within the next few years more than 20 underfunded pen-sion plans are predicted to need the agency’s help to survive. If enough of those plans need rescuing, it could wipe out the PBGC’s cash reserves, spelling the end of a comfortable retirement for millions of Ameri-can workers and retirees. That’s why the IBEW and others have been urgently lobbying legislators in the House and Senate for years to come up with a fair fix.
There have been a number of obstacles along the way. Last fall, as a special congressional commit-tee was considering a solution that would have unfairly penalized solvent plans, the IBEW’s Political and Legislative Affairs Department called on leaders from locals representing nearly every state in the union to travel to Washington and meet with mem-bers of the House and Senate. Stephenson and Coo-per recorded a special video in which they urged all members to call their representatives and demand a just solution.
House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal of Massachusetts introduced HR 397 in January, and support for the act, from legislators and labor unions alike, gained momentum over the following months. On July 10, hundreds of activists representing the IBEW and other unions rallied on Capitol Hill in sup-port of Neal’s measure as a key committee was set to consider it.
When the measure was at last scheduled for consideration by the full House on July 24, Rep. Haley Stevens of Michigan spoke passionately in favor of it.
“The bill before us today is not a bailout,” Ste-
vens told her fellow members. “It is a backstop, and it is a solution to a boiling point that we ignore at the peril of more than a million workers who are now faced with financial catastrophe in retirement.”
In floor remarks of his own, Rep. Donald Nor-cross of New Jersey noted his 37 years of experience with multiemployer plans as an IBEW member and former business agent for Folsom, N.J., Local 351.
“I understand how they work,” he said. “These are deferred dreams, deferred wages that [workers] said they’ll put aside during their active career so that they can live out the American dream.”
Rather than being a handout, the Butch Lewis Act is “about doing the right thing,” Norcross said.
“The people that earned these [pensions] … played by the rules,” he said. “It’s important for us to pass this because they did nothing wrong.”
Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio introduced Senate Bill 2254, the Butch Lewis Act, in the upper chamber at the end of July. Members and their families are urged to contact their senators and demand they stand up for working people’s retirement security.
Visit senate.gov/senators/contact to find your senators and follow IBEW.org for more develop-ments on the Butch Lewis Act. z
IBEW, Entergy ‘Sticking’ with Code of Excellence
A simple sticker on the side of a work truck could be easily overlooked, but for IBEW members at Entergy Arkansas, that bit of plastic represents something more: a sign of growing pride on the job and an improved relationship with management; a symbol of the values embodied in the IBEW’s Code of Excellence.
Little Rock, Ark., Local 647 Business Manager Shannon Walters has been working with Entergy offi-cials and local unions throughout the state to get spe-cial decals explaining the Code and its values attached to the company’s fleet of vehicles, which it uses to deliver power to more than 700,000 custom-ers in 63 of Arkansas’ 75 counties.
“We want these stickers to be a reminder to each of us of the behaviors we hope to exhibit every day,” said Walters, an IBEW member for 35 years and
Local 647’s business manager for the last six. “This is the culture we want to create. We want to be the best in our business.”
The Code of Excellence is the IBEW’s five fun-damental values of safety, professionalism, accountability, relationships and quality — better known as SPARQ. One of the Code’s most dramatic success stories is at Entergy’s Nuclear One facility in Russellville, a carbon-free baseload energy plant that employs hundreds of members in a variety of capacities.
Nuclear One’s embrace of the Code in 2016, at Local 647’s suggestion, was instrumental in the plant’s flip from failing to thriving within just two years.
The IBEW’s contributions to this dramatic turn-around have been appreciated not just by Entergy exec-utives and employees, Walters said, but also by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and by INPO, an inde-pendent international nuclear plant consulting firm.
“We continue to have respectful dealings with management,” the business manager said. “Every-one appreciates the work we’re doing.”
IBEW members and locals throughout Arkansas have since helped take the Code company-wide; its logo and the SPARQ acronym are easily spotted on posters, bulletin boards and information monitors in many of Entergy’s facilities — not to mention on the first-ever Code of Excellence flag that flies outside Nuclear One.
Walters’ sticker idea came to him after deliver-ing a speech about the Code during the union’s annu-al nuclear conference last December.
Walters’ good friend Ross Galbraith, business manager of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Local 37 and a member of the International Executive Council, sent Walters a Local 37 challenge coin after returning home from the conference. And he included with it an index
card outlining Local 37’s commitment to the Code.“It sparked — pun intended — this idea of mak-
ing something of our own like that card,” Walters said. “I wanted something that, every time we get into a vehicle or go to our toolbox, is a reminder say-ing, ‘Here’s what we stand for; here’s how we roll.’”
Because IBEW locals in Arkansas have a variety of agreements with Entergy covering nuclear and fos-sil-fuel generation along with transmission and dis-tribution operations, Walters collaborated on his sticker idea with leaders from El Dorado Local 1703 and Pine Bluff Local 750 in Arkansas and St. Louis Local 1439, which represents Entergy workers in the northern part of the state.
Together, officers and stewards brainstormed some descriptive bullet points to explain the five SPARQ values. They also settled on the design: bold text and the Code’s logo overlaid on a patch of red in the shape of Arkansas.
Next, Walters approached an Entergy vice pres-ident with oversight of the company’s lineworker and distribution crews about placing 10-square-inch ver-sions of the SPARQ stickers on the driver’s side tool-box of the company’s bucket trucks.
Entergy surprised Walters with a counter-sug-gestion: How about adhering the decals instead on the driver- and passenger-side doors of those trucks? And why stop there: Could a 5-inch-square version go on the company’s cars, vans and pickups?
“So, all employees getting in and out of their vehicles will soon get a daily Code of Excellence reminder,” Walters said. “It’ll also be a reinforcement tool, reminding our members to be on their ‘A’ game all the time.”
All told, 863 vehicles, at last count, are set to receive SPARQ stickers, with an option to place even more decals on Entergy’s trailers and other equipment.
“The public is going to see what we stand for when they pull up next to one of these vehicles at a stoplight,” Walters said. “Hopefully it’ll educate peo-ple that we’re the good guys.”
It’s an admirable goal, considering Arkansas was one of the first to become a right-to-work state in 1947, almost immediately after Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act. The act allows states to pass laws permitting workers who benefit from collective bar-gaining agreements to opt out of paying their share to help negotiate and enforce those agreements.
For now, the SPARQ stickers are slowly being distributed and placed statewide. More will continue to get installed as Entergy’s mechanics gather for their monthly safety meetings.
“It’s been kind of a neat little journey,” Walters said. “It shows how our Code of Excel-lence reso-nates with both labor and manage-ment.” z
Ahead of a U.S. House of Representatives committee’s markup of the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pension Act, IBEW members joined other labor activists at the U.S. Capitol in July to rally for its approval. Lobbying by our members helped this crucial bill to help keep troubled plans from insolvency — also known as the Butch Lewis Act — pass the full House on July 24 with bipartisan support.
Leaders from Entergy Arkansas and the IBEW locals representing the company’s employees pose with a truck emblazoned with the IBEW’s Code of Excellence.
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THE FRONT LINE: POLITICS & JOBSNew Senate Energy Bill Supports Union Jobs, Priorities
An IBEW-backed bill introduced in the U.S. Senate would ensure that the country’s growing number of clean energy construction jobs will be filled by union-ized electrical workers and by highly trained brothers and sisters in other union trades.
“Across North America, our members are con-stantly maintaining and improving an energy grid that balances baseload and renewable energy sources to achieve maximum efficiency and reliability,” said Inter-national President Lonnie R. Stephenson. “We support this and other legislative efforts to guarantee that future construction jobs in the carbon-free nuclear, wind, solar and hydroelectric sectors will be filled by educated and experienced union men and women.”
Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon introduced the Good Jobs for 21st Century Energy Act S. 2185 on July 18. Among the bill’s provisions is language that establish-es prevailing wage and project labor agreement stan-dards for employers on clean energy generation and carbon-capture construction projects. Those employ-ers also would be required to guarantee to fill at least 20% of their construction craft jobs with apprentices.
“As the world transitions to clean and renew-able energy, America has a huge opportunity to lead that transition and to create millions of jobs in the process,” Merkley said in a statement. “We need to make sure the jobs powering our economy for the next century are good-paying, family-wage jobs.”
Additionally, Merkley’s bill calls for properly classifying workers on such construction projects and for giving individuals with criminal histories a fair chance at getting hired.
To help give employers incentives to adopt the bill’s pro-labor priorities, the bill would grant tax credits of up to 10% to companies working on quali-fied projects. The bill also offers those employers opportunities to apply for grants and govern-ment-backed loans.
The plan further calls for the creation of a “Clean Jobs Workforce Hub” made up of unions, employers and other interested parties, to further promote the value of quality employee training and development programs offered by the IBEW and other unions.
“This is the right bill at the right time to fight climate change and create the kind of family-sustain-ing jobs our country is desperate for,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. “For too long, the corpo-rate right-wing — the polluters and the union-bust-ers — conspired together to create a false choice: a raising wages economy or a clean environment. We can and must have both.”
Alongside the IBEW and the AFL-CIO, a number of other labor organizations and allies have endorsed Merkley’s bill, including the United Steelworkers, LiU-NA, the Utility Workers Union of America and the Unit-ed Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters.
“The IBEW remains committed to finding a bal-anced and climate-sensitive approach toward secur-ing reliable and affordable electricity generation,” said Political and Legislative Affairs Director Austin Keyser. “Sen. Merkley’s bill will help guarantee that future green energy construction work will provide safe, living-wage and family-supporting jobs.
“It’s also important that as long as our electri-cal grid is reliant on fossil fuels, we’re leading the way in supporting carbon-capture and carbon-reducing modifications that help to minimize emissions,” Key-ser added. “This bill helps do both.
Merkley’s Bill, which had 13 co-sponsors as of mid-August, has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee, where it awaits further consideration. z
Capitol Hill Lineworker Events Celebrate Recognition Resolution
On July 10, Rep. Linda Sanchez of California intro-duced a House of Representatives resolution to des-ignate that date as National Lineworkers Recogni-tion Day.
“The resolution is really a messaging piece which talks about the value, the dedication and the dignity of work,” Sanchez said at a ceremony on Cap-itol Hill that afternoon. “The work that lineworkers do is dangerous and important work, and they are an integral part of our communities.”
July 10 is significant because it’s the date in 1896 that the IBEW’s founder and first president, Henry Miller, died from injuries he sustained while working to restore power in a northwest Washington, D.C., neighborhood.
“Our hardworking lineworkers put their lives on the line every day to ensure our nation has the power it needs to keep moving forward,” Internation-al President Lonnie R. Stephenson said. “It’s never easy, but they know that the job needs to be done. July 10 is the day to say thanks for all they do for us and our communities.”
Sanchez, a former compliance officer and mem-ber of Santa Ana, Calif., Local 441, noted with pride that more than 100 of her House colleagues had quickly signed on to cosponsor the resolution, House Resolution 478. It’s also backed by the IBEW, the Util-ity Workers Union of America and the investor-owned utilities of the Edison Electrical Institute.
During July 10 ceremony, International Secre-tary-Treasurer Kenneth W. Cooper touted the union’s successful partnerships with these utilities.
“We have something that ties us together, a common thread, and it’s called ‘safety,’” Cooper told the gathering of lawmakers, union officials and elec-trical industry representatives. “They take safety very seriously, and we are appreciative of our relationship with them.”
Also speaking at the ceremony was Rep. David McKinley of West Virginia, who worked in construc-tion before entering politics.
“People don’t understand the work that you do, the danger,” McKinley said, “all the things we have to do to protect our gear, to make sure that you can be protected to come home at night.”
In 2016, McKinley co-founded the bipartisan Congressional Building Trades Caucus with Rep. Donald Norcross of New Jersey, “to teach Congress to respect the people that work out in the open, like you all do, in the worst conditions,” he said.
Norcross, a member and former business agent of Folsom, N.J., Local 351, spoke about the prepara-tions lineworkers make when weather disasters loom.
“When everybody else is evacuating, that’s when you see those long lines of trucks going towards the storm,” he said. “That’s what keeps America rolling.”
Earlier in the day, Norcross addressed a mid-morning “Touch the Truck” event on the west side of the Capitol building. The demonstration pro-vided a chance for members of the public to meet lineworkers from Nevada’s NV Energy and New Jer-sey’s Public Service Electric and Gas, as well as to get hands-on with a bucket truck and some of the equip-ment lineworkers use on the job.
“What you hear and see today, 99.9% of Ameri-ca has no idea that it goes on,” Norcross said. “Noth-ing goes to describe what it’s like living in the cab of that truck for a week, when the power’s out and you’re trying to help those men and women whose homes and businesses depend on it.”
Norcross asked PSE&G troubleshooter Mike Butler, a member of Cranbury, N.J., Local 94, to describe some of what his job entails.
“I’m on the emergency position — almost like a first-responder — for a multitude of problems, whether it’s part-power, no-power, wires down, pub-lic safety, broken poles, entrapments, things like that, making the area safe before the fire and EMS can get in,” said Butler. After serving in the Army, Butler became a journeyman lineman with Local 94, working in PSE&G’s line department for nearly 10 years before becoming a troubleshooter. “We’re usu-ally the only contact people have with the power company,” he said.
There have been a number of attempts in Con-gress over the last several years to set aside a day for lineworker appreciation, but the effort to set aside July 10 is the only one backed by the IBEW.
“Electrical lineworkers build and maintain the framework for bringing power to hundreds of millions of customers across North America,” said Utility Department Director Donnie Colston. “Their skill and their sacrifice get overlooked too often.”
In California, the leaders of Diamond Bar Local 47 and Vacaville Local 1245 successfully lobbied in 2014 to have the Golden State officially recognize the date of Miller’s death as Lineman Appreciation Day.
Many other utilities this year participated in Line-worker Recognition Day across the U.S. as well as in Canada, where efforts to have the July 10 date similarly commemorated continue to have the support of the IBEW’s First District members, the Canadian Electricity Association and the Canadian Labour Congress. z
Washington, Tennessee Harden Penalties for Assaults on Utility Workers
Rick Luiten didn’t have to rely on abstract statistics or second-hand anecdotes when he testified in favor of Washington state’s new law imposing tougher penal-ties on people who assault utility workers.
The journeyman lineman and Seattle Local 77 executive board member described escaping in his truck after a man ordered his dog to attack, and more recently being confronted by a man with a gun when he and his crew had to cross private property to replace two power poles.
“He was very agitated and threatening with me as I explained what we were doing,” Luiten told the Washington House Committee on Public Safety earli-er this year. “Eventually I was able to calm him down, but I was very concerned for the safety of my crew.”
Other IBEW members also spoke, urging law-makers to add utility workers to the state’s “aggravat-ing circ*mstance” law, which increases penalties for assaulting police officers and other public servants.
Save for a single “no” vote in the Senate, the Legislature passed the bill unanimously. Local 77 political director Sean Bagsby credits the relation-ships the IBEW and its utility partners built, winning support from 100 percent of the Republicans in the Statehouse and all but one Democrat.
A similar law now extends first-responder pro-tections to utility workers in Tennessee, raising maxi-mum fines for assault to $15,000, six times the previ-ous cap of $2,500.
“The way it’s worded, it covers any employee,” in a situation that escalates to assault, said Quentin Tanner, assistant business manager at Nashville Local 429. “It could be the customer service person at the front desk and someone is mad about a bill.”
Local 429 Business Manager Randy Clark noted past incidents in Tennessee that echo what Luiten experienced: a customer siccing pit bulls on a utility crew, a man putting a shotgun to a meter reader’s head.
States with comparable laws on the books include New York, Ohio, Alabama and Missouri. In Tennessee and Washington, IBEW activists were determined to succeed in 2019 after earlier attempts fell short.
“The very nature of our industry is dangerous, even before you introduce additional hazards such as weather, terrain, uncontrolled pets and potentially angry and violent persons,” Bagsby testified in Washington.
“This legislation is important not only to protect the brave people who bring and maintain the power to the people,” he said. “It is also important to help maintain the grid reliability and services provided for the various utilities to their customers, communities and service territory.”
More quietly, but no less effectively, Local 429 and Tenth District staff were making the same kind of arguments across the country.
In partnership with the Tennessee Electrical Cooperative Association and utility plant managers, they’d pushed for a bill in 2018. While one Republican senator sponsored the legislation, another shut it down. Tanner said it had more to do with the bill’s wording than its principles.
This year, supporters kept it simple, seeking to insert “any identifiable employee of a utility or con-tractor of a utility” into existing law governing aggra-vated assault.
When it came to the sales pitch, however, IBEW leaders made a strategic decision to stay on the side-lines. They wanted to ensure that anti-union politi-cians in deep-red Tennessee wouldn’t let their views interfere with badly needed protections.
Rep. Donald Norcross of New Jersey, left, a member of Folsom, N.J., Local 351, speaks with Cranbury, N.J., Local 94 member Mike Butler, a troubleshooter with Public Service Energy and Gas during a National Lineworkers Recognition Day event near the U.S. Capitol on July 10.
A new bill in the U.S. Senate could help guarantee that future construction jobs in various carbon-free sectors will be filled by educated and experienced IBEW members, such as the men and women from Augusta, Ga., Local 1579 who are working on this Plant Vogtle nuclear facility.
it: C
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Instead, they rallied union allies in police and fire departments to lobby and testify on their behalf, helping lawmakers understand that utility workers face many of the same dangers as first responders.
The bill passed 98-0 in the House and 27-5 in the Senate.
“I was tickled to death, especially after the pre-vious year,” Clark said. “I give a lot of credit to Quen-tin and our other lobbyists, and the firefighters and police officers who had our backs.”
In Washington, IBEW representatives were on hand April 30 as Gov. Jay Inslee signed the bill into law.
“Utility workers do their jobs under extraordi-narily dangerous conditions and hellacious hours,” Inslee said. “This measure will help keep our utility workers safe, especially when they must access pri-vate property to make repairs.”
Assault laws enacted in other states in recent years are having an effect. In May, a woman in upstate New York was sentenced to three years in prison for attacking a National Grid worker in 2018.
The victim, a 25-year-old woman sent to turn off the customer’s power, was knocked to the ground and suffered facial injuries. According to news cover-age, the assault was elevated to a felony from a mis-demeanor because of the 2016 law.
Local 77’s success with the assault bill follows a hard-fought victory last year to add utility workers to Washington’s “move-over” law, which requires motorists to change lanes or slow down on sin-gle-lane roads when first responders and other emer-gency workers are on scene.
A move-over law in Tennessee has protected utility crews since 2011. At least 30 states have simi-lar laws, most passing with bipartisan support.
In Washington, however, Senate GOP leaders blocked Local 77’s efforts for two legislative sessions. The move-over bill didn’t pass until a special election in 2017 flipped control of the chamber to Democrats.
“Our IBEW brothers and sisters from Washing-ton to Tennessee and all over the country have been working extremely hard in recent elections to elect
candidates who put a priority not only on our rights at work, but also our safety at work,” International Pres-ident Lonnie R. Stephenson said.
“Ultimately, the right to go home safe and
healthy at the end of the day is the most valuable right of all,” he said. “We have to continue to fight for candidates who care about that as much as we do.” z
Benny Hunnicutt
Tenth District International Representative Benny Hun-nicutt, whose South Caroli-na-based career earned him respect as a labor lead-er in some of the most noto-riously anti-union parts of the country, retired effec-tive Sept. 1.
Brother Hunnicutt was born in Anderson, S.C., and moved around the state during his formative years while his father, a minister in the Assemblies of God denomination, worked at various churches. He graduated from high school in Wagener, S.C., and was hired by South Carolina Electric & Gas in 1974 to work in its natural gas department.
He became a member of Charleston, S.C., Local 398 upon his hiring, but the young Hunnicutt had lit-tle appreciation for what that meant. The Palmetto State has the lowest union membership rate among workers in the country.
“Growing up in South Carolina, unions were not something I was accustomed to,” Hunnicutt said. “No one talked about them. If it was mentioned, it was kind of on the negative side.”
His appreciation grew after a few years on the job. Hunnicutt was transferred to work in Lexington, S.C., where he was the company’s first gas service man in the area. By that time, gas employees for SCE&G had their membership transferred to Colum-bia, S.C., Local 772.
Hunnicutt wasn’t pleased with some of the company’s actions, and he learned that other employ-ees — who worked in everything from billing to elec-trical distribution — felt the same way. He decided to become a steward and his career as a union activist was on its way.
“I saw what unions did as far as standing up for the rights of working people,” he said. “That made me want to get involved and help the people I was working with.”
He served on Local 772’s executive board and also as president and financial secretary before being elected business manager in 1995 while also continu-ing to work for full time for SCE&G.
“The big reason I ran for business manager was
helping people, and that’s why I stay involved,” he said. “A lot of people have issues we may not think about much, but if they came and talked to me, I knew it was important to them and it was something I need-ed to check out.”
Hunnicutt took on further responsibilities when he was appointed to the Committee on Electric Power Industry Restructuring after the 1996 International Con-vention in Philadelphia. The committee, which was composed of utility business managers in each of the IBEW’s districts, made recommendations on how to deal with deregulation in the utility industry.
Three years later, he was appointed an interna-tional representative in the Tenth District, where his work included servicing local unions in all branches. He stayed in that role until his retirement, traveling across the Carolinas, Arkansas and Tennessee.
“Benny’s got what I have to call a ‘good ol’ boy’ presentation of himself,” said retired Tenth District International Representative Gene Ruff, who Hunni-cutt considers a professional mentor. “He’s quiet. He generally doesn’t say anything until he’s thought it out pretty well.
“During negotiations, I saw he had the intesti-nal fortitude to step up for our members, but at the same time, he was very thoughtful. I love teaching, and one of the things I try to teach anyone represent-ing members is they have to listen. Benny is a darn good listener.”
Hunnicutt said he took particular pride in under-standing contract language and how it might have an impact on members in unforeseen ways. That skill is helpful no matter if you’re negotiating for a utility or construction local or any other branch, he said.
“I always told our people that I’ll lean on you to discuss something particular about your work,” he said. “Hopefully, you can lean on me when it comes to contract language.”
In retirement, Hunnicutt and his wife, Gale, plan to keep their home in Gilbert, S.C. — population 500 — west of the state capital of Columbia and spend more time with their two grown children and four grandchildren. He and Gale are avid horseback riders and transport their four horses for trail rides across the country.
“The opportunities that came from working for the IBEW, I could not ask for anything more,” he said.
The officers and staff thank Brother Hunnicutt for his service and wish him a long and happy retirement. z
James A. McAteer
James A. McAteer, a retired international representative and longtime advocate for members of the union’s rail-road branch, died on June 7. He was 91.
“Jim was a kind and loving person who truly cared about the members he
represented and the local reps he was responsible for overseeing,” said Railroad Department Director Wil-liam Bohné, who was one of many brothers and sisters mentored by McAteer over the last 40-plus years. “He never had a bad word to say about anyone.”
McAteer was born on Jan. 2, 1928, in Glasgow, Scotland. He and his family eventually moved to the U.S., settling in suburban Philadelphia’s Delaware County. After graduating from St. Thomas More High School, he served in the U.S. Army from 1946 to 1947.
In 1950, McAteer took a job with the Pennsylva-nia Railroad, whose members were represented at the time by the Transportation Workers Union. In 1968, the railroad merged with the IBEW-represented New York Central Railroad. That same year, the newly formed Penn Central Railroad’s combined workforce voted for IBEW representation, bringing McAteer and nearly 1,700 of his Pennsylvania Railroad brothers and sisters into Philadelphia Local 2271.
He served briefly as Local 2271’s business man-ager before assuming the role of assistant general chairman of Railroad System Council 7. In 1973, McAteer became the council’s general chairman, a position he held through 1978.
The following year, then-International President Charles Pillard appointed McAteer as an international representative for the Tenth District, which was the union’s railroad district at the time.
“As an international rep, Jim did a very good job representing railroad employees,” said Arthur David-son, System Council 7’s current general chairman, who was president of Harmon, N.Y., Local 1631 at the time of McAteer’s appointment. “He was a stellar union advocate, very much a gentleman and very pro-fessional. He had a nice way about him.”
McAteer also was a member of the National Rail-
road Adjustment Board’s second division from 1981 to 1982. In 1984, he joined Amtrak’s Joint Labor-Manage-ment Productivity Council and later became its chair-man. He also served terms as secretary-treasurer, and later president, of the AFL-CIO Railway Employees Department’s System Federation No. 1 and was an active member of the American Legion.
Despite his busy schedule, McAteer always managed to make time for mentoring. “He was always there for me and for the other young reps just break-ing in,” Bohné said. “Jim taught us all so much.”
McAteer retired from the IBEW in 1993, which freed him to spend more time with his family and to pursue his lifelong fishing and gardening hobbies. But throughout his retirement, McAteer remained in regular contact with the staff at System Council 7, and he continued for several years to provide “articulate and knowledgeable” training to members when he was needed, Davidson said.
“He related very well to the local union repre-sentatives,” Davidson said. “He was empathetic with their issues and problems; an exceptional person.”
“He was a master at what he did as a rep — negotiating, arbitration, etc. — and he loved passing on his knowledge to the generation following in his footsteps,” Bohné added.
Over the last few years, McAteer’s health began to decline. He struggled with Alzheimer’s disease, but he always valued his union brothers and sisters.
Bohné recalled calling him on Jan. 2 to sing “Happy Birthday to You,” as he did every year.
“Following the singing, and after about 10 min-utes of talking, I said, ‘Well Jim, the main reason I called was to sing you ‘Happy Birthday,’’ and he says, ‘OK, well, let me hear it!’ So, I sang it again,” Bohné said. “As always, he thanked me and said what a great job I did.
“He never forgot who I was or what the IBEW meant to him,” Bohné said. “He was a great friend, and I’ll miss him dearly.”
McAteer’s wife of more than 40 years, Jean-nette, died last year. He also was preceded in death by his brother Tom, a member of Local 2271 as well who held leadership positions within Railroad Sys-tem Council No. 7 in the 1980s and 1990s.
On behalf of the entire brotherhood, the IBEW extends its condolences to Brother McAteer’s family and friends. z
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signs a bill championed by Seattle Local 77 that increases penalties for assaults on utility workers. Starting second from left, pictured with utility partners and lawmakers who sponsored the bill, are Local 77 leaders and activists Rick Luiten; Damian Hernandez; Luiten’s son, Robert; Sean Bagsby; new Business Manager Rex Habner; President Rick Johnson; and Karl Freudenstein.
W W W . I B E W . O R G
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Inside Wiremen Ratify Contract
L.U. 11 (i,rts&spa), LOS ANGELES, CA — On Saturday, July 27, nearly 2,000 inside wireman members of Local 11 gathered to vote on a new contract. Our negotiating committee started getting together at the end of April to look at suggestions from the membership and form a strategy. The negotiations were tough, taking a toll on our committee, but a fair deal could not happen without a fight. At the last hour a deal was struck, and consequently ratified by the membership with nearly 75% voting to approve the new contract.
“We now move forward together as one to fur-ther the industry, secure more work for our IBEW members and NECA contractors, and make Los Ange-les the greatest union city in America,” said IBEW Local 11 Bus. Mgr. Joel Barton. “This contract could not have been forged without the members’ solidari-ty, tenacity and steadfast will during negotiations. … The members brought this to the finish and created the best Inside Wiremen’s Agreement in IBEW Local 11’s history. You should be proud of what we have accomplished together.” [Photo at bottom, left.]
Calls are outpacing our organizing efforts for every book — Inside, Intelligent Transportation, Low Voltage — and with over 2,000 apprentices in classes at our Electrical Training Institute, we are beginning to see a larger share of the work in the Los Angeles area being undertaken by our contractors.
Visit our website at www.IBEW11.org and see the changes happening at Local 11.
Chuck Webb, B.A., R.S., P.S.
IBEW Career of Service — Business Manager Retires
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Local 15’s longest serving business manager/president, Dean Apple, retired effective July 12 this year. Dean had served the membership at Byron Nuclear Station since 1984. Ini-
tially he was a Local 1515 steward and became the chief stew-ard in 1987. Former Local 1515 was amal-gamated into Local 15 in 1995. After the amal-gamation, Dean was hired as a business representative for the Nuclear Division. Elect-ed to the position of Local 15 business man-ager/president in 2007,
Dean continued to serve the membership until retire-ment, having won four consecutive elections.
Dean has represented the best interest of the membership when negotiating contracts, advocating for safety and working with state and local elected officials to best serve the interests of Local 15. While serving the local, Dean was also elected chairman of the Illinois Conference of the IBEW in 2013. This con-ference represents the interests of 50,000 electrical workers statewide. Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson appointed Dean to the executive board of the Illinois AFL-CIO, where he served until spring of 2019.
The members and staff of Local 15 wish Dean a long and well-deserved retirement. Thank you, broth-er, for all the dedicated service to our IBEW.
Sam Studer, P.S.
2019 Apprenticeship Graduation
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — The Central New York Electrical Training Alliance’s annual graduation cer-emony took place Friday, May 31, at Drumlin’s Country Club in Syracuse. The occasion marked the graduation of 23 apprentices from the inside wireman program.
CNYETA Training Dir. Jon Leubner remarked we should all be proud of the class of 2019, assured they
will continue their careers as some of the best electri-cians in the nation. This class distinguished itself with an overall GPA over 90% over five years.
The new graduates are: Jotham Adams, John Cur-rier, Justin Naylor, Michael Schlueter, Michael Nichols, Keith Blenis, Garrett Lustrinelli, Michael Deuel, Win-throp Wickwire, Jamie Garrard, Jordon Naylor, Michael Morse, Bradley Murdoch, Matthew Hendrix, William Hoffman, Tanner Bishton, Brett Churchman, Patrick Nasoni, Jim Engler, Eric Sullivan, Kristopher Edwards, Michael McQuatters and David Hearn.
Award recipients were as follows:The Scholastic Achievement Award, courtesy of Fluke, was presented by Instructor Dave Nichols to Jotham Adams, who finished the program with a final classroom average of 94.3%.
The Perfect Attendance Award, courtesy of Mil-waukee Electric Tool, was presented by Instructor Rich-ard Shopland to both John Currier and Tanner Bishton.
The Outstanding Apprentice Award, courtesy of Klein Tools, was presented by Instructor Thomas Murphy to Matthew Hendrix.
The Bill Towsley Union Activist Award was present-ed by Pres. Kevin Crawford jointly to Jamie Garrard and Tanner Bishton for continued dedication to the IBEW.
Congratulations to the newest journeyman wiremen of IBEW Local 43!
Gene Townsend, P.S.
New Members Welcomed
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Greetings, brothers and sisters.
Local 47 Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. and Seventh Dis-trict IEC member Patrick Lavin swore in 49 new mem-bers at our Outside Construction meeting on June 15. Congratulations and welcome to all.
City of Anaheim, City of Colton, and City of Ver-non negotiations continue. At Abengoa Mojave Solar and at City Light & Power, we have reached tentative three-year agreements as of this writing.
The Wildfire Resiliency Coalition is meeting weekly. We have made several trips to Sacramento to meet with the Firefighters Association and others to discuss the coalition.
The Injured Workers Fund Golf Tournament on July 19 and the Local 47 Family Picnic on Aug. 10 were both huge successes.
Upcoming events include the Brotherhood Motorcycle Run on Sept. 14, and Local 47’s Christmas celebration at Anaheim Stadium on Dec. 13.
We’re sad to report the deaths of members Mark Thistle, Javier Calderon, Jose Ortega and Larry Cran-dall, as well as Local 66 member Dan Podunovich, who was working out of our jurisdiction. Our condo-lences and prayers are with their loved ones.
Work safe, live safe and free — and buy union!
Mitch Smith, P.S.
Trade Classifications(as) Alarm & Signal (et) Electronic Technicians (mps) Motion Picture Studios (rts) Radio-Television Service
(ars) Atomic Research Service (fm) Fixture Manufacturing (nst) Nuclear Service Technicians (so) Service Occupations
(bo) Bridge Operators (govt) Government (o) Outside (s) Shopmen
(cs) Cable Splicers (i) Inside (p) Powerhouse (se) Sign Erector
(catv) Cable Television (it) Instrument Technicians (pet) Professional, Engineers & Technicians
(spa) Sound & Public Address
(c) Communications (lctt) Line Clearance Tree Trimming (st) Sound Technicians
(cr) Cranemen (lpt) Lightning Protection Technicians (ptc) Professional, Technical & Clerical
(t) Telephone
(ees) Electrical Equipment Service (mt) Maintenance (tm) Transportation Manufacturing
(ei) Electrical Inspection (mo) Maintenance & Operation (rr) Railroad (u) Utility
(em) Electrical Manufacturing (mow) Manufacturing Office Workers (rtb) Radio-Television Broadcasting (uow) Utility Office Workers
(es) Electric Signs (mar) Marine (rtm) Radio-Television Manufacturing (ws) Warehouse and Supply
Efforts are made to make this list as inclusive as possible, but the various job categories of IBEW members are too numerous to comprehensively list all.
Submitting Local Lines Articles
Local Lines are printed monthly on an alternating even/odd schedule. They can be submitted by designated press secretaries or union officers via email ([emailprotected]) or U.S. Mail. We have a 200-word limit. We make every effort to assist local unions in publishing useful and relevant local union news; however, all final content decisions are based on the editor’s judgment. Our guidelines and deadlines are available at www.ibew.org/media-center/IBEW-News-Media-Center/Submitting-Local-Lines. Please email or call the Media Department at (202) 728-6291 with any questions.
Local 43 congratulates class of 2019 apprenticeship graduates.
Recently retired Local 15 Bus. Mgr. Dean Apple.
IBEW Local 11 members attend union meeting. Local 47 Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. and IEC member Patrick Lavin swore in 49 new members at the Outside Construction meeting on June 15.
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Golf Scholarship Outing; Upcoming Wind Farm Projects
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Our annual Golf Scholarship Outing was held Saturday, June 1. Taking first place was the team con-sisting of Walt Westfall, Colton Beams, Joe Bianco and Zach Overmyer. The second-place team included Tony Cook, Matt Moore, Andy Buzzard and John Lieb. The dead-last team proudly consisted of Bob Wedell, Jed Dooley, Patrick Shinners and Amanda Hansen. We were fortunate to give out 11 $500 scholarships to our members and their families. Thank you to every-one who supported the tournament.
Results of our local union election of officers are as follows: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Bob Wedell; Pres. Rob-ert D. Colby Jr.; Vice Pres. Clay Davidson; Rec. Sec. Stacey Heckman; and Treas. Dann Haney. Delegates to the IBEW convention are: Chris Blount, Robert D. Colby Jr., Tony Cook, Wes Heckman, Tom Hocking, Tim Lynch and Corey Stone.
Five new wind farms will begin construction this fall and next spring. Line clearance tree trimming work remains steady. Keep informed by attending monthly unit meetings. Stay in touch by visiting our website www.ibew51.org and liking our Facebook page.
Karlene Knisley, B.R.
Workplace Safety; Golf Tournament Benefit
L.U. 55 (c,lctt,o&u), DES MOINES, IOWA — The local recently held its Annual Retiree Luncheon. Asst. Bus. Agent Shane Nelson honored 14 members who have a combined total of 635 years of IBEW service. Every-one had a great time.
Asst. Bus. Agent Willie Dennis reports that our local has made an alliance with the federal Occupa-tional Safety and Health Administration and the state-level Iowa OSHA to volunteer assistance to help train OSHA inspectors and work with them to provide a better understanding of the hazards we face on the job. The next step is to get our contractors on board. This can make our industry a safer place to work.
Asst. Bus. Agent Rusty McCuen spent two weeks in Chicago working on a new contract with AT&T. Negotiations were difficult, but on the last day they spent 21 hours straight and got a contract. It was a hard-fought victory. Good job, Rusty!
Asst. Bus. Agent Shane Nelson said the Local’s 5th Annual Golf Tournament raised over $50,000 for Cradling New Life. Over 144 people golfed, and we had many sponsors. We also had a big turnout for the local’s bike ride.
Always remember to practice safety. It’s espe-cially important at work as we drive large trucks and heavy equipment. Remember to set your work zones up and pay attention to never stand between trucks or behind trucks.
I also want to thank Lloyd Jones for helping me when I was an apprentice. That was almost 50 years ago, and yet we’re both here and can talk about the good times shared. That’s what safety is about! Fam-ily and friendships! God bless each of you.
Myron Green, P.S.
Election of Officers; Contract Negotiations
L.U. 97 (u), SYRACUSE, NY — As of this writing our tri-ennial local union elections have just concluded. Bus. Mgr./Pres. Ted Skerpon was reelected to an unprece-dented fourth term along with Rec. Sec. Susan Swee-ney and Treas. Ronald Gosson. New officers elected include: Vice-President Bruce Gayne, and Executive Board members Ronald Kennedy (National Grid, Pro-duction and Maintenance, West); Mark Buccina (NG,
Technical, Office, Clerical, Central); Susan Kindlon (NG, TOC, East); and Michael Bishop (Exelon).
With the business of the elections concluded, we can now prepare for the challenges before us. Sev-en contract negotiations are planned over the next 12 months, including our negotiations with our largest employer, National Grid. With our experienced lead-ership and an influx of new blood, we will be prepared to hold these employers accountable and deliver favorable contracts to our members.
Lastly, we wish outgoing Vice Pres. Marty Curri-er a long and fulfilling retirement. Marty has worked tirelessly on the Executive Board, as a business rep-resentative, and recently as vice president, to name only a few duties he has performed. Thank you, Mar-ty, for all the hard work you have done on behalf of the membership. Enjoy your retirement, brother — you have earned it!
Dan Machold, B.R./P.S.
Organizing Success ‘Breaking Ground in Boston’
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — Greetings! Another great summer in the books. In Boston, we have been very busy.
We celebrated the grand opening of Encore Bos-ton Harbor, the region’s very first five-star gaming resort. Wynn Resorts invested $2.6 billion into con-struction and provided over 1 million man-hours for Local 103 contractors and members.
In addition, Local 103 put on a textbook organiz-ing drive and secured recognition from Encore to be the exclusive representative of the entire mainte-nance staff in the hotel, casino and convention cen-ter. We’re excited to welcome the 100-plus employees as new members!
We were also busy breaking ground on a brand new, 46-story signature office tower for National Real Estate Development and HYM Investment Group. When it opens in 2022, it will be the new global head-quarters of State Street Bank, a 200-year-old Boston based company.
Local 103 is also happy to report movement on the redevelopment of Suffolk Downs. On deck are 16 million square feet of development — 10,000 units of housing, including 910 affordable units; 7 million square feet of commercial space, retail and hotels; and $300 million in on-site and off-site infrastruc-ture. The Suffolk Downs development will create thousands of good jobs for Local 103 and the trades for the next 20 years! Just more proof that it’s still an exciting time to be an electrician, technician or apprentice in Boston. Let’s get to work!
Jimmy Fleming, P.S.
Newly Elected Officers; ‘Welcome, Sisters & Brothers’
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — Congratulations to all our newly elected offi-
cers, Executive Board and Examining Board mem-bers, and delegates to the IBEW International Con-vention. Ballots were counted on June 7, and officers were sworn in July 19.
Please welcome the Local 111 officers: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Richard A. Meisinger Jr. (delegate to I.O. Convention); Pres. Patrick S. Quinn (delegate to I.O. Convention); Vice Pres. Ron J. Geary; Rec. Sec. Franklin S. Martinez Jr.; and Treas. Julie A. Borger. Executive Board members: Elizabeth D. Monday, Suzann E. Kuhns, Eugene “Gene” Sipola, Charles R. Carrera, William H. Ashley, Jose Ovalle and Jeff K. Jablonski. Examining Board: Reginald “Reggie” Vigil, Colin Wakefield and Jordan D. Kohn.
Another big change at the Local 111 union hall: Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson announced the amalgama-tion of former IBEW Local 969 (Grand Junction, CO) into IBEW Local 111, effective July 1 this year. We would like to welcome those sisters and brothers into our family and look forward to working with all our new members. Our union continues to grow, and we are getting stronger and stronger when we stand united. Please attend your unit meetings, Women’s Committee meetings, EWMC meetings, and safety meetings. Get to know your union sisters and brothers. Visit our local union website for upcoming events at www.ibew111.org.
Lastly, don’t forget the annual Labor Day parade in Louisville, CO. Contact the office for more information.
Patrick S. Quinn, P.S.
Golf Tournament Benefit; Tribute to A Life of Service
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — Every year a golf tournament is held to raise money for the Oregon Burn
Center. A creation of Local 125 members Bill Quimby and Gene Daily, it continues to generate enormous sup-port from sponsors, volun-teers and golfers. Thus, it was with heavy hearts, tre-mendous respect and com-plete gratitude that this year’s event was held on its traditional June Saturday, even with its founder miss-ing. Bro. Quimby passed May 11, 2019.
This year the tournament raised $65,000. Members of the Quimby family including Bill’s wife, Chris, and daughter Stephanie were present to receive a gift from the Burn Center as well as visit with longtime friends and tournament supporters.
Bill’s vision, energy and ability to bring people together, along with his union brother and close friend Gene, have helped create an event that will continue serving our community even without his continued stewardship.
Bus. Mgr. Travis Eri has stated that we were for-tunate to have Bill’s vision and leadership, and we will continue the work that Gene and Bill started so many years ago to increase collaboration with the Oregon Burn Center. In Bill’s memory and with the IBEW spirit of service in mind, let’s all commit to con-tinuing this important work.
Marcy Grail, A.B.M.
Project BEST Hosts Construction Career/Job Fair
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV — Our work picture in the area remains slow, with 47 members on Book 1. We are anticipating a few larger commercial projects to hopefully put our members to work in the fall. We are also still awaiting a final investment decision regarding
the construction of an ethane cracker in our area.Local 141 participated in the Project BEST Con-
struction Career Job Fair held at the Wheeling Park Ice Rink on May 2 this year. This event educates local high-school students about careers in the building trades. Project BEST is a labor/management organization that promotes the use of local union contractors and trades-people for major construction projects in the area.
It is with much sadness that Local 141 reports the passing of Bro. Julius “Junior” Phillips. Bro. Phil-lips served for many years as Local 141’s apprentice-ship director. He will be sadly missed. Local 141 also mourns the passing of Tom Cerra. Mr. Cerra was a founding member of Project BEST, and he served as its chairman for many years.
Kurt “Bug” Reed, P.S.
Vehicle Sports IBEW Logo — Promotes Union Apprenticeship
L.U. 177 (bo,ees,govt,i,mo,o&pet), JACKSONVILLE, FL — The work outlook has slowed somewhat with 90 on Book 1, but several projects will start up in the upcoming months that should provide relief.
Congratulations to the 28 apprentice graduates who recently graduated from the apprenticeship program.
Unit 1 recently ratified unanimously their new contract with four different companies that includes a 2.5% increase in wages a year for three years. The negotiating team did a great job to get to the point where the contract would be acceptable.
Local 177 recently purchased a new vehicle and had the vehicle wrapped with Local 177 signage with contact information. On the tailgate we have our apprenticeship’s web address and www.WePower-America.org for anyone looking for a career with the IBEW. The members love it and the response from the public has been great. We have been approached numerous times in just the first month about the IBEW.
Also, Local 177 has just sponsored “The Athlete of the Week” on TV-12 and TV-25 for the upcoming school year. Each week there will be an athlete from a local high school receiving the award. Local 177 will have a short message on TV each week and have messages on the station’s website.
Alan Jones, B.M./F.S.
Local 141 apprentice Maddie Kubancik and then-Vice Pres. Art Oakland (right) discuss career opportunities with a high-school student attending the Project BEST Construction Career Job Fair held May 2.
Local 125 late member Bill Quimby.
Local 103 Bus. Mgr. Lou Antonellis speaks at groundbreaking ceremony for One Congress Street project.
Local 177’s new vehicle sports a vehicle wrap with the IBEW logo and Local 177 signage, generating increased interest in the union throughout the area.
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Good Work Picture
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL — We are happy to report that for the first time in many years we have had full employment and have even been able to put travel-ers to work. We thank our members and the travelers who have taken the calls and are showing that an IBEW-trained worker is skilled, productive and efficient. The work outlook for the rest of the year looks promising.
Congratulations to our newest journeyman wire-men and tele-data techs who topped out this spring. We look forward to these apprenticeship graduates having many successful years in the IBEW. Recently we have seen some changes to our JATC. Congratulations to Renee Riddle, who retired as training director; we thank her for many years of service to the program. We also congratulate Tom Peasley as he takes on the role of training director, and we are confident the program will continue to progress. Over the years, instructors Bernie Uszcienski and Jake Knobloch both proficiently taught the curriculum, setting apprentices up for suc-cess with their careers. We will miss their leadership and wisdom as teachers and send them a special thank-you for their efforts.
Remember to get involved in the local and stay involved!
Mike Raikes, Pres.
Apprenticeship Graduates Community Service Volunteers
L.U. 229 (em&i), YORK, PA — Greetings, brothers and sisters. At the time of this writing, the UPMC Memori-al Hospital project was nearing completion, and an opening was scheduled for August.
Battaglia Electric will be doing the new Penn National “Mini” Casino project in York. This project is expected to start after Labor Day and be open by summer of 2020.
Congratulations to our 2019 apprenticeship graduates. Inside apprentice graduates: Chase Tay-lor, Doug Ruth, Dustin Wells, Nygel Ward, Alayna Queary, Matt Bish, Tanner Richardson and Jake Wal-timyer. VDV apprentice graduate: Dalton Byers.
These apprenticeship graduates also volun-teered at a local YWCA summer camp and upgraded wiring and lighting throughout the cabins. We are proud of each of these new journey workers and tech-nicians and look forward to seeing their long, suc-cessful careers in the IBEW.
Hope everyone has enjoyed a safe and happy summer!
Steve Selby, B.M.
Crane Qualification Course
L.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u), TOLEDO, OHIO — Out-side work remains good with a few unfilled calls as of this writing. It was brought up at a recent union meet-ing that some of the employers are requiring their employees to take a crane qualification course before letting them go to work. The required crane course was offered several times over the summer by ALBAT (American Line Builders Apprenticeship Training.) The cost of this course is covered by employers. This is not a requirement by all employers at this time but probably will be in the future. The Tele-Data Agree-ment is being looked at for the first time since 2010.
Nelson Tree put on a second yard and is getting more work; the company is also hiring.
At press time, Tole-do Edison Energy Delivery contract negotiations are winding down and we should have a tentative agreement soon. Ten new members from the Power Systems Institute (PSI) program were sworn in at the June union meeting.
On the nuclear side, Ohio House Bill 6 (Ohio Clean Air Program Bill) has been tossed around
in the state Legislature like a hot potato, with no res-olution as of this writing. [Editor’s Note: For more information see news article “Clock Ticking on Bill to Preserve Nuclear Jobs in Ohio,” posted June 6 on the IBEW website at www.ibew.org/media-center/Arti-cles.] Thank you to Fourth District Int. Vice Pres. Bri-an G. Malloy, his staff, and our union brothers and sisters who came out to support us at the legislative hearings in Columbus. Also, thank you to Local 245 Bus. Mgr. Larry Tscherne and Local 1413 Bus. Mgr. Brad Goetz for their constant lobbying in Columbus; they have been there so much the mayor might give them the key to the city.
Until next time, work safe.
Ray Zychowicz, P.S.
Election of Officers; Politically Active Membership
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Our members pride themselves on being politically active and engaged, using their voting power to directly affect the future of their careers and their local union. So, it’s no surprise that when the time came to elect the officers for the local, our brothers and sisters turned out in impressive numbers to vote for the new batch of officers
that will lead our cause going forward. Some old faces were reaffirmed in their positions and some new faces took their place among the local leadership for the first time. The oath of office was given to the newly elected officers by retired business agent George Grant. The meeting was then gaveled closed to signal the end of the meeting and the beginning of a new chapter in the local’s long history.
The excitement of the elections was then fol-lowed by what many consider to be the most enjoyable evening on the local’s calendar, the annual retirees dinner. Long-standing members received their service pins, 30-year members received a beautiful commem-orative watch, and the membership got a chance to show their appreciation to the ones who made our local great.
Brian Jacoppo, P.S.
RENEW Committee Activities
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL — Every month it is an absolute pleasure to read in the Electrical Worker about what all the RENEW com-mittees throughout the International are doing. Whether it be through community service, local out-reach, or good old-fashioned camaraderie, the breadth of activities has been extensive. Thank you to all the volunteers who step up and make it happen.
Local 309 is proud to report that our RENEW committee is off to a great start. Back in March, the committee held an Easter Egg Hunt for our families while collecting food for the Collinsville Food Pantry. In June, the group represented Local 309 in the Shriners Parade. As an ongoing fundraiser, the RENEW commit-tee is raffling off a gun every month in 2019. Upcoming activities include the Belleville Chili Cook-off, District 6 RENEW Conference, and Breakfast with Santa. Spe-cial recognition to RENEW members Jonathan Brittain, Stephen Erspamer, Dustin Grice, Steve Lodes and Tyler Mueth for getting this program off the ground.
In the summer, Local 309 welcomed jour-neyman lineman Mark Link as our new assistant busi-ness manager. Our work picture is positive and as of this writing, we have full employment.
The local’s annual Par-ty at the Park will be Sept. 14, 2019, at Fairmount Park Race Track.
Carlos S. Perez, R.S.
‘Rain or Shine’ — Sparkie Fishing Opener
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — As the memo-ries of summer fade into fall, there is an event that needs some recognition. The Sparkie Fishing Opener is held every June on the waters of the Mississippi River. Local legend has it that now-retired Bro. Norm Fitch founded the Sparkie Opener 12 years ago. Today, and for the past five years, Bros. John Powrie and Chris Hallet have coordinated the outing.
Because of unusually high river levels this year, the tournament was relocated to a landing on the Wis-consin side. The silver lining of the change was that this
site had camping cabins. No more setting up tents in the rain! Prizes were awarded for the larg-est fish caught covering five classes. The winners for each cat-egory were as follows: Northern Pike — Brandon Brady; Pan Fish — Adam Ruszozyk; Bass — John Saterdalen; Rough Fish — Jack Jakerowski; and Walleye — Mitch Jakerowski. We thank all those who donated the prizes. No
matter what the weather, a fisherman will always say, “A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work.”
At work or at play, remember to buy “Made In the USA.”
Tom Small, P.S.
Officers Elected
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IOWA — The results of the 2019 Local 347 election of officers are tallied and documented as follows: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Patrick Wells, Pres. Tim LeClaire, Vice Pres. Richard Chumbley, Rec. Sec. Matt DeAngelo and Treas. Kyle Overton. Executive Board members are: Adam Cassady, Ben Duke, Tim Hawthorne, John Stahowick, Bronson Weese and Doug Wolf. Building Foundation trustees are: Scott Gardner, Aaron Haug and Terry Pohlman. Congratulations to all.
The local had close to 30 apprentices who turned out this year. Congratulations to the appren-ticeship graduates. In the past, new journeymen were issued a tramp guide and road maps. That’s not the way Local 347 does it anymore with the abun-dance of work in this area. In fact, hiring off of Book II is a common occurrence. We hope the work outlook remains positive and that these journeymen find ful-fillment in all their labors in this trade.
Local 347 recently held its 2019 summer picnic and the local union golf outing. Thanks to all who par-ticipated. As of press time, next up is the Labor Fest with a parade and festivities at the Labor Park. This is a family event, and all ages are welcome. Multi-gener-ation families are welcomed.
Don’t forget to make an appointment with Misty at the local union office for the health fair in Septem-ber. This fair is designed to keep us healthy and the Health & Welfare plan healthy. As with all union activ-ities, participation is the key.
Mike Schweiger, P.S.
IBEW Career of Service
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ — Following a longtime career of dedicated IBEW service, Local 351 Pres. Bill Hosey retired effective July 16, 2019.
Below is a letter written by then-Pres. Hosey shortly before he retired:
“To all the members that have helped and sup-ported my 26 years as an officer, I thank you. It has been an honor and a privilege and very rewarding to help this great local union. With the IBEW taking a strong leadership role in the Building Trades all of
The newly elected officers of Local 269.
Local 197 congratulates recent apprenticeship graduates. From left: instructors Eric Togliatti and Jake Knobloch; graduate Evan May; Training Dir. Tom Peasley; graduates Jake Frink, Josh Alltop, Ryan Saddler; and instructor Bernie Uzscienski. Not pictured: graduate Shawn Johnson.
Local 347 officers at swearing-in ceremony.
Have you moved?Notify us of an address change
www.ibew.org/ChangeMyAddress or call 202-728-6263
Local 229 congratulates recent apprenticeship graduates. Front row, Tanner Richardson (left), Doug Ruth, Chase Taylor, Alayna Queary and Nygel Ward; back row, Matt Bish, Dalton Byers, Dustin Wells and Jake Waltimyer.
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New Jersey is Union Strong. I thank all of the sister locals, business managers and agents that I have worked with for their help. To all my brother officers, agents and office staff, thank you for having our membership as the No. 1 priority. To Bus. Mgr. Cosner and Pres. Della Vecchia, good luck with your career. Share your knowledge so we can continue to have the best product in the electrical industry. Union yes! Thanks to all.” — Bill Hosey.
Local 351 officers and members thank Bro. Bill Hosey for his dedicated service. We wish him the very best for a long and happy retirement.
Dan Cosner, B.M./F.S.
Officers Reelected
L.U. 375 (catv,ees,et,govt,i&mo), ALLENTOWN, PA — Bus. Mgr. Paul Anthony would like to send a big heart-felt thank-you to all members for all of the support that Local 375 has received throughout his tenure.
During the general membership meeting on May 1, 2019, nominations for officers were held. All offices were filled during nominations — the officers were reelected by acclamation. It is very humbling to all of our officers and staff that no office was contest-ed. Every opportunity to serve Local 375 is to be cher-ished, as the members put a lot of faith in us for being their voice and leadership. The officers and staff rec-ognize that we have a fantastic and unified member-
ship within our ranks, and we are pleased to be able to serve you for another three years.
Also, this summer has been filled with lots of fun already, as we had another successful Dorney Park Day and IronPigs baseball game. Thank you to all the members and their families who attended these events. Next up is the annual clam bake. We cannot wait to see everyone for some delicious food, cold drinks, and overly competitive games of whiffle ball!
Justin Grimshaw, A.B.M.
Service Pins Awarded
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, IDAHO — Brothers and sisters, I hope everyone had a great summer!
I would like to start by recognizing the brothers who received IBEW years-of-service pins, for 50 or more years or service, at our annual local union pic-nic. They included:
50-year members — B. Victor Braegger, Terry M. Cobbley, Leonard Howell, Gary Jester, Michael Lott, Marvin Orr and Frank Pearson; 55-year members — Richard D. Long, Michael Peck and Gary Spillane; 60-year members — Lewis Varnell Evans, Charles Featherston and Roger Sandberg; 65-year member — Larry Solomon; and 70-year member — Leroy Collins. Congratulations to all!
Also, congratulations to our recently retired Bro. Steven J. Morris. You have earned it, Bro. Morris, and best of wishes from Local 449!
In memoriam: Bro. Leo Knudson and Bro. Kay Thurman. These members will be truly missed. Our heartfelt condolences go out to their families and friends.
Clay Hirning, A.B.M.
Transitions & Graduation
L.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,rts&spa), SAN DIEGO, CA — IBEW Local 569 and NECA recently graduated 85 hard-working union members from our outstanding joint apprenticeship program at the Electrical Train-ing Institute! We are so proud of you, graduates! With the toughest graduation standards in the industry, the joint apprenticeship class of 2019 has earned their long-awaited certificates and will join our ranks of being the best in the electrical industry.
We also want to recognize our 2019 apprentice recipients of our IBEW 569 Union Strong Award, each of whom have stepped up to strengthen communities and change lives. Our awardees have also volun-teered at countless union events that support work-ing families! Congratulations to April Hatton, Amanda Lane and Angel Martinez!
IBEW 569 honors the work and progress achieved by our outgoing business manager Nicholas
Segura and outgoing president John Sherrell, and welcomes the leadership of newly elected Bus. Mgr. Jeremy Abrams and Pres. Joe Heisler.
IBEW 569 also thanks all of our families for join-ing us at our annual picnic — it was a smashing success and will be even better next year when we commemo-rate our 100th anniversary. To check out photos of the picnic and the graduation ceremony, as well as addi-tional election results, please visit www.ibew569.org.
Gretchen K. Newsom, P.S.
Election of Officers; Apprenticeship Graduates
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — We have had a very busy spring here in Local 601.
Congratulations to the 13 inside apprentices and the two telecom apprentices who graduated on May 24 this year. Inside apprentice graduates (pic-tured) are: David Delgado, Josh Dodds, Skyler Tins-man, Kevin Carroll, Ryan Bergfeld, Ben Brandt, Brock McGraw, Andrew Schum, Corey White, Patrick McIn-tosh, Joseph Sonsteng, Javier Magana and Levi Her-mer. Our two telecom graduates are Robert Grindley and Chase Fears.
Local 601 held its election of officers in June. Newly elected officers are: Bus. Mgr. Jarrett Clem, Pres. Shane Street, Vice Pres. Justin Hen-derson and Rec. Sec. Blake Withers.
Work in our area is very good for the summer with numerous projects at many of our local schools and on the University of Illinois campus.
Our organizing continues to be successful with many of the incoming apprentices coming from nonunion contractors, and the local has also signed several new contractors.
We extend our sympathy to the families of our recently departed members Randy Lutz and Brian Bloomquist.
Blake Withers, P.S.
Local 611 Family Picnic; Annual Softball Tournament
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUER-QUE, NM — On May 10-11, IBEW Local 611 held its Annual Softball Tournament at the new Sports Plex in Albuquerque. Randy Cummings has hosted the event for the past 19 years. In previous years the tourna-ment was held at Bullhead Park. This year, there were 84 teams in several categories, ranging from the Fun
League to the Senior Men League; the first-place and s e c o n d - p l a c e teams all received rings. All of the money collected is donated to Pay it Forward NM. A huge thank-you to all of this year’s vol-unteers — great job.
Our annual picnic was June 2 at Cliff’s Family Fun Center. It was our most successful
picnic we have ever had, with over 1,500 people in attendance. We had a live band, lots of food, activi-ties for the kids and of course all the rides you could handle. If you didn’t make it, you missed a great time.
The work picture is still steady with several calls coming in for the Facebook project, the Triad project in Los Alamos and the Intel project. We are still employing many IBEW travelers.
Local 611 extends condolences to the friends and families of recently deceased members Harold E. Pena and Stanley L. Oloff.
Don’t forget, our regular meetings are held the third Saturday of each month.
Darrell J. Blair, P.S.
Fourth of July Parade; 46th Annual Picnic a Success
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — Greetings, sisters and brothers.
We have been blessed, as our work continues to look bright in San Mateo County. Many thanks to all our members and travelers who exemplify our Code
Graduates of the joint apprenticeship program of IBEW Local 569 and NECA San Diego class of 2019.
Local 375 members and their families enjoy a day at the ballpark to watch an IronPigs baseball game.
Apprenticeship Graduating ClassLouisville, KY, Local 369 congratulates the recent JATC fifth-year apprenticeship graduates on becoming IBEW journeymen.
Local 351 Bus. Mgr. Dan Cosner (right) presents IBEW gold watch for years of service to then-Pres. Bill Hosey, former assistant business manager.
Local 601 congratulates apprenticeship graduates. Front row, from left, David Delgado, Josh Dodds, Skyler Tinsman, Kevin Carroll, Ryan Bergfeld, Ben Brandt; back row, Bus. Mgr. Jarrett Clem, Brock McGraw, Andrew Schum, Corey White, JATC Coordinator Bob Withers, Patrick McIntosh, Joseph Sonsteng, Javier Magana, Levi Hermer, Asst. Bus. Mgr. Ron Becker, and organizer Tui Lynch. Not pictured: telecom graduates Robert Grindley and Chase Fears.
Local 611 members and their families have a great time at the local union annual picnic.
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of Excellence on the job sites. It is what makes us stand out in the crowd.
Our apprenticeship graduation class of 2019 celebrated five years of hard work as apprentices and received their journeyman certification on May 31. We welcome the graduates into the journeyman family. On May 3, we welcomed in the second half of the first-year apprenticeship class. We need to be diligent in instructing the apprentices and treating them with respect, to show them the value of what it means to be in the union.
For consecutive years, Local 617 has participat-ed in the Redwood City annual Fourth of July parade. Local 617’s EWMC/RENEW spearheaded the partici-pation of our members and travelers in showing our community involvement.
On Saturday, Aug. 17, Local 617 held our 46th Annual Picnic with over 650 attendees. Children had fun laughing and playing in our fun zone activities, while members enjoyed the food and spending time together sharing with their fami-lies and friends. All enjoyed the camaraderie of their union brothers and sisters.
Please be safe while on the job. Wishing the best to you and your families.
Kenn Perfitt, P.S.
2019 Graduation Ceremony
L.U. 639 (i&rts), SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA — Congratula-tions to the Local 639 graduating apprenticeship class of 2019. Graduation ceremonies were held June 7 at the Madonna Inn Garden Room in San Luis Obispo.
Graduation keynote speaker was San Luis Obis-po County, District 3, Supervisor Adam Hill. Special guest speaker Ellen Beraud is a candidate for the 5th District Board of Supervisors. She is the wife of Local 639 member and electrical contractor Francois Beraud of French Electric. Both Hill and Beraud spoke of the importance of organized labor and committed to working with the Board of Supervisors to negotiate a county-wide project labor agreement (PLA). Local 639 will endorse both candidates in the upcoming primary election in March of 2020.
Apprentice graduate Brett Harradence received the Outstanding Apprentice Award. Brett and JATC instructor Ben Goldman attended the National Training Institute (NTI) in Ann Arbor, MI, for a week in August.
Congratulations to all!
Kurt McClave, P.S.
2019 Apprenticeship Graduates
L.U. 683 (i), COLUMBUS, OHIO — Greetings, brothers and sisters.
On May 10 this year, we celebrated all the hard work of our graduat-ing apprentices. Con-gratulations to our newest journeymen. Inside graduates are: Dustin J. Berry, Moni-ca Betts, Brittany Beuthe, Austin Blan-ton, Nathan Collins, Jonathan Duty, Brad-ley Fleming, Dylan Follrod, Eric Gulley, Ernest Hall, Joseph Hall, John Irwin, Jef-fery Johnson, David Krejci, Dmarqus Luci-Davis, Clayton Nixon, Michael Ponder, Timothy Reiber, Ryan Saunders, and Paul Swetnam. Installer Tech graduates are: Taryn Allmon, Cody Bondurant, Taylor Hoffman, James Ison, Robert Mitchell, Jose Rojas Jr., and Robert Waldnig. For the first time in the history of the Local 683 apprenticeship, we had two graduates who tied for the Top Apprentice Award. Monica Betts and Brittany Buethe had the exact same GPA of 3.97 for all five years. Congratulations!
Work in our area continues to explode. We have over 200 travelers working in the local. The apprentice-ship is no different. We have record numbers of stu-dents again this year with no end in sight. It is certainly a great time to be an IBEW electrician in central Ohio.
William Thompson, Training Dir.
‘A Busy Fall for Local 697’
L.U. 697 (c,es,i,mt&se), GARY AND HAMMOND, IN — As summer clos-es, we want to thank all of the Local 697 members who volun-teered their time to man the Local 697 water station at the Fourth of July Hobart Brickyard Run.
Currently, Local 697 is preparing for a September full of
member activities.On Monday, Sept. 3, we will walk in the annual
Labor Day parade in the Town of Lowell. Our annual Local 697 Family Picnic will be at the Lake County Fair-grounds on Saturday, Sept. 7.
Rebuilding Together (Christmas in September) will be Saturday, Sept. 21, where once again, we can display
our talent in the com-munity and help those in need.
And to finish the month, the Sisters of 697 will host our 2nd Annual Local 697 Family Fishing Day on Saturday, Sept. 28, at Fish-A-While Lakes in Griffith.
Our annual Awards Night will be at the Avalon Manor on Friday, Oct. 4, and don’t forget about our Fall Blood Drive on Fri-day, Oct. 18.
Make sure you have downloaded the Local 697 app so you can receive all the push notification reminders for these events and view all the photos.
Ryan Reithel, B.M./F.S.
Service Awards Ceremony
L.U. 917 (i), MERIDIAN, MS — Local 917 recently held a pinning ceremony to honor members and present IBEW years-of-service awards. Service pins awarded to members ranged from five-year pins to 65-year pins.
The event was held at the Mississippi Arts & Entertainment Experience (www.msarts.org) — a museum that just recently opened and was wired by one of our signatory contractors, Woodall Electric.
Award recipients were proud to receive their service pins and especially proud to have the event take place at a site where local IBEW members per-formed the electrical work.
Stacy Henderson, B.M./F.S.
Local 617 congratulates the appren-ticeship graduation class of 2019.
Local 917 honored members for years of service at a 2019 pinning ceremony.
Local 697 members who volunteered to staff the IBEW water station at the Fourth of July Brickyard Run.
Local 683 congratulates 2019 apprenticeship graduates. Some of the inside graduates assembled for a group photo are joined here by: in the middle row, Training Dir. William Thompson (left), Bus. Mgr. Ed Moore (right), and NECA Chapter Mgr. Brian Damant (second from right).
Local 639 congratulates class of 2019 JATC apprenticeship graduates. Front row, left to right: Juan Guzman-Garcia, Roberto Sanchez Jr., Nick Pateras, Berkeley Blake and Jared Baker. Back row: Brett Harradence, Daniel Mounts, Shane Gilliland and Michael Johnson.
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JATC Training Program Community Outreach
L.U. 1015 (em&i), WESLACO, TEXAS — IBEW Local 1015 would like to send out a big Texas salute to Mis-sion Options Academy, located at 407 East 3rd Street, in Mission, Texas.
Local 1015 teamed up with Mission Options Academy to launch our very first student Grande Val-ley-Laredo Electrical JATC apprenticeship program with the local school district that produced four stu-dents for the graduating class of 2019.
With the help of MOA Principal Dr. Maria Aleman, Local 1015 Bus. Mgr. Sergio A. Salinas and JATC Training Dir. Osvaldo Cabada Jr. put this great learning project together and stayed on top of it to make sure everything fell into place, including the students’ transportation from school, schedules and lesson plans.
Some of our area students find themselves wanting to learn a trade but are not able to afford it or don’t have the right information.
We are very proud of this class, which consisted of the following students: Ethan Gonzalez, Cassandra J. Padilla-Perez, Rodrigo Torres and Justin Zuniga. They worked very hard and showed interest in our program that allowed us to start with other schools in our area.
Tammy Casas, P.S.
2019 Apprentice Graduates
L.U. 1205 (em,govt,i&u), GAINESVILLE, FL — The Gainesville JATC apprenticeship graduating class of 2019 was fewer in number than a typical graduating class. However, great things come in small packages.
Led by outstanding apprentice Brett Ben-nett-Farrell, the graduating class also consisted of Jonathan Howell, Nathan Sharlaw, Dillon Motes and Zach Parker.
This was the first class to implement the Blend-ed Learning System, so it was a learning experience for teachers as well as students. Congratulations to the graduates on becoming journeyman wiremen — we all look forward to working with you during your long and rewarding careers ahead.
Jonathan Howell, P.S.
Election of Officers; Appointment to State Board
L.U. 1253 (i&mo), AUGUSTA, MAINE — Local 1253 held its election of officers this past summer. Congratula-tions to the elected officers: Pres. Nick Paquet, Vice Pres. Colin Clark, Rec. Sec. Alan Kenney, Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Chuck Fraser, Treas. Tom Tobias; Executive Board members Shawn Chandler, Mark Higgins and John Weed; and Examining Board member Miguel Govea.
Good luck to all for the three-year term of office.
Congratulations to Josh Bragan and Matt Butler on their gradua-tion from the appren-ticeship program. As of this writing, Josh has passed his Maine jour-neyman’s exam and is a journeyman wireman. Congratulations!
The local congratu-lates Bro. Alan Kenney on his appointment by
the state governor to the Maine Electricians’ Examin-ing Board. The IBEW position on the board had been unfilled, and the inside locals in Maine are thankful to Alan for stepping up to fill this important position.
Chuck Fraser, B.M.
Transmission Safety Week 2019
L.U. 1347 (ees,em&u), CINCINNATI, OHIO — Safety week for our Transmission Department took place June 17-21 at the Duke Energy Shelbyville headquar-ters in Indiana.
IBEW members from both Local 1347 and Local 1393 attended the safety week events. We had many demonstrations, such as “hurt man” rescue from tower lines, and confined space tri-pod rescues. There were many examples of equipment brought in by venders. Safety was the main focus for all partici-pants, as we continue to strive to make our workplace safe and accident free. Both Local 1347 and Local 1393 set up booths to give out all kinds of union apparel and gifts for the membership.
Andrew Kirk, B.M.
‘Updates for Unit 2 Members’
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD — Members of Local 1501-Unit 2 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, recently met to discuss the possibility of a change of contractors at the site by the government. It is always possible that every five years there can be a change in the contrac-tor that we do business with.
Right now, as of this writing, the company we have a contract with is Sierra Lobo, but numerous contractors have bid on this contract. One of which is Northrop Grumman Corp., which also has a contract with IBEW Local 1805 at the Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) site near the Baltimore airport for its electronic systems. We do get parts from Northrop for some of our space projects.
We don’t yet know how this will turn out; howev-er, we have been through this process five or six times over the years, and Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion Guth-rie and Vice Pres. Fred Richards have done an excel-lent job working with the new contractors, no matter who the contractors are. Our existing union contract goes until October of 2020.
James Boyd, F.S., P.S.
Plant Vogtle Project; Apprenticeship Graduates
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Local 1579’s appren-ticeship graduation was May 17. These new journey-men worked hard over the last five years and we are
proud of them. When the 19 graduates first began their apprenticeship, there were 61 in their class. Con-gratulations to the 19 graduates in the class of 2019 on their persever-ance and success. Thank you, graduates, for your dedication to the IBEW — you are the future.
The recent graduates are: Terrance J. Albea, Michale T. Buoy, Kyle Q. Cook, Christian G. Dohn, Derek E. Goddard, John R.
Huntington, Brandon Johnson, Zachary A. King, Kyle R. Knight, Anthony T. Lee, Racquel J. Lewis, Trenton A. Lind-sey, Cameron S. Long, Ronald McMillian III, William J.
Nelson, Jeremy W. Suggs, Lawrence E. Washington, Evan A. Welch and Antron D. Williams.
Recently there was a public hearing for a multi-year Pit Production Project at our Department of Energy complex, Savannah River Site (SRS). I was one of the speakers who spoke in support of this project, on behalf of Local 1579 members and the IBEW. I feel confident this project will be located in our area as SRS has 70 years’ experience in these type missions. I also witnessed strong community support for this project, in recognition that we will be able to build and operate the job safely.
Our work situation is great! We are blessed with the largest con-
struction job in the country, the Plant Vogtle addition of Units 3 and 4. This job is currently working a six-day schedule and we are continuing to fill calls for this proj-ect. Always call first to get the latest job situation. We also have various work around the jurisdiction and are doing our best to target new projects.
Thank you to Local 1579 members as well as our traveling sisters and brothers for the quality work they are performing in the Augusta area.
Will Salters, B.M./F.S.
New Staffing Agreement At Maine Power Company
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, MAINE — IBEW Local 1837 and Central Maine Power Company (CMP) have agreed to an extension of their staffing agree-ment, which, coupled with a staffing plan submitted to the Maine Public Utility Commission, includes a substantial increase in the number of union workers employed at Maine’s largest electric utility.
Local 1837 Bus. Mgr. Dick Rogers has been advocating for increased staffing for several years in
Local 1501-Unit 2 members at a meeting with Bus. Mgr. Dion Guthrie and Vice Pres. Fred Richards regarding a possible change of contractors.
IBEW members from Locals 1347 and 1393 attended Transmission Safety Week events in June.
IBEW Local 1253 member Alan Kenney takes his seat on the Maine Electricians’ Examining Board. He was appointed to the post by the state governor.
Local 1205 congratulates class of 2019 apprenticeship graduates. Front row, from left, Zach Parker and Jonathan Howell; back row, Brett Farrell, Dillon Motes and Nathan Sharlaw.
Mission Options Academy principal Maria Aleman (left), IBEW Local 1015 Bus. Mgr. Sergio A. Salinas, Cassandra J. Padilla-Perez, Ethan Gonzalez, Justin Zuniga, Rodrigo Torres, and JATC Training Dir. Osvaldo Cabada Jr.
Local 1579 congratulates the class of 2019 apprenticeship graduates.
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discussions with CMP and the Public Advocate’s office as well as in testimony before the Maine PUC and the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Energy, Util-ities and Technology.
“I signed an extension of the staffing agree-ment that I believe, along with the staffing plan sub-mitted by the company to the Maine PUC, will have the impact CMP’s customers and our members deserve, including restoration efforts, new construc-tion/customer service, and safety,” Rogers said.
The “minimum” number of union employees at CMP will increase from 546 to 606. That includes the addition of 12 new line apprentices and four new sta-tion apprentices. By 2024, the fully implemented minimum staffing number will be 665.
Matthew Beck, Organizer, B.R.
‘Keep On Riding’ — Snowmobile Ride Fundraiser
L.U. 2067 (o&u), REGINA, SASKATCHE-WAN, CANADA — IBEW Local 2067 has been a proud sponsor of Prairie Women on Snowmobiles (PWOS) since 2010. PWOS had its 19th consecutive ride this year, from Feb. 3-8.
The team of 10 women rode over 1,200 kilometers in Saskatchewan, starting at Meadow Lake, heading south to Maple Creek, then returning north to Prince Albert (with many stops along the way). Over
the past 19 years, PWOS has heightened awareness of the importance of the ear-ly detection of breast cancer. They have also raised funds for research and for the purchase of equip-ment (which stays in Saskatchewan) all while advocating for safe snowmobiling. To date they have raised
over $2.5 million for research and $363,600 for the purchase of equipment.
“The most rewarding part of Prairie Women on Snowmobiles is meeting the survivors, seeing their faces, and receiving their hugs — knowing that you are doing something that touches so many people,” states PWOS Pres. Kelly Rea. “It is a blessing to be able to do this for everyone who has ever been affect-ed by cancer.”
Local 2067 Pres. Randy Moeller attests: “Almost everyone knows someone who has battled breast cancer. It’s an important battle to fight”
Curtis Lizée, A.B.M.
Health Fair in October
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1, ST. LOUIS, MO — Hello from Local 1 retirees in St. Louis. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. Autumn is upon us.
We had our annual retiree golf tournament in June. Weather and camaraderie were excellent. We would love to have more players participate next year.
September 18 is the annual luncheon. There is always great food and the drinks are cold.
I encourage all to attend the Health Fair Oct. 12. There will be blood analysis, flu shots, hearing tests and much more available — and you’ll be able to see our newly renovated hall.
There will be another important election in November next year. Please help all the work-er-friendly candidates. Attend the labor club in your area. Nov. 20 will be the next Retirees Club meeting after the September luncheon.
Neal McCormack, P.S.
Spring & Summer Activities
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NORTH NEW JERSEY CHAPTER — Greetings! Hope everyone is well and enjoying summer! Our monthly meetings con-
tinue year-round and we were privileged to have Local 3 Fin. Sec. Vincent J. McElroen as guest speaker recently. Mr. McElroen gave a very informative and nos-talgic presentation, which everyone enjoyed.
Congratulations to Bruce Ami and Donald Rosenthal on receiving 50-year service award watch-es at the June Joint Industry Board luncheon.
We enjoyed our spring luncheon at La Terrazza Restaurant and as of this writing are looking forward, as always, to our time at the Education Center on Long Island!
Other activities include a picnic at Kruckers Pic-nic Grove and a bus trip to Maine in the fall. Wishing everyone a great fall season.
John Krison, P.S.
Fishing Trip & Picnics
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SOUTH JERSEY CHAPTER — After a wet spring season, we were glad to see summer arrive. Our summer lun-cheon was held June 19, after our monthly meeting.
We had two BBQ picnic outings to Monmouth Park Race Track — on June 21 and July 19. Bobby Fish-cer, Pat Miele and Press Sec. Nancy Savarese were the big winners at the racetrack.
IBEW Local 1837 Bus. Mgr. Dick Rogers speaks at a State House news conference regarding staffing at Maine utilities.
February International Executive Council Meeting
Minutes and Report of The International Executive Council’s Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the International Executive Council was called to order at 9:00 a.m., by Chairman Erikson, on Monday, Feb. 4, 2019, in St. Pete Beach, Fla. Other members of the council in attendance were Calabro, Calvey, Burgham, Riley, Furco, Wine, Lavin, and Galbraith.
International President StephensonInternational President Lonnie R. Stephenson met with the members of the International Executive Council a number of times to discuss a variety of matters affecting all branches of the Brotherhood.
International Secretary-Treasurer CooperInternational Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth W. Cooper presented financial reports covering the IBEW Pension Fund and the Investment Portfolio of the Brotherhood both in Canada and in the United States.
Legal DefensePayments for legal defense, made from the General Fund, were examined and approved in accordance with the requirements of Article X, Section 1, of the IBEW Constitution.
Financial ReportsThe International Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports for the various funds of the Brotherhood were presented to the members of the International Executive Council, examined, approved, and filed.
Appeals Filed with The International Executive CouncilThe International Executive Council has conducted a thorough review of the facts pertaining to an appeal from Local Union 26 member Warren R. Cobean III, and it is the decision of the IEC to deny Brother Cobean’s appeal.
The International Executive Council has conducted a thorough review of the facts pertaining to an appeal from Local Union 98 member Michael A. Welsh, and it is the decision of the IEC to deny Brother Welsh’s appeal.
The International Executive Council has conducted a thorough review of the facts pertaining to an appeal from Local Union 131 member Richard A. Van Ekck, and it is the decision of the IEC to deny Brother Van Eck’s appeal.
Article XX and XXI CasesIn 2018, the IBEW was involved in three Article XX disputes, and no dis-putes under Article XXI.
International ChargeIBEW Local Union 969 was placed under Trusteeship on July 3, 2018. At the December 2018 IEC meeting, the trusteeship was extended. Form LM-15 Trusteeship Report was filed on Jan. 22, 2019.
Review of LetterThe IEC reviewed the letter addressed to retired International Vice Pres-ident Joseph S. Davis in relation to the action taken at the previous IEC
meeting. In December 2018, the International Executive Council took action to ensure that the pension benefits provided in the IBEW Constitu-tion will be paid to a retiring International Vice President.
IBEW Consolidated Balance Sheet/Income StatementCovering the 6-month Period Ending December 31, 2018Reviewed and Filed
IBEW Pension Benefit Fund Consolidated Statement of Net Assets/Changes Covering the 6-month Period Ending December 31, 2018Reviewed and Filed
This regularly scheduled meeting was adjourned, on Friday, Feb. 8, 2018, at 12:00 p.m. The next regular meeting of the International Executive Council will commence at 8:30 a.m., on Monday, June 24, 2019, in Hoboken, N.J.
Patrick Lavin, Secretary February 2019
The IEC acted on numerous applications under the IBEW pension fund. For a complete listing, consult www.IBEW.org, clicking on the International Executive Council link on the “Who We Are” page. z
Guest speaker Local 3 Fin. Sec. Vincent J. McElroen (fifth from left) with Local 3, North New Jersey Chapter, Retirees Club officers. From left: Paul Elterlein, James Martineck, Kevin Courtney, Anthony De Paola, Vincent McElroen, Les Rothstein, Carl Soreco, Kenneth Hillenmeyer, Paul Olsen and Arthur Saladino.
IBEW Local 2067 sponsored 2019 Prairie Women on Snowmobiles riders. Back row, from left, Shawna Menzel, Allison Taylor, Kaylee Plamondon, Arlene Lockinger, Nadine Wiebe. Front row: Shawna Leson, Brittany Fox, Janis Stanley, Kim Hladun and Brandy Kashuba.
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Charles DeSaro ran our trip to Santorini, Long Island, on July 8-11.
South Jersey and Staten Island retires joined together on June 26 for a fishing trip out of Sandy Hook, NJ (see photo).
On July 10, some members attended the Lake-wood Blue Claws Baseball game.
Nancy Savarese, P.S.
Activities & Service Awards
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SUFFOLK CHAPTER — Our chapter had an active winter and spring. We chartered a bus to go to our Union Retirees Luncheon at the Sheraton Hotel in New York City. Over 1,000 retirees attended. It was great to see friends, and all had a great time.
Thank you to Patricia Duva and Olivia Schmidt for arranging for our chapter to go to the Bellport Theater to see a Legends Show. Everyone had a wonderful time.
At our Union Luncheon, 10 of our members received IBEW service awards. One of our members, Robley W. Jarvis, received his 70-year pin. He received a standing ovation.
Other members of our club who received awards are: 60-year members — Harvey S. Goldman, Richard Speruggia, Mike Katz; 55-year member — Raymond J. Gotta; and 50-year members — Ralph G. Camoia, James Jost, Paul R. Yannicelli, Vincent Ferra-ro and Michael C. Carrieri.
At our June meeting Chmn. Richard Duva spoke about our trip to the Long Island Education Center. He then asked for any reports and any future plans. Jim Joust reported that our end of summer barbeque would be the second week in September. Lois Weis asked that if anyone was interested in going out to Montauk, NY, after Labor Day to please contact her. John Schoenig said he would be taking checks in Sep-tember for our Holiday Party. Our chairman asked for a motion to close the meeting, since everyone was waiting for our annual end of summer catered lun-cheon. Patricia and Richard Duva wished everyone a happy summer.
Harvey Goldman, P.S.
Long Island Education Center
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WESTCHES-TER/PUTNAM CHAPTER — This past summer, from June 24-27, our club visited the Long Island Education Center, as guests of the Joint Industry Board and IBEW Local 3. The LIEC, a state-of-the-art facility, has been made available to Local 3 members, through the efforts and forethought of our leadership.
The members and their spouses attended seminars on healthy living and enjoying healthy meals, integrated with managing heath issues. Both the topics discussed, and the moderators, Judy Blades and Erica Vinas, were excellent. Stephanie Saladino and her staff, as always, were very accommodating and gracious toward our members.
The Tuesday barbecue was planned and carried out by members John Barans-ki, Mike Cenchek, Al Mica, Ken Dorsch and Joe Doherty. Many of the wives pitched in also. Our spare time was spent dinning out, visiting local wineries, and enjoying the sights and ambiance of Long Island’s North Fork. Aside from one rainy morning, the weather was absolutely beautiful.
Unfortunately, this year’s atten-dance was down, as many of our mem-
bers were unable to attend due to health issues. Hopefully, next year will be better.
Dick Mills, Treas.
Maryland’s Eastern Shore Club Chapter Now Meets Monthly
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 24, BALTIMORE, MD, EASTERN SHORE CHAPTER — Our chapter members have enjoyed getting together so much that we voted to meet on a monthly basis, effective as of the June 2019 meeting.
We send special greetings to our Bro. Bert Pruitt, who has been experiencing many health chal-lenges this year. We hope you are much better soon, Bro. Pruitt!
Because of scheduled street closures in down-town Salisbury, the club’s September meeting will be held at Denny’s Restaurant in Fruitland on Wednes-day, Sept. 4, at 9 a.m. It will be a BYOB (buy your own breakfast) meeting. Denny’s is located at 100 E Cedar Lane, Fruitland, MD. Later in September, our club will take a day trip to Tangier Island, VA, as well as a joint outing with Local 24’s Baltimore retirees chapter for a backstage tour of Orioles Park at Camden Yard.
Our club has started using email to send meeting reminders as well as a short recap of each monthly meeting — and no junk emails, we promise! If you are an IBEW retiree living on the Eastern Shore of Mary-land, we invite you to get on our email list and join us at our meetings! Call 410-742-0234 for more information.
The Eastern Shore Chapter meets on the first Wednesday of every month
at 11 a.m. at Local 24’s union hall in Salisbury, MD, and welcomes all IBEW retirees in the area.
Bob McIntyre, Pres.
Raffle to Benefit Medical Equipment Program
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC — We’ve started our annual raffle to help the Medical Equipment Program by selling our first tickets at the Virginia picnic in June and subsequently at the Mary-land picnic in August. We have medical equipment for our members and their families at no cost. They may keep the item as long as needed, before returning it to our bank of equipment, which includes electric wheel chairs and hospital beds.
In August we mailed raffle tickets to over 10,000 members and retired members! This task usually takes a crew of 20-plus volunteers two to three days!
As more members retire and decide to stay in the area, our paid membership is now over 500! Of course, not everyone attends every meeting, but par-ticipation is growing.
In April we took our annual cruise, this time to the Caribbean, with 72 members and their families. Stay tuned for more trips. 2020 is already filling up for Europe. Details available on our website.
In June we attended Labor Night at the Nation-als Ballpark. And this year we added Labor Night in Baltimore to see the Orioles play!
During June, July and August we take a break from our monthly meetings, which are held at the union hall every second Saturday at noon, except for October. In October we hold our annual crab feast. Mark your calendar now for Oct. 12. For details con-tact retired Sister Susan Flashman via email at [emailprotected].
If interested in our travels, please contact our travel coordinator, retired Bro. Rick Warner at 240-272-0438.
Susan Flashman, P.S.
‘Greetings to All’
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 35, HARTFORD, CT — Local 35 is very proud of member Gregory Hopkins, who received an IBEW Life Saving Award. He performed CPR on an Eversource contractor who had a heart attack and collapsed to the ground. Four other union mem-bers received the IBEW Recognition Award for their help: Local 35 members Ryan Pufahl and Peter Cun-ningham, and Local 90 members Brendan Smiles and Brent Chatfield. With the quick thinking and fast response of these men, the contractor’s life was saved.
Local 35 held its Annual Picnic Outing on June 8. Over 100 people attended, and it was a beautiful day. There were many raffle prizes as well as great food and good fun. Many retirees attended, enjoying the camaraderie and reminiscing about the old days.
Retirees Club Pres. Dennis Machol and I met
with the apprenticeship classes on their last day of school. We shook hands with all the graduates and wished them luck in their career as journeymen.
We would love to have more retirees attend our monthly Retirees Club meetings. We meet the second Wednesday of each month at the Elks Club in Rocky Hill.
Best wishes for a wonderful upcoming season!
Kenneth R. White, P.S.
Activities & Events
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 42, HARTFORD, CT — The retirees of Local 42 would like to reach out to all our retired brothers and sisters throughout the country and let you know we are thinking about you all. At our meetings, which are held every other month, we get together to see how everyone is doing and talk about the old days. While the work has changed for the bet-ter, Local 42 is and will always be a big part of bring-ing light to America.
Local 42 is looking forward to seeing our retirees on our Dinner Cruise, Golf Tournament and our Annual Family Picnic. Also, this year is Local 42’s 50th Anni-versary, and we are having a huge dinner gala at Fox-woods Resort and Casino to be held on Dec. 7, 2019.
We hope all our retirees are enjoying retirement and good health. If you are reading this letter and you wish to send us a letter letting us know how you are, we would love to read it at our meetings. We always love hearing from friends from the past. If you do want to write us a letter, you can mail it to: I.B.E.W. Local 42, 379 Wetherell Street, Manchester, CT 06040.
John D. Shane, Pres.
Crappie Tourney/Fish Fry; Spring Luncheon & Awards
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 53, KANSAS CITY, MO — At this writing, summer has arrived in the Midwest and the heat is on. Everyone, take care, don’t get too hot
and drink lots of liquids.On May 4, we had our annual
Crappie Tournament/Fish Fry. Fishing wasn’t great but we had enough for the fish fry. As usual it was a good time.
On May 21, we held our spring luncheon and attendance was great. It was good to see everyone and catch up on things. Service pins were handed out to the following: 55-year member Jim Gaylord; and 50-year members Ed Wil-liams, Gary Shields, Ron Schock, James Englis, Leroy Bossow, Paul Berry, Gary Crews, Tony Bratcher, Phil Duncan and Jerry Finnell. Congratulations to all.
A big thank you to Local 53 and the staff for all their hard work in making both of these events such a success.
Sadly, since our last article we have lost several brothers: Mel Simmons, Paul Akers, Rick Johnston, Virgil Endicott, Cotton Sledd and Jerry Sevart. Rest in peace, brothers.
Duane Pearce, P.S.
New Meeting Location
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 60, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — Retired members of Local 60 have a new place and time for their monthly meetings. Starting Sept. 12 this year, the club will be going home to their new local union hall located at 3518 N. Loop 1604 E., San Anto-nio, starting at 11:30 a.m. Club members would like to thank the Plumbers & Pipefitters for their hospitality extended to us over the years, but there is no place like home at the new IBEW Local 60 union hall.
View of Long Island Education Center from water’s edge.
Local 3, Suffolk Chapter, Retirees Club members receive service awards. From left: Harvey S. Goldman, Ralph G. Camoia, Richard Speruggia, Robley E. Jarvis, James Jost, Paul R. Yannicelli, Mike Katz, Raymond J. Gotta, Vincent Ferraro and Michael C. Carrieri.
Members of Local 3, South Jersey Chapter and Staten Island Chapter, Retirees Clubs enjoy a June 26 fishing trip. Among the participants: South Jersey Chapter Chmn. Anthony Savarese, South Jersey Chapter Vice Chmn. Charles DeSaro, and Staten Island Chapter Chmn. Dwight Millman.
Local 26 retired members receive service pins. From left: Robert “Snuffey” Holcomb, 50 years of service; Eugene Miller, 45 years’ service; Loel Jurvelin, 50 years; Gervis H. “Moon” Mullins, 70 years; club Pres. Richard Bissell; Timothy Wilson, 55 years; and Liscard “Willie” Bryce, 30 years. Not pictured: 45-year members John Nally and J.D. Smith.
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At the Sept. 12 meeting, IBEW years-of-service pins will be awarded to the following members: 50-year members — Glen Barnet, Thomas J. Huckelba, Patrick A. Reyes, Sammy L. Best, Robert E. Garner, Norbert B. Skloss, John E. Squier and Anton R. Kyrish Jr.; 55-year members — Guadalupe G. Galindo, William E. Stipp, Gary Van De Walle and Rogelio Calderon Jr.; 60-year members — Richard G. Chamberlain, Robert D. Wolff, Royce L Appelt and Charles W. Tuesdel; and 65-year member — Hilmer I. Merz. Congratulations to all!
Meetings are still held the second Thursday of the month, September through May; the only change will be the time and place. Retirees from Local 60, please attend.
Sandy Rogers, P.S.
2018 Retirees Luncheon & Service Award Recipients
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 110, ST. PAUL, MN — On Oct. 4, 2018, more than 435 people attended the Local 110 Retirees Luncheon at the Envision Event Center in Oakdale, MN.
Twenty-two retired members received their 50-, 55-, 60- and 65-year IBEW years-of-service pins.
The service award recipients (pictured) are: Wil-liam Ingemann, Jon Buchal, Michael Hafner, Donald Noyes, Gerald Forga, Walter Hagberg, George Leach, David Hoglund, James Vadnais, William F. Brown, Gerald Hagen, Erwin Utech, James Waxberg, Kenneth Lamb, Stanley Sayre, Roger Kindseth, Robert Clau-son, Robert Harbek, Clarence Horwath, George Fahey, Gerald Hanson and William Stoppel.
Congratulations to all the award recipients for their longtime IBEW service.
Pete Koegel, Pres.
Annual Luncheon Meeting
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL — Our club donates money and participates in the Law Enforcement Hockey Classic Fundraiser, which benefits Honor Flight Chicago and helps send senior war veterans to Washing-ton, D.C., to visit the memorials in their honor. A local TV station recently interviewed some of the veterans who were able to take the trip. God bless our veterans.
At our Annual Luncheon Meeting in June, 60 members were honored for 50 to 75 years of IBEW ser-vice. Members honored: 50-year members — Thomas Barr, Richard Chemiak, Douglas Dobes, William Good, Dennis Hindes, Robert Kent, Henry Lakoma, John McCarthy, John Mieldik, William Nelson, Gregory Paddack, Russell Ross, James Tancos, William Van Baber, Thomas Zordani, William Blegen, Mario Colet-ta, Michael Fedanzo, Robert Hajkaluk, Edward Hol-comb, James Klis, Kenneth Lind, Peter Merkle, Edward Mullarkey, Kenneth O’Mara, Dennis Raczynski, Alan Sindelar, James Turk Sr., David Weeks; 55-year mem-bers — James Ashby, Richard Bonner, Michael Mahoney, Robert Skuis, William Beers, Thomas Kend-rick, Louis Rodriguez; 60-year members — Roger Becker, Phillip Boshes, Phillip Gerk, John Henkel, Major McCoy, Gerald Palese, Stanley Sowizrol, John Yohe, Walter Bijak, Leo Bree, Gerald Helsper, Warren
Koerner, Phillip Murphy, Thomas Powers, Allen White; 65-year members — Gerrett Meade, Ralph Meifert, Charles Meyer, Joseph Pace, Robert Turek Sr., Michael Vopinek, Henry Wagner; 70-year member — Edward Swanson; and 75-year member — Lawrence Wol-felschneider. Congratulations to all honorees.
We thank Local 134 and are grateful for their support of our Retirees Club.
Sue Kleczka, P.S.
Labor Day Party; Lives of IBEW Service
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 136, BIRMINGHAM, AL — Our Retirees Club meets the first Wednesday of every month and has lunch afterward. [Photo, at bottom.] We look forward to our Labor Day party at the hall and other upcoming events. We are looking at chartering a trip to the Henry Miller Museum in St. Louis.
We regret to announce the passing of Retirees Club member Mike Moore. Two of our local’s former
assistant business managers also passed away. Don Sand-ers worked at the hall for over 40 years as financial secre-tary. John Meany was an assistant for three years. All of our brothers who have passed away will be greatly missed.
We would like to invite any retired member to join us.
Bill Roberson, P.S.
‘Happy Anniversary’
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 212, CINCINNATI, OHIO — On Aug. 1, 1972, IBEW Local 212 received the official Cer-tificate of Recognition for the local’s Retired Members Club. The certificate is dated and signed by then-Int. Pres. Charles H. Pillard and then-Int. Sec. Joseph D. Keenan. The original club officers’ names are also on this document, which now proudly hangs in our Retir-ees Meeting Room. Our “Pensioners Club” is now 47 years old. Happy anniversary!
The 33 original club members envisioned a fel-lowship of like-minded people who would get togeth-er monthly to enjoy a meal, a few drinks and perhaps a card game, or maybe to just sit around exchanging
stories of shared mem-ories. They likely received updates on the well-being of fellow members with health issues. Surely, they told a few tall tales about fishing, golf and their latest adventures traveling. This spirit is still alive in our mem-bership today. At last count, we have 141 members in our club. We extend a huge
“thank-you” to Local 212 for all their support.Our deepest sympathy goes out to the families
and friends of two recently departed active IBEW members: Bro. Jason Minnich, who was a 21-year member, and Bro. Glen Moore, who was a 19-year member. May God grant them eternal rest.
Bob Schaefer, P.S.
Updates & Transitions
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 257, JEFFERSON CITY, MO — The Retirees Club met Tuesday, June 25, at the Amer-ican Legion in Hartsburg, MO. At this writing, summer temperatures here were close to 100 degrees. Mis-souri has had a lot of flooding, and a tornado hit in Jefferson City. Although the tornado spared Local 257, many other businesses located close by were destroyed. At press time, the city is still cleaning up and some people are still without homes.
The Eleventh District Progress Meeting was June 18-21 at Lake of the Ozarks, MO, with Local 257 and Local 2 hosting.
Paul Meyer, a lifelong IBEW member, passed away on May 28 this year. Paul was one of the largest electrical contractors in mid-Missouri. During his many years in business, he put a lot of IBEW mem-bers to work. For many years he served on the apprenticeship committee, and he was instrumental in getting the IBEW/NECA Training Center built for Local 257.
Also, we were sorry to hear that one of our retir-ee members, Vera Burks, passed away on June 27 this year at age 101.
Congratulations to Local 257 Bus. Mgr. Don Bruemmer on his reelection to office. Don has served as business manager since 1992.
The official Certificate of Recognition of the IBEW Retired Members Club of Local 212 was issued on August 1, 1972.
At a Birmingham, AL, Local 136 Retirees Club meeting.
At annual luncheon meeting in June, Local 134 retirees were honored for their IBEW years of service.
Twenty-two retired members received IBEW years-of-service awards at the Local 110 Retirees Luncheon in October 2018. With the award recipients are Retirees Club Pres. Pete Koegel (back row, far left) and Local 110 Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Jamie M. McNamara (back row, far right).
In addition to your monthly issue of The Electrical Worker, check out the wealth of IBEW-related information online.
www.ibew.orgGet all the news for and about IBEW members, including the online version of The Electrical Worker, at IBEW.org.
YouTubeNational LAMPAC honored two U.S. congressmen for their bipartisan work on an energy grid safety and reliability bill. Learn more at YouTube.com/TheElectricalWorker.
VimeoThe successful fight against energy deregulation in Nevada saw two IBEW locals share the inaugural Edwin D. Hill Award. Watch at Vimeo.com/IBEW.
HourPowerBefore we can do the work, we have to get the work. A new Business Development video series at IBEWHourPower.com spotlights some recent IBEW wins.
ElectricTVBuilding more affordable housing is one way the IBEW/NECA Powering America Team is helping to fight homelessness in Oregon. Check out ElectricTV.net to find out how.
18 T h e E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r | S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9
We look forward to upcoming events: the Labor Day parade on Sept. 7, and the Local 257 Annual Picnic on Oct. 5.
Delores Melloway, P.S.
June Luncheon Meeting
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 702, WEST FRANKFORT, IL — The Local 702 Retirees Club met Thursday, June 6, at the Golden Corral in Carbondale, IL, with almost 20 retirees in attendance.
Pres. Gary King opened the meeting at 11:30 a.m. He wel-comed everyone and extended a thanks to all for coming. The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. The financial report was read and approved.
Pres. King read the announcement of deaths for the months of March through June, followed by a moment of silence for those departed members. There were no guests present, and no “old business” or “new business” was conducted.
In the raffle drawing, $84 worth of tickets were sold. Bro. Bob Caby won the 50/50 drawing of $42. It was announced that the total deposit would be $42. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Mark Baker, P.S.
Retirees Serve Community — Donation of Electric Box Fans
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1245, VACAVILLE, CA — In the Reno-Sparks, Nevada, area, triple-digit temperatures in late summer aren’t uncommon. Unfortunately, many seniors simply cannot afford to pay for air conditioning, and the sweltering heat makes summertime uncomfortable and potentially life-threatening for low-income seniors.
Four years ago, IBEW Local 1245 Reno-Sparks Retirees Club Pres. Ron Borst challenged the members of his club to take up a fan collection to address this very serious issue. The collection has become an annual tradition for the retirees, and this year, they donated 43 box fans to the Washoe County Human Services Agency, which will in turn distribute them to seniors who cannot afford air conditioning.
“I would like to thank you for your generous donation of 43 box fans to our Senior Services Division,” Washoe County Human Services Coordinator Abby Badolato wrote in a letter to the Retir-ees Club. “We are committed to enriching the lives of our partici-pants by providing quality services while preserving their dignity and independence. Washoe County seniors, who have contribut-ed so much to quality of life in our community, deserve no less. Thank you for making a difference with your gift. Everyone appre-ciates your generosity.”
Over the past four years, the Reno-Sparks retirees have donated a total of 163 fans to needy seniors.
Rebecca Band, P.S.
Local 1245, Reno-Sparks Chapter, Retirees Club members Cyril Escallier (left), Frank Istrice, and club Pres. Ron Borst.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l B r o t h e r h o o d o f E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s
The Electrical Worker was the name of the first official publication of the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in 1893 (the NBEW became the IBEW in 1899 with the expansion of the union into Canada). The name and format of the publication have changed over the years. This newspaper is the official publication of the IBEW and seeks to capture the courage and spirit that motivated the founders of the Brotherhood and continue to inspire the union’s members today. The masthead of this newspaper is an adaptation of that of the first edition in 1893.
Lonnie R. Stephenson International President
Kenneth W. Cooper International Secretary-Treasurer
Chairman Christopher Erikson
First District Joseph P. Calabro
Second District Myles J. Calvey
Third District James Burgham
Fourth District William W. Riley
Fifth District Frank Furco
Sixth District Dean E. Wine
Seventh District Patrick Lavin
Eighth District Ross Galbraith
First District Thomas Reid
Second District Michael P. Monahan
Third District Michael D. Welsh
Fourth District Brian G. Malloy
Fifth District Brian K. Thompson
Sixth District David J. Ruhmkorff
Seventh District Steven Speer
Eighth District Jerry Bellah
Ninth District John J. O’Rourke
Tenth District Brent E. Hall
Eleventh District Curtis E. Henke
Editor Lonnie R. Stephenson
Mark Brueggenjohann
Matt Spence
Carol Fisher
Alex Hogan
Curtis D. Bateman
John Sellman
Erin Sutherland
Asifa Haniff
Ben Temchine
Sean Bartel
Colin Kelly
Rix Oakland
Colleen Crinion
Michael Pointer
Janelle Hartman
Joe Conway
We welcome letters from our readers. The writer should include his or her name, address and, if applicable, IBEW local union number and card number. Family members should include the local union number of the IBEW member to whom The Electrical Worker is mailed. Please keep letters as brief as possible. The Electrical Worker reserves the right to select letters for publication and edit all submissions for length.
Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Electrical Worker, 900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 Or send by email to: [emailprotected]
©2019 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
The Electrical Worker (print) ISSN 2332-113X
The Electrical Worker (online) ISSN 2332-1148
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. on Union-made paper.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Electrical Worker, 900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001.
The Electrical Worker will not be held responsible for views expressed by correspondents.
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Publications Mail Agreement No. 40011756. Canada Post: Return undeliverables to P.O. Box 2601, 6915 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, ON L4T 0A9.
September is the last month to submit your entries for this year’s IBEW photo contest. Last year’s winner, Vacaville, Calif., Local 1245’s Nicolas Rains, captured his co-workers on the job in extreme weather conditions, but you don’t need to find the extraordinary to win. Your IBEW sisters and brothers do extraordinary work every day — even on the most routine assignments.
Send us the photos that capture that spirit of excellence and togetherness, the foundations of what it means to be a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
See official rules and submission instructions at IBEW.org/photocontest.
Entries MUST be submitted electronically via the Photo Contest link on IBEW.org. Please contact the Media Department at [emailprotected] or 202-728-6102 with additional questions.
Enter Today!Deadline: Oct. 1
1st Place: $2002nd Place: $1503rd Place: $100Honorable Mention: $50
Last MonthEnter Now
W W W . I B E W . O R G
T h e E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r | S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9 19
Standout Detroit Tree Trimmer is Special, But Not for the Obvious Reason
Lisa Bagalay was, by all accounts, an exceptional member of Detroit Local 17’s Line Clearance and Tree Trimmer apprenticeship program.
But, before we get to her story, Busi-ness Manager Dean Bradley wants every-one to understand something important: Lisa Bagalay isn’t special because she’s a woman doing a job that’s mostly done by men. Yes, by Bradley’s reckoning she is the first woman to top out of the local’s program in at least 20 years, and yes, that is extraordinary.
She also isn’t special because she did it after being a stay-at-home mom for a 15 years. Though a fair number of her fellow apprentices were in their 20s, it’s not unusual to have apprentices closer to 40, like Bagalay.
What Bradley wants people to understand, from the first, is just how special anyone is who makes it through Local 17’s line clearance program, whoev-er they are.
“We have a 25% washout rate just in the nine-day bootcamp before the apprenticeship starts and 50% during the full program. The line clearance trade is exceptionally hazardous, technical and physically demanding,” he said.
Not many people want to climb to the swaying top of an 80-foot tree in the dead of a Detroit winter with a chainsaw and plans to bring that tree down, piece by controlled piece. Even fewer succeed.
“The strength, the extreme weath-er, the hazards. I challenge anyone to try it,” he said
Once you understand that, Bradley said, now he can tell you about Lisa Bagalay. He is at pains to say Bagalay isn’t exceptional simply because she fin-ished. Roughly 20 women have topped out of the only other IBEW Line Clearance Tree Trimming apprenticeship — run by the Northwest Line JATC in Vancouver, Wash. — since 1991.
What makes Bagalay special is that even among the crew that succeeded, she stood out.
“Everyone who leaves this program knows how to do it right, but Lisa always went further to do it the best way using the best techniques. It was going to be over and above correct, every time,” said Line Clearance Tree Trimming Trainer and Safety Instructor Winston Likert.
Likert has known Lisa and her hus-band, Eric, for decades, since Eric was an apprentice. But Likert — and it turns out, Eric — were surprised when Lisa announced she was signing up. And sur-prise quickly turned to concern.
“Eric wasn’t happy. He was nervous for me. I just told him he had no chance of stopping me,” Bagalay said. “I’ve been told my whole life to work hard and set goals. A few people told me I would never
be a journeyman. I am.”Likert says he wasn’t one of them.
After training apprentices for more than 15 years, he has concluded that successful tree trimmer apprentices come from all different kinds of jobs, or this may be their first. There are a handful still shaking off the last traces of teenage years and oth-ers who feel accumulation of life in knees that click and backs that ache. The only traits he thinks they all share is that they love a life outdoors and they’re all physi-cal. Some are big and powerful, some are wiry and small, but as long as they under-stand how to control their movement in an effective way, it can work.
“We didn’t know what it would look like,” he said. “We knew it was a male-dominated world she was coming into, and it was new for all of us.”
From the beginning, she said, she knew her best chance to get where she wanted was to work smart.
“We have so much equipment avail-able to us that we don’t have to muscle anything, but you have to learn how to use it. You can do the rigging to move a 2,000-pound log with one person and one rope,” she said. “This is a mental game way more than a physical one. You have to think 10 steps ahead or something will go wrong, and you will get hurt.”
Happily, this is exactly what Likert wants to see in apprentices.
“There is a lot of stored up energy in a tree, kinetic energy, dynamic energy, tension, compression. She never stopped studying how to engineer the structure to take the stress out of the tree and off of her body,” Likert said. “You can body the work, but you won’t last.”
Bagalay’s biggest supporters in her quest to work smart, she said, were three
Local 17 journeyman who trained her well — Cory van Kuren, Matt Nichols and Terry Leitch — and Likert. Because her husband was on the apprentice board at Local 17, they decided to keep work and
home completely separate, so no one could say she didn’t earn it.
And then she made sure everyone else earned it too, Bradley said.
“Leaders always surface in apprenticeships. And she asserted her-self from the beginning. There was nev-er a lot of questioning about would they follow a woman. Lisa made it clear that she was someone they could all rely on,” Bradley said.
But before anyone comes to the wrong conclusion, Bagalay is far from “all clipboard, no chainsaw,” Likert said.
She did the grunt work same as everyone else. Sometimes brush just needs dragging and it doesn’t require anything other than sweat.
And there were ways, Likert said, that Bagalay’s physical skills exceeded the norm.
Bagalay climbs without hooks. Every-one climbs without hooks sometimes, but
Bagalay always did. While they might be a necessity when working on poles, they are damaging to trees and can do long-term damage to the back and knees. Bagalay’s
knees are a mess from her time as a youth gymnast, and she tore her ACL and menis-cus during the apprenticeship.
She was only out for three months. Athletes routinely take a year to recover from the same injury.
Likert, who also climbs without hooks, thinks it’s easy to rely on them as a short-term cover, using productivity as an excuse to not learn the most sustain-able way of doing things.
In all his years, he has never seen anyone work all the way up to journeyman without using hooks.
“There are a lot of guys who climb hookless, and we are promoting it a lot. Peo-ple do it more than ever before, but in my 14 years, I’ve never seen anyone go to that degree,” he said. “She made it a point.”
The most surprising part of the job, Bagalay said, is how much more than just a job it has turned out to be.
Eric and Lisa’s home is now host to Christmas parties in winter and pool parties in the summer for crews she’s worked with, past and present. They make annual pilgrimages to events like ArborCon, Arborfest and Tree Jam, and she is a frequent presence at Local 17 union meetings.
She didn’t get a job, she said, she got a tribe.
“All these people are my family,” she said.
Bradley hopes Bagalay is an inspira-tion for people who wouldn’t think this job or the trades is for them.
“Anyone who is all in, there for their brothers and sisters and willing to put in the work, with the right training and atti-tude, the trades are for everyone,” Brad-ley said. z
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Lisa Bagalay is the first woman to top out of Detroit Local 17’s Line Clearance and Tree Trimmer apprenticeship in at least 20 years, but it’s her dedication to her craft that sets her apart, colleagues say.
20 T h e E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r | S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9