Arrival information for EU students (2024)

On this page you can find important arrival information for EU students. Please read it carefully.

Travel to Wageningen

In order to travel with public transport there are 2 options:

  1. Buy an OV-kaart.
  2. OV pay check in and out with your debit card, credit card or mobile.
  1. The OV-chipkaart is a card that you can use to pay for public transportation in the Netherlands. It's like a rechargeable card that you fill with money and swipe whenever you travel. You can buy an anonymous OV-chipkaart at train and bus stations, look for these yellow machines at the station. Some of these machines even accept cash as a payment option.For more info on how to buy an OV-chipkaart, just go to the ov chipkaart website. And if you're planning a trip to Wageningen, you can use the 9292 journey planner or NS railway transport website to figure out the best way to get there.

  2. With OVpay, checking in and out is super easy. You can use your debit card, credit card, or mobile phone to do it. Here's how it works: Just hold your contactless debit or credit card, or your mobile phone close to the card reader or gate, and you'll hear a beep sound to confirm that you've checked in. When you reach your destination, simply check out the same way. It's just like using your contactless card at the supermarket, but remember one important thing: always check out when you arrive! If you want more information, just go to the OVpay website.

Annual Introduction Days

The Winter Annual Introduction Days (AID) takes place from the 5th - 9th of February 2024. It is highly recommended for our new students to participate in the AID program. The AID provides an excellent opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with the campus, meet their study advisors, get to know their classmates, explore the university, and discover all the wonderful things that Wageningen has to offer. As soon the program is ready you can check the AID website.


All foreign students staying in The Netherlands longer than 4 months have to do municipality registration. Please send an e-mail to municipality Wageningen for an appointment. Mention in the subject: Registration-Student-WUR . Write in your mail that you are a WUR student, name and your date of birth.

For the registration you need to bring:

• a printed and completed municipality registration form (download form)

• your passport and a copy passport

• copy visa sticker (if applicable)

• your rental agreement and copy rental agreement

Municipality Ede

Are you living in Bennekom or in Ede you can make an appointment for municipality Ede via the link appointment Ede (it is in Dutch). Address Raadhuisplein 3, Ede.

Bring your own device/laptop (BYOD)

A laptop is indispensable for students. For activities such as computer practical’s and groupwork the use of your own laptop is the standard. Also, for exams it is important to have a laptop that meets the WUR requirements

Since next year more exams will take place on campus, likely on your own laptop.

If you have any questions or need help for all laptop models:
Visit: ServicePoint IT, Forum reception desk
Call: Servicedesk IT (31) 317 4 88888


After you receive your BSN, we advise you to apply for your DigiD. Your DigiD allows you to identify yourself when making arrangements on the internet, such as with the government, educational institutes or/and healthcare institutions. For example making appointment with a GP or with the GGD vaccination centre.

For more information how to apply for Digid you can visit this website.

Bank application

In Wageningen and its surrounding cities you will find several bank shops where you can go to apply for a Dutch bank account.

Most of the Dutch bank shops will ask you for your BSN (Citizen service number) before opening a bank account. The municipality will provide you with this BSN as soon as you are registered as a citizen of Wageningen (this procedure may take a few weeks).

There are four main banks in the Netherlands, which international students tend to open an account at: ABN AMRO, Bunq, ING and Rabobank. Unfortunately not all of them are in the English language.

The student accounts are offered under special conditions that fit the need of international students.

It is recommended to check what is required by the specific bank in advance. In case of a proof of enrolment, you can download this yourself in Osiris.

The monthly fee is relatively low, from free up to around € 4.00 per month.

Hereyou can you canfind an overview of banks that can serve as a guideline for opening an account at these four banks.

Open a student bank account without BSN.

As an International student, you may not have a BSN (Dutch citizen service number) yet. You can proceed with the account process without it. Click here for more information.

We advise all international students to bring cash and/or a credit card when travelling to the Netherlands.


For information about student housing, click here. If you already have a room from Idealis, you can collect your key atIdealis(Bornsesteeg 3).

Note: At this moment international students can apply for a room. We noticed that a lot of students don't reply or apply for rooms. Please apply for several rooms (for example 5 rooms), and also reply if you received confirmation for a room, otherwise the room will go to the next student. A To assure you will get a room, it is better to be not too demanding and accept a room. It is easier to move when you have settled down in Wageningen.

Note: Be aware of fraud in the private market, see section below for more information!

ESN Survival Guide

You're probably about to start your adventure in Wageningen. Maybe it’s your first time in the Netherlands, maybe even your first time in Europe. It’s always exciting, but also a bit scary to go abroad. Additionally, it can be challenging to find out how everything works in a foreign country.

The goal of this survival guide is to make you feel at home and find your way in the Netherlands and Wageningen. In this survival guide you will find mostly practical matters, such as public transport in the Netherlands and housing in Wageningen. Hopefully this will make the start of your adventure easier and makes you feel comfortable in the Netherlands soon.

Be aware of scam!

Be aware of phone scams

We were informed by police that many young people with an international background are being digitally scammed. They receive a call from “a government agency” and are told that they are on an international arrest warrant list, or that they have to pay a big fine. The “employee” on the line often has a lot of personal information such as a social security number (BSN) and therefore sounds credible. This “employee” wants to help you to get you off this list. For this, they ask to install software for example TeamViewer or Anydesk. With this software, the scammer can look at the bank details and transfer money to another account without any notice.

This is a scam, no government agency will contact you by phone.

What to do in this situation?

Hang up immediately. Even when in doubt. Sometimes scammers will give you a phone number, but this is fake as well. Always look up the correct number yourself and wait until you get someone on the line with whom you can verify the call. Please inform your family, friends and acquaintances about this scam and warn them.

Have you experienced this? You are not alone. Call your bank immediately and report it to the police. Call 0900 8844 for an appointment or visit for more information. Did cyber criminals successfully rob your bank account? Always report the crime: See for more info about phone scams:

Housing scam

Unfortunately housing scam also happens in Wageningen. Below are some tips for you to (hopefully) avoid scam:

    • Does the offer sound too good to be true? Then it probably is. Cheap rental accommodation in the city centre is extremely rare. Be extra alert if you are being offered an apparently amazing deal. If you feel uncomfortable, if things don’t seem quite right, pay attention to that feeling and be extra cautious.
    • Don’t do business with landlords who only offer an email address, a mobile phone number and/or a facebook page. Ask for more information to establish who you are dealing with, such as an actual business address or residential address. Ask for proof of ID, check it, do an internet search about this person or company. Be aware that ID copies sent via email can be fakes. This often occurs in combination with requests to transfer money via Western Union.
    • You can check who owns the apartment in theKadasterproperty register viathis pagefor € 2,95 (orange button that says in Dutch ‘bestellen, per object 2,95’).If the owner and the prospective landlord are not the same ask for an explanation, and if necessary ask for a written authorisation confirming that the landlord and/or agency are acting on the owner’s behalf.
    • Be extra careful about renting an apartment you haven’t seen. If you’re not in the country yet, can you ask someone to inspect the apartment for you? A colleague, friend, classmate, etc.?
    • Before you hand over large sums of money, check the keys and make sure they work. If you can’t do this yourself, again: perhaps you can ask friends, colleagues etc. to check the apartment. Be aware that even this is not a guarantee, but it definitely improves your chances.
    • If possible, talk to the neighbours. Do they know the apartment? Do they know who lives there? Any extra information can help you assess whether the person offering the apartment can be trusted.
    • Apartment ads on websites like facebook,, craigslist, or other advertising websites aren’t always reliable. There are many illegal sublets on offer. You could end up paying lots of money but still being evicted or even fined.
    • Ask if you can register with the council at the address (“inschrijven”). If the answer is no, that’s a red flag. It might be an illegal sublet, or a tax scam, or who knows what is going on.
    • Don’t allow yourself to be pressured. Scammers are often in a hurry. They will push you to quickly sign the lease (because supposedly there are many other interested parties, or because they need to leave the country to go visit their sick relative, or whatever). Demand enough time to properly assess the situation, the apartment and the contract.
    • Scammers sometimes ask for various kinds of fees, as well as a deposit. Deposits are legal, but often many other fees such as agency fees, disproportionally high administration fees, contract fees, etc. are not.
    • Preferably pay via bank transfer. Demands for other types of payment, such as transfers via companies like Western Union, Airbnb or cash payments (especially payments without receipts), are another red flag. If you have to pay cash, make sure you get a signed receipt. Have witnesses present when you make cash payments. Send confirmation emails to the landlord or the agency. Use your phone to record the conversation during your cash payment. In this conversation try to clearly mention the amount, the reason you are paying (like “this is September’s rent”), name the apartment’s address, and the recipient. In general: build a file. Keep print-screens of the apartment’s advertisem*nt, and keep all emails.
    • If you still got scammed, immediately contact the police and press charges. Try to create a complete and clear file.
    • Recently we received message that there are scammers active on the
      housing market in Wageningen. To prevent students from being scammed please note that it is not customary to pay a deposit for a student room in Wageningen. It is only customary to pay the first month’s rent in advance.


Health insurance

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Non-Dutch students must be adequately insured for medical expenses while staying in the Netherlands. The Netherlands has treaties regarding health insurance with all EU member states. Your insurance company can provide you with a European Health Insurance Card. To secure yourself with a good complete health insurance we advise you to apply for Health insurance AON + complete. You can apply online through website AON (AON-Student Insurance).

Information Aon Basic Healthcare Insurance -> download folder

What does Aon Student Insurance cover? Download Leaflet FAQ’s

Information for EU/ EEA students-> download leaflet

Are you planning to work while studying in The Netherlands? Here you can find more information.

General Practitioner (GP)

General Practitioner

In The Netherlands your General Practitioner (huisarts) should always be your initial contact for all medical matters. The General Practitioner (GP) is key in the world of health care, treating patients for basic non-surgical problems and providing consultations for most of your general health questions. The GP also serves as your link to most other services such as hospitalisation, specialists, midwifery, physiotherapy, etc. If necessary, the GP can refer you to a medical specialist at short notice. The GP keeps your medical record up to date and prescribes your medication.

How to find a GP?

You should register with a GP upon arrival in The Netherlands. You can choose your GP yourself. When choosing a GP, make sure you feel comfortable with them, as changing a GP once registered is discouraged and rarely done. Some GP’s may not accept any new patients as they are already filled to capacity. To find a local GP you can search onthis website.The Student Medical Center Wageningen(not part of Wageningen University) accepts new patients and are experienced in typical student related problems.

Visiting your GP

In case of illness as well as for general consultations on less urgent matters, first phone your GP. A trained medical assistant will answer your call and note your complaints in order to properly schedule your appointment. This assistant has medical training and will ask you about your health issues you want to see the doctor about. This is standard practice in the doctor’s office in the Netherlands. Her aim is to asses the urgency of your situation and schedule the appointment soon enough.​

​When making an appointment is common to have to wait a day or two before the doctor is available.​


Wageningen has several dentist’ (tandarts) centres where you can register, which is advisable when you are staying in the Netherlands for a longer period of time.

Dental treatment is not always covered by medical insurance, please ask your insurance company for its dental regulations. For AON check the website.

Looking for a dentist in Wageningen? On thiswebsiteyou can search for a dentist, based on place, zip code or dentist name. There is also a quality register for dentists (KRT) withseveral dentist in Wageningen. You can check the website (Dutch).


Dial 112 - LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS ONLY​. You will be asked if you need police, an ambulance or the firebrigade.

Non-life threateningmedical emergency but cannot wait to thenext day:​

  • Family doctor, or
  • Doctor's office at the hospital in Ede (call 0318 - 200800weekend and evening)

After office hours (weekend/evening/ night) you can go to the Huisartsenpost Gelderse Vallei (Willy Brandtlaan 10, 6716 RP Ede). This is only for medical problems which are urgent and cannot wait until the next day. You always have to call first for an appointment (0318) 200 800. When you reach Gelderse Vallei Ziekenhuis please follow the signs: Spoedzorg. Always check if the treatment required is covered by your insurance before you go to the hospital!

If you moved to the Netherlands from a European country, it’s likely nothing will change for you. The main emergency number for most European countries is112.

Need a dentist for emergency

After working hours, during the weekend or on national holidays, a dentist can be reached for emergencies by phone 0318-611888. The medical dentists post is located in the hospital in Ede. Willy Brandtlaan 10, 6716 RP Ede.

Help from university

We offer help to students, based on what the students want we refer to the following person:

  • Study Advisor: to discuss study progress and study planning. Link to study advisor.
  • Student Dean: for information and advice on financing, regulations, study delays, studying with a functional disability, complaints or conflicts.Link to student dean.
  • Student Psychologist: for support in case of support for example fear of failure to eating disorders, stress, gloominess and even depression. Walk in daily lunchtime. Link to student psychologists.
  • Confidential Advisor for students: in case you experience undesirablebehaviourcan go to a confidential adviser. Undesirablebehaviourcan assume many forms such as sexual intimidation, aggression and violence, bullying and discrimination or unfair treatment.​ Link to confidential advisor.


A bike is the main transport device when you are in Wageningen. On this website (dit is de link:, you will learn about the Dutch traffic rules for cyclists, our cycling habits and get answers to many of the questions you might have. It will tell you where you can buy a bicycle or other accessories, what bicycle parking facilities there are and teach you some useful tips & tricks.

Student life

Wageningen has many cafes, pubs and bars for you to meet your new friends and relax a bit from the student life. Most of them are around the big church, at Hoogstraat or in the little streets that cross Hoogstraat. Go for a walk and discover what they have to offer you! Sports & outdoor activities If you feel more adventurous, Wageningen offers a great possibility to explore the nature in its surroundings. For example, you can go for a walk and explore the Uiterwaarden, area nearby the river Rijn.

This Whatsappgroup: is made by WUR students for WUR students. In this group you can ask any question related to studying at WUR / moving to the Netherlands. Current WUR students will answer the questions. This is made by WUR students for WUR students. In this group you can ask any question related to studying at WUR / moving to the Netherlands. Current WUR students will answer the questions.

WUR card

All students receive aWURcardafter their registration. The WURcard provides access to a number of buildings and labs (especially during weekends and holidays) and functions as identification in the library when borrowing books. You can also use your WURcard to use the printers and purchase from the vending machines for snacks and coffee. However, to be able to do so, you need to top up credit to your WURcard. For more information wurcard You will need your WURcard to access the Sports Centre de Bongerd (SCB) facilities. For more information, see the websiteBongerd.

Free social Dutch courses for WUR students

Are you a student who would like to be able to speak Dutch? Or read labels in the supermarket, ask a shop assistant where you can find a particular item or have a chat with your neighbours? And on top of that, would you like to know about typical aspects of Dutch culture, both within and outside the academic world? In that case, theSocial Dutch courses of Wageningen in’to Languagesare just the thing for you.

STS offers a variety of hands-on workshops & short training courses to improve your study skills, work on your (mental) well-being and explore your talents. Check the STS website.


  • When should I arrive in Wageningen?

It is important to arrive on time in Wageningen. We advise you to arrive a few days before the start of the Introduction days AID. This will give you time to arrange things such as registering at the Municipality and opening a bank account.

  • Where can I find Internet and WiFi on campus?

More information can be found here: mobile device.

  • Where can I find my study advisor?

More information about study advisor can be found here.

  • I want to read more about experiences from other international students, where can I find that?

There is an international students blog about student life.

  • Where can I buy my furniture for my room?

Online shops: For example Ikea. Buy furniture together with other students, so that you can share the delivery costs.

Second hand furniture: You can buy it second hand from students. There is a Facebook page where students sell their furniture, it is called 'Wageningen student plaza'. It is also possible to buy second hand furniture from the second hand shop. Google: Restore Ede or Kringloop Weldaad Wageningen.

  • SIM Cards:

ESN Wageningen

Global Lounge, Plantage 2, Wageningen, gives out free SIM cards from the provider “Lebara” (visit their office).

Shops that sells mobile phones. There are provider stores in the city T-mobile (Hoogstraat 55) and Mobile House (Hoogstraat 38).

Arrival information for EU students (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.