3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (2024)

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  • 3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127(2787801)

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"); if (!$(this).is(":visible")) { $(this).fadeTo(1000, 1, function () { $(this).slideDown(500); }); } }); } if (data.Accepted) { //prepare success system message systemMessage = "

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×" + contextMessageDictionary[data.ReasonString] + "

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×" + data.ReasonString + "

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' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'Checkout' + '' + '' + '

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×" + 'You have already submitted an offer for this property' + "

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} else if (data.indexOf("CC_NEEDED") >= 0) { //cedit card req'd -- redirect $.cookie("continueOfferData", "ListingID=2787801", { path: "/", expires: 1 }); var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var addCardUrl = "/Account/AddCard?SellerID=2785429" + "&returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(addCardUrl); } else { //proceed with bidding modal makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html(data);//.find("#Amount").focus(); //update characters left for message length //Hide Offer message //UpdateCharsRemaining(makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#OfferMessage"), makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#RemainingChars_OfferMessage"), MAX_MESSAGE_CHARS); //var amountInput = makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#Amount"); // $("#Amount"); //console.log("amountInput", amountInput.length); //amountInput.get(0).focus(); } } }); }); //if saved offer details exist, opens make offer modal and pre-fills fields with saved values $(document).on("SignalR_Started", function () { var serializedOfferData = $.cookie("continueOfferData"); //RT Customization Start - Open Offer Feature var fboUserName = ''; var ownerusername = 'Jon-Mooneyham-Real-Estate'; //RT Customization End - Open Offer Feature //clear saved offer values $.cookie('continueOfferData', "", { path: '/', expires: 0 }); console.log("serializedOfferData:", serializedOfferData); //RT Customization - Open Offer Feature - Added condition to hide Make offer modal from listing seller if (aweUserName && !(serializedOfferData == null || serializedOfferData == "") && fboUserName != ownerusername ) { var fullurl = "/Listing/MakeOfferModal"; makeOfferDialog.open(); makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html('3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (2)'); $.ajax({ url: fullurl, type: "get", cache: false, data: { ListingID: '2787801' },//$(this).serialize(), success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf("LOGON_NEEDED") >= 0) { //not logged in -- redirect var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var logonUrl = "/Account/LogOn" + "?returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(logonUrl); } else if (data.indexOf("CC_NEEDED") >= 0) { //cedit card req'd -- redirect var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var addCardUrl = "/Account/AddCard?SellerID=2785429" + "&returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(addCardUrl); } else { makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html(data); //bidding modal loaded, proceed to pre-fill any saved offer values var offerForm = makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#MakeOfferForm"); var continueOfferData = ParseOfferData(serializedOfferData.toString()); for (var qiKey in continueOfferData) { var qiValue = continueOfferData[qiKey]; offerForm.find("#" + qiKey).val(qiValue); } //update characters left for message length //UpdateCharsRemaining(makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#OfferMessage"), makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#RemainingChars_OfferMessage"), MAX_MESSAGE_CHARS); //makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#Amount").focus(); } } }); } }); //cancel offer $(document).on('click', '#modalCancelOfferButton', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); makeOfferDialog.close(); }); //validates offer for confirmation $(document).on('click', '#modalMakeOfferConfirmButton', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var dataToSubmit = $("#MakeOfferForm").serialize(); //console.log("data to submit:", dataToSubmit); /*RT Customization Start - Persist Offer details on Cancelling Review Offer*/ makeOfferDataToSubmit = GetCurrentOfferData(); /*RT Customization End - Persist Offer details on Cancelling Review Offer*/ var fullurl = "/Listing/ConfirmOfferModal"; makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html('3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (3)'); $.ajax({ url: fullurl, method: "POST", data: dataToSubmit, cache: false, success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf("LOGON_NEEDED") >= 0) { //not logged in -- redirect $.cookie("continueOfferData", dataToSubmit, { path: "/", expires: 1 }); var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var logonUrl = "/Account/LogOn" + "?returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(logonUrl); } else if (data.indexOf("CC_NEEDED") >= 0) { //cedit card req'd -- redirect $.cookie("continueOfferData", dataToSubmit, { path: "/", expires: 1 }); var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var addCardUrl = "/Account/AddCard?SellerID=2785429" + "&returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(addCardUrl); } else { //proceed with bidding modal makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html(data); //makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#Amount").focus(); } //RT Customization Start - Open Offer Feature //Add validation class for cashdown if ($('#CashDownAmount').val() == null || $('#CashDownAmount').val() == undefined || $('#CashDownAmount').val() == "" || $('#CashDownAmount').val().length <= 0 || parseFloat($('#Amount').val()) < parseFloat($('#RT_CashDown').val()) || parseFloat($('#RT_CashDown').val()) < 0 || /^[a-zA-Z]/.test($('#CashDownAmount').val()) || $('#CashDownAmount').val() < 0 || ($('#CashDownAmount').val() == 0 && $('#RT_Financing').val() != 3 || $('#RT_CashDown').val() == 0 && $('#RT_Financing').val() != 3)) { $('#CashDownAmount').addClass("input-validation-error"); } else { $('#CashDownAmount').removeClass("input-validation-error"); } //RT Customization Start - Open Offer Feature }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { //console.log("Confirm Offer AJAX call failed", jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html(jqXHR.responseText); } }); }); //submits offer and processes response $(document).on('click', '#modalMakeOfferSubmitButton', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var dataToSubmit = $("#ConfirmOfferForm").serialize(); console.log("(1)data to submit:", dataToSubmit); var fullurl = "/Listing/SubmitOffer"; makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html('3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (4)'); $.ajax({ url: fullurl, method: "POST", data: dataToSubmit, cache: false, success: function (data) { if (data.status == "ERROR") { makeOfferDialog.close(); //alert("ERROR Details: " + data.errorDetails); var systemMessage = "

×" + data.errorDetails + "

"; if (!$(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").is(":visible") || $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").html() == "") { $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").hide(); $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").html(systemMessage); $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").slideDown(); } else { $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").fadeOut(200, function () { $(this).html(systemMessage); $(this).fadeIn(200); }); } } else if (data.status == "LOGON_NEEDED") { //not logged in -- redirect $.cookie("continueOfferData", dataToSubmit, { path: "/", expires: 1 }); var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var logonUrl = "/Account/LogOn" + "?returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(logonUrl); } //RT Customization - Added code fix to prevent make offer modal popup loading issue else if (data.status == ("CC_NEEDED")) { //cedit card req'd -- redirect $.cookie("continueOfferData", dataToSubmit, { path: "/", expires: 1 }); var retUrl = "/Listing/Details/2787801/3309-Moulton-Ave-Kansas-City-MO-64127"; var addCardUrl = "/Account/AddCard?SellerID=2785429" + "&returnUrl=" + encodeURIComponent(retUrl); window.location.replace(addCardUrl); } else { makeOfferDialog.close(); //alert("offer submitted!"); //prepare success system message var systemMessage = "

×" + 'Your offer has been submitted.' + "

"; if (!$(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").is(":visible") || $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").html() == "") { $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").hide(); $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").html(systemMessage); $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").slideDown(); } else { $(".awe-rt-ListingActionMessage").fadeOut(200, function () { $(this).html(systemMessage); $(this).fadeIn(200); }); } // RT Customization -Start Open Offer Feature //Adding fix to disable multiple offer placing on disabling "Allow Multiple Offers" from ACP if (!allowMultipleOffers) makeOfferAllowed = false; //RT Customization -End Open Offer Feature } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("Submit Offer AJAX call failed", jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); //makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html(jqXHR.responseText); } }); }); $(document).on("SignalR_UpdateListingStatus", function () { makeOfferDialog.close(); }); //RT Customization Start - Open Offer Feature /* Fixed issue that if make offer form filled out without filling cash down field and submit the form and then add the cash down field value and submit the make offer form then cash down required error displayed */ $(document).on("focusout", "#CashDownAmount, #Amount", function (event) { ValidateCurrencyFields(); }); $(document).on("keypress", "#CashDownAmount, #Amount", function (event) { if (event.which == 13) { ValidateCurrencyFields(); } }); //update cashdown amount on financing option selection $(document).on('change', '#RT_Financing', function (event) { if ($('#Amount').val() != null && $('#Amount').val() != '' && $(this).val() == '1') { var offerAmount = $('#Amount').val() + '(100%)' $('#RT_CashDown').val($('#Amount').val()) $('#CashDownAmount').val(offerAmount); } }); //RT Customization End - Open Offer Feature function ParseOfferData(serializedOfferData) { var result = new Array(); var kvPairs = serializedOfferData.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < kvPairs.length; i++) { var kvPair = kvPairs[i].split('='); result[kvPair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(replaceAll(kvPair[1], "+", " ")); } return result; } //Hide Offer message //var MAX_MESSAGE_CHARS = 250; //$(document).on("keyup", "#OfferMessage", function () { // UpdateCharsRemaining($(this), $("#RemainingChars_OfferMessage"), MAX_MESSAGE_CHARS); //}); //$(document).on("keydown", "#OfferMessage", function (event) { // var hasRoomLeft = ($(this).val().length < MAX_MESSAGE_CHARS); // //console.log("key pressed:", event.keyCode); // return (hasRoomLeft || event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40); //always return 'true' if delete, backsp, up, down, left, or right key was pressed //}); //function UpdateCharsRemaining(textAreaElement, labelElement, maxChars) { // var currentCharsCount = textAreaElement.val().length; // var remainingcount = maxChars - currentCharsCount; // console.log("updating count: ", remainingcount); // if (remainingcount < 0) { // labelElement.html("0"); // return false; // } // labelElement.html(remainingcount); // return true; //} /* Validate and initialise currency fields from make offer form */ function ValidateCurrencyFields() { //set cashDown value without percentage if ($('#CashDownAmount').val().length > 0) { var cashDown = $('#CashDownAmount').val().split('('); $('#RT_CashDown').val(cashDown[0]) } else { $('#RT_CashDown').val($('#CashDownAmount').val()) } if ($('#Amount').val() != null && $('#Amount').val() != '' && $('#RT_CashDown').val() != null && $('#RT_CashDown').val() != '' && parseFloat($('#Amount').val()) >= parseFloat($('#RT_CashDown').val())) { $('.validate-cash-down').addClass('d-none'); //calculate percentage to append it with cashdown amount var amt = parseFloat($('#Amount').val()); var percentage = parseInt(Math.round((parseFloat($('#RT_CashDown').val()) / amt) * 100)); if (isNaN(percentage)) { percentage = 0; } var finalCashDown = $('#RT_CashDown').val() + '(' + (percentage) + '%)'; $('input#CashDownAmount').replaceWith($('#CashDownAmount').val(finalCashDown)) //set financing to "N/A" if cashdown is having 100% amount if (percentage == 100) { $('#RT_Financing').val('1').change(); } else { if ($('#RT_Financing').val() == 1) { $('#RT_Financing').val('').change(); } } } } //RT Customization Start - Persist Offer details on Cancelling Review Offer //cancel review offer $(document).on('click', '#modalCancelReviewOfferButton', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); CancelReviewOffer('2787801'); }); //get currently entered offer details function GetCurrentOfferData() { var offerFormData = $('#MakeOfferForm').serializeArray(); var offerFormJson = {}; // Loop through each form field $.each(offerFormData, function (index, field) { // If it's a checkbox, handle its checked state if ($('#MakeOfferForm').find('[name="' + field.name + '"]').is(':checkbox')) { offerFormJson[field.name] = $('#MakeOfferForm').find('[name="' + field.name + '"]').is(':checked'); } else { offerFormJson[field.name] = field.value; } }); return offerFormJson; } function CancelReviewOffer(listingID) { var fullurl = "/Listing/MakeOfferModal"; makeOfferDialog.open(); $.ajax({ url: fullurl, type: "get", cache: false, data: { ListingID: listingID },//$(this).serialize(), success: function (data) { //proceed with bidding modal makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().html(data); var currentOfferForm = makeOfferDialog.getModalBody().find("#MakeOfferForm"); // Iterate through each key-value pair in the JSON object $.each(makeOfferDataToSubmit, function (key, value) { // Find form element by name attribute matching the key var element = currentOfferForm.find('[name="' + key + '"]'); // Check if element exists if (element.length > 0) { // Handle different types of form elements if (element.is(':checkbox') || element.is(':radio')) { /// Find the checkbox or radio button group within the form with the matching name attribute element.filter('[value="' + value + '"]').prop('checked', true); } else { // For other input elements, set their value element.val(value); } } }); } }); } //RT Customization End - Persist Offer details on Cancelling Review Offer });

3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (5)

Due Diligence Documents

You must login to view these documents

3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (28)Disclosures - 3309 Moulton Ave.pdf
3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (29)NEIGHBORHOOD SCOUT REPORT - 3309 MOULTON AVE.pdf
3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (30)PROPERTY REPORT - 3309 MOULTON AVE.pdf


  • Bedrooms 3
  • Full Baths 2
  • Half Baths 0
  • Levels 2
  • Living Space 1,364 Square Feet
  • Lot Size 2,974 Square Feet
  • Parking Off-street
  • Basem*nt Full - Unfinished
  • Property Tax $897.00
  • Heating Forced Air/Electric
  • Cooling Electric
  • Year Built 1908
  • Water Public
  • HOA No
  • Sewage Sewer
  • Property Type Detached
  • Listing # 2787801
  • Start Date
  • End Date

3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (31)

*Please see below for information about making offers.

Bidding has ended on this property. Please allow 1-2 minutes for our records to be updated.

  • Starting Price: $125,000.00
Jon Mooneyham Real Estate @ KW Southland Partners read more >

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*To learn more about making offers on Homesale.pluspleasesee ourVideo TutorialscalledGetting Started for AgentsandMaking Offers in a homesale.plus sale. These tutorialscan be found on ourHelp page. Buyers' Agents please visit ourHelp for Buyers Agents page. To speak with a Homesale.plusrepresentative please call(410) 441-5443.



  • Acceptable registration documents: Proof of funds from a financial institution or pre-approval letter from a lender.

Full Description

Remodeled home & great investment opportunity in Kansas City. This 3 bedroom 2 full bath offers a lot of space. Newer roof, new windows, exterior repainted, interior renovated. Central HVAC. Newer water heater. You will want to take a look at this one. Located not far from the 70/670 beltway in KCMO, it will make for an easy & affordable commute to no matter where you work in the KC Metro area. Sellers have never occupied the property. Intend to sell the home As Is. Great opportunity for any family or as a fantastic investment potential opportunity. Must see.

Please schedule all showings online via Showing Time.

Offers will be accepted through Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 1:00 pm.


When you place an offer on Homesale.plus, the amount that the seller and other buyers will see is the amount that the seller will receive, net of commissions. The contract price will be the net-to-seller amount plus commissions, and when you enter your offer the contract price will be automatically calculated and displayed on the screen next to the net-to-seller amount. (Please note that Homesale.plus calculates commissions based on the net-to-seller amount, not the contract price.) On the next screen, before your offer is submitted, you will be able to review your offer, as well as the total, the contract price and a breakdown of all commissions. For example, if you offer $300,000 and thetotal commission is 6%, before you submit your offer you will be shown all parameters again: the net amount to the seller - in this case $300,000 - and the total contract price - in this case $318,000. At settlement, the buyer will pay the total as the contract price, and the seller will pay the commission from the proceeds as usual. Everything is the same as in a typical transaction, Homesale.plus is merely making the net amount to the seller and the commission amount transparent to all parties.

Location Information

3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127, USA

3309 Moulton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 6443

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.